Cirurgião português premiado na Europa recusou trabalhar em Portugal a seis euros por hora
O cirurgião plástico João Décio Ferreira recebe, este domingo, em Munique, a medalha de ouro Magnus Hirschfeld da Sociedade Alemã de Sexologia Clínica pelo trabalho na área da mudança de sexo.
Cirurgião português distinguido: “Em Portugal davam-me seis euros por hora, na Alemanha dão-me uma medalha de ouro”
Lisboa sai à rua com Orgulho na 17.ª Marcha LGBT (com vídeo)
É já amanhã, Sábado, 18 de Junho, às 17h, que se realiza a 17.ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT de Lisboa. A organização deixa o apelo a que toda a gente participe e que não fique no passeio a observar com receio de se juntar.
Milhares celebram orgulho gay e recordam Orlando em Lisboa
Como é que se diz “kisses” em português?
“Orlando é aqui”: Marcha do Orgulho LGBT desfilou em Lisboa
Marcha de orgulho LGBT celebra as diferenças em Lisboa
Centenas de pessoas desfilaram na marcha do orgulho gay em Lisboa
Lisboa: milhares desfilam em nome do orgulho LGBT
Thousands march at gay pride parade in Portugal
Rapaz é morto a facadas em via pública no Nova Cidade
Gabriel Figueira Lima, 21, foi morto com um golpe de faca no pescoço, na noite dessa quinta-feira (16), por volta das 23h, na rua Cônego José Monteiro Noronha, no conjunto João Paulo, bairro Nova Cidade, Zona Norte de Manaus.
Travesti morre após golpe de faca no pescoço em Manaus, diz polícia
Travesti é morto a pauladas na Zona Norte de Manaus, diz polícia
Crime ocorreu na madrugada deste sábado (18).
Suposta arma do crime foi encontrada ao lado do corpo.
Um homem, ainda não identificado, foi morto a pauladas na madrugada deste sábado (18) no bairro Cidade de Deus, na Zona Norte de Manaus. De acordo com a polícia, a vítima era travesti. Ainda não há suspeitos do crime.
Travesti é encontrada enforcada e carbonizada em canavial de Palmares Paulista
O corpo de uma travesti, ainda não identificada, foi encontrado carbonizado na quarta-feira (15), no bairro Pompeo, próximo à cidade de Palmares Paulista.
De acordo com o boletim de ocorrência, a equipe plantonista da Polícia Civil de Catanduva foi informada pela Policia Militar de Palmares Paulista que havia um cadáver em um canavial da estrada municipal Salvador Benaduzzi.
Duas travestis são baleadas no bairro Parque Industrial, em Rio Preto
(...)Na noite do último domingo, 24, uma travesti de 20 anos foi morta a tiros no bairro Jardim Paraíso. Rodrigo Matheus Santos Pereira, 20 anos, que usava o nome social Dani, chegou a ser socorrido, mas não resistiu aos ferimentos e morreu. Na manhã de quarta-feira, dia 27, a Polícia Civil deteve dois irmãos, um de 18 e outro de 16 anos e um adolescente de 16 anos, suspeitos do crime, que teria motivação homofóbica. Procurado, o advogado do empresário e do adolescente, Mateus Floriano, disse que vai entrar com pedido de liberdade provisória para ambos.
Travesti é baleada em Santa Helena
Durante a madrugada deste sábado (18) socorristas do Samu e policiais militares foram acionados para atender uma vítima de disparo de arma de fogo.
'Brexit Bad For Trans Rights' Says Young Trans Activist
A young transgender rights activist from the UK, Charlie Craggs, has warned that Britain choosing to leave the European Union during the 'Brexit' vote could lead to marginalised communities finding themselves in worse situations.
Transgender inmate living as a woman 'nearly dies' after she slashes herself at men's prison
The inmate suffered 'huge' blood loss following the incident at HMP Littlehey, Cambs, amid claims she had been refused a transfer to a women's jail
Boys to be allowed to wear skirts as school introduces 'gender neutral' uniform policy to help transgender kids
Allens Croft School in Birmingham is one of the first schools in the country to introduce the flexible uniform policy
UK’s LGBT venues heighten security amid fear of ‘copycat’ Orlando terror attacks
LGBT venues across the UK have revealed their fear for repeat attacks following mass shootings in the US.
Brighton TV station claims European first with appointment of transgender news presenter
A Brighton-based local TV station has claimed a European first, with the appointment of transgender news presenter Sophie Cook.
Groundbreaking Court Decision in Poland on Gender Recognition Abroad
On June 1, a court in Warsaw issued a decision that allows a Polish citizen, who transitioned legally in Germany, to change her personal data (gender marker and first as well as last name) without obtaining a transsexual diagnosis and going through a civil court case in Poland.
It has been understood that there are calls being made on some media organs, websites, and social media that LGBT members are organizing a march on 19-26 June 2016 in Taksim.
Istanbul Bans Region’s Largest LGBT Pride March
Istanbul Police Violently Disperse Banned LGBT Rally
Istanbul riot police disperse 'Trans Pride' march
Istanbul Police Violently Disperse Banned LGBT Rally
7th Istanbul Transpride attacked by police in collusion with Islamists
Police Disperse Transsexual March in Istanbul
Pakistan’s transgenders mocked by most, abhorred by many
Abandoned by family and mocked by society, the life of a Pakistani transgender is lonely.
Hospital officials found guilty of negligence in transgender woman’s death
Health officials in Pakistan have been found guilty of committing criminal negligence after a transgender activist died.
Primeira banda pop trans ganha prémio em Cannes (com vídeos)
A 6 Pack Band é uma banda de música pop composta por pessoas transgénero criada pela agência de meios Mindshare Mumbai para a empresa Hindustan Unilever, na Índia, com o objectivo de promover a marca de chá Brooke Bond Red Label.
The struggles trans kids face in Australia
As trans visibility has risen, so too have the public debates around trans rights and acceptance.
Quebec Transgender Teens Will Be Legally Allowed to Change Their Name and Gender
A Quebec bill aimed at allowing transgender minors to change the name and gender on their birth certificates became law Friday.
Manitoba author explores being a transgender dad in new book
Book launched Sunday in Winnipeg
Canadian Blood Services Has A New Policy That’s Being Called Anti-Trans
Unless they’ve had surgery, trans Canadians will be treated as their sex assigned at birth.
Gay Actor Rupert Everett Urges Parents Not To Let Trans Children Receive Treatment
Openly gay actor Rupert Everett has spoken out to 'warn' parents against the dangers of allowing transgender children to seek help and treatment towards transitioning, claiming that parents who do so are 'wrong' during an interview with The Sunday Times.
'I try to remain androgynous': Transgender troops in limbo as Pentagon debates policy
Lindsey Muller spent most of her 16-year Army career as a man named Ryan. About two years ago, the UH-64 Apache Longbow pilot changed her name, started taking female hormones and underwent what the 34-year-old describes as “female puberty.”
What rights do transgender people have to change their name?
The Georgia ruling in the case of Rowan Elijah Feldhaus an extreme example of reality facing some trans people – few states have explicit rules on name changes
Being Transgender as a Fact of Nature
In 1952, George Jorgensen, a Bronx-born G.I., underwent surgical and hormonal treatment in Denmark to become Christine Jorgensen, a nightclub entertainer and advocate for gender identity rights. Ever since, health professionals and lay people alike have debated the origins of gender identity, the wisdom of altering one’s biologically determined sex, and whether society should accept the transgender community as a fact of nature.
Matt Barber: Christians Must Take America Back From Demonic 'Islamo-Progressive Axis Of Evil'
At last week’s Road To Majority conference sponsored by Ralph Reed’s Faith & Freedom Coalition and Concerned Women for America, anti-gay pundit and Liberty University law school associate dean Matt Barber promoted his new book, “Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War on Christianity.”
Praying With Gordon Klingenschmitt Can Free Transgender People From The 'Demonic Spirit Of Lying'
On his "Pray In Jesus Name" program recently, Colorado Republican state lawmaker and Religious Right activist Gordon Klingenschmitt declared that transgender individuals are literally possessed by demonic spirits, but that he could exorcise them of these demons if they would simply pray with him.
Hundreds of bills to curb LGBT rights preceded Orlando attack. Is there a link?
Bills’ supporters say they are not intended to promote violence
Efforts seen as backlash to gains LGBT people have achieved
Hate crimes increase when LGBT rights are debated, advocates say
Day Camp for Transgender Youth Allows Kids to be Themselves
Two years ago, a six-year-old girl named Scarlett went to her first girl’s empowerment summer camp. But on the first day Scarlett’s best friend got mad at her after being left out of a game. In a moment of anger, she shared something private about Scarlett.
In a huge shift, most Californians now support transgender bathroom law
In only three years, the majority of Californians have gone from opposing a state law that allows transgender students to access any bathroom in a public school to supporting it, according to a new study out of USC.
Fountain elementary school with first transgender bathroom downplays role in history
The national spotlight shone on the small town of Fountain three years ago, when a rare case involving a first-grade transgender girl became the focus of public attention.
Florida State Attorney Kenneth Lewis Suspended For Anti-Orlando Rant
Florida Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis has been suspended from his position following an anti-Orlando rant posted to his social media feed less than 24 hours after the Pulse massacre that claimed 49 lives just a week ago today.
Florida State Attorney Suspended For Anti-Orlando Rant
WBC at Orlando Funeral turned away by Angels and Bikers
The Westboro Baptist Church sent their scourge to Orlando to further sadden those attending the funeral of Javier, one of two memorials held Saturday for the victims the Orlando Pulse massacre.
Pastors warn Hillsborough School Board about political backlash over transgender restroom issue
Transgender students seek to counter opposition, fears over bathrooms
Issue expected to arise at Duval School Board meeting tonight
Public Comment Overwhelmingly Supportive On Duval Schools' Trans Policy
Vitti: Duval will investigate transgender student's claims of mistreatment
City leaders' silence on HRO leaves bitter taste for LGBT advocates
In Jacksonville, calls from gay-rights activists for unity and mourning in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history are inseparable from the awkward reality that — in Florida’s largest city — it is still legal to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Attorney: Collier schools should comply with transgender policy
The lawyer representing the Collier County School Board told members Tuesday night it should follow a directive from the Obama Administration regarding transgender students.
Basu: When a transgender male used the women's room
To see and hear Casey Gradischnig, you would never guess the 54-year-old senior art director for a Meredith company was born female. He has a bald head, a full mustache and a beard. He lack breasts. He is 6 feet tall, weighs 218 pounds and has a deep, male voice. His clothes were bought in the men’s section.
Letter urges District 211 to allow all transgender students full access
A group of 29 parents and students from Palatine-Schaumburg Township High School District 211 has written an open letter urging that the district grant permission for all students to use the bathroom and locker room consistent with their gender identity.
Transgender students reflect on challenges as lawmakers pursue bathroom policy; Lawrence school board prepares for discussion
Lawrence High School student Etana Parks is expressive. Her hair is dyed aqua and she talks openly, a carrying voice accompanied by wide gestures. Next school year, though, Parks, who was born male, is afraid of being noticed.
Kansas lawmaker: Transgender bathroom bill is ready if Democrats ‘muck us up’ in special session
Rep. John Whitmer crafts legislation affecting transgender students’ bathroom use
He does not plan to offer the bill during special session but could change his mind
House speaker wants the special session to focus on preventing school closures
Kansas education board votes to ignore federal transgender decree
Police Jury: Transgenders should use birth-sex bathroom
Transgender people shouldn’t get to pick and choose which bathrooms they use, according to the Rapides Parish Police Jury.
Pittsfield aims to ensure 'all students' can 'live authentically as the gender with which they identify'
City education policymakers hope to expand recent federal guidance on the civil rights of transgender students in public schools to "ensure that all students have the opportunity to express themselves and live authentically as the gender with which they identify."
Ocean City Beach Patrol captain draws fire with email on locker room use
The longtime head of Ocean City's Beach Patrol could face discipline for sending an email instructing employees to use the locker room "that corresponds to your DNA," an Ocean City spokeswoman said Tuesday.
Transgender in Maine
There are up to 40,000 transgender Mainers.
They're your neighbors, co-workers, family.
Their reality is much more than the bathroom thing.
Today, they tell their stories.
Howell Board of Education meeting heats up over transgender bathroom debate
The question of transgender students using bathrooms in schools may eventually be decided on the state or national level but for now schools have to come up with their own policies and one local district is trying to deal with the controversy.
Transgender school guidance coming in August
The State Board of Education could vote as early as August on policy recommendations for public schools to accommodate transgender students, moving forward with the hot-button debate despite the November elections.
Portage City Council mulls gay, bisexual, transgender protections
Just days after the nation was rocked by the assault on a gay nightclub in Orlando that left 49 dead, the Portage City Council has taken up an ordinance amendment to address lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights.
Crisis Calls To St. Louis Transgender Group On the Rise
Facilitators for transgender people are bracing for another increase after the Orlando attack, after seeing a big jump in crisis calls in recent months.
Jackson council passes anti-discrimination ordinance
There was no discussion. No deliberation. No opposition offered.
Missoula transgender woman to make political history
The nation is preparing to send thousands of delegates to both the Republican and Democratic national conventions where they will determine the nominees for their respective parties.
Tweaks to North Carolina ‘Bathroom Bill’ Unlikely to Satisfy Critics
'It basically says we’re not to fix that' law, a state Rep. tells TIME
HB2 changes could emerge soon, NC House Democrat says
What it's like to live under North Carolina's bathroom law if you're transgender
Commissioners support HB2
Judge to combine NC GOP leaders' LGBT law cases
Group Rallies in Support of HB2, Draws Criticism
HB2 opponents link law to Orlando shootings
Another sign of support for HB2
Schools mull policy on transgender rights
Jersey City's public-school district may become the latest in the state to adopt a policy aimed at specifying the rights of its transgender students.
Transgender woman becomes the first to land 'Women’s Running' magazine cover
Meet the first transgender woman to rock the front of "Women’s Running" magazine.
At Westfield High School, Students Use Bathrooms of ‘Original’ Gender
With issues involving bathrooms and gender making headlines nationwide, Westfield High School Vice Principal Derrick Nelson said that transgender students at Westfield High School use the bathrooms that align with their “original” genders. This also goes for the gym locker rooms — students change in rooms that align with the gender they were born with.
GOP campaign mail severely distorts complex issue of transgender bathroom access
Several Republican state Assembly hopefuls are using campaign mail pieces to try and tie Nevada lawmakers to the debate surrounding bathroom access for transgender students.
Transgender community talks lack of resources
When Plattsburgh resident Michele Laurin learned that her daughter was transgender, she quickly realized the lack of local support for parents of such children.
Buffalo schools to craft gender-identity policy this summer
The Buffalo Board of Education will spend the summer crafting a gender-identity policy dictating how transgender students enrolled in Buffalo Public Schools are treated.
Advocates: Gender identity amendment needed in Nassau law
The push for changes to Nassau's Human Rights Law has been renewed in the wake of the Orlando terror attack that targeted the LGBT community.
Library board says no to transgender benefits
Cincinnati's public library Tuesday stood by its previous decision not to cover an employee's transgender transition surgery, citing costs.
Gov. Brown transgender policy challenged nationally
Oregon Governor’s Transgender Student “Guidance” Challenged By National Group Of Pediatricians
Justice for Philadelphia trans woman stabbed to death in 2015
A man arrested a few days after the murder of a Philadelphia trans woman just over a year ago has pleaded guilty. Raheam Felton was sentenced to 22 to 44 years for the murder of London Chanel in May 2015.
Transgender woman London Chanel's killer pleads guilty, gets 22-44 years
For Springfield High student, school’s transgender policy is cause for optimism
On May 14, President Obama released a federal directive stating that public schools must allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity or face massive federal budget cuts.
Lancaster school board to discuss transgender student guidelines tonight
School District of Lancaster officials will discuss how to handle issues related to transgender students at a public meeting tonight.
Lancaster School District will allow transgender students to use restroom of choice
'Gender identity' pulled from school board agenda
Sioux Falls school officials postponed a vote on protections for transgender students and employees Monday to allow more time for public comment.
Eddie Vedder rips Tennessee lawmaker over transgender bathroom bill
Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder called out Tennessee’s controversial transgender bathroom bill on Saturday at Bonnaroo, directly targeting bill sponsor Rep. Susan Lynn, R-Mt. Juliet.
Texas Colleges Staying Out of Bathroom Battles for Now
At the University of Houston, transgender students can enroll in voice feminization or masculinization clinics. At the University of Texas at Austin, students can write a simple letter to change how their gender is listed in school records. And many colleges in the state have maps on their websites showing the locations of dozens of on-campus gender-neutral bathrooms.
Anti-LGBT Texas Lt. Gov Tweets 'A Man Reaps What He Sows' After Orlando Shooting
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has deleted a tweet quoting the New Testament that he posted after the deadly Orlando nightclub shooting.
For Transgender Boy, Bathroom Fight Just Silly
Spend a few hours in Benjamin Elder’s company and you'll realize he’s an average, bubbly 10-year-old kid.
Culpeper delegation addresses transgender bathroom use
A dozen Culpeper residents — including Del. Nick Freitas, R-Culpeper — urged the Culpeper County School Board during Monday’s regular meeting to pass a local policy disregarding the recently enacted federal directive allowing students to use the restroom of their gender identity.
A donor gave $100,000 to the Girl Scouts to exclude 1 group of girls. They gave it right back
Earlier this year, a generous donor gave $100,000 to the Girl Scouts of Western Washington.
Most WV colleges embrace Title IX directive on transgender students
Transgender students at Shepherd University have been allowed to live in gender-inclusive housing for at least four years.
Transgender Group Launch ‘Problematic’ For Vote
Human rights activist Erin Greene yesterday admitted that Bahamas Transgender Intersex United’s launch in April proved “problematic” for the government as it sought to get support for four constitutional changes, but insisted that the LGBT community should not be blamed for the resounding failure of the equality referendum.
Cirurgião português premiado na Europa recusou trabalhar em Portugal a seis euros por hora
O cirurgião plástico João Décio Ferreira recebe, este domingo, em Munique, a medalha de ouro Magnus Hirschfeld da Sociedade Alemã de Sexologia Clínica pelo trabalho na área da mudança de sexo.
Cirurgião português distinguido: “Em Portugal davam-me seis euros por hora, na Alemanha dão-me uma medalha de ouro”
Lisboa sai à rua com Orgulho na 17.ª Marcha LGBT (com vídeo)
É já amanhã, Sábado, 18 de Junho, às 17h, que se realiza a 17.ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT de Lisboa. A organização deixa o apelo a que toda a gente participe e que não fique no passeio a observar com receio de se juntar.
Milhares celebram orgulho gay e recordam Orlando em Lisboa
Como é que se diz “kisses” em português?
“Orlando é aqui”: Marcha do Orgulho LGBT desfilou em Lisboa
Marcha de orgulho LGBT celebra as diferenças em Lisboa
Centenas de pessoas desfilaram na marcha do orgulho gay em Lisboa
Lisboa: milhares desfilam em nome do orgulho LGBT
Thousands march at gay pride parade in Portugal

Rapaz é morto a facadas em via pública no Nova Cidade
Gabriel Figueira Lima, 21, foi morto com um golpe de faca no pescoço, na noite dessa quinta-feira (16), por volta das 23h, na rua Cônego José Monteiro Noronha, no conjunto João Paulo, bairro Nova Cidade, Zona Norte de Manaus.
Travesti morre após golpe de faca no pescoço em Manaus, diz polícia

Travesti é morto a pauladas na Zona Norte de Manaus, diz polícia
Crime ocorreu na madrugada deste sábado (18).
Suposta arma do crime foi encontrada ao lado do corpo.
Um homem, ainda não identificado, foi morto a pauladas na madrugada deste sábado (18) no bairro Cidade de Deus, na Zona Norte de Manaus. De acordo com a polícia, a vítima era travesti. Ainda não há suspeitos do crime.

Travesti é encontrada enforcada e carbonizada em canavial de Palmares Paulista
O corpo de uma travesti, ainda não identificada, foi encontrado carbonizado na quarta-feira (15), no bairro Pompeo, próximo à cidade de Palmares Paulista.
De acordo com o boletim de ocorrência, a equipe plantonista da Polícia Civil de Catanduva foi informada pela Policia Militar de Palmares Paulista que havia um cadáver em um canavial da estrada municipal Salvador Benaduzzi.

Duas travestis são baleadas no bairro Parque Industrial, em Rio Preto
(...)Na noite do último domingo, 24, uma travesti de 20 anos foi morta a tiros no bairro Jardim Paraíso. Rodrigo Matheus Santos Pereira, 20 anos, que usava o nome social Dani, chegou a ser socorrido, mas não resistiu aos ferimentos e morreu. Na manhã de quarta-feira, dia 27, a Polícia Civil deteve dois irmãos, um de 18 e outro de 16 anos e um adolescente de 16 anos, suspeitos do crime, que teria motivação homofóbica. Procurado, o advogado do empresário e do adolescente, Mateus Floriano, disse que vai entrar com pedido de liberdade provisória para ambos.
Travesti é baleada em Santa Helena
Durante a madrugada deste sábado (18) socorristas do Samu e policiais militares foram acionados para atender uma vítima de disparo de arma de fogo.
'Brexit Bad For Trans Rights' Says Young Trans Activist
A young transgender rights activist from the UK, Charlie Craggs, has warned that Britain choosing to leave the European Union during the 'Brexit' vote could lead to marginalised communities finding themselves in worse situations.
Transgender inmate living as a woman 'nearly dies' after she slashes herself at men's prison
The inmate suffered 'huge' blood loss following the incident at HMP Littlehey, Cambs, amid claims she had been refused a transfer to a women's jail
Boys to be allowed to wear skirts as school introduces 'gender neutral' uniform policy to help transgender kids
Allens Croft School in Birmingham is one of the first schools in the country to introduce the flexible uniform policy
UK’s LGBT venues heighten security amid fear of ‘copycat’ Orlando terror attacks
LGBT venues across the UK have revealed their fear for repeat attacks following mass shootings in the US.
Brighton TV station claims European first with appointment of transgender news presenter
A Brighton-based local TV station has claimed a European first, with the appointment of transgender news presenter Sophie Cook.
Groundbreaking Court Decision in Poland on Gender Recognition Abroad
On June 1, a court in Warsaw issued a decision that allows a Polish citizen, who transitioned legally in Germany, to change her personal data (gender marker and first as well as last name) without obtaining a transsexual diagnosis and going through a civil court case in Poland.
It has been understood that there are calls being made on some media organs, websites, and social media that LGBT members are organizing a march on 19-26 June 2016 in Taksim.
Istanbul Bans Region’s Largest LGBT Pride March
Istanbul Police Violently Disperse Banned LGBT Rally
Istanbul riot police disperse 'Trans Pride' march
Istanbul Police Violently Disperse Banned LGBT Rally
7th Istanbul Transpride attacked by police in collusion with Islamists
Police Disperse Transsexual March in Istanbul
Pakistan’s transgenders mocked by most, abhorred by many
Abandoned by family and mocked by society, the life of a Pakistani transgender is lonely.
Hospital officials found guilty of negligence in transgender woman’s death
Health officials in Pakistan have been found guilty of committing criminal negligence after a transgender activist died.
Primeira banda pop trans ganha prémio em Cannes (com vídeos)
A 6 Pack Band é uma banda de música pop composta por pessoas transgénero criada pela agência de meios Mindshare Mumbai para a empresa Hindustan Unilever, na Índia, com o objectivo de promover a marca de chá Brooke Bond Red Label.
The struggles trans kids face in Australia
As trans visibility has risen, so too have the public debates around trans rights and acceptance.
Quebec Transgender Teens Will Be Legally Allowed to Change Their Name and Gender
A Quebec bill aimed at allowing transgender minors to change the name and gender on their birth certificates became law Friday.
Manitoba author explores being a transgender dad in new book
Book launched Sunday in Winnipeg
Canadian Blood Services Has A New Policy That’s Being Called Anti-Trans
Unless they’ve had surgery, trans Canadians will be treated as their sex assigned at birth.
Gay Actor Rupert Everett Urges Parents Not To Let Trans Children Receive Treatment
Openly gay actor Rupert Everett has spoken out to 'warn' parents against the dangers of allowing transgender children to seek help and treatment towards transitioning, claiming that parents who do so are 'wrong' during an interview with The Sunday Times.
'I try to remain androgynous': Transgender troops in limbo as Pentagon debates policy
Lindsey Muller spent most of her 16-year Army career as a man named Ryan. About two years ago, the UH-64 Apache Longbow pilot changed her name, started taking female hormones and underwent what the 34-year-old describes as “female puberty.”
What rights do transgender people have to change their name?
The Georgia ruling in the case of Rowan Elijah Feldhaus an extreme example of reality facing some trans people – few states have explicit rules on name changes
Being Transgender as a Fact of Nature
In 1952, George Jorgensen, a Bronx-born G.I., underwent surgical and hormonal treatment in Denmark to become Christine Jorgensen, a nightclub entertainer and advocate for gender identity rights. Ever since, health professionals and lay people alike have debated the origins of gender identity, the wisdom of altering one’s biologically determined sex, and whether society should accept the transgender community as a fact of nature.
Matt Barber: Christians Must Take America Back From Demonic 'Islamo-Progressive Axis Of Evil'
At last week’s Road To Majority conference sponsored by Ralph Reed’s Faith & Freedom Coalition and Concerned Women for America, anti-gay pundit and Liberty University law school associate dean Matt Barber promoted his new book, “Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War on Christianity.”
Praying With Gordon Klingenschmitt Can Free Transgender People From The 'Demonic Spirit Of Lying'
On his "Pray In Jesus Name" program recently, Colorado Republican state lawmaker and Religious Right activist Gordon Klingenschmitt declared that transgender individuals are literally possessed by demonic spirits, but that he could exorcise them of these demons if they would simply pray with him.
Hundreds of bills to curb LGBT rights preceded Orlando attack. Is there a link?
Bills’ supporters say they are not intended to promote violence
Efforts seen as backlash to gains LGBT people have achieved
Hate crimes increase when LGBT rights are debated, advocates say
Day Camp for Transgender Youth Allows Kids to be Themselves
Two years ago, a six-year-old girl named Scarlett went to her first girl’s empowerment summer camp. But on the first day Scarlett’s best friend got mad at her after being left out of a game. In a moment of anger, she shared something private about Scarlett.
In a huge shift, most Californians now support transgender bathroom law
In only three years, the majority of Californians have gone from opposing a state law that allows transgender students to access any bathroom in a public school to supporting it, according to a new study out of USC.
Fountain elementary school with first transgender bathroom downplays role in history
The national spotlight shone on the small town of Fountain three years ago, when a rare case involving a first-grade transgender girl became the focus of public attention.
Florida State Attorney Kenneth Lewis Suspended For Anti-Orlando Rant
Florida Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis has been suspended from his position following an anti-Orlando rant posted to his social media feed less than 24 hours after the Pulse massacre that claimed 49 lives just a week ago today.
Florida State Attorney Suspended For Anti-Orlando Rant
WBC at Orlando Funeral turned away by Angels and Bikers
The Westboro Baptist Church sent their scourge to Orlando to further sadden those attending the funeral of Javier, one of two memorials held Saturday for the victims the Orlando Pulse massacre.
Pastors warn Hillsborough School Board about political backlash over transgender restroom issue
Transgender students seek to counter opposition, fears over bathrooms
Issue expected to arise at Duval School Board meeting tonight
Public Comment Overwhelmingly Supportive On Duval Schools' Trans Policy
Vitti: Duval will investigate transgender student's claims of mistreatment
City leaders' silence on HRO leaves bitter taste for LGBT advocates
In Jacksonville, calls from gay-rights activists for unity and mourning in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history are inseparable from the awkward reality that — in Florida’s largest city — it is still legal to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Attorney: Collier schools should comply with transgender policy
The lawyer representing the Collier County School Board told members Tuesday night it should follow a directive from the Obama Administration regarding transgender students.
Basu: When a transgender male used the women's room
To see and hear Casey Gradischnig, you would never guess the 54-year-old senior art director for a Meredith company was born female. He has a bald head, a full mustache and a beard. He lack breasts. He is 6 feet tall, weighs 218 pounds and has a deep, male voice. His clothes were bought in the men’s section.
Letter urges District 211 to allow all transgender students full access
A group of 29 parents and students from Palatine-Schaumburg Township High School District 211 has written an open letter urging that the district grant permission for all students to use the bathroom and locker room consistent with their gender identity.
Transgender students reflect on challenges as lawmakers pursue bathroom policy; Lawrence school board prepares for discussion
Lawrence High School student Etana Parks is expressive. Her hair is dyed aqua and she talks openly, a carrying voice accompanied by wide gestures. Next school year, though, Parks, who was born male, is afraid of being noticed.
Kansas lawmaker: Transgender bathroom bill is ready if Democrats ‘muck us up’ in special session
Rep. John Whitmer crafts legislation affecting transgender students’ bathroom use
He does not plan to offer the bill during special session but could change his mind
House speaker wants the special session to focus on preventing school closures
Kansas education board votes to ignore federal transgender decree
Police Jury: Transgenders should use birth-sex bathroom
Transgender people shouldn’t get to pick and choose which bathrooms they use, according to the Rapides Parish Police Jury.
Pittsfield aims to ensure 'all students' can 'live authentically as the gender with which they identify'
City education policymakers hope to expand recent federal guidance on the civil rights of transgender students in public schools to "ensure that all students have the opportunity to express themselves and live authentically as the gender with which they identify."
Ocean City Beach Patrol captain draws fire with email on locker room use
The longtime head of Ocean City's Beach Patrol could face discipline for sending an email instructing employees to use the locker room "that corresponds to your DNA," an Ocean City spokeswoman said Tuesday.
Transgender in Maine
There are up to 40,000 transgender Mainers.
They're your neighbors, co-workers, family.
Their reality is much more than the bathroom thing.
Today, they tell their stories.
Howell Board of Education meeting heats up over transgender bathroom debate
The question of transgender students using bathrooms in schools may eventually be decided on the state or national level but for now schools have to come up with their own policies and one local district is trying to deal with the controversy.
Transgender school guidance coming in August
The State Board of Education could vote as early as August on policy recommendations for public schools to accommodate transgender students, moving forward with the hot-button debate despite the November elections.
Portage City Council mulls gay, bisexual, transgender protections
Just days after the nation was rocked by the assault on a gay nightclub in Orlando that left 49 dead, the Portage City Council has taken up an ordinance amendment to address lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights.
Crisis Calls To St. Louis Transgender Group On the Rise
Facilitators for transgender people are bracing for another increase after the Orlando attack, after seeing a big jump in crisis calls in recent months.
Jackson council passes anti-discrimination ordinance
There was no discussion. No deliberation. No opposition offered.
Missoula transgender woman to make political history
The nation is preparing to send thousands of delegates to both the Republican and Democratic national conventions where they will determine the nominees for their respective parties.
Tweaks to North Carolina ‘Bathroom Bill’ Unlikely to Satisfy Critics
'It basically says we’re not to fix that' law, a state Rep. tells TIME
HB2 changes could emerge soon, NC House Democrat says
What it's like to live under North Carolina's bathroom law if you're transgender
Commissioners support HB2
Judge to combine NC GOP leaders' LGBT law cases
Group Rallies in Support of HB2, Draws Criticism
HB2 opponents link law to Orlando shootings
Another sign of support for HB2
Schools mull policy on transgender rights
Jersey City's public-school district may become the latest in the state to adopt a policy aimed at specifying the rights of its transgender students.
Transgender woman becomes the first to land 'Women’s Running' magazine cover
Meet the first transgender woman to rock the front of "Women’s Running" magazine.
At Westfield High School, Students Use Bathrooms of ‘Original’ Gender
With issues involving bathrooms and gender making headlines nationwide, Westfield High School Vice Principal Derrick Nelson said that transgender students at Westfield High School use the bathrooms that align with their “original” genders. This also goes for the gym locker rooms — students change in rooms that align with the gender they were born with.
GOP campaign mail severely distorts complex issue of transgender bathroom access
Several Republican state Assembly hopefuls are using campaign mail pieces to try and tie Nevada lawmakers to the debate surrounding bathroom access for transgender students.
Transgender community talks lack of resources
When Plattsburgh resident Michele Laurin learned that her daughter was transgender, she quickly realized the lack of local support for parents of such children.
Buffalo schools to craft gender-identity policy this summer
The Buffalo Board of Education will spend the summer crafting a gender-identity policy dictating how transgender students enrolled in Buffalo Public Schools are treated.
Advocates: Gender identity amendment needed in Nassau law
The push for changes to Nassau's Human Rights Law has been renewed in the wake of the Orlando terror attack that targeted the LGBT community.
Library board says no to transgender benefits
Cincinnati's public library Tuesday stood by its previous decision not to cover an employee's transgender transition surgery, citing costs.
Gov. Brown transgender policy challenged nationally
Oregon Governor’s Transgender Student “Guidance” Challenged By National Group Of Pediatricians
Justice for Philadelphia trans woman stabbed to death in 2015
A man arrested a few days after the murder of a Philadelphia trans woman just over a year ago has pleaded guilty. Raheam Felton was sentenced to 22 to 44 years for the murder of London Chanel in May 2015.
Transgender woman London Chanel's killer pleads guilty, gets 22-44 years
For Springfield High student, school’s transgender policy is cause for optimism
On May 14, President Obama released a federal directive stating that public schools must allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity or face massive federal budget cuts.
Lancaster school board to discuss transgender student guidelines tonight
School District of Lancaster officials will discuss how to handle issues related to transgender students at a public meeting tonight.
Lancaster School District will allow transgender students to use restroom of choice
'Gender identity' pulled from school board agenda
Sioux Falls school officials postponed a vote on protections for transgender students and employees Monday to allow more time for public comment.
Eddie Vedder rips Tennessee lawmaker over transgender bathroom bill
Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder called out Tennessee’s controversial transgender bathroom bill on Saturday at Bonnaroo, directly targeting bill sponsor Rep. Susan Lynn, R-Mt. Juliet.
Texas Colleges Staying Out of Bathroom Battles for Now
At the University of Houston, transgender students can enroll in voice feminization or masculinization clinics. At the University of Texas at Austin, students can write a simple letter to change how their gender is listed in school records. And many colleges in the state have maps on their websites showing the locations of dozens of on-campus gender-neutral bathrooms.
Anti-LGBT Texas Lt. Gov Tweets 'A Man Reaps What He Sows' After Orlando Shooting
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has deleted a tweet quoting the New Testament that he posted after the deadly Orlando nightclub shooting.
For Transgender Boy, Bathroom Fight Just Silly
Spend a few hours in Benjamin Elder’s company and you'll realize he’s an average, bubbly 10-year-old kid.
Culpeper delegation addresses transgender bathroom use
A dozen Culpeper residents — including Del. Nick Freitas, R-Culpeper — urged the Culpeper County School Board during Monday’s regular meeting to pass a local policy disregarding the recently enacted federal directive allowing students to use the restroom of their gender identity.
A donor gave $100,000 to the Girl Scouts to exclude 1 group of girls. They gave it right back
Earlier this year, a generous donor gave $100,000 to the Girl Scouts of Western Washington.
Most WV colleges embrace Title IX directive on transgender students
Transgender students at Shepherd University have been allowed to live in gender-inclusive housing for at least four years.
Transgender Group Launch ‘Problematic’ For Vote
Human rights activist Erin Greene yesterday admitted that Bahamas Transgender Intersex United’s launch in April proved “problematic” for the government as it sought to get support for four constitutional changes, but insisted that the LGBT community should not be blamed for the resounding failure of the equality referendum.
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