Solidarity for Turkish transgender people and LGB and T organisations in Turkey - INVITATION FOR JOINT ACTION!
As we all know LGB and especially T people in Turkey are facing severe problems in everyday life.
Transgender persons are the most exposed to these problems such as violence on the streets, bulling, verbal violence and other forms of discrimination. But the most chocking fact is the murders that have happened in the past few months that all of you have probably heard of.
One of the last cases is the case of young girl named Tuğçe. She was shot by a bullet and murdered in a car in Karabağlar town in İzmir. She was only 23 years old. Her body was unrecognizable because of the assault she was exposed to.
Information we got from our friends from Turkey few months ago shocked us that around 20 transpeople are being murdered each year. This hate needs to be stopped!
Second transgender person has been killed in the same week in which Tuğçe was killed. She was stabbed around 40 times to her death. Her name was Nüket. After few days we heard from our friends from Turkey that the murderer was caught. After being questioned he tried to justify himself by stating that he lost his consciousness. We all know that this is an obvious lie, used by almost every trans murderer. He stated that she invited him to her apartment and he came. Then, they argued about the money that he would give to her. Then he stated that he don't remember that he used the knife that many times, saying that he lost his consciousness!?
As these two unfortunate murders are not enough just a while they happened there was another incident towards the transgender person that happened in Maltepe – Istanbul. Namely the incident involved a police officer who shot a transgender sex worker in the back after he grabbed her arm forcefully because she refused to pay a fine.
These incidents are outrageous and we need to put a stop on them!
Even if we are from Montenegro and we do not live in Turkey we sympathize with all of them who are paying the price of being different! We would like you to do the same.
Therefore we have decided to make a protest action in front of the Turkish Embassy in Montenegro on 16th of May related to International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on the 17th of May (IDAHO) and through this protest express our sympathies with aim to point out the need of change in respecting human rights of LGB and especially T people in Turkey.
As we want to make this visible on international level we use this opportunity to invite all of you who are interested to join us in our common goal to improve the respecting of LGBT Human Rights, not only in Turkey but in the region and show our solidarity towards each other.
As our colleagues from Turkey have said before: “We cannot remain silent about being murdered and about the murderers’ being released! We do not “get used to, get familiar with” and cannot stand the murders of trans individuals and we stand against the system which “normalizes, internalizes and gets inured to them” in the hands of the media and the society!”
Our plan is to make joint letter from all the interested sides (organizations/individuals) that will be delivered to all the Turkish Embassies in the involved countries (addressed to Ambassadors and the President of Turkey) in which we will point out the problems that transgender people experience every day.
The purpose of this letter is to make a statement that will draw attention of the governments, media and decision makers to the ever growing problems of the LGBTIQ community and also on the better relations and strong solidarity of the LGBTIQ community/organizations in the region and in the World.
LGBT Forum Progress is planning to go in front of the Turkish Embassy with joint letter, rainbow flags, framed photos of the murdered Tuğçe and Nüket, posters, banners made by our volunteers and we will bring flowers for paying the respect to the deceased ones and for all of those victims who suffered the same or similar discrimination just based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
All of you who are willing to participate will receive the draft of the letter in the following days and the content of the letter will be open for the suggestions that you may all have until the 15th of May. Please send us confirmation of your participation or support as soon as you can so we can include you in our mailing list.
If you are interested to participate in joint action and to make Turkish government aware of problems of LGBT community in their country, and help our friends and colleagues in Turkish LGBTIQ organizations, please let us know and we can organize this action/protest together on the same day.
Please forward this mail to all of those organizations and individuals who by your opinion would want to participate and give their support.
Thank you in advance.
Zdravko Cimbaljevic
Executive Director
Cell: 0038267302312
Secy. Clinton to Receive London Pride Award
Hillary Rodham Clinton will be honored with the World LGBT Award at the upcoming World Pride in London, this following the secretary of state’s speech on global gay and transgender rights before the United Nations in December.
Travesti é suspeita de tráfico de pessoas e exploração sexual no Pará
Indiciada foi transferida para o estado nesta quinta-feira (3).
Denúncia foi feita por aliciado que conseguiu fugir em setembro de 2011.
Transexual abusa no rebolado e faz público dançar kuduro no Viradão Carioca
Com fôlego de sobra, Titica rebolou, deu cambalhotas e até ficou de cabeça pra baixo para mostrar o kuduro ao público que compareceu à segunda noite do Viradão Carioca, neste sábado (5), em Bangu, na Zona Oeste do Rio. Acompanhada de duas dançarinas, a transexual angolana, de 24 anos, levou o clima do país africano à Praça das Juras e empolgou a plateia.
“O brasileiro é sem dúvida o meu segundo melhor público, claro, porque Angola vem em primeiro lugar. Mas eu me senti em casa aqui, não esperava isso tudo. Essa é a minha sétima passagem pelo Brasil e parece que é a primeira. O frio na barriga é o mesmo. O kuduro é isso: é quente, é sensual, tem a cara do brasileiro”, disse ela.
Mar Cambrolle Jurado abandona área transexual da FELGTB
Mar Cambrolle Jurado, conhecida activista trans do país vizinho apresentou a 3 de Maio último a sua demissão como coordenadora da área de transexualidade da FELGTB (Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gais, Transexuales y Bisexuales).
[India] [Commentary]
Born this way: When men turn women
Bidhan Barua, 21, has been holed up in a Mumbai hotel for the past few weeks. Bidhan is a man who wants to be a woman. His parents don't approve of it; Bidhan claims they have frozen his bank account, and have tried to obstruct the surgery that'd enable him to realise his dream. He has moved the Bombay High Court and sought its intervention because the authorities at Saifee Hospital, Charni Road, have refused to perform the operation unless he gets legal permission.
No religion endorses homosexuality, says Islam Defender Front
A spokesman of the Islam Defender Front (FPI) says that residents rejects Canadian liberal Muslim activist Irshad Manji for her angle that Muslims should embrace lesbianism.
New GLAD Guidebook Helps Attorneys Better Represent Transgender Clients
America’s legal system is fraught with danger for transgender people because of ignorance and misunderstanding of their issues. But a prominent LGBT legal advocacy organization has now produced a first-of-its-kind guidebook to help attorneys and their trans clients navigate the rocky shoals of family court.
Becoming Max: Confronting gender identity disorder
Max Janssen stood in the middle of the dimly lit stage in his 8:50 a.m. acting class, hunching his shoulders like 15-year-old boys do. He was supposed to give this three-minute monologue yesterday, but he chickened out.
US: Trans woman killed in possible hate crime
Friends of a transgender woman shot to death in Oakland believe she was killed because of her gender identity.
Williams Institute Manager of Transgender Research Jody L. Herman
The Williams Institute is pleased to announce Jody L. Herman as Manager of Transgender Research at the Williams Institute. Over the last two years, Jody has supported a number of core research areas at the Institute. In this new role, Jody will lead the Williams Institute’s research related to gender identity.
Why the Trans Movement is Moving Closer to Equality: A Conversation with Mara Keisling
Mara Keisling is the founding Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. Mara is a transgender-identified woman and a parent. As one of the nation’s leading voices for transgender equality, Mara has appeared on news outlets such as CNN and CSPAN, and is regularly quoted in the New York Times, the Washington Post and hundreds of other national and local print and electronic media.
Paso atrás con la educación sexual
Crecen reparos de expertos sobre nueva política en el sistema público de enseñanza
TN Transgender Coalition on ‘Crazy’ Legislative Session
Newsletter from the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition; May 4, 2012:
Condena Remodiseg el asesinato de un travesti en Acapulco el viernes
La Red de Movimientos en Pro de la Diversidad Sexual y Equidad de Género (Remodiseg) condenó el asesinato de un travesti en zona suburbana de Acapulco y exigió a las autoridades municipales y estatales el esclarecimiento no sólo de este crimen, sino de otros que han ocurrido en la entidad contra personas de la diversidad sexual.
Travestis - La fiesta debe seguir
En 1975, como nunca antes había pasado, se les hizo prohibido bailar. Engalanadas, trepadas en sus botas de plataforma, ellas avivaban el paso de la morenada, hasta que un “policía” de la Asociación de Conjuntos Folklóricos del Gran Poder, presidida por Lucio Chuquimia, les exigía salir. Las “chinas morenas” se escabullían por allí, pero volvían a ingresar a las filas de danzantes más arriba o más abajo. Aquel año, igual terminaron de hacer el recorrido, defendidas por las fraternidades unas veces, por el público otras. Pero tanto pesca pesca, que se repitió dos años más, las agotó y las convenció de llevarse su colorida presencia a las fiestas rurales, que, por suerte, hay muchas en Bolivia.
[Costa Rica]
Mujer transgénero ganó lucha para vestir ropa de mujer en cárcel de hombres
David Ávila Ulloa nació hombre, pero desde muy temprana edad se sintió mujer.
Es más, lo sintió con tanta intensidad que optó por cambiar su nombre a Sherlyn Tatiana, y vestir ropa femenina con joyas y maquillaje.
Unas 300 personas marcharon en Arica por la diversidad sexual y la no discriminación
"La discriminación opera sobre todo el territorio nacional. Por lo tanto, el que haya una organización que convoque una marcha con el respaldo del municipio y de mucha gente que no es homosexual, da cuenta del cambio cultural provocado en nuestra sociedad”, dijo el presidente del Movilh, Rolando Jiménez, quien participó de la actividad.
Misses venezolanas hablan sobre la participación de transgéneros en el Miss Universo
La inclusión de transgéneros en magnos eventos de la belleza, como lo es el Miss Universo, ha causado un gran revuelo y ha despertado controversia entre distintas personalidades del mundo del espectáculo. Por su parte, el equipo de Noticias24 consultó a Norkys Batista, Myriam de Abreu y Osmariel Villalobos, dignas representantes de la belleza venezolanas, para saber su punto de vista.
Cientos de personas formaron una bandera arco iris en reclamo de la ley de identidad de género
Más de seiscientas personas formaron frente al Congreso las seis franjas multicolores de la Bandera de la Libertad, emblema del movimiento por el respeto a la diversidad sexual, en reclamo de que el Senado apruebe el próximo miércoles el proyecto de ley de identidad de género.
Transgender persons are the most exposed to these problems such as violence on the streets, bulling, verbal violence and other forms of discrimination. But the most chocking fact is the murders that have happened in the past few months that all of you have probably heard of.
One of the last cases is the case of young girl named Tuğçe. She was shot by a bullet and murdered in a car in Karabağlar town in İzmir. She was only 23 years old. Her body was unrecognizable because of the assault she was exposed to.
Information we got from our friends from Turkey few months ago shocked us that around 20 transpeople are being murdered each year. This hate needs to be stopped!
Second transgender person has been killed in the same week in which Tuğçe was killed. She was stabbed around 40 times to her death. Her name was Nüket. After few days we heard from our friends from Turkey that the murderer was caught. After being questioned he tried to justify himself by stating that he lost his consciousness. We all know that this is an obvious lie, used by almost every trans murderer. He stated that she invited him to her apartment and he came. Then, they argued about the money that he would give to her. Then he stated that he don't remember that he used the knife that many times, saying that he lost his consciousness!?
As these two unfortunate murders are not enough just a while they happened there was another incident towards the transgender person that happened in Maltepe – Istanbul. Namely the incident involved a police officer who shot a transgender sex worker in the back after he grabbed her arm forcefully because she refused to pay a fine.
These incidents are outrageous and we need to put a stop on them!
Even if we are from Montenegro and we do not live in Turkey we sympathize with all of them who are paying the price of being different! We would like you to do the same.
Therefore we have decided to make a protest action in front of the Turkish Embassy in Montenegro on 16th of May related to International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on the 17th of May (IDAHO) and through this protest express our sympathies with aim to point out the need of change in respecting human rights of LGB and especially T people in Turkey.
As we want to make this visible on international level we use this opportunity to invite all of you who are interested to join us in our common goal to improve the respecting of LGBT Human Rights, not only in Turkey but in the region and show our solidarity towards each other.
As our colleagues from Turkey have said before: “We cannot remain silent about being murdered and about the murderers’ being released! We do not “get used to, get familiar with” and cannot stand the murders of trans individuals and we stand against the system which “normalizes, internalizes and gets inured to them” in the hands of the media and the society!”
Our plan is to make joint letter from all the interested sides (organizations/individuals) that will be delivered to all the Turkish Embassies in the involved countries (addressed to Ambassadors and the President of Turkey) in which we will point out the problems that transgender people experience every day.
The purpose of this letter is to make a statement that will draw attention of the governments, media and decision makers to the ever growing problems of the LGBTIQ community and also on the better relations and strong solidarity of the LGBTIQ community/organizations in the region and in the World.
LGBT Forum Progress is planning to go in front of the Turkish Embassy with joint letter, rainbow flags, framed photos of the murdered Tuğçe and Nüket, posters, banners made by our volunteers and we will bring flowers for paying the respect to the deceased ones and for all of those victims who suffered the same or similar discrimination just based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
All of you who are willing to participate will receive the draft of the letter in the following days and the content of the letter will be open for the suggestions that you may all have until the 15th of May. Please send us confirmation of your participation or support as soon as you can so we can include you in our mailing list.
If you are interested to participate in joint action and to make Turkish government aware of problems of LGBT community in their country, and help our friends and colleagues in Turkish LGBTIQ organizations, please let us know and we can organize this action/protest together on the same day.
Please forward this mail to all of those organizations and individuals who by your opinion would want to participate and give their support.
Thank you in advance.
Zdravko Cimbaljevic
Executive Director
Cell: 0038267302312
Secy. Clinton to Receive London Pride Award
Hillary Rodham Clinton will be honored with the World LGBT Award at the upcoming World Pride in London, this following the secretary of state’s speech on global gay and transgender rights before the United Nations in December.
Travesti é suspeita de tráfico de pessoas e exploração sexual no Pará
Indiciada foi transferida para o estado nesta quinta-feira (3).
Denúncia foi feita por aliciado que conseguiu fugir em setembro de 2011.

Transexual abusa no rebolado e faz público dançar kuduro no Viradão Carioca
Com fôlego de sobra, Titica rebolou, deu cambalhotas e até ficou de cabeça pra baixo para mostrar o kuduro ao público que compareceu à segunda noite do Viradão Carioca, neste sábado (5), em Bangu, na Zona Oeste do Rio. Acompanhada de duas dançarinas, a transexual angolana, de 24 anos, levou o clima do país africano à Praça das Juras e empolgou a plateia.
“O brasileiro é sem dúvida o meu segundo melhor público, claro, porque Angola vem em primeiro lugar. Mas eu me senti em casa aqui, não esperava isso tudo. Essa é a minha sétima passagem pelo Brasil e parece que é a primeira. O frio na barriga é o mesmo. O kuduro é isso: é quente, é sensual, tem a cara do brasileiro”, disse ela.
Mar Cambrolle Jurado abandona área transexual da FELGTB
Mar Cambrolle Jurado, conhecida activista trans do país vizinho apresentou a 3 de Maio último a sua demissão como coordenadora da área de transexualidade da FELGTB (Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gais, Transexuales y Bisexuales).
[India] [Commentary]
Born this way: When men turn women
Bidhan Barua, 21, has been holed up in a Mumbai hotel for the past few weeks. Bidhan is a man who wants to be a woman. His parents don't approve of it; Bidhan claims they have frozen his bank account, and have tried to obstruct the surgery that'd enable him to realise his dream. He has moved the Bombay High Court and sought its intervention because the authorities at Saifee Hospital, Charni Road, have refused to perform the operation unless he gets legal permission.
No religion endorses homosexuality, says Islam Defender Front
A spokesman of the Islam Defender Front (FPI) says that residents rejects Canadian liberal Muslim activist Irshad Manji for her angle that Muslims should embrace lesbianism.
New GLAD Guidebook Helps Attorneys Better Represent Transgender Clients
America’s legal system is fraught with danger for transgender people because of ignorance and misunderstanding of their issues. But a prominent LGBT legal advocacy organization has now produced a first-of-its-kind guidebook to help attorneys and their trans clients navigate the rocky shoals of family court.
Becoming Max: Confronting gender identity disorder
Max Janssen stood in the middle of the dimly lit stage in his 8:50 a.m. acting class, hunching his shoulders like 15-year-old boys do. He was supposed to give this three-minute monologue yesterday, but he chickened out.
US: Trans woman killed in possible hate crime
Friends of a transgender woman shot to death in Oakland believe she was killed because of her gender identity.
Williams Institute Manager of Transgender Research Jody L. Herman
The Williams Institute is pleased to announce Jody L. Herman as Manager of Transgender Research at the Williams Institute. Over the last two years, Jody has supported a number of core research areas at the Institute. In this new role, Jody will lead the Williams Institute’s research related to gender identity.
Why the Trans Movement is Moving Closer to Equality: A Conversation with Mara Keisling
Mara Keisling is the founding Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. Mara is a transgender-identified woman and a parent. As one of the nation’s leading voices for transgender equality, Mara has appeared on news outlets such as CNN and CSPAN, and is regularly quoted in the New York Times, the Washington Post and hundreds of other national and local print and electronic media.
Paso atrás con la educación sexual
Crecen reparos de expertos sobre nueva política en el sistema público de enseñanza
TN Transgender Coalition on ‘Crazy’ Legislative Session
Newsletter from the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition; May 4, 2012:
Condena Remodiseg el asesinato de un travesti en Acapulco el viernes
La Red de Movimientos en Pro de la Diversidad Sexual y Equidad de Género (Remodiseg) condenó el asesinato de un travesti en zona suburbana de Acapulco y exigió a las autoridades municipales y estatales el esclarecimiento no sólo de este crimen, sino de otros que han ocurrido en la entidad contra personas de la diversidad sexual.
Travestis - La fiesta debe seguir
En 1975, como nunca antes había pasado, se les hizo prohibido bailar. Engalanadas, trepadas en sus botas de plataforma, ellas avivaban el paso de la morenada, hasta que un “policía” de la Asociación de Conjuntos Folklóricos del Gran Poder, presidida por Lucio Chuquimia, les exigía salir. Las “chinas morenas” se escabullían por allí, pero volvían a ingresar a las filas de danzantes más arriba o más abajo. Aquel año, igual terminaron de hacer el recorrido, defendidas por las fraternidades unas veces, por el público otras. Pero tanto pesca pesca, que se repitió dos años más, las agotó y las convenció de llevarse su colorida presencia a las fiestas rurales, que, por suerte, hay muchas en Bolivia.
Mujer transgénero ganó lucha para vestir ropa de mujer en cárcel de hombres
David Ávila Ulloa nació hombre, pero desde muy temprana edad se sintió mujer.
Es más, lo sintió con tanta intensidad que optó por cambiar su nombre a Sherlyn Tatiana, y vestir ropa femenina con joyas y maquillaje.
Unas 300 personas marcharon en Arica por la diversidad sexual y la no discriminación
"La discriminación opera sobre todo el territorio nacional. Por lo tanto, el que haya una organización que convoque una marcha con el respaldo del municipio y de mucha gente que no es homosexual, da cuenta del cambio cultural provocado en nuestra sociedad”, dijo el presidente del Movilh, Rolando Jiménez, quien participó de la actividad.
Misses venezolanas hablan sobre la participación de transgéneros en el Miss Universo
La inclusión de transgéneros en magnos eventos de la belleza, como lo es el Miss Universo, ha causado un gran revuelo y ha despertado controversia entre distintas personalidades del mundo del espectáculo. Por su parte, el equipo de Noticias24 consultó a Norkys Batista, Myriam de Abreu y Osmariel Villalobos, dignas representantes de la belleza venezolanas, para saber su punto de vista.

Cientos de personas formaron una bandera arco iris en reclamo de la ley de identidad de género
Más de seiscientas personas formaron frente al Congreso las seis franjas multicolores de la Bandera de la Libertad, emblema del movimiento por el respeto a la diversidad sexual, en reclamo de que el Senado apruebe el próximo miércoles el proyecto de ley de identidad de género.
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