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domingo, maio 31, 2015
[Brasil] Travesti é morto a tiros em Dois Riachos
Um homem foi morto a tiros na noite desta sexta-feira (29), na cidade de Dois Riachos. A vitima foi morto por dois homens que estavam em uma moto Pop. A motivação do crime pode ter sido homofóbico, João Soares da Silva, 23 anos, era travesti . Priscila como era conhecido a vitima estava na Avenida Frei Damião, praça central da cidade, quando foi alvejado com os tiros de arma de fogo.
[Russia] Police break up unsanctioned gay rally in central Moscow
Police broke up an unsanctioned gay rights rally in central Moscow on Saturday, detaining around 20 people, including anti-gay campaigners who attacked the activists.
[Pakistan] Where do transgender people stand?
Money, harassment, scattered support and, above all, a noticeable exclusion from the official local government election plan has left transgender persons unrepresented.
[Pakistan] The forbidden voters of KPK
Amid all the overstatements of PTI chairman Imran Khan aimed at bringing revolutionary changes in the country, transgenders in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are still worried about their voting rights in ongoing local bodies elections.
[Pakistan] Transgender Candidate Campaigns For Election In Khyber-Pakhtunkwa Province, Pakistan
In Pakistan, a transgender candidate is among the hopefuls taking part in local elections in Khyber-Pakhtunkwa Province on May 30. “Pervaiz Baby,” as he’s known, is not the first transgender candidate in Pakistan. But this is a rare phenomenon in a conservative culture. Transgender people were denied the right to vote in Pakistan until a supreme court decision in their favor in 2011.
[USA] Bruce Jenner To Appear As A Woman On Vanity Fair Cover: Report
Bruce Jenner is reportedly set to make his first public appearance as a woman on the next cover of the Vanity Fair magazine. The "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star will appear in a shoot by world-famous photographer Annie Leibovitz, People magazine reported on Saturday, citing sources.
[DE, USA] Transgender Delawareans face hurdles
With buxom curves and shapely hips, Christina Warburton resembles a pin-up mom. But, at the end of the day, Warburton will always just be dad to her kids.
[NC, USA] North Carolina Governor Vetoes ‘License To Discriminate’ Bill
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) has vetoed a bill that would have allowed state officials to refuse to officiate marriages. The legislation (SB 2), which passed in the House on Thursday having previously passed in the Senate back in February, would have allowed state magistrates to opt out of conducting marriage ceremonies based on a sincerely held religious objection. Though the bill does not specifically reference same-sex marriage, its purpose was to allow officials to retain their jobs without officiating for same-sex couples.
[OK, USA] Transgender Oklahoma City woman claims mistreatment by jail staff
A transgender Oklahoma City woman said she felt “stripped of all dignity,” accusing Oklahoma City jail staff and inmates of ridiculing her following her arrest May 20 for speeding with a suspended license and no insurance.
[República Dominicana] Letrero en oficialías JCE causa polémica entre comunidad GLBT
Un letrero, colocado en las oficialías de la Junta Central Electoral, ha causado polémica entre la comunidad GLBT, ya que expresa la prohibición de tomar la foto de la cédula de identidad a personas vestidos de forma que aparente ser de otro sexo.
[Chile] La transformación de David
Hace tres años, David Tapia era Andrea. Sentía, pensaba y actuaba como hombre, pero su cuerpo decía lo contrario. El Liceo Experimental Manuel de Salas, donde entró en séptimo básico, se dio cuenta de su situación y contactó a sus padres. A partir de ahí, todos iniciaron un proceso donde David pudo asumirse y el colegio integrarlo exitosamente en la que es su primera experiencia con un niño transgénero.
[Argentina] Las personas trans podrán acceder a la salud integral
Así lo establece la reglamentación del artículo 11 de la Ley de Identidad de Género, que fue publicada en el Boletín Oficial. Desde ahora, las intervenciones quirúrgicas o tratamientos hormonales para adecuar el cuerpo a la identidad autopercibida serán incluidas en el Programa Médico Obligatorio (PMO)
[Brasil] Travesti é morta após discutir valor do programa
Este foi o primeiro assassinato de travesti no ano em Sergipe. Bárbara se preparava para deixar a profissão justamente pelos riscos das ruas.
A travesti Bárbara Sodré, 29 anos, foi morta na madrugada da última segunda-feira, 25, após discutir com um cliente que se recusou a pagar o programa. O fato ocorreu no centro da capital sergipana, onde a vítima trabalhava como profissional do sexo. Este foi o primeiro assassinato de travesti no ano em Sergipe. Bárbara se preparava para deixar a profissão justamente pelos riscos das ruas.
[Brasil] As Travestis e Transexuais que servem de Palhaças Televisivas sendo motivos Piadas e Trollagem em Programas de TV
A discriminação dos “diferentes” é um elemento presente no discurso social. Os “diferentes” podem ser os loucos, bruxas, negros, dependendo do momento/contexto histórico cultural. Da mesma forma, travestis por serem “diferentes” da maioria sofrem preconceitos, humilhação e violência nas ruas e até mesmo em casa, por representarem algo que nem todas as culturas conseguem integrar em seu léxico cultural “O preconceito, usualmente incorporado e acreditado, é a mola central e o reprodutor mais eficaz da discriminação e de exclusão, portanto da violência”.
[Canada] With only one clinic in Canada, wait for transgender surgery often months long
The public's understanding about transgender issues has grown in recent years, thanks in part to people like former U.S. Olympian Bruce Jenner coming forward. But while awareness is growing in Canada, so are the waiting lists for surgery.
[USA] Interview with Sandy Stone — Part 2
Sandy Stone is a touchstone woman in transgender history. She has a section dedicated to her place in trans and feminist history in the book Transgender History.
[CA, USA] Suspect in 'Mrs. Doubtfire' home fire pleads guilty to arson
A woman charged with setting fire to a house featured in the popular "Mrs. Doubtfire" movie has pleaded guilty to arson. In exchange, prosecutors agreed to drop an attempted murder charge stemming from the Jan. 5 fire.
[KY/IN, USA] Area Girl Scouts affirm transgender policy
The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana has reaffirmed its policy welcoming transgender youths, a move that came after the same national Girl Scouts policy came under conservative criticism.
[ME, USA] Schools ponder transgender rules
Recommended guidelines for dealing with transgender students have been forwarded to the individual schools in the Mount Desert Island Regional School System (MDIRSS) by the policy committee of the MDIRSS board.
[PA, USA] Philly to raise trans flag
The City of Philadelphia will next week raise the transgender Pride flag at City Hall.
[PA, USA] Trans-Health Conf. organizers expect record attendance
The 14th-annual Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference will pack the Pennsylvania Convention Center for three full days of educational and empowering trans-focused programming.
[PA, USA] City launches ‘safe bathroom’ guide
In what could be the first city-sponsored initiative of its kind in the nation, Philadelphia this month launched an interactive online guide to help trans, gender-nonconforming and others locate gender-neutral restrooms in the region.
[PA, USA] Murder victim mourned, remembered
Londyn Kiki Chanel, a 21-year-old transgender woman, was killed earlier this month in North Philadelphia, and friends are remembering her for her vibrant and positive personality.
[UK] Transexual woman jailed after raping Tamworth girls when she was a man
A man who raped two young Tamworth girls before undergoing a sex change operation has been jailed for 16 years.
Nicola Cope – formerly known as 'Gordon' – groomed the girls for sex before systematically abusing them over a number of years, a jury at Stafford Crown Court ruled.
[Turkey] Turkey’s Transgender People Fight For Recognition, Run For National Election For First Time
Sechil, 40, sits in an open, crowded café here, smoking a cigarette and occasionally tucking dangling wisps of hair back into her hijab. She pulls out a pink identification card, legal proof in Turkey that she is a woman. Except that she isn’t fully one. The name on the card is Mehmet, a common man’s name, and the Turkish translation of Mohammad, the Muslim Prophet.
[Pakistan] Transgender persons must be treated equally: CII
Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), the top body of clerics that advises government on religious issues, on Wednesday issued a landmark edict urging that the transgender persons must be treated equally and be considered part of family.
[Canada] NDP wrangling stalls NDP transgender bill
A New Democrat MPP’s groundbreaking legislation to ban controversial transgender “conversion therapy” is being delayed by her own party’s political wrangling.
[CA, USA] Follow Two Transgender People Through a Year of Transitioning (Video)
“Over the moon excited, terrified, scared, emotional.”
That’s how Jetta’Mae Carlisle described feeling as her sexual re-assignment surgery got closer. Carlisle says she was assigned as male at birth, but felt like she was female since she was a child. She identifies as a straight woman.
[CA, USA] Transgender Law Center and Equality California Institute Launch Coalition to Educate Public on Transgender Issues
Transgender Law Center and Equality California Institute are launching a coalition to implement a statewide public education campaign to combat widespread public misunderstanding about transgender and gender nonconforming people and the issues they face. The coalition will include other LGBT and civil rights organizations as well as groups serving communities of color and the faith community. The effort is independent of work on any political or legislative campaign and exists solely to change attitudes towards transgender Californians through research and education.
[DC, USA] Trans veteran to take a stand at Pentagon Pride
Amid preparations to celebrate Pride next month, a transgender veteran plans to take the opportunity to make a subtle, but potentially powerful statement for the 15,500 troops in the U.S. military who are forced to hide their gender identity.
Sheri Swokowski, who served as an infantry soldier for nearly 34 years as she presented as male, plans to wear a female Army Service Uniform with an infantry gold-crossed rifle insignia at the upcoming annual Pride event at the Pentagon on June 9.
[DC, USA] Advocates protest ICE detention policies
A group of more than 20 advocates gathered outside U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Southwest Washington headquarters on Wednesday to protest the mistreatment they say undocumented LGBT immigrants experience while in ICE custody.
[DC, USA] Casa Ruby Is A 'Chosen Family' For Trans People Who Need A Home
Editor's note: This story contains language that some may find offensive.
This story is part of an occasional series about individuals who don't have much money or power but do have a big impact on their communities.
[MI, USA] Local Trans Activist Awarded Ferndale 2015 Good Neighbors Award
Every year, Citizens for a Fair Ferndale grants 10 Good Neighbor Awards that identify and honor individuals, organizations and businesses in the Ferndale community who are outstanding examples of good neighbors, and who are committed to building, preserving, maintaining and improving the quality of life in their neighborhoods and the community.
[Mexico] Hombre busca impedir la Marcha Gay de La Paz del domingo, y les incendia un carro
Un sujeto molesto con los planes para realizar la Marcha Gay de La Paz el próximo domingo, prendió fuego a una plataforma que serviría como carro alegórico de la festividad, lo que sorprendió a los testigos.
Los hechos ocurrieron en las calles Márquez de León e Independencia, de la colonia Centro de la capital.
[Cuba] Prosiguen redadas policiales contra los homosexuales en Cárdenas y Matanzas
Anoche 22 de mayo de 2015, cerca de las once de la noche, la Policía realizó otra redada, donde detuvo a todos los travestis y homosexuales que se encontraban en los alrededores del Rápido situado en Ruíz entre Calzada y Coronel Verdugo en la ciudad de Cárdenas. La misma zona donde hace apenas un año y medio (el 3 de octubre) un grupo de cocheros intentaron coaccionar y agredir físicamente a varios gays para que se fueran del lugar.
[Republica Dominicana] Letreros de la JCE discriminan población GLBT, dicen organizaciones trans
Las diversas organizaciones que conforman el Observatorio de Derechos Humanos para Grupos Vulnerabilizados (ODHGV) expresaron hoy su inconformidad por los letreros que reposan en algunas oficialías del Estado Civil de la Junta Central Electoral (“JCE”), en los cuales se expresan lineamientos discriminatorios en función de la identidad y expresión de género.
[Chile] Trans en Chile: El duro Camino
Desde un “inocente” piropo hasta un agresivo agarrón, quienes atraviesan la feminización se enfrentan en disyuntivas que derivan entre la satisfacción y el miedo.
[Brasil] Leandra Leal paga enterro de travesti no Rio de Janeiro, diz jornal
Atriz ficou comovida com situação de veterana pelos direitos LGBT no Brasil
Leandra Leal teria se comovido com a situação da travesti Marquesa, de 71 anos, que morreu nesta última segunda-feira (25), no Rio de Janeiro.
De acordo com informações do jornal O Globo, desta quarta-feira (27), a atriz encontrou o corpo da veterana em um cantinho do Hospital Miguel Couto, enquanto dirigia o documentário Divinas Divas.
Segundo a publicação, o hospital alegou que o corpo da Marquesa não caberia em uma das gavetas do necrotério do hospital. Leandra, então, teria arcado com as despesas de remoção do corpo e enterro.
[Brasil] Crossdresser, travesti, trans: Laerte fala sobre sexualidade
Cartunista rejeita cirurgia e diz que não toma hormônios: "parece que na minha idade não faz tanto efeito"
No passado, a cartunista brasileira Laerte Coutinho (63) chegou a se classificar como “crossdresser”, hoje se vê mais como travesti, mas no geral sente-se confortável em se afirmar como pessoa transgênero. Prefere ser chamada por "ela", e começou a discutir o assunto no Brasil há mais de dez anos. Vai ao cabeleireiro e à manicure, se depila em casa e ressalta que a cirurgia de mudança de sexo não está em seus planos. "As pessoas fazem por sentir inadequação total com suas genitálias. Não é o meu caso."
[Europe] TGEU contributes to the OSCE Hate Crime Report 2014
TGEU submitted a report containing a collection of transphobic hate crimes and hate incidents that took place during 2014 and were recorded and verified by TGEU and its partner organizations for the OSCE ODIHR Hate Crime Reporting. The submission contains the description of transphobic hate crimes: criminal acts motivated by bias or prejudice towards trans people. Click here to access the full report.
[Iran] Draft bill on transsexuals sent to Iran parliament
A bill that would provide better protection for transsexuals in Iran has been sent to researchers in parliament, the ISNA news agency quoted an official as saying on Tuesday.
Under a fatwa or religious decree by the Islamic republic's founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran recognises transsexuality.
Sex change operations are common, with part of the fees paid by the authorities.
"To better protect transsexuals, a draft bill on all aspects, judicial and religious, has been prepared and sent to parliament's research centre, which is examining it," said Farid Habibollah Masoudi, deputy head of the social affairs assistance department.
[New Zealand] Overseas surgeries being looked into
The Ministry of Health says work is underway to explore sending people overseas for gender reassignment surgery.
[USA] Judith Butler on gender and the trans experience
Cristan Williams, a trans historian and journalist, interviewed Judith Butler about gender and the trans experience for The TransAdvocate. They discussed the problem with TERFs and the work of Sheila Jeffreys and Janice Raymond.
[USA] Evangelicals pray to end ‘transgender tyranny’ as Girl Scouts and schools welcome trans youth
Conservative evangelicals apparently have lots to pray for these days.
Same-sex marriage rights are quickly spreading across the country, Obama declared an International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, a Fairfax, Virginia school board recently implemented a transgender rights policy, and Robert Gates of The Boy Scouts of America urged his organization to lift the ban on gay leaders.
To top it off, The Girl Scouts of America is officially trans-inclusive.
[AR, USA] In Win For Equality, Largest County in Arkansas Passes Employment Protections for County Workers
Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, praised Pulaski County for passing much-needed non-discrimination protections that will protect county employees in the workplace. By a vote of 10-5, members of the Pulaski County Quorum Court enacted essential workplace protections that will prohibit discrimination against county employees based on sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as political or religious opinions or affiliations, race, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability, genetic information or other non-merit factors.
[MA, USA] Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Protections Needed in the Bay State
Efforts in Massachusetts to amend the state’s non-discrimination laws to include protections in public accommodations for transgender individuals continue this legislative session. The Human Rights Campaign is hard at work partnering with MassEquality, the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, the ACLU, Freedom for All Americans, PFLAG, and many other local allies to pass a bill that would add these needed protections.
[MD, USA] Maryland Becomes 7th State to Modernize Birth Certificate Access
Maryland’s modernized birth certificate gender marker policy becomes law by default on June 3, 2015. The law will take effect on October 1, 2015. After passing the state legislature nearly 30 days ago, Maryland joins six other states and the federal government in removing burdensome and unnecessary barriers to obtaining a birth certificate that reflects who transgender people are.
[MO, USA] Transgender protections move towards school board vote
A proposal to add transgender protections to Columbia Public School's anti-discrimination policy passed the district's policy committee Tuesday, setting the stage for the school board to vote next month on codifying it .
[NV, USA] Transgender student pleas with CCSD to step up, protect her rights
Kristina Hernandez waited nearly a year before she could use the girl’s restroom at Harney Middle School.
A sixth-grader at the time, Kristina spent the summer after elementary school preparing to transition from male to female — something she had desired for years. She encountered no intolerance from other students and said no parent lodged a single complaint about their child sharing a restroom or locker room with her.
[Mexico] Hasta mil pesos de multa a homosexuales vestidos de mujer
Tijuana prepara el primer reglamento de protección a la diversidad sexual del país.
La Policía Municipal arresta e impone multas superiores a los mil pesos a hombres vestidos de mujer, denunció el coordinador del Consejo Estatal por la Diversidad Sexual, Armando Rodríguez Salazar.
[Mexico] Primera marcha del orgullo Gay en Poza Rica contra la homofobia
En demanda de respeto se realizó por primera ocasión la marcha del “Orgullo Gay” en Poza Rica, con la participación de más de cien personas que destacaron la necesidad de combatir la homofobia que se sigue presentando en la ciudad.
[Honduras] Rechazan violencia y odio contra los LGBT
Organizaciones y colectivos defensores de la comunidad de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales e Intersexual (LGBT), así como estudiantes universitarios y de educación media en Honduras, se movilizaron para celebrar el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia.
[Guatemala] Homofobia y transfobia: del hartazgo a la primavera
Guatemala atraviesa una profunda crisis en su estructura gubernamental, situación que ha sido aprovechada por el colectivo LGBT para introducir sus demandas en las manifestaciones y discursos que exigen la protección de los derechos humanos como la base para conducir el país.
[Chile] El duro emplazamiento de padre de niña transgénero a la senadora Van Rysselberghe
Víctor Escobar hizo un llamado a la presidenta de la Comisión de DDHH del Senado para apoyar la Ley de Identidad de Género. "Yo quiero un mejor país y, por lo que yo he sabido, la señora Van Rysselberghe no quiere que ese mejor país esté", agregó.
[Brasil] Transexuais reprovam psiquiatria e apontam desrespeito ao nome social no Pedro Ernesto
Integrantes de movimento pelos direitos dos transexuais criticam a obrigatoriedade do tratamento psiquiátrico de dois anos, pré-requisito do Ministério da Saúde para cirurgias de adequação corporal de sexo. As consultas seriam superficiais e, na opinião deles, perda de tempo. O BLOG LGBT do DIA mostrou neste domingo que pacientes chegam a ficar seis anos na fila pela cirurgia no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, único local da rede pública de saúde que oferece o serviço no Rio.
[UK] Transgender beauty queen 'pushed and spat on by thug after he tried it on with her'
Tiffany-Rose Davies said she was pushed and spat on by the man, who she says was angry because he didn't realise she was a transsexual
A transgender beauty queen has revealed how she was attacked by a thug outside a pizza takeaway after he ‘tried it on with her’.
Tiffany-Rose Davies said she was pushed and spat on by the man, who did not realise her gender.
[Egypt] Egypt’s war on Transgender people continues as police arrest two more women
Two transgender women identified as men by police were arrested on Sunday for allegedly partaking in “prostitution and posting sexually-explicit videos online”.
They were taken into custody at their home in Nasr City where police confiscated short dresses, high heels, makeup and adult toys. The possession of said articles by either gender is not against the law in Egypt. 2 transgender men arrested on prostitution charges
[New Zealand] MoH to front on trans/intersex health care
The Health Ministry will give evidence to Parliament's Health Select Committee tomorrow in response to a petition calling for improvement in healthcare for trans and intersex people.
[Canada] Tribunal to consider lifting gender from birth certificates
After successfully lobbying provincial and federal governments to make it easier to amend sex designations on key identity documents, transgender Canadians are now pushing for another change: to abolish gender references altogether from birth certificates.
[USA] Trading Places: An account of a mother’s own anguishing transition
Like thousands of parents, Jane Baker was left in shock and disbelief when she learned that her adult child was transgender. In her new memoir, Baker tells the story of supporting her adult child through gender transition while struggling to overcome deep personal anguish about it. According to one critic, the book is “an honest portrayal of a difficult time and a wonderful account of an adult’s ability to grow even when one isn’t particularly ready for it.”
[SC, USA] Lawyers prepare for medical malpractice trial in rare ‘intersex’ lawsuit
A Richland County jury may decide later this year if the Medical University of South Carolina, Greenville Health System and the state child welfare agency are guilty of medical malpractice for removing a baby’s penis before he turned 2 years old.
[Brasil] '90% da população transexual trabalha na informalidade'
Projeto de lei do vereador Renato Cinco pretende instituir incentivo fiscal (abatimento no recolhimento do Imposto sobre Serviços - ISS) para as empresas que contratarem profissionais travestis, transexuais e transgêneros.
[Brasil] Homossexual é encontrado morto a tiros na marginal da BR-282 em Lages
Era por volta das 7h da manhã deste sábado (23), quando populares acionaram a Polícia Militar, informando que na via marginal da BR-282 bairro Frei Rogério, havia um corpo de uma mulher caída na canaleta de escoamento de água possivelmente sem vida.
No local, foi identificado que se tratava de um homem (travesti), morto com pelo menos três disparos de arma de fogo na cabeça.
[UK] Transgender woman bidding for beauty pageant glory
Chloe-Louise Fearn, 25, has entered Miss Transgender UK to help raise awareness
A transgender woman says she’s proud of who she is and has entered a pageant in her fight against misconceptions.
Chloe-Louise Fearn, 25, was born as a boy named Christopher, but always felt like she was female.
Press Release: «Criminal racist hate attack against a trans woman in Evia»
Greek Transgender Support Association (GTSA), a recognized association for the support of the rights of the trans* community, strongly denounces the transphobic attack against a trans woman and her friend, who defended her while she was attacked in a night club in Evia by a team of five people and the owner; actions that typify many felonies and a series of other criminal offences against them, as well as against the Police officers that not only violated their duties when called, but also participated in criminal racist acts and tortured the trans woman.
PRESS RELEASE: «Attack against a trans woman with a shotgun in the center of Athens»
The Greek Transgender Support Association (G.T.S.A.), a recognized ngo for the support of the rights of the trans* community, denounces the attack against a trans woman with a shotgun in the center of Athens.
[Turkey] Turkey Elections: Gay, Transsexual Candidates Spotlight LGBT Rights
Excerpt: Another candidate is transgendered Deva Özenen, who is standing for the recently-founded secular nationalist Anatolia Party. She has been out campaigning on the streets of Izmir, a relatively liberal coastal city.
[Thailand] Fighting for Identity: The Life of a Transgender Kickboxer in Rural Thailand
In her color-coordinated training attire and fashionably fit tops, Rose is easy to spot at her tiny dirt-floor gym in rural Thailand. Her hot pink top clings snugly to her compact, lean torso. Bra straps in a delicate petal pink peer through at the shoulders. Her iridescent satin shorts are customized with her fight name, Rot-Duan, embroidered in gold.
[Australia] Closet Case: Tony Briffa
The world's first openly intersex mayor, Tony Briffa, shares an often painful process of coming out as intersex in this month's Closet Case.
[Australia] Remembering Sydney's 'drag queen' scene of the 70s
Sydney in the 1970s was home to a thriving community of transwomen, who lived, worked and socialised in the inner city. Here, Colleen Windsor reflects on that heady, dynamic and exciting ‘drag queen’ scene.
[Canada] Remove gender from birth docs: group
Nine intersex and transgender people, including the Trans Alliance Society, have filed a complaint with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal to remove gender from birth certificates.
[Mexico] Director de Urgencias del Hospital Canseco discrimina a homosexuales y transexuales
Persiste el problema en algunos hospitales de Tampico que no quieren recibir los pacientes con VIH e incluso rechazan la presencia de las personas homosexuales y transexuales en las instalaciones, lo que ya representa un caso de discriminación hacia ellos, además de la negligencia médica y falta de criterio para atender a esos enfermos.
[Brasil] Travesti é encontrada morta com três tiros na BR-282, em Lages
Uma travesti de 27 anos foi encontrada morta em uma marginal da BR-282, em Lages, na manhã deste sábado. Segundo a o Instituto Geral de Perícias (IGP), a vítima foi atingida por três tiros na cabeça.
[Ireland] Marriage equality Ireland #MarRef a yes, while trans people suffer without the most basic of rights
In the states, Marriage Equality came first, but it’s a far cry from equality for all. I live and work in one of the most red of states, but only because I was able to change my documents. Transgender Irish people can’t do that. What’s even worse, the proposed law, heavily influenced by the Catholic Church would make matters worse!
[FL, USA] School board to discuss sexual-orientation policy
Residents have come before the Brevard School Board four times since October, asking the board to consider a change in the school district’s non-discrimination policy.
They want the district to include sexual orientation and gender identity as categories covered by that policy.
[MA, USA] Families with a transgender child learn and change
No one can truly understand the transgender journey unless they’ve gone through it — or supported a loved one during the process. These local families share what they’ve learned.
[Panamá] Panamá lidera casos de Sida entre trasvestis y transexuales
Un informe del Programa Conjunto de Naciones Unidas sobre VIH/Sida destaca que Panamá registra la mas alta prevalencia en países de América latina con el VIH (virus de inmunodeficiencia humana) y que la tendencia es al alza, entre la llamada población “trans” (trasvestis y transexuales) y en los hombres que tienen relaciones con otros hombres. (HSH)
[Chile] Loka, Loka, Loka
"Loka, Loka, Loka", es un documental autobiográfico realizado en la Escuela Audiovisual AL BORDE, una experiencia pionera de artivismo contrasexual en América del Sur, en la que Mujeres AL BORDE entrenamos activistas bisexuales, pansexuales, lesbianas, heterodisidentes, tortilleras, trans, travestis, intersex, queer, de ciudades sudamericanas como realizadorxs audiovisuales, financiamos y difundimos sus producciones.
[New Zealand] Robertson clarifies trans healthcare stance
Labour MP Grant Robertson says his comments about gender reassignment surgery were misreported, and though he admits he could have chosen his words better, he says he is “absolutely committed” to the best possible trans healthcare services.
[USA] Franklin Graham Calls Out Schools for Teaching Lies About Transgenderism
In the shadow of our nation's capital, Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia is preparing to teach gender identity in its classrooms, including lessons on gender fluidity and spectrum—the idea that no child is truly 100 percent boy or girl. The news has parents irate as no alternative options will be offered to take in place of these required classes in grades 7 to 12.
[AR, USA] Faithful transition: Unitarian Universalists share stories of transgender individuals
"The Unitarian Universalists have always been on the edge of social justice," said the Rev. Jim Parrish, who will be installed May 30 as the pastor of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Fayetteville. The Unitarian Universalists supported the fight for civil rights in the last century, with a large contingent marching with Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington, D.C., Parrish said.
[DC, USA] Giving homeless transgender youth a safe haven from the streets
Homelessness is a reality for many young transgender Americans. In Washington, a row house has been turned into a safe haven for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth who have nowhere else to go. Hari Sreenivasan talks to the group home's founder about creating a space that is safe, fun and feels like home for those who may have been kicked out by their families for being different.
[Mexico] Transexuales son quienes más sufren discriminación
El periodismo necesita inversión. Comparte este artículo utilizando los íconos que aparecen en la página. La reproducción de este contenido sin autorización previa está prohibida.
[Egypt] Islamic university axes transgender lecturer
Al Azhar says move aimed at heading off possible problems with students
Egypt’s leading Islamic Al Azhar University said on Thursday it would not allow an engineering lecturer to keep her post in the state-run institution after having undergone a sex change operation to become a woman.
[USA] An interview with Sandy Stone — Part 1
Sandy Stone is a touchstone woman in transgender history. She has a whole section dedicated to her place in transgender and feminist history in the book Transgender History and the book is worth reading if just for that segment. target="_blank"
[CA, USA] A transition within a transition: learning from San Diego transgender teen Kyler Prescott's death
On Monday, May 18, San Diego transgender teen Kyler Prescott died by suicide. He was 14-years-old.
Imagining what it feels like to live inside a body that doesn’t feel genuinely yours might be hard to understand for some, but close friend of the Prescott’s, and mother of a transgender teen herself, Kathie Moehlig talks about Kyler’s life and the challenges transgender children face within the world and within their ever-evolving selves
[FL, USA] Jury selection begins for man charged in transvestite’s death in Riviera Beach
What started as a seemingly chance meeting between a pair of transvestite prostitutes and a motorist three years ago will culminate this week in a death penalty trial for the 25-year-old man accused of killing one transvestite and shooting at yet another minutes later.
[VA, USA] New VCU course focuses on transgender healthcare
When you’re transgender, finding a doctor who understands your specific needs can be a challenge, so now the VCU School of Medicine is taking a new step to help.
[CA, USA] Parole could end transgender inmate’s effort to have reassignment surgery
A California inmate who is seeking sex reassignment surgery at taxpayers’ expense faces a painful irony: If she wins freedom from a parole board, she would no longer be eligible for the prison-funded operation she says is crucial to her emotional health.
[IL, USA] Enhanced LGBT Hate Crimes Protections Sent to Gov. Rauner
The Illinois Senate on Wednesday unanimously gave final approval to a bill enhancing hate crimes protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Illinoisans. Last month, the measure, House Bill 3930, passed the Illinois House of Representatives without opposition. Now, the bill goes to Gov. Bruce Rauner for his review and approval.
[ME, USA] Transgender teen who won lawsuit receives Maine award
A transgender teen whose lawsuit over bathroom access went to the Maine state supreme court is one of several people and organizations honored by the Maine Women's Fund.
[Mexico] En Xalapa más de 5 mil transexuales esperan cambio de nombre: Activista
En Xalapa hay alrededor de 5 mil transexuales que esperan un cambio en la legislación que les permita cambiar su estatus administrativo y reorientar el género con el que se identifican en toda su documentación, señaló la activista de los derechos de la diversidad sexual, Silvia Susana Jácome.
[Uruguay/Cuba] Del dicho al hecho
En tres meses ASSE generalizará tratamientos con hormonas para personas trans.
[Uruguay] Transexuales denuncian falta de integración en el sistema sanitario
Representantes del colectivo transexual uruguayo denunciaron hoy la falta de integración que todavía sufren algunas personas dentro del sistema sanitario del país y solicitaron una mayor integración, igualdad y reconocimiento.
[Brasil] Travesti é morta com sete tiros em Nova Descoberta
A vítima bebia com amigos quando foi abordada por um indivíduo que atirou contra ela
Uma travesti foi assassinada com sete tiros em Nova Descoberta, Zona Norte do Recife. Segundo testemunhas, Ticiane Abravanel, 21 anos, estava sentada, bebendo com amigos, quando foi abordada por um indivíduo que atirou contra ela.
[Brasil] Roberta Close no Programa do Gugu 20/05/2015
[Bangladesh] Hijras to be recruited as traffic police
The government has decided to recruit hijras as traffic police officials from the next fiscal year, as part of an attempt to rehabilitate individuals of the gender and offer them new avenues of employment.
[USA] Twitter could provide valuable details about transgender people’s health needs, UCLA-led study finds
Transgender and gender-nonconforming people have a higher-than-average risk for AIDS and are more vulnerable than others to depression. But because stigma about gender identities makes them less likely to disclose information about themselves to researchers, it also has been difficult for doctors to understand the best ways to provide care for them.
[USA] Conversion Therapy Is ‘Fraud,’ Say Pelosi and Dems
Two California Democrats have introduced a bill that would outlaw the use of so-called ex-gay or reparative therapy on LGBT people of all ages nationwide.
[USA] Stop the Bathroom Police
This spring, multiple states have pushed measures that would require people to “prove” their gender before using a bathroom. Some of these measures even encourage people to report on each other by offering a cash reward for finding someone in the “wrong” bathroom. These bathroom police efforts are clearly targeted at transgender people, but ultimately open everyone up to harassment, interrogation, and criminalization in public spaces.
[FL, USA] Greenacres Enacts LGBT-Inclusive Civil Rights Ordinance
At a meeting Monday night, the Greenacres City Council enacted an ordinance that directly opposes discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, pregnancy, familial status, or age.
[LA, USA] Louisiana House committee kills anti-LGBT ‘religious freedom’ bill
Lawmakers in Louisiana on Tuesday killed an anti-LGBT “religious freedom” bill backed by Gov. Bobby Jindal, but which opponents said could sanction discrimination against same-sex couples.