Jovem desaparecida é encontrada morta em local conhecido por desovas
O corpo de um moça*, identificada como Fabiane Hilário, de 20 anos, foi encontrado por um morador que saiu para trabalhar e passou pela Estrada do Caximba, próximo a BR-116, na manhã desta quarta-feira (27). A jovem, estava bem vestida, usava um relógio no pulso e tinha ferimentos na cabeça.
*Inicialmente, foi repassado, tanto pela polícia quanto pelo homem que teria encontrado o corpo, que se tratava de um rapaz. Mas com a chegada da perícia, foi descoberto que era uma moça. A matéria foi atualizada.
Report documents anti-trans violence in Central America
A new report indicates transgender women in Central America remain particularly vulnerable to discrimination and violence.
‘Trans athletes are unfair to women’ insists columnist
The writer worries the move will be exploited by ‘medal-hungry male athletes’.
Brighton students given 24 options when asked by government to describe their gender
Options include 'In the middle of boy and girl'
Newspaper columnist jokes JK Rowling is writing ‘Hattie Potter and the Post-Op Transgender?’
A newspaper columnist has joked that JK Rowling is working on a new book: “Hattie Potter and the Post-Op Transgender?”
Patrick Kidd, writing in the Times diary column made the comments in response to a tweet from JK Rowling that she was struggling to choose a gender for characters in her new book.
Schools advised to have gender neutral toilets and uniforms to support transgender pupils
New guidelines have been launched to help schools support LGBT students.
Schools urged to get unisex toilets for transgender pupils
[Hong Kong]
No child should endure my ordeal, says sex-disorder Hongkonger forced to be a boy
Born neither male nor female, bullied as a child and driven to attempt suicide by repeated anatomical operations, Small Luk hid her bodily ambiguity for 20 years until a proper diagnosis allowed her to choose surgery and live as a woman. Now she wants Hong Kong to change laws so ‘intersex’ babies don’t have their sex decided for them, like hers was
Lethbridge school district releases draft gender identity policy
The Alberta government recently released guidelines surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation in schools across the province, and is asking school boards to develop policies that reflect those guidelines.
Cruz Rails Against Marriage, Trans Rights, Rainbows in Iowa
Days before the Iowa caucus, the presidential candidate panders to his base.
Veteran who grew up in Elkhart urges lawmakers to protect Transgender Hoosiers
As we first reported Wednesday night on FOX28 News at 10, an Indiana State Senate Committee advanced a bill that would add protections for lesbians, gays and bisexuals in Indiana, but not transgender Hoosiers.
Indiana Senate committee passes Trojan horse nondiscrimination bill
Discrimination agreement required at voucher-eligible school
Burrow into Lee Christian School’s “lifestyle statements and covenant” — a wordy, contractual document requiring the signature of parents, school employees and students grades 6-12 — and you’ll find this nugget:
“Gender confusion and dysphoria are ultimately the biological, psychological, social and spiritual consequences of the human race’s fallen condition. This state of depravity affects all persons individually and collectively.”
WEST WINDSOR-PLAINSBORO: School board adopts new policy for transgender students
With virtually no comment, the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional Board of Education has introduced a new policy that addresses the topic of transgender students — children whose gender identity differs from their gender assigned at birth.
School board listens to transgender students
Two transgender students — Julia Crooks and Ryka Sweeney — stood before the microphone last Tuesday to address the school board about their concerns, and the board listened.
Transgender student sent home from school for wearing a skirt
Controversy tonight involving Toledo Public Schools and a student who wore a skirt to school. The teenager was born a boy is transgender and identifies as a girl.
Transgender student not allowed in skirt
LGBT advocates in uproar ahead of Oklahoma legislative session
Oklahoma legislators have pre-filed more than two-dozen bills targeting the LGBT community ahead of Monday’s legislative session.
Trans people to police: We're not 'portrayals'
Trans folks are speaking out against a Pennsylvania State Police practice of categorizing anti-transgender hate crimes by male or female “portrayal.”
Transgender Advocate Outraged At Student Bathroom Bill
The House of Representatives voted 58-10 approving H.B. 1008
Transgender Students’ Access to Restrooms Protected By Federal Law
ACLU-TN Initiative Aims to Raise Schools’ Awareness
Transgender Students' Access to Restrooms Protected By Federal Law
Utah proposal would protect LGBTQ people from hate crimes
A new proposal could make it a hate crime in Utah to harm someone because they are gay or transgender.
Virginia bill proposes Kim Davis-style clerk exemptions
Senate committee backs same-sex marriage religious objection bill, but kills hate crimes measure
Federal appeals court hears transgender Va. student lawsuit
A federal appeals court on Wednesday for the first time considered the question of whether Title IX of the U.S. Education Amendments of 1972 allows transgender students to use facilities that are consistent with their gender identity.
Eight Questions About the Anti-Trans Bathroom Bills in the State Legislature
On Wednesday, a state senate committee passed SB 6433, a bill that would repeal the Washington State Human Rights Commission's new rule that protects transgender people using sex-segregated bathrooms. Danni Askini, executive director of the Gender Justice League, attended the hearing. We spoke to Askini about what happens now, and what the public testimony she heard yesterday means for transgender people in Washington State.
Seattle Mayor and City Council Oppose Repealing Transgender Bathroom Protections
Nine Brazilian trans women charged with attempted murder of sex worker
Carla, a 29-year-old trans woman (or transvestite as Brazilian media calls us), was stabbed three times after an argument related to a sex work spot in Lourdes neighbourhood, on Tuesday night. Nine transgender women were arrested, accused of involvement in the attempted murder, one was accused and sent to Uberaba prison. The knife used in the crime was also confiscated and handed over to the police.
Governo lança livro 'Transexualidade e Travestilidade na Saúde'
O objetivo é informar e conscientizar toda a sociedade e promover hábitos saudáveis entre a população de travestis e transexuais.
Top 10 books about gender identity
Transgender, intersex and subverting gender stereotypes: The Art of Being Normal author Lisa Williamson selects her favourite books that feature characters across the gender identity spectrum
Australian of the Year: Catherine McGregor sorry after saying David Morrison choice was 'weak'
Australian of the Year finalist and transgender military officer Catherine McGregor has swiftly apologised after branding the appointment of her former boss David Morrison to the position as a "weak and conventional choice".
[New Zealand]
“Unacceptable flatmates are painted as villains”
An organisation that supports transgender people in exercising their human right to access appropriate housing says it is “unacceptable” that the transgender group who advertised for a new flatmate stating they did not want to live with heterosexuals, have been painted as villains by the Human Rights Commission.
Local access to healthcare for transgender patients lacking, one advocate says
Wesley Austin says he faced some resistance when he was transitioning from a woman
Calgary Bishop Fred Henry unrepentant over transgender 'totalitarian' comments
Outspoken Catholic leader doubles down on criticism of 'anti-Catholic' Alberta Education gender guidelines
Muzzling judgement on LGBTQ lifestyle is 'pure nonsense,' says Alberta Catholic Bishop Fred Henry
Feds push to remove any mention of 'he' and 'she'
Changes will create new expenses for employers required to comply
Fayetteville's state-fought law on civil rights argued in court
A Washington County circuit judge said this week that he will rule on whether a state law allows Fayetteville's civil-rights ordinance.
Sarasota school's bathroom policy sparks conversation about transgender rights
Nate Quinn is a high school senior dealing with everything from homework, to college applications to extracurricular activities, and, on top of it all, he's transgender. It was a year ago when Quinn told his family and friends he identified as a boy.
Lake hopes for leads in transgender cold case, sends items for DNA testing
Lake County sheriff's detectives are hoping that sending off items found with a transgender woman's body 30 years ago for DNA testing could spur some leads in the cold case and possible identify the woman.
Anti-LGBT Bills Begin Advancing In Indiana And South Dakota
With a tsunami of anti-LGBT bills being introduced in states across the country, this week saw the first movement on such legislation in Indiana and South Dakota — and the results do not bode well.
BREAKING: Indiana Senate panel kills religious objections proposal
An Indiana Senate committee has killed a bill that would have thrown out the state’s contentious religious objections law and replaced it with more robust protections for the rights of worship, speech and bearing arms.
Mom sues after Minnesota teen denied coverage for gender reassignment
The federal case alleges employer and health plan denied coverage for Reid Tovar Olson.
Minnesota mom sues over denial of son’s gender reassignment treatment
Missouri business groups divided on LGBT-discrimination ban
Missouri businesses are divided over a proposed ban on discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, with some companies during a Wednesday hearing backing the measure as needed to recruit top candidates and some powerful business groups countering it could lead to more lawsuits.
Moorestown schools talk transgender policy, pass superintendent search firm
The Moorestown Board of Education public comment was filled with two very different subjects last week. Parents spoke about the safety and comfort of their children sharing bathrooms and locker rooms with transgender students. Residents also expressed their support of having Interim Superintendent and Director of Curriculum and Instruction Carole Butler as the new superintendent, with no need to hire a search firm.
Here's What State's New Regulations Mean for Transgender New Yorkers
Transgender New Yorkers have new protections against harassment and discrimination, thanks to changes made to the regulations of the state's Division of Human Rights.
House passes transgender bathroom bill
A couple of bills making the rounds during the current legislative session take a look at a student's anatomy and sexuality.
House votes to send student bathroom bill to state Senate
Transgender student brings court fight over bathrooms to Richmond's 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
A transgender student’s fight to use a boys bathroom at his Gloucester County school went before the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday.
Body or mind: Appeals court judges question what defines gender in Gloucester lawsuit
Appeals court hears Virginia transgender teen’s case regarding bathroom use
Attorney urges court to rule in transgender student’s favor
Full Senate to vote on gender-identity bathroom bill
A state rule that allows people in Washington to select a restroom based on their gender identity protects transgender people from harassment, supporters of the rule told a Senate committee Wednesday.
Wash. Senate bill would reverse transgender bathroom rule
Bathroom bill raises ‘vile’ rhetoric
State Senate panel narrowly votes to repeal new transgender bathroom rule
Transgender Access To Restrooms, Locker Rooms Spurs Impassioned Debate
Rules on transgender restroom access sparked heated debate in Spokane Valley
Violence against transgender women in Brazil remains high in 2016
Brazil launched a campaign to support its transgender population Wednesday, an issue that desperately needs attention after reports that 48 transgender women have been murdered in the country so far this year.
Brazil Launches Campaign to Support Transgender Population
The Brazilian government launched today a campaign focused on health, human attention and respect for the transsexual and transgender population.
Travesti é morto com tiro no tórax
Um travesti foi morto na noite deste domingo (dia 24) no bairro Jardim Paraíso, em Rio Preto. A vítima foi atingida por um tiro na região do tórax e chegou a ser socorrida, mas não resistiu.
Brazil: the slaughter continues
Travesti é esfaqueado em disputa por “ponto” no bairro de Lourdes
Um travesti foi esfaqueado por outros nove travestis na noite desta terça-feira (26), no cruzamento da avenida Leopoldino de Oliveira com a avenida Niza Marques Guaritá. A possível motivação da briga seria a disputa de ponto para programas no bairro. A Polícia Militar (PM) foi acionada e prendeu os nove acusados de envolvimento no crime.
Rights in Transition Making Legal Recognition for Transgender People a Global Priority
Bhumika Shrestha, a transgender woman in Nepal, holds her citizenship certificate, which listed her as male in 2011. Nepal legally recognized a third gender category beginning in 2007, but it took Shrestha and other activists and transgender citizens until 2015 to push for recognition on documents.
Trans people to get free travel passes
Free annual travel passes are being given away to transgender people, in an attempt to raise awareness of transphobia among the public.
Free Madrid metro passes for transgender people
Madrid metro sparks row with free passes for transsexuals
Jeremy Clarkson comments about trans people are 'damaging', says Stonewall
Ex-Top Gear presenter has been criticised for Sunday Times column that accuses couple of ‘poisoning the mind of a child’ by letting their son live as a girl
German party says schools should teach trans children to accept their 'biological gender'
Eurosceptic party AfD also doesn't consider holding back marriage equality to be discriminating against LGBTI people
How one controversial Tel Aviv clinic is helping transgender youth
The Channel 2 network recently received an unusual complaint: A viewer of the reality show "Big Brother" claimed that her feelings were hurt when a participant was shown putting on tefillin, small boxes containing Torah verses worn by observant Jews during weekday prayer. For the viewer, the problem was that this participant, Michael Elroy, is transgender — a man who was born a woman and changed his gender. Even though Judaism does not forbid women from putting on tefillin, most of the Orthodox public holds that this deed is reserved for men only. And so, according to the complainant, Channel 2 “enabled a woman to ridicule Jewish values and the holy books.”
Transgenders: Our fight will not stop till Sec 36A repealed
Section 36A is aimed at controlling the ‘objectionable activities’ of ‘eunuchs’.
[New Zealand]
Flatmates defend their ad for 'No heterosexuals': We just don't want to live with you'
A group of transgender flatmates living in Wellington has defended their Trade Me listing for wanting "no heterosexuals" in their advertisement.
Trademe advert highlights trans housing discrimination
[New Zealand]
Bullied, trans people end up on the streets
A spokesperson from Lifewise says feedback from frontline staff tells them that about 1-1.5% of clients identify as transgender and the organisation is currently working with seven people who identify as transgender.
Cheers and fears as WSD trustees debate landmark transgender policy
Amid fears of discrimination against heterosexuals, predictions of lawsuits and the perils of schools keeping secrets from parents, Winnipeg School Division’s pioneering transgender policy is off and running.
Many Transgender Ontarians Not Comfortable With Doctors
A study led by researchers at Western University has found about half of transgender Ontarians who have a family doctor are not comfortable discussing transgender-related health issues with them.
Canada’s Michelle Dumaresq upbeat about IOC change for transgender athletes heading into Rio 2016 Olympics
A couple years back, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights tracked down Michelle Dumaresq to request a jersey from her career as a professional mountain biker.
Who’s Afraid of Gender-Neutral Bathrooms?
In the middle of taking the bar exam at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, in New York City, along with thousands of aspiring lawyers, I had to go to the bathroom. The enormous line for the women’s restroom looked like it would take at least a half hour. There was no line for the men’s restroom. I walked in, passed my male counterparts at a row of urinals, used one of several empty stalls, then returned to my desk. I felt that my decision to forgo the women’s bathroom made a difference to my passing the exam, and that the much longer wait for women than men during an all-important test for entry to the legal profession was obviously unfair.
Trans Youth and Adults are Under Attack: Help Needed to Stop Bullies in State Legislatures Now
Our community is under attack.
Gender Identity vs. Catholic Identity Face-Off After Title IX Expansions
The federal government’s reinterpretation of Title IX to include ‘gender identity’ is generating concern on Catholic campuses.
Bill O'Reilly Wonders Whether Transgender Voters Will Get A "Special Booth"
DAVID SPADE (GUEST): I think like my mom said when you are younger, you are Democrat. When you get older you get Republican. I don't know why she said that. She said that when you get money and in the beginning you are saying "I want to help the world" and then when you get older you try to think it through and say "I have money, where is it going? Is it going to the right places" and blah blah blah. Republicans get a bad rap. I don't know where I fall. I think it's hard to pick such a clear side when there is transgender now and people don't even like to say male or female.
Speaking up for equal access to shelters
Over 1500 people have joined the National Center for Transgender Equality to urge the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to ensure that all trans people can access safe shelters when they need it.
North Carolina native to create statue paying tribute to transgender victims of violence
North Carolina State University’s School of Design alumnus Heath Satow has been hired to create a new statue to pay tribute to transgender victims of violence.
StoryCorps: A transgender pioneer reflects on her path to activism
In the 1960s, the Tenderloin was a center for the LGBT community in San Francisco. But even there, they faced discrimination and harassment, often from the police. Felicia Elizondo first came to the Tenderloin from San Jose as a teenager in 1963. It was there that she took part in the Compton’s Cafeteria Riot in 1966, one of the first transgender riots in the country.
LA LGBT Center Creates Transgender Youth Fund with Holly Woodlawn Donation
Before she died early last month, internationally acclaimed cabaret performer and Andy Warhol muse Holly Woodlawn had decided to leave a legacy of support for at-risk LGBT young people. Shortly after her death on Dec. 6, her estate reached out to the Los Angeles LGBT Center—the nation’s largest provider of services for LGBT youth—to jointly establish the Holly Woodlawn Memorial Fund for Transgender Youth with seed money of $25,000.
Southington school board considers policy for transgender students
The Board of Education is considering a policy for transgender students that would increase privacy, allow access to locker rooms and bathrooms, and require teachers to address transgender students by their chosen names.
DeKalb County schools await state policies for transgender students
School districts 424,427,428 have general policies affording students freedom from discrimination based on sex, gender identity, sexual orientation
Transgendered community upset at proposed bathroom bill
Illinois Bill Would Limit Transgender Bathroom Access
Seven transgender women have been murdered in Detroit since 2011. The harm runs far deeper than the headlines
At 10:21 A.M. on a smotheringly humid July morning this past summer, a woman on Detroit's west side dialed 9-1-1.
Six minutes later, a second call came through. The message was more or less the same: A lady, who appeared to be naked, was lying in the intersection of McGraw and 25th Street. She was possibly moving. Maybe hit by a car.
Nova Classical Academy approves interim gender inclusion guidance
At its board meeting on Monday evening, Nova Classical Academy board of directors approved guidance to staff on gender inclusion at the public charter school. The guidance, which is an interim measure until the board approves an official policy, states that gender non-conforming students should be protected from bullying, that gender non-conforming students can wear the uniform that matches their gender, and that students will be able to use the “single sex facility” that aligns with their gender.
“Kill this legislation, or we will see you in court,” LGBT group speaks out against new proposals
Today, the nation's largest LGBT civil rights organization accused our state of going after LGBT families with over two-dozen proposed new laws.
Local transgender woman sues U-Haul for discrimination
A transgender woman who claims a Gresham U-Haul employee discriminated against her by refusing to rent her a van is now suing the company for $75,000.
Dakota Midday: HB1008 With ACLU's Libby Skarin
South Dakota ACLU Policy Director Libby Skarin joins Dakota Midday for a conversation about House Bill 1008, a bill to "restrict access to certain restrooms and locker rooms in public schools."
Transgender Restroom Policy Fix Passes Committee
Transgender bathroom bill moves ahead in Pierre
Transgender bathroom bill advances in Pierre
SD Civil Rights Advocates Oppose Bills Aimed at Transgender Students
Proposed religious freedom bill defended by Virginia GOP House and Senate members
GOP House and Senate members gathered at the Capitol today to support several proposed bills which aim to protect religious freedoms in the Commonwealth.
Va. Senate committee approves two anti-discrimination bills
ACLU: Gloucester transgender lawsuit comes at critical time
The appeal filed by the 16-year-old transgender student who is suing Gloucester County schools over its restroom use policy will have crucial consequences, according to Joshua Block, senior staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union.
Va. transgender student’s case could have national implications
4th Circuit to hear Virginia transgender student’s appeal
4th Circuit to hear transgender student lawsuit
Transgender woman files suit against Peoples Bank for allegedly denying her service
A transgender woman has filed a civil lawsuit against her bank, saying they denied her service over the phone because she sounds like a man.
Legislator explains why she's blocking transgender bathroom opposition bill
Washington state Rep. Laurie Jinkins disagrees with a proposed bill that would limit the state's transgender bathroom policy, but she told KIRO Radio's Jason Rantz that's not why she's blocking it from being heard by the Legislature. At least, not the only reason.
ICYMI: The State Rep Behind the Transgender Bathroom Bill Faces Questions About His Military Record
Senate committee to consider bill to repeal gender-identity bathroom access
Se graduó en la universidad el primer homosexual zapoteco asumido como mujer
Amaranta Gómez Regalado oriunda de la ciudad de Juchitán, es el primer zapoteca homosexual asumido como mujer que se graduó de una Universidad, al defender su tesis de licenciatura en Antropología con el tema, Guendaranaxhii: la comunidad muxhe del Istmo de Tehuantepec y su relación erótica- afectiva.
Nicaragua’s Red Odetrans media campaign goes viral
Red Odetrans, a Nicaraguan trans advocacy organization media campaign “Somos iguales a vos” (“We are just like you”) has found success in the media, traditional and digital. The campaign has been particularly effective in universities helping people to visualize the different aspects of trans women in Nicaragua.
Indígenas, pobres y homosexuales
El libro ‘La Madonna de Sorata’, del boliviano Edson Hurtado, reúne crónicas estremecedoras sobre el terrible destino que depara a aquellos que tienen una sexualidad heterodoxa en una comunidad indígena
Murdered Argentinian trans woman identified as Bella Inostroza
A trans woman was found dead in a rural drain in the Roca neighborhood about 1500 meters south of Route 22 has been identified by family as Bella Inostroza, 40 years old.
Dirigente trans, coordinadora en el ministerio de Bullrich
Patricia Bullrich, nombró a Mara Pérez Reynoso, vicepresidenta de Unión PRO Diversidad, como Coordinadora Nacional de Diversidad.
Primera transexual nombrada como jefa de dependencia del Gobierno argentino
New transgender Olympic rules changing sports?
New transgender rules passed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) are making it easier for men to compete as women, potentially changing the face of the Olympics after millennia.
Keith Lemon takes aim at Caitlyn Jenner in new sketch show
Keith Lemon has mocked reality star Caitlyn Jenner in his new sketch show.
Jeremy Clarkson: Parents who support transgender children are 'poisoning their minds'
'Men who want to be women were only really to be found on the internet or in the seedier bits of Bangkok'
Jeremy Clarkson Insults Trans Community, Attacks Parents of Trans Children
Jeremy Clarkson attacked over transgender comments
Justice for two transgender murder victims; Judge throws book at sentencing
In Detroit, Michigan last month, a jury found Larry B. Gaulding guilty of voluntary manslaughter in the death of trans person of color Ashton O’Hara. Last week, during sentencing, the judge handed down a sentence of 30 to 60 years for Gaulding — a surprising turnabout from an expected 15-year sentence. O’Hara was killed during the summer of 2015.
Missouri Democrats try again to ban LGBT discrimination
Missouri governor Jay Nixon, a Democrat, used his final State of the State address this past week to implore lawmakers to bar discrimination against LGBT people, but leaders in the Republican-dominated Legislature say that’s unlikely to happen before Nixon leaves office.
Conservative Lawmaker Responds To Transgender Protections In Fairfax County
Last year, Attorney General Mark Herring gave school boards the authority to include sexual orientation and gender identity in non-discrimination policies last year. Members of the Fairfax County School Board decided to do just that, saying students should be able to use the bathroom they choose and teachers can't be fired for their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Sexual Assault Victims Speak Out Against Washington’s Transgender Bathroom Policies
A group of women who say they are former victims of sexual assault are making an emotional plea to Washington state legislators to reverse a bathroom policy that they say leaves them and their young children vulnerable, exposed and unsafe.
Nicaragua’s Red Odetrans media campaign goes viral
Red Odetrans, a Nicaraguan trans advocacy organization media campaign “Somos iguales a vos” (“We are just like you”) has found success in the media, traditional and digital. The campaign has been particularly effective in universities helping people to visualize the different aspects of trans women in Nicaragua.
Quase 300 pessoas mudaram de sexo no registo civil
É conhecida por “Lei da Identidade de Género”. Desde que entrou em vigor, em 2011, permitiu que 287 pessoas transexuais alterassem os seus documentos, nome e sexo. Em 2015 registou-se um pico: 70 processos com luz verde. Associação Acção Pela Identidade aponta falhas e pede mudanças.
Mais um transsexual assassinado em Rio Verde GO
Um travesti que se prostituía na Avenida Pauzanes de Carvalho, em Rio Verde-Go, foi vítima de homicídio praticado por vários indivíduos não identificados. O crime ocorreu na noite de sábado, 23, no Setor Pauzanes.
Segundo a Policia Militar, Adenilson Cardoso de Menezes, conhecido como Bruna Souza, de 23 anos, estava se prostituindo momento em que foi abordado por vários jovens que o levaram para um local escuro onde ele foi atingido por vários golpes de faca.
Rio Olympics could see more transgender athletes compete under reported new policy
For the first time in Olympic history, this summer’s Rio Games could see transgender athletes compete without having to undergo gender re-assignment surgery.
Maria Miller: ‘Feminists’ overwhelmingly hostile towards trans report
The former Culture secretary says she was shocked by backlash from some women following the ground breaking report.
Maria Miller says only hostility to transgender report came from women 'purporting to be feminists'
Jeremy Clarkson claims trans children have ‘minds poisoned by lunatic parents’
The former BBC presenter has lashed out at the trans community, including the parents of trans children and trans prisoners.
Egyptian Newspaper Sout Alomma outs trans woman
January 18th, 2016, the Egyptian newspaper horrified us by publishing Facebook photos and details about Egyptian trans woman. For the cisgender ‘journalist’ who wrote this, it was just another day at the office as she befriended then betrayed the trust of the victims by exposing these woman in print to Egyptian society.
Call for Queensland prisoners to have access to sex-change therapy
A Brisbane doctor has called for transgender prisoners to be able to start gender reassignment treatment while incarcerated.
Australian of the Year 2016 finalist Catherine McGregor to leave military to shine light on transgender issues
The spectacle of gruff men in suits hugging a fellow commuter in an airport lounge might raise the odd eyebrow.
Catherine McGregor says Australian of the Year nomination raises 'trans visibility'
Miss Transsexual Australia 2016 offers SRS as grand prize
You might recall the stir when Miss Transgender UK 2015 announced the Grand Prize, SRS, naming it in honor of Leelah Alcorn. Besides the controversial naming, many were upset since it wasn’t made clear at first if the winner had options other than accepting SRS.
Group protests closure of youth gender identity clinic at CAMH, director’s removal
A group of international clinicians and researchers has sent a letter to Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health protesting the recent closure of its youth gender identity clinic and the apparent dismissal of its long-time director.
Tulsa woman recovering from stabbing at Chandler Park
A Tulsa woman said she was stabbed seven times and shot at while at Chandler Park Thursday night.
The victim did not want to be identified because her attacker was not caught. Close friends of the woman told FOX23 she is still recovering this weekend.
Gloucester transgender lawsuit: Appeals court hearing Wednesday
Gavin Grimm has changed in the past year. The 16-year-old transgender Gloucester High School student – born a female – has been living his life as a boy, and says he is enjoying life as never before.
Transgender bathroom rule likely to affect schools (with video)
Individuals allowed to use public restrooms of gender with whom they identify
Some school officials concerned about student privacy, safety and comfort
Transgender advocates say bathroom access affects learning, social acceptance
Meet the First Trans Legislator Elected to the Venezuelan National Assembly
Her historic swearing-in makes Tamara Adrián only the second transgender person to be elected national legislator in the Americas.
E por Lisboa começaram a aparecer estes cartazes. A população interroga-se...

Morre na UTI do Huana a travesti atropelada no bairro Calixtolândia
A travesti atropelada na manhã desta sexta-feira (21) no bairro Calixtolândia não resistiu aos ferimentos e morreu na UTI do Hospital de Urgências de Anápolis (Huana). A confirmação do óbito foi dada pela assessoria de imprensa da unidade de saúde ao Portal6.
Brazilian Trans woman Paula Fernandes dies after hit and run
Travesti morre baleado com dois tiros em ponto de prostituição ao lado da Sefaz
Dentro de carro, suspeito do crime disparou dois tiros contra a vítima; imagens da câmera de segurança de um edíficio flagraram o crime.
Um travesti identificado como Cleteilson Alves, de 23 anos, mais conhecido como Ketelen, morreu com dois tiros na madrugada deste sábado (23), em um ponto de prostituição ao lado da sede da Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda (Sefaz), na zona centro-sul de Manaus. As informações constam no relatório de investigação da Delegacia Especializada em Homicídios e Sequestros (DEHS).
Exclusive: Read the Olympics' new transgender guidelines that will not mandate surgery
The International Olympic Committee has received a new recommendation for guidelines it is expected to fully adopt, opening the door for more trans athletes to compete internationally.
Olympics Loosen Rules to Allow Pre-Op M-to-F Transsexuals to Compete with Women
Trans athletes will now be allowed to compete in the Olympics without getting surgery first
The Olympics Just Became Much Friendlier For Transgender Athletes
IOC opening field of competition to trans athletes with new policy
Trans Activists and Allies Mark First International Trans Prisoner Day of Action
On Friday, January 22, trans people and their allies marked the first International Trans Prisoner Day of Action with solidarity events and letter-writing campaigns taking place all over the world, from Toronto to Vienna.
Identity warriors: meet London's no gender tribes
Last year was a milestone for society’s understanding of transgender rights. Now young Londoners are asking whether we should do away with ‘male’ and ‘female’ labels altogether. Amelia Abraham meets the capital’s identity warriors
Brighton College praised by parents for pioneering transgender uniform policy
Senior staff report plaudits for ‘an amazing step forward’ and say other schools are set to follow their lead
Edinburgh Uni bans ‘cross-dressing’ and ‘camp’ Halloween outfits
The students’ union at Edinburgh University is under fire – after banning students from “cross-dressing” or dressing in “camp” costumes at Halloween.
I'm a transgender woman but I still want to have my own child
Supporters and friends helped fund Cal Fox's dream of becoming a parent
British writer Julian Barnes defends Germaine Greer’s controversial transgender comments
Germaine Greer - a leading feminist who has been a source of inspiration for more than 45 years - claimed that transgender women "can’t be women"
Malawi faith leaders, chiefs gang up against US envoy on homosexuality
Influential religious and traditional leaders in the country have asked the visiting US envoy on homosexuality issues to spare time and have an audience with them before he leaves the country.
Welfare board for transgenders at national and state level suggested
A pre-legislative consultation meeting on Rights of Transgender Persons Bill was held recently with representatives from various ministries, legal experts and representatives of the transgender community.
Cuando solo Buda entiende
La comunidad LGBT de Camboya, uno de los países más pobres del sudeste asiático, lucha por salir de su aislamiento y combate la discriminación reafirmándose a sí misma
Thai lesbian and transgender woman partner welcomes newborn son
A lesbian and her transgender woman partner in Thailand are believed to be the first in Thailand to have a child
Transgenderism Attacking Catholic Schools Globally
The transgender agenda is infecting Catholic Schools in Australia
Australian transsexual pageant prize: Sex change surgery
The winner of Miss Transsexual Australia this year will be offered a sex change surgery in Thailand, according to pageant organizers.
Out and proud: Miss Gay and Miss Transsexual Australia comes to Newport for Midsumma Festival
Carlotta - Queen of the Cross
The buzz in the room was electric as soon as you walked in. Old friends shared stories. People greeted each other with generosity and warmth. There was a real sense of fraternity, community, and dare I say it, love.
Community Hero: Margot Fink
The Star Observer’s latest monthly spotlight on community champions falls on Margot Fink, who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to combat transphobia in schools. Shannon Power reports.
[New Zealand]
More action urged on trans prisoner safety
Around 150 people gathered on Auckland's Queen Street last evening heard that prisons remain dangerous places for transgender prisoners and that the entire prison ethos needs re-thinking.
Vancouver's transgender barbershop all the buzz
Big Bro's Barbershop offers more than just haircuts. It's also a safe space and resource centre for Vancouver's transgender community.
Showdown: Alberta’s Catholic trustees unite behind bishops against gvmt ‘transgender’ mandate
The association that represents all Catholic school trustees in Alberta has fired back against the New Democrat government’s new guidelines for forming mandatory transgender policies in all schools, including Catholic ones, stating that it’s the bishops, not the government, that provides “moral and theological leadership” to Catholic schools.
Edmonton Archbishop Smith feels 'betrayed' by Catholic school trustees on gender guidelines
Edmonton archbishop: ‘We cannot adopt’ NDP’s gender mandate for Catholic schools
Five questions with Edmonton's Reverend Stephen Penna
Lukaszuk says Eggen must order school boards to adopt LGBTQ policy if they don’t do so by April 1st
Why is a trans woman leading a men's rights group?
She’s young, trans, and thinks feminism has a chokehold on LGBT thought
Government to Reveal Colleges With Title IX Waivers
The Department of Education said on Wednesday that it would create a searchable database that reveals the names of colleges and universities that have received exemptions on religious grounds from federal civil rights protections.
Michaela Mendelsohn becomes the first transgender board member of The Trevor Project
Already known as the first transgender contestant in the Ms. Senior California Pageant and a consultant to Jenji Kohan in the development of Laverne Cox’s character on Netflix’s Hit drama series Orange is the New Black, Michaela Mendelsohn is now adding another new groundbreaking title to her resume.
What It's Really Like to Transition From Male to Female
"It's not a single process, it's 1,095 days of little decisions that you have to take on individually until you're happy."
Trans Billionaire Funds World's First Endowed Chair in Trans Studies
Jennifer Pritzker and the Tawani Foundation continue their pioneering philanthropy with a historic gift to a Canadian university.
Jewish transgender man gives birth, embraces life as a single ‘abba’
‘I didn’t think God made mistakes and I always wanted to be a mommy,’ Rafi Daugherty says
Sarasota transgender student fights for others' rights
A transgender student is taking his fight nationwide starting with the Sarasota County Schools.
Church revives Dist. 211 transgender locker room debate
A month-old agreement between Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 and the U.S. Department of Education to provide a transgender student limited access to the girls locker room at Fremd High School in Palatine remained a matter of public debate at Thursday's school board meeting.
District 211 School Allows Transgender Student to Use Girls’ Locker Room
Opponents worry transgender student won't follow rules
Groups issue statement criticizing anti-trans restroom measure
McDaniel College adopts chosen name policy
Starting Monday, students and employees of McDaniel College will be able to choose a preferred name to appear on class rosters, student IDs, university email addresses and more.
‘Religious freedom’ measure assailed as ‘hateful’
Legislation allowing businesses to refuse to serve gay and transgender people was denounced during a news conference Wednesday as blatant discrimination masquerading as religious freedom – a claim disputed by its sponsors.
Transgender students face obstacles on campus
Choosing a new name is a big step for transgender or gender nonconforming students going to college, but Derrick Wegner did not anticipate that changing names on university rosters and email addresses would be a difficult process.
Dramatic decline in complaints by imprisoned transgender patients after staff LGBT training
A new study of the quality of healthcare provided to transgender patients in the New York City correctional system revealed significant areas for improvement and reported a greater than 50% decrease in patient complaints after the healthcare staff at 12 jail clinics received Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) training. Within 6 months of implementing a revised transgender health care policy, patient complaints dropped to zero, according to the study results published in LGBT Health.
AVP learns of an incident of anti-transgender bias and harassment at Dallas BBQ in Times Square, Manhattan
On Saturday, January 16th at Dallas Barbecue in Time's Square, André St. Clair, the Events Manager here at the New York City Anti-Violence Project, was subjected to sexual harassment and anti-transgender harassment by a group of patrons at the Dallas BBQ. According to media reports, she was grabbed in a sexually aggressive way by one member of the group, and harassed with homophobic and transphobic remarks by others in the group as well. Her appeals to the staff and management at the Dallas BBQ were not heeded, and while the group was moved to a different table, they were not asked to leave the restaurant. André reported the incident to a police officer parked nearby, who took her information, however the incident was not on file when she and AVP inquired about it.
Judge to decide whether to allow confession in transgender murder trial
A West Price Hill man confessed to police that he shot and killed a transgender woman 18 months ago in Walnut Hills, and a Hamilton County judge will decide whether to allow the man’s videotaped statement to be used at his trial.
Quamar Edwards confesses to murder in transgender case
Oklahoma ‘Bathroom Bill’ worries LGBT community
A bill that would require people to use a bathroom consistent with their biological gender is being hailed as "protective" by its author but "discriminatory" by its opponents, namely the LGBT community.
Transgender woman files $75,000 lawsuit claiming biased employee wouldn't rent to her
A 28-year-old who was born male but now is legally female has filed a $75,000 lawsuit against U-Haul, saying an employee looked at her with contempt before refusing to rent a moving van to her.
Oregon appeals court says Portland bar must pay $400,000 for discriminating against transgender customers
The Oregon Court of Appeals has again affirmed its judgment that a shuttered North Portland bar violated Oregon's Equality Act when it denied service to patrons based on gender identity.
UO Incorporates Gender Inclusive Bathrooms
The University of Oregon is changing the way it labels some of its bathrooms. Over one hundred restrooms on campus are now considered “gender inclusive.”
Education department will out every religious college that discriminates against LGBT people
The U.S. Department of Education announced Wednesday it will publish detailed information about religious schools that receive federal permission to discriminate based on sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, despite receiving federal funds.
Trans veteran Donna Mae Stemmer buried with male name
The only person in the world who would have a pair of star-spangled, beaded bloomers was Donna Mae Stemmer, said Michael Byrne of his friend, the longtime City of Brotherly Love Softball League player and cheerleader who died of a heart attack in June. Stemmer was 82.
ACLU challenges transgender restroom bill
The South Dakota chapter of the ACLU is challenging a bill in Pierre that would require trans-gendered High School students to use bathroom and locker room facilities associated with their birth gender, or ask their school for other arrangements.
Kent School Board approves transgender student policy
The Kent School Board unanimously approved a policy concerning transgender students at its Jan. 13 meeting despite concerns from several residents.
Martinsburg moving forward on anti-LGBTQ discrimination ordinance amendment
In a unanimous vote that was met with a round of applause, the Martinsburg City Council voted in favor of amending the Nondiscrimination Ordinance to include the words “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” after its first and second reading.
Laramie Debates Schools' Transgender Student Policy Proposals
The Albany County School District #1 Board is considering a policy meant to protect the rights of transgender students. The Board has drafted two different proposals to that end.
School Board Hears Comment on Transgender Student Policy Drafts
Murdered Transwoman Nathalia Figueiredo threatened by trans sisters says mother
We have an unexpected twist to report about the murder of Nathalia Figueiredo as allegations of bullying and threats from her own trans sisters comes to light.
Rechazo parcial de Comisión en Asamblea a veto oficial a Ley de Identidad
La Comisión de Gobiernos Autónomos de la Asamblea se ratificó parcialmente en dos de las trece objeciones del Ejecutivo a la Ley de Gestión de Datos e Identidad relativas a la adopción de menores y los datos que deben constar en la cédula de identidad.
Transgender woman in Telford hate crime attack
A transgender woman was grabbed by the hair and pushed to the ground outside a pub in a suspected hate crime.
Transgender woman who starred on BBC show 'forced to quit hometown after suffering vile abuse'
Brooke Olsen described how she was physically abused, including a terrifying incident where she was attacked from behind in the street
This school has done something wonderful for its trans students
A leading private school in the UK has made a change to its uniform policy in order to make trans students feel more welcome.
Top School Scraps Uniforms Because Of ONE ‘Transgender’ Student
World's first transgender 'Reply from the Lassies' to take place at Glasgow Burns night
IT is a chance for women to get the last word and put the opposite sex in their place.
Angela Morley: The Story Behind the Two-Time Oscar-Nominated Trans Composer
Oscar nominations always bring with them the added excitement of records broken and history made. And so, it was with much glee that many reported that Antony Hegarty, co-writer of the song "Manta Ray," from documentary Racing Extinction, had become the first trans person to be nominated for an Academy Award -- a distinction many were hoping would be accomplished by one of the delightful leads of this year's breakout comedy Tangerine. Alas, further digging by Oscar aficionados proved that this wasn't the case. In fact, composer Angela Morley (née Walter "Wally" Stott), had already broken that record. Back in 1974.
New state guidelines for transgender students and school sport
Victorian schools will soon have to follow strict new participation guidelines aimed at tackling discrimination against transgender students in sport.
UVic announces Chair in Transgender Studies
UVic announced the establishment of a new Chair in Transgender Studies on Friday, Jan. 15. Dr. Aaron Devor will be installed as the inaugural chair in UVic’s Faculty of Social Sciences for five years, thanks in part to a donation of $1 million USD from the Tawani Foundation.
Dissolving Edmonton Catholic board would harm kids: Mother of transgender child
Mom of transgender child wants minister to lay out consequences
Alberta's new gender guidelines for schools rejected by 2 more bishops
Second Alberta bishop rejects education ministry's transgender guidelines as 'flawed'
Employer To Pay Transgender Woman $115,000 In Job Discrimination Settlement
Britney Austin had alleged her employer used slurs, denied her access to the women’s restroom, and refused to change her name on company records.
Employer To Pay Transgender Woman Settlement For Alleged Discrimination: Report
Gender battles in WA, NYC put bathrooms in spotlight
At the end of 2015, two human rights commissions -- in New York City and Washington state -- enacted new rules that could be precedent-setting for the gender battle across the nation, including giving people the right to use whichever locker rooms and bathrooms they choose.
Man held in trans woman's attempted murder
A man accused of trying to fatally stab a transgender woman on a San Francisco Muni bus last January was ordered this week to stand trial on attempted murder and other charges.
Lambda Legal Condemns Discriminatory Bathroom Bill Introduced in Illinois
It is an embarrassment that a bill targeting transgender students was introduced in a state like Illinois, a state that has been at the forefront of equality for LGBT people.
Suburban legislator files Illinois restroom access bill
Sanford Attorneys Calling for Dismissal of Transgender Lawsuit
Attorneys for Sanford say a lawsuit brought by a transgender employee alleging discrimination has no merit and should be dismissed.
NSAA’s transgender policy causing stir
The new transgender student athlete policy adopted 6-2 by the board of directors of the Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) last week took effect immediately and is causing quite a stir across the state.
Durham asked to support transgender rights
University of New Hampshire students and representatives from the UNH President’s Commission on the Status of LGBTQA+ individuals met with the Durham Human Rights Commission on Wednesday to discuss passing a resolution supporting the protection of transgender individuals in town.
EXCLUSIVE: Transgender Woman Alleges Harassment At Popular Times Square Restaurant, Inaction By Management
A transgender woman says she was groped by a stranger and called homophobic and transphobic slurs by a group of friends at Dallas BBQ in Times Square, and that management didn’t go far enough to ensure her safety.
target="_blank"TLDEF Applauds New Protections for Transgender New Yorkers!
TLDEF responded to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcement that the New York State Division of Human Rights has adopted new regulations that protect transgender New Yorkers from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and credit. The proposed rules were issued in November and they underwent a comment period before officially going into effect today. TLDEF submitted comments to the New York State Division of Human Rights in December, expressing support for the regulations. The new protections will extend the reach of the New York State Human Rights Law that already bars discrimination on the basis of sex and disability.
Cuomo’s transgender protections take effect today
4J Gender Policy Serves As Model For Other Oregon School Districts
Until last year, Eugene School District 4J did not have a policy in place to specifically protect transgender and gender non-conforming students.
Oregon schools risk lawsuits over transgender kids and bathrooms, lawyers warn
In the months since Dallas School District leaders agreed to allow a transgender student to use the boys bathroom, parents in the rural Oregon community have prayed and protested.
How I Started The Only Clinic For Transgender Kids and Teens in Texas
"The parents feel like you're saving their children, and these patients feel like you're saving them."
Virginia Del. LaRock pushing legislation on ‘gender confusion’
Virginia state Del. Dave LaRock (R-33rd) is pushing legislation in the General Assembly to combat what he describes as “efforts by liberals to mandate special protections on the basis of gender confusion and sexual disorientation.”
“My daughter is part of your community” – one mother’s plea for support for her trans daughter
Amy is a concerned mother who recently spoke at an Equality Virginia and ACLU press event to share her personal struggle having a transgender daughter in a school system which has been less-than supportive of her basic needs. She asked that her last name and her daughter’s name be kept out of the media, but she did want to share her story.
No hearing to be held on bill opposing transgender restrooms
A rule approved by the state Human Rights Commission guarantees access to restrooms, locker rooms and other such facilities according to a person’s gender identity. The bill in Olympia seeks to undo some of that access.
Transgender Cubans Struggle for Equal Rights in Macho Cuba
Just past 4 a.m., most of the bars and clubs have closed down and the party has spilled into the streets.
Travesti morta no Litoral do RS foi ameaçada por transexuais, diz mãe
Nathallya Figueiredo, 25 anos, foi esfaqueada na praia de Capão da Canoa.
Segundo a mãe, havia jovens armados junto com as autoras da intimidação.
Trans sitcom Boy Meets Girl returning for a second series
BBC Two’s charming and ground-breaking comedy Boy Meets Girl will be back for a second series.
Meet Trans Actress Rebecca Root of The Danish Girl
The British actress cast to play Eddie Redmayne's nurse talks about life as a transgender actress and the gender identity of the star himself.
Brighton College scraps century-old uniform to accommodate transgender pupils
Uniform codes going back 170 years will be replaced by a “trouser uniform” and a “skirt uniform” for all pupils up to the age of 16.
India must strengthen planned law to protect transgender people, says rights group
India's draft law aimed at protecting the rights of the transgender community must be strengthened to allow people to be legally recognised by self identification rather than based on the opinions of experts, Human Rights Watch said on Tuesday.
Zenisha Tamang eliminated from Nepal Mega Model competition
A few weeks after the story on Nepal’s receptiveness to the idea of a transgender representing them on the fashion runway was published, migme Mega Model Season 3’s first transgender contestant Zenisha Tamang (@zenishapakhrintmg) was eliminated.
Alberta’s Catholic schools face ‘watershed moment’ as trustees defy the bishops on gender policies: priest
An Alberta Catholic school trustee and the chair of a Catholic school board believe that Catholic parents should not have been sent home a strongly worded letter from Calgary Bishop Fred Henry last week that denounced the NDP government's new "gender identity" guidelines as “totalitarian” and “anti-Catholic."
I must reject’: Another Alberta bishop strongly denounces ‘gender ideology’ school guidelines
Alberta education minister to meet with consultant over Edmonton Catholic board problems
Gender issue criticism out of hand, says Teachers’ Association
Transgender actress Alexis Arquette calls Will and Jada Pinkett Smith 'gay' hypocrites
'You are either with or against us. You decide. Today.'
Philanthropist donates $US2 million for transgender studies
American billionaire philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker has donated $US2 million ($2.9 million) to a Canadian university to establish a chair of transgender studies, believed to be the only such research position in global academia.
Proposal floated at St. Vrain Valley to add transgender status to its nondiscrimination policy
The St. Vrain Valley School District is proposing adding transgender status to its nondiscrimination, hiring and equal opportunity policies.
New Idaho bill would ban gay discrimination
A bill has been introduced in the Idaho Senate that seeks to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Area school creates transgender bathroom policy
A Sarasota County school is believed to be the first in the Tampa Bay area to create a bathroom policy for transgender students.
Transgender woman lodged in all-male halfway house sues Dismas over rape
A transgender woman assigned to an all-male halfway house has filed a lawsuit after she says she was raped.
Mecklenburg County Commissioner candidate Joel Levy accused of transphobia, responds
Yesterday, I wrote a post about Mecklenburg County Commissioner Bill James running for reelection after serving two decades and, in that time, making numerous homophobic and racist comments, not to mention his anti-gay voting record. The article listed seven of his worst moments, and originally encouraged District 6 voters to finally oust him. Unfortunately, they only have one alternative, candidate Joel Levy, also a Republican and, it seems, perhaps another poor choice for the LGBT community and our allies.
Rep. Dan Bishop rips Charlotte’s ‘radical transgender proposal’
Republican state Rep. Dan Bishop Tuesday slammed Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts and the Charlotte City Council for considering what he called a “radical transgender proposal,” and warned of consequences in court or in the General Assembly.
Controversial Va. school bathroom bill sparks debate
The Virginia House of Delegates will debate the question of who can use which bathrooms in schools and other public buildings in its current session, thanks to a controversial bill submitted by a Republican lawmaker from Stafford County.
Activists gather at Virginia Capitol to criticize anti-LGBT bills
Kent School Board approves transgender student policy
The Kent School Board unanimously approved a policy concerning transgender students at its Jan. 13 meeting despite concerns from several residents.
Comments to Kennewick council mostly oppose transgender bathroom restrictions
Councilman Trumbo wants council to back state bill restricting bathroom choice
Speaker says LGBT community under attack
Others say too much is being made of what bathroom people choose to use
Washington State Lawmakers: Transgender People’s Bodies Are ‘Security Concerns’
On December 26, the Washington State Human Rights Commission enacted new rules guaranteeing access to bathrooms and other facilities on the basis of gender identity, and conservative lawmakers are now scrambling to find a legislative solution to undo these protections.
Local lawmaker backs bills on gay, transgender issues
Presidente afirma que cambios en la Ley de Gestión de Identidad no restringen derechos
El Presidente Rafael Correa, a través de su cuenta de Twitter, defendió el proyecto de Ley de Gestión de Identidad y Datos Civiles y explicó que el cambio en el campo “sexo” por “género” será voluntario y no restringe derechos, como afirman algunos opositores, que antes mintieron y tildaron a la Constitución como abortista.
Two transgender women, gay man murdered in Brazil
48 transgender women have been murdered in Brazil since the beginning of the year
Hit and run kills brazilian trans woman Bábara Malquimi
Bábara Malquimi and two other trans women were walking near a street corner in Itaguaí Monday evening when a car suddenly careened towards them. Apparently to avoid a crossing dog, the driver of the speeding vehicle plowed into the group, fatally hitting one of them.