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quarta-feira, abril 30, 2008

[European Union]
Report reveals disturbing divide in treatment of transexuals in the EU
The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA)-Europe and TransGender Europe have published a comprehensive report on the experiences of health care by transgender people in European Union.
European Study on Transgender' s Healthcare Is Published
ILGA-Europe and TransGender Europe published the first comprehensive report on the experiences of health care by Transgender people in European Union. This report is a result of the largest and most comprehensive data collection on transgender people's lived experienced to date.

Pain of daring to be different
In a brutally honest account, Stephanie Butterfield opens her heart and tells what it is like to be a man undergoing trans gender surgery. In her own moving words, she tells LAURA CAROE about her experiences and the sometimes bigoted reaction she faces.

Delegado cogita indiciar travesti por extorsão a Ronaldo
A polícia deve indiciar por extorsão e furto de documento um travesti envolvido num incidente com o jogador Ronaldo, ocorrido em um motel do Rio de Janeiro, disse nesta terça-feira o delegado responsável pela investigação do caso.
Foto: Agência Estado
Ronaldo is an AC/DC Milan star
SOCCER superstar Ronaldo cried foul when three hookers he booked turned out to be BLOKES.

LHC allows woman to change sex
The Lahore High Court on Tuesday allowed a woman to change her sex and undergo a surgery after the Federal govt and her medical consultants agreed that she was suffering from 'Gender Identity Disorder' that required a surgery.

[USA] [Blog/Film]
Hot Docs Review: Be Like Others
Excerpt: But it is more complicated than a transsexual wanting a sex change. In Iran, this matter is complicated because homosexuality is punishable by death, and transgendered lifestyles are not an option. However, sex changes are not only permitted legally -- they are also subsidized by the government. It is this strange path of religious, political, and social ruling that Eshaghian focuses on in Be Like Others. She does not argue the particulars of this strange rationale, but rather shows the life and world of those who live it -- lives that reveal a flawed and chilling system for dealing with differing gender preferences and sexuality.

terça-feira, abril 29, 2008

Se não usa Satinelle, vc não é trans!!!

[USA] [Blog/Commentary] [Related to video above]
Shaving my legs is such a drag
Excerpt: 5) As a transsexual woman, I can't help but notice how dependent this ad is on the concept of "drag"— that is, the fact that the subject in the video identifies as a boy and that their feminine gender expression is depicted as a "performance" or an "impersonation." The commercial would have an entirely different meaning (and would evoke a very different emotional reaction) if it featured a trans woman who fully and unapologetically identified as female. For this reason, this video will likely annoy a lot of transsexuals because it forwards the "trans = fake" trope that is too often used to marginalize us.

[International] [News/Commentary]
The Global Struggle for Queer Freedom
Jamaican AIDS activist, Steve Harvey, was shot dead by a gang of men who burst into his home in late 2005. Soon afterwards, Nokia Cowen drowned when he jumped into Kingston harbour to escape a violent homophobic mob. A few weeks later, Jamaica's trade ambassador Peter King was found dead with his throat slashed and multiple stab wounds. Then the mutilated bodies of two lesbians were found dumped in a septic pit behind the house they shared.

Travesti acusa atacante Ronaldo de não ter pago possível programa
Definitivamente, a fase de Ronaldo não é das melhores. Isso porque o atacante do Milan, da Itália, está sendo acusado pelo travesti André Luis Ribeiro, mais conhecido como Andréa Albertine, de não ter pago um programa feito na madrugada desta segunda.

Police storm international meeting for gay rights in Kyrgyzstan
Human rights groups have highlighted the plight of the LGBT community in Kyrgyzstan after a police raid on a leading gay rights group.
Police forced their way into the premises of the LGBT group Labrys, which was in the midst of hosting a dinner for 30 domestic and international advocates.

Ativistas entram com recurso contra proibição da Parada Gay de Moscou
Os organizadores da Parada Gay de Moscou apresentaram na manhã de hoje, 28 de abril, um recurso contra a decisão da prefeitura que proibia as manifestações que marcam as comemorações de orgulho gay.

Winnipeg holds vigil for National Day of Silence
Excerpt: The vigil in Winnipeg was particularly timely because it happened exactly a month after the death of a local transgender woman. Calvin Osborne, who went by the name Rose, was murdered in late March in an apartment suite on Broadway Ave. Rose was the sibling of Helen Betty Osborne, a young Aboriginal girl whose violent death in 1971 left a lasting scar on Manitobans. Although police have not come forward to say the killing was a hate crime, people in the community suspect that Rose's gender identity may have played a role in her death.

[Australia] [Blog/Commentary]
Some Good News
Excerpt: The doctors have said that her physical damage will be "indistinguishable from fully recovered" -- which means that unless you both knew her before and knew she was attacked, you're not likely to pick up on a difference once things are done... though Raychel has emailed me venting about how much she hates her physical therapist!
As of today she was able to take 5 unassisted steps!
She's seeing a speech therapist too, to recover from the brain damage she received in that area as well.

Opening The Door To The Inclusion Of Transgender People
The National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force today released a joint publication titled Opening the Door to the Inclusion of Transgender People: The Nine Keys to Making Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organizations Fully Transgender-Inclusive, geared toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organizations.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
How Marriage Inequality Affects Transgender Spouses
There are several things that bug me a lot about this NY Times article on a married couple that stayed together through one partner's transition as a transwoman. There's referring to the transwoman, Denise, by masculine pronouns and her birth name to reference past events where she did identify as female but had not yet had sexual reassignment surgery. There's the very equation of surgery with transition — one is accepted as a woman only through virtue of a vaginoplasty, not only with regards to the law, but also in terms of how her gender is treated by the newspaper (and vice versa for a transman). Since not all transgender people choose to have surgery, and since not all people determine their very identity based off of their genitals, it's insulting and obnoxious, and a big part of the problem that the paper is trying to examine. (Not to mention how the story is run, of course, in the Fashion and Style section.)

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Too Black? Too Tranny?
I've been called a lot of things, believe me. But "too black" has never been one of them, by any stretch of the imagination. So, I was initially amused when I read that The Bilerico Project — where I'm a regular contributor — has been accused of being "too black" and "too transgender."

segunda-feira, abril 28, 2008

Transexuales urgen al Gobierno asturiano a cumplir su compromiso de facilitar las operaciones de cambio de sexo
La Coordinadora del Grupo de Transexuales de Xente Gai Astur ha mostrado su malestar con la Consejería de Salud por el incumplimiento del compromiso de facilitar las operaciones de cambio de sexo en Asturias. Responsables del colectivo mantuvieron esta semana reuniones con dirigente de la Federación Socialista Asturiana (FSA) para trasladarles su preocupación por la falta de respuesta del Principado, quienes se comprometieron a interesarse por la cuestión ante el Gobierno asturiano.

Logiciel Ardoise: "caractériser le délit"
Le futur logiciel "Ardoise", dont la première version avait été jugée discriminatoire par des associations, ne retiendra que des critères caractérisant les délits et non leurs victimes, a annoncé aujourd'hui la ministre de l'Intérieur Michèle Alliot-Marie.

Micheline Montreuil contre l'armée : à quand une décision?
La cause de Micheline Montreuil contre l'armée canadienne, qui a refusé en 1999 d'embaucher l'avocat transgenre, a déjà coûté très cher aux contribuables canadiens. Voilà pourquoi le Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne tente de prendre les mesures afin qu'une décision soit rendue dans un délai raisonnable.

Rebecca Romijn quitte la série Ugly Betty...
L'actrice Rebecca Romijn, qui interprétait Mystique dans la trilogie des X-Men, est depuis 2007 au casting de la série Ugly Betty, diffusée sur TF1.
Mais après 29 épisodes tournés, dans lesquels elle campe le rôle récurrent d'Alexis Meade, un transsexuel, la comédienne envisage de ne reconduire son contrat pour la 3e saison du show.
En cause, les nouveaux scénaristes de la série qui, selon elle, ne se sont pas assez occupés de son personnage.

[USA] [People/Entertainment]
William Baldwin Slams Brother Stephen For Anti-Gay Stance
Actor WILLIAM BALDWIN has launched a stinging attack on his younger brother STEPHEN's opposition to equal rights for same-sex couples. Usual Suspects star Stephen, 41, is the only Republican member of the famous family, and his siblings despair of his conservative views. Eldest brother, Democrat Alec, has attempted to change Stephen's mind in the past, and he now has 44-year-old William on his back.

Students hope their silence is deafening
Some Valley teens won't be talking today so people think about harassment of gay pupils.

Thomas Beatie : l'homme qui portait un enfant !

domingo, abril 27, 2008

Moscou proíbe Parada Gay pela terceira vez consecutiva
As autoridades russas proibiram, pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, a realização da Parada Gay de Moscou, afirmando que não permitirão que sejam conduzidas ações lideradas pelas minorias sexuais durante os feriados de maio.

Eunuchs demand job quota, protection
Even as the OBC quota heat refuses to settle down, eunuchs have raised the demand for reservation in jobs. Following the Bihar and Tamil Nadu governments' decisions to give them job protection, the eunuchs in Maharashtra have put the demand for jobs and protection against violence by public and police.

Coming out the hardest part for cross-dresser
Amanda Ryan is a 55-year-old male sales rep, father of two, and a cross-dresser.

Escaping from the 'fear'
Transgender couple find strength to deal with their sexuality.

The times, they are a changing
Gender Mosaic offers private support, public outings for transgender members.

Depois de Brokeback Mountain, Ang Lee volta a filme gay
Diretor de O Segredo de Brokeback Mountain, Ang Lee resolveu filmar mais um filme de temática gay. Segundo a agência de notícias Reuters, o novo filme de Ang gira em torno do festival de Woodstock. "Taking Woodstock" tem como figura central um designer de interiores e um gerente de um hotel que vive em Greenwich Village.

Through Sickness, Health and Sex Change
Excerpt: But it is not exactly the same union, as evidenced by their marriage certificate, which they have enlarged to poster size to make the point. The original, from 1980, listed Donald Brunner as the bridegroom and Frances Gottschalk as the bride. But a sex-change operation in 2005 turned Donald into Denise. Fran stood by her spouse, and the couple secured an amended certificate, putting "Denise" next to "bridegroom" for lack of other options.
Photo: Sylwia Kapuscinski for The New York Times
HERE AND NOW Fran and Denise Brunner had children when Denise, center left, was Donald.

Online Prostitute Caught In Sting
Metro police arrested a transsexual prostitute who may have put clients at risk of contracting HIV.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Today's Battle
Over at the Massachusetts Eagle Tribune, where a local legislator would prefer to see transsexual prisoners die, even if keeping them alive is a lot less expensive:
"I want to put into the law something that there is fairly widespread agreement on," Tarr said yesterday. "That this is a procedure that shouldn't be paid for, especially when the budget is tight and the Department of Corrections is strained to perform basic functions."

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Barney Won't Talk To Us
Never let it be said I didn't give it my best effort.
During a surprise call-in during my March 6th show featuring Donna Rose, Joe Racalto, an aide in Congressman Barney Frank's office, suggested I contact him to set up an interview with Congressman Frank to discuss ENDA and the issue of transgender rights in general. Of course, I was interested. I contacted Joe soon afterward and began the process of requesting and setting up the interview. Unfortunately, it seems Joe overestimated the willingness of his boss to speak directly to the transgender community and enter into the kind of dialog with us that he's advocated publicly for so long.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Starting From Scratch:The Death of United ENDA Part II
Essentially it's business as usual for HRC. Nothing has substantially changed in their lobbying efforts. They've had no "'rehabilitative" ' moment or change of heart. If you take Keisling's words to heart, the only other conclusion that seems logical is that United ENDA is dead.

sábado, abril 26, 2008

Passou-se mais um aniversário da revolução dos cravos. Houve comemorações e manifestações, como sempre aliás. No entanto, bem pouco resta do espírito do 25 de Abril.

Temos um governo que, apesar da retórica que tem, mais parece um governo de direita, do que centrista. Basta ver esta última lei que facilita os despedimentos para que qualquer pessoa se aperceba disso.

As conquistas do 25 de Abril, foram-se esfumando, graças a um autismo esquerdista que impede que haja uma esquerda unida. Graças também a sucessivos governos de direita, divididos em dois pólos. Ou ganha um ou ganha o outro. Já se sabe a história. Tanto que já nem vale a pena ir-se votar.

Ainda neste 25 de Abril, viu-se o Sr. Presidente da República Portuguesa a frisar que cada vez mais existe uma clivagem entre as gerações mais jovens e a política. Bem, eu não fico nada admirada. Entre promessas feitas ao desvario para se ganharem eleições, que se sabe de antemão que não vão ser cumpridas, ou mudanças de partidos no governo que depois reflectem situações dejá vu (ou seja fica tudo na mesma), como pode ser aliciante a política? Que falta faz um Zapatero aqui em Portugal!

Considerando isto tudo, realmente é de perguntar: comemorar o quê?

Para juntar a isto, o GRIT faz anos neste dia. Um grupo que nasceu para dividir ainda mais a comunidade transexual, que realmente fazia muita falta, e que se arvora em salvador da pátria (transexual, obviamente).

Novamente se postula em mentiras. Afirma que é "o que mais actividade tem desenvolvido". Se pensarmos em termos reais, onde estava ele quando do veredicto do último dos assassinos de Gisberta a fazer ouvir a sua voz perante essa farsa? Onde estava quando da vigília da Luna?

Também afirma que "Em Fevereiro, foram do GRIT as primeiras pessoas transsexuais a entrar no Parlamento português, e apresentaram uma proposta de lei de identidade de género". Se por um lado é uma mentira um bocado 'naive', pois como se pode comprovar no vídeo que se pode encontrar no site, no ou mesmo aqui neste e noutros blogs, estiveram presentes pelo menos três pessoas transexuais, duas independentes e uma pela Opus Gay, além de uma pessoa transgénero pelas Panteras Rosa. Estranho que com tanta notoriedade não apareçam no vídeo. Claro, para fugirem a um debate que lhes não interessa, foram recebidos 24 horas antes. Neste aspecto foram as primeiras pessoas transexuais a lá entrar, lá isso é verdade. Perdão, nem isso é verdade, mas aqui entram outras águas que não tenho a liberdade de expôr.

Nem sequer foram os únicos a apresentar propostas, pois houve pelo menos uma da Opus Gay e outra das Panteras Rosa com activistas transexuais independentes. Pois, nem sequer isso podem reivindicar. Claro, como não estiveram presentes na reunião, não sabiam disto.

Enfim, realmente a ªt faz muita falta, quer se queira quer não. Mas acabou, e agora temos arrivistas a quererem tomar o seu lugar.

Comemorar o quê?

'Gay Pride' 2008
On June 27, 1969 a group of men rioted following a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a Gay bar at 43 Christopher street New York city. The late Miss Stephen Whittaker a transgender rights activist and founding member of both the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance, is credited by many as the first to actually strike back at the police and, in so doing, spark the rebellion. Further protests and rioting continued for several nights following the raid. The Stonewall riots are generally considered to be the beginning of the modern gay rights movement.

Discrimination lawsuit settled
A Houston business has settled a lawsuit filed by a transgender woman who said a job offer was rescinded because the company learned she was born a man.

Speaking out with silence
Students vow not to communicate today in hopes of shedding light on suppression of LGBT voices.
Capps backs Day of Silence honor for slain local boy
U.S. Rep. Lois Capps paid tribute on the House floor Wednesday to an Oxnard teenager who was shot to death by a classmate in February.
Record Number Of Schools Observe Day Of Silence
Students from some 6,000 middle and high schools are taking part today in the 12th annual National Day of Silence to bring attention to anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender name-calling, bullying and harassment.
[Blog/News] Baldwin Talks Gay Silence
Lesbian politico Tammy Baldwin schooled her Congressional colleagues on Day of Silence this morning. Speaking on the House floor, Baldwin chatted about how 500,000 students are shutting their mouths to break the silence on anti-gay bullying.
LaBarbera Calls for 'Breaking the Silence' on the Health Risks of Homosexual Behavior
Americans For Truth (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera today called on schools, the media and opinion-makers to "break the silence" regarding the serious health risks of homosexual behavior, and said Americans deserve an official government investigation into the matter.
[Blog/Commentary] When Silence Speaks Volumes
As you may know, today is the 12th Annual National Day of Silence, an annual observation in which students across the country take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) harassment faced by individuals in schools.

[USA] [Blog/People/Television]
Sources Confirm: Rebecca Romijn Now Recurring Role on Ugly Betty
Sources connected to the show have just confirmed to me that we probably won't be seeing as much of the divine Ms. Rebecca Romijn as glamazon transsexual Alexis Meade on Ugly Betty next year. I'm told she's going from a series regular to a recurring character, and this change in status was not her own doing but rather the producers' decision.

[USA] [Books]
New Facial Feminisation Surgery book By Douglas Ousterhout
A practical guide to facial-feminization surgery for the male who is transitioning to female, this book focuses on a pioneering form of cosmetic surgery that reshapes the male facial structure. Dramatic before and after photographs and detailed illustrations of each surgery show how reconstructive surgery recontours the brow and nose ridge, reduces the size of the jawbone and chin, and reshapes the trachea to eliminate the Adam's apple.
Available from [Note: This title has not yet been released. You may pre-order it now.]

[News/Commentary] 'Pregnant man,' pregnant pause
[Commentary/Austria] The Real Mr. Mom

sexta-feira, abril 25, 2008

Bloco lança jornadas contra a homofobia
O lançamento das jornadas "Sem medos, contra a homofobia", uma iniciativa nacional do Bloco de Esquerda, contou com a presença da apresentadora de televisão Solange F., do deputado José Soeiro e de Francisco Louçã. Além da promoção de vários debates sobre o tema em todo o país, o Bloco vai avançar também com iniciativas parlamentares. Consulta os projectos de resolução já apresentados sobre o dia nacional contra a homofobia, práticas das forças de segurança e discriminação na doação de sangue.

Amor, enfadada con Interviú por el desnudo robado
Amor, la transexual de GH y una de las más polémicas concursantes, aparece esta semana Interviú enseñando su "nuevo cuerpo", después de extirparse lo que ella llamaba "el quiste".

COGAM prepara Transmadrid
Mañana el colectivo de gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales de Madrid; con la colaboración de Hetaira y la FELGTB, presenta el informe de la población transexual trabajadora del sexo en la capital de España, que demuestra la realidad de este colectivo informe Transmadrid.

Pétition contre le logiciel Ardoise
Le ministère de l'Intérieur pourrait annoncer aujourd'hui mardi 22 avril de nouvelles informations sur les éléments fournis à la Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (Cnil) sur le logiciel Ardoise qui permettrait aux forces de l'ordre de conserver des renseignements sur les personnes, tels que «homosexuel», «transsexuel», «SDF» ou «syndicaliste».
L'expérimentation du logiciel Ardoise suspendue
Nous vous parlions il y a quelques jours du nouveau logiciel de la Police et de la Gendarmerie, Ardoise, qui est actuellement testé par un panel de fonctionnaires.
France 'suspends' creation of big-brother database
Excerpt: Campaigners say that Ardoise infringes civil liberties by allowing law enforcers to tag a person's file with annotations including "runaway child," "handicapped," "homeless," "trade unionist," "alcoholic," "narcotics user," "transvestite," "transgendered," "homosexual," "prostitute," "person who frequents prostitutes," "psychologically disturbed" or "member of a sect," simply by picking them from a list.

Lonely road: Why school is hell for transgender pupils
When 'Lauren' decided she wanted to be recognised as a girl, life at school became a nightmare. Should teachers be doing more for transgender pupils?

Otro transexual embarazado da la cara
Dylan es un ejecutivo alemán que se quedó embarazado hace más de una década y que ahora tiene una hija de 10 años llamada Joanna.
Un hombre transexual desvela que se quedó embarazado hace una década
Un ejecutivo alemán transexual ha desvelado se quedó embarazado hace más de una década y que ahora tiene una hija de 10 años, según informa el Daily Express, que considera a esta persona "el primer hombre del mundo en quedarse embarazado".

Primer enlace transexual en México
Anunciando que "El verdadero amor no discrimina" celebrarán su boda civil Diana Laura y Mario. Esta será la primera boda de su tipo en nuestro país y tendrá lugar el próximo 17 de mayo, Día internacional contra la homofobia.

En la Ciudad de la Equidad, las personas trans también cuentan
Alejandra es empleada en la Delegación Cuauhtémoc. Ella, con su nombre de hombre se emplea como Trabajadora Social. Ella, en su expresión humana, un día empieza a vestirse, según 'los otros', como 'no era normal', es decir, con ropa más femenina; los pechos iniciaron su crecimiento dado su tratamiento hormonal.

Preparado en la ALDF predictamen de ley de cambio de sexo
El proyecto ya está listo para su discusión sin cambios a la Ley de Salud, es decir, que de aprobarse sólo incluiría la posibilidad de cambiar de sexo y nombre en el acta de nacimiento.

A night of transgender orgy
Dionysius and Koothandavar may have been kindred souls. As the annual Koovaagam festival drew to a close on Tuesday night, the tiny village in Villupuram was swarmed by 25,000 to 35,000 people, according to police estimates, as transgenders and men alike queued up to be married to Lord Aravan. More than 100 police officers handled the crowd.

Japón autorizará a los padres a cambiar de sexo
El partido gobernante en Japón acordó este jueves facilitar a los ciudadanos el cambio de sexo, que hasta ahora se permite únicamente a las personas sin hijos.
Ampliarán posibilidades para cambio de sexo en Japón
El gobernante Partido Liberal Democrático de Japón (PLD) anunció hoy su disposición de extender a más personas la posibilidad de cambiar de sexo.

Students mark Day of Silence tomorrow
Auburn Gay Straight Alliance and Spectrum Alliance are sponsoring a Day of Silence to support the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans-gendered community.
Gay Awareness Week observed
Get ready for the campus to be a little quieter. On Friday, April 25, students at Saint Mary's College of California will join students across the nation in a Day of Silence to protest the bullying, harassment and name-calling faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and ally (LGBTQIA) youth every day.
[Commentary] Day of Silence also about redefining?
Excerpt: Any reasonable person would side with the GLSEN in opposing name-calling, bullying and harassment. These behaviors are unacceptable for any reason. The divergence comes when the GLSEN and others try to change our vocabulary on what defines sexual identity and acceptable behavior.
In silence, students to protest prejudice
Friday is Day of Silence, a nationwide event where middle school, high school and college students draw attention to the harassment experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students.
Some parents uneasy about day of silence
The silence surrounding Strasburg High School's recognition of a national day of silence has some parents concerned.
[Blog/Commentary] Groups Clash Over 'Day of Silence' Event in US Schools
The national 'Day of Silence' scheduled for today and Friday, to support gay and lesbian students, is causing some major controversy with groups and parents protesting the event.
Capps Speaks on Slain Oxnard Student for National Day
Expressing her support for the gay, lesbian and transgender (LGBT) community, Congresswoman Lois Capps spoke to House representatives yesterday to commemorate this year's National Day of Silence to the death of Lawrence King, the 15-year-old Oxnard student who was shot at E.O. Green School on February 12 and died on February 15. Since King was gay and it appears that his sexuality prompted his murder, prosecutors have been treating the case as a hate crime. Capps' district includes both Santa Barbara and Oxnard.

[CA, USA] [People/Entertainment]
Journey of a transgender choreographer
Queer performance takes on an international slant this weekend, as trans choreographer-led Jin Xing Dance Theatre appears at Stanford University's Memorial Auditorium. Jin, a former colonel in the Chinese army, is the first transwoman to be recognized as a cultural pioneer in China. In Germany, Die Zeit (The Times ) has called Jin "probably the world's best dancer."

Legislation filed to block payment for prisoner's sex-change operation
As a judge considers forcing the state to pay for a convicted murderer's sex-change operation, Sen. Bruce Tarr, R-Gloucester, has filed legislation that would bar taxpayers from footing the bill.

Ceremony to mark anniversary of Corrales killing set
A ceremony honoring the memory of Amancio Corrales will be observed with a demonstration of unity and support on May 6.
The ceremony will take place at Johnson Mortuary and Desert Lawn Memorial Park , 1415 S. First Ave. The event is open to the public and will begin at 6:30 p.m. and end at 7:30 p.m.
Corrales, a gay man who performed as a female impersonator known as Dalila, was found floating in the Colorado River, just west of Joe Henry Park, with multiple stab wounds on May 6, 2005.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Gender Outlaws: Switching from a man to a woman (or vice versa)
Transsexuals and transgendered people can often tell us a great deal about our society because they've experienced what most of us never will: being perceived as a man or a woman in the same lifetime.

Transgender Files Lawsuit Alleging Discrimination
A man undergoing gender transition to become a woman is suing a company he says fired him.
The Port Arthur man claims he was removed from his position with KT Maintenance at the Motiva Refinery after KT found out he was becoming a woman.

quinta-feira, abril 24, 2008

[Isle of Man]
Transsexual to be recognised under new Manx law
TRANSSEXUAL people will have their acquired gender recognised in law under draft legislation.
The Gender Recognition Bill 2008, published on Wednesday, is based on similar legislation introduced in the UK following a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in cases brought against the UK.

Judge Postpones; Experts Defy Gay Association Closure Case
Excerpt: Soyle also commented on the police raiding the offices of the association last week.
"The police started monitoring the association after they received a notice claiming that the association is engaged in prostitution, " said Soyle.
"They saw that transvestites and transsexuals entered the association and so they raided the offices with a search warrant. However, the name of the association is Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Transsexual Solidarity Association. .. Of course we were saddened by the raid."

[South Africa]
'Township lesbians too scared'
Human rights groups say that lesbians in Khayelitsha are too frightened to picket and protest outside the trial of nine men who stand accused of beating 19-year-old Zoliswa Nkonyana to death more than two years ago.

Transgender census soon
TAMIL Maiyam, an organization Chief Minister M Karunanidhi' s daughter and Rajya Sabha MP Kanimozhi is closely associated with has been commissioned to undertake a census of the numbers and needs of the transgender community in Tamil Nadu, Social Welfare Minister Poongothai Balaji said on Monday.

Começou esta semana no Estado de Tamil Nadu, no sul da Índia, o festival Aravan, o único do país dedicado exclusivamente aos transexuais.
Transgenders crown their beauties
Two drag queens being crowned within half an hour of each other. That too on either sides of a road. This is what happened here on Tuesday during the annual Koothandavar temple festival.
Transsexuals tormented by drunk youths
For thousands of transsexuals, the 'eunuch' festival at Koovagam festival, the remote village in northern Tamil Nadu, is surely becoming a nightmare.

[Australia] [Blog/Commentary]
In Good Company
Excerpt: Persons who are to be denied passports because it is undesirable that they be allowed to have one include:
Australian citizens who are transgender, that is are living in the identity of a member of the opposite sex; and Australian citizens being repatriated or deported to Australia or extradited

Trans Activist will Be Missed
Eleanor Lister, transgender rights advocate and general supporter of humanitarian issues, died last week after a long battle with throat cancer.
Photo by Cara Davis

Trans interests excluded from Summit
GLBT advocates have slammed the apparent non-inclusion of trans representatives at the 2020 Summit.
The summit included a number of people championing the cause of gay and lesbian people in Australia, but trans interests appear to have been sidelined, activists claimed.

Children's Hospital Boston Offers "Sex Change" to Adolescents

Endocrinologist Norman Spack of the Children's Hospital Boston (CHB) is continuing to promote the Gender Management Service Clinic, whose services include giving "transgendered" children puberty-delaying drugs so that they can choose the gender of their body.
[Blog/Commentary] A real Dr Strangelove
A doctor at the renowned Children's Hospital Boston has launched a new program to drug children to delay puberty so they can decide whether they want a male or a female body, according to a report today in the Boston Globe. Pediatric endocrinologist Norman Spack, 64, says he started the Gender Management Service Clinic because he found himself encountering 20-somethings who were "transgendered" and in good shape socially, "but they were having trouble getting their physique to conform to their identity. "I knew the 20-somethings could have better chances of passing if they were treated earlier," he said.

'N Sync's Lance Bass Films Day of Silence PSA to Help Promote Tolerance
Students from a record 6,000 middle and high schools have registered as participants in GLSEN's 12th annual National Day of Silence on Friday to bring attention to anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. The event is being held this year in memory of Lawrence King, a 15-year-old from Oxnard, Calif., who was shot and killed in school on Feb. 12 because of his sexual orientation and gender expression.

We didn’t make this up
In 2004, students at Poway High School organized a "Day of Silence," a national youth-run effort using silence to protest the actual silencing of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people due to harassment, bias, and abuse in schools. On the Day of Silence and the following day, Harper wore a t-shirt that said, "Be Ashamed, Our School Embraced What God Has Condemned" on the front and "Homosexuality Is Shameful 'Romans 1:27' " on the back. There was no evidence of any disturbance on the first day, and on the second day, a teacher observed "several students off-task talking about the shirt." It was also alleged that there may have been a "tense verbal conversation" about it, but Harper characterized it and other conversations as "peaceful discussions wherein differing viewpoints were communicated. "

[USA] Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace, 2nd Edition
"Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace" provides human resource and other employment professionals with best practices for transgender workplace inclusion—from discrimination and benefits policies to internal practices that reflect how gender is expressed and integrated in the workplace—as well as the state of legal issues encompassing gender identity in employment situations.
New Human Rights Campaign Foundation Guide Helps Employers Create Fair Policies for Transgender Workers
"Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace" Offers Guidance on Policies and Practices to Ensure All Employees are Protected
[Blog/News/Commentary] HRC issues second edition of "Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace"
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation has released the second edition of its manual on "Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace. Many transgender advocates, including myself, have deep reservations about HRC because of its controversial stance on inclusion of "gender identity" in ENDA. Nonetheless, these reservations do not change the fact that many employers will likely be looking to this document to address transgender inclusion issues, and it deserves comment.
[News/Commentary] Human Rights Campaign Pushes Special Rights for Transgender Workers
The Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual-activist group, has released a guide for employers that outlines practices for advancing transgenderism in the workplace.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The Chatty Cathy Approach to Intersex Activism
Excerpt: I started this technique many years ago in an online support group that Dreger was monitoring even though she never posted. I had noticed that once she started controlling the content on ISNA's blog many years ago that intersex issues were slowly disappearing from the site. I wrote a post entitled, "It's about gender, stupid". The post was not directed to anyone in particular. It was just a general discussion about how gender, especially gender norms, often have disastrous consequences on the everyday lives of intersex people. Not long after that post, maybe a week later, this is what appeared on the home page of ISNA's website.
"Intersex is not about gender."

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Pastor Paul Turner’s Response to an invitation to the Atlanta HRC Dinner
Excerpt: Does HRC not understand the Transgender community is in real and serious danger? When a house is on fire you don't stand outside and decide whom you are going to rescue, the attempt is made for all.
Of course what HRC has forgotten is it was these folks who started the whole "gay rights" movement we know today when they stood toe to high heal with the New York City police department at Stonewall.
HRC confidently forgets the Trans community has been with us every step of this bloody fight for our rights, our self worth and our very souls.
HRC forgets or ignores that each day when a trans person gets out of bed and steps into the world it may in fact be their last day.

[USA] [Commentary]
Trans Lobby Day 2008
Trans activist Melissa Sklarz reflects on lobby days past and the trans community's new message to the Senate on ENDA: just wait!

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
'Cause ya know, it's the victim's fault...
The defense attorney for the alleged killer in the hate-crime murder of Lawrence King argues it's the victim's fault for not conforming to gender norms.
[Blog/Commentary] Gay-panic-esque defense in Larry King trial
William Quest, the public defender of the boy who shot Larry King in Oxnard last month, will be trying to move the case to juvenile court and pushing a variant of gay panic.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
We're Trying To Make HRC Better, Not Tear It Down
HRC and its defenders has been on a furious spin offensive in the last several weeks.
They've been trying to paint its numerous critics like myself as 'transgender conspiracy theorists' and other nastier epithets in other corners of the GLBT blogosphere I won't waste bandwith repeating.
[Blog/Commentary] Money Changes (Almost) Everything
Recently, there's been much discussion about how we go forward in dealing with the Human Rights Campaign as a community, where the popular opinion of the greater LGBT community, and probably of nearly all of those who identify as transgender or gender-variant in some way, is that this organization simply cannot be trusted to reflect and advocate in concert with the will of the majority. One of the most common assertions, one I believe has been repeatedly proven conclusively accurate over the last several months, is that HRC's leadership not only simply doesn't get it, but they really show little or no interest in getting it in the future.

[FL, USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Please Help Out A Florida County Commissioner
According to the St. Petersburg Times this evening, Pinellas County Commissioner Calvin Harris said…
"I don't even know what a transgender is."
According to the SPT, there was no "searing acrimony" involved in the 4-2 vote " to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation" and Susan Stanton said about Mr. Harris' statement …
"I think that's a very legitimate … very honest statement," Stanton said. "These are all really good people, and I know none of them would want to discriminate, but they also have to be sensitive to the needs of other people in the workplace."

quarta-feira, abril 23, 2008

terça-feira, abril 22, 2008

Hoje deixo aqui a tomada de atenção a um outro filme, musical, que relata a vida de um transgénero desde a sua fuga da parte comunista de Berlin até aos EUA. Também se encontra já à venda em Portugal com o título de "Hedwig: a origem do amor". A não perder quem se interessar por este tema, por musicais ou por rock. Um filme de culto.

El ayuntamiento de Sevilla crea un servicio de atención a transexuales
El ayuntamiento de Sevilla creará un servicio de atención especialmente dirigido al colectivo de personas transexuales. El consistorio ofrecerá información y asesoramiento en materia de identidad de género y canalizará las denuncias de casos de discriminación.

Transexualismo: el derecho a ser consecuentes con la identidad de género
Respuestas para quienes se preocupan porque hombres promiscuos se sientan «engañados» si mantienen relaciones con transexuales sin saberlo.

Sexualidad ambigua y trastornos que surgen en la niñez
La operación de María, la niña hermafrodita, se realizó a tiempo dado que "recién empezaba a descubrir su sexualidad", indicó especialista en Psicología.

A pageant for the third sex
Excerpt: It was not just Sujoy and Reema who seized the opportunity to express their transgender identities in a public forum. Over 39 contestants from the city and its surroundings gathered in Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre on Sunday to participate in eastern India's first beauty contest for transgender people, hijras and kothis.

TN to create database of transgenders
The Tamil Nadu government on Monday announced creating a database of transgenders in the state.
"This would be the first such database which would have comprehensive details and would be created with the help of a non-governmental organisation, " Social Welfare Minister Poongothai said in the Assembly.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The Denied “Big O” and HRC’s Corporate Equality Index Farce
No, the "Big O" is not about orgasms, or "Oprah," or "" This is about another Big O that is specific to pre-operative male-to-female transsexuals, one called an "Orchiectomy," also called "Orchie" for short. Other words that are used to describe the procedure are; "gelding, neutering" and "orchidectomy." In other words, "castration."

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Cross Dresser Wrecks Lingerie store - Embarrasses us all
Congratulations go to Jeremy Paul McIntosh for running his car into a lingerie store and managing to do $3000 worth of damage and embarrass the transgender community. Yes, this recent revenge driven incident has caused some to comment "So, what were they saying about transvestitism and transsexualism not being mental illnesses?'

[MA,USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
Children's Hospital Boston Launched Sex Change Program For Kids
Dr. Norman Spack, who is a pediatric endocrinologist, started a new clinic at Children's Hospital Boston, with the goal of delaying puberty in children so they can decide whether they want a male or a female body.

segunda-feira, abril 21, 2008

En soap, um filme que retrata retalhos da vida de uma transexual feminina lésbica, de Pernille Fischer Christensen, encontra-se à venda em DVD com o título de Sexualidades. Aqui deixo o trailer (com menos de metade traduzido para Inglês) para quem tiver curiosidade. A versão Portuguesa encontra-se mais legendada (hehehe).

World Exclusive: The Man Who Gave Birth
THE world's first pregnant man has broken his silence in an exclusive interview with the Sunday Express.
Dylan, 40, and his 10-year-old daughter Joanna opened their home to the Sunday Express to explain how a woman turned into a man, had a baby and became a dad.

Government refuses passport to transgender woman
A post by Gay in Uganda last week reveals the discrimination the country's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) population faces when applying for travel documents.
Ugandans know a guy called Brenda. A gal, because Brenda is a trans person. Meaning that biologically the birth was to a male baby, but growing up Brenda was more confortable in the female role, and ultimately embraced the female gender.

Children's hospital launches sex change for kids program
A doctor at the renowned Children's Hospital Boston has launched a new program to drug children to delay puberty so they can decide whether they want a male or a female body, according to a report today in the Boston Globe.
Pediatric endocrinologist Norman Spack, 64, says he started the Gender Management Service Clinic because he found himself encountering 20-somethings who were "transgendered" and in good shape socially, "but they were having trouble getting their physique to conform to their identity".
[News/Commentary] Is this our future? (A fascist neo-nazi point of view)
As MassResistance has reported in the past, this is going on at the world-renowned Children's Hospital in Boston - not some backwater clinic. This is the elite of the medical profession. And the Boston Globe treats this with clinical nonchalance. This article is so disturbing that it's difficult to say more.

Defense in boy's killing seeks juvenile justice
Excerpt: Quest said he believes school administrators supported one student expressing himself and his sexuality — King — and ignored how it affected other kids, despite complaints. Cross-dressing isn't a normal thing in adult environments, he said, yet 12-, 13- and 14-year-olds were expected to just accept it and go on.

Trans woman sentenced to prison after stabbings
Excerpt: Alex Lee, director of the Transgender, Gender Variant and Intersex Justice Project, a group that started working with Lawrence in 2005, said the justice system has treated Lawrence unfairly. The people who have attacked Lawrence in the past have never been found or charged with anything, while Lawrence is going to prison, where Lee said she'll be "a giant target."
Lee pointed to research from the University of California, Irvine that transgender people are 13 times more likely to be sexually assaulted in the state's prisons than non-transgender people. The 2007 study included a random sample of 322 inmates, plus a sample of 39 transgender prisoners.

[Letters to the Editor] Get past the phobia

domingo, abril 20, 2008

[UK] [Blog/News]
Gender Dysphoria: A Mother’s Tale
What do you do when your child exhibits markedly gender-atypical play behaviour almost as soon as they can walk and tells you, by the time they are four years old, that there's been a mistake?
Susie is a Yorkshire mum with three young children. Two are very much boys, but the other, though born the same, has insisted since pre-school that a mistake had been made.

Se o nome da pessoa não corresponde ao seu gênero/sexo constante do registro civil, poderá ter a sua dignidade violada.
Com este entendimento, a 8ª Câmara Cível do TJ-RS (Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul) autorizou a mudança do sexo de homem para mulher, no registro civil, negada pelo Juízo de 1º Grau mesmo após ter deferido o registro da mudança do nome, de masculino para feminino.

[USA] [Events/Commentary]
Day of Silence
How many gay, lesbian, transgender, or bi-sexual people do you know? Surprisingly, it may be a higher number than you realize. Why is this? Typically it is a taboo topic - one that, when actually discussed, is met with opposition, fear, anger, and hatred. So how could you expect these individuals to be open about their sexuality? American society hasn't exactly made an inviting and safe environment for this openness.
[Letters To The Editor] Day of silence honors slain gay student
To The Editor: Lawrence King was up-front on his feelings about being gay. On Feb. 12, 15-year-old Lawrence was shot twice in the head in front of classmates by Brandon McInerney, an eighth grade classmate at Green Junior High School in Oxnard, Calif. He died two days later. McInerney, 14, has been charged with murder as a hate crime. The lives of two families have been altered forever.
[News/Commentary] Day of Silence efforts promote much-needed QSA growth
To protest the effects that modern-day bullying has on homosexual, bisexual and transsexual people - effects that usually leave victims too frightened to vocalize their beliefs, afraid to be themselves - PSU's Queer Straight Alliance is participating in the National Day of Silence on Friday, April 25.

Largo Commissioner Andy Guyette: Why he voted to oust Steve Stanton (Guyette still refers to Susan Stanton as "he".)
Ask Andy Guyette about his most trying times as a city commissioner and of course he mentions Steve Stanton. "It was the hardest period of my life outside of my father's death," said Guyette, 50, who resigned last week to take a job in Huntsville, Ala.

[Commentary] Is There Such a Thing as Bad Press?

sábado, abril 19, 2008

LGBT & Risk of Suicidal Behaviour
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people's experiences of distress: resilience, ambivalence and self-destructive behaviour

[Isle of Man]
New transgender laws considered
Transsexual people in the Isle of Man will have their new gender recognised in law under draft legislation.

Um sueco de 73 anos acordou nesta sexta-feira como mulher, tornando-se a pessoa mais velha do mundo a trocar de sexo. A cirurgia de troca de sexo foi concluída na quinta-feira no prestigiado Instituto Karolinska, na capital sueca.

Halt Unwarranted Raids
Bishkek police carried out a warrantless raid on the community center of an organization working for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in violation of the right to freedom of association, Human Rights Watch said today.

El fallo de la nena hermafrodita abre un debate sobre la identidad sexual
La utilización de este término, en el fundamento de la sentencia que permitió la cirugía y el cambio de género en el Registro Civil, podría leerse como el reconocimiento del derecho a adaptar el sexo físico al psicológico, es decir, el derecho a la transexualidad.

Transexual chino obtiene documento de identidad como mujer
Ying Ning, un hombre de 33 años oriundo de la municipalidad china de Tianjin que se ha practicado varias operaciones para cambiar su sexo, obtuvo este martes su nueva tarjeta de identidad, como mujer.

200 trans rights advocates lobby Congress
Nearly 200 transgender rights activists and their supporters descended on Washington from 29 states this week to urge Congress to support legislation aimed at ending discrimination and violence.
Photo: Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) (left) receives a citation Monday from transgender activists Melissa Sklarz (second from left), Mara Keisling and Meredith Bacon. (Blade photo by Henry Linser)

Teaching tolerance
Merrimack High School will be among dozens of schools throughout the state participating in the Day of Silence, a student-led day of action when some students take a vow of silence to bring attention to the harassment experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Lance Bass Joins GLSEN In 'National Day Of Silence'
Lance Bass is supporting Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network's (GLSEN) April 25th National Day Of Silence in a new public service announcement.
[News/Commentary] Day of silence calls attention to bullying, harassment of GLBT community
Even before 15-year-old Lawrence "Larry" King came out to the few friends he had at E.O. Green Junior High School in Oxnard, Calif., the sweet-faced, slightly built boy endured taunts and anti-gay slurs spewed at him daily across campus, from cafeteria to classroom. As one friend was quoted in the Los Angeles Times: "You'd hear, 'Faggot! Hey, faggot!' That was happening in every class. A lot of teachers knew stuff was going on ... I guess they just didn't want to get involved."

Hundreds rally for GLBT rights at capital
Over 1,000 people rallied outside the state capitol Thursday to promote equality for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender population in Minnesota. Over 110 cities from across the state attended the rally.