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quinta-feira, março 31, 2011

A rede ex aequo - associação de jovens lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transgéneros e simpatizantes irá editar este ano o seu 8º Ciclo de Cinema LGBT.

O objectivo primordial deste evento é o de sensibilizar os jovens portugueses em geral para questões relacionadas com a homossexualidade, bissexualidade e transgenerismo, especialmente no que diz respeito à fase do "assumir-se para si próprio" pois, como sabemos, o período desta consciencialização e aceitação de si próprio é especial, delicado e por vezes difícil na vida da maioria dos jovens LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgéneros), ainda incompreendidos e vítimas de preconceito e discriminação.

Assim, através dos vários filmes exibidos, os jovens LGBT, ou com dúvidas, poderão contactar com histórias ligadas à questão da orientação sexual e/ou identidade de género e reflectir acerca de temas pertinentes e inerentes à sua realidade, num ambiente de convívio.

Serão apresentadas 6 sessões de filmes de temática LGBT nos dias 1, 2 e 3 de Abril, durante o período da tarde e noite, com vista a possibilitar uma maior flexibilidade no horário da projecção de filmes. O ciclo irá realizar-se no espaço da Livraria Ler Devagar - Lx Factory, em Lisboa.

Uma atenção especial ao filme "A Girl like me: The Gwen Araújo story" no Sábado, dia 2, pelas 22 horas.

Piden 30 años de prisión para el hombre que mató de 31 puñaladas a una transexual
Juicio con jurado. Ignacio V.O. la mató el 28 de septiembre de 2009. La conoció en un bar, la acuchilló en su casa, le robó las pertenencias y las vendió por 20 euros en Pamplona.

Situación de la población transexual inmigrante en España
En este artículo, Joaquín Aguilar, coordinador del Área de Formación y Empleo de la Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) en Madrid repasa los problemas a los que se enfrenta el colectivo de personas transexuales a la hora de integrarse en el mercado laboral y en general, en nuestra sociedad. Muchas veces además provienen de otros países donde son perseguidos por su condición y necesitan regular su situación en España.

Transformations: Lea T. - a peek inside the world of a transgender model
Ahh … Fashion Week! It’s been Spring Fashion Week all over the world recently, and one’s imagination might invoke scenes of models wearing blank (or even angry) expressions, strutting down the runways clad in floaty dresses or perhaps skin-tight black leather, ghoulish makeup and shockingly-low BMIs, cameras flashing incessantly and music thumping at deafening decibel levels.

Transgenders feel let down in TN
Though the DMK government has implemented a slew of measures for the marginalised transgender community, they feel let down as two of their associates were not given the rare honour of contesting the Assembly polls by the DMK.

In government's dying days, attention shifts to Senate
With two important bills for the queer community before the Senate – Bill C-389 on trans rights and Bill C-393 on cheap AIDS drugs for the developing world – letter-writing campaigns are in full swing.
CWL writes letters opposing Bathroom Bill C-389
Why the NDP's trans rights bill is dead in the water

[USA] [Film]
Becoming Johanna -- A Trans Youth's Story (VIDEO)
Becoming Johanna is a short documentary, and the third film in the Youth and Gender Media Project series, that tells the story of sixteen–year–old transgender Latina kid Johanna whose deeply religious mother committed her to a mental hospital in order to prevent her transition to a young woman.

Photographer Josh Lehrer Raising Awareness of Homeless Transgender Teens
It would be difficult to walk around or take public transportation in most American cities and not notice the large homeless population.

[CT, USA] [Theater]
The little transgender mannequin that could
More “Toy Story” than Judith Butler, “TRANNEQUIN!” is a deliciously funny new musical conceived and created by a handful of “freshmen” from the Yale School of Drama running this weekend at the Yale Cabaret.

Maryland GOP Delegate Holds Up Gender Identity Bill, Says She Needs Definition of "Transgender"
A bill that seeks to prohibit discrimination in the areas of housing, employment, licensing and commercial leasing against transgender Marylanders was scheduled to be voted on today in the Maryland House's Health and Government Operations Committee. The vote, however, did not happen due to a "procedural hold" brought forth by Republican Del. Susan Krebs (Carroll County).
Maryland Gender Identity Bill Passes Through Committee 15-8

[OH, USA] [Film]
LGBTIQ documentary: The life of a transgendered reverend
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual Intersexed and Questioning/Queer Resource Center presented the 2005 documentary, "Call Me Malcolm," on Tuesday, March 15, in the Bayley Room of Beeghly Library.

[PA, USA] [Film]
Gender Reel
The genesis of an idea by Joe Ippolito and a few friends, Gender Reel is an annual event dedicated to enhancing the visibility of gender non-conforming, gender variant/queer and transgender identities. As a festival, the goal is to empower artists, filmmakers, and photographers to continue creating works that is reflective of gender non- conforming experiences and identities.

Nutter adds LGBT protections
Legislation signed into law by Mayor Michael Nutter on Thursday updated a 47-year-old ordinance covering how the city responds to discrimination complaints, particularly those affecting the LGBT community.
Nondiscrimination updates signed into law

Sexual identity charter denial dissatisfies group
The university denied the Sexual Identity Forum’s request for an official student organization charter for a final time last Friday, leaving officers of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender discussion group dissatisfied and seeking a more thorough explanation.

Advocate says Texas voter ID bill will force transgender people to out themselves at polls
The Republican-backed voter ID bill passed the Texas House of Representatives on Wednesday night.
During the floor debate on the bill, Laredo Democrat Richard Raymond asked, “Anytime you deal with a law as comprehensive and as big as this you have to take into account people’s voting rights. You would agree with that, right?”

Documentan historia de mujer transexual
Irina fue, la mayor parte de su vida, un personaje. Nació en un cuerpo masculino que después fue afectado por una polineuropatía degenerativa. Su lucha personal y política fueron cobijadas por su parecido con Ernesto “Che” Guevara, a quien, dice, le debe haber aprendido a vivir, a no derrotarse.

Hostigan a travestis y homosexuales de Vallarta
Denuncian que empleados de reglamentos se han dedicado a amenazar con clausurar de manera definitiva el bar La Botana, además de impedirles el ingreso a los bares de la ciudad

[Costa Rica]
Want To Become Famous In Costa Rica? Come For A Transvestite!
That is the advice of a website that takes note and publishes the names and sometimes photographs of vehicles stopped to chat up or pick a transvestite (travesti in Spanish) in barrio Fátima de Heredia.
The website, "Clientes de Travestis en Heredia : COSTA RICA" is just another tool the residents of Heredia are using to scare off the business of transvestites in their communities.

'Leidy', segunda víctima mortal de comunidad LGBT en Bogotá este mes
El pasado domingo asesinaron a 'Leidy, la ecuatoriana'. Ella es la segunda integrante de la misma comunidad LGBT que es asesinada en los últimos 15 días en circunstancias violentas a manos de desconocidos en la localidad de Santa Fe (Vea acá más noticias relacionadas con discriminación sexual).

Movilh reclama a transexuales españoles por plagio
A error de imprenta atribuyeron los transexuales de Andalucía, el uso que hicieron de un afiche elaborado por el Movilh en una guía de tratamiento informativo de noticias relacionadas con transexualidad.

quarta-feira, março 30, 2011

"Tive orgasmo após a cirurgia de mudança de sexo", diz Ariadna
Na última sexta-feira (25), a ex-BBB Ariadna divulgou uma edição especial da revista Playboy, da qual é capa. O evento, fechado para jornalistas, aconteceu no Terraço da Editora Abril.

Transexual faz peça e explica por que mudou de sexo em S.J. do Rio Preto
Na peça "Guta que Pariu", a transexual e atriz paulista Guta Silveira conta como mudou de sexo, mas a revelação é apenas uma das surpresas do espetáculo que estará em cartaz no teatro municipal Teatro Nelson Castro, em São José do Rio Preto, interior paulista, no próximo dia 14 de maio, a princípio para apresentação única. Com muito humor, ela narra a sua vida com fatos reais, desde a sua infância quando não entendia bem o mundo e o que se passava a sua volta.

SUS fará primeira cirurgia de mudança de sexo em transexual feminino
No início do próximo mês, a autônoma Alexandra Peixe dos Santos, de 38 anos, vai se deitar em uma mesa cirúrgica do Hospital Pérola Byington, em São Paulo, para se submeter a um procedimento pouco comum, que deve durar duas horas. Do centro cirúrgico, sairá diferente: sem útero, ovários e trompas. Em data ainda a ser definida, passará pela extração das mamas. Os procedimentos constituem o passo mais contundente da transformação de Alexandra em Alexandre, ou Xande, primeiro transexual feminino do país a realizar uma cirurgia de mudança de sexo custeada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde – entre os homens, a prática existe desde 2008. Cada intervenção para retirada dos órgãos reprodutivos femininos (histerectomia total) e da mama (mastectomia) vai custar aos cofres públicos 717,90 reais e 462,80 reais, respectivamente.

Este jueves día 24 se celebrará en la Universidad de Málaga "Jornada TRANSformando Universidad"
El día 24 de Marzo a las 11:30 h. tendrá lugar en la Sala de Grados “Paulo Freire” de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Psicología de la Universidad de Málaga la Jornada TRANSformando la Universidad, organizada por la asociación ENTIENDE, que ha pretendido crear en el ámbito de la Universidad un espacio donde la comunidad educativa haga un ejercicio de reflexión en torno a la igualdad y los derechos del colectivo LGTB en Málaga.

[UK] [Commentary]
Trans Murder Monitoring project update reveals more than 500 reported murders of trans people in the last 3 years
The Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project has published its latest update regarding the numbers of recorded murders of trans people worldwide – and it makes depressing reading.

[UK] [Letters to the Editor]
Transsexual actors for transsexual roles
Regarding Victoria Atkin’s article last week about playing a transgendered character (March 17, page 11) - is this the equivalent of the now outmoded practice of ‘blacking up’?

No reservation for eunuchs in govt jobs, Centre tells HC
The Central government has finally decided not to grant reservation for eunuchs in government jobs. Conveying the final stand taken by the Central government, its counsel Onkar Singh Batalvi apprised the Punjab and Haryana High Court on Wednesday that the Centre was not in favour of granting reservation to eunuchs in government jobs.

[Malaysia] [Film]
Dilemma of a transsexual
Director Khir Rahman sheds some light on his latest film, … Dalam Botol, which has attracted foreign interest including the Library of Congress in Washington
Putting truth to film

[South Korea]
Man jailed for abusing kids refusing to call him 'mom'
A transgender father of four has been given a two-year jail term for abusing his children who refused to call him 'mom,' a local court here said on Wednesday.
Transgender jailed for abusing kids who refused to call him 'mom'
Transgendered Father Starves Kids for Refusing to Call Him 'Mom'
Transgendered father gets prison time for beating kids because they won't call him 'mom'

Ladyboy Steals To Pay For His Transsexual Operation
A lady boy was caught pickpocketing a Norwegian man as a way to pay his rent and pay for his transsexual operation.

[Australia] [Commentary]
They mean well (part 2)
Continuing on from the previous post about the way Intersexed children are mistreated.
The rules are different for them.

Trans rally to storm Canberra!
Looks like this is gonna be HUGE.
In what’s set to be the largest gathering of transgender, intersex and genderqueer people ever held in Australia, the country’s first Gender Diverse Rally will make its voice heard on the lawn at Parliament House on Wednesday 11 May.

Rosie O'Donnell Hosts Transgender Show After Chaz Bono Film Premiere
Actress, comedian and talk show host Rosie O'Donnell will host a special after the Oprah Winfrey Network's (OWN) premiere of the Chaz Bono documentary Becoming Chaz, the Los Angeles Times reported.

[USA] [Commentary]
The Maryland fight isn't over; stop Transgender Bill HB 235
Thanks so much for all your calls and emails to stop same sex marriage in Maryland. Your involvement and prayers stopped the bill, against all predictions.

In the Middle of a War, Obama Moves on Transgender Rights
The White House announced today that President Obama is proud of the work his administration has done to build international consensus on affirming the human rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.

Transgender community faces potential loss of clinic
Last month on Crosscurrents, we reported on the discrimination transgender people face in the healthcare system. Nearly 6,500 transgender and gender non-conforming people responded to a study conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the results were alarming.

Legislation Streamlining Process for Transgender Californians to Obtain an Updated Birth Certificates Advances
Yesterday, a bill that would alleviate the confusion, anxiety and even danger that transgender people face when they have identity documents that do not reflect who they are, passed the Assembly Judiciary committee in a 7-5 vote. Authored by Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal (D-Long Beach), sponsored by Equality California and co-sponsored by the Transgender Law Center, the Vital Statistics Modernization Act (AB 433), would streamline current law and clarify that eligible petitioners living or born in California can submit a gender change petition in any jurisdiction in the State of California.

D.C. police e-mails concerned with bad press, trans rights
In July of 2007, police arrested Virginia Grace Soto for missing a court date. Then, judging by what they called her "masculine features," police wrongfully determined that Soto was a post-operative trans woman, detained her in a male facility over her objections, and forced her to sleep and shower with men.

Maryland Gender Identity Bill Moves Ahead
A bill that seeks to prohibit discrimination in the areas of housing, employment, licensing and commercial leasing, against transgender Marylanders, just passed its first hurdle, moving through the Government Operations Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, according to Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk's (D- Anne Arundel, Prince George's) office.

Bill to nullify Missoula anti-gay discrimination ordinance may die in committee
A Senate committee chairman said Wednesday that he intends to let die in his committee a controversial bill that would nullify Missoula's 2010 ordinance that bans discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people.

Transgender people sue New York City over surgery requirement
Three transgender people are suing the city of New York over a requirement that they must have gender reassignment surgery in order to have their birth certificates changed.
Transgender Sue Over Surgery Requirement to Alter Gender on Birth Certificate
[Commentary] Challenging NYC's Outdated Requirement Trans Residents Swap Genitals To Amend Birth Certificates

City Protects Gender Identity
Since 1993, Columbia has protected city employees from employment discrimination simply because they were gay, lesbian or bisexual.
But until recently, the city’s employee handbook did not ban discrimination on the basis of gender identity.

[TN, USA] [Film]
MTSU student's film explores transgenderism
A journalism student from Middle Tennessee State University will show a film chronicling personal Journeys of identity and social struggle this weekend.

Dallas County adds sexual orientation — but not gender identity — to nondiscrimination policy
The Dallas County Commissioners Court voted earlier today to add sexual orientation to the county’s employment nondiscrimination policy.
However, the amendment adding “sexual orientation” to the policy does not include gender identity/expression, meaning it covers gay and lesbian employees but not transgender workers.

Senate Bill 723 would disallow proof of sex change as appropriate documentation for marriage
Texas Family code as amended in 2009 currently allows the use of an original or certified court order of name change or sex change for purposes of marriage in the state of Texas. Senator Tommy Williams (R-Woodlands) has authored a bill that would disallow such proof, effective September 1, 2011.

terça-feira, março 29, 2011

Gay rights essential to join
The European Parliament has adopted resolutions calling on Turkey and Montenegro to lift their game on GLBT rights if they want to join the European Union.

MEPs Welcome New Gender Change Law in Portugal but Are Concerned About Developments in Lithuania
Members of the European Parliament have welcomed a new law in Portugal for transgender persons, but have expressed concern over a proposal to outlaw gender reassignment surgery in Lithuania.

Quase 50 médicos reformados regressaram ao SNS
Então estes 50 médicos aceitaram as condições rejeitadas pelo Dr. Décio. Então onde está a "preocupação" do Dr. pelas pessoas transexuais, como ele chama "os meus meninos"? Só aparece quando a remuneração é superior a 6 euros por hora? Se colegas dele aceitam estas condições, a preocupação pelos "seus meninos" não o devia fazer aceitar estas condições durante os 3 anos necessários para ensinar outro cirurgião? Ou será que afinal a preocupação era ,afinal, pelo dinheiro, não se coabindo para isso de instrumentalizar certas pessoas transexuais (que se deixaram vergonhosamente usar)?

Travesti de MT contribui para o INSS cadastrada como profissional do sexo
Lilith Prado, 31, é travesti e trabalha como profissional do sexo, em Cuiabá (MT). Seu nome veio à tona quando se tornou a primeira contribuinte do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS), para ter direito a benefícios quando se aposentar. (Foto)

Top transexual Lea T. posa pela primeira vez para capa de revista brasileira
A modelo transexual Lea T. é capa da 24ª edição da revista "ffw Mag", que chega às bancas nesta semana.

Erika Kokay vai lutar para HUB operar transexuais
A deputada federal Erika Kokay (PT-DF) tem uma nova bandeira. Fazer gestões para que o Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB) crie um centro de referência no acolhimento de travestis e transexuais.

Transvestite artist Grayson Perry is Royal Academician
Transvestite potter Grayson Perry has been made one of just 80 living Royal Academicians at the highbrow Royal Academy of Arts. (Photo)

SC pushes to implement orders for eunuchs’ rights
The Supreme Court on Tuesday directed the federal and provincial social welfare departments and the commissioner of Islamabad to implement its previous orders that eunuchs be granted their full rights as citizens and told them to submit compliance reports at the next hearing in four weeks.
Eunuchs entitled to inherit property
Eunuchs should get rights to inherit under law: SC

[French Polynesia]
French Polynesia mayor sentenced for opposing sex change marriage
A mayor in French Polynesia has been convicted for abuse of power after he refused to marry a couple because the woman had had a sex change.

Human Rights Council Statement on Ending Violence Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Today, 85 countries from every region of the world joined together in a historic moment to state clearly that human rights apply to everyone, no matter who they are or whom they love.
Ending Violence Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Contact the Judiciary Committee in support of Transgender Equal Rights
Before the Transgender Equal Rights Bill can come up for a vote in the House or Senate, it must clear the Joint Committee on the Judiciary.

Trans Group Slams Montana Law as Unconstitutional
The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) is urging Montana lawmakers to vote down a bill that would not only repeal a Missoula LGBT-inclusive employment protections law but would forbid Montana cities from enacting similar ordinances in the future.

Trans Lawsuit Challenges NYC Surgery Requirement
The Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund has filed the first lawsuit challenging New York City’s requirement that transgender people undergo surgery before they can be issued birth certificates with corrected sex designations.
Lawsuit: NYC Makes It Difficult for Transgender People To Change Birth Certificate
Suits Dispute City’s Rule on Recording Sex Changes
Transgender New Yorkers sue over birth certificates
Transgender People Contest NYC Birth-Record Rule
Transgendered sue NYC over brith cerficate
Three transgenders sue 'unfair' city of New York for making it too difficult to change gender on birth certificates

segunda-feira, março 28, 2011

Obama, Brazilian President Rousseff Agree to Establish LGBT Post at Organization of American States
Over the weekend, President Barack Obama made an official state visit to Brazil, including a meeting with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Included in the joint statement issued by the leaders about the relationship between the two countries was news that the two leaders would work within the Organization of American States to establish a "Special Rapporteur" to help in "promoting respect for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals."

Alcalde de Barcelona inaugura monumento a homosexuales y transexuales en el Parque Ciutadella
El alcalde de Barcelona, Jordi Hereu, ha inaugurado este domingo en el parque de la Ciutadella el monumento dedicado a gays, lesbianas y transexuales y ha obviado la polémica que generó su localización.

Nacer con el sexo equivocado Carlos Haya, pionero en las intervenciones, ofrece a los transexuales la posibilidad de cambiar su aspecto
[UK] [Commentary]
Egypt: Your name’s not down, you’re not coming in
The post with the highest number of hits here at BoP is this one. I wrote it two years ago and in it, I set out my concerns about the likely result of the introduction of body scanners at airports on trans people whose genital configuration and legal documentation didn’t match.

Census ignores us, say Bangladeshi transgenders
Bangladesh's transgender community lodged complaints on Tuesday that officials were refusing to count them during a national census. About 300,000 census takers are going door-to-door across the country of 146 million people, but many transvestites, eunuchs and asexual people say they are being ignored because they do not fit into strict gender categories.

Transgenders Want Political Space In Tamil Nadu
The 30,000-strong transgender community, mostly living in the fringes of society in Tamil Nadu, wants political space in the state to voice their plight.

The Majority of Transsexuals like to be women
Discriminated against when applying for voter’s card, ration card or driving licence, they are happy at not facing any hassle while registering for UID (Photo)

Dancing To a Different Tune
Jin Xing was once a man and a soldier. Then he had a sex-change operation, and became a mother and one of china’s premier dancers.

Army renames transgender conscripts
Transgender army recruits won't have their feelings hurt in the coming conscription season. Well, hopefully not that much, anyway.
Instead of their sexuality being called a "psychological abnormality" or a "gender identity disorder", they will simply be referred to as "Type 2" or "Type 3".
Thai army changes transgender terms: report

Transgender X Factor contestant takes Thailand by storm
A Thai X Factor contestant shocked judges when she revealed she was a man – halfway through singing a slushy love ballad.
Transgender singer's a web hit

[Australia] [Commentary]
Intersex Moroccan Saïd shares his story
OII Moroccan affiliate member Saïd tells the story of what it is to be intersex living in that country. Given how intersex is rarely if ever spoken of in the Middle East, Saïd is incredibly courageous to do so but he is clearly at the end of his tether.
More stories of intersex lives made tragic through medical interference
Stanford U on non-consensual intersex surgery and medical treatment

[USA] [Commentary]
Why Are Parents Of Intersex Children Choosing Their Kid's Gender So Early On?
When we hear about an adult woman changing her sex to become a man, we generally label that person as transgender. But what about an adult woman who was never supposed to be a lady? That's the situation Jim Bruce (pictured) found himself in after being born intersex, with ambiguous genitals, and doctors and his parents making the decision to surgically remove his external organs and raise him as a girl.
[Commentary] Would You Change Your Intersex Baby?

[USA] [Commentary]
All Out: Help Brazil Pass a Hate Crimes Law
A 22 year old woman named Priscila was murdered execution style in Brazil. Too many LGBT people in Brazil – particularly trans people – are killed. A local group, All Out, is seeking a hate crimes law to help prevent these murders, and have an online petition you can sign.

[USA] [Commentary]
Alert- Transbashing Bill In Texas Senate
The GOP haters tried to sneak this one in on us. Cristan Williams is in Austin to testify against this bill Please take the time to call the Texas State Senators listed at the bottom and encourage everyone you know who cares about the trans community to do the same.

Trans fitness trainer Chris Bruce heads west
Chris Tina Bruce, a transgender fitness trainer who made a huge splash when she was profiled by Dallas Voice last year, has moved to San Diego. Contacted as she was driving halfway across the country to her new home last week, Bruce told Instant Tea she fell in love with San Diego during a recent visit. (Photo)
Everybody loves Chris: Transgender owner of Discover Health and Fitness sets up shop in San Diego

Conn. legislative panel hears testimony on gender identity discrimination bill
Terms such as “bathroom bill” and “disorders” were raised Monday, as the General Assembly’s Judiciary Committee took testimony on a bill that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression.

TLDEF Raises Concerns About Montana Bill to Ban Local Transgender, Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Protections
Bill Headed to Vote in State Senate Would Gut Missoula’s Anti-LGBT Discrimination Ordinance
Transgender Rights Group Opposes Montana Gay Protections Ban Bill
Trans Group Voices Concern on Anti-Gay Montana Law

Patinadora Transexual Profesional promueve Inclusión en Liga de Mujeres de Chicago, EEUU
Aunque ya han habido otros casos donde una mujer transexual es incluida como una mujer patinadora más, la Chicago Outfit Roller Derby League, es una de las primeras en hacerlo con una política oficial. (Foto)

Transgender birth-records suit
The city discriminates against transgender people by making them jump through hoops to amend their birth certificates, a new lawsuit charges. While the city health code says a "new birth certificate shall be filed" when a person undergoes a sex-change operation, the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene requires way more, the Manhattan suit claims.
Transgendered people sue city over excessive requirements for birth certificate sex change
Lawsuit Claims Transgender Discrimination
Is the City Discriminating Against Transgender People?
Transgendered Pair Sues City
Transgender NYers Sue Over Birth Certif Rules
[Commentary] Trans Rights Group Announces Lawsuit Over Refusal to Correct Birth Certificates
Transgender Rights Group Files Lawsuit Against New York City Over Refusal to Correct Transgender Birth Certificates

[PA, USA] [Commentary]
PA Transit Company SEPTA Silences Debate on Gender Identity Discrimination
Want to ride the bus in Philadelphia without coming out to your fellow commuters? Good luck with that.

[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Article on murdered transgender woman lacked sensitivity
A story in March 11's paper about Marcal Camero Tye, a transgender woman who was murdered in Arkansas, offended some of our readers. We received numerous emails and phone calls pointing out both a factual error in the story and an error in judgment on the part of the editors.

Jamaican gays want anti-discrimination rights
The Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, all Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG) is urging Parliament to make provisions to protect the human rights of all Jamaicans, and provide a framework to reduce discrimination against all persons, including lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.

domingo, março 27, 2011

The Debate over Diagnosis
Expected to be published in May 2013, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) - the bible of the American Psychiatric Association - has created a firestorm of controversy in its suggested treatment of individuals who have gender identity issues.

Cirurgia encerra drama de transexual – e da medicina
Xande dos Santos será 1ª brasileira a passar por operação de mudança de sexo paga pelo SUS. Há 15 anos, intervenção podia ser considerada crime

Government rejects proposals to close transgender pension loophole
This week, the government rejected proposals to close a loophole which appears to have denied many trans women what they consider to be their rightful entitlement to pension payments.

[Malaysia] [Film]
Malaysia's first film with gay lead characters breaks taboo...
Dalam Botol shocks conservative politicians but is criticised by gay activists for negative ending

Transgender legal rights inquiry in ACT
The ACT has launched an inquiry into men who want to live as women and vice-versa. The inquiry comes not long after a Family Court decision to allow a teenage girl to start hormone treatment to become a man. Attorney-General Simon Corbell said the inquiry would investigate any gaps in legal rights for the transgender community.

[Australia] [Film]
Brunswick film looks at transgender story
At six, Sally Goldner began imagining living as a female. But it wasn’t until she turned 29 that she found out what that actually meant. The transgender rights activist, who is also an accountant, stand-up comic and radio host, candidly shares her experience in Brunswick East filmmaker Mark Andersson’s documentary Sally’s Story. (Photo: Sally Goldner, from Brunswick, is the subject of a new documentary featured in the Melbourne Queer Film Festival.)

An Education on trans youth
In kindergarten, while she would occasionally wear a princess outfit from the costume box, Maxime became aware of the separation between girls and boys, and her own level of discomfort with her male body.

Murders of Transgender Women of Color Fuel Concern, Advocacy
While some 500 miles separate Baltimore and Forrest City, Ark., the two cities are slightly closer today as transgender activists in both places continue to cope with the tragic loss of someone who called their community home.

Who Decides Sex of Intersex Babies?
What happens when the doctors performing surgery on a baby born with ambiguous genitals get the child's sex wrong?
Intersex Babies: Boy or Girl and Who Decides?
[Commentary] Intersex Children
Intersex Advocates Work Against Infant Surgery

[USA] [Commentary]
In Another Time, He Would Have Been Honored, But Instead He Was Murdered
The murder of Fred Martinez, Jr., shocked all of us back in 2001. A 16 year old Navajo living near racist Cortez, Colorado, Fred left to go to see the rodeo, and never came back.

For Prostitutes, Is Murder an Occupational Hazard?
As MoJo reporter Mac McClelland pointed out earlier this week, murdered prostitutes don't often make the news these days. When they do, their deaths may be dismissed as more occupational hazard than crime. Here, for example, is how St. Francis County sheriff Bobby May explained the fatal shooting of trans prostitute 25-year-old Marcal Camero Tye: "You know, prostitutes, these types of folks—it's a risk. Whenever you're soliciting, things of this nature happen sometimes." Translation: If Tye hadn't been trans and/or a prostitute, the murder would have most likely never happened. But why is it so easy to deny a prostitute's right to safety?

[USA] [Commentary]
EQMD mounts HRC assisted ATTACK on Transgender People ACT NOW!
Equality Maryland's director Morgan Meneses-Sheets is using all of EQMD's membership might to bulldoze the Maryland Transgender community 6 feet under placing this headstone to commemorate our murders.

[USA] [Commentary]
Dana Beyer Cleared of Ethics Charges
After several years of a political battled riddled with discrimination, spin, and security breaches, Dana Beyer, senior aide to Montgomery County, Maryland Councilwoman Duchy Trachtenberg, has been exonerated of all ethics charges.

Transgender woman robbed in possible Atlanta bias crime
A 16-year old male is under arrest after he allegedly beat a transgender woman and stole her purse in a March 12 incident that is being investigated as a possible bias crime by the Atlanta Police Department.

Maryland's transgender community needs your help!
Just last week, the House Health & Government Operations committee heard testimony on the Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Act, legislation that if passed would extend vital protections based on gender identity to housing, employment, and credit.

Hate crimes measure advances
Crimes prompted because a person is transgender could be eligible for harsher penalties under a bill moving forward in the Nevada Legislature.
Bill to increase penalties for attacks on transsexuals advances

Transforming Support
Like being green, being trans isn’t easy. Portlanders who take the brave step of embracing their trans identities, though, can turn to a number of groups for much needed support.

Ogden Twelfth Utah City To Approve Gay Protections
On Tuesday, Ogden became the latest Utah city or municipality to approve a gay protections ordinance.

Y ahora, los intersexuales
BBC Mundo explora quiénes integran esta minoría sexual que, en Colombia y otros países de América Latina, se han unido a lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales.

[Brazil] [Commentary]
Trans Murder Rocks Brazil
Brazil is the largest country on the South American continent. It is not only one that is fast becoming an emerging economic powerhouse, they hope the upcoming 2014 World Cup soccer tournament and the 2016 Olympics will demonstrate that fact to the world.

Denuncian que policías golpearon a travestis
Las víctimas habrían sido atacadas por efectivos mientras ejercían la prostitución en la calle Pavón. Alex Freyre, asesor del Inadi, conversó con antes de reunirse con Nilda Garré.

sábado, março 26, 2011

Miembros preguntan a Parlamento Europeo si habrá Apoyo Financiero para Igualdad de Personas Transexuales
El día 4 de marzo diez Miembros del Parlamento Europeo preguntaron a la Comisión Europea si piensan proporcionar fondos específicos para las organizaciones transexuales transgénero que trabajen en la UE, así como a nivel nacional en cualquiera de los Estados que la integran.

Policiais foram flagrados fazendo sexo oral com travesti durante expediente
Dois policiais militares foram flagrados fazendo sexo oral com um travesti no Parque Zé Bolo Flor, na região do Coxipó, em Cuiabá, no Mato Grosso.

Transexuales de Andalucía ha presentado una guía de buenos usos para los medios de comunicación
La Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía ha presentado una guía de buenos usos para los medios de comunicación.

Transvestite left with broken jaw after city centre attack
TWO men have been jailed after they attacked a transvestite leaving him in an alleyway with a broken jaw.
Neil McLean and Daniel Dean were part of a group which demonstrated hostility to Michael Roessner in Hanley city centre at about 3am on September 25.

Britain's Channel 4 Makes Commitment to Treating Trans Issues Fairly
Bosses of Britain's Channel 4 this week signed on to an agreement committing the television channel to portraying accurately and sensitively the lives of transgender people.

Trans man loses court battle for bigger breasts on NHS
A transsexual man who wanted his local NHS trust to pay for him to have bigger breasts has lost his case in the Court of Appeal.

Seminar tells tale of transgenders’ affection
The seminar organised by students of the department of social work on the theme ‘Transgender- the forgotten gender” at the D G Vaishnav College on Thursday, was an eye-opener in more ways than one.

In Hisar, eunuchs teach a lesson in gender equality
It is heartening to watch transgenders embrace the weaker sex in Haryana --notorious for its skewed sex ratio. Where the government has failed to do anything tangible in balancing the girl-boy ratio, a group of eunuchs has adopted young girls, whose parents did not wish to bring them in this world.

Transsexual tailandesa emociona ao fazer um "dueto"
Nantita Khumpiramon, um@ transsexual de 27 anos teve uma atuação surpreendente em edição recente do programa Thailand’s Got Talent, a versão tailandesa do famoso reality show britânico.

No new leads in trans woman’s murder
Shooting death of Marcal Tye in Northeast Arkansas raises specter of string of unsolved trans murders in nearby Memphis; activists say homophobia, transphobia still rampant in states’ rural areas

West Hollywood Transgender Advisory Board Seeks to Educate and Foster Understanding
The city of West Hollywood is the first in the world to have its own Transgender Advisory Board that operates independently and separate from the gay and lesbian board. As gay and lesbian people become more accepted in mainstream America, those in the transgender community fight for the most basic of rights, like being able to use the public restroom of the gender with which they identify.

Trans Maryland rallies at Supreme Court
Activists from Trans Maryland and their allies held a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to demand that lawmakers reinstate language barring discrimination in public accommodations to the proposed Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Bill in Maryland. (Photo)

Federal Civil Rights Suit Challenges Louisiana’s Felony Sex Work Law
Eve is a transgender woman living in rural southern Louisiana. She was molested as a child and left home as a teenager. Homeless and alone, she was forced to trade sex for survival. During this time, she was arrested and charged with a Crime Against Nature, an archaic Louisiana law originally designed to penalize sex acts associated with gays and lesbians.

Her Crime? Sex Work in New Orleans
Tabitha has been working as a prostitute in New Orleans since she was 13. Now 30 years old, she can often be found working on a corner just outside of the French Quarter. A small and slight white woman, she has battled both drug addiction and illness and struggles every day to find a meal or a place to stay for the night.

Nevada Lawmakers Advance Transgender Hate Crimes Measure
Nevada lawmakers voted on Thursday, March 17, to advance a bill that would add gender identity and expression to the state’s hate crimes law.

Ogden to fine employers, landlords who discriminate based on sexual orientation
The Ogden City Council has agreed to enact an ordinance that would fine employers or landlords $500 for discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Compromise on LGBT ordinances reached in Ogden

Ecuador acoge un taller transexual
Una importante teniente de la polícia del país habla sobre temas polémicos relacionados con el trato despectivo de los cuerpos de seguridad hacia las personas transexuales, como prostitución o el grado de capacitación que cuentan para entender la realidad transexual. (Foto)

Repressed fear in a transgendered world
“Even Obama cares about us! The last time a gay leader was assassinated in Uganda, Obama asked [President] Pepe [Lobo] to protect us and investigate the crimes against us in Honduras,” says Bessy, a 31 year-old transsexual who does volunteer social work with the homosexual community during the day. For the last 11 years, Bessy has also been working nights as a prostitute on the streets.
(Photo: REUTERS/Edgard Garrido - Transvestite Tiffany, 19, shows a scar of a knife attack in Tegucigalpa March 10, 2011. According to leaders of LGBT organizations (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders), 34 people have been murdered in the last 18 months. The U.S. embassy and United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) have requested the government to investigate the murders and safeguard the rights of the LGBT community, local media reported.)

2 Trans Murders Rock Brazil: Priscila + Val Executed In The Streets
Priscila, a 22-year old trans woman in Brazil (born Gustavo Brandão Aguilar), was captured on surveillance camera being shot seven times, execution style, earlier this month.
Mujer Transexual asesinada Brasil: iba a dejar lel comercio sexual con Apoyo de su Madre

Buenos Aires acoge a la primera funcionaria travesti del país
El documento nacional de identidad (DNI) de Mariana Gómez afirma que se llama Rubén Darío, y que nació hace 31 años en Argentina.
Mariana Gómez, primera mujer transexual empleada en la Justicia de Buenos Aires
Primera funcionaria travesti en Argentina
(Foto: La argentina Mariana Gómez hace historia al ser reconocida como la primera travesti dentro del colectivo de funcionarios del país.)

sexta-feira, março 25, 2011


COGAM, Colectivo de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales de Madrid, quiere manifestar su reconocimiento a la gran labor y apoyo por los derechos de las personas seropositivas en todo el mundo, que realizó la Actriz Elizabeth Taylor, fallecida el 23 de marzo de 2011 en Los Ángeles.

Su activismo desde los inicios de la pandemia del SIDA supuso un importante espaldarazo económico a lucha contra el VIH/SIDA, a la vez que ayudó y mucho a despertar la conciencia de la gente sobre esta enfermedad.

Desde COGAM, y estamos seguros/as que desde otras organizaciones, le agradecemos su entrega por unos derechos que aún hoy siguen en peligro, porque la discriminación por el VIH/SIDA es un hecho que se sigue dando 30 años después del descubrimiento del virus del VIH.

AGUSTÍN LÓPEZ, a este respecto declara que la labor de esta gran actriz, y mejor persona, nunca quedará en el olvido para todas las personas que luchamos por los derechos de las personas afectadas por el VIH/SIDA.

Es necesario que su activismo por los derechos humanos tenga su continuidad con la incorporación a la lucha contra el VIH/SIDA de muchas más personas que tienen la capacidad de influir de una forma notable en la sociedad, como la tuvo y siempre la tendrá Elizabeth Taylor.

Channel 4 to improve portrayal of transgender people
Channel 4 has commissioned research looking into the issues and challenges faced by transgender people, which it will use to commission programmes that accurately portray people from this community.

Lords drop transgender state pension protection
A House of Lords committee yesterday dropped an amendment to the Pensions Bill that would have created protection for transgender people against unfair state pension calculations.

The loneliness of an intersex
Neither male nor female, Said, 45, was born intersex (hermaphrodite). As a result of this condition, Said has never had access to real work or any decent medical care. Dreaming of reversing this condition, Said dreams of becoming a "man" to live live a normal life.

[India] [Film]
Narthaki goes places
When debutant director Vijayapadma decided to make Narthaki, she wouldn't have thought her film would be received well by the industry even before it hits screens.

Jakarta’s Working Ladyboys
It is a few minutes past eight in the evening on Jalan Blora in Central Jakarta and nightlife revelers are starting to trickle onto the street, still wet and muddy from the downpour earlier in the afternoon. A piercingly loud dangdut tune pours out of one of the street’s shabby clubs, where women in tight, brightly colored outfits stand and strut by the front doors.

Transgender golfer Lana Lawless enters mediation with Long Drivers Association
In late 2010, transgender golfer Lana Lawless jointly sued the LPGA Tour and Long Drivers of America for their adopted regulation that a competitor in their evens must be born with female genetalia. Weeks later, the LPGA membership voted to change their constitution to allow Lawless to compete, should she qualify to do so.
Transgender golfer, Long Drivers face mediation

Transsexual Activists Rally At Supreme Court to Demand Protections in MD
A controversial bill has been proposed in Maryland, HB 235, which protects against discrimination concerning gender identity and gender expression. The bill originally included protections in housing, employment and public accommodations. Unfortunately, the alarming compromise was recently made to remove protections for public accommodations, which will legalize second class citizenship to transsexual and transgender Marylanders. The community has mobilized to counter this unconstitutional agenda, and to oppose Equality Maryland and the elected officials who support the fractional bill. (Photo)

Julie Ann Johnson, 1942-2011
Train expert was major booster of railway museum, leader in transgender community
In Memoriam: Julie Ann Johnson

Activists laud City Council’s passage of pro-trans resolution
Resolution, offered by Arroyo, offers support for Transgender Civil Rights Bill.

Community Debates Gender Identity Bill
The exclusion of a public accommodations provision from a Maryland bill aimed at ending transgender discrimination has led one group of LGBT activists, Trans Maryland, to oppose the legislation.

Maryland Transgender Activist Exonerated of All Ethics Charges, Seeks Apology from Montgomery County
It was in the fall of 2007 that Maryland's Montgomery County passed a bill that protects citizens from discrimination in areas such as housing, employment, public accommodations, under the basis of gender identity.

[NY, USA] [Film]
Richards Film Will Debut at Women’s US Open
The fifth annual Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival will include the world premiere of Renée, a documentary exploring the story of Renée Richards, the first transgender tennis player to compete in the women’s US Open. Directed by Eric Drath, Renée is full of rare archival footage and interviews with close friends and family members -- as well as tennis legends Martina Navratilova, John McEnroe and Billie Jean King – and explores the surprising and affecting human story behind one of America’s first transgender people in the public eye.
Renée Richards Doc Anchors Filmfest

SEPTA Refuses to Stop Gender Identity Discrimination
Surprisingly, the TransPass is not trans-friendly. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA) requires its monthly transit passes, the TransPass and the TrailPass, to be marked with an “M” or an “F” sticker. In theory, the gender identifiers are an attempt to decrease pass sharing among friends and family. In reality, the policy has created transgender discrimination.

Ogden approves LGBT protections
After almost a year’s worth of deliberation, two recently passed ordinances — aimed at prohibiting job and housing discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation — returned Tuesday for the City Council’s reconsideration.

¡Dispararon a trans Emely!
El hecho ocurrió en Sauces VI. Recibió tres tiros en sus piernas. Nadie la defendió. Ella fue operada.
Emely Méndez, la trans femenina lésbica que apareció ayer en un nota de EXTRA junto a su pareja Kelly Párraga, fue dada de alta de la clínica Guayaquil luego de ser intervenida quirúrgicamente de las heridas de bala que recibió por parte de dos sujetos presuntamente trans fóbicos, quienes la persiguieron mientras caminaba hacia su casa en la ciudadela Sauces VI. (Foto)
¡Transexuales “lésbicas” se aman con locura
¡Dispararon a trans Emely!
¡Una luchadora de toda la vida!

Impunes 35 crímenes contra gays en Honduras
Condenan a Estado por injusticia y falta de garantías. Lamentaron que no se dan a conocer avances de las investigaciones
Comunidad gay pide a Fiscalía investigar crímenes de odio
Homosexuales marchan por el esclarecimiento de los crímenes de odio
Repressed fear in a transgendered world

Piden parar los ataques contra mujeres trans
Organizaciones defensoras de la diversidad sexual denunciaron que la situación de las mujeres trans en Barranquilla es cada vez más crítica y delicada, por la persecución y los homicidios registrados en su contra.

Crímenes de odio
No existen en la norma penal venezolana, pero abundan en la calle. Como los motivados por homofobia, por ejemplo. Los colectivos LGBTI aspiran a que se incluyan en la agenda de la AN.

quinta-feira, março 24, 2011

Corrida das Mulheres capixaba no domingo vai contar com trans
Trans vão poder participar da Corrida da Mulher, em Vitória, no domingo

Professora transexual promove debate sobre o filme "Cisne Negro" nos Satyros
O filme "Cisne Negro", que deu a Natalie Portman o Oscar de Melhor Atriz, será tema de debate promovido pela diretora de teatro, atriz e professora do grupo Satyros, Esther Antunes.
Professora trans de teatro promove debate grátis sobre Cisne Negro

Hoy, jueves día 17 de marzo, se cumplen cuatro años de la entrada en vigor de Ley de Transexuales en España
Este jueves, día 17 de marzo, se cumplirán cuatro años de la promulgación de la Ley de Identidad de Genero, habiendo sido ese el día en el que fue firmada por el Rey de España y su Presidente Zapatero. Las personas transexuales pudieron, a partir de entonces, modificar la referencia del nombre y sexo en sus documentos de identidad, como el DNI, sin necesidad de someterse a una operación genital y sin procedimiento judicial, tras la publicación en el Boletín Oficial del Estado de la Ley reguladora de la rectificación registral relativa al sexo de las personas.

Hooker killer’s £45k sex swap prison op
THE killer of a vice gran is to have a sex change in jail at a cost of £45,000 to the taxpayer.
Matthew Richardson stabbed 13st Margaret Bolingbroke, 65, after she mocked his performance.
Killer jailed for life to have £45,000 sex-change operation 'funded by the taxpayer'

I was living a lie: 16st bodybuilding father transforms himself into a glamorous female model
A bodybuilding father has transformed himself into a glamorous woman after struggling with his gender for years.
Transgender Chrisie Edkins, 31, had spent hours in the gym - bulking up to 16stone - in an attempt to convince himself he was a typical alpha male. (Photo)
220 pound bodybuilder father is now a glamorous female model
Burly father changes from body builder into model
Model Mum Used To Be A Dad

FA Backs Sex Equality On The Pitch
Football chiefs have kicked off a campaign to get transsexuals involved in the sport in the hope they could one day play for England.
Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transvestites are also being urged to take up the sport.
The FA crusade aims to show “transphobia” the red card.
Football Association accepts gay rights charter

Newcastle gets first transgender support group
Transgender people in Newcastle now have somewhere to share their experiences and thoughts thanks to a new support group.

'No attention' paid to hate crime
"Virtually no attention" has been paid to why people carry out hate crimes in Scotland, the Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland (EHRCS) has said.

Channel 4 signs agreement to treat transgender issues sensitively
Channel 4 has signed an agreement to treat transgender issues sensitively and accurately.
The broadcaster is the first media outlet to sign Trans Media Watch’s Memorandum of Understanding.

New guidelines for trans prisoners
The United Kingdom’s Justice Ministry has released new guidelines for transsexual and transgender prisoners outlining how staff should treat them.
According to the guidelines, prisons must “permit prisoners who consider themselves transsexual and wish to begin gender reassignment to live permanently in their acquired gender.

From Far Right Skinhead To Left Wing Nurse
A former neo-Nazi skinhead has had a change of direction - by changing sex, becoming a nurse and joining a left wing party. (Photo)

[Czech Republic]
Boys (who once were girls) don’t cry
Autobiographical novel maps Czech transsexual Mike Perry’s long journey to biological manhood

Lithuanian MPs want to ban gender-reassignment surgery
Conservative members of Lithuania’s Parliament have proposed banning gender-reassignment surgery via the Civil Code.

Transgenders claim right to political space
Gender categories have the strongest grip on modern culture. In the 1990s, the postmodern understandings of sex, gender and sexuality permitted the creation of a distinctly ‘transgender identity' in which gender identity is marked by mind, rather than physical characteristics.

Thai transgender talent show shocker = YouTube gold
Thailand's Got Talent contestant steals show with a startling "remix"
Transgender ‘Thailand’s Got Talent’ Singer Stuns Judges

[New Zealand]
Trans gathering a powerful image
Barry Taylor knew the Human Rights Conference at the 2nd Asia Pacific Outgames was a success on the first night.
"Historic" trans and intersex gathering held

Brisbane Drag Queen Crowned Miss Gay Australia 2011
Chinta Woo-Allcock scratched her way to the top in the Miss Gay Australia pageant held in Melbourne last month.

[Australia/USA] [Film]
Bloodied women
Israel Luna, director of Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives – about a group of nightclub drag queens who take revenge when their sisters are brutally attacked by homophobes – speaks to Andrew Shaw about the controversy around his 'transploitation' flick.

Insurance Bill for LGBTs Introduced
Newly proposed legislation by two Democratic legislators would ensure that LGBT Americans are covered by COBRA insurance benefits if their partner becomes unemployed, reports The Washington Blade.

Transgender Murder Not a Hate Crime, Says Sheriff
Bobby May, sheriff of Arkansas’s St. Francis County, says he believes the death of transgender woman Marcal Camero Tye is a routine murder case and not a hate crime. In an interview with FM 89 News, May conjectured that Tye had gotten involved in a late night sexual scenario with a stranger that turned deadly.
Was it a Hate Crime? Transgender Woman Shot in Head, Dragged by Car
FBI rules murder of Marcel Tye not a hate crime

Church's transgender pastor grateful for life "beyond my wildest dreams"
Rev. Malcolm Himschoot knows about profound transformation.
Born female, Himschoot chose as a young adult to become male, despite fears he would be lonely, unemployable and cast aside by other Christians.

Atlanta Police Training for Anti-Cross Dressing Harassment
First off, if you know where I got the inspiration for my title, props to you. For those of you who don't know, it's from the cult classic, Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Montgomery ethics panel rules in favor of transgendered aide
A Montgomery County ethics panel has ruled that former County Council aide Dana Beyer did not use her position to intimidate opponents collecting petition signatures to overturn the county's transgender discrimination law.

Actress Liv Tyler mistaken for transvestite, according to US report
Hollywood actress Liv Tyler got mistaken for a Middle Eastern transvestite at a New York party.

[TN, USA] [Film]
Middle Tennessee State University airs 'Transmen'
Student-made documentary chronicles the lives of three transmen in Tennessee

quarta-feira, março 23, 2011

European Parliament: Situation of lesbian, bisexual and transgender women deserves specific attention
In its just-adopted 2010 report on equality between women and men in the European Union, the European Parliament said the situation of lesbian and bisexual women, as well as that of transgender people, deserves specific attention.

Transsexual to learn op cash ruling
A transsexual living in the Reading area is due to learn whether she has won an appeal court battle in her bid to obtain NHS funding for a breast enlargement operation.
Transsexual to learn breast op cash ruling
Transsexual loses breast op battle
Trans woman loses legal battle for breast implants
UK transgender woman loses breast enlargement bid
Transsexual loses appeal to get boob job on NHS
Transsexual loses NHS boob op fight
Transsexual NHS breast operation refusal upheld
Transsexual loses Appeal Court battle to have breast enlargement on NHS

[UK] [Commentary]
A brief, incomplete history of trans people in the media
Transcript of a talk given to the Cambridge University Students' Union for LGBT History Month in February 2011, and again at The T Party for Brighton Winter Pride in March 2011.

Former neo-Nazi becomes leftist after sex change
Before undergoing a sex change to become a woman, Monika Strub was a member of Germany's neo-Nazi NPD party. But ten years later, she is running for Baden-Württemberg's state parliament for the socialist Left party.

Transgender People Press for Equality in Nepal
Bhawana Dhakal, 26, always hated wearing men’s clothes.
Growing up in a society that does not accept people of the “third gender,” or transgender, she says she had no choice but to wear men’s clothes.

Transgenders aiming for tickets this poll
She's used to being under the arclights. But when flashbulbs popped on Thursday afternoon, former TV chat show host and transgender Rose Venkatesan was announcing her decision to carve a career for herself in an equally exciting field — politics. "If I am chosen to contest against Karunanidhi, I will go ahead and do my best," says Rose, who filed her application for a DMDK ticket a week ago. (Photo)
Rose wishes to join politics
Two celebrity transgenders aspire to fight Tamil Nadu polls

4 arrested for setting eunuch ablaze
Four persons have been arrested on charges of setting ablaze a eunuch in the city, the police said today.
Turf war: Four of family held for setting eunuch ablaze

US bill introduced to protect LGBT students
A bill was introduced in both the US House and Senate yesterday to protect LGBT students from discrimination, including harassment “based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity” in public elementary and secondary schools.
LaBarbera: Schools Can Stop Bullying without Promoting Homosexuality or Gender Confusion

[USA] [Commentary]
Dana Beyer Cleared of Ethics Charges
In February, 2008, the Citizens for Responsible Government were trying to get people to sign petitions for a referendum to repeal a gender identity nondiscrimination law that had just been enacted in Montgomery County, Maryland. Standing in public places throughout the county, they told unwary citizens that the new law would allow male pedophiles and sexual predators to go into ladies' showers and restrooms legally and molest their wives and daughters. People who heard this were of course shocked, and many of them signed the petitions, though the law had nothing to do with that but merely involved the addition of the term "gender identity" to the usual list of religion, national origin, etc. that was already part of the existing nondiscrimination law.

Mujer Transexual asesinada en Arkansas, EEUU, el FBI investiga, se celebra vigilia y su madre asiste
El FBI investiga el asesinato de Marcal Camero Tye, una mujer transexual/ transgénero recientemente asesinada en Arkansas, como un posible crímen de odio. Marcal Camero Tye, de 25 años de edad, fue encontrada muerta de un tiro en la cabeza y fue arrastrada mientras se encontraba atada a la parte posterior de un auto en Forrest City, Arkansas.

VIDEO: Transvestites Duke it Out at SoCal Taco Shop
A group of transvestites got into a fight at a taco shop in San Diego, and the whole thing was caught on video.

Supporters of Maryland Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Bill Speak During Equality Maryland's Wednesday Press Conference
Before the Maryland House of Delegates Health and Government Operations Committee heard testimony on Wednesday, March 9, from many supporters and a few opponents of House Bill 235, a bill that would prohibit discrimination in the state on the basis of gender identity in the areas of areas of housing, employment, licensing and commercial leasing, Equality Maryland held a press conference in the same building.

Bill would clarify restroom use
State Rep. Ken Fredette wants everyone to be clear on where he or she can go to the bathroom.

Gillibrand pushes anti-bullying legislation for gays, transgenders
A New York senator is looking to better protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students from bullying.

Transgender mayoral candidate forced to change name on ballot because of state law
Sandra Dunn, the transgender woman running for mayor of Amarillo, this week had to withdraw her application to compete in the election and resubmit it because state law prohibits candidates from running for office using anything other than their legal name, according to reports in the Amarillo Globe-News.
Brokenbek joins race for Amarillo mayor