Pope Francis: Kids should ‘accept their own body as it was created’
In last week’s letter covering marriage and the family, Pope Francis‘ Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”) apparently sides with The College of Pediatricians’ recent claim that “conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”
La UCM se convierte en la primera universidad pública que crea una Oficina de Diversidad Sexual e Identidad de Género
Se convierte en la primera universidad pública que crea una Oficina de Diversidad Sexual e Identidad de Género
P.E.I. transgender community applauds ID changes
'P.E.I. has definitely come a long way ... to be more accepting and supportive of trans people'
Transgender woman Storm Paradise risks losing Facebook account over unverified name
23-year-old Halifax woman doesn’t have the ID she needs to stay on the site
Why two Catholic school trustees want stronger LGBT policy
Alberta school board torn between traditional Catholic doctrine and supporting trans students
A transgender woman talks about life in a male prison
Mary was still as the car pulled closer towards the threatening prison gates and a place that was soon to become her hell on earth.
Why All Public Bathrooms Should Be Gender Neutral
It’s time for lawmakers and business owners to realize that gendered restrooms just don’t work.
State Proposals On LGBT Rights Push Business Into Spotlight
Major corporations invested in Southern states have become some of the staunchest opponents of bills they consider discriminatory, facing off against Republican lawmakers eager to portray their states as the best home for global brands.
Kasich: LGBT people who face discrimination should ‘get over it’
John Kasich continues to seek a middle ground on LGBT rights compared other Republican presidential candidates, although he thinks LGBT people who face discrimination should “just for a second get over it.”
EEOC Commissioner: “Contrary state or local laws provide no defense to an employer that violates Title VII”
Recently in BuzzFeed in the article Feds “Ready” For Transgender Discrimination Complaints In North Carolina, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioner Chai Feldblum was quoted as saying:
The North Carolina bathroom bill could trigger a health crisis among transgender youth, research shows
In 2014, Blake Brockington was celebrated as the homecoming king of East Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, N.C. When interviewed about this achievement, he noted that what was the “single-handedly hardest part of [his] trans journey” was that “really hateful things were said on the Internet. … I saw how narrow-minded the world really is. … I’ve had a hard time coming out to my family, I had a hard time coming out to my friends at school, but I did it. I’ve lost a lot of friends but I want other trans youth to understand that they’re not alone, and that this is a large community.”
Far-Right Pundit: Liberals Want To Get 'Inside The Underpants Of Our Nation's Children'
WorldNetDaily columnist Patrice Lewis is very upset about new efforts designed to break down gender barriers and defend transgender youth in schools, warning readers about “the constant government obsession with what’s inside the underpants of our nation’s children.”
Garcetti signs pledge to support transgender people
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti signed a pledge Monday to support the rights of transgender people as a member of a new coalition formed to raise awareness about transgender issues in California.
Transform California: a new campaign to change our state
Transgender Law Center is proud to partner with Equality California and an amazing coalition of over 30 organizations for today’s launch of Transform California, a statewide public education campaign to raise awareness, understanding and acceptance of transgender and gender nonconforming Californians.
This glamorous woman is almost unrecognisable – can you guess who it is?
A mystery woman is getting a lot of attention online. Can you guess who she is?
Federal judge: Law protects against transgender discrimination
Over the last decade, federal courts and a federal agency have agreed that a law protecting people from sex discrimination also includes discrimination based on a person’s gender identity or transition from one gender to the other.
Republicans censure Nathan Deal over Georgia anti-gay ‘religious freedom’ bill veto
Conservative Republicans are still smarting about Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s veto of House Bill 757, the controversial anti-LGBT so-called “religious freedom” bill passed by both chambers of the state legislature. And they showed it as they censured Deal at one of the district conventions held over the weekend to select delegates to this July’s Republican National Convention.
Rauner meets with trans-bill advocates
Gov. Bruce Rauner, on April 13, met with advocates from Equality Illinois and AIDS Foundation of Chicago to advance a pro-LGBT equality agenda, especially with regards to two current pieces of transgender-related legislation.
Transgender Woman Found Dead, Beaten in Maryland Hotel Room
The person found dead this weekend in a hotel room in Rockville, Maryland was a transgender woman who may have been working as a prostitute, police said.
Keyonna Blakeney, 22, was found dead, with trauma to the upper body, in a room of the Red Roof Inn on Shady Grove Road, Montgomery County police said.
Transgender Woman Keyonna Blakeney Murdered
Another Trans Woman Murdered- RIP Keyonna
Homicide victim in Rockville hotel room identified as transgender female
D.C. trans woman murdered in Rockville hotel
McCrory still defiant over North Carolina anti-LGBT law
Despite snowballing opposition to his state’s recently enacted anti-LGBT law, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory remains defiant and continues to defend the measure as means to prevent “government overreach.”
Fact Checker North Carolina governor’s misleading claim about his executive order and the LGBT law
NC Gov. Pat McCrory defends HB2, says it would have affected every private employer in Charlotte
NBC’s Chuck Todd Destroys Pat McCrory’s Defense Of North Carolina Anti-LGBT Law
WATCH: Gov. McCrory appears on “Meet the Press” to defend HB2, grilled by Chuck Todd
Transgender victim of sexual assault says she'll defy HB2
Transgender teen to North Carolina governor: 'You are bullying me as well'
Satire story has state hiring officers to enforce HB2
North Carolina Lawmaker Introduces Legislation to Repeal Anti-LGBT Law
Transgender Bathroom Brawl Punishes North Carolina Mayors Twice
Pearl Jam, Boston cancel shows in N. Carolina citing 'bathroom bill'
ECU faculty to consider resolution regarding House Bill 2
Packed house: Dozens turn out for commission hearing on transgender bathroom bill
NH pastor doesn't apologize for comparing transgender students to pedophiles
A New Hampshire pastor is defending himself after he compared transgender students to pedophiles.
That preacher admitted he was responsible for creating a controversial flier earlier this month as school officials were considering a new policy on bathrooms for transgender students.
Man Sentenced to 12 Years in Beating Death of Transgender Woman
A Brooklyn man who beat a transgender woman to death after he had started flirting with her was sentenced to 12 years in prison on Tuesday, a penalty the victim’s family said was too light.
New York's first major transgender center is now open in the Bronx
On Friday the Bronx Trans Collective officially opened, creating a safe harbor and "one-stop center" for the trans community.
“That’s a man” leads to crowd turning ugly, injuries to trans woman; rescue by store clerk
“That’s a man,” someone called out, then an argument ensued while the crowd grew around a Portland, Ore. trans woman and her friend last week. It wasn’t long before someone in the crowd threw the first punch, landing on the friend, then they turned on her.
Western Pa. schools craft policies to protect transgender students
Ira Weiss encourages his clients to be proactive when it comes to transgender students.
Lambda Legal Urges Pine-Richland School District to Maintain Safe and Affirming Bathroom Policy
Tonight at the Pine-Richland School District school board meeting in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Lambda Legal attorney Omar Gonzalez-Pagan will stand with transgender students and their parents if recently proposed discriminatory policies are discussed.
Transgender students' restrooms debate raises concerns in Pine-Richland School District
Transgender Bathroom Debate Reaches Pine-Richland High School
Proponents blame Tennessee Gov. Haslam for demise of transgender student bathroom bill
LGBT groups and 60 major businesses opposed controversial measure
Tennessee's transgender bathroom bill dead for year
Sponsor of Tennessee “bathroom bill” pulls legislation — for this year
Tennessee anti-trans bathroom bill declared dead
Tennessee Legislator Withdraws Anti-Trans Bill
TN conservative pastors rally, pray in support of transgender student bathroom bill
Mom misses point of bills to protect trans people, dresses up as a pirate… for some reason
In a bizarre show of ignorance, a mother from Washington has posted a photo of herself in various costumes to prove that… well we’re not quite sure what her point is.
Port Angeles residents oppose school district's transgender policy
A group of residents has given a letter of complaint to Port Angeles School District that protests the public school district's actions in implementing a transgender bathroom and locker room policy to comply with state law.
Suman 48 asesinatos contra comunidad LGBT en 3 años en Guerrero
El presidente del Consejo de Diversidad Sexual del Estado de Guerrero, José Luis Silva López indicó que del 2013 a la fecha cuentan con un registro de 48 asesinatos en contra de miembros de la comunidad Lésbico Gay Bisexual Transexual (LGBT), pero que ninguno ha sido catalogado por la Fiscalía General del Estado (FGE) como crimen homofóbico.
Delitos y atropellos en sus derechos humanos victimizan a comunidad LGBT
El 30% de las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales ha sufrido abusos de autoridad
Propone Ceav seguir criterios internacionales para prevenir violencia homofóbica
Personas LGBT son discriminadas en escuelas y centros laborales
Ocho de cada diez encuestados creen que no perciben el mismo pago en comparación con sus compañeros heterosexuales
La mayoría ha percibido su orientación sexual como impedimento para encontrar trabajo
[Central America]
Transgéneros de Nicaragua y El Salvador piden ley de identidad
Representantes de organizaciones de transgéneros de Nicaragua y El Salvador, reunidos en Managua, pidieron hoy una ley de identidad para poder cambiarse el nombre en correspondencia con su elección.
REPORTAJE: Crímenes de odio, signo de la intolerancia
Sólo entre febrero y abril han sido asesinadas en el país siete personas transgéneros. Dos de ellas fueron víctimas del “tiro al blanco” en unas calles de Barquisimeto. Promotores de derechos humanos denuncian indolencia, impunidad y atraso.
Tatiana, el travesti asesinado en la Av. Vargas de Barquisimeto
En su mundo lo conocían como “La Tatiana” pero su nombre era Rafael Antonio Guanipa Romero, y en la noche del sábado de gloria se convirtió en el tercer travesti asesinado en lo que va de año en Barquisimeto.
Travesti fue asesinado de tres disparos en Lara
Asesinan a otro travesti en Barquisimeto
Asesinados dos travestis en pleno centro de Barquisimeto #Lara
La noche del pasado domingo terminó con dos hechos sangrientos ocurridos en pleno centro de la ciudad, presuntamente desde un vehículo particular unos sujetos accionaron sus armas en contra de la humanidad de dos trabajadores sexuales nocturnos travestidos. Lo curioso del caso es que ambos se desempeñaban en el mismo trabajo, pero les dieron muerte a la misma hora y en distintas direcciones.
En horas de la noche los trabajadores nocturnos en el área sexual son los más comunes en pleno centro de la ciudad, a pesar de la presencia policial que últimamente se ha realizado para dispersarlos de las calles, aún no se ha llevado a cabo dicho objetivo.
Matan a dos travestis
Nos deja la artista, escritora y activista trans Mara Rita Villarroel
Hoy es un día triste para el activismo trans chileno, ha fallecido Mara Rita Villarroel.
Sin aviso, sin algún indicio que pudiera indicar un accidente cerebral (aunerisma), nos ha dejado la activista trans chilena.
La Policía salteña se comprometió a "nunca más" repetir operativos violentos contra la prostitución trans
El jefe de la Policía de Salta reconoció que cometió un “gravísimo error” cuando aseguró que las personas trans sólo “son mujeres en lo psicológico” y se comprometió a que los efectivos de esa fuerza no volverán a ejercer la violencia contra personas trans para disuadirlas del ejercicio de la prostitución en la vía pública, según afirmó la Coordinadora Nacional de Diversidad del Ministerio de Seguridad, Mara Pérez Reynoso.
El Inadi analiza una denuncia de mujeres trans contra Marcelo Lami
Pope Francis: Kids should ‘accept their own body as it was created’
In last week’s letter covering marriage and the family, Pope Francis‘ Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”) apparently sides with The College of Pediatricians’ recent claim that “conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”
La UCM se convierte en la primera universidad pública que crea una Oficina de Diversidad Sexual e Identidad de Género
Se convierte en la primera universidad pública que crea una Oficina de Diversidad Sexual e Identidad de Género
P.E.I. transgender community applauds ID changes
'P.E.I. has definitely come a long way ... to be more accepting and supportive of trans people'
Transgender woman Storm Paradise risks losing Facebook account over unverified name
23-year-old Halifax woman doesn’t have the ID she needs to stay on the site
Why two Catholic school trustees want stronger LGBT policy
Alberta school board torn between traditional Catholic doctrine and supporting trans students
A transgender woman talks about life in a male prison
Mary was still as the car pulled closer towards the threatening prison gates and a place that was soon to become her hell on earth.
Why All Public Bathrooms Should Be Gender Neutral
It’s time for lawmakers and business owners to realize that gendered restrooms just don’t work.
State Proposals On LGBT Rights Push Business Into Spotlight
Major corporations invested in Southern states have become some of the staunchest opponents of bills they consider discriminatory, facing off against Republican lawmakers eager to portray their states as the best home for global brands.
Kasich: LGBT people who face discrimination should ‘get over it’
John Kasich continues to seek a middle ground on LGBT rights compared other Republican presidential candidates, although he thinks LGBT people who face discrimination should “just for a second get over it.”
EEOC Commissioner: “Contrary state or local laws provide no defense to an employer that violates Title VII”
Recently in BuzzFeed in the article Feds “Ready” For Transgender Discrimination Complaints In North Carolina, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioner Chai Feldblum was quoted as saying:
The North Carolina bathroom bill could trigger a health crisis among transgender youth, research shows
In 2014, Blake Brockington was celebrated as the homecoming king of East Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, N.C. When interviewed about this achievement, he noted that what was the “single-handedly hardest part of [his] trans journey” was that “really hateful things were said on the Internet. … I saw how narrow-minded the world really is. … I’ve had a hard time coming out to my family, I had a hard time coming out to my friends at school, but I did it. I’ve lost a lot of friends but I want other trans youth to understand that they’re not alone, and that this is a large community.”
Far-Right Pundit: Liberals Want To Get 'Inside The Underpants Of Our Nation's Children'
WorldNetDaily columnist Patrice Lewis is very upset about new efforts designed to break down gender barriers and defend transgender youth in schools, warning readers about “the constant government obsession with what’s inside the underpants of our nation’s children.”
Garcetti signs pledge to support transgender people
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti signed a pledge Monday to support the rights of transgender people as a member of a new coalition formed to raise awareness about transgender issues in California.
Transform California: a new campaign to change our state
Transgender Law Center is proud to partner with Equality California and an amazing coalition of over 30 organizations for today’s launch of Transform California, a statewide public education campaign to raise awareness, understanding and acceptance of transgender and gender nonconforming Californians.

This glamorous woman is almost unrecognisable – can you guess who it is?
A mystery woman is getting a lot of attention online. Can you guess who she is?
Federal judge: Law protects against transgender discrimination
Over the last decade, federal courts and a federal agency have agreed that a law protecting people from sex discrimination also includes discrimination based on a person’s gender identity or transition from one gender to the other.
Republicans censure Nathan Deal over Georgia anti-gay ‘religious freedom’ bill veto
Conservative Republicans are still smarting about Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s veto of House Bill 757, the controversial anti-LGBT so-called “religious freedom” bill passed by both chambers of the state legislature. And they showed it as they censured Deal at one of the district conventions held over the weekend to select delegates to this July’s Republican National Convention.
Rauner meets with trans-bill advocates
Gov. Bruce Rauner, on April 13, met with advocates from Equality Illinois and AIDS Foundation of Chicago to advance a pro-LGBT equality agenda, especially with regards to two current pieces of transgender-related legislation.

Transgender Woman Found Dead, Beaten in Maryland Hotel Room
The person found dead this weekend in a hotel room in Rockville, Maryland was a transgender woman who may have been working as a prostitute, police said.
Keyonna Blakeney, 22, was found dead, with trauma to the upper body, in a room of the Red Roof Inn on Shady Grove Road, Montgomery County police said.
Transgender Woman Keyonna Blakeney Murdered
Another Trans Woman Murdered- RIP Keyonna
Homicide victim in Rockville hotel room identified as transgender female
D.C. trans woman murdered in Rockville hotel
McCrory still defiant over North Carolina anti-LGBT law
Despite snowballing opposition to his state’s recently enacted anti-LGBT law, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory remains defiant and continues to defend the measure as means to prevent “government overreach.”
Fact Checker North Carolina governor’s misleading claim about his executive order and the LGBT law
NC Gov. Pat McCrory defends HB2, says it would have affected every private employer in Charlotte
NBC’s Chuck Todd Destroys Pat McCrory’s Defense Of North Carolina Anti-LGBT Law
WATCH: Gov. McCrory appears on “Meet the Press” to defend HB2, grilled by Chuck Todd
Transgender victim of sexual assault says she'll defy HB2
Transgender teen to North Carolina governor: 'You are bullying me as well'
Satire story has state hiring officers to enforce HB2
North Carolina Lawmaker Introduces Legislation to Repeal Anti-LGBT Law
Transgender Bathroom Brawl Punishes North Carolina Mayors Twice
Pearl Jam, Boston cancel shows in N. Carolina citing 'bathroom bill'
ECU faculty to consider resolution regarding House Bill 2
Packed house: Dozens turn out for commission hearing on transgender bathroom bill
NH pastor doesn't apologize for comparing transgender students to pedophiles
A New Hampshire pastor is defending himself after he compared transgender students to pedophiles.
That preacher admitted he was responsible for creating a controversial flier earlier this month as school officials were considering a new policy on bathrooms for transgender students.
Man Sentenced to 12 Years in Beating Death of Transgender Woman
A Brooklyn man who beat a transgender woman to death after he had started flirting with her was sentenced to 12 years in prison on Tuesday, a penalty the victim’s family said was too light.
New York's first major transgender center is now open in the Bronx
On Friday the Bronx Trans Collective officially opened, creating a safe harbor and "one-stop center" for the trans community.
“That’s a man” leads to crowd turning ugly, injuries to trans woman; rescue by store clerk
“That’s a man,” someone called out, then an argument ensued while the crowd grew around a Portland, Ore. trans woman and her friend last week. It wasn’t long before someone in the crowd threw the first punch, landing on the friend, then they turned on her.
Western Pa. schools craft policies to protect transgender students
Ira Weiss encourages his clients to be proactive when it comes to transgender students.
Lambda Legal Urges Pine-Richland School District to Maintain Safe and Affirming Bathroom Policy
Tonight at the Pine-Richland School District school board meeting in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Lambda Legal attorney Omar Gonzalez-Pagan will stand with transgender students and their parents if recently proposed discriminatory policies are discussed.
Transgender students' restrooms debate raises concerns in Pine-Richland School District
Transgender Bathroom Debate Reaches Pine-Richland High School
Proponents blame Tennessee Gov. Haslam for demise of transgender student bathroom bill
LGBT groups and 60 major businesses opposed controversial measure
Tennessee's transgender bathroom bill dead for year
Sponsor of Tennessee “bathroom bill” pulls legislation — for this year
Tennessee anti-trans bathroom bill declared dead
Tennessee Legislator Withdraws Anti-Trans Bill
TN conservative pastors rally, pray in support of transgender student bathroom bill
Mom misses point of bills to protect trans people, dresses up as a pirate… for some reason
In a bizarre show of ignorance, a mother from Washington has posted a photo of herself in various costumes to prove that… well we’re not quite sure what her point is.
Port Angeles residents oppose school district's transgender policy
A group of residents has given a letter of complaint to Port Angeles School District that protests the public school district's actions in implementing a transgender bathroom and locker room policy to comply with state law.
Suman 48 asesinatos contra comunidad LGBT en 3 años en Guerrero
El presidente del Consejo de Diversidad Sexual del Estado de Guerrero, José Luis Silva López indicó que del 2013 a la fecha cuentan con un registro de 48 asesinatos en contra de miembros de la comunidad Lésbico Gay Bisexual Transexual (LGBT), pero que ninguno ha sido catalogado por la Fiscalía General del Estado (FGE) como crimen homofóbico.
Delitos y atropellos en sus derechos humanos victimizan a comunidad LGBT
El 30% de las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales ha sufrido abusos de autoridad
Propone Ceav seguir criterios internacionales para prevenir violencia homofóbica
Personas LGBT son discriminadas en escuelas y centros laborales
Ocho de cada diez encuestados creen que no perciben el mismo pago en comparación con sus compañeros heterosexuales
La mayoría ha percibido su orientación sexual como impedimento para encontrar trabajo
[Central America]
Transgéneros de Nicaragua y El Salvador piden ley de identidad
Representantes de organizaciones de transgéneros de Nicaragua y El Salvador, reunidos en Managua, pidieron hoy una ley de identidad para poder cambiarse el nombre en correspondencia con su elección.
REPORTAJE: Crímenes de odio, signo de la intolerancia
Sólo entre febrero y abril han sido asesinadas en el país siete personas transgéneros. Dos de ellas fueron víctimas del “tiro al blanco” en unas calles de Barquisimeto. Promotores de derechos humanos denuncian indolencia, impunidad y atraso.

Tatiana, el travesti asesinado en la Av. Vargas de Barquisimeto
En su mundo lo conocían como “La Tatiana” pero su nombre era Rafael Antonio Guanipa Romero, y en la noche del sábado de gloria se convirtió en el tercer travesti asesinado en lo que va de año en Barquisimeto.
Travesti fue asesinado de tres disparos en Lara
Asesinan a otro travesti en Barquisimeto

Asesinados dos travestis en pleno centro de Barquisimeto #Lara
La noche del pasado domingo terminó con dos hechos sangrientos ocurridos en pleno centro de la ciudad, presuntamente desde un vehículo particular unos sujetos accionaron sus armas en contra de la humanidad de dos trabajadores sexuales nocturnos travestidos. Lo curioso del caso es que ambos se desempeñaban en el mismo trabajo, pero les dieron muerte a la misma hora y en distintas direcciones.
En horas de la noche los trabajadores nocturnos en el área sexual son los más comunes en pleno centro de la ciudad, a pesar de la presencia policial que últimamente se ha realizado para dispersarlos de las calles, aún no se ha llevado a cabo dicho objetivo.
Matan a dos travestis
Nos deja la artista, escritora y activista trans Mara Rita Villarroel
Hoy es un día triste para el activismo trans chileno, ha fallecido Mara Rita Villarroel.
Sin aviso, sin algún indicio que pudiera indicar un accidente cerebral (aunerisma), nos ha dejado la activista trans chilena.
La Policía salteña se comprometió a "nunca más" repetir operativos violentos contra la prostitución trans
El jefe de la Policía de Salta reconoció que cometió un “gravísimo error” cuando aseguró que las personas trans sólo “son mujeres en lo psicológico” y se comprometió a que los efectivos de esa fuerza no volverán a ejercer la violencia contra personas trans para disuadirlas del ejercicio de la prostitución en la vía pública, según afirmó la Coordinadora Nacional de Diversidad del Ministerio de Seguridad, Mara Pérez Reynoso.
El Inadi analiza una denuncia de mujeres trans contra Marcelo Lami
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