This Is The Deadliest Region In The World For Trans People
On the evening of October 13, 2015, Diana Sacayán, a prominent Argentine transgender activist, was found dead in her bedroom with multiple stab wounds. Sacayán was heavily involved in the transgender rights movement in Argentina, having successfully pushed for a law establishing transgender employment quotas in the provincial government of Buenos Aires.
Mulher trans é morta no meio da rua no centro de SP
Aos 31 anos, vítima foi baleada e jogada na calçada para morrer diante de dezenas de pessoas
Lidar com assassinatos não é para qualquer um. Mas existe uma grande diferença entre ver uma pessoa morta e uma pessoa morrendo.
E foi isso que aconteceu na frente de uma dezena de pessoas por volta das 20h desta quinta-feira (15), na rua General Jardim, região central de São Paulo, ao presenciar uma travesti baleada jogada na calçada, com uma marca de bala no abdômen, de onde escorria um fio de sangue que desembocava na valeta.
Travesti é internada em estado grave na UTI após ser espancada
Uma travesti foi brutalmente espancada na madrugada dessa quinta-feira (15) e está internada em estado grave na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) do Hospital de Base. A vítima, identificada preliminarmente como Mirela, estava sem documentos e ainda não foi procurada por familiares.
Globo proíbe atriz que viverá transexual em À Flor da Pele de dar entrevistas
Caroline Duarte foi escolhida para viver uma transexual na nova novela de Glória Perez, À Flor da Pele, que tem estreia marcada para o ano que vem. A atriz, porém, está proibida de dar qualquer entrevista.
Globo blinda atriz transexual de Supermax para evitar assédio da imprensa
A assessoria de imprensa da Globo montou um esquema de segurança máxima para proteger a imagem de Maria Clara Spinelli, atriz transexual que interpreta Janette em Supermax. A série com cara de reality show estreou na terça-feira, dia 20, com 15 pontos de média.
Rafaela Manfrini é eleita Miss Trans Star International 2016
A Miss Brasil, Rafaela Manfrini, concorreu com candidatas de vários países, também venceu na categoria Miss Elegância, o concurso foi realizado na Espanha.
Measures to tackle Leeds transgender clinic waits
Measures aimed at cutting the time transgender people have to wait for a consultation at an NHS gender identity clinic (GIC) have been introduced.
Stumped by transgender pension case, UK top court seeks EU help
A complex legal dispute involving a transgender woman's pension rights over a period when her gender had not been officially recognized has divided Britain's Supreme Court, which referred the issue on Wednesday to the European Union's top court.
UK Top Court Split On Transgender Woman's Pension Right
Trans sports clubs: When swimming and playing football is a revolutionary act
All Roberta Francis wanted was a peaceful place to swim. But, writes Kashmira Gander, what she has created has transformed into so much more
Trans Woman Attacked with “Allahu Akbar” Chants in Mersin
Two assailants in Mersin’s Pozcu district attacked a trans woman with a knife and iron rod, shouting “Allahu Akbar” [“God is Great”]. It was learned that the police did not take action regarding the two people who attacked the trans woman saying “We’re going to kill all of you.”
Sibel, trans femme : « J’ai tué pour ne pas être tuée »
Sibel, trans femme, n’est ni la première, ni la dernière victime d’une totale injustice. Elle est aujourd’hui en prison. Son histoire recoupe celle de nombreuses trans femmes, et elle traverse les mêmes difficultés et injustices aussi bien dans sa vie, que dans son expérience du juridique et du carcéral.
Trans Woman Burned and Murdered in Turkey
Hande Kader, a trans woman based in Istanbul, disappeared a week ago. Her friends and lover filed a missing person’s announcement. Hande Kader’s burned body was found in Zekeriyaköy.
YouTuber Gigi Gorgeous detained in Dubai for being transgender
YouTuber and model Gigi Gorgeous was detained at a Dubai airport for being transgender, TMZ reports.
First woman seeks sex-change surgery in UAE
An Emirati woman has sought leave to have a sex change operation in what would be a first for the United Arab Emirates, newspapers reported on Tuesday.
After being diagnosed with HIV, transgender person forced to live on Peshawar street
According to Trans Action Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the LRH referred the patient to Hayatabad Medical Complex after she was diagnosed with the disease.
However, it said that the patient was not provided any assistance and that she was abandoned by all care providers.
The transgender person, identified as Dewani, is currently living on the road near garbage dump in Dallazak area.
Cast aside: Community shuns HIV positive transgender person in Peshawar
Targeted community: Transgender groups fall prey to criminals
Three groups of people who are transgender were attacked over the course of a single night in the provincial capital.
Tales From The Dark Side: The Secret Life Of A Transgender Woman In Pakistan
Her conversion was smooth. She just loved dancing. She must be God’s favorite child as He chose to give her the family she’s happy with, who often see famished nights with tales untold. Having spent more than 25 years in Sargodha, dancing and stealing the shows everywhere, it’s time she changes things, or to be honest, restarts things; as few incidents have been life changing for a pure soul like her.
'I wasn’t made to be raped and ridiculed' - trans woman makes a stand in Pakistan
Despite being recognised as the third gender, the marginalised hijiras of Pakistan suffer violence and abuse. Now one brave woman is demanding justice
‘Transgender’ wife: A bizarre case of alimony lands in apex court
In a strange case of marriage annulment, payment of haq mehar and demand of alimony, the Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a notice to a transgender person who was married off as a woman to a resident of Multan region.
Hijras want the new Transgender Bill scrapped
The transgender community, commonly known as hijras, has demanded that the new Transgender Persons Bill, 2016, be scrapped, for a number of reasons, including the fact that it is silent on the subject of granting them reservation in education and jobs under the Other Backward Classes category.
Signalling change: Transgenders to discipline traffic violators in Delhi
The next time you violate a traffic rule in Lutyens' Delhi, a transgender would be there to correct your mistake with a chocolate or a flower
[Sri Lanka]
Sri Lanka: Challenging ‘Gender Norms’ Brings Abuse
Transgender people and others who do not conform to social expectations about gender face discrimination and abuse in Sri Lanka, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
Indonesia says 'no room' for LGBT rights movement
The LGBT community is tolerated in Indonesia but recently suffered a public backlash when a government minister said that LGBT people should be barred from university campuses
The Piety of Shinta Ratri: When Militant Islamists Attacked a Transgender Madrasa, They Attacked Pluralism Itself
I met Shinta Ratri 10 days after her life’s work had unraveled before her eyes. She quietly introduced herself as she fumbled to light a cigarette. The mood was different from six years earlier, when dozens of reporters had flocked to Indonesia, home to more Muslims than any other country, to profile Shinta’s unique creation — the world’s only Islamic school run by and for transgender women. In early March, we sat on a terrace to discuss how militant Islamists had forced her to shut down her beloved Al-Fatah Pesantren as an unprecedented anti-LGBT campaign across the country reached fever pitch.
Trans man and musician Aiza Seguerra takes senior job in government of the Philippines
A trans man takes a senior position despite Philippines' president's homophobic remarks
Philippines AirAsia open to transgender applicants
Budget carrier Philippines AirAsia announced on Sunday it is open to transgender applicants across all company positions, as part of its move to promote gender equality in the workplace.
Mother who found her son trying to cut off his penis at age four will give her child, now 12, puberty-blocking drugs so she grows up as a woman
Australian schoolgirl Emma Hayes started her life as a boy named Ronan
The 12-year-old is set to undergo medical treatment to become a woman
She will take a hormone drug to stop her going through puberty as a boy
Her mother found her then-son trying to cut off his penis at aged four
Monday night's Australian Story: Trans teen takes on the courts
Transgender teenager Georgie Stone is featured on Monday night’s episode of the ABC’s Australian Story, showing how she battles prejudice and legal challenges as she takes on the system to make life easier for other transgender kids and their families.
‘If my voice broke it would have changed my life’
New sexual health resource for trans men nothing to Grunt at
The campaign was created because there was a gap in sexual health awareness for trans men
Kids, 5, in sex-change stories uni research trial
Children as young as five have been used for storytime sessions featuring books with transgender characters, introducing concepts ranging from cross-dressing to gender reassignment surgery, as part of a university study being used to advocate for the expansion of the Safe Schools program into primary schools.
Trans resource to be developed for homeless services
The online resource will ensure homeless services are trained to support trans and gender diverse Australians at risk of homelessness.
[New Zealand]
Cannabis campaigner and transgender activist confirm bid for Dunedin mayoralty
A cannabis campaigner and a transgender activist are taking on the "old boy network" as they run for the Dunedin mayoralty.
Trans activist runs for Dunedin mayoralty
[New Zealand]
Akl Transport pulls "transphobic" section of new ad
Auckland Transport has removed a section of their new ad campaign from cinemas and online distribution after being approached by a concerned group of people who say a portion of the ad was “transphobic”.
[New Zealand]
New Plymouth transgender student starts petition for trousers to be part of school uniform
A transgender student is campaigning for one of New Plymouth's biggest school's to change its dress code to include trousers.
Trans March returning to Ottawa Pride after a decade
Organizers plan event ‘by the trans community, for the trans community.
‘Exploited’: Ottawa Gay Pride names gender-confused 10-year-old grand marshal
Trans athlete takes fight to Ontario Human Rights Tribunal
For years, Kristen Worley has fought for a place for trans athletes in international sporting competitions. Now she’s taken her fight to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.
City removes bus shelter ads about transgender people in public washrooms
Transgender advocates say with city's new pro-LGBTQ pledge, the ads never should have been there to begin with
Hamilton hopes to soothe relations with transgender community after bus ad
Hamilton city council asks for report on trans-phobic HSR ads
Trans children: Montreal has resources to help families come to terms
Parents, teachers and doctors should stop treating children and teens who buck gender stereotypes as if there is something wrong with them, says a Montreal doctor who treats transgender youth.
Ontario considers more gender changes for IDs
Ontario is considering more changes to the collection and display of gender information on government documents, not long after announcing gender-neutral driver's licences and health cards.
'Like a slap in the face': Winnipegger slams rules for transgender blood donations
Activist speaks out against Canadian Blood Services’ new rules for trans donors
Re(Assignment) premieres with Michelle Rodriguez in a ‘sewer stained’ transface tragedy
Clutching her vagina screaming “NO” after punitive penis removal, a bloodied and “Sewer Stained” Re(Assignment) ‘victim’ cisgender actress Michelle Rodriguez believes trans people shouldn’t criticize her transface role because she is bisexual.
Sex change horror movie that shows Michelle Rodriguez being forcibly changed from a man into a woman is accused of being 'transphobic and exploitative' (and terrible!)
Michelle Rodriguez says trans people need to "calm down," '(Re) Assignment' is not "deep"
Toronto: This Michelle Rodriguez Sex-Change Thriller Is a Total Disasterpiece
The Shared Danger of Supporting anti Trans Bathroom Bills
A Dominican woman who was detained with men when entering the states three years ago is is suing for 5 million dollars. Fiordaliza Pichardo was arrested at Miami’s international airport on what attorneys say was a decades-old drug trafficking charge that was later dismissed. The $5m suit names the Miami-Dade corrections department as a defendant.
Lesbian booted out of women’s bathroom at L.A. music hall after guard insisted she was a man
Jeffrey Tambor asks Hollywood to ‘give trans actors a chance’ during Emmy speech
The Transparent star says he would be happy to be the last cisgender actor playing a transgender character.
American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create ‘Kill The Gays’ Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity
Most of us go our entire lives without ever standing trial for crimes against humanity. Then again, most of us aren’t notorious bigot Pastor Scott Lively, whose life work seems to be to ask the question: “How can I make gay people miserable across the world?”
1 in 5 in Juvenile Justice System Are LGBTQ; DOJ Report Offers Recommendations
As Pride Month came to a close and in the shadow of the Orlando tragedy, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), part of the U.S. Department of Justice, released a report about LGBTQ youth within the juvenile justice system. The report, “Creating and Sustaining Fair and Beneficial Environments for LGBTQ Youth,” summarizes listening sessions that occurred over two days in late 2014 between the OJJDP and over fifty-five participants including researchers, practitioners, and youth experts from across the nation. OJJDP is currently preparing to update regulations for federal juvenile justice grants, and NCTE joins other youth advocates in urging the agency to incorporate key recommendations from this report, such as LGBT nondiscrimination requirements, into OJJDP’s grant rules.
Transgender actress Jen Richards joins the cast of Nashville
Transgender actress Jen Richards is going country in Nashville! Nashville season 5 that is.
Emmy-nominated writer, actress and producer Jen Richards (Her Story, Doubt) has Joined the cast of “Nashville in a recurring part for the series fifth season.
HUD Extends Nondiscrimination Protection at Homeless Shelters to Transgender People
“This new rule will ensure equal access to the very programs that help to prevent homelessness for persons who are routinely forced to choose between being placed in facilities against their gender identity or living on our streets.” HUD Secretary Julián Castro said in a statement.
Vigil held in honor of murdered Fresno transgender woman
Casey Haggard was killed nearly one year ago
Dozens march in honor of transgender woman killed in Fresno last year
Police: Transgender woman stabbed in NE DC
Police are investigating after a transgender woman was stabbed several times in northeast DC Tuesday.
Arrested cis woman fails vagina inspection, jailed with 40 men in common cell; files $ 5 million lawsuit
Historically, doctors delivering babies could not always correctly determine the gender of newborns they delivered by just looking, resulting in tragic consequences for perhaps hundreds of thousands of people. Miami-Dade corrections officials, however felt they were up to the task playing “guess the gender” of their inmates using the same failed techniques.
Transgender students speak out about Teacher Suspended for Bullying Them
Angel Villanueva was suspended from his teaching position at East Lee County High because an investigation found the teacher tried forcing his religious beliefs regarding sexual orientation and gender identity on his students.
Transgender Prisoner Sues Florida to Get Hormone Treatments
A transgender prisoner sued the Florida Department of Corrections on Monday to demand hormone treatments that she said were promised when she pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree murder.
Georgia Advocates Launch New Tool to Monitor Discrimination Against Transgender Students
As Georgia students return to school, five LGBT advocacy groups have introduced a new resource called the Georgia Transgender Student Rights Watch.
4 months, $140,000 later, transgender stroke victim admitted by nursing home
The minimum cost for lack of discharge options for transgender Des Moines woman: $141,615
Trial continues for suspect accused of killing transgender person at Louisville hotel
Testimony continued for a third day Monday in the trial of a man accused of murdering a transgender victim at a south Louisville hotel.
Witness says suspect Henry Gleaves shot and killed transgender prostitute
Closing arguments underway in transgender murder trial
Trans Woman Murdered in Baltimore Is 21st This Year, Equaling 2015's Total
A Baltimore transgender woman has died of a gunshot wound, bringing the number of reported murders of transgender people in 2016 to 21 — the total reported for all of last year.
Crystal Edmonds, a 32-year-old African-American trans woman, was bleeding from a gunshot to the back of her head when police found her on a sidewalk on the city’s northwest side shortly after 3 a.m. Friday, Baltimore’s City Paper reports. She was taken to a hospital, where she died about 11 a.m.
Police seeking leads in the murder of Baltimore Transgender woman Crystal Edmonds
Vigil planned for transgender woman shot, killed in Baltimore
Judge weighs transgender firing involving funeral home
A federal judge in Detroit is expected to decide this month whether a Garden City funeral home violated a federal civil rights law when it fired a transgender employee who wanted to dress as a woman.
BREAKING: Pat McCrory Quietly Withdraws HB2 Lawsuit He Filed Against Federal Government, Cites Costs
Governor Pat McCrory Friday quietly withdrew the lawsuit he filed in May against the Obama administration as a response to the Dept. of Justice demand he explain if or how he will enforce HB2, his radical, extremist, far-reaching law targeting transgender people. The North Carolina governor cited costs of litigation, noting that his state is also the defendant in a lawsuit filed against him by the Dept. of Justice on similar grounds.
Anti-Trump gay rights activist is NOT responsible for the Manhattan bombing say police after blogger claimed to have carried out the attack in response to 'LGBTQ oppression'
Law enforcement discounted the blog posting that claimed responsibilty
A blog said Saturday's explosion was 'lashing out' against 'oppression'
'I am not going to live in a country where it is OK to have a misogynist, xenophobic, racist, Islamophobic, Republican candidate running for President of The United States!' the post said
'This isn't the end. This is just the beginning,' it said. 'I will be remembered. I will make a difference. I will eliminate my targets before it is too late'
The blog also encouraged LGBTQ+ people to give out 'violence and possibly oppression'
"Sou o bombista de Nova Iorque", diz autor de blog com bandeira LGBT
Ohio Trans Woman Rae'Lynn Thomas Murdered by Mother's Ex-Boyfriend
Rae'Lynn Thomas was brutally attacked by her mother's ex-boyfriend, who still lived in their Columbus home. She is the 19th trans person known to be killed in the U.S. this year.
US soldier charged with death of trans woman
The body of 36-year-old Erykah Tijerina was discovered last month in El Paso, Texas
Latina Trans Woman Found Murdered in Her Home in Texas
Texas Outlet Willfully Misgenders Transgender Murder Victim And Calls Her By The Wrong Name
Texas Court Says Trans Man Can’t Be Listed as Male on His Driver’s License
A Texas appeals court ruled last week that a transgender man isn’t entitled to change the gender marker on his driver’s license from “female” to “male.”
Police arrest man for murder of transgender woman Deeniquia Dodds
A man has been arrested for the murder of transgender woman, Deeniquia Dodds.
The woman was shot on July the 4th in Washington, but died 9 days later in hospital.
Judge tells Wisconsin School: stop making trans students wear arm bands
Ash Whitaker and mom surrounded by classmates celebrate a federal Judge’s temporary injunction ordering the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) to cease requiring him to wear an armband signifying his transgender status.
Thousands of Colombians join nationwide protest of gender ideology in public schools
Thousands marched yesterday in protests held throughout Colombia to protest a new initiative of the country’s homosexual Minister of Education to implement homosexualist and transsexualist gender ideology programs in Colombian schools.
Colombian president pulls ‘transgender education’ plan after massive protests
Chile’s Huilliche tribe: Born with two spirits
The southern Indigenous Chilean tribe celebrate gender diverse people, even if the Catholic Church have tried to stamp it out of them
This Is The Deadliest Region In The World For Trans People
On the evening of October 13, 2015, Diana Sacayán, a prominent Argentine transgender activist, was found dead in her bedroom with multiple stab wounds. Sacayán was heavily involved in the transgender rights movement in Argentina, having successfully pushed for a law establishing transgender employment quotas in the provincial government of Buenos Aires.
Morón y Lanús son los primeros en adherir a la ley provincial de cupo trans
Los dos municipios se convirtieron el pasado viernes en los dos primeros en adherir a la ley provincial de cupo trans sancionada en septiembre del año pasado, dado que sus concejos deliberantes aprobaron las resoluciones correspondientes para que también en esas administraciones públicas el 1% de los puestos laborales sean ocupados por personas transgéneros, travestis y transexuales.
This Is The Deadliest Region In The World For Trans People
On the evening of October 13, 2015, Diana Sacayán, a prominent Argentine transgender activist, was found dead in her bedroom with multiple stab wounds. Sacayán was heavily involved in the transgender rights movement in Argentina, having successfully pushed for a law establishing transgender employment quotas in the provincial government of Buenos Aires.

Mulher trans é morta no meio da rua no centro de SP
Aos 31 anos, vítima foi baleada e jogada na calçada para morrer diante de dezenas de pessoas
Lidar com assassinatos não é para qualquer um. Mas existe uma grande diferença entre ver uma pessoa morta e uma pessoa morrendo.
E foi isso que aconteceu na frente de uma dezena de pessoas por volta das 20h desta quinta-feira (15), na rua General Jardim, região central de São Paulo, ao presenciar uma travesti baleada jogada na calçada, com uma marca de bala no abdômen, de onde escorria um fio de sangue que desembocava na valeta.
Travesti é internada em estado grave na UTI após ser espancada
Uma travesti foi brutalmente espancada na madrugada dessa quinta-feira (15) e está internada em estado grave na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) do Hospital de Base. A vítima, identificada preliminarmente como Mirela, estava sem documentos e ainda não foi procurada por familiares.
Globo proíbe atriz que viverá transexual em À Flor da Pele de dar entrevistas
Caroline Duarte foi escolhida para viver uma transexual na nova novela de Glória Perez, À Flor da Pele, que tem estreia marcada para o ano que vem. A atriz, porém, está proibida de dar qualquer entrevista.
Globo blinda atriz transexual de Supermax para evitar assédio da imprensa
A assessoria de imprensa da Globo montou um esquema de segurança máxima para proteger a imagem de Maria Clara Spinelli, atriz transexual que interpreta Janette em Supermax. A série com cara de reality show estreou na terça-feira, dia 20, com 15 pontos de média.
Rafaela Manfrini é eleita Miss Trans Star International 2016
A Miss Brasil, Rafaela Manfrini, concorreu com candidatas de vários países, também venceu na categoria Miss Elegância, o concurso foi realizado na Espanha.
Measures to tackle Leeds transgender clinic waits
Measures aimed at cutting the time transgender people have to wait for a consultation at an NHS gender identity clinic (GIC) have been introduced.
Stumped by transgender pension case, UK top court seeks EU help
A complex legal dispute involving a transgender woman's pension rights over a period when her gender had not been officially recognized has divided Britain's Supreme Court, which referred the issue on Wednesday to the European Union's top court.
UK Top Court Split On Transgender Woman's Pension Right
Trans sports clubs: When swimming and playing football is a revolutionary act
All Roberta Francis wanted was a peaceful place to swim. But, writes Kashmira Gander, what she has created has transformed into so much more
Trans Woman Attacked with “Allahu Akbar” Chants in Mersin
Two assailants in Mersin’s Pozcu district attacked a trans woman with a knife and iron rod, shouting “Allahu Akbar” [“God is Great”]. It was learned that the police did not take action regarding the two people who attacked the trans woman saying “We’re going to kill all of you.”
Sibel, trans femme : « J’ai tué pour ne pas être tuée »
Sibel, trans femme, n’est ni la première, ni la dernière victime d’une totale injustice. Elle est aujourd’hui en prison. Son histoire recoupe celle de nombreuses trans femmes, et elle traverse les mêmes difficultés et injustices aussi bien dans sa vie, que dans son expérience du juridique et du carcéral.
Trans Woman Burned and Murdered in Turkey
Hande Kader, a trans woman based in Istanbul, disappeared a week ago. Her friends and lover filed a missing person’s announcement. Hande Kader’s burned body was found in Zekeriyaköy.
YouTuber Gigi Gorgeous detained in Dubai for being transgender
YouTuber and model Gigi Gorgeous was detained at a Dubai airport for being transgender, TMZ reports.
First woman seeks sex-change surgery in UAE
An Emirati woman has sought leave to have a sex change operation in what would be a first for the United Arab Emirates, newspapers reported on Tuesday.
After being diagnosed with HIV, transgender person forced to live on Peshawar street
According to Trans Action Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the LRH referred the patient to Hayatabad Medical Complex after she was diagnosed with the disease.
However, it said that the patient was not provided any assistance and that she was abandoned by all care providers.
The transgender person, identified as Dewani, is currently living on the road near garbage dump in Dallazak area.
Cast aside: Community shuns HIV positive transgender person in Peshawar
Targeted community: Transgender groups fall prey to criminals
Three groups of people who are transgender were attacked over the course of a single night in the provincial capital.
Tales From The Dark Side: The Secret Life Of A Transgender Woman In Pakistan
Her conversion was smooth. She just loved dancing. She must be God’s favorite child as He chose to give her the family she’s happy with, who often see famished nights with tales untold. Having spent more than 25 years in Sargodha, dancing and stealing the shows everywhere, it’s time she changes things, or to be honest, restarts things; as few incidents have been life changing for a pure soul like her.
'I wasn’t made to be raped and ridiculed' - trans woman makes a stand in Pakistan
Despite being recognised as the third gender, the marginalised hijiras of Pakistan suffer violence and abuse. Now one brave woman is demanding justice
‘Transgender’ wife: A bizarre case of alimony lands in apex court
In a strange case of marriage annulment, payment of haq mehar and demand of alimony, the Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a notice to a transgender person who was married off as a woman to a resident of Multan region.
Hijras want the new Transgender Bill scrapped
The transgender community, commonly known as hijras, has demanded that the new Transgender Persons Bill, 2016, be scrapped, for a number of reasons, including the fact that it is silent on the subject of granting them reservation in education and jobs under the Other Backward Classes category.
Signalling change: Transgenders to discipline traffic violators in Delhi
The next time you violate a traffic rule in Lutyens' Delhi, a transgender would be there to correct your mistake with a chocolate or a flower
[Sri Lanka]
Sri Lanka: Challenging ‘Gender Norms’ Brings Abuse
Transgender people and others who do not conform to social expectations about gender face discrimination and abuse in Sri Lanka, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
Indonesia says 'no room' for LGBT rights movement
The LGBT community is tolerated in Indonesia but recently suffered a public backlash when a government minister said that LGBT people should be barred from university campuses
The Piety of Shinta Ratri: When Militant Islamists Attacked a Transgender Madrasa, They Attacked Pluralism Itself
I met Shinta Ratri 10 days after her life’s work had unraveled before her eyes. She quietly introduced herself as she fumbled to light a cigarette. The mood was different from six years earlier, when dozens of reporters had flocked to Indonesia, home to more Muslims than any other country, to profile Shinta’s unique creation — the world’s only Islamic school run by and for transgender women. In early March, we sat on a terrace to discuss how militant Islamists had forced her to shut down her beloved Al-Fatah Pesantren as an unprecedented anti-LGBT campaign across the country reached fever pitch.
Trans man and musician Aiza Seguerra takes senior job in government of the Philippines
A trans man takes a senior position despite Philippines' president's homophobic remarks
Philippines AirAsia open to transgender applicants
Budget carrier Philippines AirAsia announced on Sunday it is open to transgender applicants across all company positions, as part of its move to promote gender equality in the workplace.
Mother who found her son trying to cut off his penis at age four will give her child, now 12, puberty-blocking drugs so she grows up as a woman
Australian schoolgirl Emma Hayes started her life as a boy named Ronan
The 12-year-old is set to undergo medical treatment to become a woman
She will take a hormone drug to stop her going through puberty as a boy
Her mother found her then-son trying to cut off his penis at aged four
Monday night's Australian Story: Trans teen takes on the courts
Transgender teenager Georgie Stone is featured on Monday night’s episode of the ABC’s Australian Story, showing how she battles prejudice and legal challenges as she takes on the system to make life easier for other transgender kids and their families.
‘If my voice broke it would have changed my life’
New sexual health resource for trans men nothing to Grunt at
The campaign was created because there was a gap in sexual health awareness for trans men
Kids, 5, in sex-change stories uni research trial
Children as young as five have been used for storytime sessions featuring books with transgender characters, introducing concepts ranging from cross-dressing to gender reassignment surgery, as part of a university study being used to advocate for the expansion of the Safe Schools program into primary schools.
Trans resource to be developed for homeless services
The online resource will ensure homeless services are trained to support trans and gender diverse Australians at risk of homelessness.
[New Zealand]
Cannabis campaigner and transgender activist confirm bid for Dunedin mayoralty
A cannabis campaigner and a transgender activist are taking on the "old boy network" as they run for the Dunedin mayoralty.
Trans activist runs for Dunedin mayoralty
[New Zealand]
Akl Transport pulls "transphobic" section of new ad
Auckland Transport has removed a section of their new ad campaign from cinemas and online distribution after being approached by a concerned group of people who say a portion of the ad was “transphobic”.
[New Zealand]
New Plymouth transgender student starts petition for trousers to be part of school uniform
A transgender student is campaigning for one of New Plymouth's biggest school's to change its dress code to include trousers.
Trans March returning to Ottawa Pride after a decade
Organizers plan event ‘by the trans community, for the trans community.
‘Exploited’: Ottawa Gay Pride names gender-confused 10-year-old grand marshal
Trans athlete takes fight to Ontario Human Rights Tribunal
For years, Kristen Worley has fought for a place for trans athletes in international sporting competitions. Now she’s taken her fight to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.
City removes bus shelter ads about transgender people in public washrooms
Transgender advocates say with city's new pro-LGBTQ pledge, the ads never should have been there to begin with
Hamilton hopes to soothe relations with transgender community after bus ad
Hamilton city council asks for report on trans-phobic HSR ads
Trans children: Montreal has resources to help families come to terms
Parents, teachers and doctors should stop treating children and teens who buck gender stereotypes as if there is something wrong with them, says a Montreal doctor who treats transgender youth.
Ontario considers more gender changes for IDs
Ontario is considering more changes to the collection and display of gender information on government documents, not long after announcing gender-neutral driver's licences and health cards.
'Like a slap in the face': Winnipegger slams rules for transgender blood donations
Activist speaks out against Canadian Blood Services’ new rules for trans donors
Re(Assignment) premieres with Michelle Rodriguez in a ‘sewer stained’ transface tragedy
Clutching her vagina screaming “NO” after punitive penis removal, a bloodied and “Sewer Stained” Re(Assignment) ‘victim’ cisgender actress Michelle Rodriguez believes trans people shouldn’t criticize her transface role because she is bisexual.
Sex change horror movie that shows Michelle Rodriguez being forcibly changed from a man into a woman is accused of being 'transphobic and exploitative' (and terrible!)
Michelle Rodriguez says trans people need to "calm down," '(Re) Assignment' is not "deep"
Toronto: This Michelle Rodriguez Sex-Change Thriller Is a Total Disasterpiece
The Shared Danger of Supporting anti Trans Bathroom Bills
A Dominican woman who was detained with men when entering the states three years ago is is suing for 5 million dollars. Fiordaliza Pichardo was arrested at Miami’s international airport on what attorneys say was a decades-old drug trafficking charge that was later dismissed. The $5m suit names the Miami-Dade corrections department as a defendant.
Lesbian booted out of women’s bathroom at L.A. music hall after guard insisted she was a man
Jeffrey Tambor asks Hollywood to ‘give trans actors a chance’ during Emmy speech
The Transparent star says he would be happy to be the last cisgender actor playing a transgender character.
American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create ‘Kill The Gays’ Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity
Most of us go our entire lives without ever standing trial for crimes against humanity. Then again, most of us aren’t notorious bigot Pastor Scott Lively, whose life work seems to be to ask the question: “How can I make gay people miserable across the world?”
1 in 5 in Juvenile Justice System Are LGBTQ; DOJ Report Offers Recommendations
As Pride Month came to a close and in the shadow of the Orlando tragedy, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), part of the U.S. Department of Justice, released a report about LGBTQ youth within the juvenile justice system. The report, “Creating and Sustaining Fair and Beneficial Environments for LGBTQ Youth,” summarizes listening sessions that occurred over two days in late 2014 between the OJJDP and over fifty-five participants including researchers, practitioners, and youth experts from across the nation. OJJDP is currently preparing to update regulations for federal juvenile justice grants, and NCTE joins other youth advocates in urging the agency to incorporate key recommendations from this report, such as LGBT nondiscrimination requirements, into OJJDP’s grant rules.
Transgender actress Jen Richards joins the cast of Nashville
Transgender actress Jen Richards is going country in Nashville! Nashville season 5 that is.
Emmy-nominated writer, actress and producer Jen Richards (Her Story, Doubt) has Joined the cast of “Nashville in a recurring part for the series fifth season.
HUD Extends Nondiscrimination Protection at Homeless Shelters to Transgender People
“This new rule will ensure equal access to the very programs that help to prevent homelessness for persons who are routinely forced to choose between being placed in facilities against their gender identity or living on our streets.” HUD Secretary Julián Castro said in a statement.
Vigil held in honor of murdered Fresno transgender woman
Casey Haggard was killed nearly one year ago
Dozens march in honor of transgender woman killed in Fresno last year
Police: Transgender woman stabbed in NE DC
Police are investigating after a transgender woman was stabbed several times in northeast DC Tuesday.
Arrested cis woman fails vagina inspection, jailed with 40 men in common cell; files $ 5 million lawsuit
Historically, doctors delivering babies could not always correctly determine the gender of newborns they delivered by just looking, resulting in tragic consequences for perhaps hundreds of thousands of people. Miami-Dade corrections officials, however felt they were up to the task playing “guess the gender” of their inmates using the same failed techniques.
Transgender students speak out about Teacher Suspended for Bullying Them
Angel Villanueva was suspended from his teaching position at East Lee County High because an investigation found the teacher tried forcing his religious beliefs regarding sexual orientation and gender identity on his students.
Transgender Prisoner Sues Florida to Get Hormone Treatments
A transgender prisoner sued the Florida Department of Corrections on Monday to demand hormone treatments that she said were promised when she pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree murder.
Georgia Advocates Launch New Tool to Monitor Discrimination Against Transgender Students
As Georgia students return to school, five LGBT advocacy groups have introduced a new resource called the Georgia Transgender Student Rights Watch.
4 months, $140,000 later, transgender stroke victim admitted by nursing home
The minimum cost for lack of discharge options for transgender Des Moines woman: $141,615
Trial continues for suspect accused of killing transgender person at Louisville hotel
Testimony continued for a third day Monday in the trial of a man accused of murdering a transgender victim at a south Louisville hotel.
Witness says suspect Henry Gleaves shot and killed transgender prostitute
Closing arguments underway in transgender murder trial

Trans Woman Murdered in Baltimore Is 21st This Year, Equaling 2015's Total
A Baltimore transgender woman has died of a gunshot wound, bringing the number of reported murders of transgender people in 2016 to 21 — the total reported for all of last year.
Crystal Edmonds, a 32-year-old African-American trans woman, was bleeding from a gunshot to the back of her head when police found her on a sidewalk on the city’s northwest side shortly after 3 a.m. Friday, Baltimore’s City Paper reports. She was taken to a hospital, where she died about 11 a.m.
Police seeking leads in the murder of Baltimore Transgender woman Crystal Edmonds
Vigil planned for transgender woman shot, killed in Baltimore
Judge weighs transgender firing involving funeral home
A federal judge in Detroit is expected to decide this month whether a Garden City funeral home violated a federal civil rights law when it fired a transgender employee who wanted to dress as a woman.
BREAKING: Pat McCrory Quietly Withdraws HB2 Lawsuit He Filed Against Federal Government, Cites Costs
Governor Pat McCrory Friday quietly withdrew the lawsuit he filed in May against the Obama administration as a response to the Dept. of Justice demand he explain if or how he will enforce HB2, his radical, extremist, far-reaching law targeting transgender people. The North Carolina governor cited costs of litigation, noting that his state is also the defendant in a lawsuit filed against him by the Dept. of Justice on similar grounds.
Anti-Trump gay rights activist is NOT responsible for the Manhattan bombing say police after blogger claimed to have carried out the attack in response to 'LGBTQ oppression'
Law enforcement discounted the blog posting that claimed responsibilty
A blog said Saturday's explosion was 'lashing out' against 'oppression'
'I am not going to live in a country where it is OK to have a misogynist, xenophobic, racist, Islamophobic, Republican candidate running for President of The United States!' the post said
'This isn't the end. This is just the beginning,' it said. 'I will be remembered. I will make a difference. I will eliminate my targets before it is too late'
The blog also encouraged LGBTQ+ people to give out 'violence and possibly oppression'
"Sou o bombista de Nova Iorque", diz autor de blog com bandeira LGBT
Ohio Trans Woman Rae'Lynn Thomas Murdered by Mother's Ex-Boyfriend
Rae'Lynn Thomas was brutally attacked by her mother's ex-boyfriend, who still lived in their Columbus home. She is the 19th trans person known to be killed in the U.S. this year.
US soldier charged with death of trans woman
The body of 36-year-old Erykah Tijerina was discovered last month in El Paso, Texas
Latina Trans Woman Found Murdered in Her Home in Texas
Texas Outlet Willfully Misgenders Transgender Murder Victim And Calls Her By The Wrong Name
Texas Court Says Trans Man Can’t Be Listed as Male on His Driver’s License
A Texas appeals court ruled last week that a transgender man isn’t entitled to change the gender marker on his driver’s license from “female” to “male.”
Police arrest man for murder of transgender woman Deeniquia Dodds
A man has been arrested for the murder of transgender woman, Deeniquia Dodds.
The woman was shot on July the 4th in Washington, but died 9 days later in hospital.
Judge tells Wisconsin School: stop making trans students wear arm bands
Ash Whitaker and mom surrounded by classmates celebrate a federal Judge’s temporary injunction ordering the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) to cease requiring him to wear an armband signifying his transgender status.
Thousands of Colombians join nationwide protest of gender ideology in public schools
Thousands marched yesterday in protests held throughout Colombia to protest a new initiative of the country’s homosexual Minister of Education to implement homosexualist and transsexualist gender ideology programs in Colombian schools.
Colombian president pulls ‘transgender education’ plan after massive protests
Chile’s Huilliche tribe: Born with two spirits
The southern Indigenous Chilean tribe celebrate gender diverse people, even if the Catholic Church have tried to stamp it out of them
This Is The Deadliest Region In The World For Trans People
On the evening of October 13, 2015, Diana Sacayán, a prominent Argentine transgender activist, was found dead in her bedroom with multiple stab wounds. Sacayán was heavily involved in the transgender rights movement in Argentina, having successfully pushed for a law establishing transgender employment quotas in the provincial government of Buenos Aires.
Morón y Lanús son los primeros en adherir a la ley provincial de cupo trans
Los dos municipios se convirtieron el pasado viernes en los dos primeros en adherir a la ley provincial de cupo trans sancionada en septiembre del año pasado, dado que sus concejos deliberantes aprobaron las resoluciones correspondientes para que también en esas administraciones públicas el 1% de los puestos laborales sean ocupados por personas transgéneros, travestis y transexuales.