A família do transexual brasileiro Gisberta, que morreu em Fevereiro num fosso de um prédio inacabado do Porto, depois de maltratado por 13 menores, vai reclamar uma indemnização do Estado português.
quinta-feira, agosto 31, 2006
TSF ONLINE de 31 de Agosto de 2006
A família do transexual brasileiro Gisberta, que morreu em Fevereiro num fosso de um prédio inacabado do Porto, depois de maltratado por 13 menores, vai reclamar uma indemnização do Estado português.
A família do transexual brasileiro Gisberta, que morreu em Fevereiro num fosso de um prédio inacabado do Porto, depois de maltratado por 13 menores, vai reclamar uma indemnização do Estado português.
Defense rests case in trial of cop accused of raping transsexual
Transgender Man to Appeal Name Change Denial
Some students could be transferred out of Batavia Science class
Transsexual claims harassment in city job
Gwen Araujo Justice for Victims Act on Way to Governor
Cop Commits Suicide After Performing Transgender Operation on Self
Defense rests case in trial of cop accused of raping transsexual
The federal trial of fired San Antonio police officer Dean Gutierrez wound down today with jurors not getting to hear his version of what took place between him and a transsexual who accused him of rape.
Jury deliberates in case of cop accused of raping transsexualFederal jurors are expected to resume deliberating today whether fired San Antonio Police Officer Dean Gutierrez raped a transsexual while the officer was on duty.
Transgender Man to Appeal Name Change Denial
A transgender man who wants to legally change his name from Sarah to Evan filed an appeal Monday with the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court.
Some students could be transferred out of Batavia Science class
The Batavia School Superintendent met reporters on Tuesday to discuss Monday night's meeting with parents of high school students about the male science teacher in Batavia who is in the process of becoming a woman. The teacher has not yet had a sex change operation, but he plans to dress as a woman, and use a female name.
District seeks to educate on teacher undergoing sex changeFour parents asked that their children be transferred out of the classroom of a high school teacher after learning the teacher is pursuing a sex change and will begin the school year as a woman, the district's superintendent said Tuesday.
Workshop on transgender teacher will go onlineParents can check the Batavia City School District's Web site today to see what their high school students will be taught about transgender issues.
Transsexual claims harassment in city job
A human resource planner who made history four years ago by becoming the first city employee to transition openly from male to female in the workplace says she fears for her safety, feels ostracized and is looking for another job.
Gwen Araujo Justice for Victims Act on Way to Governor
The nation's first bill to address use of panic strategies, the Gwen Araujo Justice for Victims Act (AB 1160), was voted out of the California Senate this afternoon.
Cop Commits Suicide After Performing Transgender Operation on Self
A Russian policeman has attempted suicide after performing a transgender surgery on himself. He was found with a rope around his neck in a pool of blood — his genitals had been cut off and the wound scrupulously stitched up. Painkillers and a bloody needle, as well as the remains of his genitals, were lying on the floor next to him.
quarta-feira, agosto 30, 2006
Jornal de Notícias de Quarta-feira, 30 de Agosto de 2006
A Direcção da Oficina de São José, no Porto, acaba de dispensar os serviços de duas técnicas que denunciaram situações de maus-tratos aos menores daquela instituição. Uma delas chegou inclusivamente a testemunhar durante o julgamento dos 13 envolvidos no designado caso Gisberta.
Nuno Miguel Maia
Un homme sur 11 000 change de sexe
Quand Jeanne devient Jean...
Miss Trans è la mannequin Giada
Parents react after meeting on transgendered teacher
Un travesti égorgé et lardé de coups de couteau
Un homme sur 11 000 change de sexe
Une étude européenne menée il y a 10 ans avance qu'un homme sur 11 000 et une femme sur 30 000 choisissent un changement de sexe complet.
Quand Jeanne devient Jean...
Au cours de la dernière saison du soap lesbien The L Word, un nouveau personnage du nom de Moira a annoncé à ses amies qu'elle serait bientôt, grâce à une intervention chirurgicale et à l'hormonothérapie, une nouvelle personne du nom de Max. La nouvelle n'a pas été bien accueillie.
Miss Trans è la mannequin Giada
Si chiama Giada Broda, ha 26 anni ed è la vincitrice del popolare concorso ideato da Regina Satariato. In giuria anche Platinette
Parents react after meeting on transgendered teacher
Parents trickled out of a meeting Monday night after hearing more about a transgendered science teacher who will start this school year as a woman.
Un travesti égorgé et lardé de coups de couteau
Une figure de la prostitution montpelliéraine a été tuée, chez elle, dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, dans des conditions scabreuses. L'homme, un travesti bien connu, qui arpentait le secteur du cours Gambetta depuis plus d'une vingtaine d'années, reconnaissable à sa carrure imposante et à ses perruques brunes ou blondes, surnommé le "bison", a été massacré à coups de couteau.
terça-feira, agosto 29, 2006
Batavia teacher wants sex change
A Batavia High School science teacher wants to turn the tables on his own biology. The male teacher wants to become a female. The story has become the talk of the town in that Genesee County community.
Meeting In Batavia Tonight On Transgender Teacher
Muitas notícias hoje, lol... ou como diria Lauro Dérmio meni niuz tudei, lol...
Batavia teacher wants sex change
A Batavia High School science teacher wants to turn the tables on his own biology. The male teacher wants to become a female. The story has become the talk of the town in that Genesee County community.
Meeting In Batavia Tonight On Transgender Teacher
Muitas notícias hoje, lol... ou como diria Lauro Dérmio meni niuz tudei, lol...
segunda-feira, agosto 28, 2006
Coping with transsexualism
Rights panel studies `gender identity'
Transsexual killer to stay in jail
When is it OK for boys to be girls, and girls to be boys
Coping with transsexualism
Fitting in after man-to-woman transition has not been easy for transsexuals Christina Foxxe and Michelle Plarina...
Rights panel studies `gender identity'
Broward County's Human Rights Board has been considering the addition of 'gender identity' language to the county's human rights ordinance, which already bars discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Transsexual killer to stay in jail
The New South Wales State Parole Authority has revoked its decision to grant early release to transsexual killer Maddison Hall, hours after a court threw out a bid to block her from being freed.
When is it OK for boys to be girls, and girls to be boys
Many kids want to look and act like the other sex. For some, it's a phase; for others, it's not. Parents and schools are adjusting.
domingo, agosto 27, 2006
Newark man sentenced to 11 years in prison in transgender death
It's very nice in Derry: sex change Kerri
The junior deputy mayor of Derry wants to have a sex change within five years.
Public Money For Transgender Benefits
New Zealand Member of Parliament Speaks Out On Human Rights and Sexual Freedom
Si t’es trans, fatwa pas de soucis?
Expert testifies DNA in transsexual's underwear matched cop's
Newark man sentenced to 11 years in prison in transgender death
A 23-year-old man who pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the killing of transgender teen Gwen Araujo was sentenced to 11 years in prison on Friday.
11 years for defendant in Araujo killingThe man who led police to the body of a transgender Newark teen apologized to the victim's family Friday before being sentenced to 11 years in prison in a case that focused the country's attention on violence against transgender individuals.
It's very nice in Derry: sex change Kerri
The junior deputy mayor of Derry wants to have a sex change within five years.
Public Money For Transgender Benefits
Thousands of taxpayer dollars are annually spent on hormone treatments, laser hair removal and makeup for "transgender" prison inmates and now one convicted murderer is suing the Massachusetts Department of Corrections to pay for an expensive sex-change surgery, claiming that he is a woman trapped in a man's body.
New Zealand Member of Parliament Speaks Out On Human Rights and Sexual Freedom
The first openly gay New Zealand Member of Parliament, Tim Barnett, made a special appearance at the LGBT Community Center on Aug. 17, focusing on his political role impacting human rights and sexual freedom.
Si t’es trans, fatwa pas de soucis?
Si la Sharia (la Loi islamique) n'est pas tendre avec les homos, la question du transsexualisme recueille des avis partagés parmi les théologiens musulmans, et même dans la pratique des Etats islamiques. Mais ce n'est pas forcément bon signe…
Expert testifies DNA in transsexual's underwear matched cop's
A forensic serologist testifying Friday in the federal trial of a fired San Antonio police officer accused of raping a transsexual said DNA from semen retrieved by investigators matches the geneticp rofile of the officer.
sábado, agosto 26, 2006
MichFest to trannies: Dream on
Man to get 11 years for role in transgender killing
Transsexual not allowed to compete for Miss Shenzhen title
Cop's lawyer dents testimony
MichFest to trannies: Dream on
Despite a recent press release from trans activists to the contrary, the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival has not finally thrown open the gates to transwomen.
Women-Only Event Organizers Ban Transgender Women From AttendingA women-only summer music festival in Michigan is under fire this week for asking transgender women interested in attending the event not to come.
Man to get 11 years for role in transgender killing
The long legal saga of four young men who were responsible for the brutal beating and strangulation death of Newark transgender teenager Gwen Araujo nearly four years ago is expected to end Friday with the sentencing of 23-year-old Jaron Nabors of Newark.
Transsexual not allowed to compete for Miss Shenzhen title
Li Guohua, a transsexual from Anhua County, Hunan Province, was refused entrance to the Miss Shenzhen competition by the organizing committee, which cited age and certain restrictions as reasons, according to the Southern Metropolitan News on August 25.
Cop's lawyer dents testimony
A lawyer for a fired San Antonio police officer accused of raping a transsexual poked holes in his accuser's testimony, but she left the witness stand Thursday without questions asked about her past prostitution convictions.
sexta-feira, agosto 25, 2006
Prosecutor details case against cop accused of raping transsexual
Gabriel Bernal stands 5 feet tall, weighs 100 pounds and lives as a woman. But to suspended San Antonio Police Officer Dean Gutierrez, who is accused of raping Bernal while on duty, Bernal was nothing but a sexual object, prosecutors contended as Gutierrez went on trial Tuesday.
Transsexual tells jury about assault
Prosecutor details case against cop accused of raping transsexual
Gabriel Bernal stands 5 feet tall, weighs 100 pounds and lives as a woman. But to suspended San Antonio Police Officer Dean Gutierrez, who is accused of raping Bernal while on duty, Bernal was nothing but a sexual object, prosecutors contended as Gutierrez went on trial Tuesday.
Transsexual tells jury about assault
A transsexual who accused a San Antonio police officer of rape testified Wednesday that she revealed a personal detail to him in hopes of halting the alleged assault.
Bangkok a Mecca for Sex-Change Surgeries
For people who believe they were born the wrong gender, the sex change they're yearning for can easily be found in this crowded capital. The surgery is so common that it's advertised in bold print in newspaper classifieds.
New Zealand Sort Of Protects Its Trannies
The Attorney General of New Zealand recently decided that the country's Human Rights Act includes transgendered people even though they are not specifically named in the legislation.
Couple divorce over transsexual husband
A Surrey couple have been forced into a divorce after wife Catherine Everett claimed that her husband's behaviour resulted in the break down of their marriage.

Diva Goes Public In Style
Organisers of this year's Drag Industry Variety Awards are promising a pre-show spectacle when showgirls and their supporters descend on Oxford Street for a public voting session this Saturday.
2005 DIVA Bitch of the Year Penny D Photo: Ann-Marie Calilhanna
Last week Bay Windows reported that management at Bally Total Fitness in Worcester told a transgender member, Natasha Lee West, who lives fulltime as female but who has not had sex reassignment surgery, that she would have to use the men's bathroom.
The Human Rights Commission says the Crown Law opinion on protection against discrimination for transgender people is "timely" as they have just launched an inquiry into the human rights situation for transgender people.
quinta-feira, agosto 24, 2006
[New Zealand]
Cross-dressing concerns for Nats MP
Girl becomes a healthy boy at 14
San Antonio officer on trial in rape of transsexual
A police officer accused of raping and beating a transsexual in his squad car is on trial in a federal court.
Transgender teacher applies at Pinelands
Stonewall to Shutter?
Cross-dressing concerns for Nats MP
National's justice spokesperson today expressed concern over cross-dressing, in the wake of the announcement by Labour MP Georgina Beyer that she would withdraw her private member's Bill that sought specific human rights protections on the basis of gender identity.
Transsexual discrimination breaches Human Rights ActDiscriminating against someone because they are a transvestite, transsexual or a cross-dresser breaches the Human Rights Act, Crown lawyers have decided.
National says pressure must have been exerted over transgenderThe National Party says it has no doubt that Labour MP Georgina Beyer came under political pressure to remove legislation relating to transgender rights.
New Zealand Human Rights Law Protects TranssexualsNew Zealand has become the latest country to provide protections for the transgendered. Transsexuals are not specifically named in categories covered by New Zealand's Human Rights Act.
Beyer: handled trans debate with 'finesse'Labour MP Georgina Beyer denies political pressure led to today's planned withdrawal of her private member's Bill to enshrine human rights protections for transgendered people. Beyer said she and her supporters conducted their campaign with "finesse", and her Bill was clearly the "catalyst" for debate, which led to yesterday's Crown Law opinion.
NZAF welcomes Crown Law transgender decisionThe New Zealand AIDS Foundation is welcoming a Crown Law opinion stating that transgender people are covered under the Human Rights Act.
Girl becomes a healthy boy at 14
After living 14 years as a "girl," a hermaphrodite teen from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will receive reconstructive surgery at a local hospital today to fix the patient's real identity - male.
San Antonio officer on trial in rape of transsexual
A police officer accused of raping and beating a transsexual in his squad car is on trial in a federal court.
Transgender teacher applies at Pinelands
The transgender substitute teacher hired to work at the elementary school in Eagleswood has now applied to teach in the Pinelands Regional School District, the district superintendent confirmed Tuesday.
Stonewall to Shutter?
For several days now, a conspicuous "For Rent" sign has hung over the door of a gay bar on Christopher Street.It would hardly be news: Bars open and close every day—and this one isn't even the oldest one on the block. But because of its name—the Stonewall—the bar has assumed for itself a certain inevitability.
quarta-feira, agosto 23, 2006

Tal não aconteceu. E como a Gisberta é assunto "morto", pelo menos para os media, devem ter resolvido, presumo eu, reduzir o que poderia ter sido um bom artigo para uma banal reportagem sobre (algumas) transexuais.
Vai daí, cortaram pelo menos duas entrevistas (uma de outra transexual e uma de um transexual masculino que nem sei se chegou a ser feita) e toca de chamarem as do costume, mais uma ou outra que sejam mais fotogénicas.
Sim, porque aqui em Portugal, para se ser transexual há que ser-se esplendorosa, ter um palminho de cara e/ou ser-se toda siliconada (os t-lovers devem esgotar esta edição da Focus, digo eu).

Com entrevistas a Lara Crespo, Queli Marlene Cruz, Patrícia Ribeiro e Samantha Rios, que foi a Miss transexual 2006, depois de se ler toda a reportagem fica a ideia que todas ou já se prostiruíram ou que ainda o fazem. Ou seja, novamente qual a mensagem subliminar que fica? Transexual = Prostituta (parece que agora se chamam trabalhadoras do sexo, mas da primeir forma dá menos trabalho a teclar). E nem sequer o facto de uma delas nunca o ter feito mudou seja o que fôr, pois nem o cuidado tiveram de notar isso. Deplorável, diria mesmo péssimo.
Não tenho nada contra quem o faça, mas se umas fazem notar o caminho que escolheram, quem escolheu outros caminhos tem o direito de que se saiba isso.
Por aqui se vê o lindo trabalho feito supostamente num artigo que iria tentar não focar esse aspecto sobejamente conhecido (os tlovers que o digam).

Quanto ao tempo que demorou a sair, para este tempo todo tinha a obrigação de ser um trabalho muito mais elaborado e não cair na mesma lamechice em que costumam cair trabalhos deste género.
Só mais uma coisinha: que eu me lembre, quem disse que tinha a certeza que iria fazer a CRS foi precisamente a trans cuja entrevista foi eliminada, provavelmente por não ser tão glamourosa como as outras. É que convenhamos, ficava muito mal, no meio de tantas belezas siliconadas ou não, fotos de uma não top model.
Realmente, quanto não vale um corpinho? Para quê ser-se inteligente, ter-se princípios, personalidade, quando se pode ter uma quantidade de tlovers a darem graxa na mira de uma queca fácil?
Será que as transexuais femininas querem assim tanto ser conhecidas pela subliminar ligação à prostituição? Ou por só se preocuparem com corpinhos, relegando para segundo plano quem são intimamente?
Bem, eu sei que não sou assim. O valor de uma pessoa é pelo que ela é, não pelo embrulho onde vem. É assim que eu penso.
Fotos de Pedro Simões
America obssessed with transsexual operation murderer
Transsexual at centre of biggest ever sex change discrimination case to be deported
When Lesbians Become Men, Which Group Wants Them?
[New Zealand]
MP set to withdraw transgender discrimination bill
Human Rights Commission welcomes transgender announcement
Compromise reached on potentially controversial bill
World's first transgender MP, Georgina Beyer, will withdraw her transgender bill after Crown Law opinion
Heard about the guy who had a sex-change after his girlfriend said she's a lesbian?
America obssessed with transsexual operation murderer
On Christmas Day 1996 the dead body of JonBenét Ramsey was found by her father in the family basement, eight hours after she had been reported missing.
Transsexual at centre of biggest ever sex change discrimination case to be deported
A transsexual claiming damages of £500,000 for discrimination at work, in what is thought to be the largest discrimination claim to be launched over a sex change, has been ordered to leave the country by the Home Office.
When Lesbians Become Men, Which Group Wants Them?
Taking its cue from mainstream entertainment – because how else would you know if a story is relevant? – Sunday's New York Times dived into the realm of transgendered people and how, like a mixed race child, sometimes neither side wants them.
[New Zealand]
MP set to withdraw transgender discrimination bill
The Labour MP Georgina Beyer is set to withdraw her member's bill, which would have outlawed discrimination against transvestites, transexuals, hermaphrodites and cross dressers.
Commission welcomes transgender announcementHuman Rights Commission welcomes transgender announcement
Compromise reached on potentially controversial bill
Labour MP Georgina Beyer will withdraw a bill aimed at protecting the rights of transgender individuals after a legal opinion suggesting they are already legally protected.
Beyer welcomes news, will withdraw BillWorld's first transgender MP, Georgina Beyer, will withdraw her transgender bill after Crown Law opinion
Heard about the guy who had a sex-change after his girlfriend said she's a lesbian?
Japan is smitten, Cyzo (September) says, by the story of a man who underwent the samurai chop, so to speak, just because his girlfriend started to swing in the opposite direction.
terça-feira, agosto 22, 2006
Gender Confusion Distresses Teens
Rob never felt like he fit in. The 16-year-old high school student didn't like "masculine" interests like sports, cars or gaming like the rest of the boys. He felt more comfortable around girls. And he knew it sounded strange, but he felt like he should be a girl.
Gender Confusion Distresses Teens
Rob never felt like he fit in. The 16-year-old high school student didn't like "masculine" interests like sports, cars or gaming like the rest of the boys. He felt more comfortable around girls. And he knew it sounded strange, but he felt like he should be a girl.
segunda-feira, agosto 21, 2006
Transsexual rights activist ordered to leave the country
A transsexual business executive claiming damages of £500,000 for discrimination at work has been ordered to leave the country by the Home Office.
Transsexual rights activist ordered to leave the country
A transsexual business executive claiming damages of £500,000 for discrimination at work has been ordered to leave the country by the Home Office.
domingo, agosto 20, 2006
Bambi 5 st francais
Bambi 5 st francais
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay
Gender Bender
Here's what Medicaid is willing to pay for, for those confronting issues of gender identity: hormone therapy (HT) and psychotherapy,the latter of which can lead to a clinical recommendation that a patient, for overall health and well-being, should undergo gender-reassignment surgery.
Here's what Medicaid used to pay for, but doesn't want to anymore: gender-reassignment surgery.
Man Who Sexually Assaulted Transsexuals Faces Long Sentence
Man gets 206 years for transgender, transvestite assaults
A gunman who sexually assaulted two transsexuals and a transvestite last summer could be sentenced to 227 years in prison on Friday afternoon.
Judge says state Human Rights Law protects transgendered people
A cook who claims he was fired by a fancy Westchester restaurant when co-workers discovered he was a woman living as a man is protected by the state's human rights law, a judge has ruled.
Genderqueers: Lesbians Living Between Genders
The Advocate magazine (April 11, 2006) described a growing phenomenon among lesbians: they take testosterone injections to blur the distinctions between male and female.
Police investigate shooting of male transvestite
Police are investigating a North Side shooting that left a male transvestite critically injured early Friday.
Gender stereotyping a fatal issue for 3-year-old
Trying to turn a 3-year-old boy from a "sissy" into a "real man" may have killed him, a Riverside, Calif., judge declared on Tuesday.
The Trouble When Jane Becomes Jack
Shane Caya, right, found fulfillment in making the transition from a woman to a man. But it meant the end of a relationship with his former lesbian partner, left. They share custody of a child.
Transgendered inmates push for state-funded sex-change surgery
Wearing lipstick, a scooped-neck sweater and nearly waist-length hair, the witness cried while describing what it feels like to be a woman trapped inside a man's body.
Gender Bender
Here's what Medicaid is willing to pay for, for those confronting issues of gender identity: hormone therapy (HT) and psychotherapy,the latter of which can lead to a clinical recommendation that a patient, for overall health and well-being, should undergo gender-reassignment surgery.
Here's what Medicaid used to pay for, but doesn't want to anymore: gender-reassignment surgery.
Man Who Sexually Assaulted Transsexuals Faces Long Sentence
Man gets 206 years for transgender, transvestite assaults
A gunman who sexually assaulted two transsexuals and a transvestite last summer could be sentenced to 227 years in prison on Friday afternoon.
Judge says state Human Rights Law protects transgendered people
A cook who claims he was fired by a fancy Westchester restaurant when co-workers discovered he was a woman living as a man is protected by the state's human rights law, a judge has ruled.
Genderqueers: Lesbians Living Between Genders
The Advocate magazine (April 11, 2006) described a growing phenomenon among lesbians: they take testosterone injections to blur the distinctions between male and female.
Police investigate shooting of male transvestite
Police are investigating a North Side shooting that left a male transvestite critically injured early Friday.
Gender stereotyping a fatal issue for 3-year-old
Trying to turn a 3-year-old boy from a "sissy" into a "real man" may have killed him, a Riverside, Calif., judge declared on Tuesday.

The Trouble When Jane Becomes Jack
Shane Caya, right, found fulfillment in making the transition from a woman to a man. But it meant the end of a relationship with his former lesbian partner, left. They share custody of a child.
Transgendered inmates push for state-funded sex-change surgery
Wearing lipstick, a scooped-neck sweater and nearly waist-length hair, the witness cried while describing what it feels like to be a woman trapped inside a man's body.
sábado, agosto 19, 2006
Bambi 4
Bambi 4
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay
Eatery can be served in gender-bender bias
F2M transgender cook Eric Buffong (nee Erica) in discrimination suit against Castle on the Hudson...
[New Zealand]
Transsexual pulls out of champs
Injury has ruled controversial transsexual Canadian rider Michelle Dumaresq out of next week's world mountain biking championships in Rotorua.
Iranian fatwa seen as victory for trans people
The execution of two Iranian teens last year reportedly hanged for being gay served as a grim reminder of the Islamist regime's policy that condones torture, even the death penalty, for gays. It might seem logical to assume that such harsh policies would also apply to transgender people, but, surprisingly, that is not necessarily the case.
Eatery can be served in gender-bender bias
F2M transgender cook Eric Buffong (nee Erica) in discrimination suit against Castle on the Hudson...
[New Zealand]
Transsexual pulls out of champs
Injury has ruled controversial transsexual Canadian rider Michelle Dumaresq out of next week's world mountain biking championships in Rotorua.
Iranian fatwa seen as victory for trans people
The execution of two Iranian teens last year reportedly hanged for being gay served as a grim reminder of the Islamist regime's policy that condones torture, even the death penalty, for gays. It might seem logical to assume that such harsh policies would also apply to transgender people, but, surprisingly, that is not necessarily the case.
sexta-feira, agosto 18, 2006
Bambi st fr 3
Bambi st fr 3
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay
Parte 3 do testemunho de Bambi nas UEEH 2006.
Noutro contexto, convido quem queira a (re)ler este meu post de Junho, que pelos vistos se mantém actualizadíssimo. Basta clicarem AQUI.
County bans discrimination over gender identity
In May 2004, Kalamazoo County worker Karen Pease returned her15-year pin when the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners rejected a proposal to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the county's nondiscrimination list.
Mookey's Story -- Transgender Youths Find Support, But Challenges Remain
Editor's Note: A new generation of transgender youths is finding more societal acceptance and support than ever before. But hardships remain, particularly for young people from immigrant backgrounds. Carolyn Goossen, a writer for New America Media, spends times with Mookey, a 24-year-old Chinese-American college student just beginning treatment with sex hormones.

Health club harasses transwoman
Natasha Lee West, a transgender woman, was a member of the BallyTotal Fitness club in Worcester for one year in what she calls "malemode" before deciding to take the step to present herself as femaleat the gym last June. For the past three years she has lived asfemale everywhere except for on the job and at the gym, but afterfinalizing her name change, getting breast implants and getting anew driver's license with her female name and photo, she decided thetime was right to live as female full time. West said when she firsttold the management at the gym in June that she was going to beliving full time as female, manager Dale Stoddard seemed supportive.She showed Stoddard the document approving her name change from herbirth name to Natasha as well as her new license.

Clifford DIVA's Newest Legend
As a boy growing up in the Sydney suburb of Auburn, Penny Clifford dreamed of a life on stage.
"From the age of six or seven my Mum would take me off to dance school,” Clifford recalled this week.
“At the end of each year we’d do the big dance eisteddfod and so I sort of had that in my blood. When I was about 17 I went to a club in Oxford Street called Capriccio’s. They used to have mammoth drag shows and that was the first show I’d seen. The whole thing just really appealed to me.”
Difficult Transitions
Coralyn Guidry's 20-year-old son Michael looks like a typical young man. He has short, brown hair, so dark it's nearly black. It continues down his cheeks in thick sideburns that extend to his jaw. The whiskers on his otherwise pale chin suggest that he has forgotten to shave. Dark, downy hairs sprout on his arms, beyond the sleeves of the T-shirt that hangs on his flat chest, and on his legs below the cuffs of his shiny green, knee-length athletic shorts.
I Know That I Am
A horrifying glimpse into the lives of Iranian transwomen
Transsexual politician demands louder Japanese gay pride
Japan`s gay community must make itself known in the country, the country`s only transsexual politician announced last week.
Female Impersonators
In Las Vegas and other cities in the United States and around the world, being a "Drag Queen" is a metaphor for making big bucks as an entertainer. Here in the Bahamas and the Caribbean at large, "Drag Queen" is merely a label that conjures up scary images for many parents.

Enough with the gender queer androgyny!
Musician Julia Serano is tired of all the femininity bashing and she wants it to stop. She argues that those who decry the value and authenticity of femininity express unconscious patriarchal percepts.
"An important yet often overlooked aspect of traditional sexism [is] that it targets people not only for their femaleness, but also for their expressions of femininity," Serano says.County bans discrimination over gender identity
In May 2004, Kalamazoo County worker Karen Pease returned her15-year pin when the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners rejected a proposal to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the county's nondiscrimination list.
Mookey's Story -- Transgender Youths Find Support, But Challenges Remain
Editor's Note: A new generation of transgender youths is finding more societal acceptance and support than ever before. But hardships remain, particularly for young people from immigrant backgrounds. Carolyn Goossen, a writer for New America Media, spends times with Mookey, a 24-year-old Chinese-American college student just beginning treatment with sex hormones.

Health club harasses transwoman
Natasha Lee West, a transgender woman, was a member of the BallyTotal Fitness club in Worcester for one year in what she calls "malemode" before deciding to take the step to present herself as femaleat the gym last June. For the past three years she has lived asfemale everywhere except for on the job and at the gym, but afterfinalizing her name change, getting breast implants and getting anew driver's license with her female name and photo, she decided thetime was right to live as female full time. West said when she firsttold the management at the gym in June that she was going to beliving full time as female, manager Dale Stoddard seemed supportive.She showed Stoddard the document approving her name change from herbirth name to Natasha as well as her new license.

Clifford DIVA's Newest Legend
As a boy growing up in the Sydney suburb of Auburn, Penny Clifford dreamed of a life on stage.
"From the age of six or seven my Mum would take me off to dance school,” Clifford recalled this week.
“At the end of each year we’d do the big dance eisteddfod and so I sort of had that in my blood. When I was about 17 I went to a club in Oxford Street called Capriccio’s. They used to have mammoth drag shows and that was the first show I’d seen. The whole thing just really appealed to me.”
Difficult Transitions
Coralyn Guidry's 20-year-old son Michael looks like a typical young man. He has short, brown hair, so dark it's nearly black. It continues down his cheeks in thick sideburns that extend to his jaw. The whiskers on his otherwise pale chin suggest that he has forgotten to shave. Dark, downy hairs sprout on his arms, beyond the sleeves of the T-shirt that hangs on his flat chest, and on his legs below the cuffs of his shiny green, knee-length athletic shorts.
I Know That I Am
A horrifying glimpse into the lives of Iranian transwomen
Transsexual politician demands louder Japanese gay pride
Japan`s gay community must make itself known in the country, the country`s only transsexual politician announced last week.
Female Impersonators
In Las Vegas and other cities in the United States and around the world, being a "Drag Queen" is a metaphor for making big bucks as an entertainer. Here in the Bahamas and the Caribbean at large, "Drag Queen" is merely a label that conjures up scary images for many parents.

Enough with the gender queer androgyny!
Musician Julia Serano is tired of all the femininity bashing and she wants it to stop. She argues that those who decry the value and authenticity of femininity express unconscious patriarchal percepts.
quinta-feira, agosto 17, 2006
bambi 2 st fr 2
bambi 2 st fr 2
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay
New Homeland Security Rule Would Out Transgender People at Work
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) receives calls regularly from transgender people across the country who have been "outed" to their employers by the Social Security Administration's (SSA's) unfair gender "no-match" employment letter policy. We continue to work with individuals to mitigate the impact these letters are having on people's medical privacy and employment security.
Sex changer remains male on birth forms
A woman who underwent sex change surgery has failed to prove that she was discriminated against when her attempt to change her gender on her birth certificate was refused.
New Homeland Security Rule Would Out Transgender People at Work
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) receives calls regularly from transgender people across the country who have been "outed" to their employers by the Social Security Administration's (SSA's) unfair gender "no-match" employment letter policy. We continue to work with individuals to mitigate the impact these letters are having on people's medical privacy and employment security.
Sex changer remains male on birth forms
A woman who underwent sex change surgery has failed to prove that she was discriminated against when her attempt to change her gender on her birth certificate was refused.
quarta-feira, agosto 16, 2006
Bambi Fr partie 1
Bambi Fr partie 1
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay
The Forgotten Veterans
A few years back, a reporter from the Sacramento Bee wrote a scathing article about a small veterans memorial in front of the California State Capital Building dedicated to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender veterans.
Sex swap murderer granted leave to sue prison
A transsexual murderer is suing Mulawa women's prison for unlawful discrimination, claiming a guard kept calling her "him" and that she was segregated because she is HIV positive.
Dressed out
On Friday nights at Riverside's VIP Nightclub and Restaurant, 27-year-old Johnny Bruner sits in front of a lighted mirror in a cramped dressing room backstage.
The first transsexual divorce case in China
A court session for the first transsexual divorce case in China opened last Friday in the People's Court of Yinshan Town, Zizhong County, Sichuan Province.
The Forgotten Veterans
A few years back, a reporter from the Sacramento Bee wrote a scathing article about a small veterans memorial in front of the California State Capital Building dedicated to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender veterans.
Sex swap murderer granted leave to sue prison
A transsexual murderer is suing Mulawa women's prison for unlawful discrimination, claiming a guard kept calling her "him" and that she was segregated because she is HIV positive.
Dressed out
On Friday nights at Riverside's VIP Nightclub and Restaurant, 27-year-old Johnny Bruner sits in front of a lighted mirror in a cramped dressing room backstage.
The first transsexual divorce case in China
A court session for the first transsexual divorce case in China opened last Friday in the People's Court of Yinshan Town, Zizhong County, Sichuan Province.
terça-feira, agosto 15, 2006
cuidado com as trans
cuidado com as trans
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay
Boy Changed to 'Girl' Yearned to be Boy
"Only years afterward was the sad truth revealed, the Culture and Family Institute spokesman explains. 'All along, this little boy was yearning to be a boy, did not want to wear dresses, rejected his female identity,' he says. 'And this came out later in Rolling Stone magazine, and then in a book called As Nature Made Him by John Colapinto -- how Money falsified the findings in order to prove that gender is just a construct in your head.'"
Police seek cross-dresser
London police have released a sketch of a cross-dressing male suspect wanted in connection with a sexual assault last week, with hopes information from the public will help identify him.
Camp Trans Confronts Transphobia at Michigan Women's Music Festival
Camp Trans brings together trans men, trans women, as well as non-trans allies into the struggle for trans-equality and the end of the Michigan Women's Music Festival's (MWMF) policy of excluding trans women. This year we're sharpening our focus on ending the policy and organizing to fight transphobia in our local communities. In addition to activities and outreach with festival attendees, we are planning workshops, facilitated discussions and training oriented towards grassroots activism!
Transvestites rob 'customer'
Two transvestites became aggressive and robbed a man who sought their "services" after an argument over price yesterday.
Homosexual Plans Surgery to Become Woman
The first glance gives you the impression of a young lady-retouched hair, beardless face, earrings and even protruding breasts. That is how this transvestite young man dresses. After practicing commercial anal sex for a decade, the gay now decides to undergo surgery to become a woman so that the society would stop scolding him for immorality!
Boy Changed to 'Girl' Yearned to be Boy
"Only years afterward was the sad truth revealed, the Culture and Family Institute spokesman explains. 'All along, this little boy was yearning to be a boy, did not want to wear dresses, rejected his female identity,' he says. 'And this came out later in Rolling Stone magazine, and then in a book called As Nature Made Him by John Colapinto -- how Money falsified the findings in order to prove that gender is just a construct in your head.'"
Police seek cross-dresser
London police have released a sketch of a cross-dressing male suspect wanted in connection with a sexual assault last week, with hopes information from the public will help identify him.
Camp Trans Confronts Transphobia at Michigan Women's Music Festival
Camp Trans brings together trans men, trans women, as well as non-trans allies into the struggle for trans-equality and the end of the Michigan Women's Music Festival's (MWMF) policy of excluding trans women. This year we're sharpening our focus on ending the policy and organizing to fight transphobia in our local communities. In addition to activities and outreach with festival attendees, we are planning workshops, facilitated discussions and training oriented towards grassroots activism!
Transvestites rob 'customer'
Two transvestites became aggressive and robbed a man who sought their "services" after an argument over price yesterday.
Homosexual Plans Surgery to Become Woman
The first glance gives you the impression of a young lady-retouched hair, beardless face, earrings and even protruding breasts. That is how this transvestite young man dresses. After practicing commercial anal sex for a decade, the gay now decides to undergo surgery to become a woman so that the society would stop scolding him for immorality!
domingo, agosto 13, 2006
TransNation: Trans Judaism
In 2003, Reuben Zellman became the first out transgender person accepted into a Jewish rabbinical school, an experience he describes as both a tremendous privilege and a challenge.
10 Minutes With Harisu: A role model for transsexuals
Possibly the best-known transsexual in Asia, Korean actress and singer Harisu (Lee Hyo Ri) was in Kuching recently to shoot Possessed, a horror flick which also stars Amber Chia. Harisu speaks to SU AZIZ on her role in the movie.
TransNation: Trans Judaism
In 2003, Reuben Zellman became the first out transgender person accepted into a Jewish rabbinical school, an experience he describes as both a tremendous privilege and a challenge.
10 Minutes With Harisu: A role model for transsexuals
Possibly the best-known transsexual in Asia, Korean actress and singer Harisu (Lee Hyo Ri) was in Kuching recently to shoot Possessed, a horror flick which also stars Amber Chia. Harisu speaks to SU AZIZ on her role in the movie.
sábado, agosto 12, 2006
One-legged lotto winner: my sex change torment
2003 sex-swap lottery winner Melanie (nee Mick) Partlow regrets paying for SRS...
Losing Money: a controversial pioneer in gender studies
I had an interesting thing happen to me the other day: I found myself almost agreeing with Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute.
Zimbabwean drag queen reveals all
Looming over the audience on high heels and batting enormous eyelashes, voluptuous Zimbabwean drag performer - the Queen of Africa - demands attention.
Trans people face obstacles in pursuing spiritual path
Some world religions more welcoming than others
Hollywood’s trans problem
With `Transamerica' and older trans films now on DVD, it's clear that times have changed for the better
One-legged lotto winner: my sex change torment
2003 sex-swap lottery winner Melanie (nee Mick) Partlow regrets paying for SRS...
Losing Money: a controversial pioneer in gender studies
I had an interesting thing happen to me the other day: I found myself almost agreeing with Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute.
Zimbabwean drag queen reveals all
Looming over the audience on high heels and batting enormous eyelashes, voluptuous Zimbabwean drag performer - the Queen of Africa - demands attention.
Trans people face obstacles in pursuing spiritual path
Some world religions more welcoming than others
Hollywood’s trans problem
With `Transamerica' and older trans films now on DVD, it's clear that times have changed for the better
sexta-feira, agosto 11, 2006
porto pride 2
porto pride 2
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay
Porto Pride 1
gay pride porto 1
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay

Political Transition
Democrat Dana Beyer fights to be Maryland's first transgender delegate
Breakfast On Pluto
Directed by Neil Jordan ( The Crying Game ) and based on an elaborate yarn written by Pat McCabe, Breakfast On Pluto stars the Golden Globe-nominated Cillian Murphy as the misadventurous Patrick "Kitten" Braden.
Transsexuals seek voter ID cards
Hundreds of transsexuals took out a rally here on Wednesday urging the State government to implement a charter of demands, including the issuing of voter identity cards to them.
Medicaid Leaves the Sex-Change Business
Washington State Medicaid officials will stop funding the controversial surgeries that cost taxpayers thousands of dollars.
Montrose prostitution raises worry
Montrose, an eclectic and vibrant community, has long possessed a seamier side known to attract troubled, homeless youth and male prostitutes dressed as women.

Variety On Show For DIVA
2005 DIVA Entertainer of the Year Minnie Cooper
Photo: Ann-Marie Calilhanna
Photo: Ann-Marie Calilhanna
quinta-feira, agosto 10, 2006

Sex Swap Woman's Jibes Rage
'Flirt' sex swap job chop
Sex-swap ferry worker 'flirted'
Ferry transsexual suffered jibes
SEX swap ship worker claimed yesterday she was hounded out of her job by cruel taunts about her gender change.
Books: "Virginia Prince: Pioneer of Transgendering"
Discover the influence of controversial writer Virginia Prince—friend, counselor, philosopher, and publicist for the cross-dressing community
Letters: Transgender story needed telling
Bravo to Janus (Freeman) Carson for her courage and bravery in telling her wrenching story. Congratulations to reporter Crystal Bonvillian and the Montgomery Advertiser for a stellar job in reporting this story, which begged to be told.
The Gender Agenda
Are single-sex spaces an outmoded concept in today's increasingly queer world? Katrina Fox reports.
Refus des tribunaux d’ordonner le remboursement à une transsexuelle
Refus des tribunaux d'ordonner le remboursement à une transsexuelle des frais complémentaires afférents à sa conversion sexuelle
Transwoman sues work for half a million
Transwoman deported
Jessica Bussert, who has filed the largest ever claim for sex discrimination against a transsexual, has recently been informed by the British Home Office that she and her spouse must leave England by August 21.
Issues related to transgenders raised
Terming as 'heartless', the indecent portrayal of transgenders in Indian movies, South Indian film director Balu Mahendra today appealed to the film community to treat them with dignity.
quarta-feira, agosto 09, 2006
version pour UEEH
version pour UEEH
Vídeo enviado por trans-ftm-gay
images a la fin de la premiere marche de la fierté á Porto dont des contre manifestants, quelques tags sur le parcours :les pédales dehors ...
Vídeo da autoria de Stephan Jacob apresentado pelo próprio nas UEEH 2006 em Marselha
Obituary: Thomas, a leading transgender activist
State to fund at least 2 more sex changes
Taking time off work to go under the knife
Obituary: Thomas, a leading transgender activist
Brenda Thomas, a one-time auto dealership owner who became a leading local transgender activist, died Sunday at a Houston hospice, a family member said. She was 64.
State to fund at least 2 more sex changes
Washington Medicaid officials are taking steps to end publicly funded sex-change surgery. However, the state is required to pay for at least two more operations and will continue to cover hormone treatment and psychotherapy for low-income people diagnosed with gender-identity disorders.
Taking time off work to go under the knife
THOUSANDS of women and increasing numbers of men take time out to have cosmetic surgery. Breast implants, nose jobs, tummy tucks and face lifts are no longer the preserve of the rich and famous as cosmetic surgeons compete for our money with promises of a "new you".
But what about the time you take off work to have surgery? Is it sick leave or should it be counted as holiday entitlement? It's an area that can cause friction between employee and employer.
terça-feira, agosto 08, 2006
State tries to rule out aid for sex-change surgery
Medicaid officials plan to rewrite regulations to make it clear the state will no longer cover sex-change operations.
Transvestites and prostitute in Stockholm scrap
A 40-year-old prostitute got into a tiff with two transvestites in central Stockholm over the weekend, and was carted away to the hospital sporting a broken finger, a bloodied nose, pulled hair, and a bitten eyelid.
Famous and Inspirational Trans People: Stephen Whittle
Dr Stephen Whittle OBE - Founder and Vice-President of Press for Change
Famous and Inspirational Trans People: Mark Rees
Most of UK trans people's social and political advances in the last decade of the 20th Century can be traced to a series of groundbreaking court cases brought by outstandingly brave and committed individuals.
Famous and Inspirational Trans People: Christine Burns
Christine is a transsexual woman and was invited to join Press for Change shortly after the campaign's formation in 1992.
Trans sortant de l’ombre
State tries to rule out aid for sex-change surgery
Medicaid officials plan to rewrite regulations to make it clear the state will no longer cover sex-change operations.
Transvestites and prostitute in Stockholm scrap
A 40-year-old prostitute got into a tiff with two transvestites in central Stockholm over the weekend, and was carted away to the hospital sporting a broken finger, a bloodied nose, pulled hair, and a bitten eyelid.
Famous and Inspirational Trans People: Stephen Whittle
Dr Stephen Whittle OBE - Founder and Vice-President of Press for Change
Famous and Inspirational Trans People: Mark Rees
Most of UK trans people's social and political advances in the last decade of the 20th Century can be traced to a series of groundbreaking court cases brought by outstandingly brave and committed individuals.
Famous and Inspirational Trans People: Christine Burns
Christine is a transsexual woman and was invited to join Press for Change shortly after the campaign's formation in 1992.
Trans sortant de l’ombre
Nimes : création d'une nouvelle association trans destinée au personnes transgenres transexuelles travestie intersexe leurs familles et sympatisants. Sous le nom "Trans-sortant-de-l'ombre", l'association tient des permanence les 1er et 3e jeudi de chaque mois de 19h a 22h et 2e et 4e samedi de chaque mois de 19h a 23h au local de AIDES 24 rue porte de France à Nimes. Trans-sortant-de-l'ombre est ouverte à tout le monde. Les permanence du jeudi ont pour but de partager un bon moment dans un cadre convivial. Les réunions du samedi sont sur des thématique tel que le traitement hormonal ou le protocole. vous pouver contacter l'association au transsortantdelombre30@wanadoo.fr
segunda-feira, agosto 07, 2006
Transgender Houston police sergeant takes job transfer
A Houston police sergeant who is transitioning from male to female has voluntarily transferred to the city's dispatch center until the gender change is complete.
Obituary: Ex-Special Forces medic Cross, 53, became transgender
Rebecca Lynn Cross - Late ex-Special Forces medic and transgender activist underwent MTF SRS last year...
Transgender Houston police sergeant takes job transfer
A Houston police sergeant who is transitioning from male to female has voluntarily transferred to the city's dispatch center until the gender change is complete.
Obituary: Ex-Special Forces medic Cross, 53, became transgender
Rebecca Lynn Cross - Late ex-Special Forces medic and transgender activist underwent MTF SRS last year...
domingo, agosto 06, 2006
Transgender sergeant reassigned to dispatch
Nearly two months after transgender Houston police Sgt. Jack Oliver outed himself to colleagues, the officer has voluntarily transferred to the Emergency Communications Division until his transition from man to woman is complete.
Slight against transsexual rival could cost racer
The Canadian Cycling Association is waiting to hear from downhill racer Danika Schroeter by Friday on whether she will appeal a suspension for mocking Canadian women's champion Michelle Dumaresq, a transsexual.
[New Zealand/Canada]
Beyer: GLBT conference was "inspiring"
A global LGBT rights conference, held in Montreal earlier this week, was an "empowering" and "most inspiring experience", reports Labour MP Georgina Beyer, who contributed to both the LGBT Politicians Workshop and the Asia and Pacific Plenary Session. Beyer says New Zealanders often underestimate the impact she has globally, as a speaker and as the world's first transgender MP.
Transgender sergeant reassigned to dispatch
Nearly two months after transgender Houston police Sgt. Jack Oliver outed himself to colleagues, the officer has voluntarily transferred to the Emergency Communications Division until his transition from man to woman is complete.
Slight against transsexual rival could cost racer
The Canadian Cycling Association is waiting to hear from downhill racer Danika Schroeter by Friday on whether she will appeal a suspension for mocking Canadian women's champion Michelle Dumaresq, a transsexual.
[New Zealand/Canada]
Beyer: GLBT conference was "inspiring"
A global LGBT rights conference, held in Montreal earlier this week, was an "empowering" and "most inspiring experience", reports Labour MP Georgina Beyer, who contributed to both the LGBT Politicians Workshop and the Asia and Pacific Plenary Session. Beyer says New Zealanders often underestimate the impact she has globally, as a speaker and as the world's first transgender MP.
sábado, agosto 05, 2006
Sex-change Dad-of-five Is Shot In Phone Box
A sex-change dad-of five was beaten up and shot with an airgun for taking too long in a public telephone box.
Une transsexuelle colombienne assassinée dans la province de Trento
«C'est un cas typique de crime haineux contre une transsexuelle dans la fleur de l'âge.» C'est par ces mots que la députée transgenre Vladimir Luxuria a commenté le meurtre commis en fin de semaine dernière à Gardolo, petite ville de la province de Trento.
Skinheads assault Pride visitors
Three people visiting the Pride festival in the Söder area of Stockholm were assaulted on Thursday night. One of them was taken to hospital suffering from back and head injuries.
Sound Off: Trans prostitutes need help, not scorn
A reader suggested that "we are mostly law-abiding citizens,"challenging activist DeeDee Chamblee's suggestion that sex work is inevitable for transgender citizens as "an insult," and suggesting that Chamblee find alternatives to prostitution for these people.
Rick Santorum signs statement defending transgender rights
On Wednesday, Senator Rick Santorum (R - PA) became the 170th Member of Congress to affirm that they do not discriminate in their own employment practices based on an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity and _expression.
Sex-change Dad-of-five Is Shot In Phone Box
A sex-change dad-of five was beaten up and shot with an airgun for taking too long in a public telephone box.
Une transsexuelle colombienne assassinée dans la province de Trento
«C'est un cas typique de crime haineux contre une transsexuelle dans la fleur de l'âge.» C'est par ces mots que la députée transgenre Vladimir Luxuria a commenté le meurtre commis en fin de semaine dernière à Gardolo, petite ville de la province de Trento.
Skinheads assault Pride visitors
Three people visiting the Pride festival in the Söder area of Stockholm were assaulted on Thursday night. One of them was taken to hospital suffering from back and head injuries.
Sound Off: Trans prostitutes need help, not scorn
A reader suggested that "we are mostly law-abiding citizens,"challenging activist DeeDee Chamblee's suggestion that sex work is inevitable for transgender citizens as "an insult," and suggesting that Chamblee find alternatives to prostitution for these people.
Rick Santorum signs statement defending transgender rights
On Wednesday, Senator Rick Santorum (R - PA) became the 170th Member of Congress to affirm that they do not discriminate in their own employment practices based on an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity and _expression.