Corpo de travesti é encontrado no ramal da Prainha, na Zona Norte de Manaus
Indivíduo foi encontrado de bruços e supostamente foi morto a pauladas. Esse é o segundo cadáver recolhido na área somente nesta semana
Bebê nasce sem sexo definido e pais têm dificuldade para registrá-lo em Cambé
Uma família de Cambé (16 km de Londrina) está enfrentando dificuldades para registrar o bebê recém-nascido, pois ele nasceu sem os órgãos genitais. O parto foi feito no dia 28 de outubro na Santa Casa do município e, devido aos graves problemas de saúde, a criança precisou ser transferida para o Hospital Universitário de Londrina.
Bradford transsexual asylum seeker fears abuse
A transsexual who fled to the UK from India after being exposed is facing deportation - a move he says will leave him open him to discrimination.
No more transphobia
This week Varsity signed a statement recommitting ourselves to fair reporting of trans* issues, along with TCS. Here is our pledge going forward:
TCS signs statement against transphobia in the media
The Cambridge Student has this week signed a statement agreeing to “work with the trans* community and CUSU LGBT+” to attempt to combat the “misinformation and falsehoods about trans* people currently being spread by the media [which] goes against the fundamental principles of journalism.”
Tamil Nadu schools begin gender identity sessions
In a society where talking about sex is still a taboo, lessons in gender identity are far from the norm. But some schools in Tamil Nadu are now inviting transgender activists and counsellors to sensitise students and staff about the community and its problems. This, they feel, will help wipe out discrimination against trangenders.
Transgenders fight stigma to usher rainbow of change
Filling a job application and writing an exam, considered quite mundane by most people, became a privilege for five transgenders in Tamil Nadu. Calling themselves transwomen and transmen, they have scripted a story of struggle and success.
Mahila Court's role questioned
Eleven transgenders who were arrested in 2009 on the charge of kidnapping a Class IX boy and dumping him into the sex trade after a forced sex-change surgery, has recently moved a petition in the Principal Sessions Court contending that the Mahila Court, hearing the matter, had no jurisdiction to try the case. For, neither they nor the victim were women, is their argument.
Nick Cheung on Working With Transgender Thai Actress, Poy, in “The White Storm”
Known for starring in high-budgeted action films, Nick Cheung (張家輝) once spoke about his desire to film a relaxing romantic comedy. Though that wish may not be fulfilled anytime soon, director Benny Chan (陳木勝) and scriptwriter Alan Yuen (袁錦麟) did tease Nick with a special side story arc in their upcoming crime thriller, The White Storm <掃毒> – a romance with famous Thai actress, Poy.
Hijra: The Third Sex
Earlier this month, the Bangladeshi government followed the example set by neighbours India and Pakistan in recognising hijras as a separate sex in official documentation. Hijras are people who are born male but do not identify as such. Some of them choose to identify as female but the vast majority are considered ‘undefined’. Although the term can also apply to those with intersexual physiologies, hijras are traditionally seen as male ‘sexual deviants’ and the term is loaded with social prejudices and negative connotations. In fact, the word is often used as a derogatory slur against any non-heterosexual person, male or female.
The battle for gay rights in Burma
Loud dance music, strobe lights, vodka shots and cocktails: the fare at Rangoon’s Flamingo Club doesn’t stand out from what’s on offer at any number of nightlife spots around the city. But on the last Saturday of the month, things are slightly different.
‘Cheap medicines encouraging transvestite’
A former transvestite wants the relevant authorities to regulate the sale of such medication to avoid them from being used for unhealthy activities.
ACT government bill will introduce wider gender identification
The ACT government has called on the other states and territory to follow its lead in introducing laws to recognise transgender and intersex people in identity documents.
Australian jurisdiction to allow genders of choice without surgery on birth certificates
ACT welcomes historic changes on trans and intersex documentation
Historic: Trans person elected president of a union local
The results are in, and it’s a historic win for LGBTTI rights. On November 1 Audrey Gauthier was elected president of CUPE 4041, representing Air Transat flight attendants based in Montreal. She becomes the first openly trans person elected president of a local in Canada.
Jared Leto as trans woman in Dallas Buyers Club among Spirit Award nominees
Other LGBTI-themed nominees include Concussion, Blue is the Warmest Color and Pit Stop
Dallas Buyers Club, a film that tells the story of alternative AIDS treatments during the early days of the epidemic, garnered Spirit Award nominations this week for two of its stars.
Groundbreaking Grassroots Study Brings Transgender Latina Immigrants into Focus
On Friday, Nov. 23, at the UCLA Downtown Labor Center, the TransLatina Coalition, a national nonprofit that advocates for the rights of transgender Latinas in the United States, released a report called “TransVisible: Transgender Latina Immigrants in U.S. Society.” This pioneering survey is the first trans grassroots effort to compile data on the lives and challenges that transgender Latina Immigrants face throughout the nation.
Traveling While Trans: An Airport Security Update
As of May 16, 2013, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has equipped all airport scanners with Automated Target Recognition (ATR) software. This software still scans the contours of your body under your clothes, but it doesn’t display images of your body. Instead, it automatically detects objects under your clothes and displays them as yellow blocks on a generic figure. From a privacy perspective, this is definitely an improvement, but ATR can still flag items such as binders or prosthetics as “anomalies,” and this can still lead to invasive questions and pat-downs.
LGBTQ remembers trans* hate crime victims
A service was organised last week by the LGBTQ Society to commemorate Transgender Day of Remembrance and the victims of transphobic violence.
Tesco Facebook row rumbles on
The Red Ribbon Project is urging transgender people and migrants in Limerick not to shop at Tesco in Arthur’s Quay because of what they describe as “a transphobic and racist working environment.”
Slaughter of Trans People Goes on Unabated As Turkey Debates Hate Crimes
It is perhaps ironic that one of the few successful exports of Turkey to the wider world, although amazingly little known in the country itself, is the eccentric and fun crime fiction series by Mehmet Murat Somer, which features the transvestite Burçak Veral as the larger than life amateur sleuth, while, at once, the very same country appears to top all 47 Council of Europe states (which include Russia and most of the former Soviet constituent parts) in terms of hate crimes against “trans” people.
Transgender allowed to write TNPSC exam as woman
It was a tiny relief for Swapna, but a giant leap for the entire transgender community.
Transgenders More Feminine Than Masculine, says Judge
Dismissing a petition by transgenders seeking transfer of a criminal case trial from the Mahila Court, the Principal Sessions Court has ruled that they were “more feminine than masculine.”
Mahila court to hear transgender case
Curious Legal Battle on Gender in TN
Classification of the transgender is a debate that has raged since the days of mythology. However, even as governments and civil society are seeking to empower them by recognising them as a third gender, a curious legal battle is being waged at a court in Chennai.
Beijing's transvestite prostitutes doing well in embassy district
Streetwalkers, as prostitutes who ply their trade on streets are known in China, are reportedly doing good business in Beijing's embassy district, even the men in women's clothes, reports the local Beijing Times.
Allies unite to remember lost ones
Transgender Day of Remembrance memorial held in community
TDOR events draw hundreds
Hundreds of people crammed into the San Francisco LGBT Community Center, while across the bay in Oakland, a good Samaritan was recognized for his efforts to help a gender non-conforming teen after their skirt was set on fire aboard a bus.
Group advocates for HIV services for trans individuals
In 2002, Joy Morris, a Chicago transgender woman living with HIV, had an epiphany and founded TransActions, an organization that lobbies and advocates for HIV services for transgender people at both the local and national levels. "God told me to get up and pick up my cross, and that he had my back." She remembered from her bed at Kindred Hospital.
Remembering fallen friends
One by one, candles were extinguished as names of transgender victims were read out loud at Temple Beth-El in Providence last Thursday.
Transgender Day Of Remembrance Lists 242 Killed
242. That is the number of transgender individuals whose murders and suicides have been reported in the past year around the world. Groups like Gender Identity Network Alliance (formerly Transgender Detroit) know that this number is low due to the under-reporting of the deaths.
Ele ou ela? Experiência de transexual acerca do vocativo à sua abordagem cotidiana
Inserido na temática da sexualidade, está a transexualidade. Este tem se demonstrado assunto polêmico e abastado de questionamentos. Objetivou conhecer a vivência de transexual relacionada ao vocativo utilizado por diferentes segmentos sociais no que se refere à abordagem pessoal.
Mais uma LGBT é assassinado em Sapé
Severino Justino da Silva, conhecido por ‘Carina’, residente na rua 13 de maio em Sapé, foi assassinada quando dormia, a policia está realizando diligencias no sentido de identificar o autor ou os autores do assassinato da travesti Karina, pessoa muito querida na cidade de Sapé, pelas informações passadas a policia não sabe quais foram os motivos que levaram os criminosos matarem KARINA.
Sports teams show silence solidarity
York’s sports teams showed their respect for Trans Remembrance Day with a minute’s silence last week
Sean Bean wins International Emmy for transvestite role
British actor Sean Bean has won an International Emmy for his work in BBC One drama series Accused.
Transgenders challenge Mahila Court jurisdiction
A question over the gender of the victim and the accused in an immoral trafficking case has put the Mahila Court here at the centre of a raging controversy.
Intersex advocate Hiker Chiu talks to the ‘Taipei Times’ about her/his experiences as an intersex person living in Taiwan
For the first 42 years of her/his life, Hiker Chiu (丘愛芝) didn’t know who she or he was. Born and raised a girl, Chiu liked to play with dolls and dreamed of getting married and having babies. Then at the age of 10, her body stopped growing. While other girls reached puberty, Chiu waited for her first period, which never came. And her breasts didn’t develop as her classmates.
CAP Releases LGBT Detainee Report
Immigration experts share insights on particular challenges for undocumented LGBT immigrants
What Is Chelsea Manning Thankful For?
Transgender army private and Wikileaks informant Chelsea Manning, explains what she's thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Hate Group Wages War Of Words And Fake Signatures Against CA’s Trans Student Law
Evil seems to be having a bad week, as Prop. 8 mastermind Frank Schubert and his minions may not be able to get away with picking on vulnerable trans youth in California.
School Board Member On Transgender Issue: ‘Not Until The Plumbing Is Changed’
A school board member in Delta County has gotten national attention after making controversial statements about transgender students.
Colorado school board member recommends “castration” for transgender kids
School board member defends remarks that transgender kids should be castrated
Our relationship is the kind that people dream of': Love-at-first-sight couple get engaged... after both undergoing sex change operations
Mark Cummings and Jessica O'Donnell plan to wed next year in Florida
Mark used to be a girl called Maritza while Jessica was a boy called Shawn
Jessica, 39, attempted suicide as a teen and her family all but disowned her
Mark, 49, grew up facing similar discrimination and gender issues
But two years ago they met each other and it was 'love at first sight'
Mark, who transitioned in 2003, helped Jessica have operation last year
Trans Latina Town Hall held in Little Village
Project Vida's RAICES program organized Trans Latina Town Hall on Nov. 21 in Little Village, reporting on their project "Evaluating the Needs of Transgender Latinas in Chicagoland: A Focus Group Analysis."
Stonewall Inn plaque controversy involves trans* community
This past summer, openly gay New York state Sen. Brad Holyman, who represents the district where the Stonewall Inn is located, first proposed creating a commemorative plaque to honor the individuals who fought against continued police harassment at the historic Stonewall Inn over a three day period in 1969.
Transgender man settles discrimination lawsuit
El' Jai Devoureau, a transgender man in Southern New Jersey who alleged he was barred from working in a male- only job in a Camden New Jersey drug treatment facility has settled his suit. He says in June 2010, Camden Treatment Associates, LLC hired him as a urine monitor for men. His job responsibilities included monitoring male outpatients as they provided urine samples for drug testing.
Identity issues: The plight of transgender students at OU
It must have been puzzling to most people passing Ohio University's Howard Park last Wednesday evening why a group of nearly 40 individuals were huddled in a small ring around a brightly colored blue, purple and white flag. They lighted candles as they took turns reading names from index cards into the nippy November air.
Concluyen talleres de equidad de género y diversidad sexual
Con el objetivo de generar un cambio hacia la igualdad y no discriminación a grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad, se impartió a elementos de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Municipal un ciclo de talleres en materia de equidad e igualdad de género y diversidad sexual, derivado de las constantes denuncias por parte de integrantes del sector LGTB en contra de los policías por haber sido violentados y excluidos de sus derechos ciudadanos y humanos, informó Abraham Tenango Gutiérrez, jefe del Departamento de Diversidad.
LGBTI organization’s office attacked in Haiti
The office of Haitian LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) rights organization Kouraj was attacked by armed men who assaulted two members of the organization, ransacked the premises and stole sensitive personal information. Kouraj activists are also receiving homophobic telephone threats since then.
Por primera vez una mujer embarazó a un hombre y se van a casar
Se trata de la primera beba gestada por un hombre transexual. Está de ocho meses y ya se programó la cesárea. Este viernes pasarán por el civil y un día después harán la fiesta
A kaddish for the victims of anti-transgender violence
Transgender Day of Remembrance was marked by a growing number of Jewish communities, including the ADL.
European Union law should forbid all bias crime, concludes Fundamental Rights Conference
The annual Fundamental Rights Conference, organised by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), concluded that EU measures to address hate crime should be extended to cover all forms of bias, including homophobic crimes.
Los organizadores del Orgullo LGTB denuncian que el Ayuntamiento de Madrid persigue estrangularlos económicamente
Los organizadores del Orgullo LGTB de Madrid convocaron el pasado jueves una conferencia de prensa tras la imposición de una multa de 160.000 euros por parte del Ayuntamiento. FELGTB, COGAM y AEGAL consideran que la alcaldesa lo que hace es un uso interesado de la normativa para poner en dificultades a las organizaciones LGTB.
Madrid accused of 'strangling' gay pride
Hate crime victims urged to speak out
Schools will be told to make sure they are reporting hate crimes properly as police in Lancashire launch a new drive urging victims to speak up.
‘Cross-Dressers, Transvestites To Be Dealt By Law’
On the phenomenon of crossdressers and transvestites inside the university, Al-Kandari pointed out dealing with them will be according to law without barring them from attending lectures.
Over a thousand marchers come together to celebrate Delhi's sixth Pride Parade
It was a colourful showing of solidarity and support in the Capital on Sunday as over a thousand members and supporters of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community gathered to participate in the sixth Delhi Queer Pride Parade.
Gay rights activists take to streets in India
Hundreds march for gay rights in New Delhi and Bangalore
India: Hundreds march in campaign to end LGBT discrimination
Transgender Memorial Day host by Myanmar LGBT
A candlelight commemoration ceremony was held last week in Yangon’s People’s Park for transgendered victims of hate crimes. Gay and lesbian participants observed a two-minute silence at the event, which was also celebrated in 10 other townships throughout the country.
Transgender Day of Remembrance in Montreal
On November 20, a group of about 25 people gathered at Norman Bethune Square for a candlelight vigil to honour the lives of the people who were killed last year as a result of anti-trans* violence.
Groundbreaking Grassroots Study Brings Transgender Latina Immigrants into Focus
On Friday, Nov. 23, at the UCLA Downtown Labor Center, the TransLatina Coalition, a national nonprofit that advocates for the rights of transgender Latinas in the United States, released a report called “TransVisible: Transgender Latina Immigrants in U.S. Society.” This pioneering survey is the first trans grassroots effort to compile data on the lives and challenges that transgender Latina Immigrants face throughout the nation.
Weekend of performances helps continue transgender awareness
For the eighth annual Transgender Awareness Week, Front Porch Music aimed to support transgender artists on Saturday evening.
Transgender issues come to light during remembrance day
The rainbow flag was an eye-catching feature in the student conference room for Transgender Remembrance Day on Wednesday, Nov. 21st.
TRANSGENDER DAY OF REMEMBRANCE: Event more poignant after suicide
RIVERSIDE: Remembering transgender people who have died
Trans Awareness Week ends with laughter, emotion at “T is not silent” talent show
Breaking last year’s record attendance, this year’s Transgender Awareness Week (TAW) concluded the week by having the LGBTQA and the Pride Center communities host a transgender themed talent show Thursday night.
US School Board member: trans students should be 'castrated' before being allowed to use restrooms
A Colorado school board member has sparked controversy in the her local community after refusing to recognize the rights of transgender students, saying they shouldn't be allowed access to facilities which match their gender unless they have undergone surgery.
School Board Member: District Won’t Recognize Transgender Students Unless They’re Castrated
US: Colorado school board member says trans students should be ‘castrated’ before using bathrooms
Speaker shares transgender story
Senior Shane Henise identifies as transgender, but said that not many people really know what that means.
Laverne Cox discusses transgender issues, race, class, gender and intersectionality to packed crowd
Students filled Graham Chapel to see Laverne Cox deliver the keynote address for Trans* Awareness Week in one of the highest-turnout events Pride Alliance members say they have ever hosted.
[America Latina]
CIDH crea relatoría sobre temas de orientación sexual, identidad y expresión de género y diversidad corporal
El 8 de noviembre de 2013, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) decidió crear una Relatoría sobre los Derechos de las Personas Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Trans e Intersex (LGBTI) con el propósito de dar atención especializada al trabajo de la CIDH en materia de promoción y protección de los derechos de las personas LGBTI en las Américas. Esta Relatoría iniciará sus funciones el 1 de febrero de 2014 y dará continuidad a la labor de la Unidad para los Derechos de las Personas LGBTI de la CIDH.
The IACHR creates Rapporteurship to address issues of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Body Diversity
Support the release of Chelsea Manning
Amnesty International believes that Chelsea Manning, the US soldier sentenced to 35 years’ imprisonment for leaking classified government material she believed was in the public interest, should be shown clemency and immediately released. This is in recognition of:
Reflections on Transgender Day of Remembrance
In recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance, IGLHRC wants to share with you reflections from some of our partners and allies around the world.
The true stories of 2013’s trans murder victims
For Transgender Day of Remembrance, we remember the horrific tragedies that led to the deaths of trans victims worldwide
Major EU fund for employment and social inclusion will combat discrimination
Today, the European Parliament adopted a regulation defining the priorities of the European Social Fund (ESF) for the period 2014-2020. For the first time, the Fund will contribute to combating discrimination based on sex—including discrimination against transsexual persons—and sexual orientation.
Una veintena de adolescentes transexuales han sido tratados en Aragón desde 2006
Los médicos cada vez están tratando casos de trastorno de identidad de género en edades más tempranas. Primero se realiza apoyo psicológico y los tratamientos hormonales comienzan como norma general a los 18 años.
"Mamá, no soy un niño, soy una niña"
UK MEP Nikki Sinclaire revealed she was trans over fears of being outed by UKIP
The trans parliamentarian claims she recieved threats from UKIP and journalists threatening to reveal her trans identity
Murder investigation launched after death of ‘brave’ trans woman
A murder investigation has been launched amid tributes paid to a “brave” trans woman who was found dead on Tuesday.
Memorial service held for transgender people killed around the world
A memorial service will be held tomorrow for the estimated 1,123 transgender people killed around the world last year.
Tesco launches inquiry into employees posting online photos and videos abusing trans customers
Supermarket chain Tesco has launched an inquiry into employees taking photos and videos of transgender customers, posting them online, and leaving derogatory comments.
Why A Transgender Woman Got Fined After Presenting Train Ticket
A transgender woman was riding a train in France earlier this year when she was approached by an attendant. She presented her electronic ticket and ID card, but what happened next spurred some to accuse France's national rail service of transphobia.
Galz tribute to trans-gender advocate
Wednesday, November 20, was the International Transgender Day of Remembrance. Transgender people are those whose gender identity is different from the sex assigned at birth. It also includes people who express gender in ways that contravene what society expects from a man or woman. This umbrella term includes cross dressers, drag kings/queens, transsexuals, people who are androgynous as well as people who do not identify with any labels. GALZ commemorated the day by paying tribute to Zimbabwe’s LGBTI rights champion, known only as Naomi, with the following statement.
Violence against LGBT groups still prevails in India
The queer community and their friends and family will colourfully come out on the streets in pride and solidarity of their choice of sexualities as part of the Queer Pride Parades in Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Pune tomorrow.
Eunuch may slap defamation case on Eshwarappa
Eunuchs in the state are gunning for former deputy chief minister and BJP leader K S Eshwarappa for using the word 'hijra' — a derogatory term for a eunuch — at a public rally recently.
Transgenders seek 3% quota in education, jobs
A group of transgenders has approached the Madras HC to direct the state government to provide 3 per cent reservation for transgenders in the field of education and employment opportunities.
NSW parliament fails to commemorate trans day of remembrance
The Christian Democrats have blocked a motion by NSW parliament to commemorate transgender victims on Transgender Day of Remembrance.
[New Zealand]
Georgie has blazed the trail for others to follow
Last week I was honoured to attend a special occasion in Wellington - a tribute and fundraiser for my friend and former parliamentary colleague Georgina Beyer - known to many of us affectionately as Georgie.
A legal challenge to institutional violence against trans* people
The Centre for Gender Advocacy announced Wednesday that they will be challenging the Quebec Civil Code in Quebec’s Superior Court. Article 71 of the Code stipulates that a trans* person must be over the age of 18, a Canadian citizen, and have undergone a sex reassignment surgery in order to change their gender on official government identification. The Centre is calling for these three stipulations to be abolished.
TDOR participants concerned about upcoming Janice Raymond talk
About 40 people gathered at the Grandview Calvary Church off Commercial Drive Nov 20 to commemorate trans people who were murdered around the world in the last 12 months.
Ottawans remember victims of transphobic violence
The capital saw six Trans Day of Remembrance flag-raisings at various public buildings
Saskatchewan rejects transgender rights proposal petition
A petition to include “gender identity” and “gender expression” to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Code in Saskatchewan was rejected yesterday.
Students hold vigil honoring transgender violence victims
Roughly 40 people gathered in front of Denny Chimes Wednesday night as part of Transgender Day of Remembrance. The crowd held candles in a circle as representatives from Spectrum, The University of Alabama’s LGBTQ student organization and the UA Safe Zone read a list of 238 transgender people who have died because of their gender identity in the past year.
Bay Area 'Day of Remembrance" Ceremonies Honor Members of Transgender Community
Members of the transgender community who were killed because of their gender identity were honored Wednesday at Transgender Day of Remembrance events throughout the Bay Area.
Transgender day of remembrance event recalls murder victims
Hercules students suspended after fight with trans student
Officials of the West Contra Costa Unified School District are responding proactively after three girls and a male-to-female transgender student got into a brawl at Hercules High School last week.
Transgender Day of Remembrance: Honoring the lives lost to violence
On Friday, Fort Collins will honor the 328 — and counting — lives lost to transgender violence worldwide this year. Each life memorialized in the ceremony marks someone who was murdered for being transgender.
Trans police officer files harrassment complaint against city police department
Officer Francesca Quaranda has claimed the work environment at Middletown police department in Conneticut has become more hostile since transitioning
Trans activists speak out against violence
Community activists gathered Wednesday afternoon by City Hall for a chilly, solemn speak-out event in commemoration of International Transgender Day of Remembrance. They then marched and chanted their way to the Yale Women’s Table for a candlelit vigil mourning transgender victims of hate crimes, part of Yale’s Trans/gender Awareness Week.
Students reflect on being transgender
Isis King spreads transgender awareness
Sleek and confident, Isis King was met by loud cheers as the former “America’s Next Top Model” contestant turned the conference room into a runway.
Des Moines transgender community to gather for Transgender Day of Remembrance
The transgender community and allies in Des Moines will gather tonight to remember gender non-conforming individuals who have been killed in the past year.
Transgender activist Ellen Krug shares transition story on campus for Day of Remembrance
Rockford group remembers hate crime victims
While gay rights supporters across the state celebrate equal rights, another group in Rockford remembered those who lose their lives due to hate crimes for being gay.
Vigil shows 'trans lives matter'
Students lead vigil for transgender victims
As the sun set and the temperature dropped Wednesday night, almost 50 students, faculty and community members paraded down Kirkwood Avenue, holding candles in memory of victims they never knew.
From Daniel to Danielle: Transgender Auburn native to speak at Red House Arts Center
Auburn native and transgender author Danielle Bergan knew she was a girl at age three, but no one else did.
Austin LGBTQ community honors victims of death by violent anti-transgender acts with remembrance day
On Wednesday the Transgender Education Network of Texas and others from the Austin LGBTQ community gathered for the annual International Transgender Day of Remembrance. This is the 12th year the event takes place in Austin.
Llamado del Mides para trans genera desacuerdos
El Mides realizó un llamado a concurso para ocupar cargos con personas trans, motivo que impulsó al diputado blanco Pablo Abdala a realizar un pedido de informes en el que se explique por qué se procedió sin autorización de una ley que avale este proceder.
La astucia de la razón
Las leyes están, ahora lo que falta es que se cumplan. La doctora Carolina Jacky, con 37 años de profesión y apenas tres con un documento que respeta su identidad, devino experta y hábil litigante en asuntos de discriminación por género, homofobia y transfobia. En esta entrevista da cuenta de los agujeros negros que tiene la Justicia actual, que a veces ni tiene en el sistema el texto de las nuevas leyes, pero también de cómo es posible pasarlos por arriba convirtiendo el daño en recompensa. Un recorrido por los casos clave que tuvo su estudio en estos días es todo un manual para ciudadanxs y para abogadxs que, sin necesidad de convertirse en benefactores ad honorem, puedan colaborar para que la ley caiga pareja sobre todos y todas.
Nikki Sinclaire MEP: 'UKIP made sex change revelation threats'
An MEP has told the BBC she revealed her gender reassignment secret because of threats from journalists and her former colleagues in UKIP.
MEP Nikki Sinclaire: ‘I’ve received threats from UKIP and journalists’
Tributes pour in for 'brave' Worthing woman found dead in flat
Friends and family of a transsexual who was found dead on Tuesday have paid tribute to a “determined,” “brave” and “generous” woman.
Russian lawyer gets naked for transgender rights
Trans murders are ignored and transgender people who speak out are persecuted by Russia’s FSB security service, claims lawyer
[Hong Kong/China]
Doctor has vendetta against me: transgender rights activist
Rights activist accuses psychiatrist of cutting ties with her after dispute at hospital
Trans man Jaxxon Chilli prepares for Transgender Day of Remembrance
HE was born female but even at four years of age, Jaxxon Chilli felt like a boy inside.
Mariela Castro receives LGBT award in Montreal
Daughter of Cuban President reflects on LGBT civil rights in Cuba and abroad
Saskatchewan: Gender identity and expression won't be included in Human Rights Code
Attorney general says trans people already protected under existing wording
Tackling transphobia
Candelit ceremony memorializes transgendered victims
A Touching Affirmation of Life and Loss on Transgender Day of Remembrance
Presented by the Transgender Advisory Board, the city of West Hollywood hosted Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is held annually on Nov. 20 as a way to raise awareness about the ordinariness of violence transgender individuals continue to face. But this night was also an opportunity to honor and affirm the lives that take a proactive stance to empower other transgender individuals around the world.
WATCH: Activists Picket Calif. Group Targeting Trans Kids
For the past two months, the Pacific Justice Institute, a self-described "Christian" organization headquartered in Sacramento, has engaged in targeted attacks on a transgender 16-year-old in Florence, Colo., in an attempt to undermine support for a new California law that guarantees equal access to facilities and sports teams for trans students. That law is currently under threat of repeal through a ballot initiative organized by the institute and the anti-LGBT group National Organization for Marriage, among others.
Transgender Day of Remembrance in the Coachella Valley
As the sun set over the College of the Desert campus Wednesday night with Johann Pachelbel's Canon & Gigue in D playing in the background, local Coachella Valley residents honored the fallen 248 transgender women and men who lost their lives this year to transphobic hate crimes.
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2014
Signatures for Anti-Trans Initiative Effort at Secretary of State Office
The anti-trans Privacy for All Students claims it has submitted 620,000 signatures, more than the 505,000 valid signatures needed to qualify an initiative to overturn the California transgender student equal access law, California's School Success and Opportunity Act (AB 1266). Those signatures now need to be validated.
Transgender pupil keeps restroom rights
The Fremont Re-2 School Board upheld findings that will continue to allow a transgender student to use the girls restroom at Florence High School.
Transgender Police Officer Files Harassment Complaint Against Middletown Department
A transgender police officer has filed a complaint with the state Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities alleging supervisors in the police department created a hostile work environment because of her gender identity.
D.C. Marks Transgender Day of Remembrance
While honoring transgender victims of violence, local event finds some progress to celebrate
Transgender students struggle with restroom choice
The sign on the bathroom door is something that most people take for granted, but transgender people have to evaluate which one to use and how other people will react, said Uri Donnett, fourth year student in veterinary medicine.
WSU hosts National Transgender Day of Remembrance talk
In order to illustrate how difficult it is for transgender people to make the transition, the Office of Multicultural Affairs and That Gay Group! held an event for Transgender Day of Remembrance.
LGBT & Allies hosts Transgender Day of Remembrance event
Baltimore remembers the lives of its transgender victims
Transgender Day of Remembrance held around the world, made official in Baltimore by mayor
Charlotte remembers transgender victims at candlelight vigil
60 attend Transgender Day of Remembrance event
Drag Queen’s Protest Spawns Ex-Gay Petition
The scheduled appearance of a retired priest involved in reparative therapy has turned Cardinal Spellman Catholic High School in the Bronx into a battleground between anti-gay activists posing as advocates for the ex-gay movement and gay activists led by Spellman alumnus, actor/drag artist Clinton Leupp aka Coco Peru.
Transgender Day of Remembrance has deeper meaning in Cleveland this year
For 10 years now, people in Cleveland have held a vigil marking the national Transgender Day of Remembrance. The ceremony honors the memory of transgender people who have been brutally murdered around the world during the year for trying to live life as they feel and tries to raise public awareness to the hate crimes.
Parents object to Camp Hill High School's 'gender-bender' event
A “gender-bender” event organized Friday by a Camp Hill High School club to raise awareness for transgender people resulted in several parents calling the school district to raise concerns about the initiative.
Lambda Student Union recognizes, honors transgender victims
Surrounded by burning candles, a crowd of UT students and faculty gathered in the Humanities and Social Sciences amphitheater to remember and honor those that have passed on.
Sexual Diversity Alliance holds Transgender Day of Remembrance tomorrow at Holt Center
To honor victims of hate and discrimination due to perceived or actual gender identity or gender expression, the Sexual Diversity Alliance will be holding a Transgender Day of Remembrance at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow, Nov. 23, at the Holt Center.
Contra-corrente, trans e companhia limitada
Quando alguém muito próximo de nós morre, além do luto por essa pessoa, fazemos o luto de todas as nossas dores, questionamos quem somos e as nossas prioridades, bem como repensamos quem somos. É uma espécie de esquema anti-corrente.
23 trans persons in Brazil/Angola/Portugal who changed things by example or achievement
Nzinga Mbandi (1583 – 1663) ruler of the Ndongo who allied with the Dutch against the Portuguese. Nzinga wore male clothing and kept a group of men in female clothing.
The First Transgender Member of European Parliament
Nikki Sinclaire, 45, is a British Member of the European Parliament. She was party secretary of UK Independence Party until she resigned after a disagreement with party leader Nigel Farage over UKIP's alignment with racist, homophobic, and extremist parties. She then founded a new party, the single-issue We Demand a Referendum, which calls for the British public to be given the right to decide on EU membership.
El Ayuntamiento multa al Orgullo Gay con 160.000 euros por exceso de ruido
Los organizadores creen que la sanción “pone en peligro” la fiesta reivindicativa
Activists protest surgery to change gender on an ID
Gender rights activists congregated outside a conference on sexual violence yesterday to protest against the rule that people must undergo gender reassignment surgery to officially change their gender on identity cards. The activists said the rule was a form of sexual violence.
LGBT workers caught in standoff as ENDA blocked
After Senate passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, progress toward protecting LGBT workers has hit a wall amid an apparent standoff between the U.S. House and the White House.
Infographic: Data Shows Employment Discrimination Against LGBT People is Persistant and Pervasive
Surveys, polls and wage data indicate that employment discrimination against LGBT people is persistent and pervasive, according to new research conducted by UCLA’s Williams Institute. Research further indicates that enforcement of anti-discrimination protections is not overly burdensome and business generally support non-discrimination policies.
Infographic: U.S. House of Representatives and ENDA
News from the Transgender Rights Project
Transgender Rights Project Director Jennifer Levi shares an update on some of the critical work GLAD is doing in the area of transgender legal rights:
TDOR 2013 Message To My Houston Black Transpeeps
Since the 2013 Transgender Day of Remembrance events are rapidly coming to an end, basically had to say a few things to my African-American transpeeps in Houston as I pondered the historic happening Wednesday night of the first ever Houston TDOR event organized and executed by an African-American transgender Houstonian.
‘Transvisible’ documents love, acceptance within the life of a transgender activist
In celebration of Trans Awareness week, the Chicano/a Studies Department, MeChA, F Word and CSUN’s Gender and Women Studies department hosted a film screening on Wednesday afternoon where they showed “Transvisible: the Bamby Salcedo story.”
Burned student receives wide support
The gender-nonconforming high school student who was burned on a bus in Oakland is continuing to recover from their injuries as the attorney for the boy charged in the attack claims it was a "prank."
Meeting to Address Fight Involving Transgender Student, Bullying at Hercules High School
School district officials are meeting to address a fight at Hercules High School last week that involved a transgender student, a West Contra Costa Unified School District board member said.
Transgender Comments Spark Controversy in School District
Residents of Delta County have expressed concern over recent statements made in public by Delta County School Board member, Katherine Svenson. At the October meeting she commented on rights of transgender students.
Gray joins advocates at D.C. Transgender Day of Remembrance commemoration
Hundreds of people gathered at the Metropolitan Community Church of Washington on Wednesday to commemorate the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.
“The Transgender Day of Remembrance really marks another day in the struggle to be able to protect the rights of people who are transgender in the District of Columbia,” D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray said.
New Yorkers mark Transgender Day of Remembrance
A few dozen New Yorkers marked Transgender Day of Remembrance on Wednesday with a windy walk across the Brooklyn Bridge culminating in a candlelit vigil outside Brooklyn Borough Hall.
Transgender: Day of Remembrance
The 15th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance was memorialized Wednesday at the First Unitarian Church of Baltimore, located at 10 West Franklin Street. It included interfaith prayers, the reading of names, testimonies, hymns and the lighting of candles. Paster David Carl Olson presided.
Students remember fallen transgender at vigil
As Kay Mick read the names of 58 transgender people killed in hate crimes over the past year, she reflected on the significance of personifying the oppression.
Transgender activists say NY health regulation is discriminatory
Activists want to repeal Medicaid restriction that refuses coverage for gender reassignment
At transgender vigil in Syracuse, remembering those who have been lost
The candlelight vigil Transgender Day of Remembrance became emotional for many people as a candle was lit for each of the 16 transgender people murdered in the United States last year.
Students Observe Transgender Day of Remembrance
Students dressed in black gathered in the Stevenson Union Courtyard on Wednesday afternoon to observe the Transgender Day of Remembrance and commemorate those who have lost their lives within the last year as a result of discriminatory violence.
TransActive: A Haven and a Voice for Transgender Children
In August of 2012 TransActive Education and Advocacy was contacted by a transmasculine youth. The young man was a student at Grant high school, and he and his family were working with the school to arrange the details of his transition there.
Students raise transgender awareness
Some Cumberland County high school students are cross-dressing, today, to help raise awareness of transgender people and the issues they face.
Texas Observes Transgender Day of Remembrance
The International Transgender Day of Remembrance is observed in over 185 cities and more than 20 countries. In Texas, several events were held across the state to memorialize those who have been killed in the past year as a result of transphobia and hatred or fear of gender non-conforming people.
Equality Awareness Week focuses on transgender community
Weber State University’s LGBT Resources and Gay-Straight Alliance presented Transgender Equality Awareness Week, a national movement to bring awareness to the transgender community, throughout the week of Nov. 18-22.
Mides abrió llamados para dar trabajo a personas trans
Se trata de siete puestos laborales: cinco administrativos y dos para portería
Niegan que llamado a transexuales sea con fines electorales
Celebran en Argentina el primer concurso Miss Latinoamérica Trans en defensa de la diversidad sexual
Organizaciones de derechos humanos comenzaron hoy en Argentina el concurso Miss Latinoamérica Trans que premiará no sólo la belleza, sino la defensa, respeto y promoción de la diversidad sexual.
Je suis née dans le bon corps et sans doute que vous aussi. Je suis née fille, avec un vagin, des seins qui ont poussé à l’adolescence, une voix aiguë, on m’appelle « Mademoiselle » à la boulangerie et tout ça correspond à ce que je me sens être : une femme. Les choses sont plus compliquées pour les personnes dites « transidentitaires », c’est à dire dont l’identité de genre diffère de leur sexe de naissance. Ces personnes sont transsexuelles, intersexes, transgenres, bigenres,… et le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est qu’elles en prennent plein la gueule.
Une femme trans verbalisée par la SNCF pour son état civil
A l'occasion de la Journée internationale en souvenir des victimes de la transphobie le 20 novembre 2013, une militante trans-identitaire a rappelé sur Twitter la verbalisation discriminatoire d'une passagère trans par la SNCF, en mai dernier.
'Evaluated' to Be Yourself: Ukraine's Flawed Gender Recognition Procedure
This is the week in November when we honor the memory of people who have been murdered because of their gender identity or expression. By coincidence yesterday I was invited by two transgender people seeking legal recognition of their gender identity in Ukraine to accompany them to a meeting where their request would be evaluated by a Health Ministry committee.
Owen Smith Says He Was Beaten In 2002 Attack For Being Transgender
Owen Smith shared his emotional story of being assaulted for being transgender in an emotional interview with HuffPost Live.
Smith, who is now the Community Programs Manager at Equality Utah, recalled the 2002 incident, which he says began "because of a misunderstanding and a mistaken identity" in a Baltimore grocery store.
The Conservative Media's Responsibility For Transphobic Violence
November 20 marks the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance - a day to memorialize the members of the transgender community who lost their lives as a result of transphobic hate and violence. Transgender people are disproportionately the targets of hate-motivated attacks, and acts of brutal transphobic violence are a constant reminder of the work that remains to be done on the path to full LGBT equality and acceptance.
Dubuque's first Transgender Day of Remembrance celebrated
Transgender Day of Remembrance is a day that occurs annually to remember those who have been killed as a result of transphobia -- but in Dubuque, it's also a time when people can learn about the community.
Equality House Gets Makeover for Transgender Day of Remembrance
The home, located across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church, has adopted the colors of the transgender flag in honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Mayor Rawlings-Blake commemorates 2013 Transgender Day of Remembrance
On Wednesday, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake will commemorate the 15th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Transgender Workers Are At A High Risk Of Unemployment And Poverty
Recent Center for American Progress polling shows that 73 percent of voters support protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment. Despite this strong public support, no federal law provides explicit legal protections for transgender workers based on gender identity/expression--and only 17 states and the District of Columbia offer these protections. As a result, transgender workers face higher rates of unemployment and are at greater risk of poverty.
Justice For Shelly: Civil Rights Complaint Filed Against Police In Gruesome Murder
The October 2011 death and dismemberment of 19 year-old Shelly Hilliard (Moore) sent shockwaves through the community and has reappeared in media reports this week, as Detroit investigates another brutal murder of a transgender individual that took place Nov. 7. The Hilliard murder occurred after she had served as an informant in a marijuana delivery case.
Transgender Woman Murdered in Detroit
According to an Equality Michigan press release, a murder victim found last Friday, Nov. 8, discarded in a trash receptacle off Woodward Ave. in Detroit has not yet been identified, but is believed to be a member of the transgender community.
Vigil for Transgender Victims of Violence
It’s a group some call controversial, their friends say they’re misunderstood. We are wrapping up ‘National Transgender Remembrance Day’ and in Rochester, people came together paying tribute to those killed because of it.
Momentum builds with third consecutive Trans* Awareness Week
With celebrity headliner Laverne Cox slated to discuss her experiences as a transgender woman, the third annual Trans* Awareness Week, running from this past Monday to Saturday, promises to be bigger than ever.
Candlelight vigil brings violence toward GLBT community to light
The Raleigh LGBT Center held a candlelight vigil Wednesday outside the State Capitol.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil held in Moorhead
Many of the pews were filled at a local church this evening, to remember 71 people killed this year alone.
More than fifty people took part in the 15th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Charges Dropped In Beating Death Of Transgender Woman, But Family And Advocates Hopeful
When Delores Nettles heard that charges had been dropped against the young man accused of assaulting her daughter, she was hopeful.
Remembrance vigil pays tribute to transgender community
In front of a crowd at Syracuse City Hall on Wednesday night, Terri Cook said it was difficult to write her speech because it is hard for her to think about violence against the transgender community.
Gathering for Transgender Day of Remembrance
People gathered to publicly, silently mourn transgender individuals
Utah's transgender community remembers those lost, looks ahead to better future
Honoring those lost over the past year, Utah's transgender community gathered Wednesday night to give voice to those who no longer have one.
Vigil memorializes transgender victims of homicide
O uso do nome social como estratégia de inclusão escolar de transexuais e travestis
Resumo: Em 2008, o governo do Estado do Pará autorizou o uso do nome social para travestis e transexuais em todas as unidades escolares da rede pública. Diante desse acontecimento, fez-se uso das teorizações do filósofo Michel Foucault para analisar os efeitos da política do nome social como estratégia de inclusão escolar de travestis e transexuais.
EU demands more reforms from Ukraine to lift visa barrier
While the lead-up to the Vilnius Eastern partnership summit has focused on a mooted EU-Ukraine association agreement, another subject that is dear to Ukrainians will be discussed, free movement across the European Union.
On the edge
Acid Chen hardly stands out among the crowd of young female customers at a café on the campus of Peking University. With her tall, slender frame and straight hair falling below her shoulders, Chen's dimples emerge each time she smiles. She reaches for a pocket in her denim shorts fashionably worn over long winter leggings and pulls out a box of pills.

Marking Transgender Day of Remembrance
Today, November 20th, communities across the country and around the world will mark Transgender Day of Remembrance. This day is an opportunity to remember those who have lost their lives to violence and injustice because of their gender identity or gender expression.
Secretary of State John Kerry's Remarks on Transgender Day of Remembrance
The State Department joins people around the world in marking Transgender Day of Remembrance, honoring the memory of lives lost to violence provoked by fear and hatred of transgender and gender non-conforming people.
Transgender Day of Remembrance: Those We've Lost in 2013
Transgender Day of Rememberance was established in 1999 to memorialize Rita Hester, a trans woman who was brutally murdered the year before. Her murder remains unsolved, as do many of the crimes committed against transgender and gender-nonconforming people.
Vandalism to LGBT Resource Center signs represents disregard for trans* community
The Syracuse University LGBT Resource Center’s attempt to raise awareness about trans* lives was inconsiderately and shamefully vandalized last Friday.
Syracuse University reacts to LGBT-targeted vandalism
LGBT Resource Center director reacts to sign vandalism
Suspect in beating death of transgender woman walks
Paris Wilson, 20, left Manhattan Criminal Court a free man — at least temporarily — as prosecutors said they were not ready to move ahead with a homicide case.
UPDATED: Trans Murder in South Side Not Being Investigated as a Hate Crime
“I think he was killed probably because of his sexuality. By him being gay. That’s the only thing I can see. I feel like it’s a hate crime,” Hawkes said.
Richmond Police have given a few details related to the murder of trans-woman Amari Hill.
Major Oddeta Johnson said the victim was NOT shot in the groin area and, due to the relationship between the current suspect and the victim, the crime is not being investigated as a hate crime.
Dançarina travesti da barraca de praia 'Axé Moi' é encontrada morta
Um rapaz que a travesti estava se relacionando há dois dias a esfaqueou e fugiu com o carro da vítima
A travesti Delmar Bittencourt, conhecida como 'Lady Butterfly', de 35 anos, que dançava na barraca de praia 'Axé Moi', em Porto Seguro, foi encontrada morta na madrugada desta segunda-feira (18). O crime aconteceu na rua do Coqueiral, no bairro de Taperapuã.
Adolescente transexual do DF teme preconceito e sonha com mudança de sexo
Ele tem 16 anos de idade. Desde os cinco tinha consciência de que não estava satisfeito com seu gênero biológico. Aos nove, incomodado com a aparência, ele já se vestia com roupas masculinas. Na escola, Francisco afirma que seus amigos não sabem sobre o fato de ele ser transexual e que tem medo de que eles se afastem caso fiquem sabendo que ele é um menino em corpo de menina.
Former UKIP MEP Nikki Sinclaire: ‘I was accepted as a lesbian in UKIP’
MEP Nikki Sinclaire says she was “accepted as a lesbian in UKIP” – despite having won a discrimination case against the party in 2010.
The MEP, who came out publicly as transgender yesterday, told The Sun: “I was accepted as a lesbian in UKIP. By contrast, some of the worst homophobia I’ve seen in politics has come from the Liberal Democrats.”
Support Transgenre Strasbourg COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Transgender Day of Remembrance 2013
Support Transgenre Strasbourg appelle à un rassemblement à l'occasion de la 15e Journée
internationale de la Mémoire Transgenre (International Transgender Day of Remembrance,
TDoR), le samedi 23 novembre 2013 à 15 h place Kléber à Strasbourg.
Tunisia’s Mohammad Ali Is Transgender Against Muslim’s Societal Odds
Tunisian female footballer Fatima Maleh announced on national radio that she is now a man, legally registered in civil records as Mohammad Ali. One not-small step for this man; and a giant leap for Tunisia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Ground Zero for the Arab Spring, Tunisia may be trailblazing other human rights as well.
Transgender Day of Remembrance – November 20
November 20 is designated as the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), to remember those who have died due to transphobia – the hatred, or fear of transgendered people – and brings attention to the continuing violence against the transgendered community.
National LGBT Health Education Center’s Webinar for Transgender Medical Care Providers
The National LGBT Health Education Center at the Fenway Institute will host the webinar, “Transgender Medical Care: Advanced Case Discussion,” on Dec. 10 from 3-4 p.m. ET.
Santa Clara sheriff’s office releases sketch in De Anza College sexual assault
The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s office on Thursday, November 14 released a sketch of a man suspected of sexually assaulting a De Anza College student on campus.
Transgender support community speaks out after increased violence
Members of the transgendered community say, after losing another member to violence, they are ready for the violent acts against them to stop.
Transgender Woman Found Murdered in Detroit
The victim's body was found in a trash can behind a bar; her identity remains unknown.
A murder victim whose body was found in a trash can in Detroit November 8 has not been identified, but both LGBT advocates and police say the victim was a transgender woman.
International Transgender Day of Remembrance held in Winona
JamieAnn Meyers came out as a transgender woman before an entire lecture class she taught as a geoscience professor at Winona State University.
NSAA: There is no transgender policy
A communications mixup about whether or not the Nebraska School Activities Association established a policy for transgendered students to be allowed to play on the sports team they identify with drew the issue front and center in the state.
Group to Protest DA's Handling of Transgender Woman's Beating Death
An anti-discrimination group is planning to protest prosecutors' delays in bringing hate charges against a man who was accused in the fatal beating of a transgender woman in Harlem this past August.
Remembering the victims of trans violence
No one knows how many transgender people are assaulted and killed. Not all the violence is reported. Brazilian authorities, for example, reported 28 deaths last year, but no one is certain of the actual number. Since 1998, 238 transgender people have been reported killed worldwide.
Muere una flor
Ha muerto Kenia Cruz Paz, reina mexicana de la Fiesta de las Intrépidas Buscadoras del Peligro. No sabemos cómo estaba, qué tenía, qué le pasó y qué no le pasó. La despedimos.