Travesti é presa em Sergipe suspeita de assalto a caminhoneiros
A Polícia Militar de Sergipe prendeu uma travesti de 23 anos investigada pela Polícia Civil de participar de vários assaltos a caminhoneiros no estado.

Irmão reconhece corpo de travesti morto a tiro
Um irmão reconheceu o corpo do travesti morto a tiro ontem de madrugada, na área central de Maringá. Segundo o familiar, o corpo seria de Odair Barbosa da Silva, 31 anos, conhecido como "Magnólia".
Travesti umuaramense é assassinado com um tiro no centro de Maringá
Travesti é assassinado com um tiro no centro de Maringá
Travesti é morto no centro de Maringá
Travesti é assassinado no Centro de Maringá
Detienen a un hombre por pegar a su ex pareja, un travesti con el que compartía piso
La Policía Local detuvo anoche a un hombre por una agresión en el ámbito familiar en la calle Caballeros. El suceso se produjo en el piso que compartía con el que había sido su pareja, un travesti, al que asestó numerosos puñetazos y que requirió asistencia médica.
Condenado por el asesinato de un transexual en Burgos poco después de abandonar la prisión en Santander
La Audiencia Provincial de Burgos ha condenado a cuatro años de prisión por un delito de robo con violencia e intimidación y a otros 17 años de cárcel por otro delito de asesinato a Ignacio V.O, de 38 años, por la muerte del transexual Linsy M.A.C, de nacionalidad colombiana, ocurrida en la capital burgalesa en la madrugada del 28 al 29 de septiembre de 2009.
Condenan a 21 años de prisión al autor de la muerte y el robo a un transexual de la calle Alfareros de Burgos
Transsexual guilty of King’s Cross Tube manslaughter of lawyer
Senthooran Kanagasingham, 35, pushed friend Sonia Burgess into the path of a train at King’s Cross St Pancras Tube station on October 25 last year.
Life sentence for pushing prominent lawyer under Tube train
Transsexual former builder left "half man, half woman" after being 'refused NHS boob job'
A transsexual former builder from Burnley has been left “half man, half woman” after claming that doctors refused to recommend her for a boob job on the NHS.
Trans teenager pleads guilty to £2,500 Katie Price identity theft
A teenager from Lincolnshire has admitted stealing thousands of pounds from former glamour model Katie Price by pretending to be her at a local bank.
Operation sex swap
Defence chiefs have spent thousands of pounds to help troops have sex changes.
Advocacy group says breast implants save the lives of transgender people
The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL) says that breast implants are a life and death matter for transgender people who need the operation to function in their new identity. In their study, the group found that transgender people who are denied the operation are more likely to commit suicide than others who go through breast implant surgery.
Breast implants 'save lives': advocacy group
For first time in Israel, transgender man gives birth
Yuval Topper, 24, an Israeli transgender man, has given birth at the Sheba Medical Center.
Israeli man gives birth
Transgender Man in Israel Reportedly Gives Birth
Tribune Take: Transgenders in politics, a good thing
In today’s episode of the Tribune Take, we take a look at the issues the transgender community in Pakistan faces and how they are progressing.
Trans Candidate Seeking Pakistani Office: We’re Citizens Too
The president of Pakistan’s She-male Association, Shahana Abbas Shani, has announced that she will run for a seat on the Provincial Assembly of Punjab, the country’s most populous province.
In Pakistan, a transgender leader is standing for election
Transgender Pakistani stands for election
Transgenders seek fair deal
Prakasam District Legal Services Authority Secretary G. Rama Gopal on Wednesday promised all legal support to transgender people and Men having Sex with Men (MSM) for them to get justice.
Concern about human rights violations against transgenders
Human rights violations against sexual minorities like transgenders, men who have sex with men (MSM) and female sex workers are prevalent and go unreported despite anti-discriminatory laws, according to Jeeva, President, V-CAN, a state level network comprising 74 community-based organisations working for the betterment of such minorities.
Sexual minorities get a 'Pehchaan' of their own
Individuals belonging to sexually marginalized groups like lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and queer (LGTBQ) can now seek help under project Pehchaan and try to build their gender identity. Sarathi Trust, a community based organization of Nagpur, is working on Pehchaan in collaboration with Mumbai-based AVERT Society and The Humsafar Trust.
‘I know I’m a woman’
A video story of a transgender undergoing rituals to dedicate her life to provide service to Bauchara Matha, the protector deity of the transgender community.
BGMEA plans jobs for transgender people
Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) plans to employ skilled transgender people in the country's readymade garment industry.
Catholic priest petitions to remove Australian “gay panic defence”
A Catholic priest in Queensland, Australia has started an online petition to ensure the complete removal of the “homosexual advance defence”, which has been used to attempt to have murder charges lessened to manslaughter if the victim had propositioned the killer.
Priest backs 'gay advance' law change
2011: A year of milestones, tragedies, courtroom fights
The story of the year was the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Here are our picks for the rest of 2011’s top LGBT news stories.
[USA] [Commentary]
Video of transwoman defending her honor removed as "shocking, disgusting"
I am not a lover of violence. Although I will watch television programs like Bones and CSI which often show the results of violence, I go out of my way to avoid it and have been vocal in trying to stop it.
NCTE on 14 Reasons That Made 2011 Great for Trans People
The has published an op-ed from NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling on 14 cultural and political advancements that made 2011 great for trans people:
Op-ed: 14 Reasons That Made 2011 Great for Trans People
Mara Keisling Calls 2011 A Game-Changer For Transgender Rights
2012 brings new laws
The new year is set to bring several new laws affecting LGBTs. The legislation, most of which go into effect January 1, address a variety of issues, including protections for transgender people.
SB 48 set to take effect
Gay Rights Groups Score Major Legislative Victories
Though Prop. 8 battle is still unresolved, 2011 was a good year for LGBT causes
Source: The Bay Citizen (
Milestones of 2011
2011 saw several major milestones for LGBT equality across the country -- and a few disappointing ones.
Transgender Roller Derby Jammer Skates Her Way To Acceptance
When Kayley Whalen signed up for roller derby in May 2008, she lied about who she was.
DCTC vs. Virginia
The DC Trans Coalition (DCTC), a local advocacy group advancing the civil rights of transgender people, has filed a friend of the court brief urging the Richmond-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to find that the policy on housing transgender inmates of the Virginia Department of Corrections is unconstitutional.
Atlanta trans activist group donates canned goods to Saint Lost & Found
Transgender Individuals Living Their Truth (TILTT) held its first canned food drive this year and donated its proceeds to the newly established Saint Lost & Found group.
WHAS11 explores the lives of 3 transgendered women living in Louisville
Dancing with the Stars was only the beginning. even though JR Martinez has been crowned the winner, many are still talking about Chaz Bono. He used to be a woman and was the first transgender person on the show.
Success, celebration, and a step forward
2011 was the year transgender equal rights took center stage in Massachusetts.
Trans Murder on Christmas Eve: K.C. Media Coverage Criticized
Kenyan L. Jones has been charged with second-degree murder for the Christmas Eve shooting of a transgender woman in Kansas City, Mo.
K.C. Trans Woman Killed; Media Coverage Criticized
Meet Mel Wymore: Transman runs for New York City Council
Mel Wymore is running for the District 6 City Council seat for 2013 in New York City. District 6 is also known as Upper Clinton, Lincoln Square, and the Upper West Side. Now I don't live in NYC…or even in the state of New York, but rather across the Hudson in north Jersey, though we often travel to or through those neighborhoods to visit places like the American Museum of Natural History (we were there yesterday as a matter of fact).
Top 10: Trans widow continued her fight
The Texas Constitution defines marriage as between one man and one woman, but how will the state define “man” and “woman”?
Transgender marriage cases in Dallas and Houston could force the Texas Supreme Court — or even the U.S. Supreme Court — to ultimately decide the thorny issue.
Top 10: County, DISD, FWISD added trans protections
Hope for gays as PNP wins Jamaica election
Jamaica’s opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has won a landslide victory in the national election yesterday.
Se casan en abril una travesti y un detenido en la cárcel de Oberá
“No es fácil, porque él está privado de su libertad y yo afuera, por eso la confianza mutua es fundamental para sostener la pareja”, destacó Faby Tatarinoff, quien vive en San Martín. “Mi familia me respalda en todo”
Se otorgará el primer DNI con cambio de identidad a un travesti
Mary Robles, será reconocida como mujer ya que la Justicia salteña resolvió el cambio de identidad de género
Cinco personas trans interpusieron amparos en favor de su derecho a la identidad de género
Cinco personas trans, con el patrocinio de la Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) y la Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans (FALGBT), interpusieron acciones de amparo contra el Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, a fin de que el Registro de Estado Civil y Capacidad de las Personas de la Capital Federal proceda al cambio registral de su nombre y sexo.
Autorizan en Córdoba el cambio de identidad de un transexual
La Justicia de Córdoba, al resolver un recurso de amparo, ordenó al Registro Civil de la provincia que modifique el nombre de un transexual, recientemente sometido a una cirugía de readecuación sexual o genitoplastia, de manera que figure con uno de mujer en el nuevo Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI), según fue confirmado desde tribunales.