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quinta-feira, janeiro 31, 2013

10 º Ciclo de Cinema LGBT - evento organizado pela rede ex aequo - associação de jovens lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transgéneros e simpatizantes.

O objetivo primordial deste evento é o de sensibilizar os jovens portugueses em geral para questões relacionadas com a homossexualidade, bissexualidade e transgenerismo, especialmente no que diz respeito à fase do "assumir-se para si própri@" pois, como sabemos, o período desta consciencialização e aceitação de si próprio é especial, delicado e por vezes difícil na vida da maioria dos jovens LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgéneros), ainda incompreendidos e vítimas de preconceito e discriminação.

Assim, através dos vários filmes exibidos, jovens LGBT ou com dúvidas, poderão contactar com histórias ligadas à questão da orientação sexual e/ou identidade de género e refletir acerca de temas pertinentes e inerentes à sua realidade, num ambiente de convívio.

Serão apresentadas 6 sessões de filmes de temática LGBT nos dias 1, 2 e 3 de fevereiro, durante o período da tarde e noite, com vista a possibilitar uma maior flexibilidade no horário da projeção de filmes. O ciclo irá realizar-se na Sede do CNJ (Conselho Nacional da Juventude).

Sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013, 18h30
XXY (2007)

Género: Drama
Temática: Intersexual
País: Argentina, Espanha, França / Lucía Puenzo / 86 mins / Idioma: Espanhol / Legendado em português

Sinopse: “XXY” conta a história de Alex, uma adolescente hermafrodita de 15 anos. Alex mora com os seus pais num vilarejo no Uruguai, para onde eles, argentinos de Buenos Aires, resolveram mudar-se após saber da “condição” da sua filha. O pai de Alex decide, no momento do nascimento da menina, que ela será soberana em suas decisões. Por isso, prefere não submetê-la a qualquer tipo de cirurgia. Criada como menina, ao chegar aos 15 anos ela começa a sabotar o tratamento (hormonal e homeopático) a que se submete. Confusa entre dois géneros e entre identidades e orientações sexuais, questiona a real necessidade de ter de optar. E se não quiser escolher nada? E se quiser apenas ser o que é?

Trans woman was placed in men’s holding cells
The police force’s practice of holding trans women in men’s holding cells on the rationale they “only want to be women but are men” has prompted a non-governmental organisation to file a complaint on the grounds of discrimination.

'Getting worse': Egypt's gays fear government crackdown
Maha remembers going to Tahrir Square on Jan. 25, 2011. The 27-year-old office worker only wanted to look around the Cairo intersection filled with thousands of protesters. But seeing Egypt's revolution unfold before her, she left to get friends and quickly returned. Without planning to, Maha became one of the highly visible gay men and women who took to the streets shouting for change.

Cape Breton gets its first transgender support group
Transgender people in Cape Breton now have a place to get emotional and practical support.

LGBTI advocates front anti-discrimination hearings
A public hearing in Sydney yesterday into the Federal Government’s proposed new anti-discrimination laws heard that it was of utmost importance to provide specific legal protections for intersex people as well as remove or significantly tighten exemptions allowed for religious organisations.

Florida police: Man posing as doctor gave silicone injections, sealed with Krazy Glue
A Florida man is facing charges of unlicensed practice of health care causing serious bodily harm after he injected silicone into at least two patients' buttocks at a motel room, according to a Palm Beach Sheriff's Office arrest report obtained Wednesday.
Shocking transformation of unlicensed transvestite who 'injected silicone into patients' buttocks in motel room and closed the wounds with Krazy Glue'

Ketchum becomes third Idaho city to pass LGBT non-discrimination ordinance
LGBT folks who live, work and play in the south-central Idaho town of Ketchum will soon be included in a city wide non-discrimination policy.

Oregon First to Cover Trans Youth Under Medicaid
Beginning October 1, 2014, Oregon will become the first state in the nation to offer medically necessary transition-related care to transgender youth covered under Medicaid.
Oregon Health Plan to cover medical care for trans youth

Líder de derechos de la comunidad gay vive en condiciones infrahumanas
La transexual Christina Hayworth, una de las pioneras en la lucha por los derechos de la comunidad gay en Puerto Rico, vive enferma y en condiciones infrahumanas en un edificio abandonado en San Juan, denunció esta mañana el reverendo Jorge Raschke, quien en el pasado llevó grandes batallas contra sus posturas.
Christina Hayworth vive en condiciones infrahumanas
Activistas LGBTT buscan cuidar de Hayworth y truenan contra Raschke
Luz al final del túnel para Cristina Hayworth
Trasladan a Christina Hayworth a albergue en San Juan
Transexual Cristina Hayworth es llevada a un albergue
Activista Cristina Hayworth dormirá bajo techo seguro
Comunidad LGBTT se solidariza con Cristina Hayworth

5 arrested in Milwaukee in case of missing transgender rapper
Milwaukee police have now arrested five people in connection with the disappearance of transgender rapper Evon “Yung LT” Young, who was reported missing on New Year’s Day and is believed dead.
3 charged in slaying of transgender rapper
Missing transgender rapper is apparent victim of Milwaukee gang homicide
Transgendered rapper's mother speaks out about his murder

Emotional send-off for dead homosexual, no one charged …should not have been buried in male attire says interest group rep
It was an emotional scene yesterday as the body of 19-year-old commercial sex worker Wesley Holder, also known as “Tiffany”, was open for viewing at the Sandy’s Funeral Home in Georgetown.

El proceso hacia una Ley de Identidad de Género para Chile
El año 2011, al reencenderse el debate por la Ley Antidiscriminación, OTD estuvo presente, primero haciendo lobby para lograr incluir la identidad de género como categoría sospechosa de discriminación, y luego para incluirla en las agravantes penales que estipulaba la ley, toda vez que no había sido considerada en el proyecto desde un principio.

Detienen a cuarto involucrado en homicidio de transexual en Curacaví
La Brigada de Homicidios de la PDI detuvo al cuarto involucrado en el crimen del Nelson Gregorio Moya Silva (35), ocurrido en julio del 2001, en una parcela de Curacaví del camino a Valparaíso.
Prófugo por crimen de transexual fue detenido tras 10 años en fuga

Interview: Chile’s first transgender congressional candidate
The center-right primary candidate explains her ambitions for the trans community and Chile’s 19th District.
RN aceptó precandidatura a diputada de historiadora transexual

terça-feira, janeiro 29, 2013

Campanha alerta que discriminação contra travestis e transexuais pode levar ao fechamento de empresas
Travestis e transexuais podem processar empresas ou pessoas que as tenham deixadas em situação constrangedora ou humilhante, em atos que configurem transfobia. Quem discrimina desrespeita o direito de igualdade previsto na Constituição Brasileira.
SP: Travestis e transexuais discutem o mercado de trabalho em Piracicaba

Cartão SUS terá nome social de travestis e transexuais
As travestis e transexuais agora poderão ter o nome social no cartão SUS. A conquista foi anunciada pelo secretário de Gestão Estratégica e Participativa do Ministério da Saúde, Luiz Odorico, em reunião com lideranças transgêneros no Ministério da Saúde, na segunda-feira, 28.

"Uma vagina não traz felicidade a ninguém": Lea T fala sobre mudança de sexo ao Fantástico
A modelo Lea T foi a entrevistada especial da edição desse último domingo (27) do Fantástico. Em entrevista à jornalista Renata Ceribelli, Lea falou pela primeira vez na televisão sobre a cirurgia de readequação sexual a qual se submeteu em março do ano passado.

DF tem comemoração ao Dia da Visibilidade Trans com ministro e shows
Em comemoração ao Dia da Visibilidade Trans, que é celebrado na terça-feira, 29, o ministro da Saúde, Alexandre Padilha, receberá 15 lideranças do movimento de travestis e transexuais na próxima segunda, 28, na sede do Ministério da Saúde. O encontro será às 10h30, no Auditório Emilio Ribas.

Lea T é uma das novas garotas-propaganda da Benetton
Brasileira é definida como 'uma das atuais favoritas na indústria da moda'.
Estrelas de campanha se destacam por 'compromisso social', diz empresa.

Com poesia, fonoaudióloga ensina travestis e transexuais a modular voz
Denise Mallet ajuda grupo alterar a fala sem comprometer as cordas vocais.

800 Complaints to the PCC, the Observer's Transgender Column 'Should Not Have Been Published'
A controversial column on transgender people that ran in The Observer and was later removed from its website has led to an apology from the newspaper, a protest, hundreds of readers' complaints and now a Press Complaints Commission investigation.

TV ads offended transgender community, rules Irish watchdog
Complaints in Ireland against the mobile phone company Meteor by a transgender group have been upheld by the country's advertising watchdog, reports the Irish Times.
Complaint over Meteor ad upheld

A deliberation on giving the freedom to children to express their gender identity, in Vizion Plus
This and other sensible and difficult issues to be understood about the LGBT community, because of the lack of information, were part of the discussion in the “Ora 5pm” in Vizion Plus, today in the afternoon.

Lithuania politician seeks to legalize a ban on ‘gay propaganda’
A Lithuanian MP aims to introduce a ban prohibiting ‘homosexual propaganda’ in Lithuania this spring

WATCH: NCTE’s Mara Keisling on Obama’s LGBT Agenda
NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling and Advocate Magazine Editor-in-Chief Matt Breen joined the Melissa Harris-Perry show this past Sunday to discuss what’s next on the LGBT agenda in President Obama’s second term.

Read This 11-Year-Old Trans Girl's Response to Obama's Inaugural Speech
The President's inclusion of gay and lesbian American in his inaugural speech on Monday prompted an 11-year-old transgender girl in Arizona to write an essay about inclusion.
Sadie, 11-Year-Old Transgender Girl, Writes Essay In Response To Obama's Inauguration Speech
Menina de 11 anos escreve carta a Barack Obama: "Somos iguais a toda a gente"

Transgender activist Rebecca Kling helps educate MSU community with visit
Some MSU students reconsidered gender and personal identity in art Tuesday by attending a workshop hosted by transgender activist and performer Rebecca Kling.
With an extensive educational background in theater and performing arts, Kling was able to use her education to develop her identity, and when she visited MSU to run the workshop and perform for students, she encouraged her audience to do the same.

Sharing the Stories of LGBT Youth: Jaydee, 16, From Bellevue, Neb.
I switched schools because of bullying. There was a lot of harassment and people calling me a lot of names: "fag," "dyke," "tranny." Nobody would do much about it, even my principal. I was like, "Screw this. I might as well go to a different school."

Waco city committee to vote on LGBT protections proposed by Baylor student
After Susan Duty realized LGBT workers in Texas could legally be discriminated against in employment because of who they are, she started looking into what she could do locally in Waco.

Parkland adds trans protections
Parkland Hospital’s Board of Managers voted unanimously to add gender identity to its Equal Employment Opportunity and harassment policies Tuesday morning.
The vote by the full board came after the Human Resources Committee approved the wording at its Jan. 16 meeting. The wording provides protections for gender identity and expression, as well as genetic information for employees and patients.
Parkland Memorial Hospital expands equal employment opportunities to transgender employees

Anti-discrimination bill advances in Va. Senate
A Virginia Senate subcommittee on Monday narrowly approved a bill that would ban discrimination against LGBT employees.
Nondiscrimination bill passes committee, will get floor vote in Va. Senate

domingo, janeiro 27, 2013

No sex change without sterilization
In the very civil EU, compulsory transgender sterilization is still wide-spread today. It is a practice that some States impose on individuals who decide to change sex, obliging them to undergo surgery that prevents them from procreating.

Rio celebra transexuais
Prefeitura do Rio realiza seminario para cidadaos e cidadas transexuais.

Dia da Visibilidade Trans terá comemorações no DF
Em comemoração ao Dia da Visibilidade Trans, que é celebrado na terça-feira, 29, o ministro da Saúde, Alexandre Padilha, receberá 15 lideranças do movimento de travestis e transexuais na próxima segunda, 28, na sede do Ministério da Saúde. O encontro será às 10h30, no Auditório Emilio Ribas.

Travesti assassinado na praia de Piedade
Vítima, que não portava documentos, foi morta com golpes de garrafa e pedras
Um homem foi encontrado morto na beira-mar de Piedade, em Jaboatão dos Guararapes, na manhã desta quinta-feira (24). Sem documentos de identificação, a vítima, que aparentava ter cerca de 35 anos e seria travesti, foi morta nas proximidades do edifício Quilombo, com pedradas e golpes feitos com o gargalo de uma garrafa quebrada.

Travesti é achado morto em terreno baldio em Camapuã
Na manhã desta quarta-feira (23), através de contato pelo 190, a polícia militar de Camapuã recebeu informações de que havia o corpo de uma pessoa em terreno baldio, próximo a uma cerca, próximo a um quebra molas na avenida Manoel Alves Rodrigues, na saída de Camapuã para Paraíso das Águas.

Lea T. será embaixadora da Benetton em nova campanha
Uma das modelos brasileiras mais reconhecidas no exterior, Lea T. será embaixadora da Benetton na coleção primavera-verão 2013 da marca.
Segundo a agência de notícias “Efe”, Lea, que é transexual, foi escolhida por representar a luta contra o preconceito.

Video: Trans community speak of their hurt at Julie Burchill’s Observer article
Equality charity Scottish Transgender Alliance (STA) is promoting a YouTube video that shows personal individual responses to a transphobic article published in the Observer this month.

Le papa se fait opérer et devient… maman
Le personnel de la maternité de la clinique Notre-Dame à Tournai n’a jamais connu un tel cas. Le cas, il est vrai, est atypique. C’est l’histoire d’un tout jeune couple de Tournaisiens. Lui est âgé de 21 ans, elle d’à peine 19 ans. Ce week-end, ils sont devenus les parents d’un petit garçon.

La carte des transidentités
D'homonormativité à Arya Stark, les entrées de cette «Transyclopédie» retracent et expliquent les différents courants de la transidentité. Touffu.

LGBT citizenship advances in Nepal
Nepal has moved to grant citizenship to sexual and gender minorities, government officials say.
Nepal introduces gender neutral citizenship documents
Third gender to be issued citizenship

Still on the fringe: As elections draw closer, (trans)gender equality is nowhere in sight
The transgender people of Karachi are in a limbo as they haven’t been issued new CNICs in which they would be listed as a third gender. In November 2011, the Supreme Court had ordered the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to enlist them as a part of the voters list and had asked the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) to expedite the process of issuing news CNICs so that there would be no hiccups.

'LGBT is a social illness,' says Malaysian deputy education minister
Malaysia's deputy education minister has told parents 'intervention' can help lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children 'return to the right path'.

En plena ola de frío, transexuales de Canadá fueron rechazados en refugios
Montreal, en Canadá, está sufriendo estos días una brutal ola de frío que ha situado la temperaturas en -30 grados. Por ello, los refugios para mujeres sin hogar están a pleno rendimiento… pero no para todo el mundo, porque varias transexuales han sido rechazadas.

Read This 11-Year-Old Trans Girl's Response to Obama's Inaugural Speech
The President's inclusion of gay and lesbian American in his inaugural speech on Monday prompted an 11-year-old transgender girl in Arizona to write an essay about inclusion.
In response to President Obama's inaugural address — the first in the nation's history to expressly mention gay and lesbian Americans — an 11-year-old transgender girl in Arizona wondered why the president didn't also mention trans folk.

First transgender congressional candidate in Chile
Valentina Verbal wants to represent center-right party RN in congress
South America could have its first transgender legislator if Valentina Verbal wins a seat in congress in next November's election.
Interview: Chile’s first transgender congressional candidate

quarta-feira, janeiro 23, 2013

Voices from the trans community: 'There will always be prejudice'
It's more than 50 years since the UK's first trans person was outed in the press. So how do members of the community think life has changed for them since?

Burly ex-squaddie: Why I longed to become a woman
Dad-of-two Kevin Jackson already dresses his broad frame in women’s clothing, wears a blonde wig, and has changed his name by deed poll to Kristeen Anne Chealsy.

Russia plans to outlaw ‘homosexual propaganda’ nationwide
Legislation that will go to an initial vote in the Russian Parliament later this month could make spreading “homosexual propaganda” a crime punishable by a fine of up to $16,000 across all of Russia.

Nepal to issue citizenship certificates to third gender, rights activists hail decision
An official says Nepal’s government has ordered issuance of citizenship certificates with the label third gender for people who do not wish to be identified as male or female.

Thai trans group complain to IKEA about ad
Thai Transgender Alliance demand response from IKEA Global on 'negative and stereotypical' advert

Trans woman assaulted at New West SkyTrain
Vancouver’s transit police force is investigating an alleged assault on a transgender woman at the New Westminster SkyTrain station, Jan 8.
Dita Brown says a man pushed her and threw hot coffee on her in the station’s lower mall.

Chicago: Transgender man prevented from using men’s shower room at spa
A transgender man has filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights after the manager of a spa near Chicago asked him not to use the men’s shower room.

Meet the 2013 Sundance Filmmakers #46: Marta Cunningham Explores a Complicated Killing in 'Valentine Road'
Autodidact filmmaker Marta Cunningham has made a stunning multi-faceted film about a very high-profile and gruesome killing: the point-blank range school shooting of Larry King, a young student exploring his gender identity in a California mega-suburb, by his classmate. The film, a part of Sundance's U.S. Documentary Competition, will be released later this year on HBO.

Bill protecting Virginia LGBT state employees moves to Senate floor
A bill that would extend protections to Virgina state employees on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, was moved out of committee on Monday and will be scheduled for a vote in the state Senate.

Ongs de Apoyo a la Diversidad Sexual exigen justicia en el caso de travesti asesinado
La Fundación Venezolana de Apoyo a la Diversidad Sexual (Fuvadis), en Maracaibo, repudió el reciente homicidio de un travesti y ataque que fue objeto otro de ellos, el pasado fin de semana, en menos de 24 horas. Al mismo tiempo, exigió a las autoridades a esclarecer el caso y capturar a los culpables.

Después de 11 años la PDI detuvo al presunto asesino de un transexual en Santiago
Carlos Rodríguez habría matado a Claudia Moya Silva en julio de 2001, en el sector de Cuesta Barriga, en la Ruta 68. El Movilh celebró la captura, señalando que "marca un hito en los procesos policiales en torno a estos casos".

Cambio de sexo en Córdoba: las primeras cirugías fueron programadas para febrero
Se realizarán en el Hospital Nacional de Clínicas. Son dos personas que solicitaron el cambio de género masculino al femenino. Se trata de intervenciones inéditas en la provincia.

terça-feira, janeiro 22, 2013

Gender Identity in the Portuguese Criminal Code
The Portuguese Parliament approved a revision of the Criminal Code which finally enshrines "gender identity" as a category of discrimination that requires attention by the law.
Portugal passes trans hate crime law

Escola de Samba inaugura banheiro GLS em quadra de Manaus
A escola de samba Grande Família, com maior torcida no carnaval de Manaus, inova ao criar banheiro exclusivo para o público GLS em sua quadra.

‘I’ve been fighting for a human right for seven years’
Every weekend, when Joanne Cassar gets ready to go out with her friends, she prepares herself to be stared at, insulted and pushed around by complete strangers.
In the past the 31-year-old, who underwent gender reassignment surgery nine years ago, has even been beaten up because of who she is. The latest violent episode was three years ago when she was at a carnival party in Gozo.

Russia moves to enact anti-gay law to protect minors from Western ‘homosexual propaganda’
Kissing his boyfriend during a protest in front of Russia’s parliament earned Pavel Samburov 30 hours of detention and the equivalent of a $16 fine on a charge of “hooliganism.” But if a bill that comes up for a first vote later this month becomes law, such a public kiss could be defined as illegal “homosexual propaganda” and bring a fine of up to $16,000.

Intersex councillor issues intervention against stalker
Former Hobsons Bay Mayor Tony Briffa has had a court intervention order issued against a person who has been "harassing and stalking" the local politican for the last 18 months.

Growing anger over religious exemptions
As a Senate committee prepares to hold public hearings in Sydney this week on Labor's draft national anti-discrimination laws, there’s growing outrage within the LGBTI community and elsewhere over the wide-ranging exemptions offered to religious bodies and other groups that will allow them to continue to legally discriminate against people on several grounds including sexual orientation and gender identity.
Intersex concerns over Australia's Anti-Discrimination Bill
Proposed law leaves intersex 'vulnerable'

Get Up! Australia launches Anti Discrimination Bill campaign
Australian human rights advocates launch campaign to protect LGBTQI rights in forthcoming Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill

Jazz, Transgender Eleven-Year-Old, Says She Wants To Help Other Kids
Jazz, an 11-year-old transgender girl, says she want to help other transgender kids.
In an ABC profile aired this weekend, Barbara Walters looked at how puberty affected Jazz's quest to live as a girl.

EMU alum shares transgender journey
“She stands in the quiet darkness, this troubled woman bowed by weariness and pain like an autumn flower in the frozen rain, like a wind-blown autumn flower that never lifts its head again.”

Asesinado travesti y su pareja al oeste de Maracaibo
Aproximadamente a las 10 de la noche de este viernes ingresaron al Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo dun travesti y su presunta pareja con impactos de bala en la cabeza y en el tórax.

Más que regalo, un derecho
Algunos medios informaron que en Rosario la Municipalidad comenzó a “regalar” hormonas. La Falgbt y las autoridades aseguraron que desde 2007 se ofrecen tratamientos hormonales, tal como lo prescribe la Ley 26.743.

segunda-feira, janeiro 21, 2013

Sex-Swap Lag's Wedding Chop
A double killer who had a sex swap has called off a second “wedding” ­behind bars after a fling with the jail’s Mrs Mop.

'It was a do or die situation' - The story of a Maltese transgender woman
Rebecca* looks at me calmly, ready to tell her story. I’m the one who’s slightly nervous since I know I’ll be stepping on personal territory in this interview. I’ll be bringing back her past of which I’m sure she would rather let it stay where it is. Yet there is no hesitation in her voice, no awkward pauses here and there and this is because she is a strong woman. A brave woman who is happy, loves life and isn’t shy about opening up to me. A woman who was born a man. A woman who underwent a life-changing experience in order to live. This is her story.

Israel celebrates its first public transgender wedding
The couple, blonde beauty Chen Arizona and her husband, whose identity was not revealed, were cheered by Israeli celebrities, friends and family.
A transgender wedding, for the first time in Israel

Maharashtra: Transgenders' issues figure in proposed women's policy
For the first time, issues concerning transgenders are being discussed in the ongoing deliberations for the proposed Women's policy in Maharashtra.

Solanin Creator Inio Asano Reveals Desire for Sex Change
Columnist Gō Yoshida published his second interview with manga creator Inio Asano in the March issue of Core Magazine's BREAK Max on Friday. The interview revealed that Asano wishes to undergo a sex change.

The Need for Inclusive Health Care for Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Latin@s
At its core, the reproductive health and justice movements are about bodily autonomy for all, and particularly those whose gender is marginalized. Though this movement has traditionally been about women’s control over their own bodies, we recognize now that this is not enough. As people whose genders have been marginalized, not just cisgender women, but transgender and gender non-conforming people too are consistently and systemically denied full bodily autonomy.

Cecilia Chung joins the Transgender Law Center team as a Senior Strategist
San Francisco Health Commissioner, Cecilia Chung, is a nationally recognized civil rights leader who advocates for HIV/AIDS awareness and care, LGBT equality, and social justice.

D.C. Court Orders Suspect in Transgender Stabbing To Undergo Mental Observation
Victim's father announces Feb. 2 gathering to honor Deoni Jones

TransLife Center renewing Chicago House, changing trans lives
Until a few years ago, Chicago House knew when its mission would be complete, when it could close up shop.
"There at the beginning. Here until the cure," was the HIV service agency's tagline for decades

domingo, janeiro 20, 2013

Dupla mata travesti, troca tiros com a BM e foge em Viamão
Carona de moto foi baleado, mas até agora, ninguém foi preso
Um travesti foi morto a tiros, na tarde desta quinta-feira, no bairro Estância Grande, às margens da ERS-118, em Viamão. Dois homens em uma motocicleta passaram pelo local e atiraram em Valtermir Carrico da Silva, de 32 anos. Uma guarnição da Brigada Militar que vinha no sentido contrário da rodovia presenciou o crime e tentou abordar a dupla.
Travesti morre na frente da polícia e bandidos escapam

[UK] [Commentary]
When Brazilian Trans Women Are Being Murdered, That IS An Insulting Comment
"We are angry with ourselves for not being happier, not being loved properly and not having the ideal body shape – that of a Brazilian transsexual." Suzanne Moore
That was the line that started the whole international kerfluffle. While Moore's piece was originally about sexism and the things that make pwomen angry, what made transwomen angry was the 'Brazilian transsexuals' line.
Protest outside newspaper’s office – Observer’s editor apologises for transgender column
London: Protesters demonstrate outside Guardian offices over transphobic Burchill article
Transgender People Picketed The Observer Offices
Press Complaints Commission to investigate Julie Burchill’s transphobic article
Press Complaints Commission launches inquiry into Burchill’s anti-trans column
Trans Brits demand to be freed from a hate-filled media
Observer’s readers’ editor says ‘it was wrong’ to publish transphobic slurs

[Commentary] The Unholy Trinity
[Commentary] The Limits of Free Speech
[Commentary] Julie Burchill and the Observer
[Commentary] Feminism shouldn't be about telling trans women they're not female enough

It’s going to be Mr, Mrs or ‘Mx’ in Brighton as city goes trans friendly
Brighton, on the south coast of England, is to reflect its high transgender population with a new honorific, ‘Mx’, as an alternative to male or female

Transvestite cleared of rape
A transvestite has been cleared of raping a transsexual at her Worcester flat after a "girlie night out" in a city pub.

‘I feel a lot happier in female clothes’
A former Territorial Army soldier from Sheffield has spoken out bravely about his life-changing decision to become a woman with sex reassignment surgery.
Dad-of-two Kevin Jackson already dresses his broad six foot frame in women’s clothing, wears a blonde wig, and has changed his name by deed poll to KristeenAnne Chealsy.

Former Mr? Only organisers need to know
A man who has undergone a sex change and is legally recognised as a woman can have a shot at becoming the next Miss Universe Singapore.
But the new rules mean a transgender contestant would not have to disclose her status to anyone except the organisers, said the company that organises the local pageant, Derrol Stepenny Promotions.

Scientists find 'potential cure' for AIDS
Australian researchers have created a modified protein that protects human cells from the immune deficiency virus

Why Feminism Can't Afford To Ignore Transgender Women
“I often feel failed by feminism,” says a trans activist. It's about autonomy.

Victory For Transgender Privacy: TSA Abandons ‘Nude’ Body Scanners
In what is an important victory for the transgender community, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration has announced it will remove all body scanners that show nearly nude images from airports.
Naked Body Scanners Being Moved Out of Major Airports

Transgender man will be ordained in Minneapolis
He will then start the state's first North American Old Catholic Church congregation.
Minn. Catholic Archdiocese Distances Itself from Transgender Priest

Lewiston, Twin Falls, Id. ban sexual identity discrimination
Twin Falls and Lewiston are the latest cities in Idaho to take steps to prohibit discrimination for hiring of city jobs based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Judge orders reports in Kosilek case
A federal judge, frustrated by foot-dragging in the state’s search for a surgeon to perform a sex-change operation on an inmate convicted of killing his wife, is demanding Corrections chief Luis Spencer sign monthly reports 
under oath describing his staff’s preparations for the surgery.
Judge calls for prison chief to swear to progress in search for Kosilek's surgeon
Federal judge presses state prison boss to prepare for possible Kosilek sex change surgery

Transforming healthcare
LGBT advocates in Dallas, Fort Worth push for cities to provide comprehensive insurance coverage to transgender employees

sábado, janeiro 19, 2013

Jornal afirma que Musa da Mangueira é transexual
A argentina Maria Caren Paz, de 31 anos, representa a Escola de Samba Mangueira no concurso Musa do Carnaval Carioca, do programa Caldeirão do Huck.
(Foto: Maria Caren Paz ao lado do presidente da Mangueira, Ivo Meirelles)
Diversidade! Jornal afirma que Musa da Mangueira é transexual

Jury still out on transsexual rape trial
A JURY has yet to reach a verdict in the trial of a self-confessed transvestite accused of raping a transsexual he had met during a night-out at a Worcester pub.

Suzanne Moore: transsexual wrath has been 'insane'
The great transsexual slur saga will not be allowed to die quickly, it seems. Columnist Suzanne Moore has grabbed the limelight back from Julie Burchill in an attempt to have the last word on the subject.
Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore attacks PinkNews
Transgender rights protest at Guardian and Observer offices over Burchill row
'Observer', 'Guardian' offices subject of transgender rights protest
PCC to investigate Julie Burchill column
Over 150 attend vigil against UK newspaper for printing trans hate speech

BBC seeks fresh transgender writing
Competition open to find script featuring 'affirming' transgender characters
BBC seeks out transgender talent, roles and stories for new comedies

Crossing a painful divide
For years, Ben Power felt he was born into the wrong body. Transitioning, and peer group support have helped, he tells Caomhán Keane
SUSAN Woods had picked her spot. Sat behind the wheel of her BMW the father of two had found the perfect place to end her life. Conscious of the fact she had been trapped in a man’s body since the age of four she had no more fight left in her. If she didn’t transition she’d die.

Justice for trans sisters in Malaysia
Gay Star News interviews Thilaga Sulathireh, a woman dedicated to helping trans women fight the law in Malaysia

Scientists have found ‘potential cure for AIDS’
Scientists in Australia say they have found a way to alter a protein in the HIV virus to impede it from spreading around the body, rather than assisting it, which could “potentially cure AIDS.”

A transsexual woman talks as part of the Human Library Project
This afternoon CBC and the Human Library Project gave you the opportunity to speak to Gayle Roberts, a retired Vancouver teacher who spent 27 years teaching as a man — and six years teaching as a woman.

Lost Girl Producers Release Statement Following Outrage Over Offensive Scene
Despite being one of the most inclusive science fiction programs on television, the SyFy series Lost Girl unfortunately hurt and offended many of its fans with its most recent season premiere this week, which featured a shapeshifting villain that gets her comeuppance in a scene (as seen in the below image from AfterEllen) that was disturbingly evocative of real life anti-transgender violence. Following complaints from viewers and outreach from GLAAD, the producers of Lost Girl have now released a statement in response.
SyFy's 'Lost Girl' criticized for anti-transgender violence, producers respond

[USA] [Commentary]
Transwomen Are Fighting A Two-Front 'War On Women'
Much attention has been focused on the 'War on Women', the anti-woman political policies the conservative movement and Republican politicians have been pushing for years and implementing once they gain political control of state legislatures.

TLC Files Brief in Transgender Marriage Recognition Case
Transgender Law Center recently filed a friend-of-the-court brief in an Arizona family law case that could be significant for transgender people in that state and around the country.

TJLP talks trans legal disparities at Chicago Bar Assn.
Attorneys on the Chicago Bar Association's LGBT Committee recently mulled over the many legal disparities facing transgender people.

Oregon transgender woman takes seat on Democratic National Committee
Laura Calvo says she was at a low point in 1996.

Transgender woman accused of Southeast Memphis carjacking
A man was carjacked in Southeast Memphis on New Year's Day by a cross-dressing man convicted of prostitution more than a dozen times, according to a police affidavit.

Parkland policy would ban transgender discrimination
Parkland Health and Hospital System on Wednesday moved to broadened its personnel policies to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity, gender expression and genetic information.

Lawmakers, advocates gather to show support for Va. anti-discrimination bill
Senators and LGBT organizers gathered at the Virginia General Assembly on Thursday to announce and show support for SB701 — a law that would re-introduce sexual orientation into the list of protected classes for state employees.

Transgenerista es una de las asesoras del Gobierno de Colombia
Cuando Brigitte Baptiste habla, la escuchan y le creen. No es su voz, es su inteligencia, la que ha marcado la diferencia. Vea más de "Ser homosexual en Colombia".

Santa Fe lidera los planes de inclusión de los transexuales
Es la primera ciudad del país en favorecer la construcción de la identidad de género. Lo cierto es que la ciudad de Rosario decidió favorecer la construcción de la identidad de género con una medida que seguramente generará polémica.

Nace la primera cooperativa transexual
Un grupo de 15 mujeres de la comunidad trans de Mendoza recibió ayer un subsidio del Gobierno para instalar un taller textil en Capital. Se trata de un proyecto pionero en el Interior del país. La emoción de sus protagonistas.

sexta-feira, janeiro 18, 2013

Translendário pretende quebrar preconceito contra travestis
Calendário contra o preconceito tem pessoas trans vestidas como divindades femininas
Uma parceria entre o ator e diretor cearense Silvero Pereira e o fotógrafo Sol Coelho deu fruto ao Translendário, um calendário com fotos de atores travestidos que tem provocado polêmica já de início. O principal objetivo é a quebra do preconceito contra pessoas trans usando imagens delas como divindades femininas.
Calendário das travestis de Fortaleza traz imagem que recria crucificação de Jesus Cristo

Vítima de agressão em Piracicaba diz que apanhou de GMs por ser travesti
Lilica foi agredida em matagal após reclamar de demora em pronto-socorro.
ONG informou que acompanhará caso; corporação investiga procedimento.
A autônoma Lilica, de 30 anos, disse em entrevista nesta quinta-feira (17) que foi agredida por dois guardas municipais de Piracicaba (SP) por ser travesti. A vítima foi detida após reclamar da demora no atendimento em um pronto-socorro municipal. Lilica espera ser intimada para reconhecer os agressores.
(Foto: Luiz Felipe Leite / Lilica mostra ferimento nas costas causado pela agressão)

Data da Morte: 27/08/12
Localização da Morte: Rio Branco do Sul, PR (Brasil)
Causa da morte: Tiro
Observações: De acordo com testemunhas, um homem se aproximou de uma mulher trans e uma criança que estavam em uma praça pública e disparou os dois. o primeiro tiro atingiu o rosto da mulher trans e um segundo rosto da criança.
Fonte: TvT organização parceira Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans:

Sanidad recorta un 74% las ayudas a programas para prevención del Sida
El ministerio que dirige Ana Mato ha publicado hoy las subvenciones para programas de prevención y control de la infección por VIH y SIDA para el año 2012. En total, destina un millón de euros para ayudar a financiar estos proyectos. En 2011, esas ayudas sumaron 3.860.000 euros (un poco más que en 2010, que fueron de 3.736.800), lo que supone un recorte del 74%.

Barry Dearlove rape trial latest
A judge was today completing his summing up in the trial of a transvestite accused of raping a transsexual in a Worcester flat.

'People died for my right to offend you': Suzanne Moore hits back
Suzanne Moore today issued a defiant response to critics who accused her of upsetting transsexuals, insisting: “People died for my right to offend you”.
[Commentary] Anne McElvoy: The transsexuals, the minister and a free press
Protestors to picket newspapers after Burchill trans hate rant

[Commentary] Burchill's offensive column should have stayed online
[Commentary] Roy Greenslade: Why the surprise at transsexual rant by Burchill?
[Commentary] Why taking offence is Britain's new national sport
[Commentary] How Moore, Burchill and Featherstone all had a lovely bitch fight
[Commentary] It saddens me that supporting freedom makes me an opponent of equality
[Commentary] Hate speech? Where is my freedom of speech?
[Commentary] Do political correctness and the culture wars make us less tolerant?

Alternattiva Demokratika for full equality on LGBT rights
Alternattiva Demokratika is the only party for full equality on LGBT rights, Angele Deguara, spokeswoman for social policy and civil rights said this morning.

Vatican criticises pro-gay European Court of Human Rights ruling
The Vatican has criticised a pro-gay ruling from the European Court of Human Rights that affirms employers’ right to limit the expression of religious beliefs in the workplace when it conflicts with equality laws.

Group condemns mob action against homosexual suspects
A Non Governmental Organisation, has condemned the mob action by the people of Umuka, in Njaba Local Government Area of Imo State on Monday, January 14, against the three men alleged to be caught having homosexual relationship.

Nepal's LGBT community under attack
Nepal's LGBT movement is reportedly under attack. Earlier this month, Sunil Babu Pant, Nepal's mostly widely known gay man and first out member of Parliament, suddenly alerted the international LGBT community about months of harassment of LGBT leaders and community members by government officials.

Maharashtra to include transgender issues in women’s policy
The state government will include issues of sex workers and transgenders while framing its women's policy, said Varsha Gaikwad, minister for women and child development. Gaikwad said the government plans to announce the policy on March 8, International Women's Day.

Woman appears for job test as man after sex change
A Kashmiri woman who applied for a job as a “female” but turned up for the qualifying examination as a “male” with a certificate attesting sex change, has stunned the valley, where a majority abides by conservative values.

Discrimination bill cops flack
The federal government’s proposed anti-discrimination legislation has come under fire for enshrining the right of religious organisations to practise discriminatory hiring procedures.

Fox News uses Mrs Doubtfire image to mock trans people
Right-wing US network is being blasted for choosing an image from the 1993 Robin Williams comedy for an article

Transgender man charged with murder in 2012 slaying of Wilmington woman
A transgender man has been charged with killing a young Wilmington woman last year in a crime that sparked outrage among residents concerned with violence in their community.

NCTE Panels and Presentations at Creating Change 2013
The National Center for Transgender Equality is excited to present a number of panels and workshops at the upcoming 25th national Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change. Learn about some of our presentations below and we hope you will be able to connect with us in Atlanta, GA.

Puerto Rico to consider LGBT-inclusive anti-discrimination bill
Puerto Rico's legislature is expected to approve a long sought-after bill that would make it a crime to discriminate against people based on their gender or sexual orientation.

Distrito y Policía de Barranquilla se comprometen a proteger derechos de población LGBTI
El gobierno distrital y las autoridades policivas se comprometieron a proteger los derechos de la comunidad de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales, transformistas, travestis e intersexuales (LGBTI) y para ello elaboraron una ruta o un conjunto de acciones en pro de tal objetivo.

Municipalidad de Providencia y grupos de la diversidad presentan querella por ataque a transexual
Ya fuera de riesgo de vital, Martina Orellana relató en la querellas que tras ser baleada, el agresor le gritó “gente como ustedes no merece vivir”.
Errázuriz y Movilh presentan querellas por ataque a transexual en Providencia
Presentan querellas por homicidio frustrado de transexual
Se querellaron por el ataque a una transexual en Providencia

En Rosario entregan hormonas para el cambio de sexo
Los hombres y mujeres que necesiten tomar hormonas para acompañar su adecuación sexual pueden retirarlas sin costo en el municipio rosarino
Desde el gobierno de la ciudad de Rosario explicaron que se trata de una política de salud pública que acompaña los derechos reconocidos en la Ley de Identidad de Género. De esta manera, cualquier persona que así lo requiera para adecuar su sexo, puede retirar en forma gratuita hormonas.
Hormonas gratis a transexuales para la imagen deseada
Rosario entrega hormonas gratis a transexuales para adecuar su imagen
La FALGBT apoya el servicio de salud trans en Rosario y aboga por su ampliación a todo el país

quinta-feira, janeiro 17, 2013

Grupo de travestis lança calendário com referências religiosas no CE
'Translendário' gerou polêmica em 2012 ao associar travestis e religião.
Lançamento das 12 páginas do calendário ocorre nesta quarta-feira (16).
Calendário 2013 com travestis fazendo santos provoca polêmica

Fuzilado: Travesti é executado com cerca de 30 tiros
Um travesti foi fuzilado com cerca de 30 tiros, enquanto fazia programa, próximo a avenida José Bastos, no Bairro Rodolfo Teófilo.
Trans woman murdered near Fortaleza, Brazil
Brazilian transsexual murdered

Government to remove ban on issuing insults
A Lords amendment proposing to drop “insulting” behaviour from Section 5 of the Public Order Act, which has been used by lawyers to prosecute both homophobic religious preachers and gay rights campaigners, has won government approval.

Barry Dearlove rape trial latest
A 32-year-old transvestite has told a jury he went back to a transsexual's flat after a "girlie night out" at a Worcester pub but denies raping her.

Hate crime charity criticises Julie Burchill for writing ‘transphobic hatred’
Hate crime Charity Galop has become the latest LGBT organisation to criticise Julie Burchill for writing a highly offensive article about the trans community in last weekend’s Observer newspaper.
[Commentary] In defence of Suzanne Moore
[Commentary] Julie Burchill's 'Transsexuals' Article Is a Triumph for Liberal Hypocrisy
[Commentary] Airing controversial views is the great skill of Julie Burchill's career - and something the Observer should never shy away from
[Commentary] ‘Sugar Rush’ Writer’s Bigoted Transphobia Published
[Commentary] Newspaper hides its trans hate

"When my husband told me he wanted to be a woman I was relieved": One couple's incredible story
Linda was 21 when she met Andy in their local pub in 1988, but 25 years later she is supporting him through a sex change
As Linda Woodhouse and Kirsty Cass chat over a cup of tea, they look like friends enjoying a gossip.
Kirsty’s front room is filled with memorabilia of her favourite ­fashion icons such as Marilyn Monroe. A giant, stuffed Minnie Mouse gazes at a dressing table decorated with a pink feather boa.

Mandatory Sterilization of Transgender People Officially Ends
Sweden officially ended its forced sterilization policy for transgender people undergoing gender transition surgery procedures.
[Commentary] Sweden eliminates forced sterilization of transgender people

'It feels great to be a man' says China's 1st openly transsexual man
"It feels great to be a man and I’d never regret having the sex change treatment,” said China’s first openly female-to-male transsexual person seven years after his operation.
38-year-old Geng Zi, from Ningxia, was born a woman - Geng Lanjun.
In March, 2005, he had a mastectomy and had his vagina, uterus and other female sexual organs surgically removed at Xiamen’s Zhongshan Hospital. He legally became a man one year later.

Drag show angers Cairns community
An indigenous LGBTI leader and a prominent transgender activist were angered by a “tasteless” and “racist” drag performance at the recent Out! Cairns New Year’s Eve party.

Australia to keep anti-gay discrimination to protect ‘freedom’ of religious groups
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has reportedly given her word to religious groups that they will have the “freedom” under a new rights bill, to discriminate against gay people, and other people deemed sinners.
Anti-discrimination bill sidelines LGBTI people
Government won’t budge on religious exemptions
Australian Christian Lobby says PM will allow them to discriminate against gay people

Prominent psychiatry expert: ‘no such thing as transgender’
A Toronto psychiatrist, Dr. Joseph Berger, is saying that trans people working for equal civil rights are just appealing to people’s emotions rather than stating scientific facts.
Psychiatry expert: ‘scientifically there is no such thing as transgender’

Fox News criticised for using a photo of Mrs Doubtfire for trans health story
Fox News has been criticised for using an image of Mrs Doubtfire, Robin Williams’ fictional character from the 1993 film of the same name, in a story about transgender inequality on its website.
Fox Nation Uses Image From "Mrs. Doubtfire" To Mock Transgender People

Transgender health coverage ordered in Oregon, Calif.
A California publisher says state run health exchanges under ObamaCare may force taxpayers to fund social agendas, such as abortion and treatment for transgenders.

Kellen Bennett, Transgender Man, Sues Alliant International University for Alleged Discrimination
A transgender San Francisco man is suing his former school, alleging he was mistreated after disclosing his sex-reassignment.

Vicco, Ky., Is Smallest U.S. City With LGBT Rights Law
The small Appalachian town of Vicco, Ky., has become the smallest municipality in the U.S. to approve an LGBT nondiscrimination law.

AWOL Transgender Woman Discharged From Marines After 31 Years
A transgender woman who went AWOL from the Marines 31 years ago will be issued a discharge with honorable conditions from the military.

Historic women's school discusses transgender students
The oldest women's college in the country is trying to figure out how transgendered students may fit into its mission to educate students.

Speaker urges transgender acceptance
Lilian Briggs spoke about her life story and being transgender to a classroom full of students Tuesday night.

Representatives From Private Club Accused Of Discrimination Against Transsexual Enter No Contest Plea
A plea was entered on Tuesday in the city’s first-ever gender-identity discrimination case.
Attorneys for Columbus Hospitality LLC, managers of the private downtown Capital Club, appeared in court.
The company faced a charge of unlawful employment practices against 53-year-old Savanna DeLong, who is in the process of becoming a transsexual.

2013 Keystone Conference
Welcome to the Fifth Annual Keystone Conference, "A Celebration of Gender Diversity," hosted by TransCentralPA in Pennsylvania’s capital city of Harrisburg! You are in store for an informative, inspirational and joyous time among members and supporters of the Transgender community at the lovely Sheraton Harrisburg-Hershey Hotel.

Philly Facility Pioneers Gender ’Transition’ Surgery
One of the more pressing and emotional topics in the fight for LGBT equality is health care and how the community’s rights are violated due to this inequality. Hospital visitation rights, joint insurance capabilities and medical discriminatory policies affect LGBT people and their families at the most difficult and upsetting times of their lives.

La historia de un periodista transexual obsesionado con la política
En junio de 1997, Mario Alonso Prado decidió hacer pública una certeza que lo aprisionaba en su interior: sacar a flote su lado femenino.

Continúan las amenazas panfletarias a la población LGBT del Caribe
La angustia, incertidumbre y el miedo que en 2012 se generó en torno a las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales de la región Caribe con 12 documentos panfletarios que circularon en diferentes localidades de ésta región amanzanando directamente a las personas LGBT y declarándolas “objetivo militar”, parecen perpetuarse en este nuevo año de 2013.

Organizaciones, preocupadas por situación de comunidad LGBTI en Cartagena
Aunque la situación de América Latina en el tema de derechos LGTBI (Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transgeneristas e Intersexuales) es positiva, hay casos y zonas en las que es de gran relevancia empezar a actuar, y uno de esos son las islas del Caribe y Cartagena de indias.

Sebastián del Pino luego de renuncia a Iguales: “Para el directorio nunca fue una prioridad una ley de identidad de género”
El ex coordinador de legislación de la Fundación Iguales dice que no quiere seguir hablando de su renuncia a la organización presidida por Pablo Simonetti. Sin embargo, mantiene que su decisión se debió, al igual que la partida de Valentina Verbal, a que las decisiones no se tomaban de manera democrática: “se tomaban entre tres personas que funcionan dentro del directorio que son Pablo Simonetti, Sebastián Gray y Alfredo Montaner y no se escuchaba a los voluntarios”.

Transexual destacó señal de RN para apoyar precandidatura
Valentina Verbal, precandidata a diputada por Renovación Nacional, RN, en el distrito 19, valoró el desafío que significa aspirar al cargo siendo transexual y representando a un sector más conservador. "Es una re buena señal para un partido de centro derecha", dijo."La derecha es más conservadora, lo reconozco", expresó la ex activista de Fundación Iguales. Sin embargo, calculó que el 90 por ciento de los militantes de Renovación Nacional son liberales en estos temas.