[España] LA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE TRANSEXUALES CUMPLE 20 AÑOSLa Asociación Española de Transexuales (AET-Transexualia) cumple este año su 20 aniversario de lucha y defensa por los derechos y la plena igualdad de estas personas.
[España] Madrid espera 2,5 millones de personas en el EuroprideMadrid espera 2,5 millones de personas en el desfile europeo del orgullo gay, la Europride, el próximo 30 de junio, indicaron este miércoles sus organizadores, que confían que otros países europeos donde "no están respetados todavía", imiten a España.
[Italia] DIRITTI TRANS, UNA «CARTA» ANTI MOBBINGLA REGIONE Toscana lancia «ila», una carta prepagata che finanzia le persone trans decise a specializzarsi nel lavoro. Le associazioni faranno da ponte con i centri impiego. Una «primizia» contro le d martedì 19 giugno 2007 , di Delia Vaccarello da "1,2,3...liberi tutti de l'Unità"
[Italia] BELLUNO. TRANSESSUALE MINACCIATO IN CARCERE«Se non la finisci mando qualcuno di notte a picchiarti». Con queste parole un ispettore di polizia giudiziaria avrebbe minacciato un detenuto della sezione transessuali del carcere di Baldenich.
[Italia] Trans in manetteSul corpo del 40enne rinvenute numerose ferite con arma da taglio. Un litigio alla base del tragico epilogo: il transessuale colombiano è stato arrestato.
[Canada] Le conflit entre Micheline Montreuil et l'armée canadienne coûte cher aux contribuables.C'est à la fin de 2002 que la transgenre a déposé une plainte à la Commission des droits de la personne à la suite du refus de l'armée de la réintégrer dans ses rangs.
[Canada] A delicate transformationUnstoppable Award recipient credits loving parents in journey from Rodney to Nina.
[Canada] Take pride in diversityExcerpt: To be sure, challenges remain. There is not yet the same acceptance of bisexuals and the transgender community.
[CA, USA] Community pushes for TG health coverageRecently, an employee of an East Coast LGBT health organization was asked to assist in preparing one of the organization' s trans-related grant proposals. Just weeks before, he said, a male co-worker was denied insurance coverage for a medically necessary procedure that is routinely covered for other subscribers. The reason for the denial was that the man has a transsexual history, and the insurance policy excluded anything that could be construed as related to sexual reassignment – in this case, a hysterectomy, a procedure often sought by transsexual men for nonfunctioning organs and related pelvic pain, and typically covered for women without question.
[CA, USA] Late trans leader honoredJoAnne Keatley, left, and Martin Rawlings-Fein, present the Outstanding Transgender Individual Award posthumously to the late Louis (Lou) G. Sullivan, whose sister, Maryellen Handley, accepted the award on his behalf. Photo: Bill Wilson
TG pioneer Claire Skiffington dies
San Francisco transgender pioneer Claire Leigh Skiffington died June11 at Pioneer House, a retirement facility in Sacramento, following a lengthy struggle with cancer. She was 62.
The former health department employee was an early advocate of the city providing health benefits for its transgender workers, something that finally happened in 2001 when such legislation was approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Ms. Skiffington had been ill for quite some time, and had moved to Pioneer House, which has a skilled nursing facility. While she was well cared for at the facility, according to family members, Ms. Skiffington' s death has already brought calls for an investigation of the Ombudsman Services of Northern California for the discriminatory treatment one of its employees allegedly exhibited toward Ms.Skiffington in the final hours of her life.
PHOTO: Claire Leigh Skiffington
Protests target Frameline screenings
Protests against the pulling of a film from Frameline's schedule, andIsraeli sponsorship of another movie, book-ended the first weekend ofthe LGBT film festival.
Frameline's Michael Lumpkin, left, talks with demonstrator Patty Johnston as Marcy Fraser, center, and Jennifer Worley look on. About a half-dozen people protested Frameline's decision to pull The Gendercator from the film festival. Photo: Jane Philomen Cleland
Trans March kicks off Pride weekend
An anonymous e-mail came to the transgender community's attention in March 2004, which expressed the need for a trans march. The e-mail coincided with the first trial in the murder of East Bay transgender teenager Gwen Araujo, and helped launch the largest transgender event of its kind.
A participant at the 2005 Trans March. Photo: Rick Gerharter
Gender Activists Vent Frustrations
With less than one day left in the Legislature's current calendar as Gay City News goes to press, gender rights activists are voicing discontent that five years after passage of a state civil rights law protecting gay and lesbian New Yorkers, a similar measure for transgendered, transsexual, and other gender-variant people has not even been approved in the heavily Democratic Assembly.
TransJustice was out in full force at the Pride march held by Gays and Lesbians of Bushwick Empowered, or GLOBE, this past Saturday in Brooklyn.
Pride Week: Free Health Clinic Provides Services To Transgenders
A free health clinic on wheels provides some unique services for the transgender community. As NY1's coverage of Pride Week continues, Health & Fitness reporter Kafi Drexel takes us there in the following report.