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sábado, junho 30, 2012

Corpo carbonizado em Pinhais é de um travesti
A Polícia Civil confirmou ontem que o corpo carbonizado encontrado às margens de um rio em Pinhais é de um travesti. A vítima tinha as unhas pintadas e outras características femininas. Mas como estava com a genitália queimada, a perícia não pode confirmar o sexo da vítima.

La bandera del arco iris ondea en el Palacio Provincial en el Día Internacional por los Derechos LGBT
El patio de entrada del Palacio Provincial ha acogido un acto organizado por la asociación Colega-Jaén con motivo del Día Internacional por los Derechos de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT), en el que se ha izado la bandera del arco iris y se ha dado lectura a un manifiesto. El presidente de la Diputación, Francisco Reyes, acompañado por la diputada de Igualdad, Yolanda Caballero, y miembros de la Corporación provincial, ha participado en este acto con el que la Diputación “quiere hacer visible su compromiso con la igualdad, los derechos y el respeto de todos los ciudadanos y ciudadanas”, ha puesto de relieve Reyes.

UK's misguided definition of 'transgender'
Primary schools in the United Kingdom are being lauded for encouraging four-year-olds to express what some consider "transgender" behavior.

‘We really are harmless’
A West Cork cross dresser has called for greater public awareness on transgender issues. Stuart (surname with editor), who is also identified as Stella, told the Cork News that more education is needed to improve the rights of trans people, allowing them to be more widely accepted and respected in the community. “I think transgender issues have really moved on, due to vocal people getting out there and discussing it. However, it is still essential to educate the public, for them to understand that we really are harmless,” he said.

Ambassador To Kenya Quits; Speculations Rife As Reports Absolve Gay Event
The US ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration has resigned just after the US Embassy celebrated its first ever LGBT Pride event earlier this week.
US Ambassador to Kenya Announces Resignation

Eunuch's election to mayoral post nullified on gender basis
The election of eunuchs to senior posts has been nullified by courts for the lack of clarity on their gender.

Crackdown on Mak Nyah
Six transvestites (pondans) looking for clients were apprehended in an integrated operation here during the wee hours, Thursday.
Others who realised the presence of authorities immediately kicked off their shoes and fled on barefoot to avoid being caught.
Six transvestites arrested

Media Advisory: CUPE Ontario celebrates Toby's Law at Trans March
Members and leaders of Ontario's largest union will participate in tomorrow's Trans March in Toronto to push for an end to discrimination against transgender and intersex persons.

[Canada] [Commentary]
The UNAUTHORIZED Trans* March of Toronto’s Pride Week
The UNAUTHORIZED Trans* March of Toronto’s Pride Week is billed as an opportunity for Trans* (transgender and transsexual), Genderqueer, and other gender variant people and their allies to get out into the major streets of Toronto, and march in support of their community. I’m proud to be part of organizing this important event.

Chaz Bono in Toronto to shoot episode of ‘Degrassi’
Chaz Bono says he would have transitioned from female to male as a teen, if he had the chance.

Transgender Law Center Celebrates Supreme Court Ruling Upholding Affordable Care Act
Transgender Law Center celebrated today's Supreme Court Ruling upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which includes provisions that would specifically help to ensure transgender Americans are treated fairly by health insurance providers.
Trans Americans Celebrate Health Care Victory at the Court

Florida Police Still Seeking Killer of Trans Woman
Police in the Miami Beach, Fla., area are reaching out to the public to try to solve a three-month old killing of a local transgender woman. According to South Florida Gay News, Rene "Rosita" Hidalgo was found bludgeoned to death in her home March 15, after friends reported her missing to police.

Singer-songwriter Cidny Bullens comes out as transgender
She's toured with Elton John, opened for Emmy Lou Harris, and counts Bonnie Raitt among her dear friends.

Bias crime alleged in Portland belt buckle assault
The 9-1-1 call came in Tuesday night: a man told Portland police that two people had attacked him with pepper spray.
But after officers responded to the scene, the caller, 50-year-old Reginald Ferdinand McGhee, was the one who ended up under arrest.
McGhee was in the process of talking to police when two transgender women walked up and said McGhee had assaulted them.
Man arrested in possible hate crime attack in downtown Portland

Marcharán en pro de la diversidad sexual en Oaxaca
Integrantes de la Red Oaxaqueña por la Diversidad Sexual adelantaron que el próximo 30 de junio a partir del mediodía realizarán su "Cuarta Marcha Calenda por la Diversidad Sexual y de Género", la cual partirá de la fuente de las 8 Regiones al Zócalo de la capital.

Buscan reconocimiento legal para quienes cambien de sexo
La presidenta del Consejo de la Diversidad Sexual del Estado de México (CODISEM), Angélica Téllez Rojas, aseguró que a finales de este año se presentará una iniciativa de ley al Congreso mexiquense para que se reconozca legalmente a las personas que por sus preferencias sexuales cambien de género.

Triste situación en Veracruz para la comunidad LGBT
En Veracruz ¿qué tan difícil es ser diverso sexualmente? “Más que difícil, triste”. La respuesta viene de Hazel Gloria Davenport, periodista y primera mujer transexual en un cargo federal. Sabe de lo que habla pues hace aproximadamente 10 años Hazel vivió en el puerto. Su descripción del escenario veracruzano no deja dudas de que en este 28 de junio, Día de la Diversidad Sexual, no hubo nada que celebrar.

Agrupaciones de GLBT celebraron el Día Internacional del Orgullo Gay
Machala fue testigo de una vistosa y colorida marcha de la celebración del Orgullo GLBTI. En la tarde de ayer decenas de integrantes de la Agrupación GLBT “Sembrando Futuro”, participaron en el gran recorrido por el Orgullo GLBTI 2012 El Oro, bajo el lema “Igualdad y no Discriminación” y “Los GLBT…Somos Amor”.

Personas con diversidad sexual preparan marcha para el sábado
Álvaro Bustamente Vallejos llegó hasta la Policía a pedir resguardo para la marcha por la diversidad sexual. Recibió risas y miradas extrañas a un principio, luego unos policías le dijeron que le responderán hoy viernes, pero “no deberían darles nada a ustedes”.

Grupos LGBT denuncian manipulación del gobierno y renuncian a participar del Primer Encuentro de Jovenes LGBT
Un grupo de organizaciones LGBT limeñas, que habian estado involucaradas en el proceso de convocatoria, denunció la intención del gobierno peruano de manipular y usar políticamente el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Jovenes LGBT que debia llevarse a cabo el 28 y 29 de junio proximos en Lima.

Medellin transgender exhibition goes virtual
A Medellin photo exhibition featuring transgender models has been opened to an international audience, after the city government created an online portal to view the works.

Reinas de la noche celebran orgullo gay
"No necesitamos un día para ser libres, uno es libre siempre, yo soy gay siempre", afirma Gigi, una de las tres transgeneristas que harán parte del espectáculo de remate de la marcha LGBT (conocida como la marcha del orgullo gay), el domingo, en el bar Theatron, de Bogotá.

Diversidad Sexual olvidó basura en Plaza de las Victorias
Ayer, cientos de activistas y simpatizantes de la comunidad Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual y Transgénero (LGBT) de Nicaragua realizaron una Marcha del Orgullo que culminó en la Plaza de las Victorias.
Marcha del orgullo gay demanda cese el acoso y crímenes de odio en Nicaragua
Managua mostró su orgullo gay
Diversidad sexual marchó en Managua en saludo al Día del orgullo Gay
Diversidad sexual desfila por las calle de Managua

Continúa la violencia contra las trans en Guatemala
El dia sábado 24 de septiembre del presente año salió publicado en Prensa Libre el hallazgo del cadáver de una persona trans cuyo documento de identificación oficial respondia al nombre de Fredi Elí Felipe Arellanos. La victima tenia tan solo 19 años de edad segun el periódico citado.

Legislatura de Buenos Aires reconoce película que trata la vida de un travesti
En el Salón Dorado de la Legislatura de Buenos Aires se realizará hoy un reconocimiento a la película Mía,. que narra la vida de una travesti en la Villa Rosa

Celebraron el Día Internacional del Orgullo Gay con una "Caminata por la Igualdad"
Un nutrido grupo de personas gays, lesbianas, bisexuales, transexuales y travestis junto a heterosexuales marchó esta tarde por las calles porteñas al celebrar, con la "Caminata por la Igualdad", el Día Internacional del Orgullo Gay (LGBT) que se conmemora también en ciudades del interior del país y del mundo.

sexta-feira, junho 29, 2012

Evento no Facebook:
Porto - de Junho

Evento no Facebook:
Lisboa - de Julho

Ruth, 79, looks so ordinary but hides an astonishing secret – one her family have struggled to come to terms with
Fashion has lost none of its allure for Ruth Rose, who at 79 has no intention of descending into that old age netherworld of elasticated waists and polyester.
Her wardrobe is filled with beautiful, elegant vintage and haute couture dresses accrued over a lifetime. She shows me a particular favourite; a Japanese printed silk gown which, when teamed with a white mink, she tells me, drew gasps of admiration when she wore it to the Royal Opera House a few years back.

TENI Endorses Senator’s Call for Debate on Gender Recognition
TENI Director Broden Giambrone applauded Senator Katherine Zappone’s call in the Seanad for the Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton to attend a Seanad debate on the progress of Ireland’s gender recognition legislation.

Action, not just words, needed to tackle anti-gay hate crimes
An urgent overhaul of Bulgarian laws is needed to ensure that hate crimes which all too frequently target gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are properly investigated and prosecuted, Amnesty International recommends in a briefing published today.

NGOs' Gay Plans Leak, Govt Furious
The government says it has intercepted minutes of a recent meeting that discussed wide-ranging strategies on how to promote the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Uganda.
Uganda anti-gay bill draws church, donor battle lines

Kenyan Media Weigh In On US Embassy Gay Pride
Key media houses and stations in Kenya yesterday weighed in on the issue of homosexuality after the US embassy in Nairobi hosted its first ever LGBT pride on Tuesday morning.

Toronto transgender people say they're targets of police
Toronto police say they are working to improve their relationship with the city's transgender community, even as some transgender people say they're being targeted by officers.

Project Runway Fan Favorite Andy South Comes Out as Transgender
Project Runway season 8 contestant Andy South announced that she is now living life as a woman, under the name Nong Ariyaphon Southiphong.

Pride at Work / Havoq Crashes Kaiser Contingent in SF Pride Parade
On Pride Sunday, San Francisco Pride at Work/HAVOQ along with a large contingent of OccuPride activists streamed into the street in front of the Kaiser Permanente float, surrounding their pink thrive balloons with the message, “Trans people don’t thrive when Kaiser discriminates.” Pride at Work decided to take action as part of an ongoing campaign to push Kaiser to remove the discriminatory exclusions in Kaiser insurance plans that make it so that most transgender patients at Kaiser can’t get the care they want, and that their doctors recommend.

KOKUMO talks ‘artivism,’ transgender pride and progress
“I want to create a world that I didn’t grow up in,” said KOKUMO, 23, a transgender woman who hails from Jeffery Manor, a secluded community on Chicago’s South Side.

Transgender detainee complains of treatment in jail
An inmate in the Marion County Jail says she's facing constant discrimination while behind bars. She's transgender, and jail administrators say they're keeping her in isolation for her own protection.

Ann Arbor Public Hearing on Discrimination Planned
There will be a public hearing, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Human Rights Commission and the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, to hear testimony on discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, July 12 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., in the Ann Arbor City Council Chamber, located on the second floor of the Guy C. Larcom, Jr. Municipal Building, 301 E. Huron Street.

Out for a Job
Over 150 people packed Affirmations on June 21, for the first-ever LGBT Job Expo in the state. National companies and multicultural corporations including GM, Chrysler, Merrill Lynch, MetLife and Deloitte had recruiting experts on hand looking to hire the best and the brightest.

Texas Republicans Back Platform Opposed To Gay Rights
The Republican Party of Texas approved a platform at their state convention in Fort Worth earlier this month which opposes gay rights.

Denuncian al Gobierno, Congreso y Registro Civil, por violación de derechos en materia de diversidad sexual
Denuncian ante la Defensoría de los Derechos Humanos del Pueblo de Oaxaca (DDHPO), al mandatario estatal, al Congreso del Estado y a la primer oficial del Registro Civil, por la violación a derechos humanos en materia de diversidad sexual en perjuicio de Lizeth Monserrat.

Activistas transgénero y el Copred firman acuerdo electoral
Activistas de la asociación civil ProDiana firmaron un convenio con el Consejo para Prevenir y Eliminar la Discriminación (COPRED) en el Distrito Federal, para garantizar que las personas transgénero y transexuales ejerzan su voto el próximo domingo sin ser discriminadas por su identidad de género.

US politicians urge action against LGBT murders in Honduras
84 congressmen request immediate action from the Obama administration on 70 cases of gay, bi and trans Hondurans killed since 2009

Vecinos señalan a policía en crimen contra travesti
Vecinos de la 13 calle “A” entre 11 y 12 avenida, zona 1, reportaron a las autoridades el crimen contra un hombre dentro de su vivienda número 11-53.

Gay U.S. foreign service officer speaks at Chilean LGBT rights march
A gay foreign service officer was among the estimated 80,000 people who took part in an LGBT rights march in the Chilean capital on Saturday.

Unidos por la Diversidad Chaco celebra el Día del Orgullo Gay
El Día del Orgullo de Gays se celebra este jueves. Por este motivo, la organización chaqueña Unidos por la Diversidad destacó los logros y derechos obtenidos en estos últimos tiempos y marcó que aún resta mucho por hacer en el NEA.

Iquitos celebra Día del Orgullo Gay
Centenares de homosexuales con coloridas y diminutas prendas marcharon para exigir respeto e igualdad.

quinta-feira, junho 28, 2012

Começam hoje as Quintas-feiras Trans-Tásticas
No novo bar gay BAR CRU, sito na Rua de S. Marçal 170 (antigo Água no Bico), no Príncipe Real em Lisboa, começam hoje as Quintas-feiras Trans-Tásticas.
Trans-tástica: Quintas-feiras trans no Bar Cru

MGRM welcomes approval of hate crime law
The Malta Gay Rights Movement has welcomed the passing of Hate Crime legislation in Parliament that extends the scope of this law from race and creed to also include sexual orientation and gender identity. The Bill was approved by parliament last night.

Nationalist group attacks Taksim transsexual parade
An ultranationalist group attempted to attack participants in Turkey’s third transsexual pride parade in Istanbul’s central Taksim Square on June 24, but police stopped the group before anyone suffered serious injuries.
Members of Alperen Ocakları, the youth wing of the Islamist Great Unity Party (BBP), threw stones and bottles at a group of thousands of people wearing costumes and carrying colorful banners for the parade.

Stop The Violence – LGBT Rights Are Human Rights: An Historic US Sponsored Conference
This past week, dozens of LGBT activists from countries in and around southeastern Europe gathered at the Tirana International Hotel for a precedent-setting event: “Stop the Violence: LGBT Rights are Human Rights,” the first LGBT conference ever sponsored by the U.S. government in a foreign country.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church implicitly backs calls for violence against Gay Pride
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has silently endorsed violence against the LGBT Pride March in Sofia after a priest from the provincial town of Sliven called for the stoning of participants.

Nobel Peace Laureates raise their voices to protect LGBTI rights
In an unprecedented statement, four esteemed Nobel Laureates, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Muhammad Yunus, have expressed solidarity with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people worldwide. Together, they call on the global community to recognize that traditional cultural values compel them to respect the inherent dignity and human rights of all individuals.

LGBT meeting in Cameroon turns bloody as gay-bashers invade
The attack came during a gathering to mark the end of this year’s International Day Against Homophobia celebrations in the Cameroonian capital of Yaoundé.

US Embassy in Nairobi Hosts Gay Pride Event
On Tuesday, the U.S. embassy in Kenya's capital hosted a gay pride event, believed to be the first of its kind in the country. The event is as part of the Obama administration’s policy to fight prejudice against lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

[South Africa]
Man charged with murder of South African trans gay activist as anti-gay violence continues
A suspect in brutal murder of South African gay man Thapelo Makuthle has been charged. Activists say that anti-LGBT related crime and violence is on the rise.
Murder suspect of gay South African caught, anti-gay violence continues
Murder suspect arrested in brutal slaying of LGBT volunteer in South Africa

Gay Mongolians see flickers of progress amid fear and ostracism
LGBT community manages to grow quickly despite threats from nationalist gangs who see homosexuality as a western import

To friends, with love
Sowmiya poses like a Tamil actress from the 80s. She smiles demurely, her brown skin glowing against her orange blouse and contrasting green sari. She is pensive in another photo — she’s dressed in a purple t-shirt in it. But Sowmiya seems happiest in the photo of her and Kalki on a bicycle.

Soon, dignity for transgenders
Sumati has been clapping to get attention of shopkeepers to make ends meet for almost three decades. If everything works well, this transgender will stop begging soon.

Laos holds first gay pride event despite taboo
Laos has held its first ever gay pride event in what supporters hope is a sign of softening social values in the small communist country.
Although homosexuality is legal in Laos, it is frowned upon by many among the socially conservative nation of around 6 million people, and event organisers decided against holding a parade as is common at global pride events.

[New Zealand]
Passport process to become more flexible
Internal Affairs is hoping to introduce a more flexible passport policy for transgender and intersex people in September, and has teamed up with the Human Rights Commission in order to get feedback on the issue.

Siksay's bill is back
NDP bill calls for protection for transgender and transsexual people

Stanton criticized for support of transsexual Canadians
Campaign Life Coalition peeved at MPs who backed private member’s bill

‘Project Runway’ Star Andy South Comes Out as Transgendered
When we first met Andy South on Season 8 of Project Runway, she presented as a gay man. Now, she’s out and proud – as a woman.
It has recently been revealed that the Project Runway finalist has changed her name to Nong Ariyaphon Southiphong, which incorporates her family’s last name and her mother’s nickname. According to Radar Online, she recently changed the sex on her Facebook profile to reflect her public update of identity.
Andy South Transgender: 'Project Runway' Contestant Now Living As A Woman

Montgomery Case Continued
Man accused of fatally stabbing transgender woman remains held without bond

Miami Beach Police ‘Clueless’ in murder of Rene "Rosita" Hidalgo
Detective Vivian Hernandez is asking Miami Beach residents for information related to the stabbing death of a local transsexual female. The murder occurred on March 15.

Exigen justicia contra violencia a homosexuales en Honduras
Más de 80 congresistas demócratas de Estados Unidos instaron hoy al Departamento de Estado para que tome medidas contra la ola de violencia que sufre la comunidad de gays y lesbianas en Honduras.

Lexiebeth Chacón, la reina de los transexuales de la C-2
La fragancia del Chanel N⁰ 5, los 1,82 metros de estatura, el delicado arreglo de las uñas, la larga cabellera rubia y el sensual caminar sobre tacones de unos 6 centímetros robaron las miradas de quienes la vieron llegar a la sede de Noticia al Día. Desde que subió al ascensor hasta que se marchó, sin proponérselo, fue el centro de atención. Los hombres admiraron sus despampanantes curvas; las mujeres envidiaron tan esbelta silueta.

quarta-feira, junho 27, 2012

Trans Pride March attacked in Istanbul
Riot police diffuse altercation between Trans Pride and right-wing marches

Putin’s new law may be used against gay marches
A new law in Russia fining people for ‘unsanctioned rallies’ could also be used to crack down on gay prides, says Amnesty
New laws restricting the right to peaceful assembly in Russia will affect gay pride marchers, warns human rights group Amnesty International.

Desmond Tutu and Nobel winners back gays in Uganda and globally
Archbishop Tutu and others make joint statement in response to Uganda’s ban on gay organizations and threats of new death penalty law

CGovernment plans survey of sexual minorities
Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda on Monday said the government would conduct a survey to identify the accurate number of transgenders / sexual minorities in the State.

Eunuch not a woman, high court upholds lower court order
This is the fascinating story of a eunuch elected as mayor from a seat reserved for Dalit woman and a three-year prolonged legal battle which was finally put to an end by the Madhya Pradesh high court on Monday afternoon.
The high court upheld disqualification of the eunuch and ruled that her nearest rival in the contest would be rightful claimant to the mayor's chair.

Chief Minister assures separate welfare board for transgender community
Karnataka Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda on Monday assured the transgender community to look into their demand for establishing a separate welfare board.

Activist plans home for ageing transgenders in Indonesia
Yulianus Rettoblaut, chair of the Indonesian Transgender Forum, says funds are needed for waria nursing home

Exploring Gender and Science
Is gender a given or a social construct, a matter of nature or nurture? And how is science understanding and influencing sexual politics?

NCTE Joins LGBT, HIV Advocates in Responding to Supreme Court Ruling on Anti-Immigrant Law
In a mixed ruling, the Supreme Court today struck down key parts of SB 1070, Arizona’s draconian anti-immigrant law. The nation’s leading organizations advocating on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population and people living with HIV/AIDS responded to the ruling and expressed support for comprehensive immigration reform that includes LGBT people and their families.
More Than 30 LGBT, HIV/AIDS Orgs Call for National Immigration Reform in Wake of High Court Ruling

Bathroom Access Project
The DC Center is working to ensure that the Enforcement Policy for Single-Occupancy Bathrooms that was passed into law on February 24, 2011 is implemented thoroughly.The law states that single gender-specific stall bathrooms should be gender neutral and not labeled male or female. The DC Center will be meeting with Legislative Counsel Jillian L. Irvin to get help and a better understanding of how to enforce the law. This is very important because we are striving to put an end to discrimination against transgender people.

Florida transgender teen wants your help to attend friendly private school in Asheville
Fourteen-year-old transgender teenager Asher Doyle has mounted an online fundraising campaign to help him raise the funds needed to pay for tuition at an LGBT-friendly Quaker boarding school in Asheville.

Transgender support groups and resources in Illinois

GLAAD Marches in 8th Annual Trans Day of Action
The 8th Annual Day of Action (TDOA) began with a rally in Washington Square Park in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, a march in the surrounding streets, and speak-outs by organizers of the project and members of the community. Some speakers celebrated the achievements that transgender and gender non-conforming people and their allies have made recently. Others encouraged the audience to mobilize and take a stance against the discrimination that they continue to experience in so many different areas of their lives. Many took the time to mourn and remember loved ones they had recently lost. Marchers chanted pleas to end hatred and discrimination towards trans people and held signs that proclaimed messages such as “Equal Protections for Trans People Now” and “Gender Justice Now.”

Human Rights Group Condemns Murder of 16-Year-Old Transsexual in Mexico
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights condemned Monday the recent murder in Mexico of a 16-year-old transsexual.
Rights panel condemns murder of transsexual in Mexico

Michoacán: 87 muertos de 1995 a la fecha por crímenes de odio
Desde el año de 1995 a la fecha, aproximadamente 87 personas han muerto en Michoacán por el hecho de tener una preferencia sexual distinta a la heterosexual. Morelia, Apatzingán y Lázaro Cárdenas, en ese mismo orden, son las localidades donde se registra la mayor incidencia de ataques hacia este sector poblacional.

Matamoros holds first gay pride parade in Tamaulipas history
The gay community made history south of the border where organizers held the first gay pride parade in the State of Tamaulipas.

[Costa Rica]
Grupos GLBT marcharán de nuevo por sus derechos el sábado
El próximo domingo 1º de julio se llevará a cabo la Marcha de la Diversidad, una celebración de la diversidad costarricense y el orgullo GLBT (gais, lesbianas, bisexuales y personas transgénero). La marcha empezará en la estatua de León Cortés en La Sabana a las 12.30 md y concluirá en La Plaza de las Garantías Sociales, donde se realizará un concierto para finalizar la actividad alrededor de las 3 p.m.

Prostitutas, travestis y “trans” comparten la pasarela de “La Ruta de la Felicidad” en la C-2
<<100 oral y 400 la hora, si quieres podemos darle anal>>. Eso es lo primero que dicen las prostitutas al llegar con tres pasos a la ventana del vehículo donde el conductor pregunta por sus servicios. Los travestis y transexuales, estos últimos también conocidos como "trans", tienen otra tarifa que puede subir o bajar de acuerdo al modelo de "nave" que tenga el cliente o la empatía que surja en el momento.
“La Ruta de la Felicidad”: 2,5 kilómetros de prostitución las 24 horas en Maracaibo

Comunidad gay marcha con orgullo
Los gestos de cariño y demostración de amor no faltaron. Hubo personas que se detenían a ver el espectáculo de la comunidad GLBT, como dicen llamarse.

LGBT activists continue march for progress in Chile
Thousands show up in downtown Santiago to peacefully support gay rights.

terça-feira, junho 26, 2012

Marcha LGBT de Lisboa 2012
Sábado, 23 de Junho, o Príncipe Real em Lisboa voltou a pintar-se de múltiplas cores para celebrar a 13ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT de Lisboa.
Marcha Lisboa: “Todos os direitos, para todas as pessoas, para todas as famílias”
Marcha Lisboa: Quem são as figuras públicas que marcham pela causa LGBT?
Marcha Lisboa: Neste prédio afinal não vive gente homofóbica
"É a minha primeira vez"
As reivindicações de quem marchou com orgulho em Lisboa (com vídeos)

PARIS - La cour de cassation refuse un changement d'état civil à une transexuelle
La cour de cassation a refusé le 7 juin son changement d'état civil à une transexuelle, au motif que celle-ci n'avait pas prouvé le caractère irréversible de sa transformation en refusant une triple expertise médicale.

Nationalist group attacks Taksim transsexual parade
An ultranationalist group attempted to attack participants in Turkey’s third transsexual pride parade in Istanbul’s central Taksim Square on June 24, but police stopped the group before anyone suffered serious injuries.

Transgenders in plays: Do you enjoy theatre with a little bit of Sheila?
Over the last few years, including a eunuch has become a common practice in Pakistani theatre. The reasons behind this trend vary; while some say the person who plays the character of a eunuch always adds comic relief, Sharabeel says it may be linked to Bollywood.

Rainbow warriors steal the show
Amid the din of slogans, dressed in a myriad of colourful costumes and chanting cries for freedom, members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community here came together on Sunday afternoon to reassert their message for equal rights and acceptance.

‘Suicides among transgenders under-reported’
Transgender activist Priya Babu has attempted suicide three times. Author of four books dealing with the lives of transgenders, Priya said she had a number of reasons. “A lack of recognition in the community and love failures were what led to my attempts at ending my life,” she says.

Malaysian transgender singer fined for being ‘feminine’
Islamic court fines transgender woman after she ‘repents’
Malaysian transgender singer Hafiz Jeffri was fined by the Islamic Syariah high court for ‘dressing in women’s clothing and having feminine mannerisms’.
Singer fined over feminine mannerisms

Malaysia LGBT community demanding rights, end to discrimination
The couple steals kisses, holds hands and dances the night away in one of Kuala Lumpur’s top clubs. The only difference from the scores of other couples on the floor is that the two are both women. In recent months, discussions on LGBT rights in the country have increased, and for these two girls, there is some hope for change in Malaysia.

Columbia advocate shares transgender experience with U.S. Senate
You could have heard a pin drop.
That's how Shannon Minter, legal director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, described the atmosphere as Kylar Broadus testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on June 12.

Denver Police Announces Nation's Most Progressive Trans Policies
The GLBT Community Center of Colorado recently announced that the Denver, Colorado, Sheriff's Department has issued new policies about how they'll be dealing with transgender inmates. The Center’s transgender programs coordinator Courtney Gray., the new policy will change everything from "transport to booking and housing" making it the most progessive policy in the nation.

Primera marcha por la diversidad sexual
En la primera marcha que se realizó en Playa del Carmen por el "Orgullo y la Dignidad Gay" se observó una "tibia" participación por parte de la comunidad lesbico-gay que radica en Solidaridad, en esta manifestación se sumaron alrededor de 200 personas que partieron de la Avenida Juárez hacia el parque Fundadores.

CIDH condena asesinato de adolescente trans en México
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) condena el asesinato de Octavio Hernández Villanueva, joven trans de 16 años de edad, en la ciudad de Tepic, Nayarit, México.
IACHR Condemns Murder of Trans Adolescent in Mexico

Anuncian fundación de la Plataforma Cubana LGBT
Con el objetivo de convertirse en el referente de las asociaciones y proyectos LGBT independientes en Cuba, el próximo 26 de junio quedará fundada la Plataforma Cubana LGBT (PLAC LGBT).

segunda-feira, junho 25, 2012

Protesters attack Greek pride event, hurling eggs, plastic bottles
Dozens of protesters on Saturday interrupted a Pride event in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki, hurling eggs and plastic bottles of water at event participants.

Activists denounce Lebanon’s humiliating treatment of gays
Men suffer medical exams like 'acts of torture' to determine whether or not they are gay

The third sex take on the tax dodgers
Legal recognition for Pakistan's transgender community has changed their role in society, writes Jon Boone in Karachi.

LGBT group: Aquino ‘unfriend’ of Filipino gays
Alliance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights advocators Baguio Pride Network criticized the Aquino administration for its gross neglect of the rights and welfare of the LGBT sector and branded the President of the Philippines as an “unfriend” of gay Filipinos.

[New Zealand]
Improved glbti mental health support needed
New Zealand's mental health services need to be beefed up to be more accessible and more friendly towards glbti people, a just-released report says.

WATCH: Trans Kid Seeks Help With School
Public schools can be a drag for LGBT kids, but one enterprising teen is doing something about it. Asher, a 14-year-old transgender teen, has taken matters into his own hands with an Indieagogo campaign to send himself to Arthur Morgan School, a trans-friendly Quaker boarding school in North Carolina.
Watch: Transgender teen seeks help with school

MU med school puts focus on LGBT health needs
The University of Missouri's School of Medicine is starting to focus on making sure a new generation of physicians is prepared to serve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered patients.

Marchan por la diversidad sexual en Monterrey
Con una vistosa indumentaria, que incluyó, ropa sexy, como negliges, ligueros, mallas, estolas de plumas así sombreros o los más variados disfraces, la muchedumbre desfiló por las calles del primer cuadro de la ciudad.
Marchan en NL al grito de “esos mirones, también son maricones”
Matices de homofobia sobre reporte de la marcha de orgullo en Quintana Roo
Critican a candidatos en marcha de la diversidad sexual de Guadalajara
Hacen pronunciamiento en marcha gay GDL

Marcha por la diversidad sexual convocó a más de 200 personas en Valdivia
Se reunieron en el Torreón del Barro y finalizaron en la Plaza de La República con un equipo de transformistas del Club Blue Queen.
Ministro Beyer en Marcha por la Igualdad: "Es un orgullo contribuir con un grano de arena"
Movilh cifra en 80 mil asistentes a marcha por la diversidad

Municipales 2012: Transexuales celebran por mesas de votación mixtas
El anuncio de mesas de votación mixtas desde las Municipales 2012 en adelante, fue celebrado por las comunidades transexuales en el país.

Partidas de nacimiento con la nueva identidad
El Registro Civil recibió 35 solicitudes para adscribirse al cambio de identidad de género, 20 de las cuales son de la provincia, y el resto de otros lugares del país.

domingo, junho 24, 2012

Marcha do orgulho gay, a crise "cria medo" e dificulta a "saída do armário"
A crise económica acentua as desigualdades e entre a comunidade homossexual, que hoje celebrou mais uma marcha do orgulho gay, teme-se que este seja o pretexto ideal para retirar direitos e aumentar a discriminação.
Marcha do orgulho LGBT desfilou em clima de festa
Marcha Gay: a crise “cria medo” e dificulta a “saída do armário”

Polícia prende suspeito de matar travesti empalada, em crime bárbaro no DF
Renata, 37 anos, foi brutalmente assassinada na madrugada de 20 de dezembro de 2009 em uma quadra comercial de Sobradinho.

El director de Telemadrid afirma que el Orgullo de Madrid es un acto “muy minoritario” y se dirige a Carla Antonelli usando el masculino
José Antonio Sánchez, el director general de Telemadrid, ha confirmado que el canal autonómico madrileño no retransmitirá ningún acto relacionado con las próximas Fiestas del Orgullo LGTB, al ser un acontecimiento “muy minoritario”. Sánchez respondía así a Carla Antonelli y Miguel Aguado, representantes socialistas en la Asamblea madrileña. La sorprendente respuesta (al margen de su carácter reivindicativo, el Orgullo LGTB de Madrid se ha consolidado como la fiesta popular más multitudinaria de la capital) se acompañó además de un lamentable espisodio tránsfobo, al dirigirse Sánchez a la diputada Antonelli (que además de diputada es una conocida activista transexual) en masculino.

IU pide el izado de la bandera multicolor en todos los ayuntamientos cordobeses el próximo 28 de junio
También la lectura del manifiesto en apoyo de la “Igualdad real del colectivo de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexuales (LGBT)”

IULV-CA impulsará una Ley Integral de Transexualidad y llama a movilizarse por la "igualdad real" de los homosexuales
La portavoz adjunta del Grupo de IULV-CA en el Parlamento andaluz, Alba Doblas, ha anunciado este viernes que su formación pretende impulsar una Ley Integral de Transexualidad que aborde "todos los problemas" del colectivo, así como ha animado a los ciudadanos a sumarse a las movilizaciones del 'Orgullo del Sur' convocadas este sábado para "dar pasos hacia la igualdad real" del colectivo de homosexuales.

Study: One in seven UK employees harassed over perceived sexuality in the last year
An international study into the experiences of LGBT people living in 21 countries around the world has revealed what it described as “endemic” homophobia in workplaces internationally.

Sex-change in Israel: Gender trap
The Health Ministry panel charged with approving sex-reassignment surgery has been slammed as non-transparent.

Egypt says gay people are not “real people”
An Egyptian delegation at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Thursday has urged the body to focus its efforts on “real people” who need assistance in questioning the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Nobel Peace Laureates raise their voices to protect LGBTI rights
In an unprecedented statement, four esteemed Nobel Laureates, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Muhammad Yunus, have expressed solidarity with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people worldwide. Together, they call on the global community to recognize that traditional cultural values compel them to respect the inherent dignity and human rights of all individuals.
Uganda says gays now free to meet

Graying transgenders find a home
It is only a small pink house in the middle of a quiet, secluded neighborhood in Depok, West Java. However, the house, currently under partial renovation, may well be the future haven for graying transgenders rejected by society.

More B.C. school districts adopt antihomophobia policies
Although June is Pride Month across North America, Vancouver's Pride parade doesn't take place on August 5. Nonetheless, local school districts have been giving British Columbians reasons to be proud of them by implementing measures to counter queer discrimination.

Trans Workplace Rights Still Murky
Nine out of 10 Americans mistakenly believe that there is a federal law that prohibits employers from firing someone because the individual is gay or transgender, according to The Atlantic. But no such law exists, and this type of discrimination is legal in the majority of states.

Trans Man Just Barely Misses Chance at Olympics
Keelin Godsey may not have made it to the 2012 Olympics, but the 28-year-old has already made history as the first out transgender athlete to seriously compete for an Olympic berth. Yesterday Godsey competed in the Olympic trials in the women's hammer throw competition, finishing in fifth place but setting a personal best record of 231 feet 3 inches.
Transgender athlete Keelin Godsey fails to make Olympic team
Transgender Athlete Fails to Qualify

Trans March at S.F. Pride draws about 2,000
Mikhail Phillips remembers when he decided to live as a man.
He was a girl at a West Virginia high school, hanging on to the belief that wanting to live as a man was just a temporary longing, when his best friend told him it was time to admit the truth.

Denver sheriff’s department plans new policies for transgender inmates
The Denver Sheriff Department in January will roll out new policies regarding transgender inmates, The GLBT Community Center of Colorado announced Friday.

D.C. Mayor Signs Bullying Bill
With the City Council's unanimous passage of the Youth Bullying Prevention Act of 2012 earlier this month, this morning saw Act 2, as Mayor Vincent Gray (D) signed the bill into law – 30-day congressional review notwithstanding – before a warm room full of sweaty witnesses who braved the heat wave to attend.
Gray signs D.C. anti-bullying bill

Anti-Defamation League, LGBT groups tapped to help D.C. police address hate crimes
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier has enlisted the Anti-Defamation League, a national group that fights prejudice and discrimination, to help the department assess how it investigates and reports hate crimes, including anti-LGBT hate crimes, police announced on Thursday.

Mansion poised to open doors for another 'misunderstood' group
Former AIDS hospice to become 'safe haven' for transgender people

Calamus Grant Totals $300,000 for ESPA Transgender Push
Underscoring its commitment to finally winning approval of a transgender civil rights law in New York State, the Empire State Pride Agenda (ESPA), the LGBT community’s leading lobby group in Albany, has announced a $300,000 grant from the Calamus Foundation, which funds HIV and LGBT services, to support its educational efforts focused on gender identity and expression issues.

Era menor de edad el travesti asesinado rumbo a San Cayetano
La Policía Estatal ya trabaja sobre una línea de investigación para esclarecer el crimen del joven transgénero que fue localizado brutalmente asesinado dentro de un predio cerca de la carretera San Cayetano-Pantanal y fue durante la noche del pasado miércoles cuando la madre del fallecido acudió a identificar sus restos a la Procuraduría.

CIDH condena asesinato de adolescente LGTBI en México
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) condena el asesinato de Jesús Armando Méndez Méndez, joven LGTBI de 17 años de edad, en Altamira, Tamaulipas, México.
Condena CIDH asesinato de joven transexual en Tamaulipas
IACHR Condemns Murder of LGTBI Youth in Mexico
CIDH insta a autoridades del Estado a esclarecer crimen de joven transexual

Diana Bayardo retoma campaña tras sufrir atentado
En entrevista para IZQ, la candidata transgénero a diputada federal por el PRD, Diana Bayardo Marroquín, habló de su atentado en días pasados.

Marcha de la Diversidad Sexual busca atención de políticos
La comunidad lésbico-gay y transgénero celebrará hoy en Guadalajara la Marcha de la Diversidad Sexual, una actividad con la que pretenden, entre otras cosas, subrayar la visibilidad que estos grupos de la población reclaman tanto de la sociedad, como de las autoridades y, este año en particular, de los candidatos a gobernador de Jalisco.

Changing times in Chile?
Chile has long had a reputation as one of the most straitlaced, socially conservative and homophobic countries in Latin America.

sábado, junho 23, 2012

Realiza-se hoje, 23 de Junho, a 13ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT, organizada por um conjunto de associações e colectivos, com o objectivo de celebrar e promover a igualdade de direitos e contribuir para a eliminação de preconceitos e discriminação negativa das pessoas LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgénero).

Este ano é organizada pela AMPLOS, APF, ATTAC Portugal, Clube Safo, GAIA, GAT, Grupo Transexual Portugal, ILGA Portugal, Janela Indiscreta, Médicos pela Escolha, não te prives, Opus Gay, Panteras Rosa, PolyPortugal, Precários Inflexíveis, rede ex aequo, Rumos Novos, Solidariedade Imigrante, SOS Racismo, UMAR, e UGT. Estas organizações, de diversos âmbitos, pretendem reforçar o compromisso da sociedade civil em prol da eliminação de todas as formas de discriminação com base na orientação sexual e na identidade de género e da sensibilização para uma mudança social e cultural na sociedade.

Algumas das mudanças necessárias encontram-se espelhadas no manifesto deste ano que pode ser lido em:

A Marcha terá início no Príncipe Real, às 17h00, seguindo pelo Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara e Chiado, e terminando na Praça da Figueira.

Novo método de depilação promete menos dor. Conheça
Novo método de depilação promete resultados mais duradouros e menos doloridos

Alessia Barbosa é a estrela da Paulista com Augusta
Vem conhecer Alessia Barbosa, trans que anima a esquina da Paulista com Augusta

Valesca Popozuda posa nua em clima de protesto e diz não ao preconceito
Funkeira pega carona na Rio+20 e prega a libertação feminina: 'O corpo é meu e faço o que quiser com ele.'
Conheça as transexuais candidatas a dançarinas de Valesca Popozuda
Saiba quem são as transexuais que disputam uma vaga ao lado de Popozuda

Schools praised for labelling 4-year-olds ‘transgender’
School inspectors have praised primary schools for labelling children as young as four ‘transgender’ because they want to dress up as the opposite sex.

Malta extends hate crime laws to include gays
Campaigners welcome passing of new bill which sends 'strong message' to society about LGBT rights

LGBT rainbow flag will not flaunt on the wind
The rainbow flag will not be set in front or on the business building in which the official headquarters of the institution of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro (Ombudsman) is situated.

Gays hail Nepal move to liberalize ID cards
Hindu-majority Nepal said on Friday that it will start issuing identification cards with three categories for genders - a move hailed by gay activists, who said previous regulations had been discriminatory.

Transgender immigrant detainees face isolation in detention
The issue of prison rape is often belittled by standup comedians, but it’s really no laughing matter – especially if you’re a transgender woman locked up in an all-male facility.

Transgender Rights in the Workplace Are Still Unclear
It's illegal to fire employees because of their sex. But switching genders can still cost people their jobs.

Laura Jane Grace's Transgender Life: How Has It Affected Her Family?
'My wife has been my rock,' Against Me! frontwoman says, but adds her new life 'has completely ended' her relationship with her father.

Trans hammer thrower Keelin Godsey narrowly misses U.S. Olympic team
Transgender hammer thrower Keeling Godsey narrowly missed a spot on the U.S. Olympic team, finishing fifth in the Olympic Trials at Nike World Headquarters in Beaverton, Ore., today.
Track and Field: Bates grad just misses Olympic team
Godsey falls short at U.S. Olympic trials

District, D.C. police to form task force to tackle LGBT and hate-crime issues
D.C. police officials announced Thursday they will form a task force to evaluate the department’s investigation and reporting of hate crimes, and assess its outreach and partnerships with communities citywide.

District Releases Annual HIV Report
Mayor and other city officials tout progress, announce initiatives to move HIV-positive people beyond inconsistent care

Changing the rules
LBGT advocates want police policy on dealing with transgender people changed

HUD, IDHR partner to end housing discrimination against transgender people
The U.S. Department of Housing and the Illinois Department of Human Rights have teamed up to strengthen policies to protect LGBT people — especially transgender people — from housing discrimination, according to a joint-letter from IDHR Director Rocco Claps and HUD Assistant Secretary John Trasviña.

CeCe McDonald & the right to self-defense
Activists in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer liberation movement and allies all around the United States are spreading the word about the injustice facing CeCe McDonald in Minnesota. In cities large and small — including Syracuse, N.Y.; Santa Rosa, Calif.; Baltimore; Portland, Ore.; Detroit; Olympia, Wash.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; and Boston, among many others — demands for McDonald’s freedom have been raised at Pride marches and events. From signs and banners, T-shirts emblazoned with the words “Free CeCe,” to floats, graffiti and other creative expressions, McDonald’s case is generating publicity and solidarity, not just in the U.S. but in other countries as well.
CeCe McDonald inspires Dyke March and Trans March merger to create TransDykeQueer March 2012

Local music: Hip-hop in trans-lation
Minneapolis rapper Heidi Barton Stink hopes one day she won't have to explain transgenderism. But for now, she's doing it loudly.

Movie Review: “Trans”
Trans, the compelling new documentary to be released this year by SexSmart Films is currently available on pre-release DVD from

Tens of Thousands Silently Protest Excesses of Stop and Frisk
The NYPD’s practice of stopping and frisking virtually every African-American and Latino youth in the city, many several times annually — there were nearly 700,000 such stops last year alone — was finally protested on a mass scale on Father’s Day, June 17 in a mile-long silent march down Fifth Avenue from Harlem to Mayor Bloomberg’s mansion on 79th Street.

Court orders Sizzler to pay assault victim
A Forest Hills Sizzler has been ordered to pay $25,000 to a transgender woman after a court ruled that staff and diners had attacked her because of her sexual orientation during an incident in September 2010.

News Briefing (Records allegedly destroyed in transgender antibias case)
Attorneys for a transgender woman who’s suing her former employer for wrongful termination filed a motion last week alleging that the firm destroyed “highly relevant” records in the case.

Post-Mastectomy Woman Banned From Swimming Topless By Discriminatory Parks Dept.
The Seattle Parks and Recreation is refusing to let a breast cancer survivor swim topless in the city’s public pool–even though she has no breasts, she considers herself androgynous, and the city allows public nudity. It’s really a form of discrimination at its finest, proving once again, that our society is just overly obsessed with breasts–and doesn’t have a clue how to deal with women who don’t have them.

sexta-feira, junho 22, 2012

Realiza-se no dia 23 de Junho a 13ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT, organizada por um conjunto de associações e colectivos, com o objectivo de celebrar e promover a igualdade de direitos e contribuir para a eliminação de preconceitos e discriminação negativa das pessoas LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgénero).

Este ano é organizada pela AMPLOS, APF, ATTAC Portugal, Clube Safo, GAIA, GAT, Grupo Transexual Portugal, ILGA Portugal, Janela Indiscreta, Médicos pela Escolha, não te prives, Opus Gay, Panteras Rosa, PolyPortugal, Precários Inflexíveis, rede ex aequo, Rumos Novos, Solidariedade Imigrante, SOS Racismo, UMAR, e UGT. Estas organizações, de diversos âmbitos, pretendem reforçar o compromisso da sociedade civil em prol da eliminação de todas as formas de discriminação com base na orientação sexual e na identidade de género e da sensibilização para uma mudança social e cultural na sociedade.

Algumas das mudanças necessárias encontram-se espelhadas no manifesto deste ano que pode ser lido em:

A Marcha terá início no Príncipe Real, às 17h00, seguindo pelo Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara e Chiado, e terminando na Praça da Figueira.

Silencing voices against homophobia violates human rights
Recent months have seen renewed efforts in some Council of Europe member states to silence voices against homophobia and transphobia. Laws banning information about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and inter-sex (LGBTI) issues mark a worrying step back towards a bygone era when homosexuals were treated like criminals. These efforts to curtail freedom of expression and assembly run starkly against international and European human rights standards.

Valesca Popozuda escolhe primeira finalista transexual de seu concurso; veja foto
A primeira das dez finalistas do concurso promovido por Valesca Popozuda, que tem como objetivo encontrar uma dançarina transexual para seu grupo, o “Gaiola das Popozudas”, foi escolhida nesta semana.

Transgêneros de Campinas poderão usar nome social em documentos
Travestis e transexuais de Campinas – SP conseguiram autorização para usar o nome social nos registros de atendimento de todos serviços públicos municipais – fichas de cadastro, formulários, prontuários, registros escolares e outros documentos. Em publicação no Diário Oficial do Município de terça-feira, 19 de junho, um decreto esclarece que o nome social é aquele pelo qual as pessoas travestis e transexuais se reconhecem e que são identificadas pela comunidade e no meio social. A medida entrou em vigor no dia da publicação.

La Izquierda Unidapregunta al Gobierno sobre la eliminación de los contenidos de diversidad afectivo-sexual de Educación para la Ciudadanía
El Ministro de Educación, José Ignacio Wert, mantuvo una reunión con los consejeros autonómicos de Educación el pasado 24 de mayo para presentarles los nuevos contenidos de Educación para la Ciudadanía, contenidos que serán aprobados mediante real decreto en las próximas semanas y que eliminan del temario de esta asignatura toda referencia a la diversidad afectivo-sexual y a la discriminación por motivos de orientación sexual o identidad de género.

El PP de Málaga presentará mociones en defensa de una igualdad efectiva para el colectivo LGBT
El coordinador de Acción Política del PP de Málaga, Julio Andrade, ha anunciado hoy que la formación presentará en todos los ayuntamientos de la provincia una moción en defensa de “una igualdad real y efectiva” para el colectivo de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT).

BBC to axe its radio network’s only LGBT programme
The BBC has confirmed it will axe a volunteer-run programme on its Manchester station, the only LGBT-interest programme on its national radio network.

[UK] [Commentary]
Primary schools praised for labelling children 'transgender'
Ofsted inspectors have praised several primary schools for labelling children ‘transgender’ and encouraging pupils to disregard gender norms.

Lost in transition
Alexander was two years old when he sat up in the bathtub next to his baby sister and declared “I’m a girl, too.” His mother Anna thought little of this and replied simply, “No, you’re a boy.” Still, Alexander insisted, so Anna told him, “Look between your legs. See. You’re a boy.” But Alexander saw something else, something his mother would learn to understand but his father never could. “I’m just a different type of girl,” he would later say.

Trans facts
The Transsexuellengesetz was introduced in 1981, offering trans people the option to
either change their name (“small solution”) or all birth records (“big solution”).

Uganda bans 38 agencies it says are promoting gay rights
The Ugandan government said Wednesday it will ban at least 38 nongovernmental agencies it says are promoting gay rights and recruiting children into homosexuality.

Transgender rights: Shemale association formed in Haripur
United against the harassment and discrimination they face in the society, transgender persons from across the country formed the Haripur chapter of the All Pakistan Shemale Association on Wednesday.

Lawyer tells Malaysian minister her reading of constitution is ‘narrow’
Syahredzan Johan contradicts deputy minister Dr Mashitah Ibrahim's reading of Article 8 of the Malaysian constitution

Cuties at the TBar
Queensland Pride chats to Jaxxon Chilli, who has been building up the transgender social group QT's and the popular once a month TBar night.
TBar was started in 2010 by Vic Ogilvie and Paige Phoenix as transgender and friends Sunday afternoon club. It was handed over to me about a year and a half ago. I have been trying to build it up and get the word out about this fresh new club that feels a little different from the average.

Gina G: A Lifetime Achievement
Gina G has been a lobbyist for the transgender community since 1992. The winner of a Lifetime Achievement Award at the recent Queens Birthday Ball, she talks to Andrew Shaw about how she became the poster girl for the Queensland trans movement.

Trans Health Care Rights on Trial
In the coming days, the Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The National Center for Transgender Equality, along with other LGBT organizations, strongly believes that the ACA’s passage was instrumental in creating new health care rights for transgender and LGB community members. Not only does the ACA expand coverage for all Americans, but protects a vulnerable and disproportionately uninsured (and underinsured) population.

Hammer Thrower Could Become First Transgender US Olympic Athlete
Keelin Godsey, who is poised to compete in the women’s hammer throw at the United States Olympic trials Thursday, could become the first-ever transgender athlete to represent the United States at the Olympic Games, according to The New York Times.
Transgender Athlete Looks to Qualify in Hammer

HRC Report: 2012 sees progress toward LGBT healthcare equality
The number of American hospitals striving to treat LGBT patients equally and respectfully is on the rise, according to a report released Tuesday by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation at a press conference with U.S. Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C.

Trans March aims to span generations
Thousands of attendees are expected to fill Dolores Park with the color of purple to show the transgender community's unity as it mourns its losses and celebrates its victories at the ninth annual Trans March Friday, June 22 from noon to 6:30 p.m.

Team DC participates in Nike’s LGBT sports summit
A transgender former George Washington University basketball player was among the nearly 30 people who took part in an LGBT sports summit at Nike’s world headquarters in Beaverton, Ore., from June 14-17.

Veterans’ Affairs focus on transgender issues
The Orlando VA Medical Center is working toward its goal of providing better support to transgender veterans. On July 7, it hosted an hour long seminar titled “Deep Inside My Brain—A Transgender Woman’s Journey” by Rachel Hunt of Orlando. The presentation was aimed at helping medical and mental healthcare professionals provide healthcare to transgendered veterans.

Lorraine Sade Baskerville: Transcending into womanhood
It is often said that the LGBT community sometimes forgets about the "T." Lorraine Sade Baskerville is here to remind those people.

Candice Hart: A life before transition
Take off your shoes. Put them on the opposite feet.
You can walk around like that for a while, but it'll gnaw at you. If you're distracted, you can get through the day. But no matter what, you know something isn't right.

Communities Rally for 8th Annual Trans Day of Action March
The eighth annual Trans Day of Action (TDOA), a march and rally, will take place on Friday, June 22 at 3 pm in Washington Square Park in New York.

Candidata transexual en Hidalgo sufre atentado
Además de señalar que el PRD no le ha proporcionado recursos para la campaña, Diana Marroquín Bayardo, candidata del Movimiento Progresista a una diputación federal, destacó que tras el atentado sufrido el 17 de junio en el que resultó herida de bala se han entorpecido las investigaciones.

Huyendo del régimen castrista
El caso de Alejandro no es del cubano que tuvo que salir de la isla porque el régimen le decomisó los bienes a su familia. Ni el del que emigró porque sentía que sus ideas políticas no encajaban en el país en el que nació, hace 42 años. Ni el del que tuvo problemas con los revolucionarios cuando supieron que había consagrado su vida a la santería. O el del homosexual a quien la policía golpeó y violó por andar “regando plumas” en La Habana. No. Su caso no es uno de ellos. Son todos los anteriores.

Exigen respeto al género en hospitales
La internación de una transexual en un pabellón de hombres del hospital de Roca derivó en una denuncia ante el Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (Inadi), que recomendó a las autoridades provinciales capacitar al personal de salud para que conozca los alcances de la Ley de Identidad de Género aprobada recientemente por el Congreso de la Nación.