Transfofa em Blog

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sábado, maio 31, 2008

Miss Brasil Transex 2008
Viviane Araújo é madrinha do evento que irá eleger a transexual mais bela do país.

Tamanho não é documento
Cidades pequenas realizam Paradas e provam que vontade de militar não conhece número de público.

Turkish gay rights group closed down by court
The closing of Lambda would be a devastating blow for the European LGBT emancipation movement.
Tribunal fecha a única associação gay da Turquia
Um tribunal turco decidiu, na última quinta-feira (29), pelo fechamento da única associação pró-direitos dos homossexuais existente na Turquia, a LambdaIstanbul, após o Ministério Público afirmar que a organização teria violado leis sobre proteção à família e sobre moralidade pública.

Russos garantem que realizarão Parada Gay no domingo
Apoiados em uma lei da Constituição russa que autoriza marchas pelo país, os organizadores da Parada Gay de Moscou garatem que celebrarão a sua marcha no próximo domingo, dia 1º de junho.

Transsexual fired for shipboard errors
Tribunal rules B.C. Ferries didn't discriminate against new deckhand.

Activists alarmed over APA's gender diagnosis review
Head of psychiatry panel favors 'change' therapy for some trans teens.

sexta-feira, maio 30, 2008

Sargento trans obtém vitória inédita na Justiça brasileira
A transexual piauiense Fabiane de Barros Portela, 26 anos, ex-sargento do Exército Brasileiro e licenciada de suas funções contra a vontade, foi autorizada pela Justiça a continuar recebendo seu salário. (Foto)

Guidelines Issued On Sex Change Protection
New guidelines have been issued to higher education institutions to help them deal better with staff and pupils who may have had a sex change. With an estimated 5,000 to 6,000 trans-gender people in the UK, the number in the higher education sector is likely to be small, but the Equality Challenge Unit issued the guidelines so that institutions are aware of the implications.

Harsh Protests Promised for Riga Gay Pride by Latvian Nationalists
Latvian 'nationalist' organisations warned today that the Gay Pride event along the 11th November Shoreline in Riga on Saturday will result in probable counter action. And the country's gay and lesbian NGO, Mozaika, was proudly flying the Rainbow Flag from its office building downtown.

Singer Bülent Ersoy to stand trial for alleged anti-military remarks
Excerpt: Bakırköy Public Prosecutor Ali Çakır indicted Bülent Ersoy, a transsexual singer and a popular TV host, on grounds that her remarks had the purpose of "making the public detest military service," a crime under the Turkish Penal Code (TCK). (Photo)

Turkish Court Rules Gay Group Violates Public Morality, Must Close A Turkish court on Thursday ordered the closure of a gay association that it ruled was violating public morality, the group said.
Lambda Istanbul, the gay group, said it would appeal the decision within a week.
The court's decision was not final and the association based in Istanbul continues its activities, said Baran Ergenc, a member of the association.
The judge ruled to close of Lambda Istanbul - LGBTT Organization in Istanbul, Turkey
The judge ordered today to shut down Lambda Istanbul one of the Turkey's leading LGBTT organizations. Below is the press statement issued to raise awarness about this ruling.

Police protect Pride marchers in Romania
Excerpt: The country includes sexual orientation in its anti-discrimination legislation and allows those who have undergone gender reassignment to change their identity.

Tribunal backs BC Ferries' firing of a transsexual over safety issues
A B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has ruled that safety, not sexuality, was a factor in the firing of a transsexual from BC Ferries.
Deborah Magnone claimed she was fired after rumours of her sex change poisoned the atmosphere where she worked.

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
Reflections On A Transsexual' s Journey - Transgender Etiquette 101
"Tell them I'm not gay," Sue, a MtF transgender friend, told me when asked what she would say about transgenderism to readers here. "Explain the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. "

[USA] [News/Commentary]
DSM section 302.85
As the American Psychiatric Association begins to consider revisions for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), LGBT advocates say that community members need to have a series of discussions to determine how to unite around the future of Gender Identity Disorder.
DSM controversy could overshadow opportunities
When Julia Serano first heard of psychologist Kenneth Zucker's appointment to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) revisions group, she saw it as an opportunity to strategize.
[Commentary] On the The Bay Area Reporter
When the Bay Area Reporter published an article on the 29th of May 2008 about the DSM controversy <http://tinyurl. com/6mgqjb> , it had become quite evident that there were two sets of reactions to the appointment of Kenneth Zucker on the DSM-V committee. The first reaction seems to have been unfettered (And justifiable) anger. The second consisted of people taking a "moral high ground" and saying that a lot of the things said in the first round of discussion were more often than not, slanderous against Dr. Kenneth Zucker in particular. The Bay Area Reporter took the line followed by the second strand in this debate by seeking to represent "accurately" and "politely" the actual objections to Kenneth Zucker.

Transgender Pregnancy Redefines Normal, Bridges the Gender Gap
The promise of cravings, morning sickness and swollen feet has at last become a reality for Thomas and Nancy Beatie, an Oregon couple who eagerly await the birth of their first child this summer. The Beaties run their own business and bought their first home in the small town of Bend. There was nothing out of the ordinary until it was decided that Thomas, not Nancy, would be the one to carry and give birth to their child.

Hate crimes against LGBTs increase in 2007
Excerpt: Despite an overall decrease in the number of transgender people murdered in the Bay Area, CUAV still "feels that the transgender community is especially vulnerable to violence."

Jail alters transgender inmate policy
The D.C. Jail has changed the way it treats transgender inmates after the D.C. inspector general alerted officials that the agency's policy may have violated District regulations and increased the risk for assaults.

SHAC could cover gender surgery costs
A board at Portland State has created a proposal that would add sexual reassignment surgery to the school's optional extended health insurance plan, as well as increase areas of coverage for the basic plan.

[USA] [People/Music]
CRETIN Front(wo)man Changing The Gender Rules Of Extreme Music, One Plastic Surgery At A Time
Vocalist/guitarist Dan Martinez of the Bay Area grindcore trio CRETIN was interviewed for the July 2008 issue (#45) of Decibel magazine (website <> ) about his decision to undergo gender reassignment surgery, essentially erasing his entire past as he set out to find the woman he always was.

BlogHer Interviews Author and Activist Calpernia Addams on Living as a Transgendered Woman
BlogHer, Inc. (www.blogher. com), one of the top women's online networks and the Web's number-one guide to blogs by women, today published an exclusive audio interview with author, entertainer and activist Calpernia Addams to bring her unique perspective on body image to the ongoing "Letter to My Body" initiative. This is BlogHer's third exclusive podcast in support of the campaign, which is designed to inspire self-esteem, realistic body perception and open discussion on body image amongst women.

Trans parent, gay son: pride across the generations
"There's a huge difference between being gay and being trans," affirms LGBT activist and parent Marti Abernathey. Many would agree, but Abernathey has a rare perspective: she is transgender, and has a gay son. Despite their differences, though, she feels they share a certain bond: "In the whole coming out process there are a lot of similarities. I think his understanding of that has helped him understand where I'm at. And vice versa." Abernathey has one child from each of two previous marriages.

quinta-feira, maio 29, 2008

A Associação da Parada do Orgulho GLBT de São Paulo (APOGLBT) acaba de divulgar em seu site que cerca de 3,4 milhões de pessoas participaram da 12a. Parada do Orgulho GLBT realizada no último domingo (25) - número menor que em 2007, quando 3,5 milhões estiveram na Paulista.

Cristina Ortiz Rodríguez (1964 - ) sex worker, singer, prisoner.
Jose Antonio Ortiz Rodriguez was born in Almeria, Andalucia, Spain. At a young age she went to Madrid and transitioned.
Cristina was working as a prostitute when she was discovered by Pepe Navarro. She became famous on Navarro's television show and with a single 'Veneno pa tu piel' (Poison in your skin). She became known as Cristina La Veneno (the poison).

Georgina Somerset (1923 - ?) dentist.
George Turtle was born with an underdeveloped penis and some female organs. His parents hesitated and then raised the child as a boy. He went to Reigate Grammar School for Boys, but didn't feel right as a boy. He did not go through puberty, and grew neither breasts nor facial hair.

[UK] [Commentary]
Discrimination: Is it time to extend the age laws
Excerpt: As things stand, UK age-discrimination legislation only covers the workplace. In contrast, laws that combat discrimination on racial grounds or on grounds of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion or belief are much broader, extending protection to individuals in their dealings with suppliers of goods and services.

How Maria Met José or How "Mario" Met "Diana": Bizarre Transsexual Wedding in Mexico
Excerpt: The proposed law, which may be attractive to criminals seeking to hide their identities from law enforcement, likely will face a vote in Mexico's Congress sometime this week. The law would also oblige public hospitals in the Federal District including Mexico City to perform sex-change surgeries with taxpayer money.

Transsexualism far more common than believed, say researchers
A new statistical study by Prof Femke Olyslager and Prof Emeritus Lynn Conway suggests Singapore rates for male-to-female transsexuals are over 1 in 2,000, whereas rates for female-to-male transsexuals are over 1 in 4,000.

Parents The New Trans Focus
A family planning clinic plans to educate parents about transgender issues following the decision by the Family Court to allow a 12-year-old to start puberty-blocking medication.

Get Fighting Fit
Excerpt: Alex Ariti and Delilah Slack are two students who have blossomed under Gulliver's guidance. Both transsexuals, Ariti recently won in the Open Beginners/Intermediate division of the International Sport Kickboxing Association tournaments, while Slack took out the Open Weapons division at the Australian Martial Arts Association tournament.

Man is charged with hate crime
In what was labeled a hate crime, a 34-year-old man attacked two transgender homeless men Saturday afternoon, but was arrested after one of the victims stabbed him in the leg, according to police.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The APA’s DSM-V Development: Kenneth Zucker’s Involvement
Recently the American Psychiatric Association (APA) announced their new panel for the revision of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). Named as chairperson of the work group for "Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders (GID)" is Dr. Kenneth Zucker, known for his reparative therapy work on transgender children with Dr. Susan Bradley. Additionally we have Ray Blanchard, who famously renamed "transvestism" to "transvesticfetishism," a term that is based on sexual fantasies in the DSM-IV(1994). There are other changes made by both Blanchard and Zucker. Mr. Blanchard is also the creator of the term "autogynephilia." For the sake of brevity, I will concentrate on Dr. Zucker's ideologies and the potential negative influence on DSM-V.
Task Force questions critical appointments to APA’s Committee on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is questioning the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) recent appointments of Kenneth Zucker, Ph.D., to chair the Committee on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders for the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), and Ray Blanchard, Ph.D., to serve as a committee member. These appointments are raising great concerns within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
[Commentary] Open Response to Jack Drescher and The APA
Excerpt: Ken Zucker has made the following public statement, which clarifies his view on the diagnosis of homosexuality:
The "most acute ethical issue may concern the relation between GID and a later homosexual sexual orientation. Follow-up studies of boys who have GID that largely is untreated, indicated that homosexuality is the most common long-term psychosexual outcome."

New York to Back Same-Sex Unions From Elsewhere
Gov. David A. Paterson has directed all state agencies to begin to revise their policies and regulations to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions, like Massachusetts, California and Canada.

quarta-feira, maio 28, 2008

APOGLBT divulga nota e explica o motivo de ter vetado o trio da Conlutas na Parada de São Paulo
A Associação da Parada do Orgulho GLBT de São Paulo (APOGLBT) divulgou na noite desta segunda-feira, 26, nota oficial esclarecendo seu veto à participação do trio da Associação Coordenação Nacional de Lutas (Conlutas) na 12ª edição da Parada de São Paulo.

Fury over sex-change soldier £250,000 pay-out claim
A FYLDE coast sex-change soldier has rubbished claims she in-line for a £250,000 pay-out from the Army for unfair dismissal.
Army settles out of court with trans soldier
The Ministry of Defence decided to settle Jan Hamilton's case out of court.
[Blog/Commentary] An Apparent Case Of Media Manipulation Against Britain's "Sex Change Soldier"
Excerpt: I think it is important that our community know she is being set up by the press and certain "leaks" in the Army to set the Public against her and thus indirectly also against all TS people, including several TS people still serving in HM Armed Forces.

Don’t Stay Silent, Says ILGA-Europe Official at Opening of Berlin’s Memorial to Gays
A memorial commemorating the tens of thousands of homosexual people persecuted during the Nazi regime was opened today in Berlin.

International Ugandan Bank Denies Account to Trans Activist
Uganda's ban on homosexuality is playing out in the private sector, with a local branch of the U.K.-based Standard Chartered Bank denying account access to a trans activist.

Parents seek solution to cross-dressing
School teachers, counsellors and parents say they are worried about the growing number of children involved in cross-dressing and same-sex relationships.

Atleta obtém patrocínio para levar namorado à Olimpíada
Começa o burburinho gay na Olimpíada de Pequim. Segundo o jornal australiano Sydney Morning Herald, o competidor dos jogos na modalidade esportiva salto ornamental da delegação da Austrália Matthew Mitcham, de 20 anos, assumiu sua homossexualidade e pediu uma permissão para que seu companheiro, Lachlan, possa acompanhá-lo à competição na China, que será realizada entre os dias 8 e 24 de agosto.

Sex-change girl ruling 'compassionate'
THE nation's top transsexual suppport group has commended the Family Court's decision to grant permission for a 12-year-old girl to have a sex-change as "compassionate and prudent".
The Australian Transsexual Support Network say the boy identified 'female' at birth should be allowed to commence reversible puberty-blocking medication.

Hollywood director Sydney Pollack dies
Academy Award-winning director Sydney Pollack, a Hollywood mainstay who achieved commercial success and critical acclaim with the gender-bending comedy Tootsie and the period drama Out of Africa, has died at 73.
Photo: Director Sydney Pollack with Dustin Hoffman on the set of Tootsie.

Police: Man's attack of two transgender men a hate crime
In what police have labeled a hate crime, a 34-year-old man attacked two transgender homeless men Saturday afternoon, but was arrested after one of the victims stabbed him in the leg, according to Sacramento police.
William Lee Johnson attacked the men at about 2:01 p.m. near the Longview Drive on-ramp to I-80 near Del Paso Park, according to police records. Johnson is a "validated skinhead," according to a police report.

Transgender activist from Wisconsin killed while on Mexico vacation
"I did witness the murder and chased the accused.... The rest of our group is coping. I will say the Puerto Vallarta Police have been absolutely amazing working on this horrifying murder."
U.S. activist killed while on vacation in Mexico's Puerto Vallarta
A gay community activist from Madison, Wisconsin, was stabbed to death and officials said Tuesday they have arrested a man who confessed to killing her.
State prosecutor's official Guillermo Martin Diaz said the man told police he stabbed Felicia Melton-Smyth early Monday because she refused to pay for sex.
Living with Purpose
Felicia Melton-Smyth talks candidly to Our Lives about transitioning, her AIDS philanthropic work and the most important thing she's ever done.
Activist Melton-Smyth remembered for her vigor, infectious wit
Felicia Melton-Smyth was one of those people who take up a cause and make a difference.
And despite the fact that she stood out in a crowd, she did it largely unheralded.
Melton-Smyth, 41, was stabbed to death in her hotel room Monday while vacationing with a group of friends in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. She was a volunteer with the AIDS Network in Madison for more than a decade, and her death left her friends speechless.
Photo: Felicia Melton-Smyth

terça-feira, maio 27, 2008

Antes de mais, a minha posição em relação à ingerência da Ordem dos Médicos na problemática da transexualidade, é que é uma “força de bloqueio”, servindo unicamente para demorar ainda mais processos que, em Portugal, são já de si abusivamente longos.

Não tem justificação de espécie alguma haver uma autorização dada por essa entidade para se iniciarem as cirurgias. Não conhecem os pacientes, unicamente avaliando se se encontra presente no processo toda a documentação requerida.

Se se pensar que a entidade dá o seu aval aos especialistas que intervêm nos processos, considerando-os aptos a avaliarem e a diagnosticarem, deve bastar o relatório desses mesmos especialistas para se iniciarem as cirurgias.

De notar que nunca aparece um diagnóstico de transexualidade ou disforia de género. O que figura na carta enviada pela entidade é uma simples e lacónica autorização da Ordem para se fazer a CRS (Cirurgia de Redesignação de Sexo). Não menciona mais nada, nem mais nenhuma cirurgia.

A posição da Ordem dos Médicos, como se depreende, nada mais faz que reflectir a posição pessoal dos seus componentes, ou do seu bastonário. Que nem sequer têm a obrigatoriedade de serem especialistas na área.

Ainda há poucos anos atrás, quando era bastonário o Dr. Gentil Martins, uma referência na sua área, foram canceladas estas cirurgias. A saber, a opinião desta pessoa em relação às pessoas transexuais é bem exemplificada nesta frase, retirada de uma entrevista dada ao Jornal de Leiria de 17 de Abril de 2008, em que reza: "Há todo o género de aberrações na natureza humana".

Portanto, a posição da Ordem vai variando conforme as cabeças que estão na direcção desta entidade. Não são posições baseadas em factos científicos, mas sim na maior ou menor transfobia existente nos dirigentes.

Agora, o Conselho Nacional de Ética e Deontologia Médicas da Ordem dos Médicos, segundo o jornal “Público”, anda a pensar restringir ainda mais o acesso às cirurgias. Enquanto «o actual código prevê a proibição de cirurgia para reatribuição do sexo, salvo em casos clínicos de transsexualismo ou disforia do género», existe uma proposta da comissão de ética que «mantém esta restrição mas preconiza que a operação não possa ser feita a pessoas casadas e a menores».

Em relação aos menores, é um assunto muito melindroso e que de modo nenhum tem a concordância das próprias associações LGBTTI que lutam pelos direitos destas pessoas. Precisa ainda de ser muito discutido e analizado, embora pessoalmente considere que existem muitos casos que, mesmo sendo menores, não oferecem qualquer dúvida, sendo, assim, mais uma medida que pugna por falsos moralismos. Cada caso é um caso, e quem está mais apto a dar uma opinião serão os profisssionais que acompanham esses pacientes.

A Ordem dos Médicos deve ter mais confiança na experiência e saber desses profissionais, e não fazer proibições que atingem indiscriminadamente todas as pessoas transexuais.

Agora, a ingerência no estado civil de cada pessoa é pura e simplesmente uma medida ditatorial e abusiva dos direitos de cada um como cidadão. Com que direito se arvora o Conselho Nacional de Ética e Deontologia Médicas da Ordem dos Médicos, de decidir o estado civil de cada um? Sim, porque ao proíbirem a CRS a uma pessoa casada, estão a impor que essa pessoa se divorcie.

Será porque depois ficaria um casal homossexual? Mesmo que assim seja, não é da competência da medicina decidir se a sociedade aceitará ou não casamentos entre pessoas do mesmo sexo.

Seria muito mais gratificante para a sociedade e para a própria Ordem, se se preocupassem mais com a falta de profissionalismo de determinados elementos dessa classe, para que não se repitam os escândalos nas CRS como os feitos pelo anterior cirurgião.

Ou que se preocupassem em formar cirurgiões nesta área e em sexologia clínica.

Falando de ética, podiam tentar conciliar o juramento de Hipócrates com a realidade, em que se vê os melhores médicos a irem para clínicas e hospitais privados. Para a pessoa comum, parece que vão atrás do dinheiro. E não me parece que seja isso que juram fazer.

Ou até mesmo tentarem um consenso de maneira a não ser necessário ir-se ao estrangeiro para se ser operado às cataratas.

Com tanta coisa a fazer, porquê uma ingerência abusiva em todos os níveis da liberdade de cada um, pondo o estado civil como bloqueio?

Site da Parada Gay corrige "chutômetro" e tira dado sobre público do ar
O site oficial da Parada Gay de São Paulo tirou do ar, na manhã desta segunda-feira (26), o seu relato sobre a estimativa de público divulgada na tarde do último domingo. O número divulgado pela ONG (5 milhões de participantes) foi difundido sem comprovação científica, como informou a Folha Online. Para se ter idéia, o dado representa 25% da população da Grande São Paulo.
Parada Gay impede desfile de trio; ONG denuncia espancamento e censura política
Um dos 22 trios elétricos previstos para desfilar durante a 12ª Parada Gay de São Paulo foi impedido de participar do evento pelos organizadores, que justificaram a decisão alegando "documentação irregular". A Conlutas (Coordenação Nacional de Lutas) informou que ativistas "foram violentamente espancados e presos" e atribuiu, em nota, o incidente à "intolerância política e a repressão".

ERC, IU e ICV piden tipificar como delito la transfobia
Esquerra Republicana, Izquierda Unida e Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds han pedido tipificar legalmente como delito la transfobia - actitudes en contra de los transexuales - , así como una ley de medidas para la integración laboral y social de estas personas.

Fury of injured soldiers' families as sex-change Para captain 'wins £250,000' from Army
The mother of crippled paratrooper Ben Parkinson has condemned a "£250,000 payout" to the army's first sex-change officer who lost a job after refusing to wear a male uniform for a medical.
Jan Hamilton, 43, has officially left the army after the Ministry of Defence settled her damages claim for unfair dismissal and sexual discrimination.

Berlin unveils controversial gay holocaust monument
Following years of controversy, German dignitaries on Tuesday will dedicate a memorial to the tens of thousands of gays and lesbians who were persecuted and killed in Nazi Germany.
This month marks the 75th anniversary of the series of raids and public book burnings in May 1933 with which the regime of Adolf Hitler began its crusade against homosexuality.

Mesmo sob pressão, ativistas romenos celebram Parada Gay
Ainda que grupos religiosos e extremistas tenham se proposto a cancelar a celebração da Parada do Orgulho Gay da Romênia, cerca de 200 ativistas marcharam pelas ruas de Bucareste, no último sábado (24).

[United Arab Emirates]
Dubai police crack down on cross-dressers
Police in Dubai have arrested several men and women for cross-dressing in what they said was a campaign to preserve the social values of the cosmopolitan Gulf Arab trade and tourism hub, newspapers reported on Monday.
Tough stance on those who mimic opposite sex
The Government should carry out research into a "dangerous" trend of cross-dressing that was becoming prevalent in schools, Dubai police said.
Police said a number of arrests have been made recently, mainly of male cross-dressers with long hair, make-up and women's clothing in public places such as malls, parks, souks and schools.

Transexuales México apelan a identidades viejas para casarse
Mario Sánchez y Diana Guerrero, dos transexuales mexicanos que antes eran María del Socorro Sánchez y José Guerrero, decidieron no esperar más para contraer matrimonio y el sábado apelaron a sus identidades originales para cumplir su sueño.
Celebran primera boda transexual
María del Socorro Sánchez y José Mauricio Guerrero contrajeron este sábado matrimonio al igual que cualquier pareja de enamorados, con la única diferencia de que María del Socorro lo hizo en un cuerpo de hombre y José Mauricio en un cuerpo de mujer.
Esperan transexuales no padecer discriminación en luna de miel
Los recién casados, Diana y Mario, primer pareja transexual que se unió legalmente, esperan no ser víctima de discriminación durante su viaje de luna miel, pues durante los trámites de sus pasaportes ya han padecido algunos problemas.

Socialist Cuba promotes anti-homophobia campaign
Excerpt: The Cuban movement for full rights for LGBT people has not sidestepped the issues facing transgender people. There are also discussions taking place in the National Assembly to make gender reassignment surgery accessible in Cuba's free and universal healthcare system. Cuba first began performing gender-reassignment surgery in 1988, but soon realized that more public education was needed before proceeding with the measure.
Castro Espín announced that Cuba was assembling a team of Belgian surgeons to resume surgical gender reassignment.
Photo: Mariela Castro Espín (center) celebrates International Day Against Homophobia, Havana, May 17

Transgênero grávido já tem data marcada para o parto
Thomas Beatie, o americano transgênero que surpreendeu o mundo ao engravidar, já está com a data do parto marcada para o próximo dia 3 de julho. Ele dará a luz uma menina por meio de cirurgia cesariana.

segunda-feira, maio 26, 2008

Parada de São Paulo movimenta 189 milhões de reais, mas tem apenas 1 milhão de patrocínio
O prefeito de São Paulo Gilberto Kassab (DEM), a senadora Fátima Cleide (PT-RO) e a deputada federal Cida Diogo (PT-RJ) participaram da coletiva de imprensa que a Associação da Parada do Orgulho GLBT (Apoglbt) promoveu na manhã deste domingo, dia 25 de maio, na sede da Federação do Comércio do Estado de São Paulo (Fecomercio) como cerimônia de abertura da 12ª Parada do Orgulho GLBT de São Paulo.
Zona leste de SP fará 3ª Parada Gay no dia 6 de julho
No próximo dia 6 de julho, haverá uma outra Parada Gay em São Paulo. Será a terceira edição da Parada da Zona Leste, região da periferia da capital, bastante populosa e carente dos serviços públicos.
Parada Gay divulga público de 5 milhões sem comprovação científica
Após divulgar um público de 5 milhões de participantes no início da Parada Gay de São Paulo, os organizadores do evento evitaram confirmar o número, no final do desfile, na noite deste domingo (25). As autoridades, como a Polícia Militar e Guarda Civil, não confirmaram o dado, evitando críticas de prática do "chutômetro". Resultado: nesta segunda-feira (26), a associação que organiza a Parada promete mostrar imagens aéreas e divulgar o número final da dimensão do evento.

Parada GLBT
Veja imagens da 12ª edição da festa, que ocorreu este domingo (25) com 22 trios elétricos e milhões de pessoas.

Sex-change paratrooper wins £250,000 for ‘hurt feelings’
A former paratrooper who had a sex-change operation has won a £250,000 payout for hurt feelings after being ordered to wear a man's army uniform.
Jan Hamilton, formerly Captain Ian Hamilton, was awarded the sum by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in an out-of-court settlement after claiming that she was humiliated by the order.
Sex swap para given £250k for hurt feelings
A SEX-CHANGE soldier has caused uproar by winning £250,000 damages...because the Army ordered her to wear a male uniform for a medical.

Sex swap soldier attacked in pub
SEX change soldier Jan Hamilton claims she was attacked in a pub -after the bloke who chatted her up found out she used to be a man.

Clamp on gays 'violates rights'
BAHRAIN will be in breach of United Nations (UN) laws on human rights if it introduces a nationwide crackdown on homosexuals, say gay rights campaigners.

Judge allows girl, 12, to change sex
A FAMILY court judge has allowed a 12-year-old girl to start a taxpayer-funded sex change procedure - in the face of objections from the child's own father.
The girl, who cannot be named, has begun court-approved hormone treatment in the first step towards a total gender switch.
Orders by the Family Court of Victoria also permit the girl to apply for a new birth certificate, passport and Medicare card in a boy's name.
[News/Commentary] 12 Year Old 'Brainwashed' into Having Sex Change
A court has agreed for a twelve year old girl to have a sex change operation against the wishes of relatives who say that the girl has been brainwashed from an early age to become more male like by her mother.
Sex-change 'brainwash'
THE cousin of a 12-year-old Victorian girl who is undergoing a sex change claims the child's mother brainwashed her daughter.
Family's fury as girl, 12, allowed to have sex-change operation against father's wishes
A huge ethical row has erupted over a judge's decision to allow a 12- year-old girl to have a sex change that will turn her into a teenage boy.
'I am a boy, Dad'
ALMOST all her life "Jess" has felt like a boy trapped in a girl's body. From the age of six, shopping trips usually ended in the boy's clothing section.
Now 12, she recently told a psychiatrist her long-held dream was to overcome biology and one day live as a man - complete with wife and children.

Stuck between a frock and a card place
Excerpt: "The Anti-Discrimination Act does not protect transvestites, it protects transsexuals, but you said you live as a woman," [deputy president of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal] Ms Hennessy said. "Before the tribunal can hear the case what you have to be able to prove to the court is that sexually you are a transsexual."
Photo: Dallas Kilponen. All cross-dressed up … Paul Hurst - Anne-Maree to his friends - was refused entry to Star City because a security guard said he was "inappropriately" attired.

[USA] [Commentary]
Obama's 'gay' problem
Excerpt: "The transgendered community has to be protected. I just don't have any tolerance for that sort of intolerance. And I think we need to legislate aggressively to protect them," Obama told the Advocate, the modern day Pravda of the pink triangle set.

[MN,USA] [Commentary]
Myths and facts about transgender issues
We asked Debra Davis, executive director of the Twin Cities-based Gender Education Center (www.debradavis. org), and Walter Bockting, a psychologist in the University of Minnesota's Program in Human Sexuality, to answer some questions about transgender issues.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Should Doctors Be Allowed To Refuse Treatment?
Should doctors be able to turn patients away if they disagree with their lifestyle choice?
The article reads like many pregnancy stories. The happy couple finally become pregnant against all odds and eagerly anticipates the birth of their first child. This story, however, takes a twist that many people, including doctors, find hard to fathom.

domingo, maio 25, 2008

ILGA lança a edição 2008 do relatório Homofobia do Estado
A ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Association) lançou recentemente o relatório anual sobre a questão da Homofobia do Estado em todo o mundo. O mesmo pode ser encontrado no site da organização em index.asp? LanguageID= 5 (Português).

[UK] [Letters to the Editor]
If you live in the West, play by its rules or leave
I WAS upset to read the report regarding a transsexual driving instructor being left devastated after a Muslim customer in Sheffield threatened legal action ("Gender row upset" Examiner, May 22).
Transsexuals are legally recognised in the UK, so what right has this Muslim to challenge the law? Would you see a Catholic or an Anglican kicking up such a fuss? In fact the man who is complaining is in breach of discrimination laws.

Facing hate crime in Turkey
A report by Human Rights Watch says gay and transgender people in Turkey are subject to "endemic abuses", and calls on the government to act to protect them. The BBC's Sarah Rainsford met some of the victims.

[Canada] [Letters to the Editor]
Sex-change surgery is as necessary as coronary bypass
Under the Canada Health Act, it is the role of the federal government to guarantee access to medical care, not restrict it. Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre's attitude towards gender reassignment surgery is ill-informed.
[Letters to the Editor] Definitely life-saving surgery
On behalf of CAMH, I wish to commend the province on its decision to relist sexual reassignment surgery as an OHIP-covered service. This puts Ontario back in line with other provinces.

[USA] [People/Commentary]
How will the pregnant man's daughter thank him for this breathtakingly cynical - and profitable - foray into gay rights?
With an eight-month bump and a beard, he claims to be the world's first pregnant man. This week, the Mail paid Thomas Beatie a visit and discovered a tale of greed, gay rights zealotry and breathtaking cynicism.

sábado, maio 24, 2008

EU must insist Turkey "respect LGBT people's basic rights"
A leading human rights group has produced a report documenting "long and continuing history of violence and abuse based on sexual orientation and gender identity" in Turkey.

SUS inicia este ano inscrições para cirurgia de troca de sexo
O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) passará a oferecer cirurgias de mudança de sexo (do masculino para o feminino) gratuitamente, até novembro deste ano, segundo informações da Agência Brasil. O anúncio foi feito pela diretora do Departamento de Apoio à Gestão Participativa do Ministério da Saúde, Ana Maria Costa, durante a 1ª Conferência Estadual de Políticas Públicas para GLBTT do Rio de Janeiro.

Parada deixa na cidade de SP cerca de R$ 189 milhões
R$ 189 milhões. Este é o investimento médio que as cerca de 3,5 milhões de pessoas esperadas na 12ª Parada do Orgulho GLBT devem deixar na cidade.
Marta Suplicy e Gilberto Kassab participarão da Parada Gay em SP
A ministra do Turismo, Marta Suplicy (PT), e o prefeito de São Paulo, Gilberto Kassab (DEM), participarão da 12ª Parada do Orgulho GLBT. O evento acontece neste domingo (25), a partir das 12h, na av. Paulista. A informação foi confirmada hoje (23) pelas assessorias dos dois políticos.
Paulista será interditada a partir das 10h
A avenida Paulista será interdidata pela CET às 10h da manhã de domingo, por conta da 12a. edição da Parada do Orgulho GLBT de São Paulo. Durante o dia, até às 19h, a CET interditará trechos da Paulista entre a Joaquim Eugênio de Lima e Consolação; avenida Ipiranga e Rego Freitas.
Sao Paulo's gay pride parade to gather 3.5 mln people
The 12th Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade is expected to gather 3.5 million people from all parts of the world on Sunday, the event's organizers said Thursday.

Thanks for your help, says ex-mayor Jenny
CAMBRIDGE'S outgoing mayor has paid a warm tribute to people in the city for supporting her during her year in office.Jenny Bailey admitted the revelation that she had once been a man had caused her anxiety about how the year would go, before she became the First Citizen last May.

Sex change captain assaulted
A MAN has been charged with assaulting Britain's first sex change soldier.
James Young, 46, appeared before Blackpool magistrates accused of an attack on former Parachute Regiment captain Jan Hamilton.

Muçulmana, Turquia tem Parada Gay na capital.
Um pouco da história gay da Turquia, país com 98% da população muçulmana, foi escrita no último sábado (17), na capital Ankara, quando mais de cem gays, entre homens, mulheres, bissexuais e transgêneros se reuniram em frente ao monumento em homenagem aos Direitos humanos para uma marcha até o Parlamento.

[Canada] [Commentary]
The symptom is arrogance
Excerpt: Look, no doubt we're all moved by the plight of people who think they're trapped in a body that's the wrong sex. Frankly, though, the part of their body that needs examination is their head, not their private bits.
[Letters to the Editor] And autism, too
Health Minister George Smitherman and Premier Dalton McGuinty are to be praised for their progressive and humane decision to restore OHIP coverage for sex-change operations. Gender-identity disorder is a serious medical condition and, although very expensive, its treatment is called "appropriate. "

[EUA] [Commentary]
I CAN’T get my head around this bloke in America who appears to be pregnant
Thomas Beatie was born a woman, had gender reassignment, and is now supposedly carrying a child with his wife who has had a hysterectomy.
Pregnant Man Thomas Beatie To Pen A Memoir
ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT can confirm that Thomas Beatie will write a book about his experience as a "pregnant man."

Fort Worth transgender teen trying to put life back together
It’s been just more than a year since local transgender teen Rochelle Evans made headlines by fighting her school district for the right to be called “she” and to be herself.

sexta-feira, maio 23, 2008

Ativistas espanhóis fazem campanha contra doações à Igreja
A Federação Estatal de Lésbicas, Gays, Transexuais e Bissexuais (FELGTB) espanhola inicou sua campanha "Nem um centavo a quem te discrimina; na declaração de imposto de renda, marque outros fins sociais". A campanha, realizada desde 1999 e que se repete a cada ano, coincide com o início das declarações de imposto de renda para pessoas físicas.

Foreign Office instructs embassies to push LGBT rights
The British government has adopted an official programme to support the human rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people in other countries.

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Reasons why it’s fairly useful being a transsexual
As opposed to any other sort of transsexual.
Christ (who, incidentally, I don't believe was the son of god) knows why I decided to post these, but I thought they'd be interesting facts.
I realised today I was grateful to have my career, not just because it involves a lot of interesting thinking and also helping people, though mainly thinking to be honest. But also because it makes being trans sooo much easier.

Governo italiano se nega a patrocinar Parada Gay
A ministra italiana Mara Carfagna anunicou hoje em um comunicado que o governo não patrocinará a marcha anual do Orgulho Gay, por considerar que a manifestação corresponde mais ao exibicionismo do que a outros temas.

Rights Group: Gays in Turkey Face Climate of Violence
Excerpt: "There is still vaguely written laws to arrest and harass anyone they chose. In Ankara the capital, there is a special police team called Balios which means hammer, and again and again transgender people told us that they've been beaten, that they've been raped by this police team and it's goal is to clean the center of the city of transgender people. And most conspicuous of all, the government does not intervene to stop it."
EU Told Turkey Should Be Required To End Abuses Against Gays Before Joining
Excerpt: The report examines a wide range of human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Several transgender people told Human Rights Watch how police tortured and raped them.

[Ecuador] [Blog/Commentary]
Ex-Gay Torture Chambers In Ecuador
Andrés Duque at Babbleando has provided some valuable translations from two newspaper articles from Ecuador chronicling ex-gay and ex-transgender ministries in that country. According to El Universo, there are more than 140 such unlicensed treatment centers operating throughout Ecuador. Operating under the guise of alcohol and drug rehab centers, these ministries engage in barbaric practices which are nothing short of torture. One transgender "client" describes her experience.

What's 'normal' sex? Shrinks seek definition
This month the American Psychiatric Association announced the names of "working group" members who will guide the development of the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, the codex of American psychiatry.

Forum focuses on trans community and sexism
Julia Serano, the author of Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity ( Seal Press, 2007 ) was recently in Chicago to present her thoughts on "Transsexual and Trans Feminine Perspectives on Sexism."

Groups protest gay-rights bill
SB200 was promoted as a civil rights measure to ban discrimination in Colorado against homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders when buying a home, renting an apartment or using public accommodations.
But Focus on the Family and Colorado Family Action call it an invitation for sexual predators and transgendered people to use restrooms meant for the opposite sex.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The Inevitability of Transition
This is a blog I've hesitated on writing for the last few days. You see, a few days ago my wife and I were discussing our openness with each other, and I felt it necessary to just pour my heart out to her. I'd been extremely sad for several days primarily because of my desire to live full time as a woman, as my true self. Repressing these feelings continue to hinder me, and I've been feeling like I may never get to the point where I can be free to be myself.

Trans Bill Clears Albany Hurdle
The Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), a measure that would provide basic civil rights protections for transgendered and other gender-variant New Yorkers, may finally get a vote this spring in the New York State Assembly.

quinta-feira, maio 22, 2008

Filmes à Letra - GRIP organiza ciclo de cinema LGBT
"Em Maio de 2005, o GRIP realizou a sua primeira iniciativa pública, com um ciclo de cinema. Passados três anos, vamos assinalar este aniversário com o Filmes à Letra - um ciclo dedicado a todas as letras do 'LGBT'. Quatro fins-de-semana, oito filmes, e conversa q.b. vão ser a nossa maneira de comemorar a riqueza e diversidade destas comunidades, que, diferentes entre si, se vão reunir no mesmo espaço."

Sex swap driving teacher fury
A SEX swap instructor at an all-female driving school was left devastated when the Sheffield husband of one of her pupils threatened to sue her firm - for sending a man to teach his Muslim wife.
Transsexual driving instructor sparks complaint
A gender-swap driving instructor at an all-female firm said today she was "hurt and deeply upset" when the husband of a pupil complained about her.
Transsexual driving instructor in row over threat by Muslim student
The manager of a transsexual driving instructor who used to be a man has been threatened with court action because she sent her to teach a married Muslim woman.

Handbook on transgender children released
The book deals with family acceptance, the education system and medical and legal issues.
For parents and professionals alike, raising a transgender child can be confusing and challenging.

Presidente diz que matará todos os homossexuais
Segundo informações do site gay espanhol,, o presidente da Gâmbia, Yahya Jammeh, ameaçou cortar a cabeça de todos os homossexuais do país e de todos aqueles que dizem ser seus amigos.

CUBA: Sexual Diversity - the Rainbow Revolution
Nearly 50 years after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, sexual minorities are at last beginning to feel that their voice is being heard and that they can finally take their place in the movement towards a more just and inclusive society.

Way to go, Waria! - IDAHO in Jakarta
Gay and trans activists in Jakarta took advantage of the International Day Against Homophobia last Saturday May 17, to demonstrate on behalf of GLBT Indonesians.

Advocate: Hundreds wait for sex change
Ontario has a backlog of 100 to 200 people waiting for sex change surgery, says an advocate for the transgendred.
[Letters to the Editor] Sex-reassignment surgery is a necessity
As a transgendered person I was saddened to hear Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre's response to Ontario Health Minister George Smitherman's announcement that sex reassignment surgery would be reinstated under OHIP.
Sex-change 'surprise'
Niagara Falls Liberal MPP Kim Craitor says he was "caught by surprise" by word his government is planning to reinstate coverage for a limited number of sex-change surgeries each year under the province's publicly funded health insurance system.

Report: Anti-LGBT Violence Up 24%
Excerpt: While the FBI report is based on formal complaints to police departments and does not include crimes against transsexuals.
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs report is based on people who have sought help from member agencies as a result of being victims of crimes.

Trans Definition Controversy
Transgender activists are objecting to the selection of ex-gay researchers chosen to re-write the gender and sexuality definitions in the psychiatrists' bible of mental disorders.

Web Site Offers Free Breast Implants
Excerpt: The founders of the site said they are currently expanding and looking into starting up two new sites -- one for people who would like weight loss surgery and another for gender reassignment.

[USA] [PR]
'This is Our Love Story' Campaign Will Debut This Summer
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) announced today that it will debut a new ad campaign this summer featuring transgender actress and activist Calpernia Addams. The campaign, titled This Is Our Love Story, highlights PFLAG's long-time commitment to the transgender community and urges supporters to help "transform the movement" by joining the organization' s work for transgender rights. Ads will begin appearing in pride guides this summer, and will be featured, through in-kind advertising from supporting publications, in other outlets over the coming months.

Buying Time for Gender-Confused Kids
A procedure that some are mistakenly calling a sex change treatment for children has been drawn into the spotlight in recent days -- although it has been going on for many years.