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quinta-feira, maio 31, 2007

Universités buissonnières
Un peu à l'écart de Marseille, cette grande marmite à idées que sont les Universités d'été euro-méditerranéennes des homosexualités (UEEH) se préparent à brasser une incroyable quantité de personnes, de savoirs et d'expériences.

Transsexualisme précoce: Entre invisibilité et tabou
Dix ans après «Ma vie en rose», le film d'Alain Berliner qui racontait l'histoire d'un petit garçon qui se voulait fille, semant le désarroi dans sa famille, la question du transsexualisme chez les jeunes enfants reste tabou. Pourtant, aux Pays-Bas et bientôt en Allemagne, des équipes se mettent en place pour assurer la prise en charge des pré-adolescents dans leur démarche de transition sexuelle. Et en Suisse?

Ante la noticia por tres años de cárcel por perjurio a la pareja formada por una mujer y un hombre transexual en Pakistán, la Confederación Española COLEGAS de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales exige al gobierno Español, que medie ante Pakistán para hacer cumplir los derechos fundamentales de la pareja condenada.

Interpellation d'homosexuel à Moscou
La police russe a interpellé dimanche 27 mais des homosexuels qui tentaient de remettre une pétition en faveur de l'organisation d'une "Gay Pride" au maire de Moscou, Iouri Loujkov, qui a qualifié ce genre de défilé d'"acte satanique".

Inedita Resolucion del Ministerio de Salud Bonaerense a favor de la Identidad de las Travestis en hospitales publicos
El ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires pondrá en vigencia el próximo 5 de junio la Resolución 2359, una medida inédita a nivel provincial, por la cual se requiere a todos los trabajadores y profesionales de los hospitales designar con el nombre de elección, ya sea masculino o femenino, a las personas travestis o transexuales que asistan como pacientes.

Methodists tackle transition issue in clergy sex changes
The reappointment of a Baltimore pastor who underwent a sex-change operation is forcing local Methodists to grapple with a new issue: What to do when clergy begin their careers as one sex, then switch to the other?

Church to hold transgender forum
Male-to-female minister will preach at service

Stanton dominates day of meeting and greeting
It was billed as an ensemble performance, but there was only one star in Tuesday's daylong meet-and-greet for the five final candidates under consideration for the job of Sarasota city manager.
Sarasota Officials Consider Fired Largo Manager
Here are three factors that probably will help determine whether Susan Stanton becomes Sarasota's next city manager: Communication skills, budget know-how and experience as a city manager in Florida.
Sarasota leaders navigate media horde to interview Stanton, four other candidates for city manager post
Sarasota prepares to select city manager
It won't be long now before we know who will be chosen as Sarasota's next city manager, Susan Stanton hopes the city commission chooses her.
Susan Stanton seeks to ease concerns about transgender spotlight
Susan Stanton, interviewing for the Sarasota city manager job today, sought to allay concerns about her transgender notoriety.
Sarasota takes a pass on Stanton
It may have been one of the highest profile hunts for a new city manager in history. For weeks, the speculation has swirled around Susan - formerly Steve - Stanton, and her application to be Sarasota's new city manager.
Fired transsexual not picked for new job
Steve Stanton was fired as city manager in Largo two months ago after announcing his plans to become Susan Stanton. On Wednesday, Stanton, wearing a white skirt, pumps and makeup, applied for the top job in this more cosmopolitan tourist town, and was turned down.
Fired Trans City Manager Misses Bid For New Job
The city manager of Largo, Florida who was fired after revealing plans to begin sex reassignment, has lost a bid for a new job as city manager in Sarasota.

[USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
Conservative Takes On Trans "Threat"
Conservatives have spent countless hours, dollars and tears trying to combat the wicked gay agenda. Considering their "sacrifice" for the greater American good, one would expect they'd get some sort of payback. And they are - just not the payback they hoped. There's a new agenda on the horizon and it's more horrifying than any homo.

[USA] [News/Commentary]
Congress could create thought crimes with bill
EARLY in our Republic, James Madison declared that no American would be punished for his "thoughts." Madison never anticipated Democrat John Conyers, the Michigan congressman who, on a vote of 237 to 180 in the House, has successfully passed his Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. If approved by the Senate, which is likely, the current federal law providing longer sentences for perpetrators of violence on the basis of race, religion, color or national origin will be expanded to include sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or disability.

[USA] [Interview/Science]
When a Person Is Neither XX nor XY: A Q&A with Geneticist Eric Vilain
Eric Vilain discusses the biology and politics of mixed-sex individuals, arguing that terms such as "hermaphrodite" and "intersex" are vague and hurtful.

quarta-feira, maio 30, 2007

Condenada a ser violada porque su marido abusó sexualmente de una niña
Una mujer de una localidad del centro de Pakistán ha huido de su casa tras dictaminar un consejo tribal que ha de ser violada por el padre de una menor de la que abusó su marido, en un caso que ninguna de las familias afectadas ha planteado a la Policía, informó hoy la prensa.

Gender reassignment doctor still allowed to practice
The UK's leading gender identity psychiatrist has had charges of serious professional misconduct against him upheld.
The General Medical Council found 63-year-old consultant Dr. Russell Reid guilty, but chose not to bar him from the medical profession.

Cambridge votes in first transgender mayor
The city of Cambridge has become the first place in the UK to have a transgender mayor.

Où mettre Leïla ?
Sous le coup d'une éventuelle condamnation à de la prison ferme, le cas de Leïla, transsexuel dionysien bien connu, se révèle être unique. Et soulève de nombreuses interrogations sur les conditions d'emprisonnement. Aujourd'hui, la loi française n'apporte pas de réponse. Face à ce vide juridique et aux difficultés matérielles, les prisons essuient les plâtres. Et pour seule solution : le quartier d'isolement.

Il fatto che le associazioni Gay e Lesbiche non siano state invitate al convegno sulla famiglia è un fatto vergognosamente noto, ma quello che è successo propio all'interno del convegno è degno di nota, tristemente degno di nota:

A Moscou, la Gay Pride attire les foudres
Arrestations et heurts ont marqué la deuxième édition de la manifestation décriée.

HIV affected meet Indian parliamentarians
Excerpt: "The situation for transgender people is even worse," warned Elizabeth. Existing discrimination on the basis of sexuality is compounded by the ignorance and fear that surrounds AIDS.

Eunuchs adopt female babies to prevent foeticide
Taking the lead in preventing female foeticide, eunuchs in Madhya Pradesh have started adopting female babies of indigent parents.

Travestis piden un cambio en el Código de Faltas
"No queremos enfrentarnos a la sociedad: al contrario, queremos ser parte de la sociedad. Queremos insertarnos para que seguir siendo nosotros mismos no implique un daño a la moral", dijo ayer Zulema Paredes, para explicar el petitorio formal que entregarán mañana en la Cámara de Diputados de la provincia.
Zulema Paredes tiene 43 años, es travesti, y quien preside la Asociación Civil Acercándonos, que en San Juan representa a Crefor (Crear y Fortalecer).

La parada de los monstruos y la exposición de hermafroditas de Alice D
Alice Dreger, una de los activistas más conocidas de EEUU para la causa de l*s intersexuales (ella no es intersexual) dará una conferencia sobre "los trastornos del desarrollo sexual" (la nueva terminología que utiliza los especialistas después de las recomendaciones de Dreger). Esta conferencia forma parte de la exposición siguiente: El museo del arte Kresge "Circo: El arte del extraño y del insólito" y terminará con la pelicula "Freaks" (La parada de los monstruos)

Transgender status unlikely to derail Stanton
The Sarasota manager job will go to the most qualified candidate, leaders say. Their top pick and a runner up will be announced Wednesday.
Transgender candidate interviews for Sarasota job
Although Sarasota commissioners are interviewing a total of five candidates for the city manager job, the reason the media is out in force is because Susan Stanton is one of the finalists.

Identity Crisis: A Transgender Minister Reappointed to Lead Church
The Rev. Drew Phoenix, formerly the Rev. Ann Gordon, has been reappointed to lead St John's United Methodist Church in Baltimore after last week's annual conference.
Pastors Seek To Defrock Transsexual Minister
A group of United Methodist pastors in the Baltimore area want a church court to review the reappointment of a transgender man to lead a congregation in the city.

2007 CA Transgender Leadership Summit Plenaries Now Available Online
Almost three hours of free video documenting groundbreaking transgender activist conference

terça-feira, maio 29, 2007

Comunicado de Imprensa Panteras Rosa

Violência anti-gays em Moscovo, durante a presença de Sócrates

"O movimento Panteras Rosa, Frente de Combate à LesbiGayTransfobia, vem por esta via manifestar o seu protesto contra as autoridades russas, pela forma vergonhosa como abdicaram de intervir quer relativamente à proibição, pela Câmara Municipal de Moscovo, da Marcha pelos direitos da comunidade Lésbica, Gay, Bissexual e Transgénero (LGBT), quer perante o bárbaro ataque de que ontem foram vítimas os manifestantes que se manifestavam contra aquela proibição.

Porém, mais vergonhosa ainda do que a impunidade dos elementos ultra-religiosos e de extrema-direita que atacaram esta Marcha - no contexto actual da política russa em que todas as expressões de oposição ao regime de Putin têm, como é sabido, sido calados pela repressão policial e prisão de dirigentes da oposição - é o silêncio insuportável da União Europeia, que em nome dos acordos comerciais em negociação com aquele país, cala fundo as violações dos Direitos Humanos.

A presença e o silêncio de José Sócrates, que se encontrava em Moscovo e está à beira de assumir a presidência da União, não são senão o comprovativo do duplo peso e dupla medida da União Europeia, cuja retórica parece só evocar os Direitos Humanos e a sua violação quando os grandes interesses comerciais e financeiros não são afectados.

Em pleno "Ano Europeu para a Igualdade de Oportunidades", comemorado com pompa e circunstância pelos governos europeus, a não-atitude do primeiro-ministro português é um sinal particularmente hipócrita que permite antever o que será, em termos de promoção e defesa dos Direitos Humanos no mundo, a presidência portuguesa da União Europeia, e de como a Europa hoje em construção, a tal dos "princípios humanistas" e dos "Direitos Humanos", só tem lugar quando não prejudica o negócio.

Ontem foi um dia de vergonha para as autoridades russas. Mas foi também um dia de vergonha para José Sócrates e para a União Europeia. E não deixaremos de o lembrar!

Punches and kicks flew, eggs and insults were hurled, and several global gay rights supporters were arrested Sunday as activists defied a state ban and briefly staged Moscow's second ever Gay Pride march.
Peter Tatchell speaks out after his violent Moscow assault
"I'm not deterred one iota from coming back to protest in Moscow," Peter Tatchell told from Moscow, just hours after he was attacked by suspected neo-Nazis and then arrested by the Russian riot police the OMON. "Gay Russians need overseas support to protect them against state and neo-Nazi violence."
Photo: Peter Tatchell shortly after the attack
Fermati l'eurodeputato Cappato, altri parlamentari e militanti per il Gay pride
Vietato dal sindaco, contestato violentemente dagli estremisti (naziskin compresi) e neutralizzato dalla polizia: il gay pride di Mosca ha avuto la stessa sorte dello scorso anno, con la differenza di una minore partecipazione: i fermi di alcuni deputati europei, tra cui l'italiano *Marco Cappato*, hanno tuttavia fatto rimbalzare la notizia in tutta Europa, con vivaci reazioni politiche contro l'ennesima violazione dei diritti umani in Russia.
Gay Pride à Moscou: un député italien et un député allemand libérés
Un député italien du Parlement européen, Marco Capatto, et un député du Bundestag, Volker Beck, arrêtés dimanche à Moscou alors qu'ils se préparaient à participer à un rassemblement gay, ont été libérés, ont indiqué un responsable de l'ambassade d'Italie et un site de la communauté gay russe.

Pakistan couple jailed for lying about husband's sex
A Pakistani court sent a couple to jail for three years on Monday on the grounds that they had lied about the sex of the husband who was a transsexual.

Transgenders in Tamil Nadu get more than government help
While the state has banned discrimination against transsexuals, two agencies are offering free courses.

Suspect Nabbed In Transgender Murder Case
Police have arrested a suspect in the two-month-old Graciela Carrasco Berríos murder case. Carrasco, a 54-year-old transgender sex worker, was beaten to death this past March in an outlying district of Santiago.

E.L. woman leading way as intersex advocate
Medical intervention not necessarily best, she says.

Male, female, or other? The assault of the "transgendered" agenda
Excerpt: Increasingly, the public's understanding of what "Christianity" is all about is being shaped by this lobby of sexual anarchy. We can't continue to ignore that this is happening, and that it is a purposeful and deliberate campaign.... . In public policy matters, sexual orientation rights now often trump religious constitutional rights. The reason? We're not the "good" believers. Biblical Christianity is being marginalized. ..

segunda-feira, maio 28, 2007

Outra série, esta focando mais os agentes secretos e toda uma parafernália futurista de instrumentos para levarem a bom termo as missões, que invariavelmente salvavam o mundo de autênticos super vilões. Um pouco a seguir a onda do primeiro James Bond. Penso que esta será de 1968.

Autoridades detêm militantes e deputados atacados em manifestação em Moscovo

Uma manifestação em prol da causa homossexual em Moscovo degenerou em violência. A polícia anti-motim deteve vários activistas e deputados europeus que participavam na mobilização.

Sex Swap Jail Row
A PRISONER undergoing sex swap treatment has been moved to an all-women's jail - despite still being a man.

«XXY», l'amour a deux sexes
Il est bien connu que l'adolescence est un moment où la sexualité est censée choisir son camp. Quitte à en changer ultérieurement. Le dilemme devient plus complexe quand on porte en soi la possibilité des deux sexes.

Alexis Arquette: "Soy feliz siendo una mujer transexual"
Hermano de Rosanna, Patricia y David Arquette, Alexis (Los Ángeles, 1969) nació Robert en una familia de actores, y a los 13 años se cambió el nombre. Hace cinco decidió presentarse ante el mundo como mujer, y hace tres empezó a filmar Alexis Arquette: she's my brother, un documental sobre los miedos, terapias y desencuentros de un transexual en Hollywood. Tras estrenarlo en el Festival de Tribeca, quiere emitirlo sin censura en televisión.

[MO, USA] [Commentary]
Transmission – Be Proud, and Speak Up
For many members of the Kansas City area LGBT population, Pride is one weekend each year. However, this really shouldn't be the case.

domingo, maio 27, 2007

Mais uma série da minha infância, desta vez demonstrando claramente a paranóia colectiva existente nesses tempos sobre a vida extraterrestre, neste caso os marcianos. Como era hábito, na altura, as séries revelavam quase invariavelmente os aliens como inimigos declarados da humanidade. Esta penso ser de 1967

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
English psychiatrist drowns whilst rearranging deckchairs...
Well there's been some excitement in the world of "trans" health politics this week as Dr Russell Reid has been found guilty of serious professional misconduct. From what I hear he was somewhat "cavalier" in his approach and so it's no surprise that he got stuffed by the medical establishment and a few disgruntled patients.

Boatyard is sued by sex swap millionaire
A sex-swap millionaire and bosses at a North-East boatyard have become embroiled in a legal battle over a motor cruiser.

[France] [Film]
Critics Week grand prize to 'XXY'
Lucia Puenzo's "XXY" will take home the grand prize for the Festival de Cannes' Critics Week sidebar, organizers announced Friday night.
Dos argentinos fueron premiados en Cannes
El joven Gonzalo Tobal, de 25 años, recibió el galardón por su corto Ahora todos parecen contentos. "Estoy muy contento", indicó tras recibir la distinción. Lucía Puenzo recibió tres distinciones en la Semana de la Crítica por su filme XXY
La argentina Lucía Puenzo conquista tres premios en La Semana de la Crítica
La directora argentina Lucía Puenzo ganó hoy con su filme "XXY" sobre la intersexualidad el Gran Premio de La Semana de la Crítica, el premio Apoyo ACID/CCAS, el Gran Rail D'Or y una mención del Premio Regard Jeunes, informaron los organizadores de esta sección paralela del Festival de Cannes.

L'Inghilterra ha il suo primo sindaco transessuale
La Gran Bretagna ha il suo primo "sindaco" transessuale: Jenny Bailey, 45 anni, liberal democratica, ha prestato giuramento, diventando la prima cittadina di Cambridge. Bailey, che è stata sposata ed ha due figli di 20 e 18 anni, si è sottoposta all'operazione per cambiare sesso una decina di anni fa. La sua partner, anche transessuale, è l'ex consigliere comunale Jennifer Liddle.

Breakfast on Pluto
Gli occhi di Cillian Murphy. Solo quegli occhi che, sotto un pesante trucco femminile evocano in parte quelli di Bette Davis tra impenetrabili lampi luciferini e commoventi ingenuità, potrebbero riassumere perfettamente il personagio di Patrick\Kitten, il travestito 'alieno' nella cattolicissima Irlanda a cavallo tra gli anni sessanta e gli anni settanta, dilaniata dall'insorgere della guerra civile tra cattolici e protestanti e dalla degenerazione bombarola dell'IRA, l'organizzazione terroristica irlandese di cui Neil Jordan si era già occupato, sempre incrociandola con il tema dell'identità sessuale, in quello che rimane il suo film più famoso e riuscito, La moglie del soldato.

Una trans candidata a sindaco di Verona, una lesbica al consiglio comunale di Lucca, due gay a Genova e Pistoia: ecco i loro programmi.

[Paesi Bassi]
Al via il Transgender Film Festival
Lanterna magica Ad Amsterdam si svolge la rassegna cinematografica, che ospita anche mostre e eventi musicali, dedicata al movimento e al mondo Glbt. Un appuntamento a cui parteciperanno attivisti, politici e artisti per discutere anche di diritti.

10,000 Baht stolen from English Man at ATM Machine
A story now that is related to the bar crackdown currently going on here in Pattaya. On Friday Night the girlfriend of Mr. Nigel Willard aged 45 from England was arrested by Police at a Karaoke Bar in Soi Chayapoon in Central Pattaya.

Many Thai Kratoeys In Pataya Hope For Legal Recognition
Visitors to Thailand may soon be asked to fill out immigration forms asking them to which of three genders they belong: male, female or other.
The third category is designed to embrace transsexuals, Thailand's high-profile community of mostly androgynous citizens called, in Thai, Katoeys.

Transexual apela sentencia por trata de personas
Nueve años y dos meses de prisión deberá "pagar" por supuestamente someter a su cuñada al comercio carnal
Chorli Jeaneth Hernández Vega, de 41 años, no sólo perderá nueve años y dos meses de su libertad por la autoría de trata de personas y otros delitos, sino también sus bienes, porque la juez Segundo Penal de Juicio, Adela Cardoza Bravo, la condenó a indemnizar a su víctima conel 30 por ciento de sus ingresos anuales, aunque obviamente estando presa la acusada no va a ganar nada.

Detienen a asesino de transexual
La Brigada de Homicidios (BH) de la Región Metropolitana capturó esta mañana al asesino de la transexual Graciela Carrasco Berríos, tras una extensa jornada de seguimiento que culminó con la colaboración del Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh)
La transexual Graciela Carrasco Berríos, quien fue brutalmente asesinada el anterior 16 de marzo, está alcanzando justicia luego que la Brigada de Homicidios (BH) de la Policía de Investigaciones detuviera ayer al homicida, identificado como Hugo Andrés Monsalves Troncoso.

Man sentenced to life in transvestite slaying
A man was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the first-degree murder of a transvestite found bludgeoned to death last April in his trailer in Wayne County's Canton Township.

Arrest Made In 2-Year Old Arizona Gay Murder
A 23- year old Yuma man has been arrested in the 2005 killing of Amancio Corrales.

Chicago Woman Denied Access to Homeless Shelter Because She is a Lesbian
A Chicago woman denied access to a city-funded homeless shelter on a cold November evening because she is a lesbian is challenging the blatant discrimination she experienced.

[OR, USA] [Film/Events]
Transgendered Movie To Open Gay Documentary Film Fest in Portland
A film that chronicles the close yet sometimes strained relationship between identical twins Mark and Alex as Alex undergoes a transformation into a woman named Clair has been selected to open the Portland Queer Documentary Film Festival, QDoc, which gets underway on June 1.
Red Without Blue , the debut feature documentary for directors Brooke Sebold, Benita Sills, and Todd Sills, was premiered in January at the Slamdance Film Festival and picked-up the Audience Award for the best documentary feature.

sábado, maio 26, 2007

Esta era outra das séries de marionetas da minha infância. Outras das que, como disse, me fizeram gostar de sci-fi e me abriram os horizontes para conseguir aceitar muita coisa estranha que me apareceu no futuro (hoje passado, mas ainda não acabou) e por isso me fizeram aceitar uma diversidade enorme de vivências. Data de 1964, penso eu, esta série em supermarionation. Aqui lhes deixo a introdução e os créditos finais juntos.

Sex change doctor guilty of misconduct
The UK's best-known expert on transsexualism was today found guilty of serious professional misconduct for rushing five patients into sex-changing treatments, but avoided being struck off.
Sex change doctor avoids dismissal
Transsexual patients of a consultant psychiatrist found guilty of serious professional misconduct have hailed a decision by the industry watchdog not to strike him off as "life-saving".
[Letters] Regrets - but only a few - about gender reassignment
Many in the UK trans community have been watching the Russell Reid case closely (Mistaken identity, May 23) and are tired of the media fascination with a tiny minority who have undergone gender transition and then regretted it. The nine or 10 cases in the glare of the media need to be seen in the context of the 2,100 people who have successfully applied for legal recognition in their acquired gender in the UK. Few clinical processes could better a negative outcome rate of five in every 1,000. Indeed, a review of over 70 clinical studies on sex reassignment from over 2,000 patients in 13 countries and spanning 30 years concluded that gender reassignment reaps considerable benefits in terms of quality of life for people with gender dysphoria, with 1.7% regretting the decision (Pflafflin and Junge, 1998).
Dr Russell Reid leaves the GMC, accompanied by some of his transgender supporters, after being found guilty of serious professional misconduct. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA

Past, Present, Future - From Women's Studies to Post-Gender Research Umeå 14-17 June 2007!
Upcoming presentation on intersex at the University of Umeå, Sweden

Prova di mascolinità di un transessuale che questa sera ha impreziosito la poco esaltante campagna elettorale con la classica ciliegina sul dolce.

She Promises, She Delivers – Vladimir Luxuria in Moscow for Gay Pride
When Italian transgendered politician Vladimir Luxuria met Nikolai Alekseev at the Turin Pride last June, she accepted the invitation of the Russian gay movement to attend the 2nd Moscow Pride.
[Blog/News] Transgender Italian Politician Joins Moscow Gay Pride
Transgender Italian politician Vladimir Luxuria landed in Moscow to join activists and supporters at Moscow Gay Pride on Sunday and was granted a visa by authorities at the airport.

La opera prima de Lucía Puenzo fue premiada en el Festival de Cannes

"XXY" se llevó el Gran Premio de la Semana de la Crítica. El film cuenta la historia de una adolescente intersexual y está protagonizada por Inés Efron y Ricardo Darín. Otro argentino, Gonzalo Tobal, ganó con su cortometraje en la sección Cinéfondation del Festival.
La otra película presentada en 'La semana de la critica' es la coproducción hispano argentina 'XXY', la historia de un hermafrodita, que supone el debut de Lucía Puenzo en la dirección. Protagonizada por Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli y Carolina Peleritti, muestra a una joven de 15 años que, bajo su aspecto de mujer posee los dos sexos. Sus padres no han querido operarla y viven los tres en una apartada región del Uruguay. Allí llegará un matrimonio amigo con un hijo que entablará enseguida una relación muy particular con la protagonista.

Piden travestis se les considere grupo vulnerable
En su lucha por la equidad de género, la comunidad travestido, transgénero y transexual presentó ayer una iniciativa en la Oficialía de Partes del Congreso del estado para que la Comisión de Equidad y Género considere a este sector como grupo vulnerable.
'Glenda' hizo ayer la propuesta ante Oficialía de Partes del Congreso del estado. Aquí con la diputada Paula López

Detuvieron al homicida de la transexual asesinada en Maipú
La Brigada de Homicidios (BH) de la Región Metropolitana capturó esta mañana al asesino de la transexual Graciela Carrasco Berríos, tras una extensa jornada de seguimiento que culminó con la colaboración del Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh).
Photo: Graciela Carrasco Berríos

Transgender Methodist minister reappointed
A transgender United Methodist minister will be reappointed to lead his congregation in Baltimore, church officials announced Thursday at a regional convocation.
[Blog/Commentary] Can a Transsexual Be a Good Christian?
St. John United Methodist Church in Baltimore, Maryland, has a new minister…or the same minister with a new identity.

Clocking in on Trans Bias
Lambda Legal, the LGBT public interest law group, held a Clock In For Equality forum at the LGBT Community Center in Manhattan on May 15 on the topic of transgender discrimination in the workplace and in schools.

[USA] [News/Religion/ Commentary]
Gender Benders

Should members of the clergy be permitted to change their sexual identity?

[HI, USA] [Films/Events]
Transgendered journey
The long-running gay and lesbian film festival continues this weekend with a gala benefit and screenings Saturday at the new Honolulu Design Center's Cupola Theatre.

New initiatives seek jobs for trans people
Sparked by crackdown on trans prostitutes, activists seek ways to find legal employment.
Activist Cheryl Courtney-Evans says many transgender people, especially people of color, face job discrimination and often resort to prostitution to pay for basic necessities such as food and shelter. (Photo by Zack Hudson)

[IL,USA] [News/Blog]
Transphobia Flairs At Two Gay Events

Hordes of homos will descend on Chicago this weekend for the International Mr. Leather contest. And, as per tradition, many participants will pop into legendary S&M club, Chicago Hellfire Club. Unfortunately, trans men aren't invited.

[USA] [Blog Commentary/Film]
Sissyboys And Bulldykes Have No Future
Dan Savage hipped me to this scandal at the San Francisco Gay And Lesbian Film Festival. It seems a lesbian filmmaker, Catherine Crouch, made a satirical little science fiction short about a butch lesbian who, Rip Van Winkle-style, falls asleep in the 70s and awakens to a world in which everyone may choose his or her own gender, but must conform to gender-norms once the choice is made. No more butch dykes and no more femmy boys, people!
[Blog/Film] Trans Activists Torpedo Film by Lesbian
Oh, those poor transgender folks, feeling oppressed by a film created by acclaimed lesbian filmmaker Catherine Crouch, because her film makes a point they don't want to hear. This article from the Bay Area Reporter I found linked at Womensspace. Heart said she would be blogging about it shortly.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Men in Gowns
Two recent viewings are sticking in the old noodle: TransAmerica, where Felicity Huffman plays a transsexual not long before her final operation, and the third season of Prime Suspect, in which drag queens figure heavily. I also have the Charles Busch movie, Die, Mommy, Die!, which looks to be a kitschfest and good fun; I'll probably watch it with Eldest this weekend.

Slain man's mom seeks S.C. hate crime law
The mother of a friendly and popular South Carolina 20-year-old killed this month in an anti-gay attack has vowed to ensure that the state passes its first hate crime law.

[USA] [Commentary]
Finding employment after transition/TransNation
“I never know if the indifference I face comes from my trans gender, my age, my lack of ‘real’ job skills, or what, but ... my phone is not ringing.”

sexta-feira, maio 25, 2007

Esta vem das minhas memórias mais antigas. Foi com estas séries que comecei a aprender a gostar de ficção científica. Esta vem de 1964, tinha eu seis anos de idade e adorava ficar frente à televisão a devorar cada episódio. Bem, com o tempo que as séries demoravam a chegar a Portugal na altura, não sei se teria realmente seis anos, mas andava por aí, entre os seis e os oito. Presentemente estas séries estão obsoletas (estarão?) e infelizmente foram remetidas para o esquecimento, mas na altura inflamavam a imaginação. Seria bom um regresso, em horário nobre para as crianças, para que também alargassem os horizontes...

Esta série teve várias tentativas de regressar, mas como já não eram feitas com marionetas, perderam um pouco da magia que tinham (séries com pessoas reais, por exemplo, e uma série em desenho animado passada em 2086, que teve pouca aceitação). Enfim...

I paint to drive out my pain, says sex-change artist
CONTROVERSIAL former child star Lauren Harries said people who call her “insane” now have an excuse.
The 29-year-old, who became a woman after a sex change operation in 2001, is an artist and is preparing for her first art exhibition.

Sex Swap Mayor & Mayoress
A mayor and mayoress know the needs of both sexes in their city...because they both used to be men.
Double first for sex-change mayor and her mayoress
For 800 years a colourful roll-call of men and women has stepped forward to set precedents in the honourable post of the Mayor of Cambridge.
Never before has there been a woman who was born a man.

Atelier sur l'intersexuation en Europe à l'Université del'Umeå en Suède.
Dr. Silvía García-Dauder, membre du conseil de l'OII, animera un atelier sur l'intersexuation avec deux autres collègues. Cet atelier abordera la controverse autour du changement de la terminologie (en faveur de DSD - Troubles du développement sexuel) aux USA et terminera avec un exposé sur la situation des personnes intersexes en Espagne.

Eunuch gives shelter to unwanted girls
Eunuchs of this west Madhya Pradesh town have set an example by adopting abandoned female infants.

Trans ban in St Kilda
Two women-only rooming houses in St Kilda have been granted the right to refuse access to transsexual tenants.

[USA] [Blog]
Marvel Comics' Ultron is World's First Transsexual Cyborg
Ultron is a totally awesome android supervillain, and two months ago she became the first male-to-female transsexual cyborg supervillain. Though Ultron has had many forms -- my favorite being the giant robot one he had in Runaways -- this is the first time Ultron has gone girly.

Judge Finds Evidence of Intolerance in Fire Department
A D.C. Superior Court judge says there's evidence that firefighters harassed a woman who was hired to teach a transgendered- sensitivity course.
[Blog/News/Commentary] Firefighters harassed teacher of sensitivity course
This is the kind of story that leaves me between teary and angry.
Many know the story of 1995 death of Tyra Hunter, a transgendered woman left to die by EMS personnel after it was discovered she had a penis.

Jacksonville sting nets 3 escorts, 1 was transsexual
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office arrested three peopleTuesday on prostitution charges after an undercover escort sting.

Chicago SM club under fire for anti-trans policy
As thousands of leathermen head to Chicago for this weekend's International Mr. Leather contest, one group won't be welcome at a Windy City gay SM club – those who are transgender.

Reported violence against LGBT community decreases
Reported attacks on LGBT individuals decreased 3 percent nationally in 2006. San Francisco is in line with the rest of the United States with an 11 percent decrease in reported violent attacks, but two alarming trends surfaced: murders or deaths of transgender women and sexual assaults against gay men, according to a report by Community United Against Violence released Tuesday, May 22.

Implants Are Back, and So Is Debate
WITH silicone breast implants back on the market, a debate over follow-up care is roiling the plastic surgery community, even as more women are choosing to have their breasts surgically enlarged.

[USA] [News/Entertainment /Commentary]
Media Bias on Transgenders Raising Concerns
Growing media coverage and portrayals of the transgendered life have led some Christians to raise the red flag on a movement beginning to go more public much like the homosexual one already has.

Vermont Bans Trans Discrimination
Vermont became the ninth state in the nation to ban discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations based on gender identity after Jim Douglas, that state's Republican governor, signed the law on May 22.

Suspect arrested in 2005 murder of female impersonator
After two years, authorities believe they have solved the murder of a female impersonator from the Valley who was brutally killed in Yuma.
Arrest made in Amancio Corrales homicide case
Ruben Solorio is in custody in connection with the two-year-old murder of a Amancio Corrales, a female impersonator whose body was found in the Colorado River near Yuma.
The body of Amancio Corrales, left, was found May 6, 2005, in shallow water of the Colorado River. Ruben Solorio, right, was arrested Wednesday in the case.

quinta-feira, maio 24, 2007

Transexualidad-Euskadi pide el voto para PSE
El colectivo de transexuales Transexualidad-Euskadi pidió el voto favorable para el Partido Socialista en las próximas elecciones forales y municipales de este domingo. Desde la asociación aseguraron que el Partido Socialista "ha demostrado su comprensión y sensibilización ante las demandas de la comunidad transexual, tanto a nivel nacional, como autonómico".

Mistaken identity
On Monday, psychiatrist Russell Reid was censured for improperly authorising five sex changes. Claudia, whom Reid approved for gender reassignment 20 years ago, tells Julie Bindel how she was rushed into the operation - and quickly came to regret it.

UK's first sex-swap mayor to be sworn in
A man who had a sex swap is set to become the UK's first transgender mayor, the Local Government Association said today.
First sex-swap mayor to be sworn in - and the mayoress used to be a man
A man who had a sex swap is set to become the UK's first transgender mayor - and his mayoress has had a sex change too.
The world's first sex change mayor and mayoress: Jenny Bailey (right) with partner Jennifer Liddle

Lesbian candidate a first for Japan
Japan's second largest political party, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), announced that Kanako Otsuji, the first openly lesbian politician in Japan, will be one of the party's official candidates for this summer's National Diet (parliament) election.

Sex-change husband could be jailed for life
A judge in Pakistan has told a couple that their marriage was against the law and against Islam as they were both women, even though the bridegroom had a sex-change operation 16 years ago.
Pak has no law that deals with same sex unions
The recent discovery of the same sex female couple in Pakistan, unprecedented in the country's history and taken with shock by the public, has raised many moral, cultural, religious and legal questions which are not easy to be addressed by the court of law which has already served them with a show cause notice to explain as to why they should not be tried under the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) for committing an `unnatural act'.
Un transexual y una mujer, en prisión preventiva en Pakistán por casarse
Se enfrentan a un mínimo de dos años y un máximo de cadena perpetua porque en este país, que considera su boda un "acto innatural".
Zerolo pide liberación de transexual y su mujer, encarcelados por matrimonio
El secretario de Movimientos Sociales y Relaciones con las ONG del PSOE, Pedro Zerolo, pidió hoy la liberación inmediata del transexual masculino Shumail Raj y su mujer, Shahzina Tariq, encarcelados en Pakistán para ser juzgados por contraer matrimonio homosexual.

El sindicato Amanda Jofré expresó su preocupación a la División de Organizaciones Sociales (DOS) del Ministerio Secretaría General de Gobierno por la violencia que afecta a las personas transexuales y transgéneros en la Quinta Región.

[FL,USA] [Editorial]
The witch hunt has begun
The city of Largo's embarrassing and wasteful foray into the Steve Stanton issue is not going to end anytime soon.
[News/Commentary] Column on Susan stirs up readers
The responses to my column on Sarasota city manager candidate Susan Stanton have led me to a conclusion.
Stanton stars at a fundraiser
Equality Florida benefits from the former Largo official's presence.

[USA] [Blog/Interview]
TVC’s And NARTH’s Use Of The Derogatory Term ‘Shemale’
Daniel talks with Autumn (a trans contributor at Ex-Gay Watch) about the TVC's and NARTH's use of the derogatory term "shemale." Most recently the TVC used the term in a political cartoon attacking the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, currently in Congress. Autumn notes the term is used almost exclusively in either pornography or by anti-gay/trans activists.

The Transg-ENDA Agenda: Man in a Purple Pants Suit Invades the Ladies Room in Md.
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality Exclusive

quarta-feira, maio 23, 2007

Exigen organizaciones alto a la homo, lesbo y transfobia
Diversas organizaciones que defienden los derechos LGBT en Jalisco exigen un alto a la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de Género. Entre sus peticiones al gobierno: construir políticas públicas incluyentes y respeto al estado laico.

IZQUIERDA UNIDA: Moreno Brenes promoverá campañas de sensibilización hacia el colectivo homosexual
La candidatura de Izquierda Unida por Málaga se reunió ayer con la asociación de gays, lesbianas, transexuales y bisexuales 'Ojalá' para presentar las medidas que plantea la formación para fomentar la igualdad y normalizar todas las opciones sexuales, «que ya son normales, pero muchos sectores aún no lo han aceptado».
APOYO. Brenes, con la candidata por Granada, Kim Pérez. / F. G.

[UK] [News/Commentary]
GMC Preliminary Findings on Russell Reid Case
The tribunal hearing Russell Reid's case at the General Medical Council reconvened today for the third and last series of sessions -moving towards the final close of a saga that has dragged on for almost four years.

'XXY', filme sobre la ambigüedad sexual, no pasa desapercibida en Cannes
"XXY" es el título del filme que la argentina Lucía Puenzo dedicó al despertar sexual, los dilemas y el encuentro consigo mismo que, en su opinión, conoce todo ser humano en su camino hacia la madurez y que aquí quiso plasmar en la piel de una adolescente intersexual.
El dilema de Alex
La mandé a todas las secciones, y al poquito tiempo de la Semana me dijeron que la querían", cuenta Lucía Puenzo sobre XXY, su opera prima. Guionista para otros, debuta dirigiendo su propio guión, centrado en una adolescente intersexual, y su relación con los padres y el hijo de una pareja de amigos de su madre. El debate gira en torno de qué debe hacer Alex: operarse o no.

Otorgan derechos a reclusos gays y trans
El director general de la policía chilena acordó con el Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual otorgar a reclusos homosexuales y transexuales los mismos derechos que los cónyuges heterosexuales.

Editorial: Two absurd but significant cases
Excerpt: Something is extremely wrong with a system which is more interested in depriving people of their private needs and relationships while disregarding the real threats to itself and society at large.
Same sex couple in LHC today
The police will produce the couple accused of a same sex marriage in the Lahore High Court today (Tuesday).

[UK/USA] [News/Commentary]
Disturbing News
I was called by a journalist from Poland today (not sure where he got my number from), saying he had been advised to speak to me by someone at Mermaids (UK group for trans kids) about the reports of treatment of children as young as seven for transsexuality at a centre in Boston. I was taken aback, I must admit, because I have no connection with Mermaids (apart from a research call placed on their website four years ago).

[New Zealand]
1 in 100 are intersex, says visiting expert
People of ambiguous gender are more common than society realises and many do not even know they blur the line between male and female, a expert visiting New Zealand says.

[Canada] [People/Music]
Being a man becomes her
Society takes notice when a woman expresses herself with venom in the rock 'n' roll arena. Remember the stir when Alanis Morissette came out with Jagged Little Pill? We could add the Cliks' major-label debut, Snakehouse, to the list of great albums by angry rock 'n' roll women, except for the fact that frontperson Lucas Silveira no longer identifies as a woman. The former Lillia Silveira changed his name, and maybe some other things, and now describes himself as a transgendered male.

Violence For Transgender Women Up In NorCal
While discrimination and hate crimes against gays, lesbians and transgender individuals plummeted in 2006, severe violence has spiked around Northern California, according to a report released Tuesday morning.

LaBarbera says media glorifying transgender movement
Pete LaBarbera is executive director of the group Americans for Truth and a former Washington Times reporter. He says one would have to be extremely naïve to consider it a coincidence that news reports and articles celebrating transgenderism are appearing at the same time homosexual activists are descending on Capitol Hill to lobby for special protected status.

[USA] [News/Blog Commentary]
Trans people in media spotlight
I was so pleased when my Newsweek arrived in the mail this week. The cover story puts the long-avoided issue of gender identity prominently on newsstands. Using basic explanations, individual profiles and a gallery of portraits, author Debra Rosenberg paints a detailed picture of transgendered people for the uninformed and advocates alike.

terça-feira, maio 22, 2007

'Sexto Sentido' presenta a la primera mujer transexual que forma parte de una cadidatura electoral
'Sexto Sentido', el único espacio de debate televisivo entre PSOE y PP, seguirá dedicando especial atención a lo que ocurra durante esta campaña. En el programa, presentado por la periodista Mamen Mendizábal, las próximas elecciones cobrarán protagonismo también este lunes, ya quelos reporteros de la Sexta/Noticias han viajado hasta Granada, donde por primera vez una mujer transexual forma parte de una candidatura electoral en España. Kim Pérez es una profesora jubilada que preside la Asociación de Identidad de Género de Andalucía y ocupa el número 17 de la lista que presenta Izquierda Unida al Ayuntamiento de Granada.

Los Verdes de Torrejón prometen contratar prostitutas transexuales en el Ayuntamiento
El candidato de Los Verdes a la Alcaldía de Torrejón de Ardoz, Andrés Portilla, se comprometió este lunes a contratar a transexuales procedentes del mundo de la prostitución para labores administrativas y sociales del Ayuntamiento si gana las próximas elecciones municipales.

Sex change doctor rushed treatments, GMC rules
Excerpt: The panel is due to announce later this week whether the findings amount to serious professional misconduct. If Dr Reid is found guilty, he could face being struck off the medical register.
The panel chairman, John Shaw, said: "The panel has concluded that the facts would not be insufficient to support a finding of serious professional misconduct."

Sendero Luminoso ameaça de morte homossexuais
A comunidade homossexual do Peru pediu protecção às autoridades após ter sido ameaçada de morte pelo movimento maoísta Sendero Luminoso.
A 17 de Maio, dia internacional da luta contra a homofobia, mas também 27.º aniversário do início da luta armada para a organização terrorista, esta distribuiu panfletos nos quais atacava também as prostitutas, os alcoólicos, os traficantes de droga e os violadores.
Fonte: DN Online

Ticketless eunuchs put behind bars
After all, no one is above law. Everyone is equal before law. This message probably justifies the arrest of seven eunuchs by railway protection force of Balasore, although it appears to be uncommon.

Thailand’s ‘third sex’ seeks legal recognition
Androgynous Thais are out to change the country's new constitution, says Edward Loxton.
Visitors to Thailand may soon be asked to fill out immigration forms asking them to which of three genders they belong: male, female or other.
Photo: Katoeys have long been an accepted section of the Thai community

[New Zealand]
Wellington to host transgender conference
`Agender', New Zealand's support group for Transgender people, is holding its fifth national conference in Wellington from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd June 2007.

2006 Queen of Pride Dies of Heart Failure
Just days before she was to give up her crown, Miss Dream Revlon Royale, 2006 Queen of Pride, died unexpectedly of heart failure. President of transgender ministry of Unity Fellowship Church of Baltimore, Dream was also a show director at Club Bunns.
Photo: Dream Revlon Royale, the 2006 Queen of Pride

[FL, USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
Political payback and intrigue over Stanton firing
Michael Hussey at Pushing Rope has a post delving into other possible motives for Steve (now Susan) Stanton's firing from her job as city manager in Largo, FL. It involves a man named Curtis Holmes, who has submitted a petition to the city of Largo to launch a probe into who with held information about Stanton's plans for a sex change.