Izquierda Unida-Verdes presenta en Murcia Ley para garantizar los derechos de personas transexuales
Izquierda Unida-Verdes va a presentar en la Asamblea regional una proposición de Ley para el reconocimiento de los derechos de las personas transexuales y una moción por la que instará a la consejería de Sanidad a crear una unidad de referencia de tratamiento de identidad de género.
Participación de actriz transexual en serie de Disney Chanel genera criticas con radicales en España
La llegada de la actriz transexual Florencia de la V, al papel de directora de la escuela de la famosa serie de 'Patito Feo' prueba lo cuanto son elásticos los criterios morales de Disney Channel. El canal americano, muy famosos por su conservadorismo, es más liberal en su programación cuanto más lejano está de sus accionistas y del público puritano estadounidense.
STOP-SIDA lanza calendario para promover derechos mujeres transexuales comercio sexual
Stop Sida lanza un calendario para promover los derechos de las mujeres transexuales trabajadoras del sexo, a partir de una perspectiva integradora y respetuosa de la diversidad sexual y de género.
[UK] [Commentary]
New Police rules on searching Trans folk
I’ve just been pointed at the new Police and Criminal Act Code of Practice and the Home Office have (I think without consultation with the community but I’m trying to verify that) produced new rules on searching Trans folk. This isn’t in force yet and the document is still a “Final Draft”, but my understanding is that it’s probably too late to do much to change it. As it stands, they’ll probably come in to force later this year, although they did reach me via the political process so perhaps there is room to exert some influence.

PHOTOS: Transgender Model Lea T Walks Her First Runway Show
First came the ad campaigns, then the magazine covers and now the runway shows. Transgender model and Riccardo Tisci muse Lea T took her first walk down the runway last night, at the Alexandre Herchcovitch show at Sao Paulo Fashion Week. (Foto)
Confusão após desfile marca saída da transexual Lea T. da SPFW
[Czech Republic]
Czech gender-bending family puzzles sex experts
Dominik's tiny, hairy hands disappear in the manly, silky-smooth grasp of his girlfriend as she reaches across the table in a tender gesture affirming their gender-bending love.
Trans People in Nepal Live Without Citizenship
Nepal's Supreme Court ruling deemed homosexual and transgender people equal citizens in Nepal, yet many sexual minorities are still without citizenship certificates, limiting their opportunities. Here's one woman's story.
Sexual assault: 3 eunuchs raped ‘by wedding guests’
Three eunuchs were abducted and sexually assaulted by armed men on Friday evening.
The incident took place in the Draham police station precinct. The three eunuchs who attended a wedding ceremony said that they were abducted by four armed men who fled the scene after raping them.
LGBT march dismantles closets, one step at a time
The masks are down, so is the guard. Mumbai's queer community came out in droves on Saturday to not just celebrate pride but also to reinforce the message of equal rights and acceptance. The Queer Azaadi March, which was flagged off amid the din of slogans and cries for freedom, witnessed a perceptible difference in the mood of its participants, not necessarily from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community.
Thailand Airline Claims To Be First To Hire Tranny Flight Attendants
A newly formed airline in Thailand has hired six transsexuals as flight attendants in an effort to promote equal opportunities for what's called the "third sex" in Southeast Asia. More than 100 transsexuals applied for the coveted positions with PC Air, and more are expected to be hired.
Transphobic violence in Twin Cities
On January 3, when Donna Macklan went to visit a friend, two people viciously assaulted her, knocking her out of her wheelchair and hitting her with a shovel.
While they were doing this they screamed “you hermaphrodite” — she was beaten and abused in our community because of her gender identity.
This is completely and totally unacceptable. Or it should be.
[Australia] [Commentary]
Surprise! Doctors are abusing intersex patients
THE Change.org Human Rights division reports on how doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists like John Money, Maria New and Dix Poppas have long abused and physically brutalized intersex patients, and OII’s Jo Proctor takes part in relating how it is no surprise to intersex people and organizations.
Rally To End Discrimination Held In Pocatello
Between 2005 and 2007, 187 young people committed suicide in Idaho. In order to stop bullying and discrimination, the group 2 Great 4 Hate stepped up to take to the streets Saturday afternoon.
Rally for equality
Marchers in Pcoatello back state anti-discrimination bill

Alumna transexual argentina reclama adoptar su DNI a su identidad; juez da cambio nombre a otra chica
Una joven transexual platense que se desempeña como docente de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata reclama que se respete su identidad sexual en la fotografía de su documento nacional de identidad, luego de que en una oficina platense del Registro Provincial se le solicitara que se peine y arregle su rostro de acuerdo a su sexo biológico, lo que la docente rechazó de plano y decidió seguir adelante con el trámite ante la Justicia. (Foto)