A rede ex aequo - associação de jovens lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transgéneros e simpatizantes irá editar este ano o seu 8º Ciclo de Cinema LGBT.
O objectivo primordial deste evento é o de sensibilizar os jovens portugueses em geral para questões relacionadas com a homossexualidade, bissexualidade e transgenerismo, especialmente no que diz respeito à fase do "assumir-se para si próprio" pois, como sabemos, o período desta consciencialização e aceitação de si próprio é especial, delicado e por vezes difícil na vida da maioria dos jovens LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgéneros), ainda incompreendidos e vítimas de preconceito e discriminação.
Assim, através dos vários filmes exibidos, os jovens LGBT, ou com dúvidas, poderão contactar com histórias ligadas à questão da orientação sexual e/ou identidade de género e reflectir acerca de temas pertinentes e inerentes à sua realidade, num ambiente de convívio.
Serão apresentadas 6 sessões de filmes de temática LGBT nos dias 1, 2 e 3 de Abril, durante o período da tarde e noite, com vista a possibilitar uma maior flexibilidade no horário da projecção de filmes. O ciclo irá realizar-se no espaço da Livraria Ler Devagar - Lx Factory, em Lisboa.
Uma atenção especial ao filme "A Girl like me: The Gwen Araújo story" no Sábado, dia 2, pelas 22 horas.
Piden 30 años de prisión para el hombre que mató de 31 puñaladas a una transexual
Juicio con jurado. Ignacio V.O. la mató el 28 de septiembre de 2009. La conoció en un bar, la acuchilló en su casa, le robó las pertenencias y las vendió por 20 euros en Pamplona.
Situación de la población transexual inmigrante en España
En este artículo, Joaquín Aguilar, coordinador del Área de Formación y Empleo de la Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) en Madrid repasa los problemas a los que se enfrenta el colectivo de personas transexuales a la hora de integrarse en el mercado laboral y en general, en nuestra sociedad. Muchas veces además provienen de otros países donde son perseguidos por su condición y necesitan regular su situación en España.
Transformations: Lea T. - a peek inside the world of a transgender model
Ahh … Fashion Week! It’s been Spring Fashion Week all over the world recently, and one’s imagination might invoke scenes of models wearing blank (or even angry) expressions, strutting down the runways clad in floaty dresses or perhaps skin-tight black leather, ghoulish makeup and shockingly-low BMIs, cameras flashing incessantly and music thumping at deafening decibel levels.
Transgenders feel let down in TN
Though the DMK government has implemented a slew of measures for the marginalised transgender community, they feel let down as two of their associates were not given the rare honour of contesting the Assembly polls by the DMK.
In government's dying days, attention shifts to Senate
With two important bills for the queer community before the Senate – Bill C-389 on trans rights and Bill C-393 on cheap AIDS drugs for the developing world – letter-writing campaigns are in full swing.
CWL writes letters opposing Bathroom Bill C-389
Why the NDP's trans rights bill is dead in the water
[USA] [Film]
Becoming Johanna -- A Trans Youth's Story (VIDEO)
Becoming Johanna is a short documentary, and the third film in the Youth and Gender Media Project series, that tells the story of sixteen–year–old transgender Latina kid Johanna whose deeply religious mother committed her to a mental hospital in order to prevent her transition to a young woman.
Photographer Josh Lehrer Raising Awareness of Homeless Transgender Teens
It would be difficult to walk around or take public transportation in most American cities and not notice the large homeless population.
[CT, USA] [Theater]
The little transgender mannequin that could
More “Toy Story” than Judith Butler, “TRANNEQUIN!” is a deliciously funny new musical conceived and created by a handful of “freshmen” from the Yale School of Drama running this weekend at the Yale Cabaret.
Maryland GOP Delegate Holds Up Gender Identity Bill, Says She Needs Definition of "Transgender"
A bill that seeks to prohibit discrimination in the areas of housing, employment, licensing and commercial leasing against transgender Marylanders was scheduled to be voted on today in the Maryland House's Health and Government Operations Committee. The vote, however, did not happen due to a "procedural hold" brought forth by Republican Del. Susan Krebs (Carroll County).
Maryland Gender Identity Bill Passes Through Committee 15-8
[OH, USA] [Film]
LGBTIQ documentary: The life of a transgendered reverend
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual Intersexed and Questioning/Queer Resource Center presented the 2005 documentary, "Call Me Malcolm," on Tuesday, March 15, in the Bayley Room of Beeghly Library.
[PA, USA] [Film]
Gender Reel
The genesis of an idea by Joe Ippolito and a few friends, Gender Reel is an annual event dedicated to enhancing the visibility of gender non-conforming, gender variant/queer and transgender identities. As a festival, the goal is to empower artists, filmmakers, and photographers to continue creating works that is reflective of gender non- conforming experiences and identities.
Nutter adds LGBT protections
Legislation signed into law by Mayor Michael Nutter on Thursday updated a 47-year-old ordinance covering how the city responds to discrimination complaints, particularly those affecting the LGBT community.
Nondiscrimination updates signed into law
Sexual identity charter denial dissatisfies group
The university denied the Sexual Identity Forum’s request for an official student organization charter for a final time last Friday, leaving officers of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender discussion group dissatisfied and seeking a more thorough explanation.
Advocate says Texas voter ID bill will force transgender people to out themselves at polls
The Republican-backed voter ID bill passed the Texas House of Representatives on Wednesday night.
During the floor debate on the bill, Laredo Democrat Richard Raymond asked, “Anytime you deal with a law as comprehensive and as big as this you have to take into account people’s voting rights. You would agree with that, right?”

Documentan historia de mujer transexual
Irina fue, la mayor parte de su vida, un personaje. Nació en un cuerpo masculino que después fue afectado por una polineuropatía degenerativa. Su lucha personal y política fueron cobijadas por su parecido con Ernesto “Che” Guevara, a quien, dice, le debe haber aprendido a vivir, a no derrotarse.
Hostigan a travestis y homosexuales de Vallarta
Denuncian que empleados de reglamentos se han dedicado a amenazar con clausurar de manera definitiva el bar La Botana, además de impedirles el ingreso a los bares de la ciudad
[Costa Rica]
Want To Become Famous In Costa Rica? Come For A Transvestite!
That is the advice of a website that takes note and publishes the names and sometimes photographs of vehicles stopped to chat up or pick a transvestite (travesti in Spanish) in barrio Fátima de Heredia.
The website, "Clientes de Travestis en Heredia : COSTA RICA" is just another tool the residents of Heredia are using to scare off the business of transvestites in their communities.

'Leidy', segunda víctima mortal de comunidad LGBT en Bogotá este mes
El pasado domingo asesinaron a 'Leidy, la ecuatoriana'. Ella es la segunda integrante de la misma comunidad LGBT que es asesinada en los últimos 15 días en circunstancias violentas a manos de desconocidos en la localidad de Santa Fe (Vea acá más noticias relacionadas con discriminación sexual).
Movilh reclama a transexuales españoles por plagio
A error de imprenta atribuyeron los transexuales de Andalucía, el uso que hicieron de un afiche elaborado por el Movilh en una guía de tratamiento informativo de noticias relacionadas con transexualidad.