Stop TRANS Pathologization-2012
The main action of the stp2012 campaign is the simultaneous demonstration, in various cities around the world, every October since 2007.
[Blog/News] TGEU call for action/support -- "Stop Trans Pathologization 2012"
Additions to GIRES Website
We encourage you to use the material in this site to inform and educate others.
[South Africa] [Commentary]
Castigated and celebrated
Had the acceptance by South Africans of athlete Caster Semenya’s difference been extended to murdered footballer Eudy Simelane she may have still been alive today, writes Mark Gevisser
[Commentary/Sports] Gender or Sex Verification of Athletes – Why?

Bend it like gender
Man-turned-woman Martine Delaney says the science of gender is not just black and white.
(Photo: Martine Delaney says she is driven by her desire to get people to think differently about their assumptions about gender.)
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Discrimination and Entitlement
Much has been said about employment discrimination with regards to the transgender. ENDA, the Employment Non Discrimination Act, is highly touted by both the GLB and the transgender. I have no feelings on ENDA one way or the other. But with well over a hundred combined municipalities and states having statutes and ordinances prohibiting employment discrimination based on GLBT identification…and, at least to hear that same GLBT talk, those statutes and ordinances having little or no effect on GLBT employment, it will be anything but the transgender holy grail.
[USA] [News/Health]
It's About Life and Death
Controversy over the "true" sex of South African 800-meter world champion Caster Semenya displays the anxiety many still have over gender. People that do not line up neatly as male or female face social ostracization, as well as outright hostility or violence. This can become a matter of life and death for those that decide to physically transgress the gender binary, not just due to physical attacks, but from the need for basic medical care. For transsexuals, trying to access health care can be an impossible ordeal, as it can result in being denied assistance by medical professionals, or being written off as having psychological issues. Writer Eleanor Bader looks at one facility, the Feminist Women’s Health Center in Atlanta, that decided to break this trend. The Center offers a model for other medical facilities to proactively care for the trans community and prevent any more needless deaths due to ignorance and fear.

Interview: Taking Woodstock's Liev Schreiber
Liev Schreiber has a reputation as a serious actor. He's played Hamlet onstage, after all, and even in this summer's gloriously ridiculous Wolverine, he brought some depth to his role as Sabretooth. When he walks in for a roundtable interview he definitely doesn't seem like the brooding type, giving thoughtful and friendly answers even to a question about whether he'll be in a Wolverine sequel. But it's when we ask about the research he did to play the part of Vilma, the drag queen security guard in Taking Woodstock, and he gives a 10 minute answer that covers the entire history of drag queens in the 1960s, that that "serious actor" reputation really comes true. (Photo)
Liev Schreiber cross dresses for 'Taking Woodstock' and contemplates doing a 'Wolverine' sequel
D.C. Transgender Killing Possible Hate Crime
A brutal attack on two transgender women in the Washington D.C. area has left one dead and a second seriously injured, gay weekly the Washington Blade reported.
Tyli'a "NaNa Boo" Mack: vigil held for murdered D.C. trans woman
[Blog/Commentary] Two Transgender People Attacked in NW, One Dies