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quinta-feira, abril 30, 2009

Carlos Castro - Providência cautelar contra filme
Carlos Castro interpôs uma providência cautelar contra o filme ‘Morrer como um Homem’, que João Pedro Rodrigues (produzido pela Rosa Filmes) leva ao Festival de Cannes em Maio, por alegado plágio do seu livro ‘Ruth Bryden: Rainha da Noite’ (2000).

Turkish LGBT activists await ruling on closure of legal group
Turkey's leading gay rights group Lambda Istanbul will soon hear whether a local court ruling will uphold a Supreme Court decision to safeguard its freedom.
The case will reopen this Thursday.
Lambda Istanbul gained legal status in April 2006. However, on June 9th, 2006, there was an official demand to ban the society on the grounds that it violated Turkish laws on morality and families.

«Guia de etiqueta» para monges... gays
Líder budista na Tailândia anunciou novas regras de conduta

Monjes budistas gays y transgénero de Tailandia deberán adaptar su comportamiento social a una Guía de “buenas maneras”

Miss California Parties With Gay Icon
Miss California Carrie Prejean may not be for gay marriage, but she has no problem having a good time with the gay community.
Prejean - who famously said she believes marriage should be between
"a man and a woman" during the recent Miss USA pageant - once partied with famed transsexual and gay icon Amanda Lepore.
Carrie Prejean Opposes Gay Marriage But Parties with Transsexuals

Hate crime bill up for House vote tomorrow
In the wake of Colorado's first conviction under its hate-crime statutes in the murder trial of transgender teen Angie Zapata, a federal measure is scheduled for a House vote tomorrow.
The bill, titited the "Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act" (also referred to as "The Matthew Shepard Act") would implement a nationwide hate-crime law to increase the protection of individuals targeted based on their race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.

Bipartisan Coalition Introduces Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act in U.S. Senate
Hate Crimes Bills This Week
Transgender faith leaders lobby for hate crime legislation

Library of Congress Ordered to Pay in Discrimination Suit
A federal judge yesterday awarded a former special forces commander $491,190 in back pay and damages because officials with the Library of Congress discriminated against her when they rescinded a job offer after learning she was transitioning from being a man to being a woman.
Transsexual wins $500,000 lawsuit

Is Angie Zapata verdict a sign of growing transgender acceptance?
The Angie Zapata verdict may signal the start of a movement toward greater acceptance for transgendered people in Colorado and across the country.

Bill addresses state's transgender inmates
The state Assembly will consider a bill as early as Thursday that would require state prison officials to take inmates' sexual preference and gender identity into account when they make housing decisions.
The bill by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, is supported by gay rights groups that cite studies showing that homosexual, bisexual or transgender inmates are more vulnerable to abuse. It has cleared two committees with little opposition.

New APA Task Force To Review Possible “GID” Treatment Guidelines
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) Board of Trustees has established a task force on the treatment of Gender Identity Disorders (GID) to address concerns about the relative lack of evidence-based treatment guidelines and to determine if guidelines should be developed. The task force was created on a recommendation by the APA Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues.
Trans DSM-V rally/protest in San Francisco May 18

N.H. Senate Passes Gay Marriage Bill
Excerpt: Same-sex marriage was among several contentious bills that the New Hampshire Senate took up Wednesday, all passed by the House in recent weeks. One, a measure to allow people with certain illnesses to possess marijuana for medical purposes, passed in a 14 to 10 vote. But the Senate voted unanimously against a bill that would guarantee transgender people protection from housing and employment discrimination.
NH Senate rejects transgender rights protections
Transgender rights: No, 24-0

quarta-feira, abril 29, 2009

Lisboa: Associação pede ajuda financeira e alimentar - Sem comida para 700 cães e gatos
A União Zoófila, em Lisboa, vive momentos de grande dificuldade. O crescente abandono de animais e o acentuado decréscimo dos donativos em resultado da crise económica fazem com que a associação não tenha capacidade para suportar as despesas com alimentação e medicamentos dos cerca de 500 cães e 200 gatos

Amazónia: Brasil luta para travar destruição da floresta
O Brasil está a dar prioridade à travagem da destruição da Floresta Amazónica, que reduziria fortemente as emissões poluentes globais, mas já se prepara também para os efeitos das alterações climáticas, afirmou hoje o ministro do Ambiente, Carlos Minc.
Brasil quer travar desflorestação da Amazónia

Analysis: New bill aims to entrench gay rights in all aspects of public life
Excerpt: The new Equality Duty will require public authorities to advance equality of opportunity for transsexual people. For example, if a local authority notices that there are no support groups for people undergoing gender reassignment in their area it can fund a charity to help reach out to the transsexual community. The legislation will widen the definition of ‘gender reassignment’ to make it clear that a person does not have to be under medical supervision to be protected from discrimination and protect people who face discrimination because of their association with transsexual people, for example, as their partner.
Get behind the Equality Bill
Equality Bill published in trial format

'Third sex' want poll recognition
India's transgender community has threatened to boycott the general election voting unless they are recognised as a "third sex".

[Canada] [Commentary]
Alberta will have trouble with its sex-change policy
The government of Alberta recently announced that public funding for sex reassignment surgery will be eliminated to save about $ 700,000 of a roughly $13-billion annual health care budget.

Ang Lee retorna com mais um filme de temática gay. Taking Woodstock concorre à Palma de Ouro
O filme "Taking Woodstock", que conta a história real de Elliot Tiber, um designer de interiores gay, está concorrendo à Palma de Ouro no Festival de Cannes de 2009. Dirigida por Ang Lee, o mesmo de "O Segredo de Brokeback Mountain", a produção mostra como um jovem ainda não totalmente fora do armário se tornou um dos principais articuladores do festival Woodstock, que reuniu milhares de ripongas em uma fazenda perto de Nova York na década de 60.

A jornalista de tecnologia do CNET Ina Fried trabalhou anos como homem antes de assumir a mudança de sexo
Ian Fried é um veterano da notícia. Escreve desde 2000 sobre as tendências da tecnologia no renomado site norte-americano CNET. Há seis anos deixou subitamente de existir. Colegas de trabalho, fontes cultivadas por anos a fio e até mesmo leitores tiveram de se acostumar a seus novos nome e sexo. Ian, que vivia há quase dez anos como transgênero em sua vida pessoal, decidira enfim assumir sua opção também no ambiente profissional.

Transsexual city manager starts new job
The former Largo city manager who was fired after her plans to have a sex change became public has started her new job as the city manager for Lake Worth.
Stanton starts work today as Lake Worth city manager

'Matrix' Director Larry Wachowski Transitioned to Lana
Directorial siblings, The Wachowski’s are best known for bringing the world The Matrix trilogy of films.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Dwight DeLee Trial To Start June 11
Now that Allen Andrade is rotting in jail for the rest of his life, it's now time for the transgender community's attention to focus on the other alleged murderer facing hate crimes charges for killing a transwoman.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
In Support of GENDA
As I imagine most of you reading this blog know, transgender people face enormous amounts of bigotry and discrimination in the U.S.
But what some of you may not know is that that there is also currently no federal legislation that protects against such discrimination on the basis of gender identity or gender expression. And in most states, there is no such state legislation, either.

[CO, USA] [Video]
Zapata Trial Coverage by Autumn Sandeen
Ques To Weld County DA: What Msg Did Jury Send To Trans Residents In Angie Zapata Trial Convictions?
Raw Video: Angie Zapata Hate Crime Murder Trial District Attorney News Conference And Questions
Angie Zapata Family Statement On Angie Zapata Hate Crime Murder Trial Guilty Verdicts
Beth Karas Of TruTV In Session Interviewed By Autumn Sandeen Of Pam's House Blend

terça-feira, abril 28, 2009

"Se tivesse nascido numa tribo nativa norte-americana, o meu clã seria de certeza o clã do lobo" - Citação de Eduarda Santos para ninguém em particular

Fugas nucleares em submarinos britânicos
Conhecem-se pelo menos três casos nos anos de 2004, 2007 e 2008

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Transvestic Disorder and Policy Dysfunction in the DSM-V
At the Annual Meeting of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research this month, a “Provisional Report by the DSM-V Workgroup on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders,” was presented by Chairman Kenneth Zucker and a panel of workgroup members.1 Ray Blanchard, who chairs the Paraphilias Subcommittee, summarized proposals for “Pedohebehpilic Disorder” and “Transvestic Disorder” in the DSM-V.2 While Charles Moser, Ph.D., M.D., and others have long raised concern about all paraphilia diagnoses in the DSM,3 the current diagnostic category of Transvestic Fetishism is particularly stigmatizing and defamatory for male-to-female (MTF) cross-dressers as well as many transsexual women.4 Unfortunately, Dr. Blanchard’s proposal of Transve6stic Disorder offers little to allay these concerns.

segunda-feira, abril 27, 2009

Exclusive: Sex swap air traffic controller warned over miniskirts
A SEX change air traffic controller has been reprimanded by bosses because her miniskirts were distracting fellow workers.
Striking 6ft 4ins Jasmine Doherty was asked to tone down her dress by bosses at Atlantic House in Prestwick, Ayrshire.
Jasmine started her working life as James Doherty but had a sex change operation in Thailand last year.

Cross-dressing seen as a ‘serious menace to society’
A leading academic has sounded an alarm against the growing trend of cross-dressers among boys and girls, saying that it is a “serious menace to society”.
Speaking in the monthly Lakom Al Karar TV programme, telecast on Friday night by Qatar TV, Dr Saif al-Hajari, the deputy chairperson of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, described the emerging trend of “manly women” and “womanly men” as a “foreign trend” which, he said, had invaded the Qatari and Gulf communities as part of the “globalisation winds”.

Rights groups slam Burundi law criminalising gays
More than 60 national and international rights groups have slammed a measure making homosexuality a crime punishable by jail, which was signed into law last week in Africa's Burundi.
They called on President Pierre Nkurunziza to go back on his promulgation of the parliamentary bill, which was not officially announced though confirmed Saturday by an aide.
The groups, including international heavyweights Human Rights Watch, said that under the new criminal code promulgated by Nkurunziza on April 22, "same-sex sexual conduct becomes illegal for the first time in Burundi's history."

Transexual lesbian loses party bias case
A TRANSEXUAL lesbian banned from attending an all-female party has had her discrimination case thrown out.
Dr Tracie O'Keefe lost her three-year battle this week, after the Equal Opportunity Tribunal ruled the organisers of "Sappho's Party" - an all-lesbian event held in Adelaide - were within their rights to refuse her entry.

[UK/Canada/USA] [Commentary]
Hierarchy of bodies
From discrimination to violence, transgender people face issues that many of us are blind to

[ID, USA] [Blog/News/People]
Catherine Carlson is Transgender Daniel Carlson
Meet Catherine Carlson, a transgender female fighting to get her birth name, Daniel Carlson, removed from her personal documents. See a photo and video below.
Daniel Carlson had gender reassignment surgery some 28 years ago, and became Catherine Carlson. You can see a
photo here. Today, she is in a very public battle to have her birth name, Daniel Carlson, removed from her legal records.

[USA] [Commentary]
Hate-crime verdict sends message
In July 2008, Angie Zapata, a young transgender woman, was brutally murdered in Greeley, bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher by a man she befriended on a social networking site. The motivation of her killer was clear: He hated gay and transgender people.
[Blog/Commentary] Friday Philosophy: the unmaking of a woman
[Blog/Commentary] Disposable

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
You Respect A Cisperson's Right To Choose Their Name, Why Not A Transperson?
Why do cisgender people feel they have the right to disrespect transgender people by refusing to use or acknowledge the names we have chosen for ourselves?
Would you disrespect Cherilyn Sarkisian that way despite the fact she's gone by the name of Cher for several decades now? Cassius Clay changed his to Muhammad Ali, and only a right winger who hates on him will do so today.

domingo, abril 26, 2009

Man jailed for knife attack on transvestite
A KNIFE attacker was jailed for six years on Friday after he tried to murder a bisexual transvestite who had made a pass at him.
Scott Mackenzie threatened to cut off his victim's genitals when told his victim wanted to be a woman.
Six years for attempted killing of 'bisexual transvestite'

[USA] [Commentary]
Tragically, Transgender Identifiers Have a New Martyr
The Civil Rights Movement in America has, unfortunately, never been short of martyrs.
Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, Dr. King, Vincent Jen Chin, Matthew Shepard... Just a sampling of those who, in dying, helped push America toward greater social acceptance of "others."
Add to the list 18 year old Angie Zapata.
Zapata family delivers emotional statement and calls for federal hate-crime statutes
Colorado responds to Angie Zapata verdict

Who She Was
A message of acceptance, tolerance and love came through Thursday night, as the mother of a murdered transgendered teenager talked to a crowd in Heath Recital Hall in Beach Music Hall at Emporia State University.
The presentation by Sylvia Guerrero of Tracy, Calif., was moved from the Kanza Room in the Memorial Union to the larger Heath venue. The event was organized by People Representing Individuality and Diversity in Education (PRIDE) on campus.

A woman's quest to erase a past that won't die
30 years after gender-reassignment surgery, woman's past as a man lingers

sábado, abril 25, 2009

Travesti suspeito de regar namorado com gasolina
É o segundo homicidío entre casais homossexuais em três dias em Portugal. Um homem de origem chinesa foi regado com gasolina e morreu. Principal suspeito é o namorado travesti.
Lisboa: Discussão após relação homossexual acaba em homicídio - Travesti mata chinês com fogo
O travesti e o comerciante chinês: a história do segundo homicídio gay no país em três dias
Homem detido por matar parceiro sexual após o ter incendiado
Homem mata parceiro sexual ateando-lhe fogo

New policy on sex change therapy
Transgender patients in Wales will now be able to access funding for gender reassignment therapy under a new policy by the Health Commission Wales (HCW).
Funding sex change therapy in Wales is a life-saver, says transgender journalist

[Australia] [Blog/News]
World First: Intersex Legal Advice Service Opens in Sydney
Inner City Legal Centre is a community legal centre based in Kings Cross. We provide legal advice to people living in the inner city and eastern suburbs of Sydney. We also have a statewide Gay and Lesbian Advice Service and Transgender Advice Service.

Polis praises verdict in Zapata murder: ‘zero tolerance for hate crimes’
U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, who was elected to Congress in 2008 as an openly gay man, urged the passage of pending federal hate-crimes legislation in the wake of Wednesday’s conviction on murder and bias-motivated, or hate-crimes charges of the man accused in the brutal death of Angie Zapata, a transgender Greeley woman.
[Blog/Commentary] Colorado "Hate" Crime
[Blog/News] The Angie Zapata story on truTV
[Commentary] Hate, sexuality and gender shouldn’t mix so easily
[Commentary] What a murder conviction in the Angie Zapata trial means
[Commentary] Victory in fight against bias-motivated crimes
[Commentary] Justice served for Angie
Some say Angie Zapata deserved to die
[Blog/Commentary] Not Guilty
[Blog/Commentary] Why the Jury Had No Trouble Convicting Angie Zapata's Murderer
[Blog/Commentary] Justice For A Trans Hate Victim

PAC to view Morris records
The city’s Police Advisory Commission has reached an agreement with the District Attorney’s office and is preparing to review additional records in the Nizah Morris case, PAC members said last week.

[USA] [News/Commentary]
'Hate crimes' bill okayed; 'sexual orientation' remains undefined
Republican opponents of the controversial "hate crimes" legislation that passed the House Judiciary Committee today claim Democratic supporters of the measure are not being clear about who exactly will receive special protections under the bill.
[Commentary] Your Opinion: Keep the laws in line with the word of God
[News/Commentary] Judiciary Committee greenlights 'hate crimes'
[Blog/Commentary] Hate crimes legislation passes Judicial Committee - now the real fun begins

sexta-feira, abril 24, 2009

Cinema: ‘Morrer como um Homem’, de João Pedro Rodrigues - Transexuais com filme em Cannes
Excerto: No filme, o meio dos travestis e transexuais serve de pano de fundo a "uma guerra de sentimentos", segundo João Pedro Rodrigues. Com um elenco de "principiantes e não-actores", a trama é protagonizada por Fernando Santos, travesti do bar Finalmente, em Lisboa, que vestirá a pele de uma drag queen "em fim de carreira", como explica o realizador, admitindo que este é um meio ao qual se sente "emocionalmente ligado".
Destaque ainda para a participação de Cindy Scrash e Jenny Larue, transexuais que o cineasta conhece da noite lisboeta desde os anos 80 e que pretende homenagear. Mas deixa o alerta: "Este filme vai contra o espectáculo. É a antítese de ‘Priscilla, Rainha do Deserto’."

Advocacia da União retira processos de custeio de readequação sexual
A Procuradoria-Geral da União (PGU) não vai mais atuar nas ações que pedem o pagamento pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) de operações para troca de sexo. O Procurador-Geral da União substituto, Jair José Perin, informou que a Advocacia-Geral da União (AGU) desistiu dos processos após a publicação da Portaria do Ministério da Saúde n.º 1707/08, que autoriza o custeio da cirurgia.

RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Gay-Bashing Murders Up 55 Percent
In 2008, 190 homosexuals were killed in Brazil, one every two days, representing a 55 percent increase on the previous year – a veritable "homocaust" according to gay rights activists.

Travesti diz que teve caso com marido de Gwen Stefani
A cantora britânica conhecida como Marilyn afirmou em entrevista que teve um caso com Gavin Rossdale, marido de Gewn Stafani, a ex-vocalista da banda No Doubt. Marylin, que é travesti, contou à revista "InTouch Weekly" que teve um affair com Rossdale durante os anos 80. A história teria durado 5 anos. "Mas parece que foram 40", diz Marilyn.

Sigue violencia contra la población LGTB de Colombia
La Defensoría del Pueblo presentó un informe con los últimos índices de intolerancia registrados en el Valle del Cauca.Ayer, durante la Primera Audiencia Defensorial sobre los Derechos Humanos de la comunidad de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transgénero, Lgbt, la Defensoría del Pueblo presentó un diagnóstico con los índices de discriminación contra esta población en el Valle del Cauca.

La segunda transexual de la historia en el mundo del tenis debutó en el ITF de Buenos Aires
Entrena en el Club de Tenis de Patricio Cornejo de la mano del 'Pato' Cornejo • Su primera tentativa de entrar en el circuito fue en el 2004, pero no llegó a prosperar • Tras su cambio de sexo, ha tenido que soportar el rechazo de compañeros, entrenadores y dirigentes.

[Canada] [Commentary]
Queermonton: Worth fighting for
Last week was intense. It was the first time in years—since the passage of gay marriage in 2003—that the queer community had something to fight for in Alberta. The provincial government likely didn’t expect such a reaction when it tabled the 2009 budget and declared that gender reassignment surgery would no longer be covered by the province, but the reaction came and it was swift, loud and upset.

[USA] [Commentary]
Hate crimes an embarrassment to society
I clicked through the news section of Google and was met with a horrible yet unsurprising, story.
Colorado teenager Angie Zapata was found beaten to death a few days ago by her date. Allan Ray Andrade became suspicious when Zapata refused to let him touch her sexually but was willing to perform oral sex. He grabbed her gentiles and discovered that Zapata was born a man. Andrade beat her first with his fists and then with a fire extinguisher, according to, saying that he thought “it” was dead until she tried to get up, and that’s when he reached for the extinguisher.
Jury Rejects Trans-Panic Defense In Zapata Trial
Justice for Angie Zapata
Jury Convicts Man in Hate Crime Trial
Man gets life in transgender teen's death
Life in prison for killer in transgender murder
A milestone in battling hate crimes
A verdict worthy of Washington?
Zapata family speaks
Andrade guilty, sentenced to life in murder of Zapata
Angie Zapata Family Statement On Angie Zapata Hate Crime Murder Trial Guilty Verdicts
Statements on Angie Zapata Murder Verdict
Man guilty of hate crime, first-degree murder in transgender slaying
Murder and Hate Verdict in Transgender Case
Colorado man guilty of murdering trans teenager
[News/Commentary] As we remember Angie, let's not forget Fred

[USA] [News/Commentary]
Hate Crimes Legislation Draws Criticism from Christian Groups
The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday is expected to pass federal hate-crimes legislation, which would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of federally protected classes.

America's First Transgender Mayor: "I Dress To Thrill"
"Normally, I dress to thrill," he says. But on this evening, instead of the custom-made corsets and leopard-print bathing suit he favors as tops, the 60-year-old Stu Rasmussen—who prefers to be called not Your Honor or Mr. Mayor but rather Stu—has donned a demure red sweater that clashes with his dyed auburn hair.

quinta-feira, abril 23, 2009

Nascer no corpo errado
Ver vídeo aqui

A reportagem está bastante boa, mesmo uma das melhores que vi. Alguns reparos: mais uma vez se apresentam as pessoas transexuais como tendo vergonha de o serem, escondendo-se, mesmo apesar dos próprios entrevistados aceitarem que "são coisas que acontecem", pois NÃO SE DEVE TER VERGONHA NEM MEDO DE SE SER TRANSEXUAL. Continua-se a ligar a transexualidade somente a quem se quer operar, esquecendo que existem pessoas transexuais que não necessitam de fazer a CRS, não deixando de ser por isso menos homens ou mulheres que qualquer outra. A identidade de género de cada pessoa não está sujeita à genitália que se tem, tal como não está sujeita à orientação sexual de cada pessoa. E finalmente fralou-se da necessidade de uma lei de identidade de género em Portugal, uma coisa de que se necessitava desde há muito de ser falada. E sim, existem propostas de leis sobre a identidade de género feitas por várias associações LGBT e activistas independentes. Qualquer destas leis contemplam ambos os casos da transexualidade, as pessoas que se querem operar e as que não se querem operar que são sempre silenciadas e disciminadas, pelo menos pelas autoridades psiquiátricas e cirúrgicas deste país.

Una mujer transexual denuncia trato discriminatorio en Caja Madrid
Thannya Melissa ha sufrido muchos capítulos de discriminación a lo largo de su vida, pero a pie de cajero automático era lo último que se esperaba. La echaron de una sucursal de Caja Madrid de Chueca y después la admitieron en otra del barrio de Salamanca. "Si hubiera habido algún problema objetivo, ¿me habrían aceptado en la otra oficina?", se pregunta la afectada.

[República Dominicana]
Investigan brutal asesinato de dos travestis en República Dominicana
La policía dominicana informó hoy de que investiga la muerte de dos travestis cuyos cadáveres fueron encontrados mutilados en Santiago (norte) con signos de haber sido torturados antes de ser ejecutados.
El portavoz de la Dirección Cibao Central de la policía, el coronel Jesús Cordero Paredes, identificó a las víctimas como Eduardo Padilla, de 23 años, y Ramón Martínez, de 26.

La segunda tenista transexual jugará hoy en Buenos Aires
Andrea Paredes von Roth tiene 37 años, es chilena y hoy jugará el primer partido profesional de su vida en Parque Roca. Lo hará cerca de las 11.30 ante la británica Nicola Slater, nueve años después de haberse cambiado de sexo. "Me llamaron de la empresa Havas Sports y me dijeron que querían mandarme la invitación formalmente por mail. Yo acepté y tomé el avión", le dijo la tenista a Clarín vía telefónica. De esta manera se convertirá en la segunda tenista transexual en jugar profesionalmente: la otra fue Renee Richards, en 1977.
Trans participa de torneio profissional de tênis
Transexual plays in women's professional tennis tournament
Chilean transsexual follows the path of Renee Richards

Argentina homofóbica
En Argentina, la violencia hacia gays, lesbianas y travestis aún sigue teniendo altos niveles de estadísticas. Según el informe anual que presentó la Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA), los asesinatos de personas homosexuales masculinas se duplicaron, mientras la cantidad de muertes de travestis en acciones violentas continúo igual.

A la escuela con identidad trans
Otro paso hacia el respeto por la diversidad sexual fue dado en la Legislatura bonaerense, que aprobó por unanimidad un proyecto de declaración dirigido al Ministerio de Educación bonaerense para que en sus establecimientos sea asimilado el nombre elegido por las personas travestis, sean docentes o estudiantes. Sobre todo, a la hora de pasar lista a la clase. “El objetivo es atraer a las compañeras para que se inscriban en las escuelas primarias y en las secundarias”, dijo la activista travesti Diana Sacayán, una de las promotoras de esta iniciativa.

[New Zealand]
Auckland transgender sex workers at risk
Video footage showing transgender sex workers being verbally abused and threatened by a vigilante group aiming to "clean up" South Auckland is just one example of altercations happening on the streets every night, says the NZ Prostitutes Collective.

Canadian Constitution Foundation to help Ont. gym owner in human rights battle
The Canadian Constitution Foundation will support a southern Ontario gym owner in his defence against a human rights complaint by a pre-operative transgender woman.

Defense Rests Case In Transgender Slaying Trial
The defense has rested its case in the trial of a Greeley man accused of beating a transgender woman to death with a fire extinguisher.
Witness: Angie's voice sounded like a man's
Deliberations to begin in transgender murder trial
Attorneys rest case in Andrade trial
Transgender slaying case headed to jury
Live blog: Transgender murder trial, day 5
Jury reaches verdict in Colo. transgender slaying
BREAKING: Andrade guilty on 1st degree murder, hate crime charges in Zapata slaying
Andrade guilty of first-degree murder
Andrade Murder Trial Blog
Live blog: A first-degree murder verdict in the Angie Zapata trial, April 22

quarta-feira, abril 22, 2009


Peixes «portugueses» em risco de extinção
Especialistas alertam para o perigo que correm várias espécies endémicas

Transsexual Melek’s Killer Arrested
A 26-year-old has been arrested for the murder of Melek, a member of the Pink Life LGBTT Association. This is only the latest in a spate of murders affecting the LGBTT community.

Andrea Paredes, segunda transexual do tênis, se torna profissional
Andrea Paredes nasceu no Chile em 4 de julho de 1971 com o nome de Ernesto, e desde cedo teve dois sonhos: se tornar uma mulher e jogar tênis profissional. O primeiro, concretizou em 2000, quando realizou operação para a mudança do sexo. O segundo, acaba de se tornar realidade com a estreia no ITF de Parque Roca, em Buenos Aires.

Police review trans policy
A review of the NSW Police’s GLBT strategy will take another look at transgender issues after two Surry Hills officers were sentenced for disclosing sensitive information about a woman’s sex change.

[Canada] [Commentary]
Do you think they cut off their genitals for fun?
The government of Alberta recently announced that public funding for sex reassignment surgery (SRS) will be eliminated to save about $ 700,000 of a roughly $ 13 billion annual health-care budget.
Trans activists fight cuts to gender reassignment funding
[Blog/Commentary] Systemic Discrimination - A Textbook Example

Hate Crimes Legislation Brings Debate
News the House Judiciary Committee will consider hate crimes legislation tomorrow has reignited a debate on Capitol Hill as to whether or not granting sexual orientation the same legal status as race and religion is a step toward equality or one in the wrong direction.
The bill, known as the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, would amend present hate crimes law to include violence motivated by a victim’s sexual orientation, gender identity, gender or disability.

Andrade Raided Home, Stole Car After Zapata Murder
Angie Tyree, ex-girlfriend of murder suspect Allen Andrade, said on Monday that Andrade ransacked the apartment of the transgender woman he allegedly murdered to give Tyree some of the victim's possessions.
Jailhouse calls highlight Monday's testimony in Angie Zapata murder
[Commentary] Hatred on trial
Jailhouse calls show mental state
Andrade's calls from jail offer insight
[Blog/Commentary] The Trial of Angie Zapata
Andrade Trial-Monday Recap
Live blog: Transgender murder trial, day 4
Taped calls played in transgender slaying trial
Greeley jurors hear 'gay things need to die' tape
“Gay things need to die”: Defendant’s words played for jury in trial for murder of Angie Zapata
Reporter Blog From Transgender Murder Trial Of Allen Andrade
Testimony in transgender slaying trial winds down
Defense rests in transgender slaying trial

[MA, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Still a long way to go to learn tolerance
Recent news of Mike Costello's support for the so called "Bathroom bill" and the public outcry that followed shows just what a long way our community still has to go, to learn and practice tolerance. Our fear of anybody who doesn't fit what our culture determines as "normal" is the main cause of this public outcry. We can dress it up as "fear for the safety of our children in public bathrooms," but this is truly about our own fear of those who are different and whom we don't understand. I draw this conclusion not from being transgender, but from teaching gender studies and medical anthropology at the college level.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The End of Transgender?
I just spoke at the West Coast version of the Out for Work Conference held at UCLA this weekend. OFW typically attracts college age students, corporate sponsors, and a variety of speakers to talk on a broad range of topics of relevance to LGBT young adults heading into the workforce for the first time. This is the fifth year I’ve participated and I continue to be impressed by the outlook of kids coming out of college these days.

terça-feira, abril 21, 2009

Preservativo é falível, mas «prevenção não»
Liga Portuguesa Contra a Sida mostra-se disponível para um «diálogo aberto com a hierarquia da Igreja Católica»

Conferência Episcopal quer campanhas políticas para a família
Arcebispo de Braga nunca se referiu a partidos, mas atacou divórcio, casamento gay, aborto e eutanásia

Canarias camina en pro de la atención sanitaria a los transexuales
La Consejería de Sanidad La Consejería de Sanidad del Gobierno de Canarias elabora un protocolo de atención sanitaria para personas transexuales, cuyo primer objetivo es la mejora de la asistencia a este colectivo residente en la Comunidad Autónoma.

identiT - 2ème édition du 11 au 14 juin 2009 au cinéma L'Archipel
Le Festival international de films trans de Paris revient plus « riot » que jamais! Soyez nombreux/ses à vous mobiliser et à venir découvrir en juin des films passionnants autour de la transidentité.

BBC divulga vídeo em que policiais iraquianos humilham garoto vestido de mulher
A rede britânica BBC publicou um desconcertante vídeo em que um menino iraquiano vestido com roupas femininas é forçado a ficar nu em um posto policial. No material, que vem circulando em celulares pelo país, um garoto de aproximadamente 12 anos tenta explicar aos policiais porque se veste de mulher. Ele diz que é obrigado pela família, que não teria outra fonte de renda.

Municipalidad de Buin permite funcionamiento de circo dirigido por transexuales
Luego de que transexuales denunciarán negación de permiso municipal, así como cobros que no podían pagar por carencia de recursos económicos, las personas afectadas y el Movilh se manifestaron hoy en el frontis del Municipio y se entrevistaron con las autoridades consiguiendo la autorización respectiva.

Diputados nacionales presentaron un proyecto de ley sobre identidad de género.
La iniciativa busca un reconocimiento a la singularidad y la dignidad de las personas transexuales, travestis y transgénero. A su vez, se propone regular el procedimiento para la rectificación registral del sexo y el cambio de nombre de una persona cuando dicha inscripción es contradictoria con su identidad de género.

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
Burning Stupid: Colby Cosh Edition
I see that the bird cage liner called National Post decided to publish Colby Cosh's commentary on the Alberta Government's delisting of GRS.

Zapata slaying suspect: What's done is done
Jurors this afternoon heard an almost nonchalant Allen Andrade tell his ex-girlfriend in a jailhouse telephone conversation that he was trying to put the death of Angie Zapata behind him.
Accused Zapata Killer Didn't "Snap," Prosecutor Argues
[Blog/Commentary] Trans Panic Defense Underway in Trial for Angie Zapata’s Murder
Live blog: The Angie Zapata trial, April 20
Live blog: Transgender murder trial, day 3
The Angie Zapata trial: A summary of the evidence so far
[Blog/Commentary] Are Trans People Like Angie And Me Deceptive?

[USA] [Blog/Books]
New book: Transitions
Author Mara Drummond notes:
Could you be so kind to place a link to my book Transitions on your website? Everyone who has read it so far has given me really positive feedback. The one gender therapist I sent a preview copy to said she would recommend it to all of her patients.

[USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
CAMH internal report: “Dismissive, condescending and authoritarian attitudes” at gender clinic
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is the most notoriously regressive clinic in the world for trans people. They force gender-variant children into reparative therapy and have in the past rejected over 90% of people seeking health services. An internal report has outlined some key issues:

segunda-feira, abril 20, 2009

Comissão de Luta contra a SIDA preocupada com relativização do uso do preservativo
O coordenador da Comissão de Luta contra a Sida manifestou hoje preocupação com a possibilidade de se relativizar o uso do preservativo como “um meio fundamental de prevenção” na luta contra a transmissão do vírus.
Preservativo: «Nada no mundo é 100% fiável»
Luta contra a Sida não passa só pelo preservativo
Sida: coordenador contra «relativização» do preservativo
D. José Policarpo - Cardeal diz que preservativo é falível
Críticas à comunicação social - D. José Policarpo: o preservativo é um "meio falível"

Nascer no corpo errado
Os transexuais que decidem mudar o corpo têm pela frente um percurso que pode durar vários anos. No Serviço Nacional de Saúde, as cirurgias genitais para mudança de género começaram a ser feitas há quase uma década.
A primeira fase do processo é a avaliação psicológica. Um diagnóstico de transexualidade tem de ser validado por duas equipas de psiquiatras ou psicólogos, antes de ser submetido à Ordem dos Médicos. Ao todo, a Ordem autorizou trinta e cinco cirurgias desde 2001.
Quando o corpo assume por fim o género que o cérebro reconhece como seu, os transexuais têm de interpor uma acção judicial contra o Estado português para verem reconhecida a mudança nos documentos de identificação pessoal. Existe um vazio legal que faz com que sejam obrigados a reviver na sala de um tribunal tudo aquilo por que passaram para conseguirem o género desejado. A ciência ainda não encontrou uma explicação definitiva sobre a origem da transexualidade, ou disforia de género. Na maior parte dos casos, os sinais aparecem logo no início da infância, e não existe nenhuma terapia psicológica que permita reverter a situação.
“Nascer no corpo errado” conta as histórias do Simão e da Carla, dois transexuais que estão em etapas diferentes da transformação, mas que têm a mesma vontade de serem quem sempre foram.
Exibido na RTP1 Quarta-feira dia 22 de Abril logo a seguir ao telejornal.

What Does "Justice For Angie" Mean?
I have lots of blog diaries to write this weekend. I need to post on what happened at the trial Friday (and why it's hard for me to post about it), about what my experience in Greeley, Colorado has been like, and a post entitled "Am I Deceptive Too?"
[Blog/Commentary] Angie Zapata murder - a brief overview of hate crimes legislation in the US
Colorado transgender woman's slaying tried as hate crime

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Misogyny and the Murdering of Transsexual/Transgender Women
The party line is that the sisters who show up on the Day of Remembrance list of those murdered is that they were murdered simply because they are TS or TG. The implication that this crime could happen to woman who ever bore the label of a trans prefixed word.

[FL, USA] [Commentary]
Lake Worth waves the flag for tolerance, and good judgment, in city manager pick
She came with an impressive resume that included 17 years as Largo's city manager, a strong temperament, a creative marketing approach, a reputation as a team-builder and high marks for professionalism.

domingo, abril 19, 2009

Transgender people earn less - survey
TRANSGENDER PEOPLE, ie those whose gender identity differs from their birth gender, have high suicide rates, poor experience of healthcare systems and professionals, and disproportionately low earnings, a new European survey has found.

Transgenders seek justice
IRELAND'S record on legal rights for transgender people was criticised yesterday at a two-day conference which opened in Dublin.

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
Colby Cosh: Mutilating the body to correct a delusion
The government of Alberta’s decision to stop health-department funding for future gender reassignment surgeries has, in just a few days, been seized upon as a convenient high-profile example of Conservative heartlessness and Neanderthality. Don’t all decent, progressive governments pay the full freight for these procedures? Well, as it happens, they don’t; the only other province that was hitherto covering the whole tab was Liberal Ontario, which agreed to do so only after a human rights commission ruckus in 2008.

U.S. House Committee to Vote on Hate Crimes Bill
The U.S. House Judiciary Committee will vote on a controversial legislation next week that seeks to add homosexual and transgender people to the list of classes federally protected from hate crimes.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Friday Philosophy: They are murdering her yet again
My first impulse was to write about the fact that today was the National Day of Silence, which was first observed at the University of Virginia in 1996 and has been sponsored by GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educational Network) since 2000. If you feel like helping them out, I am sure everyone would be thankful.
But something else has been happening this week as well, out in Colorado. And this thing, a trial in the murder of a young transwoman, demands words, not silence. It has my focus, my attention.
[Blog/Commentary] Blame The Victim: Angie Zapata Edition
Continuing Media Coverage of the Angie Zapata Murder Trial
The Angie Zapata Murder Trial Begins
[Blog/Commentary] The Bombshell Dropped In Prosecutor's Opening Statement At The Angie Zapata Hate Crime Murder Trial
[Blog/Commentary] Angie Zapata's Murderer is About to Cook His Own Goose
[News/Video] Transgender Murder Trial (Part 1)
The Center's press release: Zapata's family testifies Friday in hate-crime trial
Angie Zapata's friends, family take the stand
Sisters testified they found Zapata's body