Morre Marcia Medeiros, ícone da beleza trans dos anos 2000
Morreu neste fim de semana a mulher transexual Marcia Medeiros, profissional do sexo, porn star, cabeleireira e ícone de beleza dos anos 2000. Marcia estava com 36 anos e, de acordo com familiares e amigos, foi encontrada morta após cometer suicídio em São Paulo.

Homossexual é encontrado morto com sinais de esganadura em Guarabira; Corpo estava despido
Um corpo de um homossexual conhecido como ”Zizo”, residente no conjunto Nossa Senhora Aparecida, em Guarabira/PB, foi encontrado com sinais de esganadura na manhã desta sexta-feira (02), em Itamatay, zona rural de Guarabira.
Corpo de transexual é encontrado em terreno baldio de Guarabira, na PB
Travesti é encontrado morto no Sítio Itamatay em Guarabira
Homossexual é encontrado morto com sinais de esganadura; Corpo estava despido

Excerto: Agentes da Polícia Civil começaram a procurar informações, falando com residentes e trabalhadores da região, os quais informaram que o indivíduo trabalhava como travesti no local, e sempre estava acompanhado por um colega também travesti, informaram também, que o indivíduo possuía um mal comportamento, pois se tratava de um travesti espalhafatoso e que normalmente andava sem roupa no local.

Três pessoas são executadas no bairro Santa Cecília, em Viamão
Excerto: As marcas da chacina ficaram na parede crivada de balas. Pelo menos 30 buracos podem ser contados no concreto. Até ontem à noite, uma vítima não havia sido identificada. As outras duas são Thais Silva e Wilson Ricardo da Silva Farias, 18 anos, ambas sem antecedentes. Conforme relato de Flávia da Silva Oliver, 37 anos, mãe de Ricardo, o jovem tinha chegado da escola às 22h e ido na lancheria na frente de casa comprar um cachorro-quente. Por volta das 23h30min, ela ouviu os disparos. Ao correr para a rua, os criminosos já tinham fugido.

Um homem de 44 anos foi morto a tiros, na madrugada deste sábado (10), dentro de um bar localizado no Vergel do Lago.
De acordo com informações repassadas pelo Centro Integrado de Operações da Segurança Pública (Ciosp), Ricardo da Silva de Sá, de 44 anos, recebeu três disparos de arma de fogo na região da cabeça. O algoz, porém, não foi identificado pela polícia.

Travesti é assassinada a tiros em Fazenda Rio Grande
Uma travesti, identificado por Gabriel, de 17 anos, foi assassinado a tiros na noite desta terça-feira (13) em Fazenda Rio Grande. O crime foi registrado na Rua Gâmbia, no bairro Nações.
De acordo com informações de testemunhas, foram ouvidos vários disparos de arma de fogo e em seguida encontraram Gabriel caído no chão já sem vida. Nenhum morador repassou informações para a polícia sobre a autoria e motivação do crime.
Jovem travesti é executado a tiros em rua escura de Fazenda Rio Grande
Saúde implementa ambulatório para atender transexuais no HU
Quem for ao local poderá fazer tratamento hormonal
"Vivo abaixo da linha da invisibilidade", diz ativista trans Sissy Kelly, aos 60 anos
Quantas histórias e segredos carregam as mulheres transexuais ou travestis que conseguiram driblar a baixíssima expectativa de vida de 35 anos e chegaram à terceira idade? Quais foram as artimanhas para superar as violências e transfobias múltiplas e institucionalizadas? E de qual maneira vivem, gozam e enfrentam a velhice?
Boate terá que indenizar transexual obrigada a pagar ingresso masculino
'Eu fui vista como um homem folgado', diz jovem; decisão cabe recurso.
Branca Brunelli tem laudo que atesta transtorno de identidade de gênero.
Comissão aprova multa de até R$ 37 mil por racismo, homofobia ou transfobia no Ceará
A Comissão de Constituição e Justiça da Assembleia Legislativa aprovou projeto que estabelece “diretrizes para o reconhecimento de uma política de combate à discriminação” no Ceará. Segundo o texto, de Zé Ailton Brasil (PP), a medida busca combater racismo, homofobia, transfobia ou qualquer discriminação por raça, crença, orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero no Estado.
Science is catching up with society on transgender issues
Society has made great leaps in its acceptance of transgender people. Science has a big part to play in keeping the momentum going
Brain scans show trans people feeling at odds with their body
“Listen to the voices of sex workers!”
Transgender Europe calls for the decriminalisation of sex work in Europe
On this International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers (December 17th), Transgender Europe (TGEU) calls for the full decriminalisation of sex work.
This doctor gives hormones to trans 12-year-olds and the establishment wants to shut her down
When Dr Helen Webberley met her first trans patient, she tore up the rulebook to provide the treatment they needed. And started a revolution
UK nurses lacking skills to treat transgender patients, says research
RCN survey of nurses points to inadequate training, with only a fifth saying workforce has relevant training and experience
NHS not transgender-friendly enough, says nurse
Singer Sade’s child comes out as trans man
Singer Sade’s only child Ila Adu has come out as a transgender man on Instagram, Black Girl Long Hair reports.
Lesbian accused of impersonating a man to have sex with a female friend has conviction overturned
Gayle Newland was originally sentenced to eight years in prison
School threatens to suspend trans student for wearing female uniform
A school in Kent threatened a transgender student with suspension for wearing her female uniform.
Transgender newsreader opens up about on-air comeback after taking time off to transition
A transgender newsreader who made her on-screen comeback this month after taking time off to transition has spoken about her life.
Outrage as sex offenders' gender reassignment surgery costs taxpayer £84,000 at male jail
A prison has six male sex offenders who are planning to have gender reassignment surgery – costing the taxpayer a mind-boggling £84,000.

Person genetically a male but physically a female lived in London nearly 2,000 years ago
Scientists say that in a few births per thousand there are males born with female chromosomes and females born with a male chromosome. One such case came to light recently in London in the skeleton of a woman from the Roman era of about 2,000 years ago. Researchers analyzed her DNA and found she was genetically a male but physically a female. It is the oldest case known to science.
NHS failing to provide treatment to trans teens is leading to suicides, experts warn
Forcing trans teens to live through a 'full puberty' is 'cruel and unnecessary'
[UK/Saudi Arabia]
Transgender Saudi man speaks out publicly for first time to help others
"My name wasn't Salman when I was born about 28 years ago. It was Salma."
France's new law allows pre-op transgender citizens to change their name and gender marker
The local trans community, activists and supporters are celebrating the government's decision
France introduces simplified gender recognition process for trans people
It’s official – France adopts a new legal gender recognition procedure!
France adopts 1st gender recognition law – trans people continue being judged
French Law Removes the Surgical Requirement for Legal Gender Recognition

Genova: addio a Carolina, donna transgender offesa anche in morte
Aveva appena 34 anni e da oltre dieci anni viveva nel capoluogo ligure. Ancora ignote le cause del decesso. Ma i giornali non le risparmiano affermazioni scorrette e offensive
Lagaccio: transessuale trovata morta, si_sospetta l'omicidio
Giallo al Lagaccio: trovato morto in casa Indaga la polizia: possibile omicidio
Study looks into treatment of intersex children
From the 1950s children born in Switzerland with no clear biological gender were given surgery or hormones to assign them a gender. A scientific review in Zurich aims to shed more light into this dark chapter of medical history.
Austrian intersex person denied 'third gender' passport
A court in Austria has ruled that an intersex person who applied to have ‘third gender’ entered into his passport has to identify as either female or male.
Absence of transgender laws is discriminatory
The lack of regulated laws for transgender people in Cyprus results in restrictions in education, employment and exposes transgender people to constant humiliation, degradation, and discriminatory treatment, announced the Ombudsman’s office in a statement on Tuesday.
‘Simpler’ gender-change law by early next year
ACCEPT-LGBT Cyprus is optimistic that a bill introducing simpler procedures to change gender identity will be ready early next year, its chairman Costas Gavrielides said on Friday.
Patrijotti official "outs" transgender protestor
Alex Caruana calls for movement in favour of 'respect'
Updated | Minister deplores attack by self-proclaimed patriots on transgender activist
Updated: University lecturer who could face prosecution over outing transgender protester apologises
Patrijotti official Stephen Florian apologises for controversial Facebook post
University investigating Stephen Florian comments
Malta depathologises trans identities
Bills approved tonight ban conversion therapy and the pathologisation of trans identities
Transgender in Lebanon: 'A story of courage and determination'
Equality for the LGBT community in Lebanon is 'like Swiss cheese, with areas that are more open minded and others that are more conservative'
[Saudi Arabia]
Three ‘effeminate’ men arrested at Saudi Arabia Starbucks
Saudi police last week arrested three “effeminate” men at a Starbucks in the country’s capital.
Transgender woman hospitalized after vicious attack in Tbilisi
A 32-year-old transgender woman was Friday evening severely beaten in Ortachala, a district in the south of Tbilisi.
Government Called To Tackle Hate Crimes After Transgender Woman Stabbed In Tbilisi
31-year-old arrested for attack on transgender woman
NGOs Condemn Attack on Tbilisi Transgender Woman
MP urges govt to recognize intersex persons as third gender
Nominated Member of Parliament Isaac Mwaura has urged the registrar of persons to take immediate administrative action to recognise intersex people in the country.
Posters seeking beheading of transgenders appear in Pakistan
The posters highlighting the growing extremism and intolerance in the country have come up near and inside shopping malls.
Pakistan’s first transgender model makes debut with stunning photoshoot
Social activist, Kami Sid, who is known for working endlessly for Pakistan’s transgender community has made her debut in the fashion world.
Transgenders seek access to HIV/Aids treatment
The transgender community of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa demanded access to proper HIV/Aids treatment.
Concerns voiced over growing AIdS cases among transgender people
Pakistani government division calls for transgender rights to be reassessed in light of trans violence
A government department has called for the rights of transgender people to be re-assessed in light of increased violence against the community.
‘Violations of child, transgender rights at all time high’
Violations of the rights of labour, children and the transgender community are at an all time high in the country, the National Commission on Human Rights (NCHR) chairman said on Sunday.
Transgender health
Two cases this year — that of a transgender person dying in a Peshawar hospital as healthcare providers deliberated over which ward to put her in; and of another who, after being diagnosed as HIV positive, was forced to live near a garbage dump until she died — highlight the insensitivity that prevails towards this marginalised community.

Neglected segment: Transgender community protests killing of colleague
The transgender community staged a protest demonstration against killing of their colleague in Faisalabad on Thursday.
The transgender community took to the streets and blocked Faisalabad-Sargodha Road to condemn the murder of a transwoman Ghulam Abbas alias ‘Guria’ who was shot dead on November 7.
Senate body to invite transgender activists to Senate session
The Senate Standing Committee on Marginalised Segments has decided to invite transgender activists to discuss issues facing the transgender community and find a way to prevent violations of their rights.
Our close friend and trans sister Payal. Student of our board member Chocolate is stabed in Sawat, Khyber Pakhtunkwa. She has received medical attention. The Police has yet no lodged the FIR but has taken an application. The local lolice station is forcing us to compromise with the attackers who belong a local crimnial group of Swat and well known for extorsion,killing and abductions.
Indonesia’s first Muslim transgender boarding school forced to close
Indonesia’s only transgender boarding school has been forced to close after being branded ‘immoral’.
Religious School For Transgenders Targeted By Islamist Radicals
Transgender Indonesians bear brunt of rising intolerance
A Trans Woman Tries to Reverse Stigma in Indonesia
Rebecca Acacia was celebrating her last day on earth with a modest party. The tiny apartment was crowded with a small collection of friends, neighbors, and their children. She served bubur merahputih—a rice porridge that's colored red and white like the Indonesian flag—and ayam bakar with white rice. I was her neighbor and, sitting there on her white tile floor, I felt lucky to be among the few invited.
Proud moments
Qienabh Tappii, a 28-year-old representing Jakarta who wore a figure-hugging, iridescent metallic gown, triumphed over more than 30 other contestants
A first for fa’afafine in Samoa
The contribution of the fa’afafine community to the development of Samoa was honoured and acknowledged last week during a special week dedicated to their work.
Singapore landmark ruling in transgender child abuse case
The highest court in Singapore has jailed a transgender man who is biologically female for the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl.
[Hong Kong]
Thousands rally for equal rights in Hong Kong Pride
Thousands of people took part in a Pride parade in Hong Kong today, including the Equal Opportunities Commission chairman.
[Hong Kong]
Intersex Hongkonger wages one-person campaign for third gender recognition
Diagnosed male but found to have female organs, LGBTI advocate argues city’s intersex individuals would suffer less if the census recognised them
Tropfest Founder Expresses Regret About Transphobic Film's Win In 2013
Three years after the controversial film Bamboozled picked up the top honours at Tropfest, the short film festival's founder John Polson has admitted that its win may have been misguided.
'What's in-between her legs is nobody's business': Mother of transgender girl, six, hits back at critics of controversial Safe Schools programme
Briella Carmichael is a transgender six-year-old girl from Melbourne
She began her transition last year after trying to rip off her penis
Her parents praised the Safe Schools programme for helping her out
Programme aims to combat homophobia and transphobia in schools
But other parents believe the 'disturbing' programme is inappropriate
Channel 7 slammed by trans advocates for its Safe Schools coverage
Handball Hannah barred from the sport she loves after she had a sex change - because 'her stature would intimidate female players'
A transgender handball player has been barred from joining national team
Handball Australia ruled against Hannah Mouncey, 25, from playing
There were concerns her stature would intimidate female players
Ms Mouncey, formerly Callum, played for the Australian men's team
[New Zealand]
Logie recieves identity document petition
Green Party MP Jan Logie has received a petition from members of the trans community this afternoon calling for the Government to address the barriers gender diverse people face when wishing to have their identity documents reflect their self-identity.
[New Zealand]
Beyer hopes to return
Chronically-ill former Carterton mayor and Wairarapa MP Georgina Beyer has set her sights on returning to Wairarapa- dead or alive.
The world’s first transsexual mayor has renal failure, and if she loses her health fight, she plans to have her ashes scattered in Carterton.
Creep Catcher vigilantes under fire over death of mentally ill woman in video
Tragedy has members of the self-styled pedophile hunting group speaking out about controversial tactics
Katelynn Ariel McKnight's life was turned upside down in April when a man showed up on her doorstep in Edmonton, pointed a camera phone in her face and accused her of trying to lure a 14-year-old girl online.
Police investigating online threats sent to transgender people at U of T
Some members of the University of Toronto’s transgender community have received online threats that campus and Toronto police are investigating, the university said in a statement on Friday. News of the threats comes after a rally earlier this week held by supporters of Jordan Peterson.
This is the biggest survey of transgender people ever. It contains a lot of bad news
From poverty to poor health outcomes, there’s still a lot of progress left to be made.
Army denies Chelsea Manning Gender Marker Change
A military prison psychologist has denied Chelsea Manning’s gender marker change according to court documents obtained by the Salt Lake Tribune Monday. The reason for the denial wasn’t revealed by psychologist Ellen Galloway and Army spokesman Wayne Hall declined to comment Tuesday, citing medical privacy laws.
Transgender woman Amiyah Scott Stuns in Fox series “Star”
The transgender community was flush with excitement when Amiyah Scott landed a role with the “Real House Wives of Atlanta”, but that turned out to be just a cameo, dashing our hopes. As fate has it the world has bigger plans for this transgender woman of color and for good reason.
Conservative Group Wants Trump To ‘Ferret Out’ Pro-LGBT State Department Workers
A leading social conservative organization is calling on the Trump administration to “ferret out” employees at the State Department who worked to promote LGBT rights and replace them with conservatives.
Evangelicals demand Trump remove LGBT ‘activists’ from State Department
Man charged in murder of transgender woman at Birmingham motel
A 23-year-old man charged in the Monday shooting and holdup of a transgender woman in an eastern Birmingham house is now charged in the slaying of another transgender woman.
Man is sentenced for stabbing transgender woman to death and setting their apartment on fire
A Van Nuys man was sent to prison Thursday for fatally stabbing his live-in partner, a transgender woman, and torching their apartment.
Gwen Araujo murder 14 years later: Transgender teen’s killers face parole
Sylvia Guerrero had never even heard the word “transgender” until her 17-year-old daughter Gwen Araujo, born a son named Eddie, was brutally murdered.

Trans musician Cash Askew among 36 killed in Oakland warehouse fire
Authorities confirmed that at least 36 people died after a fire broke out in an Oakland warehouse-turned-artists’ community Friday night. Some of the victims are believed to be members of the LGBTQ community.
Transgender musician Cash Askew, 22, of dream-pop band Them Are Us Too was one of 11 victims identified by authorities as of Monday morning. According to Scout Wolfcave, founder of the Trans Assistance Project, two other trans women are also feared among the deceased: Feral Pines and Em Bohlka.
For trans women killed by Oakland fire, struggle for respect continues in death
GLAAD calls on media to accurately report on Oakland fire victims
Castro Vigil Honors Trans Victims Of Ghost Ship Fire In Oakland
DC Transgender Cop awaiting discipline for misconduct with minors
Sgt. Jessica Hawkins, the first DC transgender police officer to head the LGBT liaison unit is awaiting discipline ruling for alleged misconduct with minors.
Trans Atlanta rallies, marches to show its Pride
Hundreds of transgender Atlantans and their supporters rallied and marched on Saturday, armed with flags, signs and t-shirts to celebrate Atlanta Pride.
Transgender woman pleads guilty to taking photos in Target dressing room
43-year-old Sean Patrick Smith, who also identifies as Shauna Patricia Smith, a transgender female, has entered a plea of guilty to videotaping a woman in the Ammon Target store.
Transgender woman pleads guilty to videotaping teen in Target dressing room
‘Transgender’ man pleads guilty to videotaping women in Target
Transgender state worker claims discrimination
As a transgender man, Derek Guy expected his chosen career in social work to be one where colleagues would support his decision last year to transition from female to male.
6th District court rules gender identity is protected by Title VII
The Sixth District court ruled this week that transgender man Mykel Mickens, a former employee at GE Appliances in Louisville, can legally pursue sex-discrimination claims against the company after being fired in June.
2 women, 1 believed to be transgender, hit and killed in Md.
Police say the two people killed when they were hit by a car while fighting in the middle of U.S. Route 1 in Elkridge were an 18-year-old woman and another woman who's believed to be transgender.
Cachita Dead: Alina María Hernández, One Of First Transgender Women On Hispanic TV, Passes Away
Alina María Hernández, known as “Cachita” from Univision’s “El Gordo y la Flaca” passed away on October 8, according to a post shared by Raúl de Molina on his social media accounts. “I’ve been informed of the sad news of the passing of #Cachita #AlinaHernandez, who was one of the great personalities from @elgordoylaflaca. My most sincere condolences to her loved ones. She will always be in our hearts,” De Molina posted. Hernández worked with the show for over 10 years.
McCrory finally concedes the election
But the wicked witch isn't dead.
Jay Kallio, Model Activist to the End, Dead at 61
Jay Kallio, who died September 30 at age 61 in New York, was an activist’s activist on the front lines of the grassroots LGBT movement and other social justice causes for more than 40 years.
Transgender woman found dead in Cleveland with plastic bag around head
A Cleveland woman found dead Saturday with a plastic bag around her head identifies as a transgender woman, according to family members.
Cleveland woman becomes 23rd transgender person killed this year
Trans girl allowed to continue using girls’ restroom despite objections by school district
A vulnerable trans girl is to be allowed to continue to use the girls’ bathroom, despite a bid by her Ohio School District to stop her from doing so.
ACLU files lawsuit, says transgender prisoner is being denied medical care
A lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon claims a transgender female prisoner is being denied essential medical care.
Transgender prisoner sues Oregon Department of Corrections over denial of medical care
Reports: Transgender victim shot, possibly followed out of Philadelphia bar
Philadelphia police are investigating the shooting of a transgender person who appears to have been followed out of a West Philadelphia bar by two suspects on Sunday evening.
Transgender man shot five times leaving bar
Police: Walmart employee transitioning to female shoots co-worker over alleged threats
Zachary McClimans, 22, of Sharon, charged with attempted murder in Hermitage, Mercer County

Trump trolls desecrate trans woman’s Facebook page with insults after her suicide
After Lizzy Waites, a trans woman living in Pierre, South Dakota committed suicide last Wednesday, the suicide note she posted to Facebook was taken over by harassing Trump trolls, the Daily Beast reports.
Trump backers celebrated death of this loving trans mother
A transgender woman just committed suicide. Trump supporters respond in the worst way possible
Trump Trolls Cheer Trans Woman's Suicide Note
Lizzy Waite’s surrogate transgender mom remembers
Transgender man sues Houston police over 'real man' comments, insults
Houston police hurled hateful insults at a transgender man while arresting him on a trumped-up trespassing charge that was later dismissed, according to a lawsuit filed recently in Harris County.
Dripping Springs Tx defends trans Child from hate Group
A Walnut Springs Elementary transgender girls right to use the bathroom was defended Monday by nearly half of the residents of Dripping Springs, TX., pop 1700. Twenty parents and students gathered in a park to speak to reporters.
Man arrested, accused of stabbing transgender woman 17 times in Norfolk
Police said a sexual encounter ended violently after the man found out that person with whom he had the encounter was a transgender woman.
Trans activist hopes to open Richmond homeless shelter
A transgender activist in Richmond, Va., has launched a campaign to buy a house that she hopes will become the city’s first LGBT-specific homeless shelter and drop-in center.
Washington State GOP lawmakers introduce anti-transgender bathroom bill
The Washington State House pre-filed a bill Monday that would limit transgender people’s access to public restrooms and other gender-segregated facilities.
Parolee who robbed Wyoming bank to return to prison gets 6-years
A transgender parolee who said she robbed a Wyoming bank last summer so she would be sent back to prison was sentenced to six years in a federal women's lockup on Wednesday, prosecutors said.
Itzel, transexual de 19 años, es asesinada a puñaladas, en su casa de Chiapas; van 20 en 2016
El asesinato de Itzel Castellanos, ocurrido en Chiapas, es el segundo registrado contra una integrante de la comunidad transexual en los últimos nueve días. De acuerdo con testigos, dos sujetos agredieron a la joven de 19 años de edad con un arma blanca afuera de su domicilio. El pasado 30 de septiembre, Paola, una sexoservidora de 25 años de edad, residente en la Ciudad de México desde hace ocho años, fue asesinada a tiros cerca de la avenida Insurgentes. Por este crimen un hombre fue detenido; sin embargo, algunos medios de comunicación aseguran que quedó en libertad dos días después por falta de pruebas.
El asesinato atroz e impune de Paola, una transexual, deja muy mal parada a la “tolerante” CdMx
Paola fue asesinada el 30 de septiembre en el cruce de Avenida Insurgentes con Puente de Alvarado. De acuerdo con los testigos, un hombre abordó a Paola en la calle, le ofreció 200 pesos para tener relaciones sexuales y segundos después se escucharon varias detonaciones. Sus compañeras grabaron un video en donde cuestionan al sujeto, quien se deslinda del homicidio. El martes realizaron una protesta en ese mismo sitio con el féretro presente. El expediente de Paola se suma a los 247 asesinatos de personas transexuales cometidos en nuestro país entre 2008 y abril de 2016. México es el segundo país con más reportes de transexuales asesinados en el mundo, sólo después de Brasil.
Wave of Violence Targets Transsexuals in Mexico
Mexico is the second most dangerous country in the world for transsexuals.
Los asesinatos a GLBTI bajan 50%, pero aumentan intimidaciones
En 2014 se reportaron 9 crímenes en contra de miembros del colectivo, mientras que en 2016 hay 4 denuncias por la misma causa.
[El Salvador]
Aldo Peña, transgénero agredido por policías demandará a juez por supuestamente proteger a principal culpable
Según la víctima, en la audiencia anterior el juez determino que de los siete policías imputados, tres eran sobreseidos y cuatro pasaban a vista pública, sin embargo ayer, resulto un cuarto sobreseido que es según la parte acusataria es el principal agresor.
[Costa Rica]
Mujer trans logra cambio de nombre en cédula de identidad
Organización Transvida celebra resolución pero espera que trámite se hagan desde ventanilla y no dependa de un juez
Trangéneros convocan a manifestarse contra el poder judicial por exámenes sexológicos
Según informa el Servicio Médico Legal, desde el año 2005 a la fecha, 107 personas transgénero han sido sometidas a exámenes sexológicos por orden judicial.
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