Travestis contratadas pela torcida do Flamengo vão ao Maracanã para esperar Ronaldo
A drag Dimmy Kieer não aceitou de jeito nenhum o convite da torcida do Flamengo para recepcionar o jogador Ronaldo, ontem no Maracanã no clássico contra o Corinthians. Mesmo assim, a torcida organizada do Fla contratou travestis para esperar o craque. (Foto)
Ministério da Saúde lança campanha pró-travestis
Foi lançada, nesta quarta-feira 28, a campanha “Sou travesti. Tenho direito de ser quem sou”. Idealizada pelo Ministério da Saúde e pela Secretaria de Direitos Humanos, a campanha pretende sensiblizar as pessoas contra o preconceito e a discriminação e também levar mais informações sobre práticas seguras às travestis.
Ministro brasileño lanza campaña contra la discriminación de transexuales y travestís en la Salud Publica
Actrizes de Morrer Como Um Homem agredidas em Paris
Cindy Scrash e Jenny Larue foram agredidas em pleno dia em Paris a meio da tarde de ontem.
O produtor Daniel Chabannes e as duas atrizes transexuais do filme "Morrer Como Um Homem" foram agredidas na cidade de Paris. Enquanto caminhavam na rua começaram a ser seguidos por três indivíduos que começaram com insultos homofóbicos e transfóbicos.
Les comédiennes trans de «Mourir comme un homme» agressées à Paris
Nuevo intento de ilegalizar una asociación LGTB en Turquía
Nuevamente una asociación de derechos LGTB ha sido llevada a juicio en Turquía. En esta ocasión es la asociación Black Pink Triangle, con sede en Ýzmir. El proceso ha sido iniciado por el fiscal, según se nos informa desde Amnistía Internacional, después de que el Gobernador de Ýzmir se quejase de que los objetivos de dicha asociación violaban “la estructura familiar y los valores morales turcos”.
Thousands of transgenders attend Koovagam Festival in Tamil Nadu
Scores of transgenders from across the country throng a temple in Villupuram in Tamil Nadu for the three-day Koovagam Festival.
The Festival which ends today and is exclusively meant for transgenders.
28-year-old Malaysian convicted of culpable homicide
A Malaysian man has been convicted of culpable homicide not amounting to murder for killing a 61-year-old transvestite in 2008.
Anti-homophobia consultant played 'big part' in trans boy's coming out
When Julia O'Dwyer's transgendered child began transitioning in Grade 8, she wanted to make sure he would be safe to be who he is - and "hopefully be accepted."
The Vancouver School Board's $18 million budget shortfall means anti-homophobia consultant Steve Mulligan's workweek will be reduced from four days to two.(Sarah Race photo)The Vancouver School Board's anti-homophobia consultant, Steve Mulligan, "played a big part in making that happen," a more than happy and relieved O'Dwyer reports two years later.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
GLAAD Urges Increased Support for ENDA after Defamatory Washington Times Editorial
Last Friday, The Washington Times published an editorial entitled “Discrimination is Necessary” that advocated for discrimination against LGBT people.
The editorial, which referred to LGBT people as “weirdos”, targeted the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)–a policy that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. The paper also said that transgender people are unfit to teach children and resorted to using offensive slurs and unfounded arguments to defame the group.. It also misrepresented the bill that would create more fair workplaces and a more equal society.
[Letters to the Editor] ENDA would only add 'thought police'
[Commentary] The "bathroom bill" bigots
[Blog/Commentary] Traditional Values Coalition: We Are Winning The Battle Against ENDA
GLAAD prez refuses to disclose salary
Jarrett T. Barrios began work as president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation September 7, 2009. Nearly eight months into the job, what Barrios is earning at the helm of the LGBT media watchdog agency with a budget of $8 million remains a mystery to the public.
Testosterone directly amplifies but does not program male behaviors
New research uncovers some surprising information about how sex hormones control masculinization of the brain during development and drive gender related behaviors in adult males. The study, published by Cell Press in the April 29 issue of the journal Neuron, demonstrates that direct action of testosterone, the prototypical male hormone, is unnecessary for masculinizing the brain and behavior.
Transgender student attacked at Cal State Long Beach defends school
A transgender student who was slashed at Cal State Long Beach said Wednesday that he supported the school's handling of the incident after it was criticized by some community groups for not quickly releasing information about the case.
Supporters of Transgender Slashing Victim Rally in Long Beach
Man attacks transgender college student, carves "IT" into his chest
LGBT activists gather for S.F. conference
Activists gathered for the Building Bridges: Struggle, Solidarity, Equality conference in here April 17-18. The conference was planned in response to a call for action by Equality Across America (EAA) to build a grassroots network of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists and organizations in Northern California, as part of the broader struggle to win full federal equality.
Commission rejects cuts to TG program
A San Francisco commission voted recently to reject proposed cuts for a jobs program that helps transgender people, who often face discrimination in finding work.
Parents offer support for Transgender Rights Bill
Parents of transgender people came together at the Massachusetts State House on Tuesday, April 27 to show their support for the Transgender Civil Rights Bill along with state representatives and members of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC).
Salem State Student Claims Housing Discrimination by College
A transgendered undergraduate student at Salem State claims that school officials treated her unfairly and unequally when she applied for on-campus housing.
Karen Cady, associate vice president of market and communications for Salem State, responded that the school is sensitive to the needs of transgendered students and is equipped to help them through gender-neutral housing, which the student has been granted for the 2010-11 academic year.
[MA, USA] [News/Commentary]
Transgenders still wait for their rights
The following honest-to-God exchange went something like this last week, in a local workplace that shall remain nameless. (O.K., it was here at the newspaper):
Transgender Controversy at Tribeca Film Fest
The Tribeca Film Festival lists the film Ticked Off Trannies With Knives as a "revenge fantasy flick that brews up a concoction of camp, slasher horror, and power-chick flick to create a radical new genre: Transploitation!"
[NY, USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Remembering Amanda Gonzalez-Andujar : “She Wasn’t a Loner, She Wasn’t a Throwaway”
I did not know Amanda Gonzalez-Andujar in her life here, but after meeting and sharing space at a memorial and at a vigil this past Saturday with those who did know her, I felt the love, respect, and pride that her life was reflected back.
Trial and Error
Former Memphis police officer Bridges McRae left the federal courtroom a free man last week, after the jury in a high-profile case failed to reach a unanimous verdict as to whether or not McRae violated victim Duanna Johnson's civil rights.
Grupo de personas transexuales de Ecuador gana premio internacional por propuesta de trabajo
ColectivoSilueta X obtuvo logro por propuesta de trabajo social en certamen organizado por OEA, BM y BID.
Según el Ministerio de Salud, los y las transexuales masculinos y femeninas son considerados uno de los grupos más vulnerables y propensos para el contagio de VIH-sida e infecciones de transmisión sexual.
Morales Apologizes for Linking Gays, Genetically Modified Chickens
Bolivian president Evo Morales has apologized for comments he made last week that linked homosexuality to eating chickens pumped with female hormones in industrial agriculture.