Transfofa em Blog

Um espaço especial e pessoal, para dar relevo a cada momento único - Bem Vind@ ao meu Blog!

domingo, abril 30, 2006

Opinion: The Plight of Transgenders in Healthcare
By Zahra Kassamali
Staff Writer
UCSF Synapse, CA
April 27, 2006 vol. 50, no. 27

Canada - Trans Day of Pride's Christine Jorgensen awards ceremony (named after one of the first people to undergo SRS) for trans activists...
[2006-04-27 Montreal Mirror]

'TransGeneration' star talks about life after hit documentary
College is a time of transition for most young adults. Nothing couldring truer for the subjects of the documentary "TransGeneration," ayear-in-the-life look at four college students - Gabbie, Lucas, Raciand T.J. - who are juggling the challenges of academia with theircommitment to transition from their birth sex.

sexta-feira, abril 28, 2006

The transgender life
Miguel began wearing lipstick at age 9.
He was born male, but said he always felt like he was female, Anne Rubenstein told a group of University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students.
By age 12, Miguel had run away from home, become a prostitute and taken the name Zulma. At 18, she went to Tijuana for a sex change operation but wound up spending six months in jail for assault.
She was stabbed to death weeks after her release from prison.

The European Union's Court of Justice has ruled that a British law which granted pension rights to transsexuals based on their original gender was illegal.

A Bronx man upset that his roommate was about to complete a sex-change operation is suspected of repeatedly stabbing him yesterday, police sources said. The suspect then tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide.

quinta-feira, abril 27, 2006

La Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGT) pidió hoy la presentación urgente de la Ley de Identidad de Género y mostró su apoyo a la Asociación de policías homosexuales.

Una mujer argentina se sometió a una operación para cambiar de sexo
La primera operación de cambio de sexo a una mujer en Argentina se practicó "con éxito" y la paciente "evolucionaba bien", aunque el resultado estético aún no es satisfactorio, informaron fuentes médicas.

Se requiere de una amplia participación del colectivo transgénero para poder formular tal petición. El Anteproyecto de la convención recoge las opiniones de varios países para prevenir, y en su caso sancionar, cualquier tipo de discriminación.

After more than a decade away from the big screen, Australian director Stephan Elliott is shifting from gender bending in the Outback to a family comedy about a wealthy dog.

Since she was 19, Robin Ledger has gone to lesbian bars, rocked out at lesbian concerts and had mostly lesbian friends. Ledger, now 23, lives in the "gay village" section of Toronto. With her boyfriend, Holden. That's right -- after coming out as a lesbian and dating women for years, Ledger is now coupled with a person who considers himself a man.
But Holden was born a woman.

quarta-feira, abril 26, 2006

To: The United Nations
Violence Against Transgendered Women Is At Critical Levels!

60% of all gender variant people are subjected to hate crimes. 8.3% of visible transwomen in the United States die by murder, versus 0.0055% in the general population. Amnesty International reports ongoing incidents of police brutality against transgendered women around the world. Yet even the United Nations does not recognize gender variant people as deserving of equal human rights.

As citizens of the world, we petition the United Nations to revise the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from "all women and men" to "all people". The United Nations stands for human equality and freedom from discrimination for any reason, including gender. Yet the term "women and men" is exclusionary of all people whose gender cannot be described by either category.

We also urge that you include the term "gender", within Article 2, "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status." This addition is suggested to protect transgendered people, whose human rights are being violated because of their exhibited gender, not their biologic sex.

The transgender population of the world is emerging, and in doing so, faces grave misunderstanding, prejudice and injustice on a daily basis. In the absence of recognition as a distinct and equal subset of humanity, transgendered people do not receive equal protection under common law or human rights. Many instances can be referenced where transgender people were not afforded equal rights nor freedoms, and have been subjected to atrocious and inhumane treatment at the hands of law makers and society at large. (See links below)

We urge the United Nations to take a leading role in including the transgender population through use of the phrase "all people", rather than excluding them by using the term "all women and men". This simple step would go a long way in setting precidents for the equal recognition and protection of all human beings of the world.


Preamble: "Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women."

Article 2: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status."

Article 16(1): "Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family.


Preamble: "Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of all people."

Article 2: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status."

Article 16(1): "People of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family.


Amnesty Reports of Police Brutality

Police Abuse and Misconduct in U.S.

Deadly Attacks and Murders in Guatemala

Frequent Sexual Assult on Transwomen

Denver Teen Attacked by Four Men

Maria Roman Assulted by Miami Police

Hijra Woman Face Violence in India

Gwen Araujo Brutally Killed

Unsolved Murder of Amancio Corrales



She took the testosterone road to manhood
An author's female-to-male transformation has turned out to be more than just sexual.
What makes a man a man? How much of our sex differences are cultural, how much hard-wired biology? Who better to ask than Max Wolf Valerio - a 49-year-old man who was once a woman?

LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET-The lawyer of the male nurse who wanted to be officially recognized as a female following a sex change operation said the concept of what a woman is should not be limited to the dictionary.

Police Say Argument Ensued Over Sex
Bond was set at $2.5 million Monday for a Chicago man charged with the April 18 murder of a transsexual at a motel in northwest suburban Elk Grove Village.

In what appears to be part of a new wave of employment discrimination suits involving transgenders, San Francisco attorney Waukeen McCoy is suing an international engineering firm on behalf of a 44-year-old pre-operative female who was forced out of her job.

A Chicago man has been charged with slaying Krystal Heskin, who was beaten 35 to 40 times on the head with a hammer, authorities said Monday.

Michelle Labagnara feels anxiety and fear.She reports to the Dane County Jail today to begin a 10-monthsentence, but when she gets there, they will classify her as a male.

segunda-feira, abril 24, 2006

The person sitting across the kitchen table has a warm and welcoming smile.
Jennifer Marie Stuart, 42, tall and dark-haired, is not reluctant to talk about herself. Indeed, she speaks with a candor that is sometimes disarming.
"I'm not what you see in a sleazy element on the "Jerry Springer Show," Stuart tells her visitor. "I'm the real thing. I want my story to be told with finesse."
In Stuart's case, it is the story of a man who has opted to become a woman.

domingo, abril 23, 2006

Ser transexual o travesti en Chile se traduce, en muchos casos, en comercio sexual. A pesar de que muchas de ellas se han capacitado para insertarse en el mercado laboral, a la hora de buscar trabajo les cierran las puertas.

La Agrupación de Transgéneros Corazones Solidarios, de Quillota, visitó la semana pasada por primera vez el Congreso gracias a una invitación cursada por el diputado Marco Enríquez-Ominami.

La Comunidad Travesti persiste con su reclamo
Ya llevan varios días de protesta en plaza 25 de Mayo con una sentada que incluye dormir en ese lugar y hasta el momento la Comunidad de Travestis y varias mujeres denominadas "Trabajadoras Sexuales" no ha logrado repercusiones con su medida. Este grupo reclama la adjudicación de viviendas por parte de la Administración Provincial de Vivienda y Urbanismo (APVyU), a cargo del ingeniero Javier Tineo.

Breast Implants Not Associated With Cancer Risk, New Study Reports
Having breast implants is not associated with an increased risk of cancer overall, a new study reports in the April issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Implants were associated with a decrease in breast cancer risk and an increased lung cancer risk, but these results likely reflect the lifestyles and smoking habits of the women in the study rather than an effect of the implants themselves, the authors conclude.

Flying Trannys bike the nation
Three transgendered people are biking across Canada this summer. No, it's not the plot of a new movie - although, Keenan Pinder admits it's not a bad idea. The Victoria social activist and transgendered person is one of the "Flying Trannys" making the trek to raise awareness about transgendered issues and suicide.

sexta-feira, abril 21, 2006

Transexual processa biblioteca por preconceito
Um transexual entrou com processo contra uma biblioteca que teria lhe negado emprego depois de descobrir que ele havia mudado de sexo, de acordo com uma corte federal de Washington, nos EUA.

Carla Antonelli es la transexual más citada en Latinoamérica, al punto que su sitio web se ha convertido en un referente obligado para quienes desean conocer la realidad de tal sector. En entrevista con OpusGay, Antonelli se refiere a las debilidades y fortalezas del movimiento transexual en la región, así como a la importancia de los medios en la lucha por más derechos.

En algún momento hace una década, Aya Kamikawa sentía tanto rechazo y discriminación de la sociedad japonesa que consideró abandonar el país donde nació.

The lawyer of the male nurse who wanted to be officially recognized as a female following a sex change operation said the concept of what a woman is should not be limited to the dictionary.

CHICAGO -- Autopsy results confirmed that a 31-year-old Michigan transsexual found Tuesday in a Motel 6 in Elk Grove Village was a homicide victim.

quinta-feira, abril 20, 2006

Recebi hoje um comentário sobre um post de dezembro (UAU que actualidade), o qual devido ao seu conteúdo ser tão absurdo devia estar entre as dez melhores bacoradas do ano (deste ou do anterior é que não sei). Alguém que se intitula Agente Silva da PSP de Setúbal, provavelmente um tlover qualquer, decidiu dar um arzinho da sua graça com impropérios dirigidos à minha pessoa. Que é um admirador de travestis ficou-se a saber pelo fervor com que defende o gajo a quem dirigi o dito post em Dezembro. Que não é agente nenhum de PSP nenhuma também, pois com a criminalidade existente hoje em dia em Portugal, não tinha mais nada que fazer do que vir para este blog com ofensas e ameaças. E que deve ser um bocado estúpido também por 3 razões: primeiro por julgar que tenho medo de ameaças, segundo por se julgar médico sexólogo e terceiro por chamar "menina" a um travesti. Deixo aqui o link directo para o meu post em questão, junto com o "comentário", para que se torne notória a imbecilidade de certos e alguns...

Mais uma vez vejo-me obrigada a perder...

O comentário:
Agente Silva (PSP Setúbal) said...
olá FOFINHO... é assim: espécie de aborto mal parido é você, porque se diz ser trans e de trans você não tem nada... sua paneleira mal fodida... em 2º lugar travesti é você, porque de travesti tem mto... mais de travesti do que trans... e em 3º lugar, o próximo post que fizer acerca desta menina, vou atr´s de si, quer onde você esteja, e arranco-lhe essa cabeleira postiça ao estalo e ao pontapé... que é isso que você merece... adeusinho... ABERRAÇÃO ABORTADA!!

19 Abril, 2006 18:23

quarta-feira, abril 19, 2006

Depois de uma semana calma, em que pouco ou nada mesmo houve a noticiar, aqui venho postar. Só na Sexta, tive a notícia de que a celebérrima Roberta Close, e depois de 15 anos de espera, mudou finalmente o nome da sua carta de condução de Luiz Roberto Gambine Moreira para Luiza Roberta Gambine Moreira, sendo que proximamente espero aqui noticiar que tenha também mudado já o nome no seu BI, processo que se encontra já em curso.

Mas, tirando esta pequena notícia, nada mais houve de relevante. Sucedem-se em várias partes do mundo as marchas do orgulho gay, nomeadamente no Brasil, onde segundo consta, as várias associações de trangenders têm tido parte activa nessas manifestações de luta por direitos e reconhecimentos negados.

E pensei em como seria viver num Portugal onde a comunidade LGBT estivesse unida, onde houvesse mobilização, onde uma manifestação contra episódios homofóbicos reunisse uma enorme massa popular, não só gays, lesbicas, bissexuais ou trangenders, mas mesmo apoiantes, simpatizantes, ou até adversários que nos respeitassem.

Depois abro os olhos e vejo a nossa realidade: no meu caso pessoal, transexual feminina, e como tal sendo discriminada pela sociedade em geral, mais por muitos gays e/ou lésbicas, procurando apoio das outras trans que existem, e que vejo? Salvo raras excepções, uma ou outra que aqui e ali tentam nadar contra a maré, vejo que a grande maioria foi dominada pelo dinheiro.

Por serem transexuais, são condenadas à prostituição, onde em pouco tempo ganham o suficiente para poderem modificar no seu corpo tudo ou quase tudo que queiram. Isto num país onde os processos de transexualidade são dificultados ao máximo, quiçá por razões económicas também (uma operação de mudança de sexo custa uma fortuna ao Estado). Assim sendo a transexual passa de ser humano a mero objecto sexual.

Com uma grande ajuda dos chamados T-lovers, que por mais que gostem de transexuais, e apesar de uns 3 ou 4 aparecerem nuns jantares supostamente dedicados a nós, não conseguem sequer dar a cara numa foto rodeados de transexuais, muitos nem sequer têm coragem de aparecer ao nosso lado num inócuo café ao fim da tarde.

Não seria mais lógico e já que gostam tanto de nós, tentarem ajudar-nos a ganhar o respeito que merecemos por sermos seres humanos? Arranjarmos trabalhos condignos? Ajudar a acabar com a discriminação?

Quantos e quantos deles, a grande maioria casados, não aparecem nos chats da net procurando transexuais para "experiências"? Para "saberem como é"? e quando têm hipótese de defender alguma trans, são os primeiros a mandar pedras, para que ninguem desconfie deles?

E que fazem as trans? Tentam mudar este "état de choses"? Não, acomodam-se, e até provocam esses comportamentos, conquistadas por dinheiro fácil para se encherem de silicone e botox em todo o lado onde seja possível.

Dignidade? Não paga os seios de silicone, então serve para quê?

Postei isto a 06/06/2005, no meu segundo blog, e sem mais nada de para postar, resolvi recuperar uns pensamentos que não perderam nada com o tempo. Já andava a pensar em recuperar posts mais pessoais para dar um fim aos dois blogs antigos, de maneira a ficar só este

domingo, abril 16, 2006

The life of Gwen Araujo, the Newark boy who identified and lived as a girl and was killed because of it, is being made into a TV movie by Lifetime.
That may seem like a racy topic for a network whose forte is family stories -- and is most popular in the American heartland -- but network executives believe it's high time the story of Gwen, and those like her, be told from a family's point of view.

sábado, abril 15, 2006

PAKISTAN: Hijras caught in no man's land between two genders

LAHORE, 12 Apr 2006 - Looking carefully at her reflection in a shop window, Azra combs out her dark, somewhat stringy hair. She then coyly flicks the lock back over her shoulder, adjusts her red 'duppatta' (scarf), and approaches two women shopping in Pakistan's western city of Lahore. In response to her high-pitched pleas, and saucy comments about their looks, the women hand over a few coins – and Azra sways away, her hips swinging as she moves down the pavement.

Alega inicia una campaña de sensibilización
La Asociación de Lesbianas y Gays de Cantabria (Alega) ha puesta en marcha una campaña de sensibilización para tratar de ganar apoyos sociales para los transexuales, ante la tramitación de la Ley de Identidad que ha anunciado el Gabinete de Rodríguez Zapatero. Esa ley permitirá el cambio de nombre y sexo en los documentos de identidad a los transexuales, según indicó hace un año la vicepresidenta del Gobierno, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega. Alega trabajará para impulsar la tramitación de la ley y para demandar que la sanidad pública pague las operaciones de cambio de sexo.

El encuentro, organizado por la asociación El Hombre Transexual, se celebran los días 29 y 30 de abril y 1 de mayo en la facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma.

Una mujer transgénero ratificó el pasado 5 de abril ante el Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (Conapred) una queja contra una institución bancaria por la cancelación de su cuenta de ahorros, cuyo argumento fue "porque es travesti".

Drag Luxuria é eleita para o parlamento italiano com mais quatro gays

As conturbadas eleições italianas deram resultado positivo para a comunidade GLBT. Cinco candidatos homossexuais assumidos foram eleitos ao parlamento, entre eles Vladimir Luxuria, drag conhecida da noite.
Todos os cinco são da coligação Unione, que reúne partidos de esquerda e centro-esquerda, comandado pelo primeiro-ministro eleito Romano Prodi.
Luxúria é a primeira transgênero a fazer parte do parlamento europeu. “Não me julguem pela minha aparência, não me julguem pela minha orientação sexual. Por favor, me julguem pelas minhas idéias”, costuma dizer.
Organizações de defesa dos direitos GLBTs comemoraram a eleição da drag. Segundo Riccardo Gottardi, da International Gay and Lesbian Association, essa é “uma vitória para toda a Europa”.

Town school officials canceled the appearance of noted transsexual Kate Bornstein at next week's Wellness Day at Fox Lane High following a businessman's complaint that it was inappropriate for teens to hear her message.

Northampton Chronicle & Echo, UK
12 April 2006
Ridiculed after changing sex
A transsexual flower seller has been awarded £500 after telling an employment tribunal she became suicidal after being constantly ridiculed by staff at the Morrisons supermarket she worked for.

quarta-feira, abril 12, 2006

Conselho quer que município pague cirurgia para transexuais
Operação feita pelo HB é cobrada; entidade propõe custeio para procedimento em São Paulo

Alma feminina em corpo de homem
Cirurgia realizada em Belo Horizonte desde 1999 transforma homens insatisfeitos em mulheres plenas

Mudança de sexo
Pacientes revelam como se sentem depois da nova identidade. No Brasil, apenas seis transexuais conseguiram trocar de sexo e de nome

Australia - Body modification as self-mutilation by proxy... [2006-04-10 On Line Opinion]
The cutting up that girls do secretly in their bedrooms, the nipple piercing that is performed in high street studios, breast implant surgery, sex reassignment surgery, are connected. They are all forms of self-mutilation, and increasingly the cutting is carried out by proxies for a profit. They are responses to low social status, sexual and physical abuse or severe emotional distress created by a male dominant society which does not accept women's varied body shapes or condemns homosexuality.

Tax dollars and a sex change: a story of one patient
For more than two decades, Andy had collected monthly disability checks and food stamps. Taxpayers picked up his medical bills, too, including the cost of more than half a dozen stays in mental hospitals. But Andy has a job now and says his life is finally under control. He says he received his last disability check this month.What's changed?

Few private policies cover sex changes
The vast majority of private insurance carriers and self-insured employers don't cover sex-reassignment surgery, the state Insurance Commissioner's Office says.

Transgender is more than a physical image, it's identity
Jacob Mueller is on staff at UIC's Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns.

Town pools in to fund sex change
Babobhai can barely contain his excitement about having metamorphosed into a woman - Jayshree. Twenty-five years after Babobhai, 41, realised he was a woman trapped inside the body of a man, it was a moment of liberation when he recently went under the scalpel to get a sexchange operation done.

terça-feira, abril 11, 2006

Huffman, sans Oscar, wins Sarasota's affection
When Felicity Huffman walked into a theater at the Regal Hollywood 20 on Friday night, four girls wearing "Felicity Was Robbed" T-shirts joined in the standing ovation.

Transsexual UK
Sarah fell in love with Stephen. But Stephen was born a girl. Their wedding is one of hundreds involving sex-change partners since a change in the law

"The Gwen Araujo Story" film's creators hope to educate people about the struggle of gender...
Gwen Araujo's tragic story adapted for TV audience Lifetime channel plans to air movie on slain transgender teen in June
The story of slain Newark transgender teen Gwen Araujo has been told in court, on TV and in the newspapers. Now, it will appear in movie form. The Lifetime channel, in conjunction with Sony Pictures Television, began production of the film April 2 in Vancouver. It is expected to air in June. Currently titled "The Gwen Araujo Story," the film's creators hope to educate people about the struggle of gender identity.

Vladimir Luxuria, who is set to become Italy's first trans-gender member of parliament, has learned to look his detractors "straight in the eye" and get on with the causes dear to his heart.

segunda-feira, abril 10, 2006

'Christine Jorgensen' is profile in courage
Christine Jorgensen is one of those names that people growing up in the 1950s associated with a kind of outside-the-mainstream perversity. There were dope smokers. Communists. Homosexuals. And Christine Jorgensen.

Britain - Transvestite Nahdi "Dana" Mudwai dies in River Thames...
A transvestite jumped to his death in the Thames after his family couldn't accept his lifestyle, according to a coroner's report.

D.C. bars discrimination based on gender identity
Employers and housing providers in the city are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender identity or gender _expression following an amendment to the D.C. Human Rights Act. The new provisions took effect March 8.

A third-gender passage to India
When Ash Kotak wrote a play called Hijra, he had no illusions that most audiences in the West would have simply no frame of reference. Hijras, often called India's third gender or eunuchs, have been part of Indian tradition through Hindu lore and Muslim courts. When Kotak, who was born in North London to Indian parents, went back to India on visits, he would see hijras dancing at weddings. "It was quite remarkable to see that in a country where homosexuality itself was illegal," he says.

sexta-feira, abril 07, 2006

Domestic violence has affected 62 per cent of male-female transgender respondents, in a new survey released in Australia.
The "Private Lives" survey also revealed higher rates of violence within lesbian relationships when compared with gay males. Overall, one-third of all respondents reported abuse within their relationship.

Symposium explores gender issues
A discussion on sex-segregated facilities was only one of 19 presentations that make up TRANSforming Gender, a three-day symposium that began Wednesday, April 5, in Old Main.

New Theory on Trans Rights
Terrorism expert's court victory says '64 Act protects gender _expression
Diane J. Schroer, a military terrorism expert whose hiring as a terrorism researcher at the Library of Congress was rescinded when she disclosed her transsexual status, has won the right to appeal the decision based on a new, more encompassing theory of federal transgender rights.

Transwoman founds 24/7 independent women's radio station
"Do you want the edited or the unedited version?" Stephanie Romanowski asks about the founding of Nowhere To Go Radio (, the San Jose, California-based streaming music site established in 2004.

quinta-feira, abril 06, 2006

Investigadora Renata Pereira de Azevedo, 26, afirma ser vítima de discriminação da própria Polícia Civil de São Paulo, onde trabalha desde 2001. Renata, que é transexual e na realidade se chama Renato, denunciou ao Ministério Público e à Secretaria da Justiça e Defesa da Cidadania integrantes da cúpula da polícia por prevaricação, abuso de autoridade e discriminação.

O primeiro caso envolve uma transexual que ainda não realizou a operação para adequação de sexo e entrou com processo de mudança de nome e de sexo em documentos públicos.

Candidata transexual elegida secretaria general de la Asociación Mundial de Lesbianas y Gays
La candidata al Congreso de la República por el Movimiento Nueva Izquierda (MNI), Belissa Andía fue electa en la ciudad suiza de Ginebra secretaria general de la Asociación Mundial de Lesbianas y Gays.

El fiscal apoya en el juicio a un transexual sin operación que pide el cambio de sexo
Un juzgado logroñés celebró ayer la vista del caso de un joven brasileño que desea cambiar de nombre y condición sexual La demanda aporta informes favorables de un perito y un forense

quarta-feira, abril 05, 2006

Depois de todas as polémicas passadas sobre o triste destino de Gisberta, era lícito pensar-se que os media já tivessem apreendido que estavam a falar de uma transexual.
Qual não foi o meu espanto quando ontem, no jornal da noite da SIC, relataram a notícia sobre o resultado do relatório sobre a instituição onde estavam os delinquentes que a assassinaram (o qual ilibou completamente a instituição de toda e qualquer culpa, LOL, que admiração!!!), referindo-se durante a peça a Gisberta como "O sem abrigo" e posteriormente como "o travesti".
Parece que afinal todas as vozes que se levantaram contra tal desrespeitoso tratamento não chegaram ao céu. Ou então existe alguém na SIC que demonstra necessitar urgentemente de um aparelho auditivo.

Transgender movement emerging from shadows
Shawn Coleman bristles when an application poses the question "male or female?"--as if there are only two choices.

Transgender community searches for place in campus life
The first openly transgender candidate for Congress in the state of Missouri, Midge Potts, has become front-page news.

Protect trans Yalies from discrimination
Most students would agree that Yale's nondiscrimination policy is fairly complete: Sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, status as a veteran and sexual orientation cover just about everyone, don't they? Well, not quite everyone. Despite a growing push among universities and state governments nationwide, Yale has yet to adopt language that would specifically protect transgender students, faculty and staff from discrimination.

Tired of male domination, 5 Saudi women change sex
Tired of playing second fiddle to men in conservative Saudi Arabia, five women decided if you can't beat them, join them.

Transgender woman sues employer over harassment claims
A transgender woman who claims she was harassed at work after starting to dress as a female has sued her employer, alleging the company allowed a hostile work environment.

Vietnam - Cosmetic or sexual reassignment surgery now cause for mandatory beauty pageant exclusion...
New regulations issued on March 31 will control the operations of beauty pageants, with particular focus on their intelligence.

Tel Aviv man confesses to murdering transsexual
A Tel Aviv man on Thursday confessed to murdering Israel's first surgically transformed transsexual Yardena Marsh, and of killing another woman.

Piden transexuales de Tijuana, asilo en EU
Miembros de la comunidad transexual de esta ciudad acudieron a la Corte de Migración en San Francisco, para solicitar asilo político, toda vez que su integridad física y moral han sido violadas constantemente por elementos de la Policía Municipal, informó Víctor Clark Alfaro, director del Centro Binacional de Derechos Humanos en Tijuana.

Transgender politician finds Japan more accepting
Thanks to the prominence of a 38-year-old transgender politician in Tokyo, Japan is becoming more accepting of transgender people in general, even passing a law allowing them to change the sex listed on their birth certificates.

Dog muck taunts led to transsexual suicide
Abuse from neighbours led a transsexual recluse to hang herself, an inquest heard today.

segunda-feira, abril 03, 2006

In this first installment of The Advocate's exclusive new series, the author talks about how her wife, her gay male friends, and the movie Transamerica inspired her to reach out to you, our readers, to answer all your questions about transgender, whether you were afraid to ask or not.

Final defendant in Araujo case to serve six-year term
One minute, Jason Michael Cazares was cradling his newborn son. The next, he was being led to a holding cell by a sheriffs deputy.

Girl went under knife, becoming a man.

A girl who went under surgery knife four times for a sex change on Wednesday exposed "himself" to the public in Zhongshan Hospital, Xiamen, east China's Fujian Province.

School Board Chief Resigns After Approving Transgender Teacher

The president of the Eagleswood Township school board has resigned, one month after hiring a substitute teacher who underwent a sex change operation.