Maria José Vilaça, presidente da Associação de Psicólogos Católicos, quando questionada sobre a forma como se poderia acolher pessoas homossexuais, afirmou que para aceitar o filho não é preciso aceitar a homossexualidade:
Rapaz ou rapariga: uma escolha?
Andreja Pejic: "Corri um risco, mas valeu a pena" (com vídeo)
A supermodelo Andreja Pejic esteve na Web Summit de Lisboa. Andreja falou da sua incursão no mundo da moda e da cirurgia de mudança de sexo a que se submeteu em Janeiro de 2014. A sua história vai poder agora ser vista num documentário que foi realizado com recurso a uma campanha de crowdfunding.
Abusando do significado das palavras – tentando escrever de uma forma directa e simples – fazer uma transição social de género é um despertar para a consciencialização de um conjunto de fobias internalizadas presentes na maioria das pessoas que nos rodeiam. Até mesmo em pessoas que aparentemente não falam de fobias (em torno de identidades e orientação sexual ou relacional) como um conceito presente nas suas vidas.
Homem trans Day Azevedo é assassinado com nove tiros em Caicó, RN
O homem trans Day Azevedo foi assassinado com nove tiros na última quinta-feira (10), em Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte. Ele era mototaxista, morava em um albergue e também era conhecido como Day Mininão.
De acordo com a mídia local, Day estava no bairro Samanáu com uma mulher - identificada como Ana Paula - quando foi abordado pelos assassinos. Os dois caíram em frente ao Corpo de Bombeiros, onde Day foi alvejado com mais de seis tiros.
Porto Alegre tem seis homicídios em menos de 12 horas, diz polícia
Excerto: Próximo da meia-noite, um transexual foi assassinado a tiros na Lomba do Pinheiro, na Zona Leste da cidade. A vítima foi identificada como Juliana Silva Pereira, que usava o nome social de Rafael, que tinha antecedentes criminais. O corpo estava com diversas marcas de tiro.
Homem trans Iuri Dantas comete suicídio aos 26 anos em Natal; mãe lamenta
O homem trans Iuri Dantas, de 26 anos, cometeu suicídio na quinta-feira (17) em Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte. Ele era cantor, músico, já esteve estudando e trabalhando no Peru e não resistiu à transfobia institucionalizada.
Travesti de 26 anos é assassinada em Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ
A jovem E. J. Pereira Gomes*, travesti de 26 anos, foi assassinada na madrugada de segunda-feira (21), na Avenida Teresópolis, no Parque Guarus, em Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro.
Travesti é assassinado com cinco tiros em Guarus
“Nenhuma cirurgia vai me fazer mais ou menos mulher”, diz a modelo trans Valentina Sampaio
Aos 19 anos, Valentina Sampaio continua arrasando na carreira de modelo. Depois de ser porta-voz da L’Oréal Paris e desfilar no São Paulo Fashion Week neste ano, a bela estampa a mais nova capa da revista de moda Elle. É a primeira da sua carreira.
Judiciário paulista nega indenização a vítima de transfobia por empresa de telefonia
Em decisão da semana passada, desembargadores do Tribunal de Justiça do estado de São Paulo negaram pedido de danos morais feito por mulher transexual vítima de transfobia.
Prefeitura recua e tira direito de travestis ocuparem ala feminina em hospitais
Durou sete dias a resolução que permitia travestis e transexuais ocuparem as enfermarias conforme a identidade de gênero
16 anos após seu falecimento, transexual recebe placa com nome social em seu túmulo
Transfobia, maior incidência de Aids, riscos de morte por silicone industrial, poucas oportunidades e caminhos que se funilam e levam à prostituição. Por que a vida de Andréa de Mayo ainda é tão atual e precisa ser lembrada?
No dia 1º de novembro, três homens espancaram a travesti Kayalla Ayalla no bairro do Malhado, em Ilhéus. A vítima ficou com hematomas em várias partes do corpo e precisou ser internada.
Indianara Siqueira sofre ataque transfóbico no Rio: “Não conseguiram me calar”
Indianara Siqueira, militante, profissional do sexo e suplente a vereadora no Rio, sofreu um ataque transfóbico na madrugada do dia 13, logo após sair de uma confraternização do PSOL e tomar drinks com amigas travestis na rodoviária de Campo Grande, zona oeste.
Brazil TDOR 2016 more than all of Europe combined
133 deaths mourned by Brazil TDOR 2016 that’s more than all of Europe combined, since record keeping began.
Tinder Opens Gender Options For Transgender Love Seekers
The popular dating app, Tinder, has decided to add profile options supporting users with transgender, and gender non-conforming identities.
The Link Between Autism and Trans Identity
Confusion over why autism is so prevalent among transgender people may be limiting their access to medical care.
Why Do Men Kill Trans Women? Gender Theorist Judith Butler Explains
In an exclusive interview with Broadly, the beloved philosopher and author of "Gender Trouble" discusses extreme violence against transgender women in 2015.
Shot, beheaded, and killed by family: 295 trans people murdered this year
Transgender Day of Remembrance: These murders are the only the tip of the iceberg
TGEU Press Release on the Occasion of the Trans Day of Remembrance (2016)
Why Everyone Should Observe Transgender Day Of Remembrance
On Trans Day of Remembrance We Look Back on the Worst Year Yet and Prepare for a Terrifying Future
La Veneno mantuvo una fuerte discusión con su novio antes de su ingreso hospitalario
Su pareja admitió el enfrentamiento a la Policía durante el fin de semana en el que la fallecida llegó a llamar al 091.
«Se han dado pasos de gigante en 30 años pero aún hay discriminación»: Lambda
«Para erradicar la LGTBfobia sabemos que es imprescindible la educación», asegura Fani Boronat
BBC Radio 1 Show Accused Of Transphobic Game
The BBC has come under criticism for a new segment on their popular Radio 1 breakfast show, where host Nick Grimshaw is joined by comedian and television personality David Walliams to play a game entitled 'I'm A Lady', where they encourage the public to call in so that the hosts can guess if people are male or female just from the sound of their voice.
Sophie Don: ‘It’s unlikely I will be a ballerina, but not because I’m transgender’
Every step of the gender reassignment process takes Sophie Don, who is training at Lynton Academy of Dance, closer to her dream of becoming a ballerina. The social and physical challenges have only strengthened her resolve, despite her belief she may never dance professionally. Neil Norman finds out about her struggles and ambitions.
Brexit vote driving anti-LGBT hate crime as victims told: ‘You’re next’
Charity records hate crimes explicitly mentioning Brexit vote alongside large rise
'I am the still the same person, I just look different on the outside': Britain's first transgender newsreader, 50, returns to the screen after undergoing gender reassignment surgery
India Willoughby will become UK's first transgender TV journalist
The 50-year-old will freelance for ITV Tyne Tees regional programme
Formerly Jonathan, she worked for ITV Border for 10 years but quit in 2010
Ms Willoughby underwent £14,000 gender reassignment op last year
Boss referred to trans employee as ‘it’ and said ‘not another one’ when she decided to transition
A boss was accused of referring to a transgender staff member as “it”, a tribunal has heard.
Ex-Bodnant Welsh Foods boss called transgender employee 'it', tribunal hears
Société: le combat continue pour les personnes transgenres
La loi Justice au XXIe siècle, adoptée le 12 octobre dernier, doit faciliter le changement d'état civil pour les personnes transgenres et transsexuelles, notamment en démédicalisant la procédure.
Cross-Sex Hormone Treatment and Psychobiological Changes in Transsexual Persons: Two-Year Follow-Up Data.
To date, there are few studies investigating the impact of body changes induced by cross-sex hormonal treatment (CHT) on psychobiological well-being in gender-dysphoric persons (GDs).
Trans woman accepted by colleagues and family
A hospital director who went home as Klaus returned the next day to work as director Klaudia after deciding to live life as a woman.
From Pakistan to Germany: A transgender woman’s search for safety and respect
The viral video of a man ruthlessly flogging a transgender woman in Sialkot laid bare the brutalities the members of this community face in Pakistan every day. Shanaya was beaten up an entire night for refusing to pay extortion money and though the perpetrators were arrested after the video was shared on social media, the victim fears they will soon be released to cause her more harm.
Avec la transsexuelle iranienne qui fait des photos à poil contre Daech
Alors que la bataille de Mossoul tend à porter un coup décisif à l'armée de l'État islamique, la guerre n'est pas pour autant encore gagnée contre le califat d'al-Baghdadi. Si Donald Trump espère « éradiquer Daech avec l'aide de la Russie » en 30 jours, certains cherchent à les emmerder autrement. Le groupe terroriste n'aime pas particulièrement les artistes. En fait, il n'aime pas particulièrement les gens – hormis les dévots. Comme tout bon asocial qui se respecte, il trouve que tout est mauvais et décadent. Il est donc très facile de le pousser à bout, et ça certains l'ont très bien compris.
Pope says respect gays and transsexuals, questions gender theory
Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.
La teoría de género es un enemigo del matrimonio: Papa
Pope says respect gay and transgender people, questions gender theory
Report Violation of transgender people’s rights in Russia: research results
Saint Petersburg.: Transgender Legal Defense Project, 2016. - 90.
Transgender religious Jews attempt to reconcile identity with halakha
Attitudes toward gays in the religious community have changed in favor of more inclusion and tolerance, but most transgender religious Jews still hide deep in the closet.
Gay man in Abu Dhabi faces death penalty for doing drag on Instagram
A gay man in Abu Dhabi is facing a death penalty for posting images of himself in drag on Instagram.
Saudi Arabia Bans Trans people
Saudi Arabia has announced that they will no longer allow transgender people to enter the country.
Saudi Arabia bans Umrah for transgender persons
Saudi Arabia prohibits transgender people from performing Umrah
Airport security tried to forcefully search a trans woman after female officers refused
Airport officers tried to forcefully check a transgender activist after she requested a female officer conduct the search.
The Pearl Of Africa: A Story About The Struggles Of A Transgender Woman Living Full Time As Trans In Uganda
The film, set in Uganda, a small land-locked country in the East African Sub region, tells us the story of Cleopatra, a 27-year-old student who came out as transgender and lives full time, in a country that struggles to recognise, appreciate, reconcile, protect and celebrate this diversity, and has instead condemned and abused this diversity and left it for dead.
Ten gang members arrested for video showing trans person being violently beaten
Ten members of a gang have been arrested in Pakistan for publicly flogging a trans person.
Five arrested in Sialkot after horrific video of man beating up transgender goes viral
Pakistanis who videotaped whipping of Sialkot transgender woman arrested
No Paquistão trans é amarrada e agredida por gangue
Transgender rally against torture
DERA GHAZI KHAN-The Shemale Association yesterday rallied and staged a sit-in at Block 50 here, against brutally torture on eunuchs in Sialkot.
In Islamabad, a mosque for transgender community
If you are a transgender person in Pakistan, everything is a fight. They must even fight for the right to be represented on their national identity cards, and be recognised in census forms, and, due largely to cultural rather than religious reasons, they are told that they are not allowed in mosques.
"You’re transgender, how can you be raped?’ they ask us’
“Why don’t you shoot me? I don’t want to live anymore,” cried a shattered Shanaya, a transgender person while speaking to The Nation. Shayana was in Sialkot to earn her living when she was picked up by some people then beaten, had her hair cut, raped and forced to drink urine by one of the gangsters called Jajja Butt.
Meet mighty Madam Boota, a transgender bracing Pakistan’s chaotic electoral process
Arif, also known by her stage name Madam Boota, lives in a one-room house and makes her living by performing at birthday and wedding parties in Jhang. But despite having a meagre and miserable existence, this brave transgender has found the courage to address the problems of her town by contesting as an independent candidate for upcoming by-elections.
How I Came Out As a Transman in Islamic Society of Pakistan
“When I can’t cope with the dysphoria, I pretend I’m a eunuch instead of a woman.”
Growing number of transgender students prompts call for more training for teachers
There are calls for more resources and training for Tasmanian teachers to manage an increase in transgender students seeking help.
Trans-rights protection bill fast-tracked through House committee
Senate could debate proposal before Christmas break
U of T community responds to Jordan Peterson on gender identities
U of T professor Jordan Peterson is facing criticism regarding his comments about non-binary gender identities and political correctness after his YouTube video “Fear and the Law” went viral last week.
Laura Jane Grace’s Advice For Trans Youth Who Are Coming Out
“It’s important to not feel like you’re apologizing for anything.”
Goldust — My Transgender Stepchild Was Attacked Last Night … ‘Stop All This Hateful Crap’
WWE Superstar Goldust says his transgender stepchild was attacked by three men Friday night … and now he’s begging for close-minded individuals to “stop all this hateful crap.”
Racist Transphobic Surge Follows Donald Trump Election
A time be be vigilant and aware
Trump's Win Sparks Surge in Calls to LGBT Crisis Hotlines
Crisis hotlines have been flooded by transgender callers since the election of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's war on LGBTQ people has already begun
Remember sweet, sweet July, when Donald Trump promised the Republican National Convention that he would do everything in his power to "protect LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a foreign ideology?"
Anti-LGBT Extremists to Help Lead President-Elect Trump’s Transition
Transphobic racist Steve Bannon new media voice for the Divided States of America
Steve Bannon Suggests There Are Too Many Asian CEOs In Silicon Valley
US lawyers are offering trans people free legal help before Trump’s inauguration
US lawyers have begun using Twitter to offer trans people free help with ID and name changes before Trump takes power in 2017.
List of Lawyers willing to help sorted by where they are located
Setback for transgender US veterans seeking gender confirmation surgery
VA did not provide a plan detailing how they would fund the change in policy
How My Sexuality Changed After My Husband Became My Wife
When I was a teenager, I met the person who would become my husband who would later become my wife.
VA drops planned SRS Rule saying surgery too expensive
June 2016 the VA announced plans to cover Gender confirmation surgery but months later they said they have dropped those plans.
Melzer and Lamers stun in Diesel Denim video
Raising trans-visibility during transgender awareness week Benjamin Melzer and Loiza Lamers stun in a video for Diesel Denim. Style Mic reports:
The Trans People Who Are Detransitioning To Stay Safe In Trump’s America
Being homeless and living in a tent in the mountains wasn’t exactly where Addy had expected to be at 31. A month ago, she’d at least been bouncing from a motel to a shelter. But life has a funny sense of humor—especially when you’re a transgender woman—so Addy used her own humor to make the most of it: Alone in her remote shelter on Election Night, “I was just making weird as heck Trump statuses on Facebook,” she says. “‘Shit posting,’ as the kids call it.” Her friends rallied around her wry, Dada-esque absurdities, and even Trump’s widening lead in the electoral college was funny for a while.
Before the europeans infiltrated North America, Native Americans had no set gender norms that men and women had to adhere to. People were valued for how they contributed to the tribe, rather than for their masculinity or femininity. Parents didn’t assign gender roles to children — even children’s clothing was gender neutral.
Police investigating whether shootings of 2 transgender women are connected
Birmingham police are investigating whether or not the shootings of two transgender women may be connected.
Man, 23, charged in shooting, robbery of transgender woman
Transgender cyclist is top female finisher at El Tour de Tucson
History repeated itself in Saturday’s Tucson Medical Center El Tour de Tucson sponsored by Casino del Sol. History was also made.
Transgender Activist Dana Rivers Arrested for Brutal Murder of Lesbian Couple and Their Son
Noted transgender activist Dana Rivers was arraigned Tuesday on charges of committing a brutal triple homicide in Oakland, California in the early hours of Friday, November 11. The victims have been identified as lesbian couple Patricia Wright and Charlotte Reed and their son Toto “Benny” Diambu-Wright.
Former Sacramento teacher, once disciplined over gender change, arrested in triple homicide
Transgender boy’s mom sues hospital, saying he ‘went into spiral’ after staff called him a girl
The transgender teenager had once written a poem about the heartache of a boy born in a girl's body. His words were raw and revealing.
Transgender woman's car vandalized with hate speech, pro-Trump message in Denver's Capitol Hill
A transgender woman says she woke up to find her car vandalized with hate speech, a swastika and a pro-Donald Trump message in Denver's Capitol Hill Wednesday morning, and police are now investigating.
You have to see how people reacted when a trans woman's car was graffitied with hate slurs
Cheryl Courtney-Evans, 1952-2016, !Presente!
Cheryl Courtney-Evans, 61, a pioneering transgender activist in Atlanta, has passed away, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.
Atlanta transgender activist Cheryl Courtney-Evans dies
Vigil for T.T. honors slain trans woman, celebrates Black trans power
In an unprecedented display of defiance and frustration, more than 150 people from across the racial and gender spectrum gathered outside Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ in Lakeview Oct. 6 to hold a vigil and march for T.T. Saffore—a transgender woman of color who was murdered Sept. 11 in Garfield Park.
Maine official promises review following transgender teenager’s suicide
Maine‘s corrections commissioner says state and federal experts will review policies and procedures following the suicide of a 16-year-old transgender boy.
Charles Knowles killed himself this month while detained at Long Creek Youth Development Center. His mother has said that he didn’t receive the clinical mental health treatment he needed and that he was “sad” to be required to stay in the girls unit.
Transgender woman chased, attacked with hatchet at Charlotte park
A transgender woman is recovering from serious injuries after she was attacked in a west Charlotte park last week.
Federal authorities confirmed Monday that they are working with Charlotte-Mecklenburg police as the department investigates the attack.
Transgender woman attacked at Charlotte park facing child sexual assault charges
Judge rules Minnesota must offer gender reassignment on Medicaid
A district court judge has overturned a Minnesota ban on transgender people accessing gender reassignment surgery on medical assistance.
Trans daughter sued by mother for transitioning
A 17-year-old trans teenager is being sued by her mother for seeking to transition without her consent.
A Mother Is Suing Her Child For Pursuing Gender Reassignment
Minnesota mom sues teenage child over transgender treatment
Rest In Power Jay Kallio
Was advised by Joshua Holiday that our community lost New York-based trans man and longtime TBLGQ community activist Jay Kallio to cancer today at age 61.
Federal Court Rejects Transgender Citizen’s Complaints of Unconstitutional Treatment by NYPD Officers
In a decision notably lacking in empathy for transgender people and the slights and humiliations they suffer on a regular basis, U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods granted New York City’s motion to dismiss a complaint by Marlow White, self-identified as a man of transgender experience, that his 14th Amendment rights were violated by NYPD officers and the City when the police failed to respond to the continued verbal harassment of White by Napoleon Monroe, a man who frequented the neighborhood where White lived and made various threats against him as well as subjecting him to verbal harassment. White v. City of New York, 2016 WL 4750180 (S.D.N.Y., Sept. 12, 2016).
Six years later, Blahnik murder now a cold case
It’s been six years since Stacey Blahnik was brutally murdered in her South Philadelphia home, and investigators have “hit a wall.”
High School Principal Asks Transgender Girl: ‘Do You Have Your Boy Genitals?’ – VIDEO
A transgender girl in Dallas says the assistant principal at her high school asked inappropriate questions about her body after another student complained that she was using girls’ restrooms.
Seattle Bans Conversion Therapy For Children
In a unanimous vote Seattle City Council has voted to pass an ordinance to ban conversion therapy on minors.
Otorgan título y cédula profesional a primer mujer transgénero en Oaxaca
Integrantes de Conquistando Corazones Asociación civil A.C , informaron que lograron dar un paso adelante en la lucha por la inclusión legal en el ámbito laboral de personas transgénero.
La teoría de género es un enemigo del matrimonio: Papa
El papa Francisco advirtió el sábado de una "guerra global" contra el matrimonio tradicional y la familia y afirmó que ambos están bajo ataque por la teoría de género y el divorcio.
Las mentiras sobre la ideología de género y el acuerdo de La Habana
Aunque el exprocurador Ordóñez dice que en el texto negociado aparece cientos de veces, en las 297 páginas la expresión población Lgbti sólo figura 10 veces.
Cayeron ‘Los Zona Rosa’, dedicados a la extorsión de prostitutas LGBTI en Cali
El Grupo Antiextorsión y Antisecuestro (GAULA) de la Policía Metropolitana de Cali logró la desarticulación de la banda ‘Zona Rosa’, dedicada a la extorsión de trabajadoras sexuales de la comunidad LGTBI, vendedores informales y cuidadores de carros, en diferentes comunas de la capital del Valle.
Nicole, no olvidamos tu nombre
Todos los 25 desde hace tres meses unas veinte personas marchan para exigir justicia por Nicole Saavedra Bahamondes, asesinada por lesbiana, secuestrada y torturada durante días en El Melón, un pueblo cercano a Valparaíso. Lo que comenzó como un caso escalofriante en los medios ha quedado tras un muro de silencio. La Justicia no avanza, la prensa calla y el pueblo parece haber decidido olvidar su nombre.
Buscan jubilar a "trans" mayores de 40 años
El gobierno presentará hoy una ley de protección integral junto a la Federación Argentina de Gays, Lesbianas, Bisexuales y Transexuales
Bill Asks Reparations for Violence Against Argentina's Trans
Se realizó la primer marcha por la Diversidad en Venado Tuerto
Organizada por la ONG Acción Sin Fronteras, refetenes y activistas LGBTI de la provincia marcharon junto a la comunidad venadense por la agenda pendiente de la igualdad. Implementación de la Educación Sexual, acciones contra el acoso y la discriminación, e inclusión para el colectivo Trans, entre las consignas de las organizaciones.
Maria José Vilaça, presidente da Associação de Psicólogos Católicos, quando questionada sobre a forma como se poderia acolher pessoas homossexuais, afirmou que para aceitar o filho não é preciso aceitar a homossexualidade:
Rapaz ou rapariga: uma escolha?
Andreja Pejic: "Corri um risco, mas valeu a pena" (com vídeo)
A supermodelo Andreja Pejic esteve na Web Summit de Lisboa. Andreja falou da sua incursão no mundo da moda e da cirurgia de mudança de sexo a que se submeteu em Janeiro de 2014. A sua história vai poder agora ser vista num documentário que foi realizado com recurso a uma campanha de crowdfunding.
Abusando do significado das palavras – tentando escrever de uma forma directa e simples – fazer uma transição social de género é um despertar para a consciencialização de um conjunto de fobias internalizadas presentes na maioria das pessoas que nos rodeiam. Até mesmo em pessoas que aparentemente não falam de fobias (em torno de identidades e orientação sexual ou relacional) como um conceito presente nas suas vidas.
Homem trans Day Azevedo é assassinado com nove tiros em Caicó, RN
O homem trans Day Azevedo foi assassinado com nove tiros na última quinta-feira (10), em Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte. Ele era mototaxista, morava em um albergue e também era conhecido como Day Mininão.
De acordo com a mídia local, Day estava no bairro Samanáu com uma mulher - identificada como Ana Paula - quando foi abordado pelos assassinos. Os dois caíram em frente ao Corpo de Bombeiros, onde Day foi alvejado com mais de seis tiros.

Porto Alegre tem seis homicídios em menos de 12 horas, diz polícia
Excerto: Próximo da meia-noite, um transexual foi assassinado a tiros na Lomba do Pinheiro, na Zona Leste da cidade. A vítima foi identificada como Juliana Silva Pereira, que usava o nome social de Rafael, que tinha antecedentes criminais. O corpo estava com diversas marcas de tiro.

Homem trans Iuri Dantas comete suicídio aos 26 anos em Natal; mãe lamenta
O homem trans Iuri Dantas, de 26 anos, cometeu suicídio na quinta-feira (17) em Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte. Ele era cantor, músico, já esteve estudando e trabalhando no Peru e não resistiu à transfobia institucionalizada.

Travesti de 26 anos é assassinada em Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ
A jovem E. J. Pereira Gomes*, travesti de 26 anos, foi assassinada na madrugada de segunda-feira (21), na Avenida Teresópolis, no Parque Guarus, em Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro.
Travesti é assassinado com cinco tiros em Guarus
“Nenhuma cirurgia vai me fazer mais ou menos mulher”, diz a modelo trans Valentina Sampaio
Aos 19 anos, Valentina Sampaio continua arrasando na carreira de modelo. Depois de ser porta-voz da L’Oréal Paris e desfilar no São Paulo Fashion Week neste ano, a bela estampa a mais nova capa da revista de moda Elle. É a primeira da sua carreira.
Judiciário paulista nega indenização a vítima de transfobia por empresa de telefonia
Em decisão da semana passada, desembargadores do Tribunal de Justiça do estado de São Paulo negaram pedido de danos morais feito por mulher transexual vítima de transfobia.
Prefeitura recua e tira direito de travestis ocuparem ala feminina em hospitais
Durou sete dias a resolução que permitia travestis e transexuais ocuparem as enfermarias conforme a identidade de gênero
16 anos após seu falecimento, transexual recebe placa com nome social em seu túmulo
Transfobia, maior incidência de Aids, riscos de morte por silicone industrial, poucas oportunidades e caminhos que se funilam e levam à prostituição. Por que a vida de Andréa de Mayo ainda é tão atual e precisa ser lembrada?
No dia 1º de novembro, três homens espancaram a travesti Kayalla Ayalla no bairro do Malhado, em Ilhéus. A vítima ficou com hematomas em várias partes do corpo e precisou ser internada.
Indianara Siqueira sofre ataque transfóbico no Rio: “Não conseguiram me calar”
Indianara Siqueira, militante, profissional do sexo e suplente a vereadora no Rio, sofreu um ataque transfóbico na madrugada do dia 13, logo após sair de uma confraternização do PSOL e tomar drinks com amigas travestis na rodoviária de Campo Grande, zona oeste.
Brazil TDOR 2016 more than all of Europe combined
133 deaths mourned by Brazil TDOR 2016 that’s more than all of Europe combined, since record keeping began.
Tinder Opens Gender Options For Transgender Love Seekers
The popular dating app, Tinder, has decided to add profile options supporting users with transgender, and gender non-conforming identities.
The Link Between Autism and Trans Identity
Confusion over why autism is so prevalent among transgender people may be limiting their access to medical care.
Why Do Men Kill Trans Women? Gender Theorist Judith Butler Explains
In an exclusive interview with Broadly, the beloved philosopher and author of "Gender Trouble" discusses extreme violence against transgender women in 2015.
Shot, beheaded, and killed by family: 295 trans people murdered this year
Transgender Day of Remembrance: These murders are the only the tip of the iceberg
TGEU Press Release on the Occasion of the Trans Day of Remembrance (2016)
Why Everyone Should Observe Transgender Day Of Remembrance
On Trans Day of Remembrance We Look Back on the Worst Year Yet and Prepare for a Terrifying Future
La Veneno mantuvo una fuerte discusión con su novio antes de su ingreso hospitalario
Su pareja admitió el enfrentamiento a la Policía durante el fin de semana en el que la fallecida llegó a llamar al 091.
«Se han dado pasos de gigante en 30 años pero aún hay discriminación»: Lambda
«Para erradicar la LGTBfobia sabemos que es imprescindible la educación», asegura Fani Boronat
BBC Radio 1 Show Accused Of Transphobic Game
The BBC has come under criticism for a new segment on their popular Radio 1 breakfast show, where host Nick Grimshaw is joined by comedian and television personality David Walliams to play a game entitled 'I'm A Lady', where they encourage the public to call in so that the hosts can guess if people are male or female just from the sound of their voice.
Sophie Don: ‘It’s unlikely I will be a ballerina, but not because I’m transgender’
Every step of the gender reassignment process takes Sophie Don, who is training at Lynton Academy of Dance, closer to her dream of becoming a ballerina. The social and physical challenges have only strengthened her resolve, despite her belief she may never dance professionally. Neil Norman finds out about her struggles and ambitions.
Brexit vote driving anti-LGBT hate crime as victims told: ‘You’re next’
Charity records hate crimes explicitly mentioning Brexit vote alongside large rise
'I am the still the same person, I just look different on the outside': Britain's first transgender newsreader, 50, returns to the screen after undergoing gender reassignment surgery
India Willoughby will become UK's first transgender TV journalist
The 50-year-old will freelance for ITV Tyne Tees regional programme
Formerly Jonathan, she worked for ITV Border for 10 years but quit in 2010
Ms Willoughby underwent £14,000 gender reassignment op last year
Boss referred to trans employee as ‘it’ and said ‘not another one’ when she decided to transition
A boss was accused of referring to a transgender staff member as “it”, a tribunal has heard.
Ex-Bodnant Welsh Foods boss called transgender employee 'it', tribunal hears
Société: le combat continue pour les personnes transgenres
La loi Justice au XXIe siècle, adoptée le 12 octobre dernier, doit faciliter le changement d'état civil pour les personnes transgenres et transsexuelles, notamment en démédicalisant la procédure.
Cross-Sex Hormone Treatment and Psychobiological Changes in Transsexual Persons: Two-Year Follow-Up Data.
To date, there are few studies investigating the impact of body changes induced by cross-sex hormonal treatment (CHT) on psychobiological well-being in gender-dysphoric persons (GDs).
Trans woman accepted by colleagues and family
A hospital director who went home as Klaus returned the next day to work as director Klaudia after deciding to live life as a woman.
From Pakistan to Germany: A transgender woman’s search for safety and respect
The viral video of a man ruthlessly flogging a transgender woman in Sialkot laid bare the brutalities the members of this community face in Pakistan every day. Shanaya was beaten up an entire night for refusing to pay extortion money and though the perpetrators were arrested after the video was shared on social media, the victim fears they will soon be released to cause her more harm.

Avec la transsexuelle iranienne qui fait des photos à poil contre Daech
Alors que la bataille de Mossoul tend à porter un coup décisif à l'armée de l'État islamique, la guerre n'est pas pour autant encore gagnée contre le califat d'al-Baghdadi. Si Donald Trump espère « éradiquer Daech avec l'aide de la Russie » en 30 jours, certains cherchent à les emmerder autrement. Le groupe terroriste n'aime pas particulièrement les artistes. En fait, il n'aime pas particulièrement les gens – hormis les dévots. Comme tout bon asocial qui se respecte, il trouve que tout est mauvais et décadent. Il est donc très facile de le pousser à bout, et ça certains l'ont très bien compris.
Pope says respect gays and transsexuals, questions gender theory
Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.
La teoría de género es un enemigo del matrimonio: Papa
Pope says respect gay and transgender people, questions gender theory
Report Violation of transgender people’s rights in Russia: research results
Saint Petersburg.: Transgender Legal Defense Project, 2016. - 90.
Transgender religious Jews attempt to reconcile identity with halakha
Attitudes toward gays in the religious community have changed in favor of more inclusion and tolerance, but most transgender religious Jews still hide deep in the closet.
Gay man in Abu Dhabi faces death penalty for doing drag on Instagram
A gay man in Abu Dhabi is facing a death penalty for posting images of himself in drag on Instagram.
Saudi Arabia Bans Trans people
Saudi Arabia has announced that they will no longer allow transgender people to enter the country.
Saudi Arabia bans Umrah for transgender persons
Saudi Arabia prohibits transgender people from performing Umrah
Airport security tried to forcefully search a trans woman after female officers refused
Airport officers tried to forcefully check a transgender activist after she requested a female officer conduct the search.
The Pearl Of Africa: A Story About The Struggles Of A Transgender Woman Living Full Time As Trans In Uganda
The film, set in Uganda, a small land-locked country in the East African Sub region, tells us the story of Cleopatra, a 27-year-old student who came out as transgender and lives full time, in a country that struggles to recognise, appreciate, reconcile, protect and celebrate this diversity, and has instead condemned and abused this diversity and left it for dead.
Ten gang members arrested for video showing trans person being violently beaten
Ten members of a gang have been arrested in Pakistan for publicly flogging a trans person.
Five arrested in Sialkot after horrific video of man beating up transgender goes viral
Pakistanis who videotaped whipping of Sialkot transgender woman arrested
No Paquistão trans é amarrada e agredida por gangue
Transgender rally against torture
DERA GHAZI KHAN-The Shemale Association yesterday rallied and staged a sit-in at Block 50 here, against brutally torture on eunuchs in Sialkot.
In Islamabad, a mosque for transgender community
If you are a transgender person in Pakistan, everything is a fight. They must even fight for the right to be represented on their national identity cards, and be recognised in census forms, and, due largely to cultural rather than religious reasons, they are told that they are not allowed in mosques.
"You’re transgender, how can you be raped?’ they ask us’
“Why don’t you shoot me? I don’t want to live anymore,” cried a shattered Shanaya, a transgender person while speaking to The Nation. Shayana was in Sialkot to earn her living when she was picked up by some people then beaten, had her hair cut, raped and forced to drink urine by one of the gangsters called Jajja Butt.
Meet mighty Madam Boota, a transgender bracing Pakistan’s chaotic electoral process
Arif, also known by her stage name Madam Boota, lives in a one-room house and makes her living by performing at birthday and wedding parties in Jhang. But despite having a meagre and miserable existence, this brave transgender has found the courage to address the problems of her town by contesting as an independent candidate for upcoming by-elections.
How I Came Out As a Transman in Islamic Society of Pakistan
“When I can’t cope with the dysphoria, I pretend I’m a eunuch instead of a woman.”
Growing number of transgender students prompts call for more training for teachers
There are calls for more resources and training for Tasmanian teachers to manage an increase in transgender students seeking help.
Trans-rights protection bill fast-tracked through House committee
Senate could debate proposal before Christmas break
U of T community responds to Jordan Peterson on gender identities
U of T professor Jordan Peterson is facing criticism regarding his comments about non-binary gender identities and political correctness after his YouTube video “Fear and the Law” went viral last week.
Laura Jane Grace’s Advice For Trans Youth Who Are Coming Out
“It’s important to not feel like you’re apologizing for anything.”
Goldust — My Transgender Stepchild Was Attacked Last Night … ‘Stop All This Hateful Crap’
WWE Superstar Goldust says his transgender stepchild was attacked by three men Friday night … and now he’s begging for close-minded individuals to “stop all this hateful crap.”
Racist Transphobic Surge Follows Donald Trump Election
A time be be vigilant and aware
Trump's Win Sparks Surge in Calls to LGBT Crisis Hotlines
Crisis hotlines have been flooded by transgender callers since the election of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's war on LGBTQ people has already begun
Remember sweet, sweet July, when Donald Trump promised the Republican National Convention that he would do everything in his power to "protect LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a foreign ideology?"
Anti-LGBT Extremists to Help Lead President-Elect Trump’s Transition
Transphobic racist Steve Bannon new media voice for the Divided States of America
Steve Bannon Suggests There Are Too Many Asian CEOs In Silicon Valley
US lawyers are offering trans people free legal help before Trump’s inauguration
US lawyers have begun using Twitter to offer trans people free help with ID and name changes before Trump takes power in 2017.
List of Lawyers willing to help sorted by where they are located
Setback for transgender US veterans seeking gender confirmation surgery
VA did not provide a plan detailing how they would fund the change in policy
How My Sexuality Changed After My Husband Became My Wife
When I was a teenager, I met the person who would become my husband who would later become my wife.
VA drops planned SRS Rule saying surgery too expensive
June 2016 the VA announced plans to cover Gender confirmation surgery but months later they said they have dropped those plans.
Melzer and Lamers stun in Diesel Denim video
Raising trans-visibility during transgender awareness week Benjamin Melzer and Loiza Lamers stun in a video for Diesel Denim. Style Mic reports:
The Trans People Who Are Detransitioning To Stay Safe In Trump’s America
Being homeless and living in a tent in the mountains wasn’t exactly where Addy had expected to be at 31. A month ago, she’d at least been bouncing from a motel to a shelter. But life has a funny sense of humor—especially when you’re a transgender woman—so Addy used her own humor to make the most of it: Alone in her remote shelter on Election Night, “I was just making weird as heck Trump statuses on Facebook,” she says. “‘Shit posting,’ as the kids call it.” Her friends rallied around her wry, Dada-esque absurdities, and even Trump’s widening lead in the electoral college was funny for a while.
Before the europeans infiltrated North America, Native Americans had no set gender norms that men and women had to adhere to. People were valued for how they contributed to the tribe, rather than for their masculinity or femininity. Parents didn’t assign gender roles to children — even children’s clothing was gender neutral.
Police investigating whether shootings of 2 transgender women are connected
Birmingham police are investigating whether or not the shootings of two transgender women may be connected.
Man, 23, charged in shooting, robbery of transgender woman
Transgender cyclist is top female finisher at El Tour de Tucson
History repeated itself in Saturday’s Tucson Medical Center El Tour de Tucson sponsored by Casino del Sol. History was also made.
Transgender Activist Dana Rivers Arrested for Brutal Murder of Lesbian Couple and Their Son
Noted transgender activist Dana Rivers was arraigned Tuesday on charges of committing a brutal triple homicide in Oakland, California in the early hours of Friday, November 11. The victims have been identified as lesbian couple Patricia Wright and Charlotte Reed and their son Toto “Benny” Diambu-Wright.
Former Sacramento teacher, once disciplined over gender change, arrested in triple homicide
Transgender boy’s mom sues hospital, saying he ‘went into spiral’ after staff called him a girl
The transgender teenager had once written a poem about the heartache of a boy born in a girl's body. His words were raw and revealing.

Transgender woman's car vandalized with hate speech, pro-Trump message in Denver's Capitol Hill
A transgender woman says she woke up to find her car vandalized with hate speech, a swastika and a pro-Donald Trump message in Denver's Capitol Hill Wednesday morning, and police are now investigating.
You have to see how people reacted when a trans woman's car was graffitied with hate slurs
Cheryl Courtney-Evans, 1952-2016, !Presente!
Cheryl Courtney-Evans, 61, a pioneering transgender activist in Atlanta, has passed away, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.
Atlanta transgender activist Cheryl Courtney-Evans dies
Vigil for T.T. honors slain trans woman, celebrates Black trans power
In an unprecedented display of defiance and frustration, more than 150 people from across the racial and gender spectrum gathered outside Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ in Lakeview Oct. 6 to hold a vigil and march for T.T. Saffore—a transgender woman of color who was murdered Sept. 11 in Garfield Park.

Maine official promises review following transgender teenager’s suicide
Maine‘s corrections commissioner says state and federal experts will review policies and procedures following the suicide of a 16-year-old transgender boy.
Charles Knowles killed himself this month while detained at Long Creek Youth Development Center. His mother has said that he didn’t receive the clinical mental health treatment he needed and that he was “sad” to be required to stay in the girls unit.
Transgender woman chased, attacked with hatchet at Charlotte park
A transgender woman is recovering from serious injuries after she was attacked in a west Charlotte park last week.
Federal authorities confirmed Monday that they are working with Charlotte-Mecklenburg police as the department investigates the attack.
Transgender woman attacked at Charlotte park facing child sexual assault charges
Judge rules Minnesota must offer gender reassignment on Medicaid
A district court judge has overturned a Minnesota ban on transgender people accessing gender reassignment surgery on medical assistance.
Trans daughter sued by mother for transitioning
A 17-year-old trans teenager is being sued by her mother for seeking to transition without her consent.
A Mother Is Suing Her Child For Pursuing Gender Reassignment
Minnesota mom sues teenage child over transgender treatment
Rest In Power Jay Kallio
Was advised by Joshua Holiday that our community lost New York-based trans man and longtime TBLGQ community activist Jay Kallio to cancer today at age 61.
Federal Court Rejects Transgender Citizen’s Complaints of Unconstitutional Treatment by NYPD Officers
In a decision notably lacking in empathy for transgender people and the slights and humiliations they suffer on a regular basis, U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods granted New York City’s motion to dismiss a complaint by Marlow White, self-identified as a man of transgender experience, that his 14th Amendment rights were violated by NYPD officers and the City when the police failed to respond to the continued verbal harassment of White by Napoleon Monroe, a man who frequented the neighborhood where White lived and made various threats against him as well as subjecting him to verbal harassment. White v. City of New York, 2016 WL 4750180 (S.D.N.Y., Sept. 12, 2016).
Six years later, Blahnik murder now a cold case
It’s been six years since Stacey Blahnik was brutally murdered in her South Philadelphia home, and investigators have “hit a wall.”
High School Principal Asks Transgender Girl: ‘Do You Have Your Boy Genitals?’ – VIDEO
A transgender girl in Dallas says the assistant principal at her high school asked inappropriate questions about her body after another student complained that she was using girls’ restrooms.
Seattle Bans Conversion Therapy For Children
In a unanimous vote Seattle City Council has voted to pass an ordinance to ban conversion therapy on minors.
Otorgan título y cédula profesional a primer mujer transgénero en Oaxaca
Integrantes de Conquistando Corazones Asociación civil A.C , informaron que lograron dar un paso adelante en la lucha por la inclusión legal en el ámbito laboral de personas transgénero.
La teoría de género es un enemigo del matrimonio: Papa
El papa Francisco advirtió el sábado de una "guerra global" contra el matrimonio tradicional y la familia y afirmó que ambos están bajo ataque por la teoría de género y el divorcio.
Las mentiras sobre la ideología de género y el acuerdo de La Habana
Aunque el exprocurador Ordóñez dice que en el texto negociado aparece cientos de veces, en las 297 páginas la expresión población Lgbti sólo figura 10 veces.
Cayeron ‘Los Zona Rosa’, dedicados a la extorsión de prostitutas LGBTI en Cali
El Grupo Antiextorsión y Antisecuestro (GAULA) de la Policía Metropolitana de Cali logró la desarticulación de la banda ‘Zona Rosa’, dedicada a la extorsión de trabajadoras sexuales de la comunidad LGTBI, vendedores informales y cuidadores de carros, en diferentes comunas de la capital del Valle.
Nicole, no olvidamos tu nombre
Todos los 25 desde hace tres meses unas veinte personas marchan para exigir justicia por Nicole Saavedra Bahamondes, asesinada por lesbiana, secuestrada y torturada durante días en El Melón, un pueblo cercano a Valparaíso. Lo que comenzó como un caso escalofriante en los medios ha quedado tras un muro de silencio. La Justicia no avanza, la prensa calla y el pueblo parece haber decidido olvidar su nombre.
Buscan jubilar a "trans" mayores de 40 años
El gobierno presentará hoy una ley de protección integral junto a la Federación Argentina de Gays, Lesbianas, Bisexuales y Transexuales
Bill Asks Reparations for Violence Against Argentina's Trans
Se realizó la primer marcha por la Diversidad en Venado Tuerto
Organizada por la ONG Acción Sin Fronteras, refetenes y activistas LGBTI de la provincia marcharon junto a la comunidad venadense por la agenda pendiente de la igualdad. Implementación de la Educación Sexual, acciones contra el acoso y la discriminación, e inclusión para el colectivo Trans, entre las consignas de las organizaciones.
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