Transfofa em Blog

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quinta-feira, agosto 30, 2012

Zebra de ‘A Fazenda’, Léo Áquilla é a única trans a ir para a final de um reality show
Participante é a única transgênero a chegar a final de um reality show brasileiro. Ela enfrenta Felipe Folgosi e Viviane Araújo na finalíssima do programa

São Paulo: Travestis de Presidente Prudente lutam pelo uso de banheiro público feminino
Impedidas pela prefeitura de Presidente Prudente de frequentar o banheiro das mulheres na rodoviária da cidade, elas apelam à Defensoria Pública, que usam lei estadual para defendê-las

Pernambuco: Governo criará unidade especializada em atendimento de transexuais
O estado de Pernambuco, condenado pela Justiça a pagar uma operação de implantação de pênis a uma pessoa nascida como mulher e já registrada legalmente como homem, anunciou nesta quarta-feira que criará um centro especializado para esse tipo de cirurgias.

Rio Grande do Sul: Jovem diz ter sofrido preconceito no trabalho por ser transgênero
Manifestação foi feita em frente à agência bancária de Porto Alegre. Comunicação da Caixa emitiu nota sobre o assunto na tarde desta quarta.

Dad Wears Dress in Solidarity With Dress-Loving Son
A German father said that he sometimes wears skirts to support his son, who also prefers to wear skirts and dresses.
Father of the Year Helps Dress-Wearing Son Feel Comfortable By Putting on a Skirt Himself

Civic Groups Condemn Harassment of Gay Activists
Civic society organizations in Zimbabwe have condemned the behaviour of police officers in Harare, who continue to harass activists from the Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ), without bringing any charges against them.

Eight successful sex-change surgeries carried in Azerbaijan
Eight successful surgeries for change of male sex into female have been done in Azerbaijan since 2002 until 2011.

Transgender with a mission
Although it took her family more than a decade to accept her sexuality, Rina managed to overcome the challenges thrown at her at an early age and is now helping others.

Neither fish nor fowl
The graduation season is rounding the last corner, and when the commencement ceremony takes place tomorrow at Thammasat University, all eyes will be fixed on Baramee Phanich. The Social Science graduate has made headlines and roused another round of debate on gender issues _ as well as the he/she dilemma for writers _ when Baramee, a male student, formally asked the university for permission to dress in female attire at the ceremony.

[USA] [Commentary]
Compton’s Cafeteria: Transsexual and Transgender People’s Stonewall
I spent the summer of ’66 working in the resorts of Lake George Village as a dishwasher and kitchen assistant.
Early that summer I discovered John Rechy’s book: City of Night.

Need $75,000 for a Sex-Change Operation? Enroll at UC Berkeley
Under the student health care plan at the University of California (UC) – Berkeley, students can receive coverage of up to $75,000 for sex-change operations and other related therapy, documents obtained on Monday by Campus Reform reportedly indicate.
UC Berkeley healthcare plan provides up to $75,000 for sex-change operations, documents reveal

Gang member wanted for trans brothel robbery
A gang member is wanted for robbing a transgender brothel and threatening to murder the prostitutes.

Exclusive: Miami Police Look For Killer Of Transvestite
Miami Police homicide detectives are trying to find out if a 33-year-old man was killed early Sunday because he was a transvestite.

Nondiscrimination bill tabled
Though dozens of residents planned to speak on the issue Monday night, the City Council tabled a proposal extending Springfield’s nondiscrimination ordinance to include protections for sexual orientation and gender identity.
Over 500 show at City Council meeting, but council tables discrimination issue
Springfield council tables ordinance changes

Who's protected? County personnel policy approved, controversy continues
After months of rancor over Buncombe County's personnel ordinance, the Board of Commissioners gave final approval Aug. 21 to a revised version that doesn't specifically ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Cerca de mil Personas Participaron en la Caravana por la Diversidad Sexual 2012
La noche de ayer, el Centro Histórico de la capital del estado se vistió de lentejuelas, plumas, tacones y música de disco, para dar paso a la caravana por la diversidad sexual, la cual reunió a un aproximado de mil personas integrantes de la comunidad LGBTT (lésbico, gay, bisexual, travesti y transgénero), así como a gente de la sociedad en general.

CIDH condena la muerte de transexual
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) condenó este martes el homicidio de una mujer transexual de 21 años de edad, conocido como Barbarita, en la localidad hondureña de San Pedro Sula.
Human Rights Commission Condemns Kidnapping and Murder of Transgender in Honduras

Nuevo proyecto de Ley de Identidad de Género en Perú discriminatorio con la Dignidad de personas Transexuales
El nuevo proyecto de Ley de Identidad de Género de Perú, se anuncia como un avance para las personas transexuales y en su enunciado dice que es “para proteger la dignidad y la individualidad de las personas”, lejos está de ello, dejando patente sus contradicciones, ya que impone criterios y limitaciones que atentan gravemente contra la individualidad, la dignidad y la identidad sexual de las personas transexuales. Interfiriendo desde la “legalidad” pero de forma arbitraria en el estado civil de las personas transexuales, negando el derecho a la descendencia (a no ser padre o madre).

José ahora es Melisa y se convirtió en la primera maestra trans
José decidió transformarse en Melisa y se convirtió en la primera maestra de primaria transexual luego de que las autoridades de la Escuela N° 23 del barrio porteño de Flores, aceptaran el cambio.
La docente enseña ajedrez en escuelas públicas porteñas. Sus alumnos son chicos de segundo a quinto grado.

quarta-feira, agosto 29, 2012

Quem tem medo de Cris Negão? Curta sobre famosa travesti cafetina é exibido nesta quarta em SP
Lobo mau fica no chinelo perto de Cris Negão, a famosa travesti cafetina do centro de São Paulo.

PR: Grupo trans está de sede nova em Curitiba
Transgrupo de defesa LGBT Marcela Prado está de casa nova na cidade de Curitiba

Justiça de PE ordena que Estado pague cirurgia de readequação de sexo
Em Pernambuco, transexual masculino conquista na justiça cirurgia de readequação de sexo paga pelo Estado
Pernambuco: Justiça determina que estado pague mudança de sexo
Pernambuco pagará operação de redefinição sexual para transexual masculino

Projeto de inclusão social e profissional de travestis e transexuais abre inscrições no RJ
O projeto Damas, ação da Coordenadoria Especial da Diversidade Sexual junto com a Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social do Rio de Janeiro, é voltado para a reinserção social e profissional de travestis e transexuais através de capacitação, incentivo a escolaridade, e empregabilidade.

L’ A.N.T. publie une carte des droits des personnes transgenres à travers le monde
L'Association nationale transgenre (A.N.T., anciennement Trans Aide) invite la France à prendre l'Argentine en exemple en matière de législation relative à l'identité de genre, et publie à cette occasion une carte des droits des personnes trans' concernant le changement d'état civil à travers le monde.

Campaign builds to stop deportation of trans-woman raped at Sandholm
Fernanda Milan was raped after being placed in the men's dormitory; now she faces deportation to Guatemala

Religious leaders remain silent over legalisation of LGBT rights
A gay lawmaker in Nepal has said that not a single religious group has made a complaint following a decision by the government to grant equal rights to LGBT citizens.

Anti-Discrimination Bill’s OK Delayed
The passage of the proposed Anti-Racial, Ethnic and Anti-Religious Discrimination Act of 2011 faces a rough sailing in Congress after some senators thumbed down the inclusion of the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBTs) provisions in the bicameral bill.

[New Zealand]
Body "unable" to take further action over booklet
The Human Rights Commission says it's unable to take further action over an Auckland Council booklet which uses the term “transvestite” to describe transgender sex workers.

Capital Pride parade diversifies
Rainbow flags were flying high as Ottawa’s celebration of everything queer culminated Sunday, August 26 with the Capital Pride parade.

Transgendered man deported
A transgendered Uxbridge man was deported to his native Brazil last weekend despite claims that his sexuality will put him in danger in the South American country.
Silvani Marques, 37, had been taking hormone treatments in Canada and dresses as a woman.
“I am hoping everything will be fine,” he said before his flight home on Sunday. “I was hoping for more from Canada.”

[Canada] [Commentary]
On the Job Market as a Transgender Candidate
Most trans people in academe wait for the job security of tenure before undertaking the risky process of a gender transition. The reason is obvious: There's still a tremendous amount of discrimination and harassment toward us.

3 Transgender Women Flee Mexico To Escape Transphobia In 'Crossing Over'
The documentary Crossing Over looks at the lives of 3 transgender Mexican women as they seek political asylum in the United States to escape transphobia in their homeland.

What Psychologists Need to Know to Help Transgender Clients
Transgender clients are increasingly being viewed as part of a larger minority population that includes lesbian/gay/bisexual/queer people. Transgender individuals face challenges as a result of identifying with a gender that differs from their birth sex.

[USA] [Commentary]
We Need More Foundations for Transgenders
One of the most crucial medical needs for the transgender community is — and always has been — assistance with the financial burden of hormone therapy and surgical transition procedures that helps confirm our gender identity.

Gang member sought in robbery at transgender brothel
Santa Ana gang member failed to appear Monday for jury trial on charges he participated in a home-invasion robbery of a transgender brothel after first trying to tax the prostitutes.

Sincerely Sophie
"You have to learn to be a real person before you can learn to be a real man or a real woman."
Sophie Prell is one of few people who can say they've been all of the above.
Sophie - or Gaylen, as she was known through her high school years in Aurelia - was an active, involved boy, and still today she has fond memories of clowning around with her stepbrothers, the car rides to basketball games, proms, wearing the mascot costume for football games.

City Set To Decide Controversial Ordinance
Salina City Commissioners have set a date to make a decision on whether or not to repeal a controversial ordinance change.

Fort Worth now has not one but two transgender support groups
After we featured the new group Fort Worth Transgender Support on the cover of Dallas Voice, leaders with another Cowtown trans group, Trans-cendence, informed us it has started up again.

Após aprovar nova lei, Buenos Aires tem sua primeira professora transexual
Após as férias escolares de inverno na Argentina, onde uma lei que reconhece a escolha de 'identidade de gênero' foi aprovada no último mês de maio, Melisa se tornou a primeira professora primária transexual de Buenos Aires ao se apresentar com sua nova certidão, informou a imprensa local nesta terça-feira.

terça-feira, agosto 28, 2012

Travesti é encontrado morto em Três Lagoas
A Polícia Civil de Três Lagoas investiga a causa da morte do travesti Marcos Roberto de Souza Vieira, 31 anos, encontrado morto, na noite desta sexta-feira (24), no bairro Jardim Alvorada.

RJ: Projeto Damas recebe inscrições para nova turma
Prefeitura do Rio abre inscrições para projeto de reinserção de pessoas trans

US lashes out at Zimbabwe over LGBT raids
The United States Department of State has criticized the Zimbabwe government for its raid on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organizations in the country earlier this month.

Transgenders can now get a ‘guru’ to attest voter application
Purvi’s voter ID card refers to her as Ramesh. But this isn’t an error by election officials. Named Ramesh by her parents, Purvi is a transgender who changed her name and started dressing like a woman 10 years ago. Her voter’s card still carries her original name, and she is yet to apply for a new one, fearing the hassle involved in procuring documents that need her family’s approval.

Dressing to win
Thailand's transgender community will get a major boost this week when Baramee Phanich receives his graduation certificate dressed as a lady
Thai unis to rule on transgender graduates

Androgynous Israeli shocks in Toyota ad
Ukrainian-born male model Stav Strashko thinks living in Tel Aviv is ‘fabulous’, idolizes Angelina Jolie, loves ‘girl power’ and believes ‘the mind sees what it wants’

Accept me for who I am Tyra and Fibby's story
"CALL us what you like, it doesn't make us any different from the rest of you" - that was the reaction from two contestants at this year's Adi Senikau pageant at the Vodafone Hibiscus Festival.
Adi Senikau pageant a hit
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Sugar Festival

Workshops on discrimination and protections
The NSW Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) have announced a series of workshops to identify areas in which same-sex attracted and gender diverse people experience discrimination and educate them on their rights and protections.

[New Zealand]
No action over sex book complaints
The Human Rights Commission will not progress discrimination complaints lodged over a council produced booklet on South Auckland sex workers but found the term transvestite had been misused in the publication.

La Leche League to Consider Transgender Leaders
The breastfeeding support group is reconsidering its women-only policy in light of a request from a transgender man.

Transgender DNC delegate delivers sermon at local church
For Janice Covington, being selected as the first openly transgender delegate from North Carolina to the Democratic National Convention was “better than amazing” and is the culimination of a long journey.

Mató a su pareja homosexual porque quería operarse el cuerpo, lo entierra en el patio
Fue presentado por elementos de la Fiscalía del Estado el presunto asesino del hombre que fue localizado sin vida y semi enterrrado el sábado pasado en la colonia Riberas del Bravo, luego de que sus dueños trataran de habitar la casa nuevamente.

Futbolista transexual vuelve a disputar competiciones oficiales
Un nuevo paso en la larga batalla por la normalización social de la realidad transexual. Miranda Salman, futbolista transexual mexicana de 43 años, podrá volver a jugar en un equipo afiliado a la Federación Mexicana de Fútbol, veinte años después de retirarse de las competiciones oficiales.

Cuatro detenidos por el asesinato de una chica trans de 22 años
Cuatro personas han sido detenidas en Honduras acusadas de la muerte de Marlon Javier Jiménez Alemán, de 22 años, joven trans secuestrada el pasado 2 de agosto. Un días después aparecía su cuerpo sin vida. Un terrible crímen cuya resolución, de la que nos felicitamos, aparece como una gota de agua en un desierto ante la situación de completa indefensión que vive la comunidad LGTB hondureña.
Caen mareros implicados en crimen de un homosexual
Capturan tres hermanos por asesinato de un homosexual

Siguiendo con el trabajo en conjunto entre la OTD y el Servicio de Salud Talcahuano, invitamos para el día jueves 06 de septiembre a las 15 hrs, a participar de este especial encuentro a realizarse en la Universidad Santo Tomás, Prat 855, Concepción.

El jaque mate de Melisa
Melisa D’Oro trabaja en una escuela pública de Flores. Siempre tuvo nombre y aspecto de varón. Hasta que decidió vivir su libertad también en el aula. Hubo una charla con los alumnos y con los padres. Ahora sigue dando clases. Ahora es “la profe” de ajedrez.
(Foto: Melisa D’Oro junto con el director, Enrique Samar, en la Escuela 23 del Distrito Escolar 11, General Savio, de Flores.)

domingo, agosto 26, 2012

Meet Androgynous Model Stav Strashko, Toyota's Transgender Sensation
An androgynous Israeli 20-year-old in a bikini is now selling you a Japanese car.

Does This Ad Indicate a Future for Androgynous Male Models?
As our friends at Jalopnik have pointed out, this new Toyota ad currently airing in Japan features a tall blonde strutting across a showroom in high heels a pair of red bikini bottoms. So far, so much standard sex-sells bullshit. But when the model turns around, it becomes clear that he's not a woman but an androgynous-looking man.

Convicted pedophile may be considering sex change, documents show
A convicted pedophile apparently prefers life as a woman, Parole Board of Canada documents show.
Matthew Harks legally changed his hame to Madilyn (Rebecca) Harks, according to documents dated Aug. 22.
Parole officials would not comment on the case, but it is believed the name change coincides with Harks' move to change his sex.

SA to adopt LGBT strategy
The South Australian Minister for Social Inclusion, Ian Hunter (pictured), has announced a new LGBTIQ strategy will be developed for the state.

For Transgender Veterans, An Awkward ID Problem Awaits Simple Fix
There aren't many transgender U.S. military veterans. Advocacy groups estimate the number may be somewhere around 300,000 out of the nation's 26 million vets. But nearly all will struggle to access military benefits because of an awkward bureaucratic snafu that could be easily fixed: their discharge papers show the wrong gender.

Transgender Rapper Mykki Blanco Premieres 'Wavvy' Video
If you haven't heard of Mykki Blanco before, don't blame yourself too much. The female alter ego of transgender rapper Michael David Quattlebaum had been somewhat of an underground phenomenon until recently.

[USA] [Commentary]
Ashley Love is Barred from Commenting on this Blog
Yesterday Ashley Love came here and left a comment that was so grossly insulting as to result in my barring her from commenting on this blog and my defriending her on Facebook.

[USA] [Commentary]
The Coffee and Donut Riots
On June 18, 2010 I published a diary about the Compton's Cafeteria Riots of 1966. On August 20, 2012 there was a gathering/march in San Francisco honoring the survivors of those riots and the decades to follow.

Bathroom controversy follows opening of new residence hall
Construction still uncompleted, students in the new Maximino Martinez Commons had to quickly adjust to concerns raised over the gender-specific bathrooms in the residence hall when they moved in last week.

Jeff Landry presses university to drop lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender courses
Rep. Jeff Landry, R-New Iberia, is continuing his efforts to get the University of Louisiana at Lafayette to drop its lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies minor on grounds it isn't consistent with the college's mission to prepare young people for jobs.

Jackson City Commission Votes to Take Up Non-Discrimination Ordinance
On Aug. 14, the Jackson City Commission voted to take up the issue of adopting an inclusive and equal non-discrimination ordinance. Specifically the ordinance would ban discrimination of people based on a number of factors, including their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. In recent months, similar ordinances have passed in Flint, Mount Pleasant, and Muskegon. Last year voters in Traverse City upheld their city's nondiscrimination ordinance.

sábado, agosto 25, 2012

JCB driver born a man is now officially a woman
Debbie Graham has lost her facial hair and developed a higher-pitched voice, but still has male sexual organs.
She will have gender reassignment surgery next year and has won a bid to be officially recognised as a woman.

Is Androgynous Male Model Stav Strashko the Next Andrej Pejic?
Androgyny–of the Saskia de Brauw and Freja Beha variety–is a valued look in modeling (Just ask Tyra). Newer and more controversial? Bio boys who can play pretty girls. Of course everyone’s favorite fragile blonde, Andrej Pejic, has done tons to bring male-to-female androgyny into the mainstream, as has transgender model Lea T.

Police Moves To Shut The Gay and Lesbian Office
Zimbabwean police on Thursday initiated a process to shut down the offices of the Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ) after charging a representative of the organisation for running an “unregistered” organisation.

Transvestites, women warned against sex trade in Mideast
Panida Somao said the laws in Oman were very strict and only men were allowed to work at massage parlours for male customers.
"But some Thai transvestites have exploited these laws and also offer sexual services," she said, adding that many of these men came to Oman before undergoing the sex-change operation.

Toyota Faces Transphobic Backlash After Releasing Commercials Starring Androgynous Male Model
Some transphobic and homophobic car fans have been blasting Toyota across the Internet after clips of a commercial for the new Auris only airing in Japan have hit the web. Check out what all the hubbub is about after the jump!
[Commentary] Transgender model for Toyota — yea or nay?

Conference to Understand Health Issues of Transgendered to be Held in Australia
It has been reported that scientists and doctors would be attending a meeting-cum-conference at Cairns to understand more the health issues of transgenders. The conference called Sister Girl and Gender Diverse Conference is one of the first of it types in Queensland.

Transgender community suffering from mental health problems
Doctors at a national conference in far north Queensland say a lack of health services and information for the transgender community is causing severe mental health problems and in some extreme cases, self-castration. Members of the transgender community and sexual health doctors from across the country are meeting in Cairns this weekend for the first ever national conference of its kind.

Transgendered man in Uxbridge fears deportation to Brazil
A transgender Uxbridge man says his life will be in danger due to his sexuality if he’s deported to his native Brazil on Saturday.
Silvani Marques, 37, an engineer, has been taking hormone treatments and dresses as a woman. He shows a photo shoot of himself wearing different women’s dresses as part of an online gallery.

Psychological tests for trans pilots in US is abandoned owing to a one-woman campaign
Psychological testing for trans people who wish to become pilots has been abandoned after one woman sustained a three-year campaign.

WATCH: March Honors 46th Anniversary of Compton's Cafeteria Riots
In the 1960s, Compton's Cafeteria in San Francisco's gritty Tenderloin neighborhood was virtually the only place in the city where transgender folks could congregate publicly, as they weren't allowed in gay bars at the time. Cross-dressing was still illegal in the city, and the local police often used the presence of trans women as a pretext for raiding and closing gay bars.

New Publication Highlights Experiences of Transgender Granite Staters
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and TransGender New Hampshire (TG-NH) are pleased to announce the publication of We Are New Hampshire: Transgender Lives in the Granite State, a collection of 10 stories about local transgender people and their families. The book reveals the fullness of their lives and highlights the challenges transgender residents of New Hampshire and their families face as they seek to live genuinely and with dignity. The book is intended as an educational resource for policy makers and the general public.

Ohio Murder Shines National Spotlight on LGBT Violence
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs is calling attention to the fatal shooting of Kendall L. Hampton, a gender-nonconforming person who had reportedly been involved in sex work.

Penn ranks as top trans-, gay-friendly school
LGBT college group Campus Pride last week released its inaugural list of the nation’s best schools for transgender individuals, and a local university made the cut.

Campaign Raises Support for Trans Man Jailed in Virginia
An IndieGogo campaign seeks to raise money for a Virginia trans man convicted of felony forgery for listing his gender as male on his marriage license.

Debutará mujer transexual en Súper liga mexicana de fútbol femenil.
Pasaron más de 20 años para que Miranda Salman pueda volver a jugar en un equipo afiliado a la Federación Mexicana de Fútbol (Femexfut).

Presentan proyecto de ley que, con importantes limitaciones, permitiría cambio de nombre a personas transexuales
El grupo Alianza Parlamentaria, tercera bancada más numerosa en el Congreso del Perú, ha presentado un proyecto de ley que establece un procedimiento judicial único y simplificado que permitiría el cambio de nombre, entre otras, a las personas transexuales. El proyecto establece, no obstante, importantes limitaciones.

sexta-feira, agosto 24, 2012

Projeto DAMAS abre inscrições para a terceira turma
Projeto de incentivo a educação e empregabilidade de trans no Rio abre inscrições para terceira turma

Jornalista Carlos Nascimento afirma ter sido alvo de assalto de travestis
Carlos Nascimento, âncora do Jornal do SBT, é vítima de assalto de travestis em SP
Jornalista Carlos Nascimento diz ter sido assaltado por travestis em São Paulo
Carlos Nascimento é assaltado por travestis em São Paulo
Carlos Nascimento bate em travesti após tentativa de assalto

Brasil ganha primeira doutora travesti
Primeira doutora travesti diz que conquista acadêmica servirá de exemplo para outras

Léo Áquila é a primeira finalista de "A Fazenda"; performer dedicou conquista aos gays
A quinta edição de "A Fazenda" foi meio morna, é verdade. Apesar de ter um dos elencos mais curiosos dentre as edições do programa, o reality não causou tanto impacto.

HQ de Laerte vira curta-metragem
Colaborador da H Magazine, cartunista Laerte tem HQ adaptada para o Cinema

Pernambuco: Travesti é preso em flagrante suspeito de tráfico de drogas
Alex Fernando de Moura, 20 anos, é suspeito de participar do tráfico de drogas na localidade. Com ele, os policiais apreenderam 25 pedras de crack e R$ 175

Bahia: Mulheres seminuas protestam contra transexual no Miss Bumbum
Grupo se reuniu para questionar a presença de Amanda Sampaio no concurso. 'Sou muito mais mulher do que elas', retrucou a transex.
Piriguetes "protestam" nas ruas da Bahia contra candidata transexual

Un movimiento social solicita a Dinamarca la aprobación de asilo a una transexual guatemalteca
Su nombre es Fernanda Milán y es guatemalteca. Vive en Dinamarca, país que deberá abandonar el próximo 17 de septiembre al haber sido rechazada la petición de asilo que presentó hace un año. Tiene miedo a regresar a Centro América.

New trans application filed with the European Court
The applicant in this case is a young transgender man who wishes to undergo gender reassignment surgery. The applicant found it impossible to obtain adequate medical assistance in Macedonia due to the absence of the requisite facilities but also due to the indifferent or even outright hostile attitude of medical professionals he met towards transgender people. He therefore decided to seek treatment abroad, in Serbia. There he received a gender dysphoria diagnosis and he started to undergo hormonal treatment. Since he could not afford the costs and in the absence of coverage from the Macedonian health insurance fund, he had to discontinue the treatment. He therefore found himself in an intolerable situation of limbo, due to the discrepancy between the gender marker included in his personal documents reflecting his sex at birth on the one hand and his male appearance and name on the other hand. He filed a request asking that he be issued with a new birth certificate reflecting his preferred gender, which the authorities rejected.

US condemns Zimbabwe raids on gay activists
The United States on Thursday condemned Zimbabwe over raids on the offices of a gay rights group and urged authorities to end a "pattern of abuse" against civil society.
Condena EUA arrestos 'violentos' de homosexuales en Zimbabwe

[South Korea]
Shin Dong Yeop, Hong Seok Cheon Become MCs for Korea’s First Transgender Talk Show
Korea is set to launch its first transgender talk show.
Cable channel KBS Joy announced the news on August 23 and revealed Shin Dong Yeop and Hong Seok Cheon will serve as the show’s MC.

Scantily clad trans woman sexes up Toyota car ad
Toyota's latest advert in Japan features 19-year-old trans model from Ukraine
Gender-Variant Model Featured in Sexy Toyota Commercial

Doctors to learn about transgender health
Doctors and specialists will meet in Cairns this week to learn more about transgender health issues.
Transgender health: the important role of GPs

Is the newest Barbie to be released actually a drag queen?
Questions have been flying around since the announcement of the newest Barbie to be released, and whether or not this version of the doll is actually a drag queen.

Transgender People New Targets of Hateful Political Ads
Even amidst emotional fights over same-sex marriage, anti-gay political advertisements have grown increasingly civil since the 1970s, new research finds. For transgender people, however, the media landscape is looking increasingly brutal.

Transgender pilot wins battle against FAA
In a matter of weeks, Bay Area transgender pilot Tamsyn Waterhouse could once again be fully licensed to fly planes, because she challenged the Federal Aviation Administration and won.

Remembering Compton's riot
A group of transgender people and allies held a memorial march Monday, August 20 to mark the 46th anniversary of the Compton's Cafeteria riot, widely viewed as the beginning of the LGBT rights movement in San Francisco.

Man shot and killed in Walnut Hills
Cincinnati Police are looking for suspects after a weekend murder.
It happened late Saturday night around 11:00 p.m. in Walnut Hills.
Officers say say someone shot and killed 26-year-old Kendall Hampton between the McDonalds and the Dairy Mart on McMillan.
NCAVP learns of the murder of Kendall L. Hampton in Cincinnati, Ohio
Hampton Case in Ohio Update

Inician programa de transexualidad masculina
La asociación civil Prodiana inició las actividades de campo de su programa de transexualidad masculina, mismo que incluye reuniones semanales y la segunda fase del programa de prevención de VIH/sida para población transgénero, esta vez orientada a los hombres trans.

quinta-feira, agosto 23, 2012

Desrespeitada por Record, Léo Áquilla é finalista de "A Fazenda 5"
A sorte tem as cores do arco-íris. A transexual Léo Áquilla é a primeira finalista do reality show “A Fazenda 5″. A peoa conquistou o posto depois de vencer prova disputada na quarta-feira 22. Os concorrentes de Léo ainda não foram definidos. A finalíssima ocorre na quarta-feira 29.

Uganda aid to continue despite controversial anti-gay bill
Denmark will continue to send support to Uganda despite their anti-gay sentiments, but sexual minority groups to get bigger share

[Czech Republic]
120 pro-"straight families only" leaders outraged after U.S. ambassador participates in Czech gay pride
Pro-family leaders around the world have condemned an endorsement by the U.S. ambassador to the Czech Republic of a Czech homosexual festival held over the weekend.

Criticism of Uganda's Government Leads to Harassment of NGOs
In the face of rising public criticism over a range of controversial political manoeuvres, the Ugandan government has become increasingly hostile to the work of non-governmental organisations, particularly those advocating for the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, according to a new report from Human Rights Watch.
Mayor intimidación y sociedad civil en riesgo

Video | Toyota Auris hatchback commercial features transgender model Stav Strashko
Toyota has launched a Japanese ad campaign for its new Auris hatchback featuring Stav Strashko, a transgender, 19-year-old Ukrainian-born model.
Toyota Japan’s Sexy New Topless Ad Shocks Viewers
Toyota Releases Controversial Commercials with Androgynous Model [Video]
Toyota's transgender car ad
A Topless Fashion Model Makes This Commercial More than Memorable

Canadian parents support trans dad who breastfeeds
Father denied leadership position at Canadian breastfeeding support group

Obviously, as journalists, we on The Advocate’s editorial staff are word people. Also, the movement we chronicle is well aware of the power of words. As an Advocate copy editor (read: enforcer of language rules) for the past 15 years, I’ve seen the language we use to describe ourselves and our movement evolve, and a look at our archives reveals even more changes.

Campus Pride Releases ‘Top 25 List of LGBT-Friendly Colleges & Universities’
Campus Pride today announced its 2012 “Top 25 List of LGBT-Friendly Colleges & Universities.”

[USA] [Commentary]
The American Psychiatric Association Issues Historic Position Statements on Trans Issues
On May 18, 2009, about 150 trans community members and allies gathered outside the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in San Francisco to protest diagnostic policies that psychopathologize gender diversity. Bull horn in hand, I and others called upon the APA leadership to issue three public position statements in support of the dignity and health of trans and gender variant people:

[USA] [Commentary]
Nikki Araguz Trans Marriage Update!
Here’s the long-awaited Nikki Araguz case update!

Petition To Repeal Salina Ordinance Change Delivered
A group of people opposed to a controversial ordinance change in Salina that protects gay, lesbian, and transgender citizens from discrimination delivered a petition Tuesday.
Petition "first step" against Salina anti-discrimination ordinance
Signed delivered
Petition to overturn LGBT amendment turned in
Salina's LGBT petition to have hundreds of signatures thrown out from the start

Springfield, Mo., city council considers LGBT-inclusive non-discrimination ordinance
An ordinance that would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the city’s non-discrimination ordinance generated three hours of vigorous public testimony in a public hearing August 13.

Party people at the Transfaith in Color Conference 2012
On Saturday, a woman in a black and lime tunic watched the hotel staff lay down flooring in an empty ballroom. It seems the floor is not big enough to hold even a small wedding reception, let alone the full-on dance party Charlene Archilla is describing in a soft voice. But for Archilla, 49, the space is more than enough room for Sweet-T: The Mini Ball, where she will don a red and white kimono and lip-synch to Whitney Houston's version of "I Will Always Love You," as the audience showers her in dollar bills and kisses.

En Bogotá prestarán servicios de salud diferenciados a minorías étnicas y de género
Luego de ejercer diez días como alcalde encargado de la ciudad, el secretario de Salud de Bogotá, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, volvió a su tradicional despacho para poner en marcha uno de los más ambiciosos planes de la administración del alcalde Gustavo Petro.

Fallo judicial a favor de transexual marca hito en Perú
Una larga batalla legal llegó a su final para Fiorella Cava, otrora cantante de rock, que al cabo de quince años logró que un tribunal la reconociera como mujer, un caso que rompe esquemas y desafía a la sociedad peruana, tradicionalmente conservadora y machista.
‘Él será ella a partir de hoy’, Fallo judicial a favor de transexual marca hito en Perú

Neuquén: una chica sorda y una transexual se postulan como reinas
La elección, a la que se postulan 80 participantes, se hace en el marco de los festejos por el aniversario de la ciudad. Para el INADI es una actitud contundente a favor de la igualdad.
Neuquén: por primera vez una mujer transexual será candidata a reina

quarta-feira, agosto 22, 2012

Travesti assassinado e polícia encontra faca entre as nádegas da vítima
O muito mau que existe no Brasil a nível de media tem aqui um bom exemplo.

Transexual Ariadna diz que não recebeu todo o valor prometido pela "Playboy"
A transexual e ex-BBB Ariadna está chateada com a revista Playboy, para a qual posou nua em uma edição especial de 2011, logo após deixar o Big Brother Brasil.

Ceará: ‘Minha conquista serve de exemplo’, diz 1ª travesti doutora do Brasil
Professora com título de doutora diz que educação combate o preconceito. Luma Andrade defendeu estudo de doutorado na Universidade Federal do Ceará.

Transexual guatemalteca será deportada de Dinamarca
Colectivos de minorías sexuales de Dinamarca han iniciado una campaña en el país europeo para conseguir que las autoridades danesas no deporten a una inmigrante transexual de Guatemala.
Fernanda, una mujer trans Guatemalteca, violada en un centro para solicitantes de asilo político en Dinamarca

EC makes it easy for first-time transgenders to vote
First-time transgender voters henceforth need not bother looking for a sponsor or beg their parents to sign the new registration form. A recent order of the Election Commission of India (ECI) has relaxed conditions with the addition of 'chela' (assistant) or guru (teacher) in the voter registration form.

We are humans too: Transgenders in Karnataka
The sexual minorities in the state want to send a message to the general public—they are humans, too. In a bid to do just that, Sangama, a human rights organisation that works with sexual minorities, will file a petition at the Karnataka high court seeking repeal of the Karnataka Police Act that empowers the state to keep a tab on transgenders in the state.

Transgenders demand welfare board
Fed up with continuous harassment and discrimination, transgender community has urged the Central government to form a welfare board for them. The board as envisaged will help them address the issues plaguing them at government level.

Toyota Uses Transgender Israeli Model to Show that the New 2013 Auris isn’t for Everyone
Something tells us that Toyota's TV spot for the freshly unveiled 2013 Auris compact hatchback won't be hitting the airwaves in a lot of countries outside of its home market of Japan any time soon.
Toyota Auris TVC features androgynous male model

[South Korea]
Meet Next Top Model's first trans hopeful in Korea
Choi Han-bit is the first transgender contestant to feature in the Korean television show

Transgender father says breastfeeding support group rules unfairly bar him from becoming a leader
A Winnipeg transgender father says his bid to become leader of a breastfeeding support group was rejected because a man cannot take the role under La Leche League Canada policy.
[Commentary] Breastfeeding Dad: A Controversial Issue

Transgender Americans: Are your voting rights in jeopardy?
New voter ID laws could prevent more than 25,000 transgender citizens from voting, according to the Williams Institute at UCLA. The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) has released “Voting While Trans” resources in order to educate trans voters on what they can do to successfully cast their ballots, particularly during what advocate Laverne Cox says is “a critical election season.”

American Psychiatric Association Calls for Improved Access to Transition Related Care
Even though transition-related medical procedures are medically necessary for many transgender and gender variant patients, they are often denied the care they need simply because of who they are. Today the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is calling for the elimination of barriers to access for transgender people.

Neither Man Nor Woman: Meet the Agender
"I didn’t really want nipples," Cory said, running a hand through a mop of bleached blond hair. Born female, 23-year-old Cory uses the pronoun co—and asked that we refer to co that way, too—and got elective surgery to remove co's breasts last year. But co is not transgender in the traditional sense, transitioning between female and male. Co wants neither gender. So co joined the ranks of the agender—or, in a more florid recent coinage, the gender neutrois.

Transgenders and New Voter ID Requirements
As many as 25,000 transgenders could be profoundly affected by the new voter ID laws in Pennsylvania, something which could prove to be especially problematic during Election Day this November.

terça-feira, agosto 21, 2012

Polícia prende homem acusado de atirar em quatro travestis em São José do Rio Preto
Na última sexta-feira (17), a polícia de São José do Rio Preto prendeu o homem acusado de matar duas travestis e deixar outras vítimas feridas.
PM prende suspeito de matar travestis no interior de SP

Travesti é encontrada morta com três tiros em rodovia de Piracicaba, SP
Uma travesti de 24 anos foi encontrada morta na madrugada desta sexta-feira (17), no quilômetro 43 da Rodovia Cornélio Pires (SP-127), que liga Piracicaba (SP) a Tietê (SP). Segundo a Polícia Civil, a vítima estava com marcas de três tiros: no peito, no rosto abaixo do nariz e uma de raspão na bochecha direita. O corpo estava no acostamento da estrada.
Travesti sósia de Britney é assassinada

Homossexual é assassinado covardemente a pauladas na cidade da esperança
Nesta terça feira, 14 de Agosto, o cidadão conhecido como Xuxete, Tcham, Glória Maria, Lázaro Ramos, oh pai ó, Thaynar, cinquenta centaRRo, Dandara entre outros nomes, foi BRUTALMENTE assassinado à pauladas no bairro Cidade da Esperança.

Feira de Santana: Travestí é morto com três tiros no centro comercial
Permanece sem identificação no Departamento de Polícia Técnica (DPT), o corpo de um travestí que foi morto com três tiros por volta das 5h da manhã deste domingo (12).

Sex change on NHS bid by axe attacker
CAPITAL axe attacker Peter Kirkwood, who has been caged in Scotland’s top psychiatric hospital for the past 28 years, is seeking a sex change on the NHS.

Police launch blitz against gays
The Gays and Lesbians’ Association of Zimbabwe (Galz) yesterday claimed that police had launched a massive manhunt for 44 of its members who were arrested in Harare a fortnight ago.
European Union Condemns Arrest of Gays in Zimbabwe
Amnesty International: Zimbabwe Halt police intimidation of LGBT activists

Man shocked after realising his lover is transsexual
For Punit Ram, a youth in a Chhattisgarh town, 'hybrid love' proved disastrous when he found his 'lady love' to be a transsexual, Muni, and was accused of ditching 'her'.

Thai uni allows trans grads to wear female gowns
Oxbridge of Thailand will allow five transgender students to graduate in female attire this year

[South Korea]
Trans Beauty Lights Up “Korea’s Next Top Model”
America’s Next Top Model kicks off its 19th cycle next Friday with an all-new set of judges after Nigel Barker, Jay Manuel and Miss J. Alexander were given the boot. But it’s an international version of the show—there have been more than two dozen to date—making waves right now: Season Three of Korea’s Next Top Model features among its cast of aspiring fashionistas Choi Han-bit, who is transgender.
Trans Beauty Lights Up “Korea’s Next Top Model”

La Leche League Canada rejects breastfeeding dad’s bid to become lactation coach
Trevor MacDonald, a slim man with short silky, dark brown hair, a radiant smile sandwiched between a wispy moustache and goatee, sits bare-chested in a leafy Toronto garden, his infant son sucking gently on his tiny left breast.

[OH, USA] [Commentary]
Another Young Transwoman Lost In Ohio
While I was in Charlotte for the just concluded TransFaith In Color Conference, heard about another young African-American transwoman who has been killed in the Cincinnati suburb of Walnut Hills, OH. .

Transgendered Carlsbad women adjusting to new lives
Change can be difficult, even if embraced.
Erin Preciado, 57, and Jessica Lighthall, 41, are transgendered. Preciado has had her sex reassignment surgery and Lighthall will be scheduling hers in the near future. The transition is costly and certain established protocols must be followed prior to sex reassignment surgery.

Golpeado y degollado encuentran a presunto homosexual
Bru­tal­men­te gol­pea­do, de­go­lla­do y ti­ra­do so­bre una ban­que­ta en ple­na vía pú­bli­ca, fue en­con­tra­do es­ta ma­dru­ga­da el ca­dá­ver de un su­pues­to ho­mo­se­xual.

Genera polémica el Festival Cultural de la Diversidad Sexual
El clero zacatecano teme que con la realización del Festival Cultural de la Diversidad Sexual se efectúen espectáculos grotescos e irreverentes. A continuación el comunicado emitido por la Diócesis de Zacatecas se reproduce textualmente:

Trans women to benefit from Peruvian scholarship program
Beca Trans will help 45 transgender women study a technical career or matriculate in universities throughout five Peruvian cities

segunda-feira, agosto 20, 2012

Finalista concurso da Gaiola posa ao lado de homens nus
A transexual paulista Viviany Beleboni tem tirado proveito dos seus cinco minutos de fama. Finalista do concurso que escolherá uma dançarina para Valesca Popozuda, a loira posou rodeada de homens nus para um ensaio da marca de sapatos Belíssima Fashion Shoes.

Victory for trans woman who was refused name change at bank
Rebecca Williams has received compensation after First Direct (a subsidiary of HSBC) refused to change the name on her account, which she was trying to do as she was a transitioning transgender woman.

Christine Burns, MBE: "I am proud to be a lesbian trans woman"
International health advisor Christine Burns MBE has shown her support for the Proud2Be project by making a video about why she is proud to be who she is.

[Ireland] [Commentary]
Column: ‘A little girl in rural Ireland’ – My experience growing up transgender
Warning: This story contains a graphic description of sexual assault which some readers may find disturbing.

Eid for every one, not for eunuchs
Purse tucked in hand, wigs or hair pieces perched on heads, wearing latest styled tailored clothes, pointed heels and flaunting full make up in the scorching heat, these fashion savvy ‘she males/eunuchs’ trot the crowded streets of Saddar in search of some money that the Eid shoppers could spare for them.

National Post donates money from transphobic ad
Remember the "Stop Corrupting Children" ad that ran in the National Post in September 2011 during the Ontario election campaign?

Transgender Education Network of Texas Congratulates APA in supporting equality in health access
Transgender Education Network of Texas congratulates the American Psychiatric Association for issuing statements today legitimizing equality in care for gender diverse individuals. "This is but a first step towards on but a long journey of recognizing the dignity and wholeness of individuals whose gender does not meet expected societal norms", said Katy Stewart, Chair of the Board of Directors of Transgender Education Network of Texas.
Transgender Persons Have Rights Too

Mandatory psychological testing for transgender Americans who want to be pilots is DROPPED after victory for one woman
Psychological testing for transgender wannabe pilots has been scrapped thanks to the campaigning of one woman.
Tamsyn Waterhouse, of San Francisco, California learned to fly as a child under her father’s supervision and gained her private pilot’s license in 2003 at the age of 23.
But when the 32-year-old attempted to get her medical certificate renewed after finishing grad school in 2009, the Federal Aviation Administration made it near-impossible for her.

Stabbing at Stockton Motel Sends Transvestite to Hospital
Stockton Police are searching for a man who stabbed a transvestite in a motel room.
This happened at the Stockton City Motel on South Wilson Way just before 9 o'clock Saturday. Police say a man who was dressed as a woman was stabbed in the stomach. The victim was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
The manager of the motel saw the whole thing. She told FOX40 a man knocked at the victim's door, then stabbed him when he answered. The manager says the victim goes by the name "Bianca" and has been staying at the motel for a while.
The suspect, a Hispanic adult male, left the scene on the red bicycle.

Student creates network to provide housing for transgender people
A new online resource for transgender students facing discrimination and homelessness came from an unlikely source: one USC student’s blog on Tumblr, a popular social media website.

Justice Story: How a botched bank job for sex-change loot inspired the classic 'Dog Day Afternoon'
The story of the 16-hour ordeal in Brooklyn in 1972 that inspired the Al Pacino movie a few years later.

domingo, agosto 19, 2012

[Greece] [Commentary]
25 trans women detained during large-scale police crackdown
Subject: Police detention of Transgender Individuals during ‘Xenios Zeus’ Operations

Trans é violada e vê pedido de asilo negado
Fernanda Milan, mulher transexual originária da Guatemala, que foi “acomodada” num centro de detenção de homens em Sandholm, onde foi violada várias vezes, à sua chegada à Dinamarca, encontra-se agora em vias de ser repatriada para a Guatemala.
Guatemalan trans woman says she was raped in mens’ wing of Danish asylum seekers camp

Moscow court rejects appeal, reaffirms 100-year ban on LGBT pride events
The Moscow City Court on Friday again confirmed its 100-year ban on all LGBT pride events in the Russian capital, and rejected an appeal by Nikolai Alekseyev, the leader of a Russian gay rights community and the organizer of previous gay pride events.

First transgender sports meet on Sept 8-9
For the first time in the country, a transgender national sports meet is going to be held in Chhattisgarh in an effort to ensure a platform for people of the third gender to move ahead in sports.

Transgenders seek acceptance
To sensitise the public on various problems sexual minorities face, a media consultation was organised on Friday. “Gender minorities such as transgenders are often harassed,” said Akkai Padmashali of Sangama. “They become victims of violence. They are discriminated against because of their gestures and voice. They have no access to public transport, voter ID or public restrooms.”

Jacksonville, Fla., Rejects Adding LGBT Protections to Anti-Discrimination Law
The largest city in Florida will not include protections of LGBT citizens from discrimination, including housing and jobs.
Florida city council denies protections for LGBTs

Second transgender female found murdered in Chicago’s ‘K-Town’
Police confirmed Friday that a body discovered in an abandoned building in a west side Chicago neighborhood known as K-Town was that of 19-year-old Donta Gooden, a transgender female.
[Commentary] Another Young Chicago Transwoman Killed

Why a West Michigan ministry director is calling for acceptance of transgender community
In the upcoming September issue of Friends Journal, a national Quaker publication, Scot Miller recounts how he came to love “a man with breasts.”

Alleged transgendered purse snatcher busted
A towering alleged transgendered purse snatcher is being held on charges that he stole an employee's purse at a trendy Upper West Side denim boutique -- and then had the nerve to carry it back into the store the next day.

Male Transvestite Prostitute Murdered in Walnut Hills
Shortly after 10:30 p.m. Saturday night, police were called to an area near East McMillan Street and Victory Parkway in Walnut Hills for a report of a shooting.

"People Think We're a Tranny Bar."
LGBT media outlet The Advocate picked up the story this week of a group of transgender women who were asked to never return to North Portland bar the P-Club.

COVER STORY: Making a transition in Cowtown
Seated in comfy chairs amid dim lights and the scent of cocoa beans at a small coffee shop, a small group shares intimate stories about growing up and being transgender.

‘It is not open to debate’
Bermuda was told in no uncertain terms yesterday afternoon that the human rights of people who are gay, transgender or bisexual are non-negotiable.

sábado, agosto 18, 2012

Assassinatos de travestis causam insegurança no interior de São Paulo
O assassinato de dois travestis em Rio Preto (SP) tem preocupado a população da cidade. Eles foram mortos por um motociclista que atirou nas vítimas.

RS começa a emitir documento social para travestis e transexuais
Cerca de 20 travestis e transexuais compareceram ao Instituto Geral de Perícias (IGP), em Porto Alegre, nesta quinta-feira, para tirar a Carteira de Nome Social (CNS). O documento visa acabar com constrangimentos sofridos por transexuais e travestis por terem nome diferente do que consta na carteira de identidade convencional. O Rio Grande do Sul é o primeiro Estado brasileiro a adotar a medida, emitindo o documento através de um órgão oficial.

Travesti é encontrada morta com três tiros em rodovia de Piracicaba, SP
Segundo Polícia Civil, corpo foi encontrado após denúncia anônima via 190.
Caso é investigado pela Delegacia de Investigações Gerais do município.
Uma travesti de 24 anos foi encontrada morta na madrugada desta sexta-feira (17), no quilômetro 43 da Rodovia Cornélio Pires (SP-127), que liga Piracicaba (SP) a Tietê (SP). Segundo a Polícia Civil, a vítima estava com marcas de três tiros: no peito, no rosto abaixo do nariz e uma de raspão na bochecha direita. O corpo estava no acostamento da estrada.

Estilista Alexandre Linhares aposta em transexual como modelo da grife Heroina
Transexual Maite Schneidr é aposta de grife em exposição com Ronaldo Fraga, Marina Silva e Melk Z-da

Program Online for 4th European Transgender Council
The program for the 4th European Transgender Council is up!

Police detention of Transgender Individuals during ‘Xenios Zeus’ Operations
The Greek Transgender Support Association, a recognized ngo for the support of the rights of the trans community in Greece, is hereby strongly condemning the massive police detention of twenty five (25) trans women on Thursday, August 9th, during the crackdown police operation “Xenios Zeus”.

Campaign launched to save Guatemalan transwoman from deportation
Fernanda Milan, who was placed in a male accommodation center and raped ‘many’ times when she first arrived in Denmark, is due to be deported back to Guatamala

Uganda to clamp Internet after gay-rights hacking
Uganda vowed to tighten its Internet security after government websites were hacked earlier this week. A proposed bill that calls for the death penalty for those caught in homosexual acts has sparked outrage.

Mutoko Blasts Homosexuality, Racism in New Album
Zimbabwean gospel musician John Mutoko has taken his gospel music to another level by denouncing homosexuality, racism and sex changes which he witnessed during his stay in the United Kingdom.

'Drag Queen' Barbie Is Basically Just Barbie
Mattel's apparently gender-bending Blond Diamond Barbie, designed by glitzy New York duo The Blonds, might be based on a drag queen, but it looks pretty similar to classic Barbie. Mattel isn't explicitly marketing it as a drag queen doll, but some are calling the new figure 'Drag Queen' Barbie because of its striking resemblance to Phillipe Blond. The connection seems pretty obvious:

"Danger Lies in Isolation": Trans Men Fight Adult Depression with "Talk About It" Campaign
In an effort to address depression, anxiety, and suicide within the adult queer community, the editors of Original Plumbing magazine have launched the Talk About It campaign.

Activists Demand More Support in D.C.
D.C.’s transgender community is demanding to be heard and respected in the wake of a string of recent violent crimes.

Jacksonville Fails Its LGBT Citizens, Rejects Work Protections
The City Council of Jacksonville, Fla. on Wednesday rejected an ordinance that would have protected people from being fired for being gay or transgender.
Jacksonville Rejects LGBT Workplace Protections Bill
Jacksonville supporters of human rights bill press councilman to reconsider his vote
Many see defeat of expanding Jacksonville's human rights ordinance a victory

No Chicago schools make top 10 most trans-friendly
Campus Pride, an organization for LGBT student leaders and campus groups, has released its first list of the U.S. colleges and universities that are the most friendly to transgender students. The top 10 list includes schools like Princeton University and NYU, but no Illinois or Chicago colleges made the upper tier.

Trans Teen Murdered in Chicago
A gender variant teen has been murdered in Chicago a mere three blocks from where Paige Clay, another trans women, was found murdered in April.
Trans teen stabbed to death in Chicago

Lincoln, Neb., LGBT ‘fairness ordinance’ unlikely to appear on ballot
A proposed ordinance which would prohibit discrimination against LGBT people in the areas of employment, housing and public accommodations in Lincoln, Neb., will likely not appear on the November ballot.
'Fairness amendment' will not be on November ballot
Future of 'fairness amendment' uncertain

Bike maven Kate Freitag is ready to roll -- into transgender surgery to be reborn as a woman
Freitag, fleet operations manager for Bike and Roll, knew from childhood 'that my birth gender was not consistent with what I believe.'

Voter-ID law upheld
A judge this week upheld Pennsylvania’s new voter-identification law, which critics say could make it harder for low-income, elderly and transgender voters to head to the polls.

New student code to address transgender concerns
The School Reform Commission unanimously approved the revised Code of Student Conduct on Thursday night but added a resolution on language regarding nonconforming gender identities to be included under the dress-code/uniform policy.

Activista trans obtiene credencial para votar
En un rectángulo de ocho por cinco centímetros está concentrado el esfuerzo de Miranda Salman por el reconocimiento legal de su identidad como mujer transexual.

Public rally today on equal rights for gays
A rally in support of equal rights for gay people today is expected to attract up to 100 people.

[Colombia] [Opinion]
La ciudad transexual
Cartagena es una de esas ciudades en las que es muy fácil identificar lógicas en la que se establecen ciudadanos de primera, de segunda y de tercera categoría. Como si unos tuviesen más derechos que otros, como si mientras unos viven de lucrativos negocios que ocupan el espacio público, otros tienen que esconder su humanidad, porque se les prohíbe deambular por la misma calle que se merecen.

Proyecto de ley para la inserción laboral de trans
El diputado provincial Eduardo Toniolli conversó hoy sobre el proyecto de ley que propone “la inserción y la participación en la vida social, económica, política y cultural de personas travestis, transexuales y transgénero, y alienta su contratación y empleo en organismos públicos y/o privados”.

La FALGBT y ATTTA repudian requisitos discriminatorios para ingreso a policía cordobesa
Según la reglamentación de la ley policial 9.728, sancionada en Córdoba en 2010, se han endurecido los requisitos para el ingreso de aspirantes a integrar la fuerza. Los mismos establecen pautas discriminatorias hacia diversos colectivos, especialmente hacia personas trans, inadmisibles en un país que ha legislado la igualdad de oportunidades y trato recientemente.