Transfofa em Blog

Um espaço especial e pessoal, para dar relevo a cada momento único - Bem Vind@ ao meu Blog!

sexta-feira, fevereiro 29, 2008

Vicky Star tinha 26 anos. Faria este ano 27. Um malfadado dia desta semana, sentiu-se mal. Dirigiu-se a um hospital, onde lhe foi administrada uma injecção. De nada serviu. A vida que lhe habitava o corpo partiu. Tinha chegado a sua hora.

Conheci-a pessoalmente, mas muito mal. Só tive o prazer de conversar com ela uns poucos instantes duas vezes. Mas sentirei a sua falta, tal como tanta gente que a considerava uma amiga.

É em sua memória que deixo aqui estas poucas linhas. Mas com a convicção de que mais uma estrela existe no céu, para nos ajudar nas noites escuras que tod@s temos que atravessar.

Loures: cadáver encontrado em contentor
O cadáver de um homem vestido de mulher foi encontrado esta quinta-feira num contentor de uma lixeira por um funcionário de uma empresa localizada no concelho de Loures, confirmou o PortugalDiário junto de fonte da Polícia Judiciária.
Segunda avança a Lusa, citando fonte da PJ, o cadáver encontrado seria de um travesti, o que inicialmente levou as autoridades a acreditar que se tratava de uma mulher.
Corpo de travesti encontrado no lixo
A descoberta foi feita esta manhã numa empresa de recolha e tratamento de resíduos.
O corpo foi encontrado durante a descarga de um dos contentores desta empresa de recolha e tratamento de resíduos. No meio do entulho estava o cadáver de um homem, travesti, já com sinais de decomposição.
Em empresa de Loures - Travesti encontrado morto em contentor
Um homem foi encontrado morto, ontem de manhã, num contentor de entulho junto à Estrada Nacional 250, em Loures. O indivíduo estava vestido de mulher: tratava-se de um travesti que frequentava a zona do Conde de Redondo, em Lisboa.

Over 70% have suffered homophobic attacks
More than 70 per cent of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have experienced hate crime during the past five years.
The statistic was revealed in a study of Brighton and Hove's LGBT community, called Count Me In Too.

Transexual murder accused pleads not guilty
A 17-year-old has pleaded not guilty to the murder of transexual Kellie Telesford.

Transsexual singer investigated for alienating public from army
An Istanbul prosecutor has launched an inquiry into statements made by Turkey's most popular transsexual singer for alienating the public from military service, a crime punishable by six months to two years in prison.
Nationalist Uproar at Singer’s Anti-War Stance
Singer Bülent Ersoy's courageous anti-war utterances on live TV have provoked a nationalist backlash and an investigation.
Pop star could be prosecuted after questioning Turks' militarism
WITH the death toll in Turkey's operations against Kurdish nationalists in Iraq rising daily, one of the country's most famous pop stars was in serious trouble this week after she questioned deeply-engrained Turkish militarism on prime-time television.

[Cuba] [News/Books]
A book dedicated to teenagers and based on their testimonies for Mariela Castro in the 17th International Book Fair
Excerpt: What are you working on right now?
"I'm working on a strategy aimed at offering transsexual people comprehensive assistance and to prevent homophobia in our country."

Centrelink Cuts Payments
A Centrelink decision to reduce a pre-operative transsexual lesbian's pension because she was in a relationship with another woman has been overturned by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

[Australia] [Commentary]
In pursuit of self
The transition from female to male is a long but rewarding process, says S.V. Koumakis.
Ancient Greek myths include several tales of beautiful maidens being transformed by the gods into heroic young men, yet strangely, the Greeks had no legends of men becoming women.

[CA, USA] [Commentary]
School death shows lack of tolerance
A holistic answer is the best way to resond to the violence that stunned parents and school administrators.

Activists to rally 4:30 p.m. Thursday in Fort Lauderdale at site of gay teen's murder
Enough is enough! Join us this Thursday as we take a stand against hate violence.
Fort Lauderdale Gays Concerned by Hate Crimes
In the wake of the fatal shooting of a young transgender man last Friday, an apparently anti-gay beating outside a diner the following day has Fort Lauderdale residents concerned about hate crimes.

MHRC Report Alleges Transgender Discrimination By Camp Kieve
An investigator for the Maine Human Rights Commission has determined that Camp Kieve employees in Nobleboro discriminated against a transgender Pennsylvania man.

[NV, USA] [News/People]
Steele Died of Accidental Drug Intoxication
Las Vegas transgender legend Jahna Steele died of accidental drug intoxication on Jan. 22, the Clark County, Nev., Coroner's Office told Windy City Times.

Hospital Apologizes to Trans Woman
Last month a story about Seton Medical Center's discrimination against Charlene Hastings received national attention. Hastings, a transgendered woman, applied for a breast augmentation procedure at the Catholic hospital, which was immediately denied.
[Blog/News/Commentary] Seton Medical Centre, A Catholic Hospital, Changes Policies To Comply With Public Accommodation Law
This story is probably going to anger The Catholic League, the California Catholic Daily, Focus on The Family (CitizenLink), the Pacific Justice Institute, and the freepers — since these groups have already jumped on how wrong a transgender woman's lawsuit over breast enhansemnt surgery was in the first place — but Seton Medical Center has just backed down on their use-of-facility denial of for a transgender woman's plastic surgery.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Tragedy After Tragedy
If the killing of Lawrence King wasn't sad enough, there are too many other stories -- all murders of trans POC that took place this year.

quarta-feira, fevereiro 27, 2008

Spanish PM pledges gay rights
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has pledged his Socialist Party would further advance gay rights if he is re-elected in March 9 polls, in an interview with a gay magazine.

Boy, 11, in 'copycat' suicide after tragedy of cross-dressing 10-year-old - from same town and with same first name
Police are investigating a 'copycat' schoolboy hanging after an 11-year-old killed himself two weeks after an identical death in the same town. Amazingly both boys had the same name.

Dancers Cheer Islamist Defeat In Pakistan Vote
In one of the more unexpected outcomes of Pakistan's election last week, Leila the drag queen scored a big win.

Gay candidates challenge laws
AT least five Nepali gay men are contesting this year's elections in the hope of shattering taboos in the conservative nation, a gay candidate said.
Nepal Gays Run For Office Despite Law
Buoyed by a recent court ruling condemning Nepal's law against homosexuality press reports show that at least five gay men are seeking election to Parliament.

[CA, USA] [Commentary]
Why the hostility toward differences?
An Oxnard eighth-grader was killed, apparently over his sexual orientation. What causes some people to react to differences?

Friends mourn loss of jovial teen killed in shooting
That Adolphus Simmons dressed like a woman was of no consequence to his neighbors at the Bradford Apartments in North Charleston. To them, his shooting death Monday night was a senseless loss of a beloved friend.
Police: Suspect hindered investigation
Police say that a high school student who was at the scene when 18-year-old Adolphus Simmons was slain Jan. 21 hindered the investigation by concealing the murder suspect's identity.
15-year-old charged with murder
A 15-year-old boy has been charged with murder in Monday night's shooting death of Adolphus Simmons at Bradford Apartments in North Charleston.
2 more arrests in homicide
North Charleston police have charged two more teenagers in Monday's slaying of 18-year-old Adolphus Simmons, and they said there could be additional arrests.

Sex-change inmate says treatment stopped
A killer who sued to have a sex change claims her body is becoming more masculine again because she's being denied treatment in prison as she awaits a ruling in her bid for the surgery. Michelle Kosilek, formerly known as Robert, said that for months she has not been allowed to have court-approved hair-removal treatment or access to a specialist to discuss her testosterone levels.

[USA] [Blog/History]
Transgender History: Into the Modern Age (1700s - 1932)
As society evolved toward the modern age that we know now, trans expression did not disappear, but did become far more subversive. The last surviving remnants of festival behaviour developed into what we now know as Halloween, Mummer's Dances, and Carnaval / Mardi Gras.

[FL, USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
A little boy who became a little girl
Two weeks ago, a mother told the Broward County Commission that when her son was two, he started acting like a girl. The child is 7 now, and they've been raising him as a daughter.

terça-feira, fevereiro 26, 2008

Sex change woman wins op
A pre-op transsexual is looking forward to the start of her "new life" after health bosses finally confirmed they would fund her sex-change operation.

Gay Rights Movement meets PN
The Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) this evening presented a petition, backed by 1,084 signatures, to the Nationalist Party asking for formal recognition of the rights of same sex couples; the inclusion of an article in the Criminal Code regarding homophobic and transphobic violence, and a clear strategy addressing homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools.

[USA] [Blog/Film/Commentary]
And, the Oscar goes to . . . Transgender Cinema
Excerpt: (...) Those were lines from various movies that all had one thing in common . . . they had a transgender element to each of them. With the 80th Annual Academy Awards show on Sunday, February 24, 2008, my mind began thinking about all the films where a transgender person played an important part.

Few Clues In Killing Of Florida Trans Teen
Fort Lauderdale police say they have few clues in the shooting of a 17-year old and are appealing to the public for help.
[Blog/News] Equality Florida: "Community outraged" over Broward shooting death of gay 17-year-old
Today, Equality Florida and the coalition Transgender Equality Rights Initiatives (TERI) expressed outrage over the murder of Simmie Williams Jr., a gay 17 year-old who was gunned down this past weekend on a street corner in Broward County. Police are investigating the murder as a possible hate crime based on the words witnesses say were exchanged before the shooting.
[Blog/News/Commentary] $2 for the bus and he never came back
Another sad case of a gay youth gunned down in public. What's the headline? "Gay teen shot dead while dressed as woman in Fort Lauderdale".

New York Politicos Avoid HRC Dinner
Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Midtown Hilton to protect HRC's wavering position during the ENDA debacle of last year. The angry crowd certainly made their grievances heard, shouting: "What do we want? Liberation. Fuck that assimilation." Perhaps its this unwelcome wagon which led nearly all of New York's politicians to avoid the event: (...)
Snubbed by NYC Pols, HRC Answers Its Critics
Faced with a boisterous picket line that drew a crowd of more than 50 and with the absence of every lesbian, gay, and bisexual elected official from New York City -- and nearly every other prominent city Democrat -- Joe Solmonese, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, used his keynote address at the group's annual Midtown Manhattan dinner to answer critics who fault it for going along with a version of the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that does not include protections for transgendered Americans.
[Blog/News/Commentary] HRC's New York Dinner — Not Pretty
While only about fifty protesters showed up outside the HRC's New York Dinner, the bigger story was that their was the complete "absence of every lesbian, gay, and bisexual elected official from New York City" at the annual fundraising event.
[Blog/News/Commentary] The Tide Is Turning
New York's Gay City News is reporting that over fifty people protested outside the Human Rights Campaign's annual Midtown Manhattan Dinner this Saturday, and that the event was snubbed by every single gay, lesbian, and bisexual elected official in New York City.

[TX, USA] [News/People]
Transgendered Cop Speaks for First Time
From Jack to Julia--A veteran Houston police sergeant speaks out for the first time since undergoing a sex-change operation. FOX 26's Kristine Galvan has the details. (VIDEO)

segunda-feira, fevereiro 25, 2008

E na sexta-feira, dia 22 de fevereiro de 2008, lá se realizou a audição parlamentar com que o Bloco de Esquerda (BE) homenageou a memória de Gisberta, dois anos depois da descoberta do seu maltratado corpo num infecto buraco de um prédio supostamente em construção no Porto.

Abriu o debate o deputado do BE, José Soeiro, agradecendo a participação e querendo informações do estado das coisas em Portugal sobre a transexualidade.

Dando voz aos presentes, iniciou-se a audição com Lara Crespo, activista independente, que discursou sobre a necessidade de uma lei de identidade de género em Portugal, da necessidade da inclusão da identidade de género no Artº 13º da Constituição, dos porquês de não concordar com uma despsiquiatrização total, da necessidade de combater a transfobia e a homofobia e da necessidade da inclusão da transfobia nos crimes de ódio.

Seguidamente falei eu, Eduarda Santos, activista independente, concordando com o que a Lara tinha dito e acrescentando uma ou outra coisa que me veio à cabeça na altura. Neste momento só me lembro de ter mencionado a necessidade de uma educação sexual nas escolas como meio de se acabar com as fobias.

Laetitia, do Movimento Panteras Rosa, discursou sobre as identidades trans, referindo a posição do movimento face à despsiquiatrização (despatologização) total destas mesmas identidades.

Bruno Maia, dos Médicos pela Escolha, falou da necessidade de preparação da classe médica para lidar com este tipo de casos e da efectiva necessidade de legislar sobre o assunto.

Isabelle, activista trans francesa, falou sobre a maneira como a transexualidade é encarada tanto em França como na Bélgica, de maneira que se ficou a saber que mesmo em países supostamente mais avançados que o nosso ainda há muito por fazer.

Eva Russo, da Opus Gay, discursou sobre como o tratamento oferecido às pessoas transexuais no Hospital de Santa Maria é exemplar, tanto a nível cirúrgico como a nível psiquiátrico, de como já não existe discriminação em Portugal, e de como já não ser necessário fazer nada, pois já se devia ter feito há 20 anos atrás, que agora já não valia a pena, salvo legislar uma lei de identidade de género.

Supostamente, a ideia era ouvirem-se as posições das pessoas activistas trans. Como tal, a Opus Gay decidiu, unilateralmente pareceu-me, convidar médicos (um cirurgião e um psiquiatra) do Hospital de Santa Maria. Ignora-se porque não foram convidados também profissionais dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra e do Hospital Júlio de Matos.

De seguida, foi a vez do Dr. Décio Ferreira falar de sua justiça. Onde se ficou a saber que é natural demorar-se, por exemplo 7 anos (ou quem sabe até mais) num processo, pois tem que se despistar algumas patologias (deu como exemplo a esquizofrenia), que para solucionar os problemas trans bastava fazer e/ou alterar uma lei que permitisse mudar o género e o nome nos documentos oficiais (não especificou se a CRS [Cirurgia de Redesignação de Sexo] seria item obrigatório), que a despsiquiatrização total acabaria automaticamente com as cirurgias no SNS (com o que também concordo), e que sim, a transexualidade e que, consequentemente, as pessoas transexuais são doentes.

Bem, com as posições tomadas pela Opus Gay já eu tinha ficado a ferver. Com estas opiniões do Dr. Décio sobre a transexualidade fiquei chocada. Chocada porque nunca me pareceu que, depois de tantos anos a cuidar destes casos, ainda lhe restasse alguma dúvida sobre a “grave doença mental” que é a transexualidade. Não lhe retiro os créditos como cirurgião e como pessoa que se preocupa com os seus pacientes, mas, e depois de conversas que tinha tido e assistido com ele, nunca esperaria uma destas. Inscrevi-me logo para falar.

Ainda falou, ou tentou falar o Dr. Lourenço, psiquiatra do Hospital de Santa Maria, que tinha decidido ler um documento escrito por ele sobre o que era a transexualidade. Devido a uma imperiosa necessidade de se fechar a sala à hora prevista, não o conseguiu na totalidade.

Eu voltei a ter a palavra para exemplificar o que se passa no Hospital Júlio de Matos, para reiterar que uma pessoa transexual NÃO é doente, que essa classificação só é aceite na medida em que nos proporciona as cirurgias necessárias, para exemplificar os métodos seguidos pelos profissionais no decorrer do processo psiquiátrico, dito pelos próprios representantes numa das duas reuniões da ILGA em frente a toda a gente que lá estava (o negar da transexualidade propositadamente aos pacientes, como método de selecção, quem aguenta, é trans e continua, quem se sente ofendido, desiste, logo não é transexual), de como as pessoas transexuais devem estar unidas e fora das associações LGBT, pois como (não) trabalham de costas voltadas umas às outras, acabam por passar esse “modelo” às transexuais (o Dr. Décio também mencionou este facto).

Acabou-se a audição com uma curtíssima intervenção de Bruno Maia, que inquiriu aos representantes de Santa Maria se para se diagnosticar uma esquizofrenia também eram necessários 7 anos.

E depois saímos. Como notas finais, aviso que não foram distribuídas folhas com os participantes, portanto se algum nome estiver incorrecto, ou se alguma associação não foi mencionada, as minhas mais humildes desculpas. Também se impõe a pergunta: como a representante da Opus Gay disse que não havia discriminação, os tratamentos eram bons e agora não faz falta quase nada, sobre que versaria a lei de identidade de género que defendeu? Outra nota que se impõe: todas as associações presentes entregaram trabalhos sobre a transexualidade que não foram previamente conhecidos dos participantes, dando a (real e verdadeira) impressão que anda toda a gente a fazer coisas em NOSSO nome sem nos darem conta. Um péssimo exemplo e uma péssima maneira de trabalhar.

Como nota final, destaca-se a ausência da representante da ILGA, que foi ouvida em separado no dia anterior. Fomos informados deste facto no início, que a Luísa Reis não iria estar presente por ter um evento nessa sexta (ou pelo menos foi isso que depreendi). Como é que uma associação como a ILGA não teve ninguém para estar presente? Com tanta gente que faz parte dela? Duvido muito que a Luísa seja a única pessoa a poder representar a ILGA. Aliás, na segunda reunião organizada pela associação com a equipe médica do Hospital Júlio de Matos, estava também um transexual masculino na mesa. Portanto só posso interpretar isto como uma fuga ao debate, como uma maneira de tentar afastar quem não seja da ILGA destes processos.

Antes do Verão do ano passado, depois de ter estado a trabalhar com as Panteras e outras trans independentes sobre a proposta de lei de identidade de género da ILGA, foi mandado um email para as mailing lists das associações a convidar para debates sobre este assunto. NEM UMA RESPONDEU. Pergunto-me: como podem estas associações ter o desplante, a desfaçatez de quererem falar pelas pessoas transexuais, se nem sequer aceitam trabalhar com as mesmas? Devemos aceitar isto? Eu digo NÃO! E talvez por isto inscrevi-me na mailing list do GRIT da ILGA assim que foi formado e até hoje nem um email recebi. Como exemplo de uma associação aberta ao diálogo e como o GRIT seria supostamente aberto a quem se interessasse por este tema, parece-me que fui censurada. Será?

Discriminação contra transexuais em Portugal chegou ontem à Assembleia da República através do Bloco

23.02.2008, Ana Cristina Pereira/Público edição impressa

Houve audição parlamentar promovida pelo Bloco de Esquerda, como que a assinalar os dois anos decorridos sobre a morte de Gisberta, a transexual morta por um grupo de rapazes no Porto. Pela primeira vez, activistas transgénero eram convidados a exprimir-se na Assembleia da República sobre a discriminação que afecta este grupo específico de cidadãos.
A atitude, num país que "não assume ainda a necessidade de reconhecimento e protecção do direito à identidade de género", alegrou activistas como Sérgio Vitorino, do Panteras Rosa - Frente de Combate à LesBiGayTransfobia. Afigurou-se-lhes como um caminho para encontrar algumas soluções.
Entre os aspectos abordados ao longo de duas horas e meia de audição, o deputado bloquista José Soeiro destacou o referente ao registo civil. Como há um buraco legal, o "trans" tem de processar o Estado para mudar de nome. E só o pode fazer depois de concluir o processo clínico.
Uma mudança arrasta-se, às vezes, "cinco, seis, sete, dez anos, incluindo o período de tratamentos harmonias, de intervenções cirúrgicas, sem que haja um documento legal de acordo com o género em que a pessoa vive". Com uma aparência de mulher e um bilhete de identidade de homem (ou vice-versa), o transexual é empurrado para o desemprego. A inserção laboral complica-se de tal forma que muitos acabam por enveredar pelo mundo do espectáculo, pelo mundo da noite, não por gosto mas por sobrevivência.

Heartbreaking Video of Iraqi Transwoman’s Abuse
Excerpt: "The video, apparently made by police for their amusement, is disturbing in the fact that in addition to showing the police standing around and laughing and making crude remarks in Arabic about Ali's sexuality, it is also dubbed with hate and revenge music in Arabic," Hili said.

Hard being a transsexual in Turkey
It seems really hard to be a transgendered in general and transsexual in particular here in Turkey. Last night our wonderful host told us about a gay club here in Ankara where transgendered people were not allowed. It was really surprised since I would have easier to understand if transgendered are not allowed in men or women-only clubs. That was the case in Sweden ten years ago but fortunately that has changed now. However, it turned out that the situation here in Turkey means that it is virtually impossible for transsexuals to get employed even if they have a university degree. Instead they are forced to work as sex workers. So this club just had a policy of not wanting sex workers to sell their services in the club and therefore denying them access. There is also a big problem of transgendered people being harrassed and beaten since some people think they have a right to kill them.

[TX, USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Austin Texas Vigil for Lawrence King/Hear our voices
The sweet breeze brought the normal sounds of a warm Texas evening. The snow birds were singing and children playing. Above this, voices were heard. Our voices. A community brought together because of the murder of a gender variant child, by another child.
Classmates, friends of victim and suspect in Oxnard school shooting struggle to understand
The text messages started soon after the shooting stopped. E.O. Green School students huddled behind locked classroom doors and messaged one another about what had happened in Room 42. Minutes after school had begun Feb. 12, classmate Larry King was shot in the head.

Finding one's self: What is life like for the transgendered?
One secretly donned his mother's clothes. Another spent 20 years in the military battling a feeling that something "wasn't right." A third always hoped friends in college would suggest a drag-queen Halloween costume.
Photo: BRANDON KRUSE/The Gainesville Sun
Michelle Phillips loads a needle with an injection of estrogen to be given to her along with progesterone to help with her transition from a male to a female.

domingo, fevereiro 24, 2008

Transexuais debatem discriminação na AR
A discriminação de transexuais e transgéneros em Portugal chega hoje à Assembleia da República, pela voz dos próprios. Uma iniciativa do Bloco de Esquerda, que promove uma audição parlamentar sobre o que diz ser uma realidade que "permanece invisível e sem enquadramento legal".
«Falta lei de igualdade para os transexuais»
Dois anos depois da morte de Gisberta, ainda pouca coisa mudou.
[Blog] 22 de Fevereiro
Desculpa Gisberta.....
Dois anos passados sobre o teu assassinato, dois anos passados sobre o questionamento das autoridades portuguesas quanto á sua responsabilidade pela forma como escondem, dissimulam e ignoram a evidente falta de igualdade de direitos das minorias ou pela forma como tentam remediar atabalhoadamente os erros e o desleixo evidente no acompanhamento dos menores institucionalizados.
Dois anos passaram e se alguma vez pretendi que o teu assassinato servisse, ao menos, para que nos uníssemos, com todas as nossa diferenças mas por um bem comum e que preparasse melhor o futuro d@s que depois de nós virão, esse desejo desvanece-se com o mesmo empenho com que vai morrendo a tua memória.
Dois anos passados sobre o teu assassinato, parece-me que tudo foi em vão.
Desculpa Gisberta.....

[Switzerland] [Blog/News]
Transwomen of Color Testify to the UN on Racism in the U.S.
Right now, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) is meeting in Switzerland -- and two Bay Area activists are there to advocate for the rights of transwomen of color in the U.S.

Moscow register office reports rise in sex change applications
Moscow's General Register Office reported on Friday that the number of people requesting a legal change of gender doubled last year.

18th Melbourne Queer Film Festival
It's a queer, queer, queer, queer world and Melbourne will be its epicentre from March 5 to 16 when the 18th Melbourne Queer Film Festival takes over the town.

Gay teen shot dead while dressed as woman in Fort Lauderdale
The shooting death of a gay teenage boy who was dressed in women's clothing is being investigated as a possible hate crime, while detectives try to determine whether he was targeted because of his sexual orientation.
[Blog/News/Commentary] Another Gender Non-Conforming Person Murdered
Simmie Williams, a 17-year-old kid, was shot and killed this morning. Simmie is alternately being referred to as a "cross-dresser" and a "transvestite" in the (already limited) press coverage. I'm having a hard time finding out details about what happened, since the news stories are simply telling me that Simmie was "dressed like a woman" and "he" had a verbal argument with two men (no info on whether Simmie identified as male or female, but the press is apparently comfortable choosing for Simmie). No quotes from Simmie's family or friends. None of the usual humanizing comments or tidbits from people who knew Simmie. Just the usual identification of a freak, and impostor "dressed as a woman."
Gay Teen Gunned Down Dressed As Woman In Ft. Laud.
Fort Lauderdale police are investigating whether a teen was shot and killed this week because he was gay.
Gay teen shot dead while dressed as woman in Fort Lauderdale
Excerpt: Simmie Williams Jr., 17, was attacked on the 1000 block of Sistrunk Boulevard by two young men who wore dark clothing and might live in the neighborhood, police said. Williams, who was wearing a dress and was known in the area by his first name or as "Chris" or "Beyonce," was shot about 12:45 a.m. Friday and soon afterward died at Broward General Medical Center, police said.

[USA] [Books/People]
Becoming a Woman: The Christine Jorgensen Story
In 1952, the front page of the Daily News blazed with a headline that "Ex-G.I. Becomes Blonde Beauty." With that, George Jorgensen, a quiet, shy young man from the Bronx, burst into the public eye like a blazing comet.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
It’s easy to kill a trans person
On Saturday, Sanesha Stewart, a transwoman of color living in the Bronx, was murdered in her own apartment. She was 25 years old. Her accused killer, Steve McMillan, had known her for months, yet when he was arrested, he claimed to have been enraged to find out that she was what the media coverage called not really a woman. He stabbed her over and over again in the chest and throat. She tried to fight him off; there were defensive wounds found on her hands.

[NY, USA] [Blog/News]
In landmark ruling for transgender people, court decision means 40,000 Transit employees must abide by Human Rights Law.

Activists seek reconciliation, renewed push for ENDA
Leaders of a newly formed coalition of nearly 400 gay and transgender advocacy groups that criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and gay Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) last fall have vowed to redouble efforts to help pass a trans-inclusive gay rights bill.

Boy's Killing, Labeled a Hate Crime, Stuns a Town
Hundreds of mourners gathered at a church here on Friday to remember an eighth-grade boy who was shot to death inside a junior high school computer lab by a fellow student in what prosecutors are calling a hate crime.
Boy killed at Oxnard school remembered
Lawrence 'Larry' King is memorialized as a sensitive child who liked to draw, paint and crochet. A classmate is charged in his death.

Parents talk about transgender child's transition
Karen and Eric Boelts had a tough time at first. They were confused. They felt alone. They had no idea what transgender was all about. (with video)

sexta-feira, fevereiro 22, 2008

Faz hoje, dia 22 de Fevereiro, dois anos que o corpo de Gisberta foi encontrado num poço de um edifício em construção no Campo 24 de Agosto, no Porto.

Depois da vergonhosa justiça deste país ter tido a lata de deixar sem qualquer punição eficaz os 14 rapazes que, durante três dias, a torturaram, espancaram, violentaram e, finalmente, jogaram para o buraco cheio de água, resta-nos lembrar e relembrar a sua memória. E esperar que não hajam mais "Gisbertas" neste país.

Descansa em paz, Gis.

Resta-me acrescentar que, e apesar da transexualidade estar na ordem do dia e de associações LGBT estarem a (finalmente) começar a interessar-se por este tema e pela discriminação sofrida pelas pessoas transexuais, somente as Panteras Rosa têm uma acção programada para honrar a memória de Gis. Não sei se ria se chore...


Hoje, no Porto, o movimento Panteras Rosa realiza pelas 19:45h, uma acção pública de OCUPAÇÃO CÍVICA do edifício no Campo 24 de Agosto em cujo interior foi encontrado o corpo de Gisberta no dia 22 de Fevereiro de 2006. Uma acção também de ocupação artística, com a colaboração de performers e actores/actrizes da cidade.

Audiência na Assembleia da República, hoje, 22 de Fevereiro pelas 17:30h, no segundo aniversário do assassinato da transexual Gisberta, torturada e lançada a um poço por um grupo de rapazes no Porto, em 2006, dos quais um se encontra em julgamento.

Growing up in chiaroscuro
Transgendered children are one of the most isolated and misunderstood groups in our society. Yet the means to address their plight is in the hands of everyone, especially those in charge of health and education.

Pascale Ourbih pourra être candidate des Verts
La comédienne et militante féministe transsexuelle d'origine algérienne Pascale Ourbih a été naturalisée et peut désormais être tête de liste des Verts dans le 16e arrondissement de Paris.

The Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) launched a petition yesterday requesting that the following issues be adequately addressed by all political parties.

Des transsexuels devenus comédiens et ovationnés debout: fait insolite cette semaine à Ankara à l'occasion d'une représentation de théâtre contre la discrimination dont la communauté homosexuelle fait l'objet au sein de la société turque, foncièrement conservatrice.

[South Africa]
Excerpt: Not surprisingly, GLBT people were also treated appalling by the apartheid-era government, regardless of their ethnic origins.
White gay and lesbian soldiers in the South African army were forced to undergo sex-change operations when electric shock therapy and chemical castration proved ineffective 'deterrents' . Former army surgeons have indicated that over 850 such gender reassignment operations occurred between 1971 and 1989 at military hospitals in an attempt to 'combat' homosexuality.
The majority of military victims subjected to this treatment were young white men aged 16 - 24 who had been involuntarily drafted.

La Justicia de Rosario admitió el cambio de nombre y de sexo en la partida de nacimiento de un hombre que se operó para convertirse en mujer, según un fallo conocido hoy en nuestra ciudad.

District rebutts lawsuit from transgender student
Though he could have worn a nice women's pantsuit without incident, Kevin "K.K." Logan was refused entrance to his senior prom in 2006 when he arrived wearing a pink ankle-length gown.

Montgomery group hopes to bar discrimination against transgenders
Leaders of a Montgomery County social issues group said they have enough signatures to force a new law that bars discrimination against transgender people to go before voters in November.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Sanesha Stewart, Lawrence King, and why hate crimes legislation won’t help
I've been out of town and subsequently out of touch for a while now, visiting El Paso with my partner to meet her incomprehensibly adorable two-week-old nephew. But in the midst of the happiness that babies and family and vacation bring, two pieces of tragic news have weighed heavily on my mind. Both of them demonstrate how dangerous and hostile a world this is for people who are trans and gender non-conforming.

Pro-Trans Ruling in Name Case
Illinois' highest court ruled that a suburban disabled transgender woman should no longer be denied access to the judicial process because of her gender identity or financial status.

Slain Calif. Teen: Hate-Crime Victim?
The young, gay victim of a California school shooting has died after allegedly being shot by a 14-year-old classmate because of his sexual orientation and gender expression.
SF vigil for slain Oxnard student
A week after the shooting death of gay teenager Lawrence King in an Oxnard junior high school in Southern California, a vigil was held at the San Francisco LGBT Community Center Tuesday, February 19 to remember the young man.
[Blog/Commentary] California Tragedy Highlights the Problem of Anti-Gay Harassment in Our Nation's Schools
In spite of having some of the nation's toughest anti-harassment laws and policies, students in California, like those in many other states, still suffer from rampant anti-gay bullying and harassment.
Lawrence King -- Student Who Was Murdered For Being Gay -- To Be Honored With National Day Of Silence
Candlelight vigils also being organized to raise awareness about California hate crime.

Female-to-Male Transsexuals Have Higher Androgen Levels, Not PCOS
Contrary to previous studies, female-to-male transsexuals do not have a higher prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), though they do have significantly higher androgen levels, according to a new study accepted for publication in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).

Green Oak Police Keeping 2003 Murder Case Open
It's been five years since the discovery of a Detroit man's body in an abandoned farmhouse in Green Oak Township but local authorities say they're not giving up in trying to find his killer. 19 year old Anthony "Nikki" Nicholas was found shot to death in the farmhouse on property between M-36 and Spicer Road on February 21st, 2003. He lived his life as a woman and made a living as a female impersonator in Detroit area bars two years prior to the murder. Family members contend the killing was a hate crime. Police Chief Bob Brookins tells WHMI that although five years have passed now, they do not consider this a cold case as tips have continued to come in. Fingerprints were used to identify Nicholas. He was last seen alive one week before his body was found during a routine property check. (JK)
Today marks fifth anniversary of unsolved murder
Today marks the fifth year of the grisly discovery of a Detroit transgender person found murdered in an abandoned Green Oak Township farmhouse.

Conservative Trans Candidate For President of the U.S.
Ben "Bennie Lee" Ferguson is running for president. "To the best of my knowledge," the self-described bisexual cross dresser brags, "I'm the first openly transgendered U.S. presidential candidate ever to register with the Federal Election Commission."

quarta-feira, fevereiro 20, 2008

Transsexual Brigitte Fell in angry shop outburst
Brigitte Fell made international headlines after two police officers faced court charged with breaching privacy laws by allegedly telling her boyfriend she had undergone a sex change.
Ms Fell appeared in court again yesterday, this time for a violent New Year's Eve outburst in a suburban shopping centre in Newcastle.
Photo: Brigitte Fell

First ever welfare board for transgenders
In a recent progressive step, the Tamil Nadu government is set to become a model for protecting rights of sexual minorities. And has given succor to people on the margins of society that their voices can be heard in the corridors of power.

[New Zealand]
Rainbow WGN wants action on trans issues
LGBT advocacy network Rainbow Wellington is demanding action by MPs to follow up on several recommendations set out in the Human Rights Commission's recently released report on transgender discrimination in New Zealand.

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
It's all in your head
It started like this. I read a blog entry, followed a link, read a comment, and followed the author's link to her blog, and from there to Google and to the health-related material that the company I work for indexes. That was my introduction to Harry Benjamin Syndrome (HBS).
I know who Dr. Harry Benjamin is, of course, but I had never heard of HBS. Through my research, I see that the medical community considers the term HBS to be interchangeable with transsexualism. But there are some who are considering HBS somewhat differently. There is a claim that HBS is a specific syndrome in which something in the brains of those who have it is physically different from the brains of those who don't. Therefore, runs the argument, HBS is entirely physiological and not psychological and should not be confused with transgenderism, transsexualism, or Gender Identity Disorder, the current DSM-IV diagnosis.

Transgender rider gets OK from Brooklyn judge to sue NYC Transit
A transgendered straphanger got the green light to pursue a lawsuit against NYC Transit for "bigoted epithets" she said were hurled at her when she complained her MetroCard didn't work.
[Blog/Law] Brooklyn Court Rules Trans Customer Protected Against Discrimination by Transit Worker
A state supreme court justice in Brooklyn ruled on February 13 in Bumpus v. New York City Transit Authority & Jane Doe, 2008 N.Y. Slip Op. 50254 (U), 2008 Westlaw 399147 (unpublished disposition) , that New York City's ban on gender identity discrimination is binding on the New York City Transit Authority. Justice Robert J. Miller rejected a contrary ruling by another Brooklyn state trial judge while rejecting an attempt by a NYCTA employee to have a transgender customer's harassment suit thrown out of court.

Death at the Beach: What Did America Learn in School Last Tuesday?
The end of the winter break ushered in another school semester of frightening harassment for thousands of tormented children across the United States. Among those kids was 15-year-old Lawrence King. The young man who had been bullied year after year had finally self-identified as gay. He hoped with that bold stroke the delinquents at school would allow him some of his stolen childhood peace. The anxiety and stress Lawrence experienced would have been unbearable for most, but he had adopted the thick skin a young gay man must develop to survive the bullying threats that push thousands of other young gay Americans to suicide each year.
[Blog/News/Events] Vigils for Lawrence King
Several vigils are being held throughout California for Lawrence King, the gender-nonconforming teenager who was shot and killed in Oxnard last week.
Slaying of Gay Oxnard Student Spurs Diversity Education Bill
Excerpt: "This incident is another heartbreaking reminder of how often young people must endure intimidation or violence in school because of their sexual orientation or the way they express their gender identity," said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign.

Oregon inmate loses sex-change lawsuit
An Oregon prison inmate has lost a lawsuit to force the state to pay for a sex-change operation and transfer him to a women's prison.
[Blog/News] Transexual prison inmate loses sex-change lawsuit
A federal judge has rejected an inmate's lawsuit seeking to force Oregon prison officials to pay for a sex-change operation and a transfer to a women's prison.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Apparently, Transgender People Are "A Violation Of Natural Law," "Wacky," "Don't Align With The Bible," And Are Nazi "Brownskirts"
Excerpt: The screaming rhetoric just keeps coming out of Montgomery County, Maryland. From a piece entitled THE BROWNSKIRTS ARE COMING! comes a comparison between transgender people and Nazi's:(...)

[USA] [Blog/History/Commentary]
Transgender History: The Rise of Hatred (the Middle Ages)
[EDITOR'S NOTE:] Frequent guest blogger Mercedes Allen has written a six part history of transgender people for the Project that is running weekly on Tuesdays. A listing of the other sections is at the bottom of the post.

terça-feira, fevereiro 19, 2008

Aconteceu a semana passada nos EUA (terra que dá lições ao mundo sobre democracia e tolerância). Um jovem de 14 anos atirou e matou um colega de 15, numa sala de aula, por este ser efeminado e gostar de se maquilhar. O ministério público decidiu acusá-lo de assassínio motivado pelo ódio. Um crime de ódio.

Claro que o pobre rapaz de 14 anos não mediu as consequências. E é obvio que os delegados do ministério público americanos ainda não aprenderam umas coisinhas que cá já se sabem.

Por exemplo, cá saberia-se que não teria sido o azarado jovem a cometer o assassinato. Se calhar nem sequer seria a arma. Pois o que matou o colega de 15 anos afinal teria sido uma simples bala. Tal como com Gisberta, em que foi a água que a matou.

Também se saberia que a um jovem de 14 anos não se imputa assassínios, mas sim, “brincadeiras” que correm mal. É óbvio que o azarado jovem de 14 anos, ao disparar contra o colega, tinha era a clara intenção de “brincar” com ele. Tal como os 14 jovens que, durante três dias, torturaram e por fim assassinaram Gisberta.

Também em Portugal a classificação como crime de ódio nunca pegaria. Parece óbvio para toda a gente, menos para a justiça americana, que não havia ódio nenhum. Afinal só se tratou de uma “brincadeira” que correu mal. Até eram colegas e tudo. Népias, tal como no caso de Gisberta em que, apesar de testemunhos afirmarem que um dos acusados (que está a ser julgado agora) “odiava travestis”, o crime de ódio foi posto de parte. Bem, para dizer a verdade, quase que se chegava à conclusão de que não tinha havido crime nenhum.

Uma prova de que o azarado jovem de 14 anos não mediu as consequências foi o ter feito tudo sozinho. Se tivesse arranjado mais uns colegas que alinhassem em tão inocentes brincadeiras, sempre teriam os depoimentos uns dos outros para se tentarem safar, com os convenientes lapsos de memória. Talvez até chegassem à conclusão de que o desgraçado rapazinho de 14 anos nem sequer lá tinha estado, ou que até tinha sido contra a “brincadeira”.

Outra coisa que reforçaria a tese da “brincadeira”, teria sido, antes de desferir o tiro mortal, ter gasto três dias a torturar o colega. Bolas, sempre tinham “brincado” mais, não é? E provava incontestavelmente a tese da “brincadeira”.

Pois é, a maior asneira deste jovem foi ter feito isto nos EUA. Se fosse em Portugal seria muito mais fácil e leve para ele. Teria a compreensão e compaixão do sistema judicial. Nos states teve azar, essa compaixão e compreensão foram para o lado da vítima, seus familiares e amigos.

Parece que os EUA, neste aspecto, têm muito a aprender com o sistema judicial português. Não será?

10-year-old Boy Hangs Himself after Transgendered Revelation
A ten-year-old boy in from Intake, Doncaster in the UK has hung himself after revealing to his mother that he wanted to become a girl, his inquest was told.

My wait for operation goes on
A pre-op transsexual has spoken out about her frustration over constant delays to her gender reassignment surgery.

Alternattiva backs gay rights
Alternattiva Demokratika leader Harry Vassallo said today that the recognition of gay rights would be a step forward, helping the political class to catch up with Maltese society.

Community Unites Over Murder of Gay Teen
Hundreds of teenagers marched Saturday to honor Southern Californian Lawrence King, a 15-year-old killed in school in an alleged gay hate crime.
[News/Commentary] Prosecuting the Gay Teen Murder
Lawrence King, an eighth grader who identified as gay and wore makeup and nail polish, was 15 when he was declared brain dead on Feb. 13. The day before, he had been shot in the head in an Oxnard, Calif., classroom full of students. Police have charged a sweet-faced boy called Brandon McInerney, 14, with first-degree murder and with a hate crime. According to the Los Angeles Times and KTLA, McInerney and some other boys accosted King about his sexuality on Feb. 11. Students apparently often taunted King, who didn't even have a safe home to return to after school: he was living in a shelter for abused and troubled children.

[CO, USA] [Blog/Letters to the Editor]
Explaining the nature of gender identity
The article about the gender identity of a Douglas County student focused on how the school district was addressing this and the reaction of at least one parent of a classmate. There was little explanation about the nature of gender identity itself.

Trans Groups Urging Williams and Menzel to Cancel HRC Appearance?
Ugly Betty's Vanessa Williams and Wicked's Idina Menzel are scheduled to appear at a Human Rights Campaign dinner on February 23rd at the New York Hilton, but transgender groups unhappy over the group's position on ENDA are reportedly trying to derail the appearances.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Stop asking for it…
Look at the recent coverage of hate crimes against the LGBT community (when there is any coverage) and one theme is clear:
We are asking for it.
With the senseless death of 15 year-old Lawrence King, the phrase "a personality dispute between the boys" seems to be the easy way to explain the shooting. The same is true in the stabbing death of Sanesha Stewart, a transgender woman in the Bronx. All stories talk about her "fooling" the man she was with, driving him to kill her. It seems just being gay or transgender is an accepted reason to be killed.
Or in other words: when we live openly, we are asking for it.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 18, 2008

A realidade da discriminação dos e das transexuais e transgéneros em Portugal.
O Grupo Parlamentar do Bloco de Esquerda vai promover uma Audição Parlamentar no dia 22 de Fevereiro de 2008, pelas 17,30 horas, sobre a realidade da discriminação dos e das transexuais e transgéneros em Portugal.

Anulada en Alicante la orden de expulsión que había contra un transexual argelino
La subdelegada del Gobierno en Alicante, Encarna Llinares, ha anunciado que ha "anulado" la orden de expulsión del transexual argelino, que estaba internado en el centro de Valencia, tras "ver los argumentos" expuestos por el abogado del joven transexual.
Algerian transsexual returns to his Alicante home after government revokes deportation order
The Algerian transsexual who was due to be deported as an illegal immigrant by order of an Alicante court has now been released from the Valencia internment centre where he was being held. Europa Press said the deportation order was revoked by central government offices in Alicante, and M.B. has returned to the home he shares with his partner in Alicante following his release last Thursday night.

Los transexuales operados apenas sienten el síndrome del miembro fantasma
Una encuesta llevada a cabo por científicos de la Universidad de California en San Diego ha revelado que el 60% de los hombres que han sufrido la extirpación del pene por enfermedad sufren el síndrome del miembro fantasma, frente a sólo el 30% de los transexuales sometidos a un proceso de reasignación de género. La posible explicación de estas reacciones tan diferentes podría estar en el cerebro, según los investigadores: consideran que la identidad de género que se forma en el cerebro del feto no siempre se corresponde con los caracteres sexuales del individuo, por lo que, si esta hipótesis resultara correcta, supondría que la transexualidad no es una “anormalidad”, sino una característica más de la evolución del cerebro humano.

Los 'Teddy' premian drama islandés sobre transexual y corto brasileño
El Festival de Cine de Berlín entregó esta noche los galardones 'Teddy' a los mejores filmes de temática gay de su 58 edición en una gala en la que se premió a 'The Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela' del islandés Olaf de Fleur Johannesson y al corto 'Ta' del debutante brasileño Felipe Sholl.

Gender torment of 10-year-old Cameron
A BOY of 10 has been found hanged at his South Yorkshire home after telling his mum he wanted to be a girl.
Gender torment of 10-year-old Cameron (Sympathy from support group)
A SUPPORT group for children with gender issues today extended their "heartfelt sympathy" to Cameron's family.
Conmociona muerte de niña transexual
Un niño inglés de 10 años se ahorcó pocos días después de decirle a su madre que quería ser una niña.

Irish judge sets resolution deadline in landmark trans case
The High Court in Dublin declared yesterday that birth registration laws in Ireland are in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Birth registration laws facing repeal after transgender ruling
THE Government may be forced to repeal parts of Ireland's birth registration laws following a landmark legal challenge by a dentist who underwent a sex change to become a woman.

[Pakistan] [Entertainment/Television]
Transvestite TV Anchor Pakistan's Surpise Hit
When Ali Saleem looks in the mirror, he doesn't see a 29-year-old with a hangover, stubble covering his cheeks, coffee pressed to his lips and a small gut peaking out of his T-shirt.
He sees Begum Nawazish Ali, a sassy, salty and sultry woman dressed in a sari who has perfect posture and endless elegance.

First transsexual celebrity, Rose, makes a TV debut
When it is broadcast to an audience of up to 64 million people in the southern state of Tamil Nadu later this month, "Ippadikku Rose" (Yours, Rose) is expected to cause a sensation.

Medical Council drafting regulations for sex change surgeons
The Medical Council of Thailand has established a sub-committee to draft regulations for practitioners of sexual reassignment surgery, Council president Somsak Lolekha said Saturday.

Detroit police accused of mishandling 'transgender' murder case ID
The murder of a transgender woman discovered last week has been mishandled by the Detroit Police Department, said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Trangender Equality.

Oxnard school shooting called a hate crime
Ventura County prosecutors charged a 14-year-old boy with the shooting death of a classmate Thursday and said the killing in an Oxnard classroom was a premeditated hate crime.
[Press Release] GSA Network, Transgender Law Center, and EQCA Saddened Over Shooting of Gay Jr. High Stude
Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSA Network), the Transgender Law Center (TLC), and Equality California (EQCA) are deeply saddened by the shooting of Lawrence King, a gay junior high school student in Oxnard, CA. The 15-year-old victim was shot at E. O. Green Junior High School on Tuesday morning and pronounced brain dead yesterday around 2 pm.
14-year-old faces murder charge
Three weeks after his 14th birthday, the teen suspect in a deadly classroom shooting made his first court appearance Thursday as officials announced he has been charged with first-degree murder and committing a hate crime.
Victim's family members say they will donate teen's organs
The family of an eighth-grader shot this week at an Oxnard middle school clarified details about his death and remembered him Thursday as a talented, caring young man.
Vigil for Teen Victim in School Shooting
A candlelight vigil was held Friday night in memory of Lawrence King, victim of Tuesday's Oxnard school shooting.
Slain teen remembered as fun, quirky at Rainbow Alliance candlelight vigil
Blue was Larry King's favorite color eye shadow.
Along with his signature black, high-heeled boots and varying shades of lipstick, friends say he wore dramatic makeup and dressed more flamboyantly in the last two weeks before he was shot to death by a classmate at an Oxnard middle school.
Hate Crime Charges Against Teen Who Shot 'Feminine' Boy
A 14-year-old California boy is charged with a hate crime as well as attempted murder for shooting a 15-year-old boy who "sometimes wore makeup, high heels and other feminine attire," as the Associated Press reported.

City manager finalists meet with residents
Iowa City manager finalist Susan A. Stanton said she's already impressed by the people of Iowa City — even the ones who hit the bumper of her parked car.
Susan Stanton finalist for Iowa City job
Susan Stanton is one of five finalists for the job of Iowa City manager. Iowa City has had a gender identity non-discrimination law since 1995, and produced an excellent training video for government workers in the late nineties. The state of Iowa passed a gender identity non-discrimination law last year. The story is here:
http://www.kwwl. com/News/ index.php? ID=21729
Transgender Welcomed as Iowa City City Manager Finalist
Iowa City residents got the chance to meet the five finalists for the new city manager. One finalist's already drawn national attention. Finalist, Susan Stanton, used to be known as Steve Stanton when he worked as the city manager of Largo, Florida. But Stanton was fired when he, became a she with a sex change.

Exposing the Truth About Transexualism: Part 4
Today I would like to discuss different cultural views of transexualism and transgenderism. The following historical and cultural facts are the most widely known accounts of transexual, transgender, third gender, or gender-variant occurrences.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Remembering Our Dead, Echos From Our Fallen Sisters
I was looking at videos for my YouTube post and found this video titled "Twin Boys Living As Girls". It was taped in the early nineties, and is from the Jenny Jones Show. I sat their thinking this was just another trans segment on talk TV.