Trans não! Ariadna diz que vai processar quem a chamar de transexual
Ariadna desabafou em seu pefil no Twitter, na última segunda-feira (29), como se incomoda em ser diferenciada pelo termo “transexual” por veículos de comunicação.
Ariadna diz que vai processar quem a chamar de transexual
Transex Carol Marra posa para revista: 'Gays são preconceituosos'
A modelo transexual Carol Marra posou para a primeira edição da revista LGBT "G Size". Na entrevista, ela disse que lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais são preconceituosos entre eles mesmos. "Canso de ouvir um chamar o outro de passiva, de uma forma ofensiva, como que ser passiva fosse um demérito. Afinal, em uma relação precisa haver um passivo e um ativo e nenhuma das posições diminuem a pessoa. Acho esse tipo de brincadeira entre eles desnecessária e agressiva", disse a modelo, que também assumiu que seus namorados costumam ser heterossexuais.
Travellers, disabled and transgendered face 'high levels of prejudice'
Travellers, disabled people and transgender people face "disproportionately high levels of prejudice" in Scotland, according to a human rights body.
Transgender firefighter hoping to be face of Rank
Hampshire firefighter Katie is hoping to win a national competition to become the new face of Rank advertising.
Britain's youngest sex change patient wants to go BACK to being a boy
Britain's youngest sex-swap patient has decided she want to go back to being a boy – because she experiences too many mood swings as a girl.
Ria Cooper, 18, from Hull, has had thousands of pounds worth of NHS treatment involving hormonal injections to turn her from a boy into a girl.
But the hormones affected her so badly that she attempted suicide twice. Ria, formerly known as Brad, lives her life as a female.
Transsexualité : redevenir un homme après un an dans le corps d'une femme
'I was a boy.. then a girl.. now I want to be a boy again': Agony of of teen who is Britain's youngest sex-swap patient
Transgenders refute ‘indecent dress’ charge
Transgender people, known as Nupi Sabi (pretending to be women) in Manipur, on Sunday refuted charges by women groups that they have been promoting indecent dresses among the girls through beauty pageants and sought withdrawal of a “ban” on a “Miss Manipur” contest.
Meet Kalki: India's first transgender entrepreneur
Kalki Subramaniam talks to Shobha Warrier about her journey from being a harassed child in school to a successful social activist and an entrepreneur.
Sex-change bid to ease pain of alleged rape
AN intellectually disabled boy left traumatised after being allegedly repeatedly gang raped by older students at a small Queensland private school wants a sex-change operation to "alleviate the emotional pain".
MAGNET Boycotts RuPaul's Ongoing Bullying & Misgendering of Transsexual Women; 'Drag Race' October 29th Episode Mocks Transsexualism; (memo: Gay Men Don't Get Free Pass On Transphobia, Hypocrisy & Sexism)
Last night, October 29th 2012, on RuPaul’s All Star’s Drag Race, gay male entertainer RuPaul once again used his show as a bully pulpit to mock and misrepresent what the medical condition transsexualism actually is, despite the last few years of transsexual and transgender advocates protesting his use of offensive pejoratives such as “tra**y” and “she-male”
Justin Timberlake 'sorry' for trans joke wedding video
Pop star turned actor Timberlake says friend's 'joke' video was not intended to offend and denied rumors it was shown at his wedding to Jessica Biel
'Gender Identity Disorder' to Go the Way of Homosexuality
When asked, "What are you?" Cocoa Chandelier confidently replies, "I am māhu. Not ma-hu or mahU, but māhu."
In Native Hawaiian culture, māhu represents a third gender -- someone who embodies both male and female qualities. In old Hawai'i, māhus entertained the chiefs and people held them in high regard. Māhus distinctively had higher powers because they embodied the best of male and female qualities, making them confidants, kumu hulas (dance teachers) and spiritual leaders.
For Transgendered Soldiers, Don't Ask Don't Tell Carries On
On an afternoon in January 1998, Monica Helms walked into a building in Phoenix, Arizona, where she lay her reapplication papers on the counter in front of her and waited for the reaction she knew was coming.
Transgender Film Festival Returns to Los Angeles
Showcasing films created by queer, genderqueer and transgender filmmakers, the annual Los Angeles Transgender Film Festival (LATFF) returns for its fourth year this weekend, Nov. 2-4.
LA Transgender Film Fest 2012 Schedule At A Glance
D.C. officer convicted of assault against transgender woman
A Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police officer has been convicted in a shooting after an altercation with a transgender woman and her acquaintances.
Furr Guilty on Two of Eight Charges
East Aurora School District announces new committee in the wake of transgender controversy
The East Aurora School District has announced that a committee will hold its first meeting Nov. 8 to discuss potential new anti-bullying and discrimination policies.
NW Missouri St. offers gender-neutral housing
About 35 students are participating in a new "gender-neutral" housing initiative at Northwest Missouri State University in St. Joseph.
The university began offering the housing plan this fall after a request from some transgender students.
Jamaica center will use grant to fight HIV in the transgender community
Although HIV/AIDS rates have generally been on the decline, transgender women of color are still at alarmingly high risk of contracting the disease, although one Jamaica health clinic is hoping a new funding stream will allow it to reduce some of the exposure in the transgender population.
Gender-neutral bathrooms give more private option for residents
For students living in the residence halls, showering in a community bathroom is normal. However, Kreischer Quadrangle had four gender-neutral bathrooms installed in the building during the summer, giving students the option of a more private experience.
Este domingo 28 de octubre se realizaron en Chile las elecciones municipales en las 346 comunas del país, en cinco de las cuales se presentaron mujeres Trans como candidatas a concejales, dos de las cuales resultaron electas por votación popular.
Ladyboys in the Gulf
The riches of the United Arab Emirates hold promise for transgender sex workers, but also danger and unspeakable cruelty.
High Demand For Transgender Sex Workers In Middle East
[International] [Commentary]
Two more murdered transwomen: by multiple stabbings in Puerto Rico and by stoning in Brazil
Puerto Rico experienced its 30th anti-LGBTQ homicide in the past ten years when the body of transwoman Malena Suarez was found dead in her home in Carolina with multiple stab wounds in her back. Ten of those murders have been in the last two years, according to a report by the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs. Puerto Rico officials have not yet classified any of the homicides as hate crimes under either local law or the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. And before anyone asks, "Yes. Puerto Rico is part of the United States."
Rio abre programação de sua Parada do Orgulho LGBT
Semana da Diversidade Trans abre atividades da Parada do Orgulho LGBT do Rio
"Tenho paixão pelos gays": Eliana diz que não tirou drags do seu programa por preconceito
Como o A Capa tinha contado, os quadros "Fadinhas Safadinhas" e o "Concurso de Bate-Cabelo" foram extintos do programa da Eliana no SBT.
Primeiro homem trans do Brasil faz palestra no UniCeub
Conhecido como primeiro homem transexual do Brasil, João W. Nery fará palestra no UniCeub na terça-feira 30, às 14h, no auditório do Bloco I. A fala de Nery, que terá como base o livro “Viagem Solitária”, que fala de sua vida, marca o início do encontro “TRANS-formando a transexualidade”.
MG: Corpo de travesti foi encontrado às margens da BR-251 em Montes Claros
Foi encontrado hoje de manhã, na BR-251, em Montes Claros, o corpo de um travesti com três marcas de bala de revólver. Identificado como Sara, o travesti estava caído às margens da rodovia. A PM acredita que o travesti tenha sido morto durante a madrugada. Ao lado do corpo havia uma peruca e um cachimbo. Segundo moradores do Alto São João, Sara era usuário de crack e vivia e dormia nas ruas do bairro.
MG: Corpo de travesti foi encontrado às margens da BR-251 em Montes Claros
Corpo é encontrado na estrada da Ceasa
O corpo de um travesti foi encontrado na manhã deste domingo (28) nas proximidades da estrada da Ceasa, em Belém. A polícia já foi acionada.
A vítima foi encontrada amordaçada com fitas e teve as mãos e os pés amarrados. Moradores da área disseram a polícia que ouviram disparos por volta das 20h de sábado.
Lea T. exibe seu corpão e surge quase nua em festa à fantasia; pai escreve texto sobre a modelo
A modelo Lea T. parece querer mostrar para o mundo todo o novo corpo que conquistou. A top, que fez a cirurgia de mudança de sexo em março desse ano na Tailândia, surgiu na festa de Halloween do clube Hollywood, em Milão, fantasiada de Eva.
Another trans woman murdered in Antalya, Turkey
Witnesses say police prevented them from administering first aid
Trans law reform demanded by 20 CSOs
20 Finnish civil society organisations demand gender reassignment law reform in open letter to government
Don`t tag us `neither women nor men`: Transgenders
‘We have never tried to show women in degraded manner by designing costumes and influencing them to wear that are not fitted to be seen by the general public’, this was said by the secretary of the All Manipur Nupi Maanbi Association (AMANA), Imphal today in a press release.
Transgenders up in arms
It’s a drag, but show needs new name
Following waves of controversy, the upcoming Sydney Opera House show formally known as ‘trAnnie’ has changed its name.
Furor Over Timberlake-Biel Wedding Video Mocking Homeless, Trans People
Congratulations to newlyweds Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel — from your friends on Skid Row?
Justin Timberlake Writes Public Letter Apologizing for Wedding Video
Lana Wachowski: ‘I made Cloud Atlas in order to challenge transphobia’
The co-creator of new film, Cloud Atlas, Lana Wachowski, has said she hopes that the film can challenge the attitudes of transphobic people.
Eden Lane Promotes Work, Not Status As Only Transgender Broadcaster
Eden Lane, the host of Colorado Public Television's In Focus with Eden Lane, wants to be known for her work, not her gender identity.
Eden Lane, Transgender Broadcast Journalist, Discusses Her Career, Being A Role Model And More
Hearing explores impact of policies on LGBT people
The Michigan Department of Civil Rights and Wayne State University's Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights are hosting a hearing on how anti-discrimination policies affect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
[NY, USA] [Commentary]
NYPD Still Harassing Transgender People Despite New Patrol Guide lines
June 13th of this year seemed a watershed for trans people's march to equality in the Big Apple. New patrol guide lines had been issued which seemed at the time to adequately address the inhuman behaviour of the NYPD towards trans people.
Sorriso:Travesti é morto em ponto de prostituição na Idemar Riedi
Por volta das 05h00 desta manhã de domingo(28), o corpo de bombeiros de Sorriso foi acionado que havia uma pessoa ferida na esquina da rua Artur Lafin e Idemar Riedi e que possivelmente havia sido espancada.
The Ambivalent Pioneer
Tennis player Renée Richards scored a major victory for transgender rights when the New York Supreme Court ruled in 1977 that she was female and, therefore, eligible to play in the US Tennis Association tour. Emily Bazelon explores Richards' conflicted feelings about her legal triumph and the tennis career that followed:
Cross-Court Winner
[USA] [Commentary]
Former DC Cop Kenneth Furr Convicted In Trans Shooting Case
After a week long trial, 48 year old former Washington Metro police officer Kenneth D. Furr was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon yesterday after an ugly August 26, 2011 incident in which he jumped on the hood of a car and fired five shots at its occupants.
Transgender Awareness Month activities
November is Transgender Awareness Month and the Utah Pride Center and the Transgender Education Awareness Advocates of Utah have a slew of activities throughout the month. The events are open to the public. For more information, go to utahpridecenter.org.
Transgender support groups
Posted by QSaltLake Staff in Feature Stories
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Join FORGE and community partners in marking the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Milwaukee’s Transgender Day of Remembrance will be marked on November 19, 2012.
[Latin America]
CIDH analiza situación de desempleo de la diversidad sexual
Expertos evalúan derecho al trabajo para este sector en todo el continente americano
Anuncian Segundo Foro de Diversidad Sexual en Michoacán
Con el objetivo de informar y difundir una cultura del respeto hacia la Comunidad Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Transgénero, Travesti e Intersexual (LGBTTTI) y otras minorías, los días 29 y 30 del presente mes, se desarrollarán los trabajos del Segundo Foro Estatal de Diversidad Sexual, organizado por la asociación civil Masculinidades Alternativas para el Desarrollo Humano A.C.
Cuba Has Performed 20 Sex-Change Operations for Transexuals
The number of Cuban transsexuals who have had sex-change surgery has risen to 20, according to figures released by Mariela Castro, director of the National Center for Sex Education, or Cenesex.
Michell Valencia, la primera presentadora transgenerista del país, dejó su cargo en Canal Capital. De común acuerdo con las directivas su contrato fue terminado anticipadamente. Personas cercanas al canal aseguran que Michell no tenía buenas relaciones con sus compañeros y en ocasiones llegó a tener problemas de indisciplina. Esta comunicadora de la comunidad LGTB se había destacado por sus programas especiales y los espacios de cultura del noticiero del canal oficial.
Diferentes formas de ser transgénero
Con un especial de varias entregas, Sentiido se une a las voces que en octubre le recuerdan al mundo que las personas transgénero no están enfermas. Primera parte.
Detenciones Arbitrarias y prácticas de Tortura a 23 Personas Trans en Caracas
Venezuela Diversa Asociación Civil, sin fines de lucro de carácter social y promoción humana, fundada el 15 de agosto de 2007, a las Autoridades del Estado Venezolano y a la opinión Pública Nacional e Internacional:
Transexuales habrían sido torturadas por funcionarios del CICPC
Primera candidata a concejal transexual vota en Valparaíso
Al Liceo Pedro Montt de Valparaíso, ubicado en Avenida Alemania 5196, llegó a votar la candidata a concejal transexual Zuliana Araya (PPD), quien oficializó su cambio de sexo durante el mes de julio en el Registro Civil de la ciudad puerto.
Vota en Valparaíso primera candidata a concejal transexual
[Brazil] [Commentary]
Ten trans people a month are killed in Brazil — the stoning of ‘Madona’ is the latest
Brazil, a country that is home to a large transgender population has reported over 100 transgender death so far in 2012. The latest is Madona– a popular and well-liked woman living in Aracaju. (Some reports have her name spelled Madonna.)
Diversidad sexual en la Junta
Como estaba programado, se realizó ayer por la tarde en la sala de sesiones de la Junta Departamental un taller sobre diversidad sexual organizado por el colectivo “Ovejas Negras”. El mismo surgió como una forma de desagravio por las expresiones vertidas por el edil nacionalista Ignacio Costa en su cuenta de Twitter que fueron consideradas agraviantes por la comunidad homosexual del Uruguay. Diego Sempol (del colectivo Ovejas Negras) e Ignacio Costa, dialogaron con EL HERALDO sobre lo ocurrido y que derivó en el mencionado taller.
Transfobia serial
En Uruguay, después de la Marcha por la Diversidad, en septiembre de este año apareció una travesti asesinada por un disparo en la cabeza y luego rociada con nafta e incinerada. El brutal ensañamiento es el quinto de una serie que parecía haber terminado. En febrero se conoció la noticia del primer asesinato (en lo que va del año) de una trans, le siguió otro en marzo y dos más en abril; cuando parecía que la transfobia se había calmado, el 23 de septiembre apareció asesinada otra trans en la esquina de Camino Castro y Carlos Brussa, en Montevideo, a una semana de haberse llevado a cabo la marcha. Esta serie de asesinatos tiene en común el odio y el ensañamiento por los cuerpos: 4 de los 5 fueron en Montevideo, uno sólo en Melo, a 400 km de Montevideo.
12th annual Intersex Awareness Day marked around the globe
Campaigners are marking Intersex Awareness Day, which is taking place on Friday
26th October – 16th Intersex Awareness Days
[Commentary] Intersex rights? 'We are not yet even at the starting line'
Travesti é assassinado a pedradas no centro de Aracaju
O travesti Amós Lima Chagas, 39, um dos mais populares e conhecidos de Aracaju, que ganhou o apelido de Madona, foi assassinado com golpes de paralelepípedo, crime ocorrido na madrugada da última sexta-feira, 19, no centro de Aracaju.
Transgender Woman Stoned to Death in Brazil
Brazil trans stoned to death
Brighton denies 'barmy' Mr and Mrs ban on forms
Brighton and Hove Council, in south-east England, say no proposals have been made to scrap Mr and Mrs titles on forms
Rate chart for eunuchs in Indore
The entire crisis has a way out. Here is another example in which Indoreans have weighed unique way to deal with increasing demands of eunuch in their mohalla.
Roseanne Barr Gets Into Twitter Twist-Up Over Transgender Comments
Presidential candidate Roseanne Barr isn’t known for holding her peace. But the actress-activist has upset members of the transgender community with some comments she posted on Twitter.
Trans Army veteran new head of US group representing LGBT military personnel
Allyson Robinson named executive director of newly-merged OutServe and Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
Making LGBT Great: Dana Beyer
Dana Beyer is one of the leading transgender advocates in the country who continues to work towards making the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender residents better. Dana is a retired eye surgeon who was one of the first openly transgender candidates for state office in 2006 and 2010. She is currently executive director of Gender Rights Maryland which is working towards passing a state wide gender identity anti-discrimination law.
LGBT History Month Icon Of The Day: Laverne Cox
Laverne Cox initially got our attention when she appeared on VH1's "I Want to Work for Diddy," making her the first African-American transgender woman to appear on a mainstream reality television show. In 2009, Cox accepted the show's GLAAD media award for outstanding reality program and said, "It is so important that transgender stories be told... There are so many stories out there that need to be told in humanizing and three-diminseonsal ways."
Chaz Bono: Cher defends me from death threats
After the son of gay icon Cher and Sonny Bono went on Dancing With The Stars, he received extremely harsh backlash
Transgender Leadership Summit To Draw Hundreds
One-of-a-kind summit aims to build community and empower activists
D.C. cop convicted of assault with dangerous weapon in trans shooting case
An off-duty D.C. police officer accused of firing his service revolver into a car occupied by three transgender women and two male friends in August 2011 was convicted Friday of assault with a dangerous weapon and solicitation for prostitution.
But a D.C. Superior Court jury also found Officer Kenneth Furr, 48, not guilty of six other charges, including the more serious offense of assault with intent to kill while armed.
Kenneth Furr Convicted of Assault and Solicitation of Prostitution
Kenneth Furr convicted of assault; acquitted on other charges
Off-duty D.C. police officer convicted of assault with a deadly weapon
[Commentary] Former DC Cop Kenneth Furr Convicted In Trans Shooting Case
Boca Raton Blows Off Controversy Over LGBT Workplace Protections
It started with a $235,000 hazardous waste contract between the Palm Beach County Commission and the Boca Raton City Council, and ended in a fight over the LGBT rights in Boca.
White found not guilty of assaulting transvestite
An Albany man charged with robbing and shooting a transvestite was exonerated after the Dougherty County jury deliberated for 75 minutes.
After transgender flap, East Aurora working to form alternative policy
In the wake of rescinding a district policy designed to protect the rights of transgender students, the East Aurora School District has decided to form a committee that will address the creation of an alternative policy.
[Il, USA]
Illinois court OKs end to genital surgery requirement for birth certificate changes
A Cook County judge approved a new decree Tuesday that would allow transgender Illinoisans to obtain birth certificates with their correct gender from the Illinois Department of Public Health without having to undergo genital reconstruction surgery.
‘She was a friend to everybody’
Friends, family members — and seemingly everyone who came into contact with Janette Tovar — will forever remember her vibrant personality and infectious smile.
Trans groups to celebrate awareness month
In celebration of Transgender Awareness Month, the Utah Pride Center and Transgender Education Advocates of Utah are hosting a series of activities through the month of November. From a candlelight vigil, to movie screenings and art shows, the celebration isn’t just designed for transgender and gender nonconforming people, but also allies and those interested in learning more. The month’s activities culminate at the Genderevolution 2012: Gender Apocalypse conference on Nov. 17 at Salt Lake Community College, 9750 S. 300 West, Sandy, Utah.
Transexuales llaman a vocales de mesa a no discriminar durante votación
El Área Transexual del Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) señaló que el estreno de las mesas mixtas en las elecciones municipales de este domingo constituye "un gran paso contra la discriminación", sin embargo, advirtió que ello "no resuelve todos los problemas" que padecen a la hora de ir a votar.
"Campaña por la Igualdad" busca que se respeten los derechos de los transexuales
El director ejecutivo de Fundación Iguales, Andrés Soffia, explicó que la iniciativa pretender la inclusión de personas de la diversidad sexual en la sociedad, desde las políticas comunales y de la cual 89 postulantes a alcaldes y concejales ya forman parte.
International Intersex Awareness Day
Australia’s LGBTI Health Alliance has declared its support for International Intersex Awareness Day, which has been observed on October 26 since 1996.
15th Intersex Awareness Day October 26, 2012
ILGA-Europe’s statement on the occasion of the International Intersex Awareness Day (26 October)
Intersex Awareness Day calls for equality and end to bigotry
European Parliament starts work on EU-wide action plan for LGBT rights
This week the European Parliament released a study on a potential EU roadmap for LGBT equality. Such an EU action plan would draw together new laws and policies to strengthen equality and non-discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people in the EU.
Travesti é agredida por homem após saírem juntos de boate do RJ
Na madrugada do último sábado (20), a travesti Pamela, como se identificou à reportagem, resolveu sair com uma amiga. As duas foram para uma boate em Itaboraí, região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro.
Eliana diz que não tirou quadro de drags do seu programa por preconceito
A apresentadora de TV Eliana negou ter tirado o quadro com "drag queens" de seu programa por preconceito. A loira afirmou que "Fadinhas Safadinhas" deixou de ser transmitido porque é comum fazer "rodízios" nas atrações do programa ‘Eliana’ no SBT.
IGLYO Condemns Murder Of Transgender Woman In Turkey
The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO) is strongly condemning the murder of a transgender woman in Antalya, Turkey.
Group aims to help transgender people
Co-ordinator of Sudbury-based Noah's Space said more data is needed to access funding support
NCTE Meets with Ecuadorian LGBT Activists
Last Tuesday, I was thrilled, along with colleagues from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, to meet and discuss LGBT activism with a group of incredible LGBT activists from Ecuador.
OutServe-SLDN Taps Trans Veteran as Executive Director
Activist and veteran Allyson Robinson will be the new executive director of OutServe-SLDN, the newly combined organization announced today as they kicked off their annual conference here.
HRC’s Allyson Robinson Appointed New Head of OutServe-SLDN
Trans Woman to Head Prominent LGBT Military Group
Allyson Robinson, Transgender Woman, To Head Military Group
Transgender Army veteran tapped to lead LGBT military advocacy group
Transgender Army Veteran Selected to Lead Military LGBT-Equality Group
NCTE’s Voting While Trans Campaign Fights Voter Suppression
The National Center for Transgender Equality has launched Voting While Trans, an awareness campaign that will prove vital in the coming weeks. The program aims to educate transgender people and poll workers on the potential for misunderstandings, confusion and discrimination at the voting booths in November. It also helps to counter voter suppression tactics directed at presumed Democratic demographics, which have the potential to impact the trans community’s right to vote.
Focus On The Family Promotes Dangerous ‘Ex-Trans’ Ministries
Focus on the Family’s promotion of ex-gay therapy is nothing new, but this week the anti-LGBT group also started promoting “resources for transgenderism and gender identity disorder.”
The Fourth Annual TransParent Day
In 2009 when we had our first TransParent Day there were no formal celebrations.
Empowering Maryland's New Trans Leaders
Equality Maryland kicked off the Transgender Leadership Academy (TLA) at the GLCCB on August 18. It is Maryland’s first class of exclusively trans or gender non-conforming people who wish to become leaders in Maryland’s progressive movements. This first class hopes to provide new skills, and sharpen existing tools, to broaden the trans leadership pool in the state, and develop the leadership skills to help boost their resumes.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Events
November marks several transgender events, perhaps the most important being November 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance. This day we remember the lives lost to violence against transgender people. The day was founded in 1998 by activist and Gay Life contributor Gwendolyn Ann Smith, to memorialize the murder of Rita Hester in Massachusetts.
Sistas of the T
Monica Yorkman comes across as your average Baltimore grandmother: stylish flats, jeans and sweater set, and a too-young-to-be-a-grandmother sway. When our 90 minute conversation drew to a close, the discussion turns fondly to her “grand-babies” and preparations for their pending sleepover.
Transgender Resources
The following transgender resources are available in the Baltimore, Maryland area:
Hope Grows for Trans
The health care needs of transwomen, transmen, gender-queer, and others who do not conform to society’s gender norms are often overlooked by conventional health care organizations.
Report details abuse against gay community
Cristina, a transgender Latina woman, said police arrested her when she left a Jackson Heights club with her boyfriend early one morning. They assumed she was a prostitute.
Study sheds light on police 'trans' abuse in New York area
Access Denied
Bureau of Labor and Industries investigates after hangout closes doors to transgender customers
Upper Merion unanimously bans discrimination
Although it is still legal in most of Pennsylvania for an LGBT person to be fired for his or her orientation, one local town last week took a decisive step against discrimination.
Nicaragua reporta cinco crímenes por homofobia en 2012
La Procuraduría de la Diversidad Sexual de Nicaragua, dependencia de la Procuraduría para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, reportó que en el país han sido asesinadas cinco personas homosexuales en lo que va de 2012
Preocupa incremento de abusos contra opciones de la diversidad sexual
Miss Universe Canada Contestant Wants WHO to Stop Stigmatizing Trans People
Former Miss Universe Canada competitor Jenna Talackova is part of an effort urging the World Health Organization to stop classifying people with transgender identities as having a mental disorder.
Travesti é agredida após encontro na região metropolitana do Rio
Uma travesti foi agredida ao sair com um homem que conheceu em uma boate de Itaboraí, na região metropolitana do Rio. Pamela, como é conhecida, teve o nariz quebrado e vários cortes no rosto.
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service transgender woman tells her story
IT would be hard to think of a more macho CV than one listing Royal Marine, firefighter and father.
And Katie has done it all – when she was still living as a man.
The 40-year-old jokes that if she had been born a girl she would have been a tomboy.
Brighton Council plans to remove Mr and Mrs titles from all documents to protect city's transgender community from offence
Plans come after council investigated the lives of the city's transgender community
One councillor brands move 'ludicrous' but plan will go ahead if public back support it
Proposal to scrap Mr & Mrs from Brighton and Hove council forms
World's Youngest Transsexual Kim Petras Is YouTube Hit With Chris Brown Cover
A teenager who became the world's youngest transsexual when she was just 16 has become an internet sensation after releasing a cover of Chris Brown's well known track Don't Wake Me Up on YouTube.
WATCH: Young Trans Woman Rocks Chris Brown's 'Don't Wake Me Up'
Sex Change Singer Kims You Tube Hit
Another woman murdered in Antalya, one more victim in the undeclared war
As ever, my thoughts go out to Serap’s loved ones and all my trans sisters in Turkey, fighting daily to survive in an undeclared war being waged by their compatriots with the tacit complicity of the state.
[South Africa]
The 26st transgender teen who wants to drop 16st so he can have surgery to become a woman
Raven El Messaoudi, 15, is 5ft 2in and currently weights 26 stone
The Johannesburg teen has been promised a breast operation and gender surgery if she loses the weight
Raven, born Sharif, has lived as a girl for ten months
Mom tells trans teen: Drop 100kg fat and I'll pay for your surgery
[South Africa]
South Africa marks International Intersex Awareness Day
Transgender and Intersex Africa push for more awareness of intersex issues in South Africa
Eunuchs pour out their woes, seek help
‘We want identity card, voters ID and a job to lead a dignified life’
“We are part of this society and consider us as your own people. Don’t be scared of us. If we are given an employment, then we too can lead a dignified life,” appealed eunuchs hailing from various parts of the State and have been living in Mangalore.
Transgender people crave for dignity
Kru Lilly tells her story
Today’s Life section has a long story on famed transgender tutor Kijmanoch ‘Kru Lilly’ Rojanasupya. This excerpt will get you started.
Totally worth it
Tasmanian push for intersex rights
Intersex Tasmanians could be the first in the world to gain crucial legal protections against discrimination if an amendment bill in their Parliament is passed.
'Social shame' heightens transgender suicide
Recent Ontario study of transgender health issues points to alarming trend
LGBT History Month Icon Of The Day: Chris Tina Bruce
Chris Tina Bruce made history in October 2011 when she competed as the first transgender woman in a bodybuilding contest in San Diego. Since then, when Bruce isn't busy competing and running her personal training business, she has used her visibility to speak out about transgender issues.
Lana Wachowski Explains Struggle With Being Trans, Suicide Plan
The 'Cloud Atlas' co-director accepted the Visibility Award at the recent HRC gala
Trans Matrix director Lana Wachowski speaks candidly at Human Rights Campaign gala
Lana Wachowski, Transgender 'Cloud Atlas' Director, Reveals Painful Adolescence, Suicide Attempt (VIDEO)
Lana Wachowski: I used to think there was something ‘wrong’ with me
Military Group Picks Trans Woman As Leader
A watershed moment in the LGBT rights movement. “The fight is not over,” says OutServe-SLDN's new chief, Allyson Robinson.
Feminists, sex workers march against Prop 35
About 50 people, including feminists, sex workers, and their supporters, staged a march in the Castro recently to urge people to vote against Proposition 35 on the November ballot.
Trans activists honored in Clarion Alley mural
It was important to Tanya Wischerath that the crowds who came to last weekend's Clarion Alley Block Party got to see the latest addition to its collection of murals. The new piece is a stirring tribute to transwomen activists, done in jewel tones on a background of night sky and stained glass. "I was told nine days before the street fair [that I got the wall], and I was adamant that I would have something finished by then," the artist said in an email. We're glad -- it's lovely.
Transgender Day of Remembrance November 20th
Join us on Tuesday November 20th at The Metropolitan Community Church of Washington on 474 Ridge St NW, Washington D.C. 20001 for the Transgender Day of Remembrance 2012 from 6pm onwards.
Judge OKs deal over gender on birth certificates
People who undergo sex changes will find it easier to change the gender on their Illinois birth certificates under an agreement approved Tuesday by a Cook County judge.
Court asked to approve new policy for issuing corrected Illinois birth certificates for transgender individuals
Ill. court OKs end to genital surgery requirement for birth certificate changes
East Aurora, Illinois strips transgender protections from students on SpiritDay
On Friday, while the rest of the country was going purple in support of LGBT young people on Spirit Day, the school board in East Aurora, Illinois was sending the exact opposite message to transgender students.
New Orleans LGBT community reports police abuses to City Council
Of the several dozen people packed into City Council chambers Wednesday, many were there to speak for those too afraid to come for themselves: young, black transgendered women, routinely harassed by the city's police officers. They told of several young people being intentionally hit by patrol cars, bloodied, asked if they're prostitutes, arrested for no reason and called names by judges and police officers.
Got LGBT Rights?: An Act Relative to Gender Identity
"An Act Relative to Gender Identity" is a new Massachusetts law effective as of July 1st, 2012 that adds gender identity as a characteristic protected from discrimination. This interactive workshop discusses gender identity and expression and identifies existing areas of law that are impacted by this new gender identity protection. Join us for a fun, entertaining, and informative presentation.
Expert to decide whether killer gets electrolysis
The federal judge who last month ordered taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery for transsexual wife-killer Robert Kosilek is now forcing the state prison system to hire an expert to determine whether he needs electrolysis hair-removal treatment.
Judge: State must hire expert to show that Michelle Kosilek does not need electrolysis
Stop-and-Frisk Targets Transgender Community Unfairly, Study Says
Jackson Heights’ transgender community has been targeted by police for stop-and-frisks at more than double the rate of the rest of the neighborhood's population, a new study says.
Transgender murder 30th anti-LGBTQ homicide in Puerto Rico in decade
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) has learned of the latest in a string of anti-LGBTQ homicides in Puerto Rico, bringing the total known anti-LGBTQ homicides to 30 in the past 10 years. Transexuales y Transgeneros en Marcha (TTM), a transgender advocacy organization in Puerto Rico, reported that Malena Suarez, a transgender woman in Carolina, Puerto Rico, was discovered dead in her home as a result of multiple stab wounds in her back, according to authorities.
Transgender inmate seeks favorable ruling Wednesday
Attorneys for the transgender woman say the surgery is a medical necessity brought on by a severe case of gender identification disorder.
US appeals panel hears case of Virginia inmate seeking sex reassignment surgery
US judges hear Va. inmate's sex-change appeal
Should an inmate get a sex change operation while in jail?
Transgender inmate case presented to appeals court
Judges hear gender reassignment appeal from incarcerated trans woman
U.S. judges hear transgender inmate’s sex-change appeal
[Latin America]
A terminar con la ‘transfobia’
“Hay una actitud social muy común de rechazo hacia la diversidad sexual que, en el caso de las personas ‘trans’, se conoce como ‘transfobia’, y que es más acentuada que la homofobia”, sostiene Rafael Mazín, asesor senior en VIH, infecciones de transmisión sexual y hepatitis de la Organización Panamericana de la salud.
Trans Model Petitions World Health Organization For Affirmation
Jenna Talackova made international headlines earlier this year when the Miss Universe Canada pageant originally refused to let her compete because she is transgender.
Man Petitions World Health Org: 'We Are Trans, Not Sick'
Maxwell Zachs is on a global crusade to normalize what until now has been considered a mental illness -- being transgender.
Travesti é apedrejada até a morte na Bahia
Segundo o Jornal Folha de S.Paulo, uma travesti foi apedrejada até a morte ontem (23) em Paripe, bairro periférico de Salvador. O crime ocorreu por volta das 3h na rua Eduardo Dotto, em frente a uma localidade conhecida como Portelinha.
Transexuales de Andalucía responden a las desafortunadas declaraciones de la Consejera de Salud Maria Jesús Montero
Transexuales de Andalucía responden a Maria Jesús Montero, Consejera de Salud, Igualdad y Bienestar Social de la Junta de Andalucía, ante lo que consideran un grave ataque en unas fechas tan relevantes como es el Día Mundial contra la Despatologización Trans.
TGEU Steering Committee Meeting 21-22 October 2012, Dublin
The TGEU Steering Committee met for a two day meeting on October 21-22 in Dublin for a first phsyical meeting in the term 2012 - 2014. Getting to know organizational processes, internal work processes, recap of the 16th ILGA-Europe Annual Conference and up-coming events were discussed together with members of the staff.
Trans Murder, Antalya
A trans* person (her name is Serap, 29) was murdered early this morning - around 05.00 - in Antalya, Turkey. Her throat was cut. The police came into the scene when she was alive, however she died before she was taken to the hospital. Other trans* from the district came together after she was attacked to see her however (based on the a trans from Antalya said) the police pepper sprayed people who gathered and did not react immediately to take Serap to the hospital.
Hopefully we will have more details in the upcoming days.
Lana Wachowski’s Remarkable Human Rights Campaign Visibility Award Speech
One of the things that’s so remarkable about Lana’s address—in addition to its artlessness, the result of her first major stint as a public speaker—is the way it addresses the inadequacy of everything from the gender binary, to our media culture, to the language we use to describe ourselves.
2012 Angels of Change Runway Show Benefits Transgender Youth
This year's Angels of Change Calendar Release and Runway Show benefiting transgender youth will take place this Saturday. Performer Calpernia Addams chats with Frontiers contributor Michelle McCarthy to tell us why Angels of Change is such an important organization for transgender youth.
Transgender Community Discussion November 17th
Members of the Transgender Community, friends, and allies are invited to join us on Saturday November 17th at the 3:00 PM at the DC Center for a discussion on how the DC Center can better serve the needs of the Transgender Community. (please note, this meeting will take place in lieu of the monthly transgender discussions that normally take place on the third Saturday of the month).
Illinois School Board Passes, Then Rescinds, Transgender Rights Policy
The Illinois Family Institute, a right-wing group, had led the outcry against the policy, which was rescinded four days after its passage.
Illinois School Board Abandons Transgender Students For Hate Group’s Favor
Small group protests Awaken Salina rally
People holding signs, two with American flags, lined the road just west of the Salina Bicentennial Center Monday night to demonstrate against a rally planned inside.
Salina Rallies As Controversial LGBT Ordinance Up For Repeal
Small group protests Awaken Salina rally
Salinans rally to repeal ordinance
Anti-Trans Massachusetts Lawmaker Attempts To Circumvent Federal Court Ruling
Last month, a federal judge ruled that Michelle Kosilek, who is serving a life sentence for murdering her wife, is entitled to the sex reassignment surgery prescribed for her by her prison doctors.
Trans prisoner requests that court assigns surgeon for her operation
Bullied trans student gets suspended
A transgender student in Maryland was suspended last week from school for getting into a fight after a fellow student allegedly assaulted her.
DelVal considering gender-neutral housing
A growing number of college students say they either consider themselves transgender or prefer not to be identified by their sex, according to college and university officials.
Promueven despatologización trans
Con el objetivo fundacional de construir un marco de referencia sobre los temas relacionados con las transidentidades, que permita la promoción de su despatologización, sesionará en La Habana la tercera edición del III Coloquio Transidentidades, Género y Cultura.
International Day of Action for Trans Depathologization 2012: More than 100 Actions Worldwide
On October 20, 2012, International Day of Action for Trans Depathologization, actions for trans depathologization took place in different regions worldwide, within the annual call of action of STP 2012, International Campaign Stop Trans Pathologization.
[Commentary] Trans is not a Mental Illness
Miss Universe Nominee Fights to Remove Transsexualism from Mental Disorder List
Canadian beauty Jenna Talackova knows firsthand the affects of prejudice toward transgender people. Most will recall her triumphant battle with the Miss Universe committee earlier this year, eventually being allowed to compete in the international beauty competition, after much debate about her eligibility given her status as a transgender woman.
Petition calls on WHO to delist 'transsexualism' as illness
Miss Universe Canada contestant Jenna Talackova is among more than 43,000 people supporting a change.org petition calling on the World Health Organization (WHO) to stop considering trans people mentally ill.
Travesti assassinado em Paripe
Um travesti foi assassinado no início da manhã desta terça-feira, dia 22, na localidade da Portelinha, no bairro de Paripe, Subúrbio Ferroviário de Salvador. Segundo informações da 19ª Companhia Independente da Polícia Militar (CIPM/Paripe). Testemunhas contaram que a vítima foi espancada, surrada e apedrejada nas proximidades do Colégio Dom Pedro.
Travesti é morta a pedradas em Salvador
BA: Vitória da Conquista sediará Encontro de Trans
Abertas as inscrições para o III Encontro de Travestis e Transexuais da Bahia
Pernambuco: Adolescente de 14 anos fará cirurgia de mudança de sexo na Tailândia
A adolescência é um período transformador na vida de qualquer pessoa. E para a jovem Alice, esta regra não se tornou uma exceção. Aos 14 anos, a recifense vai passar por uma transformação em todos os sentidos: ela irá fazer uma cirurgia para mudança de sexo na Tailândia.
16th ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference concluded in Dublin
On 21 October, the 16th ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference concluded in Dublin. 235 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) activists, European and national politicians, representatives of other organisations from 42 countries gathered in the Irish capital from 18 to 21 October 2012 for the largest annual event on LGBTI rights in Europe.
Over 100 rally for legal reform
OVER 100 people attended Ireland’s first public rally calling for legal gender recognition last Saturday.
Colourful banners with the slogans “Human Rights Are My Pride”, “Don’t Legislate my Genitals” and “Someone I love is Trans” were held up outside Leinster House at the rally marking the International Day for Trans and Intersex Depathologisation.
No timetable for legislation on gender recognition
'Pahichan' echoes concerns of third gender
‘Pahichan’ – a radio programme on air by Ujyalo 90 Network everyday – has been helpful in identifying the problems of homosexuals and transgender populations and openly bring their issues to light in society, said various speakers.
Thai transgender stewardess airline suspends flights
PC Air in financial trouble only ten months after launch
The right to change
After an amendment to Concordia University’s policies, 12 transgender students have benefitted from the opportunity to register their preferred names on non-official documents such as identification cards and class lists.
Surgery not needed to change sex on birth certificate
Sudbury man said living with paperwork that identified him as female was difficult
Voting While Trans
A man walks into a polling place. The rolls list him as female. Can he vote?
East Aurora School Board Repeals Transgender Protections For Students
Last Monday the East Aurora school board passed a policy that allowed transgender students to be addressed by the name and pronoun that match their gender identity and participate in sports, gym classes, health classes, and use restrooms without harrassment. Then on Friday they met again and took away these rights.
Lesbians No Longer: A Transgender Trip into Heteronormality
On the roof deck of their Williamsburg apartment, discussing which herbs and vegetables to plant this year, and which of last year’s plants might be salvageable, Sadie sits cross-legged and sips a beer while Marco cleans and lights the grill. Sadie, wearing a short, fitted dress, asks, “Honey, do we have enough coal?” in that singsong voice girlfriends sometimes use to cloak skepticism as supportiveness.
Meant to be a man: Saylorsburg native finds true self as transgender male
Alek Wilczek suffered from deep depression for as long as he could remember.
That depression led to a sense of hopelessness and eventually self-destructive behavior.
Pará: Travestis e transexuais poderão usar nome social em unidades da Polícia Civil
Mais uma vitória para travestis e transexuais do estado do Pará. Na última sexta-feira (19), uma portaria foi assinada pelo delegado geral da Polícia Civil, Nilton Atayde, que garante o uso do nome social em casos de atendimento em delegacias.
Como distinguir entre un gay y una mujer.
Me han comentado que una de las psicólogas de la UTIG de Málaga (Juana, conocida por sus pacientes como “la loca”, y cuyo apellido todo el mundo parece ignorar) pregunta a sus pacientes cómo saben que son mujeres, y no hombres gays. Posiblemente a día de hoy habrá recibido muchas respuestas, pero ninguna satisfactoria. El motivo de ello es que, salvo algunas personas con un ingenio excepcional, el común de los mortales nos quedamos bloqueados cuando alguien nos dice un disparate de cierta magnitud, y, encima, espera que le respondamos.
IU arremete contra la consejera de Salud por ignorar las demandas de los transexuales
Izquierda Unida, que gobierna en coalición con el PSOE en la Junta de Andalucía, y diversas asociaciones que luchan por la igualdad de las personas transexuales han arremetido contra la consejera de Salud y Bienestar Social, María Jesús Montero, por ignorar todas las reivindicaciones del colectivo.
Transgender group in 'respect' demo
Members of Ireland’s transgender community held a rally in Dublin today to demand greater recognition in law.
They were joined by supporters from elsewhere in Europe at the protest calling for new legislation to have their changed gender acknowledged legally.
GDI Calls for the Removal of Diagnosis from Proposed Legislation
Gay Doctors Ireland (GDI) supports TENI's campaign to extricate the medical progress, including diagnosis of gender identity disorder, from the criteria for gender recognition legislation.
Thai 'transgender airline' grounded over finances
Months after taking to the skies with Thailand's first transsexual air crew, fledgling carrier PC Air has suspended services over financial troubles that left passengers stranded in South Korea.
Thai 'transgender airline' leaves passengers stranded
Tasmanian intersex discrimination plans hailed as ‘world first’
Australian state is set to specifically include intersex people in its anti-discrimination laws in what is believed to be a world first
[Commentary] OII Australia warmly welcomes Tasmania’s proposed Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill
[Commentary] Gay Star News: Tasmanian intersex discrimination plans hailed as ‘world first’
Intersex and trans communities hail Tas Anti-Discrimination bill
Spirit Day Means Knowing Your Rights
This week, Lambda Legal announced the launch of a first-of-its-kind online and mobile resource for LGBTQ youth.
Film Looks At Transgender Teen's Life In Arkansas
An upcoming documentary from director Elliot London looks at the life of a transgender teen living in Arkansas.
LGBT History Month Spotlight: Marsha P. Johnson
Disappointed that no one had shown up for a party to celebrate her 25th birthday, Marsha P. Johnson headed to the Stonewall Inn on the evening of June 27, 1969, looking for a party elsewhere. She soon found herself at the center of the Stonewall riots and was among the first to confront the police that week. A beloved mentor and fearless trans activist, Marsha was a revolutionary who dedicated her life to helping transgender youth and other marginalized people living on the streets of New York.
The Cold War of Transgender Sports
The status of trans masculine athletes participating and competing in sports at the present time is precarious at best. So many factors contribute to the experience of any athlete, and being a trans masculine person only further complicates this experience. The nature of these concerns fall into two major categories:
Equality Illinois: 'The bullies won in East Aurora'
Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois, a statewide advocacy organization, commented Saturday on the decision by the East Aurora school board to rescind policy that supported transgender and gender nonconforming staff, faculty, and students.
An Insider’s View of What Happened at the East Aurora School Board’s Meeting Rescinding Support for Transgender Students
[Commentary] East Aurora, IL School Board Caves To Hate Group
Kosilek demands state find sex-change surgeon
A convicted killer who convinced the courts to grant his taxpayer-funded sex-change operation is pushing to move forward with surgery preparations as the state appeals the case, demanding the Department of Correction help him line up a surgeon.
Sexual Minority Archives uncovers story of Marion Turner, transgender man who lived in Northampton a century ago
A century before same-sex marriage, the Gay Pride March and RuPaul’s Drag Race reality TV show, Marion Turner walked the streets of Northampton—dressed as a woman.
Study: Transgender Texans Face High Levels of Discrimination
According to research from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality, people who are transgender and/or gender non-conforming experience widespread discrimination across the country.
RIP, Janette
Damn, we'll be adding another name to the 2012 TDOR list. This time the fallen trans sister comes from my home state. According to the Dallas Voice, 43 year old Janette Tovar was murdered Tuesday by her life partner, 26 year old Jonathan Stuart Kenney.
Janette Tovar Update
UPDATE: Dallas man arrested for murder of transgender partner
Group targets transgender healthcare disparities
October is a popular month for cancer screenings for women because it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but many masculine women and transgender people won’t undergo them because of fear of discrimination and embarrassment.
Se une PRD a campaña internacional en favor de transexuales
La Comisión Nacional de la Diversidad Sexual del Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) se unió a las acciones que este sábado se realizan en el mundo para demandar que la transexualidad no sea considerada una enfermedad.
Transexuales lanzan campaña por sus derechos y por la igualdad en Salud
Los objetivos de la campaña del Movilh son que transexualidad deje de ser considerada un “trastorno” por la Organización Mundial de Salud, educar a las personas sobre la realidad del mundo trans e informar a este grupo humano sobre importantes derechos adquiridos para un trato digno.
El Movilh lanzó campaña por la igualdad de derechos de los transexuales en salud
El cambiazo de la identidad
Parece un chiste, pero es cierto: en Corrientes ya tiene media sanción un proyecto de ley que busca evitar la avivada de hacerse mujer a los sesenta años para gozar de los cinco años menos que tienen las mujeres. Otra ley hace malabares para que los políticos no aprovechen la ley de cupo haciendo un cambio de sexo.
Día Internacional de Acción por la Despatologización Trans 2012/International Day of Action for Trans Depathologization 2012
Más de 100 acciones en diferentes partes del mundo/More than 100 Actions Worldwide
PDF: Nota de prensa de STP 2012, 20 de octubre de 2012
PDF: STP 2012 Press Release, October 20, 2012
ILGA-Europe’s statement on the occasion of the International Day for Trans and Intersex Depathologisation
Today, ILGA-Europe is reiterating its support to the International Day
for Trans and Intersex Depathologisation.
TGEU Media Release: Diagnosing diversity is crazy - Trans people are sane
On the occasion of the International Action Day on Trans Depathologization Transgender Europe calls on the European states to recognize that all persons have the right to their gender identity.
Direitos de identidade
Transexualidade deverá deixar de ser doença mental (Link só para assinantes)
São José Almeida
Ontem foi o dia mundial da luta internacional pela despatologização da transexualidade. Uma data assinalada em Lisboa
A transexualidade deverá, em 2013, deixar de ser um “transtorno de identidade sexual”, ou seja, uma patologia de foro mental, na Classificação Internacional de Doenças da Organização Mundial de Saúde (CID) e também no Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatísticas de Distúrbios Mentais da Associação Psiquiátrica Americana (DSM). A classificação a adoptar deverá ser a de “disforia”, explica ao PÚBLICO Sérgio Vitorino, activista das Panteras Rosa, organização que em Portugal tem lutado desde 2007 pela despatologização das identidades “trans”, sejam transexuais, sejam transgéneros, sejam intersexuais — luta que ontem teve o seu dia mundial.
“É uma mudança muito grande e importante”, afi rma a psicóloga Gabriela Moita, vice-presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia Clínica (SPSC). Lembrando que as duas organizações já deixaram de usar a palavra transexualidade nas suas listas de doenças, Gabriela Moita explica que a mudança anunciada “signifi cará que este é um problema que merece atenção médica, mas deixa de ser uma patologia mental”.
Gabriela Moita explica ainda a diferença introduzida por esta alteração: “Se for uma perturbação, implica que tem de se tratar, porque a pessoa está doente, o sujeito é portador de uma patologia mental”, diz a psicóloga. Já “se for disforia”, passa a ser “uma situação clínica e não uma patologia mental”, ou seja, “passa a ser um problema para resolver, que necessita de apoio e de intervenção médica — não é visto como um capricho”.
Mantém-se, assim, a necessidade de acompanhamento médico que seja “subsidiado e apoiado pelos Estados”, mas agora “como situação médica e não como doença mental”, conclui a psicóloga.
Por outro lado, Gabriela Moita salienta que, em Portugal, esta mudança também terá implicações. A lei portuguesa é considerada muito evoluída porque já não obriga os trans a fazerem obrigatoriamente operações de mudança de sexo, Transexualidadade deverá deixar de ser doença mental operações aos órgãos genitais, para que possam mudar de identidade de sexo. Mas mudarão os padrões de critério da acção dos médicos, que, segundo a lei portuguesa, têm de atestar o reconhecimento da condição de transsexual.
Sérgio Vitorino sublinha que a revisão da CID, a lista da Organização Mundial de Saúde, “deveria ter terminado o ano passado e foi adiada por causa desta alteração”, que tem sido reivindicada pela acção de cerca de 400 organizações de direitos sexuais, em 63 cidades a nível mundial. E prossegue explicando que “a mudança passará por retirar a transexualidade do capítulo das doenças mentais, passando a considerá-la uma condição médica como, por exemplo, a gravidez, que necessita de assistência”, mas será reconhecido que “há casos de trans que não necessitam de ser objecto de mudança de sexo, ou seja de serem operados”.
A transexualidade perderá assim o carácter “permanente e universal” a todos os trans e passará a ter um caracter de “de um problema temporário e que se refere apenas “aos que não se sentem bem com a situação”.
Esta mudança tem implicações grandes nos países em que, por exemplo, a legislação os obriga a operações forçadas de mudança de sexo.
Sérgio Vitorino salienta a diferença de situações que existem e que “não se pode reduzir todo o [universo] trans aos transexuais”. E diz que “há quem tenha necessidade de mudar de sexo, mas há também os trangéneros e há transexuais e transgéneros que não precisam de tratamento hormonal ou genital”. Há ainda, acrescenta, “quem sinta necessidade de fazer tratamento hormonal, mas não queria mudar os seus órgãos genitais de nascença, mesmo quando não obedecem ao padrão binário do sexo que divide as pessoas em homem e mulher”, conclui o activista das Panteras Rosas, referindo-se aos intersexuais, aqueles a que tradicional e medicamente se chamam hermafroditas. Até hoje, salienta Sérgio Vitorino, “a orientação médica é normalizar a diferença de situações no binómio de identidade de sexo homens-mulheres”, isto fruto de uma situação em que “as equipas médicas que intervêm nestes processos tomam por sintomas de doença mental o efeito da transfobia sobre quem é trans e o sofrimento que essa fobia da sociedade provoca a quem é trans".
Ontem em Lisboa
O Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, em Lisboa, junto à estátua de Sousa Martins, foi ontem palco de uma performance, que assinalou o Dia Mundial do Combate à Despatologização da Transexualidade. Tendo como objectivo defender também outros direitos de identidade e de combater a exclusão, a acção realizou-se simbolicamente junto à estátua de “um médico que protegeu os pobres e os excluídos”, explicou Sérgio Vitorino.
A acção consistiu numa procissão de velas e numa missa pagã.
Más de 40.000 personas piden a la OMS que deje de considerar la transexualidad como una enfermedad mental
Ayer se celebró el Día Internacional de Acción por la Despatologización Trans. La transexualidad sigue formando parte de la lista de enfermedades mentales de la OMS. La homosexualidad fue retirada de esta lista en 1990.
'Transgender People Aren't Mentally Ill': World Health Organsation Urged To Change Classification
Transgender people already navigate a difficult path through life. Some feel their gender doesn't fit with 'male' and 'female' stereotypes at all while others feel they are born into the wrong bodies.
[Commentary] We’re not mad or sick, trans people tell doctors
[Commentary] Why Depathologization Matters to the Trans Community
USI supports first transgender rally to be held at Dáil Éireann tomorrow
In 2012, trans* people are still not recognised by the Irish State.
This Saturday at 2.30pm, trans people, friends and allies from across Ireland and Europe will ‘Rally for Recognition’ outside the gates of Dáil Éireann to demand introduction of inclusive and respectful Gender Recognition legislation that will not enshrine pathologisation of trans identities into Irish law.
‘Gays’ jailed by Cameroon for five years for drinking Baileys await appeal
Cameroonians who got five years for appearing feminine and ‘gay’ should hear today if there sentence will be reduced
Two Cameroonians, jailed for appearing gay because they drank Baileys Irish liqueur, are due to learn today (19 October) if their sentence will be reduced.
L'étonnant destin des transsexuels thailandais
House urged to ratify anti-discrimination bill
A House leader on Friday urged the House of Representatives to ratify the Anti-Discrimination Bill seeking to protect the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT).
Sydney Opera House panto sparks more trans worries
Christmas pantomime TrAnnie is insulting but anti-discrimination bosses are struggling to handle complaint, say trans campaigners
BC funds phalloplasty for trans men
But coverage too limited, says Trans Alliance chair
HRC scorecard shows drop in support for LGBT rights in Congress
Support for LGBT equality declined significantly in Congress during the past two years compared to the previous two-year period, according to a Congressional Scorecard for the 112th Congress released on Thursday by the Human Rights Campaign.
LGBT History Month Icon Of The Day: Buck Angel
Buck Angel is a transgender filmmaker, advocate, adult film star, educator, motivational speaker, and the creator of the recently launched BuckAngelDating.com, a dating site for trans men.
Christine Jorgensen
Christine Jorgensen was the first nationally known transgender American. She used her fame to speak out on behalf of transgender people.
Trial begins for D.C. cop charged with shooting trans women in car
One trial ended and another began this week in separate cases in which police and prosecutors said lesbians and transgender women were victims of violent attacks in the summer of 2011.
Rep. Rogers Amends Budget to Block Prisoner Sex Change Payments
State Rep. John Rogers said he is disappointed in a recent ruling in the U.S District Court where a judge ruled that the state’s taxpayers must pay for an inmate’s sex reassignment surgery.
GLCCB offers Trans 101 tutorial
The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Baltimore will offer a Trans 101 tutorial so that interested parties, friends and allies may learn about trans people and what challenges trans people face in both the LGBTQ community and the community at large.
Bullied Md. trans student suspended after fight
A 15-year-old transgender student at Patapsco Senior High School identified as Dee was suspended following a fight with another student, according to school officials.
Trans High School Student Suspended Following Attack
Coed bathrooms part of MSUM dorm revamp
The gender divide found in most bathrooms will soon be a thing of the past in one of Minnesota State University Moorhead’s residence halls.
Professor shows struggles of transgender people in US
For many transgender people, crossing international borders can come with a lot of hurdles.
These can include anything from delayed paperwork to discriminatory treatment in detention centers, said Aren Aizura, postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Research on Women.
2012 Transgender Justice Summit
Join us for a two-day leadership summit hosted by Basic Rights Oregon and the Portland State University Queer Resource Center! The weekend will empower trans Oregonians and our allies in our work to build a strong movement for Trans Justice statewide. We’ll share our victories and lessons learned, explore how health care discrimination plays out in our community, and build the skills we need to win the struggles ahead.
Burnett case headed for jury trial
The employment-discrimination case of Bobbie E. Burnett could become the first transgender-related discrimination case to be heard by a federal jury in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Cordova family meets with commissioner
The family of slain transgender woman Kyra Cordova met with the head of the Philadelphia Police Department last week to discuss the progress of the case.
Arrest made in NoLibs shooting
Police have arrested a man for this month’s shooting that left a transsexual woman wounded and her mother dead.
1.-) Los catálogos de psiquiatría utilizados para el “diagnóstico de la transexualidad” re-editan todo estereotipo posible sobre lo que es ser hombre o ser mujer.
2.-) La patologización de la transexualidad, re-edita la histórica tutela psiquiátrica sobre las mujeres: locas, histéricas, trastornadas, incapaces.
3.-) La identidad no se puede diagnosticar.
En Latinoamérica, como en muchos otros países de todo el mundo, aquell*s niñ*s que nacen con cuerpos sexuados que varían respecto de los promedios femeninos y masculinos son sometidos de manera rutinaria a intervenciones “normalizantes” innecesarias, no consentidas y mutilantes. En la mayoría de los casos, estas intervenciones tienen consecuencias que afectan a las personas intersex a lo largo de sus vidas, incluyendo el trauma post-quirúrgico, la insensibilidad genital y la esterilidad.
A comienzos de los años 80´ la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA) en Estados Unidos, decidió registrar un nuevo trastorno mental que denominó Trastorno de la Identidad de Género (Trastorno de la Identidad Sexual en su versión en español) para describir a personas que manifestaban pertenecer al sexo opuesto al que habían sido asignadas al nacer o que decididamente exigían modificar sus características sexuales para adecuarlas al sexo opuesto al que se les asignó al nacer. Para describir este trastorno la APA definió críterios de selección que han ido modificándose con el correr de los años y cuya interpretación queda a criterio de cada psiquíatra y/o psicólogo/a. El travestismo también fue clasificado como un trastorno mental por la APA.
Uruguay realizará diversas actividades por la inclusión sexual trans y su “despatologización”
Las actividades se enmarcan en la campaña internacional “Stop Trans Pathologization”, una iniciativa que busca una plataforma “activista internacional para impulsar acciones por la despatologización transexual en la mayoría de los países del mundo.