Família de José Carlos Silva, 42 anos, considerou pena branda Travesti leva 16 anos por mutilar companheiro até à morte
"Só 16 anos por um crime destes, doutor juiz, só 16 anos para um assassino daqueles que nunca se arrependeu? É uma injustiça", gritava, indignada, dentro da sala de audiências, no final da leitura do acórdão, ontem no Tribunal de Guimarães, a irmã de José Carlos Silva, o homem de 42 anos assassinado à facada, em Junho do ano passado, pelo travesti com quem mantinha uma relação.
Homem de 21 anos Condenado a 16 anos de prisão por esfaquear namorado
Travesti é morta em São Paulo por não dar troco de R$ 10
Por não ter troco de R$ 10, travesti é morta com sete tiros na zona oeste de São Paulo
RJ: Policial é encontrado morto após programa com travesti
No último sábado (28), o sargento da Polícia Militar Augusto Cézar de Carvalho Silva, 51, foi encontrado morto em um quarto de hotel na Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, após ter tido relações sexuais com uma travesti.
Espírito Santo passa a aceitar nome social nas escolas
Alunos e alunas trans do Espírito Santo agora podem usar seus nomes sociais na escola
Administraciones y partidos reciben las reclamaciones del colectivo transexual tras Encuentro en Valencia
La FELGTB ha enviado las conclusiones del Encuentro de Transexuales que remarcan sus necesidades en salud, educación, trabajo y dignidad
Carla Antonelli se convierte en la primera mujer transexual que va a sentarse en un parlamento en España
Carla Antonelli, actriz y defensora de los derechos de los gays, lesbianas y transexuales, se convierte en la primera mujer transexual que ocupe un escaño en la Asamblea de Madrid, y por extensión también en toda España. Va en el número 18 de la lista que encabeza Tomás Gómez en el Partido Socialista de Madrid (PSM), y esta formación política ha conseguido 36 escaños en las elecciones del pasado domingo.
Gay movement contests court decision
The Malta Gay Rights Movement said the failure of the Constitutional Court to recognise transgender Joanne Cassar as a woman goes against the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights as expressed in Goodwin vs UK and other recent judgements and also jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.
Transsexual’s marriage case to be taken to ECHR
Transgender to seek right to marry from European court
I’m not inferior to other women – Joanne Cassar
Afghanistan's accidental gay pride
The embarrassment over the trend for rainbow flags on cars in Kabul reminds us how far Afghanistan is from the liberal west
If you are gay and proud, Afghanistan is quite likely the last place on earth to show it publicly. How, then, are we supposed to make sense of the recent very conspicuous appearance of the rainbow-coloured gay pride symbols all over the streets of Kabul and other urban centres?
Pushed out of train, techie loses limbs
A young software engineer's dreams of making it big have been shattered after pushed out of a moving train allegedly by a group of eunuchs.
[India] [Film]
'Third Man' a movie on the life of Hijras
Now a movie on the life of Hijras is being made in Telugu film industry. The film has been titled 'Third Man'. 'Bomma Borusu Kadu' has been finalised at the tagline for the title.
Stigma, violence continue to repress LGBTIQ groups
Widespread and deeply rooted prejudice and discrimination continue to repress the freedom and confidence of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transsexual, intersex and questioning (LGBTIQ) people, activists say.
Burmese Gay Rights Activists Denounce Discrimination
Anti-homophobia activists from Burma who attended an event in Chiang Mai, Thailand, last week said that gays and transsexuals in the country are subjected to systematic abuse and ill-treatment in their country.
The event, held to mark International Day Against Homophobia, attracted about 40 gay rights activists from Burma.
LGBT group slams Pacmom on pill usage, RH bill
It's now the LGBT (lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender) community vs. Pacmom, following her statement about transsexuals using contraceptive pills to bring out feminine bodily characteristics.
[Australia] [Commentary]
AHRC report released
On May 4 the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) released 2011 Addressing Sexual Orientation and Sex and/or Gender Identity Discrimination: Consultation Report — available at www.humanrights.gov.au — which summarises submissions received and results of roundtable discussions in Melbourne and Sydney.
Transgender discrimination outlawed
The state of Nevada has narrowly passed a law prohibiting employers from discriminating against transgender people.
Transgender discrimination bills pass Nevada Assembly, head to governor
Sandoval will get 2 bills to prohibit transgender discrimination
2 more transgender bills inch closer to Nevada law
Sandoval to sign bill today protecting transgender workers
Sandoval signs transgender job discrimination bill
Gov. Signs Transgender Anti-Discrimination Bill
Nevada Gov. Signs Pro-Trans Law
Gov. Brian Sandoval Signs Transgender Employment Protections in Nevada
Nevada governor signs first of three bills expanding transgender rights
Nevada governor signs transgender protection law
Tenn. Green-Lights Discrimination
Inspired by antigay animus, Tennessee has passed a bill that abolishes antidiscrimination ordinances passed by cities and counties, effectively leaving LGBT people susceptible to bias in everything from housing to employment.
TN governor signs anti-gay bill that 13 major corporations lobbied in support of
'Expect a Lawsuit' on HB600, Attorney Says
Gov. Signs Bill That Reverses Metro Non-Discrimination Law
Gov. Haslam reverses Nashville's anti-discrimination law
Tennessee Governor Signs Bill Promoting Discrimination Into Law
[Commentary] Corporations Supporting HB600 Promote Transgender Raping Girl in Bathroom Meme
[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Now In Court Nikki Araguz Fights For Her Dead Husband’s Benefits, Though Her Opponents Call Her A Lying Man
When 30-year-old firefighter Thomas Araguz died in a blaze at a Texas egg farm southwest of Houston, he left $600,000 in benefits, property, and insurance to his 35-year-old wife Nikki Araguz. Nikki married Thomas in 2008 and says that her husband fully supported her gender reassignment surgical process which occurred two months after they wedded. But Thomas’ mother Simona Longoria has filed a suit claiming that Thomas’ side of the family only learned of Nikki’s gender history just before his death, and that after he found out, he moved out of their home and planned to end the marriage. Now his family is suing so she doesn’t get any benefits because she was born a man and Texas doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.
Woman is beaten outside city convenience store
Four people beat up a Fredericksburg woman in a convenience-store parking lot Saturday afternoon, possibly because of her sexual orientation.
[Dominican Republic]
Homosexuales que se prostituyen en la San Vicente de Paúl, tuvieron primeras relaciones siendo menores de edad
la proliferaciones de homosexuales y mujeres que ejercen la prostitucion en las principales esquinas de la avenida San Vicente de Paúl y otras vías principales en este municipio ha sido un tema de preocupación de muchos sectores de nuestra sociedad razón por la cual hemos dedicado varios reportajes al respecto.
Aumentan de forma alarmante mujeres y homosexuales que ejercen la prostitución en las calles de la zona oriental
[Costa Rica]
Día contra la homofobia
Costa Rica celebró el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia el 17 de mayo y la gente, tanto en la red como en otros sitios, celebró la diversidad sexual.
Tres trans solicitan el cambio legal de sexo
El Estado uruguayo desde ayer tiene tres pedidos de cambio de sexo, realizados por personas que se definen trans. Una comisión conformada por un psicólogo, un psiquiatra y un asistente social evaluará los pedidos. (Foto)
Repudio a la agresión policial a activistas LGBT en San Juan
La Policía provincial impidió la distribución de información sobre el Día contra la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género por parte de La Glorieta, espacio LGBT
La Federación Argentina de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans repudia el accionar de la Policía sanjuanina que el pasado 17 de mayo impidió que activistas de La Glorieta Espacio LGBT - organización local de la FALGBT en esa provincia - distribuya folletería informativa sobre el Día Internacional contra la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género.
Família de José Carlos Silva, 42 anos, considerou pena branda Travesti leva 16 anos por mutilar companheiro até à morte
"Só 16 anos por um crime destes, doutor juiz, só 16 anos para um assassino daqueles que nunca se arrependeu? É uma injustiça", gritava, indignada, dentro da sala de audiências, no final da leitura do acórdão, ontem no Tribunal de Guimarães, a irmã de José Carlos Silva, o homem de 42 anos assassinado à facada, em Junho do ano passado, pelo travesti com quem mantinha uma relação.
Homem de 21 anos Condenado a 16 anos de prisão por esfaquear namorado
Travesti é morta em São Paulo por não dar troco de R$ 10
Por não ter troco de R$ 10, travesti é morta com sete tiros na zona oeste de São Paulo
RJ: Policial é encontrado morto após programa com travesti
No último sábado (28), o sargento da Polícia Militar Augusto Cézar de Carvalho Silva, 51, foi encontrado morto em um quarto de hotel na Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, após ter tido relações sexuais com uma travesti.
Espírito Santo passa a aceitar nome social nas escolas
Alunos e alunas trans do Espírito Santo agora podem usar seus nomes sociais na escola
Administraciones y partidos reciben las reclamaciones del colectivo transexual tras Encuentro en Valencia
La FELGTB ha enviado las conclusiones del Encuentro de Transexuales que remarcan sus necesidades en salud, educación, trabajo y dignidad
Carla Antonelli se convierte en la primera mujer transexual que va a sentarse en un parlamento en España
Carla Antonelli, actriz y defensora de los derechos de los gays, lesbianas y transexuales, se convierte en la primera mujer transexual que ocupe un escaño en la Asamblea de Madrid, y por extensión también en toda España. Va en el número 18 de la lista que encabeza Tomás Gómez en el Partido Socialista de Madrid (PSM), y esta formación política ha conseguido 36 escaños en las elecciones del pasado domingo.
Gay movement contests court decision
The Malta Gay Rights Movement said the failure of the Constitutional Court to recognise transgender Joanne Cassar as a woman goes against the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights as expressed in Goodwin vs UK and other recent judgements and also jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.
Transsexual’s marriage case to be taken to ECHR
Transgender to seek right to marry from European court
I’m not inferior to other women – Joanne Cassar
Afghanistan's accidental gay pride
The embarrassment over the trend for rainbow flags on cars in Kabul reminds us how far Afghanistan is from the liberal west
If you are gay and proud, Afghanistan is quite likely the last place on earth to show it publicly. How, then, are we supposed to make sense of the recent very conspicuous appearance of the rainbow-coloured gay pride symbols all over the streets of Kabul and other urban centres?
Pushed out of train, techie loses limbs
A young software engineer's dreams of making it big have been shattered after pushed out of a moving train allegedly by a group of eunuchs.
[India] [Film]
'Third Man' a movie on the life of Hijras
Now a movie on the life of Hijras is being made in Telugu film industry. The film has been titled 'Third Man'. 'Bomma Borusu Kadu' has been finalised at the tagline for the title.
Stigma, violence continue to repress LGBTIQ groups
Widespread and deeply rooted prejudice and discrimination continue to repress the freedom and confidence of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transsexual, intersex and questioning (LGBTIQ) people, activists say.
Burmese Gay Rights Activists Denounce Discrimination
Anti-homophobia activists from Burma who attended an event in Chiang Mai, Thailand, last week said that gays and transsexuals in the country are subjected to systematic abuse and ill-treatment in their country.
The event, held to mark International Day Against Homophobia, attracted about 40 gay rights activists from Burma.
LGBT group slams Pacmom on pill usage, RH bill
It's now the LGBT (lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender) community vs. Pacmom, following her statement about transsexuals using contraceptive pills to bring out feminine bodily characteristics.
[Australia] [Commentary]
AHRC report released
On May 4 the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) released 2011 Addressing Sexual Orientation and Sex and/or Gender Identity Discrimination: Consultation Report — available at www.humanrights.gov.au — which summarises submissions received and results of roundtable discussions in Melbourne and Sydney.
Transgender discrimination outlawed
The state of Nevada has narrowly passed a law prohibiting employers from discriminating against transgender people.
Transgender discrimination bills pass Nevada Assembly, head to governor
Sandoval will get 2 bills to prohibit transgender discrimination
2 more transgender bills inch closer to Nevada law
Sandoval to sign bill today protecting transgender workers
Sandoval signs transgender job discrimination bill
Gov. Signs Transgender Anti-Discrimination Bill
Nevada Gov. Signs Pro-Trans Law
Gov. Brian Sandoval Signs Transgender Employment Protections in Nevada
Nevada governor signs first of three bills expanding transgender rights
Nevada governor signs transgender protection law
Tenn. Green-Lights Discrimination
Inspired by antigay animus, Tennessee has passed a bill that abolishes antidiscrimination ordinances passed by cities and counties, effectively leaving LGBT people susceptible to bias in everything from housing to employment.
TN governor signs anti-gay bill that 13 major corporations lobbied in support of
'Expect a Lawsuit' on HB600, Attorney Says
Gov. Signs Bill That Reverses Metro Non-Discrimination Law
Gov. Haslam reverses Nashville's anti-discrimination law
Tennessee Governor Signs Bill Promoting Discrimination Into Law
[Commentary] Corporations Supporting HB600 Promote Transgender Raping Girl in Bathroom Meme
[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Now In Court Nikki Araguz Fights For Her Dead Husband’s Benefits, Though Her Opponents Call Her A Lying Man
When 30-year-old firefighter Thomas Araguz died in a blaze at a Texas egg farm southwest of Houston, he left $600,000 in benefits, property, and insurance to his 35-year-old wife Nikki Araguz. Nikki married Thomas in 2008 and says that her husband fully supported her gender reassignment surgical process which occurred two months after they wedded. But Thomas’ mother Simona Longoria has filed a suit claiming that Thomas’ side of the family only learned of Nikki’s gender history just before his death, and that after he found out, he moved out of their home and planned to end the marriage. Now his family is suing so she doesn’t get any benefits because she was born a man and Texas doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.
Woman is beaten outside city convenience store
Four people beat up a Fredericksburg woman in a convenience-store parking lot Saturday afternoon, possibly because of her sexual orientation.

Homosexuales que se prostituyen en la San Vicente de Paúl, tuvieron primeras relaciones siendo menores de edad
la proliferaciones de homosexuales y mujeres que ejercen la prostitucion en las principales esquinas de la avenida San Vicente de Paúl y otras vías principales en este municipio ha sido un tema de preocupación de muchos sectores de nuestra sociedad razón por la cual hemos dedicado varios reportajes al respecto.
Aumentan de forma alarmante mujeres y homosexuales que ejercen la prostitución en las calles de la zona oriental
[Costa Rica]
Día contra la homofobia
Costa Rica celebró el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia el 17 de mayo y la gente, tanto en la red como en otros sitios, celebró la diversidad sexual.

Tres trans solicitan el cambio legal de sexo
El Estado uruguayo desde ayer tiene tres pedidos de cambio de sexo, realizados por personas que se definen trans. Una comisión conformada por un psicólogo, un psiquiatra y un asistente social evaluará los pedidos. (Foto)
Repudio a la agresión policial a activistas LGBT en San Juan
La Policía provincial impidió la distribución de información sobre el Día contra la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género por parte de La Glorieta, espacio LGBT
La Federación Argentina de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans repudia el accionar de la Policía sanjuanina que el pasado 17 de mayo impidió que activistas de La Glorieta Espacio LGBT - organización local de la FALGBT en esa provincia - distribuya folletería informativa sobre el Día Internacional contra la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género.