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sexta-feira, fevereiro 28, 2014

Os homens conseguem amar? Uma reflexão.
É uma reflexão interessante e que me surgiu depois de ler alguns textos e crónicas sobre a capacidade ou falta dela de os homens amarem. Isto dá pano para mangas, como qualquer assunto que tenha a ver com sentimentos e emoções. Principalmente porque as mulheres são educadas e induzidas a mostrar o que sentem, e os homens não.

Despite opposition, Parliament takes stock of LGBT equality in new report
Today the European Parliament voted its annual report on fundamental rights in the European Union. The report includes an extensive overview of the situation for LGBT people, and recommendations to reach European equality standards laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Travesti morre baleado na zona sul de SP
Polícia investiga os motivos do crime, ocorrido na madrugada
Um travesti morreu após ser baleado na zona sul de São Paulo. O assassinato ocorreu por volta das 4h desta quinta-feira na Avenida Indianópolis.

Talk Sport slammed for mocking 'tranny army' Scotland kit
UK's Talk Sport, the 'world's biggest sports radio station', laughed and repeated transphobic comments about the new pink and yellow Scotland strip

Ireland's 'trans' bill will grant state recognition to teens' chosen gender
Ireland’s Parliament has proposed a bill that would allow 16 year-olds to have their “gender” changed on their birth certificates and passports. The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, said she would bring the proposal to Parliament on Tuesday.

Sex change blesses family with more earning hands
Though his family feels stronger at the addition of another male member in him, teenager Abdul Raheem is fighting an identity crisis lying in the Pakistan Railways Hospital in the city.

[New Zealand]
Ailing Beyer hopes to return to politics
Georgina Beyer says she is hopeful of returning to politics by standing in the next round of local body elections.

Intersex Youth Tell Fox News (and the World) About Challenges They Face
Members of Inter/Act, a group of young intersex writers and advocates, have drafted an open letter about what 'intersex' is and what it means to have that gender option on Facebook.

Effort to repeal trans law fails
A referendum sponsored by right-wing organizations to repeal Assembly Bill 1266, a groundbreaking transgender youth equality law, has failed to garner enough valid signatures to qualify for the November ballot.

Police chief to release hate crimes report
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier was expected to release this week a report prepared by an independent task force that assessed how the department investigates and reports hate crimes, including anti-LGBT hate crimes.

'Orange is the New Black' actress shares life story as black, transgender woman
Laverne Cox gave her personal testimony to students at the University of Georgia, describing how she learned to embrace herself as a transgender woman and how the transgender community as a whole is misunderstood and mistreated.

Taking a stand for transgender rights in Portsmouth
If Portsmouth is indeed the "City of the Open Door," then it should embrace adopting a nondiscrimination policy for transgender individuals, said Assistant Mayor Jim Splaine.

A Vegas woman's fight for gender recognition
A Las Vegas woman's fight against the federal government has led to a national policy change that affects people across the country.
Jillian Destito was born a man, but now lives as a woman, and she wanted her identity with Social Security to reflect that choice.

CeCe McDonald's media tour of New York City
Last week, CeCe McDonald visited New York City for the first time, and spoke with several media outlets and organizations about her story and work as an activist.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 27, 2014

Trans singer on anti-gay laws; gay British men not "queen"
Rizi Xavier Timane, a transgender activist/gospel singer from Nigeria, has shot a music video featuring all LGBT individuals to protest anti-gay laws and actions, including the one recently passed in Uganda, according to an email Timane sent to Windy City Times. ( The video for the song, "The Way God Made Me," is at ) Timane is also a registered associate clinical social worker with the state of California.

Após julgamento em Dubai, travestis brasileiras são multadas, presas e deportadas: ‘Quero esquecer’
A novela [ou filme de terror] vivido pelas brasileiras Karen Mke e Kamilla Satto, que foram presas em Dubai no dia 13 de dezembro de 2013 pelo simples fato de serem travestis, acabou nessa segunda-feira, 24, quando finalmente puderam ser deportadas. As turistas enfrentaram o julgamento no dia 12 de fevereiro e, como pena – no país é proibido que pessoas do sexo masculino vistam-se com roupas femininas - tiveram que ficar detidas por 12 dias e pagar uma multa de 20 mil dirham, o que corresponde a 12 mil reais.

Após três anos de aprovação em exame, advogada transexual consegue registro da OAB
Três anos depois de aprovada no exame da OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil), a transexual Giowana Cambrone Araújo, 34 anos, finalmente conseguiu o registro profissional, entregue nesta segunda-feira (24), constando no documento o nome feminino que realmente a identifica. Antes, ela precisou vencer uma batalha judicial, iniciada em 2010, para a troca do nome na identidade civil. Somente após essa mudança, a Ordem autorizou a alteração do nome na carteira do órgão. Finalmente ela se sente entusiasmada a exercer a profissão que escolheu.

Insegurança domina ruas do centro de Jundiaí
Excerto: Agressões, xingamentos e roubos são comuns a travestis, garotas de programas e mendigos, mas nada é feito quando os considerados “marginais” são as vítimas.

Vereador quer multar quem 'pegar' travesti
O vereador José Carlos Chicarelli (PSDC) quer que a prefeitura comece a multar os clientes de prostitutas, travestis e outros profissionais do sexo em Curitiba.

Upcoming event: 2009-2019: 10 years of LGBT rights – Successes, Failures, Challenges
On Wednesday 5 March, the LGBT Intergroup will host a discussion between MEPs, NGOs and EU institutions about the EU’s recent achievements and upcoming challenges in advancing LGBT rights. Registration is now open.

Transgender woman subjected to 'disgusting' abuse on train
Police are appealing for witnesses after a transgender woman was subjected to a torrent of abuse by four drunk men as she boarded a London Kings Cross to Durham train with her partner on Sunday 19 January.

Speaking from the Margins Report Now Available
The Speaking from the Margins: Trans Mental Health and Wellbeing in Ireland Report is now available to download.

Greek Female Police Officer Becomes.....Male
A Greek female police officer who underwent gender reassignment surgery and wants to continue serving the Greek police force, is now facing Greek bureaucracy and conservative thinking, not allowing him to return to his duties.

Turkey Man Kills Trans GF, Family Disavows Her Gender
A Turkish man admitted to killing his 29-year-old transgender girlfriend and burying her in vineyard where he worked before stealing her valuables and fleeing to Serbia.

Community concerned over lack of intersex support
The Victorian intersex community raised concerns about the state’s lack of health and support services for intersex adults at a community forum held in Melbourne as part of the government’s LGBTI community consultation.

[New Zealand]
Scholarship for transgender students
An Auckland tertiary education provider has announced it will soon be offering scholarships for transgender students.

Conservatives Fail In Bid To Overturn California Law Protecting Transgender Students
The final results are in, and opponents of California’s new law protecting transgender students have failed to collect enough signatures to challenge the law with a ballot referendum. County election officers determined that just 487,484 of the signatures they submitted were valid, short of the 504,760 that were necessary. The coalition fighting the law, Privacy for All Students (PFAS), submitted 619,387 signatures.
Too Many Bogus Signatures: CA's Anti-Trans Kids Measure Fizzles
Opponents of CA 'bathroom bill' vow to fight on after signatures tossed out
Despite Failed Repeal Effort, Transphobic Calif. Coalition Still Fighting
Transgender law's foes won't concede defeat

Transgender star of Orange Is the New Black recalls her struggles
Netflix’s “Orange Is the New Black” star and transgender activist Laverne Cox navigated the intersecting arenas of race, gender and sexuality in a speech sponsored by the Student Activities Board on Tuesday in Memorial Hall.

College of Law student speaks on gender identity laws in Argentina
Argentina is known as a very religious country, but that didn’t stop Iñanki Regueiro De Giacomi from fighting for a gender identity law.

quarta-feira, fevereiro 26, 2014

VUmc negotiating with insurers over sex change operations
VU University Medical Center Amsterdam (VUmc) received considerably more requests for gender surgery at the start of this year than in the first few weeks in 2013. Due to insufficient funding the hospital can not accommodate any new patients.

Petition against 'sexual diversity' in classrooms
Rarely has a curriculum caused this much of a stir: In the German state of Baden-Württemberg, "acceptance of sexual diversity" is to be taught in schools in the future. Resistance has been expressed on the Internet.

Transphobic Hate Murder in Antep, Turkey
Trans woman Sevda Basar was murdered by her boyfriend Ethem Orhan in the southeastern city of Antep on Wednesday.
After the killer confessed his crime both to his family and to the military police, the military police found Sevda Basar’s dead body on Friday. Orhan had shot his girlfriend in the chest with a hunting rifle and buried her in the vineyard he worked at.

Gender identity and expression included In NL Human Rights Act
On December 10, the Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Act was amended to include gender identity and gender expression as prohibited grounds for discrimination.

Victory! Lambda Legal Persuades Social Security to Give Survivor Benefits to 92-Year-Old Transgender Widow
"When I saw that the money was in my account, I was so happy. I felt like it was my husband’s Valentine’s Day gift to me."
92-Year-Old Trans Widow Wins Social Security Battle

Breaking: Frank Schubert Loses, Effort to Overturn Trans Student Law Fails
Nothing can make up for the pain anti-LGBT political consultant Frank Schubert caused the LGBT community in California and around the country with Prop. 8 and its spawn.

Breaking: Attempt to Repeal the School Success and Opportunity Act Fails
Today, the effort to repeal the School Success and Opportunity Act — California’s new law ensuring that all children have opportunities to do well in school — failed to qualify for the ballot.
Transgender referendum supporters fail to collect enough signatures
Anti-trans referendum won’t make 2014 California ballot
Calif. Trans Student Law Survives Repeal Effort
Effort to repeal new California law protecting transgender students fails
Push To Repeal California Transgender Student Protections Law Fails To Qualify For November Ballot
Repeal of California transgender student rights bill fails
Measure to block transgender student law fails to make ballot
Despite Petitioners' Best (and Fake) Attempts, Transgender Rights Law Won't Be Repealed

Local Trans Umbrella Group Hosts Community Gender Identity Discussion
Move over “50 Shades of Grey” — it’s time for “50 Shades of Gender.”

terça-feira, fevereiro 25, 2014

Uganda President ratifies Anti-Homosexuality Bill; MEPs: ‘Suspend political agreement with Uganda!’
Today the President of Uganda signed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law. The new law vastly expands the criminalisation of LGBTI individuals, and now forces parents, teachers and doctors to report LGBTI persons to authorities.

Câmara de Lisboa procura novo espaço para o "oásis em que a homofobia não entra"
O Centro LGBT, junto ao Martim Moniz, encerrou devido à degradação do edifício camarário em que funcionava.

Travesti é morto a facadas em Nova Serrana
Um homem foi assassinado na madrugada deste domingo (23), em Nova Serrana. Segundo informações da Polícia Militar, o corpo foi encontrado na manhã de hoje. Ainsa de acordo com a PM ele era travesti e foi morto com vários golpes de faca. Nenhum suspeito do crime foi preso até o momento.

Travesti é encontrado morto em terreno baldio
Depois de dois dias desaparecido, um travesti foi encontrado morto com 15 tiros no meio de um terreno baldio, na zona rural de Bragança Paulista. Nem a família nem a polícia sabem os motivos do crime.

Proposal would bring transgender recognition at 16
Cabinet to discuss law which will allow transgender people have status recognised by State for all purposes
Cabinet to consider proposal on transgender people’s identity

[New Zealand]
Georgina Beyer on 'surviving it all'
Georgina Beyer was New Zealand's first transsexual member of Parliament.
But now with her political battles behind her, she's facing her biggest battle yet - the battle to stay alive.

TLDEF Name Change Victories in North Carolina
Two Transgender Women May Now Obtain Legal Documents to Match Who they Are, After First Being Denied Under North Carolina Law

Transgender employee's termination not related to her gender
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit recently upheld the dismissal of a transgender engineer's claim that her former employer terminated her because of her gender and disability.

Activista trans femenina votó en junta de varones en Guayaquil
Con una foto de en Twitter, la activista transexual Diane Rodríguez rechazó volver a sufragar en una junta de varones durantes las elecciones de este domingo 23 de febrero. “Lamento que LAS TRANS sigamos votando en la cola de VARONES”, escribió en su cuenta @DianeRodriguezZ.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 24, 2014

For transgenders, getting a normal, safe job is never really a career option
Roisin, born male 28 years ago, tells Barbara McCarthy about hate crimes and being bullied by homosexual men

ACT's gender identity bill considered to be too soft on human rights
The ACT government could amend its landmark proposal to recognise transgender and intersex people in identity documents because of concerns the bill does not go far enough to advance human rights.

Transgender woman stands up to Arizona religion law
A transgender woman is protesting Arizona's religion bill that she sees as discriminatory. SB 1062 would allow individuals to use religious beliefs as a defense against lawsuits. VPC

Supporters Lobby for Trans Rights
Bob Brittain was doing fairly well in Chestertown, Maryland, with a wife and family, earning over $50,000 per year as a certified boat captain, assistant dock master, and boat carpenter. But since the age of three, he knew he was not comfortable with his gender. Two years ago, Bob transitioned to Susan Brittain, now 57, but still with her wife who has been fully supportive.

domingo, fevereiro 23, 2014

As regras da atracção ou a falta delas
As regras da atracção. Sempre achei uma certa piada a esta frase, como se o que sentimos por alguém pudesse ter regras, pudesse ser quantificado de alguma forma, ou regido pelas estrelas. No que ao que sentimos diz respeito não há regras, não há imposições, não há predefinições. Sentir é sentir. Podemos é reagir numa certa linha ao que sentimos. Existe aí um instinto que nos leve a aceitar ou rejeitar quase mecanicamente o que sentimos.

Transgenders trade blows at pension scheme launch
A meeting to announce pension for transgenders under the Mythri scheme on Thursday ended in a slugfest between two groups of sexual minorities. Over 800 transgenders were present at the event held at Ravindra Kalakshetra on JC Road.

Transgender rights bill passes key hurdle in Maryland
We have exciting news out of Maryland this week - the Fairness for All Marylanders Act just passed a key hurdle by being voted out of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee by an amazing 8-3 vote. This bill would add explicit protections on the basis of gender identity to Maryland’s non-discrimination laws, making Maryland the 18th state to have such protections, and leaving only three states in the country that have sexual orientation but not gender identity state-wide non-discrimination protections.

Two North Carolina Trans Women Win Name Change Cases
An 1891 law had been used to prevent two North Carolina trans women from legally changing their names. Today, a court order legally recognized these women for who they are.

San Antonio drags feet on AT&T discrimination complaint
The strength of the city of San Antonio’s nondiscrimination ordinance is being challenged by an attorney representing a trans man who alleges he was fired for his gender identity.

Male-to-female transgender barred from donating plasma
Western alumna Briana Reynolds started donating plasma at BioLife Plasma Services in mid-2009. She donated as a male for more than four years before beginning her transition to a female on Dec. 21, 2013.
Now, Reynolds, 23, finds herself struggling to pay bills and unable to save up for her gender reassignment surgery because BioLife does not allow male-to-female transgenders to donate plasma, she said.

sábado, fevereiro 22, 2014

Married people who change sex won't have to divorce
Married people who opt for a sex change will no longer be automatically obliged to divorce.

Trans Women Not Allowed in Shopping Mall in the Turkish Capital
Trans women were not allowed in the central shopping mall in Ankara, Kizilay AVM, due to an arbitrary decision by the administration.
Shopping Mall Executive Director: Trans Women Are Welcome, Too

San Diego LGBTQIA groups rally to support trans* students on 'AB 1266 Day of Decision' Feb. 24
After a series of legislative and judicial Marriage Equality victories, major anti-LGBT organizations have redirected their efforts away from marriage equality and toward attacking the rights of transgender people.

USA, California: Effort to Repeal Transgender Kids Law Failing So Far
All kids should have the opportunity to do well in school and graduate. It's that simple, really.

UNF investigates hate crime involving transgender student
Police at the University of North Florida say they're investigating the first reported hate crime on campus. It involves a transgender student.

Maryland Senate committee approves transgender rights bill
The Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Thursday approved a bill that would ban anti-transgender discrimination in the state.
Maryland Senate committee approves gender identity nondiscrimination bill
Maryland Senate Committee approves transgender rights bill

Transgender athlete policy panned as overly restrictive
Virginia’s new policy on high school sports participation for transgender students is so restrictive, it might not actually benefit anyone.
Va. Crafts Policy for Trans High School Athletes
Virginia’s New Policy Allowing Transgender Student Athletes Bans Transgender Student Athletes

sexta-feira, fevereiro 21, 2014

Polícia investiga assassinato de travesti no Setor de Indústrias de Taguatinga

Beauty queen contestant who used to be a boy receives death threats from internet trolls after entering Miss England competition
Jordan Davis is one of 15 finalists in the Miss Coventry competition
But student suffered abuse online and had to close account
She is only the second transgender person to run for Miss England
Teenage girl who previously lived as a boy reaches the final of Miss Coventry beauty queen competition

Transsexual protests tax row by stripping naked in Milan
A well-known transsexual stripped naked in front of the headquarters of Italian daily Corriere della Sera in Milan on Wednesday to protest against being chased for almost half a million euros in unpaid taxes by the local inland revenue even though her profession as a prostitute is not recognized by the State.

EC unveils data on transgender registration
For the first time ever, there is an official figure for transgenders in India above the age of 18.

For aging transgender population, retirement can be bittersweet refuge
While it could mean the end of pretending, the golden years can also come with health care issues, intense isolation

Transgender policy takes center stage at high school meeting
A group of citizens who attended last week’s board meeting of the Siskiyou Union High School District wanted to know how each trustee feels about AB 1266, a California law meant to ensure equal rights for transgendered students.

VHSL approves participation for transgender athletes
The Virginia High School League on Wednesday approved the participation of transgender athletes in high school sports.
VHSL Adopts Policy for Transgender Student Athletes

La Asociación Silueta X, repudia el asesinato de José Andrés Cuenca Adrián, de 26 años, una persona Trans que se dedicaba a lavar ropa y a pintar el cabello de las amigas, para poder sobrevivir.

Proponen ley para permitir cambio de cédula a los transgeneristas
El senador Armando Benedetti dijo que la iniciativa establece que esas personas sean registradas en sus documentos con el nombre y sexo de su elección.

Transgenerista de 20 años murió tras inyectarse silicona en los glúteos
Conociendo los riesgos a los que se estaba enfrentando el pasado lunes, Jessica Gaviria tomó la decisión de aplicarse silicona líquida para aumentar el tamaño de sus glúteos con la ayuda de una amiga.

Transexuales de Tuluá denuncian abuso de autoridad por parte de militares
De acuerdo con varios testimonios de personas pertenecientes a la comunidad Lgbti, varios uniformados lanzaron gases lacrimógenos y las agredieron físicamente en la madrugada de este sábado.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 20, 2014

Transgender patients discriminated against for health care services
Discrimination against transgender people –as many as one million Americans identify themselves as transgender – should immediately be addressed by the medical establishment, backed by policy change at the national level to provide equal access to quality health care.

He thinks trans kids have 'treatable disorder'-- of course he opposes Facebook's gender options
Focus on the Family's Jeff Johnston offered this contribution to the media on Facebook's new gender options. His quote appeared twice in Associated Press stories. Here he is when the story first broke on February 13th:

Life Stories: An Interview With Janet Mock
Author Janet Mock talks being a woman, battling against media sound bites, and her new memoir, Redefining Realness.

Remember HIV/AIDS, Transgender Advocate Junie Tate Sugar
As we celebrate Black History month, the HIV/AIDS community pays honor to a life and contribution of Junie Tate Sugar, an advocate for HIV/AIDS, and Transgender, who was found at dead on the job on Jan. 31, according to reports.

Supporters rally for trans rights in Md
Bob Brittain was doing fairly well in Chestertown, Md., with a wife and family, earning more than $50,000 per year as a certified boat captain, assistant dock master and boat carpenter. But since the age of three, he knew he was not comfortable with his gender. Two years ago, Bob transitioned to Susan Brittain, now 57, but still with her wife who has been fully supportive.

University advocates laud Facebook genders
As of Thursday, Facebook users have new gender options-- — in addition to “male” and “female,” users can now choose from a list of more than 50 different genders. What do you think?

NYU reacts: Facebook adds list of 50 gender categories, expands pronoun choices
Social media giant Facebook announced its addition more than 50 new gender categories for users to identify themselves with this on Feb. 13. It also expanded pronoun choices from “him/his” and “her” to include “them/they.”

Fireman's Transgender Widow May Get Benefits
A transgender woman whose firefighter husband died in the line of duty may have a case for benefits, a Texas appeals court ruled

quarta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2014

More than 540 civil society organisations and 45 researchers tell the European Parliament to reject a report on prostitution by Mary Honeyball, MEP for London, which promotes the criminalisation of clients of sex workers, in an upcoming plenary session on February 27th.

Mais um homicídio em Chapecó: travesti é morto a tiros

Italian transgender former MP arrested over rainbow protest in Sochi
A transgender Italian politician and LGBT campaigner has reportedly been arrested in Sochi for demonstrating against Russia’s anti-gay laws.
Vladimir Luxuria tries to enter Sochi ice hockey match in rainbow headdress - quickly detained by police
Gay Rights Activist Detained at Olympic Park
Olympic Committee defends arrest of Italian transgender former MP over rainbow demonstration at Sochi

Silueta X Association rejects the murder of Julio Cobos Darwin Reyes, 22, a trans person who worked in the municipality of Cerecita in a bar.
The aforementioned person was a native of Canton Isidro Ayora in the Guayas Province. On Friday 14th February after work in the bar, reported that would go to a party. A 05:00 am. Saturday February 15 his body was found at km. 58 route to the coast, with signs of torture with a peak bottle.
We call on the authorities to investigate the murder and give the alleged as authors of this atrocious crime, which is further evidence that exposure to the trans community is located in Ecuador.
As background “report on access to justice and human rights TILGB” revealed 20 murders GLBTI groups of 15 individuals which were Trans.

Trans woman files lawsuit against government for refusing to acknowledge her gender identity
Diane Rodriguez, the first transgender woman in Ecuador to legally change her name, is currently suing the Ecuadorian government for refusing to fully acknowledge her gender identity on legal documents.
Transgender woman sues Ecuador for refusing to recognize her new gender

terça-feira, fevereiro 18, 2014

Expert claims public transport is no-go for transgender people as woman abused on train
Public transport in the region is a no-go for many transgender people and abuse remains an every day occurrence, according to a leading trans-rights activist.

Italian trans former MP released from prison, will attend Sochi ice hockey match in rainbow dress
Vladimir Luxuria was arrested in the southern city of Russia for holding up a sign for saying 'Gay Is OK'
Transgender ex-member of Italy assembly held in Sochi
Italian gay activist briefly detained in Sochi
Transgender former member of Italy's parliament arrested in Sochi

Israeli Police Officers Arrested Following Attack on Transgender Woman
A transgender woman was attacked Saturday morning by a group of men, and the suspects include off-duty members of Israel's Border Police.
Israel border officers in home custody after brutal attack on transgender woman

A Street in Izmir Named After Murdered Trans Sex Worker
Azra Has, a trans sex worker who had been murdered by a serial killer in 2010, is commemorated in the western city of Izmir. Her name was given to then Bornova Street where many trans sex workers live.

B.C. government's gender ID policy delay worries advocates
Human rights advocates are calling on the Ministry of Health to follow through on a promise to adjust gender identification policy and even the playing field for gender-variant British Columbians. - See more at:

Philly Trans Activist Jaci Adams Died Today
Philly Black Gay Pride’s (PBGP) D’Ontace Keyes just informed me that Philly trans activist Jaci Adams passed away today at 3:55 p.m.
Jaci Adams, 56, a transgender woman active in LGBT and AIDS programs

'Argentina's Gender Identity Law is the best in the world'
Forty-nine-year-old Marcela Romero — an activist, a transsexual woman, and a mother — has lived a life that most people could hardly imagine.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 17, 2014

Travesti é encontrado morto com 11 facadas em Ribeirão Preto, SP
Vítima de 40 anos foi esfaqueada no bairro Quintino Facci I.
Travesti de 18 anos diz ter fugido ao ver assassinato, segundo polícia.

British trans woman back in UK, after detention in men's jail in Canada
A British trans woman who was detained in a men’s jail in Canada after a visa violation has arrived back in the UK.

Trans Former Italian MP Reportedly Arrested in Sochi
Vladimir Luxuria, a former member of the Italian Parliament and the first openly trans parliamentarian in Europe, has reportedly been arrested by Russian authorities in Sochi, Russia for staging a pro-LGBT protest at the Winter Olympics. Luxuria held a sign featuring a rainbow and the text "Gay is OK."

Kuwaiti Transvestite arrested
Police arrested a Kuwaiti transvestite in his 20s for attending women’s fashion show in Salmiya. He was referred to the Criminal Investigation Department, reports Al-Rai daily. The transvestite attended the show wearing women clothes but he was discovered by the manager who ordered him to leave, but he refused and argued with her. Attendees called police who rushed to the location and arrested him.

The Complete Glossary of Facebook's 51 Gender Options
For ten years, the social network limited billions of people identifying as either male or female. Now there are dozens of terms to pick from. Here’s how to understand them all.

Berkeley slapped with lawsuit over Kayla Moore's death
Berkeley police used excessive force when attempting to arrest Kayla Moore and declined to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when she stopped breathing because they considered her transgender status as something objectionable, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court on Wednesday.
Berkeley: Father sues city, police for wrongful death of transgender daughter

Transgendered man denied entrance to nightclub
A Shreveport man says he was denied access to a local night club because he was dressed like a woman. Ladarrell Young identifies as transgendered, and is claiming he was the victim of discrimination by Kokopellis nightclub in an incident that occurred last Saturday.

Two lesbian couples -- each with a trans partner -- marry in Dallas courtroom
Two lesbian couples, each with a trans partner, married in Judge Carl Ginsberg’s court Friday morning.
Genevieve Jonte and Ashley Boucher said they contacted every justice of the peace in Dallas County, but none would perform their wedding. Then they contacted other judges. Ginsberg was the only judge who responded affirmatively.

Appeals court rules in favor of Houston trans widow
In a landmark decision this week, a Texas appeals court ruled that transgender people have a right to marry.
Texas Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Trans Widow

domingo, fevereiro 16, 2014

Biennial Symposium of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health
Tomorrow I am flying to Bangkok, Thailand to attend the Biennial Symposium of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH).

ACCESS ALL AREAS! Recognition Opens Doors - Europe-wide Campaign
Ordinary things like picking up a parcel, opening a bank account or simply using a personalized public transport ticket can become a daily source of difficulty if your gender identity does not match your legal gender, which is recorded on your ID card, passport, etc.

"A First in the CHP: A Transsexual Nominee for City Council"
In Bursa, Öykü Özen, a transsexual and a nominee for membership in the Republican People’s Party’s Osmangazi City Council, ranked 10th among 50 nominees, gaining 642 votes from participating members in an election to determine members of the council.

Protestors rally on 1-year anniversary of Kayla Moore's death
Exactly one year after the death of Kayla Moore, a transgender woman who died in police custody, protesters on Wednesday evening marched down Shattuck Avenue, stopping traffic with six-foot banners and chants like “stop killer cops.”
Dad sues Berkeley over transgender daughter's death

Transgender woman's death highlights danger of black-market injections
Her friends had asked her to stop. The black market injections that Amelia Lopez Zaguilan took to enhance her curves could so easily be tainted. She already had undergone two sessions with the needle, and was on her way to Citrus Heights for a third.

Jaci Adams Passes Away
Per several sources in Philadelphia, I have been advised that longtime Philadelphia trans activist Jaci Adams is now with the ancestors after losing her valiant fight against cancer.

City denies request for two key Morris interviews
City attorneys say the Police Advisory Commission cannot release confidential interviews with William Jackson — a key witness in the Nizah Morris case — even though his public testimony is unavailable because the agency didn’t order a transcript.

sábado, fevereiro 15, 2014

Facebook users can now choose between 50 new 'gender identity' options
Facebook has 1.2 billion users – and now it has nearly as many gender categories to match. The social media website unveiled a new feature today that allows users to jettison male or female and describe themselves by dozens of “gender” labels.
Facebook Opens Gender Options for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Users

European Professional Association for Transgender Health
The European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH) was officially launched today during the WPATH conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

O amor é terno e eterno
O amor surge inexoravelmente ligado à alma humana. Desde sempre que este sentimento é referido quando se trata do ser humano, seja nas canções, seja nos poemas, seja nas palavras que os enamorados sussurram ao ouvido um do outro. O amor faz parte da vida, dizem. A morte também. Afinal o que é o amor?

Transgender woman abused by drunk men on train
A transgender woman was subjected to abuse as she travelled on a train to Durham.

Run out of town: Transgenders protest against possible eviction
On Tuesday, a group of elders from Sabzi Mandi and Andaroon Lakki Gate met DPO Iqbal Khan at his office and demanded the eviction of transgenders from the city. The elders claimed transgenders were the main source of deteriorating law and order in the district.

Cambodian trans activist wins David Kato award
Cambodian trans activist Sou Sotheavy has won the 2014 David Kato award.
75 year old transgender woman wins LGBT activist prize

Girl, 7, confused about step-parent after woman became transgender male and grew beard, Family Court hears
A little girl is still trying to work out whether to call her step-parent Mum or Dad after the woman became a transgender male, had her breasts removed and grew a beard.

Transgender woman once kept in men's jail to leave Canada on Thursday
A transgender woman who had been detained by immigration in a men-only jail was denied release Wednesday and will be removed from Canada Thursday.
Transgender woman initially held in men’s jail to return home to London
Avery Edison to be deported to UK
Trans Comic Avery Edison Flying Home to U.K. Thursday
Man sent to women’s prison in Canada because he identifies as female

Seven questions about transgender issues you were afraid to ask
A flap erupted between writer and trans activist Janet Mock and CNN host Piers Morgan last week after Mock appeared on Morgan’s show to promote her memoir, “Redefining Realness.” Morgan repeatedly asserted that Mock had been “born a boy” or that she “used to be a man.” After her appearance, Mock expressed her disappointment on Twitter.

Vigil, rally mark anniversary of in-custody death
One year after Kayla Moore died during a police investigation into a disturbance at her downtown Berkeley home, family members and supporters are still fighting for what they say are needed changes in how local authorities handle mental health crises throughout the city.

Trans advocates warn against silicone injections
For some transgender women, the desire for bigger breasts or curvier hips may lead them to consider something that may be dangerous – having someone inject silicone into their body.

Conflict resolution for trans teen
A Contra Costa County juvenile judge has ordered transgender teenager Jewlyes Gutierrez to enter a conflict resolution program known as restorative justice to deal with a battery charge stemming from a schoolyard fight last year.

Court revises local transgender widow's legal fight against Texas
Nikki Araguz Loyd is celebrating after a huge victory handed down by the 13th District Court of Appeals in Corpus Christi.
Transgender widow celebrates legal victory: ‘I need some champagne’
BREAKING: Texas appeals court rules in favor of trans widow Nikki Araguz
Transgender widow of Wharton County firefighter to have another day in court
Texas court revives transgender marriage case
Texas Appeals Court: State Must Recognize Transgender Identities In Marriage

sexta-feira, fevereiro 14, 2014

Facebook Expands Gender Options for Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Users
For years, trans individuals have lamented Facebook's requirement to be addressed using either male or female pronouns. Starting today, that's all changed.
Facebook offers new gender options for users
in response to the "nigga" meme
Facebook incluirá la opción de identidad de género "trans" además de la de hombre y mujer
Facebook expands gender options: transgender activists hail 'big advance'

Andarilho Bateu Num Travesti E Foi Assassinado Em Caruaru
O primeiro homicídio do mês de fevereiro em Caruaru (PE), aconteceu por volta das 21 horas desta terça feira (11/02), no bairro Maurício de Nassau. A vítima, o andarilho, Uarian Carlos da Silva, de 21 anos, que morava em São Caetano e foi esfaqueado e socorrido pelo SAMU, mas não resistiu e morreu no local.

Kosilek sex change ruling to get new hearing
A federal appeals court in Boston has agreed to rehear the state’s appeal of a lower court ruling that a prisoner convicted of murder must receive a taxpayer-funded sex change.

Brasil registra 312 asesinatos de homosexuales en 2013
Brasil registró 312 asesinatos de homosexuales, travestis y transexuales en 2013, un 7,7% menos respecto a 2012, pero que aún convierten a este país en "campeón de crímenes homofóbicos", según la organización Grupo Gay de Bahía.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2014

O jovem Alisson da Rocha Ribeiro, foi assassinado no sábado (8) pelo padrasto do travesti com quem convivia. José Aparecido Pinto, de 51 anos, golpeou Alisson com duas facadas depois de vê-lo espancar o enteado.

O Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB) divulga mais um Relatório Anual de Assassinato de Homossexuais no Brasil (LGBT) relativo a 2013. Foram documentados 312 assassinatos de gays, travestis e lésbicas no Brasil, incluindo uma transexual brasileira morta no Reino Unido e um gay morto na Espanha.

Transsexual former soldier jailed for stabbing innocent schoolboy
The ex-soldier was wearing a blonde wig when he repeatedly stabbed the boy who was on holiday with his parents

Transgenders against IPC section 377; stage protest
Demanding cancellation of IPC Section 377, members of Karnataka Sexual Minorities Forum, along with their supporters, staged a protest demonstration in Chamarajanagar, on Tuesday.

[Sri Lanka]
S/he being grilled for killing two security guards
The Homagama police are grilling a 41-year-old suspect on a 48-hour detention order issued by the Homagama Magistrate over the killing of two security guards in 2012 and last Friday.

Cambodian Transgender Activist Sou Sotheavy Wins 2014 David Kato Vision & Voice Award
Renowned Ugandan activist Frank Mugisha will present Sou Sotheavy with the award on stage at the prestigious Teddy Awards ceremony in Berlin this Friday

New life, face or gender for whistle-blowers
Witnesses will be able to undergo plastic surgery, even a sex change, while whistle-blowers will get monetary rewards under two new bills the House justice committee approved on Wednesday in order to provide stronger protection and additional benefits to people who speak out against crime and corruption.

Transgender woman Avery Edison moved to women's jail after outcry online
Avery Edison, a 25-year-old transgender woman who was being held in a men’s jail following issues with her travel status, has been moved to a women’s facility after a quick campaign and online outcry.
Activists outraged by transgender woman’s detention in men’s jail
Transgender woman moved from men’s jail
Avery Edison moved to women's facility
Trans Comedian Avery Edison Detained in Canada
UK trans comic held in Canada men's prison, tweets her entire ordeal

California School Officials Debunk Right-Wing Lies About Transgender Student Law
Evidence continues to mount that a new California law allowing transgender public school students to use the restroom facilities that correspond to their gender identity is being implemented successfully without causing the "anarchy and madness" predicted by right-wing media figures.

Laverne Cox discusses womanhood at on-campus event
“Orange is the New Black” actress and activist Laverne Cox reflected on her life as a transgender woman of color on Feb. 11.
“One is not born a woman, but becomes one,” Cox said at the start of her speech, citing Simone De Beauvoir.

Remembering Deoni Jones
Family, friends mark two-year anniversary of transgender woman's fatal stabbing, express anger over delay in prosecuting accused killer

Major trans weekend of events in Chicago March 28-29
Antonia D'orsay of This is H.O.W., Jen Richards of We Happy Trans, Dr. Kortney Ryan Ziegler of Trans* H4CK, and Angelica Ross of Chicago House have announced that the Trans* H4CK and Trans 100 will partner for a weekend long event in Chicago.

WATCH: Director Lana Wachowski Honored With Equality Illinois's Freedom Award
Equality Illinois, a statewide LGBT rights group, honored movie director Lana Wachowski at its annual gala Saturday with its Freedom Award, reports Windy City Times. In her acceptance speech, Wachowski, who is transgender, joked about recent inappropriate daytime talk-show interviews with trans celebrities but said she was "born this way" and is "just as natural as everyone else." Wachowski thanked the many people involved with passing marriage equality legislation in the state in 2013 by saying, "This night is less about you honoring me than it is about me honoring you."

'Gender neutral' employee quits, then sues former bosses for $518,000 because they called her 'lady'
A Portland catering company is being sued for $518,000 by a former employee who alleges her coworkers would not stop referring to her as a woman even after she asked them to stop, reports The Oregonian.

Attorney blasts San Antonio officials for failing to respond to transgender man’s discrimination complaint against AT&T
Last month, I told you about the complaint Matthew Hileman filed against AT&T under San Antonio’s new nondiscrimination ordinance.
In what was the very first complaint under the ordinance, Hileman alleged he was fired because he is transgender, which would be a violation since AT&T is a city contractor.

Calcinó a transexual después de noviazgo
Detienen a sujeto como presunto autor del crimen de un homosexual a cuyo cuerpo le prendió fuego con la intención de encubrir el asesinato, y argumentar que después de un año de "noviazgo" hasta ahora se enteró que se trataba de un "hombre".
El señalado como asesino es Juan Anselmo Álvarez Juárez, de 20 años de edad, acusado del homicidio de Juan Bernardo Reyes López, alias "La Alison" y/o "La Venus", de 26, cuyo cuerpo semi-calcinado se halló el día 4 de febrero pasado.

Trans activist files case against Ecuador
Transgender activist Diane Marie Rodriguez Zambrano, who goes by Diane Rodriguez, recently filed the first-ever complaint against Ecuador with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Rodriguez, 31, has spent five years battling Ecuador registry officials' refusal to change the gender marker on her ID card from male to female to reflect her gender identity.

quarta-feira, fevereiro 12, 2014

Travesti é assassinado a tiros em Tejipió, na Zona Oeste do Recife
Um travesti foi morto a tiros na noite da última segunda-feira (11) em Tejipió, na Zona Oeste do Recife. Alexsandro José dos Santos Alderotti, de 32 anos, conhecido como Rafaela foi assassinado na Rua Aprígio Magalhães por volta das 21h, próximo à sua residência. A polícia ainda não tem informações sobre os suspeitos e a motivação do crime.

Four players banned from Iranian women’s national team for failing gender tests
Women in Iran may not be allowed to attend football matches between male sides for religious reasons, but the beautiful game is popular among the Islamic republic's female population.

[Sri Lanka]
Sex change suspect nabbed over two killings
A suspect taken into custody in Moratuwa on Sunday in connection with last Friday’s killing of a Homagama factory security guard, is reported to have undergone sex change through plastic surgery in Thailand.

WATCH: No, For The Last Time, Men Attracted to Trans Women Aren't Gay
When it comes to matters of attraction and dating, sometimes it’s better to hear information that’s based purely on personal experience rather than statistical data. The Dollhouse’s Kat Blaque posted a video to the group’s YouTube channel recently to address the topic of whether men who are attracted to transgender women could be considered gay. There is no scientific information presented in the video; it's just the thoughts and opinions of a trans woman on the subject.

'Bullied' transgender boy sent to restorative justice program after he was charged with assault
Jewlyes Gutierrez, the 16-year old transgendered boy who was charged with battery after a fight in November 2013, has been sentenced to participate in a restorative justice program. Gutierrez has been ordered to return to Judge Thomas Maddock's court in May.

Prison officials continue appeal against gender reassignment ruling for trans prisoner
Prison officials in Massachusetts have said they will continue to appeal against a judge’s decision to allow gender reassignment surgery to a trans prisoner paid for by the state.

Bill to ban job discrimination due to sexual orientation, gender identity stalls in committee
A state legislative committee declined Monday to advance a bill banning job discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Portsmouth Considers Transgender Protections
Portsmouth could become the first city in New Hampshire to enact a policy protecting city employees who are transgender from workplace discrimination.

N.J. Lawmakers Reintroduce Trans Birth Certificate Bill with Bipartisan Support
Two New Jersey legislators have introduced a bipartisan bill aimed at making it easier for trans individuals to update their birth certificates, less than a month after Governor Chris Christie vetoed similar legislation.

Utah troopers arrest LGBT protesters at Capitol sit-in
Thirteen protesters pushing the Utah Legislature to hear a bill outlawing discrimination against gay people in employment and housing were arrested as they blocked the entrance to a committee hearing Monday afternoon.
Protesters arrested after blocking Senate committee room

Fairness WV rallies for non-discrimination act
When Natasha Kerenski, of Hurricane, was fired from a job for being a transgender woman, she didn't think it would take three years to see consequences for what was later determined a wrongful termination.

terça-feira, fevereiro 11, 2014

Irish drag queen demands apology from TV network
Performer Rory O’Neill wants an apology from Irish network RTÉ blaming him for naming homophobes on a chat show

Campaign declares time for transgender rights is now
More than a dozen members of the Moose Jaw community came out to support the Time 4 Rights movement Friday following an interview with one of its organizers, Joe Wickenhauser. The movement is pushing for the explicit support of gender expression and gender identity within the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.

Transgender and Full-Figured Models Cast For Major Fashion Show
Donna Karan sure knows how to put on a show. This season for DKNY, Karan cast non-models alongside professionals for what was perhaps the most diverse fashion show in the history of New York Fashion Week.

Refuge Restrooms Helps Users Locate Gender Neutral Bathrooms
Finding a safe bathroom space has always been an issue for transgender, genderqueer, non-binary individuals -- people from all over the spectrum of gender identity. Now, a new website called Refuge Restrooms is attempting to help people in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community who don't feel safe in traditionally gendered restrooms find safe options within close proximity.

Mayor, council members pay tribute to slain trans woman
D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and four members of the City Council joined more than 100 people Saturday night for the second annual memorial rally for slain transgender woman Deoni JaParker Jones.

New Phila. police policy reaches out to transgender people
A few antagonistic words can go a long way toward deepening the divide between transgender Philadelphians and the people sworn to protect them.

Realizan en la Heroica Foro Estatal Transexual
Piden reconocimiento a su identidad jurídica y social

segunda-feira, fevereiro 10, 2014

New Website for Trans Youth
A new website, "Trans*youth@md" ( has been established to answer legal questions posed by trans youth and their parents. The site was created by FreeState Legal, Inc. in partnership with local Maryland chapters of PFLAG. FreeState provides legal services to low income members of the LGBT community.

I am a girl’: Transgender children face a society slow to accept them
She is only 6 years old. Already the child who sits, legs tucked, on a canopied bed near a closet filled with princess dresses has lost her best friends.
Kids who used to ask A.J. to birthday parties stopped calling.
Parents back in preschool avoided making eye contact.

Disgruntled worker who is 'not a female or a male' sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS
A person in Oregon named Valeria Jones is suing catering company Bon Appétit Management for $518,682 because coworkers used female names in reference to Jones despite the fact that Jones had continually expressed the desire to be addressed only with gender neutral pronouns.
Gender-neutral employee sues for $518,000; suit says employee wrongly referred to as woman