Transfofa em Blog

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quarta-feira, dezembro 30, 2009

La historia de Dave Frade Parada, un hombre transexual nacido Las Palmas Gran Canaria
Dave Frade Parada, foto, nació en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria hace 33 años. Vino al mundo con cuerpo de mujer, pero su mente y su identidad de genero han sido masculinas desde que tiene conciencia. A edad muy temprana ya solía tener discusiones con su madre quien se empeñaba en vestirle como una niña. Pero, a Dave le apetecía ponerse pantalones y salir a jugar al balón. (Foto)

Alega Cantabria en 15º aniversario se plantea como reto una Unidad de Genero transexuales
La agrupación, con un centenar de asociados, celebra hoy un acto en el que presentará el libro 'Mujeres lesbianas en la historia'

Senegal police probe 24 men for 'homosexual activities'
Excerpt: The source said officers found condoms, lubricants, wigs and makeup when they raided the house in Saly where the party is said to have taken place.

[Uganda] [Opinion]
Why we cannot turn a deaf ear to Uganda’s homosexuality Bill
Way back in the 90s, an American aid worker asked for my opinion on homosexuality and I said I did not have any.
She did not believe me and seemed to be quite vexed that I was withholding my opinion from her.
Her insistence that I comment on the subject yielded nothing because sincerely, I did not know or care enough about the subject to form an opinion on it.

[South Africa]
Caster Semenya to sue IAAF and ASA for well over $100 million
You don't have to be able to read the tea leaves to see this lawsuit coming from 800 meters away.
No plans for Semenya to sue

[Pakistan] [Blog/Commentary]
Pakistani Supreme Court Officially Recognizes Transgender People
Late on Wednesday, the Supreme Court in Pakistan ordered that the government officially recognize a separate gender for Pakistan’s hijra community, which includes transgendered people, transvestites, and eunuchs. The court told the federal government to begin allowing people to identify as hijras when registering for a national identity card.

India's transsexuals try Internet dating
It's worked for thousands of singletons the world over and now India's transsexuals are hoping Internet dating can help their marginalised community find love.
A new site offers to help people born as men but living as women find husbands in a country where marriage remains the bedrock of society and gender and sexuality are still conservatively defined.

A natural woman
A cross-dressed male college student named Liu Renwei who longs to release his inner female spirit stands on the pedestrian lane of Shengli Road in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province holding a sign that reads: "I won't give up my dream of having a transsexual operation even if I die, because I want to be a real woman." (Photo)

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
More Flight Anxiety For Transpeople As New TSA Rules Implemented
I worked for Continental Airlines for over a decade and spent a lot of time on my off days flying the friendly skies before 9-11. Thanks to some of my speaking engagements I have had the opportunity to experience post 9-11 air travel.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Democracy When? For Whom?
Guest blogger April Rose, a Two-Spirits author, speaker and raconteur on all things trans, lives in New Mexico where she is currently developing a website that will implement her desire to educate people about living with integrity and authenticity in their chosen gender As one of the most passionate and prolific unknown writers of the Two Spirits variety, she spends her spare time roaming the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains with her two dogs and her soulmate of twenty-nine years.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Non-conformity and Bias
Guest blogger Rachel Dunn is an out and proud trans-lesbian filmmaker living in Los Angeles. Although very supportive of community events, her primary activism comes in the form of fostering and contributing to queer and minority film projects as a cinematographer, producer, writer and consultant. Some of her work can be seen at

Legislative Editor Fired over Sex Change, Seeks Reinstatement
A former legislative editor for the Georgia House of Representatives is suing her former employers after she was fired for announcing her intent to transition from a man to a woman. (Photo)

New York governor signs executive order protecting transgender state workers
In a move that takes some of the sting out of the defeat of a same-sex marriage bill in New York's state senate earlier in the month, on December 16 New York Governor David Paterson signed an executive order protecting transgender state workers from employment discrimination.


Sin protección ni garantías, los sexoservidores que trabajan en Puebla, señalan ONG
Aunque la prostitución de hombres y transgénero es una actividad cotidiana en la ciudad de Puebla y otras urbes de la entidad, hasta ahora no hay estadísticas sobre los abusos que estos trabajadores sexuales sufren, aunque organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) apuntan a que sus principales victimarios no son clientes o agentes de la fuerza pública si no los lenones.

Casa Abierta de Ecuador por los 61 años de los DDHH “Trans también tenemos derechos..”
La defensoria del pueblo organiza la Casa Abierta por los 61 años de los DDHH, en donde diferentes organizaciones que luchan desde diferentes marcos, exponen su trabajo, objetivos y resultados.

segunda-feira, dezembro 28, 2009

Detienen a un hombre por disparar a su ex pareja, mujer transexual, tenia orden alejamiento
Un hombre ha sido detenido en Torremolinos (Málaga) como presunto autor de tentativa de homicidio por disparar a su ex pareja, una mujer transexual con la que había convivido en el pasado, según confirmaron fuentes policiales.

Satisfacción por sentencia Tribunal Supremo
El Colectivo de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales de la Región de Murcia (COLEGA-MURCIA) han mostrado hoy su satisfacción por la condena impuesta al juez Fernando Ferrín Calamita por parte del Tribunal Supremo (TS).

[South Africa]
A Question of Gender Topples a Track Official
One of the most explosive sports stories of the year involved the sex verification of Caster Semenya, 18, the world-champion middle-distance runner from South Africa. The story became so volatile, in no small part, because of the way the Semenya case was bungled by Leonard Chuene, the president of the South African track and field federation.
Semenya to sue IAAF and ASA in multi-million dollar lawsuits

Pakistan govt pass eunuchs' rights
Pakistan's top judge has ordered the government to recognise eunuchs as a distinct gender in a landmark ruling, officials say.
Medical examinations to sort out ‘fake transvestites'
SC’s advice to hire eunuchs for recovery of loans: Transvestites say it’s payback time
Eunuchs in Pak want four percent commission like Indian counterparts for loan recovery
Pakistan Recognizes Third Gender

Sex workers, transgenders run restaurant for HIV+ people and fight social stigma
Sex workers and transgenders in Mysore city of Karnataka are running a restaurant and serve traditional south Indian food to guests as a way of raising funds for HIV positive people and fighting social stigma.

Court approves sex change for 30-year-old man
The Batang District Court in Central Java has approved a request filed by a man to change his sex.
Agus Widodo, 30, now officially is Nadia Ilmira, tvOne reported.
Agus underwent a sex change operation in Dr Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya, East Java, in 2005.
Indonesian Mullahs Says Sex Change is Haram

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Gender Identity and the Bathroom Game
Here is a tragic trivia question: Whom are among the most ‘at risk’ adolescents in our society today?Answer: Transgender individuals living in America today have a one in 12 chance of being murdered. In contrast, the average person has about a one in 18,000 chance of being murdered.
None the less, every time a transgender student becomes visible to mainstream society it isn’t more than a matter of seconds before the bathroom worries are flying all over the place. And I don’t mean anyone is worried about the safety of the transgendered student.

Transgender activist leaves legacy
Death of de LaFreniere quiets major voice in gay community, friends say
Her body wracked with cancer, Michele de LaFreniere still made it a point to travel to Mesa on Oct. 1.

Transgender issues subject of event at cafe
Rose Elizabeth will share her transgender journey on film at the Lifetree Cafe at 7 p.m. Sunday and noon and 7 p.m. Tuesday.

East Point adds protections for gay, transgender workers
East Point has become just the second city in Fulton County -- and one of a handful statewide -- to adopt protections for its gay and transgender employees.
Transgender Workers Now Protected In East Point, GA

La maternidad es un ejercicio cotidiano, un aprendizaje constante. Claro que para las mamás trans ese ejercicio y ese aprendizaje se enfrenta, a diario, con prejuicios sociales y obstáculos legales que las convierten además en duchas buscadoras de atajos y recursos que protejan tanto al vínculo como a los niños y niñas que crecen a su amparo. Cali Riveros, Noelia Luna y doña Pocha cuentan sus historias, dando cuenta de cuántas hebras diversas consiguen formar ese entramado llamado familia.

La Justicia cordobesa autorizó el cambio de sexo de la profesora transexual Verónica Giordano
Finalmente, la Justicia falló a favor de Verónica Giordano (42), docente transexual y ex directora del Ipem 315 dela ciudad cordobesa de San Francisco, para que sea sometida a una cirugía de adecuación sexual de la que aún se desconoce cuándo y dónde se realizará.

quinta-feira, dezembro 24, 2009

[International] [Science]

Females may harbor biological “inner male”
In adult fe­male mice, switch­ing off one gene seems to start turn­ing the ovaries in­to tes­ti­cles and trig­gers the pro­duct­ion of male hor­mones at nor­mal male levels, sci­en­tists say.

Ararteko defiende 3 transexuales operados clínicas privadas perciban ayuda Gobierno vasco
El Ararteko, Iñigo Lamarca, aseguró hoy que las personas transexuales que se operaron en clínicas privadas este año, antes de que el nuevo Ejecutivo anunciara las intervenciones en Osakidetza e interrumpiera las ayudas que ofrecía el Departamento de Asuntos Sociales, tienen "una expectativa de derecho" sobre los gastos derivados de las intervenciones, por lo que "tienen derecho a recurrir".

Asociación Colegades sale de Federación Colegas por “incompatibilidad en el ideario”
La asociación Colegades, en una asamblea extraordinaria celebrada el domingo día 20 en la ciudad de Cádiz, y por mayoría absoluta, ha decidido escindirse de la confederación Colegas, debido a “una incompatibilidad en el ideario”.

[Netherlands] [Blog/Science]
Sexual Hormones and the Brain – Part 1
Over the next few days, I’ll be summarizing this article. I can’t print it in it’s entirety due to copyright restrictions. So I’ll summarize the information in bits and pieces.
Stay tuned. This will get interesting.
Biology of Sexual Identity and Orientation – Part 2

Lithuania revises gay ‘promotion’ law, rights activists still wary
Lithuanian lawmakers revised a controversial law on Tuesday that banned the promotion of homosexuality, but gay rights campaigners warned the move did nothing to assuage their concerns.

Country in Denial Over Homosexuals
Research about homosexuality in Kenya suggests it's not just a decadent foreign influence, and it's not confined to tourists at the Coast. And one thing is certain: pretending it doesn't exist has its consequences.

Republicans Condemn Uganda's Anti-Gay Bill
Five Republican representatives – Chris Smith, Frank Wolf, Joe Pitts, Trent Franks and Anh "Joseph" Cao – have written a letter to Ugandan President Yoweri Mouseveni pressing him to stop pending legislation that would severely criminalize homosexuality and sometimes impose the death penalty for homosexual acts.
Ugandan officials say anti-homosexual law will be passed
US Congressmen Call on Ugandan President to Reject Anti-Homosexual Legislation
Opinion: Anti-gay preaching goes too far

Lawmakers Seek to Scrap Article on Homosexuality
After months of speculation, the Political Affairs Committee in the Lower Chamber of Parliament has requested fellow law makers to consider scrapping the article on homosexuality from the penal code in conformity with the International Charter on Civil rights, The New Times can exclusively reveal.

Tribunal Pakistán insta Gobierno contratar transexuales y garantizar sus derechos civiles
La Corte Suprema de Pakistán ordenó al gobierno disponer las medidas necesarias para garantizar los derechos civiles de las personas transexuales, travestis, eunucos y hermafroditas del país, reconociéndolas como integrantes el "tercer sexo".
Govt should ensure eunuchs get their rights: SC
CJ advises eunuchs be appointed for loans recovery
Pakistani eunuchs to have distinct gender
Engage eunuchs to recover loans

[Malaysia] [Commentary]
A case of he/she and not much help
Should Malaysia reconsider its approach and accord more latitude to Muslim transsexuals? A Muslim country like Iran has done so – but such a move here will lead to another host of questions.

Male Maids Serve It Up At Japan's First Cross-Dressing Maid Cafe
At Hibari-kei, your maid just might be a master - actually they ALL are, since this unique floating Maid Cafe is the first in Japan to feature cross-dressing male maid servers. (Photo)
[Blog/Commentary] Japanese Cross-Dressing Cafe

Beyondblue commits to LGBT mental health
The National LGBT Health Alliance has hailed talks between health experts and educators and national anti-depression group beyondblue a success.

Lesbian Fave Katy Perry Tweets and Offends GLAAD
Lesbian fave and controversial performer Katy Perry created a recent tweet in which she posted a nude photo of what appears to be a transgender man and then mocked the person, reports the Advocate.
Katy Perry in trouble over 'transphobic' tweet
[Blog/Commentary] Katy Perry Posted a Transphobic Tweet, and GLAAD Didn't Like It

Kidman takes on risky role to 'challenge myself'
As Nicole Kidman lounges in a fancy suite at a mid-Manhattan hotel, she's asked why she decided to play the world's first post-op transsexual in an upcoming movie.

Memorial for slain trans woman
The Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center's Trans Thrive program held a memorial Saturday, December 19 for slain transgender woman Mariah Qualls.

Anarchist Ariel Attack pleads guilty to Democratic Party Denver vandalism
Transgender anarchist Ariel Attack pleaded guilty today to smashing eleven storefront-style windows at the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters in August. She pleaded to a second-degree misdemeanor, will be placed on one year probation and pay $5,000. In the wake of the politically charged dramatic act of vandalism, Attack faced felony charges of criminal mischief. Attack smashed the windows with an accomplice at 2:30 in the morning August 25 and was apprehended on her bicycle after a brief chase. The accomplice was never caught and remains unnamed in public records.
Political activist pleads guilty in window-smashing
Transgender Activist Pleads Guilty to Democrats’ Office Vandalism
Transgender Anarchist Pleads Guilty To Vandalism

East Point protects gay, trans employees
A unanimous East Point City Council on Monday expanded the city’s nondiscrimination policy to include gays, just a few weeks after voters rejected two LGBT candidates and ousted the incumbent mayor.

Inmate's lawyer says sex change is necessary
A lawyer for a convicted murderer suing the state for a sex-change operation said Monday that the surgery is the only treatment that will significantly reduce the inmate's depression and anxiety.

Killing Activists in Honduras
The bodies of slain activists are piling up in Honduras. While it's being kept quiet in most Honduran and international media, the rage is building among a dedicated network of friends spreading the word quickly with the tragic announcement of each compañero/a.

Caracas entrega premio “Luis María Olaso” a abogada y activista transexual, Tamara Adrián
El Cabildo Metropolitano de Caracas entregó la primera edición de la Orden Metropolitana “Luis María Olaso”, reconocimiento que hace el ente legislativo a todas aquellas personas y organizaciones que han dedicado esfuerzos para defender, promover y divulgar los Derechos humanos en el Área Metropolitana de Caracas. (Foto)

[Puerto Rico]
Finalista de “Viva el Sueño” deploró el asesinato de Steven López Mercado
El cantautor mexicano Fedro, finalista de “Viva el Sueño”, llegó hoy a Puerto Rico alzando su voz contra la homofobia y solidarizándose con la familia del joven puertorriqueño Jorge Steven López Mercado, asesinado en noviembre pasado, en lo que han llamado un caso de crimen de odio.

La Justicia avaló la adecuación sexual de la directora transexual de un colegio argentino
La docente podrá someterse a una cirugía para reasignarse en mujer / Pedirá a la Apross que cubra la operación de manera gratuita / Quiere recuperar su lugar en la escuela. (Foto)

quarta-feira, dezembro 23, 2009

UN General Assembly Eliminates Reference to "Sexual Orientation," Gender Identity
Last Friday the United Nations General Assembly voted to delete language from a proposed resolution referencing a document claiming that two new anti-discrimination categories exist: one based on "sexual orientation" and the other on "gender identity."
"This was a great victory for the natural law and the family and a slap in the face to the radicals," Austin Ruse, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), told LifeSiteNews.

ATA Andalucía presenta este martes video "Stop Violencia a las Mujeres Transexuales"
La Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía (ATA), con la participación de la Delegación de la Mujer del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla presentan el Documental : “Stop Violencia a las Mujeres Transexuales”.

Sanidad de Canarias creará unidades de identidad de género para atención a transexuales
El objetivo de la Consejería de Sanidad con la puesta en marcha de este protocolo es garantizar el abordaje integral de las personas transexuales, de forma que se logre la normalización de la atención y facilitar el desarrollo personal y la calidad de vida de todas las personas implicadas, indica el departamento autonómico en una nota.
Sanidad creará unidades de identidad de género para atención a transexuales

Colegades se sale de Colegas
La asociación Colegades, en una asamblea extraordinaria celebrada el domingo día 20 en la ciudad de Cádiz, y por mayoría absoluta, ha decidido escindirse de la confederación Colegas, debido a “una incompatibilidad en el ideario”.

Former drag queen dubbed 'faggot' by boss awarded £30,000 for unfair dismissal
A former drag queen, Dean Awford, who was known as "Dean The Queen" has been awarded £30,000 for unfair dismissal.
Former drag queen awarded £30,000 in unfair dismissal case

Jammeh Threatens To Sack Gay And Lesbian Soldiers In Gambia
Gambia’s President Yahya Jammeh says he will sack gay and lesbian army officers serving the country’s military. The Presiden who was addressing the newly promoted army chiefs, said lesbianism is a “ taboo” in the army, and therefore warned soldiers to desist from such practices, which he describes as “evil” and ungodly. “We will not encourage lesbianism and homosexuality in the military. It is a taboo in our armed forces. I will sack any soldier suspected of being a gay, or lesbian in The Gambia. We need no gays in our armed forces,” Jammeh said.

Man-Woman In Court
Christian Boateng, a 20-year-old man who posed as a female prostitute, would this morning appear before the James Town Magistrate court in Accra. (Photo)

Uganda fear over gay death penalty plans
An attempt to punish "aggravated homosexuality" in Uganda with the death penalty has caused outrage across the world - and revealed a huge divide in Ugandan society.

Nicole Kidman hopes to play transsexual
Nicole Kidman sings and shimmies her way through one glamorous number in the musical Nine, coming soon in theaters. Next up, she's going the very, very unladylike route. Quite literally.

Activist on probation, owes restitution for smashing windows at Democratic Party office
Activist Maurice Joseph Schwenkler, 24, pleaded guilty Monday to a second-degree misdemeanor for smashing windows at the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters last summer.

Transgender Teen Files Discrimination Claim under Florida Employment Law
A transgender teen applying for a job at a McDonalds in Orlando has lodged a formal complaint against the fast food chain claiming the restaurant violated Florida employment law by refusing to hire the plaintiff over gender issues.

Judge hears final arguments in inmate's sex-change
A lawyer for a convicted murderer suing the state for a sex-change operation said Monday that the surgery is the only treatment that will significantly reduce the inmate's depression and anxiety.

[NY, USA] [News/Commentary]
NY gov's order will lead to workplace problems
New York Governor David Paterson has signed Executive Order 33 protecting state workers from discrimination based on gender identity.

“En Cristo encontré mi verdadera identidad” (Sitio anti-gay: MMMPeru)
Manuel Wong Flores, nacido en Ferreñafe, desde temprana edad tuvo un problema de identidad sexual. En lugar de los carritos, escogió las muñecas, se vestía con la ropa de su hermana, sin saber qué pasaba dentro de él.
Ya en Lima, este conflicto interno se acrecentó. Conforme crecía, Manuel se convirtió en el centro de burla de sus amigos, lo que lo llevaba a pasar interminables noches llenas de llanto y desolación. Llegando a reconocer que no era normal, sintiéndose rechazado por los demás.

terça-feira, dezembro 22, 2009

Assembleia discute transexualidade e eutanásia em 2010
No início do próximo mês, o casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo irá "aterrar" na agenda da Assembleia da República. Mas para 2010 ensaiam-se já outras discussões "fracturantes". Um deputado do PS vai propor a legalização da eutanásia. E o Bloco de Esquerda prepara-se para legislar sobre direitos de identidade dos transsexuais.
Francisco Louçã: lei da identidade de género e eutanásia não são prioridades do BE
Portugal anuncia debatirá Ley Transexuales 2.010 tras encuentro Congreso activista España

Entrevista a Juana Ramos, Colectivo "Acera del Frente"
"En los próximos años habrá una mayor participación de los trans en los sectores políticos y sociales". (Foto)

Ugandan gay community says prejudice to become law
As Ugandan MPs debate anti-gay legislation and world Christian leaders weigh in, the gay community in Kampala awaits a bill it says will only formalise the persecution it feels every day.
Opinion: Where the preaching against homosexuality goes too far
Uganda anti-homosexual bill: Christians threaten PMs
Gays 'illegal' in Uganda

Govt Cannot Criminalise Homosexuality - Minister
The Minister of Justice Tharcisse Karugarama has condemned and refuted reports that government intends to criminalize homosexual acts saying that sexual orientation is a private matter not a state business.

Iran must release student pictured 'dressed as woman'
Amnesty International has called for the release of an Iranian student leader whose arrest and detention have inspired men to cover their hair in an online solidarity photo campaign. Majid Tavakkoli was arrested in student protests on 7 December and was later pictured wearing female clothes in an apparent attempt to humiliate him.

[India] [Commentary]
India holds first Miss India Transgender beauty pageant
India held its first-ever transsexual beauty pageant on December 19, according to Yahoo! News. Apparently, the contest was called the Miss India Transgender Pageant, and it was organized by the local trans community in an effort break down barriers between India’s transgender and transsexual population and the country’s mainstream society.
A Miss India Contest with a Difference
Kareena is Transgender Miss India

Transgenders to have separate identity on electoral rolls
Transgenders will be allowed to have a separate third identity on electoral rolls, Chief Election Commissioner Navin B. Chawla said here Monday.

No skirts for sex-change graduates
The Council of University Presidents of Thailand (CUPT) meeting on Monday has refused to allow male-to-female transgender graduates to wear woman's clothing to receive their degrees.

Trágico triángulo amoroso entre gays
Francisco Javier Mena Aguilar, de 17 años, adoptó el nombre de “Lola” para distinguirse de los otros travestís que noche a noche se ganaban la vida vendiendo su cuerpo en Rivas, pero el destino quiso que se enamorara de un hombre por cuyo amor perdió la vida a manos de un tercer varón. Lo más triste de esta historia es que el crimen podría quedar impune

segunda-feira, dezembro 21, 2009

La policía investiga el destino del dinero recaudado por la red que prostituía a transexuales
Los chicos eran cambiados de casa de citas cada mes y medio y alguno ganaba hasta mil euros por noche

Madrid. El PSM ultima una ley de no discriminación y de integración del colectivo transexual madrileño
El Grupo Socialista de la Asamblea de Madrid ultima una proposición no de ley de no discriminación por motivos de identidad de género y de reconocimiento de los derechos de las personas transexuales.

Las personas transexuales piden una ley de integración
El PSM presentará una proposión de ley en la Asamblea. El colectivo COGAM espera que el PP la apoye. La norma no se debatirá hasta el verano del próximo 2010.

Gianguerino, Piero, Brenda y los otros
Un político pescado in fraganti, una transexual asesinada, otra desaparecida y un proxeneta muerto de sobredosis. Disfrazado de escándalo político-pasional, un misterio mafioso y transfóbico recorre las calles romanas. La verdad, mientras tanto, duerme segura, aunque la guardia se descuide a veces y deje pasar uno que otro trompazo en la cara del Poder.

India hosts its first ever transsexual beauty pageant
More than 100 hopefuls vied Saturday for the title of India's most beautiful transsexual at the country's first such pageant for members of the marginalised community, an organiser said.

(AFP PHOTO/M. LAKSHMAN - Miss India 2009 for Transgenders Karina flanked by First Runner-Up Romi and Second Runner-Up Padmini in Chennai.)
Unos 120 transexuales compiten en India en su primer concurso de belleza
Inde : première compétition pour le titre du plus beau transsexuel

Miss India Transgender Contest

Transvestites sentenced in China
Five Filipino transvestites who lured foreign men from bars in the Chinese city of Shanghai before drugging and then robbing them have been jailed for up to 13 years, state media said yesterday.

[Malaysia] [Commentary]
Editorial: Sex and the Fatine factor
But for a few sexily-dressed individuals who flaunt their dubious assets in certain streets of the city to earn a precarious living, by and large these controversial members of our society keep very much to themselves.
Embrace diversity of transgenders

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Internalizing Name Changes
As most of you know by now, I was not christened Helen Boyd; it is not my legal name, although Helen is my legal middle name. But I’ve come to be known as Helen Boyd, & so when I arrived at Lawrence to teach for only a term, in the winter of 2008, I didn’t think twice about people calling me Helen. I was just ending a year of book tour where being Helen was a normal state of affairs.

Memorial Being Held For Transgender Homicide Victim
A memorial service for a transgender woman found dead of an apparent homicide in San Francisco last week will be held Saturday at the service center where she volunteered as an advocate for the transgender community.

Judge To Rule On Inmate's Sex-Change Request
Lawyers for a killer who is seeking a taxpayer-funded sex-change operation will again make their case to a federal judge in Boston, while the state also will back up its decision to refuse the treatment.


Un retrato de la feminidad de las transexuales argentinas
Seis meses de convivencia nocturna con las transexuales de Buenos Aires han permitido al cineasta francés Robinson Savary hacer una serie de retratos fotográficos con un enfoque que realza su feminidad, y que ahora se expone en una muestra bautizada "Los Raros".
Los “raros” transexuales de Robinson Savary

El documento de identidad validará la diversidad sexual
Travestis, transgéneros y transexuales firmaron, el pasado mes de noviembre, un convenio con las autoridades de la Dirección Nacional de Identificación Personal de la ciudad boliviana de La Paz para que, al momento de tramitar su documento nacional de identidad, se respete su imagen en la fotografía y de esta forma no exista discriminación.

Programa de Gisela Valcárcel discriminó a Naamín Timoyco
La bailarina afirma que no la dejaron participar en la coreografía grupal en ´Reyes del Show´ por su condición de transexual.

domingo, dezembro 20, 2009

Transexual luta por direitos iguais - “Tenho sexo mas não namorado” (C/ VÍDEO)
A transexual espanhola Carla Antonelli, símbolo da Lei da Identidade de Género no país vizinho, esteve ontem reunida com o PS e com o BE na Assembleia da República portuguesa, partidos da parte de quem garante ter recebido “grande abertura” para aprovar uma lei idêntica em Portugal.
Transexual Carla Antonelli veio a Portugal falar (vídeo)
"Mudar de sexo não é um capricho" (vídeo)
Casamento homossexual: activista espanhola espera que diploma final não afaste adopção
Transexual espanhola no País para defender a lei da identidade
Francisco Louçã: lei da identidade de género e eutanásia não são prioridades do BE

US urges Uganda to block anti-gay bill
The United States said Friday it is urging the Ugandan leadership to block a bill calling for draconian measures against homosexuals, warning it would be a setback in fighting AIDS.

[South Africa]
The saga of a shy girl from deep Limpopo
The life of Mokgadi Caster Semenya, a shy athlete from a small village in Limpopo, was turned upside down when she won the 800m woman's final at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin this year.

[South Korea]
Transgender Hair Restoration Options
Transgender patients are no different than any person seeking hair restoration surgery. The main issue faced in regards to transsexual patients is the need to change a “masculine” hairline to a more “feminine” one. This issue applies to male to female transsexual patients who suffer from male patterned baldness. There are generally two issues: One includes the recession of the frontal corners which makes the frame of the face more masculine. Second includes additional miniaturization or balding of the rest of the hair which may require further hair restoration.

Trading one hell for another: Jessica’s challenges
Jessica has worn holes into her size 11 practical Mary-Jane shoes.
They’re obviously not shoes she wears as a costume, they’re shoes she wears for real life.
And real life these days seems to be wearing holes in Jessica.
“You go from everyday, living in hell, knowing you’re living in the wrong body to the hell of the ignorant public,” said Jessica.
Jessica is transgendered. Born with male organs, she said she’s always known she was meant to be a female. It’s taken decades for her to come to terms with it — years spent living a man’s life she was unhappy with, which led to a drug addiction, homelessness and destructive relationships.
(Photo by Colleen Dane - Jessica says that she’s leaving the Comox Valley after a series of discriminatory incidents. She’s spending her second Christmas at a local abused women’s shelter after threats to her safety.)

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Is The Los Angeles Times To Blame for Letting Sportswriter Mike Penner Come Out As Trans?
Initially, we thought the Los Angeles Times' handling of sportswriter Mike Penner — who began transitioning, hormones and all, to Christine Daniels in 2007 before abruptly ending treatment — wasn't just appropriate, it was magical.

[USA] [Blog/People/Television]
New York Drag Queens Invade 'Ugly Betty'!
Famed performer Justin Bond told me that he, along with a bunch of other trans cuties, just shot an episode of Ugly Betty.

NY Gov. signs order protecting trans state workers
New York Governor David Paterson extended protections against job discrimination to transgender state employees today. Executive Order No. 33 protects state employees from discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression. This is an important step in bringing equality to transgender New Yorkers and Governor Paterson deserves recognition for his support and action on this important issue.

sábado, dezembro 19, 2009

La activista transexual Carla Antonelli aborda en Portugal una ley de Identidad de Género como la española
La activista Carla Antonelli, ex coordinadora del Área Transexual del Grupo GLTB del PSOE, se reunirá hoy en Portugal con un grupo de diputados para abordar la posible elaboración de una ley de Identidad de Género similar a la española.
Activistas transexuales piden ley de Identidad de Género en Portugal

Detenido por amenazar a una transexual tras descubrir que tenía pene
La policía nacional detuvo la madrugada del lunes en el centro de Valencia a un hombre de unos 40 años, ex miembro de la Guardia Civil, después de que éste amenazara de muerte a una transexual cuando descubrió que tenía pene.


Cae una red que prostituía a transexuales
La organización era dirigida desde Valencia y se nutría de clientes de alto poder adquisitivo que buscaban chicos jóvenes
Doce detenidos acusados de prostituir a cincuenta transexuales brasileños

Jordi Pizarro: "Samantha, una transexual colombiana, vino a España por las amenazas de muerte que recibió en su país"
El compromiso de Jordi Pizarro con la fotografía no se queda en la simple imagen. Lejos de ser así, este fotoperiodista barcelonés profundiza en la historia y hace de la fotografía una herramienta. Su proyecto sobre las prostitutas transexuales de Barcelona, que nació como un encargo para ilustrar un artículo y se ha convertido en un trabajo a largo plazo que le ha hecho valedor del premio Clic 09 al mejor reportaje fotoperiodístico, es un buen ejemplo de ello.

Ex-Drag Queen Says Boss Dubbed Me A Faggot
A former drag queen was subjected to two years of homophobic abuse by his boss, a tribunal heard yesterday.
Former drag queen dubbed 'faggot' by boss

[Gaza Strip]
Rare gender identity defect hits Gaza families
Two Palestinian teenagers stroll amid the mounds of rubble left by last year's Israeli military offensive, listening to the tinny beat of a Turkish pop song playing on a cell phone.

Ugandan MPs debate Bill proposing death sentence for gay sex
MPs in Uganda will debate today a Bill that proposes the death sentence for gay sex under certain conditions.
European Parliament Firmly Denounces Ugandan ‘Anti-Gay’ Bill
Anti-Homosexuality Bill Divides Ugandan and American Christians

Rights Group Warns of Rwanda Anti-Gay Draft Law
A coalition of human rights groups is condemning a proposed amendment to Rwanda's criminal law that would criminalize homosexual behavior and advocacy.

Who's the prettiest eunuch of them all?
India's first ever beauty pageant for eunuchs, Nazakat Queen-2010, to be held in Goa on February 10
Coming up, beauty pageant for transgenders

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Requiem for Mike Penner/Christine Daniels
The Daily Beast's Jacob Bernstein is the first writer who wasn't a friend to put together a somewhat lengthy examination of the months leading up to Mike Penner's suicide. In Requiem for a Transexual Sportswriter, he describes Penner becoming more and more reclusive, even after he dropped his identity as Christine Daniels. Christine Kahrl, the transexual writer for Baseball Prospectus, also discusses her advice against that Daniels not write the highly-read Los Angeles Times piece that announce her transformation.
[Blog/Commentary] Requiem for a Transsexual Sportswriter

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
If You WWBT's Hate Trans People So Much....
Why do you slither around our blogs and our blogosphere?

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Maryland Democrats use religious right as pawns against transwoman
Dana Beyer, senior aide to Montgomery County, Maryland Councilwoman Duchy Trachtenberg, has been caught up in a politically motivated ethics charge being pushed by fundamentalists with the help of Democrats. Beyer, a frequent Bilerico reader and commenter, is a transgender woman.

[CA, USA] [Commentary]
My Word: Treating transgender children as mentally ill creates the problem
We second Kerry Cook's gratitude to the Alameda Unified School District for creating the Community Advisory Committee, albeit for entirely different reasons. We are thankful that the district is working to create a more inclusive and tolerant environment in our schools.

Michael Lane: Did Motivational Speaker Charged With "Meditation Murder" Run Over a Transsexual Too?
British motivational speaker Michael Lane hit a Las Vegas woman in the head with a frying pan during a meditation session, killed her, and stuffed the mutilated body in a trash barrel, say police. But wait, there's more.

NY Gov. Orders State Agencies to Recognize "Transgender" Civil Rights
Gov. David Paterson signed an executive order Wednesday that prohibits state agencies from refusing to hire transsexuals and transvestites. Although state agencies cannot discriminate based on "sexual orientation," Paterson's order goes further to ban discrimination based on "gender identity and expression in any matter pertaining to employment by the State."

[Puerto Rico]
Psychiatrist: Slaying suspect not fit for trial
The confessed killer of 19-year old transvestite Jorge Steven López is not currently fit to stand trial for the grisly slaying, a government psychiatrist has determined.

Transexuales del Panamá hacen queja contra violencia policial
La Asociación Panameña de Personas Trans solicitó la mediación de la Defensoría del Pueblo ante las autoridades de la Policía Nacional (PN) y del Ministerio de Gobierno y Justicia (Mingo), con el propósito que se llegue a un acuerdo para poner un alto a los abusos de los cuales son víctimas y para garantir el derecho a la integridad personal y a la no discriminación.

Continúa la homofobia en Cuba
En Cuba la represión aumenta cada día, no importa raza, sexo, o condición política que se ostente, siempre y cuando seas un cubano de a pie, no escaparás a ésta. Al menos así opina Yacer Siscal Morales, residente en calle 6ta. No.51, entre 3ra. y 5ta., Reparto Camacho, Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
"Soy homosexual, desgraciadamente nací con sexo masculino y hormonas femeninas, no pedí ser así al igual que la mayoría de los que tenemos tal condición, pero sí somos "gay", nada tiene que ver. Somos seres humanos como la totalidad de las personas que habitamos el planeta Tierra, reímos, lloramos, cantamos, trabajamos, amamos la vida".

Besos comprados: travesti peruana develó que le pagaron para darle un afectuoso recibimiento a un político homófobo
Cuando muchos pensaban que se trataba de un espontaneo y caluroso recibimiento al nacionalista Ollanta Humala en la ciudad de Tarapoto, la realidad resultó en que muchas y muchos manifestantes LGBT —principalmente travestis— recibieron dinero para acompañar al político en el desprendimiento de imagen homófoba y negativa que acarrea de su familia y su partido. (Foto)

sexta-feira, dezembro 18, 2009

Irá acontecer hoje uma reunião entre activistas (com Carla Antonelli) e deputados, não se sabe se representantes dos vários quadrantes, se mais à direita ou à esquerda.

Soube desta reunião hoje de manhã, completamente por acaso, ao ler um email de resposta de Sérgio Vitorino na mailing list elgebete. Enviei um email a questionar porque razão se manteve escondida esta iniciativa, que ficou sem resposta.

Nesse email que li estáva escrito que "Se considera que abrir espaço para colocar activistas transexuais a falar é usurpar-lhes a voz, estamos conversados. Diga-me com que mão é que estou a tapar a boca a essas/es activistas, para não me esquecer de a levar hoje ao parlamento para a aplicar às activistas que lá vão estar."(...)"Permita-me tb dizer-lhe que os deputados com que esta activista espanhola vai hoje falar ao Parlamento têm em cima da mesa esse mesmo projecto -Lei, porque eu lhes lembrei a sua existência."

Colocar activistas transexuais a falar efectivamente não é calar-lhes a voz. Mas esconder uma iniciativa no parlamento de transexuais que até estiveram a trabalhar num projecto juntamente com Sérgio Vitorino, para que não apareçam na reunião, se não é usurpar a voz nem tapar a boca, não sei o que será.

Essa proposta está no meu site, publicada há uns tempos, e notifiquei-a durante uma semana no meu blogue. É de muito mau tom esconder-se esta iniciativa de quem esteve a trabalhá-la.

Ficam as perguntas: que activistas transexuais estarão presentes hoje no parlamento? Porque foi escondida esta iniciativa da comunidade transexual? Porque não foram informadas as pessoas que estiveram a trabalhar no projecto?

Obviamente, considerando quem protagonizou esta iniciativa, que se trata, pura e simplesmente, de uma auto-promoção para que se fique com a ideia de que, em Portugal, existe uma única voz credível para defender os direitos transexuais (e não, não me estou a referir ao Sérgio). Não será por acaso que, apesar de ter trabalhado na proposta de projecto-lei de uma lei de identidade de género, fui mantida na ignorância em relação a esta iniciativa.

Também não será por acaso que, via um telefonema feito a Jó Bernardo, foi-me dito pela pessoa que lhe telefonou para lhe mandar um email a pedir informação sobre um jantar convívio com Carla. E que, quando enviei o dito email, recebi como resposta um email com provocações, que fará com que não apareça nas sessões públicas com Carla Antonelli. Mas no parlamento já era outra história.

Parece que quem não concordar com Jó Bernardo e com Sergio Vitorino não tem direito a ter voz na matéria. E como eu, bem como a maioria das pessoas transexuais portuguesas, não apoio a campanha "Stop trans pathologization 2012", ao contrário das duas pessoas atrás mencionadas, já não sou activista transexual. Ou pelo menos sou uma activista dispensável, salvo quando fôr necessário alguém para dar a cara.

Conhecendo o feitio das pessoas envolvidas, desta vez fiquei surpreendida pela atitude do Sérgio. Não esperava isto dele. Mas assim é que se aprende. E se é assim que quer unir e defender os direitos das pessoas transexuais em Portugal... enfim.

Também o documento que foi trabalhado, na audiência parlamentar, salvo erro foi entregue unicamente ao Bloco de Esquerda. Se efectivamente foi assim, é de presumir-se que hoje o encontro tenha sido com deputados do Bloco. Assim, esta reunião e a própria Carla Antonelli estão a ser usados como meio para obliterar pessoas consideradas indesejáveis pelo Sérgio e/ou pela Jó.

Este aproveitamento ilícito e falseado de uma iniciativa que se desejava ser um meio de unidade da comunidade transexual, passa assim a ser um meio de uma maior divisão entre a comunidade.

Estive presente na audição parlamentar do Bloco de Esquerda. Não estiveram presentes nem a Luísa Reis, presumível autora ou co-autora da proposta sobre a qual eu, Lara Crespo e Sérgio Vitorino trabalhámos, nem o Sérgio, nem a Jó.

Fica aqui a denúncia de um comportamento que não ajuda em nada a comunidade, nem a luta da comunidade pelos seus direitos.
National Police break organized group forced foreign transsexuals into prostitution in Barcelona
The twelve detainees brought up to 50 men from South American countries, notably Brazil, to Spain where they were sexually exploited to recover travel costs


PSOE Madrid presentará proposición ley en favor de integración del colectivo transexual
COGAM reclama unidades de trastornos de identidad de género en todos los centros sanitarios de la región

Aplazan juicio a trans inyectaba silicona Canarias, ella pide trabajo para rehabilitarse
Queda aplazado el juicio a la transexual que inyectaba silicona líquida de manera ilegal

Colectivo Hombre Transexual condena el vil asesinato de Roberto y pide justicia máxima
Desde la Asociación “El Hombre Transexual”, queremos trasmitir todo nuestro afecto a todos los amigos y familiares de Roberto y nuestro apoyo moral ante el juicio por su vil y cruel asesinato.

[PR/Survey] [UK]
Trans Inclusion in the Equality Bill - ACT NOW
The next stage of the Equality Bill is the House of Lords Committee Stage which is expected to be on the 11th and 13th of January 2010.
Many trans people and their allies have been working hard to try to get the protected characteristic amended from 'gender reassignment' to 'gender identity'. Many of them are using Facebook to share the work they are doing: Trans Inclusion in the Equality Bill - ACT NOW

"Public Morality" Disturbed by LTGB organization...
The governorship filed a closure case against the Black Pink Triangle association in Izmir under charges of "opposing the public morality and the Turkish family structure". The first hearing is scheduled for February next year.

Outcry over Uganda anti-gay law
A proposed Ugandan law that would impose harsh penalties – including death – on gay people is facing a growing chorus of international condemnation.
Taboos Silence Opponents Of Uganda Anti-Gay Bill

Fatine’s story
Things appear to be looking up for Fatine, the Malaysian transsexual who caused a furore back home over her marriage to a Briton. The 36-year-old make-up artist has just received an acknowledgement from the Home Office about her application for a Right to Family Life under the Human Rights Act in Britain.

Eunuch elected mayor of Madhya Pradesh town
History was repeated in Madhya Pradesh when Kamla Bua, a eunuch, was elected mayor of Sagar town defeating the nearest Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rival by a huge margin late Tuesday night.
This is the fourth instance of eunuchs being elected to various posts in Madhya Pradesh.

Health hubs for trangenders
Health hubs named Arokiya Vazhvu Maiyam exclusively for trangenders will be set up in government hospitals in 12 districts.
Comelec rejects gay party Ang Ladlad's appeal
Commission on Elections Chairman Jose Melo's tie-breaking vote ended the gay group Ang Ladlad's bid to be included in the party-list elections in May 2010.

Radio row goes superNova
The row over on-air jokes about transsexuals on Brisbane’s Nova 106.9 FM has ramped up considerably, with the Australian Transgender Support Association of Queensland lodging a complaint with the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, Nova DJ Meshel Laurie launching an extraordinary attack on trans activist Robyn Whittaker and LGBT people ‘lacking in humour’, and noted gay activist Gary Burns weighing into the issue.

[USA] [Blog/Television]
The Closer Tackles Trans-Issues With Well Written Episode
The Closer centers around Detective Chief Brenda Johnson, played by Kira Sedwick, and the Priority Homicide Unit at the LAPD. The episode “Make Over” centers around the reopening of several cases where the evidence involved has been thrown out when the lab that processed it has been discredited. In one of these cases, the evidence that sent the criminal to jail was a confession and a tox screen result of excessive morphine in the victim’s body. The last bit of evidence is no longer valid. The case goes back seven years prior to the episode and was closed by Detective Lt. Provenza, played by G.W. Bailey, and his partner Detective George Andrews, played by guest star Beau Bridges. As Provenza and his new partner Lt. Flynn, played by Anthony Denison, wait at the train station for Dt. Andrews, Provenza reminisces about the good old days with Dt. Andrews. When Detective Andrews finally arrives, it is something of a shock. Retired Detective Georgette Andrews comes as a major shock, and a problem, for the unit. (Do not read beyond this point if you do not want spoilers!)

[USA] [People/Commentary]
Girl Talk: I Transitioned From Female To Male
It was always kind of under the surface, this idea that I wasn’t quite comfortable with my body. I remember looking at this book my parents gave me when I was 8 years old and I saw drawings of what men’s bodies were like and what women’s bodies were like, and how bodies changed through puberty. And I remember identifying more with male bodies, like that was the kind of body I wanted.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Network of Transgender Women of Thailand Calls For End To Transphobic Education Uniform Regulations
TransGriot Note: Yep, even in the ostensibly transgender friendly 'Land Of Smiles' we have to fight tooth and nail for our basic human rights. An interesting December 11 story from The Nation.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Building The LGBT Alliance: Transphobia in the LGBT Community Part III
There is transphobia in the gay community in the US, and it threatens our political solidarity for the accomplishment of our political objectives, such as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and marriage equality. Time spent fighting among ourselves represents time wasted in the middle of a hard battle, and a reduction in the number of troops available to get the job done. Transphobia in the gay community must be addressed -- but how?

Scottsdale transgender advocate remembered
The Scottsdale Human Relations commissioner who began the job as Ken Culver and reappointed later as Michele de LaFreniere died recently.
Although de LaFreniere is most known for her activism in the transgender community, those who remembered her said she advocated equality for all groups.
(Photo Nick Oza/The Arizona Republic - Michele de LaFreniere, the Scottsdale Human Relations commissioner whose life journey began as a man and ended as a woman, died recently.)


SF police probe death of trans woman
San Francisco police are investigating the death of a young transgender woman whose body was found last week in her North Beach residential hotel room.
Mariah Malina Qualls, 23, was found dead in the Golden Eagle Hotel, 402 Broadway Street, on Wednesday, December 9.
(Photo: Mariah Qualls. Courtesy Billie Garcia)

Taking the next step for equality
Excerpt: Finally, we must forge unity and solidarity. Shamefully, some, such as Barney Frank and the HRC, have argued that it is "more realistic" to win civil rights for LGB people by leaving our transgender brothers and sisters behind. This has created justifiable resentment within the trans community, and we should strive to make Equality Across America an organization that is genuinely inclusive of trans people, and uncompromising when it comes to their civil rights and demands.

[MO, USA] [News/Commentary]
Homosexual and ‘Transgender’ Activists Protest Outside of St. Louis Cathedral
One of the groups calls itself the 'Catholic Action Network' while itopenly dissents from the teaching of the Catholic Church

Around NY (Transgendered state workers get protections)
New York has extended anti-discrimination protections to transgender state employees.
NY bans discrimination against transgender state employees
Paterson Signs Gender Identity and Expression Executive Order

[Puerto Rico]
A common struggle for LGBT rights
Alma Torres, an activist in Puerto Rico, reports on the recent brutal murder of a gay teenager and the fight for LGBT rights in Puerto Rico as a whole.
Vigilante la Fiscalía federal a caso de joven gay
La injusticia de la "justicia"

Otro espeluznante asesinato de chica trans en Honduras, hallan cuerpo decapitado y atado
El cuerpo decapitado de una persona dentro de un saco de mezcal, fue encontrado ayer por un campesino cuando caminaba por la carretera que conduce de Puerto Cortés a San Pedro Sula, a la altura de Baracoa, Honduras. (Foto)

Investigar Asesinatos de las Personas LGBT / Investigate Murders of LGBT People (Human Rights Watch)
El asesinato de un trabajador comunitario de VIH/SIDA el 14 de diciembre de 2009 hace parte un patrón de violencia contra las lesbianas, gay, personas bisexuales y transgénero (LGBT) en Honduras que parece haberse acelerado en los turbulentos meses desde el golpe del 28 de junio, Human Rights Watch dijo hoy.

Travesti "Thalia": Me pagaron 350 soles por recibimiento de Ollanta Humala en Tarapoto
Todos pensaban que se trataba de un recibimiento improvisado, pero la realidad es que aquellos integrantes de la comunidad "gay" de Tarapoto que saludaron a Ollanta Humala días atrás, recibieron dinero para hacerle barra.
Ollanta contrató su portátil gay