European Parliament condemns consideration of anti-gay laws
The European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning anti-gay laws in Europe last week, specifically calling on Russia, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania as well as Ukraine to address existing and draft legislation and ‘demonstrate, and ensure respect for, the principle of non-discrimination’.
Associação Nacional de travestis e transexuais tem nova presidenta
A Antra- Associação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais, realizou eleição nesta quarta-feira, 30/05/2012, em Maceió, onde foi eleita Cris Steffany para presidenta e toda diretoria para uma gestão no triênio 2012/2015
Faces Transforming: research on female-to-male transsexuals
As I study the photographic images before me, the boy’s face radiates innocence and boldness. He looks like a bit of an imp. I look at his adult face, and can still see the impishness in his expression. He is middle aged now, balding, with ruddy, coarse skin and beard shadow. This is rather astounding – because this person started out life as female.
Hartford transsexual loses court appeal against harassment conviction
A woman who was ordered to do community service in a graveyard after harrassing her neighbour has had her punishment slashed after complaining the lawnmower she has to push is too heavy.

Xavier Dolan's Transgender Film 'Laurence Anyways' Wins Cannes Gay Prize
Director-writer Xavier Dolan's Laurence Anyways has taken the third annual Queer Palm at the Cannes Film Festival.
Actress Suzanne Clement Honored at Cannes for Performance in Trans Film
Erdoğan shown to have rooted for LGBT rights
Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been taped supporting LGBT rights in the past, but his ruling party is now against recognizing sexual orientation and gender identity
Irã deixa de pagar operações de redefinição sexual
Transexuais se submetem à operação para evitar perseguição, pois homossexualidade é duramente reprimida no país.
Irã deixa de pagar operações de mudança de sexo
A first for the third gender
A former transvestite beauty queen has made Thai political history in local elections in Nan
Thai transgender politician vows to fight for rights of all
WATCH: Transgender muslims
A new documentary explores gender nonconformity in Indonesia
Transgender prostitute awarded $46,000 after sex attack
A former transgender sex worker who was raped by a client has been awarded more than $40,000 criminal injuries compensation.
The woman, who can not be identified, was attacked by a man who she agreed to meet for sex at a Perth hotel in June 2007.

Still in search of an apology
A human rights complaint by a transgendered woman in Fort Smith has been referred for a public hearing.
Gabrielle Landrie, who filed the complaint against Thebacha MLA and territorial cabinet minister Michael Miltenberger, welcomes the matter moving to a hearing.
"My reaction is hopefully, possibly I might get my apology," Landrie said. "That's what I'm looking for."
Shaw Media retracts suggestion it will air transgender reality show
Shaw Media retracts suggestion it will air transgender reality show
Shaw Media is stepping back from comments suggesting it plans to air a reality show about transgender beauty queen Jenna Talackova.
[USA] [Comentary]
Obama admin. says anatomically male studeny has right to use women's restrooms
The University of Arkansas-Fort Smith recently changed its restroom policies after Jennifer Braly, a transgender student, filed a complaint with the Department of Justice.
Trans Against Me! lead singer relieved by fans' cheers
Laura Jane Grace, who shot to fame as Tom Gabel, makes San Diego debut
Lead singer of Against Me! cheered at first performance since revealing she is trans
Anti-gay groups collect signatures to force vote on discrimination ordinance
Opponents of a new city ordinance that would expand the civil rights protections to include its LGBT citizens, said Tuesday they had collected enough signatures of registered voters to force the city council to either repeal the measure or place it on the November ballot for a city-wide referendum.
Petition to Stop Gay Rights Ordinance Meets Deadline; Court Fight in the Works?
Fairness Ordinance opponents turn in signatures
Opponents to 'fairness ordinance' hand in 10,000 signatures
Future unclear on Lincoln gay bias law
Candy Darling’s ‘Drawings and Musings’ For Sale
Tomorrow evening, the Clayton Patterson Gallery & Outlaw Art Museum on the Lower East Side will open the exhibition “Candy Darling: Drawings & Musings 1969/1972.” The show features works by Candy Darling, the late transgender artist and muse of Andy Warhol, Lou Reed and Salvador Dalì. The show will consist of 17 drawings along with photographs and a large painting from Darling’s estate, the only one she ever created.

Osage Transgender Running for Osage Congress Shares Her Story
Jozi Tall Chief is making history as the first admitted intersex/transgender to run for a seat in the Osage Nation government.
“I am the first intersex/transgender candidate in our tribe and I am making history by not only drawing attention to our tribe and issues,” said Tall Chief, “But we are enlightening our people to the old tradition, which we call today ‘Two-Spirit.’”
Más irregularidades en caso de transexual
El ex director de la División de Drogas de San Juan teniente Luis D. Flores le habría solicitado al subdirector de la División, el teniente II Jaime Colón, que omitiera información sobre la autorización que le otorgaron él y el comandante Pedro Sánchez, en el informe PPR-65, para efectuar una intervención en el apartamento de la transexual Ivana Fred Millán, ocurrido el 15 de mayo en el condominio Bahía de Santurce. Fred Millán alegó que fue víctima de un allanamiento ilegal.
Gender-Neutral Housing To Be Offered At Uw
UW students will have the option to live in gender-neutral housing in three campus residence halls beginning next fall, the culmination of years of effort from student leaders from all corners of the UW campus.
Mariela Castro rechaza disculpas a homosexuales
La hija del gobernante cubano Raúl Castro eludió el planteo de disculparse con la comunidad homosexual por las décadas de persecución, diciendo que sería “un ejercicio de hipocresía”
Hija de Raúl Castro afirma en Nueva York ser una "revolucionaria disidente"
March Against Homophobia Celebrates New Outlook in Cuba
"This discussion has changed my mind about homosexuality. Now I understand what my Lesbian friend went through. When she graduated from medical school in Cuba, she cried. She told me that she could live her life the way she wanted to when she was in Cuba. But now she would return to Honduras as a doctor and would have to hide her lifestyle, hide who she is."
Transgender in Guatemala: violence, police harassment and impunity
The transgender community in Guatemala, along with the stigma and discrimination associated with their gender identity, are facing murders, violence in all its many forms, forced disappearances and even extrajudicial executions.