Lobo-ibérico caça prémio mundial de fotografia
Um lobo-ibérico foi a grande estrela dos prémios fotográficos Veolia Environment Wildlife, entregues pela BBC e Museu Nacional de História Natural de Inglaterra. (Foto de topo)
Campaign launched to end classification of transsexualism as ‘illness’
A campaign that aims to end the classification of transsexuals as individuals who suffer an ‘illness’ as well as educating the general population that sexual diversity not limited to the male and female genre was launched in Lisbon this week.
Osakidetza asume el cambio de sexo desde el próximo año
El consejero de Sanidad del Gobierno vasco, Rafael Bengoa, anunció ayer que, a partir de 2010, Osakidetza asumirá las operaciones de cambio o reasignación de sexo, aunque no pondrá en marcha una unidad específica, sino que se dará el tratamiento hormonal, psicológico y la intervención quirúrgica «coordinando todos los servicios necesarios».
Polémica en España por un calendario con vírgenes transexuales
Es una creación de una organización gay de Madrid que busca que la OMS deje de calificar a la identidad transexual como una patología médica. Grupos cristianos lo consideran ofensivo con la Iglesia. "Es blasfemo y pornográfico", dicen.
Lío por anuario de vírgenes transexuales
Sex-swap 'strangler' in court
A 42-YEAR-OLD man has been charged with murdering sex-swap prostitute Andrea Waddell.
Man in court over prostitute murder
Woman murder suspect is charged
Andrea Waddell 'had sweetest soul ever’
Transvestite stole £120,000 in M&S lingerie
A Coventry accountant who has a “sexual fetish for women’s clothing” has been jailed after shoplifting more than 6,000 items of lingerie from Marks and Spencer.
Dad-of-two driver changes gear in sex swap
Burly Nigel Weston has shocked trucker pals by telling them: "Call me Nikki-Jane."
The lorry driver left workmates stunned when he revealed his sex swap - but insists they are supportive.
[UK/South Africa]
British sex-change coach appointed as high performance manager by Triathlon South Africa
A Briton who has had a sex-change operation has been appointed by Triathlon South Africa (TSA) as the high performance manager to oversee preparations for the London 2012 Olympics, it was announced today.
Detenidos 4 carabineros por chantajear a dirigente del PD con vídeo erótico
Cuatro carabineros fueron detenidos hoy por haber chantajeado supuestamente al presidente de la región del Lazio (capital Roma), Piero Marrazzo, del opositor Partido Demócrata (PD), con un vídeo en el que aparecería, al parecer, en actitud íntima con un transexual, informaron los medios italianos
Nuevo escándalo en Italia: filman a un gobernador con un transexual
Police held for blackmail in Italian political sex row
Italian pol Piero Marrazzo resigns after police attempt to blackmail him with video of transsexual
Scandal hits Italy leftist party
Court rules insurance must pay for ex-soldier's breast surgery
A transsexual has won a lawsuit against her German health insurance, which will now have to pay for the former British soldier's re-constructive breast surgery, news magazine Der Spiegel reported late on Wednesday.
Sanidad pública pagará operación de pechos a ex soldado británico transexual
Sex-swap aquaddie gets free bazookas
Homosexuality Bill Rejected
Some rights activists have described the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill as a violation of human rights and want it to be withdrawn immediately.
[South Africa]
The Sex of Athletes: One Issue, Many Variables
Track and field’s world governing body has begun trying to devise new rules about who can compete as a woman. This comes nearly two months after being presented with the case of Caster Semenya, the South African runner whose sex was questioned when she won the 800-meter world championship.
Athletics: Caster Semenya the latest female athlete suspected of being biological male
[Russia] [News/Film]
Is Russia ready for a film about drag queens?
Resplendent in pink satin and ostrich feathers, a drag queen runs through a tumbledown Russian village, miming to Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive.
(Photo: STV/AFP Veselchaki is the first mainstream Russian film about drag queens, in a country where homophobia is still common.)
[South Korea]
Social Ostracism Stifles Sexual Minorities
On Fridays and Saturdays after the sun goes down, both Korean and foreign gay residents begin to trickle into Itaewon from all over Seoul and parts beyond. They are businessmen and university students, English teachers and soldiers, mostly but not exclusively young men.
Sex reassignment surgery funding debate heats up
Alberta’s finance minister doubts the province will reverse its decision to drop sex changes from its list of publicly-funded surgeries, despite advice from a gay rights group.
Transgendered teacher, Catholic school in a legal duel
A complaint has been filed by a transgendered substitute teacher against a Catholic school board in Canada.
Finish sex change or no job, Forces tells applicant
Chris already has manly muscles, facial hair, a baritone voice and was accepted years ago by family and friends as a man.
But he's been told he cannot work for the Canadian military until he also gets a penis.
VICTORY: Hate Crimes Bill Passes - First Federal Bill to Protect Transgender People
In an historic move, the United States Senate joined the House of Representatives in passing The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which will be the first federal law to include gender identity and transgender people. Once signed by the President, this law will add sexual orientation, gender identity, gender and disability to the categories included in existing federal hate crimes law and will allow local governments who are unable or unwilling to address hate crimes to receive assistance from the federal government. President Obama has indicated that he will sign the bill into law.
Congress extends hate crime protections to gays
Senate sends gay hate crimes bill to Obama
Hate Crimes bill passes Senate
U.S. Senate approves hate crimes measure
Senate passes measure that would protect gays
[News/Commentary] Trans-inclusive hate crimes legislation on way to president's desk
"Love conquers hate": inclusive hate crimes statute passes
Gay hate-crimes bill could punish Christians, foes say
[Blog/Commentary] Guest Post: The Message Of A Fully Inclusive Hate Crimes Bill
Federal job bias bill gets its second House hearing
The full House Education and Labor Committee heard testimony on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act on September 23.
The bill prohibits businesses with 15 or more employees from using sexual orientation and gender identity as the basis for discrimination in employment.
Housing regs to add protections for gays
Federal housing officials said Wednesday they're developing regulations to ensure that gays and lesbians aren't denied access to federally subsidized housing based on their sexual orientation.
Gay Organizations Tackle Homo and Transphobia in Sports
I'm a glass-half-empty girl. Give me solid proof that things are looking up and I might start to refill that drink. That being said, my hat's off and my glass is raised for the efforts of the people I mention here in this story. They give me hope that things are going in the right direction for the LGBT sports community.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Horror! Transvestites may be 'profiled' in terror investigations
We simply must prevent the harrassment of transgender males, and transvestites who will be in for closer scrutiny as a result of male terrorists dressing as women to avoid detection.
Chaz Bono Taking The Final Steps Of His Sex Change Operation
Chaz Bono, an American musician and LGBT rights advocate has been in the limelight for his much publicized sex change operation. Chez was born Chastity Sun Bono and is the only daughter of legendary American singing couple Cher and Sonny.
Chastity/Chaz Bono before and after pics; Cher lugubrious, Sonny tolerant
[NY, USA] [News/Law]
NYC transgender man wins right to name change
A court in New York City has reversed a lower court's decision rejecting a transgender man's application to change his name because he didn't provide medical documentation.
Ruling Eases Transgender Name-Change Process (Photo: Olin Yuri Winn-Ritzenberg, 26, was asked to provide documentation when he sought to change his name.)
Transgender name-change victory in New York
Victory! Appellate Court Strikes Down “Doctor’s Note” Requirement for Transgender Name Changes
Judges barred from demanding doctor's notes in transgender name change cases
NY Court: Trans People Don’t Need Dr.’s Note for Name Change
N.Y. Court Slams Doctor’s Note Requirement for Name Change
Trans Dad Wins Right to Contest Custody Due to "Extraordinary Circumstances"
A Brooklyn, New York, trial judge has ruled that due to "extraordinary circumstances" a mother may not object to the standing of her transgender spouse in a custody dispute pending in Kings County Supreme Court. K.B. v. J.R., 2009 Westlaw 3337592 (Oct. 14, 2009). As a result of this ruling on a motion by the mother, J.R., to disqualify the father, K.B., from seeking custody, Justice Esther M. Morgenstern will proceed to determine whether the father’s petition for custody should be granted in the best interests of their son, K.B. Jr.
Video Voyeur Fought Trans Restroom Rights
A Florida man who took a role in an attempt last year to deny transgendered people restroom access confessed to spying on women using the lavatory in the store where he worked, according to an Oct. 20 article published in the Gainesville Sun and posted at Gainesville.com.
Transgender homecoming queen a first for College
Jessee Vasold ’11 made history at the College of William and Mary Wednesday when ze was announced as the school’s first transgender homecoming queen, representing the Class of 2011.
[CA, USA] [News/People]
The Weekly Profiles Theresa Sparks, SF's First (Potential) Transgender Supervisor
Our guest Day-Around-the-Bay aggregator Chris Daly pointed you to this cover piece about Theresa Sparks in the new issue of SF Weekly last night, but having just read it ourselves during a long F-Market trip last night, we thought we'd encourage you again. It's a compelling profile by Lauren Smiley of the woman who could be our next District 6 Supervisor (should she officially decide to run), and the main photo by Frank Gaglione (at right) makes Sparks look downright Lorraine Bracco-ish, no?
(Photo: Frank Gaglione/SF Weekly)
Transgendered woman reaches settlement with Park Central over discrimination
Sierra D. Broussard, 28, appeared in Outagamie County Court on Friday in her civil lawsuit against Concepts Unlimited Inc., which does business as Park Central, 318 W. College Ave.
Broussard said she was twice denied entrance to the nightclub complex and said an employee told her if she "used either bathroom it would cause confusion for the other patrons," and that she should go to a club that caters to "her kind."
Drag queen stirs excitement in May Pen
A male cross-dresser (photographed here) who police said was caught in a compromising position in a car with another man early Friday morning, created a lot of chatter in May Pen yesterday as news of the incident spread throughout that town.
The police took both persons to the May Pen Police Station where it was discovered that the 'woman' was actually a man dressed in drag.
Police say they suspect that the cross-dresser is a prostitute and had sought to sell his wares to the unsuspecting male customer, who was riding a bicycle on Manchester Avenue when he was approached by the prostitute.
Condenan asesinato de activista LGBT
Organizaciones de derechos humanos de Centroamérica denunciaron la muerte de la activista Monserrat Maradiaga (Elder Noe Maradiaga), promotora de los derechos de las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales y transgénero (LGBT) de Honduras.
Transexuales de Honduras exige respeto a la vida tras nueve asesinatos en cuatro meses
Miembros de organizaciones transexuales se plantaron frente al Ministerio Público (MP) para exigir que cesen las agresiones de que son objeto. Los manifestantes denuncian que en los últimos cuatro meses fueron asesinadas nueve transexuales, además de que son objeto de hostigamientos. (Foto)
Transexuales exigen respeto a la vida
Los trans combaten el discrimen a través del arte
Con el eslogan “PARE, la transexualidad no es enfermedad” se inició en Quito el Octubre Trans Ecuador 2009. Una campaña que se realiza a nivel mundial para detener la fobia contra este colectivo conformado por los transexuales, transgénero, travestis, intersexuales, bisexuales, o en resumen: “trans en el cuerpo, trans en el género y, sobre todo, trans en la cabeza”; como aseguró Ana Almeida, miembro del proyecto Transgénero.
(Foto: Carlos Pozo/ El Telégrafo - En la zona de la Michelena, un transeúnte aceptó maquillarse y peinarse como mujer durante la jornada, para experimentar cómo se siente un trans ante las miradas ajenas.)
Travesti murió por inyecciones de silicona que se aplicó para aumentar el tamaño de sus glúteos
Fáber Laguna, 'Andrea' o 'Lolita', de 24 años, ahorró dinero, producto de su trabajo como estilista de una peluquería de Neiva (Huila), y viajó a Bogotá, para someterse al tratamiento estético.
Homosexual muere tras inyectarse solución dudosa en los glúteos
Un homosexual de 22 años murió luego que un amigo gay le inyectara una sustancia desconocida en los dos glúteos, en San Martín de Porres.
Arístides Alvarado Pizango, era natural de Tarapoto y vivía en un cuarto alquilado de la prolongación Zarumilla, junto con sus tres hermanas.
Autorizan a transexual a operarse para convertirse en mujer
Un transexual fue autorizado por la Justicia a realizarse todas las operaciones necesarias en la zona genital para convertirse en mujer y a que se le cambie su nombre en el documento de identidad, partida de nacimiento y títulos que posee.