Este ano na Marcha teremos pela primeira vez um bloco trans... Contra o desmantelamento do SNS marchar marchar...
Transgender police officer says becoming a woman "wasn't even a thought"
Stephenie Robinson, a British transgender police officer born Stephen, never felt like she was trapped in a wrong body and never dreamed of living life as a woman.
Press Release: The exclusion of children from the Gender Recognition Bill is fundamentally wrong
Senator Jillian van Turnhout describes the exclusion of children from the Gender Recognition Bill 2014 (being considered, Wednesday 17 June, by the Dáil Select Sub-Committee on Social Protection) as fundamentally wrong
Senator Van Turnhout Calls for Interim Gender Recognition Certificate to Protect Trans Young People
Malta launches inspiring education policy for trans, gender variant and intersex children
The march towards full equality for LGBTI people continues at full speed in Malta.
Malta government launches trans and intersex education policy
Malta Launches Education Policy for Trans, Gender Variant and Intersex Children
Trans Pride Week has started: We need a law!
6th Trans Pride Week, to end with a March in Taksim on June, 21, started with a press conference at 15th June. Istanbul LGBTI activists said “We need a law against hate and violence”.
Can't frame rules for transgenders in UPSC exam, Centre tells HC
The central government told the Delhi high court on Wednesday that rules for including transgenders in the UPSC examination can't be framed as the Supreme Court has not clarified the definition of a transgender.
America’s Original Transgender Sweetheart
Six decades before Caitlyn Jenner, there was Christine Jorgensen.
Big Brother US gets first out transgender contestant
The first openly transgender housemate will enter the US Big Brother house soon.
Navy looking at requiring high-level OK to separate transgender troops
The Navy may soon join the Air Force and the Army in requiring high-level approval to separate transgender servicemembers from the military, military officials said Tuesday.
Google Just Made One of the Most Compelling Ads Yet About Gender Transition
Meet Jake, and the gym where he belonged
Del. OKs bill allowing name change for transgender inmates
State lawmakers gave final approval Tuesday to legislation that would allow transgender inmates in Delaware prisons to seek a name change based on their gender identity.
'I was really uncomfortable,' testifies man accused of shooting three cross-dressing prostitutes
Testifying Tuesday in his trial on first-degree murder and attempted murder charges, Luis Rijo De Los Santos said he shot three cross-dressing male prostitutes in self-defense and later lied to police about it because he was "scared" and didn't trust cops.
Bellevue passes LGBT ordinance
Councilman had raised objection to anti-discrimination law based on religion
The new girl in school: transgender surgery at 18
The number of teens going through gender reassignment has been growing amid wider acceptance of transgender identity, more parental comfort with the treatment and the emergence of a number of willing practitioners.
Suspect accused of pushing transgender woman onto subway tracks charged with attempted murder
A 32-year-old man accused of pushing a transgender woman onto the New York City subway tracks has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and attempted assault.
45 Asamblea General de la Organizacion de Estados Americanos OEA
Consulados de Estados Unidos en Panamá, Guatemala y el Salvador discriminan a personas Trans
Expresamos nuestro profundo rechazo a la discriminación ejercida por los consulados de Estados Unidos en Panamá, Guatemala y el Salvador al obstaculizar y/o negar las visas e impedir la participación de las personas trans acreditadas como invitadas especiales a la 45 Asamblea General de la OEA a celebrarse en la ciudad de Washington.
Impedir la participación de estas compañeras denota una discordancia entre los avances en término de igualdad de derechos que señala el gobierno norteamericano y las prácticas discriminatorias de estos consulados.
La Coalición de organizaciones LGBTTTI (lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, travestis, transexuales, transgéneros e intersex) demandamos que este tipo de prácticas cesen, pues no hacen mas que demostrar que hay en muchos funcionarios del estado que desconocen sus obligaciones, vulnerando los derechos de las personas.
Así mismo reconocemos a los distintos consulados de Estados Unidos que si han emitido rápidamente las visas y han permitido que muchas de las representantes LGBTI participen en un espacio tan importante para el ejercicio de Derechos Humanos como es la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA).
Washington 11 de Junio del 2015.
Discriminan a gays en bares de Saltillo
Miembros de la comunidad LGTBI acusa de discriminación a los propietarios de antros y bares de Saltillo, pues integrantes de ese movimiento sexual afirman que bajo la excusa de “Nos reservamos el derecho de admisión”, los establecimientos niegan la entrada a ciertas personas, sin dejar claros los motivos. Esa discriminación sucede hasta en centros nocturnos que se declaran promotores del ambiente gay… y la población “Trans” (trasvesti, transexual, transgénero) ha sido la más afectada.
Rechazan la diversidad sexual
Un sujeto desconocido agredió verbalmente a estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Veracruzana (UV) cuando llevaban a cabo la Feria de la Sexualidad en bajos de Palacio Municipal, durante este domingo, y les gritó: "tanta libertad sexual los va a llevar a la perdición".
[Costa Rica]
Constitutional Court dismisses appeal by transsexual seeking gender reassignment surgery under public health
Costa Rica’s Constitutional Court has dismissed an appeal by a person who identifies as a woman that sought coverage from Costa Rica’s public health system (CCSS) to transform her male genitalia into that of a woman.
Transgender police officer says becoming a woman "wasn't even a thought"
Stephenie Robinson, a British transgender police officer born Stephen, never felt like she was trapped in a wrong body and never dreamed of living life as a woman.
Press Release: The exclusion of children from the Gender Recognition Bill is fundamentally wrong
Senator Jillian van Turnhout describes the exclusion of children from the Gender Recognition Bill 2014 (being considered, Wednesday 17 June, by the Dáil Select Sub-Committee on Social Protection) as fundamentally wrong
Senator Van Turnhout Calls for Interim Gender Recognition Certificate to Protect Trans Young People
Malta launches inspiring education policy for trans, gender variant and intersex children
The march towards full equality for LGBTI people continues at full speed in Malta.
Malta government launches trans and intersex education policy
Malta Launches Education Policy for Trans, Gender Variant and Intersex Children
Trans Pride Week has started: We need a law!
6th Trans Pride Week, to end with a March in Taksim on June, 21, started with a press conference at 15th June. Istanbul LGBTI activists said “We need a law against hate and violence”.
Can't frame rules for transgenders in UPSC exam, Centre tells HC
The central government told the Delhi high court on Wednesday that rules for including transgenders in the UPSC examination can't be framed as the Supreme Court has not clarified the definition of a transgender.
America’s Original Transgender Sweetheart
Six decades before Caitlyn Jenner, there was Christine Jorgensen.
Big Brother US gets first out transgender contestant
The first openly transgender housemate will enter the US Big Brother house soon.
Navy looking at requiring high-level OK to separate transgender troops
The Navy may soon join the Air Force and the Army in requiring high-level approval to separate transgender servicemembers from the military, military officials said Tuesday.
Google Just Made One of the Most Compelling Ads Yet About Gender Transition
Meet Jake, and the gym where he belonged
Del. OKs bill allowing name change for transgender inmates
State lawmakers gave final approval Tuesday to legislation that would allow transgender inmates in Delaware prisons to seek a name change based on their gender identity.
'I was really uncomfortable,' testifies man accused of shooting three cross-dressing prostitutes
Testifying Tuesday in his trial on first-degree murder and attempted murder charges, Luis Rijo De Los Santos said he shot three cross-dressing male prostitutes in self-defense and later lied to police about it because he was "scared" and didn't trust cops.
Bellevue passes LGBT ordinance
Councilman had raised objection to anti-discrimination law based on religion
The new girl in school: transgender surgery at 18
The number of teens going through gender reassignment has been growing amid wider acceptance of transgender identity, more parental comfort with the treatment and the emergence of a number of willing practitioners.
Suspect accused of pushing transgender woman onto subway tracks charged with attempted murder
A 32-year-old man accused of pushing a transgender woman onto the New York City subway tracks has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and attempted assault.
45 Asamblea General de la Organizacion de Estados Americanos OEA
Consulados de Estados Unidos en Panamá, Guatemala y el Salvador discriminan a personas Trans
Expresamos nuestro profundo rechazo a la discriminación ejercida por los consulados de Estados Unidos en Panamá, Guatemala y el Salvador al obstaculizar y/o negar las visas e impedir la participación de las personas trans acreditadas como invitadas especiales a la 45 Asamblea General de la OEA a celebrarse en la ciudad de Washington.
Impedir la participación de estas compañeras denota una discordancia entre los avances en término de igualdad de derechos que señala el gobierno norteamericano y las prácticas discriminatorias de estos consulados.
La Coalición de organizaciones LGBTTTI (lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, travestis, transexuales, transgéneros e intersex) demandamos que este tipo de prácticas cesen, pues no hacen mas que demostrar que hay en muchos funcionarios del estado que desconocen sus obligaciones, vulnerando los derechos de las personas.
Así mismo reconocemos a los distintos consulados de Estados Unidos que si han emitido rápidamente las visas y han permitido que muchas de las representantes LGBTI participen en un espacio tan importante para el ejercicio de Derechos Humanos como es la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA).
Washington 11 de Junio del 2015.
Discriminan a gays en bares de Saltillo
Miembros de la comunidad LGTBI acusa de discriminación a los propietarios de antros y bares de Saltillo, pues integrantes de ese movimiento sexual afirman que bajo la excusa de “Nos reservamos el derecho de admisión”, los establecimientos niegan la entrada a ciertas personas, sin dejar claros los motivos. Esa discriminación sucede hasta en centros nocturnos que se declaran promotores del ambiente gay… y la población “Trans” (trasvesti, transexual, transgénero) ha sido la más afectada.
Rechazan la diversidad sexual
Un sujeto desconocido agredió verbalmente a estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Veracruzana (UV) cuando llevaban a cabo la Feria de la Sexualidad en bajos de Palacio Municipal, durante este domingo, y les gritó: "tanta libertad sexual los va a llevar a la perdición".
[Costa Rica]
Constitutional Court dismisses appeal by transsexual seeking gender reassignment surgery under public health
Costa Rica’s Constitutional Court has dismissed an appeal by a person who identifies as a woman that sought coverage from Costa Rica’s public health system (CCSS) to transform her male genitalia into that of a woman.
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