10 Key U.S. Allies With Antigay Laws Even Worse Than Russia's
When President Vladimir Putin signed the anti-gay "propaganda" bill on June 30th, he was playing politics. In the name of both protecting children and opposing "Western values," he could curry favor with citizens and draw their attention away from other issues, like Russia's rising unemployment.
US Secretary of State speaks at UN's LGBT ministerial event
'We all know that as societies become more inclusive, they become better partners within the global community...'
UN holds top level meeting on the need to protect LGBT rights
Advogada trans na luta à presidência
Masha Bast, a advogada transexual de direitos humanos russa que recentemente se assumiu como trans e bissexual, pensa concorrer à presidência da Rússia em 2018.
Marginalized LGBT community struggles to find a place
eing gay makes you a criminal in Kenya. The penalty if you are caught is 14 years in prison.
27 eunuchs jailed for disturbing peace in court
Two groups quarrel over collection of money; also manhandle, thrash advocate
[China/Hong Kong]
Hong Kong to get its first sex-change centre
Transsexuals will have facility dedicated to their needs at Prince of Wales Hospital amid greater demand for gender reassignment
Women's foundation pushes bill to protect pregnant students, transsexuals
The Women's Health Advocacy Foundation is putting pressure on the government to pass the Reproductive Health Rights Promotion and Protection Act, which if successful, would give pregnant students the legal right to continue their studies, while allowing transsexuals the right choose their sex.
Transgender Lt Col pays tribute to mental health professionals
Three years ago, Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm McGregor AM met a psych triage nurse on duty at the Royal Military College, Duntroon.
New anti-discrimination laws for Tasmania
A number of new amendments to the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act will safeguard against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
[New Zeland]
Prison choices for transgender inmates
The Corrections Minister says it is possible an anatomically male transgender inmate could be placed in a womens' prison under new changes to regulations.
Protesto a jornal por artigo transfóbico
Um jornal diário de Thunder Bay foi alvo de um protesto a semana passada.
Cher Talks Chaz Bono's Transitioning: 'It's A Strange Change For A Mother To Go Through'
Cher gave a candid interview to Britain's Sunday Times about son Chaz Bono's transitioning, saying that "it's a strange thing for a mother to go through."
California theology professor booted from Christian college after coming out as transgender
After spending years struggling with depression, Heath Adam Ackley has finally embraced his identity as a transgender man. But that put him at odds with Azusa Pacific University, a Christian evangelical university where he's taught for 15 years.
Students on campus respond to transgender professor
Trans activist Melenie Eleneke dies at 52
Melenie Mahinamalamalama Eleneke, transgender rights activist, hula dancer and devoted auntie and sister, died peacefully of natural causes in her sleep the morning of Sept. 9 at her home in Daly City, Calif., according to her friend Ricky Everett. She was 53.
Transgender homecoming royalty still face bullying
It's Homecoming season! A time for high schools and colleges to celebrate their school pride. One key activity in many homecoming celebrations is the coronation of a homecoming king and queen. When LGBT students are crowned as homecoming royalty, it often makes headlines, but unfortunatley the media does not always represent these students fairly and accurately.
Laverne Cox to trans homecoming queen: You are loved, survive & thrive
Trans homecoming queen gracefully transcends haters by posing for NOH8
ACLU Files Complaint on Behalf of Transgender Nursing Student
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida is intervening on behalf of a transgender nursing student at Pinellas Technical Education Centers (PTEC) who was told she is not allowed to use the women’s restrooms at her school.
Transgender Health Fair Coming Up
The annual transgender health fair continues to grow, with one-stop shopping for transgender health care professionals, service providers and supportive organizations specifically for the "T"s in the LGBT family.
CC ampara a presos homosexuales
La Corte de Constitucionalidad apoyó un recurso de amparo otorgado por un juez a favor de dos presos homosexuales a quienes la dirección penitenciaria les prohibió usar el pelo largo y que vistieran ropas femeninas en la prisión.
Uruguay busca mejorar situación de la población trans
Tras la aprobación del matrimonio entre homosexuales, el gobierno de Uruguay apunta a mejorar la situación en la que vive la población "trans", considerada la más excluida del sistema educativo y el mercado laboral.
Uruguay busca mejorar situación de personas transgénero
Sigue la polémica por el nene de 6 años cuya madre pide DNI de nena
La Comunidad Homosexual Argentina coordina acciones con INADI para lograr que obtenga DNI femenino. El Registro Nacional de las Personas se lo denegó porque es menor de 14 años.
Identidad autopercibida: al final Lulú tendrá el DNI con su nombre
Provincia le hizo caso a Nación y cambiará el sexo en el DNI de Lulú
The transgender six-year-old: Child who was born a boy is given a new identity after insisting her parents call her Lulu
Six-year-old becomes first transgender child in Argentina to change identity
April Ashley, transgender icon: Liverpool exhibition opens
A year-long exhibition opens at Liverpool Museum on Friday dedicated to the astonishing life of April Ashley. It examines how one of the first British people to undergo gender reassignment surgery helped to change society.
Trans Activists stop Police Harrassment in Thessaloniki
Updates from the Greek Transgender Support Association on the situation in Thessaloniki
Transgender human rights lawyer announces bid for Russian president
A transgender attorney and Chairperson for the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights announced Monday her intent to run for President of the Russian Federation.
Transgender bisexual lawyer announces 2018 Russian presidential run
Transgender? Judaism’s got a blessing for you
Two Israeli men who are officially a child’s biological fathers, a male rabbi born a woman, and a genderqueer rocker talk about life as they know it
[New Zealand]
Transgender prisoners policy to change
In a major and long-awaited victory for transgender rights campaigners the government is changing Corrections' rules to in future assign prisoners to the prison that matches their actual gender, not the gender or sex they were born with.
Huge win for transgendered prisoners
Prisoners sorted by legal sex
Transgender inmates can request prison transfers
New Zealand: Green Party celebrates success in policy change for transgender prisoners
Commission supports policy to recognise gender identity
Vancouver passes gender-neutral washrooms in public buildings
City council passed a motion to amend Vancouver’s building codes Sept 25, making it the first municipality in Canada to clearly include provision for gender-neutral washrooms in public buildings, according to city staff.
Vancouver to Enforce Gender-Neutral Bathroom Bylaw
O trabalho do Transgender Law Center em dois casos práticos
O Transgender Law Center (TLC) é uma organização norte-americana que luta pelos direitos trans. Recentemente foi notícia por ter enviado uma nota à União Europeia sobre um caso finlandês ( ver FINL NDIA: Organizações de direitos trans norte-americanas enviam nota à UE). Aqui fica o registo de mais duas actuações desta ONG norte-americana.
Transgender Professor Fights to Keep Job at Christian College
The professor said he has received an "overwhelming amount of support"
Anti-Gay Group Runs Fake Associated Press Story Against Transgender Professor
Bryan Fischer lashes out at transgender homecoming queen
Says her election is a 'charade' that 'violates every known standard of decency and normality'
Transgender Homecoming Queen's Win Violates Standards Of 'Decency, Normality,' Bryan Fischer Says
LaBarbera: 'Big trouble' for us all when teen boy is homecoming queen
Kaiser Permanente now covering transgender services in plans
Kaiser Permanente will now cover services for transgender Coloradans in its insurance plans, the company said Tuesday.
NM prosecutors seek admission of DNA evidence in truck-stop killing
Jonah Jeter was 17 when he repeatedly stabbed a transvestite, killing him in the lot of a truck stop east of Gallup.
Male transgender student can't run for homecoming king, must be on ballot for queen
Decision comes days after California female trans student elected homecoming queen
School Denies Transgender Teen Homecoming King Opportunity
Transgender teen in Pennsylvania not allowed to run for homecoming king even though he identifies as male
Pennsylvania school denies trans man student right to run as homecoming king
Pa. School Board: Trans Student Can't Run for Homecoming King
Cada dos días asesinan a una persona transexual en el mundo
Stop Genocidio Trans nace con el objetivo de dar a conocer públicamente estos datos y solicitar la implicación de toda la sociedad y, de forma especial, de los gobiernos y organismos internacionales para tomar medidas políticas, legislativas y judiciales encaminadas a acabar con esta realidad.
Carla Antonelli celebra la readmisión del trabajador despedido de una ONG por ser transexual
La diputada socialista en la Asamblea de Madrid Carla Antonelli ha celebrado hoy la readmisión en su puesto de trabajo del empleado despedido por la ONG Nuevo Futuro-Sirio por ser transexual, a la vez que ha felicitado a la organización por haber recapacitado “dando un paso atrás” en este “inadmisible” despido que “vulneraba cualquier principio de nuestra Carta Magna”.
Après le TGI de Bobigny, position transphobe du Procureur au TGI de Créteil ?
Alors qu'en Avril dernier, un communiqué de presse signé par 14 associations dénonçait un avis juridique transphobe du procureur au TGI de Bobigny, nous sommes aujourd'hui, par deux avis presque identiques du procureur du TGI de Créteil, dans une situation similaire.
Transgender bisexual lawyer announces 2018 Russian presidential run
Bisexual and transgender lawyer Masha Bast says she intends to run for the presidency in Russia in 2018.
India gets first 24 hour LGBT phone counseling service
The Saahay Project aims to provide 24/7 support for Indian gay and bisexual men and transgender women in need of health information and counseling
Transgender community elated as mother, daughter accept offer of blood donation
It is not easy for the transgender community to gain acceptance among others. Usually, people tend to keep off from transgender people, but a 24-year-old woman and her mother here have no qualms in even accepting an offer of blood donation by a person from the unique sexual group. This non-discriminatory act is seen by the transgender people in Madurai as early signs of their acceptance by the mainstream society.
Transgender’s blood helps theni girl
Transgender donates blood at Madurai GRH
Maharashtra CM to attend state’s first transgender conclave
The Maharashtra government will soon host the state’s first conclave for transgenders.
Prithviraj Chavan to grace first-ever eunuch meet
Crackdown on eunuchs for soliciting at night
The city police have started cracking down on eunuchs for allegedly soliciting at night.
New Gender Clinic opens at Healthy Communities
Brisbane’s new Gender Clinic opened at Healthy Communities in Teneriffe this morning.
The weekly clinic will open on Wednesdays and clients will be bulk-billed by Dr Gale Bearman, who is the state’s leading GP on transgender health.
U of C Students’ Union pushing for gender-neutral washrooms
Plans to create a gender-neutral washroom on the University of Calgary’s campus are a bid to flush discrimination worries away, says the university’s Students’ Union.
Vancouver considers groundbreaking gender-neutral bathrooms
Vancouver city council today heard a staff proposal to encourage provision of gender-neutral washrooms in public buildings to address the privacy and safety concerns of transgender people using such facilities.
N.J. Trans Woman Murdered, Media Misgenders Victim
Local news outlets reported on the murder of Eyricka Morgan by using her given name and referring to her as a man.
A 26-year-old transgender woman was murdered in New Brunswick, N.J., Tuesday — and local media outlets are once again misgendering the victim and calling her a man.
New Jersey trans woman dies from stab wounds
New Brunswick man charged with stabbing man to death in city boarding house
Striking Portraits of Muxes, Mexico’s ‘Third’ Gender
Before Spanish colonization blanketed Mexico with Catholicism, there were cross-dressing Aztec priests and hermaphrodite Mayan gods; gender flexibility was inherent in the culture. In much of the country now, machismo prevails and attitudes toward sex remain relatively narrow. But things are different in the southern state of Oaxaca where more pliant thinking remains. In the Zapotec communities around the town of Juchitán, men who consider themselves women—called “muxes”—are not only accepted, but celebrated as symbols of good luck.
Jaqueline Brasil ganha prêmio nacional por ações de saúde para travestis no RN
Travesti fundou a ONG Atrevida em Natal, em 2008. Prêmio Dr. Eduardo Barbosa será entregue neste sábado (28), na Bahia.
Travesti é achado morto a tiros em canavial na Grande João Pessoa
Corpo foi achado por trabalhadores do canavial.
Vítima vestia roupas femininas e não portava documentos
Enfermeiro despedido por discriminação transfóbica
A 15 de Agosto, acabado de voltar de férias, e sem tempo para Daniel Román reagir, foi demitido da ONG Nuevo Futuro Sirio, responsável pela protecção de crianças e adolescentes que deixam o Instituto del Menor para a reintegração na sociedade . Daniel é enfermeiro e transexual, e diz que nunca teve reclamações de superiores desde que começou a trabalhar em Fevereiro de 2011.
Hate crime caused by ignorance, says transgender builder
Four out of 10 hate crime victims in Wales know their abuser, while nearly a third think about moving house to escape the crime, a new study says.
Hate crime: 'Still a daily reality for people in Wales'
Trans couple make history as first to marry after both having gender reassignment surgery
A British couple from the city of Hull have made history, becoming the first married couple to have both transitioned, one from male to female and the other from female to male.
Trans campaign group to host weekly lobby forums
The Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) will open its doors weekly in order to discuss lobbying for gender recognition.
GCN - TENI to host 'Trans Talk' Tuesday
Trans Lawyer Launches Russian Presidential Bid
Masha Bast, the Russian human rights lawyer who recently came out as a bisexual trans woman, plans to run for President of Russia in 2018.
Thai transgender student faces jail after accusation of insulting royal family
An outspoken Thai transgender woman who criticized her university’s mandatory uniform policy is likely to be jailed after she was accused of insulting the Thai royal family
Newspaper office site of protest following Transgender editorial
Thunder Bay's daily newspaper was the site of a protest this afternoon.
About 15 people gathered outside of the Chronicle-Journal's office on Cumberland Street to show their frustrations regarding an editorial published Sept. 15.
Quebec trans activists take human rights concerns online
Campaign underway to alter criteria necessary to change one's gender marker
There is a lot more than a space of six characters standing between the letters “f” and “m” in the province of Quebec.
WATCH: Trans Homecoming Queen Distraught Over Bigoted Backlash
Cassidy Campbell, a transgender teenager who won the title of Homecoming Queen at Marina High School in Huntington Beach, Calif., said she's tired of 'mean,' 'ignorant' people criticizing her victory.
Transgender homecoming queen later wonders if it was 'worth it'
Transgender Theology Professor At APU Will Reportedly Leave Post Of 15 Years
A theology professor at Azusa Pacific University may be leaving her post of 15 years after announcing last week that she identifies herself as a transgender man.
Professor's New Transgender Status May Cost Him His Job At Christian University
WATCH: Trans Professor Asked to Leave Calif. Christian College
Professor at evangelical college in California comes out as transgender man, asked to leave job
Theology professor to leave Christain college after coming out as transgender
Petition drive underway to put California’s transgender student law on the ballot
A clash over transgender rights in California is heating up as opponents of a “co-ed bathroom” law for children and teens press forward with a petition drive to let state voters decide next year whether the law goes into effect.
Pro-family activist: Transgender community copying success of homosexual movement
Generating Support for Gender Identity
Williams Institute study highlights need for expanding Maryland's nondiscrimination law
How Richland school board decided transgender student won't be homecoming king
The Richland school board decided on Monday to not allow a transgender student to run for homecoming king.
Western Pa. school board won't let transgendered student run for homecoming king
Transgender Student Loses Battle to Be Put on Homecoming King Ballot
Transsexual Fetish Website Gets 3,000 Hits at UK Parliament
Parliamentary computers used by MPs, peers and civil servants were used to access a fetish and bondage website more than 3,000 times last year.
Italians Stage Kiss-In For Stronger LGBT Law
The Italian Parliament's lower house broke out in a kiss-in on Thursday in the midst of debate over an LGBT rights bill.
Organizações de direitos trans norte-americanas enviam nota à UE
A associação norte-americana Transgender Law Center apresentou um resumo ao Tribunal Europeu de Direitos Humanos num significativo caso de direitos trans finlandês e que tem a ver com a legalização de género e casamento: Hämäläinen v Finlândia.
Bigot Jerks Are Being Bigot Jerks to Trans Girl Homecoming Queen
Everything seemed a little better and brighter in the world when a California high school crowned 16-year-old trans girl Cassidy Lynn Campbell homecoming queen — but it turns out the waste of humanity came to crap on her parade.
Mother of transgender homecoming queen proud of daughter
Transgender girl crowned homecoming queen at California school
Transgender teen homecoming queen deals with criticism, praise
Transgender professor may have to leave Azusa Pacific University
A professor at a local Christian college is coming out as transgender, and it could cost him his job. He says he's being forced out after 15 years at the school.
Christian theology professor ‘asked to leave’ university after coming out as transgender
National Organization for Marriage now goes after transgender kids
The National Organization for Marriage has announced it willl campaign to end California’s AB 1266 law which allows transgender children to use the bathrooms and change rooms of their preferred gender and play on the sports teams of their choice - See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/national-organization-marriage-now-goes-after-transgender-kids230913#sthash.dKTv9a7w.dpuf
Judge dismisses lawsuit filed by deceased inmate's mother against Forrest Co. officials
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a deceased inmate's mother against Forrest County, Sheriff Billy McGee, a corrections officer and the jail nurse after the woman's son died in custody.
Rapid City transgender case settled; what's next for Cori McCreery?
"I felt like it was my duty to stand up for other people like me," said 29-year-old Cori McCreery.
Comissária dos Direitos Humanos e Arcebispo Desmond Tutu em vídeo sobre discriminação laboral LGBTI
A comissária dos Direitos Humanos da ONU, Navi Pillay, e o arcebispo Desmond Tutu aparecem num novo vídeo da ONU sobre o trabalho LGBTI.
Professor transexual se mata em motel após anunciar suicídio no Facebook!
O professor de Inglês e transexual,Oseias de Souza Alves,cometeu suicídio dentro de um motel na tarde desta sexta feira (20/9) em um motel na cidade de Mossoró, no Rio grande do Norte. Ele usou um revolver calibre 38 para por fim a sua própria vida.
Trans activist elected as chair of Wirral Conservative Future
A trans and human rights activist has been elected to the Wirral branch of the youth wing of the Conservative Party.
Ataka wants imprisonment for homosexuals
Bulgarian right extreme party Ataka proposes amendments to the Criminal Code in order to provide for imprisonment for people who demonstrate their own or the homosexuality of others.
'It's a Witch Hunt': Proposal To Confiscate Children Stokes Fear Among Russian LGBTs
When Sasha understood that she was a lesbian, she knew many challenges lay ahead for her in Russia.
But nothing prepared the young woman for the possibility of social services taking her child away.
India to get its 1st trans pin-up girls
Transgender rights group’s unique 2014 calendar to feature leading transgender activists
Anger as Bangladesh refuses to decriminalise homosexuality
Gay rights activists have criticised the Bangladeshi government after it rejected recommendations to remove a clause in its penal code which criminalises gay relationships.
Cher: My trans son gave me a ‘deeper understanding of gender and sexual politics’
US singer Cher, who recently refused to perform at Russia’s 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi due to the country’s anti-gay laws, has revealed that it was her trans son who gave her a “deeper” and more “visceral” understanding of gender and sexual politics.
Cher: 'my daughter's sex change gave me a deeper understanding of sexual politics'
Growing Visibility: Transgender People in the Media (Panel Discussion Hosted by GLAAD)
Join GLAAD for a panel addressing the experiences of transgender people who have shared their personal stories in the media. Communicating with journalists can be particularly challenging for transgender people, who are faced with a range of obstacles, from navigating pervasive stereotypes, to being misgendered, and asked to answer invasive questions about their medical and psychological histories.
Professor forced out of job at Christian college after coming out as trans
Trans theology professor 'asked to leave' after working at the university for 15 years
Transgender H.S. Student Crowned Homecoming Queen
Transgender high school student Cassidy Lynn Campbell was named Homecoming queen of Marina High School in Huntington Beach, Calif., on Friday.
For transgender homecoming queen, a crowning achievement
Principal proud of transgender homecoming queen's election
Transgender Teen Crowned Homecoming Queen Confesses It's Not What She Hoped For: 'I'm So Sad, I'm So Distraught'
Cassidy Lynn Campbell, Transgender Teen, Named Homecoming Queen
Trans homecoming queen victim of cyber bullying
Video: US’ first transgender homecoming queen reduced to tears over hateful online messages
Anti-gay rights organization fighting California transgender law
An anti-gay rights organization is seeking to overturn a California law that allows transgender students to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.
NOM Goes After Transgender Students Rights Law
Gay Marriage Foe NOM Endorses Effort To Repeal Transgender Student Bill
Bangladesh refuses to decriminalize homosexuality
Rights activists say discriminatory act gives police a handle to illegally arrest, attack and abuse LGBTI people
Transgender youth face unique challenges, discrimination
Matt Duron is a self-described "guy's guy." He's an athletic, masculine police officer and he's also the cheerleader, protector and ally to his transgender child.
Update: Transgender Law Center Files Brief with Arizona Court of Appeals in Transgender Marriage Case
Transgender Law Center recently filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Arizona Court of Appeals in response to an Arizona Superior Court ruling that a transgender man’s marriage was invalid.6
Man arrested in beating death of trans woman in Southern California
Melony Smith was found dead in motel room where she lived
Victory for Gender Nonconforming Student!
Transgender Law Center recently helped Madison, a gender nonconforming student in the Los Angeles area, respond to discrimination by the ACT, the college admissions testing service.
Transgender theology professor asked to leave California Christian college after coming out
A California Christian college has asked a professor who was once its chair of theology and philosophy to leave Azusa Pacific University after he came out as transgender.
Theology professor set to leave university over transgender identity
Student crowned first transgender high school homecoming queen in US history
Cassidy Lynn Campbell makes history in Huntington Beach, California
Transgender student Cassidy Lynn Campbell made history Friday (20 September) when she was crowned homecoming queen of Marina High School in Huntington Beach, California.
Transgender teen crowned Homecoming Queen at Calif. high school
Transgender Student In Huntington Beach Named Homecoming Queen
Transgender teen voted homecoming queen in Huntington Beach
Transgender Student Named Homecoming Queen
Transgender teen crowned homecoming queen at O.C. high school
Prop. 8 backers behind effort to repeal transgender law
The National Organization for Marriage, which backed Proposition 8’s now defunct ban on same-sex marriage, announced Friday that it would work to repeal a new California law that permits transgender students to use bathrooms that correspond to their gender identity, not their physical sex.
NOM Abandons Marriage Mission To Campaign Against Transgender Children
Prop. 8 players join bid to repeal transgender law
Community Service Likely for ''Heidi Glum'' Defendants
Prosecutors reach deferred-sentence agreement with one of two defendants in June attack on D.C. drag performer
The Pride Center Offers Discussion Panel on Transgender Women & Lesbians
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., The Pride Center in Wilton Manors, offers a panel discussion called “Are Trans Women Our Sisters?”
Gender-identity conversation comes out of the closet
Some members of the GLBT community are challenging the norm that everyone must live as one gender or the other.
Pa. School Silent on Trans Teen's Bid for Homecoming King
School administrators told Kasey Caron and his family that they plan to take no action regarding his request to be listed on the male ballot for homecoming king.
Transgender Texas widow fighting for first husband’s death benefits
Under Texas law, Nikki Araguz is still considered a man. Even though she’s found another husband, the woman is appealing a ruling that voided her first marriage and cuts her off from more than $600,000 in benefits.
UN faces ‘huge resistance’ on LGBT issues but pledges ‘no exceptions’ on rights
United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay and Archbishop Desmond Tutu feature in new video about UN’s LGBT work
Councillor stuns voters with debut novel about transsexual detective - then reveals HE was his own inspiration
Councillor Peter Ellis, 60, has secretly dressed as a woman for 30 years
His debut novel Painted Ladies features a transsexual detective
He has now told constituents in Leominster the truth about his life
Mayor Molly Cooke, 80, says that it will not affect his standing in any way
‘Dual role’ councillor writes transsexual detective novel
'Call me Penny' says cross-dressing councillor Peter Ellis
The Evening Read: Liverpool-born 1960s icon and transsexual April Ashley reflects on her extraordinary life ahead of year-long exhibition
Once George Jamieson, the former model remembers her journey from suicide attempts, people spitting in her face to Buckingham Palace
Kiss-in na aprovação de fraca lei anti-homofobia e transfobia
Associações e grupos LGBT italianos estão insatisfeitos com um projecto de lei anti-homofobia e transfobia que passou na Câmara Inferior dos Deputados na noite passada, argumentando que as proteções à liberdade de expressão do projecto ainda permitem transgressões discriminatórias.
Backlash from Italy's LGBT groups as Parliament votes on 'useless' gay hate ban
Boxer fights through gender disorder
Women's champ suffered through years of doubts
WATCH: "I'm a girl, not a boy"
“Why did you want to come on the TV tonight?” asked Insight’s presenter Jenny Brockie to 7-year-old Maddi.
“Because I’m telling everyone it’s alright to be born as a boy or want to be a girl, or be born as a girl and want to be a boy,” she replied.
Transgender man wins complaint against bridal shop for not letting him try on wedding dress
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission announced that a mediated settlement has been reached between the owner of a Saskatoon bridal shop and a man who presents himself as a woman.
ACLU files complaint on behalf of transgender nursing student
The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a complaint with U.S. Department of Education accusing the Pinellas County Schools of discriminating against a transgender nursing student who was banned from using the women’s restrooms at Pinellas Technical Education Center in Clearwater, Fla.
ACLU insists that transgender man be allowed to use women’s bathroom
Topeka adds sexual orientation, gender identity bias to Commission’s role
The Topeka City Council has voted to expand the work of the city’s Human Relations Commission to include education about discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Roslyn Wilkins, mother of Nizah Morris, 82
Roslyn M. Wilkins, the mother of Nizah Morris, died Sept. 8 after a brief illness. She was 82 and lived in West Philadelphia.
For the past 10 years, Wilkins voiced the belief that her child’s homicide is solvable.
Appeals court hears transgender widow's fight
The transgender widow of a fallen South Texas firefighter is asking a state appeals court to reverse a ruling that their marriage wasn't legally binding.
[União Europeia]
Amnistia Internacional emite novo relatório sobre direitos das comunidades LGBTI
O relatório da Amnistia Internacional reporta que, em alguns estados membros como a Itália, Grécia e Croácia, os governos ignoram a violência e discriminação e insta a União Europeia a enfrentar a homofobia, transfobia e discriminação sofridos pela comunidade LGBTI.
An intolerant continent: Europe’s shocking attitude to gay people creating a climate of fear
Anti-LGBT Violence Runs Unchecked in Some EU Countries
PR: aluna transexual recorre ao Estado para usar nome feminino na escola
Em Curitiba, uma estudante transexual de 15 anos recorreu à Seed (Secretaria da Educação do Paraná) para poder ser tratada pelo nome social na escola particular em que estuda. Apesar de seu registro civil trazer um nome masculino, a aluna quer ser chamada pelo nome social feminino. A secretaria formou uma comissão para estudar o caso.
Italy steps towards recognising complexity of gender identity
Lucia is a 50-year-old transsexual: she is a woman although, anatomically, she is male. She lives in the town of Arco in the province of Trento, northern Italy, and the court of Rovereto has permitted her to change the gender on her official documents even though she has not undergone reassignment surgery. This is the first case in Italy in which the person who has applied for the official recognition of gender change has not had any surgery, not even a breast implant.
Anti-Gay Law Blamed in Visa Denial
U.S. pop star Selena Gomez has been forced to cancel two concerts in Russia after indirectly falling victim to Russia's anti-gay law, concert organizers said Thursday.
Vietnam’s Next Top Model show hits controversy
There was plenty of controversy surrounding the story behind 23-year old Jenna Talackova when she was disqualified for being a contestant in last year’s Miss Universe pageant for not being a “natural born woman”.
Sydney MP introduces bill to stop religious schools discriminating against LGBT students
Independent MP Alex Greenwich wants the New South Wales State Parliament to pass a bill which would prevent religious schools from expelling, punishing and refusing to accept students because of their LGBT status
Trans community responds to proposed Marriage Equality Bill
The nation’s gay and lesbian community may be rejoicing at the ACT’s introduction of the Marriage Equality Bill into the ACT Legislative Assembly, but the country’s intersex, transgender and gender diverse communities are asking where is their legislation?
[New Zealand]
Top Surgery No longer Offered by Auckland Surgeon
Auckland surgeon, Wayne Jones, says due to an increase in workload he can no longer provide trans* and gender diverse patients with chest reconstruction surgery covered under the public health system.
NCTE Applauds Landmark EEOC Settlement for Transgender Worker; Urges All Victims of Bias to File Complaints
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) applauds the work of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Lambda Legal in reaching a landmark settlement on behalf of a transgender victim of job discrimination. Cory McCreery, an employee at a grocery store in South Dakota, was fired after announcing her plan to transition.
SUHSD agrees to research new state transgender legislation
Opposition was expressed during last week’s Siskiyou Union High School District board of trustees meeting to the California bill that gives transgender students the right to compete on sports teams and use facilities such as locker rooms and bathrooms based on their gender identity.
ACLU of Florida Files Complaint Over Transgender Student's Discrimination
Back in July, we told you about transgender nursing student Alex Wilson, who was told by administrators at Pinellas Technical Education Centers that she could not use the ladies' restroom and was forced to walk across campus to use a single-person's restroom instead. The school also allegedly threatened to press charges against Wilson if she continued to use the ladies' room, which would mean an end to getting a nursing degree.
Leicester topless woman turning heads
One local woman is turning heads. Whether it’s riding her bike or driving a car Stacey Schnee’s lack of clothing has some people upset.
Targeting Oppression
Overlaying the woodland camouflage pattern on her T-shirt, thin pink lines swirl together into a scene of butterflies hovering over cowering riot police and flames rising in the background. Ariel Howland, a recent graduate of the University of Oregon’s Department of Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS), has some major beefs with the establishment — patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, etc.
Transgender teen wins ACLU award for civil rights, liberty after fight with Red Lion district
Issak Wolfe, a transgender teen who fought with the Red Lion Area School District last year over prom and graduation issues, was given the Peter J. Shellem Award by the South Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the ACLU on Tuesday.
Araguz seeks appeal in court today
A district court of appeals is expected to hear today the case of a transgender widow who was denied the death benefits of her husband, a Wharton firefighter killed in the line of duty.
Transgender Widow Fights for Inheritance
Legitimacy of Transgender Woman's Marriage Discussed in Court
La diversidad sexual víctima del conflicto armado en Colombia
“Nadie será sometido a desaparición forzada, a torturas ni a tratos o penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes”, señala la constitución política de Colombia, sin embargo, 347 declaraciones de personas LGBTI, que aseguran haber sido víctimas del conflicto armado, figuran en el Registro Único de Víctimas. Durante dos días, víctimas LGBTI cuestionaron, reflexionaron y buscaron posibles soluciones al conflicto armado interno.
Being LGBT In Colombia: Victims Of Hatred, Casualties Of Civil War
La población LGBTI en el cese del conflicto
No words
No words. That’s what struck me and many other transgender people as they read about the passing of trans woman Lisa Empanada via social media yesterday. Highly regarded and a shining light for others, Lisa’s passing took everyone by surprise.
Amnesty report shows Germany, Czech Republic and Italy poor against hate crime
Amnesty International has launched a new report on the state of homophobia and transphobia across the European Union.
ABGLT quer nome social para trans adolescentes
A Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais (ABGLT) pediu, em ofício direcionado ao Ministério Público do Paraná, que seja alterado o parecer sobre nome social de transexuais no sistema de educação do Estado para que ele possa incluir adolescentes transexuais.
'It's like getting rid of horns on my head': Transgender catwalk model born a man says sex swap op is something she 'just has to do' as she stars at Fashion Week
Nicole Gibson, 32, grew up as a boy called Glen
She started hormone replacement therapy two years ago
She left her pub job to pursue a career on the catwalk
She took part in London Fashion Week show
On Thursday she will go under the knife to become a fully-fledged woman
Transgender catwalk model wows audiences just days before sex swap surgery
Advogada de topo assume-se trans e bi como protesto
Masha Bast é a presidente da Associação dos Advogados da Rússia para os Direitos Humanos e já trabalhou em alguns dos casos de direitos humanos do mais alto nível do país.
Open Games to celebrate LGBT athletes in Moscow after the Olympics
With Sochi closed to them, the Russian LGBT Sport Federation will hold Open Games event in Moscow. Co-chair Konstantin Yablotskiy criticizes the IOC for silencing LGBT supporters. "Human rights are not politics."
Two transgender register in employment exchange
For the first time in Tamil Nadu, two transgender - P.Kajol and S.Priyanka - have registered in the employment exchange in Tiruchi.
Transgender boxer overcomes struggles to become world champion
Years ago, Go Shindo used to dream of becoming a teacher or a firefighter. But as she struggled with her gender identity, bullying by university classmates and despair brought on by social discrimination, there was a time when she lost herself to alcohol and even contemplated suicide.
Transgender toilet suit sparks school review
A threatened anti-discrimination lawsuit by a parent of a transgender child has opened the door to Queensland schools introducing unisex toilets, change rooms and sports teams.
Unisex toilets planned for Queensland schools
RIP Amber Maxwell, a rebel and a fighter
The revolutionary socialist movement lost a great fighter on Saturday 24 August.
Amber Maxwell lived a difficult life. As a transgender woman, she found it impossible to find permanent work or accommodation. But through all her hardship, she put everything she had into the fight for socialism.
American Bar Association Releases Comprehensive Guide for Transgender Law
The American Bar Association has released a comprehensive guide that addresses the legal issues and obstacles faced by transgender people.
West Covina man charged with slaying of Baldwin Park transgender woman
A person found beaten to death in a Baldwin Park motel room last week and was identified by authorities as a 26-year-old man was a transgender woman known to loved ones as Melony Smith, friends said Monday.
Friends of Baldwin Park Murder Victim Share Memories of Her Life
ACLU files federal complaint on behalf of transgender PTEC student denied bathroom access
The ACLU has filed a federal complaint on behalf of Alex Wilson, a 25-year-old nursing student who says she was banned from the bathroom at Pinellas Technical Education Centers after administrators discovered she's a transgender woman.
ACLU accuses Pinellas school district of discriminating against transgender student
ACLU Files Complaint on Behalf of Trans Nursing Student Denied Bathroom Rights
Transgender WPI student leading effort to help others
Pat Rowan remembers the dark nights.
Years of feeling what he calls the "overwhelming wrongness" of being a male in a female body led to confusion, isolation and, at times, desperation. When it got particularly bad, he kept two of the four family dogs close by.
ACLU chapter to recognize Red Lion transgender teen
The South Central Pennsylvania chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union will recognize Red Lion teen Isaak Wolfe at its annual meeting Tuesday.
Transgender Widow Nikki Araguz's Marriage Battle An 'Incredibly Important' Case for Trans Equality
Transgender widow Nikki Araguz's marriage battle is moving onward to the 13th District Court of Appeals in Corpus Christi, which will hear her marriage case tomorrow, Sept. 18.

‘Mi nombre es María Camila’: historia de una víctima LGBTI
Al cumplir 18 años María Camila guardó para siempre en su memoria el nombre con el que la familia Rojas Vanegas bautizó al segundo de sus hijos; con el que escribieron sus calificaciones en la escuela, con el que amigos y amigas de la infancia invitaron a tantos juegos, con el que tuvo una vida antes de encontrar su orientación de género.
Budapest to be the host city for the next Transgender Council
The first ever council held in Eastern Europe will take place in Hungary a country which is an excellent site for building bridges between Eastern and Western Europe. Budapest is one of the most beautiful historical capitals in Europe. Often called the Little Paris of Middle Europe, or the Pearl of the Danube, Budapest located at the crossroads of West and East making it a perfect place for opening dialogues.
Horsham model Nicole Gibson stars in London just days before gender operation
Model Nicole Gibson stunned the audience as she took to the catwalk in London – just days before undergoing gender-reassignment surgery in London.
On Thursday Nicole, 32, will head to Charing Cross Hospital in London for surgery.
Agressor do martelo condenado por crime de ódio
Um ataque a uma mulher transexual no centro de Copenhaga, em Junho passado, originou uma condenação, na última Quarta-Feira, por crime de ódio, naquela que é considerada a primeira do género na Dinamarca, segundo o jornal Politiken.
WATCH: Russian Lawyer Comes Out as Trans In Protest of Anti-LGBT Laws
Masha Bast, a human rights lawyer in Russia, revealed that she is transgender and spoke out against her country's violent crackdown on LGBT people.
Hard for transsexuals to find acceptance
There is still not much acceptance for transsexuals here, experts say.
That's because mainstream society is still not comfortable with the notion of transgender identity, say psychiatrists and people who work with the transgender community here.
Cross-dresser is thankful wife accepts him as woman
Bridget (not her real name), 36, is opting to remain physically male, so she can remain married to someone she considers the love of her life.
The landscaper, 36, says: "It's a compromise. If it weren't for my family, I probably would have gone for a sex change operation.
Confessions of a transsexual
Despite her engagement falling through earlier this month, Miss Sarah Schmitzkova, 25, considers herself lucky.
Lucky because she had her family's support when she decided to have gender reassignment surgery in Thailand in 2009.
Only son wants to marry girlfriend, then go for sex change
Though Lyn intends to go for her sex reassignment surgery next year, she also wants to marry her girlfriend of eight years.
They've been together for eight years and met during secondary school, says the 23-year-old, who requests that we call her a she even if she has not legally changed her sex yet.
So resolute to turn from prostitute to respected worker
This local transgender woman says that the discrimination got so bad, she turned to prostitution to make ends meet.
The 37-year-old, who wants to be known only as Jolian, was born male.
Transgender father denied by Osaka court to be recognized as legal parent
A 31-year old transgender man filed to register himself as the legal father of an infant born to his wife through artificial insemination. However, the Osaka Family Court denied the application on Friday for the reason that the infant and the transgender parent do not have a biological relationship.
State school review makes life easier for transgender pupils
Boy-girl sporting teams, neutral uniforms and mixed toilets and change rooms will all be promoted under a plan to downplay gender in state schools.
10-year-old transgender girl wages battle to change identification rules
A 10-year-old Comox girl has started a campaign to stop what she sees as bullying every time she crosses the border to visit her grandmother.
The problem, Harriette Cunningham says, is that her passport says she’s a boy.
10-year-old transgender girl on Vancouver Island lobbies for ID change
Suspect identified in Baldwin Park motel slaying
A suspect has been identified in the beating death of a 26-year-old Baldwin Park man found dead inside a motel room earlier this week, officials said.
Beating victim had been key witness in BR fatal shooting
A Baton Rouge man beaten to death Thursday had feared for his life after implicating the triggerman in the January fatal shooting of Keith Matthews, police department records show, a case in which he was to be the key witness.
Islan Nettles Murder Case Becomes Increasingly Complicated As Investigators Appeal To Public
Frustrated investigators trying to solve the beating death of a transgendered Harlem woman are appealing to the public for help in a case that is becoming increasingly complicated, DNAinfo New York has learned.
Former student sues Pitt
A transgender man who was expelled from Pitt’s Johnstown branch campus in 2012 is now suing the University and some of its officials.
Pitt faces suit from man questioned about threats
S.D. transgender woman wins settlement in wrongful termination suit
A transgender woman in South Dakota who was terminated from her job after she informed her employer that she would be taking steps to transition from male to female, has won a $50,000 settlement in her wrongful termination lawsuit.
S.D. worker wins $50K in settlement over anti-trans bias
Victory! Lambda Legal Helps South Dakota Transgender Employee Win Landmark Settlement After Wrongful Termination
Trans Woman Wins Landmark Settlement in S.D. Discrimination Suit
In My Own Words: Cori McCreery
WATCH: Trans widow Nikki Araguz denied marriage license
Transgender widow Nikki Araguz, who plans to marry her fiancé on Wednesday after an appeals court hears her case, was denied a marriage license in Harris County.
Transgender woman denied marriage license due to Texas’ gay marriage ban
First Gang Member Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murder of Trans Rapper
Ashanti McAlister, 19, was found guilty of intentional homicide in the killing of 22-year-old Evon Young, a transgender rapper in Milwaukee.
Ultiman a hombre en Zamora
Un homosexual que laboraba en la zona de bares de esta localidad, fue encontrado sin vida en el interior de su domicilio, donde fue estrangulado; el cuerpo ya estaba en estado de descomposición.
"Mi hija ha sido chupada por la secta Comunidad Homosexual Argentina"
A continuación, Urgente24 publica la carta de "una madre desesperada" ante la inminente operación de cambio de sexo de su hija de 22 años, quien -asegura la mujer- "ha sido chupada por la secta CHA" que "la ha convencido, pese a opiniones profesionales en contrario, de que debe operarse". La intervención quirúrgica incluye "ablación de senos, útero e injerto de un pene artificial".
Travesti é morto a facadas no Popular Velha; PM prende suspeito
Luis Martins da Silva de 29 anos, foi encontrado morto na manhã deste domingo (15), no bairro Popular Velha, na rua General Osório, em um lugar conhecido como “beco da caixa”. Segundo informações da Polícia Militar, uma vizinha do jovem teria ouvido alguém bater em sua porta por volta das oito horas da manhã, e ao olhar por uma abertura, verificou que tinha alguém caído em frente a sua residência o reconhecendo como seu vizinho.
[Reino Unido]
Transfóbico agressivo apanha multa
Um homem residente em Buxton foi multado por ameaçar uma transexual.
Sex swap burglar Jasmine Goode 'fathered eight kids by five women', claims ex wife
Pauline Goode launched a withering attack on her ex Darren - now known as Jasmine - who has left their two kids without a father
Amazing bride and groom in Britain’s first double sex swap wedding
Their marriage was like no other before in British history because the groom used to be a woman and the bride used to be a man
Trans groom marries trans bride in Scotland
Russia 'persuaded' to change wording in Olympic Truce which ignored gay and trans rights
Following pressure from within the United Nations, Russia changes wording on truce for the upcoming Sochi Winter Olympics
Israel to be lenient with trans convicts
Supreme Court says since transgender prisoners are kept in solitary confinement, the harsher prison conditions they face should be taken into account while sentencing them
Supreme Court rules leniency for transgender prisoner
Israeli Transgender Mom Recognized as Child's 'Father' in Same-Sex First
Yuval Topper-Erez Gave Birth to Gay Partner's Baby
State recognizes 2 biological fathers for first time
My two dads: Israel recognizes two men as child’s biological father
Lawyer fights for sex change rights
A lawyer has pledged to fight for the rights of five Bahrainis who are seeking sex changes.
Castrated trans 24-year-old with HIV denied medical treatment in India
State-run hospital refuses to admit 24-year-old, saying third-sex patients need judicial permission
Bhutan's underground gay community seeks acceptance
Homosexuality is a taboo subject in Bhutan, but BBS presenter Namgay Zam says it's no longer a black and white issue, and perhaps Bhutan should look with an open mind at the rainbow.
Vitória de uma profª trans sobre escola católica em primeira escaramuça
Marla Krolikowskii, uma professora transexual numa escola do ensino médio católica há 32 anos e cujo contrato teria sido rescindido após ser chamada de "pior do que gay" por um administrador da escola, obteve uma grande vitória no tribunal a semana passada.
Suspect identified in Baldwin Park motel slaying
A suspect has been identified in the beating death of a 26-year-old Baldwin Park man found dead inside a motel room earlier this week, officials said.
Stephen Gonzales, 28, of West Covina, was behind bars Thursday after being arrested by deputies from the sheriff’s Industry Station Wednesday on suspicion of drug possession, Lt. David Coleman of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau said. He was expected to be charged with the murder of Vanhxay Inthichack this week or early next week.
Conservatives Plan Ballot Initiative To Combat California's New Transgender Law
Foes of California's new law that requires public schools to treat students as the gender they identify as, rather than the sex they were born into, hope to take their opposition to the ballot box next year, in an attempt to repeal the law.
Californian conservatives plan to attack new trans law through ballot
Idaho Falls passes non-discrimination ordinance
After a marathon day, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending after midnight, Idaho Falls, Idaho, Mayor Jared Fuhriman broke a 3–3 tie to pass an ordinance that bans discrimination in the areas of housing and employment based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Witness in Baton Rouge slaying beaten to death
Police records show that a Baton Rouge man who was found beaten to death had feared for his life after implicating a suspect in a fatal shooting in January.
The Advocate reports that 31-year-old Shaun Hartley was found slain — apparently by a wooden board — inside a vacant home on Thursday.
Transgender widow denied Harris County marriage license
The transgender widow of a Wharton County firefighter, whom a judge ruled was not entitled to her late husband’s death benefits because she was born a man, is challenging Texas law once more by attempting to get married again.
Transgendered Widow Takes Legal Battle Over Marriage Benefits to 13th Court of Appeals in Corpus Christi
Transgender Widow Turned Down for Marriage License
Family of Dashad Smith Maintain Community Awareness
The family of missing Charlottesville man Dashad "Sage" Smith wants to keep the community aware of his case.
Milwaukee man sentenced to life in prison in killing of transgender rapper
One of the five men arrested in the gang-related killing of a Milwaukee rap artist has been sentenced to life in prison.
Asesinaron a un coreógrafo en tasca en Ciudad Ojeda
Un coreógrafo fue asesinado la mañana de ayer domingo, en una tasca de la calle Bermúdez con carretera L, en Ciudad Ojeda, municipio Lagunillas.
Estado ya financia adecuación corporal para transexuales
Se dio inicio a plan desarrollado en conjunto entre el Movilh y el Ministerio de Salud.
Están incluidas asistencia sicológica, cambio hormonal y cirugía por Fonasa.
Histórico: Estado chileno financia procesos de readecuación corporal de personas transexuales