Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, janeiro 31, 2011

Izquierda Unida-Verdes presenta en Murcia Ley para garantizar los derechos de personas transexuales
Izquierda Unida-Verdes va a presentar en la Asamblea regional una proposición de Ley para el reconocimiento de los derechos de las personas transexuales y una moción por la que instará a la consejería de Sanidad a crear una unidad de referencia de tratamiento de identidad de género.

Participación de actriz transexual en serie de Disney Chanel genera criticas con radicales en España
La llegada de la actriz transexual Florencia de la V, al papel de directora de la escuela de la famosa serie de 'Patito Feo' prueba lo cuanto son elásticos los criterios morales de Disney Channel. El canal americano, muy famosos por su conservadorismo, es más liberal en su programación cuanto más lejano está de sus accionistas y del público puritano estadounidense.

STOP-SIDA lanza calendario para promover derechos mujeres transexuales comercio sexual
Stop Sida lanza un calendario para promover los derechos de las mujeres transexuales trabajadoras del sexo, a partir de una perspectiva integradora y respetuosa de la diversidad sexual y de género.

[UK] [Commentary]
New Police rules on searching Trans folk
I’ve just been pointed at the new Police and Criminal Act Code of Practice and the Home Office have (I think without consultation with the community but I’m trying to verify that) produced new rules on searching Trans folk. This isn’t in force yet and the document is still a “Final Draft”, but my understanding is that it’s probably too late to do much to change it. As it stands, they’ll probably come in to force later this year, although they did reach me via the political process so perhaps there is room to exert some influence.

PHOTOS: Transgender Model Lea T Walks Her First Runway Show
First came the ad campaigns, then the magazine covers and now the runway shows. Transgender model and Riccardo Tisci muse Lea T took her first walk down the runway last night, at the Alexandre Herchcovitch show at Sao Paulo Fashion Week. (Foto)
Confusão após desfile marca saída da transexual Lea T. da SPFW

[Czech Republic]
Czech gender-bending family puzzles sex experts
Dominik's tiny, hairy hands disappear in the manly, silky-smooth grasp of his girlfriend as she reaches across the table in a tender gesture affirming their gender-bending love.

Trans People in Nepal Live Without Citizenship
Nepal's Supreme Court ruling deemed homosexual and transgender people equal citizens in Nepal, yet many sexual minorities are still without citizenship certificates, limiting their opportunities. Here's one woman's story.

Sexual assault: 3 eunuchs raped ‘by wedding guests’
Three eunuchs were abducted and sexually assaulted by armed men on Friday evening.
The incident took place in the Draham police station precinct. The three eunuchs who attended a wedding ceremony said that they were abducted by four armed men who fled the scene after raping them.

LGBT march dismantles closets, one step at a time
The masks are down, so is the guard. Mumbai's queer community came out in droves on Saturday to not just celebrate pride but also to reinforce the message of equal rights and acceptance. The Queer Azaadi March, which was flagged off amid the din of slogans and cries for freedom, witnessed a perceptible difference in the mood of its participants, not necessarily from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community.

Thailand Airline Claims To Be First To Hire Tranny Flight Attendants
A newly formed airline in Thailand has hired six transsexuals as flight attendants in an effort to promote equal opportunities for what's called the "third sex" in Southeast Asia. More than 100 transsexuals applied for the coveted positions with PC Air, and more are expected to be hired.

Transphobic violence in Twin Cities
On January 3, when Donna Macklan went to visit a friend, two people viciously assaulted her, knocking her out of her wheelchair and hitting her with a shovel.
While they were doing this they screamed “you hermaphrodite” — she was beaten and abused in our community because of her gender identity.
This is completely and totally unacceptable. Or it should be.

[Australia] [Commentary]
Surprise! Doctors are abusing intersex patients
THE Human Rights division reports on how doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists like John Money, Maria New and Dix Poppas have long abused and physically brutalized intersex patients, and OII’s Jo Proctor takes part in relating how it is no surprise to intersex people and organizations.

Rally To End Discrimination Held In Pocatello
Between 2005 and 2007, 187 young people committed suicide in Idaho. In order to stop bullying and discrimination, the group 2 Great 4 Hate stepped up to take to the streets Saturday afternoon.
Rally for equality
Marchers in Pcoatello back state anti-discrimination bill

Alumna transexual argentina reclama adoptar su DNI a su identidad; juez da cambio nombre a otra chica
Una joven transexual platense que se desempeña como docente de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata reclama que se respete su identidad sexual en la fotografía de su documento nacional de identidad, luego de que en una oficina platense del Registro Provincial se le solicitara que se peine y arregle su rostro de acuerdo a su sexo biológico, lo que la docente rechazó de plano y decidió seguir adelante con el trámite ante la Justicia. (Foto)

domingo, janeiro 30, 2011

Carlisle men fined for yelling insults at transsexuals
Two men from Carlisle have been fined for publicly harassing two transsexuals in the street.
Wayne Blair and Stephen Currie, both 22, appeared before the city magistrates’ court.
They admitted using threatening or abusive words likely to cause alarm or distress.

German Constitutional Court declares compulsory surgeries unconstitutional
The German Constitutional Court has announced in a press release [1] today that the requirement to undergo sterilization or gender reconstruction surgery is not constitutional. The decision has immediate effect.The plaintiff, a 62 year old transsexual woman, had acquired the so-called “small solution” with a name change, but not altered the civil status due to the requirement to undergo sterilization surgery. With a still “male” civil status she and her female partner had been denied the right to enter a registered same-sex partnership. If forced to marry, so plaintiff, they are recognizable as a partnership with at least one transsexual spouse – a live free from discrimination made impossible.

Thai airline recruits transgender staff
Thai airline PC Air is recruiting transgender staff in a bid to boost the prospects of the “third sex”.
The newly-formed company took on three trans women this week in its first round of hiring.
PC Air, new airline in Thailand, claims to be first to hire transsexual flight attendants
Reports: Thai airline recruits 'third-sex' attendants
Thai airline recruits transsexuals

[New Zealand]
Auckland Council backs prostitute ban
Auckland Council has backed a bill which could see prostitutes banned in any area of the city, a move a number of groups fear will mean transgender street workers are further marginalised.

State Department Issues Amended Policy Guidelines on Passport Sex Marker Changes
n response to concerns raised by TLDEF and other organizations and individuals, the U.S. State Department today published amended policy guidelines for changing the sex marker on passports.
VICTORY: State Department Makes Additional Changes

[USA] [Commentary]
Breaking the APA's chains pathologizing transsexuals for power and wealth
Our gender diversity is a natural blessing not a mental illness.

Anti-Discrimination Rally Set for Saturday
As written, the Idaho Human Rights Act does not include protections for sexual orientation or gender identity. That's something a group of Idahoans is working to change, and they're rallying supporters to help them do so.

Ind. School District Settles With Trans Student
Lambda Legal has reached a settlement with the Gary, Ind., school district, in the case of a transgender student who was barred from attending prom in a dress in 2006, and the district has adopted LGBT-inclusive policies as part of it.
Indiana school district settles suit after transgender student was barred from prom
Lambda Legal Reaches Settlement Agreement with Indiana School District After Transgender Student Was Barred from Prom

Kasich inexplicably takes the ‘T’ out of LGBT
Decision renders state government less progressive than, say, Bob Evans Farms, Inc.

Transgender woman found dead inside Minneapolis apartment
Though Krissy Bates had only lived in Minneapolis for only four months before her Jan. 6 death-the Twin Cities’ first homicide of the year and the first murder of a transgender person in Minnesota in nearly 15 years, the few people who knew her had only kind words for her. They described the former Kentucky resident as a true Southern belle: outgoing, talkative, friendly and hospitable.

Obama condena asesinatos de gays en Honduras
El presidente de EE.UU. recalcó que los derechos de la comunidad LGBT "no son derechos especiales, son derechos humanos"

Obama pide se investiguen muertes de miembros LGBT en Uganda y en Honduras
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, pidió hoy a Uganda que investigue la muerte del defensor ugandés de los derechos de la comunidad LGBT, David Kato, y al gobierno de Honduras que sancione a los autores del asesinato de cinco miembros de este grupo.

A la cárcel un transexual por muerte causada con inyección de silicona
El Juzgado Tercero Penal del Circuito de Bello (Antioquia), con funciones de conocimiento, condenó a la estilista Vanessa Atehortua Lemus, por la muerte de una mujer de 25 años a quien le inyectó silicona en un procedimiento estético.

La modelo transexual Lea T regresa a Brasil para la Semana de la Moda de São Paulo
Hija de la ex estrella brasileña del fútbol Toninho Cerezo, la modelo transexual Lea T regresa a Brasil para desfilar en la São Paulo Fashion Week, que desde este fin de semana y a lo largo de la semana entrante celebra su 15ª edición.
Transsexual set to take Brazil fashion week by storm

Gay-only toilets spark debate
Moves by Brazilian samba schools to provide separate toilets for gay, lesbian and transgender people have divided the GLBT community in the country.

Docente reclama adaptar su DNI a su identidad sexual
Una joven transexual platense que se desempeña como docente de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata reclama que se respete su identidad sexual en la fotografía de su documento nacional de identidad, luego de que en una oficina platense del Registro Provincial se le solicitara que se peine y arregle su rostro de acuerdo a su sexo biológico, lo que la docente rechazó de plano y decidió seguir adelante con el trámite ante la Justicia.

Ordenan cambiar el nombre y el sexo en los documentos de una persona transexual
Lo resolvió el juez porteño Guillermo Scheibler. Se trata de una persona a quien el Registro Civil le había negado el cambio de identidad sexual. Para el magistrado, se trata de un “derecho humano” que no requiere ni cirugías ni pericias “invasivas”
Andam para aí a querer convencer as pessoas que para protecção das pessoas transexuais basta a entrada no Artº 13º da Constituição Portuguesa da expressão “género”. Que “género” inclui a identidade de género.

E querem-nos convencer disto quando a proposta em cima da mesa não passa de uma troca da expressão “sexo” por “género”. Portanto, por melhores e mais inclusivas que sejam as intenções do(s) autor(es) desta proposta, “género” passará a ter um significado muito mais próximo da genitália com que a pessoa nasce (modo como é determinado o sexo e género da pessoa presentemente) do que da identidade de género de cada pessoa.

Para quem não sabe (e parece que ainda há muita gente a desconhecer), a identidade de género de cada pessoa é o sentimento que cada pessoa tem de pertença a um determinado género. Numa sociedade como a nossa encontra-se em vigor o binarismo de género. Ou seja, cada pessoa ou é do género masculino ou é do feminino. Na esmagadora maioria das pessoas, a sua identidade de género é condizente com a sua genitália, tanto que a maior parte delas nem se apercebe que têm uma identidade de género.

Mas no caso das pessoas transexuais não o é. Uma pessoa transexual nasce com a genitália de um sexo/género e a sua identidade de género do sexo/género oposto. Isto provoca problemas óbvios na vida destas pessoas, problemas que se agudizam conforme a intolerância da sociedade onde se vive aumenta.

Como se vê, nestes casos, a mera menção de género não protege nem de perto nem de longe esta parte da população.

Pior, trocando “sexo” por “género”, está-se a proteger situações como as que existem, por exemplo, no Canadá, onde “especialistas” como Zucker defendem para as crianças transexuais uma política de oposição à sua transexualidade, apesar das evidências em contrário.

Como é do conhecimento geral, estas políticas já foram expostas pela sua ineficácia e pelos transtornos que trazem à pessoa a nível psicológico que, inclusivé, podem levar ao suicídio.

Assim, caso esta proposta abra caminho, está aberta a protecção legal em Portugal de atitudes lesivas do desenvolvimento salutar da personalidade da pessoa em causa por “especialistas” transfóbicos.

No caso de uma pessoa transexual, que género se deve proteger? O da genitália, já que se trocou sexo por género? Ou o género ditado pela identidade de género da pessoa em causa? A não menção de identidade de género deixa ao acaso a resposta. Se houver algum caso a ser julgado, se o juiz fôr transfóbico ou simplesmente ignorante, protegerá o género ditado pela genitália. Se não fôr, protegerá o género ditado pela identidade de género.

Não me parece boa política deixar as coisas ao acaso. Acabam por não ter o efeito desejado e são propícias a novas formas de discriminação. E a simples menção de identidade de género clarifica uma situação obscura para alguns, evitando que duas pessoas na mesma situação tenham pareceres divergentes.

Também por uma razão de princípio, deve ficar bem explícito na Constituição Portuguesa a referência à identidade de género. Muito medo se tem tido desta designação, evitando ao máximo a sua menção. E no entanto toda a gente tem uma identidade de género.

Está na altura de se acabar com medos injustificados em relação a algo que é parte integrante de cada um de nós, não só das pessoas transexuais.

Por estes motivos, rejeita-se total e energicamente a ideia de que “género” inclui “identidade de género” e exige-se a inclusão da identidade de género no Artº 13º. Espera-se que seja esta a posição da comunidade transexual portuguesa, bem como das pessoas que verdadeiramente nos dizem apoiar.


sábado, janeiro 29, 2011

Rio Sem Homofobia lança cartilha sobre direitos de travestis e transexuais
O Programa Rio Sem Homofobia, da Secretaria Estadual de Assistência Social e Direitos Humanos, lançou hoje (28) uma cartilha sobre direitos civis de travestis e transexuais, para celebrar o Dia Nacional de Visibilidade Trans, comemorado em 29 de janeiro. As peças informativas circularão na internet e serão distribuídas em locais frequentados pelos travestis e transexuais, como bares e boates. As cartilhas também vão estar disponíveis em delegacias de polícia, postos de saúde, escolas e outros órgãos públicos.
Trans realizam evento de visibilidade em Porto Alegre
"Qual a importância dessa data para você?"
Travestis realizam neste sábado uma campanha para exigir respeito da população

Transsexual to star at Brazil fashion week
Despite the arrival of some of the biggest names in the fashion and entertainment world, all eyes at the Winter 2011 fashion week that kicks off today are a new runway star: transsexual model Lea T.

Kelly Osbourne's Fiancé Left for Trans Woman
When Kelly Osbourne's fiancé, Luke Worrall, left her last year, it was for transgender model Elle Schneider, according to Us Weekly.
Elle Schneider, transgender model, speaks out on affair that ended Kelly Osbourne's engagement

[South Africa]
Athlete Caster Semenya unbowed by gender row
In her first major interview since being forced to undergo gender verification tests, South African athlete Caster Semenya has said that she is unaffected by the controversy which has surrounded her in recent years.
Runner Semenya tries to stay focused on competing

Transexuais são contratadas como aeromoças na Tailândia
A nova companhia aérea tailandesa de baixo custo PC Air se tornou a primeira do país a contratar transexuais para exercer a função de aeromoças, classificando-os como "terceiro sexo" para as autoridades de imigração.
Thai air boss hails first transsexual cabin crew
[Commentary] The Airline Purposefully Hiring Trans Women To Hand Out Peanuts + Pretzels
Newly-formed Thai airline recruits "Ladyboys" as air hostesses

After Don't Ask Don't Tell, transgender servicemembers face uphill battle
Last April, Autumn Sandeen traveled from San Diego to Washington, D.C., donned her Naval uniform, and handcuffed herself to the White House fence. Eight months later, the civil disobedience paid off: On Dec. 22, President Obama signed a repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” into law, allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the U.S. military. At Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, Obama urged the nation to celebrate the fact that "starting this year, no American will be forbidden from serving the country they love because of who they love."

[USA] [Commentary]
How we (re)named our transgender child
My husband didn't want to be involved, so my 11-year-old daughter and I went about it on our own

[USA] [Commentary]
Transsexuality Is A Medical Condition, Not A Community Identifier
There are times that Cathryn Platine and I are on opposite sides of debates in this community, but every now and then she says something that I just have to say amen too and I'm in lockstep agreement with her.

Berkeley's Latest Liberal Cause: Sex Changes
Berkeley, Calif., is famous for taking on bold, liberal causes, which is why officials there may not have expected the controversy over a proposal to help city workers afford sex change operations.

Tompkins Health Watch: Sunday brunch set in support of transgender individuals
The LGBT Resource Center will host a brunch in support of transgender persons and their friends at 11 a.m. on Sunday. The Transgender and Ally Brunch will be held at 282 Caldwell Hall on the Cornell campus.

La foto del DNI respetará identidad sexual
También la religiosa. Lo dispuso el Gobierno y beneficiará a la docente de la UNLP. La noticia llega luego de que a la docente transexual de la UNLP, Claudia Vázquez Haro le fuera rechazada la posibilidad de aparecer en el DNI con una imagen con su aspecto actual.

sexta-feira, janeiro 28, 2011

22 estados brasileiros comemoram o Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Trans
No dia 29 de janeiro de 2004, 27 ativistas trans entraram no Congresso Nacional para o lançamento da campanha nacional "Travesti e Respeito". Além do ato ousado, foi neste mesmo dia que o coletivo de ativistas fundou a Associação de Travestis, Transexuais e Transgêneros do Rio de Janeiro (ASTRA), que hoje se configura como uma das principais entidades de luta dos direitos trans. Por conta disso, é que se comemora em 29 de janeiro o Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Trans.
Evento no DF discute cidadania trans

Em menos de dois dias, duas travestis são mortas em Curitiba
Curitiba registra dois assassinatos de travestis em menos de 48 horas (Foto)

Reportaje de Terra sobre personas transexuales famosas en todo el planeta, como hijo de Cher
Tienen fama, tienen dinero, pero viven en un cuerpo equivocado. La hija de Cher o la de Annette Bening han saltado al a fama por querer reasignar su sexo. No es un capricho, es un error de la naturaleza y han querido poner remedio.

ATA exige retirada ordenanza de Málaga que multa a las personas que realizan comercio sexual en la calle
ATA exige la retirada de la ordenanza malagueña que multa a las personas que practican la prostitución en la calle.

Universidad Navarra, OPUS DEI, prepara 9 febrero Congreso "Ideología Genero" que cuestiona transexualidad
Prácticamente todos los congresos, amparados bajo la expresión de "Ideología de Genero" que se celebran en el mundo, están organizados desde sectores radicales, cuestionando la identidad de genero de mujeres y hombres trans, si no, para muestra un botón: Esto es lo que dice la propia Universidad de Navarra en la presentación del Congreso, que se caracteriza por un ataque directo a la identidad de las personas transexuales.

Scans show difference in transgender brains
A team of scientists has discovered differences in the brains of transgender people.
Transsexual differences caught on brain scan

Transgender Children: More Than a Theoretical Challenge

Transsexual claims Osbourne split
A transgender model has come forward with sensational claims that she's the person responsible for Kelly Osbourne's split from rocker fiance Luke Worrall.

Filipino cross dresser solicits online, jailed
According to the case documents, the Filipino displayed pictures wearing women's clothes, a wig and heavy make up to attract potential clients.

[USA] [Books]
Touching Teen Novel About Transgender Girl Wins 2011 ALA Stonewall Award
Brian Katcher is garnering a lot of attention with his second novel Almost Perfect, which recently won the American Library Association’s 2011 Stonewall Award for children’s and young adult literature.The story follows the relationship between a teenage transgender girl named Sage and a straight boy named Logan who learns to be a more understanding and supportive friend to her.

NY Judge Upholds Law Banning Trans Discrimination
A New York State trial judge has rejected a challenge to a New York City law banning gender identity discrimination in places of public accomodation.

Departamento de Estado investigará las muertes de periodistas y “gays”
El Presidente Porfirio Lobo Sosa anunció este jueves que el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos, enviará personal calificado para apoyar al país en la investigación de las muertes violentas de periodistas y miembros de la comunidad “gay”.
United States to assist in investigation of transgender killings in Honduras

Conadep recibió el primer testimonio de una persona transexual
Valeria Ramírez estuvo detenida en un centro clandestino durante la última dictadura militar.

Las personas transexuales llevarán en el DNI una foto acorde a su identidad tras victoria legal de joven peruana
El Ministerio del Interior modificó la norma que establecía que la fotografía del DNI no podía dar lugar “a interpretaciones erróneas del sexo”. También se contemplan ahora los casos religiosos.

quinta-feira, janeiro 27, 2011

Banheiros gays viram febre nas escolas de samba
Depois da Vila Isabel e Unidos da Tijuca terem instalado um banheiro exclusivo para gays (a festa da segunda contou até com a presença do secretário de turismo do Rio de Janeiro), a Viradouro vai reinaugurar o seu banheiro no próximo sábado.

Florianópolis lança na sexta campanha por respeito a trans
Transexuais e travestis de Florianópolis vão ganhar campanha por respeito e dignidade

Belém recebe manifestações pelo fim da transfobia
Militantes de Belém vão realizar dois atos para protestar contra a transfobia

Top trans Lea T e Paris Hilton vão ganhar festa no SPFW
Vai ter festa para receber a top trans Lea T e Paris Hilton no SPFW

Transexual brasileira entra na lista de modelos mais importantes do mundo
Lea T., 28, entrou no ranking mais importante de modelos do mundo, o do site

Cyber bullying pain of transgender teen
THE parents of a transgender teen, in hospital after cyber bullies urged her to kill herself, say she was failed by her school and the police.

HRW criticizes Kuwait over kafeel system
Excerpt: Article 198 of the penal code criminalized "imitating the appearance of a member of the opposite sex," imposing arbitrary restrictions upon individuals' rights to privacy and free expression. The police continued to arrest and detain transgendered women on the basis of the law, many of whom have previously reported abuse while in detention.

Sex-change operation: From Farzana to Faizan
A 17-year-old girl Farzana had a sex change operation after having been severely ill for several months.
Voila! Pakistani girl is now a boy

[Australia] [Commentary]
The gift of transition
Children need love and acceptance. These are universal needs which are important to a child’s healthy development.
The parent who is transgendered has such responsibilities like any parent. At the same time, being a transgender parent presents unique challenges. I would like to focus on transphobia and a potential impact it can have for a transgendered parent.
One of the most saddening beliefs I have heard transgendered parents communicate is that it may be in their child’s best interest to withdraw, as a parent, to protect a child from transphobia.

Gender Bender Day at academy ‘a fun thing'
Gender Bender Day, when students dress as the opposite sex, will be held as part of Spirit Week at the Marysville Charter Academy for the Arts.

[IL, USA] [Books]
Meeting the challenge of a transgender child
In "Be Who You Are," a children's book starring a gender non-conforming child, Chicago writer Jennifer Carr tells the story of her family's support for her son when he announced he feels like a girl inside.

Villarreal files Texas ENDA bill
Texas state Rep. Mike Villarreal, a Democrat from San Antonio, today announced that he has filed HB 665, which would prevent employment discrimination in Texas based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

School board adds gender identity and sexual orientation to harassment policy
Park City School District students and employees who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender can now enjoy protection from discrimination and harassment at school following a recent policy amendment that was approved by the Board of Education Tuesday, Jan. 18.

[UT, USA] [Film]
Sundance review: "Gun Hill Road"
Isn't the "dad can't accept his gay son" plot something from Sundance circa 1998? Writer-director Ernesto Rashaad Green runs through the familiar hoops in this tale, in which Enrique (Esai Morales) returns to his Brooklyn home after a three-year prison sentence to learn that his son Michael (Harmony Santana) is transgendered -- and known outside the house as Vanessa.
SUNDANCE REVIEW: First-Time Director Wades Through Cliches in 'Gun Hill Road'

[UT, USA] [Film]
Sundance premiere: Chaz Bono’s journey to become a man
The three stars of the premiere of “Becoming Chaz” were, in order, Oprah Winfrey, Chaz’s mom Cher, and Chaz’s longtime lover Jen.

Frenan discriminación contra homosexuales y transgéneros
Proponen modificaciones a la ley para impedir que sean detenidos sólo por su aspecto físico.

Comunidad [transgenero] duda de propuesta de Toledo
La primera reacción a la pregunta sobre la propuesta política del matrimonio civil ofrecido por el candidato presidencial Alejandro Toledo, Katty Loayza, presidente de la” Asociación Trans chimbotanos En Acción”, fue de incredulidad:

quarta-feira, janeiro 26, 2011

Comunicado - Desassociação do GRIT da Associação ILGA Portugal
O GRIT - Grupo de Reflexão e Intervenção sobre Transexualidade vem, por este meio, anunciar a sua desassociação da Associação ILGA Portugal, dentro da qual tem desenvolvido o seu trabalho desde há mais de quatro anos, no quadro de Grupo de Interesse da mesma, constituindo-se como unidade autónoma e independente.

O GRIT é o primeiro e único grupo português dedicado exclusivamente à luta pela igualdade e pelos direitos da população transexual, e constituído apenas por pessoas transexuais. Iniciou a sua actividade em 2006 e, desde então, tem vindo a desenvolver vários projectos para denunciar e combater as violações aos direitos das pessoas transexuais.

Consideramos estar na véspera da maior conquista de sempre em Portugal para esta população: o reconhecimento da nossa identidade e cidadania, através da criação de uma Lei de Identidade de Género. Este tem sido o principal objectivo do GRIT, que tem trabalhado em garantir uma representação da população transexual junto aos partidos políticos, à Assembleia da República, e ao Conselho da Europa. Desenvolvemos também documentação reivindicativa e informativa sobre transexualidade, promovemos debates, tertúlias e actividades lúdicas, bem como a
resposta e o apoio directo à população transexual - e prometemos fazer ainda mais!

Acreditamos que esta conquista não é o fim da luta pelos direitos da população cujos direitos são a razão da nossa existência, mas antes o início. É nossa convicção que foi dado o passo necessário para que as pessoas transexuais se mobilizem num activismo próprio e centrado nas suas necessidades e direitos. Não basta a nossa identidade ser reconhecida. Precisamos também da igualdade a nível social e laboral, e no acesso a bens, serviços e educação. Precisamos de cuidados de saúde que sejam mais eficazes e céleres. Precisamos que os estereótipos sejam desconstruídos e derrubados. Precisamos que as pessoas transexuais sejam, tanto na lei como na sociedade, as iguais de quaisquer outras.

Só um activismo voltado exclusivamente para as necessidades e direitos da população transexual conseguirá alcançar todos estes objectivos. Sabemos que só as pessoas transexuais têm a capacidade e legitimidade para trabalhar e se pronunciarem em seu nome. Queremos dar-lhes o espaço onde, em contraste com outros, elas se sintam capacitadas e empoderadas para o fazer.

Apenas uma plataforma autónoma e independente dará a possibilidade aos movimentos transexuais de alcançarem a maturidade, e permitirá um novo fôlego no caminho até à igualdade. Já contamos com doze membros, entre homens e mulheres transexuais, e queremos, sobretudo, crescer - e que cada vez mais pessoas transexuais se juntem a nós nesta viagem com destino à igualdade!

Pela Direcção do GRIT,

Júlia Mendes Pereira e Luísa Reis

Trans mineiras vão arrecadar doações a vítimas das chuvas
Evento de visibilidade trans em MG vai arrecadar doações para vítimas das chuvas.

Ações para comemoração do Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Travesti e Transexual
O dia 29 de janeiro é uma data muito importante para a comunidade LGBT pois comemora-se o Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Travesti e Transexual. A escolha da data se deu porque nesse dia, em 2004, o Departamento de DST e AIDS do Ministério da Saúde lançou a campanha "Travesti e Respeito", com o objetivo de sensibilizar educadores e profissionais da área da saúde e motivar travestis e transexuais para sua própria cidadania e autoestima.

12-year-old bullied out of school over genital abnormality
A twelve-year-old girl at Ashaiman, near Tema, says she can no longer endure the taunts from her friends who kept making fun of her because she has two sex organs.
Doctors describe her as a hermaphrodite and she requires surgery to correct the condition.
Mother of 11-year-old hermaphrodite appeals for help

Eunuchs can now get voter cards, licences
Following the listing eunuchs as the third gender for the first time in this census, members of the 1,000-strong category in the city would now be able to open bank accounts, get driving licences and voter identification cards. They were denied these facilities earlier in the absence of any proof of identification.

Transgender members hold rally in Chennai
Thousands of transgender community members held a rally here to mark the annual transgender community celebrations week -2011.

Taipei high school tackles transgender issues
Taipei Municipal Fuxing Senior High School now allows students to wear the school uniform of their choice—female or male—whatever the gender others assign to them.

Intersex: Hiker Chiu’s story
Hiker Chiu is a Ph.D student in human sexuality at Shute University. At a gay rights parade in Taipei last year, Chiu held a placard that read “free hugs with intersex.” On Chiu’s ID card, the word “female” was written in the column for gender. However, Chiu also has male sexual characteristics such as adam’s apple. (Photo)

Thai airline recruits transsexuals as flight attendants
A newly launched Thai airline has adopted a policy of recruiting transsexuals as flight attendants in an effort to offer equal opportunities to the 'third sex,' company sources said Tuesday.
Third-sex hostesses ready for takeoff
Nueva aerolínea tailandesa admite azafatas transexuales, primera del país en hacerlo

[USA] [Film]
Daughter's sex change on film
It may be hard to imagine, but the makers of new documentary Becoming Chaz want people to know that the little Chastity Bono they remember on Sonny and Cher's 1970s TV show - the one who is now a man named Chaz - is more like you than you think.
Rosie O’Donnell Talks ‘Becoming Chaz’
Chaz's Breast Removal Terrified Cher
Chaz Bono says he’s ‘complete’ after gender reassignment
Chaz in sex change doc sequel

Charges Dropped For Transgender Woman Arrested Outside Diva's On 'Bait Car'
The transgender woman who was the first person arrested for stealing a car as part of the San Francisco Bait Car reality TV show isn't a thief after all.

Coalition works on new police order on transgenders
A coalition of people from community organizations who've been working with Chicago police officials to draft a new order covering how transgenders are treated by police went to the Chicago Commission on Human Relations' Advisory Council on LGBT Issues Jan. 19 to get support for the effort.

Judge persuades defendant to spit out razor blade
A transgendered Level 3 sex offender who was threatening to swallow a razor blade she'd smuggled to court in her mouth was talked out of it by a Salem Superior Court judge yesterday.

Krissy Bates: Murder victim remembered in vigil
Many LGBT activists eulogized slain transgender woman Krissy Bates at Minneapolis Community and Technical College on Friday night.
Bail Set at $1 Million for Man Charged in Mpls. Apartment Homicide

Policía de Texas, Estados Unidos, recibe solo dos años de cárcel por haber violado a dos mujeres transexuales
Las noticias que llegan de Texas es que si un hombre viola a quien llaman despectivamente “un travesti”, recibe como castigo una pequeña palmada en la muñeca, mientras que la víctima recibe toda una vida de dolor y sufrimiento.

Gay-rights rally at Capitol
Supporters of anti-discrimination protections for gay and transgender Utahns will rally at the Capitol on the opening day of the 2011 Legislature.
LGBT community rallies in favor of statewide anti-discrimination bill

Gais piden fin a crímenes de odio en Honduras
El colectivo gay también anunció que harán un llamado a las iglesias y organizaciones evangélicas hondureñas "para que se predique desde los púlpitos: No matarás a tu hermano gay, lesbiana y transexual hondureño"

Matan a un travesti y lo abandonan en plena calle
Lenar Darío López Fernández (30) era conocida como la Mini Travesti porque desde la infancia solía vestirse como mujer. El sábado hallaron su cuerpo sin vida cerca de la universidad Gabriel René Moreno (UGRM) con signos de estrangulamiento.

Rigen cambios en la fotografía del DNI y los transexuales no tendrán que demaquillarse
La idea es que la fotografía respete el derecho a la elección de genero, religión y costumbres. Las mujeres musulmanas, por ejemplo, ya no estarán obligadas a sacarse su shador para ser retratadas.

Una mujer transexual declarará en los juicios por la Memoria, la Verdad y la Justicia en Argentina
Durante el golpe de Estado del 76 las personas trans vivieron momentos muy difíciles. Eran llevaban a los Centros Clandestinos de Detención y torturadas con saña, violándolas, golpeándolas, insultándolas, matándolas a cara descubierta, total… a quien le importan las travestís y/o transexuales?, quien les tomaría una denuncia?. (Foto)

terça-feira, janeiro 25, 2011

La activista transexual Ainara Ruiz denuncia Trato TRANSFOBICO en el diario “Las Provincias” (grupo Vocento)
Es totalmente INDIGNANTE Y VERGONZOSO, el trato VEJATORIO e INSULTANTE, TRANSFÓBICO, de este medio el diario “Las Provincias” (grupo Vocento) hacia las MUJERES transexuales, a las que trata en masculino, llamándolas “hombres”[sic]:

Why "gender identity" has no official recognition in France...
Recommandation sur les équivalents français du mot gender

[Australia/New Zealand]
Carmen Rupe recovering after hip surgery
Tranny goddess Carmen Rupe is recovering after surgery on a fractured hip, following a fall in her Sydney home.

[USA] [Commentary]
Dear Pop Culture: Leave TransFolk Alone!
Ok, so am I the only one who really would prefer it if pop culture would leave transfolks alone? I'm not saying I don't want our folks in media, quite the opposite, I want our faces, our stories, our experiences out there; I want visibility for our people. That said, there is a difference between visibility (which I define as socialized educational promotion of our community and cause) and simple exploitation or just plain annoying stereotyping.

Berkeley ignores costs, pushes agenda
A city in California is considering using taxpayer money to fund sex-change operations for city employees.
The city of Berkeley is proposing to set aside $20,000 yearly for city employees who undergo sex-change surgery. City council members were scheduled to decide on the issue January 18, but pushed the vote to February 15.

Jobs program targets transgendered people
The nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights group has picked Boston to launch its inaugural “Back to Work” seminars for transgender job-seekers.

[OH, USA] [Commentary]
John Kasich quietly signs non-discrimination executive order, and breaks promise to protect Ohio’s transgendered community.
Joseph and I have been ping ponging on this story for awhile now. Back in August, Governor John Kasich was asked this question in a Columbus Dispatch questionnaire:

ONUSIDA condena los violentos homicidios de personas transexuales en Honduras
ONUSIDA expresa su preocupación por el reportado recientes asesinatos de personas transexuales en Honduras. Desde finales de noviembre de 2010, cinco individuos de la comunidad transgénero han sido asesinados en incidentes separados en el país. El motivo de estos asesinatos no se ha determinado.

Árbitro travesti en Brasil.
Un árbitro profesional brasileño confesó su homosexualidad y su vida nocturna de travesti. Nunca ha sido víctima de discriminación.

Niegan a una mujer transexual en Argentina cambiar su foto en el DNI y va a la justicia
Un nuevo atropello a su identidad sufrió la transexual Claudia Vázquez Haro, foto, en su largo camino para hacer valer su derecho a ser como se siente y luce. El Registro provincial de las Personas le negó el Documento Nacional de Identidad con su foto de aspecto femenino y argumentó que el organismo no está facultado para atender su reclamo.
El Inadi bonaerense respaldó el reclamo de un transexual para que se respete su identidad en el DNI

segunda-feira, janeiro 24, 2011

Elas são mais corajosas
“Em nenhum momento eu soube que era travesti. Eu sou completamente heterossexual e acho que isso não tem dúvida.” Era assim que o jogador de futebol Ronaldo justificava, no programa Fantástico, da Rede Globo, o fato de ter ido a um motel com três travestis. O foco de discussão da mídia se concentrava justamente na questão do atleta ter supostamente tido relações homossexuais. Uma forma velada de homofobia que escancara um dos segmentos mais excluídos da sociedade brasileira: as transgêneros.

[Brasil] [Commentary]
Washroom Discrimination?
An article out of Brazil poses the question: Are so-called "gender-neutral" washrooms there, designed for "gay and transgender" people to use, a form of discrimination?

[UK] [Commentary]
The readers' editor on... reporting transgender issues
The strong response to our feature about the death of human rights lawyer Sonia Burgess highlights the need for sensitivity and respect

Eunuchs want 'third sex' in census count
Though eunuchs in the state are happy that their names for the first time are going to figure in the census-2011 list, they are nevertheless are not very happy at the decision to categorise them as 'others'. They admit they are neither male nor female, but say the word other does not convey anything and is quite vague to give any sense about their sex. They want to be known as 'third sex' in the population count.

Eunuch pension scheme hangs fire
It is a classic case of biting off more than one can chew. The highly ambitious MCD had launched a scheme last year to give pension to eunuchs in the city. But ironically enough, it has not been able to release pension funds to its existing beneficiaries — war widows, senior citizens, and physically handicapped, who do not have any other source of income.

York Region school cancels cross-dressing day
Attention all kindergarten to Grade 8 students: Cross-dressing day is now cancelled.
This was the news given to students of King City Public School on Thursday after the school pulled the plug on holding an "Opposite Gender Day" on Friday, where kids as young as six would be allowed to come to school dressed as the opposite sex.
School nixes cross-dressing day
Cross-dressing event cancelled after parents object

[Commentary] School Cancels Opposite Gender Day For K-8 Students. Is There Any Way To Have Kids Cross-Dress Responsibly?

[USA] [Video]
Transgender and Transsexual Veterans of America Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of the series on Transgender and Transsexual Veterans of America. In this video, we will show one person we missed in Part 1 and several transgender and transsexual veterans who served in the 20th and 21st Centuries. We will also discuss Don't Ask, Don't Tell and how the repeal didn't affect trans people.

A search for acceptance: An undocumented student lives in limbo
Xochitlquetzal hates the words "illegal" and "alien," especially when they're side by side.
"It's dehumanizing this idea that a person can be illegal,' and by calling someone an alien you label them as an other,' as not human," the UC Santa Cruz student said.
(Photo: Dan Coyro/Sentinel - Xochitlquetzal in the UCSC Ethnic Resource Center lounge, where the student has spent many hours as a community studies major)

[Honduras] [Commentary]
Update: The United States Ambassador to Honduras addresses transgender murders
As I wrote Wednesday, the United States Embassy in Honduras has taken the highly unusual step of releasing an official statement asking the Honduran government and it's authorities to investigate a number of recent murders committed against members of the LGBT community in Honduras.

domingo, janeiro 23, 2011

Emory University Tries Gender Neutral Housing for Students
It's on old saying that still rings true - the times they are a'changing. And for Emory University, changes in on-campus housing options may raise some eyebrows.

Man charged in first Mpls. homicide of 2011
The Hennepin County Attorney's office filed a second degree murder charge against a Blaine man in connection with the first homicide of the year in Minneapolis.
Man Charged in Mpls. Murder Said He "Dispatched" Victim
Man charged in 1st Minneapolis homicide of 2011
Anold Waukazo charged with murder, may not have known victim was transgender

Victory for NYC Gender Identity Protections
A New York State trial judge in Brooklyn rejected the New York City Transit Authority’s argument that city law banning gender identity discrimination in places of public accommodation is unconstitutional as applied to a claim that a transit worker directed transphobic language at a member of the public seeking assistance in using a Metrocard.

Investigan muertes de homosexuales
El gobierno de Honduras también reprochó el ambiente de inseguridad que viven los miembros de estas comunidades
Embajador de EEUU: “Lobo debe enfocarse en temas del día a día”

Niegan a una transexual cambiar su foto en el DNI y va a la justicia
Un nuevo atropello a su identidad sufrió la transexual Claudia Vázquez Haro en su largo camino para hacer valer su derecho a ser como se siente y luce. El Registro provincial de las Personas le negó el Documento Nacional de Identidad con su foto de aspecto femenino y argumentó que el organismo no está facultado para atender su reclamo.

sábado, janeiro 22, 2011

European Commission response on depathologisation
Back in October 2010, MEPs had asked the Commission what it would do with regards to depathologisation and the ICD revisions. Commissioner Dalli now answered, and we put his response online.

El presidente de Portugal VETA Ley para posibilitar el cambio de nombre y sexo de transexuales en DNI
El Presidente Cavaco Silva, ha vetado un proyecto de simplificación de los trámites burocráticos para que las personas transexuales puedan cambiar de nombre y sexo en los registros civiles, y lo envió de vuelta al Parlamento portugués.

USP passa a aceitar nome social de estudantes trans
Portaria da USP estabelece uso de nome social de estudantes transexuais e travestis

Cabo Frio recebe no dia 27 debate sobre crianças trans
Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Trans terá debate em Cabo Frio no próximo dia 27

Gender-neutral toilets divide gay community in Brazil
A prominent samba dance school in Brazil has decided to make it so, generating questions over the reaches of rights for gay, lesbian and transgender people -- even in the simple act of using a toilet.
Unidos da Tijuca, one of the top samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, established separate bathrooms for gay and transgender people at new facilities it inaugurated on Jan. 8. Rio, considered one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world, is preparing for the massive Carnival festival happening in early March.

Transexual masculino de Torrejon aclara su reducción de trabajo y deja a empresa al descubierto
El transexual que denunció a su empresa por presunta discriminación asegura que fue “durísimo” dar el paso para comenzar la reasignación de sexo.

El Portal "Esta Noche Gay" publica reportaje a la Directora de este Medio "El año de Carla Antonelli"
El 2010 fue su año. La actriz y activista vivió un año redondo en el que triunfó actuando en el Teatro Romano de Mérida con ‘Lisístrata’, celebró el décimo aniversario de Diario Digital Transexual que dirige y recuperó su activismo político apostando con éxito, contra todo pronóstico, a Tomás Gómez. Y, por si fuera poco, 2010 fue el año dedicado a los transexuales, un año para Transformar.
El año de Carla Antonelli

Sex change shock
Looking chic in her Devon dress, shoes and ear-to-ear grin, Kelly Osbourne didn’t appear to be letting her scandal-plagued love-life get to her at the Art of Elysium gala in LA on January 15.

Canada: Transgender 'Bathroom bill' heads to third reading
On Dec. 8, the House of Commons approved C-389 at the report stage by a vote of 143-131. C-389 is Bill Siksay's (NDP, Burnaby-Douglas) private member's bill that would enshrine "gender identity" and "gender expression" in the Canada Human Rights Act and hate crime provisions of the Criminal Code, thereby providing special legal rights to people who self-identify as transgender and transsexual. Pro-family groups have dubbed C-389 "the Bathroom Bill," because homosexualist groups have advocated the amendments to hate and human rights laws saying they are necessary so that men who say they are women can use women's washroom without repercussions.

Military under the gun of LGBT activists
A Christian attorney and pro-family activist says the radical "transgender" activists' push for clearance to serve in the military could awaken America to the dangers of allowing people living alternate lifestyles to wear the uniform.

New HUD Rules Require Equal Housing
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed new regulations to stop discrimination against LGBT people who are seeking to buy a home or qualify for government-backed housing programs.
HUD Unveils Proposed Housing Nondiscrimination Rules
LGBT non-discrimination rules proposed for housing
HUD Propose New Rule To Ensure Equal Access To Housing Regardless Of Sexual Orientation Or Gender Identity
HUD Proposes New Regulations

[USA] [Commentary]
(LGBT Issues = Same-Sex Marriage) = The New Transgendercide Agenda
From Queer Channel Media:
Support for same-sex marriage tops the list for what LGBT rights supporters want to hear from President Obama next week during his State of the Union address.
It tops the list of what the ‘all gay marriage, all the time – and fuck the working-class shlubs who don’t already have employment anti-discrimination protection and don’t have an 8-figure estate tax bite taht they’re trying to dodge’-oids want.

[CA, USA] [Commentary]
Berkeley City Council Paying For Sex Change Operations Is Ridiculous
The Berkeley City Council plans to vote on Feb. 15 on whether or not to give to city employees $20,000 of tax payers' money for sex change operations.

Action Alert and Trans Equal Rights Action Day
The Transgender Equal Rights Bill has been refiled and we need you to come to the State House and ask your legislators to Co-Sponsor the Transgender Equal Rights Bill.

Arnold Darwin Waukazo: murder suspect was in romantic relationship with Krissy Bates
Arnold Darwin Waukazo, the Blaine man being held in jail on suspicion of murdering transgender woman Krissy Bates, was in some kind of romantic relationship with the victim.
Vigil for Minneapolis victim: 'The killing of one of our own'

Acusado confiesa asesinato, pero no el de transexual Ashley
El acusado por dos asesinatos ocurridos el año pasado aceptó que mató a su ex cuñado pero no que asesinó al transexual Juan Ocasio Santiago, mejor conocido como Ashley.

[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Texas Cop Gets One Year In Jail For Raping Two Transwomen
The news out of Texas is if a man rapes a ‘tranny’, he gets a slap on the wrist while his victim gets a life time of pain and suffering. Craig Nash received a year in jail on a misdemeanor charge of “official oppression” despite the fact that he arrested a transsexual prostitute in San Antonio, handcuffed her, drove to a hidden location, and forced her to perform several sex acts while he was on duty. Her story was confirmed by a rape kit that showed that Nash had raped her, and the GPS device in his patrol car showed that he had driven to that location. What is more, another victim had come forward to tell that she, too, had been raped by Nash.
[Commentary] Of Course, If Either Woman Had Fought Back And Killed The Piece of Garbage She’d Be Facing The Death Penalty For Killing A Cop

Inicia Partido del Trabajo campaña contra homofobia y transfobia
El Partido del Trabajo (PT), inició una campaña para ampliar a todo el país los derechos y libertades alcanzados en la ciudad de México a favor la comunidad lésbico, gay, bisexual y transgénero (LGBT) y revertir las condiciones de homofobia y transfobia de que es objeto, informaron ayer Samantha Fonseca, coordinadora general de la Comisión de Diversidad Sexual y Equidad de Género del PT y la diputada local Tania Valentina Rodríguez Ruiz.

"Transcausto" nas Honduras
Sensivelmente no espaço de um mês foram seis as mulheres trans assassinadas neste pequeno país da América Central.
Trans, Gay Murders Rock Honduras
Two transgender people killed in Honduras within past month
Han sido asesinados 34 gais en Honduras desde junio de 2009
Externa CIDH preocupación por asesinatos transgénero en Honduras
Homosexuales hondureños denuncian una de asesinatos
Piden indagar asesinatos en Honduras
Comunidad gay denuncia crímenes de odio en su contra
Poder Ejecutivo condena crímenes de odio contra grupos gais en Honduras
Comunidad LGBT pide a Ministra de Derechos Humanos apoyo para poner un alto a “crímenes de odio”

Nuevo fallo cambio DNI de trans en Argentina, uno más de los 30 recurso de amparo
La Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans informa que se ha producido un nuevo fallo en uno de los más de treinta recursos de amparo presentados por el equipo jurídico de la organización por el derecho a la identidad de género. El juez Guillermo Scheibler, titular del Juzgado de Primera Instancia en lo Contencioso Administrativo y Tributario Nº 13 de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, falló a favor de D.A.S., quien había solicitado la emisión de un nuevo DNI y una nueva partida de nacimiento en los que figurasen su nombre y género de la vida real.

Argentina's Trans Big Brother Housemate
Alejandro Iglesias, a cast member of Big Brother in Argentina, told several of his housemates that he is a trans man.
La Federación de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans mira atenta los realities

Un falso médico argentino afronta 6 meses por inyectar silicona a una transexual
Un hombre de nacionalidad argentina se enfrenta a una pena de seis meses de prisión por realizarle un implante de silicona líquida en los glúteos a una transexual lucense, a pesar de carecer de cualquier titulación médica.

sexta-feira, janeiro 21, 2011

Esquerda quer "género" em vez de "sexo" e "etnia" em vez de "raça"
A substituição do conceito de raça pelo de etnia e a de sexo por género são as principais propostas dos partidos de esquerda ao princípio da igualdade, que hoje, quarta-feira, começou a ser discutido na comissão para a revisão constitucional.

Distrito Federal terá 3º Seminário da visibilidade de travestis e transexuais
No próximo dia 28 de janeiro, sexta-feira, será realizado o 3º Seminário da Visibilidade de Travestis e Transexuais do Distrito Federal a partir das 19h, no auditório da CUT/DF com debate acerca da realidade de travestis e transexuais no Distrito Federal e Entorno, com foco na despatologização da Transexualidade e na transfobia sofrida por essa população.

Travesti é morto no Centro de Jaraguá (SC)
O sonho de Márcio Pereira, 30 anos, de viajar para a Itália no fim deste ano foi interrompido. O corpo dele ficou caído na calçada da rua Tufie Mahfud, perto do Ginásio Arthur Muller, no Centro de Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina.

Universidade de São Paulo passa a aceitar nome social de alunos trans
Mais uma conquista para a comunidade de transexuais e travestis.

Gays, lesbianas y transexuales piden ser miembros del futuro Consejo Social de Almería
El Colectivo de Lesbianas, Gays y Transexuales de Almería COLEGA ALMERÍA englobada en la Federación Andaluza COLEGAS, encabezado por su Presidente, Antonio Ferre, ha mantenido una reunión con la actual Concejal de Participación Ciudadana , Atención Social y Organizaciones Sociales del Ayuntamiento de Almería , Dª. Pilar Ortega. Entre los temas que se le ha planteado al edil almeriense desde la entidad, ha sido el ser miembros participes de futuro Consejo Social del Ayuntamiento de Almería, cuando sea aprobado el Reglamento de Participación Ciudadana.

Health cutbacks will affect IVF, gender reassignment and obesity surgery
A health watchdog says vulnerable people will be hit by cuts resulting from what it calls a “panic consultation” by NHS West Kent.
Kent and Medway Networks say that the Primary Care Trust’s (PCT) week-long consultation in December resulted in “hasty” cuts.

Transsexual “freak show” comments lands journalist in trouble
A TV2 journalist is in trouble after referring to a transsexual woman as a man and using the word “freak show” about people who have had sex change operations.
The Danish National Organisation for Gay Men, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgendered Persons (LGBT) has filed an official complaint to TV2’s Eastern Jutland affiliate, which broadcast the comments on January 7.

Hermaphrodite child reported in Bandung
A four-year-old child in Pasirhuni village, West Java, has been found with both male and female genitalia.

[French Polynesia]
French Polynesia mayor in court over sex change objection
A mayor in French Polynesia has appeared in the criminal court in Papeete for alleged abuse of power after he refused to marry a couple because the woman had had a sex change.
Thomas Moutame, who is the mayor of Taputapuatea on Raiatea, is also being accused of sexual discrimination.
Mariage controversé : Thomas Moutame fixé le 22 mars
Thomas Moutame risque un an d’inéligibilité

LGBT Employees at Credit Suisse Benefit from Enhanced Offerings
More comprehensive coverage for domestic partners and their dependents and new transgender benefits

[USA] [Commentary]
Kate Moss & Lea T’s LOVE Mag Cover Brings Out Media’s Inner Transphobe
We spoke a while ago about the “hot new trend” of trans models being the “it girls” of the fashion industry, and how that entire discussion is fundamentally “transphobic and also stupid.” There was the hope that maybe at least the people who buy that would get bored and move on, but apparently not! The exotifying fascination with trans models, especially with Givenchy’s Lea T, lives on. Specifically, it lives on in a frenzy about the new cover of Love magazine, which features Lea T doing sexy makeouts with cis supermodel Kate Moss. Are you ready for this? No, me neither.

[USA] [Commentary]
There They Go Pushing Gay Marriage Over ENDA Again
If you thought I was kidding about the Gayosphere wanting to pivot GL activism back to same gender marriage all the time in the wake of the trans free DADT passage, peep this latest piece by David Mixner entitled LGBT Rights-An Important Year Ahead which doesn't mention any issue of importance to transpeople.

City Council vote on sex change fund on February 15
Berkeley’s City Council scheduled a vote on a fund for sex reassignment surgery for its meeting on February 15. The proposal, which would provide $20,000 per year, had attracted national attention.
Berkeley Council Postpones Vote on Funding Sex-Change Operations
Meanwhile, In Berkeley: City-Funded Sex Reassignment Surgery?
Berkeley May Fund Employee Transition Surgeries

Action Day for Transgender Equal Rights
The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) is calling on the transgender community and its allies to participate in an Action Day at the State House.

Arrest in Murder of Transgender Woman in Minneapolis
Minneapolis police have made an arrest in the murder of a transgender woman found stabbed to death in a downtown Minneapolis apartment on Jan. 11 – the first murder of the year in Minneapolis.
Arnold Darwin Waukazo arrested in Krissy Bates's murder
Blaine man arrested in transgender killing

Comunidad homosexual exige al Gobierno de Honduras esclarecer asesinatos
Dirigentes de la comunidad homosexual de Honduras exigieron hoy al Gobierno el esclarecimiento de los asesinatos de medio centenar de miembros de ese colectivo registrados desde 2004, cinco de ellos en el último mes.
Un grupo de dirigentes de las organizaciones Asociación por una Vida Mejor en Honduras (Apuvimeh), Red Lésbica Cattrachas y la Red Trans Cattrachas planteó su demanda a la ministra de Derechos Humanos, Ana Pineda, en una reunión celebrada en Casa Presidencial.
Piden que cesen "crímenes de odio" en Honduras
Secretaria de DD.HH. condena los “crímenes de odio” contra homosexuales
U.S. Embassy in Honduras expresses concern for recent killings of members of the LGBT community
U.S. Embassy in Honduras expresses concern for recent killings of members of the LGBT community

Gay Murder Rates Soar in Brazil, Honduras
Cultural and political homophobia in Latin America remains starkly lethal, as evidence from two divergent societies there demonstrates.

Primeiro transexual no Big Brother argentino
Após a polêmica em cima de Ariadna, participante transexual do Big Brother Brasil 11, eliminada na ultima terça (18) chegou a vez do nosso "hermano" Alejandro Iglesias, 26, ele é o primeiro homem transexual a participar de uma edição do "Gran Hermano", versão argentina do Big Brother. Nesta semana, Alejandro, que nasceu mulher e chamava-se Silvia, contou aos outros confinados a verdade sobre sua identidade de gênero.

quinta-feira, janeiro 20, 2011

European Parliament asks Lithuania to reconsider homophobic laws
Today the European Parliament called on Lithuanian MPs to reject an amendment to the Lithuanian Code of Administrative Offences. The proposed amendment would punish the ‘public promotion of homosexual relations’ with fines from €580 to €2,900.

Ariadna sai no primeiro paredão do BBB11
Ariadna se despede no primeiro paredão do Big Brother 11 e com ela vai boa oportunidade de discutir vários tabus
Jornal popular paulistano faz capa absurda com Ariadna (Foto)
[Opinião] Ariadna incomoda porque existe

Brasília terá seminário sobre transexuais no dia 28
Distrito Federal realiza no próximo dia 28 seu terceiro seminário de visibilidade trans

Transgender lover of Kelly Osbourne's ex-boyfriend tells all
''From the moment I met [Luke Worrall], he was telling me he loved me and he wanted us to get ­married,. But now I ­realise it was all lies. At the same time as he was professing his love to me, he was doing the same to Kelly....

Broadcasters urged to increase on screen portrayal of transgender people
Broadcasters are being encouraged to sign an agreement to increase the positive portrayal of transgender people on television.
The memorandum of understanding has been drawn up by Trans Media Watch, a voluntary group set up to combat prejudiced and inaccurate depictions of transgender people.

Kate Moss and transsexual model Lea T. kiss on cover of UK's Love magazine
Kate Moss and transsexual model Lea T. are photographed kissing for the cover of a UK fashion magazine.
Kate Moss Snogs Sex-Op Lea T

[Netherlands] [Books]
“Inside out”: children in the wrong body
Girls who feel like a boy inside, boys who feel like a girl. A Dutch photographer and journalist have brought out a book on transgender children who opted for a sex change at an Amsterdam hospital.

Primary school pupil with gender disorder to get hormone treatment
A 12-year-old pupil, who was born a boy but lives as a girl due to gender identity disorder, will undergo hormonal treatment at Osaka Medical College Hospital in order to inhibit physical changes during adolescence, hospital sources said Wednesday.

Cross-dressing policeman Peter Karras caught out by officers
A CROSS-dressing police officer was caught alone in his car in a black ladies G-string, bra and six-inch high heels while committing an "offensive act", a court heard yesterday.

Lady Gaga to cast transsexuals in her new video
Pop star Lady Gaga is rumoured to be working with transsexuals in her new video Born This Way.
GaGa casts transsexuals for new video

Is Berkeley Ready to Pay for Sex-Change Operations?
While the country’s cities and states are cutting employment benefits, Berkeley City Council members will soon decide whether to set aside taxpayer dollars for city workers to get sex-change operations.
Berkeley Delays Vote on Sex-Change Benefit
Berkeley May Pay for Sex Changes Even Amid Pension Funding Gap
Berkeley taxpayers may pay for sex-change surgery
Council tables vote on funding city employees for sex-change operations

HRC to Bring Training Program for Transgender Job Seekers to Boston
The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organization, announced today it will hold the inaugural event of its Back to Work project in Boston on February 26-27, 2011.
HRC to train trans job-seekers in Boston

Blaine man arrested in transgender killing
A Blaine man has been arrested in the murder of a transgender woman found dead last week in her Minneapolis apartment, police said.
The 40-year-old suspect was being held at the Hennepin County jail on Wednesday night after being booked about 5 p.m. on suspicion of murder, jail records show.

Official oppression earns ex-cop a year behind bars
A former San Antonio police officer accused of raping a transsexual prostitute while on duty was ordered Tuesday to spend a year in jail.

Embajada pide investigar crímenes en Honduras
La embajada de Estados Unidos en Honduras pidió al gobierno investigar los cinco asesinatos cometidos a la fecha contra miembros de la comunidad lesbiana, homosexual, transgénero y bisexual (LGTB).
EE.UU. preocupado por asesinatos de homosexuales en Honduras
Colectivo Lésbico-Gay recauda firmas para exigir a las autoridades investigar asesinatos a sus miembros
Al menos cinco homosexuales han sido asesinados en un mes en Honduras
Pelo menos 5 homossexuais foram assassinados em um mês em Honduras

Identifican a travesti asesinado en El Palotal
Como Ángel Segundo Pirela García (18), mejor conocido como "Ángela", quedó identificado el travesti localizado el pasado lunes en una trilla del sector El Palotal, parroquia Francisco Eugenio Bustamante.

Sida: 5 muertos diarios
Se estima que cerca de 151.000 venezolanos están infectados por el virus en el territorio nacional

Dos policías en Argentina acusados de violar a una joven transexual fueron separados de su trabajo
La víctima de 17 años denunció que fue abordada por los efectivos que la llevaron en el patrullero hasta un galpón, frente al Parque Central, donde la habrían obligado a practicarles sexo oral y luego la accedieron carnalmente. El caso es investigado por la Fiscalía Especial.