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terça-feira, junho 30, 2009

Ministério Público sugere que prefeitura de SP proíba Parada na Paulista. Organizadores são contra
O Ministério Público de São Paulo vai sugerir à Prefeitura que a Parada Gay não mais aconteça na Paulista. Segunda o procurador do MP que cuida do caso, a sugestão é baseada em informações policiais e visa proteger a integridade e segurança dos participantes do evento e dos moradores da região.
Parada Gay 2009 (Fotoreportagem)

Parada celebra o dia do Orgulho Gay na Redenção

O Dia do Orgulho Gay, celebrado neste 28 de junho, foi marcado por manifestações com shows e reivindicações em Porto Alegre. Quem foi ao Parque da Redenção pôde acompanhar a movimentação de um dos encontros — a MINI Parada.
(Foto:Fernando Gomes - Palco foi montando junto à rótula da Avenida Paulo Gama.)
Ativistas promovem Parada "independente" em Porto Alegre

Parada Gay no Centro de Joinville
O domingo estava frio e chuvoso. Nem de longe dava sinais de que seria divertido. Mas quem resolveu aparecer na avenida Beira-rio, no Centro de Joinvile, durante a tarde de ontem, deparou-se com uma grande festa em plena rua. A Parada Gay, evento que a organização batizou de Parada da Diversidade, fechou uma semana cheia de discussões a respeito da homossexualidade e do preconceito. O desfile teve todos os ingredientes que a receita da democracia pede: respeito, dignidade e liberdade.

Primeira Parada Gay de Joinville recebe 5 mil pessoas

Dia Mundial do Orgulho LGBT é celebrado aos pés do Cristo Redentor
Girassóis amarelos coloriram a manifestação realizada pelo Grupo Arco-Íris e outras entidades em defesa dos direitos dos homossexuais, que reuniram cerca de 60 pessoas, além de turistas, na manhã de domingo no Cristo Redentor. O encontro celebrou o Dia Mundial do Orgulho LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgêneros) e chamou atenção para o projeto de lei 122/2006, que prevê a criminalização das práticas de homofobia e que ainda está em tramitação no Senado.
(Foto Ana Branco - O Globo/Manifestação no Cristo Redentor em comemoração ao Dia Mundial do Orgulho LGBT.)
Manifestantes LGBT pedem pelo fim da homofobia aos pés do Cristo Redentor
Flores no Cristo

650 mil pessoas desfilam na 10a. Parada de Fortaleza _incluíndo a prefeita
A capital cearense confirmou contar com a terceira maior Parada gay do Brasil e uma das maiores do mundo. 650 pessoas estiveram neste domingo, 28, na Avenida Beira Mar, cartão postal da cidade, para a 10a. edição do evento. Para comparação, no mesmo dia, Paris realizou sua Parada com 500 mil pessoas, e Berlim com 400. (Foto)

50 mil pessoas participam da Parada Gay de Campinas
Cerca de 50 mil pessoas, segundo cálculo da PM, estiveram neste domingo, 28, na 9a. Parada LGBT de Campinas. Já os organizadores do evento preferiram não estimar público, mas afirmaram que neste ano observaram mais gente presente que no ano anterior, quando a PM estimou em 80 mil o número de pessoas.

Parada de Paris reúne 700 mil pessoas, incluindo Liza Minelli
A atriz e cantora Liza Minelli apareceu de surpresa na Parada Gay de Paris, ocorrida neste domingo, 28. Ela manteve-se a frente das cerca de 700 mil pessoas que desfilaram pela capital francesa, tendo o punho para o alto e o sorriso intacto.
Parada Gay em Paris, na França (Fotoreportagem)

Parada de Berlim reúne 550 mil pessoas
A Parada Gay de Berlim (Christopher Street Day) reuniu neste sábado, 27, 550 mil pessoas, segunda estimou os organizadores do evento. Entre os participantes da parada estavam o prefeito de Berlim, Klaus Wowereit, e outros políticos. Com 55 carros alegóricos, a manifestação ocorreu de forma pacífica e sem ocorrências policiais.

Parada gay de Tel Aviv, Israel - 12/06/2009

Third Gender Assert Rights
Two years ago, 23-year-old Bhakti Shah, a cadet in the Nepal Army, was dismissed because she was seen to spend most of her free time with a fellow female cadet.

Govt faces hurdles in repeal of anti-gay law
It is too early for the gay and lesbian community to celebrate the government's talk of decriminalising homosexuality. The centre will find it very difficult to build a consensus on the issue, with religious leaders already rejecting the idea of repealing section 377of the Indian Penal Code and opposition parties asking the government to exercise caution.
India: Exhortan a despenalizar actos homosexuales

Rainbow for all
Overriding Section 377 and social sitgma, Gay Pride March has become an annual ritual in the Capital. Last year, however, when the first-ever parade was held in Delhi, it was not inclusive of all sections — the transgender felt left out. The complaint is not unique to Delhi. For a long time, gay pride marches across the world are said to have ignored the transgender, who claim they have been sidelined and are the pariahs within the LGBT community.

Show of solidarity for rights of sexual minorities in Chennai
Excerpt: Many expressed hope that societal sensitivity would bring some succour to their daily lives. “We want a proper place to stay and employment opportunities. It can happen only if society gives us sanction,” said Shankari, talking about the issues of the transgender community.
(Photo : M. Vedhan - Participants at the first Chennai Rainbow Pride March held in Chennai on Sunday.)

[America Latina]
Festejan países latinos Día del Orgullo LGBT
Mientras gays peruanos denunciaron que su gobierno es el más homofóbico de Latinoamérica, en Chile el Orgullo Gay aplacó el frío invernal. Por su parte, El Salvador y Bolivia reprobaron los actos y crímenes de odio contra personas LGBT.

Thousands in Colombia march for gay rights
Plastic surgeons must have been working overtime in the lead up to the annual Gay Pride March held Sunday around the country. Fake boobs and butts were on display as thousands of Colombia's gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals took to the streets to celebrate their sexual preferences and defend their rights. (Photo)

Parada de Toronto reúne um milhão de pessoas
Sob o lema "Don’t Stop, Won’t Stop" (Não Para, Não Vai Parar), cerca de 1 milhão de pessoas participaram neste domingo, 28, da Parada de Toronto, no Canadá, uma das maiores do mundo.

[USA] [Commentary]
Hate Crimes Bill Would Federalize Criminal Law, Revive Double Jeopardy
Among its many defects, the proposed federal hate crimes bill virtually ensures that some defendants will face double jeopardy, whatever the outcome of their cases. It all depends on the whims of the folks occupying the Attorney General’s office, who may want to score political points at a defendant’s expense.
The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act (S. 909) now before the Senate, establishes “thought crime,” violates equal protection by making some victims more important than others, elevates “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to be equivalent to civil rights categories like race, and greatly expands the federal role in criminal law.

[USA] [Commentary]
Stonewall Hug a Tranny/Butch Day
Today is the 40th anniversary of Stonewall. The gay community has come a long way in the last 40 years, though we have a long way to go. June has been gay pride month since cities around the world started dispersing their Stonewall celebrations throughout the month. Now that Obama has made June officially gay pride month in the U.S., I propose a new tradition to celebrate Stonewall: Hug a Tranny/Butch day.
Conmemoran gays 40 aniversario del Stonewall

segunda-feira, junho 29, 2009

The number of people having sex-change operations on the NHS each year has almost trebled since the procedure became a ‘right’.
More than 1,000 people have had the surgery in a decade, costing the taxpayer up to £10million.
Eighty per cent of the operations are to change a man into a woman.
In addition to surgery, transsexuals can also get psychotherapy and hormone replacement therapy on the NHS.

People belonging to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups took out a rally here on Saturday, demanding their right to life and dignity.
Christened ‘Rainbow Pride Walk,’ the rally was attended by those from sexual minority groups.
“Those with alternative sexualities and gender identities are expressions of diversity of humanity. We are not suffering from physical or mental illness. Our sexualities and gender are not the result of western culture or media influence; nor are they indicators of cultural degradation,” Subham Mishra, a leading gay activist, said.
(Photo: Lingaraj Panda — Members of the sexual minority group taking out a rally in Bhubaneswar on Saturday.)

India is set to review its long-standing laws barring gay sex, in a move that could decriminalise homosexuality in the largely conservative country, a report says.
Consensual sex between same-sex adults is punishable by a fine and a 10-year prison term under the Indian Penal Code, and most politicians have resisted amending the statute which dates back to British rule.

[USA] [Commentary]
Waiting our turn isn't working. Asking nicely isn't working. What will work is what worked that fateful night at Stonewall.

DEBATE on the Sexual Offences Bill continued in Gordon House last week with lawmakers making additional recommendations as to how it could be further tightened before being passed into law.

Tens of thousands of lesbian, transsexual and transgendered participants danced on downtown streets today to celebrate the annual Dyke March, part of Pride weekend that wraps up with a massive parade tomorrow.
Showing pride in T.O. (Photo gallery)

Several thousand people gathered in Dolores Park to demand equality for the Trans Community. This was followed by a spirited march to 26th and Valencia. The march was the 5th trans march in San Francisco that began in 2004 to honor Gwen Araujo, a young transgendered woman who was brutally murdered in Newark California in November of 2002. (Photo on top and bottom)

domingo, junho 28, 2009

Masivas manifestaciones para celebrar el Día del Orgullo LGTB en todo el mundo
Miles de personas se dieron cita en diferentes capitales alrededor del mundo para conmemorar el 40º Aniversario de la Revuelta de Stonewall, o también conocido como Día Mundial del Orgullo Gay, Lesbico, Travesti, Transexual, Bisexual.

Transexual wins surgery funding
A transsexual from Nottinghamshire has won her fight with the NHS to be given hormone treatment and surgery to change sex from a man to a woman. (Photo)

El presidente de Lituania veta la ley que prohíbe hablar de homosexualidad en las escuelas
El presidente de Lituania, Valdas Adamkus, ha ejercido su derecho de veto y ha devuelto al Parlamento de su país la ley “para la protección de menores contra el efecto perjudicial de la información pública”, recientemente aprobada, que como venimos informando prohíbe hablar sobre lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales en el sistema educativo.

[Iran] [Film/Commentary]
It's easy to get a sex change in Iran
Gender reassignment is a way to deal with homosexuality in a place where gays are executed

Bangalore makes a queer pitch
This year, Bangalore has given Pride celebrations a distinct local flavour with a week-long celebration titled the Karnataka Queer Habba. It began with a bang with an innovative cricket match. Titled “Queering the Pitch”, the match saw teams from different LGBT organisations pitted against each other. A live and humorous commentary interspersed with messages about LGBT rights and safe sex practices, ensured that no one was bored even for a minute. The Sangama team emerged the undisputed winner and was handed a trophy designed with queer symbols.

Parliament discusses sexual offences bill
Excerpt: Another parliamentarian is urging her colleagues to block every loophole to prevent a man who undergoes a sex change from seeking coverage under the definition of sexual intercourse in the proposed law.
Government Senator Hyacinth Bennett cautioned that care should be taken to state that the sexual organs of the vagina and the penis be stated as the natural sex organs as defined at birth.

Gay legal group backs new employment discrimination law
A legal organisation that fights for the civil rights of lesbians and gay men has urged the United States Congress to act swifly to introduce new legislation protecting LGBT people in the workplace.
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act was introduced in the US Congress yesterday.

[Blog/Commentary] Political Calculations of ENDA
Legislative Progress on Protecting Transgender People
[News/Commentary] Colorado beats feds on employment non-discrimination

Federal Gov’t Poised to Add New Protections for Trans Workers
In keeping with his promise to work for full equality for GLBT Americans, President Obama’s administration is set to put protections for transgendered federal workers into place.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
'What a trans woman is, is somebody who is a woman but whose biology has betrayed them in someway'
"One of the things I realized in approaching this role was that I actually figured out early on that I was going to learn a lot about being a woman — period. Because, really, what a trans woman is, is somebody who is a woman but whose biology has betrayed them in someway. For me, I take for granted my identity as a woman. (...)"

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Honoring Stonewall: Transgender Day of Action
The Stonewall Riotsoccurred 40 years ago this Sunday in Greenwich Village, New York. They were sparked by one of many late-night police raids and erupted into a powerful and spontaneous resistance against years of abuse of LBGT folk by police officers. Although this fact is often forgotten, the Stonewall resistance was lead by Trans and gender non-conforming people and homeless youth.
Trans Day of Action: “The Rebellion Is Not Over”

Judge Won't Toss Transgender Woman's Claim
A federal judge has cleared the way for a discrimination lawsuit by a filed by a former state employee who claimed she was fired because she was undergoing a sex-change procedure.

[USA] [Books/History]
A Truly Queer History
Myth has it that the 1969 riots at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village were the first open queer rebellion against discrimination. Not so. In 1965, the first queer sit-ins on record took place at a late-night Philadelphia coffee shop and lunch counter called Dewey’s, which was a popular hangout for young gays and lesbians, and particularly drag queens and others with gender-variant attire. The establishment had begun refusing service to this LGBT clientele.

[USA] [Commentary]
Déjà vu all over again
The “hairpin drop heard round the world” — that is how New York’s Mattachine Society, and others, 40 years ago described the June 28, 1969, events at Stonewall, a gay and queen bar in the heart of Greenwich Village.
The name “Stonewall” has come to symbolize the beginning of gay activism and, in fact, spawned the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). In actuality, however, Stonewall was not the first encounter between persons we now describe as gender diverse and the authorities/status quo. Dewey’s Lunch Counter in Philadelphia and Compton’s Cafeteria in San Francisco both saw incidents wherein drag queens — or transvestites, as they were often termed in the vernacular of the ’60s — were at odds with management and the local police.

sábado, junho 27, 2009

A Veneza de Jan no tempo em que ainda era James
Jan Morris é uma das grandes referências na literatura de viagens. Viveu metade da sua vida como homem, a outra metade como mulher. Foi como James que escreveu "Veneza", obra agora editada em Portugal.

Sugestão de mudar Parada de São Paulo para estádio do Morumbi irrita ativistas LGBT
A promotoria de São Paulo quer impedir que as próximas Paradas do Orgulho de SP seja realizadas na Av. Paulista. Isso porque um casos graves de violência foram registrados, como a morte por espancamento do chefe de cozinha Marcelo Campos Barros.

Swedish parents keep 2-year-old's gender secret
A couple of Swedish parents have stirred up debate in the country by refusing to reveal whether their two-and-a-half-year-old child is a boy or a girl.

Turkey's sex workers seek to establish a union
Activists and sex workers in Turkey are working on a project to establish Turkey’s first sex workers union. They are hopeful about finding a solution to their problems and changing society’s approach toward sex workers. They will organize an awareness walk to bring attention to their issues

Jerusalén: Celebran el orgullo homosexual
Pese al temor de que fueran agredidas por grupos ultraortodoxos, cientos de personas LGBT se manifestaron este jueves en una marcha del Orgullo Gay. Los manifestantes recorrieron un kilómetro, protegidos por un contingente policial.

Discriminan a persona con VIH en hospital de Toluca
Sin ningún estudio clínico previo, personal del nosocomio determinó que el paciente moriría sin remedio. Sus familiares aseguran que el maltrato de médicos y enfermeras no sólo es a personas que viven con VIH, sino también a otros.

Since Stonewall
Four decades after the riots, much has changed for LGBT Americans -- although much work remains

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
What Would Today Look Like if the Stonewall Riots Didn’t Happen?
I have this wonderful part of my being that I like to pull out and play with every so often. Okay. I suppose that sentence could have been written differently. I am referring to my “imagination.” My imagination has play tricks on me quite often, but then I get many chances to tame it with the wave of my typing fingers. This happens to be one of those times.

Atlanta celebrates Stonewall Week
Excerpt: The largest slate of new Stonewall Week events comes from Human Rights Atlanta, which offers several activities meant to honor the gender non-conforming people who fought back at Stonewall and build support for transgender rights today. Although she was born just one year before the Stonewall Riots broke out, transgender activist Tracee McDaniel said she is inspired to know transgender and other gender non-conforming people were at the forefront of the modern day LGBT civil rights movement.

[USA] [News/History]
‘The hairpin drop heard around the world’
Civil rights turning point began with routine raid on Mafia-run gay bar
[Blog/Commentary] Stonewall police officer speaks
Top Stonewall Cop: Raid Was "Right"

Senate holds hearing on Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes bill
New Employment Non-Discrimination Act including gender identity introduced in House

New employment bill includes sexual orientation and gender
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) announced the introduction of a bill Wednesday that would make workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity illegal.
Frank introduces inclusive ENDA bill
Lewis, Johnson co-sponsor ENDA
[Blog/Commentary] Legalizing Deception: Why “Gender Identity” Should Not be Added to Anti-discrimination Legislation
[Blog/Commentary] Inclusive ENDA Introduced; "We Are Beyond" Removing Gender Identity Protections, Says Frank

Obama administration set to extend protection to transgender federal employees
The New York Times reported yesterday that the Obama administration is drafting guidelines that would provide protection for transgender federal employees against discrimination.

sexta-feira, junho 26, 2009

Pesca intensa põe tubarões em perigo sério de extinção
A 'lista vermelha' da União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza analisou os estados de preservação de 64 tipos de tubarões e raias oceânicos e percebeu que 30% destes animais estão em risco de extinção, enquanto 24% caminham para essa situação. A caça de que são alvo, muitas vezes apenas para retirar as barbatanas, é o grande problema.

Baleias: 40 voluntários arriscam vida para «afundar» frota
Quarenta voluntários de todo o mundo vão «arriscar a vida», entre Dezembro e Março, numa campanha da organização ecologista Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) para impedir a caça às baleias no Antártico, anunciou a instituição.
Portugal rejeita intenção de retomar caça de baleias
Baleias: Comissão adia decisão sobre proposta da Dinamarca
Trabalhos concluídos no Funchal - Comissão Baleeira Internacional termina reunião sem resolver crise
Governo rejeita retomar caça à baleia
Austrália dá 850 mil euros para as baleias

Polícia de Maceió investiga morte de ex-presidiária travesti assassinada a tiros
Uma travesti identificada apenas como Luana foi assassinada a tiros na noite da última quarta-feira, 24, na Avenida Humberto Mendes, no Poço, em Maceió. Segundo a polícia, o local fica próximo de onde ela fazia programas. Ainda não se sabe a causa do crime nem quem pode ser o assassino, mas o envolvimento de Luana com o tráfico de drogas foi apontado como motivo principal.

Travesti cubana que fez história na cena teatral de SP abre sua casa em projeto do Sesc
Para os habitues dos teatros da Praça Roosevelt, Phedra é uma figura carimbada, integrante do grupo teatral Os Satyros, e rendeu ao grupo histórias para montagens como "Transex" e "A Vida na Praça Roosevelt". Phedra é uma travesti cubana que vive há 54 anos no Brasil e uma década deste tempo destinada ao grupo curitibano que revitalizou a praça, que continha entre outras pessoas, vários travestis. (Foto)

La nueva ley española de asilo contempla a las personas LGTB
El Congreso ha aprobado este jueves una nueva ley reguladora del derecho de asilo y de la protección subsidiaria, que refuerza de modo especial la protección de mujeres, niños, discapacitados y personas perseguidas por razón de orientación sexual o identidad de género, que ven explícitamente reconocido su derecho a solicitar asilo. El PSOE ha pactado el texto de la nueva ley con PP y CiU. Otros grupos, como IU-ICV y ERC, aun reconociendo que la ley es una avance respecto a la situación actual, han criticado que deje fuera a los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea.

[Reyno Unido]
La mayor organización de personas transexuales de Londres retira su anunciado boicot a la marcha del Orgullo
TransLondon, la mayor asociación de personas transexuales y allegados de la capital británica, ha decidido retirar su boicot a la marcha del Orgullo de Londres que se celebrará el próximo 4 de julio, y del cual os informábamos hace unas semanas. El boicot no estaba motivado por razones de fondo, sino que fue promovido como respuesta a la política organizativa que los propios promotores del Pride London venían imponiendo a los participantes transexuales, como el uso de aseos diferenciados para mujeres a los que a algunas mujeres transexuales se les había negado el acceso o la imposición de un código de vestimenta concreto para su carroza.

[Saudi Arabia]
HRW denounces Saudi transvestite arrests
Saudi Arabian authorities should drop charges against 67 men arrested in Riyadh for wearing women's clothing, human rights advocates say.
Filipinos charged over cross-dressing

[El Salvador]
Marcharán gays salvadoreños contra homofobia
La comunidad gay del país saldrá a las calles este fin de semana en su Marcha del Orgullo Homosexual. Exigirá, como cada año, el respeto a sus derechos. En esta ocasión denunciarán el asesinato de homosexuales y personas trans.
Gays salvadoreños marcharán el sábado con luto por asesinato de miembros

Contrata gobierno paraguayo a personas LGBT
La Secretaría de Emergencia Nacional y la organización Somosgay, anunciaron la incorporación a la entidad pública de dos personas de la diversidad sexual. Se trata de un hombre gay y una mujer transexual.
El Gobierno paraguayo incorpora a un gay y a una transexual en el funcionariado

Travestis renuevan reclamo ante las elecciones
Haciendose eco de la campaña iniciada la semana anterior por Ariana Cano, en la que llamaba a manifestarse pacíficamente en las escuelas para combatir la discriminación y la humillación que sienten las personas travestis cada vez que acuden a votar, desde ATTTA (Asociación Travestis Transexuales Transgéneros de la Argentina), respaldan la iniciativa porque quieren “porque es un derecho” y quieren hacerlo en mesas femeninas.

Local activists among 40 ’transgender heroes’ honored at Stonewall bar
Historians have long credited poor and working class drag queens, bull dykes and other transgender and gender-non-conforming people as key participants in the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion, but within the wider LGBT community that defining moment is all-too-often remembered as a gay, rather than LGBT, milestone. The International Court System and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force hope to change that. On June 25, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the riots that marked the birth of the modern LGBT rights movement, the two organizations will hold a dedication ceremony at the fabled New York City bar to unveil a plaque featuring the names of 40 transgender heroes past and present.
(Photo: Stonewall’s legacy: (from left) Gunner Scott, Nancy Nangeroni and Grace Sterling Stowell will be immortalized as ’Transgender Heroes’ at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. (Source:Marilyn Humphries) )

Trans Federal Workers Protected
President Obama's lawyers are drafting guidelines that would bar discrimination against federal employees based on gender identity, The New York Times reported Wednesday. The guidelines will protect federal transgender employees from discrimination, and are the first of their kind on a federal level.
[Blog/Commentary] New Protections for Transgender Federal Workers
[Blog/Commentary] N.Y. Times Reports On Transgender Rights: There Are No 'Liberals' On The Issue, Only 'Conservatives'

[TN, USA] [Commentary]
This victim lucky to be alive
We need stricter laws protecting us when one of us is a victim of hate crime.
Hate crimes are on the rise now, and those who commit them should be punished to the fullest extent that the law allows. When a hate crime is committed in our state, local law enforcement should be educated well enough to know how to serve and protect all of us!

[Commentary] Proposed Federal Law Would Be a Hate Crime Against America
[PR] Task Force Action Fund urges for passage of critical hate crimes legislation

Alexandra Billings reigns on her parade
She's a worldwide pioneer in the LGBT community, not just a local celebrity with roots in Chicago's northwest suburbs.
Alexandra Scott Billings, 47, is the first transgender woman to have played a transgender character on television. She appeared in the 2003 made-for-TV movie Romy and Michelle: A New Beginning on ABC-TV and in an episode of the ABC show Karen Sisco. She also played transsexual characters in episodes of ER and Grey's Anatomy. (Photo)

Pride Parade's grand premiere

Baldwin bill seeks to end LGBT health disparities
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin introduced the Ending Health Disparities for LGBT Americans Act (ELHDA) on Tuesday, the first comprehensive approach to improving all areas of the health care system where lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans face inequality and discrimination.
“Our current health care system fails LGBT Americans on many levels,” said Baldwin in a statement.

Frank introduces inclusive ENDA
The LGBT community erupted in anger in the fall of 2007 when Representative Barney Frank introduced a version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act that excluded protection for gender identity. Critics also charged that the 2007 ENDA was "riddled with loopholes" that rendered it significantly weakened even for lesbians and gay men in the workplace. At the time, Frank said a bill including protections for transgender people simply didn't have the votes.
Employment Non-Discrimination Act Introduced in U.S. House
Inclusive ENDA introduced

quinta-feira, junho 25, 2009

Globo mostra drama de adolescente transexual
Em um episódio dedicado ao drama de crianças vítimas de vários tipos de abusos, o programa global "Profissão Repórter" desta terça, 23, mostrou a história de uma jovem que apanhava dos pais por gostar de usar roupas masculinas.

SP: Seminário aborda tráfico de travestis e transexuais
Com o intuito de abordar um tema ainda pouco discutido, o tráfico de travestis e transexuais, será realizado em São Paulo o "Seminário Internacional - Tráfico de Pessoas/Mercosul", entre os dias 22 e 24.

Rondônia: Professora transexual afirma que está sendo impedida de lecionar em escola pública

[UK] [Blog/News]
Translondon to lift Pride Boycott
Two TransLondon organisers attended an open meeting hosted by Pride London’s representative for the trans community on Saturday 6th of June. At that meeting, it became clear that Pride London has been listening to the concerns expressed by members of TransLondon and other LGBT groups.

Governo paraguaio contrata transexual e gay para conter discriminação
O Governo do Paraguai incorporou hoje como funcionários da Secretaria de Emergência Nacional (SEN) um transexual e um homossexual, dentro de um processo que busca "pôr fim à discriminação e à exclusão".

New Protections for Transgender Federal Workers
Lawyers for President Obama are quietly drafting first-of-their kind guidelines barring workplace discrimination against transgender federal employees, officials said Tuesday.
Obama To Protect Transgender Federal Workers
[Blog/Commentary] A bold move by Obama for LGBT rights imminent!!!

[USA] [History/Commentary]
69: Drags gone wild
Forty years ago, on 27 June 1969, friends were having a quiet drink at the Stonewall Inn in Christopher Street New York. The Inn, reportedly owned by the Mafia, was more of a dump than a trendy public house. It operated without a liquor licence, its bar having no running water, with glasses being washed in dirty water. The Inn attracted an assortment of patrons: blacks, street queens, hustlers, effeminate men, butch dykes, homeless kids, transvestites and “scary drag queens”. Many were in their late teens (some underage). Those who were in their early thirties were considered “old”! At the Inn, drugs were freely available and the Inn was a good place to buy acid.

[USA] [Blog/News]
Federal Commission Recognizes Victimization of LGBT Prisoners in Report
In 2003, Congress unanimously enacted the Prison Rape Elimination Act, showing a strong commitment to protecting incarcerated individuals from sexual abuse. The act established a National Prison Rape Elimination Commission, tasked with the duty of studying the causes and consequences of such abuse and providing solutions for prevention. Today, the Commission released its report, and it includes extensive discussion about the need to protect incarcerated members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Frank Introduces Federal Gay Protections Bill
Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank reintroduced a federal gay protections bill in Congress Wednesday.
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) would ban employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
[PR/News] Employment Non-Discrimination Act Introduced in the House
Text of H.R. 2981: To prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity
[PR/News] ENDA's Introduction

quarta-feira, junho 24, 2009

Deputado Giannazi acredita que crimes pós-Parada foram premeditados por grupos de intolerância
O Deputado Carlos Giannazi, do PSOL, também veio a público falar sobre os atos violentos ocorridos após a 13ª Parada de Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo, realizada no dia 14 de junho.

Man kills girlfriend of 2 years after learning she used to be a man
A Russian man has killed the girlfriend that he lived with for two years after finding out that she once was a man.

Se tiñe Tijuana de arco iris con el Orgullo Gay
Un gran contingente de personas LGBT se reunió este fin de semana en el centro de la ciudad para, además de presumir singulares y llamativos atuendos, exigir sus derechos como personas y próximamente, ante las elecciones, como ciudadanos.

Transfobia en La Nacion
Yo si sé, por eso escribo en respuesta a una
nota escrita por Rolando Hangling para La Nación.
Al leerla nota sentí una especie de compasión, de lastima o como quieran llamarlo. Gente que consideramos culta, con conocimientos, y hasta quizás consideremos que este por encima de nosotros escribiendo una nota sin siquiera interiorizarse por el tema. No quiero entrar en esa bolsa, por eso escribo de lo que se y lo ya demostrado.

Gender dysphoria: from Christine Jorgensen to Chaz Bono
In 1995, Chastity Bono let the world know that she was a lesbian, a woman who is sexually attracted to other women. Recently, the news reported that the former Chastity Bono, who will now go by
Chaz Bono in his new male persona, is taking steps toward physically transitioning from being female to becoming male. If done completely, female to male (FTM) transitioning consists of Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS), wherein surgical procedures divest one of all female physical components: a complete hysterectomy to remove the female reproductive system (ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina) and use of tissues to create the genitalia of a male, and a bilateral mastectomy to remove breast tissue and mammary glands. These procedures are usually accompanied by the taking of male hormones – testosterone – to induce masculine traits such as the growth of facial hair and heavier body hair, deepening the voice, and increasing muscle mass.

terça-feira, junho 23, 2009

IPJ vai fazer rastreio em escolas, discotecas e festivais
O Instituto Português da Juventude (IPJ) vai ter cinco unidades móveis a fazer o rastreio de VIH e a distribuir preservativos a estudantes dos 12 aos 25 anos, em escolas, discotecas e festivais de música.
Unidades móveis vão fazer testes de sida em escolas

Investigação - VIH tratado com quimioterapia
Dois estudos abrem novas possibilidades de tratamento da infecção VIH/sida, através da combinação dos actuais tratamentos com terapêuticas focadas nas células infectadas com o vírus.

Golfinhos portugueses em risco
Poluição e excesso de tráfego marítimo no Estuário do Sado podem fazer desaparecer mamíferos em 30 anos

Comissão Baleeira Internacional - Portugal disposto a aceitar caça costeira à baleia
Portugal admite o regresso de alguma caça à baleia a nível internacional, em troca de mais medidas de conservação para os grandes cetáceos. Aproximar as posições pró e contra a caça à baleia é a postura que o país está a manter na reunião anual da Comissão Baleeira Internacional (CBI), que começou hoje no Funchal, Madeira.
Reunião internacional começa hoje na Madeira - Caçar ou não caçar baleias
Baleias: Nunes Correia apela à «flexibilidade» da CBI
Baleias: Jardim defende urgência de acordo tripartido
Baleias: Pró-conservação têm maioria confortável na CBI
Greenpeace defende fim de programas de caça à baleia
Baleias «discutidas» na Madeira
Conseguir um acordo que limite a caça às baleias

"Homens casados saem com travestis quando querem ser crueis", afirma Keila Simpson
Keila Simpson comandou a Associação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais (ANTRA) por quatro anos. Nesse período, deu passos largos na luta pelo direito à cidadania. Entre as conquistas, segundo a ativista "pequenas, mas fundamentais", estão as parcerias com o Ministério da Saúde e da Educação e a criação de portarias, como a da utilização do nome social dentro do SUS e a autorização das cirurgias de readequação sexual.

I was outed on TV by Apprentice wannabes
TRANSSEXUAL Chloe Hennison has revealed her shock at being outed by the hit BBC1 show The Apprentice when it filmed at her favourite Margate bar.
Since the age of 14 the Sundowners pub regular, who used to be called Clive, has dressed up in women’s clothes and is now planning on taking the final steps to becoming a woman.

Rightists protest gay parade in Arab towns
Hundreds of right-wing activists to demonstrate against coming Gay Pride Parade in the capital by organizing march in Arab towns

[Saudi Arabia/Philippines]
Pinoys in Saudi face lash for 'imitating women'
Sixty-seven Filipino men working in Saudi Arabia face jail and lashes for "imitating women" after being arrested at a party in which a number were dressed in drag, a Philippines embassy official said Saturday.
Saudi Arabian religious police arrest 67 Filipino men at drag party

Mexico City Gay Pride Parade Draws Thousands
Thousands of Mexicans marched peacefully through central Mexico City in the 31st Gay Pride March at which they demanded improvements in gay rights, watched over by some 1,500 police.
Festeja la Ciudad de México el Orgullo Gay
Se deslindan activistas de organizadores de Marcha Gay en DF
Celebran la marcha del orgullo gay en la Ciudad de México

Marchan gays por calles de Torreón
Con banderas multicolores, elegantes vestuarios, música electrónica, y con un espíritu de fiesta, fue como este fin de semana se llevó a cabo la segunda marcha por el Orgullo y la Dignidad Gay en la ciudad coahuilense.

High heels, red lipstick ... it's Pride
As any 42-year-old man in a size 16 red velvet dress with fluff top, short, blonde wig with red highlights and gold high heels will tell you, a little rain can ruin even the best makeup effort.

[USA] [Commentary]
Can I Find Love If I’m Transgendered?
If you’re a woman in your mid-thirties, the dating scene is challenging enough. You’re conscious of feeling older, wrinkles become a reality, and you feel like your stock value as a potential wife has started to head south faster than the housing market. So in the past year, I decided it was high time I met a fabulous man.

Asexual contingent to march in San Fransisco pride parade
Gay Pride parades are not the first place you'd expect to find asexuals marching. Some people who identify as ace fall under the GLBT umbrella while many others do not. Members of the queer movement have reached out to asexuals to include them in their community. The acronym for this has now become GLBTQA. (Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and asexual.)

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
And We Are Not Saved: The Opposition To ENDA From The Left Is Mistaken
The more I read the position of those who oppose ENDA on the grounds that it does not fully protect us, the more I am reminded that my field of professorship is Law AND Society. Too many people see law as a savior. It is not. Law will not save us from discrimination. We cannot legislate against prejudice. Rather, law is nothing more than a tool of education, with the power of the state occasionally behind it.

segunda-feira, junho 22, 2009

Marcha de Orgulho LGBT
Vídeo TVI

Centenas vão ao centro de São Paulo pelo fim da violência contra os LGBT
Foi realizado na noite do último sábado, dia 20 de junho, a manifestação contra os ataques homofóbicos que ocorreram no dia 14 de junho, durante e depois da 13ª Parada do Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo. Os casos de maior repercussão foram o da bomba caseira atirada na Rua Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, que resultou em 30 vítimas, e o espancamento que culminou na morte de Marcelo Campos Barros. (Foto: Mariane Zendron)

[CO,USA] [Commentary]
Senate should expand hate-crimes legislation

The Matthew Shepard Act would cover bias crimes targeting people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

domingo, junho 21, 2009

Um anfíbio cada vez mais raro em Portugal
Ameaça. A drenagem de pântanos e pauis, para a agricultura, e a poluição de pequenas ribeiras e lagoas estão a fazer diminuir rapidamente o número de tritões-palmados, alerta o ecologista Vasco Cruz, que está a realizar um trabalho de conservação de anfíbios e répteis

Marcha do Orgulho LGBT realiza-se este sábado
Lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgéneros (LGBT) desfilam esta tarde em Lisboa, do Príncipe Real aos Restauradores, contra a discriminação e em defesa de direitos iguais para todos.
Uma ‘luta’ colorida - Marcha de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgéneros em Lisboa
Marcha do orgulho gay esta tarde em Lisboa
Várias centenas de participantes - “Foi a maior marcha do Orgulho LGBT"
Marcha de orgulho LGBT percorreu ruas de Lisboa
Marcha de orgulho LGBT percorreu ruas de Lisboa

[Brasil] [Blog do Cia]
Protesto contra violência na Parada reúne 300 pessoas no centro de SP
Aconteceu no começo da noite deste sábado, 20, um protesto organizado por diversas entidades militantes contra os atos homofóbicos e agressões observadas na Parada Gay de São Paulo, com saldo de um homemm morto em decorrência dos ataques. Uma bomba feriu mais de 20 pessoas no Arouche e uma pessoa atingida permanece internada na Santa Casa.

[Norway] [News/Health/Medicine]
Revision Suggestions for Gender Related Diagnoses in the DSM and ICD
Presentation to the 2009 WPATH Symposium, Oslo, Norway

Federation of gay Hungarians seeks president's help against extremists
Hungary's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender federation has asked for talks with President Laszlo Solyom to support efforts seeking protection against threats by extremist groups, an executive of the federation told reporters on Thursday.

Indian city plans first gay parade
The city of Chennai, in Tamil Nadu, is due to hold its first Rainbow Parade on June 28th.
The event aims to raise awareness of the challenges facing the state's LGBT population.

Queer and happily so: Bangalore readies for special

Celebran la marcha del orgullo gay en la Ciudad de México
Mexico - (EFE)Miles de mexicanos marcharon este sábado por el centro de Ciudad de México en la XXXI edición de la Marcha del Orgullo Gay, en la que reivindicaron mejoras a sus derechos sin que hubiera incidentes que lamentar bajo vigilancia de unos 1.500 agentes.

El Orgullo de Lima se solidariza con los indígenas de la Amazonia
Lima – (Dos Manzanas)La 8ª marcha del Orgullo LGTB de Lima (Perú), que se celebrará el próximo 27 de junio, tendrá este año la particularidad que por primera vez su lema central se centrará no en un tema específicamente LGTB, sino que mostrará su solidaridad con otra minoría oprimida, la de los pueblos amazónicos. El lema será “En la Diversidad unidas y unidos: Lesbianas, Trans, Gays, Bisexuales por la Paz, la Vida y el Respecto a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de la Amazonía”.

Travestis de la Cooperativa Nadia Echazú desfilaron con vestidos propios y de otras empresas.
Por Mauro Federico – (Critica)Más de doscientas personas concurrieron al primer desfile de modas realizado con indumentaria confeccionada por empresas textiles autogestionadas. Por las pasarelas, instaladas en el salón principal del hotel Bauen, desfilaron actores, actrices, modelos profesionales, travestis y transexuales vistiendo los diseños de una decena de marcas cuyas fábricas fueron recuperadas por sus trabajadores luego de la crisis de 2001.

Much work remains for LGBT rights
Pride Week marks remarkable progress: Same-sex benefits, same-sex marriage, and recent human rights decisions make Canada a global leader on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered (LGBT) rights.

Mateando participó de la XVII Marcha del Orgullo LGTB de Queens
El pasado domingo 7 de junio tuvo lugar el 17mo Desfile y Festival Cultural LGBT de Queens. Bajo el lema “Tus Derechos, Nuestros Derechos, Derechos Humanos”, decenas de grupos y organizaciones de la diversidad sexual (muchos de ellos, latinos) marcharon por la 37 Avenida de Jackson Heights, regalando música, baile, trajes coloridos y mucha alegría a los espectadores.

Cher: ’I Respect the Courage’ in Chaz Transitioning to Male
As previously reported at EDGE Chaz Bono, the child of Sonny Bono and Cher, has decided to move forward with a female-to-male transition.
As the June 11 article noted, Bono’s publicist stated that, "Chaz, after many years of consideration, has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity."