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terça-feira, janeiro 31, 2012

Transexualidade em movimento 2
A transexualidade continua a mexer-se. Desta feita trata-se do Grupo Transexual Portugal (GTP) que, em Lisboa, e como evento de estreia, organiza uma conversa sobre o tema “Policiamento do género e a luta transexual”.

Laerte faz piada em sua tirinha com bafo de banheiro feminino
Inconveniente em banheiro de pizzaria vira tirinha bem humorada de Laerte

Ministério da Saúde diz que população T é prioridade no Brasil
Em nota, Ministério da Saúde reconhece preconceito da sociedade contra trans
Grupo pede fim do preconceito no Dia da Visibilidade Trans
Trans produzem vídeo em seu Dia Nacional

Evento pela visibilidade trans lota saguão da estação Sé do Metrô em SP; assista
Ontem, segunda-feira (30/01), os usuários do metrô de São Paulo, sempre apresados e um tanto estressados, puderam quebrar sua rotina ao se depararem com o evento pela Visibilidade Trans, que aconteceu das 17h30 às 19h30 no saguão da estação Sé, que contou com show da cantora Renata Peron e talk show com a participação de várias várias trans.

Grupo Somos anuncia encerramento de atividades
Sem verba, respeitado grupo militante divulga fim das atividades

ABGLT congratula Globo pela abordagem da transexualidade em Brado Retumbante
A ABGLT – Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais – entidade de abrangência nacional que congrega 257 organizações afins em todo o Brasil, tendo como objetivo a defesa e promoção da cidadania desses segmentos da população.

Documentário brasileiro sobre transexual cearense, "Olhe Para Mim De Novo" será exibido no Festival de Berlim
O documentário brasileiro "Olhe para mim de novo", de Kiko Goifman e Claudia Priscilla, foi incluído na sessão paralela oficial do 62º Festival de Berlim, segundo anunciou hoje a assessoria de imprensa do evento, que acontece entre 8 e 19 de fevereiro.

Polícia deverá incluir nome social de travestis e transexuais em ocorrências
Registros de ocorrência das delegacias do estado do Rio de Janeiro terão agora o nome social de travestis e transexuais. A ação é coerente ao decreto 43.065, assinado em 8 de julho de 2011, que garante o direito sobre o uso do nome social por travestis e transexuais na administração direta e indireta do estado.

Woman sues transsexual son-in-law over visitation rights
A 79-year-old grandmother is taking her transsexual son-in-law to court for allegedly not allowing her to see her granddaughters.

La CEAPA y la FELGBT lamentan el fin de una asignatura para "contentar a sectores fundamentalistas"
Los grupos que llevan años presionando para la eliminación de Educación para la Ciudadanía han mostrado su satisfacción después de que el PP haya anunciado su desaparición. Las felicitaciones van desde la Conferencia Episcopal hasta la plataforma integrista Profesores por la Ética, o la asociación de colegios privados, integrada en su mayoría por centros religiosos. Mientras, la CEAPA ha lamentado que una "polémica artificial" sea capaz de tumbar una materia educativa, mientras que la FELGTB también ha lamentado que se acabe con una asignatura que inculca valores como el respeto.

LGBT history month to launch this week
Peter Tatchell will join a panel of figures from gay and transgender life on Wednesday night at one of the first events in 2012′s LGBT history month.

'I was born this way': Teenage transsexual reveals how Lady Gaga inspired him to have full sex change
A teen transsexual who is celebrating after getting the green light to become a woman has revealed how he was inspired by singer Lady Gaga.
Cambell Kenneford, 16, dreamed of being a female model - despite being born a man.
Now the student, from Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire, plans to get gender realignment surgery following two years of hormone treatment which has recently been approved by doctors.

German trans girl ‘to be institutionalised’
News that an 11 year old trans girl in Berlin, Germany, is about to be committed to a mental institution by local authorities – following intervention by her absent father – has prompted grave concern by the International LGBTQ Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO).

Mills ignores Ban Ki-Moon's gay-call
Ghana will not be forced to legalize homosexuality despite pressure from the international community, President John Evans Atta Mills has stated.

Illegal and Invisible - Sexuality, Identity and LGBT Rights in Liberia
Clearly, in times of chaos and anarchy, the vulnerable and powerless are always attacked. It's a short step from there during a fragile peace to judgments like: "Who is causing the decay in society? Who is upsetting the social order?" The master narrative is, "If we can just get rid of those people, we can go back to achieve our ideal existence."

Video: UAE ‘straight makeover’ video slammed
LGBT people in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have attacked a YouTube video ‘tutorial’ which shows how gays can be ‘cured’ or ‘scrubbed clean’ of their sexuality.

From Sita’s kingdom, a eunuch tests politics in Rama’s Ayodhya
In the vicinity of the manicured gardens of Faizabad’s Gulab Bari, which houses the tomb of Nawab of Awadh Shuja-Ud-Daula, a small two-storey house, measuring 20 feet by 10 feet, frequently keeps reverberating with a slogan—“Na Muslim,Na Hindu, Abki Gulshan Bindu (Neither a Muslim nor a Hindu, this time Gulshan Bindu”. Bindu is an eunuch and is contesting as an Independent from Ayodhya Assembly constituency.

Complaints dismissed over ‘transphobic’ Libra tampon ad
The country’s national advertising regulator has been criticised by LGBTI groups for failing to understand the concerns of transgender people after it dismissed complaints over a controversial Libra tampon ad which it was suggested could incite prejudice against the transgender community.
Libra decision causes further controversy
Watchdogs OK Libra's ladies
Aussie watchdog throws out Libra complaint

Canada Screws Up Royally and Refuses to Let Transgender People Fly
Well, so much for our neighbors to the north being a paragon of politeness and acceptance. There's been a disturbing change made to Canadian airport security screening rules which means that now transgender people are not allowed to board airplanes in the country. That is obviously hugely problematic and insane for any number of reasons. Let's look at how things ended up in this sorry state.
[Commentary] The Canadian rule which bans transgender flight
Transgender People are Completely Banned From Boarding Airplanes in Canada

[Commentary] Canadian Air Travel Regulation Changes Concern Trans People On Both Sides Of The Border
[Commentary] Screening Regulations in Canada

New HUD/FHA fair housing rules for transgender people to become effective Feb. 28, 2012
First, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) programs administrators will no longer be able to inquire to an applicant’s gender identity or sexual orientation status, nor can it be used for decision-making in FHA programs.

OutServe Magazine Profiles Transgender Service Members
Since the historic implementation of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal more than four months ago, the focus has shifted to achieving full equality in the U.S. military. Transgender service members still cannot serve openly – and this must change.
NCTE Commends LGBT Military Magazine for Addressing Open Transgender Service

Donation Page For Transgender Girl Scout Bobby Montoya's Troop Set Up By TransYouth Family Allies
Controversy erupted in October when Bobby Montoya, a 7-year-old transgender girl, joined a local Colorado Girl Scout Troop.
While many lauded the Girl Scouts for allowing Montoya to be a part of the organization, others were outraged by the move.

Fact-check: Anchorage gay-rights proposal doesn't impact religious protection
An Anchorage initiative, if it passes, will extend the city's anti-discrimination protections to gay and transgender people. The initiative leaves untouched existing law that allows religious groups and denominational institutions to give preferential treatment to people of the same faith.

At LGBT conference leaders warn against too much focus on marriage over other issues
This weekend approximately 3,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activists descended upon Baltimore, Md., for a national advocacy conference, while a few miles away the Republican branch of Congress — which consistently resists pro-LGBT policies – gathered for a retreat.
Creating Change Draws More Than 3,000 to Baltimore
Martin O'Malley Reiterates Support For Transgender Protections, Gay Marriage
Gender Rights Maryland Statement on Governor's Speech at Creating Change 2012
Young Activists Plot the Future of the LGBT Rights Movement

True LGBTQ Stories: Growing Up Transgender in Mississippi: 'I've Been Put in Trash Cans' (VIDEO)
I'm From Driftwood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit forum for true lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer stories. Earlier this year, founder and Executive Director Nathan Manske and two companions successfully completed a four-month, 50-state Story Tour collecting LGBTQ stories from towns and cities across the country. They're pulling some of the most relevant, important and sometimes just enjoyable stories from their archives and sharing them with HuffPost Gay Voices.

Inmate sues state to pay for sex-change
A transgendered inmate who once sued the state to pay for her sex reassignment surgery isn’t giving up without a fight. Ophelia De’Lonta is now appealing a judge’s ruling that the state doesn’t have to pay for the surgery. The American’s for Civil Liberties Union is also in on the case.

Jóvenes LGBT-México apoya a la diversidad sexual
Es un grupo de ayuda a adolescentes con orientación sexual diferente

Por una educación sexual sin exclusiones
La necesidad de desarticular toda forma de discriminación en la sociedad cubana, incluidas la homofobia y la transfobia, fue reiterada por Mariela Castro Espín, directora del Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (Cenesex), en la conferencia inaugural del VI Congreso Cubano de Educación, Orientación y Terapia Sexual, efectuada del 23 al 26 de enero en la capital cubana.

En estado crítico está una joven transexual
Por inyectarse silicona en los glúteos, permanece en cuidados intensivos y con respiración asistida, en la Clínica Las Américas, una mujer transexual de 26 años de edad.

Las ONG hablan de los derechos de los homosexuales y transgénero
Dayana González abogada y columnista de la revista Heterofriendly y José Ramón Merentes coordinador de Unión Afirmativa, analizan el debate en cuanto a los derechos de la comunidad de Gays, Lesbianas, Bisexuales y Transexuales en el país a través de Noticias24 Radio.

Presentan un plan para mejorar la vida de personas trans en la ciudad de Buenos Aires
La Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans (FALGBT) presentará un plan para que en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires se impulsen políticas públicas de inclusión para ese colectivo, como mejor inserción laboral, acceso a la salud y acciones concretas para erradicar la discriminación.

Galassi se reunió con entidades de defensa de la indentidad sexual
El ministro de Gobierno provincial aseguró las poíticas públicas destinadas a garantizar los derechos de lesbianas, gays, bixesuales y trans. Se definió una agenda de actividades destinada a definir los alcances del Plan de Ciudadanía que promueve el colectivo.

UN secretary general: African governments must respect gay rights
The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has told African leaders that they must respect gay rights in an unusually outspoken declaration made at an African Union summit in Ethiopia.
UN Secretary General Calls Out African Homophobia
Ban urges African respect for gay rights

Blogagem Coletiva: Dia da Visibilidade Trans
Ontem, 29 de janeiro foi o Dia da Visibilidade Trans. O Marcelo escreveu sobre sua condição. Sobre esse intenso ser e não ser. E, sobre a realidade concreta de quem enfrenta imensas barreiras no texto: Por onde passa a compreensão da transexualidade?

Após ser barrado de usar banheiro feminino, Laerte aciona Secretaria de Justiça
Depois de ser barrado ao usar o banheiro feminino de uma pizzaria da zona oeste de São Paulo, o cartunista Laerte, 60, que prática o cross-dresser, resolveu acionar a Secretaria de Estado da Justiça.

Após dez anos de atividades, Grupo SOMOS fecha as portas
Com reconhecida atuação nacional e trajetória na luta pelos Direitos Humanos, com ações focadas na Incidência Política e no Controle Social das políticas públicas voltadas à Diversidade Sexual e à Saúde Integral, atuando junto às populações vulneráveis de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais, bem como pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids, a ONG SOMOS – Comunicação, Saúde e Sexualidade fecha as portas em fevereiro de 2012, e suspende todos os serviços de atendimento direto ao público, oferecidos na sede da instituição.

Britain prepares for LGBT History Month
February 2012 marks the eighth annual British LGBT History Month. First initiated in 2005, LGBT History Month is a time to celebrate the lives and achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Gay people from United Arab Emirates attack ‘cure’ video
Gay people in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have attacked a YouTube video ‘tutorial’ which shows how gays can be ‘cured’ or ‘scrubbed clean’ of their sexuality.
The six-minute ‘tutorial’ entitled ‘Be Yourself’ has shocked the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community of the UAE.

Intersex; The Neglected
Intersex people are usually born with anatomical differences and might have genitals of both

Transgender groups criticise tampon ad ruling
Transgender advocacy groups have slammed a ruling by the advertising regulator on a controversial Libra tampon ad as like "spitting in the face" of those trying to stop violence against transgender people.

Gay-friendly classroom sign controversial
A Grade 5 teacher in Altona is under fire for displaying a plaque declaring his classroom a safe haven for gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgendered students.

Republican Presidential Candidates Distance Themselves from Gay Rights Support
Heading into the Florida primary this week, Republican candidates for the presidency have faced in this election cycle more questions about gay rights issues than ever before, and none of their answers should leave any LGBT proponents feeling comfortable.

The Next Battle
The question of trans service could be getting a big boost with the focus OutServe has decided to give it
[Commentary] OutServe Magazine on "The New DADT: Transgender Service''

Hundreds Across the State Rally Lawmakers to Add the Words
Over 1,000 Idahoans stood on the steps of the State Capitol Saturday to deliver a clear message to state lawmakers: They want Idaho lawmakers to add the words “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the Idaho Human Rights Act.

Maryland Governor O'Malley: "We Must Choose Words and Laws" Of Compassion
At the closing brunch of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force 2012 Creating Change conference, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) spoke of his newly introduced civil marriage bill, the state's gender identity bill, the country's other recent advances in LGBT rights and -- possibly -- referenced his wife's recently having called anti-marriage legislators "cowards."

Transexual busca candidatura para la ALDF
Este sábado se registró como precandidata a diputada de la Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal (ALDF) la primera mujer transexual que aspira a ese cargo.

Concejales kirchneristas rosarinos se comprometieron a trabajar en favor de la diversidad sexual
La vicepresidenta del Concejo Municipal de Rosario, Norma López, y el jefe del bloque de concejales del Frente para la Victoria – PJ, Roberto Sukerman, mantuvieron una reunión con referentes de VOX Asociación Civil, del Frente Santafesino de Diversidad y Género, y los responsables del Archivo de la Memoria de la Diversidad.

segunda-feira, janeiro 30, 2012

Transexualidade em movimento
Acontece hoje, 30 de Janeiro, em Coimbra uma tertúlia-debate sobre transexualidade com o tema “Despatologização da transexualidade". Em sentido contrário acontecerão em Lisboa os “Encontros GRIT”, com o primeiro já a 4 de Fevereiro.
Coimbra: Despatologização da transexualidade em debate

Ban Ki-moon pede aos líderes africanos que respeitem os homossexuais
O secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, pediu este Domingo aos líderes dos países africanos que se respeitem os direitos das pessoas homossexuais. O discurso teve lugar na 18ª Cimeira da União Africana, em Addis Abeba, a capital da Etiópia.
Ban Ki Moon pide a África respetar derechos de homosexuales
Ban Ki-moon urges respect for gay rights in Africa
Africa leaders must respect gay rights: UN's Ban

Travestis e transexuais que fizeram história no Brasil
Estigmatizadas e alvo de preconceito, as travestis e transexuais do Brasil ganharam há nove anos um dia especial. O “Dia da Visibilidade Trans” visa mostrar que elas estão inseridas na sociedade, acabar com o estigma da chacota e dizer que, sim, merecem respeito.
Travestis e transexuais mulheres que fizeram e fazem história no Brasil

Nicky, primera persona transexual que participó en “Gran Hermano”, sufre agresión que le podría dejar sin la visión de un ojo
Nicky Villanueva, exconcursante de Gran Hermano 6 (2004), sufre una grave pérdida de visión en un ojo debido a una violenta agresión. Nicky fue la primera persona transexual en concursar en el programa. Una participación que, más allá de su controvertida personalidad, sirvió para visibilizar ante el gran público una realidad muy poco conocida, la de los hombres transexuales.

Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales ha sido declarada entidad de utilidad pública
La declaración supone un reconocimiento a la transparencia y gestión económica de de la Federación

PP, UPyD e Unió Democratica únicos partidos que no firman acuerdo favor derechos LGTB Parlamento Europeo
184 de los 754 miembros Parlamento Europeo se han comprometido de forma explícita a defender los derechos LGTB, tras un encuentro de dos días auspiciado por ILGA -Europa y por el Intergrupo LGTB del propio Parlamento. Entre ellos figura el nuevo Presidente de la Eurocámara, el socialdemócrata alemán Martin Schulz.

IU-Verdes apoyará que lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales tengan representación en el Consejo de la Mujer
La concejala de IU-Verdes en el Ayuntamiento de Gijón, Libertad González, se ha comprometido a apoyar que las mujeres lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales estén representadas en el Consejo Local de la Mujer. Además, recoge las críticas de la asociación de este colectivo a la nueva ordenanza municipal de convivencia ciudadana.

Election time: Voter registration for transgenders kicks off in Sindh
The process of applying for Computerised National Identity Cards (CNIC) and voter registration for transgender as voters began across the province on Saturday, said the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) deputy chairperson Tariq Malik.

Electioneering comes to end in Uttarakhand
Electioneering outdoor for the January 30 assembly poll in Uttarakhand on Saturday came to an end after which candidates switched over to door-to-door campaign in a last-minute attempt to woo voters.

El Gobierno de Pakistán comienza a emitir documentos de identidad para personas transexuales
El Gobierno paquistaní ha empezado a emitir carnés de identidad para la discriminada comunidad transexual.

Transgender Issues In The D.C. Area
WAMU 88.5's Armando Trull takes a look at a series of crimes against transgender individuals in and around D.C., and provides a look what activists and leaders are doing to call attention discrimination and mistreatment of transgender men and women.

Ames Artists Raising Money for Different Kind of Boob Job
Musicians have banded together to raise funds for an ISU student's transgender surgery.

'Add the Words' campaign hopes to send strong message
More than a hundred people rallied on the steps of the Idaho Statehouse Saturday afternoon to show their support for gay and transgender people.
'Please,' Add the Words
Idaho Sen. McKenzie will host hearing of gay rights bill if requested

[Commentary] Mistie Tolman: Add the words 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' to Idaho's Human Rights Act

BREAKING: New Rule Makes Trans Housing Discrimination Illegal
Today, at the 24th National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan announced that they will issue a historic new rule strengthening housing discrimination protections for transgender people. The regulations will be published next week, and go into effect 30 days from then.
Transgender Law Center Lauds New HUD Anti-Discrimination Rule
Remarks of HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan at the Creating Change Conference
HUD's Donovan Announces Final Housing Nondiscrimination Rule at Creating Change Address
Donovan: HUD to make final LGBT housing rule ‘next week’
Feds Take Action Against LGBT Housing Discrimination
New HUD Rule Delivers for LGBT Americans

Sandy Rawls Speaks Out
Sandy Rawls is arguably the Matriarch of transgender rights in Baltimore. Sandy is the Executive Director of Trans-United.

Por primera vez una mujer transexual se presenta como candidata diputada en México DF
Diana Sánchez Barrios es la primera mujer transexual que aspira a ocupar una curul en la Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal, se registró este sábado como aspirante a precandidata a ese cargo.
Primer transexual se registra como aspirante a la ALDF
Aspira una transexual a la Asamblea Legislativa del DF

[Republica Dominicana]
En redes sociales piden “la cabeza” de la vedette trans Mía Cepeda
Desde que salió al aire el programa “Cero estrés”, por el canal 15. con las escandalosas imágenes en que el presentador Jesús Gil (Masa) hurgaba entre las partes íntimas del travesti Mía Cepeda, las redes sociales se desbordaron de comentarios desaprobatorios.

European Official Praises Sex Education in Cuba
Chiara Simonelli, president of the European Federation of Sexology, praised in this capital the quality of the National Program of Sex Education and its
contribution to the struggle for gender equality.
World-Renowned Experts Attended Cuban Congress on Sexology
Partico Comunista cubano ante reto de acabar con discriminación a homosexuales
Partido Comunista cubano debate limitar tiempo en cargos y eliminar discriminación a gays

Mujer transexual rompe tabú y logra competir en concurso de belleza en Argentina
La mujer transexual Agustina Salas rompió con los tabúes y en un hecho inédito en Argentina logró ser admitida en un concurso de belleza en este país sudamericano, informa hoy la prensa local.
Quiere ser reina e ir más allá de los prejuicios

domingo, janeiro 29, 2012

No âmbito da Plataforma Anti-Transfobia e Homofobia, Saúde em Português irá organizar uma Tertúlia-Debate “Despatologização da transexualidade", no próximo dia 30 de Janeiro de 2012, pelas 19h00m, na Livraria Almedina- Estádio.

Esta tertúlia tem os seguintes objectivos:
- Sensibilizar a comunidade em geral para a questão da despatologização da transexualidade;
- Sensibilizar para o direito à expressão plena das identidades individuais, sem receio de qualquer tipo de censura ou repressão social;
- Promover a partilha de conhecimentos e debate sobre sexualidades, identidades e liberdades individuais.

Estarão presentes:
- Bruno Maia, Médico
- Nuno Miguel Ropio, Jornalista-
Ema Sofia Alves, Enfermeira-
Hernâni Caniço,Médico e Presidente da Saúde em Português

Sei que a Ema é trans, mas um debate sobre a despatologização com dois médicos e uma enfermeira, quando já se provou que os médicos andam a apanhar bonés nestes assuntos, e mesmo que sejam apoiantes, parece-me descabido e incongruente.

184 MEPs support gay rights manifesto
184 MEPs, including the President of the European Parliament came together this week to sign a pledge in support of LGBT rights, following a two-day long awareness event.

Planos de saúde e SUS farão troca de silicone para travestis e transexuais
O Ministério da Saúde anunciou nesta sexta-feira que tanto a rede pública quanto os planos de saúde farão a retirada e substituição de próteses das marcas PIP ( francesa) e Rofil (holandesa) que estiverem rompidas. Os planos não eram obrigados a substituir as próteses defeituosas quando o implante havia sido motivado por razões estéticas, mas por determinação do governo também o farão.

Delegacias incluem nome social de travestis e transexuais em ocorrências
A chefe de Polícia Civil, delegada Martha Rocha, vai anunciar, na próxima segunda-feira, a inclusão do nome social de travestis e transexuais nos registros de ocorrência das delegacias. A ação, que integra conjunto de medidas do Programa Estadual Rio Sem Homofobia, proporcionará a composição de dados oficiais sobre homicídios e outros crimes praticados contra travestis e transexuais – população que mais sofre com a discriminação.

Transexualidade e Travestilidade - Um olhar de respeito para a Diversidade Sexual
Na próxima segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro, às 17h30min, a Coordenação de Políticas para a Diversidade Sexual do Estado de São Paulo, vinculada à Secretaria da Justiça e da Defesa da Cidadania e a Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo – Metrô, vinculada à Secretaria dos Transportes Metropolitanos convidam para o “DIA DA VISIBILIDADE DE TRAVESTIS E TRANSEXUAIS – UM OLHAR DE RESPEITO PARA A DIVERSIDADE SEXUAL”, comemorado anualmente em 29 de janeiro. O encontro acontecerá na área livre do acesso sul da Estação Sé do Metrô de São Paulo - Centro (na entrada próxima a Catedral).
Confira programação completo do dia da visibilidade Trans

«Dolly es una gran dama de la escena»
El actor ibicenco Juanfra Becerra triunfa en los escenarios madrileños desde 1996 con una ´drag queen´ inspirada en Dolly Parton - Su personaje más popular, la ´drag´ Dolly, se pasea por el cine y los escenarios madrileños

[UK] [Commentary]
Why I let my son dress like a girl for five years...and why for his sake I put a stop to it
As a toddler, my son Henry used to sleep in a nightie, after I gave up on trying to wrestle him into pyjamas. Later, he took to calling himself Stephanie, Jean, Olive or, most frequently, Miss Argentina.

CNIC woes: For transgenders, their guru is their guardian
For the transgender community in Peshawar, a government form that asks them to identify themselves as part of a family that shirked them is unacceptable.

Eunuch enlivens Ayodhya poll campaign
The land of Lord Rama has always been in the news for minority issues. But the election campaign here has been given new momentum by a minority of a different kind.

GID patient's bid to be deemed legal dad nixed
The government will not allow a 2-year-old boy to be registered as the legitimate son of a gender identity disorder patient whose legally registered sex was changed to male and whose wife gave birth to the child via artificial insemination from her brother-in-law, Justice Minister Toshio Ogawa said Friday.

[Philippines] [Commentary]
Transgender or transsexual?
I was flicking through the TV channels when I caught sight of this pretty little eight-year-old American girl. Her hair was long. She had bangs and she was saying, “I will be the person I want to be.” She looked really charming but for one problem — she really was a little boy. And what she was essentially saying was, if I feel like a girl and I look like a girl then I will fully become one inside and out. Outside, she can become a little girl by having surgery cut off what defines her as a boy, and inside, well, she is naturally a little girl already so there is little inside work required

Community’s views sought
The federal Department of Human Services (DHS) is asking for recommendations and personal stories to help improve service delivery to LGBTI individuals and the community as a whole.

Changes to Trans Health Program spark concern
Members of Vancouver’s trans community are alarmed by what one person describes as “the ongoing failure of Vancouver Coastal Health to provide adequate care to the gender diverse community of BC.”

The Anger Over ‘Tranny,’ From Neil Patrick Harris to RuPaul to Dan Savage
Gay columnist Dan Savage was 'glitterbombed' for his perceived slights against trans people. Tricia Romano talks to him, and examines the linguistic war trans activists are waging.

White House to host LGBT conferences across the country
The White House announced on Friday it plans to host a series of LGBT conferences throughout the country in early 2012 so the public can “hear directly” from the administration on efforts “to ensure health, well-being, security, justice, and equality for LGBT Americans.”

[USA] [Commentary]
Tennessee Redneck Promises to “Stomp a Mudhole” Into Transgender Women Using Public Restrooms
Tennessee, for a second we were worried that you were losing steam in the America’s Stupidest State contest, what with the legislator in Oklahoma introducing a bill to ban the use of aborted fetuses in food the other day. We were worried how you would respond to this upping of the stupid ante, but you have delivered. We knew you would. Of course, yesterday, Tennessee wingnut senator Stacey Campfield asserted that AIDS came from this one time when a gay pilot had sexytime with a monkey in Africa, and that you can’t get AIDS from heterosexual sex, and all kinds of other bat crazy nonsense.

Effort to Kill Calif. LGBT Education Act Ramps Up
An effort to kill the California law that mandates the teaching of historical contributions by LGBT people moves closer to qualifying for the ballot as opponents now have until June to collect half a million signatures.

Feathers Ruffled at Greater DC Girl Scout Council
The Girl Scout Council of the National’s Capitol is handing out a statement to people who are inquiring about the charges I and others have made about the far-Left agenda at Girl Scouts HQ. Let’s take a look:

Trans Coalition, GLAA oppose ‘prostitution free zones’ bill
The D.C. Trans Coalition and the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance are calling on the D.C. City Council to defeat a bill calling for giving the city’s police chief authority to establish permanent “prostitution free zones.”

Trans woman to sue prison for hair treatments
Plaintiff to take legal action against prison officials who failed to provide her with medically required hair removal
US trans prisoner sues over hair treatments

NAACP Head at LGBT Conference Talks Marriage, Trans Brother
At the 24th National Conference on LGBT Equality Thursday in Baltimore, NAACP president Benjamin Jealous delivered the keynote address, pledging support for marriage equality, antibullying efforts, and discrimination protections for transgender people.

In Maryland, lies will not stop passage of laws to protect transgender people
All of us who have worked long and hard for equality under the law for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people know how strangely eager some people are to twist and distort the truth about us and our lives. Their ultimate goal? To dissuade public officials from passing laws to end discrimination. I won’t even dignify the ugliest things they like say by repeating them, but you know what I am talking about. Our opponents also make sweeping claims about what terrible things will happen if laws are changed to protect us from the bias and discrimination of others. Often their assertions are rhetorical, but sometimes they are so direct they can be squarely disproved.
Baltimore County debates bias bill

Matt Shepard's dad disturbed by Tenn. bills
The father of slain gay college student Matthew Shepard said Jan. 25 he is disturbed by legislation in Tennessee that would ban public schools from teaching about gay issues.

Panel discusses state discrimination bill
Sen. Ben McAdams hosted a panel discussion Thursday at the Utah State Capitol to discuss his proposed law, which seeks to add gender identity and sexual orientation to Utah’s existing list of prohibited discrimination characteristics. The bill has received a wellspring of support from Utah’s business community, including the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce.
Big Web Companies Back Antidiscrimination Bill in Utah

sábado, janeiro 28, 2012

Experta internacional sostiene que se debe retirar la transexualidad de la lista de trastornos mentales
La presidenta de la Asociación Profesional Mundial para Salud Transgénero (WPATH, por sus siglas en inglés), Lin Fraser, consideró que "la transexualidad no es una enfermedad mental, de ahi que se debe garantizar el acceso a la salud de esas personas, y evitar que sufran estigma y discriminación".

Profanity filters, homophobic slurs, and Blizzard's shaky relationship with the LGBT community
Yesterday on the official World of Warcraft forums, a poster brought up the fact that the word "transsexual" gets censored by Blizzard's mature language filter. Almost immediately after, another poster brought up the fact that the word "homosexual" is censored as well. The obvious follow-up question has stirred a hornet's nest of controversy: Why are these considered bad words?

Long Overdue: Blizzard Removes “Homosexual,” “Transsexual” From List of Blocked Profanity in World of Warcraft
The big news on the Blizzard front yesterday was that they’d decided not to have a BlizzCon in 2012; that is, the large fan convention at which the titan (ha ha insidery Blizzard joke) of the gaming community makes the biggest of its big announcements. The reasoning was that with three games/expansions expected to drop within the next year and a half, the company’s time would be better spent working on them and, moreover, they just didn’t have anything really exciting and new to show.

Homophobic MEPs quizz Commission on equality funding
Right-wing populist Member of the European Parliament Godfrey Bloom has asked several written questions to the European Commission, challenging the legitimacy of European funding to fight homophobia and transphobia.

President of the European Parliament and MEPs pledge support for LGBT rights
Yesterday the President of the European Parliament and dozens of Members gathered in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people’s rights.
President of the European Parliament and MEPs pledge support for LGBT rights

Laerte é discriminado por usar banheiro feminino em pizzaria
Crossdresser, cartunista Laerte é vítima de discriminação em pizzaria paulistana
Publicamente crossdresser desde 2010, o cartunista Laerte Coutinho, 60 anos, foi vítima de discriminação por sua identidade de gênero em uma pizzaria de São Paulo na última terça-feira, 24 de janeiro. Laerte usou o banheiro feminino do estabelecimento e foi alertado, após reclamações de clientes “com família”, pelo gerente do local para que usasse o banheiro masculino.

Metrô de SP recebe talk show trans e reforça campanha friendly
Dia Trans terá talk show no Metrô, que vai reforçar campanha contra o preconceito
O Dia Nacional de Visibilidade Trans, comemorado em 29 de janeiro, vai ser lembrado pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo na próxima segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro, com um talk show em um dos lugares mais movimentados da capital paulista, a estação Sé do Metrô. A partir das 17h30, a cantora Renata Perón começa a comandar uma série de entrevistas com pessoas trans para mostrar a realidade delas.

Travesti é morto a tiros na BR-470, em Indaial
Um disparo no braço, três no rosto e um no peito, causaram a morte de Maicon Roux, 20 anos, na madrugada de quarta-feira. O crime ocorreu por volta da 00h30min, às margens da BR-470, no limite entre Indaial e Blumenau. Roux era travesti e, de acordo com a Polícia Civil de Indaial, se prostituía às margens da rodovia. Por enquanto, não há pistas sobre suspeitos.
Travesti assassinado em Indaial pode ter se envolvido em assalto

Travesti assassinado
Um travesti foi morto com 13 golpes de canivete em um motel. A vítima foi identificada como Ronaldo Sabino de Lima, de 25 anos, conhecido como Rayssa. O principal suspeito foi identificado como Ronney Oliveira Bramusse, 33 anos.

Governo de SP arma talk show com transexuais na estação Sé do Metrô
O Governo do Estado de São Paulo criou uma iniciativa para comemorar o Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Trans, que é celebrado no dia 29 de janeiro.
Governo de SP arma talk show com transexuais na estação Sé do Metrô

Homemade bombs found in South Croydon mental health hospital
A mental health hospital had to be evacuated after five explosive devices were found.
Police were called to Southleigh Community Hospital, in Brighton Road, South Croydon, last Wednesday, where they found improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
Angie Dews, 42, a transsexual formerly known as known as Mark Camm, was arrested at the scene by police.

Data changes raise concerns for trans and intersex university students
Concerns have been expressed this week after it was revealed that the Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA) is considering changes to the way it records data on sex and gender, with implications for trans and intersex students enrolling at university.

Interview: Jackie Green, the first trans Miss England?
Jackie Green made history recently being the first trans woman to enter the Miss England competition, and hopes to use the prestige of the pageant to stand up for trans rights, and against transphobia.

Couple tell of journey from Mr & Mr to Mrs & Mrs
A pair of transsexual lesbians spoke of their joy at becoming "man and wife" and "wife and wife" on day-time telly.
Jenny-Anne Bishop, 65 — formerly known as Paul — and Elen Heart, 68, previously called Alan, have put their lives as men behind them.
Initally they got together as a male gay couple in 2004. Today the pair revealed how they were born in the wrong bodies and their journey to become "wife and wife".

Ireland to Host European Transgender Forum
Later this year Ireland will have the honour of hosting Europe’s largest forum on transgender rights and activism. This prestigious event, the European Transgender Forum, will take place in Dublin City University over the weekend of September 7th to 9th. The forum has taken place biannually since 2006 and will be attended by policy makers and activists from across the continent.

Transgender Pakistanis Celebrate Newfound Voting Rights
It's been two months since transgender Pakistanis were granted voting rights, and joyful celebrations continue as many register to vote for the first time in their lives.

Spouse with GID to sue for recognition as boy's legal father
A 2-year-old boy born via artificial insemination is in family registry limbo, having been fathered by the younger brother of a gender identity disorder patient who acquired legal status as a male and who is now waging a battle to gain recognition as the child's legitimate father.
Sex-change husband to file suit to register son as legitimate child

Discrimination complaints on rise
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) has seen a rise in complaints relating to sexuality and gender identity.

U.S. issues new guidance for LGBT asylum claims
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services issued new guidance on Tuesday to assist officers handling asylum and refugee claims from LGBT people seeking to escape persecution by living in the United States.

Filling in the Data Gaps on Black Gay and Transgender Americans
At an event on January 19, the Center for American Progress released its groundbreaking report, “Jumping Beyond the Broom: Why Black Gay and Transgender Americans Need More Than Marriage Equality,” which draws together data to prove that severe economic, social, and health disparities continue to affect the black gay and transgender community.

Thieves strike new store catering to transgender community
Within a week of its opening, a thrift store in Pinellas County catering to the area’s transgender community was robbed when a cash box holding $200 was swiped overnight.
According to Michael Keeffe, he noticed the missing funds when he went in to open Julio’s Closet one morning in January.

Gearing up for ‘Change’
Not surprisingly, Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, is excited about the start of the 24th Creating Change conference, now underway in Baltimore.
Civil rights leader urges unity among gay activists

NAACP president says group supports extending rights to transgender residents in Maryland
NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said Thursday the civil rights group supports legislation in Maryland to extend rights to transgender residents.
Jealous spoke at a national conference on rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, the 24th national conference on LGBT equality.
NAACP President Delivers LGBT Conference Keynote

Junior returns after gender reconstructive surgery
Chris Largent came out of anesthesia thinking it was the apocalypse.
“How many zombie movies start with someone waking up in a hospital?” Largent thought from the hospital room.
After months of planning, fundraising, and waiting, the junior theater design technology major underwent surgery on Dec. 29 to remove his breasts. Largent was born female and has spent the majority of his life becoming male.

NY-based Sabel Scities takes Miss’d America
Glitter was flying Saturday night as the Miss’d America competition took over Atlantic City’s Boardwalk Hall.
After a night of competition and camp, Sabel Scities was crowned queen in the drag competition that is meant to parody the mainstream Miss America contest.

D.A. office to release 911 transcript — transcribed by PGN
The District Attorney’s office this week sent an email to the Police Advisory Commission stating that it has located a transcript of 911 recordings in its possession related to the Nizah Morris case that was made by a PGN reporter.

Trans advocates criticize Tennessee Rep. Floyd
Tennessee state Rep. Richard Floyd (R) has been criticized for saying he would “stomp a mudhole” into a transgender person who tried to use a proper dressing room. Floyd is a sponsor of a bill that would prevent transgender people from accessing facilities that correspond with their gender identities.

Dennis Shepard Says Tenn. Legislature Is Bullying Gays
The father of slain gay college student Matthew Shepard spoke out to Tennessee's legislature, asking members to drop their antigay prejudices and the antigay policies they're considering.

Araguz gets 50 days in theft case
According to WTAW, Nikki Araguz, the transgender widow fighting for the legitimacy of her marriage in court, was sentenced in an unrelated case to 50 days in jail after pleading guilty to theft. The charge stems from the theft of a Rolex watch last year. Araguz has also paid $2,800 in restitution.

Harrisville, Utah passes nondiscrimination ordinance
Harrisville, Utah, has become the 14 locality in Utah to pass an ordinance protecting people from being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Protesta comunidad lésbica y trans por supuestos abusos de policías municipales
Un grupo de personas transgénero se apostaron afuera de las instalaciones de la presidencia municipal para exigir a las autoridades un trato digno, fuera de la discriminación y maltrato por las autoridades y denunciaron violencia y abuso de autoridad por elementos de la Policía Municipal.

Congress on Sex Education Closes in Cuba
The president of the organizing committee of the 6th Congress on Sex Education, Counseling and Therapy, Mariela Castro Espin, was very pleased with the progress and outcome of the event, which ended on Thursday in Havana.

Persecusión policial contra las mujeres trans en Quetzaltenango
Fuerzas de seguridad de Quetzaltenango detienen a cuatro travestis en la zona uno de dicha ciudad al suroccidente del país. La detención se produce de forma ilegal y como descarado acto de Transfobia ya que se invoca una falta y no un delito, pues se refiere a que fueron detenidas por “escándalo público”.
Arrestan a travestis en Xela

Muerto hallan a otro travesti en Tegucigalpa
La Policía recibió una llamada donde se les indicaba que una mujer estaba muerta en la calle principal de la colonia Las Torres. El hecho ocurrió a las 8:30 de la mañana.

En audiencia travesti que robó arma a un policía
En un operativo, el acusado se negó a ser revisado, por lo que fue detenido y al revisar su bolso, descubieron la pistola que le había robado al agente.

Mulher transexual é a primeira a entrar na equipe do governo de Bogotá
Tatiana Piñeros Laverde é a nova diretora de Gestão Corporativa da Secretaria de Integração Social de Bogotá. A nomeação de uma transexual, é um bom exemplo do compromisso do prefeito recém-eleito, Gustavo Petro, para incluir a comunidade LGBT em sua equipe.

Polícias recebem formação para proteger direitos da comunidade homossexual e transexual
A Venezuela iniciou na quinta-feira uma ação de formação policial orientada para a promoção dos direitos humanos dos homossexuais e transexuais, uma iniciativa que contou com o apoio da embaixada britânica em Caracas.
Polícia venezuelana recebe treinamento para proteger e lidar melhor com transexuais

Transexuales denuncian abusos y reclaman más seguridad
El Frente Rosario Diversidad Movimiento Evita exige mayor presencia policial en la zona roja. Asegura que, desde el crimen de Sandra Cabrera, las trabajadoras son también víctimas de robos e insultos

Por intento de homicidio volvió a la cárcel Diana, el travesti que se casó con un reo y lo esperaba en libertad
La travesti Diana, quien el 4 de agosto de 2010 se casó con un interno de Almafuerte y lo esperaba en libertad, cayó por segunda vez en prisión por dispararle a un hombre con quien tuvo una pelea. Está presa desde noviembre y aseguró que lo ocurrido "fue una mala jugada del destino". En 2007 había recuperado su libertad después de 10 años de condena por haber asesinado a su pareja en Tunuyán.

Micaela Bayer, travesti de la Policía Federal
Micaela Bayer entró a las fuerzas de seguridad hace cerca de 15 años, y en la Policía Federal Argentina se le complicaron las cosas cuando la vieron fuera de servicio vestida de mujer. La joven comenzó una lucha por discriminación para que aceptaran tal como es. Finalmente, la ministra Nilda Garré ordenó que se reconociera su identidad, y en Telefe Noticias se puede ver un video en el que cuenta su historia.

sexta-feira, janeiro 27, 2012

President of the European Parliament and MEPs pledge support for LGBT rights
EU Parliament president Martin Schulz supports trans rights: “I pledge to call for explicit recognition of the rights of transgender people in EU law, including by ensuring adequate coverage of transgender people in future EU gender equality legislation and policy and by closely monitoring implementation of the Gender Equality Directives with regard to their coverage of transgender people.”
Check out whether your MEP is amongst them.

Transsexualidade exige intervenção multidisciplinar
A transsexualidade é um dos temas em debate no 13º Congresso Português de Endocrinologia, que começa amanhã, em Coimbra – e terminando no sábado –, reforçando a necessidade da multidisciplinaridade no apoio aos utentes nesta área. “O simpósio tem como objectivo contribuir para a formação e divulgação desta entidade clínica junto dos médicos", disse hoje à Lusa a presidente da comissão organizadora do Congresso, Margarida Bastos.

Nicky, el gijonés de «Gran hermano», pierde la vista de un ojo tras recibir una paliza
R. G. Nicky Villanueva, el concursante gijonés de la sexta edición de «Gran hermano», ha quedado ciego de un ojo como consecuencia de la brutal paliza recibida en el mes de noviembre a las puertas de un bar de la ciudad, tal y como confirmó ayer el propio afectado en conversación telefónica con este periódico. Villanueva comenzó a ser conocido tras participar en la sexta edición del concurso de telerrealidad que emitió la cadena de Mediaset en el año 2004.
Transexual de Big Brother espanhol perde olho em briga

Despite issues, transgenders celebrate voting rights
Transgenders took a giant leap towards becoming fully fledged citizens of the land as voter registration for the community began in Punjab. They were also issued with Computerised National Identity Cards (CNIC) by the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA).
Transvestites get CNICs of their own
Eunuchs registration starts at ECP office
ECP starts enrolment of third gender in voter lists
NADRA starts eunuchs’ registration

Students, NGO raise money to help transgender community
In an attempt to help the transgender community become financially independent, students of Ramjas College, organised a two-day yard sale. The proceeds will be used for the welfare of the transgender community.

[New Zealand/Australia]
Wellington remembers Carmen
Former friends, admirers and people from all walks of life who encountered Carmen in her Wellington days have gathered to pay their respects to the late diva at a memorial service in Wellington, where Georgina Beyer made the call to current politicians present “no statue to Blanket Man, yes to Carmen”.
Memories of Carmen: Dana de Milo

Girl Guides of Canada considering transgender members
The historic Girl Guides of Canada is wrestling with a very modern question: Whether to allow transgender girls — children who were born male but identify as girls — into their troops.

Rae Spoon: Powerful album reignites the pronoun debate
You could say that Rae Spoon’s year began with a battle.
In reaction to Xtra’s refusal to refer to transgendered comic artist Elisha Lim as Lim’s preferred “they” in an article and because Xtra editor Danny Glenwright used trans woman Lexi Sanfino’s legal name on his Facebook page, Spoon wrote a lengthy, personal, articulate Tumblr post entitled Instead Of An Interview With Xtra.
The Montreal-based transgendered electronic pop maker, who also prefers the plural pronoun, even gave up a cover on Capital Xtra after Xtra refused to issue an apology.
Spoon CD early 2012 must-have

Walmart employee who stole $45K for sex-change operation gets probation
One of the two people who pleaded guilty to stealing $45,000 from a Walmart to pay for a sex change operation and a car on Monday was sentenced to seven years' probation in Yavapai County Superior Court.

Online Extra: Political Notes: Milk Club set to elect drag queen president
Should the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club elect Anna Conda as its first drag queen president Tuesday night as expected, it will herald another milestone in the meteoric rise of the late-night leader within the city's progressive political circles.

Assembly Member Mary Hayashi Introduces LGBT Specialty License Plate Legislation
Funds from sales of California's first LGBT license plate will support anti-bullying programs.

Prostitution Proposal Sparks Debate
Councilmember Alexander's bill to make prostitution-free zones permanent draws both sides to heated hearing
Our Testimony in Opposition to Permanent “Prostitution Free” Zones

Activists to join statewide vigil for equal rights
“Add the Words” activists will hold candlelight vigils in towns across the state Jan. 28 in support of including gay and transgendered individuals in Idaho’s Human Rights Act. The Nampa contingent will begin at 6 p.m. near the fountain at 2nd Street South and 12th Avenue.
Anti-discrimination campaign comes to Cd'A

Massachusetts Governor Holds Public Ceremony for Transgender Equal Rights Bill
This guest post comes from David Wilson of the HRC Boston Steering Committee:

LGBT Rights Advocates Gather In Baltimore
Thousands began to gather in Baltimore on Wednesday for the 24th annual Conference on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equality, which is considered one of the biggest gatherings in the nation for LGBT rights advocates.

Ignoring Critics, Floyd Repeats Threat Against Transgender People
Gov. Bill Haslam seems sympathetic to fears that anti-gay rhetoric and bills in the legislature could lead to more harassment and violence against GLBT people in Tennessee. Asked at a news conference today whether he shares that concern, the governor said:

Father of Matthew Shepard says Tennessee legislation could be harm to gays
The father of slain gay college student Matthew Shepard said Wednesday he is disturbed by legislation in Tennessee that would ban public schools from teaching about gay issues
Matthew Shepard's father urges TN lawmakers to resist gay bills
Haslam: Legislature Shouldn’t Prioritize Bills Seen as Hostile to Gays
Anti-gay bill and Rep. Richard Floyd's remarks draw fire in Nashville

Bill would bar prisons from paying for inmate sex changes
A recently proposed bill would bar South Carolina prison officials from paying for inmates to undergo sex-change surgeries.

Transgender widow sentenced to 50 days in jail
A Houston judge has sentenced the transgender widow of a fallen firefighter to almost two months in jail after she pleaded guilty to theft involving a wristwatch.
Transgendered widow pleads guilty to stealing Rolex
Firefighter’s transgendered widow sentenced to jail for Rolex theft

Harrisville becomes 14th Utah locale to ban anti-gay bias
As two lawmakers ready to push a statewide law that would ban discrimination against gay and transgender Utahns, one more local government has passed such protections.

Ingersoll Gender Center Introduces Vocational Support Program
Ingersoll Gender Center announces a new support group for people in the Transgender community who want to find work or improve their career. Seattle Transgender Economic Empowerment Project (STEEP), a program of Ingersoll Gender Center, will meet twice monthly, on the first and third Thursdays. We will address issues related to the challenging job market.

Sao Paulo Metro launches campaign to combat homophobia
The Brazilian State of São Paulo in partnership with the São Paulo City Metro (Underground) launched yesterday a campaign to combat homophobia entitled: “See beyond prejudice. Respect differences.”

Uma transexual na política colombiana
É a primeira vez que uma transexual ocupa um cargo político na Colômbia. Com 34 anos, Tatiana Piñeros faz história ao mesmo tempo que gere seis mil funcionários e um orçamento de milhões de euros.

quinta-feira, janeiro 26, 2012

Metrô e Coordenadoria da Diversidade Sexual de SP dão Show e Lutam com as Trans
É isso mesmo meus queridos leitores, hoje na comemoração de 458 anos da minha querida cidade de São Paulo, a Coordenadora de Políticas Para a Diversidade Sexual do Estado de São Paulo na pessoa de Heloísa Alves lança um grande evento que terá realização da Segunda Feira (30), na maior e mais movimentada estação do metrô, a Sé.
São Paulo Metro posters fight gay hate

NHS Gives Puberty Delay Drugs To Children With Gender Identity Disorder
The NHS is giving injections of ‘puberty delay’ drugs to children who believe they have been born the wrong sex.
The treatment was developed for children who suffer from a condition called gender identity disorder (GID), where a child believes their gender identity is different to their biological sex.

Transsexual who claims she was bullied out police force to keep fighting
Jan Irvine claimed she was forced to leave her job with Lothian and Borders Police after her sex change.
Jan Irvine, 59, formerly Ian Irvine, from Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, worked as a traffic warden with Lothian and Borders Police before taking up a post in the communications centre.
Transsexual loses bullying case against police bosses

Sweden Keeps ’Barbaric’ Trans Sterilization Law
The Swedish government recently announced that it would not amend a 40-year-old law that forces transgender people who wish to legally change their gender to become sterilized. LGBT activists are outraged and are calling the law "barbaric," the Pink News reported in a Jan. 17 article.
Forced Sterilization for Transgendered People in Sweden

Breast implants ‘prevent transgender suicides’
An advocacy group in Sweden has called for national guidelines on issuing breast implants to transgender women, claiming they can save countless lives.

Dream come true: Transgender community celebrates CNICs, voter registration
The transgender community in Punjab saw new hope on Wednesday as their voter registration began, and Computerised National Identity Cards (NIC) were issued by National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra), reported Express News.

'Eunuchs can access justice like any citizen'
Eunuchs are equal under the law and can access justice like any citizen, said the Bombay High Court on Tuesdayy, while hearing a PIL by eunuchs for better conditions.
Insult a eunuch and you will end up behind bars
Eunuchs have equal right to protect their dignity: court
‘Eunuchs can’t be part of law dealing with SC/ST abuse’

Branding all transgenders as sex workers inappropriate: Expert
Don't look at all transgenders as sex workers as there are many who are struggling to come above this stigma and prove themselves as successful members of society, feels Asha Bharathi, member of the Tamil Nadu Transgender Association.

Anti-discrimination ordinance in Cebu City public hearing today
A public hearing on a proposed anti-discrimination ordinance will be held by the Cebu City Council in its 9 a.m. session today.

[New Zealand]
GenderBridge seeks helpline volunteers
GenderBridge is looking for volunteer phone counsellors who are willing to go through training so they can answer calls to its helpline.

Phoebe's Intersex Adventure
Phoebe Hart embarks on a journey of self-discovery as she unearths intersex stories in a captivating and personal documentary exploring her intersex identity.

Family Research Council Calls For Boycott of Girl Scout Cookies
Today on his daily radio show, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins told listeners to boycott Girl Scout cookies. Perkins says the cookies fund a political agenda which includes Planned Parenthood and "promoting sexual diversity."
[Commentary] Girl Scouts Keep Cookie Dough for Political Activism
[Commentary] Say no to Girl Scout Cookies

Transgender Inmate Can Sue for Hair Treatments
Prison officials may have violated a transgender inmate's constitutional rights by refusing to comply with doctors' orders about laser hair removal treatments, a federal judge ruled.

Gay Marriage and Transgender rights Bills Head back to Legislature
Supporters and advocates shift tactics to improve chances of passage

Oberst: Don't block anti-bias law
A group of Omaha musicians, including Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes, is calling on state lawmakers to pull the plug on a proposal that would ban Omaha and other communities from passing anti-discrimination ordinances.

Texas A&M to end employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression
Texas A&M University President Dr. R. Bowen Loftin issued a memo Jan. 20, re-affirming the university’s commitment to non-discrimination in employment. Historically this memo is issued annually and has in recent years included sexual orientation among a list of attributes that have been the historical basis of discrimination and which the university vows not to use to discriminate in employment.

“Le tenían retenido el pasaporte”
La bailarina Alejandra Deraux relató que en un boliche de Raúl Martins, en Cancún, se encontró con una chica argentina a la que obligaron a ejercer la prostitución.

Impiden a grupo LGBT independiente participar en congreso transexual en La Habana
Leannes Imbert Acosta afirma que “no se ha invitado a personas de la verdadera comunidad LGBT para hablar de sus problemas y trazar estrategias adecuadas en ese sentido”.

Transexuales plagian a niño en Barlovento
Al menos 50 efectivos policiales participaron en el operativo que tuvo como resultado la localización en una zona boscosa del menor de seis años de edad, quien fue secuestrado cuando salía de clases de una escuela ubicada en Tacarigua, en el municipio Brión del estado Miranda

Colombian Capital Appoints First Trans Public Official
Gustavo Petro, the mayor of Bogota, Colombia, has appointed the capital city’s first transgender public official.

Agrupaciones denuncian nulos avances de investigación de golpiza a transgénero Sandy en Valparaíso
Practicamente nulo avance es el que denuncian las agrupaciones defensoras de la diversidad sexual, debido a la investigación que está llevando la fiscalía de Valparaíso, con respecto a la agresión de la cual fue víctima Sandy, transgénero que fue atacada por un grupo de desconocidos, al parecer homofóbicos, que la dejaron en estado grave internada por varias semanas en el hospital Carlos Van Buren.

El 12 de febrero será Día de la Dignidad LGBT
El Bloque Estudiantil LGTBI y el Movimiento Homosexual de Lima (MHOL) organizan la conmemoración, el próximo 12 de febrero, del que ya ha sido bautizado como Día de la Dignidad LGBT. Diversas acciones pacíficas coordinadas, que se irán conociendo en próximos días, recordarán la carga policial contra un grupo de activistas que el 12 de febrero del año pasado llevaban a cabo una besada contra la homofobia.