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quarta-feira, junho 30, 2010
[España] Zerolo: el PP no está invitado a la celebración del Día del Orgullo Gay 2010 El concejal socialista Pedro Zerolo afirmó hoy que el PP no está invitado a la celebración del Día del Orgullo Gay 2010 en Madrid porque siguen sin apostar por la igualdad". Durante su intervención en el Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Zerolo aseguró que "nadie invitó al Ayuntamiento de Tel Aviv a participar", sino que "apareció de repente, de la mano del embajador de Israel", que pertenece a un "gobierno ultraconservador". Dirigiéndose a la delegada de Familia y Servicios Sociales, Concepción Dancausa, Zerolo le espetó que tampoco "el PP está invitado a la celebración del orgullo, porque siguen sin apostar por la igualdad" de los hombres y mujeres y agregó que "algunos nunca olvidaremos el calvario que nos han hecho pasar" durante los últimos cinco años.
[UK] Site do "Fantástico" resgata reportagem sobre casal transexual inglês O site da TV Globo, o "", anda prestando um serviço interessante à memória televisiva do país: a seção "Especiais" resgata diversas reportagens e preciosidades da emissora. Um dos campos mais férteis é o programa "Fantástico", estreado em 1973. E foi do baú do programa dominical que o site pinçou uma matéria pitoresca: a história de um casal inglês transexual que trocou de sexo logo após ter uma filha. A reportagem é de 1980. Na época, a menina Emma tinha três anos, e vivia com os pais Christopher (ex-Anne) e Katherine (ex-Eugene) em Birmingham, Inglaterra. (Foto)
[UK] LGBT Christians plan visible presence at London Pride march Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Christians are planning an organised and visible presence at the upcoming Pride march through the streets of London this weekend. "Many LGBT people have a deep faith and a clear desire to express their spirituality in spite of the anti-homosexuality rhetoric of some hardline Christians," a spokesperson for the organisers said.
[Uganda] Homosexuals Are Still Under Siege in Uganda The slight man in front of me with delicate features and dressed in a cream-colored linen shirt hardly seems like the man Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni knows not to arrest. But gay activist Frank Mugisha is a respected enemy of the state. Because he’s a public figure, the police can’t simply hold him; instead, they must follow the letter of the law, which only allows for the arrest of gays caught in sexual acts. (Photo: Shaun Curry/AFP/Getty Images - Demonstrators protest outside the Ugandan embassy, in central London, on December 10, 2009.)
[Zimbabwe] Anglican Bishop Denies Supporting Homosexuality Anglican Diocese faction leader Bishop Chad Gandiya yesterday said his province did not subscribe to homosexuality, but admitted some provinces condoned gay marriages.
[Zimbabwe] Zimbabwe tries homosexual worker Zimbabwe homosexual worker Ignatius Mhambi goes on trial today on charges of possessing drugs and pornographic material. Mhambi works for the Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ), the only representative body for homosexual people in the mainly conservative southern African country.
[South Africa] IAAF stay mum on Semenya The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) looks set to miss its own deadline in announcing whether embattled athlete Caster Semenya can compete against women. IAAF to miss Caster deadline
[Pakistan] Aziz and her dignity (a Boing Boing guest-dispatch from Pakistan) Last week, my uncle took me to meet one of his old neighborhood's infamous icons, Aziz Mamoo. She lives in a small one bedroom shack located in the heart of a very disturbed ghetto. Aziz Mamoo is transgendered or, as they're known in South Asia, a hijrah. At the age of 11, she was kicked out of her house by her brothers and found refuge with the local hijrah guru, Hajji Iqbal. Iqbal took her in and taught the young Aziz how to sing and dance. Every town in Karachi has a designated guru who is in charge of the hijrahs in their area. The guru becomes both the mother and father to their communities hijrahs. The local guru feeds them, provides them shelter, and teaches them how to pray and live a modest life. When there is a birth of a child that is transgendered, some families leave the infant at the guru's doorstep. After the death of Hajji Iqbal, Aziz Mamoo became the local guru of her neighborhood. Countless babies have been left at her doorstep and though she has very little to offer, she never turns them away. The two kids that live with her now are Ashi and Nighat. Many more lived with her before, but she kicked them out after they started doing, as she calls it, "number two work." 'Number two work' is a euphemism for prostitution and it's become a common job for many hijrahs in Karachi. (Photo: Bassam Tariq - Aziz Mamoo, center, sits on her charpoi with her two daughters, Ashi, left, and Nighat.)
[India] “Make sexual violence against transgenders punishable” Women are not the only targets of sexual violence by men, but others based on their sexual, gender and other identities, are also victimised. As such, there was a need to introduce a new section that defines sexual assaults by men against persons other than women.
[India] 365 days minus 377: gay community says this calls for celebration A song from a 1968 Shammi Kapoor caper, tweaked to serve the queer cause, will be the anthem for the gay community as it celebrates the first anniversary of the Delhi High Court ruling that overturned Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code criminalising homosexuality.
[Indonesia] Rights Team to Probe Hard-Liners The National Commission for Human Rights said on Monday that it would establish a special team to investigate allegations of attacks carried out by hard-line Islamic groups, as lawmaker file charges against militants who broke up their meeting in Banyuwangi, East Java.
[Nicaragua] Campañas contra la homofobia y el desfile del orgullo en Managua Nuestro trabajo como comunicadores/as nos exige mantenernos informados/as y al ritmo de la noticias como primicias. Nos llamó mucho la atención echar un ojo a ¨Ajá¨, el nuevo programa de televisión que se transmite en un conocido canal de televisión los domingos, en el cual dos chicas audaces y aventureras – una holandesa (Bárbara) y una nicaragüense (Marjurie) – muestran reportajes de actualidad sobre la realidad del país. Gays marchan sin morterazos, sólo con plumas
[Costa Rica] Grupo gay marchó en San José contra la discriminación Un grupo gay marchó ayer en la ciudad de San José para pronunciarse contra la discriminación que sufren los homosexuales. La marcha empezó a las 3:45 p. m. y avanzó con varias decenas de personas por un carril del paseo Colón hacia el parque Central. (Foto) Desfile LGBT en San José
[Colombia] Marcha del Orgullo Gay Aunque la fecha exacta es el 28 de junio, siempre se traslada, en Colombia, para el domingo más cercano: la celebración del Día Internacional del Orgullo Gay. Se trata de una celebración donde los colectivos homosexuales, en Colombia la comunidad LGTB (Lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales), salen a marchar para invitar a la tolerancia y a la igualdad social. En Colombia, en varias ciudades del país se realiza esta marcha, pero la más grande y colorida es la que se desarrolla, anualmente, por el centro de Bogotá. Celebran el Orgullo LGTB en Bogotá
[Venezuela] Primer Orgullo LGBT: Maracaibo se vistió de colores Superando las expectativas en cuanto a asistencia, el pasado sábado 26 de junio se realizó en la ciudad de Maracaibo la primera Marcha del Orgullo LGBT en la capital zuliana. Cerca de 500 personas caminaron desde la plaza Indio Mara hasta la plaza de La República, atravesando casi la totalidad de la calle 77 o boulevard 5 de julio, con el propósito de hacer visible un movimiento que viene en franco crecimiento en Venezuela. (Foto) Más fotos del Orgullo LGBT de Maracaibo 2010
[Paraguay] Gays piden indagar crímenes de odio Bailando el "Waka Waka", representantes de organizaciones del movimiento de lesbianas, gays, personas trans, bisexuales e intersex (LGTBI) se manifestaron ayer frente a la sede central del Ministerio Público por la poca investigación que se realizó en los casos de crímenes en contra de personas por su orientación sexual.
[Uruguay] Homosexuales de Uruguay difunden sus progresos legales en día del orgullo gay Grupos defensores de los derechos de los homosexuales aprovecharon hoy el Día Internacional del Orgullo Gay para difundir en el interior de Uruguay las "conquistas y avances" alcanzados en los últimos tiempos por esa comunidad para que puedan ser "ejercitados" por todos los ciudadanos.
[Peru] Trujillo demandó igualdad y respeto en su Tercera Marcha del Orgullo LGBT Las principales calles de Trujillo se llenaron ayer de banderas arco iris, representativas de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans durante la "3era Marcha del Orgullo" realizada en esta ciudad del norte del Perú. El principal reclamo de la marcha fue "una convivencia plena en igualdad de oportunidades y facultades, sin agresiones, discriminaciones, censuras, insultos, menosprecio, olvido, golpes o violaciones" tal y cómo señaló Joel Rodríguez, presidente de la Asociación TLGB "Por la igualdad". (Foto)
[Brasil] Cidade de Jacareí tem primeira parada LGBT Jacareí (a 70 km da capital) promoveu neste domingo a primeira Parada LGBT (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transgêneros) com o lema "cidade moderna é cidade sem preconceito". A cidade foi homenageada na Parada do Orgulho de São Paulo desse ano.
[Brasil] Parada Gay de Fortaleza lota avenida Beira Mar e recebe quase 1 milhão Sob o tema "Vote Contra a Homofobia, Defenda a Cidadania", Fortaleza realizou neste domingo (27), véspera do Dia Mundial do Orgulho Gay, sua 11ª Parada LGBT, confirmando-se como uma das maiores manifestações pelos direitos dos homossexuais no Nordeste.
[Brasil] Parada Gay de Campinas reúne 120 mil; veja fotos Às 13h, o povo já fervia horrores na avenida Glicério, ponto de partida e aquecimento da 10ª Parada Gay de Campinas, que teve como tema este ano "Vote contra a Homofobia". Às 14h, os discursos políticos deram o tom da manifestação.
[Brasil] Travesti dá depoimento em documentário sobre o Minhocão O documentário "Elevado 3.5" está em cartaz em São Paulo. O filme, produzido a partir de um edital promovido pela TV Cultura, analisa a questão do Elevado Costa e Silva, o popular Minhocão, e seu entorno: moradores e estabelecimentos comerciais. E eis que dentre os depoimentos de habitantes da região, surge a travesti Ana Cláudia Magalhães. Linda e loira em seu apartamento, Ana Cláudia comenta sobre seu dia a dia no bairro. Ela diz que prefere morar no Centro da cidade do que em bairros como o Morumbi, pois acredita que em regiões luxuosas o preconceito é maior. "Aqui, na rua, as pessoas até olham, mas normal, já estão acostumadas".
[España] Decenas de miles de personas participan en la segunda edición del Pride Barcelona Unas 80.000 personas (según los organizadores) participaron este domingo en la segunda edición del Pride Barcelona, la multitudinaria marcha del Orgullo LGTB que aúna reivindicación, apoyo empresarial e institucional y carácter festivo. El día anterior había tenido lugar la tradicional convocatoria del Front d’Alliberament Gai de Catalunya, con un carácter más puramente reivindicativo. Barcelona reivindica su lugar en el Orgullo Gay
[España] Una asociación de gays, marginada por el PSOE por pedir un cambio de Gobiern No todos los gays y lesbianas votan al PSOE e IU o a organizaciones de izquierda en general. No todos los gays y lesbianas son partidarios de dar espectáculos públicos relacionados con el sexo en carnavales escandalosos y mucho menos, son partidarios de despilfarrar dinero público en ellos.
[España] Zerolo: “España es un referente de igualdad a pesar del PP” El responsable de Movimientos Sociales y Relaciones con las ONG reclama, con motivo del 28 de junio, Día del Orgullo LGTB, “el reconocimiento de las personas transexuales”
[España] «La gente te señala por la calle» El 'qué dirán' es su cruz. Dice que aquí todo el mundo es de un pueblo y que sus decisiones no sólo repercuten en él. «Yo me paro mucho por mis padres, que tienen 75 años y bastante me ha costado que estén ahí». Mario tiene 34 y nació en un cuerpo equivocado. Hace dos años se operó y a día de hoy su físico ya se corresponde con su DNI. Mario es transexual y la gente de su entorno más cercano lo sabe. Pero se niega a hacerse fotos, «yo tengo la vida muy tranquila».
[España] "Cuando papá se convierte en mamá" Piden que España apoye a Alexia en Estrasburgo Un buen día, papá Alex se convirtió en mamá Alexia y entonces comenzó el calvario para intentar recuperar a su hijo. Alexia Pardo lleva ya ocho años de batalla judicial, ocho años intentando luchar contra un régimen de visitas leonino, ocho años buscando que no le discriminen por ser transexual.
[Itália] Parada do Orgulho Gay de Nápoles, reúne cerca de 300 mil pessoas Cerca de 300 mil pessoas desfilaram, neste sábado, na Parada do Orgulho Gay, em Nápoles, sul da Itália. Com o tema "luz do sol", os manifestantes pediram legalidade, direitos, laicidade e emprego. "Queremos liberdade de imprensa, o fim do neofascismo e o fim da máfia, levada ao governo pelo premier Silvio Berlusconi", disse a representante de uma entidade GLBT. "Os homossexuais podem fazer muito por este país".
[Turkey] Istanbul’s First Trans Pride – July 13, 2010 Instead of photographing Istanbul’s main pride event, Sarah had read about a small group holding a separate Transgender Pride. This was to be a first in Istanbul, with the march being held to bring awareness to hate crimes and discrimination faced by the transgender community living there. Transgenders are a minority in a minority, and one major problem is that they are often looked upon as outsiders by their local gay communities. This can often make the resources available to the gay community not as focused on the needs and requirements of transgender individuals.
[Russia] Russian Police Prevent Gay Pride Action Police prevented a Gay Pride action in St. Petersburg, reportedly detaining several activists who gathered at the Dvortsovaya Square in St. Petersburg. The action which was to be held under the slogans "Homophobia is country's disgrace", "Equal rights without compromise" and "My gender is my choice" was not sanctioned by the city authorities.
[Mongolia] [Blog/Commentary] Mongolia: serious concern for trans women’s situation Coming the day after many trans people around the world have celebrated LGBT Pride, it’s sobering to remember that even the small gains in civil rights and social justice for which many have fought are still brutally denied to others of our community. Via email from the Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide monitoring and research project comes this disturbing news from Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia about the situation for our sisters there:
[India] US Consulate screens film to mark LGBT Pride Month The US Consulate General here arranged a special screening of the film 'Prodigal Sons' at the American Center in observance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month. The screening, held on Thursday, was followed by an interactive discussion on 'Gender Identity and Sexuality' with Pallav Patankar of Humsafar Trust and Vice Consul Steven Fox.
[India] Gay pride parade taken out along Marina Beach in Chennai Hundreds of members of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community turned out of their shells to hail their existence in the society by taking out the Rainbow Parade here on Sunday. Carrying placards, about 300 LGBT members walked on the Marina Beach to celebrate the second edition of the ‘Chennai Rainbow Pride March’, an event to celebrate alternative sexuality and gender identities. Numbers dwindle, but families, new faces make it to gay march
[Australia] Was a Transgender Australian Woman Murdered in a Male Prison? In March 2009, Veronica Baxter was arrested by police in Redfern, Australia, a suburb of Sydney. The charge? Drugs, and specifically, six counts of supplying a prohibited drug. The day was March 10. It was the last day that anyone outside of a prison cell would see Veronica Baxter alive. After her arrest, Veronica was taken into custody by police. She was an indigenous transgender woman, having dressed, appeared and identified as a woman for 15 years. Her family and friends knew her as a woman.
[USA] Angelina: Shiloh Wants to Be a Boy Angelina Jolie graces the August issue of Vanity Fair, and in the accompanying article she discusses her daughter's desire to be a boy. Four-year-old Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Jolie's daughter with Brad Pitt, favors boys' clothing. The full Vanity Fair article is not yet available, but USA Today reports that Jolie said, "[Shiloh] likes tracksuits, she likes suits. She likes to dress like a boy. She wants to be a boy. So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys' everything. She thinks she's one of the brothers." (Photo) Angelina Jolie Confirms That Shiloh is Transgendered "Minha filha acha que é um menino", diz Angelina Jolie
[USA] Marchers celebrate gay pride in parades across the country Gay pride was on display in towns and cities across the United States Sunday as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people -- and their supporters -- marched in parades large and small to demand equality, oppose discrimination and express pride in who they are.
[CA, USA] 7th Annual Trans March in San Francisco A spirited march on a cold San Francisco summer night illustrated that the struggle for full equality for the Transgender Community is growing in strength and numbers.
[CO, USA] Inaugural gay pride festival draws hundreds As if on cue, the rain stopped at 2 p.m. Saturday in Durango, the clouds parted, and a rainbow settled over Rotary Park. Saturday was the inaugural Four Corners Pride Festival, a well-attended coming together that organizers say is sure to build on its initial success and good fortune in the years to come.
[IL, USA] Program puts transgender process on an easier path Excerpt: In April, the Howard Brown Health Center Iaunched a new program designed to minimize some of the emotional suffering and reduce barriers to care for those seeking access to hormones. Officials hope the program, in which patient and health care provider work as a team, will set a new standard in the Chicago area for consistent treatment that will empower patients and create healthier outcomes for members of the transgender community, whether or not they subsequently move forward with sex-change surgery.
[NY, USA] New York state Senate passes anti-bullying bill The New York state senate passed passed an anti-bullying bill Tuesday night to protect all students from discrimination, including that based on gender identity and sexual orientation. The state assembly had already passed the bill -- as it had eight times previously in the last 11 years -- and Gov. David Paterson is expected to sign it into law. Bill sponsor Sen. Thomas Duane said it will be "the first time protections for our transgendered community will be enshrined in New York law."
[TX, USA] Gays at Dallas rally say Democrats haven't delivered on rights promises Forty-one years after riots in Greenwich Village put the gay rights fight on America's TV screens, members of Dallas' gay community gathered Sunday amid a growing feeling that not nearly enough has changed since 1969. For that, they blame their friends – notably the Democratic Party and President Barack Obama – and themselves.
[Puerto Rico] Sebastián y su corporealidad Clasificado como mujer al nacer, Sebastián es un hombre que se identifica como independentista, feminista, anti–colonialista, artista y activista por la justicia social. Aunque actualmente trabaja como profesional de la salud y psicoterapeuta en Estados Unidos, se formó políticamente en la Isla y siente una profunda conexión con la Patria. (Foto)
[Cuba] Redada en El blúmer caliente La localidad marginal conocida como El blúmer caliente, en Boyeros, Ciudad Habana, amaneció el pasado sábado 19 bajo un fuerte operativo policiaco conducido por agentes de la Estación de El Wajay. El operativo tuvo como objetivo arrestar a trabajadores sexuales que se encuentran ilegalmente en la capital (en Cuba las personas no residentes en La Habana, requieren de un permiso para estar en la capital). Fueron arrestados, presuntamente por prostitución, 17 jóvenes: 9 mujeres, 5 travestis y 3 gays.
[Republica Dominicana] La comunidad homosexual dominicana denuncia violencia y discriminación Alrededor de un centenar de miembros de la comunidad homosexual dominicana recorrió hoy varias calles de Santo Domingo en protesta contra la violencia, la discriminación y la doble moral que, aseguró, sufre por parte de las autoridades. "Tenemos derechos a expresar públicamente nuestros afectos, en el marco de principios éticos, de desarrollo personal y colectivo, potenciando lazos de solidaridad y bienestar", expresó Yaneris González, una de las organizadoras, quien recordó que el 28 de junio de cada año se conmemora en diferentes países del mundo el día del orgullo lésbico, gay, transgénero y bisexual. Dominicana: Gays y lesbianas desafían las lluvias
[El Salvador] Homosexuales salvadoreños realizan un colorido desfile en San Salvador Las calles de San Salvador se pintaron hoy con la bandera arcoiris del orgullo homosexual en una marcha en la que esta comunidad aplaudió iniciativas gubernamentales que están encaminadas al respeto de sus derechos y la no discriminación. El desfile inició en una plaza del lujoso Paseo General Escalón, oeste de San Salvador, con un acto en el que las organizaciones de homosexuales entregaron reconocimientos a medios de comunicación, principalmente electrónicos, por su labor informativa para evitar que sean discriminados. Celebran día de la diversidad sexual
[Ecuador] Desfile de orgullo gay en la ciudad En carros alegóricos, la comunidad GLBT demostró a la sociedad, una vez más, lo que es.La avenida Nueve de Octubre y la Zona Rosa de Guayaquil tomaron, por más de una hora, la apariencia del Sambódromo de Río de Janeiro, donde desfilaron las escuelas de samba, la tarde del último sábado. Gente aglomerada en los extremos de esta arteria, una de las principales de la ciudad, observaba entre risas, aplausos y asombro el paso de aquellos hombres y mujeres que por sus atuendos y ‘tuneados’ cuerpos se asimilaban a las garotas del carnaval carioca en Brasil. Banderas con los colores del arco iris que representan a la comunidad de gay, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales (GLBT) flamearon desde algunos balcones de edificios sobre esta calle. Marcha y festival por Día Mundial del Orgullo Gay
[Venezuela] Nada justifica la violencia ni la discriminación y denunciar los abusos es esencial para erradicarlas El 28 de junio se celebra mundialmente el día del orgullo de las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexuales (LGBTI), una fecha con componente político que reivindica la orientación sexual y la identidad de género como manifestaciones de la experiencia humana, a la par de la exigencia de respeto y reconocimiento de derechos históricamente negados a este colectivo. Esta celebración se originó en conmemoración de los disturbios de Stonewall, efectuados en contra de una redada policial que tuvo lugar el 28 de junio de 1969, en el pub Stonewall Inn, en el barrio Greenwich Village de Nueva York. El mundo celebra el Día del Orgullo Gay
[Bolivia] Gays salen a las calles y defienden la diversidad sexual Al son del tema brasileño “Copacabana” de una amplificación montada en un camión y de los ritmos nacionales interpretados por una banda de música, decenas de homosexuales y lesbianas desfilaron anoche por la avenida Ballivián, El Prado, en defensa de la diversidad sexual. Aunque los participantes fueron menos que el año pasado (250), todos se ganaron el aplauso del público que se apostó en las aceras y jardinera central del paseo para verles, sacarles fotografías con sus celulares y en algunos casos, criticarles. (Photo)
[España][Opinion] ¿Es usted transexual? Comienzan hoy en Madrid las fiestas, conciertos y actividades del Orgullo Gay que, hasta el 4 de julio, en las plazas de España, Callao y Luna, alegrarán, concienciarán y también, por supuesto, desesperarán a algunos ciudadanos. El Orgullo Gay enarbola este año la bandera de los derechos de los transexuales, un colectivo que sufre una discriminación y una incomprensión social superior a la que padecen gays y lesbianas. El 3 de julio, a las seis de la tarde, con un sol probablemente de fuego argelino, desde la puerta de Alcalá, que le debemos al rey Carlos III, hasta la plaza de España, donde nos espera el tolerante Cervantes, que enamoró en Argel a más de un hombre, partirá la manifestación del Orgullo Gay. Bajo el lema Por la igualdad trans, la manifestación nos ofrecerá el paseíllo de 35 carrozas.
[España] El 'otro' día del orgullo gay El próximo sábado, 26 de junio, el bloque Orgullo Crítico Les-Gay-Trans-Bisex-Queer (Lgtb-q) 2010 celebrará en Vallecas su manifestación para defender el orgullo gay "independientemente de la capacidad adquisitiva de cada uno". El lema de esta marcha será "Trans-migrantes-precarias: por una lucha trans-fronteriza", para celebrar, a su manera y frente a la convocatoria oficial del tres de julio, el Día del Orgullo Gay. Manifestación del Orgullo Crítico en Vallecas
[España] PSOE recuerda que los transexuales son uno de los colectivos más excluidos El PSOE ha recordado hoy que las personas transexuales son uno de los colectivos "más excluidos socialmente" y son objeto de una "importante" discriminación en el ámbito laboral y educativo. En un manifiesto difundido hoy con motivo de la conmemoración mañana del día del orgullo y la dignidad de lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales (LGTB), el PSOE, por otro lado, reconoce a las personas transexuales que han saltado a la vanguardia del movimiento de LGTB para reclamar atención, derechos y el fin de las situaciones que les afectan.
[España] PP rechaza hacer una ley para que se reconozcan los derechos de transexuales La mayoría parlamentaria del PP en la Asamblea ha logrado que se rechazara hoy una Proposición de ley del PSOE para que se reconozcan los derechos de los transexuales en todos los ámbitos, al situar los "populares" a Madrid en la vanguardia europea en la defensa de los derechos de estas personas.
[Spain] Health experts In Spain convene for a protocol of care for transsexuals In addition, Poveda also noted that the Ministry of Health will have a float in the parade on July 3 and, along with the FELGTB there will be a "major campaign to combat the HIV pandemic, which particularly affects this group.
[UK] Transgender teacher’s an inspiration A transgender teacher has been praised for putting her own complex problems behind her and helping to fight for minority rights and recognition. Bea Groves was born as a man but decided to live as a woman around three years ago.
[Ireland] Thousands for Dublin pride march Over 20,000 people took to the streets of the capital today for the Dublin Pride Parade. Participants assembled at the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square and marched along O’Connell Street and Dame Street to Christchurch for the Pride in the Park Party. The party, which is taking place at the Civic Offices in Wood Quay, is the centrepiece of the week-long lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender festival. 22 Thousand Take Part in Dublin Gay Pride Parade Thousands in Dublin pride march
[Zimbabwe] Samukeliso’s case special: medical experts Medical experts have described former Lancashire Steel athlete Samukeliso Sithole as “a special case”. Samukeliso whose real name is Mdudusi Ngwenya, masqueraded as a female athlete for some years before being unmasked and arrested in 2005. He was sentenced to four years with six months suspended for good behaviour by Kwekwe provincial magistrate Oliver Mudzongachiso in July 2005. After serving the jail term at Hwahwa Maximum Prison, Samukeliso has once again resurfaced in the sporting circles in Chiredzi where he is into women boxing and football. The fraudster is now alternating between Chiredzi and Bulawayo where he is playing soccer for yet another women's team.
[Lebanon] Transsexual's memoirs breaks new ground in Arab world In a daring, unprecedented move, a pioneer of the Arab world's underground transgender movement has released her memoirs, recounting her struggle to become a woman against all odds. "Mouzakarat Randa al-Trans", or "The Memoirs of Randa the Trans", is a brutally honest narrative that traces Randa's battles with family, society, country, religion and abuse in her native Algeria.
[China] Biggest obstacle for China's gays: Social pressure for marriage They had what they thought was the perfect solution, but it turned out that the men are just too picky. They think that Yu Xiaofei, with her cropped black hair and dark-rimmed glasses, looks too much like a tomboy, and they think that Jiang Yifei's distaste for children is suspicious. So what are these young Chinese women to do? They're 24, out of college, employed, living at home - and they're in love with each other and desperate to find a way to stay together. "The most important thing is that we cannot hurt out parents," Yu said. "They put a lot on us."
[India] Eunuch Mayor joins BJP Kamla Bua, an eunuch, who is the Mayor of Sagar Municipal Corporation, has joined the Bharatiya Janata Party. Kanmla Bua joined the BJP in the presence of Madhya Pradesh Panchayat and Rural Development Minister Gopal Bhargava, MP Bhupendra Singh, District BJP President Sudha Jain and legislator Shailendra Jain.
[New Zealand] Trans prison volunteer acknowledged A volunteer who supports and mentors transgender prisoners at Mt Eden and Auckland prisons is being acknowledged as part of Volunteer Week. The Department of Corrections has highlighted the work of transwoman Gemmah Huriwai, who visits the jails monthly. (Photo)
[Australia] Neither man nor woman The fight for legal recognition as a person of no specified sex has been an uphill battle for Norrie, a self-described “happy eunuch", writes Steve Dow. ON A Sydney hospital operating table on April 3, 1989, between the hours of 2pm and 4pm, Norrie, then aged 27, ceased to have a penis when the appendage was inverted to a vagina. Back then, the Scottish-born but Perth-raised Norrie was identified as "transsexual" – a woman born inside a man's body. These days, however, the 49-year-old is a self-described "happy eunuch" and, yes, still has nerve endings below. [Blog/Commentary] Transsexual Freakazoid Is Ruled Both Man and Woman
[Australia] Petition calls for inquiry into death in custody On March 10 Veronnica Baxter, a 34-year-old Aboriginal woman from the Cunnamulla country, south-west Queensland, was arrested by Redfern police and held on remand. She dressed, appeared, and had identified as a woman for 15 years and was known by family and friends as a woman. Yet she was placed at the all-male NSW Silverwater Metropolitan Reception and Remand Centre. Six days later, after a 14-hour break between checking her cell, she was found dead, hanging in her single cell.
[Canada] [Books] Annabel a stunning debut Excerpt: Set against the uber-male landscape of late-1960’s Labrador, Annabel is the aching tale of a transgendered-born child who is surgically altered to be raised as a boy (Wayne) and yet carries a secret feminine self (Annabel) into adulthood. The work’s five core characters, including the child’s parents and their close neighbour, eclipse one another and alternately bring light and darkness to themes of identity, acceptance and family. Book Review: Annabel, by Kathleen Winter
[CA, USA] 7th Annual Trans March in San Francisco A spirited march on a cold San Francisco summer night illustrated that the struggle for full equality for the Transgender Community is growing in strength and numbers
[IL, USA] Man found slain near South Side church A passing motorist stopped and called police when he saw a body lying on the street near a church on the Hamilton Park neighborhood on the South Side early Monday.
[NY, USA] Cuatro décadas del Desfile Gay El Desfile Gay que se celebra hoy en la 5a Avenida de Manhattan a partir del medio día, culmina las celebraciones de todo un mes que conmemoran ‘La Rebelión del Stonewall’. Ocurrida la noche del 27 de junio de 1969, en el bar Stonewall In, de la calle Christopher de Greenwich Village, donde nació el movimiento por los derechos gays. 500 March for TransJustice in NYC (Photo)
[PA, USA] Gender switch raises challenge A transsexual inmate at Northumberland County Prison is separated from the general population, but the warden says it's not because he is unsure whether or not the individual should be placed in the men's or women's quarters. "At this point, he is segregated," said Warden Roy Johnson, "but for other reasons than that." Andrea Lee Golder, 50, formerly of 401 Fairview Ave., Milton, was charged and jailed with involvement in a Valley cocaine ring on Thursday. (Photo)
[México] Marcha gay en la Ciudad de México Con un llamado a la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) para refrendar el derecho de las personas del mismo sexo a contraer matrimonio y adoptar, así como la exigencia para que el gobierno federal instaure un día nacional contra la homofobia, se realizó la XXXII Marcha por el orgullo Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual, Transgénero, Transexual, Travesti e Intersex (LGBTTTI). Banderas arco iris inundaron Reforma
[Cuba] Cuba ha hecho 10 cambios de sexo y prepara dos más Cuba ha realizado 10 intervenciones de cambio de sexo y prepara dos más en 2010 con las que por primera vez dos mujeres biológicas se operarán para ser hombres, informó el viernes la directora del Centro de Educación Sexual (Cenesex) de la isla, Mariela Castro.
[El Salvador] Centenares de salvadoreños participan en marcha del orgullo gay Centenares de gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales desfilaron este sábado por las calles de San Salvador para exigir el reconocimiento de sus derechos en un acto que por primera vez contó con apoyo gubernamental, según uno de los líderes del movimiento. Al ritmo de música, pirotécnicos y bajo una llovizna la marcha recorrió la principal vía que atraviesa la capital hasta llegar a la céntrica plaza Gerardo Barrios. "Salimos para pedir respeto. Muchas mujeres desarrollamos trabajo sexual por necesidad", declaró a la AFP Daira Flores (23).
[Colombia] Ni enfermos ni animales Los homosexuales siguen ganando terreno en la lucha por el respeto a sus derechos, pese a la ausencia de una política pública. El Centro Comunitario para la población LGBT, de Chapinero, atendió 14 mil personas en 2009 y es ejemplo en América Latina.
[Perú] Gays marchan y piden una sociedad inclusiva Las principales calles de la ciudad fueron revestidas ayer por las banderas multicolores, representativas de las organizaciones homosexuales; esto debido a la denominada "3era Marcha del Orgullo" con la cual buscan igualdad de derechos para homosexuales, transgénero, travestis, lesbianas, gays y bisexuales.
[International] How America and Britain are Helping Iraq Kill Its Queers We already mentioned the 12 Iraqi police officers who beat up, blindfolded, and carried off six occupants of an "emergency shelter" run by the UK-based Iraqi LGBT. The group says the two gay men, one lesbian, and one transgender person arrested have been transported to Baghdad to be interrogated (i.e. tortured) for information about the group.
[España] Juzgado Mujer de Málaga tramitara denuncia violencia genero de una transexual no reconocida de forma legal La Audiencia Provincial de Málaga ve competente a un juzgado de Violencia sobre la Mujer para tramitar e investigar la denuncia que una mujer transexual, que aún no tiene reconocido legalmente el cambio de sexo, pero que tiene apariencia femenina, interpuso contra el hombre con el que mantenía una relación afectiva por presunta agresión en febrero de este año.
[Spain] Health experts In Spain convene for a protocol of care for transsexuals In addition, Poveda also noted that the Ministry of Health will have a float in the parade on July 3 and, along with the FELGTB there will be a "major campaign to combat the HIV pandemic, which particularly affects this group.
[UK] How I came out as a transsexual Carol Robson was married for 12 years, a father of two, before she could admit she was transsexual. (Photo: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian - Carol Robson (right) and her former wife, Gillian, who have remained friends since she came out as a transsexual.)
[UK] Corrie's Roy and Hayley tie the knot at Tatton Park Love is in the air as Corrie couple Roy and Hayley Cropper tie the knot at Tatton Park. The big wedding, due to be broadcast as part of the show's 50th anniversary celebrations, is currently being filmed at the Cheshire park’s Old Hall. Cafe owner Roy (David Neilson) popped the question to transsexual Hayley (Julie Hesmondhalgh) after her ordeal in ‘Siege Week’, during which she was held hostage by escaped prisoner Tony Gordon. (Photo: Roy and Hayley Cropper emerge from the Old Hall at Tatton Park after tying the knot.) Royal Wedding Coronation Street's Hayley finally marries her Roy - with oil-splattered bridesmaid Becky by her side
[UK] Transsexual wins right to female pension in employment law case A transsexual who was refused the right to claim her pension from the age of 60 has won her legal battle against the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Christine Timbrell, 68, who was born Christopher but underwent a sex change in 2000, was told she was still seen as a woman under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 because she refused to divorce her wife. Transsexual wins landmark court case for pension payout
[India] Transgenders in TN break glass ceiling I am an achiever and also a transwoman, says Selvi (26), a successful sports doctor. She is the new symbol of empowerment, breaking the old myths of 'sex trade' that had long dogged the transgender community, as the 'Rainbow Parade', a rally for the transgender community, comes to the city for the second time. Selvi had completed her BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy) and is working at the Madras Cricket Club as a sports doctor. Born at Kalakurichi village near Tirunelveli, she said, "It wasn't easy to stay in school and continue the education in college, with everybody mocking and calling you by names.
[NY, USA] Gay Pride Week: Queens Advocates Take On Job Discrimination Against Transgender People Looking at Joi-Elle White, it is hard to tell she was born a man, but the transgender New Yorker says once people find out, it often leads to discrimination. She says it especially happens in the workplace. "It's a shame to be on a job walking on eggshells, to know I could get fired not for my performance at work, because I was always early and willing to stay late and was a hard worker, but just for who I am," says White. She says she changed career four times in the last 20 years, because many employers would not hire her. Working in retail, health care and other fields, White says if she was discovered during the interview she would not get a call back, even though that is against the law.
[NY,USA] New York State Senate Passes the Dignity for All Students Act The New York State Senate passed the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) on Tuesday night, a measure which would protect New York state public school students from harassment based on their sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, or sex. Governor David Patterson has already pledged to sign the bill into law, making it the first New York State law to contain language specifically addressing sexual orientation or gender expression, according to the Advocate.
[Jamaica] Jamaican In Gay Contest For the second consecutive year, a Jamaican man is down to compete for the title of the 2010 Gay Caribbean/USA Pageant. Last year's representative from the island, Mimi Mancini, a Jamaican originally from the parish of St Ann, walked away with the coveted title. So this year, Jamaica's entrant, Liyana Grey, who was born in the United States, but has Jamaican parentage has entered the competition. (Photo)
[España] Lambda convoca la Manifestación del Orgullo LGTB con el lema “Transexuales con derechos, ¡ya!” El Col·lectiu Lambda de lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales ha presentado hoy la convocatoria de la Manifestación del Orgullo lésbico, gay, transexual y bisexual (LGTB), que tendrá por lema “Transexuales con derechos, ¡ya!”. Esta convocatoria cuenta con la participación de otras entidades LGTB del País Valenciano: DecideT (Alicante), Arco Iris (Castellón), CLGS (La Safor), Colorets (La Ribera i la Costera), Diversa-ment (Camp de Morvedre), Galesh, Ampgyl, Samarucs y la Asociación de Expresos Sociales, así como con el apoyo de la Federación Estatal de lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales (FELGTB). Un año más los colectivos LGTB toman la calle en una marcha reivindicativa y festiva que saldrá el próximo sábado 26 de junio a las 19:30 horas desde el Parterre de Valencia.
[España] Partido Popular rechaza hacer una Ley que reconozca los derechos de los transexuales en Madrid La mayoría parlamentaria del PP en la Asamblea ha logrado que se rechazara ayer una Proposición de ley del PSOE para que se reconozcan los derechos de los transexuales en todos los ámbitos, al situar los "populares" a Madrid en la vanguardia europea en la defensa de los derechos de estas personas.
[España] Parlamento Andaluz pedirá a la OMS que deje de considerar la transexualidad como enfermedad El Pleno del Parlamento andaluz emitirá una declaración institucional suscrita por los tres grupos parlamentarios en la que se demanda que la transexualidad sea eliminada de las clasificaciones internacionales de trastornos y enfermedades, como ya se hizo con la homosexualidad.
[España] "Mi jefe me echó de mi trabajo por llamarme Jesús y sentirme mujer" Susana Cifuentes empezó en el bar cuando aún era Jesús. Lo era en su DNI y aparentaba serlo: un hombre alto y delgado. Decidió salir del armario (en el argot, vestirse y actuar conforme al sexo del que se siente) porque Susana se sabe mujer. "Me dejé el pelo largo, me ponía sombra de ojos... mi jefe empezó a mosquearse", señala esta madrileña de Carabanchel. Luce melena rubia y largas piernas, pero su voz es grave y el rostro, cubierto de maquillaje, aún resulta masculino. Los clientes del bar aceptaron el cambio. El jefe, no. Ella le confesó que había empezado a hormonarse, que se quería operar. "Yo no entiendo de esas cosas", le respondió él, relata Susana. "Cuando le dije que me sentía una mujer, me echó".
[España] Testimonio de transexual extremeño evidencia que todavía se cierran muchas puertas El 'qué dirán' es su cruz. Dice que aquí todo el mundo es de un pueblo y que sus decisiones no sólo repercuten en él. «Yo me paro mucho por mis padres, que tienen 75 años y bastante me ha costado que estén ahí». Mario tiene 34 y nació en un cuerpo equivocado. Hace dos años se operó y a día de hoy su físico ya se corresponde con su DNI. Mario es transexual y la gente de su entorno más cercano lo sabe. Pero se niega a hacerse fotos, «yo tengo la vida muy tranquila».
[España] Alexia Pardo reclama al Ministerio Justicia que apoye su caso en Tribunal Estrasburgo Alexia Pardo, demandante de la custodia de su hijo ante el Tribunal de Derechos Humanos de Estrasburgo convoca a los medios el día 28 de junio, a las 12.30 horas en la sede de Transexualia para solicitar un cambio de postura del Ministerio de Justicia español y que apoye su caso en Estrasburgo.
[UK] Married transsexual wins right to pension at 60 A married transsexual has won a legal battle to receive a pension from the age of 60. Christine Timbrell, who was born Christopher Timbrell but had a sex-change operation 10 years ago, applied for a state pension in 2002 after reaching the age of 60, but was denied one because she was still married to wife Joy. The marriage meant that her new gender status was not recognised by law, and she was told she would have to wait for her 65th birthday. Law to treat trans man as both sexes
[Ireland] Transgender Triumph Legislation recognising transgender people in their new identity is set to be introduced after the Government scrapped a Supreme Court appeal yesterday. This decision brings to an end Doctor Lydia Foy's thirteen year struggle for her gender to be recognised by the state... Transgender Athlone native wins 13-year legal battle
[Rússia] Rússia tenta impedir 1ª Marcha do Orgulho em São Petersburgo A 1ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT de São Petersburgo, Rússia, pode não ser realizada como estava planejado. Isso porque as autoridades russas não estão aceitando o trajeto a ser percorrido pela manifestação, alegando que estão sendo realizadas obras nos locais que devem receber a caminhada.
[Uganda] Ugandan Bishop speaks out against homophobia Anglican Bishop Christopher Senyonjo has spoken out against the Anti-Homosexuality Bill that is being proposed in his native Uganda. Bishop Senyonjo was speaking at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, at the end of a speaking tour of Ireland.
[CA, USA] Dyke, trans marches this weekend Two popular Pride-time events are set to take place again in San Francisco this year: the Dyke March and the Trans March. The seventh annual Trans March begins with a rally Friday, June 25 at 3:30 p.m. in Dolores Park, at 18th and Dolores streets. There will be performances from the Transcendence Gospel Choir and others. This year's theme is "United by Pride, United By Power."
[CA, USA] Newsom restores funding for transgender program Mayor Gavin Newsom has restored funding for the Transgender Economic Empowerment Initiative, which helps transgender people find jobs. Tony Winnicker, Newsom's communications director, told the Bay Area Reporter last week, "There were a number of reductions in the initial proposal that the mayor was not happy about," including the proposed cuts to the transgender initiative.
[CO, USA] Regents make statement against transgender discrimination Hillary Montague-Asp is leading the charge to try to get leaders at the University of Colorado to change school policy. They did not make the change, but they still made noise. "I believe it starts with language and if our university sends a message from the top - discrimination is not OK," said Montague-Asp, co-chair of the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender Student Advisory Board.
[IL, USA] Trans professor makes history at Chicago State When classes begin at Chicago State University later this summer under the tutelage of Das Janssen, it will usher in the almost-one-year mark since the Fordham University Ph.D. began his teaching career at the South Side institution. Janssen was welcomed to the school, along with other newly hired individuals, earlier in the year at a reception in the office of the university's president. But what stands out about Janssen's addition to the university, among everything else that seems so routine, is that Janssen, a philosophy professor, is openly transgender—the first such addition, by all accounts, to the school in its history. (Photo)
[MS, USA] Transvestite Gets Life for Stealing Bras A man arrested for the first time in DeSoto County was sentenced to life in prison. Darnell Wilson was caught leaving the Kohl's in Southaven after stealing bras. Although this was his first arrest in Desoto County, prosecutors used his numerous arrests in Tennessee and a Mississippi law to put him behind bars for life. Wilson was confronted by police after Kohl's employees caught him filling a garbage bag full of clothes. After a life of crime, this would be Wilson's last shoplifting trip. (Photo)
[OK, USA] Doctors debate the facts surrounding sexual orientation and gender confusion A letter and fact sheet about teen sexual orientation and gender confusion sent from the American College of Pediatricians to public school administrators have been challenged as non-factual by two of the country’s largest and most prestigious professional associations: the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association.
[TX, USA] Lance Reyna: Assaulted In An HCC Bathroom Because He's Transgendered Gay rights groups are decrying the assault of Lance Reyna, an activist for gay and transgendered rights, in a Houston Community College bathroom. Houston GLBT Community Center president Tim Brookover said "The Center condemns this attack against a member of our community." (Photo)
[TX, USA] ‘Blue sheet’ uncovered: A copy of the DART resolution on transgender protections DART spokesman Morgan Lyons just sent along a copy of the two-page resolution that was apparently approved by the DART board last night. Lyons also promises to call soon, but based on his e-mail, it looks like the board did in fact approve the proposed nondiscrimination policy minus the word “except.” In other words, board member Claude Williams’ interpretation was correct. I guess this is the “blue sheet” to which Board Chairman William Velasco was alluding. Dallas Transit Authority Finally Stops Running Over Its Trans Employees
[España] 'Orgullo Trans' tomará centro de Madrid del 24 de junio al 4 de julio con actividades culturales, sociales y lúdicas 'Orgullo Trans' tomará el centro de Madrid del 24 de junio al 4 de julio con actividades culturales, sociales y lúdicas. El SÁBADO 3 de Julio será la Gran Marcha por la IGUALDAD TRANS El 'Orgullo Trans', que este año centrará las celebraciones del colectivo LGTB, tomará las calles del centro de Madrid entre el 24 de junio y el 4 de julio con actividades culturales, sociales y lúdicas repartidas en seis escenarios, que se instalarán entre Chueca y la plaza de España. El
[España] Asamblea de Madrid debate hoy proyecto de no discriminación a las personas transexuales La Asamblea de Madrid debatirá hoy un proyecto de ley sobre la no discriminación por motivos de identidad de género y de reconocimiento de los derechos de las personas transexuales, que presentará el Grupo Parlamentario Socialista, según informaron hoy los impulsores de la ley.
[UK] Transsexual who waged five-year spying campaign on neighbours faces jail A woman who argued with her next-door neighbours launched a sinister five-year 'cold war' of surveillance against them. Jan Krause, 44, videotaped the family and posted the recordings on YouTube, crashed into their cars and erected a roof-mounted device which emitted a high-pitched whine in their direction. (Photo: Jan Krause is facing jail after waging a five-year campaign of harassment against her neighbour.)
[Ireland] A New Agender: Irish Gov drops Foy Appeal Yesterday afternoon, word was excitedly spreading that the Irish Government had withdrawn its appeal against the 2007 High Court decision which held that the Irish State had breached the European Convention of Human Rights by refusing to allow for the applicant–Dr. Lydia Foy, a transgendered person–to obtain a birth certificate reflecting the sex appropriate to her gender.
[India] Shobha meets sexual minorities Former minister Shobha Karandlaje assured sexual minorities that she would protect their rights in the coming session of state legislature. She was interacting with more than 250 transgenders who had gathered at an interactive meeting at Dasarahalli on Tuesday. Transgenders seek their rights
[India] Queer-Pride Keralam 2010 Keralam is celebrating its first Queer Pride at Thrissur on July 2nd. Queer Pride is celebrated around the world by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people and their supporters. Queer Pride is a celebration. It is about loving who we are, whether lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, hijra or straight and affirming every-one's right to be respected.
[Indonesia] Police urged to charge Bekasi boy killers with premeditated murder Excerpt: The next day, the police arrested the two suspects, Zaenal, 30, and Fauzan, 28, who admitted that they had killed the third-grader after they had sodomized him. The two transsexual suspects ran a beauty salon together in the house where the murder took place.
[USA] Hillary Clinton Says Gay Rights Are Human Rights Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that gay rights are human rights and pledged to defend those rights at home and abroad. “Just as I was very proud to say the obvious more than 15 years ago in Beijing that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, well, let me say today that human rights are gay rights and gay rights are human rights, once and for all.”
[CO, USA] CU students want non-discrimination policy to protect 'gender identity' A group of University of Colorado students are advocating that the school add "gender identity" and "gender expression" as protected classes in the school's non-discrimination policy. CU students will push for the addition at Thursday's Board of Regents meeting on the Boulder campus, saying the current policy doesn't go far enough.
[DC, USA] Capital Trans Pride entertains and empowers "We need to say basta! We don’t have the luxury of being lazy," Diego Sanchez, senior legislative advisor to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said at the Capital Trans Pride event June 12.
[NY, USA] New York State Senate Approves School Anti-Bullying Bill At the end of a day when a long-stalled LGBT rights initiative suddenly jumped to the front of the line, the New York State Senate on June 22 passed the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). The anti-bullying measure, already approved by the Assembly and supported by Governor David Paterson, provides protections based on a number of categories, including sexual orienation and gender identity.
[Dominican Republic] Homosexualidad: bajo el terror La organización Transsa Siempre Amigas, que organiza a jóvenes de orientación sexual diversa, incluyendo a quienes hacen trabajo sexual en determinadas avenidas, denunció que en República Dominicana se incrementa el número de crímenes contra las personas “gays”.