What will hate crime legislation mean for you?
New legislation that will protect queer people in Scotland will pass into law next month, making Scotland the first country in Europe to implement hate crime law which covers transphobic hate crime.
[Belgium] [Science/Medicine]
Glottoplasty for Male-to-Female Transsexualism: Voice Results
The aim of this study was to evaluate the objective voice results of Wendler's glottoplasty in male-to-female transsexuals(...)
Wendler's glottoplasty can contribute to feminize the voice.
Turkey urged to prevent attacks on trans people
Human rights activists have called on Turkey to do more to prevent violence against trans people.
According to Human Rights Watch, eight trans people have been murdered in Istanbul and Ankara since November 2008 and two trans women have been killed this month.
Activists urge Turkey to protect trans citizens
[Commentary] Government says no gays in our families
[Uganda] [Blog/Commentary]
The Ugandan Death Bill
See previous posts on the subject. Under section 18, being Transsexual is a "related offence" too.
Tras fallo histórico de Corte personas transexuales Pakistán comienzan ingresar en trabajos
Vestida de mujer y con un aro en la nariz, Shahzadi se acomoda el velo sobre su cabeza mientras ingresa al Consejo del Cantón de Clifton, una oficina estatal de Pakistán que la contrató tras un fallo histórico de la Corte Suprema de Justicia que reconoció la igualdad ante la ley de las personas transgénero y/o transexuales.
Over 100 Arrested
On February 25, 2010 at 1a.m, Pattaya Police plus Police volunteers went to wipe out a group of lay boys and illegal prostitutes along Pattaya beach. The operation was made to create safety to tourists and also to protect and reduce the crime scene.
There are many complaints from foreign tourists that a group of lady boys and prostitutes offered sexual service along to tourists along the beach without any fear of law and this cause bad image to tourism of Pattaya. After their sexual service had been purchased, some of those plied their customers with sleeping pills or anesthetic and then making a robbery. For lady boys most of them liked to pickpocket tourists and cause nuisance to tourists.
Saitama public school board conducts Japan's first survey of transgendered students
More than 10 children in Saitama Prefecture's public schools have Gender Identity Disorder, a recent survey of students in primary school through high school revealed Thursday.
Gender Identity Disorder girl allowed to attend school as boy
A teenager diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID) has been allowed to attend her school as a boy from April.
The 13-year-old girl, who has felt uncomfortable with her gender since around 2 years old, will attend her public junior high school in Kagoshima as a boy from the new school year.
[Australia] [Arts/Dance]
The Arts Centre Presents Shanghai Beauty
Chinese dancer Jin Xing is no stranger to big audiences. Recognised as China's number one dancer and the director of the first independent dance group in China, she has danced her way across Asia, America and Europe.
Sydney Mardi Gras to showcase history
Excerpt: For the first time a transsexual - model and performer Amanda Lepore - will lead the parade.
Baby Dee (1953 - ) musician
Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Baby Dee started as a street musician in New York while studying Gregorian chant and Renaissance music. On teachers advice Dee learned to play organ and got a job in a church. However Dee felt a need to stop pretending to be a man, and transitioned to female. However she found this emotionally devastating as she was a constant object of staring and commentary. She left the church work and returned to street performance, and emphasized her appearance to give people something to look at. She worked in side shows on Coney Island as a bilateral hermaphrodite, and in circuses. She also played a harp while riding a tricycle through downtown Manhattan in a catsuit. (Photo)
Prodigal Sons -- Film Review
Homegrown documentaries dealing with gender issues and family dysfunction by now are a dime a dozen, but Kimberly Reed's "Prodigal Sons" is definitely unique. Depicting the transgender woman filmmaker's return to her Montana hometown for her 20th high school reunion, the film delivers a midway narrative revelation so unexpected and bizarre that one is tempted to doubt its veracity.
“Prodigal Sons’” Kim Reed: From Footballer to Female Filmmaker
Film Review: Prodigal Sons
Kimberly Reed: Golden Boy Makes Good
Police search for suspects in hate crime pipe attack
The San Francisco Police Department released images and information Friday in an effort to identify two suspects in a Jan. 31, 2010 attack that authorities are describing as a hate-crime assault on a transgender female and a male friend.
Transgender filmmaker brings her story to CCSU
How does a mother handle it when her son says he’d rather be her daughter? How does a wife react when her husband wants to be a woman?
Vancouver filmmaker Gwen Haworth — born Steven Haworth — addressed those questions in her documentary film “She’s a Boy I Knew,” screened Wednesday night at Central Connecticut State University.
Federal Housing Agency Studies Discrimination Against LGBT Communities
The federal housing department is on a nationwide tour as it prepares to do its first-ever study on housing discrimination against gays and lesbians. Chicago is the first stop.
Supporters of fairness bills rally in Capitol
A rally in the Capitol rotunda on Wednesday called for an end to discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Kentuckians.
Transgender guidelines stir controversy
A draft of guidelines from the Maine Human Rights Commission that would inform schools and colleges of the rights of transgender students in Maine has sparked some debate about possible unintended consequences the guidelines could have on University of Maine athletics.
Transsexual snared in West New York's drive against prostitution, sparked by community complaints
Coy S. Gordon expected it to be a normal night of work - a transsexual sex romp with a "john" for anywhere from $100 to $180. But Gordon got more than she bargained for one night last week.
Gordon, 42, was arrested by a West New York undercover cop.
DART asked to add trans protections
LGBT leaders also call for investigation of agency’s involvement in employee’s gender-marker case.
San Antonio police officer charged with sexually assaulting transgender man
A San Antonio Police officer was arrested and is accused of sexually assaulting a transgender man.
The man claims officer Craig Nash picked him just south of Downtown early Thursday morning, handcuffed him, and told him to lay down in the back seat of a patrol car. He told investigators Nash then drove to a nearby location, un-handcuffed him, and sexually assaulted him.
SAPD cop accused in rape of man
[Guyana] [Blog/Commentary]
Cross-dressing in Guyana: Is the Supreme Court Courageous?
In recent times, it seems that those occasions when a 40th anniversary is celebrated, that as a milestone event, it has taken on a greater significance beyond, as the saying goes, “life begins at 40.” The Indian High Court ruled in its landmark decision in June 2009 that being homosexual is not a crime and that the law, Section 337, imposed by the British in 1861 during colonial rule, was itself antithetical to the Indian Constitution. Around the world, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community was celebrating and commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which occurred in Greenwich Village in New York City.
[Letters to the Editor] Nothing ‘historic’ about cross-dressing motion
Prejuicios contra la diversidad sexual todavía persisten en Medellín
A pesar de las políticas públicas y los esfuerzos de las autoridades el reproche social contra la comunidad LGBT continúa.
"La discriminación con la población LGBT es permanente. Por ejemplo, nosotros no podemos donar sangre. Cómo es posible que en una carencia permanente de plasma, nosotros no podamos contribuir con ello", dice Juan Guillermo Ospina, comunicador social, diseñador gráfico y defensor incansable por el respeto de su comunidad.
Defensoría del Pueblo prometió atender demandas de asociaciones civiles sexodiversas
La defensora del pueblo, Gabriela Ramírez, realizó una mesa de trabajo con representantes de asociaciones civiles sexodiversas, integradas por miembros de la comunidad de gays, lesbianas, transexuales y bisexuales (LGBT) del país.
Distribuyen afiches contra las minorías sexuales en Puerto Montt
En el centro de la ciudad, evangélicos difunden carteles donde sostienen que la promoción del respeto a la diversidad sexual llevará a los jóvenes a un “”despeñadero”, por ser la homosexualidad y la transexualidad “indignas formas de vida y una desviación”. Estudiantes de Puerto Montt expresaron preocupación al Movilh.
"Transexualidad y homosexualidad son indignas, desviación y zoofilias": ladran evangélicos de Chile
Movimiento homosexual de Chile denuncia campaña contra minorías sexuales en Puerto Montt
What will hate crime legislation mean for you?
New legislation that will protect queer people in Scotland will pass into law next month, making Scotland the first country in Europe to implement hate crime law which covers transphobic hate crime.
[Belgium] [Science/Medicine]
Glottoplasty for Male-to-Female Transsexualism: Voice Results
The aim of this study was to evaluate the objective voice results of Wendler's glottoplasty in male-to-female transsexuals(...)
Wendler's glottoplasty can contribute to feminize the voice.
Turkey urged to prevent attacks on trans people
Human rights activists have called on Turkey to do more to prevent violence against trans people.
According to Human Rights Watch, eight trans people have been murdered in Istanbul and Ankara since November 2008 and two trans women have been killed this month.
Activists urge Turkey to protect trans citizens
[Commentary] Government says no gays in our families
[Uganda] [Blog/Commentary]
The Ugandan Death Bill
See previous posts on the subject. Under section 18, being Transsexual is a "related offence" too.
Tras fallo histórico de Corte personas transexuales Pakistán comienzan ingresar en trabajos
Vestida de mujer y con un aro en la nariz, Shahzadi se acomoda el velo sobre su cabeza mientras ingresa al Consejo del Cantón de Clifton, una oficina estatal de Pakistán que la contrató tras un fallo histórico de la Corte Suprema de Justicia que reconoció la igualdad ante la ley de las personas transgénero y/o transexuales.
Over 100 Arrested
On February 25, 2010 at 1a.m, Pattaya Police plus Police volunteers went to wipe out a group of lay boys and illegal prostitutes along Pattaya beach. The operation was made to create safety to tourists and also to protect and reduce the crime scene.
There are many complaints from foreign tourists that a group of lady boys and prostitutes offered sexual service along to tourists along the beach without any fear of law and this cause bad image to tourism of Pattaya. After their sexual service had been purchased, some of those plied their customers with sleeping pills or anesthetic and then making a robbery. For lady boys most of them liked to pickpocket tourists and cause nuisance to tourists.
Saitama public school board conducts Japan's first survey of transgendered students
More than 10 children in Saitama Prefecture's public schools have Gender Identity Disorder, a recent survey of students in primary school through high school revealed Thursday.
Gender Identity Disorder girl allowed to attend school as boy
A teenager diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID) has been allowed to attend her school as a boy from April.
The 13-year-old girl, who has felt uncomfortable with her gender since around 2 years old, will attend her public junior high school in Kagoshima as a boy from the new school year.
[Australia] [Arts/Dance]
The Arts Centre Presents Shanghai Beauty
Chinese dancer Jin Xing is no stranger to big audiences. Recognised as China's number one dancer and the director of the first independent dance group in China, she has danced her way across Asia, America and Europe.
Sydney Mardi Gras to showcase history
Excerpt: For the first time a transsexual - model and performer Amanda Lepore - will lead the parade.

Baby Dee (1953 - ) musician
Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Baby Dee started as a street musician in New York while studying Gregorian chant and Renaissance music. On teachers advice Dee learned to play organ and got a job in a church. However Dee felt a need to stop pretending to be a man, and transitioned to female. However she found this emotionally devastating as she was a constant object of staring and commentary. She left the church work and returned to street performance, and emphasized her appearance to give people something to look at. She worked in side shows on Coney Island as a bilateral hermaphrodite, and in circuses. She also played a harp while riding a tricycle through downtown Manhattan in a catsuit. (Photo)
Prodigal Sons -- Film Review
Homegrown documentaries dealing with gender issues and family dysfunction by now are a dime a dozen, but Kimberly Reed's "Prodigal Sons" is definitely unique. Depicting the transgender woman filmmaker's return to her Montana hometown for her 20th high school reunion, the film delivers a midway narrative revelation so unexpected and bizarre that one is tempted to doubt its veracity.
“Prodigal Sons’” Kim Reed: From Footballer to Female Filmmaker
Film Review: Prodigal Sons
Kimberly Reed: Golden Boy Makes Good
Police search for suspects in hate crime pipe attack
The San Francisco Police Department released images and information Friday in an effort to identify two suspects in a Jan. 31, 2010 attack that authorities are describing as a hate-crime assault on a transgender female and a male friend.
Transgender filmmaker brings her story to CCSU
How does a mother handle it when her son says he’d rather be her daughter? How does a wife react when her husband wants to be a woman?
Vancouver filmmaker Gwen Haworth — born Steven Haworth — addressed those questions in her documentary film “She’s a Boy I Knew,” screened Wednesday night at Central Connecticut State University.
Federal Housing Agency Studies Discrimination Against LGBT Communities
The federal housing department is on a nationwide tour as it prepares to do its first-ever study on housing discrimination against gays and lesbians. Chicago is the first stop.
Supporters of fairness bills rally in Capitol
A rally in the Capitol rotunda on Wednesday called for an end to discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Kentuckians.
Transgender guidelines stir controversy
A draft of guidelines from the Maine Human Rights Commission that would inform schools and colleges of the rights of transgender students in Maine has sparked some debate about possible unintended consequences the guidelines could have on University of Maine athletics.
Transsexual snared in West New York's drive against prostitution, sparked by community complaints
Coy S. Gordon expected it to be a normal night of work - a transsexual sex romp with a "john" for anywhere from $100 to $180. But Gordon got more than she bargained for one night last week.
Gordon, 42, was arrested by a West New York undercover cop.
DART asked to add trans protections
LGBT leaders also call for investigation of agency’s involvement in employee’s gender-marker case.
San Antonio police officer charged with sexually assaulting transgender man
A San Antonio Police officer was arrested and is accused of sexually assaulting a transgender man.
The man claims officer Craig Nash picked him just south of Downtown early Thursday morning, handcuffed him, and told him to lay down in the back seat of a patrol car. He told investigators Nash then drove to a nearby location, un-handcuffed him, and sexually assaulted him.
SAPD cop accused in rape of man
[Guyana] [Blog/Commentary]
Cross-dressing in Guyana: Is the Supreme Court Courageous?
In recent times, it seems that those occasions when a 40th anniversary is celebrated, that as a milestone event, it has taken on a greater significance beyond, as the saying goes, “life begins at 40.” The Indian High Court ruled in its landmark decision in June 2009 that being homosexual is not a crime and that the law, Section 337, imposed by the British in 1861 during colonial rule, was itself antithetical to the Indian Constitution. Around the world, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community was celebrating and commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which occurred in Greenwich Village in New York City.
[Letters to the Editor] Nothing ‘historic’ about cross-dressing motion
Prejuicios contra la diversidad sexual todavía persisten en Medellín
A pesar de las políticas públicas y los esfuerzos de las autoridades el reproche social contra la comunidad LGBT continúa.
"La discriminación con la población LGBT es permanente. Por ejemplo, nosotros no podemos donar sangre. Cómo es posible que en una carencia permanente de plasma, nosotros no podamos contribuir con ello", dice Juan Guillermo Ospina, comunicador social, diseñador gráfico y defensor incansable por el respeto de su comunidad.
Defensoría del Pueblo prometió atender demandas de asociaciones civiles sexodiversas
La defensora del pueblo, Gabriela Ramírez, realizó una mesa de trabajo con representantes de asociaciones civiles sexodiversas, integradas por miembros de la comunidad de gays, lesbianas, transexuales y bisexuales (LGBT) del país.
Distribuyen afiches contra las minorías sexuales en Puerto Montt
En el centro de la ciudad, evangélicos difunden carteles donde sostienen que la promoción del respeto a la diversidad sexual llevará a los jóvenes a un “”despeñadero”, por ser la homosexualidad y la transexualidad “indignas formas de vida y una desviación”. Estudiantes de Puerto Montt expresaron preocupación al Movilh.
"Transexualidad y homosexualidad son indignas, desviación y zoofilias": ladran evangélicos de Chile
Movimiento homosexual de Chile denuncia campaña contra minorías sexuales en Puerto Montt