La historia de Dave Frade Parada, un hombre transexual nacido Las Palmas Gran Canaria
Dave Frade Parada, foto, nació en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria hace 33 años. Vino al mundo con cuerpo de mujer, pero su mente y su identidad de genero han sido masculinas desde que tiene conciencia. A edad muy temprana ya solía tener discusiones con su madre quien se empeñaba en vestirle como una niña. Pero, a Dave le apetecía ponerse pantalones y salir a jugar al balón. (Foto)
Alega Cantabria en 15º aniversario se plantea como reto una Unidad de Genero transexuales
La agrupación, con un centenar de asociados, celebra hoy un acto en el que presentará el libro 'Mujeres lesbianas en la historia'
Senegal police probe 24 men for 'homosexual activities'
Excerpt: The source said officers found condoms, lubricants, wigs and makeup when they raided the house in Saly where the party is said to have taken place.
[Uganda] [Opinion]
Why we cannot turn a deaf ear to Uganda’s homosexuality Bill
Way back in the 90s, an American aid worker asked for my opinion on homosexuality and I said I did not have any.
She did not believe me and seemed to be quite vexed that I was withholding my opinion from her.
Her insistence that I comment on the subject yielded nothing because sincerely, I did not know or care enough about the subject to form an opinion on it.
[South Africa]
Caster Semenya to sue IAAF and ASA for well over $100 million
No plans for Semenya to sue
[Pakistan] [Blog/Commentary]
Pakistani Supreme Court Officially Recognizes Transgender People
India's transsexuals try Internet dating
It's worked for thousands of singletons the world over and now India's transsexuals are hoping Internet dating can help their marginalised community find love.
A new site offers to help people born as men but living as women find husbands in a country where marriage remains the bedrock of society and gender and sexuality are still conservatively defined.

A natural woman
A cross-dressed male college student named Liu Renwei who longs to release his inner female spirit stands on the pedestrian lane of Shengli Road in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province holding a sign that reads: "I won't give up my dream of having a transsexual operation even if I die, because I want to be a real woman." (Photo)
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
More Flight Anxiety For Transpeople As New TSA Rules Implemented
I worked for Continental Airlines for over a decade and spent a lot of time on my off days flying the friendly skies before 9-11. Thanks to some of my speaking engagements I have had the opportunity to experience post 9-11 air travel.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Democracy When? For Whom?
Guest blogger April Rose, a Two-Spirits author, speaker and raconteur on all things trans, lives in New Mexico where she is currently developing a website that will implement her desire to educate people about living with integrity and authenticity in their chosen gender As one of the most passionate and prolific unknown writers of the Two Spirits variety, she spends her spare time roaming the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains with her two dogs and her soulmate of twenty-nine years.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Non-conformity and Bias

Legislative Editor Fired over Sex Change, Seeks Reinstatement
A former legislative editor for the Georgia House of Representatives is suing her former employers after she was fired for announcing her intent to transition from a man to a woman. (Photo)
New York governor signs executive order protecting transgender state workers
Sin protección ni garantías, los sexoservidores que trabajan en Puebla, señalan ONG
Aunque la prostitución de hombres y transgénero es una actividad cotidiana en la ciudad de Puebla y otras urbes de la entidad, hasta ahora no hay estadísticas sobre los abusos que estos trabajadores sexuales sufren, aunque organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) apuntan a que sus principales victimarios no son clientes o agentes de la fuerza pública si no los lenones.

Casa Abierta de Ecuador por los 61 años de los DDHH “Trans también tenemos derechos..”
La defensoria del pueblo organiza la Casa Abierta por los 61 años de los DDHH, en donde diferentes organizaciones que luchan desde diferentes marcos, exponen su trabajo, objetivos y resultados.