Inês Nunes deixa as passerelles para dar vida a transexual em ‘Ouro Verde’
Inês Nunes é um nome quase desconhecido para a maioria dos portugueses mas que ainda vai dar muito que falar.
20 anos depois - Eduarda Santos
Eduarda Santos ou Transfofa como é conhecida nas redes, é uma ativista de longa data pelos direitos Trans. Todos os dias relata novas vítimas da transfobia um pouco por todo o mundo mas o seu trabalho foca-se em Portugal. Este é o seu testemunho.
Nova lei vai permitir mudança de sexo a menores
Governo entrega em janeiro projeto da nova Lei da Identidade de Género, que prevê a descida da idade legal e o fim do atestado médico obrigatório
Laerte ganha processo por transfobia de Veja e Reinaldo Azevedo
A cartunista Laerte Coutinho ganhou processo contra o jornalista Reinaldo Azevedo, a revista Veja e a rádio Jovem Pan. Eles foram condenados a lhe pagar indenização no valor de R$ 100 mil.
Aos 61 anos, militante travesti Anyky Lima fala sobre ditadura, transfobia e terceira idade
“Sou travesti, idosa e mereço respeito”. Foi carregando uma plaquinha com essa mensagem em uma foto publicada nas redes sociais que Anyky Lima conseguiu dar visibilidade para uma realidade pouco vista, conhecida e valorizada no Brasil: a das travestis que chegaram na terceira idade.
Travestis mataram rivais em brigas por pontos de prostituição, diz polícia
Operação Divas prendeu seis travestis e um homem suspeitos dos homicídios.
Líder do grupo cobrava até por prostituição na rua e aplica silicone industrial.
Polícia prende travestis suspeitas de cometer homicídios em Goiânia
Polícia faz operação contra grupo de travestis suspeito de homicídios
Heymilly Maynard diz que transfobia afasta população trans de datas comemorativas em família
Um novo ano se aproxima e muitas pessoas começam a planejar as festividades em família: Natal, Ano Novo... Mas o que era para ser um momento de celebração e união, acaba resvalando em laços rompidos pelo desconforto e de relações familiares marcadas pelo preconceito.
Projeto odontológico passa a tratar de mulheres trans e travestis vítimas de violência
O projeto Apolônias do Bem, que oferece tratamento odontológico gratuito e é referência no atendimento à mulher cis que sofreram violência, também passou a atender neste ano pacientes que são travestis e mulheres trans e que perderam seus dentes para a violência.
Vendedor ambulante tenta salvar travesti e gay de ataque e é assassinado em metrô de SP
O vendedor ambulante Luiz Carlos Ruas, mais conhecido como Índio, foi espancado e assassinado por dois homens na noite de domingo (25) na estação Pedro II, do Metrô de São Paulo. Ele foi tentar defender uma travesti e um gay em situação de rua do ataque, que fugiram, e acabou tornando-se alvo.
Polícia prende um dos acusados de matar ambulante no metrô de São Paulo
Grupo de 5 homens invadem casa e espanca transexual com pauladas; vídeo
Agressão foi registrada em Wanderlândia, norte do Tocantins. Ação foi registrada em vídeo; polícia investiga o caso.
Transgender woman dragged from home and beaten
Dois jovens são mortos a tiros enquanto andavam de moto em GO
Gabriel Gomes e Fabiana Braz foram mortos a tiros na quarta-feira (21) quando andavam de moto pela Vila Regina, em Goiânia. De acordo com o delegado de plantão Hellyton Carlos Miranda Carvalho, eles receberam 14 tiros.
Ambos estavam sem documentos ou telefone celular, e não foram identificados num primeiro momento. O site G1 anunciou como sendo duas mulheres, mas a Rede Trans Brasil apurou e constatou que pelo menos Gabriel seria homem trans - conforme pode ser visto o perfil no Face com o nome social.
Travesti é assassinado no Santa Helena
Um jovem foi assassinado na madrugada desta sexta-feira (16) com pelo menos quatro tiros. O crime ocorreu por volta das 00h20 na Rua Aldenor Alves dos Santos, no Parque Santa Helena, em Guarus, Campos.
Policia do Crato prende homem que matou homossexual a pedradas dentro de cemitério no Crato
Sobre o comando; do Major L Rodrigues, e uma composição do FTA tendo à frente o Tenente Lindembergue, Sargentos J. Carlos, Nascimento Sergio e J. Oliveira, prenderam na tarde desse domingo, Fabiano dos Santos Cruz, vulgo Galego ou Bica 26 anos, assassino confesso do homossexual Jose Roberto Teles Gomes, 28 anos, residente a Vila Santo Antônio, distrito de Juazeiro do Norte encontrado sem vida na manhã desse domingo (18), dentro do cemitério no sitio Serraria, distrito de Bela Vista, Crato-Ce.
Travesti é morta a tiros no bairro Couto Fernandes
Uma travesti identificada como Paula Raio Laser, de 50 anos, foi morta a tiros na noite da última quinta-feira (22), no bairro Couto Fernandes (Regional IV), por dois homens que trafegavam numa motocicleta.
Paula foi executada na porta da própria casa, localizada na Travessa Tibiriçá. Após o crime, os assassinos se evadiram em direção à omunidade do Triângulo, naquele mesmo bairro. Eles ainda não foram identificados.
Acabei de chegar no IML do reconhecimento da travesti Gaúcha, Jake Helen, que foi assassinada com 5 tiros, no dia 31/12/16, em Contagem (Região Ressaca). Estou muito abalada, pois a conheci e a atendi durante um bom tempo. Pessoa do bem, incrível... Agora não descanso até que esse assassino infeliz esteja na cadeia...
Wiltshire College pupil found hanged after receiving transgender abuse
A transgender student was found hanged less than a week after she made a official complaint at collage over alleged bullying about her gender identity.
Mature student Gabriel Tinto, 51 of Salisbury, expressed frustration on social media about her voice and insults she received last Thursday (October 13).
Trans student found hanged after filing complaint about bullying
Student trans activist Lily Summers dies suddenly
A trans activist and prospective Labour councillor has died suddenly.
Lily Jayne Summers was a final year student at Swansea University, where she studied Politics, Philosophy, and Economics.
The political campaigner had recently been selected to run for council in Uplands, Swansea – thought to be one of the first openly trans people selected by Welsh Labour.
Vile trolls target loved ones of trans activist Lily Summers hours after death
Trans woman held at Doncaster men’s prison found hanged in cell
Inmate Jenny Swift was found dead at HMP Doncaster on December 30, reports The Star.
Her death, believed to be suicide, is currently being investigated.
Formerly known as Jonathan, she was held at the private male prison in connection to the death of Eric Flanagan, 26. A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice has confirmed they were aware she was transgender when a decision was made to hold her at the Category B prison. No further explanation has yet been given on why.
Transgender woman found dead in cell at Doncaster prison
Transgender man ‘insulted’ after ID refused by staff in Bedford Tesco
A transgender man was stunned after he was refused service at a supermarket because staff didn't believe his female ID belonged to him.
Valencia se suma al protocolo de respeto a la identidad de los transexuales en los colegios
La Generalitat lanza una instrucción para que puedan vestirse y usen los aseos que elijan
Tante domande per un duplice omicidio che ha sconvolto Parma
Gli investigatori sono al lavoro per ricostruire la dinamica e dare uno o più nomi ai responsabili del duplice delitto della notte di Natale di San Prospero (leggi) in cui sono stati uccisi Luca Manici, noto a tutti come la "Kelly" (Il ritratto - leggi) e Gabriela Altamirano, di origini argentine e residente a Salso amica e vera propria "ombra" della Kelly (Il ritratto - leggi).
This transgender child convinced a whole country to change their laws
An extraordinary transgender child has changed the laws of a whole country.
Gender reassignment surgeries: When you're born with the wrong body
Under the new law, if the sex of the individual is unclear, and if medical examinations indicate the person's physical features do not match with his or her characteristics, then he or she could be qualified to undergo a sex-change operation.
Eunuchs deprived of equal rights, basic facilities
"Eunuchs of Sindh have been deprived of their equal rights and other basic facilities in defiance of court orders".
K-P tehsil bans public performances by transgender community
The staging of public performances by the transgender community has been banned in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa tehsil of Khadu Khel.
Chinese Transgender Man Wins First Ever Dismissal Case
A transgender man in China, identified only as Chen, has won a landmark discrimination legal case against his former employers, in what has been described as the first such case in Chinese history.
Medicine Hat judges ordered 4-year-old not to wear girls' clothes in public
Boy's mom plans to launch a human rights complaint to highlight need for more judicial education
Transgender Americans Race To Finish Paperwork Before Trump Administration
Many transgender people in the U.S. are rushing to change their designated gender on government documents before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. They worry the next administration may take that ability away.
HRC Releases Ultimate Guide to Raising Trans Children
The Human Rights Campaign teamed up with two national pediatrics groups to produce a comprehensive guide on transgender children to help family, friends, and physicians.
19 Times Breitbart Cited A Discredited Hate Group To Spread Harmful Lies About Pediatric Medical Care
Breitbart.com has cited an anti-LGBTQ hate group as evidence that medical care for transgender youth is dangerous, harmful, and/or tantamount to “child abuse” in 19 separate articles since March. The deceptively named hate group’s position on youth health care is refuted by all major medical associations.
Family Research Council lays out harsh agenda for Trump’s first 100 days
If the Family Research Council gets its way, the first 100 days of Donald Trump‘s presidency will be a parade of assaults against the LGBTQ community.
Everything You Need To Know About Changing Gender Markers On Your Identification Documents
Birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports — it’s complicated, but it doesn’t have to be impossible.
Family Research Council Asks For List Of LGBT Activists At State Department
On Thursday, a group well-known to the LGBT community made a public request to President-elect Trump asking him to begin a purge of all of the federal employees at the State Department who had worked to expand LGBT equality. The Family Research Council – a lobbyist organization devoted to the opposition of LGBT equality since the 1980’s is no stranger to controversy, and has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group.
Meet transgender teen Ian AIexander from Netflix The OA
I watched the first few episodes of “The OA” without knowing that the character “Buck” was played by trans man Ian AIexander. In fact, I hadn’t planned on watching more of the OA at all, it seemed too dark and the scenes lacked cohesiveness.
Man who beat transgender teen to death with a hammer gets first ever hate crime conviction
A man accused of murdering his transgender ex-partner has pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime charge – the first such conviction in US history.
Take These Precautions Before Trump Takes Office
There are a number of measures that LGBT Asian Americans, South Asians, Southeast Asians, and Pacific Islanders should do to protect themselves and their families under a Trump Administration. I’m a civil rights lawyer by practice and I’ve consulted with other immigration attorneys, public policy experts, and other practitioners to identify issues of particular importance for our community.
Threats, bullying hit family of KC transgender girl on cover of National Geographic
It didn’t take long for two public reactions to erupt on the announcement this month that Avery Jackson, a 9-year-old girl from Kansas City, would be the first known transgender individual to be pictured on the cover of National Geographic.
Transgender Youtuber Blaire White – Mom is Pimping Out Child
Trans lives, startling photos
Everybody, as they say, has a story to tell.
This photo of a trans dad breastfeeding his son tells a great story of love and acceptance
The photo of a trans dad breastfeeding his son has gone viral as it is celebrated as a brilliant image of a modern family.
Catholic groups are suing the Obama administration over trans protection laws
A slew of Catholic organisations are set to sue the Obama administration over a federal law which protects the transgender community from discrimination.
Pastor Anne Graham: God let 9/11 happen because of transgender people in bathrooms
The daughter of evangelical pastor Billy Graham has suggested that God let 9/11 happen because he’s too upset about transgender people.
Boy Scouts OK with Gay, But Not Transgender Scouts
Last year after buying a Boy Scout’s outrageously overpriced fundraising popcorn I felt good knowing I had sacrificed, but I was perplexed by the seller’s apparent uneasiness.
Juvenile detention centers struggle with transgender inmates
The nation’s juvenile detention centers are largely ill-equipped to handle transgender teens, leaving them vulnerable to bullying, sexual assault, depression and suicide, advocates say.
Trans activist detained in Arizona and threatened with deportation due to bureaucratic catch-22
Indian-born transgender rights activist Nina Chaubal has been detained by immigration authorities and threatened with imminent deportation. She is currently being held in an Arizona Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility notorious for its mistreatment of LGBT detainees.
Here Is An Amazing New Resource To Help Trans People In Los Angeles
A new organization is helping connect transgender people to housing options and resources in the Los Angeles area through an inner-community network.
Police confirm body of missing transgender teen found near Hart Park
Bakersfield police confirm search crews found the body of a missing transgender teen Saturday near Hart Park.
Jai Bornstein, 19, was last seen Tuesday morning, Dec. 27, around 10 a.m. in a southwest Bakersfield neighborhood near Ming Avenue and Gosford Road.
Court hearings stalled in D.C. trans murder case
A D.C. Public Defender Service attorney, who is credited with persuading a judge in 2013 to hand down a lighter than expected sentence for an off-duty police officer charged with firing his gun into a car occupied by three transgender women, is currently representing a man charged in the July 4 shooting death of D.C. transgender woman Deeniquia Dodds.
Mississippi transgender woman Mesha Caldwell is first reported trans killing of 2017
Mississippi resident Mesha Caldwell, a black transgender woman, was found dead Wednesday night outside of Canton, Mississippi, according to Mississippi News Now. Initial media reports misgendered Caldwell as male, according to a family friend.
Transgender woman found shot to death on Madison Co. road
NC GOP Bait and Switch worked. #HB2 stays
While watching the live feed from Raleigh while the GOP lawmakers blamed the failure of the body to rescind HB2 I was struck by three things.
Victory as New York trans man granted legal name change at appeal
A transgender man in New York is celebrating victory after being allowed to legally change his name.
Woman who stabbed NY Transgender man released without bail
Stephanie Pazmino, 30, who police said committed a hate crime by stabbing transman Ijan Jarrett was released without bail Friday after a Manhattan grand jury failed to indict her.
Shortage of injectable estrogen unnerves transgender community
In June, Taya Vietro walked into her pharmacy to pick up her supply of injectable estrogen, the hormone that’s been sustaining her transition from male to female since 2012. But the drug was on back order, and the pharmacist said it wouldn’t be available for months. Vietro, a svelte, shy 27-year-old, recalls the staff trying to soothe her.
TX Lt Gov wishes all non whites a very deadly and poverty stricken New Year
In a daring move for the oldest civil rights group in the U.S., the NAACP is set to formally call for a boycott of the state of North Carolina.
TX Trans Inmate Passion Star to be Paroled with a possible Settlement
Transgender inmate Passion Star’s 14 years incarcerated in Texas prisons being raped, beaten and ignored will soon be coming to an end.
Brazil Is Confronting an Epidemic of Anti-Gay Violence
The assailant struck as Gabriel Figueira Lima, 21, stood on a street two weeks ago in a city in the Amazon, plunging a knife into his neck and speeding off on the back of a motorcycle, leaving him to die.
Perú dará apoyo médico gratuito a mujeres trans
El Ministerio de Salud de Perú emitió una resolución que permite a las mujeres trans recibir atención médica integral en los centros de salud de todo el país.
El video de dos jóvenes golpeando a una trans
Las imágenes fueron publicadas en una cuenta en Twitter, pero fueron eliminadas tras el repudio generalizado
Habló Cielo, la chica travesti agredida por dos adolescentes en San Telmo
Investigan el asesinato de transexual, en 6 y 21
El cuerpo fue hallado hoy, tras el receso navideño, en terrenos ferroviarios. La víctima, que ejercería la prostitución, habría sido apuñalada. El Municipio se ve limitado por la jurisdicción federal.
Inês Nunes deixa as passerelles para dar vida a transexual em ‘Ouro Verde’
Inês Nunes é um nome quase desconhecido para a maioria dos portugueses mas que ainda vai dar muito que falar.
20 anos depois - Eduarda Santos
Eduarda Santos ou Transfofa como é conhecida nas redes, é uma ativista de longa data pelos direitos Trans. Todos os dias relata novas vítimas da transfobia um pouco por todo o mundo mas o seu trabalho foca-se em Portugal. Este é o seu testemunho.
Nova lei vai permitir mudança de sexo a menores
Governo entrega em janeiro projeto da nova Lei da Identidade de Género, que prevê a descida da idade legal e o fim do atestado médico obrigatório
Laerte ganha processo por transfobia de Veja e Reinaldo Azevedo
A cartunista Laerte Coutinho ganhou processo contra o jornalista Reinaldo Azevedo, a revista Veja e a rádio Jovem Pan. Eles foram condenados a lhe pagar indenização no valor de R$ 100 mil.
Aos 61 anos, militante travesti Anyky Lima fala sobre ditadura, transfobia e terceira idade
“Sou travesti, idosa e mereço respeito”. Foi carregando uma plaquinha com essa mensagem em uma foto publicada nas redes sociais que Anyky Lima conseguiu dar visibilidade para uma realidade pouco vista, conhecida e valorizada no Brasil: a das travestis que chegaram na terceira idade.
Travestis mataram rivais em brigas por pontos de prostituição, diz polícia
Operação Divas prendeu seis travestis e um homem suspeitos dos homicídios.
Líder do grupo cobrava até por prostituição na rua e aplica silicone industrial.
Polícia prende travestis suspeitas de cometer homicídios em Goiânia
Polícia faz operação contra grupo de travestis suspeito de homicídios
Heymilly Maynard diz que transfobia afasta população trans de datas comemorativas em família
Um novo ano se aproxima e muitas pessoas começam a planejar as festividades em família: Natal, Ano Novo... Mas o que era para ser um momento de celebração e união, acaba resvalando em laços rompidos pelo desconforto e de relações familiares marcadas pelo preconceito.
Projeto odontológico passa a tratar de mulheres trans e travestis vítimas de violência
O projeto Apolônias do Bem, que oferece tratamento odontológico gratuito e é referência no atendimento à mulher cis que sofreram violência, também passou a atender neste ano pacientes que são travestis e mulheres trans e que perderam seus dentes para a violência.
Vendedor ambulante tenta salvar travesti e gay de ataque e é assassinado em metrô de SP
O vendedor ambulante Luiz Carlos Ruas, mais conhecido como Índio, foi espancado e assassinado por dois homens na noite de domingo (25) na estação Pedro II, do Metrô de São Paulo. Ele foi tentar defender uma travesti e um gay em situação de rua do ataque, que fugiram, e acabou tornando-se alvo.
Polícia prende um dos acusados de matar ambulante no metrô de São Paulo
Grupo de 5 homens invadem casa e espanca transexual com pauladas; vídeo
Agressão foi registrada em Wanderlândia, norte do Tocantins. Ação foi registrada em vídeo; polícia investiga o caso.
Transgender woman dragged from home and beaten

Dois jovens são mortos a tiros enquanto andavam de moto em GO
Gabriel Gomes e Fabiana Braz foram mortos a tiros na quarta-feira (21) quando andavam de moto pela Vila Regina, em Goiânia. De acordo com o delegado de plantão Hellyton Carlos Miranda Carvalho, eles receberam 14 tiros.
Ambos estavam sem documentos ou telefone celular, e não foram identificados num primeiro momento. O site G1 anunciou como sendo duas mulheres, mas a Rede Trans Brasil apurou e constatou que pelo menos Gabriel seria homem trans - conforme pode ser visto o perfil no Face com o nome social.

Travesti é assassinado no Santa Helena
Um jovem foi assassinado na madrugada desta sexta-feira (16) com pelo menos quatro tiros. O crime ocorreu por volta das 00h20 na Rua Aldenor Alves dos Santos, no Parque Santa Helena, em Guarus, Campos.

Policia do Crato prende homem que matou homossexual a pedradas dentro de cemitério no Crato
Sobre o comando; do Major L Rodrigues, e uma composição do FTA tendo à frente o Tenente Lindembergue, Sargentos J. Carlos, Nascimento Sergio e J. Oliveira, prenderam na tarde desse domingo, Fabiano dos Santos Cruz, vulgo Galego ou Bica 26 anos, assassino confesso do homossexual Jose Roberto Teles Gomes, 28 anos, residente a Vila Santo Antônio, distrito de Juazeiro do Norte encontrado sem vida na manhã desse domingo (18), dentro do cemitério no sitio Serraria, distrito de Bela Vista, Crato-Ce.

Travesti é morta a tiros no bairro Couto Fernandes
Uma travesti identificada como Paula Raio Laser, de 50 anos, foi morta a tiros na noite da última quinta-feira (22), no bairro Couto Fernandes (Regional IV), por dois homens que trafegavam numa motocicleta.
Paula foi executada na porta da própria casa, localizada na Travessa Tibiriçá. Após o crime, os assassinos se evadiram em direção à omunidade do Triângulo, naquele mesmo bairro. Eles ainda não foram identificados.

Acabei de chegar no IML do reconhecimento da travesti Gaúcha, Jake Helen, que foi assassinada com 5 tiros, no dia 31/12/16, em Contagem (Região Ressaca). Estou muito abalada, pois a conheci e a atendi durante um bom tempo. Pessoa do bem, incrível... Agora não descanso até que esse assassino infeliz esteja na cadeia...

Wiltshire College pupil found hanged after receiving transgender abuse
A transgender student was found hanged less than a week after she made a official complaint at collage over alleged bullying about her gender identity.
Mature student Gabriel Tinto, 51 of Salisbury, expressed frustration on social media about her voice and insults she received last Thursday (October 13).
Trans student found hanged after filing complaint about bullying

Student trans activist Lily Summers dies suddenly
A trans activist and prospective Labour councillor has died suddenly.
Lily Jayne Summers was a final year student at Swansea University, where she studied Politics, Philosophy, and Economics.
The political campaigner had recently been selected to run for council in Uplands, Swansea – thought to be one of the first openly trans people selected by Welsh Labour.
Vile trolls target loved ones of trans activist Lily Summers hours after death

Trans woman held at Doncaster men’s prison found hanged in cell
Inmate Jenny Swift was found dead at HMP Doncaster on December 30, reports The Star.
Her death, believed to be suicide, is currently being investigated.
Formerly known as Jonathan, she was held at the private male prison in connection to the death of Eric Flanagan, 26. A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice has confirmed they were aware she was transgender when a decision was made to hold her at the Category B prison. No further explanation has yet been given on why.
Transgender woman found dead in cell at Doncaster prison
Transgender man ‘insulted’ after ID refused by staff in Bedford Tesco
A transgender man was stunned after he was refused service at a supermarket because staff didn't believe his female ID belonged to him.
Valencia se suma al protocolo de respeto a la identidad de los transexuales en los colegios
La Generalitat lanza una instrucción para que puedan vestirse y usen los aseos que elijan

Tante domande per un duplice omicidio che ha sconvolto Parma
Gli investigatori sono al lavoro per ricostruire la dinamica e dare uno o più nomi ai responsabili del duplice delitto della notte di Natale di San Prospero (leggi) in cui sono stati uccisi Luca Manici, noto a tutti come la "Kelly" (Il ritratto - leggi) e Gabriela Altamirano, di origini argentine e residente a Salso amica e vera propria "ombra" della Kelly (Il ritratto - leggi).
This transgender child convinced a whole country to change their laws
An extraordinary transgender child has changed the laws of a whole country.
Gender reassignment surgeries: When you're born with the wrong body
Under the new law, if the sex of the individual is unclear, and if medical examinations indicate the person's physical features do not match with his or her characteristics, then he or she could be qualified to undergo a sex-change operation.
Eunuchs deprived of equal rights, basic facilities
"Eunuchs of Sindh have been deprived of their equal rights and other basic facilities in defiance of court orders".
K-P tehsil bans public performances by transgender community
The staging of public performances by the transgender community has been banned in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa tehsil of Khadu Khel.
Chinese Transgender Man Wins First Ever Dismissal Case
A transgender man in China, identified only as Chen, has won a landmark discrimination legal case against his former employers, in what has been described as the first such case in Chinese history.
Medicine Hat judges ordered 4-year-old not to wear girls' clothes in public
Boy's mom plans to launch a human rights complaint to highlight need for more judicial education
Transgender Americans Race To Finish Paperwork Before Trump Administration
Many transgender people in the U.S. are rushing to change their designated gender on government documents before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. They worry the next administration may take that ability away.
HRC Releases Ultimate Guide to Raising Trans Children
The Human Rights Campaign teamed up with two national pediatrics groups to produce a comprehensive guide on transgender children to help family, friends, and physicians.
19 Times Breitbart Cited A Discredited Hate Group To Spread Harmful Lies About Pediatric Medical Care
Breitbart.com has cited an anti-LGBTQ hate group as evidence that medical care for transgender youth is dangerous, harmful, and/or tantamount to “child abuse” in 19 separate articles since March. The deceptively named hate group’s position on youth health care is refuted by all major medical associations.
Family Research Council lays out harsh agenda for Trump’s first 100 days
If the Family Research Council gets its way, the first 100 days of Donald Trump‘s presidency will be a parade of assaults against the LGBTQ community.
Everything You Need To Know About Changing Gender Markers On Your Identification Documents
Birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports — it’s complicated, but it doesn’t have to be impossible.
Family Research Council Asks For List Of LGBT Activists At State Department
On Thursday, a group well-known to the LGBT community made a public request to President-elect Trump asking him to begin a purge of all of the federal employees at the State Department who had worked to expand LGBT equality. The Family Research Council – a lobbyist organization devoted to the opposition of LGBT equality since the 1980’s is no stranger to controversy, and has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group.
Meet transgender teen Ian AIexander from Netflix The OA
I watched the first few episodes of “The OA” without knowing that the character “Buck” was played by trans man Ian AIexander. In fact, I hadn’t planned on watching more of the OA at all, it seemed too dark and the scenes lacked cohesiveness.
Man who beat transgender teen to death with a hammer gets first ever hate crime conviction
A man accused of murdering his transgender ex-partner has pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime charge – the first such conviction in US history.
Take These Precautions Before Trump Takes Office
There are a number of measures that LGBT Asian Americans, South Asians, Southeast Asians, and Pacific Islanders should do to protect themselves and their families under a Trump Administration. I’m a civil rights lawyer by practice and I’ve consulted with other immigration attorneys, public policy experts, and other practitioners to identify issues of particular importance for our community.
Threats, bullying hit family of KC transgender girl on cover of National Geographic
It didn’t take long for two public reactions to erupt on the announcement this month that Avery Jackson, a 9-year-old girl from Kansas City, would be the first known transgender individual to be pictured on the cover of National Geographic.
Transgender Youtuber Blaire White – Mom is Pimping Out Child
Trans lives, startling photos
Everybody, as they say, has a story to tell.
This photo of a trans dad breastfeeding his son tells a great story of love and acceptance
The photo of a trans dad breastfeeding his son has gone viral as it is celebrated as a brilliant image of a modern family.
Catholic groups are suing the Obama administration over trans protection laws
A slew of Catholic organisations are set to sue the Obama administration over a federal law which protects the transgender community from discrimination.
Pastor Anne Graham: God let 9/11 happen because of transgender people in bathrooms
The daughter of evangelical pastor Billy Graham has suggested that God let 9/11 happen because he’s too upset about transgender people.
Boy Scouts OK with Gay, But Not Transgender Scouts
Last year after buying a Boy Scout’s outrageously overpriced fundraising popcorn I felt good knowing I had sacrificed, but I was perplexed by the seller’s apparent uneasiness.
Juvenile detention centers struggle with transgender inmates
The nation’s juvenile detention centers are largely ill-equipped to handle transgender teens, leaving them vulnerable to bullying, sexual assault, depression and suicide, advocates say.
Trans activist detained in Arizona and threatened with deportation due to bureaucratic catch-22
Indian-born transgender rights activist Nina Chaubal has been detained by immigration authorities and threatened with imminent deportation. She is currently being held in an Arizona Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility notorious for its mistreatment of LGBT detainees.
Here Is An Amazing New Resource To Help Trans People In Los Angeles
A new organization is helping connect transgender people to housing options and resources in the Los Angeles area through an inner-community network.

Police confirm body of missing transgender teen found near Hart Park
Bakersfield police confirm search crews found the body of a missing transgender teen Saturday near Hart Park.
Jai Bornstein, 19, was last seen Tuesday morning, Dec. 27, around 10 a.m. in a southwest Bakersfield neighborhood near Ming Avenue and Gosford Road.
Court hearings stalled in D.C. trans murder case
A D.C. Public Defender Service attorney, who is credited with persuading a judge in 2013 to hand down a lighter than expected sentence for an off-duty police officer charged with firing his gun into a car occupied by three transgender women, is currently representing a man charged in the July 4 shooting death of D.C. transgender woman Deeniquia Dodds.

Mississippi transgender woman Mesha Caldwell is first reported trans killing of 2017
Mississippi resident Mesha Caldwell, a black transgender woman, was found dead Wednesday night outside of Canton, Mississippi, according to Mississippi News Now. Initial media reports misgendered Caldwell as male, according to a family friend.
Transgender woman found shot to death on Madison Co. road
NC GOP Bait and Switch worked. #HB2 stays
While watching the live feed from Raleigh while the GOP lawmakers blamed the failure of the body to rescind HB2 I was struck by three things.
Victory as New York trans man granted legal name change at appeal
A transgender man in New York is celebrating victory after being allowed to legally change his name.
Woman who stabbed NY Transgender man released without bail
Stephanie Pazmino, 30, who police said committed a hate crime by stabbing transman Ijan Jarrett was released without bail Friday after a Manhattan grand jury failed to indict her.
Shortage of injectable estrogen unnerves transgender community
In June, Taya Vietro walked into her pharmacy to pick up her supply of injectable estrogen, the hormone that’s been sustaining her transition from male to female since 2012. But the drug was on back order, and the pharmacist said it wouldn’t be available for months. Vietro, a svelte, shy 27-year-old, recalls the staff trying to soothe her.
TX Lt Gov wishes all non whites a very deadly and poverty stricken New Year
In a daring move for the oldest civil rights group in the U.S., the NAACP is set to formally call for a boycott of the state of North Carolina.
TX Trans Inmate Passion Star to be Paroled with a possible Settlement
Transgender inmate Passion Star’s 14 years incarcerated in Texas prisons being raped, beaten and ignored will soon be coming to an end.
Brazil Is Confronting an Epidemic of Anti-Gay Violence
The assailant struck as Gabriel Figueira Lima, 21, stood on a street two weeks ago in a city in the Amazon, plunging a knife into his neck and speeding off on the back of a motorcycle, leaving him to die.
Perú dará apoyo médico gratuito a mujeres trans
El Ministerio de Salud de Perú emitió una resolución que permite a las mujeres trans recibir atención médica integral en los centros de salud de todo el país.
El video de dos jóvenes golpeando a una trans
Las imágenes fueron publicadas en una cuenta en Twitter, pero fueron eliminadas tras el repudio generalizado
Habló Cielo, la chica travesti agredida por dos adolescentes en San Telmo

Investigan el asesinato de transexual, en 6 y 21
El cuerpo fue hallado hoy, tras el receso navideño, en terrenos ferroviarios. La víctima, que ejercería la prostitución, habría sido apuñalada. El Municipio se ve limitado por la jurisdicción federal.
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