Transexual português paga 480 euros e deixa Dubai
Tribunal condenou Sofia Janeiro por atentado à moral e comportamento indecoroso. Além da multa será deportada
Portugal ‘monitors’ case of teen transsexual convicted in Dubai
Travesti é assassinado a tiros na praia do Francês em Marechal
Ygor Fernando Oliveira Santos estaria no trevo do Francês quando foi abordado por bandidos não identificados
Um jovem identificado como Ygor Fernando Oliveira Santos, de 20 anos, caminhava nas proximidades do Trevo do Francês, em Marechal Deodoro, quando foi abordado por bandidos não identificados, que atiraram contra a vítima.
Travesti é estuprada, espancada, assassinada e jogada em córrego
Uma travesti foi assassinada após ser estuprada, espancada e jogada no Córrego Imbirussú, entre os bairros Zé Pereira e Vila Almeida, na saída para Aquidauana, em Campo Grande. O corpo foi encontrado em decomposição e com sinais de violência dentro do córrego por volta das 12h desta sexta-feira (27).
Burton teenager Ellie Kirby speaks out about her experience of being pansexual and gender-fluid
On first meeting, the most striking feature about Ellie Kirby is her bright blue hair, although here at Burton and South Derbyshire College, brightly-coloured hair is not that unusual.
In fact, unless someone directly asked Ellie about her sexuality, they would never know that she identifies as both 'gender-fluid' and 'pansexual' – two little-known personal preferences.
'Do not let sexuality stop your dream' says transgender Swansea University alumna
Being transgender is something to be proud of, and not an obstacle to stop you achieving your dreams — Jayne Rowlands is testimony to that.
Is General Medical Council failing trans people as they clear top doctor after four year probe?
General Medical Council accused of ignoring real trans concerns while wasting time on investigation they have now dropped
Fight for a newer gender: the war of words between feminists, gays and trans activists
As Eddie Redmayne takes on the role of transgender pioneer Lili Elbe, Jenny McCartney reports on their struggle for recognition
Intersex person sues clinic for unncessary op
Intersex person Michaela Raab is suing doctors in a Nuremberg court, who she said operated on her genitals and put her through female hormone therapy without having told her she was genetically a man.
Indigenous gay and transgender people call for support and acceptance ahead of Mardi Gras
As the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras prepares for its signature parade, Indigenous marchers will be among those celebrating even though their own communities often shun them because of their sexuality.
For former Victoria sports writer, journey to happiness a life-long process
For most of her life, sports was a sanctuary for Patti Dawn Swansson, a place where she could be among friends.
Senate Liberals to push for fast vote on transgender rights
Opposition senators are to push for a quick, and final, vote on a transgender rights bill, hoping this will give the NDP enough time to pull off a legislative “miracle” and finally make the bill law before MPs hit the campaign trail later this year.
Activists angered by washroom amendment to transgender rights bill
Trans bill warped to exclude trans people from washrooms
Divulgada imagem de Eddie Redmayne no papel da primeira mulher transgénero
Actor britânico vencedor do Óscar é o protagonista de The Danish Girl, de Tom Hooper.
Eddie Redmayne prepara-se para mais uma transformação no grande ecrã. Depois de ter sido o físico britânico Stephen Hawking, portador de esclerose lateral amiotrófica — papel que lhe valeu o Óscar —, o actor vai dar vida à dinamarquesa Lili Elb, que ficou conhecida como a primeira mulher transgénero. A primeira imagem de Redmayne em The Danish Girl foi revelada nesta sexta-feira.
Facebook adds new gender option for users: ‘Fill in the blank’
Facebook users who don’t fit any of the 58 gender identity options offered by the social media giant are now being given a rather big 59th option: fill in the blank.
Last words of transgender woman killed in South L.A. key to probe, police say
Deshawnda “Ta-Ta” Sanchez’s last words were captured in a 911 call.
On Dec. 3, 2014, about 4 a.m., Sanchez, a 21-year-old transgender woman, was trying to escape an attacker in the 6100 block of South Wilton Place in Chesterfield Square.
She told a dispatcher that she had been attacked and robbed. While pounding on a door for help, she said the man had returned. Gunshots were fired and the phone went silent.
Transgender Woman's Murder Might Have Been A Hate Crime
Senate Vote Expected Friday on Bill Related to Transgender Bathroom Usage
UPDATE: The bill's sponsor, state Sen. C.B. Embry tells Kentucky Public Radio the Senate will vote Friday on Senate Bill 76. The Fairness Campaign previously indicated the vote would be Thursday.
Her name wsa Melonie – another trans woc has committed suicide
Another transgender woman of color has taken her own life. Melonie Rose was a beautiful 19-year-old trans woman from Laurel, Maryland. From the start, Melonie had a hard life, having been shuffled from foster home to foster home. She dealt with emotional problems, as a result. No doubt, the discrimination Melonie endured did not help the young woman, who attended a therapeutic, alternative high school, Pathways, where she graduated in 2014.
Fed. Gov. Backs Trans Youth In School Lawsuit
The federal government is supporting a Detroit-area teenager who accuses several schools of discriminating against him because of his gender identity.
Rough road for transgender students in Mount Olive
Three students at Mount Olive High School have gotten support from friends, teachers and administrators in making the biggest decision of their lives.
American Conference on Diversity Pays Tribute to NJ’s Gender-Rights Advocate “Babs” Siperstein
On April 2, the American Conference on Diversity will recognize Barbra “Babs” Casbar Siperstein with the 2015 Advocacy Humanitarian Award during a spectacular 20th Anniversary Statewide Fundraising Gala in West Orange, NJ.
Cabela’s seeks partial dismissal of trans complaint
Cabela’s Retail Inc., which is being sued by trans woman Kate L. Blatt, filed a legal brief last week urging partial dismissal of her lawsuit.
Black Madam: Motto was 'I want to help'
In a calm but sometimes nervous voice, Padge-Victoria Windslowe, who goes by the stage name "Black Madam," told a Philadelphia Common Pleas jury yesterday that she injected people's butts with silicone to make them feel more beautiful, and intended no ill will or harm.
Black Madam stands trial
El Gobierno porteño subsidiará por primera vez a una mujer trans
El juez Víctor Trionfetti ordenó al Gobierno porteño a pagar un subsidio reparatorio a una mujer trans por la violencia institucional que padeció durante sus más de 60 años. Se trata de la primer beneficiaria de un amparo presentado en 2013 que incluyó otras cuatro mujeres trans de más de 40 años. Para el juez, padeció una "discriminación existencial".
CBC's Transforming Gender comes amid headlines over gender identity
11 Canadian transgender people profiled for Doc Zone featuring airing Thursday on CBC-TV
NDP critical of Senate attempt to block transgender rights
On this Anti-bullying Day, the NDP is criticizing the unelected Senate for blocking Bill C-279 aimed at protecting the rights of transgender people, after it was legitimately adopted two years ago by elected members of all parties in the House of Commons.
Trans rights bill amendment would bar trans people from public washrooms
Transgender bill hits setback
Gender identity bill sent back to the House of Commons
Community calls for thorough investigation after death of Toronto transgender woman
At first, Lali Mohamed wanted to grieve for his friend Sumaya Dalmar and trust police to investigate her death.
Fighter who said Fallon Fox should be banned from MMA is banned for cheating
Ashlee Evans-Smith said Fallon Fox shouldn't be allowed to fight due to perceived unfair advantages. Then Evans-Smith cheated trying to gain...an actual unfair advantage.
Obama circumvents military, makes it harder to discharge transgender soldiers: Report
A draft memorandum uncovered by USA Today suggests that the U.S. Army may soon make it more difficult to discharge soldiers who consider themselves transgender, a move reminiscent of policy changes made during the lead-up to the repeal of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT) policy on homosexuality.
Arkansas Senate panel rejects anti-LGBT ‘conscience-protection’ bill
A proposal to prevent state and local governments from infringing on a person’s religious beliefs failed before an Arkansas legislative panel Wednesday after facing mounting criticism that it was an attempt to justify discriminating against gays and lesbians.
Phoenix Drops Charges Related To Sex Work Claim Against Transgender Woman
By dropping the case, though, prosecutors avoid a challenge to a city law that critics say makes it essentially illegal to be transgender in public.
Piden alto a la violencia contra transgéneros
Grupos se manifiestan en L.A. pidiendo respeto
Las recientes trágicas muertes de ocho mujeres transgénero en California y otros estados del país en lo que va de 2015, han encendido las luces de alarma en la comunidad LGBT, quienes reclaman no solamente justicia sino también respeto y reconocimiento a su dignidad como personas.
"Estamos cansados del terror y muerte de nuestras hermanas transgénero", dijo Ronni Veliz, miembro de la Red de Alianzas Gay-Heterosexual y la Coalición de Justicia Juvenil. "Hay que acabar con esta opresión".
No to Prison Industrial Complex: San Francisco's Trans Community Responds to Brutal Murders
Victim's 911 Robbery Call Helped Catch "Vicious Killer": Police
The gunman returned to shoot Deshawnda Sanchez several times as she was reporting an earlier robbery to a 911 operator
Indiana Senate approves bill allowing discrimination against LGBT people
The Indiana state Senate on Tuesday approved a bill designed to allow private businesses, individuals and organizations to refuse services for same-sex weddings because of religious beliefs.
Texas Bill Would Punish Businesses If They Don’t Discriminate
Texas State Rep. Debbie Riddle (R) has introduced two new bills that seek to criminalize the use of bathrooms by transgender people. Not only could trans people face jail time and fines for using gender-segregated facilities that match their gender, so too could businesses who make their facilities open to trans patrons.
Transgender student kicked off boys-only bus
A transgender student is at the center of a protest after that student was allegedly kicked off a boys-only bus.
It all started Monday when Jayden Castillo says he was kicked off a school bus for, in essence, being a boy.
Jayden Castillo with LGBT activists and his parents met outside Memorial High School Wednesday.
Transgender teen leads protest at Memorial High School
Matan a pedradas a travesti en Izúcar de Matamoros
Con múltiples golpes contusos provocados al parecer con piedras fue hallado el cadáver de un hombre vestido de mujer en Izúcar de Matamoros. Después del mediodía se reportó el hallazgo del cuerpo en la carretera federal Cuautla-Izúcar de Matamoros, en la colonia Amatitlanes. Elementos de la policía ministerial realizaron el levantamiento de cadáver, trasladándolo al Semefo de Izúcar de Matamoros. La víctima fue identificada como Arturo Delgado Cabrera, alias “Marlene”, de 24 años de edad, quien era travesti y estaba reportado como extraviado.
Fallo de la Corte Constitucional sobre los derechos de los menores intersexuales
Exhortó al Congreso a que establezca de forma urgente las reglas que permitan registrar e identificar a las personas intersexuales.
Mulher trans assassinada no Lobato por três homens
O Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB) recebeu a denúncia que foi encontrado por volta das 21h de hoje 24, terça-feira o corpo de Itamar Sena Passos, 23 anos, transexual de prenome “Keity”, profissional do sexo, no interior da casa onde morava na Rua Voluntários da Pátria s/n no bairro do subúrbio ferroviário de Salvador. De acordo com duas testemunhas que preferem não se identificar Keity foi vitima de dezessete perfurações espalhadas por todo o corpo, não resistindo veio a óbito no local.
Travestis e transexuais ganham Centro de Apoio e Inclusão a partir de março
Cantora, secretária e militante transexual, Renata Peron foi alvo de inúmeros ataques motivados pelo preconceito. Em um deles, foi agredida por nove pessoas e chegou a perder um rim. Nada muito diferente da violenta realidade de outras travestis, mulheres transexuais e homens trans.
Teenage transsexual refused entry to church in Sevilla
A 14-year-old transsexual was forbidden from attending church in a flamenco dress in Sevilla.
Maria Jose was planning to wear a flamenco dress to Mass as part of the annual Fiesta del Mosto y la Aceituna in Umbrete
Johnstone woman's sacrifice for sex swap op
A courageous transgender woman lived in a cafe for THREE years to save enough cash to pay for a sex change operation.
More Swedes want to have a sex change
More and more Swedes want to change their sex. A new law and fewer taboos convinced around 600 people to visit the country's six surgeries last year.
Amnesty raps Finland on refugee, transgender rights
The human rights organisation Amnesty International has again criticised Finland for its treatment of asylum-seekers, migrants, transgender people and conscientious objectors, as well as what it sees as inaction on violence against women and girls.
ECtHR to announce verdict on Turkish gender reassignment law
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) will announce its final verdict in the case of a trans man in Turkey who could not get the court permission needed for gender reassignment surgery, on March 10.
Transexuais português e espanhol condenados no Dubai
As autoridades portuguesas estão a "acompanhar permanentemente" o caso do transexual português condenado no Dubai por travestismo, disse o secretário de Estado das Comunidades Portuguesas, José Cesário.
Police looked to for answers after Sumaya Dalmar, a Toronto transgender woman, found dead
Sumaya Dalmar, a 26-year-old transgender woman, was found dead on Sunday in Toronto’s east end. Described as a “bold, brave and brilliant young woman who loved her friends fiercely,” members of both Toronto’s LGBT and Somali communities are mourning her loss.
Though police say her death has been ruled not a homicide, posts saying Dalmar — who was also known as Sumaya Ysl — was a victim of murder spread quickly on social media. They asked why there had been no statement from police, why there was no media coverage and how the death of yet another trans woman of colour could be met with such silence.
Study shows long-term hormone treatment (HRT) for transgender people is safe
Years ago when many of use began HRT we didn’t know what the long term effects might have been. Many of us were faced with an ignorant and biased medical profession, who also didn’t know.
Study finds hormone therapy in transgender adults safe
Is 'Transface' a Problem in Hollywood?
Hilary Swank, Andrea James, Natasha Lyonne, Armistead Maupin, and more weigh in on casting discrimination in the entertainment industry.
What being transgender after 50 looks like
There’s something really powerful about portraits, especially when the subject is staring right back at you.
Trans Lifeline needs help to continue saving lives
Another youth suicide has occurred in the transgender community. On Sunday, February 15th, Zander Nicholas Mahaffey took his own life, leaving behind a suicide note published on his Tumblr. In his note, he says, "…even if the world doesn't see me as one…I know in my heart I am a boy." The family has ignored his request to be memorialized using his preferred pronouns and name. Thus, both his headstone and obituary use his birth name.
TLDEF Condemns Texas and Florida Bills Targeting Transgender People for Criminal Prosecution
The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) strongly denounces proposed bills in Texas and Florida that would make it a crime for transgender people to use restrooms and other public facilities consistent with who they are as men and women. The discriminatory Texas legislation (HB 1748) was introduced by Republican State Representative Debbie Riddle and carries jail time of up to one year and fines of up to $4,000 for those convicted. Florida GOP state lawmaker Frank Artiles introduced similar legislation (HB 583) in that state making it illegal for transgender people to enter bathrooms and other public facilities that match who they are and imposing a jail term of up to one year and fines of up to $1,000 for those convicted.
Michael Savage: Transgender Rights Will Destroy Society, Outlaw Reassignment Surgery
On Friday, Michael Savage was infuriated by a Hollywood Reporter interview in which director Michael Cimino denied rumors that he is transgender, which led Savage on a rant about “tranny grannies” and why sex reassignment surgery should be outlawed.
Advocates: Gender-reassignment surgery should be covered
Transgender residents, the medical community and civil rights advocates turned out Tuesday to oppose a bill before the General Assembly that would strip insurance coverage for gender-change surgery.
Detroit-area transgender teen gets support from feds in school lawsuit
The federal government is supporting a Detroit-area teenager who accuses several schools of discriminating against him because he's transgender.
Phone message campaign against LGBT proposal raises bathroom issue
A conservative policy group opposed to a Charlotte City Council proposal to extend nondiscrimination protections to gay, lesbian and transgender residents is charging in phone messages to thousands of Charlotteans that the “dangerous policy change” would allow men to go into women's bathrooms and vice versa.
Professor leads first national study of transgender youth
Stony Brook University assistant psychology professor Nicholas Eaton, Ph.D., is leading the first large-scale national study of socially-supported transgender youth.
New York's Bravest Is Trans FDNY Firefighter Brooke Guinan
"The world doesn't have language to actively allow me to identify myself."
Leaning over the kitchen countertop in her two-bedroom apartment in Queens, Brooke Guinan tries to explain, via four horizontal lines she has plotted on a piece of paper, how the notion of gender is far more complex than the two extremes of "male" and "female." The lines represent four continuums: biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
BGCT board declares gender assignment ‘immutable’
Biology, not psychology, determines gender identity, according to the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board.
Texas Bill Would Jail Those Whose Chromosomes Don't Match the Restroom They're Using
The Lone Star state adds its entry to this year's streak of bizarre bills seemingly targeted at the basic bodily functions of trans folks.
Debbie Riddle to the rescue: Defending Texans’ virtue since 2002
Two anti-trans bills in Texas House slammed by LGBT groups
House Kills Anti-Discrimination Measure
A huge effort by business coalitions to pass a bill to provide workplace protections to gay and transgender people came to an end Tuesday. The Wyoming House of Representatives defeated Senate File 115, a much talked about anti-discrimination measure, 33 to 24.
Travesti é morto com pedrada na cabeça em Parauapebas
Mais uma pessoa perde a vida de forma cruel em Parauapebas. Desta vez, a vítima foi um homossexual que ainda não teve o nome divulgado pela Polícia Civil, porém foi identificado como “Lara”
De acordo com informações chegadas à reportagem do Portal Pebinha de Açúcar, o travesti foi assassinado com pedradas na cabeça e o seu corpo foi encontrado em uma das ruas do bairro Paraíso.
Homens da Polícia Civil já estão investigando o caso, e a qualquer momento nossa equipe de reportagem postará mais detalhes sobre este crime brutal.
Trans Rights Europe Map & Index 2014
This trans specific map and index reflects the legal situation in areas of equality and non- discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression in Europe, and highlights the legal provisions in gender identity recognition. The Trans Rights Europe Map & Index provide an overall reflection of the legal situation in all European countries in a simple format. They do not attempt to reflect the complex social situations trans people might face.
Trans EU Employment Rights & Legal Gender Recognition
The Trans Crossroads – Trans People’s EU Employment Rights and National Gender Recognition Laws is a Toolkit & Call for Action.
Transgender Europe Calls for a Stop to the Nightmare that is Legal Gender Recognition in 34 Countries in Europe
Today, Transgender Europe (TGEU) calls attention to the fact that 34 countries in Europe still do not allow trans people to change their legal name and gender without having to undergo humiliating and abusive procedures. With the release of a new video on legal gender recognition, TGEU demands action to reform gender recognition laws in Europe.
Andreja Pejic Makes Her Post-Transition Runway Debut
The model walked Giles’ Fall 2015 show alongside Erin O’Connor and Kendall Jenner.
Stag attack victim Dr Kate Stone appointed to press regulator’s code committee
An academic who took action after a number of newspapers identified her as transgender has been appointed to the press regulator’s editors’ code committee.
Newly-minted NGO in push to raise awareness on Malta's transgender community
Members of the newly-minted NGO Gender Liberation speak about their efforts to raise awareness about Malta’s transgender and gender variant community, while also striving to help all those who form part of and identify with this under-represented segment of Maltese society
State’s first: Housing quota for transgender
In perhaps a first step of its kind in the country, Raman Singh government in Chhattisgarh is all set to provide 2% special housing quota in its schemes for transgender. Move, comes almost a year after apex court recognised transgender as a third gender.The move is likely to benefit over 3,000 people in state.
Sydney trans community mourns the loss of Paula Hartigan
Trans advocate Paula Hartigan was often heard to say: ‘Contrary to popular belief, rumours of my demise are grossly exaggerated …’ Sadly the comment is no longer a truism with Hartigan passing away this week. Her friend and workmate Nicole Moore remembers a legendary elder of Sydney's trans community.
White House endorses Carter remarks on transgender service
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest endorsed on Monday comments from the new Pentagon chief that were favorable to open transgender service in the U.S. military, saying President Obama shares those views.
White House open to lifting transgender ban
Protecting LGBT People From Discrimination Is Now Illegal In Arkansas, And Texas May Follow Suit
As of Tuesday, it is now law that cities in Arkansas cannot pass ordinances protecting LGBT people from discrimination. That’s because a new bill became law — without Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) signing or vetoing — that limits municipalities from extending nondiscrimination protections to any class not protected by state law. Since state law does not include “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” as protected classes, nor now can any locality throughout the state. The law will officially take effect later this summer.
Colorado, Iowa, Oregon lawmakers considering ‘conversion therapy’ bans
Three more states could soon join California, New Jersey and the District of Columbia in outlawing therapy that seeks to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBT youth.
Hot Springs woman sues says she was fired for being transgender
One of the biggest lies of the battle to institutionalize legal discrimination against LGBT people in Arkansas is that protections are unneeded.
Meet Patricia Dawson, a Hot Springs electrician, who was fired after her employer learned she was transgender.
The ACLU has filed a federal lawsuit in her behalf.
WATCH: Incarcerated Trans Woman Sues Georgia Prisons Over Repeated Rapes, Hormone Denial
Ashley Diamond and the Southern Poverty Law Center are fighting the trans woman of color's treatment in several Georgia state men's prisons, arguing it is 'cruel and unusual.'
Trans histories take the mic at Emerging Minds Project event
Perez: ‘I realized that trans people had been written out of a lot of history.’
Transgender bathroom bill clears Senate panel with little notice
In a surprise even to the Senate's president, the Senate Education Committee met Monday evening and approved a bill forcing transgender students to use restrooms that correspond with their sex at birth.
Legislation Related to Transgender Student Bathroom Use Passes on Surprise Second Attempt
Committee revives transgender bathroom bill
Minneapolis vigil planned to shed light on anti-transgender violence
Loring Park in downtown Minneapolis will be the setting for a vigil on Thursday evening to bring attention to an epidemic of violence against transgender women in the United States.
Bathrooms Become Focus Of LGBT Protection Ordinance
Next week, the Charlotte City Council is scheduled to vote on an ordinance that would prohibit businesses from discriminating against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. For example, a restaurant or store would have to serve a gay couple. A taxi or limousine could not refuse service to a transgender customer. But the provision that’s sparked the most controversy would allow transgender people to use the public restroom of their choice.
Ore. lawmakers eye ban on 'conversion therapy' for youth
The Oregon House Healthcare Committee heard testimony Monday on House Bill 2307 or the "Youth Mental Health Protection Act."
Breaking Binary: UT's transgender students searching for way to be themselves
A name provides a sense of self, individuality and identity – but for some, birth names don't align with who they are.
Debbie Riddle's Pee-Pee Obsession
We can always count on Texas Rep. Debbie Riddle to introduce common-sense and much-needed legislation. Her latest bill would make it a misdemeanor for someone to use a public restroom of the opposite gender, and a state jail felony for a building manager to allow such tomfoolery.
Texas Lawmaker Wants To Throw Transgender People in Jail for Using Public Restrooms
Hero Texas Lady Wants To Look Into Your Genes Before You Use The Toilet
SANTA SÉ: Papa compara pessoas trans a armas nucleares
As declarações foram feitas num livro publicado em Itália
Couple who met as women five years ago set to marry as gay men after undergoing sex change surgery
Finlay Games and Drew Bushnell, previously known as Abbie and Kate, plan to have a spiritual wedding in Glasgow in two years time after Finlay's last gender reassignment operation.
Transition nation
WHEN you fill in a form in this country, there are usually only two tick-boxes for gender: male or female.
Trans portuguesa detida no Dubai “por estar disfarçada de mulher”
Um tribunal do Dubai ordenou a detenção de duas mulheres transexuais, umas portugueses a outra espanhola, por estarem “disfarçadas de mulheres e por entrarem num lugar restrito apenas a mulheres.
[New Zealand]
Violence claims met with surprise
The manager of the Auckland Pride Festival Glamstand is firmly denying allegations she assaulted protestors.
Statement: No Pride in Prisons explains
Protest action unacceptable says Ritchie
A witness account of the Pride protest
Parade director disappointed by protest
Claims of police brutality 'unfounded'
How to transcend transphobia
Discrimination against trans people begins before they’re even born, says Danielle Araya.
When my friend John became Jennifer
I picked up the phone and heard a vaguely familiar voice on the line.
“It’s Jennifer,” said the caller.
“Jennifer who?” I asked.
Pause. The high-pitched voice dropped several octaves. “You used to know me as John.”
Defense Secretary Carter: Transgender People Shouldn't Be Denied Military Service
New Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Sunday that transgender people shouldn't be prevented from serving in the U.S. military solely based on their gender identity, noting it should not "preclude" them from service.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter comments on transgender service
New defense secretary expresses openness toward transgender troops
Pritzker's foundation funds trans oral history project
Chicago-based Tawani Foundation has generously awarded a major multi-year grant to the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies at the University of Minnesota Libraries for the purpose of documenting the historic and contemporary experience of transgender individuals in the Upper Midwest.
RAISING ZAY: A family's journey with a transgender child
The more science learns, the more medicine can help. Cincinnati has helped lead the nation in transgender children's health.
Há 9 anos, precisamente a 22 de Fevereiro, morria Gisberta, imigrante brasileira, transexual, seropositiva, toxicodependente, prostituta e sem-abrigo. Foi brutalmente espancada e violada por um grupo de adolescentes.
Em tribunal, decretou-se que tudo não passou de"uma brincadeira de mau-gosto que correu mal". Não se reconheceu o verdadeiro motivo das agressões - a transfobia.
Braga marchará a 27 de Junho de 2015 com o lema "NÃO À VIOLÊNCIA TRANSFÓBICA". O BFA considera que a população trans vive numa situação de maior invisibilidade e consequente vulnerabilidade social.
Marcharemos pela Gisberta, por tod@s os que sofrem diariamente discriminação devido à sua orientação sexual e identidade de género.
White Dee blasts manager Barry Tomes after he blocks transgender woman's audition for all-girl band
TIffany-Rose Davies says Deirdre Kelly leapt to her defence after the manager refused to let her audition for Office Girls
(Photo: TIffany-Rose Davies was blocked from auditioning for pop band Office Girls)
New NGO to reach out to Maltese transgender community
Gender Liberation sets out to inform and empower the gender variant community in Malta through advocacy that puts into question established gender norms
Transexuais portuguesa e espanhola detidas por estarem "disfarçadas de mulheres"
A Amnistía Internacional pediu a libertação imediàta das duas mulheres às autoridades do Dubai e exortaram a que Portugal e Espanha intervenham com urgência para o seu regresso, manifestando que "deter, prender ou multar únicamente pela identidade de género é uma grave violação dos direitos humanos".
"Me Hijra, Me Laxmi", autobiography of transgender rights activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi released in English
Flamboyant transgender rights activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi is proud of her sexuality and claims to be "a woman who can put all other women to shame."
"Me Hijra Me Laxmi," the new English translation of her autobiography launched at the New Delhi World Book Fair was one book she says she never imagined writing. The book is already in publication in Marathi and Gujarati.
Transgenders Demand Action against Cops
The Telangana Hijra Transgender Samiti demanded immediate action against the policemen who denuded a trans-woman, while investigating the case of Pravallika, a hijra that was murdered in January this year. “Although charge memos were issued to the concerned officials, we demand their suspension as the victim here was a HIV positive and make a strong statement to the trans-phobic people across the state and treat us with dignity and respect,” said Vyjayanti Mogli, member of the transgender samiti.
[New Zealand]
Transgender prisoner seeks hormone treatment
A transgender prisoner with a taste for arson is taking legal action against the Corrections Department to get access to hormone treatment.
[New Zealand]
Police to probe claims of brutality
The protestor who was injured has tweeted from hospital today that she is in excruciating pain.
"Looking like no need for surgery at this point. Humerus badly fractured. Feeling proud af."
Police assault allegation at pride parade
Transgender woman's arm broken by police at pride parade
Moreland Council seeks legal advice after Brunswick transgender woman refused permit in female name
Transgender woman Jennifer Jacomb says Moreland Council’s refusal to issue a disabled parking permit in her female name left her feeling humiliated.
The Brunswick West resident said her disappointment was magnified when a council staff member wouldn’t release the permit to her because it was in a man’s name and she had introduced herself as Jennifer.
As trans issues become mainstream, question of how to address variant gender expression comes to forefront
When Zane Bernhard, then six years old, arrived for an appointment with a psychologist at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, his parents had no idea that the clinic was ground zero in a global debate over children who don’t conform to traditional gender roles.
Progress on gender display for government ID
Changes are coming to Alberta’s government issued IDs and it has a major impact on transgender people.
The government has made regulatory changes allowing for an easier display of specific gender.
Federal Gov: Homeless Shelters Should Respect Trans People's Gender Identities
HUD has instructed shelters to not ask intrusive medical questions or kick out trans residents because of their gender identities, among other important guidelines.
Santa Rosa transgender man struggles to get surgeries covered
Lindsey Sachs’ birth certificate says he was born female, but his whole life, he’s considered himself a male.
He has become so uncomfortable with his female body parts, and disillusioned with his inability to get them removed, that his life has been put on hold. Debilitating social anxiety and intense physical discomfort have prevented him from finishing school, keeping a job or achieving his dream of starting a transgender support network in Sonoma County.
(Photo: (BETH SCHLANKER/ The Press Democrat) James Clayton helps his friend Lindsey Sachs, a transgender man, with his testosterone injection at the Sachs family home in Santa Rosa. “Testosterone helps me look how I feel, and sound how I feel, and just be more comfortable,” Sachs said.)
Inside the Career of Eden Lane, TV's First Transgender Reporter
When Zoey Tur landed a job as a special correspondent for Inside Edition, pundits wondered how audiences would react. Transgender reporters are a rarity on television, and they face unique challenges in such a public career.
2015 Trans 100 set to debut under new management
The profound sadness and somber commemoration of the names of those transgender individuals who have fallen over the past year and are the focal point of the annual Nov. 20 Transgender Day of Remembrance ( TDoR ) takes place one month before the onset of a season renowned for darkness and bitter cold.
The medicine of gender variance
n many countries, transgender people are part of the community. In April, India's highest court ruled it is a human right to choose a gender.
Resources for parents, adults, children
Teen's death rippled across culture
Leelah Alcorn's death triggered a national soul-searching about gender identity, suicide, parent-child relationships and social progress.
WATCH: Memphis Woman Charged With Beating 'Feminine' Son
Police say Jacqueline Alexander thought her son was too effeminate and therefore gay.
Las Cruces: Transgender woman united in spiritual matrimony with man
A ground-breaking wedding ceremony was held in Las cruces Saturday evening.
Eusabia Dominguez claims to be the city's first openly transgender woman to be married to a man.
At first glance it seemed a traditional wedding with the bride walking nervously down the aisle and the groom seeing her in a beautiful wedding dress as the music plays.
But the bride in Saturday's wedding was born a male which for many is far from traditional. The couple say it's the new normal.
Pope Francis: Gender Theory Doesn't 'Recognize Order of Creation'
Just one month after the pope held a historic private meeting with a transgender man and his fiancée, a new book includes antitransgender remarks from the pontiff.
Pope Francis: Transgender People are Like Nuclear Weapons and Defy 'The Order of Creation'
Assassinato de travesti é esclarecido pela DIG
O assassinato do travesti Ericklis Luan de Lima Siribelo, de 19 anos, conhecido como "Letícia", ocorrido em novembro do ano passado no Jardim Tortelli, foi esclarecido ontem pela Delegacia de Investigações Gerais (DIG), com a apresentação do réu confesso, o também travesti Paulo Eduardo Silva de Almeida, 26 anos, conhecido como "Adrieli".
[New Zealand]
Pride protester 'had arm broken' - claim
Supporters say a transgender protester had her arm broken at Auckland's Pride Parade.
Police said one person was arrested after a brief incident. Police were investigating "alleged injuries to a protestor". It was not clear whether the arrested person was the same one with alleged injuries.
Thousands watch Auckland's Pride Parade
North Van petition says deaf, disabled, transgender people would negatively affect neighbourhood
List includes people who are deaf, transgender, or disabled
Transgender in Alberta to find it easier to change ID
It's now easier for transgender Albertans to change their gender on birth certificates and licences.
Transgender Albertans can more easily change birth records
Why Ronan Farrow Daily Was The Gold Standard For Covering Transgender Issues
With the cancellation of Ronan Farrow Daily, MSNBC is losing a show that for months represented the gold standard in cable news coverage of transgender issues.
Transgender Author Jenny Boylan Opens Up About Life More Than A Decade After Transitioning (VIDEO)
In the late '90s, Jim Boylan was many things: a college English professor, the author of several novels, a husband with a loving wife named Deedie and a father to two young sons. But Boylan was also living with a deep secret: Ever since childhood, Boylan had thoughts of living as her truly authentic female self.
B. Scott Settles Discrimination Lawsuit With BET, Viacom
Media personality B. Scott has finally reached a settlement with BET and parent company Viacom over a controversial workplace discrimination lawsuit he filed in the summer of 2013.
Not One More
Seven transgender women that we know of have been murdered in this country since 2015 started. At least five were women of color. It's a horrifying litany already, and it's only February.
Trans Military Veterans Can Now Update Critical Records
A top priority of NCTE since our beginning has been making it possible for everyone to have the ID documents they need to live in a society where accurate and consistent ID is required for many functions, from opening a bank account, entering government buildings, flying on airplanes. Even something as simple as having a beer with dinner requires ID. Trans people too often don’t have the luxury of others who don’t think much about their ID. The National Trans Discrimination Survey showed that 40% of those who presented identification that did not match their identity or expression reported being harassed.
Win: HUD tells Homeless Shelters to Respect Self-Identified Gender
Today the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released long-awaited guidance to ensure equal access for transgender people in homeless shelters. The guidance, issued to shelters and transitional housing programs across the country, call for access to shelter and programs to be based on a person’s self-identified gender. This follows similar guidance issued by the Department of Justice in 2014 for domestic violence shelters and other programs funded by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Transgender Woman Held in Male Immigrant Detention Center
A transgender woman has been held at the all-male detention center in Florence run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement since October, and activists are asking for her release citing physical and verbal abuse.
Parenting a Transgender Child
Two parents talk about navigating the gender spectrum with their 8-year-old
Rep. Mike Honda 'humbled' by support for his transgender granddaughter
Days after Rep. Mike Honda (D-San Jose) revealed on Twitter that his granddaughter is transgender, he said he was humbled by the overwhelming outpouring of support.
Miami: Seventh Trans Woman Murdered in U.S. in 2015
Police are still investigating the death of Miami entertainer Kristina Gomez Reinwald as the year's number of trans women reported murdered in the U.S. continues to rise.
Civil rights lawsuit filed to protect transgendered Georgia prisoner
A federal lawsuit filed Thursday accused the state prison system of mistreating a transgendered inmate by not protecting her against repeated rapes in a male prison and denying her the necessary medication to stop her from transforming back to a male.
SPLC lawsuit demands necessary health care for transgender inmate in Georgia prison
Transgender inmate sues Georgia seeking to end 'gross human rights violations' in prisons
Federal lawsuit filed against Georgia DOC on behalf of transgender inmate
'Black Madam's' boyfriend takes the stand
"BLACK MADAM'S" boyfriend took the witness stand yesterday, not appearing too happy to be there. Nikolaus Banks, a tall man, said he knew Padge Victoria Windslowe, who is on trial for murder, since 2004.
Travesti é morta com tiros na cabeça na avenida Heitor Dias
Uma travesti foi morta com vários tiros na cabeça na avenida Heitor Dias. O corpo foi encontrado no início da manhã desta sexta-feira, 20, por volta de 5h30, próximo ao muro de uma loja de automóveis, na região de Dois Leões.
NHS England: Trans people shouldn’t wait longer than 18 weeks for treatment
NHS England has affirmed the rights of trans people to be treated within 18 weeks of referral – despite growing backlogs in the system leaving some waiting years.
Pope Francis compares trans people to nuclear weapons
Head of the Catholic Church claims those who transition are opposing 'God's order of creation'
Two arrested for murdering transsexual
Two Nigerians arrested for murder following drugs probe
A Brazilian transsexual found dead in a street in the southern town of Castel Volturno in early February was drugged with a cocktail of cocaine and heroin and sexually assaulted before being dragged outside and left in the cold to die, investigators said Thursday.
VIDEO: Southern conservative mother of transgender daughter talks acceptance
This week on GLAAD's video series, GLAAD: All Access, host Claire Pires caught up with Debi Jackson, a Southern conservative mother of a six-year-old transgender daughter named A.J., to talk about acceptance. Pires interviewed her at the Human Rights Campaign Time to Thrive conference this past weekend in Portland, Oregon, where Jackson was a featured speaker.
Problematic stories illuminate need for better coverage of transgender people
Sadly in recent months there's been a high number of deaths of transgender women, and with it some very problematic media coverage.
B. Scott Settles Gender Discrimination Case With BET After Red Carpet Snub
B. Scott and BET have reached an agreement following the legal battle sparked by the network’s major snub.
The media personality was all ready to welcome stars and interview them on the red carpet at the 2013 BET Awards. The network, which had booked him for the gig, was not pleased when he showed up to work in women’s clothes. Organizers demanded that he change into more gender-appropriate attire before proceeding with his duties.~
Oakland mom shares experience of raising transgender child
Public figures like Congressman Mike Honda, and actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, coming out in support of their transgender family members are sparking a conversation about what it means to be transgender.
Transgender teen cites family bullying in suicide note: #HisNameWasZander
Another transgender teen has taken his own life, leaving behind a suicide note describing sexual trauma and alleged bullying by family members.
Bill targeting transgender students’ use of restrooms fails Kentucky Senate panel
A bill that would have banned transgender students from choosing which restroom to use at public schools has failed to pass a Kentucky state Senate committee.
Vigil Held Amid Homicide Investigation Of Transgender Woman
The death of a 46-year-old transgender woman at her home in Southwest Miami-Dade is being investigated as a homicide, according to Miami-Dade Police sources.
Miami's Transgender Community Holds Vigil for Slain Artist
Homicide investigation underway in death of transgender woman
Transgender community works to gain acceptance in Missoula
TV shows like "Transparent," and celebrities such as Bruce Jenner have brought the transgender population into the mainstream. But it's not just a Hollywood story, with transgenders in Montana saying it takes courage to live the life 'they' want to lead.
Franklin Graham calls transgender friendly bathrooms 'unsafe'
Franklin Graham is speaking out against a city ordinance that's up for a vote in a few weeks.
City Council will vote on a proposal that, in part, allows transgender men and women into any restroom.
Franklin, the son of Billy Graham, says the proposal is "not only ridiculous, it's unsafe."
Black Madam: I am the Michelangelo of butt injections
She boasted that she was called the "Michelangelo of buttocks injections," had performed hundreds of the cosmetic procedures, and counted many celebrities among her satisfied clients.
Transgender sports bill raises legal risk for state
A transgender law expert says South Dakota would be vulnerable to lawsuits if lawmakers adopt a bill forcing student athletes to participate in sports based on the gender on their birth certificate.
TransYouth Project conducting groundbreaking study
“He is just confused.” “She’ll grow out of it.” “It’s a phase.” “Just ignore it.” These are common remarks from family members, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers to transgender youth.
PDI detuvo a mujer acusada de asesinar a un joven transexual
La imputada habría matado a la víctima tras enterarse de que su pareja había tenido relaciones sexuales con él.
La mujer cuenta con un amplio prontuario policial y será formalizada este viernes.
Transexual é encontrda morta
Info via oral.
Portugal, Fevereiro de 2015, Zahra Santos, mulher trans por volta dos 60 anos, é encontrada morta em casa.
Se mais informação aparecer será aqui disonibilixada
Travesti é encontrada morta em córrego de Mariápolis
Uma travesti foi encontrada morta com golpes de faca no pescoço nesta quinta-feira (19), por volta das 12h20, em um córrego, na área rural de Mariápolis. De acordo com as informações da Polícia Militar, a vítima estava desaparecida desde a última sexta-feira (13).
Segundo registro policial, o suspeito, que não teve a idade divulgada, foi localizado após ser encontrado mensagens no celular da vítima. Ele confessou o crime e foi detido.
A perícia foi acionada no local e a Polícia Civil investiga o caso para saber o que motivou o crime.
Pope Francis compares trans people to nuclear weapons
Head of the Catholic Church claims those who transition are opposing 'God's order of creation'
Sex redefined
The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.
TERF Wars: 'Radical Feminists' Are Going After Transgender Activists, But Why?
Transgender activists and feminists who do not recognize trans women as women are squaring off on college campuses and online. And the hashtag that crystallizes the debate -- #TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists), a pejorative term used to describe these anti-trans feminists -- is trending on Twitter. This raises the question: Why are 1970s-era anti-porn, anti-sex work, anti-trans feminists whom many would consider retro -- even reactionary -- hitting back now?
Labour’s first openly transgender candidate: I’ve never looked back since becoming Emily
Emily Brothers, who is running for parliament, on why she’s taking on the Sun, why you shouldn’t use a trans person’s old name, and what Stonewall’s decision to become an LGBT organisation means to her.
'Inmates heard shouts of 'help me' before transsexual prisoner was found dead'
Inmates heard shouts of “help me, help me” hours before a transsexual prisoner was found dead in his cell, an inquest was told.
Interview: Stonewall CEO Ruth Hunt on why the charity is going trans inclusive
As Stonewall England and Wales announced plans to begin lobbying on trans issues, PinkNews caught up with CEO Ruth Hunt to talk about the reasons why, and why now.
Argos accused of calling trans customers 'frauds'
Trans woman claims that her card was put on hold because security were expecting someone with a 'higher voice'
Press Release: Debate on Gender Recognition Concludes in Seanad Eireann
Jointly released by Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) And Amnesty International Ireland.
Italian university to give trans students option of ‘aliases’ to protect privacy
An Italian university has announced that it plans to give transgender students the option of using an online ‘alias’ to borrow books from the library or register for exams.
Is SportsBet's new punt transphobic? You bet!
A reality show star is strongly rumoured to be revealing he’s transgender – and Aussie betting company SportsBet has hastily opened novelty betting on what his new name might be if/when he transitions.
Bookie blasted for taking bets on Bruce Jenner's new name
SFU students stage ‘shit-in’ for trans-friendlier washrooms
Associate VP says SFU worked with students 12 years ago to address washrooms
Transgender students protest as Canadian schools grapple with washroom debate
The Real ‘Transparent’: ‘My Dad Transitioned into a Woman’
Denise took the gun out of her mouth. She wasn’t going to give up her kids. She wasn’t going to say goodbye to Fran, her high school sweetheart and wife of 34 years.
Chapel Hill native Rhys Ernst works on trans issues behind the scenes of acclaimed TV series Transparent
Focus turns to Ashton Carter to review the military’s transgender ban
Ashton Carter was sworn-in Tuesday as President Barack Obama’s fourth secretary of Defense during a ceremony at the White House, assuming the top Pentagon spot at a time when LGBT-rights advocates continue to press the Obama administration to allow transgender military service.
Reports: Transgender Americans face staggering rates of poverty, violence
New reports find widespread discrimination, economic vulnerably, health disparities
REPORT: Trans Americans Four Times More Likely to Live in Poverty
Two reports detail wide discrimination against transgender Americans
Rep. Mike Honda tweets he is 'proud grandpa of a transgender grandchild'
U.S. Rep. Mike Honda announced in a tweet Wednesday that he is "the proud grandpa of a transgender grandchild," sparking an immediate outpouring of support for the Democratic congressman -- who said he hopes she "can feel safe at school without fear of being bullied."
Death of Miami Transgender Woman Now a Homicide
Police are now saying the death of a Miami transgender woman is a homicide.
Kristina Gomez Reinwald was found unresponsive in her home in the 2000 block of Southwest 58th Court Sunday.

Fifteen year old trans teen kills himself
A fifteen year old transgender teenager has killed himself after scheduling a suicide note to be published on Tumblr.
A campaign to remember 15-year-old trans teenager Zander Mahaffey has gone viral with the hashtag #HisNameWasZander.
Measure that would ban conversion therapy advances
Therapy aimed at converting the sexual orientation of a minor in Iowa would be banned under legislation approved by a Senate panel on Tuesday.
Policies at local shelter raise questions about transgender issues in Indiana
Two white flags hang from the porch at Boxcar Books.
One insists that readers call the township board and have funding removed from Martha’s House, a local homeless shelter.
Martha’s House, the flag says, has transphobic policies, segregating people at the shelter according to biological sex.
Manchester school board in debate over transgender student’s use of public restroom
The Manchester Community Schools Board of Education was put on the spot by a standing-room-only crowd of angry parents, during the public comments period at their regular meeting Monday, Feb. 16.
North Dakota Senate endorses anti-discrimination measure
North Dakota's Senate has approved a bill to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
High School Cheerleader Opposes 'Transgender' Bill
A Bridgewater-Emery high school student is speaking out against a bill aimed at transgender students. 18-year-old Andrea Kosters testified against House Bill 1195 in Pierre because she said it opens the door for discrimination.
Transgender attack suspects plead not guilty in Spokane
The two suspects in the assault on a transgender woman inside Boots Bakery pleaded not guilty on Wednesday.
Adam Flippen, 45 and Marc Fessler, 43 were both arrested in relation to the assault on February 3.
Police said Flippen was charged with 2nd Degree Assault and Malicious Harrassment. Fessler was arrested for Malicious Harassment.