[India] Transgenders come together for month-long national event
Transgenders from across the country are heading towards Ajmer to participate in a month-long national programme. Various activities and seminars have been lined up to discuss ways through which transgenders can also enjoy social inclusion. In one of the activities, the members will invite the entire city to participate with them. City transgenders to bring up hot topics at Koovagam
[India] Eunuchs plan to test political waters
Disheartened at being repeatedly sidelined by political parties, the all-India association of eunuchs is expected to increase political representation to safeguard their interests by fielding own candidates, sources said on Sunday.
[Singapore] Transvestite crook steals her identity
She had lost her identity card about 27 years ago, but she reported it, got a replacement, and thought nothing of it.
[New Zealand] Beyer: We were naive liberalising prostitution
The world's first transsexual mayor, former street prostitute Georgina Beyer, admitted yesterday she was naive when the trade was legalised.
[USA] My Transgender Accuser Needs a Mental Exam
The transgender woman who says Khloe Kardashian beat her up outside a Hollywood club needs her head examined ... according to a judge.
[MN, USA] CeCe’s back in St. Cloud: Show her some love!
As was previously announced, CeCe was transferred to MCF-Stillwater, at her own request, at the beginning of March. She was enrolled in the Atlantis treatment program there, which operates in a separate unit from the general population.
[Ecuador] Elegirán a la Miss Belleza Trans Manabí
La comunidad de gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales (GLBT) de la provincia se prepara para coronar a uno de sus nuevos representantes la noche de hoy.
[Argentina] Triste final para una joven trans acusada por un crimen
Falleció en la madrugada de ayer, a raíz de una enfermedad, una joven trans que estaba detenida a raíz del crimen de Ricardo Portal, sucedido en la madrugada del lunes 11 de febrero pasado en Villa María.
[Lebanon] Transgender victim speaks out on being sexually abused by Lebanese officials
“I was standing outside the nightclub with my friends when I was ordered by [municipality] police to get into the car, with no legal order” one of the transgender revelers harassed Saturday night at Dekwaneh club Ghost said, on condition of anonymity. She said she was taken into a room where she was abused both verbally and sexually by municipality head Antoine Chakhtoura’s deputies.
[Pakistan] K-P’s transgenders protest delay in NICs issuance
As election fever rises in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, tens of thousands of people are clamoring to get their voices heard, to get their candidates elected. However, a marginalised segment of society still remains on the outside, looking in. These are members of the transgender community who have not yet been issued national identity cards.
[USA] Indigo Girls Speak Out About Anti-Trans Policy at Michigan Womyn's Music Festival
A new Change.org petition has been launched calling on the Indigo Girls and other performers at the 2013 Michigan Womyn's Music Festival to pull out and boycott the festival until the festival adopts a policy that would allow transgender women to attend. The petition, launched this week, currently has over 1,200 signatures.
[USA] GLAAD to Media: Tell the Story of Anti-Transgender Violence Correctly
Two instances of anti-transgender murders occurred in Orlando, Florida and Baltimore, Maryland over the last 24 hours. Both were transgender women of color. And when the media doesn't tell their story correctly, it perpetuates misleading stereotypes about transgender people.
[AZ, USA] Arizona Lawmaker Is Afraid Girls Will See A Transgender Woman’s Penis In The Locker Room
Arizona state Rep. John Kavanagh (R) believes that transgender people’s bodies are traumatizing, and that’s why he’s pushing a bill to legalize discrimination based on gender identity. This is considered a “softening” from his first effort to criminalize transgender people’s use of restrooms, but not by much. Kavanagh explained why he’s trying to overturn the city of Phoenix’s nondiscrimination protections in an extended interview with Michelangelo Signorile on Wednesday:
[CA, USA] Trans murder remains unsolved
One year after her violent shooting death on a downtown Oakland street, those who knew Brandy Martell are preparing to remember her and call attention to her killing, which hasn't been solved.
[NV, USA] Nevada Assembly Committee Approves Bill to Add Gender Identity to State Hate Crime Law
Just moments ago, the Nevada State Assembly Judiciary committee passed SB139, legislation that would add gender identity or expression to the state hate crime law. You may recall that similar legislation passed in the state assembly in 2011, but failed, 10-11, with the deciding vote made by then-Senator John Lee, who joined the Republican majority.
[NY, USA] Arrests by the Fashion Police
Here is a vignette from March 2013: A 24-year-old gay man named Yhatzine Lafontain is leaving a restaurant late at night with a friend on Roosevelt Avenue and 95th Street in Queens. Both are dressed as women, Mr. Lafontain in a jacket, short dress and heels. Exchanging goodbyes outside, they are approached by a man who tells them they look good.
[TX, USA] Texas A&M Rejects Student Group Discrimination
Today HRC praised the decision of Texas A&M Student Body President John L. Claybrook to veto a bill that would have allowed discrimination against on-campus LGBT organizations.
[Bahamas] Report Highlights Gay Man's Murder
A new human rights report prepared by the US State Department sites the unsolved 2011 murder of a gay man while pointing out that the Bahamas offers no protection against discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons.
[España] Afectados por VIH protestan contra los recortes frente al Ministerio de Sanidad, vestidos de presos condenados a muerte
Representantes de la Coordinadora Estatal del VIH/sida, CESIDA, han protestado este miércoles frente al Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad por los recortes que están "asfixiando" a muchos de estos pacientes, especialmente en el caso de los inmigrantes en situación irregular, al limitar su acceso a los tratamientos. Para escenificar su protesta, han ido encapuchados con sogas en el cuello, vestidos de presos condenados a muerte.
[USA] Taxpayer-funded sex-change operations on the horizon?
The American Civil Liberties Union and other pro-LGBT legal groups want to force taxpayers to fund gender-change surgery. Cultural analyst Matt Barber claims he saw that coming when ObamaCare came on the scene.
[AZ, USA] 'Pregnant man' to appeal divorce decision
Thomas Beatie, a transgendered man known as the "Pregnant man" was denied divorce by a judge who said his marriage to a woman was not legal in Arizona.
[Argentina] La Ley Antidiscriminación, un reclamo desde la diversidad sexual
Se trata de una normativa que está en vigencia pero no incluye a los pueblos originarios, personas discapacitadas, ni al sector de la diversidad de género. A luz de nuevos hechos de violencia y discriminación, el reclamo se renueva.
[Brasil] Ministério da Saúde reduz idade para tratamento e cirurgia de mudança de sexo
O Ministério da Saúde (MS) deve publicar ainda nesta semana uma portaria que reduz a idade mínima para a realização da cirurgia de mudança de sexo pela rede pública de saúde de 21 anos para 18. Também muda a referência para o tratamento hormonal, de 18 para 16 anos. Segundo a assessoria da imprensa do MS, o Ministério Público Federal será ouvido antes da publicação da portaria.
[Nepal] LGBTI human rights work in crisis in Nepal
Moral running low at Nepal's biggest LGBTI rights organization, Blue Diamond Society, where staff haven't been paid for seven months
[India] UPSC ducks transgender’s test query
At a time when a number of organisations and social activists are fighting seriously for the social rights of transgenders, sadly there is no provision that allows the community members to appear for the competitive examinations conducted by the UPSC and TNPSC, both government bodies.
[AZ, USA] Transgender man denied divorce discusses ruling
The Valley resident better known to the world as the "pregnant man" is speaking out about being denied a divorce even though it is what he and his wife want.
[AZ, USA] John Kavanagh, Arizona State Representative, Defends Transgender Bathroom Bill
The Arizona state legislator who received national attention for promoting a harsh anti-transgender bill aimed at prosecuting transgender people for using a public restroom if their gender appearance didn't match the gender on their identification said yesterday that his effort is indeed “targeting” transgender people, but “only with respect to public accommodations where there is an expectation of privacy” and is about “a balancing of rights.”
[CA, USA] Anti-violence rally draws crowd
El/La Para Translatinas, an agency serving transgender people in San Francisco's Mission district, held a rally at the 16th Street BART station plaza Thursday, March 28 to call attention to what the group says is an uptick in anti-transgender violence.
[ID, USA] Trans-unfriendly Idaho drops surgery requirement for driver’s license gender marker changes
In a state notorious for leaving hurdles in the way of transgender rights, the Idaho Transportation Department dropped it’s policy of requiring sex reassignment surgery before one’s gender marker can be changed on driver’s licenses. The department made the change after the ACLU of Idaho urged them to do so on behalf of two trans residents in that state.
[NY, USA] EMS Denied Transgender Patient Care Causing Her Death, Alleges Sheepshead Bay Lawyer
Emergency responders left Shaun Smith to die because she is transgender, claims a lawsuit brought by the victim’s mother. The Sheepshead Bay attorney representing her says it’s part of a disturbing national trend of discrimination against transgender patients.
[Venezuela] An Interview with Venezuelan Trans Rights Superstar, Tamara Adrian
In honour of International Day of Transgender Visibility we spoke with Tamara Adrian - Venezuelan lawyer, law professor, human rights activist and all round international trans rights superstar. She spoke about transgender visibility in international arenas, the new ’revolution’ in gender identity laws in Latin America, and some key questions facing trans communities in contemporary Venezuela.
[Europe] European Parliament takes stock of LGBT rights in Western Balkans and Turkey
Last week the European Parliament adopted five of its annual progress reports for candidate and potential candidate EU countries. MEPs addressed recommendations on LGBT rights to Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and Turkey.
[Brasil] Transexual é assassinada dentro de casa
A transexual e cabeleireira Débora Moreira Mori, 44, foi assassinada na tarde de hoje. Ela estava em casa, onde também funciona o salão de beleza, quando foi encontrada por uma funcionária. De acordo com a Polícia Militar, essa funcionária viu dois rapazes saírem da casa e ligou para o 190.
[Pakistan] Punjab: Two transgenders file nomination papers
Two eunuchs in the Punjab have filed nomination papers for a national assembly and a provincial assembly seat, The Express Tribune has learnt.
[Thailand] For men only
The army needs 94,480 young men as recruits this year. Unlikely to be among them are a small group of people who have changed considerably since their birth certificates identified them as being male.
[Australia] Gov’t seeks comment on sex, gender records guidelines
Public comment is now being sought on draft national guidelines developed by the Federal Government on the recognition of sex and gender in Commonwealth records.
[USA] Transgender community faces discrimination
Recently Smith College, a private all women’s college in Massachusetts, officially rejected Calliope Wong, a transgender high school student. While Wong’s application read female, her FAFSA read male. Wong socially transitioned during high school and has not divulged whether or not she is undergoing medical transition.
[CA, USA] Transgender Law Center Co-Sponsors Name & Gender Change Legislation
Assembly Bill 1121, authored by Assemblymember Toni Atkins and co-sponsored by Equality California and Transgender Law Center, simplifies the process required for name changes and ensures that a transgender person’s gender identity is reflected accurately on important identity documents.
[DC, USA] Transgender health care rally in D.C. draws more than 100
More than 100 people attended a rally in Columbia Heights on Saturday in support of equal access to health care for transgender people.
“We are here today to advocate for trans competent health care providers and for health care for the transgender community,” organizer Bryce Jordan Celotto said.
[MA, USA] Transgender Boy Cries Foul After Double Rejection by Women's College
A transgender teen who was born male but insists he is a female, cried foul last week when all-female Smith College twice rejected his application for admission to the institution because of his male genitalia.
[MO, USA] Task force meets on transgender issues
Transgender issues were the focus of Monday’s meeting of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Task Force, as speakers offered both academic and personal observations on the topic.
[Argentina] Salud púbica
Aunque existen sanas excepciones, en muchos lugares aún sigue siendo un tormento para las personas trans recurrir a un consultorio médico para asesorarse sobre todo lo relacionado con los tratamientos hormonales y las cirugías. Integrantes del equipo interdisciplinario del Hospital Iturraspe (Santa Fe), uno de los centros donde hoy se entregan hormonas gratuitamente y se realizan mastectomías, responden a preguntas de lxs interesadxs.
[Argentina] Se recupera bien paciente sometido a mastectomía en hospital platense
Kalym Soria, el primer varón transexual en recibir el año pasado el Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI), que lo identifica con su verdadero nombre, fue sometido a una mastectomía en el Hospital Gutiérrez de La Plata, pionero en las cirugías de reasignación genital, informaron hoy fuentes oficiales.
[Brasil/França] Um retrato das imigrantes trans em França (com filme)
É um documentário sobre a vida de travestis e transexuais brasileiras em Paris, da responsabilidade do antropólogo Alexandre Fleming Câmara Vale, professor da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).
[Pakistan] Eunuch to launch campaign on cycles
A eunuch running for constituency NA-151, Haji Saeed Nargis, has announced to launch an election campaign on cycles and motorcyle-rickshaws.
[AL, USA] Transgender Woman Arrested in Military Murder
Federal investigators tracked a suspect to Georgia arresting the person they believe killed a U.S. Coast Guardsman stationed in Mobile.
[MA, USA] Tantasqua board puts transgender issue on back burner
The Tantasqua Regional School Committee put the kibosh on its subcommittee's motion seeking the state Department of Secondary and Elementary Education to "review and revise" its guidance document on transgender and gender nonconforming students.
[ME, USA] Teen accused of threatening to shoot East Millinocket transgender student
An East Millinocket teenager has been suspended from Schenck High School and is being evaluated by juvenile court authorities after he was issued a summons for threatening a transgender student, officials said Friday.
[Brasil] Após travesti Anita, de Salve Jorge, Maria Clara Spinelli interpretará mulher de pastor
A atriz Maria Clara Spinelli, que dá vida à travesti Anita de Salve Jorge, da TV Globo, já tem um novo trabalho em vista após o final da trama de Gloria Perez. De acordo com a artista, ela estará na peça teatral Charlloty, com texto de Zen Salles e direção de Paulo Capovilla.
[CA, USA] Rest In Peace, Marcelle Cook-Daniels
I've been thinking about him recently, and when I Googled his name I stumbled across the obituary that reminded me on this date in 2000 the African-American and national trans community lost one of its major pioneering leaders in the person of Marcelle Y. Cook-Daniels.
[FL, USA] Transgender former inmate sues Orange County
A transgender woman who was an inmate in the Orange County jail is suing the county, 14 jail employees and another inmate because she says she was raped while in jail.
Court papers just indentify the inmate as D.B., and she’s claiming a violation of civil rights.
[IL, USA] No resolution in mediation with spa over trans complaint
A transgender discrimination complaint against a Niles, Ill. spa will move forward after a mediation between both parties failed to yield a resolution.
King Spa & Sauna is facing a discrimination complaint after the spa asked Levi Pine, a transgender man, to use a private shower facility instead of the men's showers.
Pine filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) against the spa late last year.
[MD, USA] FreeState Legal Offers Trans Resources and Outreach
With regard to legal matters, the trans community faces a unique set of challenges.
Fortunately, the FreeState Legal Project has stepped up to help. FreeState provides direct legal aid to low-income lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Maryland residents.
[ME, USA] Maine Principals’ Association draws up new policy for transgender athletes
A new policy that provides a pathway for transgender high school student-athletes in the state to participate in interscholastic sports teams gained final approval Thursday from the general membership of the Maine Principals’ Association.
[Mexico] Veracruz, sin identidad transexual legal: activista
En el estado de Veracruz no existen legislaciones que avale la identidad de los transexuales como credencial de elector o acta de nacimiento, señaló Silvia Susana Jiménez, del Colectivo Xalapeño por la Diversidad Sexual. La única opción que tienen, explicó, es acudir al Distrito Federal, comprobar una residencia de mínimo 6 meses y
hacer los cambios legales necesarios
[Portugal] «Gisberta» com Rita Ribeiro no Teatro Rápido
Rita Ribeiro estará em cena com a peça «Gisberta», que terá a sua estreia no próximo dia 2 de Maio, no Teatro Rápido, um espaço inaugurado há um ano no Chiado, com um conceito inovador e já reconhecido pelo público e imprensa especializada.
[USA] HRC denies wrongdoing in alleged transgender flag incident at Supreme Court
The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBT civil rights group, faced criticism in various social media today after allegations surfaced that one of the group’s staffers told transgender community members to remove their flag from a podium area at the U.S. Supreme Court.
[CA, USA] Berkeley Commission Probes Police Role in Transgender Woman's Death
Paranoid, schizophrenic and transgender, Kayla Moore followed a difficult path through life. That path ended abruptly when she died after Berkeley Police took her into custody the night of Feb. 12.
[IL, USA] UIC holds trans health forum
On March 18, Palliative Neglect, an interdisciplinary collective that looks at health issues for LGBTQ people, hosted a trans health and healthcare forum at University of Illinois at Chicago's School of Public Health (SPH). The forum was designed to answer the community's questions about the new Affordable Care Act (ACA) and resources. The event was held in conjunction with Pride At Work, SEIU Lavender Caucus, Transgender Law Center, Center for American Progress and the National Center for Transgender Equality.
[NY, USA] Transexuales de Queens enfrentan grandes desafíos
Hace una década, una pequeña bodega mexicana en las inmediaciones de la calle 103, en Queens, era el único recurso de la comunidad transexual para conseguir una apariencia femenina.
[OK, USA] Inmate threatens suicide in a legal motion to force gender reassignment surgery
Oklahoma inmate and trans woman Ronny Darnell alluded to a suicide in a recent court motion that could result if his surgery isn’t granted in her pending federal case — this is an example of why one should never be their own attorney. Darnell needs allies in support of her case however, she may have lost a number of supporter with this dubious legal maneuver.
[MI, USA] Moral Objection Bill Moves Out of Committee
Members of the Michigan Senate's Committee on Health Policy held a hearing on and voted in support of Senate Bill 136 March 21. The bill, if passed into law, would provide health care professionals with legal protections should they decide to discriminate against a patient or co-worker based "on religious beliefs, moral convictions, or ethical principles sincerely held by an individual or entity."
[TX, USA] Texas A&M Student Senate again targets GLBT Resource Center
It’s often said that young people overwhelmingly support LGBT equality, but that doesn’t always hold true in Texas, where anti-gay hate is rearing its head on college campuses again this year.
[Mexico] Transexual denuncia a policía del DF por discriminación
“¡Pinche puto, no sabes con quién te metes! ¡Mi palabra vale más que la tuya!”, fueron las agresiones verbales que Brissa, mujer transexual, recibió por parte de José Luis González Bautista, oficial de la policía del Distrito Federal, por lo que decidió demandarlo penalmente por discriminación, abuso de autoridad y amenazas.
[Brasil] Travesti é executado com tiro na cabeça em Gravataí
Um travesti foi morto com um tiro na cabeça na tarde desta quarta-feira em uma rua no bairro Parque dos Eucaliptos, em Gravataí, na região Metropolitana. Moradores ouviram o disparo por volta das 13h45min e comunicaram a Brigada Militar. A vítima ainda não foi identificada. A perícia já está no local. Até agora, ninguém foi preso. Os motivos do crime também não se esclareceram. Vítima ainda não foi identificada.
[OR, USA] Oregon School Creates Unisex Bathrooms for Trans Students
A high school in Portland, Ore., has created unisex bathrooms to accommodate all students, but especially those who identify as transgender. Gender non-conforming and transgender students at Grant High School will not be mandated to use the six bathrooms, but will have the option.
[Latin America] Advancing a Hemispheric Agenda on Trans Rights
Across Latin America and the Caribbean, the trend is an increasing acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans[1] and intersex (LGBTI) people. Recent years have seen important strides toward attaining marriage equality, educational access and public visibility for LGBTI people throughout the region.
[1] Trans is used as an umbrella term to describe all gender variant individuals, including those who identify as transvestite, transsexual and transgender.
[Ecuador] La Ministra Carina Vance se pronuncia sobre despatologización de la Transexualidad
En el marco del evento: “La Psicología y el Ministerio de Salud Ante la Transexualidad: Un Debate sobre la despatologización”, organizado por la Asociación Silueta X, el viernes 19 de octubre del 2012, en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Guayaquil y del cual se desarrolló una reseña por el Diario el Telégrafo.
[Europe] European Parliament tells Commission to step up work on transgender issues
Today the European Parliament asked the European Commission to step up its work against the discrimination faced by transgender people when purchasing or accessing goods and services. This is the latest in a series of Parliament request in favour of transgender rights since 2010.
[Russia] Gay activist badly beaten as Russian city bans pride
Syktyvkar's authorities, capital of Russia's republic of Komi, have banned a gay pride march as it ‘promoted homosexuality’, while its organizer was badly beaten
[Pakistan] First-ever vocational training centre for eunuchs opened
Punjab Vocational Training Centre (Literacy) Secretary Dr Pervez Ahmed Khan Tuesday inaugurated the first-ever training institute for eunuchs in Rawalpindi where transgender would learn free of cost different kinds of skills particularly tailoring, fashion designing and courses to become professional beautician.
[Australia] Transwoman scooters from Cape York to Melbourne
A transwoman rides from Cape York to Melbourne on a 1958 Lambretta scooter with a bunch of international scooter friends? No, it’s not a story outline for Priscilla 2, it’s really happening...
[Australia] Sex and gender reforms coming
Personal records will have the option of male, female or X if proposed guidelines from the federal government go ahead.
[Brasil] Atriz transexual de “Salve Jorge” tem medo de exposição
Maria Clara Spinelli, que vive a transexual traficada Anita em Salve Jorge, contou à coluna Retratos da Vida, do jornal Extra, que já passou por uma operação para mudar de sexo na vida real e hoje é uma mulher. A atriz disse que está com medo da exposição e passou o último final de semana em casa para não ter que chegar em um lugar e ver todo mundo olhando.
[Brasil] Dois homossexuais são assassinados em bairros de João Pessoa
Excerto: No bairro do Grotão, um travesti foi morto com vários golpes de tesoura. De acordo com a Polícia Militar, o acusado pelo crime foi preso em flagrante e confessou que matou o homossexual após ser surrado por ele. O homicídio ocorreu na Rua do Arame.
A vítima morreu com golpes de tesoura que atingiram pescoço, tórax e pernas.
[USA] The Plight of Gay and Transgender Women Seeking Asylum
March is Women’s History Month—a time not only to celebrate women’s contributions to history and society, but also to reflect on the injustices and persecution that too many women continue to face across the globe.
[AZ, USA] Transgender restroom bill will be revamped, lawmaker says
The state lawmaker who sponsored a bill that would have made it illegal for many transgender Arizonans to use the public bathroom of their choice has gutted the measure.
[MO, USA] Which bathroom is ‘right’?
Just before singing the National Anthem and the Alma Mater at Missouri State’s fall graduation 2012, Amelia Lawson and a few other Concert Chorale women really had to use the bathroom.
[Mexico] Establecen causas de la muerte de dos ejecutados
Las dos personas encontradas ejecutadas en el municipio de Cedral, al parecer murieron de asfixia por ahorcamiento y, presuntamente, uno de ellos era homosexual, al vestir de mujer.