Transexualidade em movimento 2
A transexualidade continua a mexer-se. Desta feita trata-se do Grupo Transexual Portugal (GTP) que, em Lisboa, e como evento de estreia, organiza uma conversa sobre o tema “Policiamento do género e a luta transexual”.
Laerte faz piada em sua tirinha com bafo de banheiro feminino
Inconveniente em banheiro de pizzaria vira tirinha bem humorada de Laerte
Ministério da Saúde diz que população T é prioridade no Brasil
Em nota, Ministério da Saúde reconhece preconceito da sociedade contra trans
Grupo pede fim do preconceito no Dia da Visibilidade Trans
Trans produzem vídeo em seu Dia Nacional
Evento pela visibilidade trans lota saguão da estação Sé do Metrô em SP; assista
Ontem, segunda-feira (30/01), os usuários do metrô de São Paulo, sempre apresados e um tanto estressados, puderam quebrar sua rotina ao se depararem com o evento pela Visibilidade Trans, que aconteceu das 17h30 às 19h30 no saguão da estação Sé, que contou com show da cantora Renata Peron e talk show com a participação de várias várias trans.
Grupo Somos anuncia encerramento de atividades
Sem verba, respeitado grupo militante divulga fim das atividades
ABGLT congratula Globo pela abordagem da transexualidade em Brado Retumbante
A ABGLT – Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais – entidade de abrangência nacional que congrega 257 organizações afins em todo o Brasil, tendo como objetivo a defesa e promoção da cidadania desses segmentos da população.
Documentário brasileiro sobre transexual cearense, "Olhe Para Mim De Novo" será exibido no Festival de Berlim
O documentário brasileiro "Olhe para mim de novo", de Kiko Goifman e Claudia Priscilla, foi incluído na sessão paralela oficial do 62º Festival de Berlim, segundo anunciou hoje a assessoria de imprensa do evento, que acontece entre 8 e 19 de fevereiro.
Polícia deverá incluir nome social de travestis e transexuais em ocorrências
Registros de ocorrência das delegacias do estado do Rio de Janeiro terão agora o nome social de travestis e transexuais. A ação é coerente ao decreto 43.065, assinado em 8 de julho de 2011, que garante o direito sobre o uso do nome social por travestis e transexuais na administração direta e indireta do estado.
Woman sues transsexual son-in-law over visitation rights
A 79-year-old grandmother is taking her transsexual son-in-law to court for allegedly not allowing her to see her granddaughters.
La CEAPA y la FELGBT lamentan el fin de una asignatura para "contentar a sectores fundamentalistas"
Los grupos que llevan años presionando para la eliminación de Educación para la Ciudadanía han mostrado su satisfacción después de que el PP haya anunciado su desaparición. Las felicitaciones van desde la Conferencia Episcopal hasta la plataforma integrista Profesores por la Ética, o la asociación de colegios privados, integrada en su mayoría por centros religiosos. Mientras, la CEAPA ha lamentado que una "polémica artificial" sea capaz de tumbar una materia educativa, mientras que la FELGTB también ha lamentado que se acabe con una asignatura que inculca valores como el respeto.
LGBT history month to launch this week
Peter Tatchell will join a panel of figures from gay and transgender life on Wednesday night at one of the first events in 2012′s LGBT history month.
'I was born this way': Teenage transsexual reveals how Lady Gaga inspired him to have full sex change
A teen transsexual who is celebrating after getting the green light to become a woman has revealed how he was inspired by singer Lady Gaga.
Cambell Kenneford, 16, dreamed of being a female model - despite being born a man.
Now the student, from Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire, plans to get gender realignment surgery following two years of hormone treatment which has recently been approved by doctors.
German trans girl ‘to be institutionalised’
News that an 11 year old trans girl in Berlin, Germany, is about to be committed to a mental institution by local authorities – following intervention by her absent father – has prompted grave concern by the International LGBTQ Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO).
Mills ignores Ban Ki-Moon's gay-call
Ghana will not be forced to legalize homosexuality despite pressure from the international community, President John Evans Atta Mills has stated.
Illegal and Invisible - Sexuality, Identity and LGBT Rights in Liberia
Clearly, in times of chaos and anarchy, the vulnerable and powerless are always attacked. It's a short step from there during a fragile peace to judgments like: "Who is causing the decay in society? Who is upsetting the social order?" The master narrative is, "If we can just get rid of those people, we can go back to achieve our ideal existence."
Video: UAE ‘straight makeover’ video slammed
LGBT people in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have attacked a YouTube video ‘tutorial’ which shows how gays can be ‘cured’ or ‘scrubbed clean’ of their sexuality.
From Sita’s kingdom, a eunuch tests politics in Rama’s Ayodhya
In the vicinity of the manicured gardens of Faizabad’s Gulab Bari, which houses the tomb of Nawab of Awadh Shuja-Ud-Daula, a small two-storey house, measuring 20 feet by 10 feet, frequently keeps reverberating with a slogan—“Na Muslim,Na Hindu, Abki Gulshan Bindu (Neither a Muslim nor a Hindu, this time Gulshan Bindu”. Bindu is an eunuch and is contesting as an Independent from Ayodhya Assembly constituency.
Complaints dismissed over ‘transphobic’ Libra tampon ad
The country’s national advertising regulator has been criticised by LGBTI groups for failing to understand the concerns of transgender people after it dismissed complaints over a controversial Libra tampon ad which it was suggested could incite prejudice against the transgender community.
Libra decision causes further controversy
Watchdogs OK Libra's ladies
Aussie watchdog throws out Libra complaint
Canada Screws Up Royally and Refuses to Let Transgender People Fly
Well, so much for our neighbors to the north being a paragon of politeness and acceptance. There's been a disturbing change made to Canadian airport security screening rules which means that now transgender people are not allowed to board airplanes in the country. That is obviously hugely problematic and insane for any number of reasons. Let's look at how things ended up in this sorry state.
[Commentary] The Canadian rule which bans transgender flight
Transgender People are Completely Banned From Boarding Airplanes in Canada
[Commentary] Canadian Air Travel Regulation Changes Concern Trans People On Both Sides Of The Border
[Commentary] Screening Regulations in Canada
New HUD/FHA fair housing rules for transgender people to become effective Feb. 28, 2012
First, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) programs administrators will no longer be able to inquire to an applicant’s gender identity or sexual orientation status, nor can it be used for decision-making in FHA programs.
OutServe Magazine Profiles Transgender Service Members
Since the historic implementation of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal more than four months ago, the focus has shifted to achieving full equality in the U.S. military. Transgender service members still cannot serve openly – and this must change.
NCTE Commends LGBT Military Magazine for Addressing Open Transgender Service
Donation Page For Transgender Girl Scout Bobby Montoya's Troop Set Up By TransYouth Family Allies
Controversy erupted in October when Bobby Montoya, a 7-year-old transgender girl, joined a local Colorado Girl Scout Troop.
While many lauded the Girl Scouts for allowing Montoya to be a part of the organization, others were outraged by the move.
Fact-check: Anchorage gay-rights proposal doesn't impact religious protection
An Anchorage initiative, if it passes, will extend the city's anti-discrimination protections to gay and transgender people. The initiative leaves untouched existing law that allows religious groups and denominational institutions to give preferential treatment to people of the same faith.
At LGBT conference leaders warn against too much focus on marriage over other issues
This weekend approximately 3,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activists descended upon Baltimore, Md., for a national advocacy conference, while a few miles away the Republican branch of Congress — which consistently resists pro-LGBT policies – gathered for a retreat.
Creating Change Draws More Than 3,000 to Baltimore
Martin O'Malley Reiterates Support For Transgender Protections, Gay Marriage
Gender Rights Maryland Statement on Governor's Speech at Creating Change 2012
Young Activists Plot the Future of the LGBT Rights Movement
True LGBTQ Stories: Growing Up Transgender in Mississippi: 'I've Been Put in Trash Cans' (VIDEO)
I'm From Driftwood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit forum for true lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer stories. Earlier this year, founder and Executive Director Nathan Manske and two companions successfully completed a four-month, 50-state Story Tour collecting LGBTQ stories from towns and cities across the country. They're pulling some of the most relevant, important and sometimes just enjoyable stories from their archives and sharing them with HuffPost Gay Voices.
Inmate sues state to pay for sex-change
A transgendered inmate who once sued the state to pay for her sex reassignment surgery isn’t giving up without a fight. Ophelia De’Lonta is now appealing a judge’s ruling that the state doesn’t have to pay for the surgery. The American’s for Civil Liberties Union is also in on the case.
Jóvenes LGBT-México apoya a la diversidad sexual
Es un grupo de ayuda a adolescentes con orientación sexual diferente
Por una educación sexual sin exclusiones
La necesidad de desarticular toda forma de discriminación en la sociedad cubana, incluidas la homofobia y la transfobia, fue reiterada por Mariela Castro Espín, directora del Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (Cenesex), en la conferencia inaugural del VI Congreso Cubano de Educación, Orientación y Terapia Sexual, efectuada del 23 al 26 de enero en la capital cubana.

En estado crítico está una joven transexual
Por inyectarse silicona en los glúteos, permanece en cuidados intensivos y con respiración asistida, en la Clínica Las Américas, una mujer transexual de 26 años de edad.
Las ONG hablan de los derechos de los homosexuales y transgénero
Dayana González abogada y columnista de la revista Heterofriendly y José Ramón Merentes coordinador de Unión Afirmativa, analizan el debate en cuanto a los derechos de la comunidad de Gays, Lesbianas, Bisexuales y Transexuales en el país a través de Noticias24 Radio.
Presentan un plan para mejorar la vida de personas trans en la ciudad de Buenos Aires
La Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans (FALGBT) presentará un plan para que en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires se impulsen políticas públicas de inclusión para ese colectivo, como mejor inserción laboral, acceso a la salud y acciones concretas para erradicar la discriminación.
Galassi se reunió con entidades de defensa de la indentidad sexual
El ministro de Gobierno provincial aseguró las poíticas públicas destinadas a garantizar los derechos de lesbianas, gays, bixesuales y trans. Se definió una agenda de actividades destinada a definir los alcances del Plan de Ciudadanía que promueve el colectivo.