Transexuais: "No lado errado do corpo"
Perceberam desde cedo que nasceram com o sexo errado, porque aquilo que viam ao espelho não condizia com o que sentiam.
Tirando a declaração da Drª Zélia de que "Não somos doentes", é mais do mesmo, com o usual encobrimento das pessoas trans que não desejam a cirurgia de correcção. Vale também pelos testemunhos pessoais, mas é tudo muito "déjà vu".
Distrito Federal: Travesti joga sangue em servidor público que não quis dar dinheiro
Suspeito, supostamente com HIV, se cortou e ainda mordeu um funcionário. Caso ocorreu na manhã desta terça, em Planaltina; polícia procura suspeito.
European Court Rejects Religious 'Right to Discriminate'
The European court of human rights on Tuesday rejected an appeal brought by three British Christians, two of whom say they were punished at work for not wanting to serve same-sex couples.
Coroner: ‘Shame on press’ who hounded dead trans teacher Lucy Meadows
Lucy Meadows committed suicide in her home. Coroner says press should be ashamed of their bigotry after they reported her transition
Teacher Lucy Meadows was hounded by a transphobic press says coroner
Lucy Meadows coroner tells press ‘shame on you all’
Tragic suicide note left by Accrington transgender teacher Lucy Meadows
Press criticised at inquest into death of transgender primary school teacher
Coroner makes press complaint over suicide of a transgender teacher
Coroner: ‘It seems nothing has been learned from Leveson...’: Inquiry into sex change teacher’s suicide critical of ‘Daily Mail’ and Richard Littlejohn
Lucy Meadows coroner tells press: 'shame on you'
Trans Media Watch calls for press to end ‘character assassination’ of trans people
British media get interactive with trans people
Media criticised over transgender teacher Lucy Meadows' death
Daily Mail defends transphobic Richard Littlejohn column despite criticism by Lucy Meadows’ coroner
Government tells press to ‘get on’ with reform following Lucy Meadows inquest
Parliament debates right for post-op transgenders to marry
Parliament this evening has started to discuss amendments to the Civil Code by which post-op transgender people will be considered as individuals of the sex acquired with full rights.
This gives the right to marriage.
Transgender man wants end to forced sterilisation
A transgender man is calling for an end to forced sterilisation required in Finland’s current transgender legislation. According to the law, which took effect in 2003, one of the requirements for legal recognition of the transgender status is proof of infertility or sterilisation.
Main opposition urges protection of LGBT's, ruling party calls it 'immoral'
As many countries discuss granting gay marriages, the Turkish Parliament tackled for the first time May 29 the discrimination faced by lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people (LGBT), a sensitive issue long ignored by politicians. The initiative came from the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), which submitted an inquiry proposal regarding the problems of the LGBT community in Turkey that was signed by 59 deputies.
Lithuanian parliament to discuss proposed ban on sex change
The Lithuanian Parliament has approved for discussion an amendment to the Civil Code which, if passed, would impose a ban on sex change.
The proposed change, which suggests that "medical change of sex is banned in Lithuania," will now be discussed by parliamentary committees.
The Lithuanian Parliament Makes the First Step towards Banning Gender Reassignment
Militants had warned eunuchs before blast
Unknown militants had circulated pamphlets against eunuch dancers living in Imamia Colony in Gulbahar before Tuesday’s blast, investigators said on Wednesday.

Kenyan transsexual case tricky, lawyer says
The Kenyan judiciary is finding it difficult to deal with a gender identity case involving a transsexual seeking recognition, a Nairobi court was told on Tuesday.
Issues raised in the petition, a state counsel said are “tricky” and need “more time” for finding a comprehensive response.
When one is too woman to be a man
Andrew Mbugua in court struggle to alter name in certificates
(Photo: Audrey Mbugua outside a court in Kenya's capital Nairobi on May 28, 2013. She is seeking a change of name, re-issuance of certificates and identity documents reflective of her new gender)
[South Korea]
Transgender star spreads hope
Harisu made a shocking debut in 2001. When the beauty with a voluptuous body revealed her Adam’s apple in a TV commercial, the term “transgender” was brought to the forefront in Korea for the first time.

Waiting for Siegfried: An Interview with a Cuban Transsexual
Odette is sitting in front me with her legs crossed, wearing the kind of smile that says you can ask her anything you wish. She is petite and dark-complected, with the full-bottomed figure Cubans describe as “criollita de Wilson” (a caricaturized depiction of a voluptuous female local).