Cultura de afectos - Parte II
Apesar deste post ter o título de parte dois da cultura de afectos, acaba por ser mais uma reflexão e um recordar de situações que mostram o contrário, ou seja, os desafectos da minha vida até agora.
Conheça Anyky, a travesti que enfrentou a ditadura e sobreviveu a 50 anos de prostituição
Idosa conseguiu retificar o nome de nascimento no RG e agora é reconhecida pelo Estado
Professora universitária e doutora travesti combate o preconceito no interior do Ceará
'Se não der abertura para as diferenças, vamos continuar reproduzindo essas violências', diz Luma Andrade
Por combater torturas em presídios, funcionária transexual Maria Clara de Sena é finalista de prêmio
A funcionária pública transexual Maria Clara de Sena, de 37 anos, é uma das três finalistas da categoria políticas públicas do tradicional prêmio da revista Claudia 2016 – que visa "valorizar histórias memoráveis de mulheres excepcionais e atuantes na sociedade brasileira".
Travesti é agredida e tem cabelos cortados com facão em Piracicaba
Jovem afirmou à polícia que também foi ameaçada de morte por grupo.
Vítima foi levada amarrada para usina; crime ocorreu a mando de cafetina.
Eram os índigenas transgêneros?
Estudos recentes revelam: alguns povos originários das Américas classificavam seres humanos segundo cinco gêneros distintos. Redução aos opostos homem-mulher veio com europeus
Transexual 'crucificada' na Parada Gay denuncia nova agressão em SP
Conhecida por representar Cristo crucificado na Parada LGBT de 2015, a modelo transexual Viviany Beleboni, 27, denunciou ter sido espancada por cinco homens no final da tarde desta segunda-feira (11) em uma rua do centro de São Paulo.
Miss São Paulo Gay 2015: 'Vou virar transexual'
Valentina Isler deu dicas para sua sucessora: 'Tem que ter beleza, cultura e postura'.
O corpo da jovem encontrada morta na manhã desta segunda-feira no Parque da Fenarroz é da Rainha da Diversidade, a transexual Nycole Rocha, 19 anos.
De acordo com a Polícia, a vítima pode ter sido estrangulada, já que o cadáver apresenta marcas no pescoço e no ombro.
Adolescentes são suspeitos de matar transexual na Fenarroz
Travesti é encontrada morta ao lado da cama na Vila Industrial, em Dourados
Donizete Rodriguez Silva, 48 anos, moradora na Rua Guia Lopez, na Vila Industrial, em Dourados foi encontrada morta na manhã de hoje (7).
O amigo de 23 anos, que mora há três meses na mesma casa que a travesti, acordou por volta das 09h30 e percebeu que Donizete não estava ao lado na cama, ao conferir, viu que a mesma estava caída ao lado da cama, encostada na parede. De acordo com informações do amigo, Donizete parecia estar morta.
Vizinhos encontram travesti morta dentro de casa em cidade de MS
Crueldade: Mulher é morta a pauladas na zona rural de Venda Nova
Uma mulher foi morta a pauladas às 15h deste sábado (9), em Lavrinhas, zona rural de Venda Nova do Imigrante.
O crime aconteceu próximo à entrada da matinha. Diane Dias tinha 33 anos e atualmente trabalhava como cuidadora de idosos, mas era muito conhecida por já ter exercido o cargo de agente de saúde no município.
Mulher é morta a pauladas em Venda Nova do Imigrante no Sul do Espírito Santo
Homem que matou mulher a pauladas se entrega à Polícia Civil em Venda Nova do Imigrante
Corpo de travesti é encontrado com mão decepada na BR-101
Na manhã desta quarta-feira (13), os moradores do Bairro das Indústrias, zona Sul da cidade de João Pessoa, encontraram o corpo de uma travesti, às margens da BR-101. A vítima foi morta com aproximadamente 15 perfurações provocadas por arma branca e teve uma das mãos decepada, segundo a Polícia Militar da Paraíba.
Travesti é morta a facadas e tem a mão decepada em João Pessoa
12-year-old trans kid attacked with a rock
A 12-year-old trans kid had a rock thrown at his head as he was bullied for his gender identity.
The un-named young person was walking home from school when the attack happened.
Transgender people win major victory in France
Trans people given wave of new rights after National Assembly vote - Read more at: http://scl.io/p_f-R1r9#gs.nXTimVc
Milano, Lite tra due trans per gelosia, una di loro finisce al Fatebenefratelli ma si suicida
Il 'caso' viene affidato ai carabinieri di via Moscova per competenza territoriali, una formalità anche se non ci sono dubbi sulla natura del gesto
Firenze, Sollicciano: detenuta si toglie la vita, aveva 3 anni
La giovane, transessuale di origini peruviani, si è uccisa a pochi giorni dalla scarcerazione, Lássociazione Pantagruel: ?I segnali c'erano tutti?
Man held for killing transsexual and woman in Florence
An Italian man has been arrested for the murder of a Brazilian transsexual prostitute and a Dominican woman friend of hers in central Florence
Utrecht council goes for ‘gender neutral’ toilets
Utrecht city council has become the first in the country to vote to introduce gender neutral toilets throughout council-owned buildings.
Istanbul Trans Pride: TGEU calls on Turkey to protect basic human rights
In the wake of the banning of both Trans and LGBTI pride in Istanbul, Transgender Europe calls on Turkish authorities to make demonstrable efforts to effectively protect the rights of trans people, sex workers, and other marginalised groups in the country.
[New Zealand]
Success for Marlborough Girls’ College trans teen
The transgender high school student who was told she could not use the female bathrooms at her school has had the decision reversed.
[New Zealand]
Marlborough transgender student's bathroom battle brings about change
A transgender student in Marlborough is allowed to use the girls' bathroom after her school sought advice from the Human Rights Commission.
Transgender British Columbians Face Years Of Waitlists, Uncovered Costs For Life-Changing Surgeries
Four years ago, James Gardner was playing road hockey with some male co-workers. They put him in as goalkeeper — what they considered the safest place for a woman.
Canadian Blood Services places restrictions on transgender donors
Complex new policy, to begin Aug. 15, is discriminatory, activists say
Thousands gather for ‘biggest trans march in the world’ in Toronto
A crowd of thousands gathered in Toronto last night for what is believed to be the biggest trans march in the world.
Canada still needs a Trans March: advocate
Brothers Series hottest FTM show on the indie circuit
Brother Series Interview with Director: Emmett Jack Lundberg and Producer: Sheyam Ghieth
Histories of Sexuality and the Carceral State—Part 2
We invited Regina Kunzel to moderate a three-part roundtable on histories of sexuality and the carceral state (check out part one). Critical prison studies has understandably foregrounded questions of race in an effort to expose and understand the dramatic overrepresentation of incarcerated people of color, revealing how the growth of punitive practices and policies have maintained and hardened racial hierarchies. We know far less, however, about how the policing of sexuality has contributed to the growth of state mechanisms of surveillance and incarceration, and how sexual policing might have worked, alongside and often in collaboration with punitive racialization, to drive the larger carceral turn. In this second post, Sarah Haley, Elias Vitulli, Jen Manion, and Scott De Orio discuss the multiple ways that race, gender, and sexuality intersect in order to shape policing and imprisonment.
Business Marketing 101: If someone makes a mistake, don’t come out and admit you’re transphobic anyway!
This is certainly one of the more bizarro incidents to cross my desk. Here we have representative of a company, who as far I know, did not engage in any prior transphobic activities or business practices, yet after being contacted by mistake, openly fessed up to a reporter that they think trans people are deserving of hate.
From the courtroom to the boardroom: trans attorney leads rights group
“The handwriting is on the wall,” says attorney Jillian Weiss, newly named executive director of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. The tenured academic, trial attorney and scholar was named Tuesday to lead the trans rights group at what she tells LGBTQ Nation is a critical turning point in the movement.
Sports Illustrated's Caitlyn Jenner Cover Story Shows The Importance Of Transgender Visibility
Cover model Caitlyn Jenner reflects on her athletic career, winning gold at the Summer Olympics 40 years ago, and role of recent reality TV star and transgender icon in the summer issue of Sports Illustrated. The story allows Jenner to tell her own story, while also highlighting the positive impact of transgender visibility in the media, pointing out that her story helps transgender people and their families battle intolerance and isolation.
EEOC: Landmark Sex Discrimination Lawsuit Settled
A landmark lawsuit alleging sex discrimination based on sexual orientation has been settled for more than $200,000, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission announced Tuesday.
“Her Story” about #GirlsLikeUs gets Emmy Nomination
What can one say about “Her Story”, a youtube crowd-funded transgender led web series getting an Emmy Nomination alongside productions receiving major network finance and resources? You can only say one thing. It’s pretty dang good. Not just good in the usual sense but barrier breaking, first of a kind, amazing and the accolades just go on and on!
Laura Ingraham Suggests People Wear Diapers Rather Than Share Bathrooms With Transgender People
Oh we have a new transgender update for you as well.
Pentagon Ends Ban On Transgender Troops in Military
Transgender people will be allowed to serve openly in the U.S. military, the Pentagon announced Thursday, ending one of the last bans on service in the armed forces.
Pentagon Lifts Ban On Transgender Servicemembers
Pentagon lifts ban on transgender military service
Pentagon lifts trans military ban ‘effective immediately’
Pentagon on Trans Troops: "These Are the Kind of People We Want"
Pentagon Lifts Transgender Military Service Ban
Family Research Council Criticizes Pentagon for Transgender Policy Change
McCain wants hearings on lifting of military's transgender ban
House GOPer pledges review in Congress of trans military service
The "Add-A-Dick-To-Me Procedure": Rush Limbaugh Mocks Transgender People After Military Lifts Ban
The American Transgender Population Is Larger Than We Thought It Was
Determining how many transgender people there are in the U.S. has been challenging for a number of reasons, but a new study from the Williams Institute estimates that there are approximately 1.4 million of them — twice as many as were previously estimated. That’s 0.6 percent of the population.
Updated estimates show 1.4 million adults identify as transgender in the US, doubling estimates from a decade ago
Texarkana repeals nondiscrimination ordinance
Texarkana voters Tuesday repealed a city non-discrimination ordinance by a vote of 3,409 to 881.
A Whopping 80% of Voters in This Arkansas City Endorsed Anti-LGBT Discrimination on Tuesday
Voters in Texarkana soundly reject anti-discrimination law
Meet Christine Garcia first Transgender San Diego Police Officer
Today the City of San Deigo announced Officer Christine Garcia’s transition with a heartwarming video and story on Inside San Diego which is an extension of the official City of San Diego website.
Report: Transgender students more likely to be disciplined
Nearly half of transgender students in grades 6-12 have been disciplined at school, a rate nearly 20 percentage points higher than their peers, according to a new report from the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
Transgender woman attacked by 3 men outside bar in Aurora
A transgender woman is dealing with cuts and stitches after an attack outside of a bar in Aurora. The incident occurred at 1:45 Sunday morning at Shepes’s at 1725 Peoria Street.
July 4 shooting leaves trans woman on life support
A 25-year-old D.C. transgender woman was being kept alive Wednesday on a breathing machine at Prince George’s Hospital Center after she was found unconscious and suffering from a gunshot wound in the neck about 6 a.m. on July 4 in the 200 block of Division Avenue, N.E., according to a D.C. police report and transgender activist Earline Budd.
Transgender woman on life support since July 4 shooting dies
Transgender woman settles case against hotel that got her jailed for eight days
Meagan Taylor was arrested last July in Iowa while staying at Drury Inn with a friend after staff called police to report ‘two men’ engaged in prostitution
Trans woman Shauna Patricia Smith admits to voyeurism at an Idaho Target
Transgender woman Shauna Patricia Smith was charged with felony video voyeurism at an Idaho Target store Tuesday. According to Snopes.com the news is authentic.
An affidavit of probable cause states the 18-year-old woman was trying on swimwear at the Target on 25th East when someone in an adjacent fitting room held an iPhone over the top of the barrier and began taking photos or video recording.
Suspect arrested in Sunday First Avenue shooting
A 26-year-old man was arrested Monday after being accused of shooting a transgender woman in the head Sunday afternoon.
Gerald Duane Lewis faces preliminary charges of attempted murder, robbery with serious bodily injury and carrying a handgun without a license, according to jail records. He was booked into the Vanderburgh County jail just after 7 p.m., where he's being held without bond.
Confusion for transgender people and others registering to vote
As election offices across Kansas prepare for upcoming races, there's a scramble to make sure everyone is registered properly.
HoCo tackles trans issues at roundtable
Howard County Executive Allan H. Kittleman convened the third LGBT roundtable discussion of his term on June 20, focused on transgender issues. Fifteen people attended, including representatives from the executive’s office, LGBT individuals, a deputy police chief and the director of the Department of Corrections.
Taylor among mayors opposing bathroom restriction legislation
Sterling Heights Mayor Michael Taylor recently joined with more than a dozen mayors from across the state of Michigan to voice their opposition to Senate Bill 993 and House Bill 5717, which seek to restrict the use of public bathrooms, changing facilities and similar shared spaces used for private activities based on biological sex.
To Transgender Movement Leaders, Activism Is an Antidote to Violence
"All trans lives have to matter," she says. "When we start to devalue people based on their moral beliefs, we start to dehumanize people. Only when our lives are valuable will one murder spark mass chaos and people will say 'No more.'"
Activist for Transgender Community Darnell Jones Dies of Cancer
The LGBTQ community lost an ally and an activist Wednesday as Darnell Jones, Vice President of Gender Identity Network Alliance, died due to complications from cancer.
Smith urges Koster to join lawsuit opposing transgender bathroom rule
Attorney General Chris Koster should join 11 other states in suing the federal government over its transgender bathroom guidance, U.S. Rep. Jason Smith, R-Salem, wrote in a letter to Koster signed by the other five Republican members of Missouri’s Congressional delegation.
Here's What's Wrong With North Carolina's 'Fix' to Transphobic HB 2
Republican legislators are offering a Band-Aid approach to calm the North Carolina business community's panic over House Bill 2, but LGBT advocates aren't buying it.
HB2 opponents deliver nearly 10,000 new petition signatures to lawmakers
How North Carolina’s idyllic hipster haven is being hurt by the “bathroom bill” boycott
Lawmakers Consider Boosting Funds to Defend LGBT Rights Law
NBA won’t support revision to North Carolina anti-LGBT law
N.H. governor bans anti-trans discrimination in state government
New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan on Thursday issued an executive order that bans discrimination in state government based on gender identity.
GLAD Applauds NH Executive Order Prohibiting Gender Identity Discrimination in State Government
NYC Mayor Signs Gender-Neutral Bathroom Bill Into Law
Single-occupant restrooms at restaurants, bars and other public places in New York City will all be gender-neutral under a new law signed Tuesday by Mayor Bill de Blasio.
Will DA produce its certified Morris records?
A judge last week upheld a state agency’s order that the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office produce certified records relating to the Nizah Morris incident. But additional litigation may be necessary to ensure the records are produced.
SEPTA: We're pro-LGBT civil rights
A SEPTA spokesperson this week said the agency supports LGBT civil rights, even though it doesn’t want to fall under the jurisdiction of the city’s Human Relations Commission, which enforces those rights.
PA senator pegged as roadblock for LGBT nondiscrimination
LGBT-nondiscrimination protections in housing and employment were expected to reach the Senate floor for a vote this week, but were blocked and look likely to stall for the rest of the summer.
Snyder: State leaders persist in opposing transgender policies
Texas' top political leaders have missed few opportunities to denounce local and federal efforts to accommodate the needs of transgender students in public schools. They're still at it.
Texas Attorney General Wants Schools To Out Transgender Students To Their Parents
Texas AG Doesn't Understand It's Illegal to Out Trans Students
'We're not alone': Survey shows more transgender Texans OK with coming out
More Texans and Americans are openly identifying as transgender, a new analysis shows, a trend that LGBT activists call heartening and politically meaningful.
Will a transgender woman be Utah's next senator?
Misty Snow just won Utah's Democratic primary. She will challenge incumbent Sen. Mike Lee (R) this November.
Gloucester asks judge to delay injunction while transgender case is appealed
The Gloucester County School Board has asked a federal court to place a preliminary injunction on hold that requires the school division to allow a 16-year-old transgender student to use the boys' restroom.
Transgender JBLM soldier: Pentagon action evokes ‘an incredible feeling’
Capt. Jennifer Peace is intelligence officer at Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Decision “had a lot more impact than I anticipated”
Action should bring fair treatment for transgender people, she says
Wyoming Schools Look for a Middle Way for Transgender Students
When the debate over allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice rolled into town like a high-plains thunderstorm, Laramie’s school board took its own multiple-choice test.
We Need to Talk About Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil
As the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games approach, a number of crises are plaguing the host nation of Brazil, including a troubling escalation of brutal anti-LGBTQ violence. Brazil’s ongoing political and economic turmoil, with the suspension of the country’s president, a recession, and the Zika virus scare, have been hogging news headlines. But much of the the coverage tends to gloss over a highly worrying trend for the country and its LGBTQ community: Levels of violence are rising dangerously, including anti-LGBTQ attacks marked by exceptional viciousness and brutality.
Murdering Transsexual Brazilians an Olympic Event
Aggressions, suicides and murders: the Brazilian trans reality Part II
Na Venezuela, mulheres trans são parte da cultura da tribo Warao, desde a era pré-colonial
Entre os índios Warao, mulheres transgênero são consideradas 'dois-espíritos', mas assumem papel social feminino.
Cultura de afectos - Parte II
Apesar deste post ter o título de parte dois da cultura de afectos, acaba por ser mais uma reflexão e um recordar de situações que mostram o contrário, ou seja, os desafectos da minha vida até agora.
Conheça Anyky, a travesti que enfrentou a ditadura e sobreviveu a 50 anos de prostituição
Idosa conseguiu retificar o nome de nascimento no RG e agora é reconhecida pelo Estado
Professora universitária e doutora travesti combate o preconceito no interior do Ceará
'Se não der abertura para as diferenças, vamos continuar reproduzindo essas violências', diz Luma Andrade
Por combater torturas em presídios, funcionária transexual Maria Clara de Sena é finalista de prêmio
A funcionária pública transexual Maria Clara de Sena, de 37 anos, é uma das três finalistas da categoria políticas públicas do tradicional prêmio da revista Claudia 2016 – que visa "valorizar histórias memoráveis de mulheres excepcionais e atuantes na sociedade brasileira".
Travesti é agredida e tem cabelos cortados com facão em Piracicaba
Jovem afirmou à polícia que também foi ameaçada de morte por grupo.
Vítima foi levada amarrada para usina; crime ocorreu a mando de cafetina.
Eram os índigenas transgêneros?
Estudos recentes revelam: alguns povos originários das Américas classificavam seres humanos segundo cinco gêneros distintos. Redução aos opostos homem-mulher veio com europeus
Transexual 'crucificada' na Parada Gay denuncia nova agressão em SP
Conhecida por representar Cristo crucificado na Parada LGBT de 2015, a modelo transexual Viviany Beleboni, 27, denunciou ter sido espancada por cinco homens no final da tarde desta segunda-feira (11) em uma rua do centro de São Paulo.
Miss São Paulo Gay 2015: 'Vou virar transexual'
Valentina Isler deu dicas para sua sucessora: 'Tem que ter beleza, cultura e postura'.

O corpo da jovem encontrada morta na manhã desta segunda-feira no Parque da Fenarroz é da Rainha da Diversidade, a transexual Nycole Rocha, 19 anos.
De acordo com a Polícia, a vítima pode ter sido estrangulada, já que o cadáver apresenta marcas no pescoço e no ombro.
Adolescentes são suspeitos de matar transexual na Fenarroz

Travesti é encontrada morta ao lado da cama na Vila Industrial, em Dourados
Donizete Rodriguez Silva, 48 anos, moradora na Rua Guia Lopez, na Vila Industrial, em Dourados foi encontrada morta na manhã de hoje (7).
O amigo de 23 anos, que mora há três meses na mesma casa que a travesti, acordou por volta das 09h30 e percebeu que Donizete não estava ao lado na cama, ao conferir, viu que a mesma estava caída ao lado da cama, encostada na parede. De acordo com informações do amigo, Donizete parecia estar morta.
Vizinhos encontram travesti morta dentro de casa em cidade de MS

Crueldade: Mulher é morta a pauladas na zona rural de Venda Nova
Uma mulher foi morta a pauladas às 15h deste sábado (9), em Lavrinhas, zona rural de Venda Nova do Imigrante.
O crime aconteceu próximo à entrada da matinha. Diane Dias tinha 33 anos e atualmente trabalhava como cuidadora de idosos, mas era muito conhecida por já ter exercido o cargo de agente de saúde no município.
Mulher é morta a pauladas em Venda Nova do Imigrante no Sul do Espírito Santo
Homem que matou mulher a pauladas se entrega à Polícia Civil em Venda Nova do Imigrante

Corpo de travesti é encontrado com mão decepada na BR-101
Na manhã desta quarta-feira (13), os moradores do Bairro das Indústrias, zona Sul da cidade de João Pessoa, encontraram o corpo de uma travesti, às margens da BR-101. A vítima foi morta com aproximadamente 15 perfurações provocadas por arma branca e teve uma das mãos decepada, segundo a Polícia Militar da Paraíba.
Travesti é morta a facadas e tem a mão decepada em João Pessoa
12-year-old trans kid attacked with a rock
A 12-year-old trans kid had a rock thrown at his head as he was bullied for his gender identity.
The un-named young person was walking home from school when the attack happened.
Transgender people win major victory in France
Trans people given wave of new rights after National Assembly vote - Read more at: http://scl.io/p_f-R1r9#gs.nXTimVc

Milano, Lite tra due trans per gelosia, una di loro finisce al Fatebenefratelli ma si suicida
Il 'caso' viene affidato ai carabinieri di via Moscova per competenza territoriali, una formalità anche se non ci sono dubbi sulla natura del gesto

Firenze, Sollicciano: detenuta si toglie la vita, aveva 3 anni
La giovane, transessuale di origini peruviani, si è uccisa a pochi giorni dalla scarcerazione, Lássociazione Pantagruel: ?I segnali c'erano tutti?
Man held for killing transsexual and woman in Florence
An Italian man has been arrested for the murder of a Brazilian transsexual prostitute and a Dominican woman friend of hers in central Florence
Utrecht council goes for ‘gender neutral’ toilets
Utrecht city council has become the first in the country to vote to introduce gender neutral toilets throughout council-owned buildings.
Istanbul Trans Pride: TGEU calls on Turkey to protect basic human rights
In the wake of the banning of both Trans and LGBTI pride in Istanbul, Transgender Europe calls on Turkish authorities to make demonstrable efforts to effectively protect the rights of trans people, sex workers, and other marginalised groups in the country.
[New Zealand]
Success for Marlborough Girls’ College trans teen
The transgender high school student who was told she could not use the female bathrooms at her school has had the decision reversed.
[New Zealand]
Marlborough transgender student's bathroom battle brings about change
A transgender student in Marlborough is allowed to use the girls' bathroom after her school sought advice from the Human Rights Commission.
Transgender British Columbians Face Years Of Waitlists, Uncovered Costs For Life-Changing Surgeries
Four years ago, James Gardner was playing road hockey with some male co-workers. They put him in as goalkeeper — what they considered the safest place for a woman.
Canadian Blood Services places restrictions on transgender donors
Complex new policy, to begin Aug. 15, is discriminatory, activists say
Thousands gather for ‘biggest trans march in the world’ in Toronto
A crowd of thousands gathered in Toronto last night for what is believed to be the biggest trans march in the world.
Canada still needs a Trans March: advocate
Brothers Series hottest FTM show on the indie circuit
Brother Series Interview with Director: Emmett Jack Lundberg and Producer: Sheyam Ghieth
Histories of Sexuality and the Carceral State—Part 2
We invited Regina Kunzel to moderate a three-part roundtable on histories of sexuality and the carceral state (check out part one). Critical prison studies has understandably foregrounded questions of race in an effort to expose and understand the dramatic overrepresentation of incarcerated people of color, revealing how the growth of punitive practices and policies have maintained and hardened racial hierarchies. We know far less, however, about how the policing of sexuality has contributed to the growth of state mechanisms of surveillance and incarceration, and how sexual policing might have worked, alongside and often in collaboration with punitive racialization, to drive the larger carceral turn. In this second post, Sarah Haley, Elias Vitulli, Jen Manion, and Scott De Orio discuss the multiple ways that race, gender, and sexuality intersect in order to shape policing and imprisonment.
Business Marketing 101: If someone makes a mistake, don’t come out and admit you’re transphobic anyway!
This is certainly one of the more bizarro incidents to cross my desk. Here we have representative of a company, who as far I know, did not engage in any prior transphobic activities or business practices, yet after being contacted by mistake, openly fessed up to a reporter that they think trans people are deserving of hate.
From the courtroom to the boardroom: trans attorney leads rights group
“The handwriting is on the wall,” says attorney Jillian Weiss, newly named executive director of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. The tenured academic, trial attorney and scholar was named Tuesday to lead the trans rights group at what she tells LGBTQ Nation is a critical turning point in the movement.
Sports Illustrated's Caitlyn Jenner Cover Story Shows The Importance Of Transgender Visibility
Cover model Caitlyn Jenner reflects on her athletic career, winning gold at the Summer Olympics 40 years ago, and role of recent reality TV star and transgender icon in the summer issue of Sports Illustrated. The story allows Jenner to tell her own story, while also highlighting the positive impact of transgender visibility in the media, pointing out that her story helps transgender people and their families battle intolerance and isolation.
EEOC: Landmark Sex Discrimination Lawsuit Settled
A landmark lawsuit alleging sex discrimination based on sexual orientation has been settled for more than $200,000, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission announced Tuesday.
“Her Story” about #GirlsLikeUs gets Emmy Nomination
What can one say about “Her Story”, a youtube crowd-funded transgender led web series getting an Emmy Nomination alongside productions receiving major network finance and resources? You can only say one thing. It’s pretty dang good. Not just good in the usual sense but barrier breaking, first of a kind, amazing and the accolades just go on and on!
Laura Ingraham Suggests People Wear Diapers Rather Than Share Bathrooms With Transgender People
Oh we have a new transgender update for you as well.
Pentagon Ends Ban On Transgender Troops in Military
Transgender people will be allowed to serve openly in the U.S. military, the Pentagon announced Thursday, ending one of the last bans on service in the armed forces.
Pentagon Lifts Ban On Transgender Servicemembers
Pentagon lifts ban on transgender military service
Pentagon lifts trans military ban ‘effective immediately’
Pentagon on Trans Troops: "These Are the Kind of People We Want"
Pentagon Lifts Transgender Military Service Ban
Family Research Council Criticizes Pentagon for Transgender Policy Change
McCain wants hearings on lifting of military's transgender ban
House GOPer pledges review in Congress of trans military service
The "Add-A-Dick-To-Me Procedure": Rush Limbaugh Mocks Transgender People After Military Lifts Ban
The American Transgender Population Is Larger Than We Thought It Was
Determining how many transgender people there are in the U.S. has been challenging for a number of reasons, but a new study from the Williams Institute estimates that there are approximately 1.4 million of them — twice as many as were previously estimated. That’s 0.6 percent of the population.
Updated estimates show 1.4 million adults identify as transgender in the US, doubling estimates from a decade ago
Texarkana repeals nondiscrimination ordinance
Texarkana voters Tuesday repealed a city non-discrimination ordinance by a vote of 3,409 to 881.
A Whopping 80% of Voters in This Arkansas City Endorsed Anti-LGBT Discrimination on Tuesday
Voters in Texarkana soundly reject anti-discrimination law
Meet Christine Garcia first Transgender San Diego Police Officer
Today the City of San Deigo announced Officer Christine Garcia’s transition with a heartwarming video and story on Inside San Diego which is an extension of the official City of San Diego website.
Report: Transgender students more likely to be disciplined
Nearly half of transgender students in grades 6-12 have been disciplined at school, a rate nearly 20 percentage points higher than their peers, according to a new report from the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
Transgender woman attacked by 3 men outside bar in Aurora
A transgender woman is dealing with cuts and stitches after an attack outside of a bar in Aurora. The incident occurred at 1:45 Sunday morning at Shepes’s at 1725 Peoria Street.

July 4 shooting leaves trans woman on life support
A 25-year-old D.C. transgender woman was being kept alive Wednesday on a breathing machine at Prince George’s Hospital Center after she was found unconscious and suffering from a gunshot wound in the neck about 6 a.m. on July 4 in the 200 block of Division Avenue, N.E., according to a D.C. police report and transgender activist Earline Budd.
Transgender woman on life support since July 4 shooting dies
Transgender woman settles case against hotel that got her jailed for eight days
Meagan Taylor was arrested last July in Iowa while staying at Drury Inn with a friend after staff called police to report ‘two men’ engaged in prostitution
Trans woman Shauna Patricia Smith admits to voyeurism at an Idaho Target
Transgender woman Shauna Patricia Smith was charged with felony video voyeurism at an Idaho Target store Tuesday. According to Snopes.com the news is authentic.
An affidavit of probable cause states the 18-year-old woman was trying on swimwear at the Target on 25th East when someone in an adjacent fitting room held an iPhone over the top of the barrier and began taking photos or video recording.
Suspect arrested in Sunday First Avenue shooting
A 26-year-old man was arrested Monday after being accused of shooting a transgender woman in the head Sunday afternoon.
Gerald Duane Lewis faces preliminary charges of attempted murder, robbery with serious bodily injury and carrying a handgun without a license, according to jail records. He was booked into the Vanderburgh County jail just after 7 p.m., where he's being held without bond.
Confusion for transgender people and others registering to vote
As election offices across Kansas prepare for upcoming races, there's a scramble to make sure everyone is registered properly.
HoCo tackles trans issues at roundtable
Howard County Executive Allan H. Kittleman convened the third LGBT roundtable discussion of his term on June 20, focused on transgender issues. Fifteen people attended, including representatives from the executive’s office, LGBT individuals, a deputy police chief and the director of the Department of Corrections.
Taylor among mayors opposing bathroom restriction legislation
Sterling Heights Mayor Michael Taylor recently joined with more than a dozen mayors from across the state of Michigan to voice their opposition to Senate Bill 993 and House Bill 5717, which seek to restrict the use of public bathrooms, changing facilities and similar shared spaces used for private activities based on biological sex.
To Transgender Movement Leaders, Activism Is an Antidote to Violence
"All trans lives have to matter," she says. "When we start to devalue people based on their moral beliefs, we start to dehumanize people. Only when our lives are valuable will one murder spark mass chaos and people will say 'No more.'"
Activist for Transgender Community Darnell Jones Dies of Cancer
The LGBTQ community lost an ally and an activist Wednesday as Darnell Jones, Vice President of Gender Identity Network Alliance, died due to complications from cancer.
Smith urges Koster to join lawsuit opposing transgender bathroom rule
Attorney General Chris Koster should join 11 other states in suing the federal government over its transgender bathroom guidance, U.S. Rep. Jason Smith, R-Salem, wrote in a letter to Koster signed by the other five Republican members of Missouri’s Congressional delegation.
Here's What's Wrong With North Carolina's 'Fix' to Transphobic HB 2
Republican legislators are offering a Band-Aid approach to calm the North Carolina business community's panic over House Bill 2, but LGBT advocates aren't buying it.
HB2 opponents deliver nearly 10,000 new petition signatures to lawmakers
How North Carolina’s idyllic hipster haven is being hurt by the “bathroom bill” boycott
Lawmakers Consider Boosting Funds to Defend LGBT Rights Law
NBA won’t support revision to North Carolina anti-LGBT law
N.H. governor bans anti-trans discrimination in state government
New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan on Thursday issued an executive order that bans discrimination in state government based on gender identity.
GLAD Applauds NH Executive Order Prohibiting Gender Identity Discrimination in State Government
NYC Mayor Signs Gender-Neutral Bathroom Bill Into Law
Single-occupant restrooms at restaurants, bars and other public places in New York City will all be gender-neutral under a new law signed Tuesday by Mayor Bill de Blasio.
Will DA produce its certified Morris records?
A judge last week upheld a state agency’s order that the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office produce certified records relating to the Nizah Morris incident. But additional litigation may be necessary to ensure the records are produced.
SEPTA: We're pro-LGBT civil rights
A SEPTA spokesperson this week said the agency supports LGBT civil rights, even though it doesn’t want to fall under the jurisdiction of the city’s Human Relations Commission, which enforces those rights.
PA senator pegged as roadblock for LGBT nondiscrimination
LGBT-nondiscrimination protections in housing and employment were expected to reach the Senate floor for a vote this week, but were blocked and look likely to stall for the rest of the summer.
Snyder: State leaders persist in opposing transgender policies
Texas' top political leaders have missed few opportunities to denounce local and federal efforts to accommodate the needs of transgender students in public schools. They're still at it.
Texas Attorney General Wants Schools To Out Transgender Students To Their Parents
Texas AG Doesn't Understand It's Illegal to Out Trans Students
'We're not alone': Survey shows more transgender Texans OK with coming out
More Texans and Americans are openly identifying as transgender, a new analysis shows, a trend that LGBT activists call heartening and politically meaningful.
Will a transgender woman be Utah's next senator?
Misty Snow just won Utah's Democratic primary. She will challenge incumbent Sen. Mike Lee (R) this November.
Gloucester asks judge to delay injunction while transgender case is appealed
The Gloucester County School Board has asked a federal court to place a preliminary injunction on hold that requires the school division to allow a 16-year-old transgender student to use the boys' restroom.
Transgender JBLM soldier: Pentagon action evokes ‘an incredible feeling’
Capt. Jennifer Peace is intelligence officer at Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Decision “had a lot more impact than I anticipated”
Action should bring fair treatment for transgender people, she says
Wyoming Schools Look for a Middle Way for Transgender Students
When the debate over allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice rolled into town like a high-plains thunderstorm, Laramie’s school board took its own multiple-choice test.
We Need to Talk About Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil
As the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games approach, a number of crises are plaguing the host nation of Brazil, including a troubling escalation of brutal anti-LGBTQ violence. Brazil’s ongoing political and economic turmoil, with the suspension of the country’s president, a recession, and the Zika virus scare, have been hogging news headlines. But much of the the coverage tends to gloss over a highly worrying trend for the country and its LGBTQ community: Levels of violence are rising dangerously, including anti-LGBTQ attacks marked by exceptional viciousness and brutality.
Murdering Transsexual Brazilians an Olympic Event
Aggressions, suicides and murders: the Brazilian trans reality Part II
Na Venezuela, mulheres trans são parte da cultura da tribo Warao, desde a era pré-colonial
Entre os índios Warao, mulheres transgênero são consideradas 'dois-espíritos', mas assumem papel social feminino.
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