Transfofa em Blog

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domingo, maio 31, 2009

mobilizaçons simultâneas de apoio a Laura Bugalho


"Defender às pessoas migrantes nom é delicto, liberdade sem cárregos para Laura Bugalho"

"Defender a las personas migrantes no es un delito, librtad sin cargos de Laura Bugallo"

"Contra la criminalización de apoyo a migrantes, libertad sin cargos para Laura Bugalho"


NuDU (Núcleo de Diversidade Sexual da Unicamp, Sao Paulo-BRASIL)
IDENTIDADE (Grupo de luta pela deiversidade sexual, Campinas-BRASIL)
Red de Apoyo Ferrocarril Clandestino (Madrid)
Marcha Mundial das Mulleres
BOGA (Asociación de mulleres lésbicas e bisexuais de Galiza)
Assembleia de Mulheres de Vigo
PCPG (Partido Comunista do Povo Galego)
AGaSEX (Asociación Galega para a Saúde Sexual)
Centrro Xoven Anticoncepción
ASADE Gipuzkoa (Asociación sindical de asistencia domiciliaria de Gipuzkoa)
LAB Araba (sindikatua)
Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucia (ATA)
komando Güebo
Nós Mesmas (Vigo)
Patio Maravillas (madrid)
Secretariado Trans de ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Assotiation)
FugaEmRede (Colectivo galego de acçom global)
Universidade Invisíbel
SOS Racismo Aragón
Red de Apoyo a las Sin Papeles de Aragón
La Manada Degenerada Feminista de Barcelona
revista La C.U.L.O. (Barcelona)
EIPCEP (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies-Vienna/Linz/Marseille)
GARAIPEN (Asociación de mujeres inmigrantes y vascas)
Corrdinadora Antifascista de Zaragoza
LSO CASA DAS ATOCHASUKS (Colectivo de mulleres de diferentes disciplinas culturais)
LAS DEL 8 (grupo feminista Aragón)
D-GENERADAS (feministas Aragón)
ET AL (feministas Aragón)
RQTR Rosa Que te Quiero Rosa (MADRID)
HEGOAK (Bilbo)


EDUARDA SANTOS, activista transexual independente (Portugal)
LARA CRESPO, activista transexual independente (Portugal)
JUANA RAMOS (activista trans, expresidenta de TRANSEXUALIA e Exsecretaria da FELGBT) ANDREA SHULLER
DÉVORA ÁVILA (professora Univesidad Castilla la Mancha/Ferrocarril Clandestino)
JANA QUINTANILLA (Coordinadora Área Transexuales Federación Castilla y Leon LGBT)

Crossdresser Killed By Skirt
A CROSSDRESSER drowned when he fell in the sea because his mini skirt was too tight, an inquest heard yesterday.
Miniskirt may have caused Anglesey man's death

Esmeray Hopes Transgender People Will Follow Example
Transgender Esmeray has taken two police officers to court for beating her

[Sweden] [News/Religion]
Sweden: Lesbian elected Lutheran bishop of Stockholm
Excerpt: "Once you have been baptized, no one can say you cannot be part of the Church because you are homo-, bi-, or transsexual," the website of the French periodical Tétu quoted Brunne as saying, ENI reported.

Ekaete in need of N2 million for surgery
The sum of ₦2 million is what is required to save the career of a Falcon teenager, Bessy Ekaete Boniface who is having an intersex problem.
This was revealed by Gbenga Omole, who runs Goldenwing33 Nigeria Limited, an outfit aimed at saving barracks boys and girls from going into organised criminal activities using sports.

Honduras: End Violence Against Transgender People
Government Should Prosecute Attackers and Prohibit Discrimination
Group calls for transgender protections
Honduran Police Aid, Abet Trans Murder
Honduras: Report on Attacks on Transgender People

Transgender woman reveals difficulties
Brianna Freeman, a transgender woman who lived the first four decades of her life as a man, said she knows firsthand about the pain caused by discrimination.

Principal cancels controversial photo exhibit
A photo exhibit that included a transgendered person will not be displayed at a Eugene elementary school, according to a letter the principal sent home to parents. (Photo)
Principal drops photo display

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
APA Debates Gender Diversity
This past week the American Psychiatric Association held its annual conference in San Francisco. Seminars were held, lectures given, and ideas discussed. The future of the DSM, Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, often called the APA’s Bible, was up for debate. Even though women are included in the APA, this organization is still a bastion of patriarchal thinking and the idea that “father knows best” easily converts into codifying diagnoses which unjustly demonize individuality.

sábado, maio 30, 2009

Série Meninos Mulheres – Parte II e III - Clicar em Jornal da band e procurar nos vídeos (Vídeo)

Campanha educativa de grupo de Brasília foca vida amorosa de travestis
O Estruturação – Grupo LGBT de Brasília lançou nesta semana um material específico sobre a importante negociação para o uso da camisinha nos relacionamentos amorosos das travestis. A ideia é reforçar a importância do uso do preservativo tanto com clientes quanto com namorados. O material foi elaborado depois que o grupo, que atua na prevenção há pelo menos 10 anos, percebeu que as fofas usavam camisinha com seus clientes, mas nem sempre com seus parceiros fixos.

A transexual mais nova do mundo
Kim Petras é uma adolescente que virou popstar na Alemanha. A cantora nasceu Tim Petras e aos 12 anos de idade começou o tratamento hormonal para mudar de sexo. Hoje, aos 16 anos de idade, a garota é a transexual mais nova do mundo.(Foto)
Sex change kid Kim Petras set for charts

HRW denuncia el asesinato de personas transgénero desde 2004 en Honduras
La organización Human Rights Watch denunció hoy en Honduras que entre 2004 y 2009 en este país han sido asesinadas en lugares públicos 17 personas transgénero, conocidas como travestis.

[NJ, USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The right to live as the right gender: The life of a transsexual
Although there have been documentaries and talk shows that have explored the life of a transsexual, the condition is much maligned and misunderstood. Before we explore what a transsexual is, we will discuss what it is not.

[NY,USA] [Events/People]
Staten Island Pride Parade and Festival goes under the big top on June 6
Anson Reign is fighting for equality -- drag equality.

Construction worker transitions to woman
For Karen Diane Thomas, a construction worker, transitioning to the opposite gender hasn’t been an easy road.
Twice in her journey, Thomas reverted back to presenting as a male, due in large part to workplace harassment. At one point, she underwent breast-reduction surgery so that she could assume her former identity, as Ken. (Photo)

[CA, USA] [Blog/News/People]
Sparks rules out third term as police panel prez
Theresa Sparks, the transgender woman who has served two terms as president of the city’s police commission, has ruled out running for a third term.

sexta-feira, maio 29, 2009

Relação conflituosa entre empresário e travesti é tema de peça em SP
Um executivo casado, transtornado e preconceituoso. Uma telefonista sensível, corajosa e travesti. De uma ligação, o encontro dos dois mundos e o despertar de conflituosos sentimentos. (Foto)

COLEGAS denuncia la "ola represiva" de Cuba contra los homosexuales
La Confederación Española COLEGAS de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales ha denunciado este jueves "la ola represiva contra homosexuales y transexuales" que sufre la isla de Cuba por parte del régimen comunista, precisando que en los dos últimos años más de 7.000 miembros de este colectivo han sido detenidos o multados por las autoridades cubanas.

Cuba comienza a realizar operaciones de cambio de sexo
"Hemos sido autorizados a aplicar el tratamiento completo", dijo Mariela Castro, quien es también hija del presidente Raúl Castro y agregó que eso incluye "la cirugía feminizante y masculinizante", algo que estuvo prohibido por dos décadas, hasta el año 2008.
Castro's daughter: Cuba to reinstate sex changes

Travesti es candidata en lista de Luis Patti
Mientras recorre los pasillos de la villa El Tropezón, en pleno corazón del partido de San Martín, su presencia no pasa inadvertida. Los vecinos más veteranos lo llaman por el nombre que, desde hace 53 años, figura en su DNI: Héctor Toribio Díaz. Todo el resto se refiere a ella por el modo que eligió llamarse hace más de 35 años, cuando descubrió que era una mujer dentro del cuerpo de un hombre: Alicia.(Foto)

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Aligning Bodies With Minds: The Case For Medical And Surgical Treatment Of Gender Dysphoria
As a physician who has successfully completed the process of transition from male to female, I find it strange and inappropriate that I may still be considered “mentally ill” by those who would take literally the diagnosis of “gender identity disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). I believe such a diagnosis is incorrect, and submit this review to support my belief.

[CO, USA] [Film/Events]
Cinema Q Film Festival
The Denver Film Society along with The GLBT Community Center of Colorado and OutFront Colorado are proud to present the first annual Cinema Q: A Festival Of Queer Cinema. The festival takes place over four days beginning Thursday, May 28, through Sunday, May 31, 2009; an official kickoff to June Pride Month.

[CO, USA] [News/Commentary]
Seven unanswered questions about the trial of Angie Zapata's killer
On April 22, Allen Andrade, an unemployed 32-year-old who had spent time in prison for a string of non-violent crimes, was convicted of first-degree murder for beating to death eighteen-year-old Angie Zapata of Greeley. A striking beauty, Angie was born a boy named Justin David Zapata but had been living as a woman for several years. She and Andrade had met sometime before the murder on the social networking website MocoSpace and spent three days together before he killed her.

[USA] [News/Health/Medicine]
Sexual-Minority Patients Face Challenges in Receiving Care
Although sexual-minority cancer patients who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) face many of the same challenges faced by their heterosexual counterparts, many other obstacles are specific to their sexual-minority status.

quinta-feira, maio 28, 2009

Mais uma travesti é morta nas ruas de Curitiba
A travesti conhecida como Dara foi encontrada morta em Curitiba na madrugada desta terça, 26. A vítima foi morta a tiros e o corpo foi achado no banco do carona de um Uno branco que havia sido roubado no último fim de semana. De acordo com a polícia, um vigilante contou ter ouvido cinco tiros e ter visto o automóvel estacionando na Rua Mamoré.

Detenida Laura Bugalho, sindicalista, activista trans y fundadora de Transgaliza
O martes 26 de maio a Policia Nacional, por orde da Subdelegación do Goberno, procedía á detención da compañeira Laura Bugallo, traballadora da CIG-Migración en Compostela, incansábel loitadora na defensa dos dereitos das persoas inmigrantes, asi como coñecida pola súa actividade no feminismo e no movemento LGBT, nomeadamente desde o seu labor en Transgaliza polo recoñecemento dos dereitos e da visibilización das transexuais. (Foto)

Califican de mercenaria a web por difundir noticias sobre situación de Comunidad LGTB en Cuba
Recientemente el portal, conocido por su critica postura hacia el regimen castrista en la Isla, publicó la noticia “Gays cubanos denuncian incremento de la represion policial”, que tambien se hizo eco, y la web de información transexual, entre otras.

Protestan gays turcos ante crímenes de odio
Activistas por los derechos homosexuales se reunieron de forma pacífica en la plaza de Taksim, en Estambul, para denunciar que durante los últimos tres años se han cometido una treintena de homicidios de personas LGBT.

Indian gay community plans to organise Queer Pride Day
July 28 is slated to be a big day for the Indian gay community. They will will celebrate the sexual preference diversity of human kind. In Delhi, the will organise marches, singing and make speeches.

Freezer Project eases the transition
Now entering its second year, the Freezer Project is an initiative that provides a portable freezer containing 30 homemade frozen meals —and the occasional ice cream bar or eclair — to individuals who have undergone sex reassignment surgery (SRS).

Marching for trans rights
"Everybody knows that trans people, throughout Pride and the weekend, we're all over the place," says Diane Grant, coorganizer of Toronto's first Trans Pride March. "We wanted a more concrete show of just how many of us there are."

quarta-feira, maio 27, 2009

Coreia Norte reabriu complexo tratamento combustível nuclear
A Coreia do Norte colocou em marcha o seu complexo de tratamento de combustível nuclear que pode servir para o fabrico de uma bomba, afirmou hoje a imprensa sul-coreana.

Aberta caça à baleia na Islândia apesar de protestos
A época da caça à baleia abriu, esta terça-feira, na Islândia enfrentando críticas de organizações ecologistas contra o aumento das quotas de caça para este ano.

Band faz série jornalística sobre travestis
O Telejornal da BAND, que vai ao ar sempre às 19h20 (horário de Brasília), apresenta até a próxima quarta-feira, 27, uma série sobre os preconceitos vividos pelas travestis.
Série Meninos Mulheres – Parte I - Clicar em Jornal da band e procurar nos vídeos (Vídeo)

[UK] [PR]
TransLondon announces boycott of Pride London, 2009
In a busy meeting on May 19th, members of TransLondon, London's largest support group for all trans-identified and genderqueer people, voted overwhelmingly for a boycott of the Pride London 2009 march and rally. As a result, for the first time since the group was formed, TransLondon will have no presence in the parade, nor at the rally.

Gay community to celebrate 'Delhi queer pride' in July
Buoyed by the response they got last year, the gay community will celebrate its diversity by taking out marches, singing and making speeches in the national capital on June 28.

Thailand's 'Third Sex' Wants Acceptance, Legal Support
In Thailand, transgender males, also called lady-boys, are a common sight in cities and tourist areas. While many transgenders work in traditionally female professions such as in cabaret shows or Thailand's notorious sex industry, most are looking for better integration in Thai society. But, despite their high visibility, transgenders still face challenges in seeking acceptance.

Plomean a "Mazinger" en la 4 de Julio
De la violencia no se escapa nadie.
Un travesti conocido como "Mazinger" recibió un disparo desde un vehículo en marcha mientras realizaba sus labores nocturnas en la Avenida de Los Mártires, en el corregimiento de Santa Ana.(Foto:El travesti lloraba del dolor y sus amigas le daban consuelo. (Foto: Adriano Duff / EPASA))

Travesti baleada en Panamá

Intersexual desea cambiar su identidad
A fines de diciembre cumplirá dieciséis años; nació con los genitales masculinos y femeninos a la vez. Hoy procura que la ciencia defina su sexualidad. Desea cambiar su identidad y ser inscripto con el nombre de su padre.

Psychiatrists rewriting the mental health bible
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, commonly called DSM, is getting an update. Now experts must decide what is a disorder and what falls in the range of normal human behavior.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Transgendered in Prison
Excerpt: She scanned my face for understanding. Finding only confusion she continued, "They go to the men's prison if they have male genitalia and the women's prison if they have women's. It doesn't matter what's going on from the waist up or what gender they think they are."

terça-feira, maio 26, 2009

Hoje dedico este post, e principalmente o vídeo abaixo, a todos aqueles que não gostam de mim, aos meus inimigos, detractores, falsos amigos, etc., etc., etc.


Pesca indiscriminada coloca espécies em risco
Captura coloca em risco a abundância e o tamanho dos animais marítimos

Manifestações anti-touradas chegam a Madrid
Activistas dos direitos dos animais encenaram a morte dos touros na arena

A Sign of Progress for Thai “Ladyboys”
Picture trying to wedge a 51st star into the American flag, and you’ll get an idea of the task that may soon face sign makers worldwide, thanks to a new policy at a rural high school in Thailand.
Administrators at the Kampang Secondary School, in the northeastern province of Sisaket, recently created a third set of toilets exclusively for the more than 10 percent of students who identify as “ladyboys,” or transgender.

[Latin America]
IGLHRC publishes report - Latin America: Transgender People Surviving Extreme Poverty
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) is celebrated every year on May 17. In 2009, IDAHO’s focus is on transphobia—an often-neglected issue. IGLHRC takes this opportunity to present a report based on a dialogue with transgender activists in Latin America on the relationship between gender identity and expression, and extreme poverty.

segunda-feira, maio 25, 2009

Fury as Environment Agency hands £70,000 to Birmingham gay event
THE Environment Agency was under fire last night for spending £30,000 sponsoring Birmingham’s Gay Pride festival.
The annual event is taking place this weekend and is expected to attract more than 100,000 revellers.

Unas 300 personas celebran el orgullo en Bucarest, protegidos por unos 1.000 policías
Unas 300 personas, muchos de ellos extranjeros residentes, participaron en el desfile del orgullo en Bucarest, que se ha celebrado este año sin mayores incidentes, a diferencia del año pasado, en que la ultraderecha saboteó el acto y se produjeron incidentes violentos. No es que este año no hayan aparecido, pero la policía esta vez sí que los ha mantenido a raya, aunque han sido necesarios más de mil agentes. A una distancia prudencial, unos 50 ultraderechistas gritaban contra la ‘degeneración gay y la destrucción de la familia’.

Cuba: Anti-homophobia day celebrated
The article below is compiled from Prensa Latina reports on May 16 and 17.

[CA, USA] [Film/Events]
Quentin Crisp follow-up opens Frameline33
More than 200 films from 32 countries are on the bill for Frameline33, the 11-day lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender film festival opening June 18 at venues in San Francisco and Berkeley.

domingo, maio 24, 2009

Diabos-da-tasmânia na lista de animais em perigo
Cancro facial causou a morte de 70% dos indivíduos desta espécie desde 1996

Haverá 16 linces em Silves até final do ano
Primeiros seis a dez animais poderão vir para Portugal em Julho ou Setembro. Reintrodução na natureza será feita no próximo ano, em duas zonas no Norte da Andaluzia

Cinema: Vencedor da Palma de Ouro é conhecido hoje - “O importante é a visibilidade”
A sala não esteve cheia para ‘Morrer como um Homem’, mas os presentes aplaudiram longamente a adaptação ficcionada da luta e alegria de viver de ‘Tónia’, um travesti ícone do transformismo lisboeta. É um trabalho de autor do realizador João Pedro Rodrigues, de maturidade que prolonga o anterior ‘Odete’. Já cá fora, no fim da sessão, os travestis Cindy Scrash e Jenny Larrue foram o centro da atenção e dos flashes de muitos fotógrafos ocasionais.
To Die Like a Man (Photo)

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Challenging the conventional thinking on transgender provision in theEquality Bill
There are two main objections from those who believe that the EqualityBill does not do enough to cover transgender rights.

Police ignore sex change questions
Police said they were forced to ignore responses to a diversity questionnaire after a large number of staff claimed they had undergone a sex change.

Census could include third gender
For 19-year-old Bishnu Adhikary of Naudanda of Kaski district, ge-tting her citizenship identifying her sex as third gender was the most victorious moment of her life.

[USA] [Blog/Science/Medicine]
Presentation on Brain Gender Identity by Sidney Ecker, MD FACS
The participants shall learn the current definitions of Transgenderism, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Gender Role Behavior, Gender Dysphoria and Transsexualism and understand the Standards of Care (WPATH) for treatment. The neurobiological evidence for gender differences in the human brain and genetic inheritability of Transsexualism will be presented. Current US medical practices in the Treatment of GID in children, adolescents and adults will be discussed.
[Blog/Commentary] Selling Psuedo-Science: Politics, Psychiatric Theories & The CAMH

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Trans Person's Photo in the Hall
I've heard of administrators or parents complaining when a trans speaker talks to a class, when a teacher comes out as trans, or even when a student does - but I never expected that the mere presence of a photograph would cause a similar reaction.

sábado, maio 23, 2009

Fado tem dois meses e será um dos primeiros habitantes do Centro de Reprodução do Lince-ibérico
Depois de cinco anos a ser preparado, o Centro Nacional de Reprodução do Lince-ibérico, em Silves, foi inaugurado ontem como medida de compensação pela construção da Barragem de Odelouca, passando a sua gestão das Águas do Algarve para o Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade. A equipa de nove técnicos e cinco vigilantes vai começar a instalar-se a 1 de Junho. Os primeiros linces – um grupo de seis a dez animais – deverão chegar dos centros de reprodução espanhóis ainda este ano.
Silves: Linces ibéricos chegam a Portugal ainda este ano
Inaugurado Centro para o Lince Ibérico

Proposta de lei sobre identidade de género
Esta proposta foi elaborada por Eduarda Santos, Sérgio Vitorino e Lara Crespo, baseada na proposta de lei da Associação ILGA-Portugal. A ideia é melhorar e aprimorar aquele documento.
Foi enviado um email a convidar as associações e grupos potencialmente interessados, na tentativa de se apresentar um documento único comum. Não se obteve qualquer resposta.
A proposta apresentada aqui inclui as alterações e comentários para que se possa claramente ver os porquês de cada alteração.
Uma vez na minha página pessoal, entrar na secção Transexualidades e seguir o link lá indicado.

300 West Yorkshire Police officers claim they've had a sex change
MISCHIEVOUS police staff caused confusion by claiming they had undergone a sex change, on a diversity survey.
West Yorkshire police have 'exceptionally high' sex change rates

'Morrer como um Homem' e 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus' - Travestis e Heath Ledger dominam o dia
No mesmo dia em que, à hora de fecho desta edição, Cannes descobria a nova longa-metragem de João Pedro Rodrigues, ‘Morrer como um Homem’, história de um travesti veterano exibida na secção Un Certain Regard que permitiu ao cineasta português ser fotografado com dois transformistas do elenco na cidade francesa, o festival também viu o derradeiro filme do australiano Heath Ledger.(Foto: Jenny LaRue, João Pedro Rodrigues e Cindy Scratch)

[Kenya] [Commentary]
Kenya: The Fallacies of Identity Politics
Deeply concerned about the profound discrimination experienced by Kenya's transgender community, Audrey Mbugua berates Kenyan society for its unjust treatment of a marginalised group. Rather than creating 'transgender rights' per se, Mbugua calls upon the country to view transgender people as human beings like any other group. Deeply scathing of Kenya's entrenched 'trans-phobia' and the divisive nature of different groups' competing for recognition, the author implores those marginalised to see themselves as part of a wider struggle for justice that transcends identity politics.

[USA] [Commentary]
Being Transgender is Not a Mental Disorder
In 1971, the Gay Liberation Front at Temple University in Philadelphia learned that the college’s counseling program was routinely referring gay men to the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute for aversion therapy treatments to “cure” them of their homosexuality.

Did Denny's Break the Law?
A transgender woman barred from using a Denny's restroom consistent with her gender identity was likely the victim of illegal discrimination under Maine law, an investigation by the state’s human rights commission concluded this week.

Photo of transgendered person sparks controversy
In March, a parent complaint about a photo of a transgendered person prompted officials at a Eugene school to take down a photo display about diversity and now the halls at the school are set to play host to the pictures and artwork once again.(The photo in question)

Pics from GID reform protest
Here are a few pics from the GID reform protests that was held in front of the Moscone Center.


sexta-feira, maio 22, 2009

O primeiro Centro Nacional de Reprodução em Cativeiro do lince ibérico, construído como sobrecompensação imposta pela União Europeia, devido à construção da Barragem de Odelouca, é inaugurado hoje na Herdade da Santinha, no concelho algarvio de Silves.

Travestis de Lisboa chegam ao festival de Cannes
O novo filme de João Pedro Rodrigues fala sobre o submundo gay lisboeta e estreia-se esta sexta-feira rodeado de polémica, escreve Bruno Horta.

A Articulação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais (ANTRA) realizou assembleia nesta quarta, 20, em Teresina, para eleger a diretoria que responderá pela entidade no biênio 2009/2011.

MosTra’ns - El primer Festival de Cinema Trans – Intersex de Barcelona
Mostra’ns començarà el 22 de juny a Golferichs (Gran Vía, 491) amb un workshop impartit per Elliat Graney-Saucke, activista queer i directora de vàries pel·lícules d’aquesta temàtica.
Les pel·lícules es projectaran del 23 al 26 de juny als cinemes Casablanca-Kaplan (Passeig de Gràcia, 115), de 20h a 24h.
La festa de clausura serà el mateix divendres 26 de juny a CSO LA ASTILLA (Av Vilafranca, 22. L1 La Torrassa), de 00h a 05h amb Eliat Graney -Saucke des de Seattle, Trans-Tango des de Quito (per confirmar), Antiherois (per confirmar) i DjNeopinchadiscos amb Vj punto Ge.
… i la entrada és gratuïta!

A Yorkshire police force's push for equality was thrown into confusion when a survey of staff revealed that about 300 of them were planning, or had undergone, a sex change.

A Chinese couple, who fell in love with each other a year ago, have decided to get a sex change operation before they marry.

Tailandesa vence concurso de Miss transexual realizado em Bangcoc
A travesti tailandesa Treechada Petcharat (foto) foi coroada vencedora do concurso Miss Universo Tiffany's, realizado em Bangcoc nesta semana. O concurso é destinado à competidoras travestis ou transexuais. Petcharat deixou para trás outras 23 competidoras vindas de 11 países asiáticos e também da Alemanha e França.

On May 15th, NDP MP Bill Siksay of Burnaby-Douglas, BC tabled a private members' bill that would add "gender identity" and "gender expression" as categories protected against discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act. The bill also proposes to add these two terms to the Criminal Code to be taken into consideration at sentencing for "hate crimes."

The largest representative group of elementary teachers in Canada is calling on the Ontario government to enshrine new legislation into the curriculum. That is not unusual in itself, but this time the group is looking at the ‘Rainbow coalition’, or what is commonly known these days as LGBT.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Are transgender people mentally ill?
The LGBT community has had a long, often painful relationship with the psychological profession. Until 1974, when the American Psychiatric Association (APA) voted to remove the diagnosis from the second edition of its "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM), the organization maintained that homosexuality was a mental illness. The change came slowly, after years of protest and debate.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Is It Normal to be Transgender?
Judy Berman writes a great story today in Salon's Broadsheet about transgender activists fighting to remove "gender identity disorder" as a category in the DSM, the Bible of psychiatric diseases. The activists argue that they are making the same case gay activists made in the 1970s, when they fought successfully to get "homosexuality" removed as a mental illness. Only, as I wrote in a story earlier this year in the Atlantic, it's not quite so simple.

[CA, USA] [Blog/News]
APA protest footage
Some of the first APA footage; we were working with the following film-makers...

We have now made “Coming Out Volume 1” available for viewing in its entirety on YouTube.

Murder convictions of two of the defendants in the Gwen Araujo murder case were upheld by a state appeals court last week, which ruled that jury instructions given by Alameda County Superior Court Judge Harry Sheppard were proper.(Photo: Gwen Araujo)

The Maine Human Rights Commission says a restaurant discriminated against a transgender woman by asking her to use the men’s room until she had sex reassignment surgery.

quinta-feira, maio 21, 2009

Répteis e anfíbios da Europa em perigo, alerta UE
Os répteis e anfíbios da Europa estão em perigo, mais que as aves ou os mamíferos, porque nada está a ser feito para impedir a destruição dos seus habitats, alertou hoje a Comissão Europeia.

Henrique Barros critica estudo que fala em exportação de Sida
O coordenador nacional da Infecção VIH/Sida, Henrique Barros, alertou para a mistura de «conceitos perigosos» num estudo divulgado hoje que aponta Portugal como país exportador de Sida.

Elton John diz que governos e indústrias farmacêuticas não fazem o suficiente no combate à aids
O astro do pop Elton John afirmou que os governos e indústrias farmacêuticas não estão fazendo o suficiente para prevenir uma epidemia mundial da aids. A declaração foi feita na noite dessa última terça-feira, dia 19 de maio, durante o 2009 BIO International Convention, realizado em Atlanta, nos Estados Unidos.

A Secretaria de Defesa Social de Minas Gerais (Seds) informou que uma ala do recém-inaugurado presídio da cidade de São Joaquim de Bicas, na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, será destinada para abrigar detentos transsexuais. O objetivo da iniciativa, segundo a Seds, é evitar que aconteçam episódios de segregação e discriminação em unidades prisionais do Estado em relação a presos homossexuais.
Travestis e transexuais ganham ala em presídio

Assista ao trailer do filme Elvis e Madona, que traz Igor Cotrin no papel de uma travesti
Elvis é lésbica. Daquelas bem machas. Simone Spoladore a interpreta. Madona é uma travesti loira, papel de Igor Cotrin. Entre as duas nasce uma amizade comum e um amor improvável. Essa é a história básica do filme Elvis e Madona, todo rodado em Copacabana com direção de Marcelo Latiffe.

Barman becomes barmaid after going under the knife
A barman has become a barmaid after having a £20,000 sex change operation, Emily Hall exclusively reports for Yourswale.
Elleigha Reed left regulars at the Wetherspoon’s Leading Light pub in Faversham stunned after becoming a woman following the four-hour NHS procedure.(Photo: Elleigha behind the bar)

[UAE] [Commentary]
When boys want to be boys and girls want to be … er, boys
Much has been written on “the other”, whether it is literary texts on orientalism, imperialism and such, yet there seems to be a peculiar species living among us that we still barely understand: the other … sex.

The Most Beautiful Transsexual in the Universe crowned in Thailand
Sorrawee Nattee has officially been named the Miss Ladyboy 2009 in Thailand.

Toronto sees large jump in hate crimes
The number of hate crimes rose in the city last year by almost 18%, a Toronto Police report says.

[NE,USA] [News/Video]
Child Born a Boy, But Lives as a Girl
An Omaha child born a boy will start the next school year with a new name and a new identity -- as Katie, a girl.
[News/Video] Mom Explains Decision To Let Son Live As Girl

Nashville schools sued over gay-themed sites block
After giving Metro Nashville Schools more than a month to lift its filter on gay-themed Web sites, the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit today.

Transgender activists demonstrate at APA meeting
A small group of transgender activists and supporters demonstrated outside San Francisco’s Moscone Convention Center on Monday (May 19, 2009) as the American Psychiatric Association (APA) met inside.

Lesbian Student Settles Harassment Suit
A lesbian high school student who endured harassment and discrimination because of her sexual orientation reached a settlement with the Vallejo City Unified School District in California, the American Civil Liberties Union announced on Monday. The settlement includes district-wide training for students and staff regarding harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Panel backs transgender woman in restroom case
The Maine Human Rights Commission decided Monday that a transgender woman was discriminated against at a Denny’s restaurant in Auburn when management would not let her use the ladies room until she had sex reassignment surgery.

[USA] [Commentary]
Hate, in love's name
This is not just a threat to the American way of life. It threatens the "very survival of freedom."
So says former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke.
Tell us, Brother Duke. What is it? Unauthorized eavesdropping? The abolition of habeas corpus? Martial law under the Patriot Act?
Actually, no. The threat to our very freedom is something called the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act.

quarta-feira, maio 20, 2009

Estudo publicado hoje - Cartografia das migrações do HIV aponta Portugal como "país exportador" de sida
O vírus da sida, o HIV, é um autêntico caixeiro-viajante. Vai e vem de um país para o outro ao ritmo das deslocações humanas. E possui uma espécie de imunidade diplomática que lhe permite atravessar despercebido as alfândegas, uma vez que a doença que provoca só se manifesta muito depois de a pessoa que o transporta consigo para outros horizontes ter sido infectada.

Fuga de água pesada força Canadá a desligar reactor isótopos
Uma "pequena fuga" de água pesada obrigou à paragem de um reactor que produz isótopos para aplicação médica em Chalk River, a Oeste de Otava, Canadá, anunciaram hoje as autoridades canadianas.

Grupo de travestis faz protesto em Curitiba para cobrar solução de assassinatos recentes
Um grupo de travestis de Curitiba realizou um protesto nesta segunda, 18, para cobrar das autoridades providências na elucidação de uma série de assassinatos de travestis cometidos recentemente na capital paranaense. De acordo com o portal Jornale, as manifestantes se concentraram na Boca Maldita, passaram pela Secretaria de Segurança e seguiram até a Câmara Municipal, onde participaram de um seminário contra discriminação. (Foto)

Police replace Union Flag with gay rights banner to mark action day against homophobia
Dozens of police stations lowered the Union Flag and replaced it with a gay rights banner to mark a day of action against homophobia. (Photo)

Ignorés ou violentés, les transsexuels revendiquent le droit à vivre en paix
Victimes de violences et de discriminations, les transsexuels vont à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale contre l’homophobie et la transphobie, pour revendiquer le droit de vivre comme tout le monde.

Francia dejará de considerar la transexualidad como una enfermedad mental
El Gobierno francés prepara un decreto para que la transexualidad deje de ser considerada una enfermedad mental, anunció este sábado la ministra de Sanidad, Roselyne Bachelot.

March against Homophobia and Transphobia in Ankara
Around 300 people in Ankara protested against homophobia and transphobia on Sunday.

Neuquén: Debaten reforma al Código de Faltas para asegurar derechos de personas trans
En la legislatura se analizó el proyecto que deroga cinco artículos del Código de Faltas que discriminan y vulneran derechos fundamentales de las personas.

Piden transexuales ley para cambiar de nombre
Una organización por los derechos de las personas transexuales demandó que se aprueben una legislación que les permita el cambio de nombre en sus documentos oficiales. Mientras tanto activistas buscan alianzas con el Congreso del país.

[Guyana] [Letters to the Editor]
Trans people face daily discrimination
In far too many places around the world, transsexual, transgender and intersex people face violence, abuse, rape and hate crimes. The only motive: they are not conforming to social stereotypes about the way they should appear and behave in society as men or women.

Transgender Groups Ask for Family Support
Violence, verbal or physical, that is experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender/trans-sexual (LGBT) people, has not yet had a positive response from families.

Asia’s religious laws a violation
Religious laws persecute gay and transgender people in the Asia Pacific region, it emerged at a forum of regional human rights institutions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia this month.

[CA, USA] [News/Health]
Gender Identity Disorder: Has Accepted Practice Caused Harm?
As transgender activists protested outside the American Psychiatric Association (APA) meeting, speakers at the meeting were presenting on the same topic: gender identity disorder (GID). Some of their words would add clinical weight to the political slogans.
Some of the speakers are activists themselves, including Rebecca Allison, MD, cardiologist who is transgender, widely published author Sarah Hoffman, whose son is gender variant, and Hewlett-Packard engineer Kelley Winters, PhD, founder of GID Reform Advocates. Winters1 has called on the APA to use the DSM-V revision to affirm that “in the absence of dysphoria, gender identity and expression that vary from assigned birth sex are not, in themselves, grounds for diagnosing a mental disorder.”

APA: Major Changes Loom for Bible of Mental Health
[News/Commentary] APA lobbied on Gender Identity Disorder definition
Trans Activists Protest APA Conference

[NY, USA] [PR/Events]
Tomorrow is Statewide GENDA Call-In Day - It's Time to Act!
Wednesday, May 20th is statewide GENDA Call-In Day. Although the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) has been passed by the Assembly and has enough support to be passed by the Senate, we need to act now to ensure that GENDA gets out of committee and to the Senate floor for a vote. The time is NOW to take action and make our final push to get the Senate to end discrimination against transgender New Yorkers.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Unwanted Endorsement?
Today, the HRC posted a press release on the organized protest at the APA 2009 Annual Meeting. This is one of those endorsements that I know many of my trans activist peers are going to sneer at, because 1.) the HRC's position on a non-inclusive ENDA in 2007/2008 (and that the HRC never apologized to the trans community for their flip-flopping positions), and 2.) it's Joe Solmonese who the HRC chose to make the statement in this piece.

Transgender Boy Barred From Catholic School
An Omaha couple is allowing their 8-year-old son to openly live life as a girl. It’s a decision that means the child is no longer able to attend Catholic school.
Call me Katie: U.S. boy, 8, to live as a girl after being diagnosed with 'gender identity disorder'
Nebraska Parents Allow Biological Son, 8, to Live as the Girl She Says She Is
Omaha archdiocese: ‘Transgendered’ 8-year-old boy can’t come to school as a girl

Ex-broker at firm gets 2-year term
A former insurance broker who stole money from several local trucking companies while grappling with a gender identification disorder was sentenced Monday to two years in prison.

Houston center helping transgenders in need
Psychologists say from our first days of life, we are shaped by which gender we are. But imagine feeling like you are not the gender you were born.

Catholics Trying to Get Gay Obama Advisor Fired
A member of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which helps direct federal funds to religious charities, spoke out on behalf of single moms, gay dads, and people in need of condoms as a means to protect themselves from AIDS in Africa--only for Catholics to lambast him and seek his firing.

Will Trans Woman’s Victory Bring Change to Government Hiring?
Military veteran Diane Schroer’s recent legal victory highlights the challenges faced by the transgendered, both during and after serving their country with honor. (Photo: Diane)

Transgender mayor's possible TV deal raises ethical questions
A Los Angeles-based production company plans to pitch a reality show about Stu Rasmussen, Silverton's transgender mayor.