Estrasburgo debatió hoy derecho de los transexuales a Sanidad Publica y de gays a familia
La Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa debatió hoy un proyecto de resolución que pide garantizar el derecho de las personas transexuales a la Sanidad en el tratamiento de reasignación de sexo; así como también el derecho de los homosexuales a un "reconocimiento jurídico de las parejas del mismo sexo" en sus 47 Estados miembros, para que tengan "los mismos derechos y obligaciones económicas" que las parejas heterosexuales.
FELGTB en Día Holocausto; casi 350.000 transexuales y homosexuales murieron en campos
Los nazis intentaron exterminar la diversidad afectivo-sexual: casi 350.000 homosexuales y transexuales murieron en campos de concentración.
National Trans Police Association criticised over state funding
Italy to open its first transgender prison
Transgender prison plan welcomed by advocates
Apostle Ndovi condemns homosexuality, High Court to rule on gay couple bail
The two who are being prosecuted by the state for “gross indecency” charges are on remand at Chichir prison since arrest last year, December and they were denied bail by a Magistarte Court.
[Taiwan] [Commentary]
Apple Daily: Breach of professional ethics
A medical doctor in Taichung recently pubished an article that detailed information about a male-to-female sex reassignment surgical operation performed on Taiwan entertainer Li Ching.
The doctor, who mentioned Li's name in the article in a medical association journal, has been strongly criticized for an infringement of patient privacy.
Lu’s Pharmacy update
Reps decry anti-gay Ugandan bill
Polis' bill extends school anti-discrimination laws to include sexual identity
Excerpt: The bill effectively extends the same protection against discrimination that exists for women and minorities in public schools to gender identity or "perceived gender identity," allowing victims to sue schools in federal court.
[Blog/News] Gender identity bill introduced in House
Student Non-Discrimination Act of 2010 Introduced in U.S. House
Scott Moore Pregnant: Two Children Already
The world's second pregant man, Scott Moore, is set to give birth to a baby boy next month, according to reports.
Man gets life in prison for killing transgendered female
Murderer Joel Allen was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison with the possibility of parole for killing a transgendered female in his car July 17, 2008.
Family of murder victim speaks out at killer's sentencing
Man Sentenced For Killing Transvestite
Hundreds Lobby For Transgender Protections In Mass.
NFL player Eric Green forcibly sodomized transgender New Yorker Angelina Mavilia, her lawsuit claims
A transgender New Yorker has filed a $10 million sex assault suit against an NFL player - and in a separate action is also suing the city, saying she was abused and humiliated by cops.

Murder-suicide in Abilene
There is a truly tragic tale unfolding out in Abilene this week.
Last Friday, Jan. 22, the Rev. Karen L. Johnson, pastor of Abilene’s Unity Church of Christianity, went to the home of one of her parishioners, Renata Antoinette Monet, to counsel Monet, who was going through the process to transition from male to female. Police say that when Johnson entered Monet’s mobile home that afternoon, Monet attacked her and stabbed her to death, and then committed suicide by hanging herself.
Myra Chanel Ical: Houston transgender community holds vigil for murdered trans woman
Houston’s Transgender Foundation of America (TFA) organized a vigil on January 25 to bring attention to the unsolved murder of a trans woman, Myra Chanel Ical, whose body was found in a field on January 18 after she had attended a local concert with friends.
Mas voces en el mundo para que transexualidad sea desclasificada con enfermedad mental
Especialistas de diferentes profesiones emitieron una declaración en La Habana mediante la cual expresan su apoyo a que se retire la transexualidad de la clasificación internacional de enfermedades mentales.