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sábado, julho 18, 2009

Boxer Rob Newbiggen to get sex change and become 'Mercedes'
SOUTHPORT boxer Rob Newbiggin is to undergo a sex change operation to become a woman named ‘Mercedes’.

[Netherlands] [News/Health]
Sex change op boosts heart disease risk
Female transsexuals (who are born as men) have a greater chance of dying of coronary heart and artery disease and strokes, researchers at the VU and Leiden university teaching hospitals told Friday's Volkskrant.

Lithuania approves Bill 'to protect' children
The Lithuanian Parliament has approved a Bill that would prohibit children from being exposed to information on a number of topics, including homosexuality.

[New Zealand]
Kestin's story: T is for Testosterone
22-year-old Kestin Stewart is a female-to-male transguy living in Auckland and currently looking for work in animation.
Coming up to his one-year anniversary taking the male hormone Testosterone, Kestin told about his trans journey and new-found 'manly-hood'... (Photo: Kestin Stewart)

Jamie Lee Hamilton will not file a complaint against Lu's pharmacy "at this point"
A Vancouver transgender activist won't be filing a complaint against a female-only pharmacy that didn't fill her prescription.
Activists hope dialogue settles pharmacy controversy
[Commentary] Romi Chandra: An open letter to the Vancouver's Women's Health Collective

Senate votes to expand federal hate crimes laws
People attacked because of their sexual orientation or gender would receive federal protections under a Senate-approved measure that significantly expands the reach of hate crimes law.

Couple Found Shot, Neighbors Say Husband Wanted
A man in Missouri who neighbors said wanted to become a woman may be charged in his wife's death.
The woman was found shot to death Tuesday night.
And the husband is in the hospital with a gunshot wound -- a possible suicide attempt.

Jury breaks without verdict in hate-crime homicide
Deliberations in the Dwight DeLee hate-crime murder trial have ended for the day without a verdict.
The Lateisha Green Murder Trial: Thursday Blog Post
Jury delivers guilty verdict in Onondaga County's first hate crime murder trial

New Attack Brings Hate Crime Charge
Two men face felony hate crime charges after they allegedly assaulted a transgender female in St. Albans.
The victim, Carmella Etienne, told police the two assailants chased her down last week near the intersection of 199th Street and 116th Avenue while throwing rocks and bottles, yelling slurs and threatening to kill her.

Transsexual sues NYC Parks Department over firing
A former mail room clerk for the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation says she was fired from her job because she is a transsexual.
Sex-changer's suit claims bias against Parks Department

Maine rules in favor of transgendered student on restroom use
The Maine Human Rights Commission ruled in favor of a transgendered male-to-female student who was not allowed to use to girls’ restroom.