Facebook is becoming a more dangerous place for trans and gender-variant people
Another one has been kicked off Facebook for using an 'incorrect name', Jane Fae questions how far this can go
Parada Gay protesta contra veto a discussão de gênero nas escolas
A 15ª edição da Parada do Orgulho LGBT, realizada ontem, em Campinas, foi marcada por protestos contra o projeto de resolução que veta a discussão sobre a ideologia de gênero na Lei Orgânica do município.
Caminhada em SP repudia assassinato de Laura Vermont e outros crimes transfóbicos
O centro de São Paulo foi palco na tarde deste sábado (27) da exposição, indignação e repúdio aos casos de transfobia. – termo que se refere ao preconceito sofrido por travestis, mulheres transexuais, homens trans e outras transgeneridades. Em especial ao caso de Laura Vermont, travesti de 18 anos que foi assassinada por espancamento e tiro na Zona Leste de São Paulo no último dia 20.
A invisibilidade das pessoas transgêneros no Brasil
São quase duas horas da tarde de uma terça-feira fria quando o cirurgião entra na sua sala no décimo primeiro andar de um prédio na avenida Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, centro de São Paulo.
Cogam suspende la entrega del premio a Room Mate por un presunto caso de transfobia
La cadena Room Mate de hoteles se caracteriza por tener una gran implicación con el colectivo LGBT; por ejemplo, el pasado febrero lanzaron una campaña solidaria para luchar contra el VIH a través de una llave solidaria, en una iniciativa presentada por el empresario Kike Sarasola, quien un año más ha sido considerado por La Otra Crónica como uno de los homosexuales españoles más influyentes.
Polícia turca usa canhões de água para dispersar marcha do orgulho gay
A marcha da LGBTI realiza-se em Istambul desde 2003. Este ano, foi interrompida pela primeira vez por forças policiais. O motivo? Coincidiu com o mês do Ramadão.
Incidentes marcam Pride de Istambul (com vídeo)
Turkish police fire pepper spray at gay pride parade
Police break up the 13th Istanbul LGBTI Pride Parade
Police Intervenes in LGBTI Pride Parade
To the International Allies,
Please spread the news in your networks and websites; and show reaction.
28 June 2015, Sunday – ISTANBUL,
Istanbul LGBTI Pride Week completed its 23rd edition last Sunday. The Pride Parade which has been annually held since its first edition in 2003 is the final celebration of a week long pride week inIstanbul. This year, the 13th LGBTI Pride Parade was attacked bypolice forces at the command of the Governorate of Istanbul.
The ever since peaceful and colorful march of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans*, Intersex, and their allies was brutally attacked by the police forces using tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets, and allowing violent Islamo-fascist groups with bats, knives, etc. to scare off Pride participants. The command was given by the Governorate of Istanbul who arbitrarily banned the Pride Parade at the very last moment without even informing the organizers. The reason brought into agenda is Ramadan.
The Islamo-fascist newspapers such as Yeni Akit, Vahdet, Milat, and a couple of wider mainstream media organs such as Star, Sabah, etc have been publishing a series of targeting, hate motivatedarticles and news about the Pride Parade and LGBTI organizations, activists as “perverts”, “deviated people”, “honor-less act in Ramadan”, etc.
The police attack started at around 16:30 (half an hour before the parade should have been taking place). The heavy use of water cannons, tear gas, and rubber bullets even inside of the places where participants wanted to secure themselves, caused several injuries. The police attack continued at night during the Pride Week Closure Party in The Mekan. Many people inside the arena were heavily effected by the intense tear gas thrown inside through the terrace.
LGBTI organizations and LGBTI Pride Week Committee published a declaration protesting against this unacceptable situation. You may find it in the attached file.
Kaos GL, TIHV (Turkey Human Rights Foundation), and IHD (Human Rights Association) declared their support and offered legal consultancy to every injured participant of the Pride Parade in order to bring all these cases into court to seek justice.
The LGBTI organizations, the Pride Committee, and the activists will have a meeting today in Istanbul at 18:00 to discuss about the situation and how to proceed.
Couple of international allies organizing demos today in front of Turkish Embassies and Consulates (Berlin, Stockholm, etc.), also.
There has also been online hate speech and targeting campaign against some of the participants whose photos are in circulation in the internet. The videos and photos of 3 trans women who protested (or just felt like) being naked are in circulation, yet. There has been some horrible calls from both within the trans community and others to execute these people. The movement is also trying to calm all these aggressions, right now.
News links of international media: https://news.vice.com/article/turkish-police-use-water-cannons-rubber-bullets-and-tear-gas-on-gay-pride-parade
A video by a random citizen where people try to celebrate Pride in side streets escaping from police brutality: https://vimeo.com/132080319
Transgender child, 15, gets court approval to feminise body
A child, 15, who was at the centre of a landmark court ruling two years ago, has been allowed to make her own decision to start estrogen treatment to “feminise” her body.
Arnold Schwarzenegger dá resposta «implacável» a comentário homofóbico
A estrela usou uma das frases mais famosas do «Exterminador Implacável» para responder a um crítico no Facebook e disse que a decisão do Supremo Tribunal dos EUA de legalizar o casamento «gay» foi a correta.
Terminally ill transgender El Monte man wishes he could legally end his own life
Michael Saum wanted to spend his life helping others understand lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, but, at 35, he spends most of his days wishing he could painlessly end his own life.
Protesters call attention to issues other than marriage
The 2015 Pride Parade was briefly held up the afternoon of June 28 when several protestors from the activist group #BlackOutPride staged a "die-in" at the corner of Halsted and Addison. Eight arrests were made in the incident, which held up the parade for about 15 minutes.
The protestors said that they were seeking to call attention to issues that had been neglected by the LGBT community in the push for marriage equality.
Winnebago County jail and detention center rules aim to prevent rape, recognize transgender issues
A federal mandate to eliminate prison rape and recognize America's transgender movement have combined to change how Winnebago County corrections staffers interact with juvenile and adult offenders.
Primer crimen de odio por protestas religiosas en Chihuahua: torturan y asesinan a joven transexual
El crimen ocurrió en Granjas del Valle la madrugada del lunes, pudo haber pasado por un hecho más de no ser porque el cuerpo fue envuelto en la bandera de México y un solo medio lo reportó. En tanto, la religión católica realiza una vigilia por la familia y el Congreso local aplaza aprobación de matrimonios igualitarios tras fallo de la Corte.
Trans Person Murdered, Beaten And Shot Four Times – 100 Mourners Attend Vigil And Protest
LGBT continue to fight in the face of official inaction in Peru
For the sixth consecutive year, the Red Peruana TLGB (Peruvian network of LGBT associations) and Promsex (Centre for the Promotion and Defence of Sexual and Reproductive Rights) have just released a damning report on the situation in Peru.
3ª Marcha Pelos Direitos LGBT de Braga
“Mais vale poucos e bons” referia-se assim um dos marchantes ao entusiasmo vivido na 3ª Marcha pelos Direitos LGBT de Braga que aconteceu este sábado.
Em Braga exigiu-se o fim da violência transfóbica
Police use teargas and rubber bullets at Istanbul Pride
It is being reported that riot police have violently dispersed Istanbul Pride, and arrested participants.
Police fire at pride march in Istanbul with water cannons and rubber bullets
Repressão policial da marcha do orgulho LGBT
Please share the news widely to your networks...
Today, the Istanbul LGBTI Pride was stopped by the Istanbul police. Several hours ago before the March started, all small streets to Istiklal Street, where the Pride March would take place, were shut by hundreds of policemen. At around 16:00 and on, when several groups arrived at these small streets, they were stopped by these policemen with no explanation. I personally have talked to these police officers as well as other activists, however nothing was provided to us as information. They all said: "This is the order we got from the Istanbul Governorship!"
Those people who started to gather at Taksim Square we also stopped by policemen not to enter the Istiklal Street. The talks between the MPs from CHP (main opposition party) and HDP AND the chiefs of the police couldn't solve the problem and the ban continued. During this time, the crowds at different small streets grew to thousandsand the police started to attack us, the marchers with teargas, water cannons and plastic bullets. Several LGBTI people got beaten up by the police. Several people have been injured severely and were taken to hospitals.
Several times, in our attempts to enter the Istiklal Street, the police targeted us with teargas, water cannons and plastic bullets. They never stopped. I tried to talk to police officers in order to be able "breath" at small streets where we were "locked", they just shouted at me and others to "shut up". Several people were beaten up in front of us. The Istiklal Street experienced the highest level of police violence, this time to LGBTI people.
Police still attacks several LGBTI people who throw out slogans for our rights on the streets... For the last 4 hours...
I have seen civilians at small streets around Istiklal, running behind the marchers to attack them. Several people were attacked by these people with sticks... As usual, police didn't protect the marchers against these attacks.
The reasoning is that the March was planned in Ramadan... However last year it was during Ramadan. Last week on Sunday, Trans Pride March took place, during Ramadan, too. Nothing happened so far... This has been the very first ban and attack on the March in the last 13 years... Turkish Government showed its undemocratic face...
I call on every human rights defender, NGO or others to share this news widely while protesting the Turkish Government. We, as LGBTI people deserve living as equal as others. Our right to assembly cannot be breached. We will not keep ourselves silent!
Social and Economic Problems of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Individuals in Turkey Research offers insight to social and economic problems that LGBT individuals face due to the discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. Results of the research report diverse forms of discrimination that LGBT individuals encounter in various domains of social policies including employment, health, education, income poverty, housing, participation in the social life, family and ageing. While reporting different forms of discrimination from the perspective of LGBT individuals, the research also demonstrates that the legal system falls short of tackling these forms of discrimination again in the eyes of LGBT individuals.
Rabbinate Cracks Down After Transgender Marriage Gaffe
After Rabbinate fooled into marrying a woman to a transgender man, Religion Ministry demands computerized background testing.
[New Zealand]
NZ told to fund more transgender operations
Labour MP Louisa Wall says New Zealand needs to fund more transgender operations.
Denver jail transgender policy a national model
Transgender jail policy allows Denver jail inmates to choose preferred names, pronouns.
What Came of the Stonewall Rebels
With today marking the anniversary of Stonewall, we take a look at some of the people who participated in the riots and how Stonewall shaped their lives.
EXCLUSIVE: Cuomo demanding state Education Department to better protect transgender students
An outraged Gov. Cuomo is demanding the state Education Department do a better job of protecting transgender students from harassment and discrimination in the classroom.
LGBT-inclusive preferred name and pronoun policy approved for the 2015-2016 academic year
Shortly before the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of same-sex marriage Friday, Ohio University President Roderick McDavis approved a policy that will allow for further inclusion of LGBT individuals on campus.
O que podíamos ganhar em ter o Orgulho LGBT de Lisboa numa só data?
Ainda não é este ano que a Marcha do Orgulho LGBT de Lisboa e o Arraial Pride voltam a decorrer no mesmo dia. Há uma semana, a associação responsável pelo Arraial divulgou no Facebook a data com a imagem, mas limitou-se a isso. Não há um programa, nem sequer a antecedência necessária para se divulgar um evento desta importância a todos os potenciais interessados, que estão muito para além de um círculo restrito ligado ao associativismo. São pessoas de diferentes cidades de Portugal, são emigrantes portugueses no estrangeiro e são também turistas que não encontram informação fidedigna acerca do Pride de Lisboa com a antecedência que lhes permita marcar férias. Isto não acontece com outras celebrações do Orgulho em qualquer capital europeia.
Pride has changed, say trans groups ahead of conciliatory 2015 march
Pride in London and the trans community have had a difficult relationship, particularly since 2008’s ‘toiletgate’, but old wounds are healing
CNN Mistakes Dildos for ISIS
Gay marriage ruling a win for LGB, but transgender woes persist
‘It’s not just the LGB. There’s a T that we should care about,’ activist says
Trans woman who heckled Obama feels betrayed by LGBTI community
She said she felt progress for some in the community was leaving others behind
Thousands join in San Fran TransMarch 2015
Trans people have already become the target of opportunity for the disgruntled frustrated haters of equality.
Thousands march in San Francisco to promote transgender awareness
Bystander at San Francisco Pride Wounded in Gunfire
(PHOTO: San Francisco City Hall on the evening of the TransMarch)
Appellate Win for Calif. Transgender Inmate
The Ninth Circuit on Friday revived a transgender California inmate's legal action for sexual-reassignment surgery.
Team 10: Transgender man claims he was harassed in department store bathroom
A transgender man claims he was harassed in the men's bathroom at the Macy's store in Mission Valley, and when he tried to report the incident to store security, he claims they were nowhere to be found.
Mom honors transgender son with garden
Troubled Vista teen Kyler Prescott, 14, took his own life in May
Fairfax School Board approves adding transgender topic to teens’ class
The Fairfax County School Board has approved expanding the school system’s sex education curriculum to include teaching teenagers in grades 7 through 10 about gender identity and transgender issues.
Transgender community celebrates ruling, vows to continue equality fight
Members of the transgendered community celebrated Friday's historic Supreme Court ruling with a march and rally through Seattle's Capitol Hill and vowed to continue the fight for equality.
Transgender community: ‘Long way to go’ for equality
Parlamento aprova 17 de Maio como dia nacional contra a homofobia e a transfobia
A data é celebrada em todo o mundo e reconhecida oficialmente em diversos Estados, inclusive a União Europeia.
17 de Maio é o Dia Nacional Contra Homofobia e Transfobia
Norway to let 7-yr-olds change gender
Children as young as seven would be allowed to change their legal gender under a bill proposed by Norway’s government on Thursday, bringing it one of the lowest ages for transgender rights anywhere in the world.
Turkey's transgenders pay a "high price" but see brighter future
Despite having the largest gay pride parade in the Muslim Middle East, Turkey's trans community faces discrimination, including at the workplace. However, people feel things are changing for the better in the country, especially after the recent elections.
Transgender lecturer loses fight for reinstatement in Thailand
28-year-old Kath Khangpiboon vows to take further legal actions
NSW Attorney General commits to review on sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex rights
In response to calls from the Independent Member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, the NSW Attorney-General, Gabrielle Upton, has committed to reviewing the implications for NSW of the Human Rights Commission report on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex rights (SOGI).
Panel hears transgender woman’s request to have genital surgery costs reimbursed
When Bobbie Pearson was asked to tell a health-care tribunal what it meant to finally make the transition from a man to a woman at the age of 57, she drew a deep breath and tried not to cry.
Ontario to expand access to publicly insured sex reassignment surgery
The Ontario government will expand the number of places where transgender people can obtain approvals for publicly insured sex reassignment surgeries, The Globe and Mail has learned.
Same-sex marriage is finally legal nationwide
In a landmark 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court has made same-sex marriage legal in the United States. That means marriage equality has come to all 50 states, including the 13 states where same-sex marriage is illegal.
“Rowdy crowd” backs Obama over heckler at White House LGBT reception
Despite disruption, president's annual reflection on LGBT progress under his administration is well received
This Is Why Everyone Cheering Gay Marriage Should Stand With the White House “Heckler” Now
35 Congress members tell Obama administration to end LGBT immigration detention
Transgender Obama heckler Jennicet Gutiérrez hailed by some LGBT activists
Mixed response to Obama’s Pride heckler
Breaking: Supreme Court Upholds Key Health Care Subsidies
In a 6-3 ruling written by Justice Roberts, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the government in King v Burwell, upholding a key provision of the Affordable Care Act (also known as “Obamacare”) that provides subsidies to those buying health insurance in both federal- and state-run marketplaces. These exchanges and subsidies to buy insurance are the foundation of the law that makes health insurance affordable for millions of Americans. Had the Court ruled the other way in this case, reports estimate that as many as 8.2 million Americans would have lost their insurance, while premiums for those that retained coverage would have risen by 34%.
Author Heather Brewer comes out as transgender, reveals new name, Zac Brewer
Beloved YA author Heather Brewer, best known for two successful vampire series The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod and The Slayer Chronicles, has come out as transgender, the author told Publishers Weekly in a recent interview. He also wrote on Tumblr that his name will now be Zachary Oliver Brewer — Zac for short — and his preferred pronouns are he/him/his.
Transgender Air Force vet who helped fellow trans veterans through suicidal struggles takes her own life
She helped many fellow LGBT soldiers and veterans battle their inner demons, but ultimately Jess Shipps fell victim to her own.
BART Police 1 Of 1st In Nation To Implement Policy On Interactions With Transgender People
BART police have become one of the first police departments in the country to implement a specific policy governing interactions with transgender individuals, BART officials said Thursday.
Gov. Christie: Sign Bill Modernizing NJ’s Birth Certificate Policy
Tonight, a bill passed through the New Jersey Senate and Assembly that eases restrictions on changing the gender marker on NJ-issued birth certificates. The bill should be on Governor Chris Christie's desk tomorrow. The National Center for Transgender Equality strongly urges Governor Christie to sign this bill to make accurate birth certificates more accessible for all transgender individuals born in the state of New Jersey.
TLDEF Denounces New York State Senate's Failure to Pass Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA)
TLDEF denounces the New York State Senate’s failure to pass the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act. The bill would have added transgender people to New York’s hate crimes law and protected them from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. The bill was not brought up for a vote before the legislative session came to a close today, ending its chances for passage this session. The legislation has passed the New York State Assembly 8 times since it was first introduced 12 years ago, but the Senate has never voted on it. Governor Andrew Cuomo has voiced support for GENDA and promised to sign it into law if it ultimately passes.
Trial date set in Williams case
A trial date has been set in the homicide case of Diamond Williams, a local transgender woman who was stabbed to death two years ago.
Gun Lobbyist Ties Charleston Shooting To Transgender Rights
In a radio interview on Monday, Gun Owners of America official Erich Pratt tied the mass shooting at a black church in Charleston to the transgender rights movement, saying both are products of a school system that teaches that “there is no absolute right or wrong.”
PNR considera marcha LGBT em Braga 'provocatória e de mau gosto'
"Contra violência transfóbica" é o lema da marcha que invade a cidade dos Arcebispos.
TGEU tells EU to take trans issues to heart
TGEU Co-Chair Arja Voipio spoke today at the European Parliament about the need of the European Union to adopt a comprehensive LGBTI action plan with a strong focus on trans people. Also, future EU gender equality policy should have trans issues at heart, since transphobia and misogyny share same root causes. She reminded present parliamentarians and representatives of EU institutions that the EU should encourage and support member states to improve legal gender recognition procedures. Freedom of movement remains often an illusion for trans people, as having ID documents reflecting their gender identity is either not possible or hinges on giving up other human rights.
Travesti é assassinada em Dourados
A polícia vai utilizar imagens armazenadas por circuitos de segurança instalados naquela região, para investigar o caso
Jovem de 19 anos foi morto com um tiro no peito e o suspeito, preso, nega autoria do crime. Segundo a polícia, a vítima identificada como Sidnei A.C, que residia no centro de Dourados, teria sido baleado depois de um programa sexual.
Após ser proibida de usar banheiro feminino, estudante transexual diz que vai processar escola
No dia 17 de junho, a estudante Stheffany Pereira, de 23 anos, conta que passou por uma das situações mais constrangedoras de sua vida. Enquanto usava o banheiro feminino do Liceu Maranhense, tradicional instituição de ensino público de São Luís, no Maranhão, foi surpreendida por um monitor do colégio, dizendo que não poderia usar aquele banheiro e que deveria procurar o masculino.
Transexual advertida em banheiro de escola vai processar o Estado
Cisgender added to Oxford English Dictionary
Gender term joins 'sext', 'twerk' and 'hot mess' in the OED
Bambi: «Je souhaite que les personnes trans qui ont réussi réfléchissent au rôle qu’elles peuvent jouer»
Marie-Pierre Pruvot, alias Bambi, est l'une des rares personnalités trans out en France. À l'occasion de la Journée mondiale contre l'homophobie et la transphobie, nous l'avons interrogée sur les combats passés et à venir.
Norway proposes extending transgender rights to children
Norway's government proposed on Thursday that children as young as seven should be allowed to change their legal gender with parental support, among the lowest ages in the world for transgender rights.
Gender X: YMCA gym set to get third gender option
The YMCA is considering adding a third gender option for transgender and intersex people on its gym membership forms in response to a small but impassioned social media campaign.
Services for Gold Coast trans* community in the spotlight
A Gold Coast newspaper published claims from local trans* advocates lamenting the 2011 closure of gender-specific services for the region but the local health body claims such a service never existed, although that funding is provided to health professionals involved in the trans* community.
Transgender Military Advocate Jess Shipps Dies by Suicide
The 32-year-old Air Force veteran is remembered for helping others through work with SPARTA and through YouTube videos.
The transgender military community is in mourning after learning of the suicide of Jess Shipps, a 32-year-old Air Force veteran.
Out Transgender Airman, In Male Uniform, Attends White House Pride Reception
Granted an exception to wear a man’s uniform, Senior Airman Logan Ireland and his fiancée — another trans service member — were President Obama’s guests on Tuesday. Military policy, however, continues to ban out trans service.
Heckler interrupts Obama at Pride reception to protest deportation of LGBT immigrants
President Barack Obama took on a heckler head-on at an LGBT pride month reception at the White House Wednesday, scolding the protester for being disrespectful in “my house.”
The heckler had interrupted Obama’s remarks by protesting the detention and deportation of gay, lesbian and transgender immigrants.
Obama's reply to a trans woman proves LGBT advocacy stops at gay marriage
EXCLUSIVE: I interrupted Obama because we need to be heard
Defendant says sex led to death of transgender Santa Ana woman; judge orders trial
A man accused of killing a transgender woman told police he accidentally strangled her during a sexual encounter in the backseat of his car, according to testimony Wednesday.
Transparent Policing: Law Targets Anti-Trans Harassment
Last week, Supervisor Malia Cohen introduced an ordinance that would require the San Francisco Police Department and the Sheriff's Department to gather and report demographic data about every detention or traffic stop. The measure was initially described by Cohen (and reported by the press) as targeting racial profiling, but Cohen also included a mandate that officers record each person's sex and ask them to disclose their gender identity.
Author examines early SF laws against cross-dressing
As a professor of sociology at San Francisco State University, Clare Sears is generally concerned with the present. But for her recent book, she reached back in history to help answer a modern question: Why do LGBTQ and gender non-conforming people seem to be favorite targets of law enforcement?
Creator surprised at popularity of trans pride flag
Behind every revolutionary symbol, is a creator. Nearly 16 years ago, Monica Helms, a transgender woman, conceptualized the transgender pride flag, which is now an established mainstay in today's Pride events throughout the world.
Transgender Man Sues Tower Loan
In early February 2013, Tristan Broussard, 21, applied to work at the Lake Charles, La., branch of Tower Loan, a private finance company based in Flowood, Miss., with more than 180 branches in the United States. In an interview, Broussard says he remembers Leah Sparks, the branch's manager, being particularly impressed with his qualifications and disposition.
Mississippi Trans Teen's Murderer May Face Hate Crime Charges
A grand jury in Mercedes Williamson's home state of Mississippi may be given the option to indict her suspected killer on hate-crime charges.
Was Alabama teen Mercedes Williamson murdered because she was transgender?
Cato-Meridian transgender student says school is forcing him to wear female graduation gown, starts petition
A Cato-Meridian High School student who identifies as male said his school is making him wear a female graduation gown during the school's commencement ceremony.
Report Exposes Illegal Treatment of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students in New York Public Schools
The New York Civil Liberties Union today released a report revealing the serious and pervasive discrimination and harassment faced by transgender and gender nonconforming youth in New York public schools across the state. Despite New York’s reputation as a progressive leader, the state is failing to protect the right to an education of one of its most vulnerable student populations.
Report: Transgender students face discrimination, illegal treatment in NY public schools
Poll Shows Caitlyn Jenner’s Gender Change Hasn’t Changed Minds
A new poll shows Caitlyn Jenner’s recent transition from male to female, and the impossible-to-escape publicity surrounding it, wasn’t a watershed moment.
All charges upheld against alleged murderer of trans woman
After being delayed several weeks, the preliminary hearing of the alleged killer of a local transgender woman got off to a strong start in favor of the prosecution.
David Bowie's transgender muse Romy Haag
Glamorous Romy Haag is one of the most famous transgender women in Europe and a cabaret performer of some renown. She is also well-known as a former lover and muse of David Bowie during his Berlin years (and indeed was the apparent reason for his move to the city in 1976). Her influence on his work is clearly evident in the “Boys Keep Swinging” video, where Bowie appears in triplicate as a chorus of drag queens.
Justiça manda soltar PMs envolvidos em morte de jovem travesti em SP
Os dois PMs ganharam liberdade provisória e fiança de um salário mínimo.
Eles são investigados por suspeita de matar travesti na noite de sábado.
Syrian trans refugee Mişa: Trans Guesthouse become a home for me
Discussions on trans refugees were held as part of the trans pride week. Mişa, a Syrian trans refugee woman, lamented “I imagined that I would be happy in Istanbul. Apparently, I was wrong.”
India's Third Gender
India, along with a host of other South Asian nations, is home to a group of transgender people called "hijras," who have long served as culturally significant ritual performers.
Accused in Sudbury sex case strikes deal
A transgendered man headed to a trial for sexually assaulting a boy in Greater Sudbury has pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of assault.
Ontario transgender woman fighting for surgery coverage
When it comes to her physical recovery, Bobbie Pearson is doing well.
Daughter of transgender father recalls trauma
A man is a man and a woman is a woman no matter what others say. So says a woman impacted by transgenderism in her family.
Another transgender veteran lost to suicide
The transgender military community has been rocked this morning upon learning of the suicide of a transgender veteran, Jess Shipps. The Military Freedom Coalition reports that from what has been known so far, certain people received a goodbye letter from Shipps this morning – including a member of that organization.
OPM bans trans exclusion in federal health plans
In a move that builds off a policy change made one year ago, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management announced Tuesday that federal health plans cannot have blanket prohibitions on transition-related care for federal employees.
Feds Order Federal Employee Health Plans To Cover Transgender Health Services
Trans Woman Interrupts Obama At Pride Reception, Calls For End To LGBT Immigrant Detention
Jennicet Gutiérrez, who works with LGBT advocacy organizations, called on Obama to stop the torture and abuse of trans women in detention. The president responded by saying, “Listen, you’re in my house.”
Undocumented Transgender Woman Who Interrupted President at White House Pride Event Calls to End Deportation
Obama's Trans Heckler: 'I Just Had to Send a Message'
Coalition Prepared to Fight Ballot Initiative Targeting Transgender Californians
A coalition of leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and allied organizations has formed to battle a proposed ballot initiative targeting California’s transgender community.
Authorities investigating if transgender teen's killing in George County is hate crime
Officials are looking into whether the slaying of a transgender teen in George County earlier this month is a hate crime.
Westchester to pay $65K to transgender inmate
The inmate allegedly was the victim of a sexual assault while being held in the county jail
After Hearing and Quick Vote, Stonewall Now Has City Landmark Status, Protection
The Landmarks Preservation Commission heard testimony June 23 on whether to designate the adjoining sites of the original Stonewall Inn, which launched the Rebellion sparking the modern LGBT rights movement, as an official city landmark. It then took the unprecedented step of immediately moving to a vote. The Commission’s affirmative tally represented the first time a site had been landmarked specifically for its role in LGBT history and came just in time for the 46th anniversary of the Rebellion that will be commemorated by the Pride March on Sunday, June 28, the actual anniversary.
New York City grants landmark status to Stonewall Inn
Transgender woman upset after being kicked out of shelter
A transgender woman says she was discriminated against by a local homeless shelter.
Man held for trial in death of transgender woman
A 31-year-old man will face trial in the brutal stabbing last month of a transgender woman, London Kiki Chanel.
slide show com registros fotograficos do BLOCO TRANS * na MARCHA LGBTQI 2015 em LISBOA PT
Travestis e transexuais ocupam a Câmara Municipal de São Paulo
Sob forte protesto da comunidade T, o texto do projeto que institui o PME (Plano Municipal de Educação) em São Paulo foi aprovado por unanimidade nesta sexta-feira (19/5) pela Comissão de Finanças da Câmara, depois que retirou referências e expressões relacionadas a ‘identidade de gênero’, ‘orientação sexual ‘ e ‘sexualidade’ do texto original.
PMs são presos por mentir sobre morte de jovem travesti em SP
Laura de Vermont morreu na madrugada de sábado e tinha diversos ferimentos pelo corpo
Policiais são presos após espancamento e morte de travesti na zona leste de SP
Welsh Government launches consultation for transgender equality
The Welsh Government has today launched a consultation into how it can do more to ensure equality for transgender people.
LGBT people are subjected to hate crimes 'on daily basis' in UK rural communities
Survey reveals that eight in 10 have been verbally abused or harassed, with one in 10 suffering physical assault
Thousands of people walked for Trans Pride: We need a law!
6th Trans Pride March ended with the attendance of thousands of people. People against transphobia, opening 60 meters long trans-flag, said “We need a law against hatred”.
Thousands March against Transphobia: We Need a Law
Armenian Trans Woman Bedi Keskin: “Many of my trans friends are jealous of my life”
We met with Bedi Keskin before the Trans Pride Parade on Sunday, June 21st. Keskin is an Armenian transsexual. In a sense, she is ‘the Other of the Other.’ At 51 years old, Keskin is one of the best stone setters at the Grand Bazaar.
Dispatches: Ukraine’s Small Step Toward Transgender Rights
Late last week a Kiev court overturned the government’s rejection of a transgender man’s application to have his gender legally recognized. In ruling that the applicant did not have to prove he had been sterilized to receive documents in his preferred gender, the court marked a major inflection point in Ukraine’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights struggle.
1st ‘gender-neutral’ degree handed out by NALSAR varsity
Anindita Mukherjee had requested the authorities to address her as “Mx” in her certificates and the university, which has probably become the first Indian educational institution to do so, accepted the “fact”.
Transgenders search for identity and a bank account in India
When Balasubramaniam went to the bank to open a savings account, she had to say she was a man.
Malaysia slammed for jailing of two trans women
An Islamic court in Malaysia has been criticised by human rights groups for jailing two trangsgender women.
Malaysia Takes Heat for Convicting Nine Trans Women of Illegal 'Cross-Dressing'
Malaysia charges nine transgender women using 'anti-cross-dressing law'
When will we start seeing transgender actors in non-trans roles?
Transgender actress Nicole Maines makes her acting debut Tuesday night as a transgender character on USA’s “Royal Pains.”
The 60-year-old former Bond girl posed for Playboy in 1981 while promoting For Your Eyes Only
A year later the British tabloid News of the World revealed that she was born Barry Cossey
In 1991, she approached Playboy and became the first transgender woman to pose for her own pictorial in the magazine
Ms Cossey wrote two memoirs about her experience and fought for her gender to be changed on her British birth certificate
She recently spoke with Playboy once again for her first interview in more than two decades
Court Revives Transgender Worker's Claims Versus Union Despite Lack of EEOC Charge
A transgender ironworker's failure to exhaust administrative remedies on sex discrimination and retaliation claims against his union doesn't require dismissal of his lawsuit under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act because failure to exhaust doesn't deprive a district court of jurisdiction, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled June 19.
No, High Suicide Rates Do Not Demonstrate That Transgender People Are Mentally Ill
To her credit, Caitlyn Jenner has escalated the public conversations on transgender identities, but as conservatives push back on the momentum for trans equality and safety, one myth keeps bubbling to the surface. Conservatives are constantly reminding their audiences that transgender people have a higher rate of suicide and suicide attempts than the general population. This, they imply, is evidence that transgender people are inherently mentally ill and their identities should not be affirmed.
California Gives Transgender People Right to Determine Sex Listed on Death Certificate
In July, California will become the first state in the country to allow transgender individuals to have their gender identity listed on their death certificate.
UGA researcher to look at what shapes gender identity
Researchers at the University of Georgia will partner with other universities as part of a national study on identity development in transgender populations, the largest study of its kind to date.
US University to study trans identity
Gender Transition Legalities Cost Time, Money
The Illinois General Assembly recently passed a bill to give transgender people more say in planning their funerals. But what is legally and financially involved in identifying with a gender not assigned at birth up until that point?
Mississippi teen is 8th trans person murdered this year
Eight transgender women have been murdered in the less-than-six-months of 2015, the latest being 17-year-old Mercedes Williamson, a Theodore, Miss. teen stabbed 39 times and buried in a wooded field in George County, according to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs. Other sources list more victims.
Dos procesados por homicidio de trans en Pinar del Río
Dos hombres de 25 y 18 años que declararon ser pareja fueron detenidos y están siendo procesados por el delito de homicidio, a raíz de las pedradas que en abril último causaron la muerte a Diosvany Muñoz Robaina en un parque de la ciudad de Pinar del Río.
Grupos LGBTI reclaman igualdad
Con motivo de la conmemoración del Día del Orgullo Gay, que se celebrará el 28 de este mes, se desarrolla una serie de actividades por parte de los colectivos LGBTI para instar a la tolerancia y la igualdad de los gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales.
Envejecimiento gay y trans, una realidad que necesita mayor visibilización y menos prejuicios
El envejecimiento de personas homosexuales y trans es por lo general más complejo debido a la falta de contención familiar, la historia de ocultamiento que la persona atravesó durante su vida y la dificultad de compartir hoy con sus pares su identidad, afirmaron especialistas.
Marcha do Orgulho LGBT juntou largas centenas de portugueses e estrangeiros em Lisboa
Centenas de pessoas participaram na marcha que se realizou entre o Príncipe Real ao Cais das Colunas.
Largas centenas de pessoas participam em Lisboa na marcha de orgulho LGBT
16ª Marcha LGBT de Lisboa
Marcha do orgulho gay leva centenas de pessoas às ruas de Lisboa
Corpo de jovem desaparecida é encontrado em Anápolis (GO)
A jovem estava desaparecida há uma semana; o corpo foi encontrado num matagal, com marcas de tortura, tiros e teria sofrido um estupro.
Mistério: polícia investiga a morte de travesti em São Paulo
De acordo com testemunhas, a travesti teria fugido de um linchamento e entrado em uma viatura da polícia. Na fuga, ela bateu com o veículo e foi levada para o hospital. A causa da morte, de acordo com a polícia, seria traumatismo craniano, hemorragia provocada por perfurações com objetos contundentes e insuficiência respiratória.
Polícia Civil prende acusado de assassinar travesti em Marechal Deodoro
Após quatro meses de investigação, policiais da Delegacia de Marechal Deodoro prenderam Manoel Amaro da Silva, conhecido como “Mano dos Teclados”, acusado de assassinar a travesti , Ygor Fernando Oliveira Santos, em fevereiro deste ano, no trevo do Francês.
Morocco Reportedly Arrests 20 Homosexuals in Agadir
Moroccan authorities have reportedly arrested 20 homosexuals and transgender individuals in Agadir. Charges of “homosexuality” and “breach of public decency” were pressed against them.
I spent $80K on sex change
Tatelicious, born Tatenda Zenzo Karigambe, says he has spent more than $80 000 transforming himself into a woman.
Transgender woman speaks on her fight against abuse
BGC club slammed for allegedly barring transgender designer
A transgender fashion designer was allegedly barred from entering a club at the Bonifacio Global City in Taguig City because of a policy deemed discriminatory to the transgender community.
Transgender healthcare just got easier to find
If you're transgender and living in, say, North Dakota, it can be hard to find a supportive medical provider.
Not anymore.
New 5-year transgender study underway
Researchers at the University of Georgia will partner with other universities as part of a national study on identity development in transgender populations, the largest study of its kind to date, Health Canal reports.
Fox News pundit: Charleston shootings happened because society accepts transgender people
A Fox News pundit has blamed society’s acceptance of transgender people for the deaths of nine people in a mass shooting.
Red State’s Erick Erickson Equates Transgenderism With Evil, Connects It To SC Shooting
Acceptance and attendance grow at Trans Pride L.A.
Neil Massey, an 18-year-old transgender man, stood proudly before his first work of art to ever be displayed in a gallery: a portrait of Pope Joan.
Ky Peterson's Mom: My Son's Life Is in Danger
Marlene Peterson talks to The Advocate about her transgender son's alleged suicide attempt in prison.
Alabama Teen Becomes Ninth Trans Woman Murdered in U.S. in 2015
Mercedes Williamson, 17, went missing May 30 and was found two days later buried in a field behind her murderer's father's house.
Participan dos diputadas en la marcha de diversidad sexual
Durante la octava marcha del orgullo LGBTI (Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersexual), se pudo apreciar a varios diputados como América Aguilar, diputada del Partido del Trabajo, así como Hortensia Aragón Partido de la Revolución Democrática.
Participan diputados en la marcha de diversidad sexual
Asesinan mujer trans en el municipio de San Marcos, Sucre
Es la segunda mujer trans asesinada éste año en este municipio
En lo que va del 2015 el Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de Caribe Afirmativo ha registrado 12 casos de homicidios contra personas LGBT en la región Caribe.
Colombians win right to change their gender
Big step for LGBT rights as people allowed to choose the sex they feel truly represents them
Funcionarias distritales cambian de sexo en la cédula
La nueva normativa evita que los interesados tengan que pasar por exámenes psiquiátricos o inspecciones corporales para verificar el cambio físico de sexo.
É hoje! É hoje à tarde! Vamos massivamente demonstrar que não vão destruir o nosso SNS sem luta? Pelo reconhecimento do direito à autodeterminação das identidades trans, marhar, marchar...
Este ano na Marcha teremos pela primeira vez um bloco trans... Contra o desmantelamento do SNS marchar marchar...
Para Laerte, visibilidade de transgêneros na TV é positiva, mas não triunfo
Há algumas semanas, Laerte Coutinho reforça o time de transgêneros que têm conquistado a televisão, como Laverne Cox, a Sophia de "Orange Is the New Black", e Jaime Clayton, a Nomi de "Sense 8", sem falar de Caitlyn Jenner, que em breve será estrela do documentário "I Am Cait" no canal E!.
UK university rewrites centuries-old dress rules for trans students
Victory for St Catharine's University trans and gender neutral students
Pope Francis on trans issues: Accept the body God gave you
'Thinking that we enjoy absolute power over our own bodies turns into thinking that we enjoy absolute power over creation'
Legal status of transsexuals to be alleviated?
A parliamentary subcommittee has finished examining a bill regulating gender recognition in Poland.
Transgender fails court bid to change identity to woman, judge says ‘hands tied’
The High Court dismissed today a male transgender’s application to change his identity card detail to reflect his new gender status as a woman, citing past precedent in its ruling.
Transgender's bid to be legally recognised as female fails due to lack of paperwork
Genitalia doesn’t determine gender identity, trans activist insists despite court ruling
Thais working in Mideast warned against cross-dressing
The Labour Ministry is reminding Thai transgenders working overseas that cross-dressing in Middle Eastern countries can get them thrown in jail.
Watch: Trans woman makes powerful statement about domestic violence
A video maker has made a powerful video on domestic violence – recreating some of the injuries that many trans women face.
Halifax radio station Q104 apologizes for sharing ‘insensitive’ image mocking Caitlyn Jenner
A radio station in Halifax has apologized after sharing an image on its Facebook page that it calls “insensitive.”
Trans Jem Artist on Coming Out and Creating Comics
It's 'Showtime Synergy!' in this exclusive interview with the out trans artist behind the hit Jem and the Holograms comic book series.
Family Resource Council releases anti-transgender report
Lately, the evangelical right has been obsessing over transgender identity. A lot of the rhetoric has been Bible-based and emotionally charged.
Free At Last
Nicoll Hernandez-Polanco was granted asylum, but challenges remain as she gets used to her new life outside detention
Trans Woman Who Sued Uber For Expenses Wants To Become CEO
It's beginning to look like Barbara Ann Berwick, the woman who successfully petitioned the California Labor Commission for reimbursable expenses during her stint as an Uber driver last summer and won a ruling this week, did not go after the company because she was hard up for cash. The San Francisco Business Times sat down for an interview with Berwick at her home in SF's Anza Vista Heights, and the self-employed investor and former phone-sex entrepreneur makes it sound like she knew exactly what she was doing when, after just two months as an Uber driver, she resigned and filed her claim for just over $4,000 in expenses.
Transgender teen is victim of George County murder
An investigation into a murder of a transgender teen from Alabama began when the suspect, a convicted felon and longtime member of the Latin Kings street gang, told his father he'd killed someone, police reports show.
NJ assembly committee approves bill to drop sex change operation requirement to change birth certificate
Last year Governor Christie vetoed a bill that would drop the requirement for a sex change operation in order to amend an individual’s sex on their birth certificate. On Thursday, an Assembly committee approved a new version of that bill.
Nevada to offer transgender health coverage starting July 1
State employees and covered family members will have health coverage for gender reassignment and other transgender procedures under a new insurance policy that takes effect July 1.
Este ano na Marcha teremos pela primeira vez um bloco trans... Contra o desmantelamento do SNS marchar marchar...

Assembleia Municipal de Lisboa aprova erradicação da discriminação contra pessoas LGBTI
O Bloco de Esquerda apresentou na AML uma moção pela erradicação da discriminação e da violência contra as pessoas lésbicas, bissexuais, transexuais e intersexo, que foi aprovada por maioria. No próximo sábado, 20 de junho, tem lugar a 16ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT em Lisboa.
Berlin was a liberal hotbed of homosexuality and a mecca for cross dressers and transsexuals where the first male-to-female surgery was performed - until the Nazis came to power, new book reveals
An uninhibited urban gay sexual scene flourished in Berlin, Germany in the wake of World War One
The science of ‘transsexuality’ was founded at the Institute of Sexual Science where the first male-to-female surgery was performed
German scientists concluded that same-sex love was a natural, inborn characteristic and not merely the perversion of a ‘normal’ sexual tendency
There were 30 separate homosexual periodicals
Cross-dressers found dressmakers who tailored for large sizes and singles searching for gay love could place ads
Anti-LGBT groups are making inroads across East Africa
Two years after Ugandan legislators proposed a law that would condemn active homosexuals to death, a precedent is spreading throughout the region.
The fight goes on for Lebanon's LGBT community
“You don’t have to be gay to defend gay rights,” insist a number of popular Lebanese public figures in an advocacy video released by civil society organization Proud Lebanon in the leadup to the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on May 17.
US ambassador’s visit to LGBT event sparks outrage in Jordan
US Ambassador to Jordan Alice G. Wells' recent attendance at an LGBT event has sparked outrage here. About 40 people gathered in central Amman to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Organized by My Kali Magazine and LGBT activists, participants got together to raise awareness of the social and economic challenges facing the LGBT community, and some Western diplomats joined them.
India government asks Supreme Court to define 'transgender'
Says it cannot not enact landmark ruling recognizing a third gender if does not know what the word means
15 transgenders nabbed in JHEAIK raid
Fifteen transgenders were detained by the authorities in an integrated operation at a hotel here yesterday.
Maine’s most famous transgender teen makes television acting debut
Maine’s most famous transgender teen is making her acting debut next Tuesday on national television.
Politico Compares Caitlyn Jenner to America’s First ‘Transgender Sweetheart’
For this magazine, it's a rare look at a transgender pioneer who also transitioned in the public eye.
Jeb Bush not against transgender people serving openly in the US military
'I’m sure there’s a role for everyone to play in the armed forces'
Trans singer makes history at A’s game
Soprano Breanna Sinclairé became the first transgender person to sing the national anthem at a Major League Baseball game Wednesday night at the Oakland Coliseum. It was only the second game Sinclairé ever attended, but she was already a fan before she opened her mouth to sing at the A’s LGBT Pride night.
EQCA, TLC launch trans education campaign
Ahead of a possible ballot initiative next year that would legislate which public restrooms transgender people could use, Equality California and the Transgender Law Center have launched a statewide education campaign aimed at helping Californians better understand trans and gender non-conforming people and the issues they face.
Ban on trans surgery at G’town Hospital highlights shortage of surgeons
Transgender activists say a decision earlier this year by MedStar Georgetown University Hospital to discontinue performing breast implant surgery for transgender women has highlighted an unexpected turn of events for the transgender community.
Madison County adds transgender individuals to non-discrimination policy
On Wednesday night the Madison county board approved a move to add transgendered individuals to their non-discrimination categories in the employee handbook. The addition gives the same protections as race and religion. Some of the 29 board members were missing from the meeting but the vote still happened and passed by a big majority.
County debate on transgender status causes stir
Trans swimmer Schuyler Bailar happy to be joining Harvard's men's team
"I'm not changing who I am, I'm not changing my personality. I am only changing my body so it matches my insides and my feelings."
'Treasure' looks at life of Detroit transgender woman
In the film "Treasure," Brandie Brown describes seeing her sibling, Shelly, as a transgender woman. "She had a little black short hairstyle. She was dressed all in black. Nails long. She was looking good," says Brown, smiling at the memory.
Transgender Outreach offers resources, safe place
Local resident Elena Long remembers growing up in Cressona, Pennsylvania, a town she said boasted of barely a thousand people. Despite the difference in size, she says the Seacoast is lacking resources for people who are transgender.
Defense wants no mention of sex change in case of transgender cop accused of murder
A Clackamas County judge will rule next month on what details jurors may hear about Lynn Edward Benton's sex change.
Trans: llámeme cómo decidí nombrarme
Derechos. La comunidad LGBTI se abre paso y pide el respeto de sus derechos. En Nicaragua hay avances en ese sentido, entre ellos la Resolución Ministerial 271-2014
Homosexuales piden con marcha igualdad de derechos
Solicitan promover la dignidad de la comunidad gay en el país centroamericano
Antioquia, Valle y Bogotá reúnen el 61% de los homicidios contra personas Lgtbi
Durante la publicación de su informe anual de Derechos Humanos de la Población Lgbti, la fundación Colombia Diversa confirmó que entre 2013 y 2014 se presentaron 164 homicidios, 222 hechos de violencia policial y 54 amenazas contra esta población en gran parte del territorio nacional.
Cuatro muertos en Segovia tras paraición de amenazas
A través de un panfleto firmado por un “grupo que lucha por la equidad social”, fueron declarados como objetivo militar los trabajadores de la mina El Cogote y los integrantes de la Mesa de Trabajo Minera, plataforma que vincula a varias organizaciones sociales del municipio de Segovia en Antioquia. Hasta la fecha se conoce la muerte de cuatro personas luego de que circulara el comunicado.
Según el panfleto amenazante, se declara la guerra a los integrantes de la comunidad de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales -LGBT- de la zona y se señala con nombres propios a los líderes de las movilizaciones contra la multinacional minera Zandor Capital, filial de la Gran Colombia Gold.
Segregación, discriminación y acceso a la salud, principales problemas de personas LGBTI en cárceles
Colombia Diversa reveló que son separados en las cárceles las mujeres 'trans' y los hombres gay que se autoreconocen, así como las parejas de lesbianas son segregadas para "evitar problemas o violaciones de Derechos Humanos".
El drama de los LGBTI en las cárceles
Así son las terapias que prometen “curar la homosexualidad” en Chile rechazadas por el Colegio de Psicólogos y la OMS
El gremio publicó una declaración en la que señala que “no existe ningún estudio científico” que acredite algún resultado en estos tratamientos e hizo un llamado a quienes hayan asistido a denunciar a quienes lo imparten. La “Fundación Restauración”, la “ONG Isfem” y “Es Posible la Esperanza” son algunos de los centros que prometen la “conversión”.
Colegio de Sicólogos rechazó "terapias reparativas para curar la homosexualidad"