Travesti é esfaqueada por não aceitar consumir drogas com cliente
Vítima teve as duas mãos cortadas e o pulmão perfurado.
Uma travesti identificada como Amanda, de 24 anos, marcou um programa com um cliente em casa na madrugada desta quarta-feira (28) e foi esfaqueada por não aceitar consumir drogas.
Travesti é encontrada morta no bairro Betânia, Região Oeste de BH
Corpo estava com ferimentos na cabeça. E foi achado embaixo de carroceria.
Uma travesti, idade não divulgada, foi encontrada morta nesta quarta-feira (28), na Avenida Tereza Cristina, no bairro Betânia, na Região Oeste de Belo Horizonte. A Polícia Militar (PM) informou que o corpo foi achado com ferimentos na cabeça e estava embaixo da carroceria de um caminhão.
Travesti é encontrada morta debaixo de carroceria de caminhão no bairro Betânia
Corpo de Um Homemsexual é encontrado em estado de decomposição em Lago Açu
É comum se ver no município de Conceição do Lago Açu este tipo de cena, já passa de 40 assassinatos em pouco mais de 4 anos, é comum o grande índice de violência pelo município.
Trans de SP não precisam mais esperar cirurgia para mudarem seu sexo em documentos
Transexuais do Estado de São Paulo não precisam mais esperar pela cirurgia de readequação sexual para mudarem o sexo em seus documentos. Este é o entendimento do desembargador Maia da Cunha, da 4ª Câmara de Direito Privado do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo, que autorizou a mudança do registro do sexo antes da cirurgia.
Celebrity Big Brother 2013 star Lauren Harries defends transgender women: ‘We’re not all like Hayley Cropper from Corrie’
Lauren Harries has revealed she signed up to Celebrity Big Brother because she’s sick of Hayley Cropper from Coronation Street setting the transgender example.
Liverpool Community Health launch first trans support health service in Merseyside
Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust have launched their new Trans Support Service, the first of its kind in Merseyside.
The service will support transsexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people by listening to them, providing them with information about their available options and empowering them to move forward with their lives.
York Pride honours memory of transgender singer Chrisie Edkins in charity fundraiser
A donation has been made to the Beaumont Society in memory of a popular transgender singer and entertainer.
Police investigating after ‘transsexual’ man denied access to women’s washroom
An 18-year-old “transsexual” man in Edinburgh is filing hate crime charges against a shopping centre guard after being told that he could not use women’s lavatories.
Poland’s trans MP Anna Grodzka: ‘I’ve had numerous death threats’
One of the world's only openly trans politicians has spoken about being the target of many Polish neo-Nazi extremist groups
Transgender Murders 50 Percent Higher Than Gays, Lesbians In July
Transgender murders in North and South America in July occurred at a rate almost 50 percent higher than that of gays and lesbians according to a new study.
Local activist announces candidacy for deputy mayor
A local woman has re-entered the St. John’s municipal election race after withdrawing because she had no one to nominate her.
Army to Bradley Manning: No, we won’t pay for your sex change procedures
The U.S. Armed Forces will not be paying for Bradley Manning to alter his body to match his new, female persona, according to a Pentagon spokesman.
Fox & Friends: "Don't Be Deceived" By News Outlets Calling Chelsea Manning A Woman
Fox News: ‘Don’t be decieved’ by trans US WikiLeaks soldier Chelsea Manning
Now Fox News Is Mocking Chelsea Manning With Music
CNN Commentator: Chelsea Manning Will Get 'Good Practice' Being Female in Prison
AP and NYT Will Refer to Manning as 'Chelsea'
Chelsea Manning Considered Gender Transition Long Before Announcement
American Apparel issues open call for transgender models
Calling all 'transexy' models: American Apparel wants you! The controversial fashion brand, lauded for supporting LGBT rights, posted the notice on Instagram, asking interested models to visit its Chelsea store in NYC.
US billionaire comes out as transgender
Jennifer Pritzker, formerly known as James Pritzker, an heir to a multi-billion dollar fortune, has come out as transgender in the first instance of such a high wealth individual coming out as trans
Million-dollar warrant issued for suspect in killing of transgender actress
A million-dollar warrant has been issued for the capture of the man suspected in the beating death of transgender actress Domonique Newburn, 31, of Fontana.
Transgender Nursing Student Told To Use Restroom In 'Storage Area'
A nursing student attending Pinellas Technical Education Centers (PTEC) in Largo, Florida was told to use a restroom located in a “storage area” after officials learned she is transgender.
Vigil Held For Transgender Woman Killed In Possible Bias Attack
Police say a grand jury could upgrade the charges against a man being held in a possible bias attack, and a community held a vigil Tuesday to mourn the transgender woman killed. NY1's Michael Herzenberg filed the following report.
Slain Trangender Woman Remembered by Family and LGBT Groups at Harlem Vigil
Hundreds come out to remember murdered transgender woman
Hundreds Rally in Harlem After Beating Death of Transgender Woman
Call For Action In Wake Of Transgender Woman’s Beating Death
Harlem vigil for transgender woman fatally beaten
Trans woman prisoner serving 73 year sentence appeals to be given gender reassignment
A trans woman in the US state of Virginia who has been served a 73-year prison sentence is expecting a decision from a judge on whether she will be allowed evaluation to be given gender reassignment surgery.
Pareja transexual: serán padres y buscan trabajo
La búsqueda de trabajo es la principal motivación que tienen para todo lo que hacen hoy por hoy Alexis Taborda y Karen Evangelina Bruselario, los dos jóvenes de la ciudad de Victoria que el próximo 29 de noviembre celebrarán la primera unión civil de una pareja transexual de Entre Ríos, y en la que el hombre es el primer transexual embarazado del país. Ambos constituyeron la participación que generó mayor interés entre los televidentes del programa que conduce Susana Giménez los lunes desde la pantalla de Telefé de Buenos Aires.
Nicole González Beamonte: La primera transexual reconocida por la Universidad Católica
Nicole González Beamonte vivió gran parte de su vida como hombre. Estudió, se graduó en la secundaria, carrera que le reportó cuatro años “porque a uno lo cursé como alumno libre”, y luego estudió abogacía, carrera que terminó con un promedio de 9, a los 22 años. Se hizo famosa por haber tenido un altercado con Max Urtizberea en el 2008, y ahí fue convocada por varios medios de comunicación.
Travesti é esfaqueada por não aceitar consumir drogas com cliente
Vítima teve as duas mãos cortadas e o pulmão perfurado.
Uma travesti identificada como Amanda, de 24 anos, marcou um programa com um cliente em casa na madrugada desta quarta-feira (28) e foi esfaqueada por não aceitar consumir drogas.

Travesti é encontrada morta no bairro Betânia, Região Oeste de BH
Corpo estava com ferimentos na cabeça. E foi achado embaixo de carroceria.
Uma travesti, idade não divulgada, foi encontrada morta nesta quarta-feira (28), na Avenida Tereza Cristina, no bairro Betânia, na Região Oeste de Belo Horizonte. A Polícia Militar (PM) informou que o corpo foi achado com ferimentos na cabeça e estava embaixo da carroceria de um caminhão.
Travesti é encontrada morta debaixo de carroceria de caminhão no bairro Betânia

Corpo de Um Homemsexual é encontrado em estado de decomposição em Lago Açu
É comum se ver no município de Conceição do Lago Açu este tipo de cena, já passa de 40 assassinatos em pouco mais de 4 anos, é comum o grande índice de violência pelo município.
Trans de SP não precisam mais esperar cirurgia para mudarem seu sexo em documentos
Transexuais do Estado de São Paulo não precisam mais esperar pela cirurgia de readequação sexual para mudarem o sexo em seus documentos. Este é o entendimento do desembargador Maia da Cunha, da 4ª Câmara de Direito Privado do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo, que autorizou a mudança do registro do sexo antes da cirurgia.
Celebrity Big Brother 2013 star Lauren Harries defends transgender women: ‘We’re not all like Hayley Cropper from Corrie’
Lauren Harries has revealed she signed up to Celebrity Big Brother because she’s sick of Hayley Cropper from Coronation Street setting the transgender example.
Liverpool Community Health launch first trans support health service in Merseyside
Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust have launched their new Trans Support Service, the first of its kind in Merseyside.
The service will support transsexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people by listening to them, providing them with information about their available options and empowering them to move forward with their lives.
York Pride honours memory of transgender singer Chrisie Edkins in charity fundraiser
A donation has been made to the Beaumont Society in memory of a popular transgender singer and entertainer.
Police investigating after ‘transsexual’ man denied access to women’s washroom
An 18-year-old “transsexual” man in Edinburgh is filing hate crime charges against a shopping centre guard after being told that he could not use women’s lavatories.
Poland’s trans MP Anna Grodzka: ‘I’ve had numerous death threats’
One of the world's only openly trans politicians has spoken about being the target of many Polish neo-Nazi extremist groups
Transgender Murders 50 Percent Higher Than Gays, Lesbians In July
Transgender murders in North and South America in July occurred at a rate almost 50 percent higher than that of gays and lesbians according to a new study.
Local activist announces candidacy for deputy mayor
A local woman has re-entered the St. John’s municipal election race after withdrawing because she had no one to nominate her.
Army to Bradley Manning: No, we won’t pay for your sex change procedures
The U.S. Armed Forces will not be paying for Bradley Manning to alter his body to match his new, female persona, according to a Pentagon spokesman.
Fox & Friends: "Don't Be Deceived" By News Outlets Calling Chelsea Manning A Woman
Fox News: ‘Don’t be decieved’ by trans US WikiLeaks soldier Chelsea Manning
Now Fox News Is Mocking Chelsea Manning With Music
CNN Commentator: Chelsea Manning Will Get 'Good Practice' Being Female in Prison
AP and NYT Will Refer to Manning as 'Chelsea'
Chelsea Manning Considered Gender Transition Long Before Announcement
American Apparel issues open call for transgender models
Calling all 'transexy' models: American Apparel wants you! The controversial fashion brand, lauded for supporting LGBT rights, posted the notice on Instagram, asking interested models to visit its Chelsea store in NYC.
US billionaire comes out as transgender
Jennifer Pritzker, formerly known as James Pritzker, an heir to a multi-billion dollar fortune, has come out as transgender in the first instance of such a high wealth individual coming out as trans
Million-dollar warrant issued for suspect in killing of transgender actress
A million-dollar warrant has been issued for the capture of the man suspected in the beating death of transgender actress Domonique Newburn, 31, of Fontana.
Transgender Nursing Student Told To Use Restroom In 'Storage Area'
A nursing student attending Pinellas Technical Education Centers (PTEC) in Largo, Florida was told to use a restroom located in a “storage area” after officials learned she is transgender.
Vigil Held For Transgender Woman Killed In Possible Bias Attack
Police say a grand jury could upgrade the charges against a man being held in a possible bias attack, and a community held a vigil Tuesday to mourn the transgender woman killed. NY1's Michael Herzenberg filed the following report.
Slain Trangender Woman Remembered by Family and LGBT Groups at Harlem Vigil
Hundreds come out to remember murdered transgender woman
Hundreds Rally in Harlem After Beating Death of Transgender Woman
Call For Action In Wake Of Transgender Woman’s Beating Death
Harlem vigil for transgender woman fatally beaten
Trans woman prisoner serving 73 year sentence appeals to be given gender reassignment
A trans woman in the US state of Virginia who has been served a 73-year prison sentence is expecting a decision from a judge on whether she will be allowed evaluation to be given gender reassignment surgery.
Pareja transexual: serán padres y buscan trabajo
La búsqueda de trabajo es la principal motivación que tienen para todo lo que hacen hoy por hoy Alexis Taborda y Karen Evangelina Bruselario, los dos jóvenes de la ciudad de Victoria que el próximo 29 de noviembre celebrarán la primera unión civil de una pareja transexual de Entre Ríos, y en la que el hombre es el primer transexual embarazado del país. Ambos constituyeron la participación que generó mayor interés entre los televidentes del programa que conduce Susana Giménez los lunes desde la pantalla de Telefé de Buenos Aires.
Nicole González Beamonte: La primera transexual reconocida por la Universidad Católica
Nicole González Beamonte vivió gran parte de su vida como hombre. Estudió, se graduó en la secundaria, carrera que le reportó cuatro años “porque a uno lo cursé como alumno libre”, y luego estudió abogacía, carrera que terminó con un promedio de 9, a los 22 años. Se hizo famosa por haber tenido un altercado con Max Urtizberea en el 2008, y ahí fue convocada por varios medios de comunicación.
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