Médico convidado a fazer cirurgias de mudança de sexo por 6euro/hora
Ontem às 10:39O SNS ficou sem o único clínico que assegurava as cirurgias de mudança de sexo em Portugal. Reformado desde 2009, o médico rejeitou a proposta de continuar a operar por seis euros à hora.
Transexuais têm de pagar até 20 mil para mudar sexo
Sale adelante la Ley para transexuales en Portugal a pesar de su ultra conservador presidente Cavaco Silva
Esta Ley para transexuales en Portugal arranca desde un compromiso de los partidos de izquierdas tras una visita de activistas españolas al Congreso lusitano (Antecedentes al final de la noticia)
El presidente de Portugal, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, promulgó hoy la ley que simplifica el proceso de cambio de sexo y del nombre en el registro civil, aunque volvió a reiterar su desacuerdo con la misma por sus defectos técnico-jurídicos.
Travesti é morta com nove tiros em Belo Horizonte
A travesti Priscila Brandão (foto), de 22 anos, foi assassinada na madrugada desta quarta-feira (2), em Belo Horizonte, no bairro Funcionários, na região Centro-Sul da capital mineira.
German court rules cross-dressing prisoners okay
Jailed transgender men and women in Germany will be able to wear whichever clothes they want after a court on Tuesday ruled that personal rights superseded security concerns when it comes to clothes.
Rising number of youths undergoing sex change ops
The rising number of youths, who want to undergo or have undergone sex change operations, is one of the most difficult problems that the Juvenile Care Administration in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor is currently facing, reports Al-Dar daily quoting director of the administration Abdullatif Al-Sinan.
April 15 to be observed as Transgenders Day in state
The Tamil Nadu government's decision to observe April 15, the formation day of transgenders welfare board in 2008, as transgenders' day brings cheer on the faces of many in the community, as this is the first time in the country a state has taken a major initiative to find space for the community that has been denied its basic right in the society for long.
No place to call home, but a place in census
You would have seen them often, paddling rickshaws near Metro stations or walking up to your car windows and vending odd items at traffic signals. You wouldn’t have given them a second glance. On Sunday, India decided to count them as its people and give them a place in census numbers, even though t hey never found a place to live. For them, home is a worn-out quilt that keeps them alive on a chilly winter night under an open sky. And with that, an usually nameless, homogeneous mass of people living on the fringes became individuals with faces and stories.
"Sé quién soy y no me importa lo que digan los demás" Entrevista a mujer transexual referente en India
Arumguma Revathi nació hombre, pero siempre se sintió mujer. Esto era imposible de comprender en su pequeña aldea en Tamil Nadu, al sur de la India. Sus dos hermanos fueron los primeros que la reprendieron y golpearon hasta casi la inconsciencia cuando descubrieron que actuó vestida de mujer en un festival religioso. En la calle muchos se reían de ella por ser un "niño-niña". Su padre la sacó de la escuela y la puso a trabajar como su ayudante en su camión de reparto de leche. Hasta que encontró a un grupo de hijras, varones que adoptan una identidad femenina. Entonces entendió que no era la única que vivía esa situación.
NSW gov’t commits to GLBT mental health
A ministerial advisory committee focusing on health and wellbeing issues faced by people in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) communities will be established, as part of a range of GLBT health initiatives announced today by the NSW Health Minister, Carmel Tebbutt.
Cross-dressers are people too
A volunteer fire fighter wants to set up Darwin's first cross-dressers' club.
Geoff South is on a mission to generate support for men like himself who have a penchant for wearing lipstick, heels and flowy gowns.
The 57-year-old trades assistant and volunteer firefighter said his first step was to track down some members. (Photo)
MP Comartin introduces Bill to remove sodomy from Canada’s Criminal Code
Just after Canada’s House of Commons narrowly passed a ‘transgender’ bill (Bill C-389) that would criminalize discrimination based on “gender identity” and “gender expression,” Joe Comartin, New Democratic Party MP for Windsor-Tecumseh, introduced an amendment to the Criminal Code, Bill C-628 that had First Reading on February 11. The amendment would “remove the distinction between anal intercourse and other forms of sexual activity. It also amends other sections of that Act in consequence.”
[Canada] [Commentary]
Psychological Disorder or Physical Disorder?
Gender dysphoria: psychological disorder or physical disorder? Or both?
It's a controversial issue, though the medical profession seems to be convinced that gender dysphoria is a psychological disorder. But what brings on the psychological disorder? No doubt, something physical . . .
Broward School Board adds 'gender identity and expression' to district's nondiscrimination policy
The Broward School Board on Tuesday unanimously added "gender identity and expression" to the district's nondiscrimination policy for students and teachers and other employees.
Statement from the Transgender Equal Rights Coalition in Response To the Savage Feb. 27 Attack of a Transgender Woman in Chelsea
Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim of this brutal crime, a transgender woman who was brought to Massachusetts General Hospital in critical condition after the attack. We hope her assailant is swiftly taken into custody and brought to justice.
A un año del cambio de sexo de Verona
Su transformación fue paulatina, con cambios que comenzó en el rostro y luego continuó a otras partes del cuerpo. Pero, el mayor de todos estos reajustes físicos, ese que convirtió sus partes íntimas a las de una mujer, lo logró con la cirugía más complicada de todas a las que se ha sometido, la de reasignación de género.
Houston Man Linked to Transgender Strangulations
A homeless man from Houston has been linked by DNA to five strangulation deaths, including the murders of two transgender women.
Trans woman runs for mayor in Texas
A transgender woman is challenging an anti-gay pastor in the mayoral race in Amarillo, Texas.
Sandra Dunn, 53, said her friends encouraged her to go for the job after pastor David Grisham announced his candidacy last week.
“Chikinkira Lorenz” (Segunda Parte)
* Sépalo: La preferencia sexual no minimiza nuestro nivel intelectual
* A los hombres yo los llamo tal si fueran pizza a domicilio y a los 30 minutos están en la puerta de la casa…y calientitos
* Ve a “Mica” Leiva como a su madre
Honduras crea una unidad especial para investigar los crímenes de periodistas y gays
Las autoridades de Honduras crearon hoy una unidad especial para investigar los crímenes de periodistas, homosexuales y otros grupos, y adoptaron otras medidas para enfrentar la creciente ola de violencia, informó la Policía.
Gay acude a estrados judiciales porque no permitieron su ingreso a discoteca
‘Luifer’, conocido travesti de Sincelejo, aseguró que el portero de una reconocida discoteca de la ciudad le prohibió a él y a sus acompañantes la entrada al lugar.
Médico convidado a fazer cirurgias de mudança de sexo por 6euro/hora
Ontem às 10:39O SNS ficou sem o único clínico que assegurava as cirurgias de mudança de sexo em Portugal. Reformado desde 2009, o médico rejeitou a proposta de continuar a operar por seis euros à hora.
Transexuais têm de pagar até 20 mil para mudar sexo
Sale adelante la Ley para transexuales en Portugal a pesar de su ultra conservador presidente Cavaco Silva
Esta Ley para transexuales en Portugal arranca desde un compromiso de los partidos de izquierdas tras una visita de activistas españolas al Congreso lusitano (Antecedentes al final de la noticia)
El presidente de Portugal, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, promulgó hoy la ley que simplifica el proceso de cambio de sexo y del nombre en el registro civil, aunque volvió a reiterar su desacuerdo con la misma por sus defectos técnico-jurídicos.
Travesti é morta com nove tiros em Belo Horizonte
A travesti Priscila Brandão (foto), de 22 anos, foi assassinada na madrugada desta quarta-feira (2), em Belo Horizonte, no bairro Funcionários, na região Centro-Sul da capital mineira.
German court rules cross-dressing prisoners okay
Jailed transgender men and women in Germany will be able to wear whichever clothes they want after a court on Tuesday ruled that personal rights superseded security concerns when it comes to clothes.
Rising number of youths undergoing sex change ops
The rising number of youths, who want to undergo or have undergone sex change operations, is one of the most difficult problems that the Juvenile Care Administration in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor is currently facing, reports Al-Dar daily quoting director of the administration Abdullatif Al-Sinan.
April 15 to be observed as Transgenders Day in state
The Tamil Nadu government's decision to observe April 15, the formation day of transgenders welfare board in 2008, as transgenders' day brings cheer on the faces of many in the community, as this is the first time in the country a state has taken a major initiative to find space for the community that has been denied its basic right in the society for long.
No place to call home, but a place in census
You would have seen them often, paddling rickshaws near Metro stations or walking up to your car windows and vending odd items at traffic signals. You wouldn’t have given them a second glance. On Sunday, India decided to count them as its people and give them a place in census numbers, even though t hey never found a place to live. For them, home is a worn-out quilt that keeps them alive on a chilly winter night under an open sky. And with that, an usually nameless, homogeneous mass of people living on the fringes became individuals with faces and stories.
"Sé quién soy y no me importa lo que digan los demás" Entrevista a mujer transexual referente en India
Arumguma Revathi nació hombre, pero siempre se sintió mujer. Esto era imposible de comprender en su pequeña aldea en Tamil Nadu, al sur de la India. Sus dos hermanos fueron los primeros que la reprendieron y golpearon hasta casi la inconsciencia cuando descubrieron que actuó vestida de mujer en un festival religioso. En la calle muchos se reían de ella por ser un "niño-niña". Su padre la sacó de la escuela y la puso a trabajar como su ayudante en su camión de reparto de leche. Hasta que encontró a un grupo de hijras, varones que adoptan una identidad femenina. Entonces entendió que no era la única que vivía esa situación.
NSW gov’t commits to GLBT mental health
A ministerial advisory committee focusing on health and wellbeing issues faced by people in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) communities will be established, as part of a range of GLBT health initiatives announced today by the NSW Health Minister, Carmel Tebbutt.
Cross-dressers are people too
A volunteer fire fighter wants to set up Darwin's first cross-dressers' club.
Geoff South is on a mission to generate support for men like himself who have a penchant for wearing lipstick, heels and flowy gowns.
The 57-year-old trades assistant and volunteer firefighter said his first step was to track down some members. (Photo)
MP Comartin introduces Bill to remove sodomy from Canada’s Criminal Code
Just after Canada’s House of Commons narrowly passed a ‘transgender’ bill (Bill C-389) that would criminalize discrimination based on “gender identity” and “gender expression,” Joe Comartin, New Democratic Party MP for Windsor-Tecumseh, introduced an amendment to the Criminal Code, Bill C-628 that had First Reading on February 11. The amendment would “remove the distinction between anal intercourse and other forms of sexual activity. It also amends other sections of that Act in consequence.”
[Canada] [Commentary]
Psychological Disorder or Physical Disorder?
Gender dysphoria: psychological disorder or physical disorder? Or both?
It's a controversial issue, though the medical profession seems to be convinced that gender dysphoria is a psychological disorder. But what brings on the psychological disorder? No doubt, something physical . . .
Broward School Board adds 'gender identity and expression' to district's nondiscrimination policy
The Broward School Board on Tuesday unanimously added "gender identity and expression" to the district's nondiscrimination policy for students and teachers and other employees.
Statement from the Transgender Equal Rights Coalition in Response To the Savage Feb. 27 Attack of a Transgender Woman in Chelsea
Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim of this brutal crime, a transgender woman who was brought to Massachusetts General Hospital in critical condition after the attack. We hope her assailant is swiftly taken into custody and brought to justice.
A un año del cambio de sexo de Verona
Su transformación fue paulatina, con cambios que comenzó en el rostro y luego continuó a otras partes del cuerpo. Pero, el mayor de todos estos reajustes físicos, ese que convirtió sus partes íntimas a las de una mujer, lo logró con la cirugía más complicada de todas a las que se ha sometido, la de reasignación de género.
Houston Man Linked to Transgender Strangulations
A homeless man from Houston has been linked by DNA to five strangulation deaths, including the murders of two transgender women.
Trans woman runs for mayor in Texas
A transgender woman is challenging an anti-gay pastor in the mayoral race in Amarillo, Texas.
Sandra Dunn, 53, said her friends encouraged her to go for the job after pastor David Grisham announced his candidacy last week.
“Chikinkira Lorenz” (Segunda Parte)
* Sépalo: La preferencia sexual no minimiza nuestro nivel intelectual
* A los hombres yo los llamo tal si fueran pizza a domicilio y a los 30 minutos están en la puerta de la casa…y calientitos
* Ve a “Mica” Leiva como a su madre
Honduras crea una unidad especial para investigar los crímenes de periodistas y gays
Las autoridades de Honduras crearon hoy una unidad especial para investigar los crímenes de periodistas, homosexuales y otros grupos, y adoptaron otras medidas para enfrentar la creciente ola de violencia, informó la Policía.
Gay acude a estrados judiciales porque no permitieron su ingreso a discoteca
‘Luifer’, conocido travesti de Sincelejo, aseguró que el portero de una reconocida discoteca de la ciudad le prohibió a él y a sus acompañantes la entrada al lugar.
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