Hate crime is a reality in the EU, two new FRA reports show
Hate crime is a daily reality throughout the European Union (EU), two new reports by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) confirm. Violence and offences motivated by racism, xenophobia, religious intolerance, or by a person’s disability, sexual orientation or gender identity are all examples of hate crime, which harm not only those targeted but also strike at the heart of EU commitments to democracy and the fundamental rights of equality and non-discrimination.
A Bill, Prohibiting Gender Reassignment, Proposed to the Agenda of the New Parliament
The representative of the ‘Homeland Union’ Antanas Matulas, the Deputy Chairman of Committee on Health Affairs, has resubmitted a draft amendment to the Civil Code, prohibiting gender reassignment surgeries, five days after the beginning of the new parliamentary tenure. An identical draft amendment was submitted in 2011, but failed to be adopted. Therefore it could be presumed that the current motion seeks to test the new Parliament’s attitudes towards trans issues.
Ugandan Trans Woman's Open Letter To Parliament
TransGriot Note: As a transgender child of the African Diaspora, this 'Kill the Gays' bill is my business as well. I'm sad and disgusted to say it was pushed by white American christobigots and does affect trans people who live in Uganda. A Ugandan trans woman wrote this letter asking her members of Parliament to reject the so-called "kill the gays" bill.
TRANSCRIPT: Ugandan Trans Woman Pens Courageous Open Letter to Parliament
Two trans women arrested in Kuwait
Kuwait continues with 'morality' campaigns that also target LGBT people, and in particular the trans community, with at least 15 transgender women now imprisoned
MPA Ulfat seeks equal rights for transgenders
The transgender community on Wednesday unfolded a charter of demand for the rights of the community members, which faces various types of biases and discrimination. In this regard, speakers addressed a round-table discussion titled “Upcoming Election: Effective Participation of Transgender Community”. It was arranged by Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE).
Why LGBTs need political representation in the Philippines
The first congressional nominee of the world’s only LGBT political party talks to Gay Star News about the fight for democratic representation for the queer citizens of the Philippines

Diamond effort in trans fight
A Queensland trans woman has taken a prominent role in tackling trans discrimination on a global scale. The World Health Organisation (WHO) still includes ‘transsexualism’ in its list of mental disorders, something that Gold Coast campaigner Michelle Diamond (pictured) sees as discrimination that adds to the struggle that she faces on a daily basis.
Transgender father-of-three wins right to help raise his girls after lengthy custody battle
A father of three who underwent a sex change operation has won the right to help raise his three girls while living his life as a woman.
Clinton Hails Progress in Speech to LGBT State Department Employees
The Secretary of State told a professional group for LGBT employees “creating an LGBT-welcoming workplace is not just the right thing to do, it’s also the smart thing to do.”
Clinton: LGBT-inclusion ‘the smart thing’ for U.S. foreign policy
Veteran Activist
As the new head of OutServe-SLDN, Allyson Robinson is opening new fronts in the fight for full equality in the military
Oprah Winfrey Catches Up With Thomas Beatie, AKA Pregnant Man
In Tuesday's episode of Where Are They Now? Oprah Winfrey caught up with Thomas Beatie.
Fox News psychiatrist: Woman ‘nuts’ for ‘gender bending’ son with a doll
Fox News’ resident psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow on Wednesday offered his professional opinion that a woman was “nuts” for buying her son a doll because it was “gender bending.”
Predictions vary on effect of St. Louis County's new anti-discrimination law
A new ordinance designed to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals from discrimination in unincorporated areas of St. Louis County has produced some diametrically opposed predictions about its future implications.
Nondiscrimination ordinance on city agenda for Monday
An ordinance to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals from various forms of discrimination is on the agenda of the Helena City Commission’s Monday evening meeting, and commissioners expect another significant dose of public input.
Openly transgender lawmaker may not resign, despite felony conviction
Stacie Laughton, one of the nation's first openly transgender state officials, said Wednesday she was reconsidering her previously announced resignation, and may not relinquish her seat in the New Hampshire House, despite pressure over a previously undisclosed conviction for credit card fraud.
Laughton undecided about resigning over past convictions
Having second thoughts: Felon lawmaker Laughton reconsidering whether to resign

Search For Missing Virginia Trans Teen
One of our young transsisters is missing in the Charlottesville,VA area. The local police and the family of Sage Smith is asking for help in finding her.
The 19 year old has been missing since November 20 when she was supposed to be meeting a man on a date and missed a planned Thanksgiving dinner with her mother..
Transgender Virginia teen missing 8 days
Vigil Held for Missing Teen as Police Follow New Lead
Charlottesville Police Looking for Second Person in Missing Teen Case
Dashad 'Sage' Smith Missing: Virginia Police Searching For Transgender Teen
Relatives Hope For Safe Return of Missing Charlottesville Teen
[Republica Dominicana]
Asesinada una activista transexual
Kiara Villanueva fue asesinada en la madrugada del sábado 17 cuando regresaba a su casa en Santo Domingo tras actuar en un restaurante de Boca Chica. Villanueva, de 33 años, era una de las fundadoras de TRANSSA (Trans Siempre Amigas), organización de transexuales, travestis y transgénero de la República Dominicana.
Aumenta violencia contra la diversidad sexual en Nicaragua
Un estudio diagnóstico del organismo regional del Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional, Cejil, identificó 53 casos de agresiones y de violencia contra las personas de la comunidad lésbico, gay, bisexual, transexual, transgénico, travesti e intersex, en un período de 1999 a 2011, en 15 municipios de 11 departamentos de Nicaragua.