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sábado, agosto 27, 2016

De burkas e burkinis

Vem isto a propósito de certas praias e cidades francesas terem proibido o uso de burkinis e burkas, como resultado directo dos atentados perpretados pelo estado islâmico. Dizem eles que o seu uso é ostensivamente um simbolo do extremismo islâmico, da escravização da mulher e para evitar problemas com a restante população.

Desde há imenso tempo que se sabe que o uso de burkas pelas mulheres muçulmanas nada mais é do que uma expressão de radicalismo medieval. A burka não é um símbolo religioso, é uma esmagadora forma de opressão da mulher, um dos expoentes máximos do machismo.

Historicamente a burka tem a sua origem muito anterior ao aparecimento do Islão. Era usada tanto por homens como mulheres como proteção contra os fortes ventos que volta e meia assolavam os desertos e contra a areia que carregavam. Era também usada para esconder as mulheres em idade de procriar quando eram atacados por outro grupo. Como existia a forte possibilidade de as raptarem, o seu uso tornava difícil a sua localização e diferenciação de jovens e idosas, no meio do tumulto da batalha.

O Corão impõe aos homens e mulheres que se comportem e vistam em público de forma humilde. O que tem sido muito mal interpretado por certos sectores radicais, como os Talibãs no Afeganistão.

O seu uso no Afeganistão foi introduzido por Habibullah (reinado entre 1901 e 1919), que impôs o seu uso às mulheres do seu harém, para evitar que a beleza delas tentasse outros homens. A burka passou então a ser uma vestimenta conotada com a classe alta, que deste modo não era vista pelas classes inferiores, isolando-se assim destas. Nos anos 50 começou a generalizar-se pela população, já que era vista como um símbolo positivo de status social.

E como se pode ver pelas fotos, o seu uso não foi sempre obrigatório por motivos religiosos. (

Assim a que conclusões chegamos? Que a burka não é uma farda clerical, a sua função original era de proteção de elementos e de rapto, tendo de seguida sido transposta para a dominação masculina da mulher, tipo és minha e só quem te vê sou eu.

A burka e a sua versão de praia, o burkini são assim símbolos da opressão da mulher, tal como a mutilação genital feminina, os assassinatos de honra e os casamentos forçados. É uma imposição fundamentalista à qual as mulheres não têm escolha.

Não tem defesa. Tal como a lapidação, é indefensável. Ninguém que lute pelos direitos das mulheres pode pensar sequer em defender tal uso.

E é com espanto que vejo activistas e organizações não governamentais a defenderem o uso de um instrumento de opressão machista em nome de uma suposta “liberdade”. Quando não tem nada a ver com liberdade, tem a ver com a posse da mulher, sentimento esse que é combatido por essas mesmas organizações quando existe violência física contra a mulher.

Não são poucos, infelizmente, os casos em que esse sentimento provoca a morte de tantas e tantas mulheres, mesmo cá em Portugal. E no entanto falam que “há liberdade para se vestir o que se quer”. No caso daquelas infelizes muçulmanas que defendem o seu uso em nome dessa liberdade, convém lembrar que existem também mulheres que consideram que a violência no namoro e no casamento é normal, que defendem o uso da mutilação genital feminina, os matrimónios forçados ou os assassinatos por honra comuns em países islâmicos, como a Turquia. Países em que a mulher nem direito à educação tem.

A sua defesa por parte de mulheres nada mais é que o resultado de uma lavagem cerebral feita socialmente. É uso comum, logo está certo. Também existe quem defende a violência no casamento, tipo “ele bate-me porque gosta de mim”. Ou a mutilação genital feminina e os casamentos forçados pois são uma “tradição”.

A sua defesa por parte de ongs e activistas que se dizem feministas, em nome de uma suposta liberdade não é de todo aceitável. Não se pode defender um dos mais gritantes símbolos da opressão da mulher, em nome de liberdade nenhuma. Não é islâmofobia, pois a burka não tem a ver com o islão, mas com uma interpretação fundamentalista deturpada do que diz o Corão.

O uso da Burka também tem os seus riscos: devido à falta de luz solar, pode provocar uma deficiência de vitamina D, o que pode provocar a osteoporose e o raquitismo.

Sou a favor da proibição da burka e do burkini. Não por serem símbolos religiosos (que já se viu que não são), mas por serem símbolos da opressão da mulher. E qualquer pessoa que se diga feminista não tem volta a dar senão condenar o seu uso.

Em Roma sê romano. Desde criança que ouço isto. Muita gente quer vir para a Europa, em busca de melhores condições de vida, em busca de segurança, em busca de qualquer coisa. Nenhum problema com isso. Mas, se vêm para cá, devem aceitar o modo de vida, costumes e valores.

Se formos para países árabes, como a Arábia Saudita, por exemplo, temos de adoptar algumas práticas usuais lá. O mesmo devem fazer aqueles que vêm para a Europa.

quinta-feira, agosto 25, 2016

Sobre discriminações e transfobias

Foi um longo espaço sem escrever. Falta de tempo, assunto, talvez a ver com a medicação depois de uma tromboflebite, um avc e um enfarte, que me tirou um pouco (ou bastante) a inspiração. Tudo isto deve ter contribuído para esse interregno. Espero ainda conseguir escrever à altura de antigamente.

Não dissertarei sobre um assunto específico, mas sobre uma miscelânea que espero poder encadear de forma lógica.

Comecemos pela vitória de Caster Semenya nos Jogos Olímpicos do Brasil. Parece que as derrotadas não gostaram de o ser (especificamente por ela) e querem ir a tribunal, pois consideram que ela, por ter hiperandrogenismo, está beneficiada. Bem, é a mesma teoria que alguns médicos utilizam para validar a exclusão das pessoas trans (dos quais temos um exemplo em Portugal, o Dr. Décio).

Ok, refiro sempre o nome do Dr. Décio, embora existam muitos outros médicos que pensam da mesma maneira. Não se trata de nada pessoal contra ele. Como pessoa tenho uma opinião de que é uma excelente pessoa. Como profissional na sua área, é largamente superior à média, como pode bem ser comprovado pelo(s) prémio(s) ganhos no estrangeiro pelas inovações que fez nas cirurgias trans. Com efeito as suas técnicas encontram-se num patamar muitos pontos acima do melhor que se vai fazendo lá fora. especialmente porque oferecem mais sensibilidade e lubrificação (no caso MtF).

Mas as suas ideias sobre a transexualidade encontram-se a raiar a transfobia. Como refere num dos seus escritos, não se luta só pela despatologização da transexualidade, luta-se também pela “desmedicalização”. Bem, é uma novidade, sempre apoiei a despatologização das identidades trans e nunca vi em lado algum a desmedicalização. E o link que refere na menção que faz logo no início vai ter a um site que só menciona a despatologização. Mistério talvez clarificado se se pensar nesta frase como (mais) uma tentativa de contra informação, de modo a retirar apoios à luta pela despatologização. Basta pensar nisto, muitas pessoas trans podem não desejar fazer a cirurgia final, mas a maior parte, senão toda a gente, quer fazer tratamento hormonal e algumas cirurgias. Logo esta desmedicalização não faz qualquer sentido.

Também fala nos verdadeiros e nos falsos transexuais, como é de seu hábito, sendo que um verdadeiro transexual o que menos quer é dar a cara e delega nas organizações homossexuais a sua luta pelos seus direitos. Isto nem merece comentários.

Bem, as bacoradas continuam e quem as desejar ler pode ir ao seguinte site e divertir-se:

Isto para exemplificar porque falo sempre no Dr. Décio. É que outros que pensam como ele, tipo Pedro Freitas ou Rui Xavier Vieira, não são convidados ou não são tão convidados como o Dr. Décio para debates/colóquios sobre transexualidade. Com efeito, é ele quem tem maior visibilidade, e quem não esteja dentro destes assuntos e vá ao seu site, por exemplo, cai na esparrela de acreditar na série de tretas que lá estão descritas.

Não vou gastar aqui tempo com explicações sobre os porquês disto ser transfobia, já houve inúmeros debates sobre isto e os argumentos estão à disposição de quem os queira procurar. Inúmeros médicos também defendem precisamente o contrário. Depois de um esgrimir de argumentos, em 2011, a IAAF (AIFA em português - Associação Internacional das Federações de Atletismo) aprovou regras que estabeleciam um limite máximo para os níveis de testosterona nas atletas femininas, forçando as mulheres nesta situação a escolher entre uma medicação de supressão hormonal, a remoção cirúrgica de testículos (no caso das atletas intersexuais) ou o abandono da competição. O regulamento acabaria por ser suspenso em 2015, quando uma atleta indiana com hiperandrogenismo, Dutee Chand, recorreu para o Tribunal Arbitral de Desporto, demonstrando que a IAAF não tinha fundamentado cientificamente a sua decisão.

Mas o caso não parou por aqui. Caster ganhou, o segundo lugar foi para Francine Niyonsaba do Burundi e o terceiro para Margaret Wambui do Quénia, que, por terem um “aspecto supostamente pouco feminino” também têm sido alvo da transfobia generalizada.

O mesmo se passa com Michelle Rodriguez, protagonista da última versão transfóbica com que Hollywood nos costuma brindar. Falo do Filme (Re)assignment (que era para ser intitulado de Tomboy a revenger’s tale), protagonizado por ela e por Sigourney Weaver, em que um sicário se transforma numa sicária (Michelle) através de uma cirurgia de correcão de sexo (forçada) e que depois procura a médica (Sigourney) para se vingar de tão horrífico crime (a cirurgia = crime, ideia subliminarmente distribuída com o filme).

Não há grande novidade nisto: Já Pedro Almodóvar representou essa cirurgia como punição por uma suposta violação no seu filme “La piel que habito”. Antes, Alfred Hitchcock já tinha “demonizado” as pessoas trans no seu filme “Psycho” (Anthony Perkins como o vilão cross-dresser), Também “Color of night”, realizado por Richard Rush apresenta Jane March como a vilã trans, “The silence of the lambs” de Jonathan Demme apresenta Ted Levine como o vilão trans, “Dressed to Kill” de Brian de Palma apresenta Michael Caine como a assassina trans com dupla personalidade, enfim, uma panóplia de enredos que demonstram bem que as pessoas trans são assassinas psicopatas e as cirurgias de correcção de sexo uma horrorizante ameaça para as identidades cis.

Não admira então que exista tanta dificuldade em aceitar uma mulher trans como ela é, uma mulher.

Num mundo em que a ciência já nos deu incontáveis casos em que a sorte é madrasta, é quase incompreensível como a comunidade médica (aqui num sentido mais científico) tem sido incapaz de aceitar este facto.

Convenhamos, existem pessoas que nascem sem útero, sem ovários, com vaginas fechadas, com testículos internos, cegas, sem braços ou pernas, com braços ou pernas defeituosos, com doenças degenerativas, com doenças raríssimas, enfim, um sei lá de coisas que podem correr mal, que é uma absurdidade ver-se que a comunidade científica não consiga aceitar que existem mulheres (e homens) que nascem com um corpo completamente funcional mas com a genitália errada.

Mais incompreensível é como a comunidade médica tem sido incapaz de aceitar que, num mundo em que nada é preto e branco, mas uma graduação entre estes dois pólos, insistem em querer encaixar as pessoas em dogmas inventados pelos mesmos. Como exemplo a “mania” que só são pessoas transexuais aquelas que querem fazer a cirurgia de correcção de sexo.

Com efeito, neste caso preciso, muito convenientemente alteraram a ordem dos factores. A cirurgia de correcção de sexo é desejada por algumas pessoas transexuais (não por todas, por uma minoria) por causa de serem transexuais. No entanto, tem sido muito comum usarem essa vontade como definição para a transexualidade. Ou seja, de uma cirurgia feita porque se é transexual, passou-se para uma cirurgia feita para se ser transexual.

Tudo para uma cisheteronormalização das pessoas: mulheres (só) com vagina e homens (só) com pénis, obliterando as partes cinzentas existentes entre estes dois pólos.

Ainda recentemente dei uma vista de olhos por um artigo que basicamente dizia não existirem provas científicas que as pessoas nasçam trans ou homo. Já há muito tempo que tenho procurado, entre toda a gente (heteros e homos/trans e cis) quem tenha conscientemente decidido ser trans ou cis ou homo ou hetero. Não encontrei uma única pessoa. As pessoas sentem-se atraídas por quem se sentem sem nenhuma decisão consciente, simplesmente sentem atração e pronto. O mesmo se aplica às pessoas trans ou cis.

Claro que quanto mais retrógradas as pessoas são, mais transfóbicas têm tendência a ser. Não admira portanto que existam certas seitas consideradas feministas que são altamente transfóbicas. Para essas pessoas só são mulheres as que nascem cis. As outras que tenham o azar de nascer com genitália masculina, são vistas como homens por estas, e então inventam histórias sobre os homens (inimigo principal) que são tão dominantes que até lhes querem roubar o “ser mulher”.Aqui por homens entenda-se mulheres trans.

Todas estas teorias delirantes provêm de uma única causa, a incapacidade de aceitarem que existem mulheres (e homens) que nascem com genitália (perfeitamente funcional) do género oposto. Que se lixe a navalha de Occam, vamos complicar para assim podermos discriminar.

É o ser humano em todo o seu esplendor.

Isto leva-me à classificação que alguns países estão a empreender referente ao género das pessoas trans. Refiro-me ao “terceiro sexo”. Certos países, como a Índia, estão a classificar as pessoas trans nem como masculinas ou femininas mas como um terceiro sexo/género.

Para muitas pessoas trans, isto é considerado como uma vitória, pois efectivamente há muita gente que sente que não se enquadra nos dois géneros “estatais”, e para essas é o reconhecimento oficial de que existem, do que sentem, e que têm direitos como a demais população.

No caso das pessoas transexuais, a meu ver, já não resulta. por exemplo, eu sei que sou mulher, sei que tenho um género que se enquadra nos dois oficiais. Para mim, ser classificada como terceiro sexo/género seria a negação da minha feminilidade, da minha identidade, do meu ser.

Nesses países corre-se então o risco de englobar toda a população trans dentro desta nova classificação, negando assim a identidade a muita gente. É um avanço, sim, mas tem que se ter cuidado, dando às pessoas trans o direito a escolherem em qual destas classificações se devem/querem enquadrar.

Também a nível de discriminação, não me parece que resolva alguma coisa. Ter-se um documento a dizer “neutro” ou “terceiro sexo” ou qualquer outra coisa não vai resolver nada. Quem discrimina, ao ver a documentação, discrimina à mesma. É como se tivesse “alien” ou “maluco” ou qualquer outra coisa. Legaliza, mas não resolve nem evita.

segunda-feira, agosto 22, 2016

OMS vai declarar que ser transgênero não é doença: é natural
O próximo alvo é retirar os casos de pessoas transgênero da lista de doenças mentais

Homicídio por arma de fogo é registrado em Poço Verde-SE
Um homicídio aconteceu nesta noite de sexta-feira (12) na cidade de Poço Verde. Os primeiros levantamentos dão conta que o homicídio por arma de fogo aconteceu na localidade conhecida como Rua Santo Antônio e a vítima era popularmente conhecido pelo apelido de “Everaldinho”.

Detento morre em briga com colega de cela na ala gay do Presídio de Vespasiano
De acordo com a Seds, colega de cela da vítima, que tinha 22 anos, assumiu o crime. Caso será investigado pela Polícia Civil
Um preso de 22 anos morreu após se envolver em uma briga com um colega de cela na ala para homossexuais do Presídio de Vespasiano, na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. A confusão aconteceu na noite de segunda-feira.

Travesti é morto e jogado de cima da passarela
Com requintes de crueldade, 16 homossexuais foram assassinados no Pará, somente esse ano. O índice corresponde à média de 2 homossexuais mortos por mês, vítimas da violência e da intolerância. Os dados são da Delegacia de Crimes Discriminatórios e acompanhados pela Gerência de Proteção pela Livre Orientação Sexual da Secretaria de Estado de Justiça e Direitos Humanos (Sejudh). O caso mais recente foi registrado na madrugada de ontem (19), no município de Castanhal, na região nordeste do Estado. O travesti, identificado pelo prenome social de “Brenda”, idade não divulgada, foi encontrado morto às 4h30, com vários golpes de faca pelo corpo, numa passarela, na rodovia BR-316, no centro da cidade. O número de facadas não foi divulgado por peritos do Instituto Médico Legal.
Travesti é morta e jogada de cima da passarela

Médicos travestis e transexuais devem poder usar nome social em SP
Cremesp quer aprovar resolução até setembro; OAB já adotou medida.
Para estudante transexual de medicina da USP, medida é 'retalho de direito'.

'Era cheia de sonhos', diz mãe de travesti assassinada em cidade de MT
Tiffany Rodrigues tinha 24 anos de idade e foi assassinada em Alta Floresta.
Mãe da vítima diz que a filha 'não tinha inimigos' e pede por Justiça.

Na luta contra o preconceito, travesti e prostituta se candidata a vereadora
Conhecida por seu ativismo na causa feminista, LGBT e das profissionais do sexo, Indianara Siqueira lança candidatura pelo PSOL do Rio de Janeiro

Suspeito de envolvimento nas mortes de homem e travesti se entrega
Crimes aconteceram em Maringá, na madrugada do dia 8 de agosto.
O suspeito de matar as duas pessoas foi preso três dias após o crime.

Colectivos califican como "delito de odio" y agresión "brutal" el ataque sufrido por una transexual en Málaga
Andalucía Diversidad, la Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucia-Sylvia River o la Federación Arco Iris han manifestado su repulsa por la agresión en Málaga

Parliament told to introduce gender-neutral toilets to ‘plan ahead’ for transgender MPs
A report has urged the UK Parliament to introduce gender-neutral toilets – though there are currently no transgender MPs.

Woman feared walking down Brighton’s streets after trans abuse
Sian shares her story after the courts give her abuser a tougher sentence because he was motivated by transphobia

Government slammed for ‘lukewarm’ commitment to transgender reforms
Labour and the Scottish National Party have questioned the government’s response to a report calling for urgent changes on trans issues.

Parish newsletter refuses to print transgender councillor's article about transition as it 'could upset villagers'
A transgender councillor has criticised her "old-fashioned" parish newsletter for refusing to print an article about her transition - because it could upset villagers.

Jack Monroe: ‘I want to be treated as a person, not as a woman or a man’
She was the poster girl for austerity Britain, a famous food writer and poverty campaigner, and then she suffered a breakdown. Jack Monroe talks politics, party frocks and being transgender

Jeremy Clarkson mocks trans-friendly toilets: ‘You might as well install urinals for Klingons’
Jeremy Clarkson has hit out at a report that calls for gender-neutral toilets in Parliament, claiming “you might as well install urinals suitable for Klingons”.

Leeds Beckett University honour for transgender Capital Radio star Stephanie Hirst
Radio star and transgender icon Stephanie Hirst has received an Honorary Doctorate from Leeds Beckett University for her contribution to public life.

Britain will deal with Brexit by trading with North Carolina
UK will boost trade with office in anti-trans state
UK government to open trade hub in North Carolina despite controversy over anti-LGBT law
Owen Smith slams UK government over ‘offensive’ North Carolina trading hub

New policy for transgender inmates launched
Four inmates have already switched wards, to reflect the gender listed on their official documents

Genderqueer: A Former Soviet Soldier Looks For Her True Self (Video)
Growing up as the son of a Soviet officer, Tapir knew he was not the man he was expected to be. Through his own military service, marriage to a woman, and subsequent sex change, this devout Christian's confusion over gender identity continued. Recently, Tapir came to the realization that she is neither male nor female, but somewhere in the middle. She discovered that the quest for happiness is far more important than choosing between gender stereotypes. RFE/RL's Russian Service series, "Signs of Life," has Tapir's story in her own words. This is an excerpt from the documentary.

Hundreds of LGBT activists Defy Police in Protesting for Justice for #HandeKader
The LGBT community defied the Turkish government’s ban on rallies amassing today in support of murdered transgender woman Hande Kader. Transgender activists and allies enraged over the burning death of Hande Kader jumped police barricades to rally in solidarity for the slain transgender woman. This is an incredible act of bravery since following the attempted coup earlier this year the country has suspended its human rights treaties, declared martial law and arrested 102 journalists.
LGBT protest in Turkey sees hundreds of activists stage rally over brutal killing of transgender woman
Hande Kader: Outcry in Turkey over transgender woman's murder
Trans Woman Brutally Murdered in Turkey
Murder of transgender woman shines dark light on rights issues in Turkey
‘Other’ victims of Turkey: Hande, Aslı and R.D.

Transgender shot at by unidentified assailant in Ghaziabad
A transgender, also a resident of Vijay Nagar in Ghaziabad, was reportedly shot at by unidentified people late on Saturday night. The incident was reported from Prem Nagar area of Ghaziabad when the victim -- Annu Sharma was returning to her place after paying a visit to a friend in the area.

[South Korea]
Transgender Women Are Heading to South Korea for Vocal Surgery
A clinic in Seoul has become a destination for a noninvasive feminization procedure.

[Hong Kong]
Transgender prisoners in Hong Kong suffer sexual assault, denial of hormones
All male-to-female transgender inmates are regarded as mentally ill and detained in male wards in a maximum-security psychiatric centre; an upcoming judicial review could bring a change in policy

Pattaya hotel guests unaware of dead body under bed
Two guests spent a night in a Pattaya hotel unaware that there was a dead body under their bed, according to local reports.
The body of the slain transgender woman was only discovered after the guests had checked out, when a maid noticed blood near the bed.

This trans woman was refused a Brazilian wax because she hasn’t had gender reassignment surgery
A transgender woman has spoken of being refused a Brazilian wax because she has not undergone gender reassignment surgery.
Karen Parker said she booked the wax at Brazilica in Brunswick, Australia, as a birthday present to herself in October 2015.
But on arriving at the venue, and when the staff member realised Parker had not undergone gender reassignment surgery, she refused to wax her.

Transgender children 'left with few options in Northern Territory'
Around the country there has been a huge spike in children seeking medical treatment to change their gender, but for transgendered kids in the Northern Territory the options are still bleak.

Census will count people who aren't just male or female
The Australian Census is the latest admin bureau to accept that some folks don’t fit the gender binary.
Australian Census embraces gender diversity

Transgender rights case fights to axe gender from birth certificates
As B.C. adds gender identity and expression to its Human Rights Code ahead of Pride, an LGBTQ rights case fights forcing ‘male’ or ‘female’ on newborns.
BC group launches ‘M’ and ‘F’ discrimination complaint

Transgender human rights bill passes, with some Liberal dissent
A new law to protect transgender rights in B.C.’s Human Rights Code passed into law Monday, despite opposition from at least one of the governing party’s own MLAs.
BC passes trans rights in one sitting
Trans Alliance Society chair applauds transgender-inclusive changes to B.C. Human Rights Code
'It's a good day for all British Columbians'

Tracey Africa Norman Is Back As the Face of Clairol
This December, when the Cut published a cover story about Tracey Africa Norman, the first black transgender woman to work, undetected, as a successful fashion and beauty model, we hoped her story would touch people and bring attention to her remarkable career. We could not have predicted that it would result in a phone call from Clairol, whose Born Beautiful hair-color boxes Tracey’s face had graced in supermarkets nationwide 30 years ago, asking her to come back to work.

Jenner makes it official, I am Cait Canceled after Two Seasons
After a long pregnant reality show style pause, Caitlyn Jenner tweeted announcing the end of I am Cait today. Quite a few media outlets jumped the gun announcing the demise of I am Cait weeks ago, but Planetrans out of respect waited for Jenner to say it. The highly cis acclaimed and cited show tried to go where trans people seldom venture. Caitlyn failed twice. One, she distanced herself from the vast majority of politically aware trans people with her unabashed right wing views. I cringed many times wondering if cis people thought she was speaking for me.

Miss Major Is A Trans Elder And Stonewall Icon.. And She’s Changing The World
“People have to get involved with this and not just one particular group — it’s all of us or none of us.”

TSA stops transgender delegate from SF for ‘groin anomaly’ on way to DNC
For Mia “Tu Mutch” Satya, even the stature of national politics was not enough to shield her from everyday gender discrimination.

Here’s Proof That Policing Trans People In Bathrooms Isn’t Actually About Women’s Privacy
As state lawmakers across country have pursued laws to police trans women’s bathroom use, allegedly in the name of protecting cisgender women from sexual assault or being peeked at in stalls, other efforts to compromise women’s privacy have gone unchecked.

Sigourney Weaver's newest film makes horror out of trans surgery
The Toronto International Film Festival recently announced that it will show Walter Hill’s (re)ASSIGNMENT, a feature-length action-thriller about a hitman who becomes a vengeful hitwoman after an evil doctor gives her a non-consensual gender reassignment surgery. The film (which was originally entitled, Tomboy: A Revenger’s Tale) stars bisexual actress Michelle Rodriguez as the hitwoman (aka “Tomboy”) and Sigourney Weaver as the doctor and possibly continues an unfortunately long history of transphobic film tropes.

Backstage with “Strut” America’s 1st Transgender Model Reality Show
“They want a girl that’s 6’2, 35-25-35 they didn’t ask if I had a penis or not. A decade ago we were hiding on the runway, but now, it’s a new age!”

D.C. bathroom assault ruled hate crime
Marks the seventh official biased hate crime of its kind in the District this year

Security Guard Charged With Hate Crime For Assaulting A Transgender Woman In May
When Francine Jones assaulted a transgender woman at a Giant grocery store in May, police charged her with simple assault. After further investigation into the incident, the U.S. Attorney's Office for D.C. has also charged Jones with bias-related assault. Authorities added the second charge on July 11, according to spokesperson William Miller.

Transgender inmate challenging Florida prison laws found dead in cell
Convicted killer Justin Lee Naber wrote in a handwritten lawsuit that it was “cruel and unusual punishment” to be forced to use a male name that no longer fit her gender. She wanted the name on her birth certificate to read “Stacy Lorraine Naber.”

Transgender inmate sues corrections agency
A transgender inmate is suing Florida Department of Corrections officials for refusing to allow her to continue hormone treatments and for forcing her to dress as a man.
Reiyn Keohane, 22, has lived as a female since she was 14, according to a federal lawsuit filed Monday on her behalf by the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida.

The state of Georgia just said it is not illegal to take photos up women’s skirts
The state of Georgia just affirmed that it is totally legal for someone to take a photo up a person’s skirt in public without her consent.

Transgender prison nurse accuses state of discrimination
A transgender male who is a longtime Iowa Department of Corrections nurse has filed a complaint against the state and his insurance provider alleging he was discriminated against because of his gender identity.

EEOC Sues Rent-A-Center for Sex Discrimination Against Transgender Employee
Assistant Manager of Rantoul Store Was Fired Because of Her Gender Identity, Federal Agency Charges

Dozens rally in response to new mandate regarding transgender students
A rally occurred in Alton,Ill., to discuss both sides of the transgender bathroom mandate
Sides clash in Alton at rally against trans restroom law

DOJ criticizes Baltimore police treatment of trans people
The Department of Justice released a scathing 164-page report on Aug. 10, which was the product of its investigation of the Baltimore Police Department. The investigation was commissioned by the City of Baltimore and BPD last year following the unrest and rioting in the city after Baltimore resident Freddie Gray died in police custody.

Family confirms St. Martin homicide victim was a transgender woman
Saturday night's stabbing death at a St. Martin hotel is being investigated as a possible hate crime because the victim was a transgender woman.
Update: St. Martin homicide victim was transgender woman
Navy sailor charged with capital murder of transgender woman
New Orleans man arrested in Mississippi stabbing death of transgender woman

Transgender man from Lucedale admits having sex with transgender minor
Transgender man had allegedly been in a dating relationship with victim
Suspect admitted committing crimes against the minor at different times in 2012 and 2013
Sentencing is deferred until September

NBA moves 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte over HB2; 2019 return possible
After months of lobbying to change House Bill 2, league chooses to move the February event
The league has said it views HB2 as discriminatory against the LGBT community
If circumstances change, Charlotte might host the All-Star Weekend in 2019
John Swofford: ACC will revisit HB2, championship game location in fall
2017 PGA Championship will stay in Charlotte amid HB2 controversy
Lambda Legal Commends NBA Decision to Move All-Star Game From North Carolina
North Carolina governor Pat McCrory fires back at NBA decision over All-Star Game
North Carolina Governor Attacks NBA For Pulling 2017 All-Star Game
Franklin Graham blasts NBA for moving All-Star Game from North Carolina
Blame Game Follows NBA's Removal of Charlotte All-Star Game
‘SHAME ON THEM:’ owner of Hornets blasts NBA, Charlotte, trans people
Raleigh entrepreneur blasts HB2 at DNC

Trans Woman Receives Settlement in Lawsuit Against Hospital
Faye Seidler, a transgender woman who has brought a lawsuit against her former employer, Sanford Medical Centre in Fargo, ND, has reached a settlement for discrimination in the workplace.

Macy’s fires Catholic employee for questioning transgender bathroom policy
Macy’s department store has fired a Catholic employee because he questioned their transgender bathroom policy, even though he says he told his employer he would enforce the policy.

Transgender woman attacked with hammer in possible hate crime
A transgender woman was struck in the head while walking down a sidewalk in Queens.

Trans ex-employee sues Abercrombie & Fitch over ‘look policy’
A transgender former employee is suing Abercrombie & Fitch for $35 million because, he claims, he was humiliated and fired for his refusal to wear women’s clothing on the job.

Once-convicted transgender killer blames media, judge for 'poisoning' case
Dwight DeLee hasn't been shy about talking back to a judge in court.

Transgender ex-special forces soldier reveals inner battle to accept true identity after using combat 'to become a man'
Alana McLaughlin looks like any other young woman but she was previously a stacked figure of rippling muscle in a bid to become more manly

Nashville man attacks transgender prostitute
A Nashville 47-year-old was jailed for Aggravated Assault after he picked up a prostitute and became angry after finding the prostitute was transgender.

Texas School Promises To Out Trans Kids To Their Parents
Fort Worth Independent School District, the sixth largest school district in Texas, has issued a new version of its guidance to protect transgender students from discrimination. Instead of eight pages outlining how the district will respect and accommodate students’ gender identity, the guidance is now just a two-page document about working with parents to create an individual education plan. If parents aren’t involved and supportive of their student’s identity, then the student will seemingly not be accommodated.

Marius Mason makes history as first Transman to get HRT while a Federal Prisoner
Marius Mason website says he’s is the first FTM federal prisoner to begin hormones treatment which could lead to SRS, and it’s happening right here, in the heart of Texas. That ought to make vehemently transphobic Gov., Lt. gov., and adjutant-general dance with glee. Then again, perhaps not. But why should any transgender person be denied basic healthcare? This is a right of all prisoners after all. But it was a long battle for Mason to reach this point. The DOJ Rules meant to protect transgender people instated in 2012 have been largely ignored.

Transsexual beauty queen from Puerto Vallarta brutally murdered
Paulett Gonzalez, who won the title Gay Beauty Queen in 2015 in the state of Nayarit, was found burned in the town of Celaya, in the state of Guanajuato, official sources confirmed to EFE.
Trans beauty queen found murdered in Mexico

A surprising move on LGBT rights from a ‘macho’ South American president
Bolivia has a new gender identity law that might put it in Latin America’s vanguard on LGBT rights — but the story behind the measure reveals how far the Andean nation still has to go before ending homophobia. That’s according to Carlos Parra, aka Paris Galán, the country’s best known drag queen and a prominent gay rights campaigner.

“El baño mixto es una pequeña solución para la discriminación”: rector de la U. Externado
Desde el lunes todos los estudiantes de esta universidad, sin importar su género, compartirán estos espacios. La medida obedece a un asunto de equidad.
El debate por los baños mixtos

Fiscalía exige al TSJ adecuar la identidad legal de los transexuales
Luisa Ortega solicitó a la Sala Constitucional remover todos los obstáculos legales que se opongan a los preceptos constitucionales y causen discriminación

domingo, agosto 14, 2016

Se sobrevivesse, travesti teria que amputar quatro membros, diz HUT
A travesti Taciane Pires, que estava internada no Hospital de Urgência de Teresina (HUT), vítima de complicações ocorridas na aplicação de silicone industrial no corpo, não resistiu e morreu na terça-feira, dia 09. O diretor do HUT, médico Gilberto Albuquerque, explica que o estado de saúde da jovem era grave.

Boarding school group backs use of trans language
Boarding school teachers are being told to use ‘gender neutral’ vocabulary in order to cater for transsexual pupils.

Hartlepool transgender writer releases inspiring debut novel
A former bingo caller from Hartlepool has completed his first comic novel based on his experiences as a transsexual.

'I feel I have a future now': Transsexual ex-con tells how she turned her life around
Nicola Wilson, who hit the headlines when she was sent to women’s prison Cornton Vale, is optimistic that she can carve a productive future from a troubled past.

Transgender Micshania prepares for surgery ‘rebirth’
At an age where some are considering plans for retirement, one Lancashire woman is turning back the clock and starting all over again.

Celebrated & contested – breakthrough towards first French gender recognition law
On Wednesday 12th July the French National Assembly approved an amendment, which would introduce the first law regulating legal gender recognition in the country. The proposed procedure for changing name and recorded gender marker is part of a larger law “Justice in the 21st century”.

Fenech Adami wants justice for transgender prisoners, warns of prison’s drug woes
Home affairs minister Carmelo Abela says high rate of drug finds in prison the result of an increase in investigations, including on prison wardens

Trans woman burned and murdered in Turkey
Hande Kader, a trans woman based in Istanbul, disappeared a week ago. Her friends and lover filed a missing person’s announcement. Hande Kader’s burned body was found in Zekeriyaköy.
Trans sex worker Hande Kader was last seen getting in her customer’s car about a week ago and has not been heard from since. Her friends and lover have reported Hande’s disappearance to the police.

Transgender Blogger Gigi Gorgeous Was Detained In Dubai For 'Impersonating A Woman'
They even confiscated her passport.
Gigi Gorgeous is a YouTube personality who does a lot of beauty blogs and also posts about her transition. She was born Gregory Lazzarato, but says she has officially changed her name to Gigi Loren on her passport. While Gigi says that she had known she was transgender for years, she came out on YouTube in 2001 after her mom passed away.

[South Africa]
Transgender issues in the spotlight at AIDS conference
For the first time, there has been a significant focus on transgender issues at the 21st International AIDS conference underway in Durban.
PRESS STATEMENT: International AIDS Conference 2016 is Trans-exclusionary

Journalist Apsara Reddy denied entry in warship citing 'no transgender' rule
Journalist and TV host Apsara Reddy was prevented from entering a warship stationed at Chennai port on Sunday as a security officer at the entrance said "no transgenders" were allowed into the ship. It is not yet clear to which of the security forces does the ship belongs to.

Meet Naina, The Youngest Transgender In India To Come Out
Naina came out in the most beautiful, inspiring and courageous way possible. This student from Delhi's Vasant Valley School went up to the stage and declared her sexual identity to her entire school during assembly. If that does not define courage and inspiration, we do not know what will.

Govt clears bill to protect rights of transgenders
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday cleared the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2016, that will pave the way for the community to be declared as the third gender with an option to identify themselves as male, female or transgender.
Transgenders will soon be categorised as 'third gender'

Forensics expert is the ‘total package’
Jude ‘Madam Judai’ says gender preference shouldn’t be an obstacle to achieving one’s dreams in life
Colored contact lens, long eye-lashes, full make-up, with pearls and killer high-heeled boots aren’t usually the regulation uniform for the police’s Scene of the Crime (SOCO) personnel.

In Indonesia, Non-Binary Gender is a Centuries-Old Idea
Modern Western culture is slowly acknowledging gender fluidity, but "third genders" and other classifications have existed throughout history.

Tuivaiki's death investigated as possible homicide
The death of Jeanine Tuivaiki is being investigated as a possible homicide.
Samoa Observer once again misgenders Tuivaiki
Conflicting reports given at Tuivaiki inquest

'People pay hundreds for this kind of hair': Hairdresser mum, 29, hits back at critics who say letting her five-year-old son grow long flowing locks will give him a gender identity crisis
Alice Goulding, 29, has fought back against critics of her son's long hair
She was told her son Winter, four, would develop gender identity issues
The Sydney mum says the little boy is often mistaken for a girl
Winter has told his mum he likes his long hair and doesn't want to cut it

I don’t mind being a man sometimes, now I’m a woman
I wasn’t born in Broken Hill. I was transferred here when I was a prison warden, when my name was Warren Miller. One day in 2000, I walked into the prison dressed as a woman and said: “My name’s now Kirsti Miller, and you’ll find me in my office.”

Cheltenham Girls School under fire for promoting gender neutral language
A local Sydney girls school is under investigation following complaints by parents of ‘LGBTI programming’ after the school insisted on the use of gender neutral language in the classroom.

[New Zealand]
Strip searches don't take into account trans inmates
An Official Information Act request to the Department of Corrections has confirmed that transgender prisoners who are in a prison that doesn’t align with their gender identity, are subject to strip searches undertaken by officers of a different gender.

Gender transitioning at work carries 'high level of risk'
Business professor says smart companies find diversity improves their financial situation

Emails reveal Catholic school more concerned about being transgender ‘positive’ than following Church teaching
A school in the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) appears to be more concerned about playing the part of a “positive and respectful community” on "transgender issues" than following Catholic teaching, according to an exchange of emails between a principal and teachers obtained through a Freedom of Information request.

Calgary councillor wants gender-neutral washrooms in city buildings and facilities
A city councillor believes relabelling single-stall washrooms across city buildings and facilities is a simple step that could make a big difference to Calgary’s LGBTQ community.

Government to amend B.C. Human Rights Code to protect gender rights
NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert has tried to have B.C. Human Rights Code amended for several years

B.C. reverses stand, will extend human rights to transgender people
British Columbia's government is reversing its position and aligning itself with the majority of Canada to enhance protection for the rights of transgender people just days before Vancouver's annual Pride parade.
Trans rights at last in BC?
Changes to B.C. Human Rights Code to include specific protections for transgender people

After Obama's Transgender Bathroom Letter, Felons Have More Privacy Protections Than Students, Legal Expert Says
Prisoners now have more privacy rights than students, after President Barack Obama's letter directing public schools to allow bathroom use based upon gender identity, rather than biological sex, a legal expert argued at a Family Research Council event.

Transgender Superhero to Be Featured in New Comic Book
The comic book world is about to get its first transgender leading character. The central protagonist in the upcoming superhero series "Alters" is Chalice, a trans "hero for the new age."

Looking at workplace bias against trans people of color
In April 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( EEOC ) determined in the case Macy v. Holder that transgender and gender non-conforming people are a protected class under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which protects people based on sex.

Ben Carson compares being transgender to changing ethnicities
Failed GOP presidential candidate says transgender rights are "not a civil rights issue"

Intersex person who was denied a passport over gender designation sues U.S. government
Dana Zzyym needed a U.S. passport, but the application offered only two gender choices: male or female. For Zzyym, neither was accurate.
Zzyym was born with ambiguous genitalia and identifies as intersex, neither male nor female. Zzyym — who uses the gender-neutral pronouns “they” and “them” — was denied a passport after the State Department declined to let Zzyym use the gender marker “X.”
State Department Got It Wrong in Denying Passport to Intersex Citizen

Arkansas’ counseling law reveals Pandora’s box of religious objections
For critics of Arkansas‘ religious objections law, a new rule allowing counselors to refer clients elsewhere if they have a religious or moral objection to treating them shows the Pandora’s box the majority-Republican Legislature opened last year. It also is a sign that the debate over the law that was upended in the final days of last year’s legislative session is far from over.

Transgender Activist Claims Harassment by Deputies at LA Pride
Bamby Salcedo, a leading transgender activist, has complained that sheriff’s deputies roughed up people participating in the “Reclaim Pride” demonstration at last month’s L.A. Pride parade.

Boulder Valley schools recognized as leader in transgender inclusion
On Friday, Washington, D.C.-based Human Rights Campaign — the nation's largest LGBTQ-rights advocacy organization — recognized the Boulder Valley School District for its leadership in transgender equality and inclusion.

Trans woman’s murder prompts calls for change
The fatal shooting on July 4 of D.C. transgender woman Deeniquia “Dee Dee” Dodds, 25, in an area close to where transgender sex workers congregate has prompted a local LGBT-supportive advocacy group to call on police to end their longstanding practice of arresting trans sex workers.

John Marshall launches gender marker program
The Pro Bono Clinic at The John Marshall Law School has launched a new program to help transgender individuals navigate the legal hurdles that come with changing one’s name and gender.

New YMCA guidelines support transgender bathroom, locker room access
A mom at a suburban YMCA recently reported to employees that she was unnerved to find a teenager who appeared to be male using the women's locker room.
Chicago YMCAs open locker rooms to transgender boys and girls

Parents oppose BCSC gender identity policy, threaten to keep children out of school
Local parents concerned with Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp.’s decision to extend anti-discrimination protections to transgender students say they will keep their children home on the first day of school if the school board does not reverse its policy.

Alleged Hate Group Member Charged in Shooting of Trans Woman in Indiana
Crystal Raquel Cash survived a violent assault that left her with a broken jaw, but local news can't help but turn its attention to irrelevent discussions of sex work.

Activists file petition to repeal transgender law
Conservative activists want to put a repeal of the state’s recently passed transgender rights law on the ballot in 2018, a move that would extend a divisive debate over civil rights and privacy for at least another two years.

Committee looking into implementation of transgender regulations making progress
A committee formed to look at an advisory handed down by the U.S. Department of Justice is on its way in Carroll County, with most of the subcommittees having met.

Pride in a small town: Emerging signs of LGBT equality
Ron Beachley remembers slipping through the side door of a downtown Hagerstown hotel into the Bull Ring, a gay nightclub, in the early 1980s.

Transgender Sparta Twp. candidate fights for support
For Gidget Groendyk, every day seems to bring a flurry of indignities big and small.

In restroom design, private is the new public
Hy-Vee’s top executive, Randy Edeker, walked into a Miami hotel five years ago and saw an innovation that he thought would work in the grocery chain — public restrooms for one.

Bathrooms available for transgender students in Iredell County
Iredell-Statesville schools will have alternate bathrooms ready for transgender students next school year.

Las Vegans meet new transgender military policy with relief, concerns
Air Force Reserve Tech. Sgt. Frankie Perez didn’t realize she soon would be transitioning to be a male until a deployment last year to the Horn of Africa.

Schools to rely on transgender guidance
When it comes to addressing gender identity issues during the coming school year, several area school districts will be relying heavily on guidance provided by state and national organizations.

Highland files motion to block disruption of federal funding while transgender case presses on
Highland Local School District asked a federal court in a motion filed Friday to stop the U.S. departments of Education and Justice from pulling federal funding for special needs and underprivileged children while the district’s lawsuit against those agencies moves forward, according to the Alliance Defending Freedom, Highland’s representation in the case.

Ohio school district asks court to stop feds from depriving special needs, underprivileged children
DOE making funding for disadvantaged children dependent on schools forcing students to share showers, locker rooms with opposite sex

Police: Trans woman killed by mother’s ex, who called her ‘the devil’
Another transgender woman has been killed in the United States, bringing the total number of known murders of transgender people in the country to 19 this year.
Police say Rae’Lynn Thomas, 28, was shot this week by her mother’s ex-boyfriend in their home, reports Columbus station WBNS. Her family is calling the tragic killing a hate crime, though Columbus police are not currently investigating it as such.
Transgender woman Rae’Lynn Thomas shot by mothers ex Boyfriend

District presents transgender rights policy
In an attempt to keep up with changing times and policies, the school committee had the first reading of a draft Transgender Non-Discrimination Policy Tuesday night, focused on student comfort level before, during and after transitioning.

Pearland Mom Of Transgender Child Describes Journey To Acceptance
A Republican and evangelical Christian, Kimberly Shappley is now an ardent supporter of LGBT rights.

Latina Trans Woman Found Murdered in Her Home in Texas
Erykah Tijerina, a 36-year-old transgender Latina, was found dead Monday at her home in El Paso, Texas, reports local TV station KFOX. Police found signs of foul play and are investigating her death as a homicide. She is the 18th trans person known to have been murdered in 2016.

4 Burlington suspects in Amos Beede's slaying appear for arraignment
Erik Averill, Jordan Paul, Myia Barber, Allison Gee waived extradition from California

Gay community warns bathroom suit sends wrong message to trans students, businesses
On June 2, inside Matt Mead’s office at the Idelman Mansion in Cheyenne, the governor and Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow sat down with leaders of the state's gay community. They called the meeting to discuss President Barack Obama’s recent directive that America’s schools allow transgender students to use bathrooms of the gender with which they identify.

‘Bathroom bill’ tops WV GOP senator’s wish list for special session
A Republican state senator is urging West Virginia lawmakers to take up a transgender “bathroom bill” as the No. 1 item on a special session agenda that places flood relief as the fourth — and last — measure on the same list.

quarta-feira, agosto 10, 2016

SANTA SÉ: Papa Francisco contra aceitação de pessoas trans nas escolas
Numa transcrição lançada pelo Vaticano sobre o parecer do Papa Francisco sobre o género, pode ler-se que Sua Santidade não está feliz com a crescente aceitação das pessoas trans na sociedade.
Pope Francis Condemns Transgender People

Travesti Bibis de 40 anos assassinada na vila jardim em Porto Alegre, sábado às 16h, com 10 tiros, um no coração e nove na cabeça.

Transexual é encontrado enterrado em terreno na zona leste de Londrina
O corpo de um transexual foi encontrado no final da manhã desta segunda-feira (8) em um terreno na avenida São João, zona leste de Londrina.
Segundo o perito do Instituto de Criminalística Fabio Mira, o corpo estava enterrado nu, na vertical, enrolado em um saco preto, e foi encontrado por um trabalhador que fazia uma rampa para embarcar uma máquina Bobcat no terreno.

Travesti campo-grandense é assassinada logo após se mudar para o Paraná
Uma travesti campo-grandense de 24 anos foi assinada com uma facada na madrugada desta segunda-feira (8) na cidade de Maringá, no Paraná. A jovem identificada como Thiemy Oliveira, também conhecida como Joyce, morava na Capital e havia se mudado há cerca de três meses, de acordo com a mãe, Edivete Manoel João, de 47 anos.

Travesti é achada morta com sinais de enforcamento em cidade de MT
Corpo de vítima foi encontrado na entrada de uma fazenda em Alta Floresta.
Polícia diz que Tiffany Rodrigues já havia sofrido uma tentativa de homicídio.
O corpo de uma travesti foi encontrado pela Polícia Militar na manhã desta segunda-feira (8), na entrada de uma fazenda localizada na região de Castanheira, em Alta Floresta, município a 800 km de Cuiabá. Segundo a polícia, Tiffany Rodrigues, de 23 anos, foi morta por asfixia.

Larissa Liima foi encontrada enforcada dentro da própria casa em Manaus. Segundo informações do instituto médico legal, Larissa poderia ter se enforcado de Sábado para Domingo, porém o corpo só foi encontrado na manhã desda segunda-feira (01).

Travesti morre no HUT após aplicar silicone industrial no corpo
A jovem Taciane Pires morreu na tarde de ontem (9) no Hospital de Urgência de Teresina (HUT) por causa de complicações na aplicação de silicone industrial por todo o corpo. O diretor do hospital, o médico Gilberto Albuquerque, informou que ela chegou ao hospital com um quadro grave de infecção generalizada.
"Ela chegou há cerca de 10 dias no hospital e há dois dias foi para a UTI [Unidade de Terapia Intensiva] por conta da sepse. Ela fez aplicação do silicone industrial em todos os membros, nos braços, pernas e até no glúteo. Isso é muito perigoso e o pior de tudo é que não há como retirar depois que é aplicado", informou.

Latin America presses gay and transgender protections despite public tension
United States and Latin America take different approaches to progressive change
Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay pressed the U.N. Human Rights Council to appoint special expert on gay, transgender issues
U.S. feels safer, but experts say the Orlando attacks demonstrate ongoing challenges around the world

"I knew I was transgender at 10"
From a young age, Danielle Lloyd realised she'd been assigned the wrong gender at birth. When she finally told her parents, they were more supportive than she'd ever imagined...

Transgender firefighter campaigns to extinguish discrimination
Firefighter Katie Cornhill doesn't just battle fires - she's also fighting against LGBT discrimination.

REVEALED: Council to encourage school children to think if they are gay or transexual
Children as young as five will be encouraged to think about whether they’re gay or transgender as part of the Named Person scheme.

Boarding school teachers told to address transgender pupils as 'zie' in guidance on gender neutral terminology
Boarding school teachers should address transgender pupils as ‘zie’ to avoid offence, according to official guidance aimed at “queering the education system”.
Boarding schools given new guidance on accepting transgender students

First Trans Grand Marshal for Limerick Pride Parade
Limerick will host its first trans grand marshal at the annual LGBTI Pride Parade, which will also mark the one year anniversary of the passage of the Gender Recognition Act. TENI Chief Executive Broden Giambrone will lead the Pride Parade on 16th July.

Three LRH doctors removed from service for negligence
Taking action on recommendations of the inquiry committee formed to probe the alleged negligence of doctors that led to the death of a transvestite, the Board of Governors (BoG) of the Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) on Thursday removed three doctors from service and censured two professors, orthopedic surgeon Dr Shahabuddin Khan and Dr Aamer Ghafoor, for their negligence in dealing with the case properly.

TGEU condemns violent crackdown on Ugandan LGBTI pride
Transgender Europe (TGEU) condemns the violent crackdown on Ugandan LGBTI pride events and the brutal attitude of the Ugandan government towards LGBTI communities. Ugandan activists present at an event organised at Kampala’s Club Venom last week have told how the event was raided by the police, and people present were brutally treated.

Barriers to employment faced by transgender community
"My name is Genevieve Charles, I'm English and I am post-operative transgender."

'No justice, no peace, take it to the streets': St. John's Trans March focuses on equality
Members of the St. John's trans community took to the streets of downtown St. John's Friday to bring attention to issuing facing transgender people.

Vancouver city council approves trans equality action plan recommendations
On July 13, Vancouver city council unanimously approved five recommendations to support trans equality.

Poll: Evangelicals differ from most Americans on transgender morality
A survey of 1,000 Americans by Nashville-based evangelical research firm LifeWay Research finds 6 in 10 Americans don’t believe it is morally wrong for people to identify with a gender different from the sex they were assigned at birth.
Shocking Poll Shows Most Americans Find Nothing Wrong With Changing Sexes

One Month After Pulse Shooting, House Panel Hears Pro-Discrimination Bill
On Tuesday, the one-month anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting, hateful politicians in Congress decided to spend their time conducting a hearing on the discriminatory so-called First Amendment Defense Act (FADA). At a time when the LGBT community continues to mourn, advocates once again found themselves fighting off a shameful attack bill.

Trump picks VP candidate with long anti-LGBT history
Donald Trump has selected as a running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has a long anti-LGBT history that includes signing into law a “religious freedom” bill enabling anti-LGBT discrimination.

Hate Groups Attack Target’s Transgender Policy Without All The Details
An individual identifying as a transgender woman has been arrested on charges of trying to record video of a woman changing in a fitting room at a Target in Ammon, Idaho. Contrary to reports from various anti-LGBT hate groups, this incident had nothing to do with Target’s policy of welcoming transgender customers to use store facilities that match their gender identities.

Web series released on YouTube about transgender and queer women gets Emmy nomination
The last two years have been a landmark for the visibility of transgender people on screens large and small -- including “Orange Is the New Black” actress Laverne Cox, Eddie Redmayne’s character in “The Danish Girl” and former Olympian Caitlyn Jenner and her reality show “I Am Cait.”

‘I Am Cait’ Canceled! Caitlyn Jenner’s Reality Show Over After Just Two Seasons
While Kris Jenner‘s creation Keeping Up with the Kardashians is going strong after nine years and 12 seasons, her ex’s reality series won’t live to see the same success.

Bill Maher: #WhinyLittleBitch transgender boutique issues can wait
Bill Maher on real-time Friday in a segment titled “Priority Fail” said he’s making a sacrifice by not advocating for his “pet project”, legalized weed, until after the presidential elections. He then exhorted others to do the same and shelve the battle for he called a ’boutique issue’ ‘transgendered’ lives until after November.

Business ridicules trans people with large reader board in high traffic area
UPDATE – August 8, 2016. Anyone knowing of the customers (paper mills, lumber mills, bark dust, etc.) of Pacific Fibre Product and Lemmons Trucking, please post in the comments section.

Transgender surgery in Thousand Oaks aimed at confirming identity
Farnaz Sabet swiveled his bare chest in front of a mirror, slowly rotating as he examined blue-sutured terrain that once carried breasts.

San Diego's only transgender police officer is prouder than ever this year
Officer Christine Garcia will take part in the San Diego Pride Parade

D.C. Woman Becomes 15th Trans Person Murdered in 2016
Deeniquia Dodds died Wednesday after having been shot July 4; police failed to disclose that a trans woman had been attacked for over a week.
Amid downpour, family and friends remember District 22-year-old shot on July 4

Police: Transgender woman stabbed in NE DC
Police are investigating after a transgender woman was stabbed several times in northeast DC Tuesday.
According to DC police, the stabbing happened around 12:05 p.m. near the 1500 block of West Virginia Avenue NE, right across from the east end of the Gallaudet University campus. Investigators say the victim may have been stabbed inside a car, and was either pushed out or jumped out after being stabbed several times in the neck and chest. She was found in the street.
Transgender Woman Stabbed, Injured in Northeast DC

From bathrooms to birth certificates: New front in battle for trans rights
Some Floridians petition to change names — and sex — in public record
Among recent applicants: Broward teen, prisoner serving life
With state taking stand, cases sometimes have become contentious

Denied his chosen name, transgender man fights on
Trying to hide how scared he was, Rowan Feldhaus clenched his fist underneath the table and waited on the judge.

Fort Peck Tribe rescinds transgender bathroom policy amid criticism
After coming under fire for its decision to limit transgender people to using the bathroom that matches their biological sex, the Fort Peck Tribal Council has voted to rescind its policy.

Alum Takes Fight for Transgender Rights to Political Conventions
Tune in to the upcoming Republican and Democratic conventions and you’re likely to see an NC State alumna deliver a message targeted to viewers across the political spectrum.

Win on NYS Medicaid Paying for Gender Transition “Cosmetic Surgery”
A US district judge has granted summary judgment to four transgender plaintiffs on a claim that the New York State Medicaid program’s categorical ban on “cosmetic surgery” related to gender transition violates the federal program’s requirement to fund medically necessary treatment.

She loved her husband. Could she love her transgender wife?
After 18 years together, Kris Kachirisky watched the love of her life dress for dinner and knew.

Karma! Mocker of trans people, host of ‘Laughing at Liberals’ slapped with 21 gun and menacing charges
A Portland, Oregon man who pulled out a gun screaming “everybody get the hell back!” during a Black Lives Matter/Don’t Shoot PDX protest last month, was charged this week with 10 counts of unlawful use of a weapon (felonies), 10 counts of menacing and a disorderly conduct charge following from a grand jury decision.

Gloucester County School Board appeals trans bathroom case to Supreme Court
School board asks Chief Justice John Roberts to stay an order stopping it from enforcing its restroom policy
Supreme Court orders Transgender Student Gavin Grimm to use the wrong restroom, for now

School system weighs regulations that would protect transgender student rights
The Fairfax County School Board is weighing new regulations that spell out how schools should accommodate transgender students, rules that would affirm the students’ right to use bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity and direct teachers to refer to them by their preferred pronouns.

Rio Games begin with the erasure of Lea T by Brazilian TV
The Olympic athletes entered the stadium led by Lea T, a Brazilian transgender model, who was driving the bike. TV channel Globo presented all other delegations with the leading bikes, EXCEPT for the Brazilian one, erasing the known transgender personality. I believe we can say the reason for Globo didn’t show her is because she is a Brazilian transgender woman . Shame on them.

A surprising move on LGBT rights from a ‘macho’ South American president
Bolivia has a new gender identity law that might put it in Latin America’s vanguard on LGBT rights — but the story behind the measure reveals how far the Andean nation still has to go before ending homophobia. That’s according to Carlos Parra, aka Paris Galán, the country’s best known drag queen and a prominent gay rights campaigner.

Encarcelan a detenidos por homicidio de mujer trans
Testigo presencial de los hechos le aseguró a la Fiscalía que la víctima fue asesinada por un atraco y no por piropear a dos hombres.
El juez promiscuo municipal de Galapa, Venancio García Solís, envió a la Cárcel Modelo a Deiber Augusto Acosta Espitia y Pedro Andrés Rivera Teherán, señalados de asesinar a Wilder Barón Castro, de 31 años y miembro de la comunidad LGBTI.