Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, maio 30, 2011

Família de José Carlos Silva, 42 anos, considerou pena branda Travesti leva 16 anos por mutilar companheiro até à morte
"Só 16 anos por um crime destes, doutor juiz, só 16 anos para um assassino daqueles que nunca se arrependeu? É uma injustiça", gritava, indignada, dentro da sala de audiências, no final da leitura do acórdão, ontem no Tribunal de Guimarães, a irmã de José Carlos Silva, o homem de 42 anos assassinado à facada, em Junho do ano passado, pelo travesti com quem mantinha uma relação.
Homem de 21 anos Condenado a 16 anos de prisão por esfaquear namorado

Travesti é morta em São Paulo por não dar troco de R$ 10
Por não ter troco de R$ 10, travesti é morta com sete tiros na zona oeste de São Paulo

RJ: Policial é encontrado morto após programa com travesti
No último sábado (28), o sargento da Polícia Militar Augusto Cézar de Carvalho Silva, 51, foi encontrado morto em um quarto de hotel na Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, após ter tido relações sexuais com uma travesti.

Espírito Santo passa a aceitar nome social nas escolas
Alunos e alunas trans do Espírito Santo agora podem usar seus nomes sociais na escola

Administraciones y partidos reciben las reclamaciones del colectivo transexual tras Encuentro en Valencia
La FELGTB ha enviado las conclusiones del Encuentro de Transexuales que remarcan sus necesidades en salud, educación, trabajo y dignidad

Carla Antonelli se convierte en la primera mujer transexual que va a sentarse en un parlamento en España
Carla Antonelli, actriz y defensora de los derechos de los gays, lesbianas y transexuales, se convierte en la primera mujer transexual que ocupe un escaño en la Asamblea de Madrid, y por extensión también en toda España. Va en el número 18 de la lista que encabeza Tomás Gómez en el Partido Socialista de Madrid (PSM), y esta formación política ha conseguido 36 escaños en las elecciones del pasado domingo.

Gay movement contests court decision
The Malta Gay Rights Movement said the failure of the Constitutional Court to recognise transgender Joanne Cassar as a woman goes against the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights as expressed in Goodwin vs UK and other recent judgements and also jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.
Transsexual’s marriage case to be taken to ECHR
Transgender to seek right to marry from European court
I’m not inferior to other women – Joanne Cassar

Afghanistan's accidental gay pride
The embarrassment over the trend for rainbow flags on cars in Kabul reminds us how far Afghanistan is from the liberal west
If you are gay and proud, Afghanistan is quite likely the last place on earth to show it publicly. How, then, are we supposed to make sense of the recent very conspicuous appearance of the rainbow-coloured gay pride symbols all over the streets of Kabul and other urban centres?

Pushed out of train, techie loses limbs
A young software engineer's dreams of making it big have been shattered after pushed out of a moving train allegedly by a group of eunuchs.

[India] [Film]
'Third Man' a movie on the life of Hijras
Now a movie on the life of Hijras is being made in Telugu film industry. The film has been titled 'Third Man'. 'Bomma Borusu Kadu' has been finalised at the tagline for the title.

Stigma, violence continue to repress LGBTIQ groups
Widespread and deeply rooted prejudice and discrimination continue to repress the freedom and confidence of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transsexual, intersex and questioning (LGBTIQ) people, activists say.

Burmese Gay Rights Activists Denounce Discrimination
Anti-homophobia activists from Burma who attended an event in Chiang Mai, Thailand, last week said that gays and transsexuals in the country are subjected to systematic abuse and ill-treatment in their country.
The event, held to mark International Day Against Homophobia, attracted about 40 gay rights activists from Burma.

LGBT group slams Pacmom on pill usage, RH bill
It's now the LGBT (lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender) community vs. Pacmom, following her statement about transsexuals using contraceptive pills to bring out feminine bodily characteristics.

[Australia] [Commentary]
AHRC report released
On May 4 the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) released 2011 Addressing Sexual Orientation and Sex and/or Gender Identity Discrimination: Consultation Report — available at — which summarises submissions received and results of roundtable discussions in Melbourne and Sydney.

Transgender discrimination outlawed
The state of Nevada has narrowly passed a law prohibiting employers from discriminating against transgender people.
Transgender discrimination bills pass Nevada Assembly, head to governor
Sandoval will get 2 bills to prohibit transgender discrimination
2 more transgender bills inch closer to Nevada law
Sandoval to sign bill today protecting transgender workers
Sandoval signs transgender job discrimination bill
Gov. Signs Transgender Anti-Discrimination Bill
Nevada Gov. Signs Pro-Trans Law
Gov. Brian Sandoval Signs Transgender Employment Protections in Nevada
Nevada governor signs first of three bills expanding transgender rights
Nevada governor signs transgender protection law

Tenn. Green-Lights Discrimination
Inspired by antigay animus, Tennessee has passed a bill that abolishes antidiscrimination ordinances passed by cities and counties, effectively leaving LGBT people susceptible to bias in everything from housing to employment.
TN governor signs anti-gay bill that 13 major corporations lobbied in support of
'Expect a Lawsuit' on HB600, Attorney Says
Gov. Signs Bill That Reverses Metro Non-Discrimination Law
Gov. Haslam reverses Nashville's anti-discrimination law
Tennessee Governor Signs Bill Promoting Discrimination Into Law

[Commentary] Corporations Supporting HB600 Promote Transgender Raping Girl in Bathroom Meme

[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Now In Court Nikki Araguz Fights For Her Dead Husband’s Benefits, Though Her Opponents Call Her A Lying Man
When 30-year-old firefighter Thomas Araguz died in a blaze at a Texas egg farm southwest of Houston, he left $600,000 in benefits, property, and insurance to his 35-year-old wife Nikki Araguz. Nikki married Thomas in 2008 and says that her husband fully supported her gender reassignment surgical process which occurred two months after they wedded. But Thomas’ mother Simona Longoria has filed a suit claiming that Thomas’ side of the family only learned of Nikki’s gender history just before his death, and that after he found out, he moved out of their home and planned to end the marriage. Now his family is suing so she doesn’t get any benefits because she was born a man and Texas doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.

Woman is beaten outside city convenience store
Four people beat up a Fredericksburg woman in a convenience-store parking lot Saturday afternoon, possibly because of her sexual orientation.

[Dominican Republic]
Homosexuales que se prostituyen en la San Vicente de Paúl, tuvieron primeras relaciones siendo menores de edad
la proliferaciones de homosexuales y mujeres que ejercen la prostitucion en las principales esquinas de la avenida San Vicente de Paúl y otras vías principales en este municipio ha sido un tema de preocupación de muchos sectores de nuestra sociedad razón por la cual hemos dedicado varios reportajes al respecto.
Aumentan de forma alarmante mujeres y homosexuales que ejercen la prostitución en las calles de la zona oriental

[Costa Rica]
Día contra la homofobia
Costa Rica celebró el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia el 17 de mayo y la gente, tanto en la red como en otros sitios, celebró la diversidad sexual.

Tres trans solicitan el cambio legal de sexo
El Estado uruguayo desde ayer tiene tres pedidos de cambio de sexo, realizados por personas que se definen trans. Una comisión conformada por un psicólogo, un psiquiatra y un asistente social evaluará los pedidos. (Foto)

Repudio a la agresión policial a activistas LGBT en San Juan
La Policía provincial impidió la distribución de información sobre el Día contra la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género por parte de La Glorieta, espacio LGBT
La Federación Argentina de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans repudia el accionar de la Policía sanjuanina que el pasado 17 de mayo impidió que activistas de La Glorieta Espacio LGBT - organización local de la FALGBT en esa provincia - distribuya folletería informativa sobre el Día Internacional contra la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género.

sábado, maio 28, 2011

"Nasci rapaz"

Prefeitura do Rio capacita travestis e transexuais em direitos humanos e cidadania
Onze travestis e transexuais concluíram ontem (26) no Rio de Janeiro um curso sobre direitos humanos, diversidade, cidadania e preconceito promovido pela prefeitura. Durante o curso, os alunos ainda fizeram estágios em organizações não governamentais (ONGs) e órgãos públicos.

Carla Antonelli: "Me uní al equipo de Tomás Gómez porque es socialista, es valiente y no por amigos"
Nunca un número 18 tuvo tanta importancia en política, pero es que este puesto, con el que figura en la lista la primera persona que solicitó el cambio de nombre y sexo en su DNI, va a hacer historia, ya que va a ser la primera diputada transexual. todo un logro para un colectivo que, como ella misma proclama a los cuatro vientos, solo aspira a la normalización. el día de la entrevista nos la encontramos recién operada de la garganta.

Joanne Cassar loses transsexual marriage case
Joanne Cassar this morning lost the appeal filed by the Attorney General from a court sentence which had granted her the right to marry a man after her gender reassignment surgery.
MGRM disappointed by Joanne Cassar court decision
Joanne Cassar's right to marry overturned on appeal

[Commentary] TGEU Maltese Court ignore European Human Rights Standards
[Commentary] Malta: woman denied the right to marry a man

Cross-dressers caught ‘kissing’ in car
Police arrested four cross-dressers, aged 18-20, for engaging in immoral acts on the Second Ring Road recently.
While patrolling the area, the officers noticed four women kissing and dancing inside a car. When they approached the vehicle, the officers were surprised to discover that the women were actually young men clad in women’s clothes. The four cross-dressers were referred to the concerned security department for the necessary legal action.

The other side of the story matters
What could be worse than being betrayed by the love of your life, especially when you have financed his life and undergone a sex change operation for him? German tourist Patarchokchain Sarawit never imagined that this would be her plight when she fell in love with a Kashmiri shawl salesman during a visit to the valley.
(Photo: German tourist Patarchokchain Sarawit got a sex change to marry a Kashmiri man.)

Gays, transgenders lash at Pacquiao’s mom over comments on contraceptives
Gays and transgenders slammed Dionisia Pacquiao, mother of boxing champion and Sarangani Representative Manny Pacquiao, over her statement on homosexuals using contraceptive pills as breast enhancers.
Gays Hit Pacquiao's Ma Over Transgender Slur, Reproductive Health
Gays hit Dionisia over slur, RH bill
Mommy Dionisia 'offends' pro-gay group

[Philipines] [PR]
Transpinays make human rights history with UN communication –
The Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines (STRAP) (, the pioneer transgender human rights organization in the Philippines, makes history as they send off a communication to the United Nations (UN) that calls attention to state responsibilities of the Philippine Government as a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to pay careful attention to how the justice system updates itself with current developments in international human rights law in its understanding of gender identity through the lived experiences of transsexual women.

Priscilla actor Bill Hunter dies
Bill Hunter, the Australian actor who played a mechanic who couples up with a transgender woman in the movie Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, has died, aged 71.
Priscilla star Bill Hunter dies
(Photo: Bill Hunter (r) and Terrence Stamp in Priscilla)

[TN, USA] [Commentary]
Memphis Police Mess With Another Transwoman
Former Memphis police officer Bridges McRae was recently sentenced to two years in jail for beating the late Duanna Johnson while in custody. Now comes word that trans woman Kiare Newsom was harassed by the Memphis po-po's during a May 12 traffic stop along I-40.

At Least 13 Huge Companies Supported Tennessee’ s Repeal Of Nashville’s LGBT Protections
The Tennessee senate surprised no one by voting to repeal Nashville’s LGBT protections for city contractors. What is surprising however is that the Tennessee Chamber of Commerced who lobbied heavily in against the LGBT protections those rights has a handful of large, well-known corporations serving as board members. Cue the petition and prepare the boycott!

Wharton judge rules against Nikki Araguz
We’re a few hours late to this because I just emerged from the basement of the Interfaith Peace Chapel at the Cathedral of Hope, where about 50 people rode out a possible tornado immediately after Dallas Voice’s mayoral runoff forum.
Judge: Transgender widow's marriage to firefighter not valid
Transsexual Widow's Marriage Voided
Lawyer: Transgender widow's marriage to be voided
Judge: Transgendered widow's marriage not valid
Nikki Araguz faces theft charge
Transgender widow of Wharton firefighter accused of stealing woman's Rolex
Transgender Widow Charged in Theft
Transgendered widow accused of stealing Rolex
Transgender widow accused of stealing Rolex
What Makes a Man (or Woman) in a Marriage License? In Texas, It’s Unclear

Black Transmen group comes to the Metroplex
Today I received an email from Carter Brown telling me about a new group here in the Metroplex, Black Transmen Inc.

[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Anti-Trans Bill SB 723 Is DEAD!
The peeps living along I-5, I-95 and I-495 didn't think we trans Texans could do it. Our right wing opponents didn't think we were organized enough or had the ability to stop them from bumrushing a bad anti-trans bill through the GOP dominated Texas legislature.

Hundreds march for equal rights
Hundreds gathered at Austin City Hall Sunday night demanding equal rights for the lesbian, gay, and transgender community.

Transgender Seattle Municipal Employees Excluded from City Health Coverage
The commission that advises Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, the City Council and municipal agencies on LGBT issues saw something it didn’t like-the city’s transgender employees are excluded from all of the health plans the city offers.

Toda una vida: Memoria de un travesti que ha vivido casi un siglo
Malva es chilena pero vive en este país desde que a los 17 años decidió cruzar la cordillera a pie con "otros amigos mariconcitos" para escapar de un cepo familiar y social. Las luces porteñas de los años ’40 la recibieron con una calle dura pero encantadora, le dieron nuevos oficios, amores pasajeros y nuevas amistades. Los años del peronismo aparecen aquí como sinónimo de razzias, persecución al diferente, edictos y cárcel.

quinta-feira, maio 26, 2011

Naciones Unidas da la voz de alarma: los crímenes contra LGBTs, en aumento
La alta comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Navanethem Pillay, ha dado la voz de alarma. Los crímenes de odio contra las personas lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales van en aumento, desde Nueva York a Brasil, desde Honduras a Sudáfrica. Pillay ha urgido a los Gobiernos del mundo a dar pasos más ambiciosos para acabar con la discriminación y el prejuicio basados en la orientación sexual y la identidad de género. Un mundo en el cual, además, más de 70 países criminalizan aún la homosexualidad.

ILGA-Europe welcomes the European Commission's proposal on better protection of crime victims
On 18 May 2011, the European Commission proposed a package of legislative measures to strengthen victims’ rights in the European Union including a proposal for a new directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime which would improve the existing Framework Decision on the standing of victims in criminal proceedings (2001.220/JHA).

Troubled transvestite died after driving head-on into another car after his marriage broke down
A tortured transvestite was killed after he deliberately drove head-on into a another car, an inquest has heard.
But a coroner has refused to record a verdict of suicide in the death of Stephen Rockman, ruling that, while the crash was not an accident, there was insufficient evidence to prove that Mr Rockman had intended to take his own life.
Security officer Mr Rockman, 44, preferred to be known as Stephanie and was living as a woman when he died in the crash in December, 2009.

[India] [Books]
An agent of change
Clad in a red Kanchipuram sari, she looks gorgeous.
A. Revathy is one of many transgenders who has managed to break the shackles (of society),” says Abhijith, author of Hijada, a visually descriptive book on the lives of those who are looked down upon as untouchables by society.

Trans Sci-Fi Artist Jeffrey Catherine Jones Dies, But Her Awesome Work Lives On
Until her death this morning, Jeffrey Catherine Jones had a reputation as the greatest living transgender science fiction, fantasy, and comic book artist. She inspired an entire generation of emerging artists in comics and illustration by infusing fine art techniques into the commercial world of comics. (Photo)
R.I.P. Fantasy & Comics Artist Jeffrey Catherine Jones

[USA] Editor Shares Transition Story
The editor of shares in a new interview that she celebrates the boy she was born as, because he paved the way for her to become the woman she is now. (Photo)

LaBarbera: Clinton Message Against Homophobia Shows US Will "Cheerlead For Perversion"
On Tuesday Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton marked International Day Against Homophobia And Transphobia, demanding “an end to discrimination and mistreatment of LGBT persons wherever it occurs.” She called LGBT rights “universal human rights,” and criticized countries that try to criminalize homosexuality and marginalize gay-rights and its advocates.
Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality was naturally outraged, and told the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow to resist Clinton’s stance against bigotry:

California’s transgender protection bill makes progress
A California bill to improve legal protections for trans people has been approved by the state assembly.

[CA, USA] [Film]
Review: 'Spork'
"Spork" is a lively middle-school tale with high-energy musical numbers and intense campus rivalries. Also, its heroine is a hermaphrodite.

The House passed HB 6599
Congratulations and Thank You!
The House passed HB 6599
Now on to the Senate and then Governor
House OKs bill outlawing transgender discrimination
House moves to protect those who change gender
House passes bill outlawing transgender discrimination
House Approves Transgender Discrimination Bill
Connecticut House Passes Transgender Rights Bill

Teonna Brown Indicted On Hate Crime Charges In McDonald's Attack On Chrissy Lee Polis
Teonna Monae Brown has been indicted on five charges in connection with the April 18 beating of Chrissy Lee Polis, a 22-year-old transgender woman, at a suburban Baltimore McDonald's, gay weekly Metro Weekly reported.

Marcha en contra de la homofobia y la transfobia
Con un claro mensaje en contra de los crímenes de odio y a favor de la separación de iglesia y estado, diversas organizaciones de derechos humanos recorrieron ayer las calles del Viejo San Juan en una marcha para conmemorar el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia.

Transgender Woman Files Complaint Against MPD
Lonnie Sharp is a transgender woman who lives her life as Kiare Newsom. She has for more than two decades. She says she's faced some struggles along the way, but nothing like what she experienced during a traffic stop last week.

'Gender identity' repeal bill goes to Tenn. gov.; SBC leaders urge him to sign
In what apparently would be a first-in-the-nation type of law impacting religious freedom, the Tennessee legislature gave final passage May 18 to a bill revoking a Nashville ordinance that protects employees based on their homosexuality or transgender status, and Southern Baptist leaders quickly appealed to Gov. Bill Haslam to sign it into law.
Tenn. Dismantles Discrimination Ordinances

Transgender Widow Promotes Reality Show: 'Being Nikki'
On a regular Thursday afternoon, on the eve of a decision in what could be a landmark case, the transgender widow of a Wharton firefighter couldn't help but smile at her new reality.
A Lifetime movie based on her life is in the works. So is a book deal, and it doesn't end there.
"I'm working on a documentary," Nikki Araguz said. "And of course the reality show: 'Being Nikki'."
Reports: Transgendered widow has new reality show
Transgendered widow of firefighter to get TV show
Wanna Date Nikki Araguz? AND Be on a Reality Show?
Trans widow Nikki Araguz is looking for a few good men — to date on her new reality show
Transgendered widow of fallen Wharton firefighter working on a reality TV show
Judge to rule in Nikki Araguz case next week
Widow's death benefit battle back in court
No Ruling In Transgender Widow's Case
Transgender widow's marriage debated at hearing
Ruling pending on transsexual widow's death benefits
Transgender widow awaits death benefits ruling
WATCH: Everyone’s reporting on Nikki Araguz’s reality show; no one’s reporting on her court case
Judge to rule this week in Nikki Araguz case
What’s Brewing: Judge orders El Paso to rescind DP benefits; ruling today in Nikki Araguz case
Judge: Transgender widow's marriage to Wharton firefighter was not valid

(Photo: Transsexual widow of a fallen firefighter, Nikki Araguz, has announced an original new reality show, 'Being Nikki')

Trans candidate places 3rd in Amarillo mayoral race
Dunn proud of her efforts, but says she won’t run again without more community support.

Missing inaction
Jamie Boeglin lived on the fringes of society, and now that she has been missing for a year, her family fears they have lost her forever.

Speaker reveals journey in transition to being a woman
In the language of the transgender community, Jessica Janiuk “passes.” She never liked the term, though, because it seems to suggest that she is “passing” herself off as something she’s not, when she is only being exactly who she is.
(Photo: Jessica Janiuk makes a presentation Tuesday before the Chippewa Falls Rotary.)

Cuba's first transsexual gets surgery
After 40 years of waiting, 61-year-old metalworker Juani Santos finally underwent a sex reassignment surgery as part of the Cuban government's revolutionary program to fund sex-change operations.

terça-feira, maio 24, 2011

La ONU pide un mayor compromiso político para acabar con la homofobia
La ONU alertó hoy de que los crímenes de odio dirigidos contra la comunidad homosexual y transexual están aumentando en el mundo, por lo que pidió un mayor compromiso político en todos los países para luchar contra la discriminación y acabar así con la homofobia.

Scotland publishes figures for hate crime charges
The Scottish prosecution service has released the first figures on homophobic and transphobic hate crime charges.
In the year since new hate crime offences came into law, 448 charges were made where there was an “aggravation” of homophobia. Fourteen charges were made with an “aggravation” of gender identity.
448 face gay-hate charges in law’s first year

Transgender player Kye Allums will no longer play for George Washington women’s team
The openly transgender member of the George Washington women’s basketball team, whose groundbreaking season was cut short by a pair of concussions, says he won’t play in his senior year.
Transgender player's career cut short
Transgender player no longer playing for GW women

[IL, USA] [Commentary]
ACLU Files Suit On Illinois Refusal To Correct Birth Certificates
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing the Illinois Department of Public Health for refusing to correct birth certificates of transgender and transsexual people, requiring proof they have undergone a series of sex-reassignment surgeries before they can change the sex marker on their birth certificates.

Hate Crime Charges Filed in Attack on Transgendered Woman at McDonald’s
Two teenagers charged with brutally attacking a transgender woman in a Baltimore-area McDonald’s restaurant on April 18 – a beating captured in a cell-phone video that went viral on the Internet – will be prosecuted as hate crime perpetrators.

Activists Launch Gender Rights Maryland
Activists in Maryland followed up on a statement issued by Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) on the hate crime indictiment of a suspect involved in a beating of a transgender woman at a McDonald's restaurant by announcing the formation of a new group called Gender Rights Maryland.

Nevada Governor Considers Transgender-inclusive Non-discrimination Bill
The legislature in Nevada has passed a bill that would protect people based on gender identity and expression from discrimination in the workplace. The bill is now being considered by Governor Brian Sandoval, a Republican. It’s unclear what his position on the bill is.
Human Rights Campaign Applauds Nevada Legislature for Passing Transgender Employment Protections

State of Nevada, Courts Give Trans People Some Justice
Here is a sentence we don’t get to write very often: this has been a relatively good news week as far as trans issues, so far at least! I say “relatively” because all of the “good” news is really “partial rectification or acknowledgement of previous bad things,” but I guess it’s better than it not happening at all?

Health Conference Looks to Improve Care For Transgender Community
care providers and transgender advocates gathered at Lincoln Hospital for a day of discussions on the specific health needs of the borough's transgender population--a group organizers say is often overlooked by the medical community at large.
(Photo: Freddy Molano and Catherine Abate (right) of Community Healthcare Network, with transgender activist Ashley Love, at last week's conference)

Spartanburg County: No to LGBT Day
The chairman of the Spartanburg County Council refused to sign a proclamation to designate June 4 as LGBT Day in the South Carolina county.

Ex Cop Sentenced For Beating Trans Woman
A former Memphis police officer has been sentenced to a two-year prison term for tax evasion and beating a transgender woman.
Ex-Memphis Cop Sentenced for Transgender Beating

PHOTOS and VIDEO: Dallas marks IDAHO
About 45 people attended a candlelight vigil in downtown Dallas on Tuesday night to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. A number of pedestrians also stopped along the sidewalk to listen to speakers at the JFK Memorial.

Conmemora el dia de lucha contra la homofobia en Juchitán de Zaragoza
En el marco de la conmemoración del día internacional y estatal de la lucha contra La Homofobia , Lesbofobia y Transfobia, Organizaciones civiles y representantes de instituciones gubernamentales exigieron el esclarecimiento de los asesinatos presentados en esta región.
Reportan altos índices de discriminación sexual en campus Xalapa de la UV
Marchan en contra de la homofobia en Coahuila
Impunes, 10 crímenes de odio y homofobia en la entidad: Comité Orgullo Puebla
Denuncia a policías por abuso de autoridad contra homosexuales
Reporta 200 crímenes de odio en seis años Edomex

Cambio de sexo gratuito y tratamientos hormonales en el DF
Actualmente, 340 hombres y mujeres transexuales están siendo ayudados en la capital a conseguir el cambio de sexo mediante tratamientos hormonales, informó el secretario de Salud del DF, Armando Ahued.

[Trinidad and Tobago]
Hostility fails to dampen gays’ spirits on awareness march
“A little hostility.” That’s what gay and transgender citizens met yesterday when they went about presenting packages to several ministries to raise awareness of gay rights. But it wasn’t enough to dampen their spirits.

Homosexuales marchan en Managua contra homofobia y por la diversidad sexual
Unos 200 nicaragüenses, en su mayoría homosexuales y activistas, marcharon hoy por las calles de Managua contra la homofobia y para demandar respeto por los derechos de la comunidad gay en este país centroamericano.

Exigen esclarecimiento de 34 asesinatos homófobos en Honduras
El urgente esclarecimiento de 34 muertes por “odio” y discriminación ocurridas en Honduras desde el año 2009, demandaron este día miembros de la comunidad de lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales (LGTB), cuando se celebra el Día Mundial Contra la Homofobia.
Claman por un alto a la discriminación sexual

17 de mayo: Día contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia
Diane Rodríguez, de la organización SiluetaX, lidera una compaña contra las terapias de reconversión y dice que es absurdo intentar revertir la homosexualidad o la transexualidad.
No más homofobia y transfobia en Cartagena

Gays marchan por ley contra homofobia
Miles de homosexuales y simpatizantes desfilaron el miércoles por la capital brasileña para reclamar al Congreso la aprobación de un proyecto de ley que criminaliza la discriminación contra gays.
Miles de personas exigen el fin de homofobia con una alegre marcha en Brasilia
Miles de homosexuales marcharon en Brasilia en reclamo de una ley contra la homofobia

Los gays se chaparon ayer frente al Congreso
Los raritos hicieron ayer el “Besatón del Bicentenario” y se chaparon de los lindo frente al Congreso Nacional. Allí los nenes con los nenes y las nenas con las nenas intercambiaron saliva frente al rollo y pidieron igualdad de derechos y que termine la discriminación contra ellos.
Homosexuales protestan contra la homofobia ante el Congreso

Comunidad LGBT venezolana exige igualdad de derechos
La abogada Tamara Adrián indicó que se instaló un stand en una de las esquinas aledañas a la Asamblea Nacional para promover "el derecho a tener iguales derechos". Recordó que "la AN y los órganos de administración de justicia se han quedado muy atrás en el ámbito latinoamericano y en el ámbito mundial" respecto a los derechos de esta comunidad

Entrega de folletos y junta de firmas por identidad de géneros en Peatonal San Martin
En el Día Mundial contra la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Genero, piden que la Ley 23.592 penalice la discriminación de la homosexualidad y la trasnsexualidad. También se exige una Ley de Identidad de Genero que permita el cambio de DNI y el acceso a la salud.
Día contra la Homofobia es promovido en redes sociales a nivel mundial

Transexuales piden ley porque 'identidad es dignidad'
La sanción de las leyes de Atención Integral de la Salud y de Identidad de Género garantizará la dignidad de personas trans, al dar derecho a la identidad y a la autonomía para tener un proyecto de vida, afirmaron hoy transexuales que esperan el debate de sendos proyectos.
Más de 1.500 firmas apoyan Ley de Identidad de Género

Juntaron más de 700 firmas en repudio a la homofobia y la violencia policial
Integrantes de la Asociación Lesbianas Gays Bisexuales y Trans (LGBT) Misiones, juntaron firmas en rechazo a los casos de homofobia y apremios ilegales. Alrededor de 723 personas apoyaron la iniciativa.
Expertos del Inadi y Derechos Humanos disertarán hoy sobre identidad de género

segunda-feira, maio 23, 2011

70 countries celebrate Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
More than 70 countries around the world held events to celebrate International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) yesterday.
Transgender Europe: IDAHOT Press Release – 17th May, 2011

Toninho Cerezo comenta relação com a filha transexual Lea T.
O ex-jogador e técnico de futebol Toninho Cerezo, de 56 anos, pai da modelo transexual Lea T., comentou a relação que tem com sua filha em entrevista ao jornal Lance!.

Still bottom of the list on LGBT rights
Cyprus remains at the bottom of the list in Europe for its attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals, latest statistics showed yesterday.

Lesbian-gay group lauds anti-discrimination bill
Pro-gay Cordillera is looking forward to the success of House Bill 1483, also known as "Anti-Discrimination Act of 2010," filed by Representative Teodoro Casiño of Bayan Muna party-list.
The bill is an act defining the discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and providing penalties for the violators.

Taiwan hospital fined for firing transvestite employee
A Taiwan hospital has been fined for violating gender equality laws by firing a cross-dressing male employee who came to work dressed as a woman.
Taiwan hospital fined for sacking transvestite

Hillary Clinton Marks International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has released a statement in support of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (I.D.A.H.O.), which is being recognized around the world today.

California Assembly Passes Bill Strengthening Employment, Housing, & Other Nondiscrimination Laws
AB 887, authored by Assemblymember Atkins and sponsored by Equality California and the Transgender Law Center, would strengthen protections based on gender identity and gender expression

Illinois trans woman sues employer over toilet ban
A trans woman from the US state of Illinois is suing her employers for barring her from using the women’s toilet.

Manhattan's discrimination ordinance repealed
It's a story we've followed on 27 News.
A recently passed amendment to Manhattan's discrimination ordinance is officially repealed.
Manhattan City commissioners took a final vote to repeal the amended discrimination ordinance which added sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected classes.

Teenagers charged with hate crimes for beating of Maryland trans woman
Two teenage girls have been indicted on hate crime charges over an attack on a trans woman in a Maryland McDonald’s restaurant last month.
Hate-crime Charges in Md. Trans Beating
Suspects in beating of transgender woman, Chrissy Lee Polis, face 'hate crime' charges

[PR] ADL Welcomes Hate Crime Charge in Transgender Attack
Governor Martin O'Malley On Baltimore County Hate Crime Case
Md. gov pledges to work on transgender protection
Governor pledges to fight for transgender protections
O’Malley calls for actions to protect transgender people
Md. Governor: Transgendered People Need More Protection

Nevada state Assembly approves transgender workplace protections bill
The Nevada state Assembly on Tuesday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of gender identity and expression.
Bill outlawing transgender discrimination goes to Sandoval
Nevada Assembly gives final OK to transgender bill; goes to governor
Nevada Trans Protections Head to Governor

Ex-MPD Officer Sentenced for Transgender Beating, Tax Evasion
Former Memphis Police officer Bridges McRae was sentenced to two years in prison for tax evasion and violating the rights of transgendered woman Duana Johnson. McRae will also serve two years supervised release and a $200 fine.
Former Memphis officer sentenced to two years in prison for beating transgender prisoner, tax evasion

US Ambassador to Jamaica Speaks Out Against Homophobia
The US Ambassador to Jamaica, Pamela Bridgewater, printed a very encouraging editorial in the Jamaica Observer on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, yesterday:

sábado, maio 21, 2011

Activists celebrate 7th International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
LGBT campaigners are celebrating the seventh International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO).

Transgender Europe: IDAHOT Press Release – 17th May, 2011

Travesti é agredida a pauladas em MS
Uma travesti de 28 anos, conhecida como Evelyn, foi agredida a pauladas no bairro Jardim Alvorado, município de Três Lagoas (MS).

Manifiestos y Comunicados en el Día Internacional Contra la Transfóbia y la Homofóbia en el Mundo
17 de mayo, día internacional contra la LGTBfobia. – Errespetuz

Semana contra la LGTBFobia en Madrid por Día Internacional, este lunes vigilia Plaza Vázquez de Mella
Lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011, Martes, 17 de mayo de 2011, Miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011, Viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011, Sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

Prohíben la concentración contra la homofobia prevista mañana en Toledo
La Junta Electoral Provincial ha decidido prohibir la concentración prevista para mañana en Toledo por el Colectivo de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales de Castilla-La Mancha ('Bolo Bolo') con motivo del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia.

[UK] [Commentary]
17 May: International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia
To mark this year’s International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA-Europe) has published its Rainbow Europe Map and Index in which it rates each European country’s laws and administrative practices according to 24 categories and ranks them on a scale between 17 (highest score: respect of human rights and full legal equality of LGBT people) and -7 (lowest score: gross violations of human rights and discrimination of LGBT people).

Transvestism is no longer a disease in Finland
The Institute for Health and Welfare will remove even sexual fetishism and sadomasochism from ICD
Certain diagnoses relating to sexual behaviour will be removed from the Finnish version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) next year.
The number of categories to be removed from the ICD is five, including transvestism, sexual fetishism, sadomasochism, and diverse sexual target disorders.

[Turkey] [VIA EMAIL]
Police Violence Against Trans Activists Still Goes Unpunished !!!
For Wide Circulation!

Today is May 17th, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia!.. This important date, following which activities are held to denounce discrimination, hate crimes, social exclusion and violence against LGBTs based on sexual orientation and gender identity MARKS also the 1st anniversary of the incident when 5 trans activists from Pembe Hayat were attacked and ill-treated by the police officers of Ankara Esat Police Station.

The violence used by the police officers against trans activists on International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia [17.05.2010], clearly demonstrated that the Turkish Government continues to breach human rights of citizens on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.

The complaints that were filed against the perpetrator police officers just after the incident, have not been taken into consideration by the relevant authorities. The prosecutor's office declared nolle prosequi [dismissed the proceeding of the file] and the file is under review at Ankara Sincan High Criminal Court.

In addition, the perpetrators filed complaints against the victims of violence with allegations; "insulting the police", "resisting the police" and "destroying the public goods", which are all without any clear evidence and the prosecutor's office opened a case against the trans victims. The prejudice and the impartial attitudes of the judicial authorities against the trans were proved by the actions of the prosecutor's office.

Judicial authorities does not need to turn the complaints of the victims into cases even though they have been provided with the video recordings and the photos of the incident, while they directly open cases against trans victims in the lack of legal arguments and evidences.

It cannot be accepted that trans victims of arbitrary fines, arrests and overt violence of police officers face transphobic attitudes while they are in search for their legal rights.

Following the meaning of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 17th, we protest the humiliating ill-treatment and violence of police against trans and we demand judicial authorities to immediately review the complaints against the police officers and sentence the perpetrators.

Pembe Hayat LGBTT Dayanışma Derneği
Adres: Ataç 1 Sokak 3/8 Yenişehir, Çankaya, Ankara

Lesbians, gays, bisexuals want gov’t protection
THE Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) activists yesterday trooped to the House of Representatives to seek the passage of a long-delayed measure protecting human rights based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Hundreds rally for gay rights
Gay rights advocates rallied in Halifax on Tuesday to denounce homophobia, support transsexual and transgendered citizens and call on legislators to shore up human rights legislation.

[USA/International] [PR]
Hillary Rodham Clinton: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
In every part of the world, men and women are persecuted and attacked because of who they are or whom they love. Homophobia, transphobia and the brutal hostility associated with them are often rooted in a lack of understanding of what it actually means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). So to combat this terrible scourge and break the cycle of fear and violence, we must work together to
improve education and support those who stand up against laws that criminalize love and promote hate. As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia this May 17, let us resolve to redouble our efforts.

Police Seek Gender-Questionable Robbers
A man with a feminine voice and a possibly transgendered woman robbed Nordstrom inside WestFarms mall.

Allums to leave women's team
Shooting guard Kye Allums will not return to the court for the Colonials next season.
Allums, the first transgender basketball player in NCAA Division I history, will likely undergo the first steps in a gender reassignment surgery this summer.

Congressional briefing spotlights findings of Injustice at Every Turn
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) today sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing on key findings from the Task Force and NCTE's groundbreaking new report, Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. The briefing was held on behalf of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus.

Transgender Woman Says Employer Forced Her to Use Men's Bathroom
A transgender woman named Meggan Summerville (born Mark Summerville) from the Chicago suburbs filed two discrimination charges against the state of Illinois, saying that her employer prohibited her from using the women's restroom, even though she is entitled to using those facilities. (Photo)
Suburban Transwoman’s civil rights violated by her employer - IGA Statement [VIA EMAIL]
Ms. Megan Sommerville has filed two charges of discrimination, with the state, against the Aurora arts and crafts store, Hobby Lobby, where she has worked for a number of years.
Illinois Gender Advocates, IGA, applauds Miss Sommerville for having the determination to stand up for her rights. With out the courageous action of individuals like her, our rights are mere words on paper.
IGA also applauds the Illinois Department of Human Rights, and it’s Director, Mr. Rocco J. Claps, for their dedication to ensure the equal treatment of all the citizens of Illinois.
As Martin Luther King said; “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.
IGA stands ready to aid and support anyone who has been discriminated against due to their Gender Identity or Expression.
Trans Woman Sues Job in Bathroom Dispute
Transgender woman files suit against Aurora employer

McDonald's Suspect Indicted on Assault, Hate Crimes Charges
The grand jury for Baltimore County indicted Teonna Brown, 18, with five charges on Monday, May 16, including that of a hate crime, for the physical attack on Chrissy Polis, a transgender woman, at the Rosedale, Md., McDonald's on Monday, April 18.
Rosedale Woman Indicted In McDonald's Transgender Assault
McDonald’s attackers face hate crime charges in beating of transgender female
2 teens charged with hate crime, assault in beating of transgender
woman McDonald’s in Md.

Suspect in McDonald's attack to face hate crime charge
Jury charges teens with hate crimes in McDonald's beating attack
Woman Indicted On Hate Crime Charge In McDonald's Attack
Md. teens indicted in beating of trans woman

[Commentary] McDonalds Assailant Charged With Hate Crime

Fear of violence always on mind of transgender people
The video is disturbing on multiple levels. A woman and a teenage girl at a Baltimore area McDonald's beat a transgender woman while others stand by, doing nothing.

Transgender Employment Protections Pass Nevada Senate
After passing in the Nevada Assembly last month, a bill banning employment discrimination based on gender identity or expression was narrowly approved May 11 by the state’s Senate with an 11-10 vote, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports.

Esprit enjoys its freedom in Port Angeles
Billed as the “Pacific Northwest’s premiere transgender convention,” Esprit is in full swing this week, and the participants are happy to be back in Port Angeles.

Superar rechazo y burla, el reto de ser transexual
Persiste discriminación y rezago legislativo, a un año de aprobado el Día contra la Homofobia.
Agnes Torres es joven, tiene 28 años, es sicóloga por la Universidad Veracruzana (UV), goza de una impresionante fluidez para hablar e incluso físicamente es atractiva. Sin embargo, las puertas de cualquier trabajo —incluido el doméstico— están cerradas para ella. Jamás ha tenido un empleo.

Los crímenes de odio en contra de personas homosexuales, en la sombra
Los crímenes motivados por odio que se comenten en México hacia personas homosexuales, lesbianas y transgénero carecen de un registro oficial, pese a que el país ocupe el segundo lugar, por debajo de Brasil, con mayor número de casos de crímenes por homofobia en Latinoamérica, según un estudio de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal.

[El Salvador]
Comunidad transexual de El Salvador marcha en defensa de sus derechos
La comunidad transexual y transgénero de El Salvador, en busca de defender sus derechos, se pronunció este sábado en una colorida marcha en contra de la discriminación y solicitó al Congreso una ley que les permita adoptar nombres de mujer.

[Costa Rica]
Celebración del Día Nacional contra la Homofobia Minorías sexuales piden igualdad en derechos laborales
La comunidad LGBTI, integrada por lesbianas, gais, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexules, se reunió ayer con el fin de recolectar 5.000 firmas para impulsar un cambio en la legislación que garantice la igualdad de derechos laborales.

Conmemorarán día Internacional de la homofobia
Organizaciones de homosexuales a nivel mundial conmemoran el Día Internacional de la Homofobia, con el que se buscan crear conciencia de igualdad.
En Guatemala, la Organización Panamericana de Mercadeo Social (PASMO) está coordinando algunas actividades conmemorativas para defender los derechos humanos de los transexuales, lesbianas, gays y bisexuales.

'Ahora soy una mujer completa, mi imagen y documentos revelan eso'
Profesión: Médica Cargo: Sexóloga Médica con especialidad en sexología Es médica con especialidad en sexología. Su cambio de identidad (nombre y sexo) es el primero del país, porque es una de las pocas transexuales profesionales. La resolución del Juzgado Sexto de Instrucción en lo Civil, de abril del 2011, declara probada la demanda de cambio de nombre y sexo. Dispone que en la ejecución de sentencia se proceda, a través del Registro Civil Sala Provincias, al cambio de forma definitiva. El fundamento jurídico que se utilizó son las Declaraciones Sobre Orientación Sexual e Identidad.

Declaran día contra la homofobia
El 17 de mayo fue declarado como el “Día de la lucha contra la Homofobia y Transfobia” en el municipio de La Paz, de acuerdo con una ordenanza municipal aprobada por el Concejo.
TLGB piden al Ejecutivo declaratoria del día de lucha contra la homofobia

Detienen a miembros de banda acusada de matar a tres transexuales en un mes
La policía científica de Venezuela informó hoy la detención de una banda de transexuales que, en menos de un mes, asesinó a otras tres personas de la misma comunidad sexual que se dedicaban a la prostitución en una céntrica calle de Caracas.
Esclarecen homicidios de transexuales en Caracas

Mañana, marcha contra la homofobia en Cartagena
En rechazo a las brotes y abusos homofóbicos que se registran en cualquier parte del mundo, incluido Colombia, la población LGBTI (Lesbianas, Gay, Bisexual, Travesti e Intersexual ) de Cartagena extiende una invitación a la ciudadanía a fin de que acompañe una marcha prevista para este martes 17 de mayo en conmemoración a esta fecha y en rechazo a las personas que aún juzgan y condenan la diferencia sexual como sucede en Uganda.
Cartagena marcha hoy contra la homofobia

sexta-feira, maio 20, 2011


Cara companheira,
Convidamos-te a juntar-se a nós na Reunião Preparatória do ACAMPAMENTO EUROPEU DE JOVENS FEMINISTAS da Marcha Mundial de Mulheres.
Se és jovem feminista e tens interesse em participar do Acampamento a realizar no Verão 2011, em França... vem ter connosco e contribuir com as tuas sugestões e, claro, a tua participação!
O ACAMPAMENTO EUROPEU DE JOVENS FEMINISTAS tem por objectivo criar um espaço de partilha de experiências de lutas e construir laços fortes e sustentáveis entre jovens feministas.
Na Reunião Preparatória pretendemos apresentar o Acampamento, conhecer as interessadas e debater alguns aspectos relacionados com as actividades que serão realizadas no local.
Quem estiver interessada, deverá devolver por email para Danielle Capella - (Lisboa) ou Vânia Martins - (Porto) a ficha anexa já preenchida ou trazê-la no dia da reunião.
Haverá duas reuniões, uma em Lisboa e outra no Porto:
LISBOA - Dia 26 de Maio, pelas 18h30, na sede da UMAR em Lisboa (Rua de S. Lázaro 111, 1)
PORTO - Dia 27 de Maio, pelas 21h00, na sede da UMAR no Porto (Rua do Paraíso, 250)
Até lá!
Saudações feministas!

Colchester transsexual and friends fight ‘illegal’ ban
A TRANSSEXUAL says her human rights have been breached after she and her pals were banned from a bar.
Olivia Mulgrew, 46, of Harwich Road, Colchester, and five transgender friends, have been told by the landlady they are putting other customers off. (Photo)

County Hall flies flag for freedom of sexual orientation and gender identity
THE Rainbow Flag, the international symbol of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, will be flown at County Hall, Chichester, by West Sussex County Council for the first time on Tuesday May 17.

Asesinan a tres mujeres transexuales en un mismo día en la provincia de Izmir, Turquía
Una vez más las mujeres transexuales/transgénero son víctimas mortales de la Transfóbia en Turquía. Recientemente, y en un mismo día, tres de ellas fueron asesinadas con arma de fuego en la provincia de Izmir.
Activistas enviaron un reporte a la organización Transgender Europe.

Student cross-dressers
Ahmadi Educational Zone dismissed two students from a high school in Jaber Al-Ali area for cross-dressing, reports Al-Anba daily. The administration of the school seized makeup and women’s garments from the bags of the two students.

Eunuch arrested for murdering live-in partner
Tired of getting fleeced by the man whom she thought loved her, Nisha, a eunuch, brutally murdered him on Thursday night. She has been arrested. Police said Nisha's live-in partner Surender was stabbed on the abdomen, chest, hand and neck. After killing him, Nisha 'ransacked' the house to make it lo ok like robbers had killed the victim.
Transsexual murders lover in rage

Tasmania tackles discrimination
The Tasmanian Government has given a $30,000 grant to three community organisations to help fight discrimination and abuse against LGBTI Tasmanians.

[Australia] [Commentary]
Historic rally hears stories of violence and discrimination from ISGD people
Two women – one trans, one trans and intersex – shared their personal experiences of harassment and discrimination at Australia’s first national rally of intersex, sex and/or gender diverse (ISGD) people in Canberra recently. Miss Ava and Indi Edwards recount them here.

International Day Against Homophobia 2011
17 May each year marks IDAHO, the international day when nations unite to acknowledge and tackle homophobia and transphobia where it occurs. Hundreds of events are planned in over 50 countries.

Trans Triathlete Wins TRX Sponsorship
Chris Mosier, a transgender triathlete who entered a YouTube contest to win a sponsorship deal with training system TRX, was one of ten athletes chosen for the prize.
Trans triathlete Chris Mosier wins contest, earns sponsorship with TRX

Departamento de Trabajo Estados Unidos se compromete a defender trabajadores transexuales
El Departamento de Trabajo del Gobierno de Estados Unidos anunció que ha tomado medidas para proteger a sus empleados transexuales/ transgénero de la discriminación laboral.

Transgender woman says employer forces her to use men's room
A west suburban transgender woman has filed two charges of discrimination with the state against the Aurora arts and crafts store she has worked at for a number of years, stating that management has barred her from using the women's restroom and threatened her with further disciplinary action if she were to use the women's room in the future. (Photo)

Transgendered woman sues LSI
Janis Stacy knew her transformation from a man to a woman would be difficult for some of her coworkers to understand.
That's why the former product engineer at Agere Systems met in February 2005 with colleagues who knew her as Jim to explain why she had chosen to change her appearance.
Those meetings marked the start of a pattern of discrimination by the company, Stacy alleges in a federal lawsuit. In January 2008, after she had completed her gender transition, Stacy was singled out to be laid off, the lawsuit says.

Seattle Mayor: City Should Cover Surgeries for Trans Employees
The Seattle LGBT Commission thinks the city should remove exclusions that bar coverage of gender-related medical treatments for its transgender employees, and Mayor Mike McGinn agrees.

Cubans march against homophobia in Havana
Cubans have held a short but colorful parade celebrating sexual diversity to mark the International Day Against Homophobia.
Dozens of people waving rainbow flags and banging drums marched through the capital Saturday. One participant held a portrait of ex-leader Fidel Castro.
Un año mas Mariela Castro encabeza una Marcha contra la Homofóbia y la Transfóbia en la Isla de Cuba

Mujer transexual de Bolivia, medica y Miss La Paz, primera en conseguir cambio cambio DNI
Es médica con especialidad en sexología. Su cambio de identidad (nombre y sexo) es el primero del país, tambien es una de las pocas transexuales profesionales.

[El Salvador]
Comunidad transexual de El Salvador sale a la calle y marcha por sus derechos
La comunidad transexual y transgénero de El Salvador, en busca de defender sus derechos, se pronunció este sábado en una colorida marcha en contra de la discriminación y solicitó al Congreso una ley que les permita cambiar de nombres.

quinta-feira, maio 19, 2011

[Europe] [PR]
President of the European Parliament marks International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
Yesterday, President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek inaugurated a photo exhibition on European gay prides. The Polish centre-right President addressed Members of the European Parliament, staff and visitors. Mr Buzek said homophobia was “deplorable, because it aims to denigrate people and deprive them of their rights on the basis of their sexual orientation.”

[South Africa]
The tide of intolerance must turn
Transgender activist Victor Mukasa knows better than most what it's like to live in a society that worships traditional gender norms.
(Photo: Victor Mukasa, a victim of 'corrective' rape in Uganda, attended a gender activist march in KwaThema after the brutal murder of lesbian activist Noxolo Nogwaza.)

Sex workers’ union activist assaulted in Bangalore
The night of May 11 was one that Rinky (name changed), a third-sex member activist and sex worker with Sangama, will never forget. The member of the Karnataka Sex Workers Union was brutally assaulted by eight people from the Hijra (transgender) community on Airport Road. She sustained several injuries, besides being subjected to great psychological abuse.

Top cop gives his men three days to put an end to eunuch menace
City police commissioner J P Mirji has ordered his men to book transgenders harassing motorists at traffic signals, and forcibly collecting money from them, under the stringent Karnataka Police Act.

Life as a ladyboy: 'What does being a transgender mean to you?'
At the recent Miss Tiffany's Universe pageant, several of the alluring contestants spoke frankly about what it's like to be a member of the 'third sex'

Art charts wife's journey as husband goes from Brent to Brenda
For 26 years, Janice Appleton was a dutiful, loving wife to her high-flying corporate husband Brent.
Married after a two-year courtship, the couple shared a passion for travel and a vision for their future – kids, work and a long life together.
Today, nothing has changed. But everything has changed. (Photo: Brenda Appleton)

Historic rally for ISGD people’s rights
Australia’s first national rally of intersex, sex and/or gender diverse (ISGD) people saw 180 participants gather on the lawns of parliament house, Canberra, on May 11.

'Simple shove' led to man's death, judge told
Joseph McNabb couldn’t possibly have known a simple shove would have seriously injured Evaristo Caniuman, let alone result in his death, a judge was told Thursday.
Caniuman, 60, suffered fatal head injuries following a confrontation with McNabb on Sargent Avenue in April 2009.
McNabb, who is transgendered and identifies as a woman, is on trial for manslaughter.

Intersex children find increasing medical, social support
Jeanne Nollman was a later bloomer.
She waited and waited for puberty to hit, and when she was 17 and still nothing had happened, she got tested -- and found out she had a rare condition called Swyer syndrome and would need supplemental hormones.
What no one told her until eight years later, when she demanded more information about her condition, was that she had the male X-Y chromosome pattern.

Transgender people sue Illinois to change birth certificates
Lauren Grey is, in all aspects of her life, a woman. Her driver's license reflects that, as do her name, her Social Security information and her appearance.
Still, her Illinois birth certificate says she's a man. She has requested that it be changed and provided a supporting affidavit from the doctor who performed breast augmentation and facial feminization surgeries on her. But, according to a lawsuit filed on behalf of her and other transgender people this week by the American Civil Liberties Union, the state has denied her request, saying transgender people in Illinois must have "genital reformation surgery" to have their birth certificates changed. (Photo)
Transgenders sue Illinois

Detroit cop allegedly caught with transvestite hooker suspended with pay
A Detroit police officer has been suspended after fellow officers allegedly caught him in a squad car having sex with a transvestite prostitute while on duty.

TN lawmakers reverse Metro anti-discrimination law 4:15 AM, May. 13, 2011
State lawmakers have voted to reverse Metro’s new anti-discrimination law, overruling a decision by city leaders last month to require contractors to follow Metro’s rules that protect gay, lesbian and transgendered people.
More Tennessee hate: Senate OK’s bill to repeal Nashville gay protections law
Bill Haslam Expected To Sign Bill To End Nashville's Gay Protections Law

LEGE UPDATE: Trans marriage ban on life support; suicide prevention bill advances
Acrimony in the House, the return of a transphobic Senate bill and renewed hope for community input in HIV programs marked the 18th week of the Texas Legislature’s regular session, one of the most contentious thus far.
[Commentary] SB 723 Update 7-The Wingnuts Are Coming
Senate Adjourns Without Considering SB 723

Should City's Health Care Cover Gender Reassignment?
Seattle city officials may be making some revisions in the city's health care plan.
Currently, the plan doesn't cover gender re-assignment surgery, counseling or hormone treatment for transgender people, but city officials are considering changing that.

[Mexico] [Video]
The Muxes (transgenders) of Southern Mexico - Documentaries.
***A clip from the documentary "Muxes of Juchitan," (10 minutes):
***"Muxes of Juchitan." Small Planet Production Company - About the documentary:
*** - The Muxes of Mexico:
*Part 1: Mexico's Third Gender (9 minutes):
*Part 2: The Evolution of Mexico's Third Gender (9 minutes):
*Part 3: Muxe Today in Mexico (7 minutes) :

Aumentan agresiones por discriminación y homofobia
Grupos contra la discriminación y homofobia exigirán a los aspirantes a cargos de elección popular se creen leyes que mejoren las condiciones de vida de la comunidad gay, debido a que las agresiones a quienes tienen una afinidad sexual diferente a la heterosexual van en aumento y como consecuencia hay más asesinatos y agresiones, precisó Gabriel Gutiérrez García, Conductor de programa "Código diverso".

Diversos asesinatos vinculados con la homofobia esperan ser investigados
En el último año han sido asesinados, únicamente según los casos que han saltado a los medios, tres personas homosexuales. A pesar de ello, el país sigue sin ejercer las investigaciones correspondientes para hacer justicia ante tales delitos.